Doom 3 bfg edition ошибка opengl

Unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

Обновлено: 08.02.2023

Проверить, какие драйвера стоят. Показать вывод glxinfo.

Лучше не надо полный вывод glxinfo, многа букв будет. Думаю, что хватит glxinfo | grep irect

ага, и glxinfo | grep vendor

$ glxinfo | grep irect direct rendering: Yes nnicholas@mnimonic:

$ glxinfo | grep vendor server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation client glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation

Это что-нибудь означает?

Это означает, что стоят драйвера от Nvidia и что должно быть все нормально. В таком случае не понятно. почему Doom3 не может инициализировать Opengl

Если запустить glxgears и развернуть на полный экран — сколько fps в консоль пишет?

Unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

14 дек. 2015 в 8:58

была такая же ошибка, решается просто
1. Go to the DOOM BFG directory in Steam. Typically the path is C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG Edition

2. Right click on the file executable DOOM3BFG.EXE and create a shortcut to desktop. On Windows 7 it would be under right click, SEND TO, and then DESKTOP (CREATE SHORTCUT).

3. Once you have created a shortcut on your desktop, right click on it and choose PROPERTIES. In the target field, add «+set r_fullscreen 0» to the end of the target path (no quotes). There should be a space right before the +. Your target line should now look similiar to the following:

«C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG EditionDoom3BFG.exe» +set r_fullscreen 0

NOTE: You should be able to input «3» instead of «0» in the above command line, which for most users immediately allowed them full screen access to Doom 3 BFG. Other Steam users have mentioned that using «2» or»4″ worked in their case, «4» being the most common after «3». Also, the «+set r_fullscreen 0» can also be placed directly in the Steam launch options for your game (minus the quotes). Special thanks to Darth Guybrush for pointing this out. Steam launch options can be accessed by right clicking on Doom 3 BFG in your Steam library and choosing «properties». It will be titled «Set Launch Options».

4. This trick worked on the old Doom 3 and luckily it still works with the BFG edition. Theoretically you should be able to change the «0» in the fullscreen command I just mentioned to a «3», and bypass all the CFG editing altogether though I haven’t tested that. I don’t see why it shouldn’t work though. At the very least, with the «0» it will allow you to run it in windowed mode and make the fixes listed above. Hope this works for those of you unable to run the game to create a Saved Games directory.

Проблема с запуском Doom3

Знаю проблема весьма заезжанная, но всё же.

А не через вайн ли его надо? Или я тебя не понял совсем.

>А не через вайн ли его надо?

Вообще-то дум3 официально выпускается под линух.

Какой? На видеокарту у меня стоят с оф. сайта Nvidia взятые

>Вообще-то дум3 официально выпускается под линух.

А кто его знает, что там ставит ТС.

Были бы исходники на doom3. сколько искал — не нашёл (

cat /usr/local/games/doom3/doom3

А там
ls /usr/local/games/doom3

cd /usr/local/games/doom3

пробовал. то же самое пишет

А если так запустить
doom3 +set r_gldriver /usr/lib/nvidia-current/

свои только подставь или симлинк сделай

DOOM 1.1.1286 linux-x86 Nov 24 2004 17:56:04
Unable to initialize OpenGL

Качай патч последний doom3-linux-, сверху ссылку давали.

Может это как то связано, что у меня 64 битная система, а игра для 32 бита?

Doom 3 BFG Edition не запускается

Аналогично. Вообще, игра у кого-нибудь запустилась на ХР?

Кто знает как её запустить в окне или сменить разрешение? И где находится конфиг, а то не могу найти.

Переустановите Драйвера видео и DirectX
А вообще, официальной поддержки WIndowsXP уже год как нету.
Все оптимизируется для работы, как минимум для Vista и Выше.

sn260591 у меня похожая херня, печально. переустановка дров директикса не помогает

Помогите пожалуйста. при запуске Doom 3 bfg edition вылазит ошибка «error during initialization» винда 7

Ну так кто нибудь решил эту проблему с запуском, у меня такаяже беда .

Я запустил долго мучился установил OpenGL и все пошло.

Спасибо большое. все пошло и некоторые другие игры стали грузиться!

народ помогите у меня пишет error during intilization кода запускаю
винда 7

Никита Маслаковчик
Маслёнок, это гулаг маслёнок!

Играйте в обычный DOOM3, в нём тени нормальные.

Попробуйте установить следующее-В папке с установщиком должа быть папка regist. В этой папке устанавливаете все(желательно перезагрузить пк)-если ошибка прошла но идет серый экран с вылетом- То устанавливайте OpenGL и драйвера для видеокарты

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Главная / F.A.Q. — вопросы и ответы

1 февраля 2016




Вопрос закрыт автором.

Давным давно пробовал Doom 3: BFG Edition на пиратке, все было норм, поиграл бросил, спустя какое то время купил ее в стиме, сегодня решил запустить, выдало такую ошибку

Чего делать? Если просто скачать OpenGL,то где? И нет ли особенных заморочек с его установкой?






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2 февраля 2016, 15:42

А вообще, сообщений об ошибках мильён. Разрабы — жопорукие бракоделы!


2 февраля 2016, 12:37


2 февраля 2016, 12:53

Попробовал, но во первых, в самой папке с думом у меня не было файла atioglxx.dll который он в видео удалял, а во вторых, закинув его файл ничего не изменилось.

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была такая же ошибка, решается просто
1. Go to the DOOM BFG directory in Steam. Typically the path is C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG Edition

2. Right click on the file executable DOOM3BFG.EXE and create a shortcut to desktop. On Windows 7 it would be under right click, SEND TO, and then DESKTOP (CREATE SHORTCUT).

3. Once you have created a shortcut on your desktop, right click on it and choose PROPERTIES. In the target field, add «+set r_fullscreen 0» to the end of the target path (no quotes). There should be a space right before the +. Your target line should now look similiar to the following:

«C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG EditionDoom3BFG.exe» +set r_fullscreen 0

NOTE: You should be able to input «3» instead of «0» in the above command line, which for most users immediately allowed them full screen access to Doom 3 BFG. Other Steam users have mentioned that using «2» or»4″ worked in their case, «4» being the most common after «3». Also, the «+set r_fullscreen 0» can also be placed directly in the Steam launch options for your game (minus the quotes). Special thanks to Darth Guybrush for pointing this out. Steam launch options can be accessed by right clicking on Doom 3 BFG in your Steam library and choosing «properties». It will be titled «Set Launch Options».

4. This trick worked on the old Doom 3 and luckily it still works with the BFG edition. Theoretically you should be able to change the «0» in the fullscreen command I just mentioned to a «3», and bypass all the CFG editing altogether though I haven’t tested that. I don’t see why it shouldn’t work though. At the very least, with the «0» it will allow you to run it in windowed mode and make the fixes listed above. Hope this works for those of you unable to run the game to create a Saved Games directory.


Unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

it just gave me this error

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

1. Go to the DOOM BFG directory in Steam. Typically the path is C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG Edition

2. Right click on the file executable DOOM3BFG.EXE and create a shortcut to desktop. On Windows 7 it would be under right click, SEND TO, and then DESKTOP (CREATE SHORTCUT).

3. Once you have created a shortcut on your desktop, right click on it and choose PROPERTIES. In the target field, add «+set r_fullscreen 0» to the end of the target path (no quotes). There should be a space right before the +. Your target line should now look similiar to the following:

«C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG EditionDoom3BFG.exe» +set r_fullscreen 0

NOTE: You should be able to input «3» instead of «0» in the above command line, which for most users immediately allowed them full screen access to Doom 3 BFG. Other Steam users have mentioned that using «2» or»4″ worked in their case, «4» being the most common after «3». Also, the «+set r_fullscreen 0» can also be placed directly in the Steam launch options for your game (minus the quotes). Special thanks to Darth Guybrush for pointing this out. Steam launch options can be accessed by right clicking on Doom 3 BFG in your Steam library and choosing «properties». It will be titled «Set Launch Options».

4. This trick worked on the old Doom 3 and luckily it still works with the BFG edition. Theoretically you should be able to change the «0» in the fullscreen command I just mentioned to a «3», and bypass all the CFG editing altogether though I haven’t tested that. I don’t see why it shouldn’t work though. At the very least, with the «0» it will allow you to run it in windowed mode and make the fixes listed above. Hope this works for those of you unable to run the game to create a Saved Games directory.

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

1. Go to the DOOM BFG directory in Steam. Typically the path is C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG Edition

2. Right click on the file executable DOOM3BFG.EXE and create a shortcut to desktop. On Windows 7 it would be under right click, SEND TO, and then DESKTOP (CREATE SHORTCUT).

3. Once you have created a shortcut on your desktop, right click on it and choose PROPERTIES. In the target field, add «+set r_fullscreen 0» to the end of the target path (no quotes). There should be a space right before the +. Your target line should now look similiar to the following:

«C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG EditionDoom3BFG.exe» +set r_fullscreen 0

NOTE: You should be able to input «3» instead of «0» in the above command line, which for most users immediately allowed them full screen access to Doom 3 BFG. Other Steam users have mentioned that using «2» or»4″ worked in their case, «4» being the most common after «3». Also, the «+set r_fullscreen 0» can also be placed directly in the Steam launch options for your game (minus the quotes). Special thanks to Darth Guybrush for pointing this out. Steam launch options can be accessed by right clicking on Doom 3 BFG in your Steam library and choosing «properties». It will be titled «Set Launch Options».

4. This trick worked on the old Doom 3 and luckily it still works with the BFG edition. Theoretically you should be able to change the «0» in the fullscreen command I just mentioned to a «3», and bypass all the CFG editing altogether though I haven’t tested that. I don’t see why it shouldn’t work though. At the very least, with the «0» it will allow you to run it in windowed mode and make the fixes listed above. Hope this works for those of you unable to run the game to create a Saved Games directory.

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

1. Go to the DOOM BFG directory in Steam. Typically the path is C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG Edition

2. Right click on the file executable DOOM3BFG.EXE and create a shortcut to desktop. On Windows 7 it would be under right click, SEND TO, and then DESKTOP (CREATE SHORTCUT).

3. Once you have created a shortcut on your desktop, right click on it and choose PROPERTIES. In the target field, add «+set r_fullscreen 0» to the end of the target path (no quotes). There should be a space right before the +. Your target line should now look similiar to the following:

«C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG EditionDoom3BFG.exe» +set r_fullscreen 0

NOTE: You should be able to input «3» instead of «0» in the above command line, which for most users immediately allowed them full screen access to Doom 3 BFG. Other Steam users have mentioned that using «2» or»4″ worked in their case, «4» being the most common after «3». Also, the «+set r_fullscreen 0» can also be placed directly in the Steam launch options for your game (minus the quotes). Special thanks to Darth Guybrush for pointing this out. Steam launch options can be accessed by right clicking on Doom 3 BFG in your Steam library and choosing «properties». It will be titled «Set Launch Options».

4. This trick worked on the old Doom 3 and luckily it still works with the BFG edition. Theoretically you should be able to change the «0» in the fullscreen command I just mentioned to a «3», and bypass all the CFG editing altogether though I haven’t tested that. I don’t see why it shouldn’t work though. At the very least, with the «0» it will allow you to run it in windowed mode and make the fixes listed above. Hope this works for those of you unable to run the game to create a Saved Games directory.

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

1. Go to the DOOM BFG directory in Steam. Typically the path is C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG Edition

2. Right click on the file executable DOOM3BFG.EXE and create a shortcut to desktop. On Windows 7 it would be under right click, SEND TO, and then DESKTOP (CREATE SHORTCUT).

3. Once you have created a shortcut on your desktop, right click on it and choose PROPERTIES. In the target field, add «+set r_fullscreen 0» to the end of the target path (no quotes). There should be a space right before the +. Your target line should now look similiar to the following:

«C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG EditionDoom3BFG.exe» +set r_fullscreen 0

NOTE: You should be able to input «3» instead of «0» in the above command line, which for most users immediately allowed them full screen access to Doom 3 BFG. Other Steam users have mentioned that using «2» or»4″ worked in their case, «4» being the most common after «3». Also, the «+set r_fullscreen 0» can also be placed directly in the Steam launch options for your game (minus the quotes). Special thanks to Darth Guybrush for pointing this out. Steam launch options can be accessed by right clicking on Doom 3 BFG in your Steam library and choosing «properties». It will be titled «Set Launch Options».

4. This trick worked on the old Doom 3 and luckily it still works with the BFG edition. Theoretically you should be able to change the «0» in the fullscreen command I just mentioned to a «3», and bypass all the CFG editing altogether though I haven’t tested that. I don’t see why it shouldn’t work though. At the very least, with the «0» it will allow you to run it in windowed mode and make the fixes listed above. Hope this works for those of you unable to run the game to create a Saved Games directory.

didnt work for me too, and i am pretty sure i did it right

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

didnt work for me too, and i am pretty sure i did it right

Guess we have to wait until someone can give us some insite before we can run the game. bummer.

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

Guess we have to wait until someone can give us some insite before we can run the game. bummer.

Man still no update yet eh?

I know its not just us having this issue. seems like the forum is blowing up with this issue though..wonder if anyone has figured anything out yet.


Unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

Ошибка вот такого содержания у меня! Чего ему надо?
У меня винда 7/32.
2.67 Ghz/4gb ram/ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

C:UsersАдминистраторDocumentsMy Gamesid SoftwareDOOM 3 BFG/base

Администратор написано по-русски, что не есть гуд.

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

Винда по усмотрению так поставила. какие предложения?

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

Изменить русское слово «Администратор» на, например Admin. Или любое английское слово. Но перед тем как будете изменять, все сохраните.

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

Изменить русское слово «Администратор» на, например Admin. Или любое английское слово. Но перед тем как будете изменять, все сохраните.

Это папка пользователя, он не сможет её изменить, не сделав учётную запись неработоспособной. Нужно создавать новую.


Unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

For anyone that has an issue with the OpenGL Error, here is what you have to do. You need to locate the D3BFGConfig file. It should be located «C:Users(your computer name)Saved Gamesid SoftwareDOOM 3 BFGbaseD3BFGConfig.cfg». Right click and open with wordpad or notepad. Find and change these settings. You may have to change the set the first two options to whatever resolution your monitor has.

set r_windowHeight «1080»
set r_windowWidth «1920»
set r_windowY «103»
set r_windowX «297»
set r_customHeight «720»
set r_customWidth «1280»
set r_fullscreen «0»
set r_vidMode «0»

Next save your config file and Voila, you should be able to enjoy your game.

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

I wanted to try this but I go into the file «base» but the file D3BFGConfig.cfg is not in there.
But also my game files for this is stored on «D:». I tried opening Default.cfg but that didn’t seem like the right one.

For anyone that has an issue with the OpenGL Error, here is what you have to do. You need to locate the D3BFGConfig file. It should be located «C:Users(your computer name)Saved Gamesid SoftwareDOOM 3 BFGbaseD3BFGConfig.cfg». Right click and open with wordpad or notepad. Find and change these settings. You may have to change the set the first two options to whatever resolution your monitor has.

set r_windowHeight «1080»
set r_windowWidth «1920»
set r_windowY «103»
set r_windowX «297»
set r_customHeight «720»
set r_customWidth «1280»
set r_fullscreen «0»
set r_vidMode «0»

Next save your config file and Voila, you should be able to enjoy your game.

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

I wanted to try this but I go into the file «base» but the file D3BFGConfig.cfg is not in there.
But also my game files for this is stored on «D:». I tried opening Default.cfg but that didn’t seem like the right one.

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

For anyone that has an issue with the OpenGL Error, here is what you have to do. You need to create the D3BFGConfig file and folder structure on windows 10 7 and 8.1 should not have the issue but cant test. It should be located «C:Users(your computer name)Saved Gamesid SoftwareDOOM 3 BFGbaseD3BFGConfig.cfg». Right click and open with wordpad or notepad. Find and change these settings. You may have to change the set the first two options to whatever resolution your monitor has.

set r_windowHeight «1080»
set r_windowWidth «1920»
set r_windowY «103»
set r_windowX «297»
set r_customHeight «720»
set r_customWidth «1280»
set r_fullscreen «0»
set r_vidMode «0»

Next save your config file and Voila, you should be able to enjoy your game.

bold and single word change is mine, you do have to create the folders and file but once done it works and no need for admin.


Unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

Like everybody else, I’ve been butting my head against the wall trying to figure out a solution to the OpenGL issue. For most of you who receive this error, though you may not have realized it, the problem with Doom 3 BFG seems to be with it running in full screen mode. I found a fix for this, but it takes a few steps. Basically you will force Doom 3 BFG to run in a windowed mode in order to access the game, where you can input the settings that will permanently allow you to run it full screen with the resolution you want. Just follow the directions I will list here:

1. On your computer (in this case Windows 7), go to C:Users Saved Gamesid SoftwareDOOM 3 BFGbase. You will find a file called D3BFGConfig.cfg there.

2. Open this file using notepad (right click and use the OPEN WITH command if you need to, and choose Notepad).

In my case I originally set the command line to 0, which «disabled» full screen, and then ran my game in windowed form. Once I accessed the settings, I tooled around a bit until I figured out that Doom would accept my resolution as long as it was under «Monitor 3». Changes under Monitor 1 would immediately crash the game. Afterwards I noticed that the command line I mentioned above now shows as set r_fullscreen «3», which leads me to believe the CFG command line change should suffice for full screen functionality.

From what I’ve seen of other Steam user’s issues regarding OpenGL, this solution should work for most of you. There may be a slight chance the «3» setting may work for me due to the unique video card setup I have (a Nvidia GTX 295 card that the system sees as two cards, plus an integrated video card I do not use) If changing the number to 3 does not work for you, try 2, 4, or at the very least 0 for windowed mode which should positively work. I hope you have success in getting your game to run. Let me know if this works for you.

NOTE: As antibiotic pig has helpfully pointed out, for those of you who are not having any luck using «3», other Steam users are finding success when trying out the other monitor types, mainly «2» and «4». «4» typically being the most common after «3».

EDIT: Some of you are unable to perform this because the CFG file in question is not created until the game has been accessed at least once, which I did not realize. I’ve moved up my solution to that into this initial posting. The fix, and possible edit-free solution is as follows:

Good news for those of you who are unable to access the game in windowed mode. I have found a way to force windowed mode through via making a desktop shortcut. As a matter of fact, this fix might allow you to fix the issue immediately and bypass the CFG file editing entirely. Just follow the following directions:

1. Go to the DOOM BFG directory in Steam. Typically the path is C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG Edition

2. Right click on the file executable DOOM3BFG.EXE and create a shortcut to desktop. On Windows 7 it would be under right click, SEND TO, and then DESKTOP (CREATE SHORTCUT).

3. Once you have created a shortcut on your desktop, right click on it and choose PROPERTIES. In the target field, add «+set r_fullscreen 0» to the end of the target path (no quotes). There should be a space right before the +. Your target line should now look similiar to the following:

«C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG EditionDoom3BFG.exe» +set r_fullscreen 0

NOTE: You should be able to input «3» instead of «0» in the above command line, which for most users immediately allowed them full screen access to Doom 3 BFG. Other Steam users have mentioned that using «2» or»4″ worked in their case, «4» being the most common after «3». Also, the «+set r_fullscreen 0» can also be placed directly in the Steam launch options for your game (minus the quotes). Special thanks to Darth Guybrush for pointing this out. Steam launch options can be accessed by right clicking on Doom 3 BFG in your Steam library and choosing «properties». It will be titled «Set Launch Options».

4. This trick worked on the old Doom 3 and luckily it still works with the BFG edition. Theoretically you should be able to change the «0» in the fullscreen command I just mentioned to a «3», and bypass all the CFG editing altogether though I haven’t tested that. I don’t see why it shouldn’t work though. At the very least, with the «0» it will allow you to run it in windowed mode and make the fixes listed above. Hope this works for those of you unable to run the game to create a Saved Games directory.

Ensuring game runs in fullscreen once you have access to in-game video settings


sn260591 у меня похожая херня, печально… переустановка дров директикса не помогает

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народ помогите у меня пишет error during intilization кода запускаю
винда 7

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Никита Маслаковчик
Маслёнок, это гулаг маслёнок!

Играйте в обычный DOOM3, в нём тени нормальные.

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Аналогично. Вообще, игра у кого-нибудь запустилась на ХР?

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Кто знает как её запустить в окне или сменить разрешение? И где находится конфиг, а то не могу найти.

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Переустановите Драйвера видео и DirectX
А вообще, официальной поддержки WIndowsXP уже год как нету…
Все оптимизируется для работы, как минимум для Vista и Выше…

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Когда я запускаю игру то через несколько секунд поевляеться такая ошибка : прекращена работа программы Domm 3 Bfg Edition как её исправить? очень хочеться поиграть

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Помогите пожалуйста. при запуске Doom 3 bfg edition вылазит ошибка «error during initialization» винда 7

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Ну так кто нибудь решил эту проблему с запуском, у меня такаяже беда .

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Я запустил долго мучился установил OpenGL и все пошло.

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Спасибо большое. все пошло и некоторые другие игры стали грузиться!

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Рад что помагло, удачи.

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Попробуйте установить следующее-В папке с установщиком должа быть папка regist. В этой папке устанавливаете все(желательно перезагрузить пк)-если ошибка прошла но идет серый экран с вылетом- То устанавливайте OpenGL и драйвера для видеокарты

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А то бывают такие люди что вычеркивают галочку в установщике-(то есть в дополниельных файлах)

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Герман Офицеров
тоже вариант кстати
Такие люди есть что вычёркив галочку в устанорвщике
Четвёртая часть?

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Doom 3 BFG edition is basically a re-mastered version of the classic horror series. However, it still retains the issues of the original Doom 3 which is why we prepared this DOOM 3 BFG Errors and Fixes guide to help you fix these issues.

DOOM 3 BFG Errors and Fixes

The Doom 3 BFG package not only contains much improved and expanded version of DOOM 3, but also the original Doom and Doom 2.

Being a fan of the franchise, if you have bought the BFG edition on PC, then there are chances that you may find some issues that may not allow you to play or run the game properly.

However, to address your problems/game breaking issues, we have this troubleshooting guide to get your game running.

#1 Bad Frame Rates
If you haven’t tried it yet, then you must be running your system on two monitors option. Try changing it to one to boost the performance to normal. And if you are using a Radeon card, try disabling the Catalyst AI.

#2 Doom 3 BFG Doesn’t Work – White/Black Screen
This can be due to multiple issues. If you are sure that you are running updated drivers for your hardware, you can try out the following to resolve the issue:

Disable the on-screen display of any hardware tool you might be using like MSI Afterburner or Rivatuner, etc.

If you are running SLI/Crossfire, check if the game runs fine on the single GPU. If yes, then there must be something fishy with the drivers that isn’t letting you play the game using both the GPUs.

#3 How to Change FOV
By default, the FOV is capped to 60, which can be annoying for many PC gamers. If you want to change it, you should use the following command in the launch parameters:

+set g_fov XX

XX here is the FOV value you want to use.

#4 How to Enable Console/Commands
Console is disabled by default in the game, but you can access it by using the following command line in the launch option:

+seta com_allowconsole 1

#5 Failed to initialize OpenGL
The problem is related to the software/drivers. Make sure that you have up to date drivers installed properly. And if you are using a Nvidia card, I will recommend that you re-install the PhysX again. You can also try installing the OpenGL manually.

#6 Can’t View Stereoscopic 3D in Windowed Mode
Doom 3 BFG does not support the stereoscopic mode in windowed mode.

#7 Can’t Change Setting in Doom or Doom 2 After Running Doom 3 BFG
The setting in Doom 3 BFG will also affect the settings of Doom and Doom 2. So if you want to change anything, you will have to do it first in Doom 3 BFG.

#8 How to Enable Stereoscopic 3D
Following are the recommended configurations you should use:

If the Nvidia Vision is being used, select “Quad Buffer” and select a 120hz full screen mode (if your monitor supports it).

If you are using NVIDIA 3DTV Play connected to a 3D TV with HDMI 1.4, select “Quad Buffer” and select 1280×720 fullscreen.

And if you are using an AMD 6000 series card or higher connected to a 3D TV with HDMI 1.4, select “Quad Buffer” and select 1280×720 full screen.

#9 Quick Save Fix
If all of your save slots are filled, you won’t be able to overwrite the previous ones. So make sure that you have empty slots while using the Quick Save option.

#10 The game is Already Running
You will most probably face this problem if you are running Windows XP (64 bit) which is not supported by default. Otherwise, if you face this issue, then try killing the DOOM 3 BFG process using the task manager.

#11 Doom 3 BFG Screen Tearing Problem
Some Nvidia Card users may face the screen tearing even if the in-game vsync is on. In such situation, you need to force the Vsync option through Nvidia control panel.

#12 Refresh Rate only 60 Hz or 120 Hz
If you want to set a custom refresh rate then you are going to have to delve deep into the world of .ini files. Go to the config file’s location and create a file ‘autoexec.cfg’, and proceed to open it.

Add the following commands to the file.

Set r_vidMode “-1”

set r_displayRefresh “0” (Set desired refresh rate value)

set r_customWidth “XXXX” (Enter desired resolution)

set r_customHeight “YYYY” (Enter desired resolution

set r_fullscreen “1” (1= Full screen, 0= Windowed)

#13 Game Crashes on Loading Screen
If your game seems to be annoyingly crashing on loading screen and inevitably ruining your entire weekend, this could be because of an AMD issue. For this, download Catalyst 13.1 atioglxx.dll. Extract this into the game’s folder and hopefully that will fix your little issue.

#14 Achievements Disabled Due to Console
If your achievements have been disabled and you have don’t have console enabled at all; try rebinding the steam screenshot key since the game uses F12 to open the console, which will result in you accidentally opening the console.

If you have console enabled then you can disable it by using the command line +set com_allowconsole 0.

#15 MSAA Has No Effect
If you find that MSAA in your game is having no effect then disable HDR. For this, open console and enter r_useHDR 0.

#16 Screen Annoyingly Flashes When Damaged
You might find it increasingly annoying that your screen persistently flashes when you take damage, to disable this you are going to have to disable filmic post-processing effects if you are using motion blur.

Open console and type in r-useFilmicPostProcessEffects 0 and then vid_restart which should fix your issue.

If you come across any other issues in the game, let us know by commenting below and we will try to help you out!

Doom 3 BFG edition is basically a re-mastered version of the classic horror series. However, it still retains the issues of the original Doom 3 which is why we prepared this DOOM 3 BFG Errors and Fixes guide to help you fix these issues.

DOOM 3 BFG Errors and Fixes

The Doom 3 BFG package not only contains much improved and expanded version of DOOM 3, but also the original Doom and Doom 2.

Being a fan of the franchise, if you have bought the BFG edition on PC, then there are chances that you may find some issues that may not allow you to play or run the game properly.

However, to address your problems/game breaking issues, we have this troubleshooting guide to get your game running.

#1 Bad Frame Rates
If you haven’t tried it yet, then you must be running your system on two monitors option. Try changing it to one to boost the performance to normal. And if you are using a Radeon card, try disabling the Catalyst AI.

#2 Doom 3 BFG Doesn’t Work – White/Black Screen
This can be due to multiple issues. If you are sure that you are running updated drivers for your hardware, you can try out the following to resolve the issue:

Disable the on-screen display of any hardware tool you might be using like MSI Afterburner or Rivatuner, etc.

If you are running SLI/Crossfire, check if the game runs fine on the single GPU. If yes, then there must be something fishy with the drivers that isn’t letting you play the game using both the GPUs.

#3 How to Change FOV
By default, the FOV is capped to 60, which can be annoying for many PC gamers. If you want to change it, you should use the following command in the launch parameters:

+set g_fov XX

XX here is the FOV value you want to use.

#4 How to Enable Console/Commands
Console is disabled by default in the game, but you can access it by using the following command line in the launch option:

+seta com_allowconsole 1

#5 Failed to initialize OpenGL
The problem is related to the software/drivers. Make sure that you have up to date drivers installed properly. And if you are using a Nvidia card, I will recommend that you re-install the PhysX again. You can also try installing the OpenGL manually.

#6 Can’t View Stereoscopic 3D in Windowed Mode
Doom 3 BFG does not support the stereoscopic mode in windowed mode.

#7 Can’t Change Setting in Doom or Doom 2 After Running Doom 3 BFG
The setting in Doom 3 BFG will also affect the settings of Doom and Doom 2. So if you want to change anything, you will have to do it first in Doom 3 BFG.

#8 How to Enable Stereoscopic 3D
Following are the recommended configurations you should use:

If the Nvidia Vision is being used, select “Quad Buffer” and select a 120hz full screen mode (if your monitor supports it).

If you are using NVIDIA 3DTV Play connected to a 3D TV with HDMI 1.4, select “Quad Buffer” and select 1280×720 fullscreen.

And if you are using an AMD 6000 series card or higher connected to a 3D TV with HDMI 1.4, select “Quad Buffer” and select 1280×720 full screen.

#9 Quick Save Fix
If all of your save slots are filled, you won’t be able to overwrite the previous ones. So make sure that you have empty slots while using the Quick Save option.

#10 The game is Already Running
You will most probably face this problem if you are running Windows XP (64 bit) which is not supported by default. Otherwise, if you face this issue, then try killing the DOOM 3 BFG process using the task manager.

#11 Doom 3 BFG Screen Tearing Problem
Some Nvidia Card users may face the screen tearing even if the in-game vsync is on. In such situation, you need to force the Vsync option through Nvidia control panel.

#12 Refresh Rate only 60 Hz or 120 Hz
If you want to set a custom refresh rate then you are going to have to delve deep into the world of .ini files. Go to the config file’s location and create a file ‘autoexec.cfg’, and proceed to open it.

Add the following commands to the file.

Set r_vidMode “-1”

set r_displayRefresh “0” (Set desired refresh rate value)

set r_customWidth “XXXX” (Enter desired resolution)

set r_customHeight “YYYY” (Enter desired resolution

set r_fullscreen “1” (1= Full screen, 0= Windowed)

#13 Game Crashes on Loading Screen
If your game seems to be annoyingly crashing on loading screen and inevitably ruining your entire weekend, this could be because of an AMD issue. For this, download Catalyst 13.1 atioglxx.dll. Extract this into the game’s folder and hopefully that will fix your little issue.

#14 Achievements Disabled Due to Console
If your achievements have been disabled and you have don’t have console enabled at all; try rebinding the steam screenshot key since the game uses F12 to open the console, which will result in you accidentally opening the console.

If you have console enabled then you can disable it by using the command line +set com_allowconsole 0.

#15 MSAA Has No Effect
If you find that MSAA in your game is having no effect then disable HDR. For this, open console and enter r_useHDR 0.

#16 Screen Annoyingly Flashes When Damaged
You might find it increasingly annoying that your screen persistently flashes when you take damage, to disable this you are going to have to disable filmic post-processing effects if you are using motion blur.

Open console and type in r-useFilmicPostProcessEffects 0 and then vid_restart which should fix your issue.

If you come across any other issues in the game, let us know by commenting below and we will try to help you out!


  1. Doom 3 error during initialization что делать
  2. Doom 3 BFG Edition не запускается
  3. ERROR: wrong game DLL API version
  4. Doom 3 error during initialization что делать

Doom 3 error during initialization что делать

17 ноя. 2019 в 10:23 После установки русификатора вылезает окно с ошибкой error during initialization. Помогите пожалуйста решить проблему.

QA Timing INIT: 000087ms
D3BFG 1.1400 win-x86 Nov 9 2012 10:38:21
3000 MHz Intel CPU with MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 & HTT
8128 MB System Memory
-1 MB Video Memory
Winsock Initialized
Found interface: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller —
Found interface: Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network) — NULL netmask — skipped
Sys_InitNetworking: adding loopback interface
doom using MMX & SSE for SIMD processing
enabled Flush-To-Zero mode
enabled Denormals-Are-Zero mode
—— Initializing File System ——
Loaded resource file _sound_pc.resources
Loaded resource file _sound_pc_en.resources
Reading resource CRCs.
Current search path:
C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG Edition/base
C:UsersÈâàíDocumentsMy Gamesid SoftwareDOOM 3 BFG/base
file system initialized.
WARNING: Unable to open resource file maps/_startup.resources
—— Initializing Decls ——
Couldn’t open journal files
execing default.cfg
execing D3BFGConfig.cfg
couldn’t exec autoexec.cfg
—— R_InitOpenGL ——
Initializing OpenGL subsystem with multisamples:0 stereo:0 fullscreen:1
. registered window class
. registered fake window class
. initializing QGL
. calling LoadLibrary( ‘opengl32’ ): succeeded
. using WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear
display device: 0
DeviceName : \.DISPLAY1
DeviceString: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
StateFlags : 0x5
DeviceID : PCIVEN_10DE&DEV_1C82&SUBSYS_8C961462&REV_A1
DeviceKey : RegistryMachineSystemCurrentControlSetControlVideo\0000
DeviceName : \.DISPLAY1Monitor0
DeviceString: SyncMaster P2050(G)/P20500(G),Magic P2050G(Analog)
StateFlags : 0x3
DeviceID : MONITORSAM0521\0001
DeviceKey : RegistryMachineSystemCurrentControlSetControlClass\0001
dmPosition.x : 0
dmPosition.y : 0
dmBitsPerPel : 32
dmPelsWidth : 1600
dmPelsHeight : 900
dmDisplayFlags : 0x0
dmDisplayFrequency: 60
display device: 0
DeviceName : \.DISPLAY1
DeviceString: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
StateFlags : 0x5
DeviceID : PCIVEN_10DE&DEV_1C82&SUBSYS_8C961462&REV_A1
DeviceKey : RegistryMachineSystemCurrentControlSetControlVideo\0000
DeviceName : \.DISPLAY1Monitor0
DeviceString: SyncMaster P2050(G)/P20500(G),Magic P2050G(Analog)
StateFlags : 0x3
DeviceID : MONITORSAM0521\0001
DeviceKey : RegistryMachineSystemCurrentControlSetControlClass\0001
dmPosition.x : 0
dmPosition.y : 0
dmBitsPerPel : 32
dmPelsWidth : 1600
dmPelsHeight : 900
dmDisplayFlags : 0x0
dmDisplayFrequency: 60
. created window @ 0,0 (1600×900)
Initializing OpenGL driver
. creating GL context: created OpenGL 3.2 context
. making context current: succeeded
. using WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear

——- Input Initialization ——-
Initializing DirectInput.
mouse: DirectInput initialized.
keyboard: DirectInput initialized.
freespace_version: 0.6
0 freespace devices
OpenGL Version: 4.6
OpenGL Vendor : NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL GLSL : 4.6
. using GL_ARB_multitexture
. using GL_EXT_direct_state_access
. using GL_ARB_texture_compression
. using GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
. using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
maxTextureAnisotropy: 16.000000
. using GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
. using GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map
. using GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB
. using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
. using GL_ARB_map_buffer_range
. using GL_ARB_vertex_array_object
. using GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex
. using GL_ARB_fragment_program
. using GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object
. using GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test
. using GL_ARB_sync
. using GL_ARB_occlusion_query
. using GL_ARB_timer_query
Couldn’t find proc address for: glGetQueryObjectui64vARB
. using GL_ARB_debug_output
—— Initializing Render Shaders ——
——— Game Map Shutdown ———-
ERROR: While linking GLSL program 0 with vertexShader gui.vfp and fragmentShader gui.vfp

Error during initialization
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
. wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
. deleting GL context: success
. releasing DC: success
. destroying window
. shutting down QGL
. unloading OpenGL DLL

Doom 3 BFG Edition не запускается

Аналогично. Вообще, игра у кого-нибудь запустилась на ХР?

Кто знает как её запустить в окне или сменить разрешение? И где находится конфиг, а то не могу найти.

Переустановите Драйвера видео и DirectX
А вообще, официальной поддержки WIndowsXP уже год как нету.
Все оптимизируется для работы, как минимум для Vista и Выше.

sn260591 у меня похожая херня, печально. переустановка дров директикса не помогает

Помогите пожалуйста. при запуске Doom 3 bfg edition вылазит ошибка «error during initialization» винда 7

Ну так кто нибудь решил эту проблему с запуском, у меня такаяже беда .

Я запустил долго мучился установил OpenGL и все пошло.

Спасибо большое. все пошло и некоторые другие игры стали грузиться!

народ помогите у меня пишет error during intilization кода запускаю
винда 7

Никита Маслаковчик
Маслёнок, это гулаг маслёнок!

Играйте в обычный DOOM3, в нём тени нормальные.

Попробуйте установить следующее-В папке с установщиком должа быть папка regist. В этой папке устанавливаете все(желательно перезагрузить пк)-если ошибка прошла но идет серый экран с вылетом- То устанавливайте OpenGL и драйвера для видеокарты

ERROR: wrong game DLL API version

Что делать, когда при запуске пишет:
ERROR: wrong game DLL API version
Error during initialization
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
. wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
. deleting GL context: success
. releasing DC: success
. destroying window
. resetting display
. shutting down QGL
. unloading OpenGL DLL

Возможно не сходится версия игры и ехе-шника. Может ты какой-нибудь не тот NoСD скачал?

Doom 3 error during initialization что делать

В данной теме решаются технические проблемы и вопросы по прохождению игры. Сама игра обсуждается здесь.


Жанр: FPS
Разработчик: id Software
Издатель: Activision
Издатель в России: 1C
Локализатор: 1C
Дата выхода: 5 августа 2004 года
Дата выхода локализации: 10 декабря 2004 года
Платформы: PC , порт на Xbox 2005-м году

Рейтинг Metacritic: 87/100
Рейтинг Игромании: 9,0/10

Жанр: FPS (Expansion Pack)
Разработчики: Nerve Software и id Software
Издатель: Activision
Издатель в России: 1C
Локализатор: 1C
Дата выхода: 4 апреля 2005 года
Дата выхода локализации: 9 сентября 2005 года
Платформы: PC , Xbox

Рейтинг Metacritic: 78/100
Рейтинг Игромании: 8,0/10

Операционная система — Windows 2000/XP
Процессор — с тактовой частотой 1.5 ГГц
Оперативная память — 512 Мб
Видеокарта — с 64 Мб памяти и поддержкой пиксельных шейдеров версии 1.1
Звуковая карта — DirectX совместимая
Свободное место на диске — 3 Гб
Управление — клавиатура, мышь
Интернет — широкополосное соединение со скоростью не ниже 64 Кб/с для он-лайн игры

Операционная система — Windows XP
Процессор — с тактовой частотой 2.4 ГГц
Оперативная память — 1 Гб
Видеокарта — с 512 Мб памяти и поддержкой пиксельных шейдеров версии 1.1
Звуковая карта — DirectX совместимая
Свободное место на диске — 3 Гб
Управление — клавиатура, мышь
Интернет — широкополосное соединение со скоростью не ниже 64 Кб/с для он-лайн игры

Патч включает в себя все исправления, вносимые патчами 1.1 и 1.2

Последний вышедший патч, ставится на любую версию игры, только поверх патча 1.3

Список вносимых изменений:
— улучшена совместимость с операционной системой Windows Vista;
— устранены возможные проблемы с физикой;
— сервис пак теперь скачивается и добавляется сразу, без перезагрузки файловой системы.

Для DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil патчи не выходили.

Во время игры нажмите сочетание клавиш Ctrl + Alt +

и в появившейся консоли вводите:

god — бессмертие
notarget — враги вас не видят
noclip — прохождение сквозь стены
give all — получить все оружие и патроны
give ammo — максимальный боезапас
give keys — получить все ключи
give pda — получить все PDA
give doom95 — загрузить Doom версии 1995 года
benchmark — запустить игровой бенчмарк (используется для тестирования видеокарт)
aviDemo — записать игровую демку в файл с форматом .avi
gfxinfo — показать информацию о вашем графическом адаптере
com_showfps 1 — показать количество кадров анимации в секунду

Последний раз редактировалось Shotgun; 21.11.2010 в 00:29 . Rekrut
Кстати, наш «Параграф 78» вначале кажется почти полностью содранным с Doom.
Нет, кино неплохое, но для разового просмотра, больше не тянет как-то.
А мне понравилось, как BFG аж полсортира выжгло) Эх, работала бы она так в игре.

Все они были мертвы. Последний выстрел стал отметкой, которая изменила все.
Я убрал палец с курка. Все было кончено.

у меня с дум 3 траблы тоже возникли запускаю, а он пишет это
тожечто и у осамы
2398 MHz Intel CPU with MMX & SSE & SSE2
512 MB System Memory
128 MB Video Memory
Winsock Initialized
Hostname: Station
doom using MMX & SSE & SSE2 for SIMD processing
enabled Flush-To-Zero mode
enabled Denormals-Are-Zero mode
—— Initializing File System ——
Current search path:
C:Program FilesIDDoom 3/base
C:Program FilesIDDoom 3basepak004.pk4 (5137 files)
C:Program FilesIDDoom 3basepak003.pk4 (4676 files)
C:Program FilesIDDoom 3basepak002.pk4 (6120 files)
C:Program FilesIDDoom 3basepak001.pk4 (8972 files)
C:Program FilesIDDoom 3basepak000.pk4 (2698 files)
C:Program FilesIDDoom 3basegame00.pk4 (2 files)
game DLL: 0x0 in pak: 0x0
file system initialized.
—— Initializing Decls ——
——- Initializing renderSystem ———
using ARB renderSystem
renderSystem initialized.
4966 strings read from strings/english.lang
Couldn’t open journal files
execing editor.cfg
execing default.cfg
couldn’t exec DoomConfig.cfg
couldn’t exec autoexec.cfg
4966 strings read from strings/english.lang
—— Initializing Sound System ——
sound system initialized.
—— R_InitOpenGL ——
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
. registered window class
. registered fake window class
. initializing QGL
. calling LoadLibrary( ‘opengl32’ ): succeeded
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglGetExtensionsStringARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglSwapIntervalEXT
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglGetPixelFormatAttribfvARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglChoosePixelFormatARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglCreatePbufferARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglGetPbufferDCARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglReleasePbufferDCARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglDestroyPbufferARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglQueryPbufferARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglBindTexImageARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglReleaseTexImageARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglSetPbufferAttribARB
. calling CDS: ok
. created window @ 0,0 (640×480)
Initializing OpenGL driver
. getting DC: succeeded
. attempting to use stereo
. PIXELFORMAT 7 selected
. creating GL context: succeeded
. making context current: succeeded
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglGetExtensionsStringARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglSwapIntervalEXT
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglGetPixelFormatAttribfvARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglChoosePixelFormatARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglCreatePbufferARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglGetPbufferDCARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglReleasePbufferDCARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglDestroyPbufferARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglQueryPbufferARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglBindTexImageARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglReleaseTexImageARB
Couldn’t find proc address for: wglSetPbufferAttribARB

——- Input Initialization ——-
Initializing DirectInput.
mouse: DirectInput initialized.
keyboard: DirectInput initialized.
sound: STEREO
X..GL_ARB_multitexture not found
X..GL_ARB_texture_env_combine not found
X..GL_ARB_texture_cube_map not found
X..GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 not found
X..GL_ARB_texture_env_add not found
X..GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two not found
X..GL_ARB_texture_compression not found
X..GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic not found
X..GL_EXT_texture_lod not found
X..GL_1.4_texture_lod_bias not found
X..GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette not found
X..GL_EXT_texture3D not found
X..GL_EXT_stencil_wrap not found
X..GL_NV_register_combiners not found
X..GL_EXT_stencil_two_side not found
X..GL_ATI_separate_stencil not found
X..GL_ATI_fragment_shader not found
X..GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object not found
X..GL_ARB_vertex_program not found
X..GL_ARB_fragment_program not found
ERROR: The current video card / driver combination does not support the necessary features
Error during initialization
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
. wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
. deleting GL context: success
. releasing DC: success
. destroying window
. resetting display
. shutting down QGL
. unloading OpenGL DLL
видяха у меня
NVIDIA GE FORSE TI 4200 with agp 8x 128 мегов
дрова мелкософт

не понимаю в чем суть конфликта, но судя по всему драйвер его не устраивает((((((((



Vendor : Intel
Renderer : Intel(R) HD Graphics
Version : 2.1.0 — Build

Supported extensions:

Max. viewport size : 4096×4096
Max. texture size : 4096×4096

Max. modelview stack depth : 32
Max. projection stack depth : 4
Max. texture stack depth : 10
Max. attribute stack depth : 16
Max. name stack depth : 128

Max. display list nesting : 64
Max. evaluator order : 32
Max. number of lights : 16
Max. clipping planes : 6
Max. pixel map size : 65536

Point size range : 0.500 to 10.000
Point size granularity : 0.125
Line width range : 0.000 to 7.500
Line width granularity : 0.500

Number of auxiliary buffers : 0
Bits of sub-pixel precision : 4


* Render to window; single buffered; RGBA color; color: 32 bpp (R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, A: 8); accumulation: 0 bpp (R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 0); depth: 0 bits; stencil: 0 bits; auxiliary buffers: 0

* Render to window; double buffered; RGBA color; color: 32 bpp (R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, A: 8); accumulation: 64 bpp (R: 16, G: 16, B: 16, A: 16); depth: 0 bits; stencil: 0 bits; auxiliary buffers: 0

* Render to window; single buffered; RGBA color; color: 32 bpp (R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, A: 8); accumulation: 0 bpp (R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 0); depth: 24 bits; stencil: 8 bits; auxiliary buffers: 0

* Render to window; double buffered; RGBA color; color: 32 bpp (R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, A: 8); accumulation: 64 bpp (R: 16, G: 16, B: 16, A: 16); depth: 24 bits; stencil: 8 bits; auxiliary buffers: 0

* Render to window; single buffered; RGBA color; color: 32 bpp (R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, A: 8); accumulation: 0 bpp (R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 0); depth: 16 bits; stencil: 0 bits; auxiliary buffers: 0

* Render to window; double buffered; RGBA color; color: 32 bpp (R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, A: 8); accumulation: 64 bpp (R: 16, G: 16, B: 16, A: 16); depth: 16 bits; stencil: 0 bits; auxiliary buffers: 0

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