A lot of hype surrounds Cyberpunk 2077’s vast character customization options, but are players able to alter physical appearances later in the game?
Fans have been praising the vast customization options for CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077, and for good reason. Outside of typical skin tone, face shape, hairstyles, makeup, tattoos, piercings, and scars, players can also give protagonist V cyber augmentations and even go so far as to tailor the character’s genitals. Yet how permanent are these changes once players start prowling around Night City?
Outside of physical appearance, players can choose three different Cyberpunk lifepaths — Corpo, Nomad, or Street Kid — which not only dictate where the player will start in Night City but also affects future scenarios throughout the game. Additionally, players can assign points to specific attributes and stats in Cyberpunk 2077 (Body, Intelligence, Reflexes, Technical Ability, and Cool) which all come with their own perks.
While so much time and consideration can go into personalizing V, players spend a majority of their gameplay in third person. This means seeing very little of one’s character outside of the hands. Only when driving a vehicle do players have the option to switch to third person, and even then the character is hard to see unless riding a motorcycle. Players can see their avatar in the inventory screen, in photo mode, or when looking in mirrors, however. Despite rarely seeing V, having the option to switch up appearances is a highly-desired feature, especially for such a long-anticipated title. Yet for such a massive game, Cyberpunk 2077 players have yet to find a way to customize their looks past the initial customization setup.
Cyberpunk 2077 Limits Physical Changes Past Initial Customization
Players are advised not to rush past the appearance screen, because so far there doesn’t seem to be a way to adjust piercings, tattoos, or even hairstyles in Night City. At this time, that shaggy hair can’t be trimmed later in the game, so players should carefully consider V’s look before progressing further. Different clothes and headwear can be acquired, and there are even four main styles like the bright and colorful Kitsch or the elegant yet cold Neo-Militarism that transcend clothing into vehicles and weapons, but more permanent physical alterations to the character are currently nonexistent except for a quest-relevant tattoo.
In fact, users can install, exchange, and upgrade cyberware implants within V’s central nervous system in Cyberpunk 2077, but cannot give the protagonist a simple haircut. The lack of further customization is a big setback for a game set in a futuristic city where physical augmentations should be easier to come by than a new ride. As the game just released, it’s quite possible these features will eventually be added, especially considering CD Projekt Red’s The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt allows for Geralt — who has much more limited personalization options than V — to go to the barber throughout the game; The Witcher 3 even had a free DLC for more hair and beard options, and Cyberpunk 2077 could follow that lead.
Since so much time and effort has been put into the open-world action-adventure RPG, it seems safe to say the game will adding new content long after its release. Future Cyberpunk DLCs and expansions have already been teased, and because personalization is such a huge aspect in modern gaming, it seems in Cyberpunk 2077’s best interest to implement further customization options in the near future.
Next: Worst Cyberpunk 2077 Bugs & Glitches Reported So Far
A lot of hype surrounds Cyberpunk 2077’s vast character customization options, but are players able to alter physical appearances later in the game?
Fans have been praising the vast customization options for CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077, and for good reason. Outside of typical skin tone, face shape, hairstyles, makeup, tattoos, piercings, and scars, players can also give protagonist V cyber augmentations and even go so far as to tailor the character’s genitals. Yet how permanent are these changes once players start prowling around Night City?
Outside of physical appearance, players can choose three different Cyberpunk lifepaths — Corpo, Nomad, or Street Kid — which not only dictate where the player will start in Night City but also affects future scenarios throughout the game. Additionally, players can assign points to specific attributes and stats in Cyberpunk 2077 (Body, Intelligence, Reflexes, Technical Ability, and Cool) which all come with their own perks.
While so much time and consideration can go into personalizing V, players spend a majority of their gameplay in third person. This means seeing very little of one’s character outside of the hands. Only when driving a vehicle do players have the option to switch to third person, and even then the character is hard to see unless riding a motorcycle. Players can see their avatar in the inventory screen, in photo mode, or when looking in mirrors, however. Despite rarely seeing V, having the option to switch up appearances is a highly-desired feature, especially for such a long-anticipated title. Yet for such a massive game, Cyberpunk 2077 players have yet to find a way to customize their looks past the initial customization setup.
Cyberpunk 2077 Limits Physical Changes Past Initial Customization
Players are advised not to rush past the appearance screen, because so far there doesn’t seem to be a way to adjust piercings, tattoos, or even hairstyles in Night City. At this time, that shaggy hair can’t be trimmed later in the game, so players should carefully consider V’s look before progressing further. Different clothes and headwear can be acquired, and there are even four main styles like the bright and colorful Kitsch or the elegant yet cold Neo-Militarism that transcend clothing into vehicles and weapons, but more permanent physical alterations to the character are currently nonexistent except for a quest-relevant tattoo.
In fact, users can install, exchange, and upgrade cyberware implants within V’s central nervous system in Cyberpunk 2077, but cannot give the protagonist a simple haircut. The lack of further customization is a big setback for a game set in a futuristic city where physical augmentations should be easier to come by than a new ride. As the game just released, it’s quite possible these features will eventually be added, especially considering CD Projekt Red’s The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt allows for Geralt — who has much more limited personalization options than V — to go to the barber throughout the game; The Witcher 3 even had a free DLC for more hair and beard options, and Cyberpunk 2077 could follow that lead.
Since so much time and effort has been put into the open-world action-adventure RPG, it seems safe to say the game will adding new content long after its release. Future Cyberpunk DLCs and expansions have already been teased, and because personalization is such a huge aspect in modern gaming, it seems in Cyberpunk 2077’s best interest to implement further customization options in the near future.
Next: Worst Cyberpunk 2077 Bugs & Glitches Reported So Far
Игроки Cyberpunk 2077 довольно часто будут попадать в ситуации, когда им придется выбирать между двумя или более вариантами развития событий. В частности, одно из таких решений будет касаться татуировки, которую предстоит набить главному герою.
Данная инструкция поможет решить, какие последствия будет иметь выбор ответа на вопрос Кассиуса Райдера.
Речь идет о следующих изображениях:
- Козел. После нанесения картинки она постоянно видна в бою. Однако при этом исчезают кибернетические модули, ранее активируемые именно на той руке, где теперь располагается образ «парнокопытного». Невозможность использования дополнительного прицела или других улучшений оружия не кажется оптимистичной. Рекомендуем как можно быстрее убрать тату.
- Другую. Опять же, наколка заменяет кибернетические системы, работающие с умным оружием. От нее нужно отказаться столь же быстро, как и от предыдущей.
Особой смысловой нагрузки квест не несет, но чисто эстетически вариант «Другое» выглядит круче и отдает дань нашему славному товарищу Джонни Сильверхенду:
Отсылка к Матрице
После этого есть другой выбор: правая или левая. Это ссылка на фильм «Матрица» и прием красной или синей пилюли. Правильный выбор — красная таблетка (слева), но на самом деле это не имеет никакого значения. В любом случае из-за хулиганства вас потом выгонят из клуба. Утро следующего дня будет «бодрым», но у Бестии найдется для нас новое задание.
Больше гайдов по Cyberpunk 2077
Вам придется выбирать между Козлом-самцом или другим в Cyberpunk 2077 сделать татуировку любезно Джонни. Какой вариант выбрать правильный? Что ж, мы собираемся решить этот вопрос за вас, мы объясним последствия обоих вариантов, что поможет вам, какой вариант выбрать.
Что лучше — козел или другой вариант, зависит от ваших предпочтений. Ни один из вариантов не имеет серьезных последствий. В зависимости от вашего выбора, на предплечье вы получите другую татуировку.
Если вы выберете вариант El Macho Cabrío, вы получите следующую татуировку.
Обратной стороной является то, что татуировка занимает пространство руки для киберпрограмм. Это означает, что у вас будет на один слот меньше для установки любого портативного компьютерного ПО. Поэтому мы рекомендуем как можно скорее снова установить ваше любимое киберпрограммное обеспечение, если только ваша сборка не использует преимущества этого киберпрограммного пробела.
С другой стороны, если вы выберете Другой, на вашем предплечье появится следующая татуировка.
Эта татуировка будет иметь ту же отрицательную часть, что и предыдущая, она чисто эстетическая, но если вам нравится Джонни, он может вам понравиться больше, чем другой.
Это все, чем мы сегодня делимся Cyberpunk 2077 Как выполнить побочный квест «Я еду на машине», раз уж ты здесь такой же, о чем тебе захочется узнать больше Выбор устраивать драку или нет И если вы хотите что-то добавить, не стесняйтесь оставлять комментарии ниже. Увидимся!