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Trade Routes represent the trade activities of civilizations, either between their own cities or with foreign civilizations. They are an essential activity which provides multiple benefits: they boost
Food and
Production, among other yields, create roads when running on land, and provide increased
Diplomatic Visibility with other civilizations.
Trade Routes and Trading Capacity are always displayed in the stats ribbon in the upper left part of the screen.
In order to establish a Trade Route you need free Trading Capacity of at least 1 (that is, the number of currently active
Trade Routes must be less than your total Trading Capacity), a Trader unit and at least 1 valid destination city.
Traders may establish routes over land and sea, but embarkation requires Celestial Navigation.
Trading Capacity[]
Trading Capacity is the maximum number of Trade Routes you can have at the same time. The Foreign Trade civic (one of the earliest of the Ancient Era) grants a Trading Capacity of one, meaning that your empire can have one
Trade Route at a time. Each city with a Commercial Hub or a Harbor (or, from Rise and Fall onwards, a Market or a Lighthouse) increases a civilization’s Trading Capacity by one. These bonuses are not cumulative: a city with both a Commercial Hub/Market and a Harbor/Lighthouse adds only one Trading Capacity, not two.
Other sources of Trading Capacity include the following:
- In vanilla only, the effect of the Merchant Republic government increases Trading Capacity by two.
- The Great Merchants Zhang Qian, Ibn Fadlan, Irene of Athens (in vanilla only), Marco Polo, and Melitta Bentz all increase Trading Capacity by one.
- In Gathering Storm only, the Great Admiral Zheng He increases Trading Capacity by one when retired.
- The effects of the Colossus and Great Zimbabwe wonders increase Trading Capacity by one.
- In vanilla only, the Suzerain bonus of the Carthage city-state increases Trading Capacity by one for each Encampment.
- Passing Outcome A of a Trade Policy resolution in the World Congress temporarily increases the target’s Trading Capacity by one.
- The civilization abilities of Persia and the Cree increase Trading Capacity by one upon researching Political Philosophy and Pottery, respectively.
- Mansa Musa’s leader ability increases Mali’s Trading Capacity by one each time he enters a Golden Age.
- Dido’s leader ability increases Phoenicia’s Trading Capacity by one after building the Government Plaza district or any of its buildings.
- João III’s leader ability increases Portugal’s Trading Capacity by one each time he meets another civilization.
- In Gathering Storm only, Victoria’s leader ability increases England’s Trading Capacity by one each time they found their first city in a continent other than England’s home continent.
- The Comandante General Antonio Nariño, exclusive to Gran Colombia’s Simón Bolívar, increases Trading Capacity by one when retired.
- If the Secret Societies Game Mode is enabled, the Owls of Minerva can build the Gilded Vault, which increases Trading Capacity by one if the city has a Harbor.
Each Trader services one Trade Route. For this reason, when the number of Traders equals the Trading Capacity you cannot build more Traders. Still, there are exceptional situations in which the number of Traders (and active
Trade Routes) can exceed the Trading Capacity. This happens when your Trading Capacity suddenly decreases below the number of Traders/routes you have. Trading Capacity may decrease, for example, in vanilla Civilization VI when you change governments from Merchant Republic to something else (which reduces your Trading Capacity by 2); when your commercial infrastructure is pillaged by enemy units or disasters, or when you lose cities with commercial infrastructure. All the
Trade Routes that were active when the decrease in Trading Capacity happened remain active. This means that the number of
Trade Routes can actually exceed the Trading Capacity for a few turns. However, the next Trader(s) to finish a
Trade Route will be unable to start a new route and will be forced to stay inactive. They will recover their ability to create
Trade Routes once you increase your Trading Capacity again.
Establishing Trade Routes[]
You create Trade Routes by selecting a Trader which is currently free (i.e., not servicing a
Trade Route), an origin city, and a destination city.
Choosing an origin city[]
To start, you need an origin city: this can be any city in your civilization which is physically able to connect to your intended destination city. If you have a particular destination city in mind, make sure the origin city is in range of it, and there is a viable route between the two. Note that the Trader will automatically start the new route from the city he’s currently in — if the current city the Trader is in doesn’t suit you, move the Trader using the Transfer to another city button in its Command tab. (This will take one turn.)
Bear in mind that all the Trade Route’s benefits will apply directly to the origin city! So, if you wish to boost a particular city’s basic yields, move the Trader unit to this city first, before establishing the new
Trade Route. This is often the case when establishing domestic
Trade Routes (whose main yields are
Food and
Production and fit nicely the purpose of aiding the basic development of any city). In the case of international
Trade Routes, whose benefits concentrate on the empire-wide yields, your main concern should be the potential destinations, and the trajectory the future route will have (e.g., if there are Barbarians in the middle of the route). Yields like
Gold and
Science benefit your entire empire, but be aware that the origin city’s modifiers apply to the
Trade Route’s effectiveness.
Choosing destination city[]
Next, choose a destination city from the list in the left part of the screen. Valid destinations can be foreign cities, city-states, or your own cities, but must meet the following requirements:
- You have discovered it already.
- You’re not at war with the civilization to which it belongs.
- It is within trading range of the origin city. Note that default trading ranges can be extended via
Trading Posts!
- A route that connects the origin and the destination cities is available. A route is available if you have explored enough tiles to create a path between the two cities, and none of those tiles is impassable. Note that this doesn’t necessarily mean that the chosen path will be the most direct possible — sometimes you’ll find out you haven’t revealed the tiles which will make this possible.
In order for your Trader to be able to embark, you need additional technology and infrastructure requirements:
- The Celestial Navigation technology is required to move on Coast tiles.
- The Cartography technology is required to move on Ocean tiles.
- Both the origin and the destination cities must have maritime access. Cities with maritime access are those that are adjacent to a body of water connected to the sea, or that have a Harbor on such a body of water.
- In Gathering Storm, Canals (including the Panama Canal) may allow additional cities to use sea routes if they connect in the proper manner.
For each potential destination, you will see projected income and benefits, as well as the number of turns the route will run. While the menu with the available destinations is open, each potential route trajectory is shown as a white line on the map. Trade Routes may traverse hostile territory, although they run a great risk of being plundered if they do.
Finally, you may choose to Repeat the last route (if there was any). This will automatically select the destination city of the last route this Trader performed and activate the route.
Each Trade Route runs for a set number of turns, after which it is considered finished. Traders move to the destination city and then return to its city of origin. When they complete this round journey
Trading Posts for your civilization are created both in the destination and in the origin city, if they didn’t exist already.
Traders move at a speed of one tile per turn, both on land and at sea. This is the rate at which they create roads. Even though it takes quite a few turns for a Trader to reach its destination and return, the route itself provides its benefits ( Gold,
Production, etc.) from the turn you establish it, and continues to do so until its duration runs out.
How long Trade Routes run is dependent on game speed. On Standard game speed, a route runs for a minimum of 21 turns and ends only when the Trader returns to its origin city, completing a round trip. For short
Trade Routes, this means a Trader will have to complete multiple round trips. (Note that the in-game UI shows only the absolute distance between the cities, not the real
Trade Route duration.)
In Gathering Storm, the current World Era retroactively adds additional turns to the Trade Route’s minimum duration (TradeRouteMinimumEndTurnChange parameter), as shown in the table below. This makes it much harder to establish
Trading Posts in the mid- to end game.
There is nothing you can do to choose a specific path for your Traders to travel on when establishing Trade Routes. If there are multiple possible paths between two cities, the game will automatically pick out one. When establishing internal
Trade Routes, the game will choose the shortest path. Regarding international
Trade Routes, it will try to maximize the
Gold output by making the Trader travel through as many
Trading Posts, Mountain Tunnels, Canals, and Railroads as possible. In all cases the game engine will attempt to use already existing infrastructure (Roads, Canals, etc.), which makes it a bit difficult to shape the Road network of your empire exactly as you want it, especially in the middle and late game. Fortunately, at this point you are already able to use a Military Engineer to build Roads exactly where you need them.
World Era | Turns added | Good choices for distance travelled |
Ancient, Classical | 0 | 4, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 |
Medieval, Renaissance | 10 (50% longer) | 4, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18 |
Industrial, Modern, Atomic | 20 (100% longer) | 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24 |
Information, Future | 30 (150% longer) | 4, 7, 9, 13, 14, 26, 27, 28, 29 |
The following table gives examples of different route lengths (on Standard speed) for the Ancient and Classical Era. Breakpoints are bolded.
Distance travelled (tiles) | Roundtrip time (turns) | Number of trips | Duration (turns) |
4 | 8 | 3 | 24 |
5 | 10 | 3 | 30 |
6 | 12 | 2 | 24 |
7 | 14 | 2 | 28 |
8 | 16 | 2 | 32 |
9 | 18 | 2 | 36 |
10 | 20 | 2 | 40 |
11 | 22 | 1 | 22 |
12 | 24 | 1 | 24 |
13 | 26 | 1 | 26 |
14 | 28 | 1 | 28 |
15 | 30 | 1 | 30 |
Trading range and Trading Posts[]
Trading range is the measure of how many tiles from its current base a Trader is able to reach, so as to establish routes. Note that, unlike Civilization V, Trade Route range cannot be enhanced via technology! The only way to do it is via infrastructure — more specifically, the new
Trading Posts (see below). This makes it imperative to think strategically when establishing
Trade Routes — sometimes it is worth it to establish a route which won’t benefit you much, but when finished, will allow you to reach other parts of the world!
The base range for land trade routes is 15 tiles. A Trader unit sent over land will automatically construct a road (or upgrade an existing road, if your technology is more advanced) between the cities along the route trajectory.
The base range for sea trade routes is 30 tiles. Remember that you need the Celestial Navigation tech in order to be able to establish sea trade routes. Also note that routes may switch between movement modes — the route may start in an inland city, then go to a coastal city (or to a city with a Harbor), move over sea to another city with a Harbor, then continue on land to its destination. As long as the destination is within the overall range of the route, switching back and forth between modalities is possible. Also, remember that both the origin city and the destination city require maritime access (either being a coastal city, or a Harbor, or, in Gathering Storm, a Canal or the Panama Canal) in order to establish sea Trade Routes or have Traders switching between land and sea. Portugal gains +50% range for sea trade routes and does not require Celestial Navigation to establish them.
Trading Posts are a new type of infrastructure, specifically designed to ensure logistical support of your Traders in faraway lands. As mentioned above,
Trading Posts are automatically constructed in the destination and source city of every finished
Trade Route (or of every started
Trade Route as Mongolia, and in every founded or conquered city as Rome). Future routes (both land and sea) that pass through these cities will have extended reach — they will effectively reset their range at the
Trading Post. You can make use of this to reach farther and farther in the world with your Traders! When you are aiming to establish trading relations with a faraway city, or a city on a new continent, look for a route which will reach the closest possible city to your goal, then establish a
Trade Route to it (even though the yields won’t be as beneficial as other choices you have). After the route duration expires, a
Trading Post will be established and you will eventually be able to reach your destination.
Trading Posts add 1
Gold each to the route’s yield. Thus, with the passage of time, your routes become ever more effective.
Potential destinations for trade[]
There are two types of Trade Routes you can establish: domestic (or internal) routes, which run between two of your own cities; and international routes, which run between one of your cities and either another civilization’s city or a city-state. The results are slightly different, although trading with foreign cities or city-states is largely the same. Domestic routes mainly provide
Food and
Production, while international routes mainly provide
Gold, along with other yield types which depend heavily on the types of
District and resources the target city has. This separation is also important when considering certain policy card effects (see below).
You cannot trade with cities of a civilization with which you’re at war. When war is declared, any existing Trade Routes between the two civilizations are cancelled, and the Traders servicing them are immediately recalled to their origin cities. The same happens when a destination (or an origin city) becomes a Free City due to Loyalty problems. Note that
Trade Routes are not cancelled if they run through a hostile civilization’s territory to a city or city-state with which you can still trade, and become viable targets for war plundering!
Also, opening a Trade Route to the city is often requested by city-states as a Quest.
Benefits of trade[]
Trade Routes are always sent from the City Center of their origin to that one of their destination, but they benefit from all districts that exist in the destination city’s territory. Thus, a route to a specific city may start with a very negligible yield, but as that city builds new districts or special improvements, the yields of the route automatically increase.
Note that at all times there may exist only one route between Cities A and B. You can establish a new route to City A starting from City B, but you won’t be able to establish another route from A to B until the first one’s duration runs out.
Domestic trade[]
Domestic Trade Routes can be established between your own cities, as long as they are in range of each other.
When you start a domestic Trade Route, the city of origin will receive
Food and
Production, depending on the districts at the place the route is going. Use domestic routes to boost the basic performance of any city within your empire, especially newly established ones. Cities constructing Wonders also benefit greatly — try to connect them to your most advanced industrial city.
International trade[]
International Trade Routes can be established with rival civilizations whose cities are within range. The yields they provide are much more varied: all such routes will provide
Gold, but depending on the districts at their destination, they will also provide
Faith, and also
Production and
Food on occasion.
Aside from providing Gold income, international
Trade Routes also serve as a sort of social connection. First, trading provides the most basic form of espionage, as rumors will trickle down the routes enabling you to learn of developments in rival civilizations, providing 1 level of diplomatic visibility. Second, traders will talk freely about the wonders of your civilization, which provides a multiplier to your
Tourism output to the other civilization!
You can also establish Trade Routes with city-states. They work much the same as routes with other civilizations (without the extra social effects, of course).
Trade yields based on districts[]
Below is a table of all effects the various districts add to a Trade Route’s total yield. The civilization-specific versions of the districts have the same yield as the respective generic district they replace.
District | Domestic Destination | International Destination |
1 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
Trade yields boosters[]
There are several ways to boost performance of your Trade Routes:
- Every
Trading Post for your civilization through which a route passes along its course adds +1
Gold to its total yield. Thus, the farther the route goes (and the more cities with
Trading Posts it passes along the way), the greater its final
Gold yield.
- In Gathering Storm all
Trade Routes passing through water tiles gain bonus
Gold. Also, routes passing through advanced engineering features (such as a Railroad, Canal or Mountain Tunnel) gain additional
Gold bonuses. It is calculated as follows (remember that this percentage-based bonus only applies to basic
Gold yields from
Trade Routes a.k.a. the
Gold yield based on the
District present at the destination, it will not enhance unique
Trade Route bonuses or bonuses from policy cards):
- Magnus’ Surplus Logistics title will give +2
Food to the city in which a domestic
Trade Route starts if it ends in the city in which he is established. Reyna’s Foreign Exchange title (Land Acquisition in Gathering Storm) gives 3
Gold for every foreign
Trade Route that ends or passes through the city in which she is established.
- Constructing the University of Sankore in a city will grant +1
Science and +1
Gold to foreign
Trade Routes, and +1
Faith to domestic
Trade Routes, headed to that city.
- Constructing the Torre de Belém in a city will grant +2
Gold to all international
Trade Routes sent from that city for each improved Luxury Resource at the destination.
- Constructing the Great Zimbabwe will grant 2
Gold to every international
Trade Route starting from its parent city per bonus resource in the city.
- The follower belief Religious Community grants international
Trade Routes 2
Gold for every Holy Site and Holy Site building in the origin city.
- Suzerainty of Kumasi grants 2
Culture and 1
Gold per specialty district in the origin city to every
Trade Route sent to a city-state.
- Suzerainty of Amsterdam/Antioch/Venice grants 1
Gold to every outgoing international
Trade Route for each luxury resource improved at the destination.
- The unique building of Poland, the Sukiennice, grants +4
Gold to domestic
Trade Routes and +2
Production to international
Trade Routes sent from cities that have it.
- Cleopatra’s leader ability, Mediterranean’s Bride, grants +4
Gold to outgoing international
Trade Routes, and +2
Food in the home city and +2
Gold in the target city to incoming international
Trade Routes.
- Peter’s leader ability, The Grand Embassy, grants +1
Science to outgoing international
Trade Routes for every three technologies that civilization is ahead of him, and +1
Culture for every three civics that civilization is ahead of him.
- Poundmaker’s leader ability, Favorable Terms, grants +1
Food to the home city and +1
Gold to the destination city for each Camp or Pasture in the destination city to all Cree
Trade Routes.
- Wilhelmina’s leader ability, Radio Oranje, grants +2
Culture to all international
Trade Routes.
- Pachacuti’s leader ability, Qhapaq Ñan, grants +1
Food to domestic
Trade Routes for every Mountain tile in the home city.
- Mansa Musa’s leader ability, Sahel Merchants, grants +1
Gold to outgoing international
Trade Routes for each flat Desert tile in the home city.
- Tokugawa’s leader ability, Bakuhan, grants +2
Gold and +1 each of
Science and
Culture to domestic
Trade Routes for each
District in the destination city.
- Nader Shah’s leader ability, Sword of Persia, grants +2
Faith and +3
Gold to domestic
Trade Routes as long as he did not found the home city.
- Ethiopia’s civilization ability, Aksumite Legacy, grants 0.5
Faith to outgoing international
Trade Routes for each resource improved in the home city.
- Portugal’s civilization ability, Casa da Índia, increases all yields from international
Trade Routes by 50%. However, they cannot establish these routes unless they terminate in a coastal city or a city with a Harbor.
- Persia’s civilization ability, Satrapies, grants +2
Gold and +1
Culture to all domestic
Trade Routes.
- Rome’s civilization ability, All Roads Lead to Rome, grants +1
Gold to all
Trade Routes for each Roman
Trading Post they pass through.
- Spain’s civilization ability, Treasure Fleet, grants +3
Gold, +2
Faith and +1
Production to all
Trade Routes, which is tripled if they travel between continents.
Finally, a number of policy cards enhance your routes in various ways. The following increase the yields of all routes (domestic and international):
The following policies work for domestic routes only:
The following policies work for international routes only:
In Gathering Storm, the effects of Arsenal of Democracy are transferred to Democracy, and Collectivization is available only after adopting Communism. Additionally, Wisselbanken also works on city-states of which the sender is Suzerain.
Other effects of Trade Routes[]
Besides yield boosts for your cities, Trade Routes also have other important effects:
- As mentioned before, they create Roads along their trajectory on land. Also, if it so happens that your civilization has unlocked a higher level road than the existing one along the route’s trajectory, the Trader will upgrade it during its first passage.
- They exert a bit of Religious pressure: 0.5 for the origin city’s Majority religion (if any) to the destination city, and vice-versa. This is valid for all routes (International and Domestic). If playing as India, this is doubled against other civilizations.
- They increase the
Diplomatic Visibility with the destination city’s owner by 1 level. This is valid only for International routes to other civilizations.
- They boost
Tourism output to this civilization by 25%. Again, only valid for International routes to other civilizations.
- In Rise and Fall, routes existing between Allied civilizations will boost the accumulation of Alliance points and speed up the Upgrade of their Alliance levels.
- The civilization ability of the Cree, Nîhithaw, allows their
Trade Routes to claim land nearby their cities.
- The leader ability of Wilhelmina, Radio Oranje, grants cities +1 Loyalty per turn as long as they have an outgoing domestic
Trade Route.
- The leader ability of Rough Rider Teddy Roosevelt, Roosevelt Corollary, grants double
Envoys with any city-state he has a
Trade Route with.
Plundering Trade Routes[]
Trade Routes are vulnerable to attack, and unguarded ones may be plundered by Barbarians and units belonging to civilizations with which you are at war. If an enemy unit enters a tile that one of your Traders currently occupies, it can plunder the route, which destroys the Trader and rewards the enemy unit’s owner with
Gold. This action costs all of the unit’s remaining
Movement points, meaning the unit can move and plunder in the same turn. A fast unit (with at least 4 MP) might be able to pillage a district or improvement (3 MP) and plunder a
Trade Route in the same turn. Try to protect your water based
Trade Routes with some strong naval units.
Note that when you go to war with a civilization, all Trade Routes with them are cancelled, but you do not lose the Traders — instead, you get to reassign them.
Comparison with other games[]
Trade Routes in Civilization VI are similar to their counterparts in Civilization V: Brave New World and Beyond Earth. However, the role of
Trade Routes in Civilization VI is greatly expanded.
The Trader is similar to the Trade Convoy in Beyond Earth: Rising Tide.
Hajj As Mansa Musa, send a Trade Route to Mecca that gives the sending player at least 30 gold.
Trans-Siberian Railroad Playing as Russia, have a city that is at least 60 tiles away from your capital, connected by a Trade Route and road at the start of the turn.
See also[]
- Trade Route in other games
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Back to Civilization VI
Trade Routes represent the trade activities of civilizations, either between their own cities or with foreign civilizations. They are an essential activity which provides multiple benefits: they boost
Food and
Production, among other yields, create roads when running on land, and provide increased
Diplomatic Visibility with other civilizations.
Trade Routes and Trading Capacity are always displayed in the stats ribbon in the upper left part of the screen.
In order to establish a Trade Route you need free Trading Capacity of at least 1 (that is, the number of currently active
Trade Routes must be less than your total Trading Capacity), a Trader unit and at least 1 valid destination city.
Traders may establish routes over land and sea, but embarkation requires Celestial Navigation.
Trading Capacity[]
Trading Capacity is the maximum number of Trade Routes you can have at the same time. The Foreign Trade civic (one of the earliest of the Ancient Era) grants a Trading Capacity of one, meaning that your empire can have one
Trade Route at a time. Each city with a Commercial Hub or a Harbor (or, from Rise and Fall onwards, a Market or a Lighthouse) increases a civilization’s Trading Capacity by one. These bonuses are not cumulative: a city with both a Commercial Hub/Market and a Harbor/Lighthouse adds only one Trading Capacity, not two.
Other sources of Trading Capacity include the following:
- In vanilla only, the effect of the Merchant Republic government increases Trading Capacity by two.
- The Great Merchants Zhang Qian, Ibn Fadlan, Irene of Athens (in vanilla only), Marco Polo, and Melitta Bentz all increase Trading Capacity by one.
- In Gathering Storm only, the Great Admiral Zheng He increases Trading Capacity by one when retired.
- The effects of the Colossus and Great Zimbabwe wonders increase Trading Capacity by one.
- In vanilla only, the Suzerain bonus of the Carthage city-state increases Trading Capacity by one for each Encampment.
- Passing Outcome A of a Trade Policy resolution in the World Congress temporarily increases the target’s Trading Capacity by one.
- The civilization abilities of Persia and the Cree increase Trading Capacity by one upon researching Political Philosophy and Pottery, respectively.
- Mansa Musa’s leader ability increases Mali’s Trading Capacity by one each time he enters a Golden Age.
- Dido’s leader ability increases Phoenicia’s Trading Capacity by one after building the Government Plaza district or any of its buildings.
- João III’s leader ability increases Portugal’s Trading Capacity by one each time he meets another civilization.
- In Gathering Storm only, Victoria’s leader ability increases England’s Trading Capacity by one each time they found their first city in a continent other than England’s home continent.
- The Comandante General Antonio Nariño, exclusive to Gran Colombia’s Simón Bolívar, increases Trading Capacity by one when retired.
- If the Secret Societies Game Mode is enabled, the Owls of Minerva can build the Gilded Vault, which increases Trading Capacity by one if the city has a Harbor.
Each Trader services one Trade Route. For this reason, when the number of Traders equals the Trading Capacity you cannot build more Traders. Still, there are exceptional situations in which the number of Traders (and active
Trade Routes) can exceed the Trading Capacity. This happens when your Trading Capacity suddenly decreases below the number of Traders/routes you have. Trading Capacity may decrease, for example, in vanilla Civilization VI when you change governments from Merchant Republic to something else (which reduces your Trading Capacity by 2); when your commercial infrastructure is pillaged by enemy units or disasters, or when you lose cities with commercial infrastructure. All the
Trade Routes that were active when the decrease in Trading Capacity happened remain active. This means that the number of
Trade Routes can actually exceed the Trading Capacity for a few turns. However, the next Trader(s) to finish a
Trade Route will be unable to start a new route and will be forced to stay inactive. They will recover their ability to create
Trade Routes once you increase your Trading Capacity again.
Establishing Trade Routes[]
You create Trade Routes by selecting a Trader which is currently free (i.e., not servicing a
Trade Route), an origin city, and a destination city.
Choosing an origin city[]
To start, you need an origin city: this can be any city in your civilization which is physically able to connect to your intended destination city. If you have a particular destination city in mind, make sure the origin city is in range of it, and there is a viable route between the two. Note that the Trader will automatically start the new route from the city he’s currently in — if the current city the Trader is in doesn’t suit you, move the Trader using the Transfer to another city button in its Command tab. (This will take one turn.)
Bear in mind that all the Trade Route’s benefits will apply directly to the origin city! So, if you wish to boost a particular city’s basic yields, move the Trader unit to this city first, before establishing the new
Trade Route. This is often the case when establishing domestic
Trade Routes (whose main yields are
Food and
Production and fit nicely the purpose of aiding the basic development of any city). In the case of international
Trade Routes, whose benefits concentrate on the empire-wide yields, your main concern should be the potential destinations, and the trajectory the future route will have (e.g., if there are Barbarians in the middle of the route). Yields like
Gold and
Science benefit your entire empire, but be aware that the origin city’s modifiers apply to the
Trade Route’s effectiveness.
Choosing destination city[]
Next, choose a destination city from the list in the left part of the screen. Valid destinations can be foreign cities, city-states, or your own cities, but must meet the following requirements:
- You have discovered it already.
- You’re not at war with the civilization to which it belongs.
- It is within trading range of the origin city. Note that default trading ranges can be extended via
Trading Posts!
- A route that connects the origin and the destination cities is available. A route is available if you have explored enough tiles to create a path between the two cities, and none of those tiles is impassable. Note that this doesn’t necessarily mean that the chosen path will be the most direct possible — sometimes you’ll find out you haven’t revealed the tiles which will make this possible.
In order for your Trader to be able to embark, you need additional technology and infrastructure requirements:
- The Celestial Navigation technology is required to move on Coast tiles.
- The Cartography technology is required to move on Ocean tiles.
- Both the origin and the destination cities must have maritime access. Cities with maritime access are those that are adjacent to a body of water connected to the sea, or that have a Harbor on such a body of water.
- In Gathering Storm, Canals (including the Panama Canal) may allow additional cities to use sea routes if they connect in the proper manner.
For each potential destination, you will see projected income and benefits, as well as the number of turns the route will run. While the menu with the available destinations is open, each potential route trajectory is shown as a white line on the map. Trade Routes may traverse hostile territory, although they run a great risk of being plundered if they do.
Finally, you may choose to Repeat the last route (if there was any). This will automatically select the destination city of the last route this Trader performed and activate the route.
Each Trade Route runs for a set number of turns, after which it is considered finished. Traders move to the destination city and then return to its city of origin. When they complete this round journey
Trading Posts for your civilization are created both in the destination and in the origin city, if they didn’t exist already.
Traders move at a speed of one tile per turn, both on land and at sea. This is the rate at which they create roads. Even though it takes quite a few turns for a Trader to reach its destination and return, the route itself provides its benefits ( Gold,
Production, etc.) from the turn you establish it, and continues to do so until its duration runs out.
How long Trade Routes run is dependent on game speed. On Standard game speed, a route runs for a minimum of 21 turns and ends only when the Trader returns to its origin city, completing a round trip. For short
Trade Routes, this means a Trader will have to complete multiple round trips. (Note that the in-game UI shows only the absolute distance between the cities, not the real
Trade Route duration.)
In Gathering Storm, the current World Era retroactively adds additional turns to the Trade Route’s minimum duration (TradeRouteMinimumEndTurnChange parameter), as shown in the table below. This makes it much harder to establish
Trading Posts in the mid- to end game.
There is nothing you can do to choose a specific path for your Traders to travel on when establishing Trade Routes. If there are multiple possible paths between two cities, the game will automatically pick out one. When establishing internal
Trade Routes, the game will choose the shortest path. Regarding international
Trade Routes, it will try to maximize the
Gold output by making the Trader travel through as many
Trading Posts, Mountain Tunnels, Canals, and Railroads as possible. In all cases the game engine will attempt to use already existing infrastructure (Roads, Canals, etc.), which makes it a bit difficult to shape the Road network of your empire exactly as you want it, especially in the middle and late game. Fortunately, at this point you are already able to use a Military Engineer to build Roads exactly where you need them.
World Era | Turns added | Good choices for distance travelled |
Ancient, Classical | 0 | 4, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 |
Medieval, Renaissance | 10 (50% longer) | 4, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18 |
Industrial, Modern, Atomic | 20 (100% longer) | 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24 |
Information, Future | 30 (150% longer) | 4, 7, 9, 13, 14, 26, 27, 28, 29 |
The following table gives examples of different route lengths (on Standard speed) for the Ancient and Classical Era. Breakpoints are bolded.
Distance travelled (tiles) | Roundtrip time (turns) | Number of trips | Duration (turns) |
4 | 8 | 3 | 24 |
5 | 10 | 3 | 30 |
6 | 12 | 2 | 24 |
7 | 14 | 2 | 28 |
8 | 16 | 2 | 32 |
9 | 18 | 2 | 36 |
10 | 20 | 2 | 40 |
11 | 22 | 1 | 22 |
12 | 24 | 1 | 24 |
13 | 26 | 1 | 26 |
14 | 28 | 1 | 28 |
15 | 30 | 1 | 30 |
Trading range and Trading Posts[]
Trading range is the measure of how many tiles from its current base a Trader is able to reach, so as to establish routes. Note that, unlike Civilization V, Trade Route range cannot be enhanced via technology! The only way to do it is via infrastructure — more specifically, the new
Trading Posts (see below). This makes it imperative to think strategically when establishing
Trade Routes — sometimes it is worth it to establish a route which won’t benefit you much, but when finished, will allow you to reach other parts of the world!
The base range for land trade routes is 15 tiles. A Trader unit sent over land will automatically construct a road (or upgrade an existing road, if your technology is more advanced) between the cities along the route trajectory.
The base range for sea trade routes is 30 tiles. Remember that you need the Celestial Navigation tech in order to be able to establish sea trade routes. Also note that routes may switch between movement modes — the route may start in an inland city, then go to a coastal city (or to a city with a Harbor), move over sea to another city with a Harbor, then continue on land to its destination. As long as the destination is within the overall range of the route, switching back and forth between modalities is possible. Also, remember that both the origin city and the destination city require maritime access (either being a coastal city, or a Harbor, or, in Gathering Storm, a Canal or the Panama Canal) in order to establish sea Trade Routes or have Traders switching between land and sea. Portugal gains +50% range for sea trade routes and does not require Celestial Navigation to establish them.
Trading Posts are a new type of infrastructure, specifically designed to ensure logistical support of your Traders in faraway lands. As mentioned above,
Trading Posts are automatically constructed in the destination and source city of every finished
Trade Route (or of every started
Trade Route as Mongolia, and in every founded or conquered city as Rome). Future routes (both land and sea) that pass through these cities will have extended reach — they will effectively reset their range at the
Trading Post. You can make use of this to reach farther and farther in the world with your Traders! When you are aiming to establish trading relations with a faraway city, or a city on a new continent, look for a route which will reach the closest possible city to your goal, then establish a
Trade Route to it (even though the yields won’t be as beneficial as other choices you have). After the route duration expires, a
Trading Post will be established and you will eventually be able to reach your destination.
Trading Posts add 1
Gold each to the route’s yield. Thus, with the passage of time, your routes become ever more effective.
Potential destinations for trade[]
There are two types of Trade Routes you can establish: domestic (or internal) routes, which run between two of your own cities; and international routes, which run between one of your cities and either another civilization’s city or a city-state. The results are slightly different, although trading with foreign cities or city-states is largely the same. Domestic routes mainly provide
Food and
Production, while international routes mainly provide
Gold, along with other yield types which depend heavily on the types of
District and resources the target city has. This separation is also important when considering certain policy card effects (see below).
You cannot trade with cities of a civilization with which you’re at war. When war is declared, any existing Trade Routes between the two civilizations are cancelled, and the Traders servicing them are immediately recalled to their origin cities. The same happens when a destination (or an origin city) becomes a Free City due to Loyalty problems. Note that
Trade Routes are not cancelled if they run through a hostile civilization’s territory to a city or city-state with which you can still trade, and become viable targets for war plundering!
Also, opening a Trade Route to the city is often requested by city-states as a Quest.
Benefits of trade[]
Trade Routes are always sent from the City Center of their origin to that one of their destination, but they benefit from all districts that exist in the destination city’s territory. Thus, a route to a specific city may start with a very negligible yield, but as that city builds new districts or special improvements, the yields of the route automatically increase.
Note that at all times there may exist only one route between Cities A and B. You can establish a new route to City A starting from City B, but you won’t be able to establish another route from A to B until the first one’s duration runs out.
Domestic trade[]
Domestic Trade Routes can be established between your own cities, as long as they are in range of each other.
When you start a domestic Trade Route, the city of origin will receive
Food and
Production, depending on the districts at the place the route is going. Use domestic routes to boost the basic performance of any city within your empire, especially newly established ones. Cities constructing Wonders also benefit greatly — try to connect them to your most advanced industrial city.
International trade[]
International Trade Routes can be established with rival civilizations whose cities are within range. The yields they provide are much more varied: all such routes will provide
Gold, but depending on the districts at their destination, they will also provide
Faith, and also
Production and
Food on occasion.
Aside from providing Gold income, international
Trade Routes also serve as a sort of social connection. First, trading provides the most basic form of espionage, as rumors will trickle down the routes enabling you to learn of developments in rival civilizations, providing 1 level of diplomatic visibility. Second, traders will talk freely about the wonders of your civilization, which provides a multiplier to your
Tourism output to the other civilization!
You can also establish Trade Routes with city-states. They work much the same as routes with other civilizations (without the extra social effects, of course).
Trade yields based on districts[]
Below is a table of all effects the various districts add to a Trade Route’s total yield. The civilization-specific versions of the districts have the same yield as the respective generic district they replace.
District | Domestic Destination | International Destination |
1 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
Trade yields boosters[]
There are several ways to boost performance of your Trade Routes:
- Every
Trading Post for your civilization through which a route passes along its course adds +1
Gold to its total yield. Thus, the farther the route goes (and the more cities with
Trading Posts it passes along the way), the greater its final
Gold yield.
- In Gathering Storm all
Trade Routes passing through water tiles gain bonus
Gold. Also, routes passing through advanced engineering features (such as a Railroad, Canal or Mountain Tunnel) gain additional
Gold bonuses. It is calculated as follows (remember that this percentage-based bonus only applies to basic
Gold yields from
Trade Routes a.k.a. the
Gold yield based on the
District present at the destination, it will not enhance unique
Trade Route bonuses or bonuses from policy cards):
- Magnus’ Surplus Logistics title will give +2
Food to the city in which a domestic
Trade Route starts if it ends in the city in which he is established. Reyna’s Foreign Exchange title (Land Acquisition in Gathering Storm) gives 3
Gold for every foreign
Trade Route that ends or passes through the city in which she is established.
- Constructing the University of Sankore in a city will grant +1
Science and +1
Gold to foreign
Trade Routes, and +1
Faith to domestic
Trade Routes, headed to that city.
- Constructing the Torre de Belém in a city will grant +2
Gold to all international
Trade Routes sent from that city for each improved Luxury Resource at the destination.
- Constructing the Great Zimbabwe will grant 2
Gold to every international
Trade Route starting from its parent city per bonus resource in the city.
- The follower belief Religious Community grants international
Trade Routes 2
Gold for every Holy Site and Holy Site building in the origin city.
- Suzerainty of Kumasi grants 2
Culture and 1
Gold per specialty district in the origin city to every
Trade Route sent to a city-state.
- Suzerainty of Amsterdam/Antioch/Venice grants 1
Gold to every outgoing international
Trade Route for each luxury resource improved at the destination.
- The unique building of Poland, the Sukiennice, grants +4
Gold to domestic
Trade Routes and +2
Production to international
Trade Routes sent from cities that have it.
- Cleopatra’s leader ability, Mediterranean’s Bride, grants +4
Gold to outgoing international
Trade Routes, and +2
Food in the home city and +2
Gold in the target city to incoming international
Trade Routes.
- Peter’s leader ability, The Grand Embassy, grants +1
Science to outgoing international
Trade Routes for every three technologies that civilization is ahead of him, and +1
Culture for every three civics that civilization is ahead of him.
- Poundmaker’s leader ability, Favorable Terms, grants +1
Food to the home city and +1
Gold to the destination city for each Camp or Pasture in the destination city to all Cree
Trade Routes.
- Wilhelmina’s leader ability, Radio Oranje, grants +2
Culture to all international
Trade Routes.
- Pachacuti’s leader ability, Qhapaq Ñan, grants +1
Food to domestic
Trade Routes for every Mountain tile in the home city.
- Mansa Musa’s leader ability, Sahel Merchants, grants +1
Gold to outgoing international
Trade Routes for each flat Desert tile in the home city.
- Tokugawa’s leader ability, Bakuhan, grants +2
Gold and +1 each of
Science and
Culture to domestic
Trade Routes for each
District in the destination city.
- Nader Shah’s leader ability, Sword of Persia, grants +2
Faith and +3
Gold to domestic
Trade Routes as long as he did not found the home city.
- Ethiopia’s civilization ability, Aksumite Legacy, grants 0.5
Faith to outgoing international
Trade Routes for each resource improved in the home city.
- Portugal’s civilization ability, Casa da Índia, increases all yields from international
Trade Routes by 50%. However, they cannot establish these routes unless they terminate in a coastal city or a city with a Harbor.
- Persia’s civilization ability, Satrapies, grants +2
Gold and +1
Culture to all domestic
Trade Routes.
- Rome’s civilization ability, All Roads Lead to Rome, grants +1
Gold to all
Trade Routes for each Roman
Trading Post they pass through.
- Spain’s civilization ability, Treasure Fleet, grants +3
Gold, +2
Faith and +1
Production to all
Trade Routes, which is tripled if they travel between continents.
Finally, a number of policy cards enhance your routes in various ways. The following increase the yields of all routes (domestic and international):
The following policies work for domestic routes only:
The following policies work for international routes only:
In Gathering Storm, the effects of Arsenal of Democracy are transferred to Democracy, and Collectivization is available only after adopting Communism. Additionally, Wisselbanken also works on city-states of which the sender is Suzerain.
Other effects of Trade Routes[]
Besides yield boosts for your cities, Trade Routes also have other important effects:
- As mentioned before, they create Roads along their trajectory on land. Also, if it so happens that your civilization has unlocked a higher level road than the existing one along the route’s trajectory, the Trader will upgrade it during its first passage.
- They exert a bit of Religious pressure: 0.5 for the origin city’s Majority religion (if any) to the destination city, and vice-versa. This is valid for all routes (International and Domestic). If playing as India, this is doubled against other civilizations.
- They increase the
Diplomatic Visibility with the destination city’s owner by 1 level. This is valid only for International routes to other civilizations.
- They boost
Tourism output to this civilization by 25%. Again, only valid for International routes to other civilizations.
- In Rise and Fall, routes existing between Allied civilizations will boost the accumulation of Alliance points and speed up the Upgrade of their Alliance levels.
- The civilization ability of the Cree, Nîhithaw, allows their
Trade Routes to claim land nearby their cities.
- The leader ability of Wilhelmina, Radio Oranje, grants cities +1 Loyalty per turn as long as they have an outgoing domestic
Trade Route.
- The leader ability of Rough Rider Teddy Roosevelt, Roosevelt Corollary, grants double
Envoys with any city-state he has a
Trade Route with.
Plundering Trade Routes[]
Trade Routes are vulnerable to attack, and unguarded ones may be plundered by Barbarians and units belonging to civilizations with which you are at war. If an enemy unit enters a tile that one of your Traders currently occupies, it can plunder the route, which destroys the Trader and rewards the enemy unit’s owner with
Gold. This action costs all of the unit’s remaining
Movement points, meaning the unit can move and plunder in the same turn. A fast unit (with at least 4 MP) might be able to pillage a district or improvement (3 MP) and plunder a
Trade Route in the same turn. Try to protect your water based
Trade Routes with some strong naval units.
Note that when you go to war with a civilization, all Trade Routes with them are cancelled, but you do not lose the Traders — instead, you get to reassign them.
Comparison with other games[]
Trade Routes in Civilization VI are similar to their counterparts in Civilization V: Brave New World and Beyond Earth. However, the role of
Trade Routes in Civilization VI is greatly expanded.
The Trader is similar to the Trade Convoy in Beyond Earth: Rising Tide.
Hajj As Mansa Musa, send a Trade Route to Mecca that gives the sending player at least 30 gold.
Trans-Siberian Railroad Playing as Russia, have a city that is at least 60 tiles away from your capital, connected by a Trade Route and road at the start of the turn.
See also[]
- Trade Route in other games
Civilization VI [edit] |
Rise and Fall • Gathering Storm • New Frontier Pass • Leader Pass |
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В игре Цивилизация 6 существует множество возможностей для развития государства, одним из которых являются торговые пути. Появились они еще в пятой цивилизации, но в новой части игры данный вид торговли прошел через большие изменения. В этой статье мы расскажем все о торговых путях, в том числе какие уловки можно проводить с данной возможностью.
Зачем нужен торговый путь
Маршрут, через который происходит обмен товаром одной цивилизации с другой и называется торговым путем. Город через который проложен маршрут получает значительное количество золота, а также очки производства, культуры, науки, еды и веры, Но необходимо учитывать с какими городами он соединен.
По сравнению с предыдущей частью в цивилизации 6 прокладка торгового пути является единственной возможностью создания дороги практически в самом начале игры. Строители могут строить дороги после изучение науки «Военного инженера», достичь такого прогресса можно к середине игры.
Также торговые пути можно использовать для быстрого передвижения по карте. К смене эпох данные дороги улучшают и свободно используют в случае войны с тем государством, с которым были связаны торговым путем. Можно пойти на небольшую уловку, построить торговый путь, а далее использовать его для быстрого передвижения армии с целью моментального захвата соседнего государства.
Как построить торговый путь
Чтобы проложить путь нужно создать юнита-Торговца. Далее оцените, какие города принесут больше прибыли за счет торгового пути. Иногда прокладывая маршрут можно принести доход соседнему городу, а своему нет. Прокладывается дорога следующим образом:
-Создаете торговца и отправляете в заинтересовавший вас город, например из Москвы в Токио.
-Пока торговец идет он прокладывает дорогу.
-Достигнув Токио, торговый путь будет полностью готов.
Также их увеличивают, присоединяя другие страны, в результате города будут получать еще больше золота и некоторые очки культуры, науки и так далее.
Подведя итоги
Как правило, в начале игры в Цивилизации 6 торговые пути могут принести значительное количество золота и очков, которые помогут вам быстро опередить остальные страны, не задействованные в торговле. Но не забывайте, что не только вы будете получать прибыль от торговли, но и ваш временный союзник, который в любой момент может превратиться в сильного врага.
там через некоторое количество ходов предлагают смену пути сколько помню—иначе никак
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да этот момент как то не продумали разрабы. караваны теряются с началом войны…
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.. тоже вначале был в непонятке… как переназначить торговые пути.. обшарил всю менюшку.. а потом оказалось, что реально даётся какое то количество шагов, а потом можно менять направление.. по другому никак..
P.S. .. я поначалу попробовал сам разграбить торговый путь у себя.. ну .. что бы этих верблюдов направить на путь истинный .. и что..???!!?? .. верблюд, он и в Африке верблюд.. ))
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у себя нельзя раграьить—если ты не в союзе сккем
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есть еще копрабли—с них доход яро тдет)
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mifora … честно говоря из последнего коммента.. ничё не понял ..)
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… или ты имела в виду каперские корабли ..??!! ..)) … так ты пиратством занимаешься .. О-о … ??!!.. .. «плохая девочка» ..))))
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сорри за сумбур—там дается у некоторых наций бонус за морские пути….и да грабеж еще)
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mifora … ))))
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просто бухой писал—извините)но вот например за марокко за каждый путь +3 голда…так что думайте)
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… ok .. проверим.. )) ..
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А у меня глюк случился — навожу на меню караванов вишкой, и игру выбивает. Не пойму в чем беда…
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Обновлено: 12.02.2023
Торговые пути в Civilization 6 строятся с помощью юнита-Торговца, а потому первым вашим шагом в любом случае должно быть его создание. Затем прикиньте, какой город вам подойдет больше всего для ведения интенсивной торговли — к нему и будем строить тот самый торговый путь.
Имея в своем распоряжении юнита-Торговца, отправьте его в интересующий для этой цели город. Торговец, следуя в пункт назначения, будет прокладывать торговый путь. Когда он прибудет в конечный город, этот самый торговый путь полностью будет готов для использования. В дальнейшем торговые пути в Civilization 6 можно еще и расширять (увеличивать), подключая к ним другие страны, тем самым обеспечивая города еще более увеличившимся потоком золота и очками культуры, науки и тому подобных важных вещей.
Некоторые из верований могут дать немного довольства на все города. Вот те религии и верования, которые дают довольство:
Пантеон, Речная Богиня – плюс одна единица довольства, где святое место находится возле реки.
Православие, Медитация Дзен – плюс одно довольство в тех городах, где находится более двух специализированных районов.
Торговые пути и строительство дорог Civilization VI
При этом на первых порах игры, караван является единственным вариантом прокладки дорог на карте, ибо Строитель еще не имеет такой возможности. Она появится гораздо позже, после изучения «военного инженера». Посему, канули в лету те дни, когда рабочих создавали в несметном количестве и, расставляя их на каждой клетке, прокладывали транспортную сеть дорог. Но между тем, дороги, созданные торговыми путями, сохраняются и позволяют вашей армии передвигаться гораздо быстрее. Кроме этого, ваши города, связанные дорогами, смогут получать большее количество пищи для возможности быстрее расти. Поэтому, если торговец закончил свой путь, дорога остается, сохраняется при смене эпох и может быть затем улучшена.
Кроме всего, Строители теперь вообще могут выполнить три действия и затем исчезают. Приходится строить новых рабочих. Также строители мгновенно создают улучшения, а китайские строители имею не три действия до исчезновения, а четыре. Узнать о количестве доступных действий можно по количеству человечков на карте. Если три (четыре) то и запас полный, а если одни – то он последний.
Торговые посты устанавливаются в тех городах, где есть желание увеличить прибыль от золота от других иных торговых путей, что будут проходить через данный город. Например, есть маршрут Рим-Москва, можно создать маршрут из Рима в город на востоке от Москвы. В Москве есть смысл установить торговый пост и тогда прибыль в золоте от маршрута увеличится.
Таким образом, торговля теперь стала играть особую роль, поскольку без дорог играть можно, но не слишком комфортно. Кром того, имеет смысл использовать варианты и получения большей прибыли. Тем более что изначально удобно проложить торговый маршрут в иностранное государство, а спустя время объявить войну. Дороги будут созданы, и вашим армиям быстрее будет перемещаться к городам противника.
Еще больше гайдов по Civilization VI на сайте Книги игровых руководств доступно здесь
Зачем нужен торговый путь
Маршрут, через который происходит обмен товаром одной цивилизации с другой и называется торговым путем. Город через который проложен маршрут получает значительное количество золота, а также очки производства, культуры, науки, еды и веры, Но необходимо учитывать с какими городами он соединен.
По сравнению с предыдущей частью в цивилизации 6 прокладка торгового пути является единственной возможностью создания дороги практически в самом начале игры. Строители могут строить дороги после изучение науки «Военного инженера», достичь такого прогресса можно к середине игры.
Также торговые пути можно использовать для быстрого передвижения по карте. К смене эпох данные дороги улучшают и свободно используют в случае войны с тем государством, с которым были связаны торговым путем. Можно пойти на небольшую уловку, построить торговый путь, а далее использовать его для быстрого передвижения армии с целью моментального захвата соседнего государства.
Причины понижения довольства
Всего в цивилизации 6 есть три причины, почему довольство начинает стремительно падать, это:
1. Рост вашего государства – создание двух жителей снижает довольство на одну единицу.
2. Банкротство государства – момент, когда казна полностью пустеет и уходит в минус.
3. Усталость от длительной войны – просто заключите мир с враждующим государством или покончите с ним военным способом. Снизить усталость войны можно за счет изучения Пропаганды или Военного Положения.
Как повысить довольство цивилизация 6
Довольство это уровень счастья жителей ваших городов в игре цивилизация 6. От величины довольства зависит уровень производства, и самое главное скорость роста население. Если в одном или нескольких городах довольство будет меньше нуля, то производство и рост население пойдет в минус что приведет к серьезному кризису. В этой статье мы расскажем, как повысить довольство цивилизации 6 и в результате чего она может упасть.
Подведя итоги
Как правило, в начале игры в Цивилизации 6 торговые пути могут принести значительное количество золота и очков, которые помогут вам быстро опередить остальные страны, не задействованные в торговле. Но не забывайте, что не только вы будете получать прибыль от торговли, но и ваш временный союзник, который в любой момент может превратиться в сильного врага.
Строительство чудес света
Возведение некоторых чудес света может дать вам еще несколько единиц к счастью жителей. Например, Колизей дает три единицы довольства, Альгамбра две единицы, а вот футбольный стадион Маракана дает плюс две единицы во всех городах вашего государства.
Торговые пути Цивилизация 6
В игре Цивилизация 6 существует множество возможностей для развития государства, одним из которых являются торговые пути. Появились они еще в пятой цивилизации, но в новой части игры данный вид торговли прошел через большие изменения. В этой статье мы расскажем все о торговых путях, в том числе какие уловки можно проводить с данной возможностью.
Редкие ресурсы
При добыче редких ресурсов, таких как ртуть, шелк уровень довольства значительно увеличивается. Чтобы добывать данные ресурсы вы должны найти клетку с обозначением ртути или шелка. Далее для добычи ртути следует построить шахту, а для шелка плантацию. За один редкий ресурс (то есть шахту или плантацию) вы будете получать четыре единицы довольства, которые распределяются между городами. Если у вас больше чем четыре города, то довольство будет распределяться туда, где его показатели самые низкие.
Подведя итоги
Теперь вы знаете, как повысить довольство цивилизации 6. В целом при максимальных показателях довольства на уровне «Экстаз» производительность в городе увеличивается на 10%, а рост население на 20. На уровне довольства «Недоволен» рост населения сокращается на 30%, а производительность на 10. Таким образом можно сказать, что довольство играет значительную роль в развитии империи и поэтому к ней стоит уделять особое внимание.
Социальная политика
При исследовании древа социальных институтов есть четыре открытия, которые могут дать довольство:
Госслужба, Вассалы – плюс одно довольство в городах, где есть гарнизон.
Просвещение, Либерализм – плюс довольство в том городе, где есть более двух специализированных районов.
Избирательное право, Новый курс – дает два довольства в городах с более чем тремя специализированными районами.
Профессиональный спорт, Спортивные издания – стадионы будут давать на одно довольство больше.
Как построить торговый путь
Чтобы проложить путь нужно создать юнита-Торговца. Далее оцените, какие города принесут больше прибыли за счет торгового пути. Иногда прокладывая маршрут можно принести доход соседнему городу, а своему нет. Прокладывается дорога следующим образом:
-Создаете торговца и отправляете в заинтересовавший вас город, например из Москвы в Токио.
-Пока торговец идет он прокладывает дорогу.
-Достигнув Токио, торговый путь будет полностью готов.
Также их увеличивают, присоединяя другие страны, в результате города будут получать еще больше золота и некоторые очки культуры, науки и так далее.
Civilization VI торговля, дипломатия и строители
Такие моменты стратегии Civilization VI как дипломатия, торговые отношения и использования юнита «Строитель» (бывший рабочий) претерпели изменения, вслед за развитием городов и изучением наук и политик.
Развлекательные комплексы
Если в одном из городов довольство ниже остальных, то лучшим вариантом будет построить развлекательный центр. За строительство одного развлекательного центра город будет получать одну единицу довольства. Также в самом развлекательном центре можно поставить арену, зоопарк или стадион. Арена и зоопарк дают одно довольство, а вот стадион два. Действуют они на радиус в шесть клеток, поэтому если вблизи от вас находится другой город, то и он получит довольство.
Торговля и дипломатия Civilization VI
В игре существует два типа торговли. Первый и самый простой – между лидерами стран на экране дипломатии. Как и раньше (в прошлых играх серии) лидеры могут обмениваться технологиями, городами, ресурсами, заключать договоры, выплачивать некоторые суммы. Согласятся лидеры на условия геймеров или нет – зависит от сложности игры и их отношения к вам.
Именно от отношения зависят теперь многие факторы. Если вы обожаете развитие военной индустрии и наращиваете флот, то некоторые (Норвежцы) будут вами довольны, как и Японцы, но только при условии наличия веры и культуры. Впрочем, все они любят подарки, борьбу с варварами.
Каждая страна имеет свои слухи, как правило, некоторые исторические факты используются или создаются на основе исторических событий. А также и цели их, которые помогут определиться с тем, как и что они думают о вашей империи. Добиться же лучших отношений придется как и в реальной жизни, используя сплетни, шпионаж, подарки.
Так купцы, дипломаты, шпионы, что будут находиться на территории иностранного государства, смогут держать свои глаза и уши открытыми и передавать вам информацию не только о движении войск и проводимых сделках с иными государствами, но и о том, что думает данный лидер о вас, как правителе, и о вашей империи в целом. А потому заключать сделки с лидером будет гораздо проще.
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Такие моменты стратегии Civilization VI как дипломатия, торговые отношения и использования юнита «Строитель» (бывший рабочий) претерпели изменения, вслед за развитием городов и изучением наук и политик.
Торговля и дипломатия Civilization VI
В игре существует два типа торговли. Первый и самый простой – между лидерами стран на экране дипломатии. Как и раньше (в прошлых играх серии) лидеры могут обмениваться технологиями, городами, ресурсами, заключать договоры, выплачивать некоторые суммы. Согласятся лидеры на условия геймеров или нет – зависит от сложности игры и их отношения к вам.
Именно от отношения зависят теперь многие факторы. Если вы обожаете развитие военной индустрии и наращиваете флот, то некоторые (Норвежцы) будут вами довольны, как и Японцы, но только при условии наличия веры и культуры. Впрочем, все они любят подарки, борьбу с варварами.
Каждая страна имеет свои слухи, как правило, некоторые исторические факты используются или создаются на основе исторических событий. А также и цели их, которые помогут определиться с тем, как и что они думают о вашей империи. Добиться же лучших отношений придется как и в реальной жизни, используя сплетни, шпионаж, подарки.
Так купцы, дипломаты, шпионы, что будут находиться на территории иностранного государства, смогут держать свои глаза и уши открытыми и передавать вам информацию не только о движении войск и проводимых сделках с иными государствами, но и о том, что думает данный лидер о вас, как правителе, и о вашей империи в целом. А потому заключать сделки с лидером будет гораздо проще.
Торговые пути и строительство дорог Civilization VI
Торговые пути (караваны) – второй вариант торговли Civilization VI. Торговца построить можно в любом городе и отправить его торговать в чужой город. Торговый путь приносит золото за ход, а также очки культуры, науки, веры, еды, производства.
При этом на первых порах игры, караван является единственным вариантом прокладки дорог на карте, ибо Строитель еще не имеет такой возможности. Она появится гораздо позже, после изучения «военного инженера». Посему, канули в лету те дни, когда рабочих создавали в несметном количестве и, расставляя их на каждой клетке, прокладывали транспортную сеть дорог. Но между тем, дороги, созданные торговыми путями, сохраняются и позволяют вашей армии передвигаться гораздо быстрее. Кроме этого, ваши города, связанные дорогами, смогут получать большее количество пищи для возможности быстрее расти. Поэтому, если торговец закончил свой путь, дорога остается, сохраняется при смене эпох и может быть затем улучшена.
Кроме всего, Строители теперь вообще могут выполнить три действия и затем исчезают. Приходится строить новых рабочих. Также строители мгновенно создают улучшения, а китайские строители имею не три действия до исчезновения, а четыре. Узнать о количестве доступных действий можно по количеству человечков на карте. Если три (четыре) то и запас полный, а если одни – то он последний.
Торговые посты устанавливаются в тех городах, где есть желание увеличить прибыль от золота от других иных торговых путей, что будут проходить через данный город. Например, есть маршрут Рим-Москва, можно создать маршрут из Рима в город на востоке от Москвы. В Москве есть смысл установить торговый пост и тогда прибыль в золоте от маршрута увеличится.
Таким образом, торговля теперь стала играть особую роль, поскольку без дорог играть можно, но не слишком комфортно. Кром того, имеет смысл использовать варианты и получения большей прибыли. Тем более что изначально удобно проложить торговый маршрут в иностранное государство, а спустя время объявить войну. Дороги будут созданы, и вашим армиям быстрее будет перемещаться к городам противника.
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Поделиться ссылкой:
Игровой процесс практически любой игры из серии Civilization зиждется на 4-х столпах, а именно: дипломатии, торговле, строительстве и войне. Все эти элементы подверглись немалым изменениям в шестой части, поэтому мы решили рассмотреть их как можно подробнее. В данном руководстве мы затронем все кроме войны, так как она заслуживает отдельной статьи.
Торговля и дипломатия
В Civilization 6 представлено два вида торговли. Первый из них наиболее легкий и быстро осваиваемый, так как происходит между двумя главами государств на стандартном экране дипломатии. Как и в прошлых «Цивилизациях» соседи могут выкупать или обменивать технологии и ресурсы, осуществлять заключение соглашений, давать в подарок определенные суммы золота и выполнять прочие подобные действия. Лидеры других стран будут соглашаться или отвергать предложения игроков в зависимости от их отношения к ним и выбранного уровня сложности. То есть на легком будет довольно просто уломать Клеопатру на поцелуй продажу важных технологий, а на сложном – практически невозможно.
На отношение других народов к вашей державе будут влиять множество факторов, включая национальные причуды. Например, японцам и норвежцам нравится, когда игрок развивает военную отрасль и увеличивает флот. Они также дружелюбно настроены к странам с высокой культурой и верой. Впрочем, практически все обожают подарки и совместные операции по уничтожению варваров.
Не забывайте также использовать своих шпионов, дипломатов и купцов, запуская их на территории других стран. Они будут передавать вам все необходимые сведения об иностранных государствах: движениях армий, сделках с другими цивилизациями, отношении лидеров лично к вам и к вашей империи в целом. Естественно, с подобной информацией заключать сделки будет гораздо проще.
Строительство дорог и создание торговых путей
Второй тип торговли в Civilization 6 связан с созданием торговых путей и отправкой караванов. Создать торговца вы можете в любом населенном пункте. После этого нужно выслать его в город другой нации, чтобы создать торговый путь. Каждый караван будет приносить вам 1 золотой за ход, а также дополнительные очки пищи, производства, науки, культуры и веры.
Стоит отметить, что на начальном этапе торговый путь окажется единственным методом для прокладки дорог, так как у строителей подобной возможности не окажется. Подобная опция возникнет несколько позднее после открытия «военного инженера». Таким образом, прошли те времена, когда уже в самом начале игроки создавали массу рабочих и строили дороги во всех направлениях, связывая свою империю дорожной паутиной. Теперь же в начале ее можно будет создать только при наличии торгующих между собой городов.
Армии по торговым путям передвигаются быстрее. Они не исчезают со сменой эпох и могут быть при необходимости модернизированы в будущем.
Система строительства подверглась большой доработке – отныне строители могут выполнить лишь 3 действия, после чего они уходят в бессрочный отпуск, поэтому приходится постоянно создавать новых рабочих. Зато все улучшения строителями создаются моментально, то есть больше не нужно ждать по несколько ходов, чтобы создать шахту или дорогу. У китайцев, кстати, рабочие способны сделать 4 действия, прежде чем исчезнуть. Узнать о количестве оставшихся действий можно по числу людей в отряде строителей.
Торговые посты стоит создавать в тех населенных пунктах, которые находятся рядом с торговыми путями и где нужно повысить доход от золота. Допустим, у нас имеется маршрут из Берлина в Санкт-Петербург, на котором находится Москва. Создаем в Москве торговый пост и получаем дополнительную прибыль от торгового пути.
В результате торговля стала играть значительную роль в геймплее. Дело в том, что она не только становится отличным источником дохода, но и долгое время является единственной возможностью создавать дороги между населенными пунктами. Военным империям стоит заранее налаживать торговые отношения со своими жертвами, чтобы потом быстро передвигать армии к ключевым городам противников.