Docker level error msg stream copy error reading from a closed fifo

This is a bug report This is a feature request I searched existing issues before opening this one Expected behavior Being able to run containers on arm32v7 platform, using latest buildroot RC as a ...
  • This is a bug report
  • This is a feature request
  • I searched existing issues before opening this one

Expected behavior

Being able to run containers on arm32v7 platform, using latest buildroot RC as a distrib, using latest docker-ce RC, 18.06.1-ce-rc2 (I had to make my own compilation scripts for it as right now latest buildroot still package docker-ce 17.05).

Actual behavior

# docker run arm32v7/hello-world
Unable to find image 'arm32v7/hello-world:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from arm32v7/hello-world
ad0f38092cf2: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:f1ee3cbf1dbeab65f6b542360aca910ce1f6ba0ff31c803fdf08a13f5f846249
Status: Downloaded newer image for arm32v7/hello-world:latest
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field Process.capabilities of type []string: unknown.
ERRO[0005] error waiting for container: context canceled 

And in logs (from dockerd -D):

DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:17.211651846Z] Calling POST /v1.38/containers/create        
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:17.213950646Z] form data: {"AttachStderr":true,"AttachStdin":false,"AttachStdout":true,"Cmd":null,"Domainname":"","Entrypoint":null,"Env":[],"HostConfig":{"AutoRemove":false,"Binds":null,"BlkioDeviceReadBps":null,"BlkioDeviceReadIOps":null,"BlkioDeviceWriteBps":null,"BlkioDeviceWriteIOps":null,"BlkioWeight":0,"BlkioWeightDevice":[],"CapAdd":null,"CapDrop":null,"Cgroup":"","CgroupParent":"","ConsoleSize":[0,0],"ContainerIDFile":"","CpuCount":0,"CpuPercent":0,"CpuPeriod":0,"CpuQuota":0,"CpuRealtimePeriod":0,"CpuRealtimeRuntime":0,"CpuShares":0,"CpusetCpus":"","CpusetMems":"","DeviceCgroupRules":null,"Devices":[],"DiskQuota":0,"Dns":[],"DnsOptions":[],"DnsSearch":[],"ExtraHosts":null,"GroupAdd":null,"IOMaximumBandwidth":0,"IOMaximumIOps":0,"IpcMode":"","Isolation":"","KernelMemory":0,"Links":null,"LogConfig":{"Config":{},"Type":""},"MaskedPaths":null,"Memory":0,"MemoryReservation":0,"MemorySwap":0,"MemorySwappiness":-1,"NanoCpus":0,"NetworkMode":"default","OomKillDisable":false,"OomScoreAdj":0,"PidMode":"","PidsLimit":0,"PortBindings":{},"Privileged":false,"PublishAllPorts":false,"ReadonlyPaths":null,"ReadonlyRootfs":false,"RestartPolicy":{"MaximumRetryCount":0,"Name":"no"},"SecurityOpt":null,"ShmSize":0,"UTSMode":"","Ulimits":null,"UsernsMode":"","VolumeDriver":"","VolumesFrom":null},"Hostname":"","Image":"arm32v7/hello-world","Labels":{},"NetworkingConfig":{"EndpointsConfig":{}},"OnBuild":null,"OpenStdin":false,"StdinOnce":false,"Tty":false,"User":"","Volumes":{},"WorkingDir":""} 
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:17.371378953Z] container mounted via layerStore: &{/var/lib/docker/overlay2/c0456c7129648ae9f785e1b117d254a564ee7e628f93ca2856a2d989ec43aafb/merged 0x221d9c8 0x221d9c8} 
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:17.981414226Z] Calling POST /v1.38/containers/f5f577eed13b9c6792102543ff8e357de64feeadff7a979eee2bba5c09c17b7d/attach?stderr=1&stdout=1&stream=1 
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:17.982203491Z] attach: stdout: begin                        
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:17.982584791Z] attach: stderr: begin                        
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:17.985455541Z] Calling POST /v1.38/containers/f5f577eed13b9c6792102543ff8e357de64feeadff7a979eee2bba5c09c17b7d/wait?condition=next-exit 
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:17.989372534Z] Calling POST /v1.38/containers/f5f577eed13b9c6792102543ff8e357de64feeadff7a979eee2bba5c09c17b7d/start 
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:17.995537664Z] container mounted via layerStore: &{/var/lib/docker/overlay2/c0456c7129648ae9f785e1b117d254a564ee7e628f93ca2856a2d989ec43aafb/merged 0x221d9c8 0x221d9c8} 
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:17.997601818Z] Assigning addresses for endpoint modest_mcnulty's interface on network bridge 
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:17.998037780Z] RequestAddress(LocalDefault/, <nil>, map[]) 
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:17.998510739Z] Request address PoolID: App: ipam/default/data, ID: LocalDefault/, DBIndex: 0x0, Bits: 65536, Unselected: 65533, Sequence: (0xc0000000, 1)->(0x0, 2046)->(0x1, 1)->end Curr:3 Serial:false PrefAddress:<nil>  
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:18.054095904Z] Assigning addresses for endpoint modest_mcnulty's interface on network bridge 
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:18.089673143Z] Programming external connectivity on endpoint modest_mcnulty (1a863ac6ed11a0848362ab79404fd35b5c1bc5dda9066fff5063adbe8cbe82bc) 
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:18.098083078Z] EnableService f5f577eed13b9c6792102543ff8e357de64feeadff7a979eee2bba5c09c17b7d START 
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:18.098232399Z] EnableService f5f577eed13b9c6792102543ff8e357de64feeadff7a979eee2bba5c09c17b7d DONE 
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:18.116753455Z] bundle dir created                            bundle=/var/run/docker/containerd/f5f577eed13b9c6792102543ff8e357de64feeadff7a979eee2bba5c09c17b7d module=libcontainerd namespace=moby root=/var/lib/docker/overlay2/c0456c7129648ae9f785e1b117d254a564ee7e628f93ca2856a2d989ec43aafb/merged
DEBU[1058] event published                               ns=moby topic="/containers/create"
INFO[1058] shim docker-containerd-shim started           address="/containerd-shim/moby/f5f577eed13b9c6792102543ff8e357de64feeadff7a979eee2bba5c09c17b7d/shim.sock" debug=true pid=1202
DEBU[0000] registering ttrpc server                     
DEBU[0000] serving api on unix socket                    socket="[inherited from parent]"
INFO[1058] shim reaped                                   id=f5f577eed13b9c6792102543ff8e357de64feeadff7a979eee2bba5c09c17b7d
ERRO[2018-08-16T16:56:18.228857371Z] stream copy error: reading from a closed fifo 
ERRO[2018-08-16T16:56:18.229221006Z] stream copy error: reading from a closed fifo 
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:18.229421322Z] attach: stdout: end                          
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:18.229543311Z] attach: stderr: end                          
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:18.229663301Z] attach done                                  
DEBU[1058] event published                               ns=moby topic="/containers/delete"
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:18.280716194Z] Revoking external connectivity on endpoint modest_mcnulty (1a863ac6ed11a0848362ab79404fd35b5c1bc5dda9066fff5063adbe8cbe82bc) 
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:18.285227135Z] DeleteConntrackEntries purged ipv4:0, ipv6:0 
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:18.433890538Z] Releasing addresses for endpoint modest_mcnulty's interface on network bridge 
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:18.434069855Z] ReleaseAddress(LocalDefault/, 
DEBU[2018-08-16T16:56:18.434332499Z] Released address PoolID:LocalDefault/, Address: Sequence:App: ipam/default/data, ID: LocalDefault/, DBIndex: 0x0, Bits: 65536, Unselected: 65532, Sequence: (0xe0000000, 1)->(0x0, 2046)->(0x1, 1)->end Curr:3 
ERRO[2018-08-16T16:56:18.571690552Z] f5f577eed13b9c6792102543ff8e357de64feeadff7a979eee2bba5c09c17b7d cleanup: failed to delete container from containerd: no such container 
ERRO[2018-08-16T16:56:18.572008858Z] Handler for POST /v1.38/containers/f5f577eed13b9c6792102543ff8e357de64feeadff7a979eee2bba5c09c17b7d/start returned error: OCI runtime create failed: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field Process.capabilities of type []string: unknown

Steps to reproduce the behavior

As shown just above, running the arm32v7/hello-world fails.
It fails similarly for any other image.
It also fails similarly when running a build, at the moment of processing a RUN command in the Dockerfile.

Output of docker version:

 Version:           v18.06.1-ce-rc2
 API version:       1.38
 Go version:        go1.10.2
 Git commit:        v18.06.1-ce-rc2
 Built:             unknown-buildtime
 OS/Arch:           linux/arm
 Experimental:      false

  Version:          18.06.1-ce-rc2
  API version:      1.38 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:       go1.10.2
  Git commit:       
  Built:            Thu Aug 16 15:41:46 UTC 2018
  OS/Arch:          linux/arm
  Experimental:     false

Output of docker info:

Containers: 1
 Running: 0
 Paused: 0
 Stopped: 1
Images: 1
Server Version: 18.06.1-ce-rc2
Storage Driver: overlay2
 Backing Filesystem: extfs
 Supports d_type: true
 Native Overlay Diff: true
Logging Driver: json-file
Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
 Volume: local
 Network: bridge host macvlan null overlay
 Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file logentries splunk syslog
Swarm: inactive
Runtimes: runc
Default Runtime: runc
Init Binary: docker-init
containerd version:  (expected: 468a545b9edcd5932818eb9de8e72413e616e86e)
runc version: N/A (expected: 69663f0bd4b60df09991c08812a60108003fa340)
init version: N/A (expected: )
Kernel Version: 4.14.61
Operating System: Buildroot 2018.08-rc1
OSType: linux
Architecture: armv7l
CPUs: 2
Total Memory: 497.5MiB
Name: buildroot
Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
Debug Mode (client): false
Debug Mode (server): true
 File Descriptors: 21
 Goroutines: 44
 System Time: 2018-08-16T17:04:01.643574562Z
 EventsListeners: 0
Experimental: false
Insecure Registries:
Live Restore Enabled: false

docker info does not report it correctly (probably the build scripts), so here are runc and containerd versions:
containerd: 1.1.2
runc: 69663f0bd4b60df09991c08812a60108003fa340

Additional environment details (AWS, VirtualBox, physical, etc.)

Buildroot 2018.08-rc1
iMX6 ARM Cortex A9 (2 cores), cpu flags: half thumb fastmult vfp edsp thumbee neon vfpv3 tls vfpd32

The system is not running anything particular. Resources:

Mem: 146208K used, 363216K free, 112K shrd, 11732K buff, 92516K cached
CPU:   0% usr   0% sys   0% nic  99% idle   0% io   0% irq   0% sirq

I’m calling host docker command line utility from inside of docker container on Ubunty via making it available inside container with volume by passing the host binaries, lib and unix socket when calling docker run as volumes like that:

-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock  
  -v /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker  
  -v /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Then inside container I’m calling:

docker run --rm - --hostname registrator_notificator_222444 -it -P -d 
  -e CONSUL_1= mycontainername:5043/app/myappname /etc

and then getting the error:

dockerd[1455]: time=»2017-12-18T19:08:30.299677811+03:00″ level=error msg=»stream copy error: reading from a closed fifo»

What is fifo said in the error?

Murmel's user avatar


5,18244 silver badges52 bronze badges

asked Dec 18, 2017 at 16:30

Eljah's user avatar

The problem was with wrong last parameter in the docker run call:

docker run —rm —hostname registrator_notificator_222444 -it -P -d -e CONSUL_1= mycontainername:5043/app/myappname /etc

is was a typo and had no sence; it was leading for such error

answered Dec 18, 2017 at 16:31

Eljah's user avatar


3,7173 gold badges38 silver badges73 bronze badges


The docker service on the Linux server cannot be started after running for a period of time

Record a docker service problem encountered at the customer’s site

Problem description

After running the docker service for a period of time, some services are killed and cannot be restarted successfully through docker compose. Check the docker service log and report an error stream copy error: reading from a closed FIFO

Troubleshooting process:

1. The initial positioning is that there is not enough memory. Check with Free -g and find that the content is enough

2 After searching the Internet, some bloggers said that restarting docker could solve the problem. After restarting docker, they found that the error changed, and the service that didn’t get up before still couldn’t get up. The error became failed to allocate network resources for node *****
3 The network of docker service is the default. Regardless of the problem of docker network, changing the stack name and restarting still won’t work
4 Docker service PS ID/docker service logs ID check the service log that failed to start. It is found that the error log is still stream copy error: reading from a closed FIFO
5 Finally, before restarting the server, check the disk with the df -h command and find that the/dev/mapper/centosroot disk is full


Go to cd /var/log to delete some useless log files, if the current log files are small, you can use du -sh in the root directory to view those folders occupy a lot of space, generally the /var folder and /root folder will occupy the root disk, you need to delete the contents of these two folders

Read More:

Posted on Dec. 12, 2022, 12:39 a.m. by Jessica Elliott

The back-end


Operation and maintenance development story author: Hua Zai

One, foreword

The troubleshooting process and source code were all checked and recorded by my development colleagues; Published here by me, with his consent.

Second, the problem of

One day, WE received feedback from the customer that a large number of warning events occurred in pod events: Readiness probe failed: OCI Runtime exec failed: exec failed: EOF: Unknown. However, customers’ access to the service is not affected.

Three, the environment

Special note: The customer insists on enabling CPU-Manager on the K8S node that is responsible for running services

component version
k8s X 1.14.

Four, screening

1. After receiving customer feedback, check the Kubelet log of the node where the POD is located as follows:

I0507 03:43:28.310630  57003 prober.go:112] Readiness probe for "adsfadofadfabdfhaodsfa(d1aab5f0-
ae8f-11eb-a151-080027049c65):c0" failed (failure): OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: EOF: unknown
I0507 07:08:49.834093  57003 prober.go:112] Readiness probe for "adsfadofadfabdfhaodsfa(a89a158e-
ae8f-11eb-a151-080027049c65):c0" failed (failure): OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unexpected EOF: unknown
I0507 10:06:58.307881  57003 prober.go:112] Readiness probe for "adsfadofadfabdfhaodsfa(d1aab5f0-
ae8f-11eb-a151-080027049c65):c0" failed (failure): OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: EOF: unknown
Copy the code

The error type of Probe is failure, and the corresponding code is as follows:2. Check the docker log as follows:

time="The 2021-05-06 T16: down. 009989451 + 08:00" level=error msg="stream copy error: reading from a closed fifo"
time="The 2021-05-06 T16: down. 010054596 + 08:00" level=error msg="stream copy error: reading from a closed fifo"
time="The 2021-05-06 T16: down. 170676532 + 08:00" level=error msg="Error running exec 8e34e8b910694abe95a467b2936b37635fdabd2f7b7c464d
fef952fa5732aa4e in container: OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: EOF: unknown"
Copy the code

Although the Docker log shows a Stream copy error, it is actually the underlying RUNC that returns the EOF, causing the error to be returned. 3. The log shows that the probe type is Failure, so the error of binedOutPut() is err! = nil, ExitStatus is not 0, data is OCI Runtime exec failed: exec failed: unexpected of: unknown, RunInContainer is called ExecSync is a call to Dockershim ExecSync via GRPCDockershim eventually calls the ExecInContainer method, which returns an error with exitCode non-zero.

func (*NativeExecHandler) ExecInContainer(client libdocker.Interface, container *dockertypes.ContainerJSON, cmd []string, stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderr io.WriteCloser, tty bool, resize -chan remotecommand.TerminalSize, timeout time.Duration) error {
   execObj, err := client.CreateExec(container.ID, createOpts)
   startOpts := dockertypes.ExecStartCheck{Detach: false, Tty: tty}
   streamOpts := libdocker.StreamOptions{
      InputStream:  stdin,
      OutputStream: stdout,
      ErrorStream:  stderr,
      RawTerminal:  tty,
      ExecStarted:  execStarted,
   err = client.StartExec(execObj.ID, startOpts, streamOpts)
   iferr ! =nil {
      return err

    ticker := time.NewTicker(2 * time.Second)
    defer ticker.Stop()
    count := 0
    for {
       inspect, err2 := client.InspectExec(execObj.ID)
       iferr2 ! =nil {
          return err2
       if! inspect.Running {ifinspect.ExitCode ! =0 {
             err = dockerExitError{inspect}
       if count == 5 {
          klog.Errorf("Exec session %s in container %s terminated but process still running!", execObj.ID, container.ID)

   return err
Copy the code

ExecInContainer does a few things:

  1. Call CreateExec to create the ExecID
  2. Call StartExec to perform exec, and redirect the input and output via holdText Connection. Write inputStream to connection and redirect Response Stream to stdout, stderr.
  3. Call InspectExec to obtain the running status of exec and exitCode

Then the error printed in the log is the character stream passed by response Stream. That is, the dockerd response contains an error value.At this point, go to the docker code to find the reason. ExecStart will call the following code in Dockerd:According to the docker logs, the err error message is: OCI Runtime exec failed: exec failed: EOF: unknown. So ContainerExecStart returns an error. ContainerExecStart calls containerD. Exec, which is the communication between the Dockerd and containerd

// docker/libcontainerd/client_daemon.go
// Exec creates exec process.
// The containerd client calls Exec to register the exec config in the shim side.

A FIFOSet is new, and reading from a closed FIFO is read only when the FIFO is closed. That is, f.close () occurs before (). You can see it on the outer layer

defer func(a) {
   iferr ! =nil {
      ifrio ! =nil {

P.start calls the following code to communicate with Containerd via GRPC.

func (t *task) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
   r, err := t.client.TaskService().Start(ctx, tasks.StartRequest{
   iferr ! =nil {
      return errdefs.FromGRPC(err)
   } = r.Pid
   return nil
Copy the code

The GRPC call will arrive at containerd with the following code:

func (e *execProcess) start(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
   var (
      socket  *runc.Socket
      pidfile = filepath.Join(e.path, fmt.Sprintf("",
   if e.stdio.Terminal {
      ifsocket, err = runc.NewTempConsoleSocket(); err ! =nil {
         return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create runc console socket")}defer socket.Close()
   } else if e.stdio.IsNull() {, err = runc.NewNullIO(); err ! =nil {
         return errors.Wrap(err, "creating new NULL IO")}}else {, err = runc.NewPipeIO(e.parent.IoUID, e.parent.IoGID, withConditionalIO(e.stdio)); err ! =nil {
         return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create runc io pipes")
   opts := runc.ExecOpts{
      PidFile: pidfile,
      Detach:  true,}ifsocket ! =nil {
      opts.ConsoleSocket = socket

The code for Exec is as follows:

// Exec executres and additional process inside the container based on a full
// OCI Process specification
func (r *Runc) Exec(context context.Context, id string, spec specs.Process, opts *ExecOpts) error {
   f, err := ioutil.TempFile(os.Getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"), "runc-process")
   iferr ! =nil {
      return err
   defer os.Remove(f.Name())
   err = json.NewEncoder(f).Encode(spec)
   iferr ! =nil {
      return err
   args := []string{"exec"."--process", f.Name()}
   ifopts ! =nil {
      oargs, err := opts.args()
      iferr ! =nil {
         return err
      args = append(args, oargs...)
   cmd := r.command(context, append(args, id)...)
   ifopts ! =nil opts.IO ! =nil {
   if cmd.Stdout == nil  cmd.Stderr == nil {
      data, err := cmdOutput(cmd, true)
      iferr ! =nil {
         return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", err, data)
      return nil
   ec, err := Monitor.Start(cmd)
   iferr ! =nil {
      return err
   ifopts ! =nil opts.IO ! =nil {
      if c, ok := opts.IO.(StartCloser); ok {
         iferr := c.CloseAfterStart(); err ! =nil {
            return err
   status, err := Monitor.Wait(cmd, ec)
   if err == nil status ! =0 {
      err = fmt.Errorf("%s did not terminate sucessfully", cmd.Args[0])}return err
Copy the code

So runc prints exec failed: EOF: unknown after running.Runc instructions are executed in a loop and can be reproduced in small amounts. When runc exec reads the state. Json of the Container and uses JSON decode, an exception occurs.When kubelet CPU-manager is enabled, the state. Json file will be updated. Cause RUNc to read part of the CPU-Manager update. As a result, JSON decode fails. Check the time between runC EOF and Kubelet CPU-Manager Update Container (default: every 10 seconds).

Check to see if runc has a fix and find this pr:… The fix is to make saveState atomic, so you don’t have unexpected EOF (or EOF) problems when reading state.json and reading part of what was written

/ / the original
func (c *linuxContainer) saveState(s *State) error {
   f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(c.root, stateFilename))
   iferr ! =nil {
      return err
   defer f.Close()
   return utils.WriteJSON(f, s)

Fifth, to solve

  1. Close the CPU — manager
  2. Upgrade runc​

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Проблема и разум

Тревога, запускающая неудачу на сервере, чтобы жить, и, наконец, истощил тревогу.

Феномен: System OOM CPU Загрузка взрывы Высокий серверный подключение не может быть подключено к взрыву Alibaba Cloud Console VNC вход и время ожидания отображения

Есть 5 других 4 серверов, которые хотят передать бизнес. Нет никаких проблем.

Ключевой журнал ошибок
Sep 27 08:37:54 docker005 dockerd: time="2020-09-27T08:37:54.525450264+08:00" level=error msg="stream copy error: reading from a closed fifo"
Sep 27 08:37:54 docker005 dockerd: time="2020-09-27T08:37:54.525450309+08:00" level=error msg="stream copy error: reading from a closed fifo"
Sep 27 08:37:55 docker005 dockerd: time="2020-09-27T08:37:55.652626099+08:00" level=warning msg="Health check for container 9b351669f228259d22736b4a1097ddbfc26225ae2978a702a4b5149ff6e30f7d error: context deadline exceeded: unknown"
Sep 27 08:39:03 docker005 dockerd: time="2020-09-27T08:39:03.580218917+08:00" level=warning msg="Health check for container 9b351669f228259d22736b4a1097ddbfc26225ae2978a702a4b5149ff6e30f7d error: context deadline exceeded: unknown"
Sep 27 08:39:03 docker005 dockerd: time="2020-09-27T08:39:03.580277907+08:00" level=error msg="exit event" container=9b351669f228259d22736b4a1097ddbfc26225ae2978a702a4b5149ff6e30f7d error="no such process" module=libcontainerd namespace=moby process=fa63ec2efcfb6f5d03069b5f4775e08da32274272b1f35bc646dbfd84f2d70de
Sep 27 08:39:36 docker005 dockerd: time="2020-09-27T08:39:36.605897377+08:00" level=error msg="stream copy error: reading from a closed fifo"
Sep 27 08:39:36 docker005 dockerd: time="2020-09-27T08:39:36.605898957+08:00" level=error msg="stream copy error: reading from a closed fifo"

Конкретная причина, по которой не подтверждается, когда в настоящее время вызвано предположение о простоях, заключается в том, что проблема облака Alibaba не исключена задачами времени, связанных с этой машиной.

Подобно вопросам

My Docker instance refused to start in the last few days, has anyone run into the same issue? Here’s the stack trace:

Mar 11 15:15:01 theshire systemd[1]: Starting Docker Application Container Engine...
Mar 11 15:15:01 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:01.124118311-05:00" level=info msg="libcontainerd: new containerd process, pid: 6527"
Mar 11 15:15:01 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:01.129760437-05:00" level=error msg="containerd: notify OOM events" error="no init process found"
Mar 11 15:15:01 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:01.129879184-05:00" level=error msg="containerd: notify OOM events" error="no init process found"
Mar 11 15:15:02 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:02.136697145-05:00" level=warning msg="devmapper: Usage of loopback devices is strongly discouraged for production use. Please use `--storage-opt dm.thinpooldev` or use `man docker` to refer to dm.thinpooldev section."
Mar 11 15:15:02 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:02.211321090-05:00" level=warning msg="devmapper: Base device already exists and has filesystem ext4 on it. User specified filesystem  will be ignored."
Mar 11 15:15:02 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:02.423789058-05:00" level=info msg="[graphdriver] using prior storage driver: devicemapper"
Mar 11 15:15:02 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:02.448916261-05:00" level=info msg="Graph migration to content-addressability took 0.00 seconds"
Mar 11 15:15:02 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:02.449091867-05:00" level=warning msg="Your kernel does not support cgroup rt period"
Mar 11 15:15:02 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:02.449100419-05:00" level=warning msg="Your kernel does not support cgroup rt runtime"
Mar 11 15:15:02 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:02.449321671-05:00" level=info msg="Loading containers: start."
Mar 11 15:15:02 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:02.456430594-05:00" level=info msg="Firewalld running: false"
Mar 11 15:15:03 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:03.677138867-05:00" level=info msg="Removing stale sandbox 688f093d3e719abe8a2bbbb3c905e1548705dbb5f100bf2fc333c189d5d6daa5 (8e4d21aeb8af634e7037c3088751ca2853184ad5b798cc44879638308d41a833)"
Mar 11 15:15:03 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:03.997696364-05:00" level=info msg="Removing stale sandbox d32c714e370b269e73bc8ac80c719595d4a81393fae5de17314a0a355f5699be (445023d2fe36ed053c3a3bf8db49aa76128bd26ddbfe5819cd817f0a9693ef7f)"
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:04.034645077-05:00" level=info msg="Removing stale endpoint media_sonarr_1 (98e94774a7339ec472a9f36d0b6f110c1564acb05532953180fd96d436575486)"
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:04.040980123-05:00" level=info msg="Removing stale endpoint media_sabnzbd_1 (23478d6d91e972ada5c668a118b3fbcc53a835e84ac3d8a8299e47ca1d8374c7)"
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:04.175636202-05:00" level=info msg="Fixing inconsistent endpoint_cnt for network media_default. Expected=0, Actual=2"
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:04.205394814-05:00" level=info msg="Default bridge (docker0) is assigned with an IP address Daemon option --bip can be used to set a preferred IP address"
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:04.309726681-05:00" level=warning msg="Failed to allocate and map port 7979-7979: Bind for failed: port is already allocated"
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:04.353617884-05:00" level=error msg="Create container failed with error: mkdir /var/run/docker/libcontainerd/containerd/445023d2fe36ed053c3a3bf8db49aa76128bd26ddbfe5819cd817f0a9693ef7f: file exists"
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:04.353616529-05:00" level=error msg="stream copy error: reading from a closed*fifo).Readnt/build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/*Reader).fillnt/usr/lib/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:97nbufio.(*Reader).WriteTont/usr/lib/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:480nio.copyBuffernt/usr/lib/go/src/io/io.go:380nio.Copynt/usr/lib/go/src/io/*Config).CopyToPipe.func1.1nt/build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/"
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:04.353624455-05:00" level=error msg="stream copy error: reading from a closed*fifo).Readnt/build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/*Reader).fillnt/usr/lib/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:97nbufio.(*Reader).WriteTont/usr/lib/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:480nio.copyBuffernt/usr/lib/go/src/io/io.go:380nio.Copynt/usr/lib/go/src/io/*Config).CopyToPipe.func1.1nt/build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/"
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:04.523145073-05:00" level=error msg="Failed to start container 8e4d21aeb8af634e7037c3088751ca2853184ad5b798cc44879638308d41a833: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint media_sonarr_1 (8c6cd69f69b196ae2328395dccbef1451a50fd53432aa3fa377ac0062c5b2668): Bind for failed: port is already allocated"
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:04.723115478-05:00" level=error msg="Failed to start container 445023d2fe36ed053c3a3bf8db49aa76128bd26ddbfe5819cd817f0a9693ef7f: mkdir /var/run/docker/libcontainerd/containerd/445023d2fe36ed053c3a3bf8db49aa76128bd26ddbfe5819cd817f0a9693ef7f: file exists"
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:04.744900253-05:00" level=warning msg="error locating sandbox id ae70f5148366ca29a031b15c896cb9165ade1037e58d8cc4740c93e709bc01f0: sandbox ae70f5148366ca29a031b15c896cb9165ade1037e58d8cc4740c93e709bc01f0 not found"
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: time="2017-03-11T15:15:04.744935309-05:00" level=warning msg="failed to cleanup ipc mounts:nfailed to umount /var/lib/docker/containers/3b4e479043f6194cd0dc221ebc140574976c3492b97c9803b22e2176da6f2364/shm: invalid argument"
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: fatal error: unexpected signal during runtime execution
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x4190 pc=0x7f1d7b2bd840]
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: runtime stack:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: runtime.throw(0x19712cf, 0x2a)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/panic.go:596 +0x95
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: runtime.sigpanic()
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/signal_unix.go:274 +0x2db
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 245 [syscall, locked to thread]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: runtime.cgocall(0x15252b0, 0xc420c2f3b8, 0x196e0f6)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/cgocall.go:131 +0xe2 fp=0xc420c2f378 sp=0xc420c2f338
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:, 0x7f1d00000000, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: +0x68 fp=0xc420c2f3b8 sp=0xc420c2f378
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:, 0xc42079bf70, 0xc420c2f450, 0x18)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x60 fp=0xc420c2f3f0 sp=0xc420c2f3b8
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:, 0xc42079bf40)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x2b fp=0xc420c2f420 sp=0xc420c2f3f0
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Task).run(0xc42000f058, 0x19a9830, 0xc420e13bb0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x35 fp=0xc420c2f440 sp=0xc420c2f420
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:, 0x25, 0xc420e23800, 0x55, 0x151e, 0x280000000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x4ad fp=0xc420c2f578 sp=0xc420c2f440
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:, 0x25, 0xc420e23800, 0x55, 0x151e, 0x280000000, 0x25, 0xc420bb0340)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x79 fp=0xc420c2f5d8 sp=0xc420c2f578
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*DeviceSet).activateDeviceIfNeeded(0xc420001ba0, 0xc42020d6c0, 0xc420001b00, 0xc42020d6c0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x277 fp=0xc420c2f688 sp=0xc420c2f5d8
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*DeviceSet).MountDevice(0xc420001ba0, 0xc420873f00, 0x40, 0xc42015ae00, 0x61, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x156 fp=0xc420c2f7d8 sp=0xc420c2f688
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Driver).Get(0xc42021fe00, 0xc420873f00, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x363 fp=0xc420c2f988 sp=0xc420c2f7d8
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*NaiveDiffDriver).Get(0xc4204f6540, 0xc420873f00, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         <autogenerated>:30 +0x75 fp=0xc420c2f9e0 sp=0xc420c2f988
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*referencedRWLayer).Mount(0xc420482120, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x67 fp=0xc420c2fa38 sp=0xc420c2f9e0
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).Mount(0xc420410a00, 0xc42030b200, 0xc4207c7b48, 0xc42079b8b0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x61 fp=0xc420c2fb18 sp=0xc420c2fa38
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).conditionalMountOnStart(0xc420410a00, 0xc42030b200, 0xc4207c7e58, 0xc42030b200)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x35 fp=0xc420c2fb48 sp=0xc420c2fb18
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).containerStart(0xc420410a00, 0xc42030b200, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x1c8 fp=0xc420c2fe20 sp=0xc420c2fb48
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).restore.func2(0xc420b9f080, 0xc420410a00, 0xc42086e840, 0xc42030b200, 0xc4207728a0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x24d fp=0xc420c2ffb8 sp=0xc420c2fe20
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: runtime.goexit()
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:2197 +0x1 fp=0xc420c2ffc0 sp=0xc420c2ffb8
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by*Daemon).restore
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xac0
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 1 [semacquire]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: sync.runtime_Semacquire(0xc420b9f08c)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/sema.go:47 +0x34
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: sync.(*WaitGroup).Wait(0xc420b9f080)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/sync/waitgroup.go:131 +0x7a
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).restore(0xc420410a00, 0x247c340, 0xc420410a00)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xaf3
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:, 0x249b480, 0xc420414f90, 0x248c280, 0xc42042e750, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x2274
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: main.(*DaemonCli).start(0xc42041ede0, 0x0, 0x194a1ec, 0x17, 0xc420422800, 0xc4203e6ff0, 0xc420138cf0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xfb3
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: main.runDaemon(0x0, 0x194a1ec, 0x17, 0xc420422800, 0xc4203e6ff0, 0xc420138cf0, 0x2, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x8c
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: main.newDaemonCommand.func1(0xc4203218c0, 0xc420409aa0, 0x0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x6f
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Command).execute(0xc4203218c0, 0xc420010250, 0x2, 0x2, 0xc4203218c0, 0xc420010250)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x44e
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Command).ExecuteC(0xc4203218c0, 0x171e060, 0x1, 0xc420414da0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x349
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Command).Execute(0xc4203218c0, 0xc420414da0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x2b
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: main.main()
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xe6
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 17 [syscall, locked to thread]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: runtime.goexit()
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:2197 +0x1
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 6 [syscall]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: os/signal.signal_recv(0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/sigqueue.go:116 +0x104
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: os/signal.loop()
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/os/signal/signal_unix.go:22 +0x22
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by os/signal.init.1
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/os/signal/signal_unix.go:28 +0x41
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 15 [syscall]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: syscall.Syscall6(0xf7, 0x1, 0x197f, 0xc42002adb0, 0x1000004, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc4202fd000, 0xc42002add0, 0xc42002add8)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/syscall/asm_linux_amd64.s:44 +0x5
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: os.(*Process).blockUntilWaitable(0xc42041f170, 0xc42002af90, 0xc4200001a0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/os/wait_waitid.go:28 +0xa5
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: os.(*Process).wait(0xc42041f170, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/os/exec_unix.go:22 +0x4d
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: os.(*Process).Wait(0xc42041f170, 0x0, 0xc4201229c0, 0x19add70)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/os/exec.go:115 +0x2b
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: os/exec.(*Cmd).Wait(0xc420075ce0, 0x19adaa8, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/os/exec/exec.go:435 +0x62
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*remote).runContainerdDaemon.func1(0xc420075ce0, 0xc42042e750)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x2b
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by*remote).runContainerdDaemon
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xd32
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 19 [chan receive]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*remote).handleConnectionChange(0xc42042e750)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xe2
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x680
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 18 [select]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*addrConn).transportMonitor(0xc420075e40)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x666
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*ClientConn).resetAddrConn.func1(0xc420075e40)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x1d9
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by*ClientConn).resetAddrConn
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x372
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 35 [IO wait]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: net.runtime_pollWait(0x7f1d7bbfde68, 0x72, 0x7)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/netpoll.go:164 +0x59
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: net.(*pollDesc).wait(0xc42047c0d8, 0x72, 0x24851c0, 0x2479868)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:75 +0x38
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: net.(*pollDesc).waitRead(0xc42047c0d8, 0xc420484000, 0x8000)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:80 +0x34
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: net.(*netFD).Read(0xc42047c070, 0xc420484000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x0, 0x24851c0, 0x2479868)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/net/fd_unix.go:250 +0x1b7
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: net.(*conn).Read(0xc420482000, 0xc420484000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/net/net.go:181 +0x70
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: bufio.(*Reader).Read(0xc420462300, 0xc4204740f8, 0x9, 0x9, 0x7dab65, 0xc42015fb08, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:213 +0x312
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: io.ReadAtLeast(0x247b6c0, 0xc420462300, 0xc4204740f8, 0x9, 0x9, 0x9, 0xc42003bda8, 0x7dbc9c, 0xc42015fb00)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/io/io.go:307 +0xa9
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: io.ReadFull(0x247b6c0, 0xc420462300, 0xc4204740f8, 0x9, 0x9, 0x0, 0x0, 0x247bf00)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/io/io.go:325 +0x58
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:, 0x9, 0x9, 0x247b6c0, 0xc420462300, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x7b
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Framer).ReadFrame(0xc4204740c0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire systemd[1]: docker.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=2/INVALIDARGUMENT
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xa4
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*framer).readFrame(0xc420466120, 0xc42015fc80, 0xc42015fc80, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x2f
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*http2Client).reader(0xc420446100)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xab
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x828
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 36 [select]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*http2Client).controller(0xc420446100)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x607
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xbe6
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 37 [select]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:, 0xc420446100, 0xc42049c000, 0xc4204aa000)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x40f
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xb25
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 38 [select]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*recvBufferReader).Read(0xc42047e1c0, 0xc420478190, 0x5, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire systemd[1]: Failed to start Docker Application Container Engine.
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x556
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Stream).Read(0xc42049c000, 0xc420478190, 0x5, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x59
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: io.ReadAtLeast(0x247ee80, 0xc42049c000, 0xc420478190, 0x5, 0x5, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/io/io.go:307 +0xa9
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: io.ReadFull(0x247ee80, 0xc42049c000, 0xc420478190, 0x5, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/io/io.go:325 +0x58
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*parser).recvMsg(0xc420478180, 0x7fffffff, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x69
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:, 0x2493900, 0x24ed668, 0xc42049c000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x178ebc0, 0xc42044a180, 0x7fffffff, 0x0, ...)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x4d
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*clientStream).RecvMsg(0xc4204aa000, 0x178ebc0, 0xc42044a180, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xc4
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*aPIEventsClient).Recv(0xc420468180, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x62
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*remote).handleEventStream(0xc42042e750, 0x249a880, 0xc420468180)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x49
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by*remote).startEventsMonitor
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x253
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire systemd[1]: docker.service: Unit entered failed state.
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 39 [select, locked to thread]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: runtime.gopark(0x19adc30, 0x0, 0x192a886, 0x6, 0x18, 0x2)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.go:271 +0x13a
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: runtime.selectgoImpl(0xc42046af50, 0x0, 0x18)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/select.go:423 +0x1364
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: runtime.selectgo(0xc42046af50)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/select.go:238 +0x1c
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: runtime.ensureSigM.func1()
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/signal_unix.go:434 +0x2dd
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: runtime.goexit()
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:2197 +0x1
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 40 [chan receive]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:, 0xc420478260)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x77
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x128
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 85 [chan receive]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).execCommandGC(0xc420410a00)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x85
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x21d8
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 84 [chan receive]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*statsCollector).run(0xc42072fa40)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xaa
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by*Daemon).newStatsCollector
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x154
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 132 [IO wait]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: net.runtime_pollWait(0x7f1d7bbfdda8, 0x72, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/netpoll.go:164 +0x59
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: net.(*pollDesc).wait(0xc420189f78, 0x72, 0x0, 0xc420234880)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:75 +0x38
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: net.(*pollDesc).waitRead(0xc420189f78, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:80 +0x34
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: net.(*netFD).accept(0xc420189f10, 0x0, 0x247fec0, 0xc420234880)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/net/fd_unix.go:430 +0x1e5
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: net.(*UnixListener).accept(0xc42014f620, 0x1203b26, 0x18, 0xc4201b3fc0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire systemd[1]: docker.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/net/unixsock_posix.go:162 +0x32
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: net.(*UnixListener).Accept(0xc42014f620, 0x20002, 0xc4201b3fbc, 0xc4201b3fb8, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/net/unixsock.go:237 +0x49
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*controller).acceptClientConnections(0xc42049c4b0, 0xc420769800, 0x5c, 0x2492440, 0xc42014f620)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x3b
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by*controller).startExternalKeyListener
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x1f2
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 89 [select]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*controller).watchLoop(0xc42049c4b0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x14b
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by*controller).startWatch
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x109
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 116 [select]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x437
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x67
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 239 [semacquire]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: sync.runtime_SemacquireMutex(0xc4204f6178)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/sema.go:62 +0x34
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: sync.(*Mutex).Lock(0xc4204f6174)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/sync/mutex.go:87 +0x9d
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*datastore).PutObjectAtomic(0xc4204f6140, 0x249bfc0, 0xc420cc5a20, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x5c3
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*controller).updateToStore(0xc42049c4b0, 0x249bfc0, 0xc420cc5a20, 0xc420cc0000, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xa5
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*network).CreateEndpoint(0xc420cccc00, 0xc42088dda1, 0x16, 0xc420e614a0, 0x4, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x729
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).connectToNetwork(0xc420410a00, 0xc4203ba000, 0xc420333830, 0xd, 0xc420474780, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x3df
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).allocateNetwork(0xc420410a00, 0xc4203ba000, 0xc42046eb00, 0x43481e)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x562
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).initializeNetworking(0xc420410a00, 0xc4203ba000, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xc5
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).containerStart(0xc420410a00, 0xc4203ba000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x25f
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).restore.func2(0xc420b9f080, 0xc420410a00, 0xc42086e840, 0xc4203ba000, 0xc4202037a0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x24d
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by*Daemon).restore
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xac0
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 240 [sleep]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: time.Sleep(0x2faf080)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/time.go:59 +0xf9
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:, 0x1000001a4, 0xdf8475800, 0x1a4, 0xc42000f160)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xdd
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:, 0x29, 0x1a4, 0xc420bfd2e8, 0x164dda0, 0xc42018a701, 0xc420ffc140)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x173
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*BoltDB).getDBhandle(0xc4207e4d70, 0x8, 0x8, 0xc420ffc140)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xaa
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*BoltDB).AtomicPut(0xc4207e4d70, 0xc420e25860, 0x9f, 0xc420e36700, 0x32e, 0x32e, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc4203e6c00, 0x0, ...)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x120
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*datastore).PutObjectAtomic(0xc4204f6140, 0x249bfc0, 0xc420cc54a0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x266
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*controller).updateToStore(0xc42049c4b0, 0x249bfc0, 0xc420cc54a0, 0xc420cc0000, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xa5
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*network).CreateEndpoint(0xc420ccc900, 0xc4203e8281, 0xd, 0xc420e60600, 0x4, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x729
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).connectToNetwork(0xc420410a00, 0xc420410800, 0xc4203e8210, 0xd, 0xc420474a80, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x3df
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).allocateNetwork(0xc420410a00, 0xc420410800, 0xc420039b00, 0x43481e)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x562
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).initializeNetworking(0xc420410a00, 0xc420410800, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xc5
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).containerStart(0xc420410a00, 0xc420410800, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x25f
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).restore.func2(0xc420b9f080, 0xc420410a00, 0xc42086e840, 0xc420410800, 0xc42041ab40)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x24d
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by*Daemon).restore
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xac0
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 241 [semacquire]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: sync.runtime_SemacquireMutex(0xc420001bac)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/sema.go:62 +0x34
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: sync.(*Mutex).Lock(0xc420001ba8)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/sync/mutex.go:87 +0x9d
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*DeviceSet).lookupDeviceWithLock(0xc420001ba0, 0xc420016840, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x55
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*DeviceSet).UnmountDevice(0xc420001ba0, 0xc420016840, 0x40, 0xc420fcad20, 0x61, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x1cd
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Driver).Put(0xc42021fe00, 0xc420016840, 0x40, 0xc420bbb960, 0x1)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x137
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*NaiveDiffDriver).Put(0xc4204f6540, 0xc420016840, 0x40, 0x5f, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         <autogenerated>:32 +0x5d
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*referencedRWLayer).Unmount(0xc420482198, 0x24851c0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x4f
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).Unmount(0xc420410a00, 0xc4203bb200, 0x1728e00, 0x2479870)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x38
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).conditionalUnmountOnCleanup(0xc420410a00, 0xc4203bb200, 0x0, 0xc420bbba30)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x35
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).Cleanup(0xc420410a00, 0xc4203bb200)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x8b
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).containerStart.func1(0xc420bbbe58, 0xc4203bb200, 0xc420410a00)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xb5
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).containerStart(0xc420410a00, 0xc4203bb200, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x247fe80, 0xc420f44ab0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xad4
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).restore.func2(0xc420b9f080, 0xc420410a00, 0xc42086e840, 0xc4203bb200, 0xc420203440)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x24d
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by*Daemon).restore
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xac0
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 242 [semacquire]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: sync.runtime_SemacquireMutex(0xc4204f6178)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/sema.go:62 +0x34
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: sync.(*Mutex).Lock(0xc4204f6174)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/sync/mutex.go:87 +0x9d
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*datastore).GetObject(0xc4204f6140, 0xc420164c00, 0x5d, 0x249c0c0, 0xc420b28900, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x1cf
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*controller).getNetworkFromStore(0xc42049c4b0, 0xc42072e800, 0x40, 0x41a1c6, 0x7f1d7bbf73b8, 0x44)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x143
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*endpoint).getNetworkFromStore(0xc420d24420, 0x41a6d2, 0xc420330cc0, 0x30)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x61
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*endpoint).retrieveFromStore(0xc420d24420, 0xc420bbd3a8, 0x41af28, 0x30)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x40
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*endpoint).DriverInfo(0xc420d24420, 0x0, 0xc420330cc0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x40
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:, 0xc420d24420, 0xc420c021b0, 0xc420bbd618, 0x1406457)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x84
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Container).buildPortMapInfo(0xc42030b800, 0x249b5a0, 0xc420d24420, 0xc420cdeb40, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x8d
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Container).UpdateJoinInfo(0xc42030b800, 0x249cd40, 0xc42087a300, 0x249b5a0, 0xc420d24420, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x4c
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).connectToNetwork(0xc420410a00, 0xc42030b800, 0xc4203331b0, 0xd, 0xc4204746c0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x731
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).allocateNetwork(0xc420410a00, 0xc42030b800, 0xc420038b00, 0x43481e)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x562
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).initializeNetworking(0xc420410a00, 0xc42030b800, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xc5
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).containerStart(0xc420410a00, 0xc42030b800, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x25f
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).restore.func2(0xc420b9f080, 0xc420410a00, 0xc42086e840, 0xc42030b800, 0xc420462900)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x24d
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by*Daemon).restore
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xac0
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 243 [semacquire]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: sync.runtime_SemacquireMutex(0xc4204f6178)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/sema.go:62 +0x34
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: sync.(*Mutex).Lock(0xc4204f6174)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/sync/mutex.go:87 +0x9d
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*datastore).PutObjectAtomic(0xc4204f6140, 0x249bfc0, 0xc4201d9a20, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x5c3
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*controller).updateToStore(0xc42049c4b0, 0x249bfc0, 0xc4201d9a20, 0xc4201d0000, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xa5
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*network).CreateEndpoint(0xc420212780, 0xc4203e9839, 0x7, 0xc420e912a0, 0x4, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x729
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).connectToNetwork(0xc420410a00, 0xc420411c00, 0x1929b2a, 0x6, 0xc420474cc0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x3df
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).allocateNetwork(0xc420410a00, 0xc420411c00, 0xc420bd1b00, 0x43481e)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x9e0
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).initializeNetworking(0xc420410a00, 0xc420411c00, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xc5
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).containerStart(0xc420410a00, 0xc420411c00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x25f
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).restore.func2(0xc420b9f080, 0xc420410a00, 0xc42086e840, 0xc420411c00, 0xc420772a80)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x24d
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by*Daemon).restore
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xac0
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 244 [semacquire]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: sync.runtime_SemacquireMutex(0xc4204f6178)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/sema.go:62 +0x34
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: sync.(*Mutex).Lock(0xc4204f6174)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/sync/mutex.go:87 +0x9d
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*datastore).PutObjectAtomic(0xc4204f6140, 0x249bfc0, 0xc420d25b80, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x5c3
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*controller).updateToStore(0xc42049c4b0, 0x249bfc0, 0xc420d25b80, 0xc420d20000, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xa5
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*network).CreateEndpoint(0xc420cd8f00, 0xc4208b3521, 0x10, 0xc420fdc1c0, 0x4, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x729
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).connectToNetwork(0xc420410a00, 0xc420411000, 0xc4203e8940, 0xd, 0xc420474b40, 0x3a227063742f3300, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x3df
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).allocateNetwork(0xc420410a00, 0xc420411000, 0xc4208b4b00, 0x43481e)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x562
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).initializeNetworking(0xc420410a00, 0xc420411000, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xc5
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).containerStart(0xc420410a00, 0xc420411000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x25f
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).restore.func2(0xc420b9f080, 0xc420410a00, 0xc42086e840, 0xc420411000, 0xc4203b4120)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x24d
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by*Daemon).restore
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xac0
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: goroutine 246 [semacquire]:
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: sync.runtime_SemacquireMutex(0xc4204f6178)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/sema.go:62 +0x34
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: sync.(*Mutex).Lock(0xc4204f6174)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /usr/lib/go/src/sync/mutex.go:87 +0x9d
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*datastore).PutObjectAtomic(0xc4204f6140, 0x249bfc0, 0xc420ed2420, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x5c3
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*controller).updateToStore(0xc42049c4b0, 0x249bfc0, 0xc420ed2420, 0xc420ed0000, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xa5
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*network).CreateEndpoint(0xc420ece180, 0xc4208b3fa1, 0x13, 0xc420778f20, 0x4, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x729
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).connectToNetwork(0xc420410a00, 0xc420411600, 0xc4203e9080, 0xd, 0xc420474c00, 0x5d2277723a676900, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x3df
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).allocateNetwork(0xc420410a00, 0xc420411600, 0xc4208b5b00, 0x43481e)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x562
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).initializeNetworking(0xc420410a00, 0xc420411600, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xc5
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).containerStart(0xc420410a00, 0xc420411600, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x25f
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:*Daemon).restore.func2(0xc420b9f080, 0xc420410a00, 0xc42086e840, 0xc420411600, 0xc420462720)
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0x24d
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]: created by*Daemon).restore
Mar 11 15:15:04 theshire dockerd[6521]:         /build/docker/src/docker/.gopath/src/ +0xac0

Table of Contents

This article focuses on learning about.

  • The direct relationship between kubelet, docker-shim, dockerd, containerd, containerd-shim, and runc
  • How to troubleshoot: How to connect containers using docker, containerd-ctr, docker-runc
  • runc workflow

Problem Description

Today, in the process of checking the system problem, I found that the system log keeps printing the docker exception log.

May 12 09:08:40 HOSTNAME dockerd[4085]: time="2021-05-12T09:08:40.642410594+08:00" level=error msg="stream copy error: reading from a closed fifo"
May 12 09:08:40 HOSTNAME dockerd[4085]: time="2021-05-12T09:08:40.642418571+08:00" level=error msg="stream copy error: reading from a closed fifo"
May 12 09:08:40 HOSTNAME dockerd[4085]: time="2021-05-12T09:08:40.663754355+08:00" level=error msg="Error running exec 110deb1c1b2a2d2671d7368bd02bfc18a968e4712a3c771dedf0b362820e73cb in container: OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:348: starting container process caused "read init-p: connection reset by peer": unknown"

In terms of system riskiness, the reasons for the appearance of abnormal logs need to be ranked clearly and figured out whether they will have an impact on the business.

The following article briefly describes the process of problem identification and the reasons for its generation.


The only information we have now is the system logs informing us that dockerd failed to execute the exec.

Before we get into the specifics of the problem, let’s review the working of docker and the invocation chain.

docker invocation chain

As you can see, the docker call chain is very long and involves more components. Therefore, our troubleshooting path is divided into two main steps as follows.

  • Determine the component that caused the failure
  • Determine the cause of the component failure

Locating the component

Users familiar with docker will be able to locate the component causing the problem at a glance. But here, we’ll follow the usual troubleshooting process.

// 1. Locate the problem container
# sudo docker ps | grep -v pause | grep -v NAMES | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -ti sudo docker exec {} sleep 1
sudo docker exec aa1e331ec24f sleep 1
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:348: starting container process caused "read init-p: connection reset by peer": unknown

// 2. Exclude docker from suspicion
# docker-containerd-ctr -a /var/run/docker/containerd/docker-containerd.sock -n moby t exec --exec-id stupig1 aa1e331ec24f621ab3152ebe94f1e533734164af86c9df0f551eab2b1967ec4e sleep 1
ctr: OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:348: starting container process caused "read init-p: connection reset by peer": unknown

// 3. exclude containererd and containererd-shim suspect
# docker-runc --root /var/run/docker/runtime-runc/moby/ exec aa1e331ec24f621ab3152ebe94f1e533734164af86c9df0f551eab2b1967ec4e sleep
runtime/cgo: pthread_create failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
SIGABRT: abort
PC=0x6b657e m=0 sigcode=18446744073709551610

goroutine 0 [idle]:
runtime: unknown pc 0x6b657e
stack: frame={sp:0x7ffd30f0d218, fp:0x0} stack=[0x7ffd2ab0e738,0x7ffd30f0d760)
00007ffd30f0d118:  0000000000000002  00007ffd30f7f184
00007ffd30f0d128:  000000000069c31c  00007ffd30f0d1a8
00007ffd30f0d138:  000000000045814e <runtime.callCgoMmap+62>  00007ffd30f0d140
00007ffd30f0d148:  00007ffd30f0d190  0000000000411a88 <runtime.persistentalloc1+456>
00007ffd30f0d158:  0000000000bf6dd0  0000000000000000
00007ffd30f0d168:  0000000000010000  0000000000000008
00007ffd30f0d178:  0000000000bf6dd8  0000000000bf7ca0
00007ffd30f0d188:  00007fdcbb4b7000  00007ffd30f0d1c8
00007ffd30f0d198:  0000000000451205 <runtime.persistentalloc.func1+69>  0000000000000000
00007ffd30f0d1a8:  0000000000000000  0000000000c1c080
00007ffd30f0d1b8:  00007fdcbb4b7000  00007ffd30f0d1e0
00007ffd30f0d1c8:  00007ffd30f0d210  00007ffd30f0d220
00007ffd30f0d1d8:  0000000000000000  00000000000000f1
00007ffd30f0d1e8:  0000000000000011  0000000000000000
00007ffd30f0d1f8:  000000000069c31c  0000000000c1c080
00007ffd30f0d208:  000000000045814e <runtime.callCgoMmap+62>  00007ffd30f0d210
00007ffd30f0d218: <00007ffd30f0d268  fffffffe7fffffff
00007ffd30f0d228:  ffffffffffffffff  ffffffffffffffff
00007ffd30f0d238:  ffffffffffffffff  ffffffffffffffff
00007ffd30f0d248:  ffffffffffffffff  ffffffffffffffff
00007ffd30f0d258:  ffffffffffffffff  ffffffffffffffff
00007ffd30f0d268:  ffffffffffffffff  ffffffffffffffff
00007ffd30f0d278:  ffffffffffffffff  ffffffffffffffff
00007ffd30f0d288:  ffffffffffffffff  ffffffffffffffff
00007ffd30f0d298:  ffffffffffffffff  0000000000000000
00007ffd30f0d2a8:  00000000006b68ba  0000000000000020
00007ffd30f0d2b8:  0000000000000000  0000000000000000
00007ffd30f0d2c8:  0000000000000000  0000000000000000
00007ffd30f0d2d8:  0000000000000000  0000000000000000
00007ffd30f0d2e8:  0000000000000000  0000000000000000
00007ffd30f0d2f8:  0000000000000000  0000000000000000
00007ffd30f0d308:  0000000000000000  0000000000000000
runtime: unknown pc 0x6b657e
stack: frame={sp:0x7ffd30f0d218, fp:0x0} stack=[0x7ffd2ab0e738,0x7ffd30f0d760)
00007ffd30f0d118:  0000000000000002  00007ffd30f7f184
00007ffd30f0d128:  000000000069c31c  00007ffd30f0d1a8
00007ffd30f0d138:  000000000045814e <runtime.callCgoMmap+62>  00007ffd30f0d140
00007ffd30f0d148:  00007ffd30f0d190  0000000000411a88 <runtime.persistentalloc1+456>
00007ffd30f0d158:  0000000000bf6dd0  0000000000000000
00007ffd30f0d168:  0000000000010000  0000000000000008
00007ffd30f0d178:  0000000000bf6dd8  0000000000bf7ca0
00007ffd30f0d188:  00007fdcbb4b7000  00007ffd30f0d1c8
00007ffd30f0d198:  0000000000451205 <runtime.persistentalloc.func1+69>  0000000000000000
00007ffd30f0d1a8:  0000000000000000  0000000000c1c080
00007ffd30f0d1b8:  00007fdcbb4b7000  00007ffd30f0d1e0
00007ffd30f0d1c8:  00007ffd30f0d210  00007ffd30f0d220
00007ffd30f0d1d8:  0000000000000000  00000000000000f1
00007ffd30f0d1e8:  0000000000000011  0000000000000000
00007ffd30f0d1f8:  000000000069c31c  0000000000c1c080
00007ffd30f0d208:  000000000045814e <runtime.callCgoMmap+62>  00007ffd30f0d210
00007ffd30f0d218: <00007ffd30f0d268  fffffffe7fffffff
00007ffd30f0d228:  ffffffffffffffff  ffffffffffffffff
00007ffd30f0d238:  ffffffffffffffff  ffffffffffffffff
00007ffd30f0d248:  ffffffffffffffff  ffffffffffffffff
00007ffd30f0d258:  ffffffffffffffff  ffffffffffffffff
00007ffd30f0d268:  ffffffffffffffff  ffffffffffffffff
00007ffd30f0d278:  ffffffffffffffff  ffffffffffffffff
00007ffd30f0d288:  ffffffffffffffff  ffffffffffffffff
00007ffd30f0d298:  ffffffffffffffff  0000000000000000
00007ffd30f0d2a8:  00000000006b68ba  0000000000000020
00007ffd30f0d2b8:  0000000000000000  0000000000000000
00007ffd30f0d2c8:  0000000000000000  0000000000000000
00007ffd30f0d2d8:  0000000000000000  0000000000000000
00007ffd30f0d2e8:  0000000000000000  0000000000000000
00007ffd30f0d2f8:  0000000000000000  0000000000000000
00007ffd30f0d308:  0000000000000000  0000000000000000

goroutine 1 [running]:
    /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:363 fp=0xc4200fe788 sp=0xc4200fe780 pc=0x454120
    /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:128 +0x63 fp=0xc4200fe7e0 sp=0xc4200fe788 pc=0x42bb83
    /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:2361 +0x1 fp=0xc4200fe7e8 sp=0xc4200fe7e0 pc=0x456c91

rax    0x0
rbx    0xbe2978
rcx    0x6b657e
rdx    0x0
rdi    0x2
rsi    0x7ffd30f0d1a0
rbp    0x8347ce
rsp    0x7ffd30f0d218
r8     0x0
r9     0x6
r10    0x8
r11    0x246
r12    0x2bedc30
r13    0xf1
r14    0x11
r15    0x0
rip    0x6b657e
rflags 0x246
cs     0x33
fs     0x0
gs     0x0
exec failed: container_linux.go:348: starting container process caused "read init-p: connection reset by peer"

From the above, it is clear that the exception was returned by runc.

Locating the cause

While locating the exception component, runc also gives us a surprise: it provides a detailed exception log.

The exception log shows that runc exec failed because of Resource temporarily unavailable, which is a typical under-resource problem. The common types of insufficient resources include (ulimit -a)

  • Thread limit reached
  • File limit reached
  • Memory limit is reached

Therefore, we need to further troubleshoot the business container monitoring to locate the type of insufficient resources.

container monitoring

The above figure shows the thread count monitoring of the business containers. The thread count of all containers has reached 1w, and the default limit of the Elastic Cloud is 1w. The reason for setting this limit is also to avoid single container thread leakage and exhausting the thread resources of the host.

# cat /sys/fs/cgroup/pids/kubepods/burstable/pod64a6c0e7-830c-11eb-86d6-b8cef604db88/aa1e331ec24f621ab3152ebe94f1e533734164af86c9df0f551eab2b1967ec4e/pids.max

At this point, the cause of the problem has been located clearly, and yes, it is that simple.

runc sorting

Although we have located the cause of the exception log, we have only a vague idea of how runc works.

While we’re at it, let’s take runc exec as an example and sort out the workflow of runc.

  • runc exec first starts the child process runc init
  • runc init is responsible for initializing the container namespace
    • runc init uses the constructor feature of C to set the container namespace before the go code starts
    • C code nsexec executes clone twice, three threads in total: parent process, child process, and grandchild process, to complete the initialization of container namespace
    • the parent process and the child process exit after completing the initialization task, at this time, the grandchild process is already in the container namespace, and the grandchild process starts to execute the go code initialization and waits to receive the runc exec to send the configuration
  • runc exec adds the grand process to the container cgroup
  • runc exec sends configuration to the grand process, the configuration mainly contains: the specific commands and parameters of exec, etc.
  • Sun process calls system.Execv to execute user commands


  • Step 2.c and step 3 are executed concurrently
  • runc exec and runc init communication is based on socket pair (init-p and init-c)

The flow of interaction between the processes during runc exec and the initialization of namespace and cgroup is shown in the following figure.

Initialization of namespace and cgroup

Combining our combing of the runc exec execution flow and the error messages returned by runc exec, we basically locate the code where runc exec returns an error.

func (p *setnsProcess) start() (err error) {
   defer p.parentPipe.Close()
   err = p.cmd.Start()
   if err != nil {
      return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "starting setns process")
   if p.bootstrapData != nil {
      if _, err := io.Copy(p.parentPipe, p.bootstrapData); err != nil {       // clone标志位,ns配置
         return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "copying bootstrap data to pipe")
   if err = p.execSetns(); err != nil {
      return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "executing setns process")
   if len(p.cgroupPaths) > 0 {
      if err := cgroups.EnterPid(p.cgroupPaths,; err != nil {        // 这里将runc init添加到容器cgroup中
         return newSystemErrorWithCausef(err, "adding pid %d to cgroups",
   if err := utils.WriteJSON(p.parentPipe, p.config); err != nil {            // 发送配置:命令、环境变量等
      return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "writing config to pipe")

   ierr := parseSync(p.parentPipe, func(sync *syncT) error {                  // 这里返回 read init-p: connection reset by peer
      switch sync.Type {
      case procReady:
         // This shouldn't happen.
         panic("unexpected procReady in setns")
      case procHooks:
         // This shouldn't happen.
         panic("unexpected procHooks in setns")
         return newSystemError(fmt.Errorf("invalid JSON payload from child"))
   if ierr != nil {
      return ierr
   return nil

Now, the cause of the problem and the code analysis have all been completed.

помогите, чет в печали уже

У тебя нет нужной квалификации, иди учиться.

Аппендицит сам себе вырезать будешь? Нет? Ты какого хера лезешь в IT? К врачам то-же с такими вопросами лезешь?

Каждый долбанный ламер купивший железку лезет туда куда не нужно.


(16.01.20 18:46:57 MSK)

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от anonymous 16.01.20 18:46:57 MSK

IT не ограничевается только Linux. Надеюсь у тебя все хорошо

  • Ссылка

вторая — если положить то потом зависает при sudo dnf update на обращении к докер репозиторию, аналогично при установке самого докера, помогите, чет в печали уже

Либо у тебя с сетью проблемы, докерные репы забанены например, либо ты как-то подпортил конфигурацию репозитория пока руками его подкладывал.

К докеру это не имеет отношения, дебажить надо сеть.

alpha ★★★★★

(16.01.20 19:02:52 MSK)

Последнее исправление: alpha 16.01.20 19:04:18 MSK

исправлений: 1)

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от alpha 16.01.20 19:02:52 MSK

блин там просто копировал файл, без лишних премудростей.
Как посмотреть почему не коннектится? или забанен реп?

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от Satyricon 16.01.20 19:24:03 MSK

что показывает

Вообще там в repo-файле написан урл по которому идёт запрос к репе.

Что-то наподобие

Этот адрес у тебя открывается в браузере без проблем?

alpha ★★★★★

(16.01.20 19:38:01 MSK)

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от alpha 16.01.20 19:38:01 MSK

да в браузере открывается ок.

dnf repolist -v:

Repo-id            : MEGAsync
Repo-name          : MEGAsync
Repo-revision      : 1570798526
Repo-updated       : Пт 11 окт 2019 15:55:26
Repo-pkgs          : 13
Repo-available-pkgs: 13
Repo-size          : 59 M
Repo-baseurl       :
Repo-expire        : 172 800 секунд(а) (осталось: Чт 16 янв 2020 20:04:37)
Repo-filename      : /etc/yum.repos.d/megasync.repo

Repo-id            : fedora
Repo-name          : Fedora 31 - x86_64
Repo-revision      : 1571871168
Repo-updated       : Чт 24 окт 2019 01:52:47
Repo-pkgs          : 56 361
Repo-available-pkgs: 56 255
Repo-size          : 71 G
Repo-metalink      :
  Updated          : Чт 16 янв 2020 20:04:05
Repo-baseurl       : rsync:// (131 more)
Repo-expire        : 604 800 секунд(а) (осталось: Чт 16 янв 2020 20:04:05)
Repo-filename      : /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo

Repo-id            : fedora-modular
Repo-name          : Fedora Modular 31 - x86_64
Repo-revision      : 1571871190
Repo-updated       : Чт 24 окт 2019 01:53:13
Repo-pkgs          : 2 403
Repo-available-pkgs: 142
Repo-size          : 2.3 G
Repo-metalink      :
  Updated          : Чт 19 дек 2019 23:45:07
Repo-baseurl       : (133 more)
Repo-expire        : 172 800 секунд(а) (осталось: Чт 19 дек 2019 23:45:07)
Repo-filename      : /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-modular.repo

Repo-id            : google-chrome
Repo-name          : google-chrome
Repo-revision      : 1579029433
Repo-updated       : Вт 14 янв 2020 22:17:13
Repo-pkgs          : 3
Repo-available-pkgs: 3
Repo-size          : 185 M
Repo-baseurl       :
Repo-expire        : 172 800 секунд(а) (осталось: Чт 16 янв 2020 20:04:37)
Repo-filename      : /etc/yum.repos.d/google-chrome.repo

Repo-id            : rpmfusion-free
Repo-name          : RPM Fusion for Fedora 31 - Free
Repo-revision      : 1571739692
Repo-tags          : binary-x86_64
Repo-updated       : Вт 22 окт 2019 13:21:36
Repo-pkgs          : 588
Repo-available-pkgs: 588
Repo-size          : 1.0 G
Repo-metalink      :
  Updated          : Чт 16 янв 2020 20:04:40
Repo-baseurl       : (50 more)
Repo-expire        : 1 209 600 секунд(а) (осталось: Чт 16 янв 2020 20:04:40)
Repo-filename      : /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmfusion-free.repo

Repo-id            : rpmfusion-free-updates
Repo-name          : RPM Fusion for Fedora 31 - Free - Updates
Repo-revision      : 1578948053
Repo-tags          : binary-x86_64
Repo-updated       : Пн 13 янв 2020 23:40:55
Repo-pkgs          : 169
Repo-available-pkgs: 169
Repo-size          : 549 M
Repo-metalink      :
  Updated          : Чт 16 янв 2020 20:04:40
Repo-baseurl       : (50 more)
Repo-expire        : 172 800 секунд(а) (осталось: Чт 16 янв 2020 20:04:40)
Repo-filename      : /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmfusion-free-updates.repo

Repo-id            : rpmfusion-nonfree
Repo-name          : RPM Fusion for Fedora 31 - Nonfree
Repo-revision      : 1571741026
Repo-tags          : binary-x86_64
Repo-updated       : Вт 22 окт 2019 13:43:47
Repo-pkgs          : 218
Repo-available-pkgs: 218
Repo-size          : 1.1 G
Repo-metalink      :
  Updated          : Чт 16 янв 2020 20:04:42
Repo-baseurl       : rsync:// (50 more)
Repo-expire        : 1 209 600 секунд(а) (осталось: Чт 16 янв 2020 20:04:42)
Repo-filename      : /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmfusion-nonfree.repo

Repo-id            : rpmfusion-nonfree-updates
Repo-name          : RPM Fusion for Fedora 31 - Nonfree - Updates
Repo-revision      : 1578949070
Repo-tags          : binary-x86_64
Repo-updated       : Пн 13 янв 2020 23:57:51
Repo-pkgs          : 60
Repo-available-pkgs: 60
Repo-size          : 420 M
Repo-metalink      :
  Updated          : Чт 16 янв 2020 20:04:41
Repo-baseurl       : (50 more)
Repo-expire        : 172 800 секунд(а) (осталось: Чт 16 янв 2020 20:04:41)
Repo-filename      : /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmfusion-nonfree-updates.repo

Repo-id            : slack
Repo-name          : slack
Repo-updated       : Чт 05 дек 2019 22:33:25
Repo-pkgs          : 55
Repo-available-pkgs: 55
Repo-size          : 2.9 G
Repo-baseurl       :
Repo-expire        : 172 800 секунд(а) (осталось: Чт 16 янв 2020 20:04:46)
Repo-filename      : /etc/yum.repos.d/slack.repo

Repo-id            : sublime-text
Repo-name          : Sublime Text - x86_64 - Stable
Repo-revision      : 1569892822
Repo-updated       : Вт 01 окт 2019 04:20:22
Repo-pkgs          : 2
Repo-available-pkgs: 2
Repo-size          : 19 M
Repo-baseurl       :
Repo-expire        : 172 800 секунд(а) (осталось: Чт 16 янв 2020 20:04:47)
Repo-filename      : /etc/yum.repos.d/sublime-text.repo

Repo-id            : updates
Repo-name          : Fedora 31 - x86_64 - Updates
Repo-revision      : 1578961908
Repo-updated       : Вт 14 янв 2020 04:01:20
Repo-pkgs          : 15 477
Repo-available-pkgs: 15 458
Repo-size          : 24 G
Repo-metalink      :
  Updated          : Чт 16 янв 2020 20:03:19
Repo-baseurl       : (128 more)
Repo-expire        : 21 600 секунд(а) (осталось: Чт 16 янв 2020 20:03:19)
Repo-filename      : /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates.repo

Repo-id            : updates-modular
Repo-name          : Fedora Modular 31 - x86_64 - Updates
Repo-revision      : 1578874377
Repo-updated       : Пн 13 янв 2020 03:14:20
Repo-pkgs          : 2 397
Repo-available-pkgs: 139
Repo-size          : 2.4 G
Repo-metalink      :
  Updated          : Чт 16 янв 2020 20:03:10
Repo-baseurl       : (128 more)
Repo-expire        : 21 600 секунд(а) (осталось: Чт 16 янв 2020 20:03:10)
Repo-filename      : /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates-modular.repo

Repo-id            : yandex
Repo-name          : Yandex
Repo-revision      : 1562592693
Repo-updated       : Пн 08 июл 2019 16:31:33
Repo-pkgs          : 1
Repo-available-pkgs: 1
Repo-size          : 4.5 M
Repo-baseurl       :
Repo-expire        : 172 800 секунд(а) (осталось: Чт 16 янв 2020 20:04:48)
Repo-filename      : /etc/yum.repos.d/yandex-disk.repo
Total packages: 77 747

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Ответ на:

от Satyricon 16.01.20 20:06:39 MSK

Это с отключенным докерным репом? Когда ты его добавляешь он в этот список тоже попасть должен же.

alpha ★★★★★

(16.01.20 20:14:57 MSK)

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Ответ на:

от alpha 16.01.20 20:14:57 MSK

добавил снова
Repo-id : docker-ce-stable
Repo-name : Docker CE Stable — x86_64
Repo-revision : 1573753686
Repo-updated : Чт 14 ноя 2019 20:48:06
Repo-pkgs : 11
Repo-available-pkgs: 11
Repo-size : 333 M
Repo-baseurl :
Repo-expire : 172 800 секунд(а) (осталось: Чт 16 янв 2020 20:35:19)
Repo-filename : /etc/yum.repos.d/docker-ce.repo

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Ответ на:

от alpha 16.01.20 20:14:57 MSK

О заработало) не знаю почему) сейчас пробую поставить отпишусь

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Ответ на:

от alpha 16.01.20 20:14:57 MSK

sudo docker run hello-world

docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:346: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:297: applying cgroup configuration for process caused "open /sys/fs/cgroup/docker/cpuset.cpus.effective: no such file or directory"": unknown.
ERRO[0000] error waiting for container: context canceled 
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Ответ на:

от alpha 16.01.20 20:14:57 MSK

и вот в это собственно я уже упирался, и дальше труба, то что описано в мануалах не помогало(

sudo systemctl status docker

docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2020-01-16 21:09:58 MSK; 1min 30s ago
 Main PID: 3031 (dockerd)
    Tasks: 16
   Memory: 129.3M
      CPU: 315ms
   CGroup: /system.slice/docker.service
           └─3031 /usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock

sudo grubby –update-kernel=ALL –args=«systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0»


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Ответ на:

от Satyricon 16.01.20 21:12:30 MSK

После grubby –update-kernel…, которое меняет параметр ядра, ты в это обновленное ядро перезагрузился?

Покажи cat /proc/cmdline

alpha ★★★★★

(16.01.20 21:17:13 MSK)

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Ответ на:

от alpha 16.01.20 21:17:13 MSK

да перегружался

cat /proc/cmdline

BOOT_IMAGE=(hd0,gpt2)/vmlinuz-5.4.8-200.fc31.x86_64 root=UUID=af3b2417-b2fe-46dc-a9cb-750bf8c5e127 ro resume=UUID=5585917c-aa58-4ba7-8fe9-f2a64eda2284 rhgb quiet
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Ответ на:

от Satyricon 16.01.20 21:12:30 MSK

Зря ты себе fedora воткнул

Это самый-самый передовой дистрибутив- csgroups v2. А докер пока умеет только в v1. А самое интересное: я с тем же недавно столкнулся, и быстро нашёл в сети ответ. Понятно, откуда к людям с подобными сообщениями такой негатив?


(16.01.20 21:20:23 MSK)

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Ответ на:

от Satyricon 16.01.20 21:17:53 MSK

Что-то по этой строчке не видно чтобы ядру про cgroup что-то передавали.

Не знаю правда как это точнее проверить.

alpha ★★★★★

(16.01.20 21:22:15 MSK)

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да вполне понимаю, слава богу таких как ты, только со стороны.
P.S. себе ничего не втыкал

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Ответ на:

от alpha 16.01.20 21:22:15 MSK

Ответ на:

от Satyricon 16.01.20 21:25:04 MSK

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR="$(sed 's, release .*$,,g' /etc/system-release)"
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="resume=UUID=5585917c-aa58-4ba7-8fe9-f2a64eda2284 rhgb quiet| systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0"

внутри файла вот так

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Ответ на:

от Satyricon 16.01.20 21:25:04 MSK

Ну ты просто следуешь не глядя тому что написано, а надо понять в чем суть решения и перепроверить, что оно правильно отработало на каждом шаге.

Задача передать указанный параметр ядру.

Что значит «результата нет»? Параметр в файле есть? При загрузке используется этот grub или у тебя там Double-, Triple-boot и вообще всё не так.

Когда перезагруешься например, можно в грубе выбрать пункт и посмотреть параметры вживую, и дописать нужный прямо там руками. Проверить что так работает и тогда разбираться с настройкой загрузчика.

alpha ★★★★★

(16.01.20 21:30:50 MSK)

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Ответ на:

от Satyricon 16.01.20 21:27:54 MSK

Ответ на:

от alpha 16.01.20 21:31:48 MSK

хз руками не ставил, щас попробую без него все сделаю
P.S. systemctl status docker говорит

sudo systemctl status docker
● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2020-01-16 21:33:25 MSK; 10s ago
 Main PID: 3103 (dockerd)
    Tasks: 15
   Memory: 124.7M
      CPU: 321ms
   CGroup: /system.slice/docker.service
           └─3103 /usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock

янв 16 21:33:24 localhost.localdomain dockerd[3103]: time="2020-01-16T21:33:24.621828390+03:00" level=warning msg="Your kernel does not support cgroup blkio throttle.write_bps_device"
янв 16 21:33:24 localhost.localdomain dockerd[3103]: time="2020-01-16T21:33:24.621839519+03:00" level=warning msg="Your kernel does not support cgroup blkio throttle.read_iops_device"
янв 16 21:33:24 localhost.localdomain dockerd[3103]: time="2020-01-16T21:33:24.621849807+03:00" level=warning msg="Your kernel does not support cgroup blkio throttle.write_iops_device"
янв 16 21:33:24 localhost.localdomain dockerd[3103]: time="2020-01-16T21:33:24.622083906+03:00" level=info msg="Loading containers: start."

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Ответ на:

от Satyricon 16.01.20 21:35:17 MSK

Ну он тебе говорит что cgroups не те. Они не те потому что правильного параметра ядру ты не передал. Так что разбирайся что ты там химичишь с загрузчиком

alpha ★★★★★

(16.01.20 21:37:27 MSK)

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Ответ на:

от alpha 16.01.20 21:31:48 MSK

убрал перезапустился теперь status говорит

docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2020-01-16 21:46:14 MSK; 54s ago
 Main PID: 3856 (dockerd)
    Tasks: 16
   Memory: 126.5M
      CPU: 374ms
   CGroup: /system.slice/docker.service
           └─3856 /usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock

янв 16 21:46:14 localhost.localdomain dockerd[3856]: time="2020-01-16T21:46:14.781907278+03:00" level=info msg="Loading containers: done."
янв 16 21:46:14 localhost.localdomain dockerd[3856]: time="2020-01-16T21:46:14.854476492+03:00" level=info msg="Docker daemon" commit=633a0ea838 graphdriver(s)=overlay2 version=19.03.5
янв 16 21:46:14 localhost.localdomain dockerd[3856]: time="2020-01-16T21:46:14.855019712+03:00" level=info msg="Daemon has completed initialization"
янв 16 21:46:14 localhost.localdomain dockerd[3856]: time="2020-01-16T21:46:14.908168836+03:00" level=info msg="API listen on /run/docker.sock"
янв 16 21:46:14 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Docker Application Container Engine.
янв 16 21:46:26 localhost.localdomain dockerd[3856]: time="2020-01-16T21:46:26.317070781+03:00" level=error msg="stream copy error: reading from a closed fifo"
янв 16 21:46:26 localhost.localdomain dockerd[3856]: time="2020-01-16T21:46:26.317105090+03:00" level=error msg="stream copy error: reading from a closed fifo"
янв 16 21:46:26 localhost.localdomain dockerd[3856]: time="2020-01-16T21:46:26.356155903+03:00" level=warning msg="817096ea24c6f9406a20ffae390e8a75d74eee6c9eb1290931de598f43fc3e20 cleanup: failed to unmount IPC: umount /var/lib/docker/co>
янв 16 21:46:26 localhost.localdomain dockerd[3856]: time="2020-01-16T21:46:26.364406210+03:00" level=error msg="817096ea24c6f9406a20ffae390e8a75d74eee6c9eb1290931de598f43fc3e20 cleanup: failed to delete container from containerd: no suc>
янв 16 21:46:26 localhost.localdomain dockerd[3856]: time="2020-01-16T21:46:26.364513672+03:00" level=error msg="Handler for POST /v1.40/containers/817096ea24c6f9406a20ffae390e8a75d74eee6c9eb1290931de598f43fc3e20/start returned error: OC>

hello world:

ocker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:346: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:297: applying cgroup configuration for process caused "open /sys/fs/cgroup/docker/cpuset.cpus.effective: no such file or directory"": unknown.
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Ответ на:

от alpha 16.01.20 21:37:27 MSK

Ответ на:

от Satyricon 16.01.20 23:24:35 MSK

Искренне, без намеков: ответ нагугливается и применяется быстрее, чем создаётся тема на форуме.

t184256 ★★★★★

(17.01.20 01:05:31 MSK)

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Ответ на:

от t184256 17.01.20 01:05:31 MSK

Наверное прав. Но пока все что находил в первых 10 ссылках гугла не помогло. Либо я не то делал хз

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Ответ на:

от Satyricon 17.01.20 09:07:45 MSK

В смысле «пока»? sudo grubby –update-kernel=ALL –args="systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0", все, есть в каждом из топ-10 результатов по «docker Fedora 31». Остальное наломал ты сам.

t184256 ★★★★★

(17.01.20 11:10:03 MSK)

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Ответ на:

от t184256 17.01.20 11:10:03 MSK

Мне это не помогло. Актуальный ответ…

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Ответ на:

от t184256 17.01.20 11:10:03 MSK

sudo docker run hello-world
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:346: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:297: applying cgroup configuration for process caused "open /sys/fs/cgroup/docker/cpuset.cpus.effective: no such file or directory"": unknown.
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Ответ на:

от Satyricon 17.01.20 13:00:29 MSK

  1. После загрузки нужно не docker запускать, а проверять, что в /proc/cmdline . Если там строчки нет, то все равно ничего не запустится

  2. Обновление конфигурации grub2 делается правкой /etc/default/grub (вроде сделали, но про лишний символ уже написали) и последующей команды

grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

Возможно при использовании EFI что-то еще нужно менять, но, в любом случае, никто не мешает ручками добавить грубу нужный параметр прямо при загрузке


(17.01.20 13:21:58 MSK)

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Ответ на:

от Satyricon 17.01.20 13:00:29 MSK

Тебе не «не помогло», а ты так и не сумел сделать то что должно было помочь.

Забудь про докер и разберись с загрузчиком.

alpha ★★★★★

(17.01.20 13:24:52 MSK)

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Ответ на:

от alpha 17.01.20 13:24:52 MSK

да нуб нубом я в линуксе, как учить его правильнее хз

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Ответ на:

от anonymous 17.01.20 13:21:58 MSK

grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

вот этого не хватало, до этого в мануале видел только
и это не помогало, докер запустился и заработал) спасибо

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Ответ на:

от Satyricon 17.01.20 13:31:51 MSK

Вы не можете добавлять комментарии в эту тему. Тема перемещена в архив.

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