Docker error pool overlaps with other one on this address space

I'm trying to setup docker and I`m getting the following error: ERROR: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space What should I do to solve it,please?

I’m trying to setup docker and I`m getting the following error:

ERROR: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space

What should I do to solve it,please?

asked Jun 9, 2019 at 13:49

bruna_dosti's user avatar


Could you provide us with the command you have run as well as your docker-compose.yml file please?

The error you are encountering is suggesting you have a network address conflict. To check that you could run: docker network ls to list all the docker network running currently on your machine.

Once you have identified the culprit you should be able to remove it with the following command: docker network rm my_network (where my_network is the one you have created initially)

answered Mar 3, 2020 at 11:55

thoroc's user avatar


3,0622 gold badges25 silver badges34 bronze badges

if you don’t mind delete all docker networks, you could run

docker network rm $(docker network ls -q)

answered Apr 26, 2022 at 18:22

Adán Escobar's user avatar

Adán EscobarAdán Escobar

1,0238 silver badges13 bronze badges

remove one or more network in the result of docker network ls with docker network rm ID

answered Jan 30, 2022 at 17:54

Hamid Shariati's user avatar


docker network prune

Worked for me.

answered Aug 18, 2022 at 9:47

AlwaysLearning's user avatar


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daamien opened this issue

Jul 23, 2017





Thanks for this projet ! Installing Mailman3 is tricky and I hope your docker images will help

However I’m getting an error at the early stage:

$ docker-compose up
Creating network "dockermailman_mailman" with driver "bridge"
ERROR: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space

the host is a regular Linux box:

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS
Release:        16.04
Codename:       xenial

$ uname -a
Linux Hammer 4.4.0-59-generic #80-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 6 17:47:47 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

The docker version seems up to date

docker version
 Version:      17.05.0-ce
 API version:  1.29
 Go version:   go1.7.5
 Git commit:   89658be
 Built:        Thu May  4 22:10:54 2017
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

 Version:      17.05.0-ce
 API version:  1.29 (minimum version 1.12)
 Go version:   go1.7.5
 Git commit:   89658be
 Built:        Thu May  4 22:10:54 2017
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
 Experimental: false


Are you using subnet for something else in your network?

The default compose file provided uses this subnet to create a bridge network and allocates static IPs to the containers.

If this subnet is already in use, you can just change it to a different subnet. You’d have to change
environment variables and other IPAddresses allocated to each container too.

See the docker-compose.yaml file in the root of the project.


Hi !

Thanks for the quick answer 👍

FTR I am using the docker-compose.yaml file at the root of the project

There’s no other docker containers running on the host while I’m doing this test.

I changed the subnet to and modified the other IP adresse accordingly and I still get the same error..



Hi !

Actually it seems that a simple sevirce docker restart solved the issue.

Sorry about that. Thanks for your help !

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In case someone else is google’ing here: Even if the containers are down the networks are still persist. With no container running docker network prune did it. Guess restarting the service returns the same result.

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Working when I delete the pool network

docker network ls
NETWORK ID          NAME                          DRIVER              SCOPE  
8518cc751c09        bridge                        bridge              local  
5ebc27713033       pool_network              bridge              local  
25ff8d61d971        host                          host                local  
85c5507b6e64        none                          null                local

remove the pool_network

docker network rm pool_network

daxiangpaobu, mpech, mraafaykhan, funatsufumiya, nicholasmireles, olekhy, DarkEye123, earizon, bankyadam, thoroc, and 31 more reacted with thumbs up emoji
OljaIvkovic, vincent-jia-wcar, Sokrates1989, and murat-polat reacted with rocket emoji


İt was about the wrong ip address in compose.yml in my case


my case, I have to tun

docker-compose down
docker network prune

Then restart Docker service.

olekhy, pdhyani26, ikopyl, andmetoo, bertrandsvetchine, benIT, K0WALSKl, cocoa-maemae, moveax3, hopeseekr, and 39 more reacted with thumbs up emoji
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version: «3»

driver: bridge
driver: default
— subnet:
driver: bridge
driver: default
— subnet:

build: ./db
command: —default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
— 3306:3306
— ./development.env
build: ./www
— 8080:80
— ./src:/var/www/html/
— tut07-db
— ./development.env

above is my docker compose yml file but i got the same error even i have change


benIT, Ziumper, elgartoinf, sudma, tomshy, a1300, Voyager-Two, wanaryytel, julian-labuschagne, bejean, and 18 more reacted with thumbs up emoji
badrshs, SarasaGunawardhana, ov-developer, and Uttam-Singhh reacted with thumbs down emoji
Maurits2014 reacted with hooray emoji


In case someone else is google’ing here: Even if the containers are down the networks are still persist. With no container running docker network prune did it. Guess restarting the service returns the same result.

it´s worked for me. Thanks you.


I have tried with docker network prune but after docker-compose up it will show again. Its not work for me.
Shall I remove docker completely and reinstall it??
Also, I restart the docker service. It’s Not worked for me.


In case someone else is google’ing here: Even if the containers are down the networks are still persist. With no container running docker network prune did it. Guess restarting the service returns the same result.

For me docker network prune did it whereas service docker restart did not. I’m running the container with macvlan network.


In case you are configuring docker networks with bridge mode and in case you are assigning pool of addresses, make sure each stack has a unique subnet, in my case I had two docker-compose files using the same subnet:

    driver: bridge
      driver: default
        - subnet:

In my case, subnet was used by two stacks, hence the error.


I also had the same issue. Here is how I fixed it:

  1. Listed active networks with docker network list
  2. Removed clean_default network with docker network rm clean_default
  3. Removed any active container by docker container stop (container id) and docker container prune
  4. Restarted with docker-compose up -d

Doing these fixed the issue for me.


@briosheje Hi, Is it possible to configure docker compose to allow stack to reuse subnets? In case I run multiple stacks for one docker-compose.yml file. I name each stack with own -p option but want each stack to reuse specified subnet. Is that possible?


@briosheje Hi, Is it possible to configure docker compose to allow stack to reuse subnets? In case I run multiple stacks for one docker-compose.yml file. I name each stack with own -p option but want each stack to reuse specified subnet. Is that possible?

I don’t think so, the cleverest is probably to create a network outside the docker-compose first, then use it in docker-compose as «external» (check here for an example:, in this way the same address pool is reused (and the same network is used).


@briosheje No, I do not want to allow containers to communicate with each other. Those are different testing context thus should be isolated. I want to run them as:

docker compose -p proj-${BUILD_NUMBER} up --detach
docker compose -p proj-${BUILD_NUMBER} up --detach
docker compose -p proj-${BUILD_NUMBER} up --detach


The answer stating to do a docker network prune or service restart are partially correct. Yes indeed it would fix the issue when there is indeed a conflict with IP range.
But this does not apply when there are no conflicts :

$ for name in  $(docker network ls --format '{{.Name}}' ) ; do echo $name ; docker inspect $name --format '{{ .IPAM.Config }}' ; done

[{ map[]}]
[{   map[]}]
[{ map[]}]
[{ map[]}]
[{   map[]}]
[{ map[]}]
[{ map[]}]
[{ map[]}]
[{ map[]}]
[{ map[]}]
[{ map[]}]

When restarting the compose describing [{ map[]}], it throws the error ‘ Pool overlaps with other one on this address space’. The compose is exactly the same than previous run, the IPAM config did not changed, the compose project name is the same.
I would expect dockercompose to use the existing same network, not throw an error… And that works fine with a lot of other projects


@briosheje No, I do not want to allow containers to communicate with each other. Those are different testing context thus should be isolated. I want to run them as:

docker compose -p proj-${BUILD_NUMBER} up --detach
docker compose -p proj-${BUILD_NUMBER} up --detach
docker compose -p proj-${BUILD_NUMBER} up --detach

You could use different subnet for each docker compose app.

In my case I was creating too many networks. Here’s an example of how I fixed it.

        - subnet: 172.16.${NETWORK_ID}.0/24

And then give a unique NETWORK_ID for each run.

docker compose -p proj-${BUILD_NUMBER} up --detach -e NETWORK_ID=1
docker compose -p proj-${BUILD_NUMBER} up --detach -e NETWORK_ID=2
docker compose -p proj-${BUILD_NUMBER} up --detach -e NETWORK_ID=3

If you run out of network ids (0-255) you can create a pool of numbers (0-255) and take a number from the pool for your network_id when you create the network and put it back in the pool when the compose application finishes.


@mdakram28 Ok, We can workaround. But why I should do this if private network could be private for each stack? Like networks are reusable among different offices in the world. This is no any problem that is used by each router, because networks are private and isolated from each other. Same should be for containers.

Why containers may not use same network if theirs networks are isolated from each other??


i added the network without the driver and it worked


  1. Console: Pool error
  2. Troubleshooting
  3. Ошибку выдаёт pool connection failed. Internet, pool url or worker
  4. 11 ответов
  5. Похожие вопросы
  6. Docker «ERROR: could not find an available, non-overlapping IPv4 address pool among the defaults to assign to the network»
  7. 21 Answers
  8. Long version
  9. ERROR: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space #85
  11. Troubleshooting

Console: Pool error

When you see «Pool error» in your 24h logs or worker’s latest activity, this can describe different issues connected to the pool, your network, or your connection with the pool.

The most common issues connected to this console error are:

  • Connecting to the pool: It could be that mining client restarted (due to profit switch, trigger, or any manual action you made) and your rig hasn’t connected to the pool yet, but we detected the error anyway. If this is the case, the number of times this error occured will be small.
  • Wrong stratum address or port: It could be that there are different ports reserved for different mining setups, geographic location, coins, algorithm, or more. Make sure to check if you have enetered correct stratum address with correct port.
  • Pool issues: It could be that pool is having issues at the moment and you cannot connect to it. As this depends entirely on the pool, you will need to check their website and official channels to learn more about what the issue could be. You can also use our pool status checker to see if we are also having troubles pinging the pool. Also note that some pools require different identification methods — on some you can identify with wallet address and on others you need to register and use username as identification. Double check if you are using correct configuration for mining on selected pool. To test it even further, you can try to set up mining on another pool and in this way check if the issues are actually on the pool’s side.
  • Network issues: It could be that you have troubles connecting to the pool as there are troubles in your network. Again, you can use pool status checker to see if we are also having the troubles pinging the pool.

To find the pools with lowest latency, use Sonar.

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Ошибку выдаёт pool connection failed. Internet, pool url or worker

11 ответов

майнинг пул лег… ищи адрес актуальный

А где его искать то

дружище, я б рад помочь, но все что знаю, это то что весь день в чат спамят что пул не работает

Неужели за весь день ри кто не решил эту проблему.

У тя тоже пул плохо робит сегодня?

Уже все норм. Я зеркальный ввел

И обычный тоже работает уже

У нас тоже сегодня все вырубилось, у троих человек точно

stratum+tcp:// с четырьмя восьмерками адрес на него поменяй, если через бинанс пул майниш

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Docker «ERROR: could not find an available, non-overlapping IPv4 address pool among the defaults to assign to the network»

I have a directory apkmirror-scraper-compose with the following structure:

I’m trying to run the following docker-compose.yml :

where the Dockerfile for tor is

that for privoxy is

where config consists of the two lines

and the Dockerfile for scraper is

where requirements.txt contains the single line requests . Finally, the program is designed to simply test whether changing the IP address using Tor is working:

The docker-compose build builds successfully, but if I try docker-compose up , I get the following error message:

I tried searching for help on this error message, but couldn’t find any. What is causing this error?

21 Answers

I’ve seen it suggested docker may be at its maximum of created networks. The command docker network prune can be used to remove all networks not used by at least one container.

My issue ended up being, as Robert commented about: an issue with openvpn service openvpn stop ‘solved’ the problem.

I ran into this problem because I had OpenVPN running. As soon as I killed OpenVPN, docker-compose up fired right up, and the error disappeared.

I ran in this problem with OpenVPN working as well and I’ve found a solution where you should NOT stop/start OpenVPN server.

Idea that You should specify what exactly subnet you want to use. In docker-compose.yml write:

That’s it. Now, default network will be used and if your VPN did not assign you something from 172.16.57.* subnet, you’re fine.

Following Peter Hauge’s comment, upon running docker network ls I saw (among other lines) the following:

The line with NAME and DRIVER as both host seems to be what he is referring to with «networks already created on your host». So, following, I ran the command

Now docker-compose up works (although produces an error).

I have the same problem. I ran docker system prune -a —volumes , docker network prune , but neither helped me.

I use a VPN, I turned off the VPN and, after it docker started normal and was able to create a network. After that, you can enable VPN again.

As other answers mentioned, Docker’s default local bridge network only supports 30 different networks (each one of them uniquely identifiable by their name). If you are not using them, then docker network prune will do the trick.

However, you might be interested in establishing more than 30 containers, each with their own network. Were you interested in doing so then you would need to define an overlay network. This is a bit more tricky but extremely well documented here.

EDIT (May 2020): Link has become unavailable, going through the docs there’s not an exact replacement, but I would recommend starting from here.

Long version

Disclaimer: I am not very knowledgeable about Docker networking, but this did the trick for me. YMMV.

When I ran docker run my-image the networking gave me no problems, but when I converted this command to a docker-compose.yml file, I got the same error as the OP.

I read Arenim’s answer and some other stuff on the internet that suggested to re-use an existing network.

You can find existing networks like this:

I wanted to reuse the default bridge network, so I added

to the the root of my docker-compose.yml (so not inside one of my services , but at the root indentation).

I now got the following error:

ERROR: for your-container network-scoped alias is supported only for containers in user defined networks

This led met to this Docker Github issue, that plainly stated that I should add the network_mode object to my docker-compose :

This was tested on Docker version 18.09.8 , docker-compose version 1.24.1 and the compose file format 3.7 .


ERROR: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space #85

Thanks for this projet ! Installing Mailman3 is tricky and I hope your docker images will help

However I’m getting an error at the early stage:

the host is a regular Linux box:

The docker version seems up to date

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Are you using subnet for something else in your network?

The default compose file provided uses this subnet to create a bridge network and allocates static IPs to the containers.

If this subnet is already in use, you can just change it to a different subnet. You’d have to change
environment variables and other IPAddresses allocated to each container too.

See the docker-compose.yaml file in the root of the project.

Thanks for the quick answer 👍

FTR I am using the docker-compose.yaml file at the root of the project

There’s no other docker containers running on the host while I’m doing this test.

I changed the subnet to and modified the other IP adresse accordingly and I still get the same error..

Not exactly sure about what is going on but this thread from docker might be relevant?

Actually it seems that a simple sevirce docker restart solved the issue.

Sorry about that. Thanks for your help !

In case someone else is google’ing here: Even if the containers are down the networks are still persist. With no container running docker network prune did it. Guess restarting the service returns the same result.

I think the semantics depend on how you actually stop the containers, docker-compose stop actually only stops the containers, but, docker-compose down stops and remove the containers & network.

Working when I delete the pool network

remove the pool_network

docker network rm pool_network

İt was about the wrong ip address in compose.yml in my case

my case, I have to tun

Then restart Docker service.

driver: bridge
driver: default
— subnet:
driver: bridge
driver: default
— subnet:

build: ./db
command: —default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
— 3306:3306
— ./development.env
build: ./www
— 8080:80
— ./src:/var/www/html/
— tut07-db
— ./development.env

above is my docker compose yml file but i got the same error even i have change

docker network prune

In case someone else is google’ing here: Even if the containers are down the networks are still persist. With no container running docker network prune did it. Guess restarting the service returns the same result.



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The «Config error» can be found in 24h logs and worker’s latest activity when the configuration of the mining client is incorrect. This can happen for a lot of different reasons as every mining client uses their own parameter structure a. Read more →

The «Mining client error» that is shown in your 24h logs or worker’s latest activity indicates that the error is connected to the mining client. The most common situtation when this error appears is when the mining client is using an API. Read more →

When you see a «GPU error» on your 24h logs or worker’s latest activity there is a trouble with detecting information connected to your GPU — in some cases, you will also be able to see which GPUs are the problematic ones. We suggest . Read more →

If you see «Driver error» in your 24h logs or worker’s latest activity, the error means that there are issues with the drivers on the rig. To fix this error, check the following: Check if you have added your worker in correct ty. Read more →

«System message» in your 24h logs or worker’s latest activity denotes the rig’s last response to manual or automatic reboot, shut down, stop and start mining, or power cycle commands. It is just a notification for you to know that th. Read more →

The status audit is part of a real-time summary section and available under the summary tab in the diagnostic. It shows the number of workers with specific status: online, offline, and idle. Read more →

The temperature audit is part of a real-time summary section and available under the summary tab in the diagnostic. It shows the number of workers with a specific issue: workers with at least one GPU or board over the hot limit and workers with a. Read more →

A missing data audit is part of a real-time summary section and available under the summary tab in the diagnostic. It shows the number of workers with a specific issue: missing temperature data and missing fan data. Read more →

A mining issue audit is part of a real-time summary section and available under the summary tab in the diagnostic. It shows the number of workers with a specific issue: missing hashrate (or hashrate speed 0 H/s) and low efficiency (efficiency sma. Read more →

The profitability trend is available under the statistics tab in the diagnostic and shows average daily earnings on your account with a profitability range (minimum and maximum peaks of estimated daily earnings; not taking offline periods in. Read more →

The uptime is available under the statistics tab in the diagnostic and is calculated from your global statistics data. This means that it is calculated as the ratio between data points when your rig was detected as online and the total sum o. Read more →

Same as uptime, volatility is available under the statistics tab in the diagnostic and is calculated from your global statistics data. It takes into consideration all data points with online status and is calculated as the ratio between stan. Read more →

The GPU temperature alerts audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined de. Read more →

Offline alerts audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined depending on h. Read more →

The ASIC alerts audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined depending on . Read more →

The hashrate drop alerts audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined depe. Read more →

The efficiency drop alerts audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined de. Read more →

The temperature triggers audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined depe. Read more →

Unresponsive triggers audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined dependi. Read more →

The idle triggers audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined depending o. Read more →

The inactive triggers audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined dependi. Read more →

The hashrate drop triggers audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined de. Read more →

The efficiency drop triggers audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined . Read more →

The earnings drop triggers audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined de. Read more →

The console errors — driver audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and is currently shown only if you have at least one msOS rig running. The audit shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small his. Read more →

The console errors — pool audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and is currently shown only if you have at least one msOS rig running. The audit shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small histo. Read more →

The console errors — config audit is available under the activity tab in diagnostic and is currently shown only if you have at least one msOS rig running. The audit shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small histori. Read more →

The console errors — authorization audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and is currently shown only if you have at least one msOS rig running. The audit shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a sm. Read more →

The console errors audit — mining client is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and is currently shown only if you have at least one msOS rig running. The audit shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small h. Read more →

The console errors audit — GPU is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and is currently shown only if you have at least one msOS rig running. The audit shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart. Read more →

Thermal throttling is a state that happens when your GPU is taking too much load and starts overheating. For Nvidia 3000 series such events are quite common, so it is extremely important to have good cooling system and smart position of your GPUs. Read more →

Thermal throttling is a state that happens when your GPU is taking too much load and starts overheating. For Nvidia 3000 series such events are quite common, so it is extremely important to have good cooling system and smart position of your GPUs. Read more →

Thermal throttling is a state that happens when your GPU is taking too much load and starts overheating. For Nvidia 3000 series such events are quite common, so it is extremely important to have good cooling system and smart position of your GPUs. Read more →

Thermal throttling is a state that happens when your GPU is taking too much load and starts overheating. For Nvidia 3000 series such events are quite common, so it is extremely important to have good cooling system and smart position of your GPUs. Read more →


У меня в докере запущены два контейнера, в которых работает одно и то же приложение, но на разных портах. Нужно, чтобы nginx проксировал запросы этим приложениям на их порты.

Nginx настроен так, что он переадресует запросы на и Поэтому каждому контейнеру надо присвоить IP.

Приложение запускается в докере при помощи композера. Вот так выглядит docker-compose.yml:

version: '2'
                build: ./service-1/
                 - "8086:8086"
                build: ./service-2/
                 - "8087:8087"

  driver: bridge
    - subnet:

При выполнении команды docker-compose up я получаю ошибку:

ERROR: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space

Как ее исправить и запустить контейнеры с данными IP-адресами, по которым nginx будет балансировать нагрузку?

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Читайте также:

  • Docker error could not find or load main class
  • Docker error 139
  • Docker engine failed to start windows 10 как исправить
  • Docker desktop stopping как исправить
  • Docker compose error while fetching server api version

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