Divide by zero error encountered the statement has been terminated

SQL Server divide by zero error encountered – How to fix by Linsa SV | Apr 20, 2021 Stuck with ‘SQL server divide by zero error encountered’? We can help you. Recently, one of our customer came across this error as it is not possible to divide a number by zero. It leads to […]


  1. SQL Server divide by zero error encountered – How to fix
  2. Cause for the error ‘SQL Server divide by zero error encountered’
  3. How to solve the error ‘SQL Server divide by zero error encountered’?
  4. Method 1: SQL NULLIF Function
  5. Method 2: Using CASE statement to avoid divide by zero error
  7. Conclusion
  8. Are you using Docker based apps?
  9. Database.Guide
  10. Beginners
  11. Categories
  12. 5 Ways to Fix the “Divide by zero error” in SQL Server (Msg 8134)
  13. The Error
  14. Option 1: The NULLIF() Expression
  15. Option 2: Add the ISNULL() Function
  16. Option 3: Use a CASE Statement
  17. Option 4: The SET ARITHABORT Statement
  18. Option 5: The SET ARITHIGNORE Statement
  19. SQLShack
  20. Methods to avoid the SQL divide by zero error
  21. Introduction
  22. Method 1: SQL NULLIF Function
  23. Method 2: Using CASE statement to avoid divide by zero error
  24. Method 3: SET ARITHABORT OFF
  25. Conclusion

SQL Server divide by zero error encountered – How to fix

by Linsa SV | Apr 20, 2021

Stuck with ‘SQL server divide by zero error encountered’? We can help you.

Recently, one of our customer came across this error as it is not possible to divide a number by zero. It leads to infinity. We perform data calculations in SQL Server for various considerations.

As part of your Server Management Services, we assist our customers with several SQL queries.

Today, let us see how to fix this error.

Cause for the error ‘SQL Server divide by zero error encountered’

Let us see what could cause the error ‘SQL Server divide by zero error encountered’.

To start with, If the product2 quantity goes out of stock and that means we do not have any quantity for product2.

We get SQL divide by zero error messages (message id 8134, level 16):

How to solve the error ‘SQL Server divide by zero error encountered’?

Always, it is a best practice to write code in such a way that it does not give divide by zero message. It should have a mechanism to deal proactively with such conditions.

Moving ahead, let us see an effective methods followed by our Support Techs employ in order to solve this error.

Method 1: SQL NULLIF Function

Initially, we use NULLIF function to avoid divide by zero error message.

The syntax of NULLIF function:

It accepts two arguments.

  • Firstly, If both the arguments are equal, it returns a null value

For example, suppose that the value of both arguments is 10.

SELECT NULLIF(10, 10) result;

In this case, the output will be null.

  • Secondly, If both the arguments are not equal, it returns the value of the first argument.

In this example, both argument values differ. It returns the output as value of first argument 10.

SELECT NULLIF(10, 5) result;

We can modify our initial query using the SQL NULLIF statement. We place the following logic using NULLIF function for eliminating SQL divide by zero error:

  • Use NULLIF function in the denominator with second argument value zero
  • If the value of the first argument is also zero, this function returns a null value. In SQL Server, if we divide a number with null, the output is null as well.
  • If the value of the first argument is not zero, it returns the first argument value and division takes place as standard values.

Execute this modified query. We will get the output as NULL because denominator contains value zero.

If we do not want null value in the output, we can use SQL ISNULL function to avoid null values in the output and display a definite value. This function replaces the null value in the expression1 and returns expression2 value as output.

Method 2: Using CASE statement to avoid divide by zero error

Secondly, you can use a CASE statement in SQL to return values based on specific conditions. The Case statement checks for the value of @Product2 parameter:

  • If the @Product2 value is zero, it returns null.
  • If the above condition is not satisfied, it does the arithmetic operation (@Product1/@Product2) and returns the output.

We will get output as NULL.


By default, SQL Server has a default value of SET ARITHABORT is ON. We get SQL divide by zero error in the output using the default behavior.

The T-SQL syntax for controlling the ARITHABORT option is shown below:

  • Using ARITHABORT ON, the query will terminate with divide by zero message. It is the default behavior.

We get the SQL divide by zero error messages.

  • Using ARITHABORT OFF, the batch will terminate and returns a null value. We need to use ARITHABORT in combination with SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF to avoid the error message:

We will get the output as NULL.

Finally, you can use the following query to check the current setting for the ARITHABORT parameter:

The default ARITHABORT setting for SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is ON. We can view it using SSMS Tools properties. Navigate to Tools -> Options -> Advanced.

We should not modify the value of ARITHABORT unless required. It might create performance issues, as well. It is better to use other methods for avoiding SQL divide by zero error.

[Need assistance? We can help you]


In short, we saw how our Support Techs resolve error ‘SQL Server divide by zero error encountered’

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5 Ways to Fix the “Divide by zero error” in SQL Server (Msg 8134)

Here are five options for dealing with error Msg 8134 “Divide by zero error encountered” in SQL Server.

The Error

First, here’s an example of code that produces the error we’re talking about:

We get the error because we’re trying to divide a number by zero. Mathematically, this does not make any sense. You can’t divide a number by zero and expect a meaningful result.

To deal with this error, we need to decide what should be returned when we try to divide by zero. For example, we might want a null value to be returned. Or we might want zero to be returned. Or some other value.

Below are some options for dealing with this error.

Option 1: The NULLIF() Expression

A quick and easy way to deal with this error is to use the NULLIF() expression:

NULLIF() returns NULL if the two specified expressions are the same value. It returns the first expression if the two expressions are different. Therefore, if we use zero as the second expression, we will get a null value whenever the first expression is zero. Dividing a number by NULL results in NULL .

Actually, SQL Server already returns NULL on a divide-by-zero error, but in most cases we don’t see this, due to our ARITHABORT and ANSI_WARNINGS settings (more on this later).

Option 2: Add the ISNULL() Function

In some cases, you might prefer to return a value other than NULL .

In such cases, you can pass the previous example to the ISNULL() function:

Here I specified that zero should be returned whenever the result is NULL .

Be careful though. In some cases, returning zero might be inappropriate. For example, if you’re dealing with inventory supplies, specifying zero might imply that there are zero products, which might not be the case.

Option 3: Use a CASE Statement

Another way to do it is to use a CASE statement:

Option 4: The SET ARITHABORT Statement

The SET ARITHABORT statement ends a query when an overflow or divide-by-zero error occurs during query execution. We can use it in conjunction with SET ANSI WARNINGS to return NULL whenever the divide-by-zero error might occur:

Microsoft recommends that you always set ARITHABORT to ON in your logon sessions, and that setting it to OFF can negatively impact query optimisation, leading to performance issues.

Some clients (such as SQL Server Management Studio) set ARITHABORT to ON by default. This is why you probably don’t see the NULL value being returned when you divide by zero. You can use SET ARITHIGNORE to change this behaviour if you prefer.

Option 5: The SET ARITHIGNORE Statement

The SET ARITHIGNORE statement controls whether error messages are returned from overflow or divide-by-zero errors during a query:

Here, I set ARITHABORT and ANSI_WARNINGS to OFF so that the statement wasn’t aborted due to the error, and NULL is returned whenever there’s a divide-by-zero error.

Note that the SET ARITHIGNORE setting only controls whether an error message is returned. SQL Server returns a NULL in a calculation involving an overflow or divide-by-zero error, regardless of this setting.

In the above example we can see that when ARITHIGNORE is ON , the division by zero error is not returned. When it’s OFF , the division by zero error message is returned.



Methods to avoid the SQL divide by zero error

This article explores the SQL divide by zero error and various methods for eliminating this.


We all know that in math, it is not possible to divide a number by zero. It leads to infinity:

If you try to do in calculator also, you get the error message – Cannot Divide by zero:

We perform data calculations in SQL Server for various considerations. Suppose we perform an arithmetic division operator for calculating a ratio of products in a store. Usually, the division works fine, and we get the ratio:

Someday, the product2 quantity goes out of stock and that means we do not have any quantity for product2. Let’s see how the SQL Server query behaves in this case:

We get SQL divide by zero error messages (message id 8134, level 16):

We do not want our code to fail due to these errors. It is a best practice to write code in such a way that it does not give divide by zero message. It should have a mechanism to deal proactively with such conditions.

SQL Server provides multiple methods for avoiding this error message. Let’s explore it in the next section.

Method 1: SQL NULLIF Function

We use NULLIF function to avoid divide by zero error message.

The syntax of NULLIF function:

It accepts two arguments.

If both the arguments are equal, it returns a null value

For example, let’s say both arguments value is 10:

In the screenshot, we can see that the output is null:

If both the arguments are not equal, it returns the value of the first argument

In this example, both argument values differ. It returns the output as value of first argument 10:

Let’s modify our initial query using the SQL NULLIF statement. We place the following logic using NULLIF function for eliminating SQL divide by zero error:

  • Use NULLIF function in the denominator with second argument value zero
  • If the value of the first argument is also, zero, this function returns a null value. In SQL Server, if we divide a number with null, the output is null as well
  • If the value of the first argument is not zero, it returns the first argument value and division takes place as standard values

Execute this modified query. We can see the output NULL because denominator contains value zero.

Do we want null value in the output? Is there any method to avoid null and display a definite value?

Yes, we can use SQL ISNULL function to avoid null values in the output. This function replaces the null value in the expression1 and returns expression2 value as output.

Let’s explore the following query with a combination of SQL NULLIF and SQL ISNULL function:

  • First argument ((@Product1 / NULLIF(@Product2,0)) returns null
  • We use the ISNULL function and specify the second argument value zero. As we have the first argument null, the output of overall query is zero (second argument value)

Method 2: Using CASE statement to avoid divide by zero error

We can use a CASE statement in SQL to return values based on specific conditions. Look at the following query. It does the following task with the Case statement.

The Case statement checks for the value of @Product2 parameter:

  • If the @Product2 value is zero, it returns null
  • If the above condition is not satisfied, it does the arithmetic operation (@Product1/@Product2) and returns the output


We can use set methods to control query behavior. By default, SQL Server has a default value of SET ARITHABORT is ON. We get SQL divide by zero error in the output using the default behavior.

The T-SQL syntax for controlling the ARITHABORT option is shown below:

Using ARITHABORT ON, the query will terminate with divide by zero message. It is the default behavior. For this demo, let’s enable it using the SET ARITHABORT ON statement:

We get the SQL divide by zero error messages:

Using ARITHABORT OFF, the batch will terminate and returns a null value. We need to use ARITHABORT in combination with SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF to avoid the error message:

We can use the following query to check the current setting for the ARITHABORT parameter:

The default ARITHABORT setting for SSMS is ON. We can view it using SSMS Tools properties. Navigate to Tools -> Options -> Advanced:

Many client applications or drivers provide a default value of ARITHABORT is OFF. The different values might force SQL Server to produces a different execution plan, and it might create performance issues. You should also match the setting similar to a client application while troubleshooting the performance issues.

Note: You should not modify the value of ARITHABORT unless required. It might create performance issues, as well. I would suggest using alternative methods (as described earlier) for avoiding SQL divide by zero error.


In this article, we explored the various methods for avoiding SQL divide by zero error. It is best practice to be proactive and use these mechanisms so that code does not fail in real-time.

Hi! I am Rajendra Gupta, Database Specialist and Architect, helping organizations implement Microsoft SQL Server, Azure, Couchbase, AWS solutions fast and efficiently, fix related issues, and Performance Tuning with over 14 years of experience.

I am the author of the book «DP-300 Administering Relational Database on Microsoft Azure». I published more than 650 technical articles on MSSQLTips, SQLShack, Quest, CodingSight, and SeveralNines.

I am the creator of one of the biggest free online collections of articles on a single topic, with his 50-part series on SQL Server Always On Availability Groups.

Based on my contribution to the SQL Server community, I have been recognized as the prestigious Best Author of the Year continuously in 2019, 2020, and 2021 (2nd Rank) at SQLShack and the MSSQLTIPS champions award in 2020.


Here are five options for dealing with error Msg 8134 “Divide by zero error encountered” in SQL Server.

First, here’s an example of code that produces the error we’re talking about:

SELECT 1 / 0;


Msg 8134, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Divide by zero error encountered.

We get the error because we’re trying to divide a number by zero. Mathematically, this does not make any sense. You can’t divide a number by zero and expect a meaningful result.

To deal with this error, we need to decide what should be returned when we try to divide by zero. For example, we might want a null value to be returned. Or we might want zero to be returned. Or some other value.

Below are some options for dealing with this error.

Option 1: The NULLIF() Expression

A quick and easy way to deal with this error is to use the NULLIF() expression:

SELECT 1 / NULLIF( 0, 0 );



NULLIF() returns NULL if the two specified expressions are the same value. It returns the first expression if the two expressions are different. Therefore, if we use zero as the second expression, we will get a null value whenever the first expression is zero. Dividing a number by NULL results in NULL.

Actually, SQL Server already returns NULL on a divide-by-zero error, but in most cases we don’t see this, due to our ARITHABORT and ANSI_WARNINGS settings (more on this later).

Option 2: Add the ISNULL() Function

In some cases, you might prefer to return a value other than NULL.

In such cases, you can pass the previous example to the ISNULL() function:

SELECT ISNULL(1 / NULLIF( 0, 0 ), 0);



Here I specified that zero should be returned whenever the result is NULL.

Be careful though. In some cases, returning zero might be inappropriate. For example, if you’re dealing with inventory supplies, specifying zero might imply that there are zero products, which might not be the case.

Option 3: Use a CASE Statement

Another way to do it is to use a CASE statement:

DECLARE @n1 INT = 20;
DECLARE @n2 INT = 0;

    WHEN @n2 = 0
    ELSE @n1 / @n2



Option 4: The SET ARITHABORT Statement

The SET ARITHABORT statement ends a query when an overflow or divide-by-zero error occurs during query execution. We can use it in conjunction with SET ANSI WARNINGS to return NULL whenever the divide-by-zero error might occur:

SELECT 20 / 0;



Microsoft recommends that you always set ARITHABORT to ON in your logon sessions, and that setting it to OFF can negatively impact query optimisation, leading to performance issues.

Some clients (such as SQL Server Management Studio) set ARITHABORT to ON by default. This is why you probably don’t see the NULL value being returned when you divide by zero. You can use SET ARITHIGNORE to change this behaviour if you prefer.

Option 5: The SET ARITHIGNORE Statement

The SET ARITHIGNORE statement controls whether error messages are returned from overflow or divide-by-zero errors during a query:


SELECT 1 / 0 AS Result_1;

SELECT 1 / 0 AS Result_2;


Commands completed successfully.
Commands completed successfully.
Commands completed successfully.
| Result_1   |
| NULL       |
(1 row affected)
Commands completed successfully.
| Result_2   |
| NULL       |
Division by zero occurred.

Here, I set ARITHABORT and ANSI_WARNINGS to OFF so that the statement wasn’t aborted due to the error, and NULL is returned whenever there’s a divide-by-zero error.

Note that the SET ARITHIGNORE setting only controls whether an error message is returned. SQL Server returns a NULL in a calculation involving an overflow or divide-by-zero error, regardless of this setting.

In the above example we can see that when ARITHIGNORE is ON, the division by zero error is not returned. When it’s OFF, the division by zero error message is returned.

I’m getting a lot of downvotes on this recently…so I thought I’d just add a note that this answer was written before the question underwent it’s most recent edit, where returning null was highlighted as an option…which seems very acceptable. Some of my answer was addressed to concerns like that of Edwardo, in the comments, who seemed to be advocating returning a 0. This is the case I was railing against.

I think there’s an underlying issue here, which is that division by 0 is not legal. It’s an indication that something is fundementally wrong. If you’re dividing by zero, you’re trying to do something that doesn’t make sense mathematically, so no numeric answer you can get will be valid. (Use of null in this case is reasonable, as it is not a value that will be used in later mathematical calculations).

So Edwardo asks in the comments «what if the user puts in a 0?», and he advocates that it should be okay to get a 0 in return. If the user puts zero in the amount, and you want 0 returned when they do that, then you should put in code at the business rules level to catch that value and return 0…not have some special case where division by 0 = 0.

That’s a subtle difference, but it’s important…because the next time someone calls your function and expects it to do the right thing, and it does something funky that isn’t mathematically correct, but just handles the particular edge case it’s got a good chance of biting someone later. You’re not really dividing by 0…you’re just returning an bad answer to a bad question.

Imagine I’m coding something, and I screw it up. I should be reading in a radiation measurement scaling value, but in a strange edge case I didn’t anticipate, I read in 0. I then drop my value into your function…you return me a 0! Hurray, no radiation! Except it’s really there and it’s just that I was passing in a bad value…but I have no idea. I want division to throw the error because it’s the flag that something is wrong.

In this article, we will be discussing about the “Divide by zero error encountered” error message in SQL Server.

About the “Divide by zero error encountered” error message

Well, as the error message says, whenever we have a division within a SQL query and the denominator has the value of zero (0) we get this error.

The exact error we get in SQL Server is:

Msg 8134, Level 16, State 1, Line [Here goes the line of the denominator in your query]
Divide by zero error encountered.

So, which is the best way of addressing this issue? As it is data-related we should be precautious anyway when having a division within a query and effectively control the denominator values for handling the case where a zero might be produced.

Just for reproducing the divide by zero error, consider the following example query:

declare @denominator int
set @denominator=0

select 1/@denominator

Different Approaches for Handling the Issue

There are a few approaches of handling such problem. Here I present three.

Approach 1 – Using the “SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF” Command

By using the “SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF” command just right before the rest of the queries, it will allow your query that produces the error not to stop the execution of the rest of the queries.



declare @denominator int
set @denominator=0

select 1/@denominator

.... Other queries go here

Approach 2 – Using the CASE Statement

By using the CASE statement it is possible to check the denominator value for a zero and if it is so you can use 1 in order for the division not to fail.

Example Query:

declare @denominator int
set @denominator=0

select 1/(case @denominator when 0 then 1 else @denominator end)

Alternatively, you can create a custom scalar-valued function that given an input parameter, it can check for a zero and if it is encountered it can return 1 else it should return the input:

CREATE FUNCTION check_denominator
-- Function parameter
@input int

-- Declare local variable
DECLARE @result int

-- Check for 0, if so then return 1 else return the input
SET @result =(SELECT (CASE @input when 0 then 1 else @input end))

-- Return the result
RETURN @result


Then you can use the above function as follows:

declare @denominator int
set @denominator=0

select 1/dbo.check_denominator(@denominator)

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Approach 3 – Using the NULLIF Function

Yep, by using the NULLIF function it is possible to handle the issue of a zero denominator.
But how? 🙂

The NULLIF function takes two arguments and if they have equal values it then returns a NULL.

The idea here is to compare the denominator value with a zero via NULLIF and if it returns a NULL then to handle it with the ISNULL function (by placing the number 1)!


declare @denominator int
set @denominator=0

select 1/ISNULL(NULLIF(@denominator,0),1)

Concluding Remarks

Which of the above three approaches is the best one? Well, this is up to you 🙂

Personally I do not prefer Approach 1 as it does not solve the problem but rather “says” to SQL Server to ignore it.

So we have Approach 2 and 3 left. Approach 2 looks appealing but still I would only use it with a function.

My personal opinion is that Approach 3 is the best one; it just uses two built-in SQL Server functions and you do not need to write much additional code for handling a zero denominator!

Tip: Also, whenever you have a division in your query keep in mind that if you use only integer variables (like in this example 🙂 and the calculated denominator value is below zero it will return a zero so be careful with that as well (you can use float or decimal instead)!

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Reference: SQLNetHub.com (https://www.sqlnethub.com)

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Artemakis Artemiou

Artemakis Artemiou is a Senior SQL Server Architect, Author, a 9 Times Microsoft Data Platform MVP (2009-2018). He has over 20 years of experience in the IT industry in various roles. Artemakis is the founder of SQLNetHub and {essentialDevTips.com}. Artemakis is the creator of the well-known software tools Snippets Generator and DBA Security Advisor. Also, he is the author of many eBooks on SQL Server. Artemakis currently serves as the President of the Cyprus .NET User Group (CDNUG) and the International .NET Association Country Leader for Cyprus (INETA). Moreover, Artemakis teaches on Udemy, you can check his courses here.

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The TRY...CATCH block is causing the execution of the stored procedure to terminate before it has a chance to return the values in #TEMP.

Try this stored proc:


    VALUES (1);

    VALUES (1/0);

    PRINT (N'Run the SELECT');


Running it, like this, without a TRY...CATCH, allows all the statements in the proc to run:

EXEC dbo.SomeProc;

The output:

Msg 8134, Level 16, State 1, Procedure SomeProc, Line 12
Divide by zero error encountered.
The statement has been terminated.
Run the SELECT

However, if you run it inside a TRY...CATCH:

    EXEC dbo.SomeProc;

You see only the error message:

Divide by zero error encountered.

The PRINT (N'Run the SELECT'); never runs, and indeed the SELECT ID FROM #TEMP; never runs either. Hence no rows are returned, and nothing can be inserted into your #TEMPTABLE

From the MSDN documentation on TRY…CATCH:

If there is an error in the code that is enclosed in a TRY block, control passes to the first statement in the associated CATCH block.

As always, the devil is in the details. TRY...CATCH always aborts the code inside the BEGIN TRY...END TRY code block if any error over severity 10 occurs that does not close the database connection. Execution is immediately passed into the BEGIN CATCH...END CATCH block, even if this means aborting code in a stored proc.

Be aware that if an error occurs on any row the entire insert will not happen. The only reason you’re seeing this error, and a row being inserted, is because you have two insert statements, one that runs to completion, and one that throws an error. Take for instance:


    VALUES (1);

    VALUES (1)
        , (2)
        , (3)
        , (4)
        , (1/0);

    PRINT (N'Run the SELECT');


Using this stored proc, either inside a TRY...CATCH or with no TRY...CATCH block, will only result in a single row being inserted into the #TEMPTABLE — none of the rows in the 2nd insert will be present in the output.

  • Hi All,

    Anyone know how to fix the error «Divide by zero error encountered. [SQLSTATE 22012] (Error 8134) «

    Thanks in advance


  • Derrick Leggett


    Points: 2778

    Don’t divide by zero.    You need to figure out where you are doing this and fix it. 

    Derrick Leggett
    Mean Old DBA
    When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.

  • chris webster


    Points: 1974

    Prior to any division check the divisor for its value, if zero take a different path in code.


  • Johan Bijnens

    SSC Guru

    Points: 135009

    Like Derrick Leggett mentioned, figure it out !

    If your investigation points the symantics are OK, then you might use a case statement .

    declare @col1  integer

    declare @col2  integer

    declare @col3  integer

    select @col1 = 8, @col2 = 0, @col3 = 2

    select  @col1 / case when @col2 = 0 then 1 else @col2 end as first_division

    ,   @col1 / case when @col3 = 0 then 1 else @col3 end as second_division

  • Jonathan Stokes

    SSCrazy Eights

    Points: 9861

    You can do the same thing on the application as well if you are using one. In crystal reports and business objects I never create variables using division without setting the value to 1 in the case of zero or null values.

    You can use if then else or isnull to achieve this.

    The Users are always right — when I’m not wrong!

  • barsuk


    Points: 12280

    You might want to toggle SET ARITHABORT ON|OFF and SET ARITHIGNORE ON|OFF. Check BOL for more details.

  • John Dann

    SSC Journeyman

    Points: 83

    February 3, 2006 at 8:38 am


    I’m getting the same message.  I’m running a single step agent job executing a single proc, and the agent returns this detail:

    Divide by zero error encountered. [SQLSTATE 22012] (Error 8134)  The statement has been terminated. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Error 3621).  The step failed.

    Within the proc that is being run, I log every command called within the proc except the actual calls to the log (over 300 commands), and the log table shows that the proc completed successfully.  I’m thinking this is an agent error, but I do not know.  Where should I look at this point?  Thanks.  John

  • Jo Pattyn


    Points: 31811

    February 3, 2006 at 10:49 am


    like barsuk wrote

    What are you current connection settings of

    SET ARITHABORT ON|OFF (abort batch on error)

    and SET ARITHIGNORE ON|OFF. (issue a warning but continue)

  • Phil Henry

    Mr or Mrs. 500

    Points: 528

    Im running a Crystal Report from a SQL Procedure script in SQL 2008

    Ive just exoerienced this same error message and solved it by inserting WHEN 0 THEN 0 to the beginning of my script ( first few lines shown here)

    PROCEDURE [xxdbo].[CH_OperationAnalysis] @FromDate DATETIME, @ToDate DATETIME AS





    CASE [tse].[OperationLength]

    WHEN 0 THEN 0


    ( etc etc etc

    Hope this helps

  • Edward Boyle-478467

    Ten Centuries

    Points: 1134

    I always use select a/nullif(b,0) for division when there is a possibility that the divisor is zero.

  • PhilPacha

    Hall of Fame

    Points: 3645

    The solution Edward Boyle posted is the one I use. If you need a non-null final result, simply add an encompassing COALESCE or ISNULL to provide the appropriate ‘default’ value.

    ISNULL(col1 / NULLIF(col2, 0), 0) will provide a final result of zero.

  • nigel.


    Points: 11636

    Guys you’re posting answers to a question asked in 2004. I hope they’ve fixed the problem by now. :w00t:

  • Phil Henry

    Mr or Mrs. 500

    Points: 528

  • priterande

    Valued Member

    Points: 63

    select COALESCE(MIN(Act) / NULLIF(MAX(Act),0), 0) as minvsmaxAct from table_name

  • Luis Cazares

    SSC Guru

    Points: 183694

    priterande (11/5/2015)

    select COALESCE(MIN(Act) / NULLIF(MAX(Act),0), 0) as minvsmaxAct from table_name

    This is what I usually do, except that I don’t reply to 5 year old threads. :w00t:

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

Viewing 15 posts — 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

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  • Question

  • My code is:

    	SELECT 20 AS Overdue_Amount, 100 AS Credit_Amount
    	SELECT 0 AS Overdue_Amount, 0 AS Credit_Amount
    ) T
    WHERE Credit_Amount=100
    	OR (Credit_Amount>0 AND Overdue_Amount/Credit_Amount>0.1)

    And I got following error:

    Msg 8134, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
    Divide by zero error encountered.

    If I change it like this:

    	SELECT 20 AS Overdue_Amount, 100 AS Credit_Amount
    	SELECT 0 AS Overdue_Amount, 0 AS Credit_Amount
    ) T
    WHERE Credit_Amount=100
    	OR (ISNULL(Overdue_Amount/NULLIF(Credit_Amount,0),0)>0.1)

    So my quesion is «Why I encountered error when exec first snippet? What happened?»


  • interestingly there was an (admittedly old) technet discussion (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/cc678236.aspx) where an MS guy says that short-circuiting is present in SQL Server. 

    «Present» is not a very exact term.

    The SQL language «allow» for short cut. That is a good thing. Imagine:

    WHERE c1 = 23 and c2 = 45

    Also, imagine an index on c1. Now, if SQL were’nt allowed to do short cut (which would be ridiculous), then the index on c1 would be useful since c2 would have to be evaluated even for the rows where c1 is false. This is what I mean by shortcut is *allowed*
    (amd, again, anything else would be stupid).

    But, shortcut is not *required* since that would make SQL a less declarative language, considering the optimizer whold have few options to run the query. A slightly different example (read closely)

    WHERE c1 = 23 and c2 = 45

    Now we imagine an index on c2 but not on c1. If short cut were required, then SQL Server would have to evaluate c1 = 23 first, and since we have no index on c1 we would have a table scan (even with a perfect index on c2). These kind of things are at the
    root when it comes to short cut in SQL Server, and «predicate pushing» (like pushing a condition in an outer query to an inner query — which is exactly what you have in your example.

    Tibor Karaszi, SQL Server MVP | http://www.karaszi.com/sqlserver/default.asp | http://sqlblog.com/blogs/tibor_karaszi

    • Proposed as answer by

      Tuesday, September 14, 2010 1:05 PM

    • Edited by
      Tuesday, September 14, 2010 2:58 PM
    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, September 15, 2010 5:25 AM

In this article, we will look at how to avoid the “divide by zero” error in SQL. If we divide any number by zero, it leads to infinity, and we get an error message. We can avoid this error message using the following three methods:

  • Using NULLIF() function
  • Using CASE statement

We will be creating a database first to perform SQL operations.




Commands completed successfully show the database “Test” is created.

For all the methods we need to declare two variables that will store the values of the numerator and denominator.


After declaring the variable we have to set the values. Set the second variable value as zero.

SET @Num1=12;
SET @Num2=0;

Method 1: Using NULLIF() function

If both arguments are equal, it returns NULL. If both arguments are not equal, it returns the value of the first argument.


NULLIF(exp1, exp2);

Now we are using the NULLIF() function in the denominator with the second argument value zero. 

SELECT @Num1/NULLIF(@Num2,0) AS Division;
  • In the SQL server, if we divide any number with a NULL value its output will be NULL.
  • If the first argument is zero, it means if the Num2 value is zero, then NULLIF() function returns the NULL value.
  • If the first argument is not zero, then NULLIF() function returns the value of that argument. And the division takes place as regular.

Here is the complete query.


SET @Num1=12;
SET @Num2=0;
SELECT @Num1/NULLIF(@Num2,0) AS Division;


Method 2: Using the CASE statement

The SQL CASE statement is used to check the condition and return a value. It checks the conditions until it is true and if no conditions are true it returns the value in the else part.

We have to check the value of the denominator i.e the value of the Num2 variable. If it is zero then return NULL otherwise return the regular division.

WHEN @Num2=0
ELSE @Num1/@Num2
END AS Division;

Here is the complete query:


SET @Num1=12;
SET @Num2=0;
    WHEN @Num2=0
    ELSE @Num1/@Num2
END AS Division;



To control the behavior of queries, we can use SET methods. By default, ARITHABORT is set as ON. It terminates the query and returns an error message. If we set it OFF it will terminate and returns a NULL value.

Like ARITHBORT, we have to set ANSI_WARNINGS OFF to avoid the error message.


Here is the complete query:


SET @Num1=12;
SET @Num2=0;
Select @num1/@Num2;



Msg 8134, Level 16, State 1, Line 7
Divide by zero error encountered.

While performing division operation in SQL Server, you may come across this error when you try to divide a number by 0.

Msg 8134 Divide by zero error encountered

To avoid this error, you can check and make sure that the divisor is not 0. Another option is to catch the exception in the proper way and throw the message to the front end, so as you can easily identify what went wrong and where the exception happened. Let us see both the options.

Option 1: Check for 0 and make it NULL

This is kind of suppressing the exception. Using the NULLIF function, check the divisor for 0 and change it to NULL. A number when divided by NULL will become NULL. So, there will not be any exception and the result of the division operation is NULL.

DECLARE @variable1 FLOAT,
	@variable2 FLOAT;

SELECT @variable1 = 100,
	@variable2 = 0;

SELECT @variable1 / NULLIF(@variable2, 0) Result;

Check for 0 and make it NULL

Option 2: Handle the exception

This option of handling the exception will be helpful when you are performing mathematical operations in a stored procedure. When there are several mathematical operations, catching and throwing the exception outside the stored procedure will be greatly helpful to debug and figure out the problem. Let’s see an example.

Here is a stored procedure with a division operation and exception handling. This procedure has two output parameters, one to get the result and another to get the error message.

/** Create Stored procedure **/
CREATE PROCEDURE mtb_DivisionOperation
	@Value1 FLOAT,
	@Value2 FLOAT,

        SET @Result = @Value1 / @Value2;

        SET @Error = 'Error Number: ' + CAST(ERROR_NUMBER() AS VARCHAR(10)) + '; ' + Char(10) +
        'Error Severity: ' + CAST(ERROR_SEVERITY() AS VARCHAR(10)) + '; ' + Char(10) +
        'Error State: ' + CAST(ERROR_STATE() AS VARCHAR(10)) + '; ' + Char(10) +
        'Error Line: ' + CAST(ERROR_LINE() AS VARCHAR(10)) + '; ' + Char(10) +
        'Error Message: ' + ERROR_MESSAGE()

When there divisor is 0, then the @Result output parameter will be NULL and the @ErrorMsg output parameter will have the error details.

/** Execute Stored Procedure **/

EXEC mtb_DivisionOperation 
	@Value1 = 100, @Value2 = 0,  
	@Result = @ResultVal OUTPUT, @Error = @ErrorMsg OUTPUT

SELECT @ResultVal AS 'Result'
SELECT @ErrorMsg AS 'Error Message'

/** Results **/


(1 row affected)

Error Message
Error Number: 8134; 
Error Severity: 16; 
Error State: 1; 
Error Line: 11; 
Error Message: Divide by zero error encountered.

(1 row affected)

Handle the exception

When the divisor is not 0, the @Result output parameter will have a value and the @ErrorMsg output parameter will be NULL.

/** Execute Stored Procedure **/

EXEC mtb_DivisionOperation 
	@Value1 = 100, @Value2 = 3,  
	@Result = @ResultVal OUTPUT, @Error = @ErrorMsg OUTPUT

SELECT @ResultVal AS 'Result'
SELECT @ErrorMsg AS 'Error Message'

/** Results **/


(1 row affected)

Error Message

(1 row affected)


  • About TRY-CATCH blocks in T-SQL at Microsoft Docs.

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