This page is intended to assist with editing the CKII Save File.
If you want to edit a CKII save file, ensure you have saved without compressing the save game file. To achieve this, unclick the checkbox to the right of the save game filename entry box. Now you should be able to open and read the file in any text editor. Save files are impossible to edit if played in iron man mode.
Editing Characters[]
You can edit ANY character in the game this way. Editing a character is easy. You can alter stats, traits… actually you can edit anything.
First you must find the character in question. If you have the character ID then simple search (ctr-F) and type in the ID# followed by =.
(EXAMPLE: 31443=)
If you do not know this number, then simply run a search for the characters name and cross reference information like birth dates, parent names, or traits (this requires knowing the trait codes).
The section below Save File Contents can help you identify if you are in the right spot.
Once you find the Character you are looking for, you can edit any of his/her features. ATTRIBUTES, HEALTH, and FERTILITY are easy to alter.
Editing TRAITS requires that you have access to the codes which you can find here Traits
Editing Provinces[]
The first step in editing a province is finding the one that you are looking for. The section that you want lists each province in numerical order based on its code. You can find the ID Code of each province here (
Save File Contents[]
This is the order of content within the Save File. This can help the user navigate the areas of the file that they are trying to access.
Player Info[]
Dynasties [Section begins with dynasties=][]
ID# Name Culture Coat of Arms Data Religion Decadence
Characters (by ID#) [Section begins with character=][]
Basic Info (e.g. name, gender, birth/death, liege) Attributes Health & Fertility Traitsvff Personal info (e.g. piety/prestige, religion/culture, dynasty etc.) Properties – meaning unknown claims Demense Title Ledger Flags Modifier Ai additionals
Delayed Events[]
Opinion Modifiers? (Purpose Unknown)[]
rel_ID# Relationships: Lists the opinion modifiers between the rel_<id> character and other characters. Opinion appears to be an in-game calculation determined by the difference between character stats. (Culture, religion, etc) and influenced by these modifiers. diplo_ID# Diplomacy?
Active Ambitions / Active Plots[]
Scope Parent scope Backers (if applicable)
Authority value (scale of 0.001 - 0.999) Crusade dates Parent religion (if applicable)
Provinces (listed by Province ID #)[]
Name Culture (This is where you hack info) Religion (This is where you hack info) Settlement info Holdings Type Date Buildings Levy Trade posts Owner Buildings Levy Title Technology Level progress
Counties Name Liege Holder Laws Coat of Arms Data – meaning unknown Religion Usurp Dates – Usurp and last change History Kingdoms? Name Dynasty Settlement? Buildings Levy Liege (title) Holder ID Laws Coat of arms Data – meaning unknown Religion Special rules History Active – meaning unknown Listing Order Counties
Subordinate Baronies?[]
Duchies Kingdoms Baronies?
Siege Combat?[]
To Max Provinces:[]
If a coastal town add :
If Coastal Town add:
If Coastal Town add:
tech_levels={8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000}
Modding Guides | |
Getting Started |
Setting up a mod • Adding Landed Titles, Part 1 |
Intermediate Guides |
Adding Landed Titles, Part 2 • Adding Landed Titles, Part 3 • Custom music (playlist) in Crusader Kings II • Editing Save Files |
This page is intended to assist with editing the CKII Save File.
If you want to edit a CKII save file, ensure you have saved without compressing the save game file. To achieve this, unclick the checkbox to the right of the save game filename entry box. Now you should be able to open and read the file in any text editor. Save files are impossible to edit if played in iron man mode.
Editing Characters[]
You can edit ANY character in the game this way. Editing a character is easy. You can alter stats, traits… actually you can edit anything.
First you must find the character in question. If you have the character ID then simple search (ctr-F) and type in the ID# followed by =.
(EXAMPLE: 31443=)
If you do not know this number, then simply run a search for the characters name and cross reference information like birth dates, parent names, or traits (this requires knowing the trait codes).
The section below Save File Contents can help you identify if you are in the right spot.
Once you find the Character you are looking for, you can edit any of his/her features. ATTRIBUTES, HEALTH, and FERTILITY are easy to alter.
Editing TRAITS requires that you have access to the codes which you can find here Traits
Editing Provinces[]
The first step in editing a province is finding the one that you are looking for. The section that you want lists each province in numerical order based on its code. You can find the ID Code of each province here (
Save File Contents[]
This is the order of content within the Save File. This can help the user navigate the areas of the file that they are trying to access.
Player Info[]
Dynasties [Section begins with dynasties=][]
ID# Name Culture Coat of Arms Data Religion Decadence
Characters (by ID#) [Section begins with character=][]
Basic Info (e.g. name, gender, birth/death, liege) Attributes Health & Fertility Traitsvff Personal info (e.g. piety/prestige, religion/culture, dynasty etc.) Properties – meaning unknown claims Demense Title Ledger Flags Modifier Ai additionals
Delayed Events[]
Opinion Modifiers? (Purpose Unknown)[]
rel_ID# Relationships: Lists the opinion modifiers between the rel_<id> character and other characters. Opinion appears to be an in-game calculation determined by the difference between character stats. (Culture, religion, etc) and influenced by these modifiers. diplo_ID# Diplomacy?
Active Ambitions / Active Plots[]
Scope Parent scope Backers (if applicable)
Authority value (scale of 0.001 - 0.999) Crusade dates Parent religion (if applicable)
Provinces (listed by Province ID #)[]
Name Culture (This is where you hack info) Religion (This is where you hack info) Settlement info Holdings Type Date Buildings Levy Trade posts Owner Buildings Levy Title Technology Level progress
Counties Name Liege Holder Laws Coat of Arms Data – meaning unknown Religion Usurp Dates – Usurp and last change History Kingdoms? Name Dynasty Settlement? Buildings Levy Liege (title) Holder ID Laws Coat of arms Data – meaning unknown Religion Special rules History Active – meaning unknown Listing Order Counties
Subordinate Baronies?[]
Duchies Kingdoms Baronies?
Siege Combat?[]
To Max Provinces:[]
If a coastal town add :
If Coastal Town add:
If Coastal Town add:
tech_levels={8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000}
Modding Guides | |
Getting Started |
Setting up a mod • Adding Landed Titles, Part 1 |
Intermediate Guides |
Adding Landed Titles, Part 2 • Adding Landed Titles, Part 3 • Custom music (playlist) in Crusader Kings II • Editing Save Files |
Возможно это наиболее полный набор читов. Если не прописан ID перса или провинции, действует по умолчанию на своего персонажа или столицу/провинцию. Если нужно английское описание команды, то в консоли прописать help %нужная_команда%.
Читы для персонажа
Инфо о персе
charinfo = показывает детальную информацию о персонаже при наведении на его портрет. (желания, здоровье, культуру, итп итд)
Редактор перса
age (-)(#) = добавить/убавить возраст. (age 14125 +10; age 14125 -10)
add_diplomacy (-)(#) = тоже самое для навыка дипломатия //выше 135 не поднимать, иначе обнуление
add_martial (-)(#) = …военного навыка.
add_intrigue (-)(#) = …интриги.
add_stewardship (-)(#) = …управления.
add_learning (-)(#) = …образования/учености.
add_trait = добавить черту. (add_trait quick) // другим можно добавить только через редактирование сохранения, предварительно отключив их сжатие.
remove_trait = удалить черту. (remove_trait quick)
Список черт:############
# Образование
# Интрига
1 amateurish_plotter
2 flamboyant_schemer
3 intricate_webweaver
4 elusive_shadow
# Дипломатия
5 naive_appeaser
6 underhanded_rogue
7 charismatic_negotiator
8 grey_eminence
# Управление
9 indulgent_wastrel
10 thrifty_clerk
11 fortune_builder
12 midas_touched
# Военные
13 misguided_warrior
14 tough_soldier
15 skilled_tactician
16 brilliant_strategist
# Духовные(образование)
17 detached_priest
18 martial_cleric
19 scholarly_theologian
20 mastermind_theologian
# Здоровье — события
21 stressed
22 depressed
23 lunatic
24 possessed
25 ill
26 pneumonic
27 syphilitic
28 leper
29 wounded
30 maimed
31 infirm
32 incapable
33 drunkard
34 has_tuberculosis
35 has_typhoid_fever
36 has_typhus
37 has_bubonic_plague
38 has_measles
39 has_small_pox
40 crusader
41 bastard
42 twin
43 legit_bastard
44 pregnant
45 excommunicated
46 kinslayer
47 homosexual
# Наследственные
48 clubfooted
49 harelip
50 hunchback
51 lisp
52 stutter
53 fair
54 ugly
55 dwarf
56 genius
57 quick
58 slow
59 imbecile
60 inbred
61 strong
62 weak
# Стиль жизни, только 1
63 celibate
64 hedonist
65 scholar
66 gardener
67 mystic
68 impaler
69 duelist
70 hunter
71 poet
72 falconer
################################################## ###############
# Личные
################################################## ###############
# 7 грехов и добродетелей
73 lustful
74 chaste
75 gluttonous
76 temperate
77 greedy
78 charitable
79 slothful
80 diligent
81 envious
82 kind
83 wroth
84 patient
85 proud
86 humble
87 deceitful
88 honest
89 craven
90 brave
91 shy
92 gregarious
93 ambitious
94 content
95 arbitrary
96 just
97 cynical
98 zealous
99 paranoid
100 trusting
101 cruel
################################################## ###############
# Командирские черты
################################################## ###############
102 light_foot_leader
103 heavy_infantry_leader
104 cavalry_leader
105 inspiring_leader
106 trickster
107 organizer
108 defensive_leader
109 experimenter
110 flanker
111 aggressive_leader
112- mujahid
# Мусульманские
113 hajjaj
114 on_hajj
115 faqih
116 hafiz
117 sayyid
118 pilgrim
119 mirza
120 scarred
####### ###############
121 eunuch
122 blinded
123 born_in_the_purple
124 augustus
# Еще лидерские черты
125 flat_terrain_leader
126 rough_terrain_leader
127 mountain_terrain_leader
128 desert_terrain_leader
129 holy_warrior
130 unyielding_leader—————-
cash (-)(#) = добавить/убавить монеты, по дефолту дает 5000.
piety (-)(#) = …благочестие, по дефолту дает 5000.
prestige (-)(#) = …престиж, по дефолту дает 5000.
culture = сменить культуру («culture italian»).
religion = сменить религию (for example, «religion catholic»).
nickname = сменить прозвище (написано наверху страницы).
Покарать людишек
banish = Изгнать.
imprison = Кинуть в тюрьму.
kill = Убить сразу и наглухо.
murder (Убийца) (Жертва) = Бесплатная попытка убить неугодного перса если нет денег, успех не гарантируется, т.е. все зависит от навыка интриги персонажа.
cuckoo (Мать) (Отец) = Беременеет женщина от мужчины (Муж думает, что ребенок его).
pollinate (Мать) (Отец) = Беременеет женщина от мужчины.
ID титулов(владений) представлены в формате e_empire, k_kingdom, d_duchy, c_county, b_barony. Названия владений с пробелами (в два слова т.е.) прописывать как c_county_name.
Дебаг читы
clear = очистить консоль
charinfo 1 = показывает дебаг информацию о персонаже, включая его Character ID
hello = вычислить школьника по Character ID …переход на его экран.
nexts следующий трек
observe = позволяет «обозревать» игру не принимая в ней активного участия. Чтоб выйти, прописать команду ниже. (Игра может вылететь.)
play = начать играть указанным персом.
Другие читы
allow_laws = свободно менять законы.
discover_plots = автоматом раскрывать заговоры.
fow = снять туман войны.
marry_any теперь можно вступать в брак с кем угодно.
neg_diplo = вкл/выкл отправку дипломатических предложений, которые будут отклонены.
plots_known = знать о всех заговорах
revolt = поднять восстание в провинции
help = получить список консольных команд.
help = пояснения, что значат эти команды. Например: help succ, help techpoints. Не работает для событий.
succ = сменить закон наследования.
techpoints = добавить 1000 очков технологии каждого вида.
decadence -25 = упадок равен 0%
Читы на событияЧертыevent 1000 = похотливый/целомудренный
event 1001 = обжора/умеренный
event 1003 = щедрый/жадный
event 1004 = ленивый/усердный
event 1005 = добрый/завистливый (она)
event 1006 = добрый/завистливый (он)
event 1007 = гневный/терпеливый
event 1008 = гордый/скромный
event 1009 = коварный/честный
event 1010 = трус/храбрый
event 1011 = застенчивый/общительный
event 1012 = амбициозный/довольный
event 1013 = капризный деспот/справедливый
event 1014 = циничный/набожный
event 1015 = похотливая/целомудренная (она)
event 1016 = параноик/доверчивый
event 1017 = жестокий/добрый
event 1018 = похотливый/целомудренный (homosexual female)
event 1019 = похотливая/целомудренная (homosexual male)
event TOG.3000 = берсерк (#dlc The Old Gods)
event TOG.3105 = варяг
event TOG.3320 = викинг
event 1028 = убрать похоть
event 1029 = убрать целомудрие
event 1030 = убрать умеренность (also event 1511)
event 1031 = убрать обжорство
event 1032 = убрать щедрость (also event 1531)
event 1033 = убрать жадность (also event 6208)
event 1034 = убрать усердие (also event 1551)
event 1035 = убрать лень (also event 1541)
event 1036 = убрать доброту (also event 1571)
event 1037 = убрать зависть (also event 1561)
event 1038 = убрать терпеливость (also event 1590)
event 1039 = убрать гнев (also event 1581)
event 1040 = убрать скромность (also event 1611)
event 1041 = убрать гордость (also event 1601)
event 1042 = убрать похоть (also event 6204)
event 1043 = убрать честность (also event 1641)
event 1044 = убрать коварность (also event 1620)
event 1045 = убрать храбрость (also event 1661)
event 1046 = убрать трусость (also event 1651)
event 1047 = убрать общительность (also event 1681)
event 1048 = убрать застенчивость (also event 1671)
event 1049 = убрать удовольствие (also event 1701)
event 1050 = убрать амбициозность (also event 1691)
event 1051 = убрать справедливость (also event 1721)
event 1052 = убрать капризного деспота (also event 1711)
event 1053 = убрать набожность (also event 1631)
event 1054 = убрать циничность (also event 1731)
event 1057 = убрать паранойю
event 1058 = убрать доверчивость
event 1501 = убрать обжорство (also event 6206)
event 1641 = убрать честность
event 1985 = убрать гомо (он)
event 1995 = убрать лесбо (она)
event 5000 = ученый/мистик (выбор)
event 5002 = ученый
event 5003 = мистик
event 5020 = садовник/колосажатель (выбор)
event 5024 — колосажатель
event 5025 — садовник
event 5030 = дуэлист/поэт (выбор)
event 5032 = честолюбивый поэт
event 5033 = честолюбивый дуэлист
event 5036 = дуэлист
event 5037 = поэт
event 5040 = охотник/сокольничий (выбор)
event 5041 = честолюбивый охотник
event 5042 = честолюбивый сокольничий
event 5045 = охотник
event 5046 = сокольничий
event 5050 = поэт/сокольничий (выбор) (она)
event 5066 = гедонист
event 8300 = крестоносец
event 24501= получить черту похотливый / либо целибат + стрессСписок детских чертevent 1500 = получить черту обжора
event 1510 = * умеренный (also event 6207)
event 1520 = * жадный
event 1530 = * щедрый (also event 6209)
event 1540 = * ленивый
event 1550 = * усердный
event 1560 = * завистливый
event 1570 = * добрый
event 1580 = * гневный (also event 272)
event 1590 = * терпеливый (also event 273)
event 1600 = * гордый
event 1610 = * скромный
event 1620 = * коварный
event 1630 = * набожный
event 1640 = * честный
event 1650 = * трус (also event 271)
event 1660 = * храбрый (also event 270)
event 1670 = * застенчивый
event 1680 = * общительный
event 1690 = * амбициозный
event 1700 = * довольный(удовлетворенный)
event 1710 = * капризный деспот
event 1720 = * справедливый (also event 4000)
event 1730 = * циничный
event 6205 = * целомудренныйУбрать черту у ребенкаevent 1501 = обжора
event 1511 = умеренный
1521 = жадный
1531 = щедрый
1541 = ленивый
1551 = ленивый
1561 = завистливый
1571 = добрый(также убирает жестокость)
1581 = гневный
1591 = терпеливый
1601 = гордый
1611 = скромный
1621 = коварный
1631 = набожный
1641 = честный
1651 = трус
1661 = храбрый
1671 = застенчивый
1681 = общительный
1691 = амбициозный
1701 = довольный(удовлетворенный)
1711 = капризный деспот
1721 = справедливый
1731 = циничный
6227 = целомудренныйБолезниevent 6000 = сифилис
event 6001 = без сифилиса
event 6010 = получить лепру (прокаженный)
event 6011 = убрать лепру (прокаженный) за 25 монет.
event 6020 = запустить событие лунатизм, но потерять стресс и депрессию
event 6021 = убрать лунатизм
event 6030 = получить одержимость (не мусульмане)
event 6031 = потерять одержимость (не мусульмане)
event 6032 = получить одержимость (мусульмане)
event 6033 = потерять одержимость (мусульмане)
event 6040 = стресс
event 6041 = нет стресса
event 6050 = депрессия
event 6051 = нет депрессии
event 6060 = больной
event 6061 = не больной
event 6070 = пневмония
event 6071 = нет пневмонии
event 6080 = получить черту раненый (также event 243) – полезно для удаления черты изувеченный
event 6081 = излечить ранение, получить черту «шрамы»
event 6100 = немощный
event 6110 = немощь проходит, появляется недееспособность
event 6111 = убрать чахотку
event 6112 = убрать лихорадку
event 6113 = убрать лагерную лихорадку (тиф)
event 6114 = убрать чуму
event 6115 = убрать корь
event 6116 = убрать оспуevent 244 = получить увечье
event 245 = стать недееспособным
event 61160 = убрать недееспособностьРандомные событияevent 913 = сфабриковать претензию (канцер).
event 923 = мастер строитель (управляющий).
event 926 = великий философ (духовник).
event 927 = стать еретиком.
event 20320 = украсть технологию в провинции, где находится армия во главе с правителем.
event 20260 = получить баллы культуры за монеты.
event 55000 = сменить культуру в провинции. (Без , культура меняется только в столице провинции)
event 55001 = добавить пару поселенцев
event 39211 больше не убийца родичей
event 36005 = суицид, (также event 26004, event 242)
event 4055 = событие «дракон», выбор между военным навыком, +15 отношение с в вассалами, временный престиж и плохим мнением.
event 6201 = конвертировать 50 монет в 100 благочестия.
event 6202 = конвертировать 50 престижа в 100 благочестия.
event 246 = прокачать военный навык с бича до нагибатора: misguided warrior > tough soldier > skilled tactician > brilliant strategist
event 900 = конвертировать провинцию, в которой находится армия во главе с правителем, в свою религию.
event 20131 = получить сильную претензию на графство, в котором находится армия в главе с правителем.
event 20133 тоже самое, но для графства
event 9004 = распустить фракцию
event 62320 = Халявный отряд (the old god)
event 62321 = Халявный отряд + Герой™ (the old god)
event 8500 – создать цепочку событий, которая позволит основать госпитальеров…
event 8600 — …храмовников
event 8700 – …тевтонский орденТак же вас могут заинтересовать другие материалы по Crusader Kings 2, которые вы сможете найти в нашем архиве читов.
Возможно это наиболее полный набор читов. Если не прописан ID перса или провинции, действует по умолчанию на своего персонажа или столицу/провинцию. Если нужно английское описание команды, то в консоли прописать help %нужная_команда%.
Читы для персонажа
Инфо о персе
charinfo = показывает детальную информацию о персонаже при наведении на его портрет. (желания, здоровье, культуру, итп итд)
Редактор перса
age (-)(#) = добавить/убавить возраст. (age 14125 +10; age 14125 -10)
add_diplomacy (-)(#) = тоже самое для навыка дипломатия //выше 135 не поднимать, иначе обнуление
add_martial (-)(#) = …военного навыка.
add_intrigue (-)(#) = …интриги.
add_stewardship (-)(#) = …управления.
add_learning (-)(#) = …образования/учености.
add_trait = добавить черту. (add_trait quick) // другим можно добавить только через редактирование сохранения, предварительно отключив их сжатие.
remove_trait = удалить черту. (remove_trait quick)
Список черт:
# Образование
# Интрига
1 amateurish_plotter
2 flamboyant_schemer
3 intricate_webweaver
4 elusive_shadow
# Дипломатия
5 naive_appeaser
6 underhanded_rogue
7 charismatic_negotiator
8 grey_eminence
# Управление
9 indulgent_wastrel
10 thrifty_clerk
11 fortune_builder
12 midas_touched
# Военные
13 misguided_warrior
14 tough_soldier
15 skilled_tactician
16 brilliant_strategist
# Духовные(образование)
17 detached_priest
18 martial_cleric
19 scholarly_theologian
20 mastermind_theologian
# Здоровье — события
21 stressed
22 depressed
23 lunatic
24 possessed
25 ill
26 pneumonic
27 syphilitic
28 leper
29 wounded
30 maimed
31 infirm
32 incapable
33 drunkard
34 has_tuberculosis
35 has_typhoid_fever
36 has_typhus
37 has_bubonic_plague
38 has_measles
39 has_small_pox
40 crusader
41 bastard
42 twin
43 legit_bastard
44 pregnant
45 excommunicated
46 kinslayer
47 homosexual
# Наследственные
48 clubfooted
49 harelip
50 hunchback
51 lisp
52 stutter
53 fair
54 ugly
55 dwarf
56 genius
57 quick
58 slow
59 imbecile
60 inbred
61 strong
62 weak
# Стиль жизни, только 1
63 celibate
64 hedonist
65 scholar
66 gardener
67 mystic
68 impaler
69 duelist
70 hunter
71 poet
72 falconer
################################################## ###############
# Личные
################################################## ###############
# 7 грехов и добродетелей
73 lustful
74 chaste
75 gluttonous
76 temperate
77 greedy
78 charitable
79 slothful
80 diligent
81 envious
82 kind
83 wroth
84 patient
85 proud
86 humble
87 deceitful
88 honest
89 craven
90 brave
91 shy
92 gregarious
93 ambitious
94 content
95 arbitrary
96 just
97 cynical
98 zealous
99 paranoid
100 trusting
101 cruel
################################################## ###############
# Командирские черты
################################################## ###############
102 light_foot_leader
103 heavy_infantry_leader
104 cavalry_leader
105 inspiring_leader
106 trickster
107 organizer
108 defensive_leader
109 experimenter
110 flanker
111 aggressive_leader
112- mujahid
# Мусульманские
113 hajjaj
114 on_hajj
115 faqih
116 hafiz
117 sayyid
118 pilgrim
119 mirza
120 scarred
####### ###############
121 eunuch
122 blinded
123 born_in_the_purple
124 augustus
# Еще лидерские черты
125 flat_terrain_leader
126 rough_terrain_leader
127 mountain_terrain_leader
128 desert_terrain_leader
129 holy_warrior
130 unyielding_leader
cash (-)(#) = добавить/убавить монеты, по дефолту дает 5000.
piety (-)(#) = …благочестие, по дефолту дает 5000.
prestige (-)(#) = …престиж, по дефолту дает 5000.
culture = сменить культуру («culture italian»).
religion = сменить религию (for example, «religion catholic»).
nickname = сменить прозвище (написано наверху страницы).
Покарать людишек
banish = Изгнать.
imprison = Кинуть в тюрьму.
kill = Убить сразу и наглухо.
murder (Убийца) (Жертва) = Бесплатная попытка убить неугодного перса если нет денег, успех не гарантируется, т.е. все зависит от навыка интриги персонажа.
cuckoo (Мать) (Отец) = Беременеет женщина от мужчины (Муж думает, что ребенок его).
pollinate (Мать) (Отец) = Беременеет женщина от мужчины.
ID титулов(владений) представлены в формате e_empire, k_kingdom, d_duchy, c_county, b_barony. Названия владений с пробелами (в два слова т.е.) прописывать как c_county_name.
Дебаг читы
clear = очистить консоль
charinfo 1 = показывает дебаг информацию о персонаже, включая его Character ID
hello = вычислить школьника по Character ID …переход на его экран.
nexts следующий трек
observe = позволяет «обозревать» игру не принимая в ней активного участия. Чтоб выйти, прописать команду ниже. (Игра может вылететь.)
play = начать играть указанным персом.
Другие читы
allow_laws = свободно менять законы.
discover_plots = автоматом раскрывать заговоры.
fow = снять туман войны.
marry_any теперь можно вступать в брак с кем угодно.
neg_diplo = вкл/выкл отправку дипломатических предложений, которые будут отклонены.
plots_known = знать о всех заговорах
revolt = поднять восстание в провинции
help = получить список консольных команд.
help = пояснения, что значат эти команды. Например: help succ, help techpoints. Не работает для событий.
succ = сменить закон наследования.
techpoints = добавить 1000 очков технологии каждого вида.
decadence -25 = упадок равен 0%
Читы на события
event 1000 = похотливый/целомудренный
event 1001 = обжора/умеренный
event 1003 = щедрый/жадный
event 1004 = ленивый/усердный
event 1005 = добрый/завистливый (она)
event 1006 = добрый/завистливый (он)
event 1007 = гневный/терпеливый
event 1008 = гордый/скромный
event 1009 = коварный/честный
event 1010 = трус/храбрый
event 1011 = застенчивый/общительный
event 1012 = амбициозный/довольный
event 1013 = капризный деспот/справедливый
event 1014 = циничный/набожный
event 1015 = похотливая/целомудренная (она)
event 1016 = параноик/доверчивый
event 1017 = жестокий/добрый
event 1018 = похотливый/целомудренный (homosexual female)
event 1019 = похотливая/целомудренная (homosexual male)
event TOG.3000 = берсерк (#dlc The Old Gods)
event TOG.3105 = варяг
event TOG.3320 = викинг
event 1028 = убрать похоть
event 1029 = убрать целомудрие
event 1030 = убрать умеренность (also event 1511)
event 1031 = убрать обжорство
event 1032 = убрать щедрость (also event 1531)
event 1033 = убрать жадность (also event 6208)
event 1034 = убрать усердие (also event 1551)
event 1035 = убрать лень (also event 1541)
event 1036 = убрать доброту (also event 1571)
event 1037 = убрать зависть (also event 1561)
event 1038 = убрать терпеливость (also event 1590)
event 1039 = убрать гнев (also event 1581)
event 1040 = убрать скромность (also event 1611)
event 1041 = убрать гордость (also event 1601)
event 1042 = убрать похоть (also event 6204)
event 1043 = убрать честность (also event 1641)
event 1044 = убрать коварность (also event 1620)
event 1045 = убрать храбрость (also event 1661)
event 1046 = убрать трусость (also event 1651)
event 1047 = убрать общительность (also event 1681)
event 1048 = убрать застенчивость (also event 1671)
event 1049 = убрать удовольствие (also event 1701)
event 1050 = убрать амбициозность (also event 1691)
event 1051 = убрать справедливость (also event 1721)
event 1052 = убрать капризного деспота (also event 1711)
event 1053 = убрать набожность (also event 1631)
event 1054 = убрать циничность (also event 1731)
event 1057 = убрать паранойю
event 1058 = убрать доверчивость
event 1501 = убрать обжорство (also event 6206)
event 1641 = убрать честность
event 1985 = убрать гомо (он)
event 1995 = убрать лесбо (она)
event 5000 = ученый/мистик (выбор)
event 5002 = ученый
event 5003 = мистик
event 5020 = садовник/колосажатель (выбор)
event 5024 — колосажатель
event 5025 — садовник
event 5030 = дуэлист/поэт (выбор)
event 5032 = честолюбивый поэт
event 5033 = честолюбивый дуэлист
event 5036 = дуэлист
event 5037 = поэт
event 5040 = охотник/сокольничий (выбор)
event 5041 = честолюбивый охотник
event 5042 = честолюбивый сокольничий
event 5045 = охотник
event 5046 = сокольничий
event 5050 = поэт/сокольничий (выбор) (она)
event 5066 = гедонист
event 8300 = крестоносец
event 24501= получить черту похотливый / либо целибат + стресс
Список детских черт
event 1500 = получить черту обжора
event 1510 = * умеренный (also event 6207)
event 1520 = * жадный
event 1530 = * щедрый (also event 6209)
event 1540 = * ленивый
event 1550 = * усердный
event 1560 = * завистливый
event 1570 = * добрый
event 1580 = * гневный (also event 272)
event 1590 = * терпеливый (also event 273)
event 1600 = * гордый
event 1610 = * скромный
event 1620 = * коварный
event 1630 = * набожный
event 1640 = * честный
event 1650 = * трус (also event 271)
event 1660 = * храбрый (also event 270)
event 1670 = * застенчивый
event 1680 = * общительный
event 1690 = * амбициозный
event 1700 = * довольный(удовлетворенный)
event 1710 = * капризный деспот
event 1720 = * справедливый (also event 4000)
event 1730 = * циничный
event 6205 = * целомудренный
Убрать черту у ребенка
event 1501 = обжора
event 1511 = умеренный
1521 = жадный
1531 = щедрый
1541 = ленивый
1551 = ленивый
1561 = завистливый
1571 = добрый(также убирает жестокость)
1581 = гневный
1591 = терпеливый
1601 = гордый
1611 = скромный
1621 = коварный
1631 = набожный
1641 = честный
1651 = трус
1661 = храбрый
1671 = застенчивый
1681 = общительный
1691 = амбициозный
1701 = довольный(удовлетворенный)
1711 = капризный деспот
1721 = справедливый
1731 = циничный
6227 = целомудренный
event 6000 = сифилис
event 6001 = без сифилиса
event 6010 = получить лепру (прокаженный)
event 6011 = убрать лепру (прокаженный) за 25 монет.
event 6020 = запустить событие лунатизм, но потерять стресс и депрессию
event 6021 = убрать лунатизм
event 6030 = получить одержимость (не мусульмане)
event 6031 = потерять одержимость (не мусульмане)
event 6032 = получить одержимость (мусульмане)
event 6033 = потерять одержимость (мусульмане)
event 6040 = стресс
event 6041 = нет стресса
event 6050 = депрессия
event 6051 = нет депрессии
event 6060 = больной
event 6061 = не больной
event 6070 = пневмония
event 6071 = нет пневмонии
event 6080 = получить черту раненый (также event 243) – полезно для удаления черты изувеченный
event 6081 = излечить ранение, получить черту «шрамы»
event 6100 = немощный
event 6110 = немощь проходит, появляется недееспособность
event 6111 = убрать чахотку
event 6112 = убрать лихорадку
event 6113 = убрать лагерную лихорадку (тиф)
event 6114 = убрать чуму
event 6115 = убрать корь
event 6116 = убрать оспу
event 244 = получить увечье
event 245 = стать недееспособным
event 61160 = убрать недееспособность
Рандомные события
event 913 = сфабриковать претензию (канцер).
event 923 = мастер строитель (управляющий).
event 926 = великий философ (духовник).
event 927 = стать еретиком.
event 20320 = украсть технологию в провинции, где находится армия во главе с правителем.
event 20260 = получить баллы культуры за монеты.
event 55000 = сменить культуру в провинции. (Без , культура меняется только в столице провинции)
event 55001 = добавить пару поселенцев
event 39211 больше не убийца родичей
event 36005 = суицид, (также event 26004, event 242)
event 4055 = событие «дракон», выбор между военным навыком, +15 отношение с в вассалами, временный престиж и плохим мнением.
event 6201 = конвертировать 50 монет в 100 благочестия.
event 6202 = конвертировать 50 престижа в 100 благочестия.
event 246 = прокачать военный навык с бича до нагибатора: misguided warrior > tough soldier > skilled tactician > brilliant strategist
event 900 = конвертировать провинцию, в которой находится армия во главе с правителем, в свою религию.
event 20131 = получить сильную претензию на графство, в котором находится армия в главе с правителем.
event 20133 тоже самое, но для графства
event 9004 = распустить фракцию
event 62320 = Халявный отряд (the old god)
event 62321 = Халявный отряд + Герой™ (the old god)
event 8500 – создать цепочку событий, которая позволит основать госпитальеров…
event 8600 — …храмовников
event 8700 – …тевтонский орден
Так же вас могут заинтересовать другие материалы по Crusader Kings 2, которые вы сможете найти в нашем архиве читов.
Представляем вам список всех актуальных кодов, с помощью которых можно получить огромный набор преимуществ. Читы на изменение навыков, претензии, черты персонажей, болезни, артефакты и многое другое в CK 2.
Коды в этой игре делятся на две категории. Первый тип – это обычные консольные команды. Вводите некоторую комбинацию в Crusader Kings 2, жмёте Enter и эффект моментально применяется.
Второй тип команд – это события (events). Дело в том, что в CK 2 есть большое количество различных внутриигровых событий, многие из которых дают очень весомые эффекты, поэтому используются в качестве читов. Подробнее о командах такого типа можно узнать на посвященным им страницах.
Кроме того, некоторые консольные команды в Crusader Kings 2 являются переключателями, то есть повторным введением их эффект можно отменить. По наличию пометки вы можете распознать такие коды для CK 2 в таблице.
Как вводить любые читы в Crusader Kings 2
Все команды прописываются с помощью консоли. Чтобы открыть её и начать вводить коды, во время игры в CK 2 при английской раскладке нажмите ~ (тильда). Если консоль не открывается — переключите раскладку клавиатуры, скорее всего у вас стоит русский язык.
Таблица со всеми читами для Crusader Kings 2
Вводимый код | Результат выполнения |
charinfo 1 | Отображает идентификатор и другие скрытые данные персонажа при наведении на портрет. Поможет в применении остальных консольных команд |
add_diplomacy [ID персонажа] [число] | Изменяет уровень дипломатии (не более 100, как и у следующих) |
add_intrigue [ID персонажа] [число] | Устанавливает навык интриги указанного человека в CK 2 |
add_learning [ID персонажа] [число] | Изменяет уровень образованности |
add_martial [ID персонажа] [число] | Устанавливает навык военного ремесла |
add_stewardship [ID персонажа] [число] | Чит-код изменяет навык управления в Crusader Kings 2 |
age [ID персонажа] +/-[число] | Позволяет изменять возраст в ту или иную сторону. Например, +20 или -15 |
banish [ID персонажа] | Изгоняет указанного человека из вашего двора |
capital [ID провинции] | Столица переносится в указанную область в CK 2 |
cash [число] | Добавляет вам золото (5000, если не указать значение) |
clr_focus [ID персонажа] | Убирает у выбранного человека его текущий фокус |
claim [ID провинции] [ID персонажа] | Чит-код позволяет сфабриковать претензии на указанную область в Crusader Kings 2 |
culture [ID персонажа] | Изменяет культуру у выбранного человека |
decadence +/-[число] | Изменяет уровень упадка мусульманской династии. Например, +10 или -5 |
infamy [число] | Устанавливает ваш уровень бесчестия в CK 2 |
enable_ambition [ID персонажа] | Позволяет указанному человеку отказаться от амбиции и выбрать новую |
give_birth [ID персонажа] | Заставляет беременную женщину мгновенно родить |
imprison [ID персонажа] [ID персонажа] | Чит-код отправляет первого человека в тюрьму ко второму человеку в Crusader Kings 2 |
kill [ID персонажа] | Вызывает мгновенную гибель выбранного человека |
move [ID персонажа] [ID персонажа] | Перемещает первого человека (он не должен иметь земли) во двор ко второму |
neg_opinion [ID персонажа] [ID персонажа] | Первый человек станет гораздо хуже относиться ко второму |
piety [число] | Добавляет благочестие в CK 2 (5000, если не указать значение) |
die | Вызовет для вас смерть без внешних причин |
play [ID персонажа] | Чит-код переключает игру на указанного человека в Crusader Kings 2. Удаляет вашу хронику при каждом переключении |
prestige [число] | Добавляет престиж (5000, если не ввести значение) |
score [число] | Увеличивает ваше количество очков в CK 2 |
secret_religion [ID персонажа] [религия] | Устанавливает тайное верование у выбранного человека |
techpoints | Добавляет по 1000 очков во всех научных областях |
religion [ID персонажа] [религия] | Меняет религию у указанного человека |
allow_laws | Чит-код мгновенное принятие любых законов в Crusader Kings 2 |
real_fathers | Показывает настоящих отцов в семейном древе |
discover_plots | Включает автоматическое обнаружение заговоров |
quickbuild | Строительство в CK 2 занимает всего один день |
fow [ID провинции] | Снимает туман войны с области. Можно её не указывать, и тогда видно будет всю карту |
marry_anyone | Позволяет вступать в брак с кем угодно (в том числе и с родственниками) |
murder [ID персонажа] [ID персонажа] | Чит-код заставляет первого человека совершить убийство второго в Crusader Kings 2 |
pollinate [ID персонажа] [ID персонажа] | Создаёт беременность. Первой по очереди стоит мать, затем отец |
cuckoo [ID персонажа] [ID персонажа] | На беременность с неизвестным отцом. Первой по очереди стоит мать, затем отец |
add_lover [ID персонажа] [ID персонажа] | Указанные люди в CK 2 станут любовниками |
add_friend/remove_friend [ID персонажа] [ID персонажа] | Начинает или завершает соответственно дружбу между выбранными людьми. Если укажете только одного человека, эффект применится к вам |
add_rival/remove_rival [ID персонажа] [ID персонажа] | Начинает или завершает соответственно соперничество между указанными людьми. Если укажете только одного человека, эффект применится к вам |
show_all_societies | Чит-код показывает все общества в их списке в Crusader Kings 2 |
observe | Переключает в режим наблюдателя без игры за какого-либо человека |
favor_get/favor_grant [ID персонажа] | Делает вас должником выбранного человека или делает его вашим должником соответственно |
join_society/leave_society [общество] | Присоединиться или выйти из общества в CK 2 соответственно |
society_rank_up/down [число] | Повысить или понизить ранг в обществе на указанное количество ступеней (1, если не ввести значение) |
society_currency [число] | Добавляет уровень могущества в обществе (5000, если не ввести значение) |
set_society_grandmaster | Чит-код делает вас главой общества в Crusader Kings 2 |
province_religion [ID провинции] [религия] | Устанавливает религию области в CK 2 |
add_offmap_currency offmap_china [число] | Добавляет милость Китайского Императора |
Другие читы на преимущества в Crusader Kings 2
Возможности схитрить в этой игре не ограничиваются вышеперечисленным списком команд. Предлагаем попробовать ещё несколько уникальных наборов кодов и прочих вариантов получения преимуществ в стратегии CK 2.
Список полезных и интересных событий
В Crusader Kings 2 регулярно что-то происходит, как позитивное, так и негативное. Самые полезные события можно применять как читы. Обогащение, происшествия, сюжетные линии и другое. Узнать подробнее.
Добавление и удаление черт характера
Личности персонажей в CK 2 формируются множеством особенностей. Характер, религия, военные навыки, образование и многое другое. Разумеется, всё это без труда можно получать и удалять командами. Узнать подробнее.
Все заболевания и увечья персонажей
Кроме характера, в игре есть проблемы со здоровьем и генетические преимущества либо недостатки. Кодами вы можете добавить любому персонажу в Crusader Kings 2 увечья, отклонения и так далее. Узнать подробнее.
Все полезные предметы и артефакты
Другим важным аспектом CK 2 являются артефакты, оказывающие серьёзное влияние на персонажей. Читы позволят получить для вашего персонажа любые из них, включая оружие. Узнать подробнее.
Перечень идентификаторов провинций
Некоторые коды требуют идентификаторы территорий, на которые будет оказано действие. Внутри игры получить их невозможно, поэтому приводим для вас полный список провинций, имеющихся в игре. Узнать подробнее.
Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.
At least some were last verified for version 3.2.
Console commands are instructions to the game that players can use to cheat, experiment, or work around bugs.
Opening the console[edit | edit source]
Keep in mind that the console is not accessible in Ironman!
If you don’t use Ironman for your current game, you can open the console by typing any of the following:
- ` grave accent or backtick
- On US keyboards, located to the left of 1
- on Linux/US international layouts , this is Alt Gr + `
- § section sign
- On German/Nordic keyboards, this is ⇧Shift + 3 This may also be the combo of left shift and the §| key to the left of the number 1 on the number row.
- On Spanish and Italian keyboards, this is is Alt + 2 + 1
- On Portuguese keyboards, this is Alt Gr + 4 or Alt + 0167
- On French keyboards, this is ⇧Shift + ! and Alt + 2 + 1
- On Windows, Alt + NumPad 2 + NumPad 1 enters a §.
- On macOS (US), ⌥Option + 6 enters a §.
List of commands[edit | edit source]
Below is a list of commands and any parameter they accept (in order, if more than one) with a description of what the command will do.
- For «Character» scope, if none is given then it will default to the player (some commands excepted, such as age). Most targeted commands accept character ids as the optional 2nd parameter, notable exceptions are religion/culture which if the character id is added it must be the first parameter («religion orthodox» or «religion 555 orthodox»). If no parameters are listed then assume that it has a single optional character id parameter.
- For «None» scope there is only one way to use it, for «Global» scope it will toggle things globally, example: marry_anyone allows ALL characters to marry anyone.
- Character attributes (diplomacy, intrigue, etc.) normally range from 0-20. However, as the attributes are stored in signed bytes, it ranges from -128 to 127. Correspondingly, the maximum base value a character can achieve is 127. Nonetheless, upon loading a savegame, the base value will be reduced to 100 — if it was above this value.
- <Character ID> can be found by using the Charinfo function and hovering over the person’s name.
- <Province ID> corresponds to the «ID» number found in the chart of Counties.
- Replace spaces in parameter names with underscore (_).
Scope | Command | Alias | Parameter | Parameter | Description |
Character | add_artifact | <Artifact Name> | <Character ID> (OPTIONAL) | Adds an artifact to the given character | |
Character | get_all_artifacts | <Character ID> (OPTIONAL) | Give all artifacts to target character, or the player’s character if no target is specified | ||
Character | destroy_artifact | <Artifact Name> | <Character ID> (OPTIONAL) | Removes an artifact from the given character, destroying it | |
Character | add_diplomacy | <Character ID> | <Delta> | Modifies the base of a character’s diplomacy attribute | |
Character | add_intrigue | <Character ID> | <Delta> | Modifies the base of a character’s intrigue attribute | |
Character | add_learning | <Character ID> | <Delta> | Modifies the base of a character’s learning attribute | |
Character | add_martial | <Character ID> | <Delta> | Modifies the base of a character’s martial attribute | |
Character | add_stewardship | <Character ID> | <Delta> | Modifies the base of a character’s stewardship attribute | |
Character | add_offmap_currency | <Offmap Power> | <Amount> | Gives the player currency with the specified offmap power. For example, to add grace with China: add_offmap_currency offmap_china 5000 | |
Character | add_trait | <Trait Name> | <Character ID> | Adds a trait to the character. Opposites traits are checked. Trait names are all lower case. If no character ID is inputted, the trait will be given to the character you are currently playing instead. The same thing also proves true with the remove_trait, add_modifier and remove_modifier commands. | |
Character | remove_trait | <Trait Name> | <Character ID> | Removes a trait from the character | |
Character | add_modifier | <Modifier Name> | <Character ID>, <Days> | Adds a modifier to a character. Input -1 for days to have the modifier become permanent. | |
Character | remove_modifier | <Modifier Name> | <Character ID> | Removes a modifier from a character | |
Character | age | <Character ID> | <Delta> | Modifies a character’s age | |
Character | banish | <Character ID> (banished) | Banishes a character | ||
Character | capital | <Province ID> | Moves player capital to province | ||
Character | clr_moved_capital | <Character ID> (OPTIONAL) | Clears the moved capital-flag of a character. | ||
Character | cash | wealth | <Amount> (OPTIONAL) | Adds gold to the player (default 5000). Putting a — before the amount will subtract that amount instead. | |
Character | claim | <Title Name> | <Character ID> (OPTIONAL) | Gives a claim to yourself or another character | |
Character | coalition | <Character 01 ID> | <Character 02 ID> | <Character 01> starts/joins/leaves a coalition against <Character 02> | |
Character | council_positions | <Character ID or Title Name> | Shows the ai scores of each council position | ||
Character | clr_focus | Clears the focus of the player character | |||
Character | culture | <Character ID> (OPTIONAL) | <Culture> | Sets a character’s culture | |
Character | decadence | <Delta> | Modifies the Decadence of the player’s Dynasty relative to unmodified decadence | ||
Character | decision | <Decision ID> | <Character ID> | Executes a decision | |
Character | die | Die a natural death | |||
Character | enforce_peace | <Amount> | Triggers the enforce peace mechanic in the player’s realm. Council must be empowered, other requirements are waived. <Amount> seems to be ignored, confirmation needed. | ||
Character | liege_enforce_peace | <Amount> | Triggers the enforce peace mechanic in the player’s liege’s realm. Council must be empowered, other requirements are waived. <Amount> seems to be ignored, confirmation needed. | ||
Character | enable_ambition | <Character ID> | Allows a character to pick a new ambition | ||
Character | event | <Event ID> | <Character ID> or <Province ID> | Executes an event for yourself or for another character or province | |
Debug | testevent | <Event ID> | <Character ID> or <Province ID> | Tests an event without triggering it | |
Character | favor_get | <Character ID> | Get a favor from character | ||
Character | favor_grant | <Character ID> | Grant a favor to a character | ||
Character | gfx_culture | <Character ID> (OPTIONAL) | <Culture> | Sets a character’s gfx culture based on default graphical_culture of a culture | |
Character | give_birth | <Character ID> | Forces a pregnant character to instantly give birth | ||
Character | give_title | <Title Name> | <Character ID> | Gives a title to a character | |
Character | infamy | <Delta> | Modifies the player character’s threat | ||
Character | imprison | <Character ID>(jailed) | <Character ID>(jailor) | Imprisons a character by another character | |
Character | join_society | <Society Key> | Join a society. Valid society names are: monastic_order_benedictine, monastic_order_dominican, monastic_order_orthodox, monastic_order_nestorian, monastic_order_monophysite, monastic_order_hindu, monastic_order_buddhist, monastic_order_jain, hermetics, the_assassins, the_satanists, the_trollcrafters, the_cult_of_kali, the_cold_ones, the_plaguebringers, and secret_religious_society_<religion> | ||
Character | leave_society | <Society Key> (OPTIONAL) | Leave a society | ||
Character | log_missing_adjectives | Logs any title that has no adjective loc key defined (E.G., if the title «k_title» is defined, but no loc «k_title_adj» is defined) | |||
Character | kill | <Character ID> | Kills a character | ||
Character | kill_yourself | <Character ID> | Kills your character. Does not work («Not today QA!»). Use die instead.
Character | move | <Character ID>(Mover) | <Character ID>(Move To) | Moves a character to a character’s court | |
Character | neg_opinion | <Character ID>(Hater) | <Character ID>(Hated) | Adds a negative opinion between two characters | |
Character | nickname | <Nickname> | <Character ID> | Gives a character or the player a nickname | |
Character | piety | <Amount> (OPTIONAL) | Adds piety to the player (default 5000) | ||
Character | play | <Character ID> | Switches to play a character (WARNING: This deletes and resets the chronicle of your current character each time you switch.) | ||
Character | prestige | <Amount> (OPTIONAL) | Adds prestige to the player (default 5000) | ||
Character | run | <file name> | Executes script commands from a text file. The file must be in the Documents/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings 2/ folder (as appropriate for your OS). Commands will be executed in the scope of the player’s character. | ||
Character | score | <Amount> (OPTIONAL) | Adds score to the player (default 5000) | ||
Character | techpoints | Adds 1000 technology points of each type to the player | |||
Character | max_tech | <Province ID> (OPTIONAL) | Maxes out tech in all provinces, or in specified province | ||
Character | recalc_succ | <Character ID> | Recalculate the succession for a character or the player | ||
Character | religion | <Character ID> (OPTIONAL) | <Religion> | Sets a character’s religion or player if character not supplied | |
Character | secret_religion | <Character ID> (OPTIONAL) | <Religion> | Sets a character’s secret religion. | |
Character | set_government | <Government Tag> | <Character ID> (OPTIONAL) | Changes government to specified type (accepted inputs are merchant_republic_government, nomadic_government, feudal_government, theocracy_government, tribal_government, republic_government, muslim_government, theocratic_feudal_government, chinese_imperial_government, confucian_bureaucracy, order_government, roman_imperial_government) | |
Character | titleowner | <Title Name> | <Character ID> (OPTIONAL) | Reports or sets the holder of a title. Does not include tribal capital holdings. | |
Character | validate_government | <Character ID> (OPTIONAL) | Validates government of a character | ||
Character | validate_laws | <Character ID> | Validates the laws of a characters primary holding | ||
Character | validate_lieges | <Title Name> | Validates the liege of a title | ||
Character | set_char_flag | <Flag> | <Character ID>(OPTIONAL) | Sets a flag for a character | |
Character | clr_char_flag | <Flag> | <Character ID>(OPTIONAL) | Clears a flag from a character | |
Character | set_society_grandmaster | <Character ID> (OPTIONAL) | Sets the grandmaster of the society you’re in to the given character | ||
Character | show_all_societies | Shows all societies in list of society view | |||
Character | society_rank_up | <Amount> (OPTIONAL) | Ranks player up in society (default 1) | ||
Character | society_rank_down | <Amount> (OPTIONAL) | Ranks player down in society (default 1) | ||
Character | society_currency | <Amount> (OPTIONAL) | Adds society currency to the player (default 5000) | ||
Character | quickbuild | Player’s constructions are finished immediately | |||
Character | usurp | <Title Name> | <Character ID> | Sets a title to be usurped by a character; if title currently does not exist, creates the title instead. | |
Global | activate_artifacts | All artifacts are always active regardless of activation triggers. Disabled as of at least 3.0.0. | |||
Global | allow_laws | Toggles the ability to change laws freely | |||
Global | real_fathers | Shows the true fathers in the family tree | |||
Global | charinfo | debug_mode | <Character ID> |
Global | de_jure_counties | Shows de jure counties map mode | |||
Global | discover_plots | Toggles auto plot discovery | |||
Global | fow | <Province ID> (OPTIONAL) | Turns off fog of war in a province or in general | ||
Global | game_speed | <Speed> | Sets the game speed, from 0 to 4 | ||
Global | game_paused | <true/false> (OPTIONAL) | Toggles/sets the game paused state, argument must be lowercase | ||
Global | get_offmap_holder | <Offmap Power> | Displays the name and character id of the current holder of an offmap power | ||
Global | set_offmap_status | <Offmap Power> | <Status> | Sets the status of the specified offmap power (e.g. china_stable, china_unrest…) | |
Global | set_offmap_policy | <Offmap Power> | <Policy> | Sets the policy of the specified offmap power (e.g. china_open, china_isolationist, china_expansionist) | |
Global | kill_offmap_ruler | <Offmap Power> | Kills the ruler specified offmap power | ||
Global | kill_offmap_dynasty | <Offmap Power> | Kills the ruler specified offmap power, and generates a new one of a different dynasty | ||
Global | manpower | <Amount> (OPTIONAL) | Adds nomadic manpower to a nomad player character (default 5000) | ||
Global | population | <Amount> (OPTIONAL) | Adds nomadic population to a nomad player character (default 5000) | ||
Global | marry_anyone | Toggles the ability to marry anyone | |||
Global | morehumans | humans | <Amount> | Adds more humans | |
Global | neg_diplo | Toggles the ability to send diplomatic messages that will be refused | |||
Global | nextsong | Changes the currently playing soundtrack | |||
Global | listsongs | Shows all available songs | |||
Global | outbreak | <Disease> | Starts specified disease outbreak in a random province. Black Death may only start in Kundina and Jiuquan | ||
Global | plots_known | Toggles all plots to always be known | |||
Global | recalc_council | Will recalc the council positions of each council member | |||
Global | reload_succession_voting | Reloads succession voting patterns | |||
Global | set_flag | <Flag> | Sets a global flag | ||
Global | clr_flag | <Flag> | Clears a global flag | ||
Global | set_prov_flag | <Flag> | <Province ID> | Sets a flag for a province | |
Global | clr_prov_flag | <Flag> | <Province ID> | Clears a flag from a province | |
Global | validate_cultural_names | Validates cultural title names | |||
Global | spawn_disease | <Disease> | <Province ID> | Spawn specified disease in chosen province. Black Death will start in either Kundina or Jiuquan | |
None | character_stats | Displays various game statistics, such as number of characters, plots, and fertility. | |||
None | dynasty_stats | Displays various dynasty statistics, including the number of unique dynasties and how many historical dynasties have died off. | |||
None | destroy_settlement | <Title Name> | Destroys a holding. Takes a barony title (b_<name>) or destroys the capital of a county title (c_<name>) | ||
None | murder | <Character ID>(Murderer) | <Character ID>(Victim) | One character attempts to murder another. Takes two more optional arguments: [<Auto success>( 1/0 )] [<Auto discover>( 1/0 )] | |
None | pollinate | <Character ID>(Mother) | <Character ID>(Father) | Impregnates a character by another character | |
None | cuckoo | <Character ID>(Mother) | <Character ID>(Father) | Impregnates a character by another character, father unknown | |
None | revolt | <Province ID> | Starts a Revolt in a province | ||
None | succ | <Succession Type> | Changes the succession type (WARNING: Dangerous). Valid values: gavelkind, elective_gavelkind, tanistry, seniority, primogeniture, feudal_elective, ultimogeniture, turkish_succession, papal_succession, appointment, open_elective, catholic_bishopric, patrician_elective, nomad_succession, offmap_succession | ||
None | add_lover | <Character ID> | <Character ID> | Makes a character the lover of another character | |
None | add_friend | <Character 01 ID> | <Character 02 ID> (OPTIONAL) | Makes the character your friend | |
None | remove_friend | <Character 01 ID> | <Character 02 ID> (OPTIONAL) | Removes the character as your friend | |
None | add_rival | <Character 01 ID> | <Character 02 ID> (OPTIONAL) | Makes a character your rival | |
None | remove_rival | <Character 01 ID> | <Character 02 ID> (OPTIONAL) | Removes the character as your rival | |
None | flip_mapmodes | Cycles to the next map mode each day | |||
None | province_religion | prov_rel | <Province ID> | <Religion> | Sets a province’s religion |
None | run_commands_from_file | rcff, runcmdff | <File Name> | Reads a file where each line is executed as a console command | |
Debug | clear | Clears the console | |||
Debug | debug_ai | <Character ID> | recalc (OPTIONAL) | Displays AI strategy for a character (empty ID to turn off) | |
Debug | debug_aistrength | Prints some AI Strength data | |||
Debug | debug_assert | Toggles asserts on/off | |||
Debug | debug_bloom | Toggles Bloom on/off | |||
Debug | debug_borders | Toggles Borders on/off | |||
Debug | debug_crash | Force game to crash | |||
Debug | debug_citysprawl | Toggles Citysprawl on/off | |||
Debug | debug_dumpevents | Dump Event data to dump_events.txt | |||
Debug | debug_events | Start Counting events | |||
Debug | debug_hires | Toggles Terrain Hires mode on/off | |||
Debug | debug_info | Toggles Debug info | |||
Debug | debug_lines | Toggles Debuglines | |||
Debug | debug_lockcamera | Toggles Camera locked on/off | |||
Debug | debug_name | Generates names for provinces | |||
Debug | debug_nogui | Toggles GUI on/off | |||
Debug | debug_nomen | noman, nomen, nm | Toggles Nomen | ||
Debug | debug_nomouse | Toggles mouse scrollwheel on/off | |||
Debug | debug_postfx | Toggles PostFX on/off | |||
Debug | debug_rivers | Toggles Rivers on/off | |||
Debug | debug_sky | Toggles Sky on/off | |||
Debug | debug_smooth | Toggle framesmoothing | |||
Debug | debug_terrain | Toggles Terrain on/off | |||
Debug | debug_textures | Writes Texture info to application debug log | |||
Debug | debug_ti | Toggles Terra Incognita on/off | |||
Debug | debug_tooltip | Toggles Tooltips on/off | |||
Debug | debug_trees | Toggles Trees on/off | |||
Debug | debug_triggerassert | Force game to throw an assert | |||
Debug | debug_volume | <Volume Delta> | Modifies music volume | ||
Debug | debug_water | Toggles Water on/off | |||
Debug | debug_wireframe | Toggles forced wireframe on/off | |||
Debug | debug_yesmen | yesman, yesmen, ym | Toggles Yesmen; the AI will accept all diplomatic offers from the user. For example, request invasions from the Pope. | ||
Debug | debug_zoom | Zooms in the game | |||
Debug | eventinfo | Prints the number of running events (adds debug info to character status info) | |||
Debug | guibounds | gui | Toggles GUI bounds debug | ||
Debug | fullscreen | Toggles fullscreen | |||
Debug | hello | <Character ID or Title Name> | Opens the character screen or title screen | ||
Debug | help | <Command Name> (OPTIONAL) | Print out all console commands or a specific command description | ||
Debug | helplog | Print out all console commands to game.log | |||
Debug | noai | Toggles AI | |||
Debug | numcoas | Prints the number of used coat of arms | |||
Debug | observe | Switches to observer mode, by playing no character at all, and no longer shows messages or pauses the game. Ctrl+clicking a character takes partial control, pausing only on succession and call-to-arms. | |||
Debug | print_player_events | Print all player events to player_events.txt | |||
Debug | print_ai_events | Print all ai events to ai_events.txt | |||
Debug | print_global_flags | pgf | Print all global flags | ||
Debug | print_global_variables | print_global_vars, pgv | Print all global variables | ||
Debug | print_holding_numbers | Prints the number of holdings defined for each non-wasteland county, sorted by # of holdings. Useful if you want to ensure all counties can support up to 7 slots. | |||
Debug | print_randomlog | Dumps content of the randomlog to randomlog.log | |||
Debug | refresh_portraits | Sets all character portraits to be refreshed asap | |||
Debug | reload | <File Name> | Reloads the gui or lua file | ||
Debug | reloadevents | Reloads the event database | |||
Debug | reloadfx | map/mapname/postfx or *.fx filename | Reloads the shader | ||
Debug | reloadgovernmentflavor | Reloads the government flavor | |||
Debug | reloadinterface | Reloads the entire interface | |||
Debug | reloadloc | Reloads the localisation | |||
Debug | reloadpositions | Reloads the council position database | |||
Debug | reloadtexture | <Texture File Name> | Reloads the specified texture | ||
Debug | save_without_ironman | <Save Name> | Saves the current game without Ironman | ||
Debug | spawnactor | <Actorname> | <Animation> (OPTIONAL) | <Title Name> OPTIONAL Spawns an actor with an optional animation and tabard title | |
Debug | timer | Prints out debug timing info | |||
Debug | timer_start | Starts debug timing | |||
Debug | timer_restart | Restarts (resets and starts) debug timing | |||
Debug | timer_reset | Resets debug timing | |||
Debug | timer_stop | Stops debug timing | |||
Debug | timer_dump | Dumps debug timing info | |||
Debug | ct | Puts timer info in clipboard | |||
Debug | version | Print out current version of the game | |||
Debug | window | wnd | <open/close> | <window name> | Opens or closes the specified window |
Debug | wipe_achievements | Wipe out all CK2 Steam achievements. WARNING: CANNOT BE UNDONE! |
Variables[edit | edit source]
- Character ID: Found using the ‘charinfo’ command. It is listed on with the usual mouse-over stats.
- Province ID: See provinces
- Title Name:
- Found using the ‘charinfo’ command. Hovering over a title’s shield/coat-of-arms shows you the name of the title as ‘Tag’.
- Titles follow a convention. It is usually a predictable name with Empires starting with «e_», Kingdoms with «k_», Duchies with «d_», Counties with «c_», and Settlements (baronies/bishoprics/cities/patrician houses) with «b_».
- An example would be e_britannia for «Empire of Britannia».
- Some exceptions exist. For example:
- e_hre for the Holy Roman Empire
- d_western_isles for the duchy of the isles
- c_french_leon for the county of Leon in Brittany
- b_st_davids for the bishopric of Tyddewi in Dyfed
- Be aware, that other cultures may have different names for the same titles!
- Refer to common/landed_titles/landed_titles.txt for titles that can neither be found in game, nor guessed.
- Nickname: See nicknames, format is nick_the_xxx
- Trait Name: See traits
- Settlement Name: see Title Name above. Only titles starting with «b_» or «c_» are settlements.
- Disease Name: One of the epidemic diseases
Cheats are activated by typing the crusader kings console command. into the console, then pressing
` seems to be the most common option for opening the cheat console; § + Shift, Alt + 2 1, or Alt + 0167 may also work. The cheat console is a transparent overlay over the character’s tab.
This will NOT work in IronMan Mode. To view a searchable list of ALL commands, see .
Common cheats[]
This is a collection of all common non-event cheats. Every cheat with Character ID or Province ID defaults to your character or capital province. Either debug_mode or charinfo is necessary to get the exact character or title IDs.
General cheats[]
Console Commands | Effects | Example | DLC needed |
help | Lists most of the commands. | — | |
help <command> | Explains what a certain command does. Not for event commands. | help techpoints | — |
clear | Clears console. | — | |
nextsong | Changes music. | — | |
debug_mode | Toggles to debug mode. Shows you all informations about provinces and characters. | — | |
charinfo | Basically like debug_mode. Shows you relevant infos about characters and lands. | — | |
observe | Allows you to *observe* the game without playing. Use the command play <character ID> to get back into gameplay. May crash your game. | — | |
play <character ID> | Makes player change character. Without corrosponding DLCs the game will end. Theocratic characters can’t be played. | play 1234 | — |
charinfo all | Shows debug information about characters including character ID. | — | |
fow | Toggles ‘fog of war’. | — | |
quickbuild | Buildings will be finished within a day. | — | |
marry_anyone | Toggle ability to marry anyone. No negative character traits like lunatic or inbred. | — | |
succ <succession type> | Changes succession laws.
WARNING: Entering non-existing law will set it to none. |
— | |
allow_laws | Toggle changing laws freely. Only works on crown laws. | — | |
techpoints | Gives you a 1,000 techpoints. (No additional parameter) | — | |
infamy <amount> | Adds or reduces your threat level instantly. Positive respectively negative amount. | infamy -10 | — |
cash <amount> | Gives you gold. Without an amount it will be 5,000 by default. | cash 25000 | — |
prestige <amount> | Gives you prestige. Without an amount it will be 5,000 by default. | prestige 1000 | — |
piety <amount> | Gives you piety. Without an amount it will be 5,000 by default. | piety 666 | — |
population <amount> | Increases or decreases your population. | population 10000 | Horse Lords DLC |
manpower | Increases or decreases your manpower for your army. | manpower -100 | Horse Lords DLC |
revolt <province ID> | Causes a revolt in a certain province | — | |
plots_known | Toggle plot visibility | — | |
discover_plots | Toggle plot omniscience. | — | |
neg_diplo | Toggles sending of diplomatic proposals that will be refused. | — | |
real_fathers | Enables and disables (toggles) true fathers being shown in the characters family tree. | — |
Note: Amounts can be either positive or negative. Depending on whether you want to increasing or reducing certain values. Do mind that extensive numbers will make the game flip them to negative amounts. It may also crash your game.
Character cheat[]
Console Command | Effect | Example | DLC needed |
hello <character ID> | Shows character’s page. | hello 1234 | — |
move <character ID> | Forces a certain character to your court. | move 1234 | — |
banish <character ID> | Banishs a character from your lands. Said character moves to a foreign court. | banish 1234 | — |
imprison <character ID> | Locks a character up in your dungeon. | imprison 1234 | — |
imprison <prisoner character ID> <jailer character ID> | Puts a character into a specific characters dungeon. | imprison 1234 4321 | — |
kill <character ID> | Character instantly dies of a «natural» death». You can also kill your character with this. | kill 1234 | — |
murder <assassin character ID> <victim character ID> | Character attempts to assassinate another. It can fail and the character will be framed for it. | murder 1234 4321 | — |
age <character ID> <amount> | Ages a particular character by x years. | age 1234 5 | — |
culture <character ID> <culture> | Changes a characters culture. | culture 1234 irish | — |
religion <character ID> <religion> | Changes the religion of a character. | religion 1234 finnish_pagan | — |
add_friend <character ID> | Befriends you. Characters opinion will be a +100. Can also befriend AI-Characters with eachother by adding another character ID: «add_friend <character ID> <character ID>» | add_friend 1234 | — |
add_rival <character ID> | Makes a character your bitter rival. Characters opinion of you will be -100. Can also make two AI-Characters rivals by adding another character ID: «add_rival <character ID> <character ID>» | add_rival 1234 | — |
add_artifact <artifact ID> <character ID> | Give artifact to a character. Requires certain DLCs | — | |
Pregnancy | |||
cuckoo <female character ID> <male character ID> | Impregnates a woman secretly. But the she might spill the beens about it later. First ID is the mother and second ID is the father. | cuckoo 1234 4321 | — |
pollinate <female character ID> <male character ID> | Impregnates a woman. Your wife might get angry with you if it’s no concubine. | pollinate 1234 4321 | — |
Titles (Without character ID claims and titles will be given to your character.) | |||
claim <title ID> <character ID> | Grants a character a strong claim on a county (c_firenze), duchy (d_toscana) or kingdom (k_italy). | claim c_firenze 1234 | — |
give_title <title ID> <character ID> | Gives you a title without having war over it. Including vassals and possessions beneath. Might cause revolts or counties to leave your realm. | title d_bavaria 1234 | — |
titleowner <title ID> <character ID> | Gives you only the title. | title c_malaga 1234 | — |
Character traits and stats[]
Console Command | Effect | Example | DLC needed |
add_trait <trait ID> <character ID> | Adds a trait to this chosen character. | add_trait naive_appeaser 1234 | — |
remove_trait <trait ID> <character ID> | Removes a trait from this chosen character. | remove_trait leper 1234 | — |
add_trait immortal <character ID> | Makes th character invulnerable to death by age or desease. Though the character can still die in battle. | add_trait immortal | — |
add_<stat> <character ID> <amount> | Adds any stat to a certain character. Maximum is a 100 without bonuses from traits. Stats are: diplomacy ; martial ; intrigue ; stewardship ; learning | add_diplomacy 1234 50 | — |
Traits can be looked up ingame using charinfo or debug_mode hovering over certain traits or here.
nickname <Nickname> <Character ID> = Change character nickname (nicknames on bottom of page).
Event cheats[]
event 1000 = lustful/chaste
event 1001 = gluttonous/temperate
event 1003 = charitable/greedy
event 1004 = slothful/diligent
event 1005 = kind/envious (female)
event 1006 = kind/envious (male)
event 1007 = wroth/patient
event 1008 = proud/humble
event 1009 = deceitful/honest
event 1010 = craven/brave
event 1011 = shy/gregarious
event 1012 = ambitious/content
event 1013 = arbitrary/just
event 1014 = cynical/zealous
event 1015 = lustful/chaste (female)
event 1016 = paranoid/trusting
event 1017 = cruel/kind
event 1018 = lustful/chaste (homosexual female)
event 1019 = lustful/chaste (homosexual male)
event TOG.3000 = berserker
event TOG.3105 = varangian
event TOG.3320 = viking (outdated)
event WoL.11206 = lose weak or gain strong
event 1027 = lose lustful
event 1029 = lose chaste
event 1030 = lose temperate (also event 1511)
event 1031 = lose gluttonous
event 1032 = lose charitable (also event 1531)
event 1033 = lose greedy (also event 6208)
event 1034 = lose diligent (also event 1551)
event 1035 = lose slothful (also event 1541)
event 1036 = lose kind (also event 1571)
event 1037 = lose envious (also event 1561)
event 1038 = lose patient (also event 1590)
event 1039 = lose wroth (also event 1581)
event 1040 = lose humble (also event 1611)
event 1041 = lose proud (also event 1601)
event 1042 = lose lustful (also event 6204)
event 1043 = lose honest (also event 1641)
event 1044 = lose deceitful (also event 1620)
event 1045 = lose brave (also event 1661)
event 1046 = lose craven (also event 1651)
event 1047 = lose gregarious (also event 1681)
event 1048 = lose shy (also event 1671)
event 1049 = lose content (also event 1701)
event 1050 = lose ambitious (also event 1691)
event 1051 = lose just (also event 1721)
event 1052 = lose arbitrary (also event 1711)
event 1053 = lose zealous (also event 1631)
event 1054 = lose cynical (also event 1731)
event 1057 = lose paranoid
event 1058 = lose trusting
event 1501 = lose gluttonous (also event 6206)
event 1641 = lose honest
event 1980 = gain homosexual (male)
event 1990 = gain homosexual (female)
event 1985 = lose homosexual (male)
event 1995 = lose homosexual (female)
event 5000 = scholar/mystic paths
event 5002 = scholar
event 5003 = mystic
event 5020 = gardener/impaler paths
event 5024 — impaler
event 5025 — gardener
event 5030 = duelist/poet paths
event 5032 = aspiring poet
event 5033 = aspiring duelist
event 5036 = duelist
event 5037 = poet
event 5040 = hunter/falconer paths
event 5041 = aspiring falconer
event 5042 = aspiring hunter
event 5045 = hunter (works on mods)
event 5046 = falconer (works on mods)
event 5050 = poet/falconer paths (female)
event 5066 = hedonist
event 8300 = gain crusader
event 24501= lustful/celibate+stressed
event HFP.11034 = Robust/Brawny
event CM.6100 <Character ID> = Character goes insane
event CM.6102 <Character ID> = Character goes paranoid
event CM.6104 <Character ID> = Character goes celibate
event CM.6106 <Character ID> = Character becomes zealous
event CM.6108 <Character ID> = Character becomes depressed
event CM.6110 <Character ID> = Character becomes ill or pneumonic
event CM.6112 <Character ID> = Eats for consolation and becomes a glutton
event CM.6114 <Character ID> = Becomes lethargic
event CM.6116 <Character ID> = Becomes shy
event CM.6118 <Character ID> = Becomes craven
event CM.6120 <Character ID> = Becomes content
event CM.6122 <Character ID> = Becomes Hedonist
event CM.6124 <Character ID> = Becomes scholar
event CM.6126 <Character ID> = Becomes mystic
event CM.6128 <Character ID> = Becomes poet
event CM.6130 <Character ID> = Becomes possessed
event CM.6132 <Character ID> = Becomes drunkard
Child Gain Traits[]
event 1500 = gain gluttonous
event 1510 = gain temperate (also event 6207)
event 1520 = gain greedy
event 1530 = gain charitable (also event 6209)
event 1540 = gain slothful
event 1550 = gain diligent
event 1560 = gain envious
event 1570 = gain kind
event 1580 = gain wroth (also event 272)
event 1590 = gain patient (also event 273)
event 1600 = gain proud
event 1610 = gain humble
event 1620 = gain deceitful
event 1630 = gain zealous
event 1640 = gain honest
event 1650 = gain craven (also event 271)
event 1660 = gain brave (also event 270)
event 1670 = gain shy
event 1680 = gain gregarious
event 1690 = gain ambitious
event 1700 = gain content
event 1710 = gain arbitrary
event 1720 = gain just (also event 4000)
event 1730 = gain cynical
event 6205 = gain chaste
Child Lose Traits []
event 1501 = lose gluttonous
event 1511 = lose temperate
event 1521 = lost greedy
event 1531 = lose charitable
event 1541 = lose slothful
event 1551 = lose diligent
event 1561 = lose envious
event 1571 = lose kind (also lose cruel)
event 1581 = lose wroth
event 1591 = lose patient
event 1601 = lose proud
event 1611 = lose humble
event 1621 = lose deceitful
event 1631 = lose zealous
event 1641 = lose honest
event 1651 = lose craven
event 1661 = lose brave
event 1671 = lose shy
event 1681 = lose gregarious
event 1691 = lose ambitious
event 1701 = lose content
event 1711 = lose arbitrary
event 1721 = lose just
event 1731 = lose cynical
event 6227 = lose chaste
event 6000 = gain syphilis trait
event 6001 = lose syphilis trait
event 6010 = gain leper trait
event 6011 = lose leper trait for 25 gold.
event 6020 = gain lunatic event, but lose stressed and depressed traits
event 6021 = lose lunatic trait
event 6030 = gain possessed trait (non-Muslim)
event 6031 = lose possessed trait (non-Muslim)
event 6032 = gain possessed trait (Muslim)
event 6033 = lose possessed trait (Muslim)
event 6040 = gain stressed trait
event 6041 = lose stressed trait
event 6050 = gain depressed trait
event 6051 = lose depressed trait
event 6060 = gain ill trait
event 6061 = lose ill trait
event 6062 = lose sickly trait
event 6070 = gain pneumonic trait
event 6071 = lose pneumonic trait
event 6080 = gain wounded trait (also event 243) — useful for removing maimed trait
event 6081 = lose wounded trait, gain scarred trait
event 6100 = gain infirm trait
event 6110 = lose infirm, gain incapable
event 6111 = lose consumption trait
event 6112 = lose slow fever trait
event 6113 = lose camp fever trait
event 6114 = lose plague trait
event 6115 = lose measles trait
event 6116 = lose smallpox trait
event 244 = gain maimed trait
event 245 = gain incapable trait
event 61160 = lose incapable trait
event 65046 = lose drunkard
event 8156 <Character ID>(Victim) = Poisoned Wine Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 8157 <Character ID>(Victim) = Poisoned Wine Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 8176 <Character ID>(Victim) = Falling Accident Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 8177 <Character ID>(Victim) = Falling Accident Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7706 <Character ID>(Victim) = Archer Ambush Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7707 <Character ID>(Victim) = Archer Ambush Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7726 <Character ID>(Victim) = Manure Explosion Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7727 <Character ID>(Victim) = Manure Explosion Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7746 <Character ID>(Victim) = Infanticide Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7747 <Character ID>(Victim) = Infanticide Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7766 <Character ID>(Victim) = Prison Break Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7767 <Character ID>(Victim) = Prison Break Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7786 <Character ID>(Victim) = Bathtub Drowning Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7787 <Character ID>(Victim) = Bathtub Drowning Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7806 <Character ID>(Victim) = Boating Accident Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7807 <Character ID>(Victim) = Boating Accident Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7826 <Character ID>(Victim) = Poisonous Snake Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7827 <Character ID>(Victim) = Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7846 <Character ID>(Victim) = Balcony Plummet Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7847 <Character ID>(Victim) = Balcony Plummet Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7866 <Character ID>(Victim) = Hunting Accident Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7867 <Character ID>(Victim) = Hunting Accident Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7886 <Character ID>(Victim) = Disguised Highwaymen Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7887 <Character ID>(Victim) = Disguised Highwaymen Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7906 <Character ID>(Victim) = Carriage Accident Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7907 <Character ID>(Victim) = Carriage Accident Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7956 <Character ID>(Victim) = Decadent Debauchery Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7957 <Character ID>(Victim) = Decadent Debauchery Dies, murderer NOT discovered
example: event 7957 2642090 (exclude character ID to victimize human player)
event 61135 = Regency: Ruler, if child, kills Regent
event 88011 = Assassins kill random courtier
event 88019 <Character ID>(Victim) = Assassins warns ruler (ID)
event 88020 <Character ID>(Victim) = Assassins kill ruler (ID)
event 913 = Fabricate claim (Chancellor).
event 923 = Master builder event (Steward).
event 926 = Great philosopher event (Court Chaplain).
event 927 = Makes you heretic.
event 39310 = Makes you a ‘True Christian Knight’
event 6502 = Cat chain begins.
event 20320 = Successful steal technology mission in the province where your leader is stationed.
event 20392 = Random military tech improves 10%.
event 20260 = Increase culture advances.
event 55000 <Province ID> = Turns province into province holders culture. (Without <Province ID> only capital province changes into province holders culture)
event 55001 = Bring in some settlers
event 55010 = A ruler is assimilated by the local culture
event 61161 = Under House Arrest removed = Imprisioned
event 70002 = Ends Grand Tournament (solves endless tournament glitch)
event 75085 = Steward improves economy.
event 20000 = converts region’s religion to rulers religion
event 20048 = Choice between gold & piety
event 20200 = Collects special tithe
event 20410 = Gives levy reinforcement
event 20230 = Master builder (5%)
event 39211 = removes kinslayer
event 88259 <Character ID> = Character is killed in battle
event 70009 <Character ID> = Character is killed in battle
event 61232 <Character ID> = Character Is killed in duel (by character)
Love and Homosexual
event 400 = Gives you the Pregnant trait, your husband is the «father»; however, it doesn’t make you pregnant.
event 401 = Gives you the Pregnant trait, your husband is not the «father»; it doesn’t make you pregnant.
event 402 = Normally fires when you are unmarried and pregnant; it gives you the Pregnancy trait and you lose 50 piety, although it doesn’t actually make you pregnant.
event 403 = Gives your wife Pregnant trait, you are the «father»; however, it doesn’t make her pregnant.
event 404 = Gives your wife the Pregnant trait, you are not the «father»; however, it doesn’t make her pregnant.
event 450 <Character ID> = You begin affair with selected character, only works on your subjects.
Event 451 <char-ID> = Go to a courtiers chamber however firing it without a character ID will initiate it for Bitanem (you go to bed with yourself). So for it to work correctly, you have to put a character ID in.
Ex: event 451 58108
event 24504 = Gives wife the Pregnant trait and the Stressed trait, makes her pregnant after a few months
event 24505 = Imprison random courtier (useful for getting +10 relationship bonus for releasing a prisoner)
event 24506 = Imprisons random court/vassal individual
event 64025 = Fall in love with your spouse.
event 64055 <Character ID>(Child) <Character ID>(Courtier) = Child has teenage infatuation wth courtier.
event WoL.530 Maidservant Lover event. High chance of «Lover’s Pox.» Recommend saving game first.
event WoL.560 Nymph Lover event.High chance of »Scarred».Recommend saving game first.
event WoL.562=Nymph Lover gets pregnant and leaves baby in the bush.
event TOG.3109 <your son’s ID> = your son want to join the varangian
event 36005 = Suicide, (also event 26004, event 242)
event 200 = your character calls a crusade
event 300 = «I am a bastard» event, triggers other events.
event 301 = choice between legitimizing yourself, declaring yourself a bastard,event
event 500 = «royal dues» event, choice between money and prestige event
event 4000 = «Stolen Pigs» event, gives choice between permanent and temporary «just» trait.
event 4005 = «thief» event
event 4010= «Band of Robbers» event, gives choice between -5 prestige and +20 opinion bonus to two councilors.
event 4015= «unfaithful wife» event, gives choice between ignoring it, and having liege deal with problem.
event 4020= «poachers» event, gives chioce between temporary trait giving prestige and random other event to punish the poachers.
event 4035 = «cattle rustlers» event, gives choice between piety, prestige, intrigue temporary traits, or lump piety bonus.
event 4040 = «blasphemy» event, gives small piety temporary trait
event 4045 = «kidnap» event, gives choice between permanent just, cruel or content traits.
event 4050 = «spy» event, gives lump piety, or prestige or martial temporary traits.
event 4055 = «dragon» event, choice between permanent martial bonus, +15 relationship bonus from vassals, temp prestige bonus,and a bad option.
event 4060 = «falconry» event, choice between a relationship bonuses, and a bad choice, and small prestige lump sum.
event 4085= «wolves» event, gives choice between various relationship modifiers, and a temporary «bloodlust» trait.
event 6200 = «voice of jesus» event, lose 30 church opinion, gain temporary monthly prestige bonus.
event 6223 = «voice of satan» event lose 30 church opinion, lose monthly piety
event 6300 = give realm a new law, sets off chain of events
event 6201 = convert 50 gold into 100 piety.
event 6202 = convert 50 prestige into 100 piety.
event 6203 = «holy comet» event.
event 246 = improves characters martial skill: misguided warrior > tough soldier > skilled tactician > brilliant strategist
event 247 = gain 1 martial skill
event 248 = gain 5% bonus military technology growth rate for 1 year
event 250 = capture yourself, do not do with out saving beforehand, as it’s impossible to release yourself from prison.(Alternatively you can use the «play» command and imprison your character from earlier and release yourself then)
event 255 = «unnecessary violence» event, lose prestige and valor.
event 260 = gain 5 prestige
event 261 = soldier courtier appears in your court
event 73009 = A destitute noble FROM a former enemy court ask for permanent hospitality
event 600 = causes rebels to appear in your capital
event 620 = crusade wins
event 621 = crusade loses
event 900 = converts any province where your leader is stationed to your religion
, note that you can convert any province by appointing your character commander of an army and then moving that army to the province you want to convert
event 925 = Works just like event 900, except changes culture not religion.
event 901 = courtier in your court converts to your religion
event SoA.5350 = The Maid event chain
event 10000 = «Merry men» event
event 10101 = «Gate to Hell» event
event 8342 = Find Holy Grail event, get 200 prestige
event 8340 = find Holy Spear event, get 100 prestige
event 8500 = starts crusader order, establishes castile barony under your control.
event 20131 = gives you a strong claim on a county when you have your character leading an army there.
event 20133 gives you a strong claim on the duchy instead. (When leading an army there)
event 100115 = friendship with self or +10% fertility
event 86600 = +1 health
event WoL.5221 = +1 Health (infinite) Dog event.
event 9004 = faction ending
event 65021 = torture random prisoner you may have
event SSI.1 = initiate sunset invasion event chain (requires Sunset Invasion DLC)
event SoA.3000 = initiate spawn of Satan event chain (requires Sons of Abraham DLC)
event HF.199 = initiate child of Destiny event chain
event MNM.7119 = dark healing event, if successful removes most diseases and has a chance to restore missing body parts (requires Monks and Mystics DLC)
event MNM.1460 = Gathering of the Great Minds (Hermetic Society event)
event MNM.1620 = Divine Summoning (Hermetic Society event)
event MNM.1630 = Write a Theoreme Paper (Hermetic Society event)
event MNM.1800 = Gather ingredients (Hermetic Society event)
event MNM.1610 = Write a Magnum Opus — Start Writing (Hermetic Society event)
event MNM.9115 = Calls for a weaponsmith who will craft a weapon in exchange of money.
event RIP.30300 = Calls the Immortal Rival
event RIP.11705 = Adds 1 extra building slot in your capital.
event RIP.4530 = Physician studies at hospital
event RIP.4030 = Physician writing a great book
event WoL.5011 = Fix busy
-To increase your demesne size you can open the file located in common folder named «defines.lua» and edit in notepad the line «DEMESNE_BASE_MAX_SIZE = 1.0» but this will also affect the AI. Best method however is to just add very large amounts of stewardship to your character with the add_stewardship command described above.
Nickname IDs[]
- nick_the_lawgiver
- nick
- nick_lodbrok
- nick_the_boneless
- nick_the_sword_of_god
- nick_the_ironside
- nick_snake_in_the_eye
- nick_whiteshirt
- nick_the_german
- nick_the_usurper
- nick_the_hammer
- nick_the_conqueror
- nick_the_victorious
- nick_the_crusader
- nick_the_holy
- nick_the_avenger
- nick_the_brave
- nick_the_fearless
- nick_the_martyr
- nick_the_unlucky
- nick_the_lucky
- nick_the_restorer
- nick_the_effeminate
- nick_the_clueless
- nick_the_ill_tempered
- nick_the_affable
- nick_the_heathen
- nick_the_liberator
- nick_haardraade
- nick_the_lisp_and_lame
- nick_the_able
- nick_the_kind
- nick_the_good
- nick_the_troubadour
- nick_the_strong
- nick_the_magnanimous
- nick_the_simple
- nick_the_merry
- nick_the_noble
- nick_the_blind
- nick_the_gentle
- nick_the_proud
- nick_the_silent
- nick_the_bastard
- nick_the_gouty
- nick_half_hand
- nick_the_chaste
- nick_the_hunter
- nick_the_fowler
- nick_the_just
- nick_the_lame
- nick_the_handsome
- nick_the_fair
- nick_the_fat
- nick_the_drunkard
- nick_the_cruel
- nick_the_wise
- nick_the_accursed
- nick_the_wicked
- nick_the_bewitched
- nick_priest_hater
- nick_the_pious
- nick_the_apostle
- nick_the_blessed
- nick_the_confessor
- nick_the_monk
- nick_the_lion
- nick_the_lionheart
- nick_the_bold
- nick_the_unready
- nick_the_ill_ruler
- nick_the_terrible
- nick_the_magnificent
- nick_the_quarreller
- nick_the_devil
- nick_the_dragon
- nick_the_careless
- nick_the_young
- nick_the_old
- nick_the_great
- nick_the_half_hand
Other cheats[]
Besides console cheats there are others as well:
Starts the Coronation Event line (Holy Fury) event HF.20200
Free Troops (the old god) = event 62320
Free troops + Hero (the old god) = event 62321
Free Troops (the old god) = event 62322
decadence -25 = Make Your Decadence to 0%
Move (Character ID) = Force Character into Court.
event 8500 — create event chain which allow you to estabilish (or not) knights_hospitaler
event 8600 — same as previous , but for templars
event 8700 — same, but for tetuonics
event TOG.4001- create event chain which allow you to establish Jomsvikings (Norse holy-order)
event RIP.21000 — begins the «search for immortality» event chain. (Reaper’s Due)
infamy -25 — Will boost your threat decay by 25%
Cheats are activated by typing the crusader kings console command. into the console, then pressing
` seems to be the most common option for opening the cheat console; § + Shift, Alt + 2 1, or Alt + 0167 may also work. The cheat console is a transparent overlay over the character’s tab.
This will NOT work in IronMan Mode. To view a searchable list of ALL commands, see .
Common cheats[]
This is a collection of all common non-event cheats. Every cheat with Character ID or Province ID defaults to your character or capital province. Either debug_mode or charinfo is necessary to get the exact character or title IDs.
General cheats[]
Console Commands | Effects | Example | DLC needed |
help | Lists most of the commands. | — | |
help <command> | Explains what a certain command does. Not for event commands. | help techpoints | — |
clear | Clears console. | — | |
nextsong | Changes music. | — | |
debug_mode | Toggles to debug mode. Shows you all informations about provinces and characters. | — | |
charinfo | Basically like debug_mode. Shows you relevant infos about characters and lands. | — | |
observe | Allows you to *observe* the game without playing. Use the command play <character ID> to get back into gameplay. May crash your game. | — | |
play <character ID> | Makes player change character. Without corrosponding DLCs the game will end. Theocratic characters can’t be played. | play 1234 | — |
charinfo all | Shows debug information about characters including character ID. | — | |
fow | Toggles ‘fog of war’. | — | |
quickbuild | Buildings will be finished within a day. | — | |
marry_anyone | Toggle ability to marry anyone. No negative character traits like lunatic or inbred. | — | |
succ <succession type> | Changes succession laws.
WARNING: Entering non-existing law will set it to none. |
— | |
allow_laws | Toggle changing laws freely. Only works on crown laws. | — | |
techpoints | Gives you a 1,000 techpoints. (No additional parameter) | — | |
infamy <amount> | Adds or reduces your threat level instantly. Positive respectively negative amount. | infamy -10 | — |
cash <amount> | Gives you gold. Without an amount it will be 5,000 by default. | cash 25000 | — |
prestige <amount> | Gives you prestige. Without an amount it will be 5,000 by default. | prestige 1000 | — |
piety <amount> | Gives you piety. Without an amount it will be 5,000 by default. | piety 666 | — |
population <amount> | Increases or decreases your population. | population 10000 | Horse Lords DLC |
manpower | Increases or decreases your manpower for your army. | manpower -100 | Horse Lords DLC |
revolt <province ID> | Causes a revolt in a certain province | — | |
plots_known | Toggle plot visibility | — | |
discover_plots | Toggle plot omniscience. | — | |
neg_diplo | Toggles sending of diplomatic proposals that will be refused. | — | |
real_fathers | Enables and disables (toggles) true fathers being shown in the characters family tree. | — |
Note: Amounts can be either positive or negative. Depending on whether you want to increasing or reducing certain values. Do mind that extensive numbers will make the game flip them to negative amounts. It may also crash your game.
Character cheat[]
Console Command | Effect | Example | DLC needed |
hello <character ID> | Shows character’s page. | hello 1234 | — |
move <character ID> | Forces a certain character to your court. | move 1234 | — |
banish <character ID> | Banishs a character from your lands. Said character moves to a foreign court. | banish 1234 | — |
imprison <character ID> | Locks a character up in your dungeon. | imprison 1234 | — |
imprison <prisoner character ID> <jailer character ID> | Puts a character into a specific characters dungeon. | imprison 1234 4321 | — |
kill <character ID> | Character instantly dies of a «natural» death». You can also kill your character with this. | kill 1234 | — |
murder <assassin character ID> <victim character ID> | Character attempts to assassinate another. It can fail and the character will be framed for it. | murder 1234 4321 | — |
age <character ID> <amount> | Ages a particular character by x years. | age 1234 5 | — |
culture <character ID> <culture> | Changes a characters culture. | culture 1234 irish | — |
religion <character ID> <religion> | Changes the religion of a character. | religion 1234 finnish_pagan | — |
add_friend <character ID> | Befriends you. Characters opinion will be a +100. Can also befriend AI-Characters with eachother by adding another character ID: «add_friend <character ID> <character ID>» | add_friend 1234 | — |
add_rival <character ID> | Makes a character your bitter rival. Characters opinion of you will be -100. Can also make two AI-Characters rivals by adding another character ID: «add_rival <character ID> <character ID>» | add_rival 1234 | — |
add_artifact <artifact ID> <character ID> | Give artifact to a character. Requires certain DLCs | — | |
Pregnancy | |||
cuckoo <female character ID> <male character ID> | Impregnates a woman secretly. But the she might spill the beens about it later. First ID is the mother and second ID is the father. | cuckoo 1234 4321 | — |
pollinate <female character ID> <male character ID> | Impregnates a woman. Your wife might get angry with you if it’s no concubine. | pollinate 1234 4321 | — |
Titles (Without character ID claims and titles will be given to your character.) | |||
claim <title ID> <character ID> | Grants a character a strong claim on a county (c_firenze), duchy (d_toscana) or kingdom (k_italy). | claim c_firenze 1234 | — |
give_title <title ID> <character ID> | Gives you a title without having war over it. Including vassals and possessions beneath. Might cause revolts or counties to leave your realm. | title d_bavaria 1234 | — |
titleowner <title ID> <character ID> | Gives you only the title. | title c_malaga 1234 | — |
Character traits and stats[]
Console Command | Effect | Example | DLC needed |
add_trait <trait ID> <character ID> | Adds a trait to this chosen character. | add_trait naive_appeaser 1234 | — |
remove_trait <trait ID> <character ID> | Removes a trait from this chosen character. | remove_trait leper 1234 | — |
add_trait immortal <character ID> | Makes th character invulnerable to death by age or desease. Though the character can still die in battle. | add_trait immortal | — |
add_<stat> <character ID> <amount> | Adds any stat to a certain character. Maximum is a 100 without bonuses from traits. Stats are: diplomacy ; martial ; intrigue ; stewardship ; learning | add_diplomacy 1234 50 | — |
Traits can be looked up ingame using charinfo or debug_mode hovering over certain traits or here.
nickname <Nickname> <Character ID> = Change character nickname (nicknames on bottom of page).
Event cheats[]
event 1000 = lustful/chaste
event 1001 = gluttonous/temperate
event 1003 = charitable/greedy
event 1004 = slothful/diligent
event 1005 = kind/envious (female)
event 1006 = kind/envious (male)
event 1007 = wroth/patient
event 1008 = proud/humble
event 1009 = deceitful/honest
event 1010 = craven/brave
event 1011 = shy/gregarious
event 1012 = ambitious/content
event 1013 = arbitrary/just
event 1014 = cynical/zealous
event 1015 = lustful/chaste (female)
event 1016 = paranoid/trusting
event 1017 = cruel/kind
event 1018 = lustful/chaste (homosexual female)
event 1019 = lustful/chaste (homosexual male)
event TOG.3000 = berserker
event TOG.3105 = varangian
event TOG.3320 = viking (outdated)
event WoL.11206 = lose weak or gain strong
event 1027 = lose lustful
event 1029 = lose chaste
event 1030 = lose temperate (also event 1511)
event 1031 = lose gluttonous
event 1032 = lose charitable (also event 1531)
event 1033 = lose greedy (also event 6208)
event 1034 = lose diligent (also event 1551)
event 1035 = lose slothful (also event 1541)
event 1036 = lose kind (also event 1571)
event 1037 = lose envious (also event 1561)
event 1038 = lose patient (also event 1590)
event 1039 = lose wroth (also event 1581)
event 1040 = lose humble (also event 1611)
event 1041 = lose proud (also event 1601)
event 1042 = lose lustful (also event 6204)
event 1043 = lose honest (also event 1641)
event 1044 = lose deceitful (also event 1620)
event 1045 = lose brave (also event 1661)
event 1046 = lose craven (also event 1651)
event 1047 = lose gregarious (also event 1681)
event 1048 = lose shy (also event 1671)
event 1049 = lose content (also event 1701)
event 1050 = lose ambitious (also event 1691)
event 1051 = lose just (also event 1721)
event 1052 = lose arbitrary (also event 1711)
event 1053 = lose zealous (also event 1631)
event 1054 = lose cynical (also event 1731)
event 1057 = lose paranoid
event 1058 = lose trusting
event 1501 = lose gluttonous (also event 6206)
event 1641 = lose honest
event 1980 = gain homosexual (male)
event 1990 = gain homosexual (female)
event 1985 = lose homosexual (male)
event 1995 = lose homosexual (female)
event 5000 = scholar/mystic paths
event 5002 = scholar
event 5003 = mystic
event 5020 = gardener/impaler paths
event 5024 — impaler
event 5025 — gardener
event 5030 = duelist/poet paths
event 5032 = aspiring poet
event 5033 = aspiring duelist
event 5036 = duelist
event 5037 = poet
event 5040 = hunter/falconer paths
event 5041 = aspiring falconer
event 5042 = aspiring hunter
event 5045 = hunter (works on mods)
event 5046 = falconer (works on mods)
event 5050 = poet/falconer paths (female)
event 5066 = hedonist
event 8300 = gain crusader
event 24501= lustful/celibate+stressed
event HFP.11034 = Robust/Brawny
event CM.6100 <Character ID> = Character goes insane
event CM.6102 <Character ID> = Character goes paranoid
event CM.6104 <Character ID> = Character goes celibate
event CM.6106 <Character ID> = Character becomes zealous
event CM.6108 <Character ID> = Character becomes depressed
event CM.6110 <Character ID> = Character becomes ill or pneumonic
event CM.6112 <Character ID> = Eats for consolation and becomes a glutton
event CM.6114 <Character ID> = Becomes lethargic
event CM.6116 <Character ID> = Becomes shy
event CM.6118 <Character ID> = Becomes craven
event CM.6120 <Character ID> = Becomes content
event CM.6122 <Character ID> = Becomes Hedonist
event CM.6124 <Character ID> = Becomes scholar
event CM.6126 <Character ID> = Becomes mystic
event CM.6128 <Character ID> = Becomes poet
event CM.6130 <Character ID> = Becomes possessed
event CM.6132 <Character ID> = Becomes drunkard
Child Gain Traits[]
event 1500 = gain gluttonous
event 1510 = gain temperate (also event 6207)
event 1520 = gain greedy
event 1530 = gain charitable (also event 6209)
event 1540 = gain slothful
event 1550 = gain diligent
event 1560 = gain envious
event 1570 = gain kind
event 1580 = gain wroth (also event 272)
event 1590 = gain patient (also event 273)
event 1600 = gain proud
event 1610 = gain humble
event 1620 = gain deceitful
event 1630 = gain zealous
event 1640 = gain honest
event 1650 = gain craven (also event 271)
event 1660 = gain brave (also event 270)
event 1670 = gain shy
event 1680 = gain gregarious
event 1690 = gain ambitious
event 1700 = gain content
event 1710 = gain arbitrary
event 1720 = gain just (also event 4000)
event 1730 = gain cynical
event 6205 = gain chaste
Child Lose Traits []
event 1501 = lose gluttonous
event 1511 = lose temperate
event 1521 = lost greedy
event 1531 = lose charitable
event 1541 = lose slothful
event 1551 = lose diligent
event 1561 = lose envious
event 1571 = lose kind (also lose cruel)
event 1581 = lose wroth
event 1591 = lose patient
event 1601 = lose proud
event 1611 = lose humble
event 1621 = lose deceitful
event 1631 = lose zealous
event 1641 = lose honest
event 1651 = lose craven
event 1661 = lose brave
event 1671 = lose shy
event 1681 = lose gregarious
event 1691 = lose ambitious
event 1701 = lose content
event 1711 = lose arbitrary
event 1721 = lose just
event 1731 = lose cynical
event 6227 = lose chaste
event 6000 = gain syphilis trait
event 6001 = lose syphilis trait
event 6010 = gain leper trait
event 6011 = lose leper trait for 25 gold.
event 6020 = gain lunatic event, but lose stressed and depressed traits
event 6021 = lose lunatic trait
event 6030 = gain possessed trait (non-Muslim)
event 6031 = lose possessed trait (non-Muslim)
event 6032 = gain possessed trait (Muslim)
event 6033 = lose possessed trait (Muslim)
event 6040 = gain stressed trait
event 6041 = lose stressed trait
event 6050 = gain depressed trait
event 6051 = lose depressed trait
event 6060 = gain ill trait
event 6061 = lose ill trait
event 6062 = lose sickly trait
event 6070 = gain pneumonic trait
event 6071 = lose pneumonic trait
event 6080 = gain wounded trait (also event 243) — useful for removing maimed trait
event 6081 = lose wounded trait, gain scarred trait
event 6100 = gain infirm trait
event 6110 = lose infirm, gain incapable
event 6111 = lose consumption trait
event 6112 = lose slow fever trait
event 6113 = lose camp fever trait
event 6114 = lose plague trait
event 6115 = lose measles trait
event 6116 = lose smallpox trait
event 244 = gain maimed trait
event 245 = gain incapable trait
event 61160 = lose incapable trait
event 65046 = lose drunkard
event 8156 <Character ID>(Victim) = Poisoned Wine Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 8157 <Character ID>(Victim) = Poisoned Wine Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 8176 <Character ID>(Victim) = Falling Accident Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 8177 <Character ID>(Victim) = Falling Accident Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7706 <Character ID>(Victim) = Archer Ambush Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7707 <Character ID>(Victim) = Archer Ambush Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7726 <Character ID>(Victim) = Manure Explosion Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7727 <Character ID>(Victim) = Manure Explosion Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7746 <Character ID>(Victim) = Infanticide Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7747 <Character ID>(Victim) = Infanticide Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7766 <Character ID>(Victim) = Prison Break Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7767 <Character ID>(Victim) = Prison Break Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7786 <Character ID>(Victim) = Bathtub Drowning Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7787 <Character ID>(Victim) = Bathtub Drowning Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7806 <Character ID>(Victim) = Boating Accident Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7807 <Character ID>(Victim) = Boating Accident Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7826 <Character ID>(Victim) = Poisonous Snake Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7827 <Character ID>(Victim) = Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7846 <Character ID>(Victim) = Balcony Plummet Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7847 <Character ID>(Victim) = Balcony Plummet Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7866 <Character ID>(Victim) = Hunting Accident Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7867 <Character ID>(Victim) = Hunting Accident Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7886 <Character ID>(Victim) = Disguised Highwaymen Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7887 <Character ID>(Victim) = Disguised Highwaymen Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7906 <Character ID>(Victim) = Carriage Accident Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7907 <Character ID>(Victim) = Carriage Accident Dies, murderer NOT discovered
event 7956 <Character ID>(Victim) = Decadent Debauchery Dies, murderer(s) discovered
event 7957 <Character ID>(Victim) = Decadent Debauchery Dies, murderer NOT discovered
example: event 7957 2642090 (exclude character ID to victimize human player)
event 61135 = Regency: Ruler, if child, kills Regent
event 88011 = Assassins kill random courtier
event 88019 <Character ID>(Victim) = Assassins warns ruler (ID)
event 88020 <Character ID>(Victim) = Assassins kill ruler (ID)
event 913 = Fabricate claim (Chancellor).
event 923 = Master builder event (Steward).
event 926 = Great philosopher event (Court Chaplain).
event 927 = Makes you heretic.
event 39310 = Makes you a ‘True Christian Knight’
event 6502 = Cat chain begins.
event 20320 = Successful steal technology mission in the province where your leader is stationed.
event 20392 = Random military tech improves 10%.
event 20260 = Increase culture advances.
event 55000 <Province ID> = Turns province into province holders culture. (Without <Province ID> only capital province changes into province holders culture)
event 55001 = Bring in some settlers
event 55010 = A ruler is assimilated by the local culture
event 61161 = Under House Arrest removed = Imprisioned
event 70002 = Ends Grand Tournament (solves endless tournament glitch)
event 75085 = Steward improves economy.
event 20000 = converts region’s religion to rulers religion
event 20048 = Choice between gold & piety
event 20200 = Collects special tithe
event 20410 = Gives levy reinforcement
event 20230 = Master builder (5%)
event 39211 = removes kinslayer
event 88259 <Character ID> = Character is killed in battle
event 70009 <Character ID> = Character is killed in battle
event 61232 <Character ID> = Character Is killed in duel (by character)
Love and Homosexual
event 400 = Gives you the Pregnant trait, your husband is the «father»; however, it doesn’t make you pregnant.
event 401 = Gives you the Pregnant trait, your husband is not the «father»; it doesn’t make you pregnant.
event 402 = Normally fires when you are unmarried and pregnant; it gives you the Pregnancy trait and you lose 50 piety, although it doesn’t actually make you pregnant.
event 403 = Gives your wife Pregnant trait, you are the «father»; however, it doesn’t make her pregnant.
event 404 = Gives your wife the Pregnant trait, you are not the «father»; however, it doesn’t make her pregnant.
event 450 <Character ID> = You begin affair with selected character, only works on your subjects.
Event 451 <char-ID> = Go to a courtiers chamber however firing it without a character ID will initiate it for Bitanem (you go to bed with yourself). So for it to work correctly, you have to put a character ID in.
Ex: event 451 58108
event 24504 = Gives wife the Pregnant trait and the Stressed trait, makes her pregnant after a few months
event 24505 = Imprison random courtier (useful for getting +10 relationship bonus for releasing a prisoner)
event 24506 = Imprisons random court/vassal individual
event 64025 = Fall in love with your spouse.
event 64055 <Character ID>(Child) <Character ID>(Courtier) = Child has teenage infatuation wth courtier.
event WoL.530 Maidservant Lover event. High chance of «Lover’s Pox.» Recommend saving game first.
event WoL.560 Nymph Lover event.High chance of »Scarred».Recommend saving game first.
event WoL.562=Nymph Lover gets pregnant and leaves baby in the bush.
event TOG.3109 <your son’s ID> = your son want to join the varangian
event 36005 = Suicide, (also event 26004, event 242)
event 200 = your character calls a crusade
event 300 = «I am a bastard» event, triggers other events.
event 301 = choice between legitimizing yourself, declaring yourself a bastard,event
event 500 = «royal dues» event, choice between money and prestige event
event 4000 = «Stolen Pigs» event, gives choice between permanent and temporary «just» trait.
event 4005 = «thief» event
event 4010= «Band of Robbers» event, gives choice between -5 prestige and +20 opinion bonus to two councilors.
event 4015= «unfaithful wife» event, gives choice between ignoring it, and having liege deal with problem.
event 4020= «poachers» event, gives chioce between temporary trait giving prestige and random other event to punish the poachers.
event 4035 = «cattle rustlers» event, gives choice between piety, prestige, intrigue temporary traits, or lump piety bonus.
event 4040 = «blasphemy» event, gives small piety temporary trait
event 4045 = «kidnap» event, gives choice between permanent just, cruel or content traits.
event 4050 = «spy» event, gives lump piety, or prestige or martial temporary traits.
event 4055 = «dragon» event, choice between permanent martial bonus, +15 relationship bonus from vassals, temp prestige bonus,and a bad option.
event 4060 = «falconry» event, choice between a relationship bonuses, and a bad choice, and small prestige lump sum.
event 4085= «wolves» event, gives choice between various relationship modifiers, and a temporary «bloodlust» trait.
event 6200 = «voice of jesus» event, lose 30 church opinion, gain temporary monthly prestige bonus.
event 6223 = «voice of satan» event lose 30 church opinion, lose monthly piety
event 6300 = give realm a new law, sets off chain of events
event 6201 = convert 50 gold into 100 piety.
event 6202 = convert 50 prestige into 100 piety.
event 6203 = «holy comet» event.
event 246 = improves characters martial skill: misguided warrior > tough soldier > skilled tactician > brilliant strategist
event 247 = gain 1 martial skill
event 248 = gain 5% bonus military technology growth rate for 1 year
event 250 = capture yourself, do not do with out saving beforehand, as it’s impossible to release yourself from prison.(Alternatively you can use the «play» command and imprison your character from earlier and release yourself then)
event 255 = «unnecessary violence» event, lose prestige and valor.
event 260 = gain 5 prestige
event 261 = soldier courtier appears in your court
event 73009 = A destitute noble FROM a former enemy court ask for permanent hospitality
event 600 = causes rebels to appear in your capital
event 620 = crusade wins
event 621 = crusade loses
event 900 = converts any province where your leader is stationed to your religion
, note that you can convert any province by appointing your character commander of an army and then moving that army to the province you want to convert
event 925 = Works just like event 900, except changes culture not religion.
event 901 = courtier in your court converts to your religion
event SoA.5350 = The Maid event chain
event 10000 = «Merry men» event
event 10101 = «Gate to Hell» event
event 8342 = Find Holy Grail event, get 200 prestige
event 8340 = find Holy Spear event, get 100 prestige
event 8500 = starts crusader order, establishes castile barony under your control.
event 20131 = gives you a strong claim on a county when you have your character leading an army there.
event 20133 gives you a strong claim on the duchy instead. (When leading an army there)
event 100115 = friendship with self or +10% fertility
event 86600 = +1 health
event WoL.5221 = +1 Health (infinite) Dog event.
event 9004 = faction ending
event 65021 = torture random prisoner you may have
event SSI.1 = initiate sunset invasion event chain (requires Sunset Invasion DLC)
event SoA.3000 = initiate spawn of Satan event chain (requires Sons of Abraham DLC)
event HF.199 = initiate child of Destiny event chain
event MNM.7119 = dark healing event, if successful removes most diseases and has a chance to restore missing body parts (requires Monks and Mystics DLC)
event MNM.1460 = Gathering of the Great Minds (Hermetic Society event)
event MNM.1620 = Divine Summoning (Hermetic Society event)
event MNM.1630 = Write a Theoreme Paper (Hermetic Society event)
event MNM.1800 = Gather ingredients (Hermetic Society event)
event MNM.1610 = Write a Magnum Opus — Start Writing (Hermetic Society event)
event MNM.9115 = Calls for a weaponsmith who will craft a weapon in exchange of money.
event RIP.30300 = Calls the Immortal Rival
event RIP.11705 = Adds 1 extra building slot in your capital.
event RIP.4530 = Physician studies at hospital
event RIP.4030 = Physician writing a great book
event WoL.5011 = Fix busy
-To increase your demesne size you can open the file located in common folder named «defines.lua» and edit in notepad the line «DEMESNE_BASE_MAX_SIZE = 1.0» but this will also affect the AI. Best method however is to just add very large amounts of stewardship to your character with the add_stewardship command described above.
Nickname IDs[]
- nick_the_lawgiver
- nick
- nick_lodbrok
- nick_the_boneless
- nick_the_sword_of_god
- nick_the_ironside
- nick_snake_in_the_eye
- nick_whiteshirt
- nick_the_german
- nick_the_usurper
- nick_the_hammer
- nick_the_conqueror
- nick_the_victorious
- nick_the_crusader
- nick_the_holy
- nick_the_avenger
- nick_the_brave
- nick_the_fearless
- nick_the_martyr
- nick_the_unlucky
- nick_the_lucky
- nick_the_restorer
- nick_the_effeminate
- nick_the_clueless
- nick_the_ill_tempered
- nick_the_affable
- nick_the_heathen
- nick_the_liberator
- nick_haardraade
- nick_the_lisp_and_lame
- nick_the_able
- nick_the_kind
- nick_the_good
- nick_the_troubadour
- nick_the_strong
- nick_the_magnanimous
- nick_the_simple
- nick_the_merry
- nick_the_noble
- nick_the_blind
- nick_the_gentle
- nick_the_proud
- nick_the_silent
- nick_the_bastard
- nick_the_gouty
- nick_half_hand
- nick_the_chaste
- nick_the_hunter
- nick_the_fowler
- nick_the_just
- nick_the_lame
- nick_the_handsome
- nick_the_fair
- nick_the_fat
- nick_the_drunkard
- nick_the_cruel
- nick_the_wise
- nick_the_accursed
- nick_the_wicked
- nick_the_bewitched
- nick_priest_hater
- nick_the_pious
- nick_the_apostle
- nick_the_blessed
- nick_the_confessor
- nick_the_monk
- nick_the_lion
- nick_the_lionheart
- nick_the_bold
- nick_the_unready
- nick_the_ill_ruler
- nick_the_terrible
- nick_the_magnificent
- nick_the_quarreller
- nick_the_devil
- nick_the_dragon
- nick_the_careless
- nick_the_young
- nick_the_old
- nick_the_great
- nick_the_half_hand
Other cheats[]
Besides console cheats there are others as well:
Starts the Coronation Event line (Holy Fury) event HF.20200
Free Troops (the old god) = event 62320
Free troops + Hero (the old god) = event 62321
Free Troops (the old god) = event 62322
decadence -25 = Make Your Decadence to 0%
Move (Character ID) = Force Character into Court.
event 8500 — create event chain which allow you to estabilish (or not) knights_hospitaler
event 8600 — same as previous , but for templars
event 8700 — same, but for tetuonics
event TOG.4001- create event chain which allow you to establish Jomsvikings (Norse holy-order)
event RIP.21000 — begins the «search for immortality» event chain. (Reaper’s Due)
infamy -25 — Will boost your threat decay by 25%