I am trying to set-up cron on my CYGWIN installation on a Win7 box. I am using the procedure mentiond here:
How do you run a crontab in Cygwin on Windows?
This is how I try to start the cron-service:
> cygrunsrv -I cron -p /usr/sbin/cron -a -D
The response that I get is:
cygrunsrv: Error installing a service: OpenSCMManager:
Win 32 error 5: Access denied
Any tips on how to proceed?
asked Aug 12, 2013 at 10:23
Make sure you are starting Cygwin with Administrator privileges. Right click on your Cygwin shortcut, then ‘Run as Administrator’.
answered Sep 24, 2013 at 20:55
1214 bronze badges
I’m trying to get the rsyncd service installed on a Win 7 pro system
as an administrative user. I’m using the rsyncd 2.6.8 package from
When I run service.bat I get the error:
cygrunsrv: Error installing a service OpenSCManager: Win32 error 5:
Access is denied
for the cygrunsrv service registration command. I also tried it
manually using the «sc create rsyncd binpath=…» command but it gave
me the same error. Any ideas?
Sabuj Pattanayek
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Big Data has became famous for quite sometime by now, and there’s already a stable release for Hadoop from Apache, which provides a solution for Big Data. I decided to give it a try today, just to see what’s in the package.
Setting up Hadoop 2.2.x for Single Node looks quite straightforward (https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r1.2.1/single_node_setup.html), since I wouldn’t need a cluster setup for my purpose; nevertheless, it turned out to be a disaster for me.
The prerequisite needs Cygwin and sshd/ssh installed on Windows. Installing Cygwin is as smooth as before, however, getting “sshd/ssh” working seems never possible after spending the whole morning.
With sshd/ssh installed, one needs to configure the service properly, via command “ssh-host-config” or “ssh-host-config -y”. The following are the problems that I’ve encountered along the way, and the solution that I managed to get passed them.
Error: * Warning: Creating the user ‘cyg_server’ failed! Reason: System error 5 has occurred.
Solution: manually create user account for “cyg_server”.
Error: Creating the user ‘sshd’ failed! Couldn’t create user ‘sshd’!
Solution: manually create user account for “sshd”.
Error: user cyg_server does not appear in /etc/passwd
Solution: execute command in shell “mkpasswd -l >> /etc/passwd”
Error: cygrunsrv : Error installing a service :OpenSCManager: Win32 error 5: Access denied.
Solution: even if you are using an administrator’s account, you might still encounter this error; run-as-administrator solves the problem. As showing in the following screenshot:
Error: cygrunsrv: Error starting a service: StartService: Win32 error 1069: The service did not start due to a logon failure.
Solution: I gave up trying further from this point onward. Basically, I’ve tried removing the passwords for sshd and cyg_server. So it shouldn’t be caused by mismatching passwords. I checked “services.msc”, which shows that “NetLogon” service is not started, so it might be a cause. However, manually starting it doesn’t work for me. Googling around for starting NetLogon under Windows 7 doesn’t give me a workable solution.
Finally, I gave up on setting up Hadoop on Windows with Cygwin.
I tried my luck on Linux (Ubuntu). After 30 minutes, everything is running, by following the steps given on this blog entry: http://codesfusion.blogspot.jp/2013/10/setup-hadoop-2x-220-on-ubuntu.html
1.Single Node Setup: https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r1.2.1/single_node_setup.html
2. Start Up sshd in cygwin: http://www.noah.org/ssh/cygwin-sshd.html
3. Hadoop Configuration: http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-common/SingleCluster.html