Cropmark error not found

Gurus, I printed 100 stickers on Orajet 3165GRA (glossy) with GCVP (High Quality) with alignment marks so the stickers would out gas before being getting their outline cut and I'm getting "Cropmark Error Not Found" message. I've reloaded the media numerous times, as suggested in the owner's...

  • #1


I printed 100 stickers on Orajet 3165GRA (glossy) with GCVP (High Quality) with alignment marks so the stickers would out gas before being getting their outline cut and I’m getting «Cropmark Error Not Found» message.

I’ve reloaded the media numerous times, as suggested in the owner’s manual. Every time the cut head travels from the control panel to the far end 3 times, stops, and flashes the error.

So, I’ve placed frosted tape (Scotch Tape) over the marks as suggested on the Roland forum. No luck.

I’ve manually aligned the panel numerous times, only to have the printer attempt to perform the automatic alignment, thereby removing my manual alignment attempt, and cause the error.

I’ve even removed the «crop mark» option from the print job in VersaWorks, perform a manual alignment, and got the error.

I’ve wiped the lens with a dry cleaning swab, no luck.

So I need to figure out what’s wrong with the printer, and/or figure out what I’m doing wrong…

As always, any and all advice is always appreciated!


  • #2

[SUB]Time to replace the cut carriage cable?[/SUB]

  • #3

TRY READING MY PRINT CUT ADJUSTMENT NOT RESPONDING , about 5 down in forum ,read all the way through , may or may not help

  • #4


I forgot to mention that everything works fine if I Print AND Cut…

So is the cable to crop sensor separate from the cut head cable? I’d like to know before I start removing panels.

  • #5

cut carriage cable carries the cut solenoid power, crop mark sensor and pinch roller sensor power. if it fails any of the 3 can stop working. It’s probably the cut carriage cable, but may be the crop mark board itself, or just needs an adjustment. The adjustment is in the service menu->crop cut adj->outlevel check. outlevel check should read 2.5V +/- 0.2.

  • #6

After figuring out the Roland Secret Handshake to enter the Service Mode, I performed the Cropmark Sense OutLevel check and came up with 3.7 as the max voltage. So it looks like I need to adjust the Crop Mark sensor…
A positive voltage is better than 0 voltage which would probably indicate a bad cable or board! Right?

  • #7

I doubt adjusting it will help if it’s worked in the past on the same material, the cut carriage cable moves back and forth with the head and is basically a wear part on rolands after a couple of years of use. When ours went out, it was almost like the sensor was totally blind to the crop mark so we knew it was either the board, or the cable, started with the cable, that fixed it.

  • #8

After figuring out the Roland Secret Handshake to enter the Service Mode, I performed the Cropmark Sense OutLevel check and came up with 3.7 as the max voltage. So it looks like I need to adjust the Crop Mark sensor…
A positive voltage is better than 0 voltage which would probably indicate a bad cable or board! Right?

make the adjustment 1.9 low 2.6 high then follow through my previous post in service mode , you cant just change cable with out diagnostic.its just a screw adjustment for voltage
just trying to help did this two days ago,with Ragnabrok help he’s a rocket scientist

  • #9

I»ve made the voltage adjustment, numerous times since the value changes as the ink dries. I’m right at 2.6/2.7 as the first reading. So I load a single example, print, and let the media dry for a few minutes.

I’ll run the run the cut from VersaWorks and the Roland will find the first crop mark and miss the second. Remember the original error message I got? At least I’m consistent!

At this point I’m prepared to guess its a board and cable issue.

  • #10

Almost guaranteed its the cut carriage cable, having it work at some parts and not others. The cable just fatigues and the connection gets iffy at certain bend points.

  • #11

Is there a preferred place to order parts from?

  • #12


I’ve swabbed the sensor with a q-tip and rubbing alcohol, ran a crop mark cut test on a single graphic, and still missed the crop marks.

I’ll check the voltages again after I run a quick job that doesn’t require a Print-dry-cut function, I’ll check the voltage again. I’m missing out on NFL Opening night!!!!!!

  • #13

Does it read the first crop mark at all? Sometimes if my crop Mark is to close to the end pinch roller closest to the carriage it will not pick it up. Move the crop Mark a little away from your first registering pinch roller and see if it will pick it up then. I’m sure since you’ve read the manual you already know that the crop marks(if I’m not mistaken) only have 5 degrees of play that they can be off from the first to the second farthest away. Sometimes I have to reload a few times because I’m in a hurry and don’t make sure they are lined up on the cutting strip correctly. Good luck.

  • #14

After a swabbing of the sensor, an entire afternoon of checking/adjusting voltage levels, and numerous crop mark tests, I’ve managed to find four crop marks!

I have learned a few things.
1. Let the ink dry for about 10 minutes before adjusting voltage on the board.
2. Verify voltage by re-running the test and let the ink dry for at least 10 minutes. If there’s any adjustment, repeat this step until no adjustment is necessary.
3. Be really careful with those little plastic pins. If you drop one inside the printer….. I just won’t go there.
4. Use a plastic screwdriver to make the voltage adjustment. A metal shaft can be magnetized and «tweak» the voltage readings. I noticed this every time my screwdriver came close to the potentiometer. Thankfully I had a set of adjusters from my TV/monitor repair days.
5. Entering the Service Mode requires one’s fingers to «dance» across the control panel in an organized manner. Guess who doesn’t dance?

Remember that when in service mode, the heaters won’t dry the ink as they would during normal printing. Personally, I’d let the ink dry for 20 to 30 minutes to ensure a stable voltage reading.

A BIG thanks to everybody who offered insight and advice!
Happy Printing!

  • #15

A bit late to this thread but I had a similar issue, but not related to this post…. I was having the last of the four ‘Crop Marks’ receiving a ‘Crop Mark Error Not Found’ message…finally worked it out that during the 4 foot print the right ‘Media Flange’ (one closest to the capping station side) had worked loose in the core and the media roll was being pulled through the printer on a lean which must of caused a distortion of the entire print…LOL…those Media Flanges get tightened well now.

  • #16

Hello guys, i m having the same issue with the 4th crop mark detection i swabed the sensor but still nothing after about 20 try..
The issue is on both 3 sheets laminated..

  • #17

After a swabbing of the sensor, an entire afternoon of checking/adjusting voltage levels, and numerous crop mark tests, I’ve managed to find four crop marks!

I have learned a few things.
1. Let the ink dry for about 10 minutes before adjusting voltage on the board.
2. Verify voltage by re-running the test and let the ink dry for at least 10 minutes. If there’s any adjustment, repeat this step until no adjustment is necessary.
3. Be really careful with those little plastic pins. If you drop one inside the printer….. I just won’t go there.
4. Use a plastic screwdriver to make the voltage adjustment. A metal shaft can be magnetized and «tweak» the voltage readings. I noticed this every time my screwdriver came close to the potentiometer. Thankfully I had a set of adjusters from my TV/monitor repair days.
5. Entering the Service Mode requires one’s fingers to «dance» across the control panel in an organized manner. Guess who doesn’t dance?

Remember that when in service mode, the heaters won’t dry the ink as they would during normal printing. Personally, I’d let the ink dry for 20 to 30 minutes to ensure a stable voltage reading.

A BIG thanks to everybody who offered insight and advice!
Happy Printing!

Re-adjusting the voltage immediately at 2.7 to 3 — 10 minutes later at 1.8V
On the service Manual the adjustement seems to be done quickly…
Im folowing your advice i waited 10 minutes then adjust to 2.7 after 10 minutes (immediately 3.5v) i hope it works

  • #18

Re-adjusting the voltage immediately at 2.7 to 3 — 10 minutes later at 1.8V
On the service Manual the adjustement seems to be done quickly…
Im folowing your advice i waited 10 minutes then adjust to 2.7 after 10 minutes (immediately 3.5v) i hope it works

Great info! Waiting 10 minutes before adjusting voltage made the difference for me as well!
Thankful for this thread!!!!

  • #19

After a swabbing of the sensor, an entire afternoon of checking/adjusting voltage levels, and numerous crop mark tests, I’ve managed to find four crop marks!

I have learned a few things.
1. Let the ink dry for about 10 minutes before adjusting voltage on the board.
2. Verify voltage by re-running the test and let the ink dry for at least 10 minutes. If there’s any adjustment, repeat this step until no adjustment is necessary.
3. Be really careful with those little plastic pins. If you drop one inside the printer….. I just won’t go there.
4. Use a plastic screwdriver to make the voltage adjustment. A metal shaft can be magnetized and «tweak» the voltage readings. I noticed this every time my screwdriver came close to the potentiometer. Thankfully I had a set of adjusters from my TV/monitor repair days.
5. Entering the Service Mode requires one’s fingers to «dance» across the control panel in an organized manner. Guess who doesn’t dance?

Remember that when in service mode, the heaters won’t dry the ink as they would during normal printing. Personally, I’d let the ink dry for 20 to 30 minutes to ensure a stable voltage reading.

A BIG thanks to everybody who offered insight and advice!
Happy Printing!

Thanks for this tip! I was pulling my hair about this adjustment for half a day. Cleaned the entire machine, heads, sensors, everything. Still refused to register the registration marks. Then in desperation searched for a solution that led me to this thread. Took a deep breath, loaded standard white vinyl, did the 10-minute wait after print — during which the voltage dropped from 2.7v to a whopping 1.2v. Did the adjustment to 2.5v and it worked right away, like new. I’m just slightly mad at Roland for not including this in their service manual. To be fair, they say the voltage will change slightly as the ink dries but specifics would have helped.


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Roland SC-540 контурная резка по меткам

Доброго времени суток, уважаемые форумчане. Столкнулся с «небольшой» проблемой. Обо всём по порядку:
Имеется аппарат Roland Soljet Pro II SC-540, у этого аппарата полностью не функционирует «печатающий» блок, по этому мы с помощью данного аппарата только режем. Помогает нам с этим программа COLORIP 2.0
Так вот, если нам нужно нарезать плёнку, то проблем не возникает, а вот напечатать что-нибудь на другом плоттере (наклейки например) и нарезать уже на Roland, вот тут как раз затык.
В инструкции к COLORIP поясняется именно печать на Roland-е с нанесением этих самых меток в автоматическом режиме, но как это сделать другим способом?
Пытался использовать VersaWorks 5.1, там вроде как инструкция понятная, но SC-540 с этой программой не работает.

Может быть есть какой-нибудь способ напечатать изображение с метками в другой программе, и заставить COLORIP понимать эти метки, чтобы он аккуратно нарезал по контуру? В общем прошу вашей помощи.

P.S. Подстёгивает ещё один неприятный факт: у нас есть конкурент/партнёр, у которого стоит точно такой-же SC-540 и он знает точно что нужно делать с этой проблемой, но наотрез отказывается делиться информацией. Говорит, что ему не выгодно таких клиентов(лошков) терять, так как за нарезкой по итогу обращаемся мы к нему: отправляем макет с 4мя метками (круглые чёрные 1см в диаметре) + распечатанное изображение, и он успешно их нарезает. Какой программой он работает, какой метод использует нам не ясно, но чувствую что он COLORIPом это всё и делает. Пожалуйста, проинструктируйте.


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Re: Roland SC-540 контурная резка по меткам

Сообщение Shadowofoblivion » 23 июн 2020 05:18

Переведите его в SC-545EX и режьте с версы.

Какие именно dipswitch на материнке переключать уже не помню, но должно гуглиться.


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Re: Roland SC-540 контурная резка по меткам

Сообщение Sibkatastrof » 23 июн 2020 11:09

Shadowofoblivion, можно немного подробнее? ни чего подобного в гугле не могу найти.


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Re: Roland SC-540 контурная резка по меткам

Сообщение Shadowofoblivion » 23 июн 2020 12:09

SC-540 и SC-545 EX практически одинаковые, отличие, насколько я помню, только в системе подогрева и том, что SC-545 EX работает с версой. Там ещё парочка условно одинаковых роландов(CJ-540, к примеру) было в этой линейке, 545 EX самая «топовая» комплектация. Но электроника, устройства, помпы, моторы и механика практически один в один.

На материнской плате есть дипсвичи, отвечающие за то, кем именно считает себя роланд. Перещёлкиваем их под нужную модель, потом заливаем прошивку(раньше в свободном доступе на японском сайте роланда были) и у нас вместо 540 SC-545EX.

Конкретно какие свичи и у куда переключать, увы, уже не помню. Лет 7-8 назад было. Подробности тоже не помню, помню только, что SC-540 переделывал в 545

UPD Нашёл в сервисном мануале.



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unnamed.jpg (183.49 КБ) 2445 просмотров


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Re: Roland SC-540 контурная резка по меткам

Сообщение Sibkatastrof » 23 июн 2020 14:38

Благодарю за наводку. Прошивку вроде бы нашёл. Теперь дело за дипсвичами.. Пока даже приблизительно не нашёл. Может у кого есть SC-540EX и он может глянуть?


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Re: Roland SC-540 контурная резка по меткам

Сообщение Фрезеровщиk » 23 июн 2020 14:45

Рабочий день давно закончен. Только завтра.


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Re: Roland SC-540 контурная резка по меткам

Сообщение Sibkatastrof » 23 июн 2020 23:04

Shadowofoblivion, спасибо тебе, добрый человек. Послезавтра пробовать буду.


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Re: Roland SC-540 контурная резка по меткам

Сообщение Sibkatastrof » 25 июл 2020 22:25

Дипсвичи нашёл и переключил. Плоттер действительно себя увидел как SC-540EX (на дисплее при включении и в программах). Но вот VersaWorks 5.1 при попытке подключиться к плоттеру выдала вот такое интересное окошко, возможно связанно с тем, что пара картриджей отсутствуют(нужен только как резак):


versa error.jpg

versa error.jpg (35.81 КБ) 2128 просмотров


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Re: Roland SC-540 контурная резка по меткам

Сообщение Shadowofoblivion » 27 июл 2020 09:03

На аппаратах этой линейки достаточно было замкнуть контакты на чипы, там простая система «расчиповки». Вроде 4 контакта на каждый из 12 картриджей. Надо посмотреть в сервисном, там всё предельно просто было.

UPD: Да, отдельно замыкаются контакты 1-2 и 3-4, при этом 2 и 4 являются общим минусом, 1 и 3 между собой нельзя замыкать.



Снимок.PNG (53.26 КБ) 2009 просмотров
(6.88 МБ) 540 скачиваний


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Re: Roland SC-540 контурная резка по меткам

Сообщение Sibkatastrof » 27 июл 2020 19:36

Shadowofoblivion, ты мега-крут: реально в двух сообщениях раскрыл тему полностью(надеюсь ни чего больше не всплывёт). Я раньше только с компами и ноутами ковырялся, а тут до плоттера дело дошло, а информации в интернете либо нет, либо мануалы, которые ещё курить уметь надо. На форумах вообще пусто по данному вопросу. А тут без лишних слов: «сделай раз, сделай два и всё у тебя получится». Спасибо тебе, человечище. Уверен, кроме меня ещё много людей зайдут сюда и найдут решение подобной проблемы.


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Re: Roland SC-540 контурная резка по меткам

Сообщение Shadowofoblivion » 28 июл 2020 05:16

И на всякий случай, если почему-то не выставлен тип чернил:


(1.63 МБ) 670 скачиваний


Снимок.PNG (101.1 КБ) 1922 просмотра


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Re: Roland SC-540 контурная резка по меткам

Сообщение Sibkatastrof » 28 июл 2020 17:04

И ещё один вопрос по теме: в юзер-мануале в разделе Aligning Automatically указано, что нужно расположить метку под лезвием по ценру и нажать кнопку [AUTO ALIGN]. У меня после данных действий «CROPMARK ERROR NOT FOUND».. Метка должна быть просто круглая 12,5 мм или с уголком или вообще ещё и с прямоугольником слева? Какими они должны быть, чтобы он их смог нормально считать?

Напомню, самим роландом я напечатать ни чего не могу, мне приходится печатать на другом плоттере. В данный момент я пробовал просто с круглой чёрной меткой 12,5 мм.



2.png (11.76 КБ) 1857 просмотров


1.png (1.63 КБ) 1857 просмотров


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Re: Roland SC-540 контурная резка по меткам

Сообщение Legus » 28 июл 2020 22:46

первая метка с прямоугольником


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Re: Roland SC-540 контурная резка по меткам

Сообщение Sibkatastrof » 30 июл 2020 18:49

Legus, а можно немного подробнее в плане размеров этого прямоугольника и расстояния от круга?


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Re: Roland SC-540 контурная резка по меткам

Сообщение Legus » 03 авг 2020 12:33

Вернуться в «Режущие плоттеры ROLAND»

Кто сейчас на конференции

Сейчас этот форум просматривают: нет зарегистрированных пользователей и 0 гостей

This section describes the error messages that may appear on the machine’s display, and how to take action to

remedy the problem. If the action described here does not correct the problem or if an error message not descri-

bed here appears, contact your authorized Roland DG Corporation dealer.


An attempt was made to set an align point at a location where the setting cannot be made.

No align point can be set such that the angle between the base point and the align point is too large. Reload the

media correctly, so that the angle is minimized, and then set the base point and the align points again to match

the crop marks.


・  P. 95 «How to Cut with Crop Marks»


One of the ink cartridges has expired.

The numbers of the cartridges whose ink has exceeded its shelf life flash. After pressing [ENTER], replace the car-

tridge indicated by the flashing number.

This message is displayed when the sub power is turned on for the first time after the ink has expired. A buzzer

sounds at the same time the message is displayed.

You can still continue to use the printer without replacing the ink cartridge. However, continuing to use an ink

cartridge that has exceeded its shelf life may lead to the following problems and malfunction.

• Ink leaks from the ink cartridge.

• The ink viscosity increases, leading to ink discharge issues (which may result in decreased output quality).

• The ink hardens, leading to printer malfunctions.

We recommend that you replace any expired ink cartridges. For information about purchasing ink cartridges, con-

tact your authorized Roland DG Corporation dealer or visit our website (


The temperature of the location where the machine is installed has risen above the ambient temperature at

which the machine can operate.

Operation cannot be continued. Turn off the sub power. The displayed temperature is the current ambient temper-

ature of the installation location. Bring the installed location to a temperature at which operation is possible (20 to

32°C [68 to 90°F]), allow the machine to come to room temperature, and then turn on the power.


Automatic detection of crop marks could not be accomplished.

Load the media at the correct position and perform detection of crop marks again. If repeating automatic crop-

mark detection results in an error again, perform manual crop-mark detection. If crop marks cannot be detected

even manually, try using [CROP SENSOR ADJ.] (the correction function of the sensor for reading crop marks) to

perform the correction. Depending on the media, it may not be possible to detect crop marks automatically.


・  P. 95 «How to Cut with Crop Marks»

・  P. 145 «Aligning the Positions of Cutting with Crop Marks Manually»

・  P. 157 «Correcting the Sensor for Reading Crop Marks»

・  P. 255 «Automatic Detection of Crop Marks Fails»


5. Messages on the Operation Panel



An Error Message Appears

This describes the error messages that may appear on the machine’s display, and how to take

action to remedy the problem. If the action described here does not correct the problem, or if an

error message not described here appears, contact your authorized Roland DG Corp. dealer .

An attempt was made to set an align point at a location where the setting cannot be made.

No align point can be set when the angle of the base point and the align point is too large. Reload the media

correctly, so that the angle is minimized, then set the base point and the align point again to match the crop


P. 123, “Performing Printing and Cutting Separately”

The print heater or dryer did not reach the preset temperature.

This occurs because the temperature of the location where the machine is installed is too low. We recommend

raising the temperature. To continue waiting for the temperature to rise, press

. To start printing im-

mediately, press


The cutting carriage and the print-head carriage were improperly disconnected.

A problem such as a media jam occurred, impeding correct operation. Operation cannot be continued. Switch

the sub power o, then back on.

Automatic detection of crop marks could not be accomplished.

Load the media at the correct position and perform detection of crop marks again. Depending on the media,

it may not be possible to detect crop marks automatically. If repeating automatic crop-mark detection results

in an error again, then perform manual crop-mark detection.

P. 123, “Performing Printing and Cutting Separately”

The size of the data including the crop marks is larger than the printing or cutting area of
the loaded media.

To continue performing output without correcting this, press . At this time, the portion extending

beyond the printing or cutting area and the crop marks are not printed. To stop output, stop sending data

from the computer, then raise the loading lever. Make the printing or cutting area wider, such as by replacing

the media with a larger piece of media or by changing the positions of the pinch rollers, then send the data


The size of the data being output is too small.

Make the scanning-direction size of the data at least 65 mm (2.6 in). To continue performing output without

correcting this, press

. At this time, the data is output without printing the crop marks. To stop output,

stop sending data from the computer, then raise the loading lever. Change the size of the data, then send the

data again. There is no limitation in the size of the data in the media-feed direction.

background image


Chapter 7: What to Do If…


The air temperature where installed is higher
than the ambient temperature at which the unit
can operate (approx. 40°C (104°F) or more

Continuous operation caused the pump motor to
become hot, so operation was paused to prevent
damage to the motor.

• A problem occurred that resulted in a error that
cannot be canceled.
• Correct operation became impossible because
an error occurred.
• The useful life has ended for a component that
must be replaced by a service technician.

The cutting carriage or print-head carriage are
disconnected during printing, and printing cannot

Automatic detection of crop marks by the
[AUTO ALIGN] key could not be accomplished.

The [SETUP] key was pressed while the left or
right hand pinch roller was at a location where
there is no grit roller.


Recovery from this problem is impossible. Use
the [POWER] key to switch the power off. First
drop the temperature of the area where installed,
then switch on the power.

Press any key to cancel the message.
Allow the unit to stand for about 40 minutes,
then resume operation.

Check the number shown on the display, then
press the [POWER] key to switch off the power.
After you switch off the power, inform your
authorized Roland DG Corp. dealer or service
center of the number that appeared on the

Recovery from this problem is impossible. Use
the [POWER] key to switch the power off.

Load the media at the correct position and
perform detection of crop marks again.
Depending on the media, it may not be possible
to detect crop marks automatically. If repeating
automatic crop-mark detection results in an error
again, then perform manual crop-mark detection
(see «2-7 Reloading the Media and Performing

Position the left or right hand pinch roller
correctly (above a grit roller), then press the
[SETUP] key.







No: * * * *







(or RIGHT)

7-2 What to Do If an Error Message Appears

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  • Crontab error bad minute
  • Crontab error bad hour
  • Crontab error bad day of week
  • Cron fatal error insufficient shared memory
  • Cron error logs