You ran makemigrations
, then migrate
and yet Django dares to throw an error? Incomparable betrayal! Let’s look through several cases.
For ages encountering migrations errors, I have been wipin the entire database and migrations files. Until one day an error occurred at a production server. There was no other option but to calm down and learn how to fix it.
🧸 Relation does not exist 1: not applied by you or Django
Run the command showmigrations
and look at the output. If you see something like this:
[X] 0001_initial
[X] 0002_auto_20190819_2019
[X] 0003_auto_20190827_2311
[ ] 0004_testunit
That means that the 0004 migrations was not applied, so just run migrate
. If it stays misapplied or to avoid wasting time you can run this:
migrate firstapp 0004_testunit
If not, look further.
💔 Relation does not exist 2: You removed a migration’s file
The point of each migrations is to find the difference between the last version of the database structure and the current one. But Django does not look at the database itself, it compares your current
files with a virtual database made from
files. Then Django writes the changes down in new migrations files. And only with migrate
you apply these changed to the database.
So if you remove something from migrations/
folder, the database will stay the same, but the Django’s idea of it won’t.
So, you added a field type to a class Tag:
class Tag(models.Model)
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
type = models.CharField(max_length=100)
You made a migrations, say, number 0002
, it contains adding type
field. Then you removed the migrations. After that, you made some changes, lived your best live, and decided to make migrations again.
Django will include creation of the type
field to the migrations again. Therefore applying this migrations will give you an error:
ProgrammingError: column "tag_type" of relation "tag" already exists
How to Solve it 🧰
1. From migration file
remove the line about creating the type field.
from django.db import migrations, models
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
('firstapp', '0002_something'),
operations = [
# This .AddField below:
2. Migrate the
migrate firstapp 0002_something
3. Make a new migration (it must only contain creating the type field):
4. Fake apply it like this:
migrate firstapp 0003_something_two --fake
🔨 Relation does not exist 2: Renaming a field was not applied
This mysterious thing happened. I renamed type
to type_name
and I have a migrations that states it:
operations = [
And yet I get this error:
ProgrammingError at /test relation "firstapp_tag_type_name" does not exist
Possible culprit (myself and mass replace) a.k.a Sloppy Development installment
While changing names in the whole project automatically, I also unwillingly changed them in the migrations files. It is a great temptation to remove it all at once, but be careful. That may be the problem.
How to Solve it 🧰
Attempt #1: Order is wrong
The type
field may have been altered before it was created because of the mass replace.
Try finding the whole life cycle of type
field in your migrations – where it was added, where it was altered etc.
Attempt #2: Remove Migration file concerning the field
Remove every mention of the type field in migrations’ files (in operation
). Then do whatever you want (rename it etc.) and make a migration again.
If the change is the only one in a migrations file, remove it all together.
You can remove the whole migration file, if it only contains type
field manipulations. But be careful and alter dependencies
for the following migration file (replace the deleted file’s name with the one before it).
Say, migrations’s files are
(removed) and
So, after deleting
, in
dependencies = [
('firstapp', '0003_something'),
dependencies = [
('firstapp', '0002_something_before'),
Otherwise you will get an error like this:
django.db.migrations.exceptions.NodeNotFoundError: Migration firstapp.0003_something_something dependencies reference nonexistent parent node
Then, makemigrations
and migrate
Attempt #3: Remove every mention of the problematic field
If simply removing a migration and making another one doesn’t help…
Embrace yourself and remove every mention of type
field. For my personal project, that inspired this post, it was quite time consuming.
However, as I see it now, you can’t just remove the field and make migrations of that, because type does not exist in the database. However, I can’t answer why.
You need to remove it from everywhere.
Then, makemigrations
must show nothing, and the error won’t make am appearance.
🚫 Why you shouldn’t remove migrations
Summing up, Django does not care about database itself, except for when it returns errors. So Django’s idea of the database is made of migrations it have. That’s why when you run makemigrations
, you get errors about migration files.
After applying new migrations, you will start getting all sorts of surprises: InvalidCursorName cursor does not exist
or good old ProgrammingError: column does not exist
and ProgrammingError: column of relation already exists
Take my advice – don’t remove migrations because of migration errors, better learn how to work with them. Because in production you won’t be able to flush the database without a trouble (you kind of can, but you will need to insert missing data afterwards).
But if you did remove migrations…
Oh, been there.
I can say one thing – you will need to keep reversing changes to the database until you don’t get any more errors. And then make this changes again the same way I showed you here. And while in most cases Attempt #3 works, some day it may fail you.
One day I will emulate this and come back and update this post with a quick solution, but now I am triggered enough by just the mention of it.
Transforming one field to another
You can transform pretty much everything with an exception.
Adding a through table to M2M relation (or backwards)
Usually you want to add a through table to store additional data about the relation, not remove it. Either way, Django won’t allow this transition.
Say, Django can remove all the additional data, but constraints like unique_together
can ruin your architecture. So you need to do it manually.
django.db.migrations.exceptions.InconsistentMigrationHistory #On Creating Custom User Model
I had that same issue today, and none of the above solutions worked, then I thought to erase all the data from my local PostgreSQL database using this following command
-- Drop everything from the PostgreSQL database.
DO $$
-- triggers
FOR r IN (SELECT pns.nspname, pc.relname, pt.tgname
FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger pt, pg_catalog.pg_class pc, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns
WHERE pns.oid=pc.relnamespace AND pc.oid=pt.tgrelid
AND pns.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
AND pt.tgisinternal=false
r.tgname, r.nspname, r.relname);
-- constraints #1: foreign key
FOR r IN (SELECT pns.nspname, pc.relname, pcon.conname
FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint pcon, pg_catalog.pg_class pc, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns
WHERE pns.oid=pc.relnamespace AND pc.oid=pcon.conrelid
AND pns.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
AND pcon.contype='f'
r.nspname, r.relname, r.conname);
-- constraints #2: the rest
FOR r IN (SELECT pns.nspname, pc.relname, pcon.conname
FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint pcon, pg_catalog.pg_class pc, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns
WHERE pns.oid=pc.relnamespace AND pc.oid=pcon.conrelid
AND pns.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
AND pcon.contype<>'f'
r.nspname, r.relname, r.conname);
-- indicēs
FOR r IN (SELECT pns.nspname, pc.relname
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class pc, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns
WHERE pns.oid=pc.relnamespace
AND pns.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
AND pc.relkind='i'
r.nspname, r.relname);
-- normal and materialised views
FOR r IN (SELECT pns.nspname, pc.relname
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class pc, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns
WHERE pns.oid=pc.relnamespace
AND pns.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
AND pc.relkind IN ('v', 'm')
EXECUTE format('DROP VIEW %I.%I;',
r.nspname, r.relname);
-- tables
FOR r IN (SELECT pns.nspname, pc.relname
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class pc, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns
WHERE pns.oid=pc.relnamespace
AND pns.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
AND pc.relkind='r'
r.nspname, r.relname);
-- sequences
FOR r IN (SELECT pns.nspname, pc.relname
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class pc, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns
WHERE pns.oid=pc.relnamespace
AND pns.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
AND pc.relkind='S'
r.nspname, r.relname);
-- extensions (only if necessary; keep them normally)
FOR r IN (SELECT pns.nspname, pe.extname
FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension pe, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns
WHERE pns.oid=pe.extnamespace
AND pns.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
EXECUTE format('DROP EXTENSION %I;', r.extname);
-- aggregate functions first (because they depend on other functions)
FOR r IN (SELECT pns.nspname, pp.proname, pp.oid
FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc pp, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns, pg_catalog.pg_aggregate pagg
WHERE pns.oid=pp.pronamespace
AND pns.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
AND pagg.aggfnoid=pp.oid
r.nspname, r.proname,
-- routines (functions, aggregate functions, procedures, window functions)
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid='pg_catalog.pg_proc'::regclass
AND attname='prokind' -- PostgreSQL 11+
q := 'CASE pp.prokind
ELSIF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid='pg_catalog.pg_proc'::regclass
AND attname='proisagg' -- PostgreSQL ≤10
q := 'CASE pp.proisagg
q := '''FUNCTION''';
FOR r IN EXECUTE 'SELECT pns.nspname, pp.proname, pp.oid, ' || q || ' AS pt
FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc pp, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns
WHERE pns.oid=pp.pronamespace
AND pns.nspname NOT IN (''information_schema'', ''pg_catalog'', ''pg_toast'')
EXECUTE format('DROP %s %I.%I(%s);',,
r.nspname, r.proname,
-- nōn-default schemata we own; assume to be run by a not-superuser
FOR r IN (SELECT pns.nspname
FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns, pg_catalog.pg_roles pr
WHERE pr.oid=pns.nspowner
AND pns.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast', 'public')
AND pr.rolname=current_user
EXECUTE format('DROP SCHEMA %I;', r.nspname);
-- voilà
RAISE NOTICE 'Database cleared!';
END; $$;
After this you can run django command for migrations
python makemigrations
python migrate
And Absolutely that will work . Thank You.
Ситуация: ты пытаешься выполнить миграции в Django. Но появляется ошибка «no changes detected» и ничего не происходит. Как исправить ошибку и провести миграцию?
Как правило, эта ошибка возникает после попытки «перекроить» базу данных. Например, ты решил, что имеющаяся база данных, ее структура требует изменений. Скажем, нужно убрать лишние поля. Быстрый и простой способ — полностью «перекомпоновать», пересоздать базу данных.
Для этого удаляется база данных и файлы миграции. Соответственно, это «костыльный» способ. Так как при этом удаляются все записи. На этапе разработки сайта или учебного проекта это возможно. На реальном сайте маловероятно — так как удаляется весь контент.
👉 При удалении файлов миграции можно допустить ошибку — удалить файл ««. Дело в том, что для Django папка «migrations» воспринимается как приложение. И файл «» является обязательным. Без него и возникает ошибка «no changes detected».
Проверяем, есть ли на месте этот файл. Если нет, то просто создаем его. Заметь — в названии используются двойные нижние подчеркивания. Сам файл оставляем пустым.
📢 Другие причины ошибки no changes detected
Твое приложение обязательно должно быть добавлено в INSTALLED_APPS файла «»:
Также проверяем наличие файла «» в папке твоего приложения (где у тебя лежит файл «» с представлениями, статические фалы и сама папка «migrations»).
В файле «» классы должны наследоваться от «django.db.models.Model». В «» должен быть соответствующий импорт, а в самом классе соответствующая запись в круглых скобках.
Проверяем, нет ли семантических ошибок в «».
Также возможны ошибки при настройках Git. В частности в файле «.gitignore».
Поделиться в соц сетях
Migrations are Django’s way of propagating changes you make to your models
(adding a field, deleting a model, etc.) into your database schema. They’re
designed to be mostly automatic, but you’ll need to know when to make
migrations, when to run them, and the common problems you might run into.
The Commands¶
There are several commands which you will use to interact with migrations
and Django’s handling of database schema:
, which is responsible for applying and unapplying
, which is responsible for creating new migrations
based on the changes you have made to your models.sqlmigrate
, which displays the SQL statements for a migration.showmigrations
, which lists a project’s migrations and their
You should think of migrations as a version control system for your database
schema. makemigrations
is responsible for packaging up your model changes
into individual migration files — analogous to commits — and migrate
responsible for applying those to your database.
The migration files for each app live in a “migrations” directory inside
of that app, and are designed to be committed to, and distributed as part
of, its codebase. You should be making them once on your development machine
and then running the same migrations on your colleagues’ machines, your
staging machines, and eventually your production machines.
It is possible to override the name of the package which contains the
migrations on a per-app basis by modifying the MIGRATION_MODULES
Migrations will run the same way on the same dataset and produce consistent
results, meaning that what you see in development and staging is, under the
same circumstances, exactly what will happen in production.
Django will make migrations for any change to your models or fields — even
options that don’t affect the database — as the only way it can reconstruct
a field correctly is to have all the changes in the history, and you might
need those options in some data migrations later on (for example, if you’ve
set custom validators).
Backend Support¶
Migrations are supported on all backends that Django ships with, as well
as any third-party backends if they have programmed in support for schema
alteration (done via the SchemaEditor class).
However, some databases are more capable than others when it comes to
schema migrations; some of the caveats are covered below.
PostgreSQL is the most capable of all the databases here in terms of schema
MySQL lacks support for transactions around schema alteration operations,
meaning that if a migration fails to apply you will have to manually unpick
the changes in order to try again (it’s impossible to roll back to an
earlier point).
In addition, MySQL will fully rewrite tables for almost every schema operation
and generally takes a time proportional to the number of rows in the table to
add or remove columns. On slower hardware this can be worse than a minute per
million rows — adding a few columns to a table with just a few million rows
could lock your site up for over ten minutes.
Finally, MySQL has relatively small limits on name lengths for columns, tables
and indexes, as well as a limit on the combined size of all columns an index
covers. This means that indexes that are possible on other backends will
fail to be created under MySQL.
SQLite has very little built-in schema alteration support, and so Django
attempts to emulate it by:
- Creating a new table with the new schema
- Copying the data across
- Dropping the old table
- Renaming the new table to match the original name
This process generally works well, but it can be slow and occasionally
buggy. It is not recommended that you run and migrate SQLite in a
production environment unless you are very aware of the risks and
its limitations; the support Django ships with is designed to allow
developers to use SQLite on their local machines to develop less complex
Django projects without the need for a full database.
Django can create migrations for you. Make changes to your models — say, add a
field and remove a model — and then run makemigrations
$ python makemigrations Migrations for 'books': books/migrations/ - Alter field author on book
Your models will be scanned and compared to the versions currently
contained in your migration files, and then a new set of migrations
will be written out. Make sure to read the output to see what
thinks you have changed — it’s not perfect, and for
complex changes it might not be detecting what you expect.
Once you have your new migration files, you should apply them to your
database to make sure they work as expected:
$ python migrate Operations to perform: Apply all migrations: books Running migrations: Rendering model states... DONE Applying books.0003_auto... OK
Once the migration is applied, commit the migration and the models change
to your version control system as a single commit — that way, when other
developers (or your production servers) check out the code, they’ll
get both the changes to your models and the accompanying migration at the
same time.
If you want to give the migration(s) a meaningful name instead of a generated
one, you can use the makemigrations --name
$ python makemigrations --name changed_my_model your_app_label
Version control¶
Because migrations are stored in version control, you’ll occasionally
come across situations where you and another developer have both committed
a migration to the same app at the same time, resulting in two migrations
with the same number.
Don’t worry — the numbers are just there for developers’ reference, Django
just cares that each migration has a different name. Migrations specify which
other migrations they depend on — including earlier migrations in the same
app — in the file, so it’s possible to detect when there’s two new migrations
for the same app that aren’t ordered.
When this happens, Django will prompt you and give you some options. If it
thinks it’s safe enough, it will offer to automatically linearize the two
migrations for you. If not, you’ll have to go in and modify the migrations
yourself — don’t worry, this isn’t difficult, and is explained more in
Migration files below.
On databases that support DDL transactions (SQLite and PostgreSQL), all
migration operations will run inside a single transaction by default. In
contrast, if a database doesn’t support DDL transactions (e.g. MySQL, Oracle)
then all operations will run without a transaction.
You can prevent a migration from running in a transaction by setting the
attribute to False
. For example:
from django.db import migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): atomic = False
It’s also possible to execute parts of the migration inside a transaction using
or by passing atomic=True
. See
Non-atomic migrations for more details.
While migrations are per-app, the tables and relationships implied by
your models are too complex to be created for one app at a time. When you make
a migration that requires something else to run — for example, you add a
in your books
app to your authors
app — the resulting
migration will contain a dependency on a migration in authors
This means that when you run the migrations, the authors
migration runs
first and creates the table the ForeignKey
references, and then the migration
that makes the ForeignKey
column runs afterward and creates the constraint.
If this didn’t happen, the migration would try to create the ForeignKey
column without the table it’s referencing existing and your database would
throw an error.
This dependency behavior affects most migration operations where you
restrict to a single app. Restricting to a single app (either in
or migrate
) is a best-efforts promise, and not
a guarantee; any other apps that need to be used to get dependencies correct
will be.
Apps without migrations must not have relations (ForeignKey
, etc.) to apps with migrations. Sometimes it may work, but
it’s not supported.
Migration files¶
Migrations are stored as an on-disk format, referred to here as
“migration files”. These files are actually normal Python files with an
agreed-upon object layout, written in a declarative style.
A basic migration file looks like this:
from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [('migrations', '0001_initial')] operations = [ migrations.DeleteModel('Tribble'), migrations.AddField('Author', 'rating', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ]
What Django looks for when it loads a migration file (as a Python module) is
a subclass of django.db.migrations.Migration
called Migration
. It then
inspects this object for four attributes, only two of which are used
most of the time:
, a list of migrations this one depends on.operations
, a list ofOperation
classes that define what this
migration does.
The operations are the key; they are a set of declarative instructions which
tell Django what schema changes need to be made. Django scans them and
builds an in-memory representation of all of the schema changes to all apps,
and uses this to generate the SQL which makes the schema changes.
That in-memory structure is also used to work out what the differences are
between your models and the current state of your migrations; Django runs
through all the changes, in order, on an in-memory set of models to come
up with the state of your models last time you ran makemigrations
. It
then uses these models to compare against the ones in your
to work out what you have changed.
You should rarely, if ever, need to edit migration files by hand, but
it’s entirely possible to write them manually if you need to. Some of the
more complex operations are not autodetectable and are only available via
a hand-written migration, so don’t be scared about editing them if you have to.
Custom fields¶
You can’t modify the number of positional arguments in an already migrated
custom field without raising a TypeError
. The old migration will call the
modified __init__
method with the old signature. So if you need a new
argument, please create a keyword argument and add something like
assert 'argument_name' in kwargs
in the constructor.
Model managers¶
You can optionally serialize managers into migrations and have them available
in RunPython
operations. This is done
by defining a use_in_migrations
attribute on the manager class:
class MyManager(models.Manager): use_in_migrations = True class MyModel(models.Model): objects = MyManager()
If you are using the from_queryset()
function to
dynamically generate a manager class, you need to inherit from the generated
class to make it importable:
class MyManager(MyBaseManager.from_queryset(CustomQuerySet)): use_in_migrations = True class MyModel(models.Model): objects = MyManager()
Please refer to the notes about Historical models in migrations to see
the implications that come along.
Initial migrations¶
The “initial migrations” for an app are the migrations that create the first
version of that app’s tables. Usually an app will have one initial migration,
but in some cases of complex model interdependencies it may have two or more.
Initial migrations are marked with an initial = True
class attribute on the
migration class. If an initial
class attribute isn’t found, a migration
will be considered “initial” if it is the first migration in the app (i.e. if
it has no dependencies on any other migration in the same app).
When the migrate --fake-initial
option is used, these initial
migrations are treated specially. For an initial migration that creates one or
more tables (CreateModel
operation), Django checks that all of those tables
already exist in the database and fake-applies the migration if so. Similarly,
for an initial migration that adds one or more fields (AddField
Django checks that all of the respective columns already exist in the database
and fake-applies the migration if so. Without --fake-initial
, initial
migrations are treated no differently from any other migration.
History consistency¶
As previously discussed, you may need to linearize migrations manually when two
development branches are joined. While editing migration dependencies, you can
inadvertently create an inconsistent history state where a migration has been
applied but some of its dependencies haven’t. This is a strong indication that
the dependencies are incorrect, so Django will refuse to run migrations or make
new migrations until it’s fixed. When using multiple databases, you can use the
method of database routers to control which databases
checks for consistent history.
Adding migrations to apps¶
New apps come preconfigured to accept migrations, and so you can add migrations
by running makemigrations
once you’ve made some changes.
If your app already has models and database tables, and doesn’t have migrations
yet (for example, you created it against a previous Django version), you’ll
need to convert it to use migrations by running:
$ python makemigrations your_app_label
This will make a new initial migration for your app. Now, run python
, and Django will detect that you have an migrate --fake-initial
initial migration and that the tables it wants to create already exist, and
will mark the migration as already applied. (Without the migrate
flag, the command would error out because the tables it wants
to create already exist.)
Note that this only works given two things:
- You have not changed your models since you made their tables. For migrations
to work, you must make the initial migration first and then make changes,
as Django compares changes against migration files, not the database. - You have not manually edited your database — Django won’t be able to detect
that your database doesn’t match your models, you’ll just get errors when
migrations try to modify those tables.
Reversing migrations¶
Migrations can be reversed with migrate
by passing the number of the
previous migration. For example, to reverse migration books.0003
$ python migrate books 0002 Operations to perform: Target specific migration: 0002_auto, from books Running migrations: Rendering model states... DONE Unapplying books.0003_auto... OK
...> py migrate books 0002 Operations to perform: Target specific migration: 0002_auto, from books Running migrations: Rendering model states... DONE Unapplying books.0003_auto... OK
If you want to reverse all migrations applied for an app, use the name
$ python migrate books zero Operations to perform: Unapply all migrations: books Running migrations: Rendering model states... DONE Unapplying books.0002_auto... OK Unapplying books.0001_initial... OK
...> py migrate books zero Operations to perform: Unapply all migrations: books Running migrations: Rendering model states... DONE Unapplying books.0002_auto... OK Unapplying books.0001_initial... OK
A migration is irreversible if it contains any irreversible operations.
Attempting to reverse such migrations will raise IrreversibleError
$ python migrate books 0002 Operations to perform: Target specific migration: 0002_auto, from books Running migrations: Rendering model states... DONE Unapplying books.0003_auto...Traceback (most recent call last): django.db.migrations.exceptions.IrreversibleError: Operation <RunSQL sql='DROP TABLE demo_books'> in books.0003_auto is not reversible
...> py migrate books 0002 Operations to perform: Target specific migration: 0002_auto, from books Running migrations: Rendering model states... DONE Unapplying books.0003_auto...Traceback (most recent call last): django.db.migrations.exceptions.IrreversibleError: Operation <RunSQL sql='DROP TABLE demo_books'> in books.0003_auto is not reversible
Historical models¶
When you run migrations, Django is working from historical versions of your
models stored in the migration files. If you write Python code using the
operation, or if you have
methods on your database routers, you need to use these
historical model versions rather than importing them directly.
If you import models directly rather than using the historical models,
your migrations may work initially but will fail in the future when you
try to rerun old migrations (commonly, when you set up a new installation
and run through all the migrations to set up the database).
This means that historical model problems may not be immediately obvious.
If you run into this kind of failure, it’s OK to edit the migration to use
the historical models rather than direct imports and commit those changes.
Because it’s impossible to serialize arbitrary Python code, these historical
models will not have any custom methods that you have defined. They will,
however, have the same fields, relationships, managers (limited to those with
use_in_migrations = True
) and Meta
options (also versioned, so they may
be different from your current ones).
This means that you will NOT have custom save()
methods called on objects
when you access them in migrations, and you will NOT have any custom
constructors or instance methods. Plan appropriately!
References to functions in field options such as upload_to
and model manager declarations with managers having
use_in_migrations = True
are serialized in migrations, so the functions and
classes will need to be kept around for as long as there is a migration
referencing them. Any custom model fields
will also need to be kept, since these are imported directly by migrations.
In addition, the concrete base classes of the model are stored as pointers, so
you must always keep base classes around for as long as there is a migration
that contains a reference to them. On the plus side, methods and managers from
these base classes inherit normally, so if you absolutely need access to these
you can opt to move them into a superclass.
To remove old references, you can squash migrations
or, if there aren’t many references, copy them into the migration files.
Considerations when removing model fields¶
Similar to the “references to historical functions” considerations described in
the previous section, removing custom model fields from your project or
third-party app will cause a problem if they are referenced in old migrations.
To help with this situation, Django provides some model field attributes to
assist with model field deprecation using the system checks framework.
Add the system_check_deprecated_details
attribute to your model field
similar to the following:
class IPAddressField(Field): system_check_deprecated_details = { 'msg': ( 'IPAddressField has been deprecated. Support for it (except ' 'in historical migrations) will be removed in Django 1.9.' ), 'hint': 'Use GenericIPAddressField instead.', # optional 'id': 'fields.W900', # pick a unique ID for your field. }
After a deprecation period of your choosing (two or three feature releases for
fields in Django itself), change the system_check_deprecated_details
attribute to system_check_removed_details
and update the dictionary similar
class IPAddressField(Field): system_check_removed_details = { 'msg': ( 'IPAddressField has been removed except for support in ' 'historical migrations.' ), 'hint': 'Use GenericIPAddressField instead.', 'id': 'fields.E900', # pick a unique ID for your field. }
You should keep the field’s methods that are required for it to operate in
database migrations such as __init__()
, deconstruct()
, and
. Keep this stub field for as long as any migrations
which reference the field exist. For example, after squashing migrations and
removing the old ones, you should be able to remove the field completely.
Data Migrations¶
As well as changing the database schema, you can also use migrations to change
the data in the database itself, in conjunction with the schema if you want.
Migrations that alter data are usually called “data migrations”; they’re best
written as separate migrations, sitting alongside your schema migrations.
Django can’t automatically generate data migrations for you, as it does with
schema migrations, but it’s not very hard to write them. Migration files in
Django are made up of Operations, and
the main operation you use for data migrations is
To start, make an empty migration file you can work from (Django will put
the file in the right place, suggest a name, and add dependencies for you):
python makemigrations --empty yourappname
Then, open up the file; it should look something like this:
# Generated by Django A.B on YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM from django.db import migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('yourappname', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ ]
Now, all you need to do is create a new function and have
use it.
expects a callable as its argument
which takes two arguments — the first is an app registry that has the historical versions of all your models
loaded into it to match where in your history the migration sits, and the
second is a SchemaEditor, which you can use to
manually effect database schema changes (but beware, doing this can confuse
the migration autodetector!)
Let’s write a migration that populates our new name
field with the combined
values of first_name
and last_name
(we’ve come to our senses and
realized that not everyone has first and last names). All we need to do is use
the historical model and iterate over the rows:
from django.db import migrations def combine_names(apps, schema_editor): # We can't import the Person model directly as it may be a newer # version than this migration expects. We use the historical version. Person = apps.get_model('yourappname', 'Person') for person in Person.objects.all(): = '%s %s' % (person.first_name, person.last_name) class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('yourappname', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ migrations.RunPython(combine_names), ]
Once that’s done, we can run python migrate
as normal and the
data migration will run in place alongside other migrations.
You can pass a second callable to
to run whatever logic you
want executed when migrating backwards. If this callable is omitted, migrating
backwards will raise an exception.
Accessing models from other apps¶
When writing a RunPython
function that uses models from apps other than the
one in which the migration is located, the migration’s dependencies
attribute should include the latest migration of each app that is involved,
otherwise you may get an error similar to: LookupError: No installed app
when you try to retrieve the model in the
with label 'myappname'RunPython
function using apps.get_model()
In the following example, we have a migration in app1
which needs to use
models in app2
. We aren’t concerned with the details of move_m1
than the fact it will need to access models from both apps. Therefore we’ve
added a dependency that specifies the last migration of app2
class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('app1', '0001_initial'), # added dependency to enable using models from app2 in move_m1 ('app2', '0004_foobar'), ] operations = [ migrations.RunPython(move_m1), ]
Squashing migrations¶
You are encouraged to make migrations freely and not worry about how many you
have; the migration code is optimized to deal with hundreds at a time without
much slowdown. However, eventually you will want to move back from having
several hundred migrations to just a few, and that’s where squashing comes in.
Squashing is the act of reducing an existing set of many migrations down to
one (or sometimes a few) migrations which still represent the same changes.
Django does this by taking all of your existing migrations, extracting their
s and putting them all in sequence, and then running an optimizer
over them to try and reduce the length of the list — for example, it knows
that CreateModel
cancel each other out,
and it knows that AddField
can be
rolled into CreateModel
Once the operation sequence has been reduced as much as possible — the amount
possible depends on how closely intertwined your models are and if you have
any RunSQL
or RunPython
operations (which can’t
be optimized through unless they are marked as elidable
) — Django will then
write it back out into a new set of migration files.
These files are marked to say they replace the previously-squashed migrations,
so they can coexist with the old migration files, and Django will intelligently
switch between them depending where you are in the history. If you’re still
part-way through the set of migrations that you squashed, it will keep using
them until it hits the end and then switch to the squashed history, while new
installs will use the new squashed migration and skip all the old ones.
This enables you to squash and not mess up systems currently in production
that aren’t fully up-to-date yet. The recommended process is to squash, keeping
the old files, commit and release, wait until all systems are upgraded with
the new release (or if you’re a third-party project, ensure your users upgrade
releases in order without skipping any), and then remove the old files, commit
and do a second release.
The command that backs all this is squashmigrations
— pass it the
app label and migration name you want to squash up to, and it’ll get to work:
$ ./ squashmigrations myapp 0004 Will squash the following migrations: - 0001_initial - 0002_some_change - 0003_another_change - 0004_undo_something Do you wish to proceed? [yN] y Optimizing... Optimized from 12 operations to 7 operations. Created new squashed migration /home/andrew/Programs/DjangoTest/test/migrations/ You should commit this migration but leave the old ones in place; the new migration will be used for new installs. Once you are sure all instances of the codebase have applied the migrations you squashed, you can delete them.
Use the squashmigrations --squashed-name
option if you want to set
the name of the squashed migration rather than use an autogenerated one.
Note that model interdependencies in Django can get very complex, and squashing
may result in migrations that do not run; either mis-optimized (in which case
you can try again with --no-optimize
, though you should also report an issue),
or with a CircularDependencyError
, in which case you can manually resolve it.
To manually resolve a CircularDependencyError
, break out one of
the ForeignKeys in the circular dependency loop into a separate
migration, and move the dependency on the other app with it. If you’re unsure,
see how makemigrations
deals with the problem when asked to create
brand new migrations from your models. In a future release of Django,
will be updated to attempt to resolve these errors
Once you’ve squashed your migration, you should then commit it alongside the
migrations it replaces and distribute this change to all running instances
of your application, making sure that they run migrate
to store the change
in their database.
You must then transition the squashed migration to a normal migration by:
- Deleting all the migration files it replaces.
- Updating all migrations that depend on the deleted migrations to depend on
the squashed migration instead. - Removing the
attribute in theMigration
class of the
squashed migration (this is how Django tells that it is a squashed migration).
Once you’ve squashed a migration, you should not then re-squash that squashed
migration until you have fully transitioned it to a normal migration.
Pruning references to deleted migrations
New in Django 4.1.
If it is likely that you may reuse the name of a deleted migration in the
future, you should remove references to it from Django’s migrations table
with the migrate --prune
Serializing values¶
Migrations are Python files containing the old definitions of your models
— thus, to write them, Django must take the current state of your models and
serialize them out into a file.
While Django can serialize most things, there are some things that we just
can’t serialize out into a valid Python representation — there’s no Python
standard for how a value can be turned back into code (repr()
only works
for basic values, and doesn’t specify import paths).
Django can serialize the following:
, anddatetime.datetime
(include those that are timezone-aware)decimal.Decimal
which have serializablefunc
, andkeywords
values.- Pure and concrete path objects from
. Concrete paths are
converted to their pure path equivalent, e.g.pathlib.PosixPath
. os.PathLike
instances, e.g.os.DirEntry
, which are
converted tostr
instances which wrap a serializable value.- Enumeration types (e.g.
) instances. - Any Django field
- Any function or method reference (e.g.
) (must be in module’s top-level scope) - Unbound methods used from within the class body
- Any class reference (must be in module’s top-level scope)
- Anything with a custom
method (see below)
Django cannot serialize:
- Nested classes
- Arbitrary class instances (e.g.
MyClass(4.3, 5.7)
) - Lambdas
Custom serializers¶
You can serialize other types by writing a custom serializer. For example, if
Django didn’t serialize Decimal
by default, you could do
from decimal import Decimal from django.db.migrations.serializer import BaseSerializer from django.db.migrations.writer import MigrationWriter class DecimalSerializer(BaseSerializer): def serialize(self): return repr(self.value), {'from decimal import Decimal'} MigrationWriter.register_serializer(Decimal, DecimalSerializer)
The first argument of MigrationWriter.register_serializer()
is a type or
iterable of types that should use the serializer.
The serialize()
method of your serializer must return a string of how the
value should appear in migrations and a set of any imports that are needed in
the migration.
Adding a deconstruct()
You can let Django serialize your own custom class instances by giving the class
a deconstruct()
method. It takes no arguments, and should return a tuple
of three things (path, args, kwargs)
should be the Python path to the class, with the class name included
as the last part (for example,myapp.custom_things.MyClass
). If your
class is not available at the top level of a module it is not serializable.args
should be a list of positional arguments to pass to your class’
method. Everything in this list should itself be serializable.kwargs
should be a dict of keyword arguments to pass to your class’
method. Every value should itself be serializable.
This return value is different from the deconstruct()
for custom fields which returns a
tuple of four items.
Django will write out the value as an instantiation of your class with the
given arguments, similar to the way it writes out references to Django fields.
To prevent a new migration from being created each time
is run, you should also add a __eq__()
method to
the decorated class. This function will be called by Django’s migration
framework to detect changes between states.
As long as all of the arguments to your class’ constructor are themselves
serializable, you can use the @deconstructible
class decorator from
to add the deconstruct()
from django.utils.deconstruct import deconstructible @deconstructible class MyCustomClass: def __init__(self, foo=1): = foo ... def __eq__(self, other): return ==
The decorator adds logic to capture and preserve the arguments on their
way into your constructor, and then returns those arguments exactly when
deconstruct() is called.
Supporting multiple Django versions¶
If you are the maintainer of a third-party app with models, you may need to
ship migrations that support multiple Django versions. In this case, you should
always run makemigrations
with the lowest Django version you wish
to support.
The migrations system will maintain backwards-compatibility according to the
same policy as the rest of Django, so migration files generated on Django X.Y
should run unchanged on Django X.Y+1. The migrations system does not promise
forwards-compatibility, however. New features may be added, and migration files
generated with newer versions of Django may not work on older versions.
Published 4 March, 2019;
last updated on 23 April, 2021.
As part of a project I’m working on, I’m refactoring two nearly identical models (create.Event
and delete.Event
) into one (generic.Event
Doing this requites a handful of migrations to:
- create the table for
; - move the data from
and delete thecreate.Event
table; and - move the data from
and delete thedelete.Event
Migrations two and three call this function to move data between models:
from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
def move_events(source_model, dest_model):
for source in source_model.objects.all():
source_fields = model_to_dict(source)
del source_fields['id']
dest = dest_model()
for attr, value in source_fields.items():
setattr(dest, attr, value)
This works perfectly well … until I introduce real-world data and a unique event_id
field into my models. 😢
django.db.utils.IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "generic_event_id_key"
DETAIL: Key (event_id)=(the-duplicate-key) already exists.
Taking a pythonic “easier to ask for forgiveness than permission” approach, my first attempt at this was to wrap the call to save in a try … except block:
from django.db.utils import IntegrityError
except IntegrityError as err:
print("Ignoring unhandled integrity error:")
I naively deployed this fix expecting my problems to vanish, but the exceptions persisted. 😭
I was now getting TransactionManagementError
django.db.transaction.TransactionManagementError: An error occurred in the current transaction. You can't execute queries until the end of the 'atomic' block.
After some digging, reading, and thinking, I realised that the cause of the IntegrityError
isn’t Python—it’s Postgres. Handling the error in Python is suppressing an error about a failed transaction, but the transaction is still failed.
The Django docs give a clue about what’s happening here:
Inside a transaction, when a call to a PostgreSQL cursor raises an exception (typically
), all subsequent SQL in the same transaction will fail with the error “current transaction is aborted, queries ignored until end of transaction block”. While simple use ofsave()
is unlikely to raise an exception in PostgreSQL, there are more advanced usage patterns which might, such as saving objects with unique fields, saving using the force_insert/force_update flag, or invoking custom SQL.
In order to stop IntegrityError
s in your migrations, you need to “look before you leap” to stop the cause of them in the first place. For me, that meant something like the following:
def move_events(source_model, dest_model):
for source in source_model.objects.all():
source_fields = model_to_dict(source)
del source_fields['id']
# Ignore records with pre-existing event IDs.
event_id = source_fields['event_id']
if dest_model.objects.filter(event_id=event_id).exists():
print("Discarding record with duplicate event ID.")
dest = dest_model()
for attr, value in source_fields.items():
setattr(dest, attr, value)