Django core exceptions improperlyconfigured error loading psycopg2 module no module named psycopg2

Presently, I'm attempting to configure Django for use on a project, and am encountering a persistent error when I try to run python syncdb. File "/x/x/x/x/x/x/", line 23, in ? ...

On MacOS, psycopgy2 v2.8.4 and its binary isn’t compatible with python 3.8 yet.

Downgrade to python 3.7. All works.

1-  On mac (outside venv), Uninstall 3.8 and then install 3.7 using instructions:

2- Go to your django project main folder, delete ‘venv’ folder and ‘’

3- Install new venv using python 3.7. command:  python3 -m venv ./venv

4- Run venv. Command: source ./venv/bin/activate

5- Install django in this new venv again. Command: pip3 install django
This will create ‘django-admin’ under ./venv/bin/ and the django libraries.

6- Create like you would do for a new project again. Command: django-admin startproject <project folder> . (notice the ‘.’ in end)

The command wont run as previous already exists. So before doing so, rename it to _temp and after running the command which creates a new folder, copy _temp contents to the new . Delete _temp.

7-Run: pip3 install psycopg2

and: pip3 install psycopg2-binary

(If you get an error pg_config executable not found error then run under venv, run following command before installing psycopg again:

export PATH=“/Applications/$PATH)

Hi all, First of all, I’ve read all the posts I could find about this problem to no avail :(

I’ve got an up&running default webapp with python3 and django already working with default db.sqlite2. I now need to change all the db backend to psql.

So, from these sources:

I’ve installed psycopg2-binary, OK. Then, from this source:

I’ve modified, DATABASES section, to use psql instead of sqlite. I’ve tried:

'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',

and it failed. Then, from some youtube videos, I tried:

'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',

which also fails… The error is this one, when I try to make migrations:

(env) PS D:Usersllagos.NB-KEYONE15Visual Studio projectsecommerce-psql> python makemigrations
Traceback (most recent call last):
File «D:Usersllagos.NB-KEYONE15Visual Studio», line 25, in
import psycopg2 as Database
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘psycopg2’

django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading psycopg2 module: No module named ‘psycopg2’
So, what’s wrong with this file? is this correct? I’ve tried to google for information but again, no luck. Documentation for psycopg2 doesn’t say what to change on It just say «install and code», but when using django, there are previous steps, like this file.

My env:

(env) PS D:Usersllagos.NB-KEYONE15Visual Studio projectsecommerce-psql> pip freeze
(env) PS D:Usersllagos.NB-KEYONE15Visual Studio projectsecommerce-psql>

So far, those are all my changes… Again, this is happily working with default dblite. I just installed the module, and modified the settings file.

Thanks a lot for any hint!



Upon executing a Django-based internal service to runn a Django-based application, there is an error message appear. It is because of the error message, the Django-based internal service cannot start properly. The following are the execution of the Django-based internal service :

(env) C:programmingpythondjangomyproject>python runserver
Watching for file changes with StatReloader
Exception in thread django-main-thread:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 25, in <module>
import psycopg2 as Database
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'psycopg2'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 973, in _bootstrap_inner
File "", line 910, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
File "", line 64, in wrapper
fn(*args, **kwargs)
File "", line 110, in inner_run
File "", line 87, in raise_last_exception
raise _exception[1]
File "", line 375, in execute
File "", line 64, in wrapper
fn(*args, **kwargs)
File "", line 24, in setup
File "", line 114, in populate
File "", line 301, in import_models
self.models_module = import_module(models_module_name)
File "", line 127, in import_module
return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1030, in _gcd_import
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1007, in _find_and_load
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 986, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 680, in _load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 850, in exec_module
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 228, in _call_with_frames_removed
File "", line 3, in <module>
from django.contrib.auth.base_user import AbstractBaseUser, BaseUserManager
File "", line 48, in <module>
class AbstractBaseUser(models.Model):
File "", line 122, in __new__
new_class.add_to_class('_meta', Options(meta, app_label))
File "", line 326, in add_to_class
value.contribute_to_class(cls, name)
File "", line 207, in contribute_to_class
self.db_table = truncate_name(self.db_table, connection.ops.max_name_length())
File "", line 15, in __getattr__
return getattr(self._connections[self._alias], item)
File "", line 62, in __getitem__
conn = self.create_connection(alias)
File "", line 204, in create_connection
backend = load_backend(db['ENGINE'])
File "", line 111, in load_backend
return import_module('%s.base' % backend_name)
File "", line 127, in import_module
return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
File "", line 29, in <module>
raise ImproperlyConfigured("Error loading psycopg2 module: %s" % e)
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading psycopg2 module: No module named 'psycopg2'

Actually, the error message appear in the above command execution is very clear. It cannot find module with the name of ‘psycopg2’. The reason is because of the requirement to execute it will need the module with the name of ‘psycopg2’. It is available in the ‘’ file exist in the folder of the project as follows :

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
        'USER': 'django_postgres',
        'NAME': 'sysapp',
        'PASSWORD': 'password',


The application can run and receive request for further process by running a Django-based internal service. But it fail to run because it lack of a certain module needed. That module name is ‘psycopg2’. It is a module acts as a module or library for PostgreSQL database connection. The following are steps to handle the error message :

  1. This is the first step by checking the available module or library exist in the current active python virtual environment. Just execute the following command :

    (env) C:programmingpythondjangomyproject>pip list
    Package Version
    ---------------------- ---------
    asgiref 3.4.1
    autopep8 1.5.7
    beautifulsoup4 4.10.0
    bs4 0.0.1
    certifi 2021.10.8
    charset-normalizer 2.0.6
    colorama 0.4.4
    commonmark 0.9.1
    dj-database-url 0.5.0
    Django 3.2.6
    django-ckeditor 6.1.0
    django-crispy-forms 1.13.0
    django-js-asset 1.2.2
    docutils 0.17.1
    gunicorn 20.1.0
    idna 3.2
    mysql-client 0.0.1
    mysql-connector-python 8.0.26
    mysqlclient 2.0.3
    Pillow 8.3.2
    pip 21.2.4
    pip-search 0.0.7
    pycodestyle 2.7.0
    Pygments 2.10.0
    python-decouple 3.4
    pytz 2021.1
    requests 2.26.0
    rich 10.12.0
    setuptools 57.4.0
    soupsieve 2.2.1
    sqlparse 0.4.1
    toml 0.10.2
    Unipath 1.1
    urllib3 1.26.7
    whitenoise 5.3.0
    (env) C:programmingpythondjangomyproject>

    Since there is no psycopg2 module available in the output of the above command, just install it. But first of all, search it whether the module or library with the name of ‘psycopg2’ available or not.

  2. Continue on the first step, just execute the following command to check whether the module or library with the name of ‘psycopg2’ available or not. But make sure to install pip_search module first. It is a module for searching module or packages. The following is the command execution for searching ‘psycopg2’ module :

    (env) C:programmingpythondjangomyproject>pip_search psycopg2
    🐍 🐍
    │ Package                                   │ Version │ Released     │ Description                                    │
    │ 📂 psycopg                                 3.0.1     Oct 14, 2021   PostgreSQL database adapter for Python 
    │ 📂 psycopg2                                2.9.1     Jun 17, 2021   psycopg2 - Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter 
    │ 📂 psycopg-binary                          3.0.1     Oct 14, 2021   PostgreSQL database adapter for Python -- C 
    │                                           │         │              │ optimisation distribution                      │
    │ 📂 psycopg2-pgevents                       0.2.2     Apr 10, 2021   PostGreSQL LISTEN/NOTIFY functionality, via 
    │                                           │         │              │ psycopg2                                       │
    │ 📂 psycopg2-utils                          1.0.3     Oct 8, 2021    Utils to use with psycopg2 such as a 
    │                                           │         │              │ connection pool and cursor                     │
    │ 📂 awslambda-psycopg2                      1.0.2     Mar 6, 2020    A aws psycopg2 package from psycopg2. 
    │ 📂 psycopg2-pool                           1.1       Oct 8, 2019    Proper pooling of psycopg2 connections 
    │ 📂 tornado-psycopg2                        0.3.1     Aug 24, 2015   Tornado driver for support asynchronous mode 
    │                                           │         │              │ for psycopg2.                                  │
    │ 📂 psycopg-pool                            3.0       Oct 12, 2021   Connection Pool for Psycopg 
    │ 📂 gevent-psycopg2                         0.0.3     Feb 20, 2012   pip-installable package for patching psycopg2 
    │                                           │         │              │ to use gevent                                  │
    │ 📂 cherrypy-psycopg2                       1.2       Jul 11, 2016   CherryPy tool to manage Psycopg 2 database 
    │                                           │         │              │ connections                                    │
    │ 📂 psycopg-postgis2                        0.0.2     Nov 28, 2016   Pyscopg helpers to work with PostGIS. 
    │ 📂 psycopg2-contextmanager                 1.0.3     Feb 14, 2018   Minimal psycopg2 wrapper for easier 
    │                                           │         │              │ interfacing with databases                     │
    │ 📂 serverless-psycopg2                     0.0.2     Dec 7, 2019    psycopg2 wrapper intended to be used in aws 
    │                                           │         │              │ lambda                                         │
    │ 📂 psycopg2da                              2.0.9     Mar 29, 2009   Python psycopg2 database adapter for Zope 
    │ 📂 vault-psycopg2                          0.1.11    Jun 26, 2019   Helper classes to integrate psycopg2 with 
    │                                           │         │              │ Vault                                          │ 
    │ 📂 aws-psycopg2                            1.2.1     Feb 12, 2020   A aws psycopg2 package from psycopg2. 
    │ 📂 psycopg2-dateutils                      0.1       Aug 16, 2011   Use dateutils.relativedelta to represent 
    │                                           │         │              │ PostgreSQL interval types                      │
    │ 📂 psycopg2-connect                        0.0.2     Jul 14, 2021   A lightweight package for connecting to        
    │                                           │         │              │ postgres servers.                              │
    │ 📂 types-psycopg2                          2.9.1     Oct 12, 2021   Typing stubs for psycopg2 
    │ 📂 db-psycopg2                             0.0.7     Aug 6, 2013    psycopg2 driver for db 
    │ 📂 psycopg2-mq                             0.5.7     Mar 8, 2021    A message queue written around PostgreSQL. 
    │ 📂 psycopg2cffi                            2.9.0     Jan 27, 2021   .. image:: 
    │                                           │         │              │… │
    │ 📂 psycopg2-connection              Mar 6, 2021    Abstract away common patterns you might use in 
    │                                           │         │              │ psycopg2.                                      │
    │ 📂 Psycopg2Database                        0.2.0     Sep 2, 2010    psycopg2 driver for the DatabasePipe package 
    │ 📂 psycopg-c                               3.0.1     Oct 14, 2021   PostgreSQL database adapter for Python -- C 
    │                                           │         │              │ optimisation distribution                      │
    │ 📂 psycopg2-wrapper                        1.0       Jan 7, 2020    Simple wrapper for executing commands and 
    │                                           │         │              │ queries                                        │
    │ 📂 psycopg2transaction                     0.1.1     Mar 18, 2017   psycopg2 integration with transaction           
    │ 📂 psycopg2-iam                            1.1.0     Aug 13, 2021   Custom Connection Factory class (RDS, 
    │                                           │         │              │ Redshift) with build-in IAM authentication and │
    │                                           │         │              │ SSL bundle downloader support.                 │
    │ 📂 Flask-Psycopg2                          1.3       Mar 16, 2014   postgresql adapter for Flask   
    │ 📂 psycopg2ct                              2.4.4     Feb 11, 2012   An implementation of the psycopg2 module using 
    │                                           │         │              │ ctypes.                                        │
    │ 📂 psycopg2-binary                         2.9.1     Jun 17, 2021   psycopg2 - Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter 
    │ 📂 psycopg-postgis                         0.4.0     Jun 23, 2017   Deprecated. Use postgis package instead. 
    │ 📂 cherrypy-psycopg2-crud                  1.3       Mar 20, 2017   CherryPy page handler base-class to export 
    │                                           │         │              │ psycopg2 database tables in a RESTful way      │
    │ 📂 psycopg2-managed-connection             1.0.0     Jul 2, 2015    Thread-safe connection manager for psycopg2 
    │                                           │         │              │ connections.                                   │
    │ 📂 hou-flask-psycopg2                      0.0.7     May 3, 2020    Highly Opinionated Utils: Flask Psycopg2 
    │ 📂 g5-lambda-psycopg2                      0.1.7     Oct 1, 2019    Fork of awslambda-psycopg2 
    │ 📂 jquery-querybuilder-psycopg2            1.4.1     Jul 15, 2019   Parse a jQuery QueryBuilder style rule set 
    │                                           │         │              │ into a psycopg2.sql.Composable                 │
    │ 📂 opentelemetry-instrumentation-psycopg2  0.25b0    Oct 13, 2021    OpenTelemetry psycopg2 instrumentation 
    │ 📂 django-psycopg2-extension               0.0.5     Oct 20, 2020   Library contains django commands which helps     
    │                                           │         │              │ to prepare and manage PostgreSQL database.     │
    (env) C:programmingpythondjangomyproject>
  3. Install it by executing the following command :

    (env) C:programmingpythondjangomyproject>pip install psycopg2
    Collecting psycopg2
    Downloading psycopg2-2.9.1-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl (1.2 MB)
    |████████████████████████████████| 1.2 MB 930 kB/s
    Installing collected packages: psycopg2
    Successfully installed psycopg2-2.9.1
    (env) C:programmingpythondjangomyproject>
  4. Start to execute the Django-based internal service once more. If there are no more error appear, it will run the Django-based internal service properly.

In this article, we will describe some of the possible causes that can cause Django to fail when loading psycopg, and then I will suggest possible solutions that you can use to try and resolve this issue.


  • 1. Download ASR Pro
  • 2. Follow the on-screen instructions to run a scan
  • 3. Restart your computer and wait for it to finish running the scan, then follow the on-screen instructions again to remove any viruses found by scanning your computer with ASR Pro
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    On MacOS, the psycopgy2 v2.8.4 binary is not yet compatible with Python 3.8.

    1- On Mac (except Venv) uninstall 3.8, then install 3.7. Operating instructions:

    Can a 32bit version of Python load psycopg?

    You are trying to import psycopg, not psycopg2. Possible issue: Python 32-bit form cannot load 64-bit psycopg2. On MacOS, the psycopgy2 v2.8.4 binary is not yet compatible with Python 3.8. Upgrade to Python 3.7.

    2- Go to main Django project folder, delete venv and files

    3- Install new venv, use Python 3.7. Command: python3 -m venv ./venv

    5- Install django again in this creative Venv. Command: pip3 configure django This will create django-admin in ./venv/bin/ in addition to the django libraries.

    6- Create adore just like in the current project. Command: django-admin startproject

    (note the “.” at the end)

    How to uninstall psycopg2 without Sudo Pip?

    You can use psycopg2 to uninstall pip sudo and then install it to get sudo. (If that doesn’t work, try sudo chown -R $ USER ~ / .virtualenvs / myvenv first (assuming it’s someone’s virtualenv path) Thanks for explaining the server crash!

    The command will not be executed because the current command already exists. So rename it to _temp before assigning it. Remove _temp.You

    (If you get pg_config Executable not found error, go to venv, run the following command before reinstalling psycopg:

    django error loading psycopg

      export PATH = â € œ / Applications / / Contents / Versions / last / bin: $ PATH) 


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  • 1. Download ASR Pro
  • 2. Follow the on-screen instructions to run a scan
  • 3. Restart your computer and wait for it to finish running the scan, then follow the on-screen instructions again to remove any viruses found by scanning your computer with ASR Pro
  • Hi guys, how are you doing? They hope everyone is doing well. Today I am getting the following error django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading psycopg module: There is no module named psycopg in Python. So here I am explaining possible solutions here.

    Without wasting any personal time, start with this article to resolve this error.

    How Django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error Filling Module: Psycopg Module Not Verified Due To Psycopg Error?

    Today I am getting all the following error django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error starting psycopg module: There is no module named psycopg in Python.

    How To Resolve Django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error Loading Psycopg Module: No Module Has Its Own Name Psycopg Error?

    Can you load psycopgy2 but not Django?

    You are trying to download psycopg, not psycopg2. Make sure ENGINE with your project’s is set to django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2: May remain Problem: Python 32 bit won’t load psycopg2 64 bit. On MacOS, psycopgy2 v2.8.4 and its binary are definitely not yet compatible with Python 3.8.

    1. How to resolve django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading psycopg module: No module named Error psycopg.

      To resolve django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: internet streaming module error psycopg: no module named error type psycopg pip install psycopg2-binary in a virtual environment I have a lot of effort

    2. django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading psycopg module: Module # called psycopg

      To resolve django.core.Exceptions .ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading psycopg course: No The module is called psycopg error type pip install psycopg2-binary in virtual environment worked for me

    Solution 1

    type pip install psycopg2-binary in a specific virtual environment that worked for me

    Solution 2

    I used a bug too; Even though psycopg2 was pushed into my system with apt-get , my new virtualenv couldn’t find it:


     >>> psycopg2Tracking (most recent, last call):  File "", line 1, in ImportError: no part named psycopg2

    The issue was resolved by providing Pip-Install-psycopg2-binary in a virtual environment (or Pip-Mount psycopg2 for versions <2.8 psycopg2-).


    Almost everything revolves around this problem. Hope all solutions worked for you. Comment on your thoughts and questions below. Also please comment below which solution worked for you? Thank you.

    Install and Read

    • Pip error regarding Python2?

    Hi guys, how are you pretty much everything? I hope you are all right. Today I discovered the following flaw in django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error pr loading the psycopg module: there is no module called psycopg in Python. So here it is, I will tell you all the possible solutions.

    Wasting no time, let’s start with this article to resolve this error.

    How Django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Buffer Module Error Psycopg: Module Named Psycopg Does Not Occur Error?

    Today I am getting audience error django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading psycopg component: There is no module called psycopg in Python.

    How To Resolve Django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Psycopg Module Reload Failed: No Module Identified As Psycopg Error?

    Solution 2

    I 1

    There was also a specific error in the solution; although psycopg2 was installed on my system using apt-get , my virtualenv was unable to login:

    The problem was resolved by executing Pip install psycopg2-binary in a virtual environment (or pip deploy psycopg2 for version <2.8 psycopg2).


    This is a problem. Hope all the solutions made it easier for you. Comment on your thoughts and questions below. Also comment below which solution worked for mosttwo people? Thank you.

    • Error installing Pip on Python2?
    1. How to resolve django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: psycopg load error module: no module is considered psycopg error?

      To resolve django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: error loading module psycopg: no section called error type psycopg pip select psycopg2-binary in virtual environment worked for me

    2. django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Module buffering error psycopg: Module not verified as psycopg

      To resolve django.core.Exceptions .ImproperlyConfigured: Module loading error psycopg: Module not selected error type psycopg I was helped by pip install psycopg2-binary in any virtual environment

    >>> bring psycopg2Traceback (last call last): File ““, line 1, in ImportError: no module named psycopg2

    I want to make full use of postgresql with django, so I did the following:

    django error loading psycopg

      sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python-devsudo apt-get updatework for monenvsudo pip install psycopg2 
      ./ syncdb 
      django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: error loading psycopg2 module: no link to psycopg2 module 
      DATABASESDATA =    'Originally':        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',        "NAME": "mydb",        'USER': 'postgre',        'PASSWORD': 'password1234',        'HOST': 'localhost',        'HARBOR': '',     

    Speed up your PC today with this easy-to-use download.

    Erreur Django Lors Du Chargement De Psycopg
    Erro Django Ao Carregar Psycopg
    Psycopg를 로드하는 동안 Django 오류가 발생했습니다
    Blad Django Podczas Ladowania Psycopg
    Error De Django Al Cargar Psycopg
    Django Fout Bij Het Laden Van Psycopg
    Oshibka Django Pri Zagruzke Psycopg
    Django Fehler Beim Laden Von Psycopg
    Errore Di Django Durante Il Caricamento Di Psycopg
    Django Fel Vid Laddning Av Psycopg


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  • Speed up your computer today with this simple download.

    This tutorial is written to help you if you get Django error while loading psycopg error code.

    On MacOS, psycopgy2 v2.8.4 and its binary are not yet compatible with Python 3.8.


    Are you tired of your computer running slow? Annoyed by frustrating error messages? ASR Pro is the solution for you! Our recommended tool will quickly diagnose and repair Windows issues while dramatically increasing system performance. So don’t wait any longer, download ASR Pro today!

    1- On Macintosh (except venv) uninstall 3.8, then install 3.7 following the instructions:

    2- Go to the main trusted folder of your Django project, delete the venv and folder

    3- Install new venv with Python 3.7. Command: python3 -m venv ./venv

    How to uninstall psycopg2 without Sudo Pip?

    You can use psycopg2 to uninstall pip sudo and then install it to get sudo. (If that doesn’t work, try sudo chown -R $ USER ~ / .virtualenvs / myvenv first (assuming it’s someone’s virtualenv path) Thanks for explaining the server crash!

    5- Reinstall django in this new venv. Command: pip3 install django This will create django-admin in ./venv/bin/ and django libraries.

    6- For example, create just like you would for a new company. Command: django-admin startproject . (note the “.” at the end)

    The command will never be executed because the previous one already exists. Therefore, rename it to -_temp beforehand and after executing the command that created the new folder, copy the _temp data to the new one. Remove _temp.

    (If you get an error, the pg_config executable may not have encountered an error, then run it under venv, run the Apply command before reinstalling psycopg:

      export PATH = â € œ / Applications / / Contents / Versions / last / bin: $ PATH) 

    I want to use Postgresql with Django, so this is what I did:

      sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python-devsudo apt-get updatework on monenvsudo pip install psycopg2 
      ./ syncdb 
      django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading psycopg2 module: No psycopg2 module 
      DATABASES say =    'Originally':        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2 ',        "NAME": "mydb",        'USER': 'postgre',        'PASSWORD': 'password1234',        'HOST': 'localhost',        'HARBOR': '',     

    Hello everyone, first of all I read all the messages that come up on this issue so as not to benefit from it 🙁

    Can a 32bit version of Python load psycopg?

    You are trying to import psycopg, not psycopg2. Possible issue: Python 32-bit form cannot load 64-bit psycopg2. On MacOS, the psycopgy2 v2.8.4 binary is not yet compatible with Python 3.8. Upgrade to Python 3.7.

    I am running a standard web application containing Python3, and Django is already running with traditional db.sqlite2. Now I need to change all these db backends to psql.

    I changed, DATABASES section, to use psql instead of SQLlite. I’ve tried:

    which also fails … The error was as follows, I tried to create migrations:

    (env) PS D: Users llagos.NB-KEYONE15 Visual Studio Projects ecommerce-psql> python makemigrations
    Rollback (last call last):
    File “D: Users llagos.NB-KEYONE15 Visual Studio projects ecommerce-psql env lib site-packages django db backends postgresql”, 25, line in
    psycopg2 from import
    databaseModuleNotFoundError: no module named “psycopg2”

    django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: error loading psycopg2 module: no module named “psycopg2”
    So, is there something wrong with this file? is this the correct process? I tried googling my way, but again with no success. The psycopg2 documentation does not ckIt is said what should be changed in relation to It just says “install and code”, although there are older ladders in django like this file.

    (env) PS D: Users llagos.NB-KEYONE15 Visual Studio projects ecommerce-psql> Freeze pip
    asgiref == 3.3.4
    Astroids == 2.5.6
    colorama == 0.4.4
    Django == 3.2.2
    isort == 5.8.0
    lazy proxy object == 1.6.0
    mccabe == 0.6.1
    psycopg2-binary == 2.8.6
    pylint == 2.8.2
    pylint-django == 2.4.4
    pylint-plugin-utils == 0.6
    pytz == 2021.1
    sqlparse == 0.4.1
    toml == 0,10.2
    Wrapt == 1.12.1
    (env) PS D: Users llagos.NB-KEYONE15 Visual Studio Projects ecommerce-psql>

    While these are all my changes … Again, this works great with dblite involved. I just installed the module and modified the settings file.

      'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', 
      'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', 

    Welcome to the coding section at

    django error loading psycopg

    Hello entrepreneurs

    How are you guys? I hope you are all right. Today I am getting the following django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured error: Module threading error psycopg: There is no module named psycopg in Python. So, here I am going to tell you about most of the possible solutions.

    Notwasting time, let’s start with this article to fix this error.

    How Django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error Loading Psycopg Module: No Module Named Psycopg Occurs Error?

    Today I am getting the following error django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Psycopg streaming module error: There is no module named psycopg in Python.

    How To Resolve Django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error Restarting Psycopg Module: Unnamed Psycopg Module Error?

    1. How to resolve django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error starting psycopg module: No module named psycopg error

      How to resolve django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Internet error psycopg No module: a module named psycopg error type pip install psycopg2-binary was working in a virtual environment when I got

    2. django.core. Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading psycopg No module: Segment called psycopg

      To resolve django.core.Exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error while streaming module psycopg: No module, mission called psycopg Error type pip install psycopg2- binary in my virtual environment worked

    Solution 1

    type pip install psycopg2-binary worked for me innew virtual environment

    Solution 2

    I usually get the same error; Although psycopg2 was installed on my current system using apt-get , my virtualenv was unable to get it:


     >>> psycopg2Traceback (last call last):  File "", line 1, in ImportError: no module named psycopg2

    The issue was fixed by using Pip install psycopg2-binary in virtualenv (or pip add psycopg2 for versions <2.8 psycopg2).


    Everything revolves around this main problem. Hope all solutions helped you. Comment on your thoughts and concerns below. Also please comment below which solution worked for you? Thanks.

    Read also

    • Error installing Pip python2?


    1. Error loading psycopg2 module: No module named ‘psycopg2’ #1282
    3. How to Solve Error Message Error loading psycopg2 module: No module named ‘psycopg2’ in Django Application
    4. Introduction
    5. Solution
    6. How to Solve Error Message Error loading psycopg2 module: No module named ‘psycopg2’ in Django Application
    7. Introduction
    8. Solution
    9. How to Solve Error Message ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘psycopg2’
    10. Solving the Problem
    11. Installing psycopg2 package to the operating system using apt tool
    12. Installing psycopg2 module in the python virtual environment using pip
    13. Installation of psycopg2-binary module in the python virtual environment using pip

    Error loading psycopg2 module: No module named ‘psycopg2’ #1282

    Hi all, First of all, I’ve read all the posts I could find about this problem to no avail 🙁

    I’ve got an up&running default webapp with python3 and django already working with default db.sqlite2. I now need to change all the db backend to psql.

    So, from these sources:

    I’ve installed psycopg2-binary, OK. Then, from this source:

    I’ve modified, DATABASES section, to use psql instead of sqlite. I’ve tried:

    and it failed. Then, from some youtube videos, I tried:

    which also fails. The error is this one, when I try to make migrations:

    (env) PS D:Usersllagos.NB-KEYONE15Visual Studio projectsecommerce-psql> python makemigrations
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File «D:Usersllagos.NB-KEYONE15Visual Studio», line 25, in
    import psycopg2 as Database
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘psycopg2’
    django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading psycopg2 module: No module named ‘psycopg2’
    So, what’s wrong with this file? is this correct? I’ve tried to google for information but again, no luck. Documentation for psycopg2 doesn’t say what to change on It just say «install and code», but when using django, there are previous steps, like this file.

    (env) PS D:Usersllagos.NB-KEYONE15Visual Studio projectsecommerce-psql> pip freeze
    (env) PS D:Usersllagos.NB-KEYONE15Visual Studio projectsecommerce-psql>

    So far, those are all my changes. Again, this is happily working with default dblite. I just installed the module, and modified the settings file.

    Thanks a lot for any hint!

    The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:


    How to Solve Error Message Error loading psycopg2 module: No module named ‘psycopg2’ in Django Application


    Upon executing a Django-based internal service to runn a Django-based application, there is an error message appear. It is because of the error message, the Django-based internal service cannot start properly. The following are the execution of the Django-based internal service :

    Actually, the error message appear in the above command execution is very clear. It cannot find module with the name of ‘psycopg2’. The reason is because of the requirement to execute it will need the module with the name of ‘psycopg2’. It is available in the ‘’ file exist in the folder of the project as follows :


    The application can run and receive request for further process by running a Django-based internal service. But it fail to run because it lack of a certain module needed. That module name is ‘psycopg2’. It is a module acts as a module or library for PostgreSQL database connection. The following are steps to handle the error message :

    This is the first step by checking the available module or library exist in the current active python virtual environment. Just execute the following command :

    Since there is no psycopg2 module available in the output of the above command, just install it. But first of all, search it whether the module or library with the name of ‘psycopg2’ available or not.

    Continue on the first step, just execute the following command to check whether the module or library with the name of ‘psycopg2’ available or not. But make sure to install pip_search module first. It is a module for searching module or packages. The following is the command execution for searching ‘psycopg2’ module :

    Install it by executing the following command :

    Start to execute the Django-based internal service once more. If there are no more error appear, it will run the Django-based internal service properly.


    How to Solve Error Message Error loading psycopg2 module: No module named ‘psycopg2’ in Django Application


    Upon executing a Django-based internal service to runn a Django-based application, there is an error message appear. It is because of the error message, the Django-based internal service cannot start properly. The following are the execution of the Django-based internal service :

    Actually, the error message appear in the above command execution is very clear. It cannot find module with the name of ‘psycopg2’. The reason is because of the requirement to execute it will need the module with the name of ‘psycopg2’. It is available in the ‘’ file exist in the folder of the project as follows :


    The application can run and receive request for further process by running a Django-based internal service. But it fail to run because it lack of a certain module needed. That module name is ‘psycopg2’. It is a module acts as a module or library for PostgreSQL database connection. The following are steps to handle the error message :

    This is the first step by checking the available module or library exist in the current active python virtual environment. Just execute the following command :

    Since there is no psycopg2 module available in the output of the above command, just install it. But first of all, search it whether the module or library with the name of ‘psycopg2’ available or not.

    Continue on the first step, just execute the following command to check whether the module or library with the name of ‘psycopg2’ available or not. But make sure to install pip_search module first. It is a module for searching module or packages. The following is the command execution for searching ‘psycopg2’ module :

    Install it by executing the following command :

    Start to execute the Django-based internal service once more. If there are no more error appear, it will run the Django-based internal service properly.


    How to Solve Error Message ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘psycopg2’

    This is an article with a specific topic about how to solve error message as it exists in the title of the article. It occurs when a django application runs. It happens after adding the following content in the script inside the project folder :

    The above line configurations is a specific script for connecting the django application to PostgreSQL database server. Suddenly, after saving the file, the runserver application execution is generating error. The error message is ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘psycopg2’. The following is the complete output error message :

    Solving the Problem

    To solve the above problem, there are several solutions and those solutions have a connection with one another. But the most important thing is the focus of the solution is in the existance of the ‘psycopg2’. How can the module with the name of ‘psycopg2’ can be available for further usage in the django application. There are several steps or solution to solve the problem. The following is the list of the alternative steps or solution :

    1. Installing the psycopg2 package.

    2. Install the psycopg2 package to the virtual environment.

    In the following section, there will be a further detail explanation about the above steps for solving the problem.

    Installing psycopg2 package to the operating system using apt tool

    Since it is the Linux Ubuntu distribution, execute the following command to install the ‘psycopg2’ module :

    The above command execution is relying on the apt tool program. Just make sure to choose the correct package name since the chosen package for the installation above is using python3. So, the package name for installation is ‘python3-psycopg. Make sure to search the compatible package using ‘apt search’ command.

    Apparently, in this case, after executing the above command for installing psycopg2 to the operating system, the error message still occurs. So, if the error message is still occurs, just do the following step as another action to complete the solution.

    Installing psycopg2 module in the python virtual environment using pip

    The following is the command for executing psycopg2 to the running python virtual environment. The python virtual environment is ‘django-env’. The command for installing psycopg2 module is ‘pip install psycopg2’.

    Installation of psycopg2-binary module in the python virtual environment using pip

    Apparently, the solution in the previous step failed. There is an information about how to proceed the installation. It gives a solution to install a binary package with the name of ‘psycopg2-binary’. The following is the command execution :

    In the output above, the python virtual environment is ‘django-env’. According to the output message of the running django web server, after the execution of the above step ends in a success, the error message disappear and the problem solved.


    Configuring a Django PostgreSQL project is a straight-forward process that involves updating the file and adding one additional library (psycopg2). Depending on which IDE, OS, and Python version used there are several possible errors that can arise. We’ll address those here as well.

    Django comes configured to work with a local SQLite database by default, which is great for early-stage app development. Unfortunately, it’s not great for production use or even some more stringent development tasks like concurrent I/O. Below are the steps needed to configure a new Django project for use with a PostgreSQL database.

    Django uses some third-party libraries by default but does not install the required libraries to support postgres. Here’s a look at the packages installed after a clean install of Django on a new virtual environment:


    Django is designed to use a project-folder sqlite database by default that is configured in the project/project/ and to use the django.db.backends.sqlite3 adapter as such:

        'default': {
            'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
            'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3',

    This tells Django to use a database named BASE_DIR/db.sqlite3 as the project’s database. To use a postgres database, the following steps must happen:

    1. Specify the correct Django adapter + credentials for Postgres
    2. Install necessary 3rd party library for Postgres
    3. Specify credentials to new/existing postgres database

    These steps are simple enough but can benefit from some elaboration.

    Step 1: Specify Postgres Adapter + Credentials

    To make Django work with Postgres, an adapter other than the default sqlite adapter must be specified. I like working with the psycopg2 Postgres adaptor and have shown how to specify that adapter below:

        'default': {
            'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
            'NAME': "db_name",
            'USER': "db_username",
            'PASSWORD': "db_password",
            'HOST': "db_host",
            'PORT': "db_port",  # 5432 by default

    In older versions of Django, the adapter was named django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2. This was changed from release 1.9 forwards and summarized in the official release notes as such:

    The PostgreSQL backend django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2 is also available as django.db.backends.postgresql. The old name will continue to be available for backward compatibility.

    Obviously, you need to have access to a Postgres database to make this work well. You should replace the values in the above code with the database to which your project will connect.  Common values for HOST and PORT are localhost and 5432 respectively, which 5432 being the default Postgres port, as described in the official PostgreSQL documentation.

    Step 2: Install Necessary Postgres Adaptor

    While Django ships with an “adapter” for Postgres, it still needs a 3rd party library for support. If you simply add the code above and run python makemigrations you’ll get a stacktrace with the following exception:

    django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading psycopg2 module: No module named 'psycopg2'

    Django’s django.db.backends.postgresql adaptor bridges Django’s own ORM models to Postgres, but doesn’t actually provide the adaptors needed for actual Postgres usage. Rather than re-inventing the wheel, the Django Project has elected to use the psycopg2 library—arguably the most popular python adapter for Postgres.

    To make the Django adaptor work, the psycopg2 library needs to be installed with this command: pip install psycopg2. Running the pip freeze command should now produce the following output:


    Common Issues with psycopg2

    Depending on what platform, Python version, or IDE used; psycopg2 has some known-issues when it comes to installation. The most common is a DLL error that will prevent Django from creating the required migrations:

    ImproperlyConfigured Exception

    django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading psycopg2 module: DLL load failed while importing _psycopg: The specified module could not be found.

    This error indicates that a core DLL file is missing from the psycopg2 installation. It’s important to recognize that psychopg2 is a third-party library and, as such, may not always be compatible with the latest Python version. In some cases, reverting to a previous version of Python may be necessary.

    Option 1: Use pyscopg2-binary

    Note: This package comes with its own version of some core libraries that may, under certain conditions, cause conflicts with other libraries. See the developer’s notes for more info.

    Option 2: Manual Copy from System Install

    Some IDEs, at least PyCharm in my experience, may have trouble installing psycopg2. In such cases, a possible workaround is to install psycopg2 to the main system install of python, then copy those files manually into your project’s virtual environment’s site-packages directory. On a Windows machine, the steps are as follows:

    1. Using the Windows terminal: pip install psycopg2
    2. Copy Program Files/PythonXX/site-packages/psycopg2 to your virtual environments’ site-packages directory.

    If installed without elevated privileges, the psycopg2 library may install to the local User’s Python installation. If this is the case (you won’t find the psycopg2 package in the directory above) look in the following directory:

    └── C:/
        └── Users/
            └── pc/
                └── AppData/
                    └── Roaming/
                        └── Python/
                            └── Python38/
                                └── site-packages/
                                    └── psycopg2

    Migrate Changes

    Assuming psycopg2 was configured correctly, your project should be adequately configured for basic Postgres usage now. Assuming your project doesn’t require any changes to models or other areas to work with Postgres, running the makemigrations and migrate commands should give you the confirmation of success you need. Below is what the output should look like—for a blank Django project having just configured Postgres:

    (venv) C:pathtoyour-project>python makemigrations
    No changes detected
    (venv) C:pathtoyour-project>python migrate
    Operations to perform:
      Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, sessions
    Running migrations:
      Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK
      Applying auth.0001_initial... OK
      Applying admin.0001_initial... OK
      Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add... OK
      Applying admin.0003_logentry_add_action_flag_choices... OK
      Applying contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name... OK
      Applying auth.0002_alter_permission_name_max_length... OK
      Applying auth.0003_alter_user_email_max_length... OK
      Applying auth.0004_alter_user_username_opts... OK
      Applying auth.0005_alter_user_last_login_null... OK
      Applying auth.0006_require_contenttypes_0002... OK
      Applying auth.0007_alter_validators_add_error_messages... OK
      Applying auth.0008_alter_user_username_max_length... OK
      Applying auth.0009_alter_user_last_name_max_length... OK
      Applying auth.0010_alter_group_name_max_length... OK
      Applying auth.0011_update_proxy_permissions... OK
      Applying auth.0012_alter_user_first_name_max_length... OK
      Applying sessions.0001_initial... OK

    These are all the core Django models being migrated to the Postgres database.


    Django is an incredible framework for building multi-purpose web applications ranging from hobbyist projects to enterprise-caliber endeavors. As we’ve seen here, Django can be configured to work with PostgreSQL relatively easily. There may be some quirks depending on your OS or IDE but I’ve still to see anything that would prevent the setup outlined here from being troubleshot.

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