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Drive gets BUSY after any access, even after ID. Both N1 and m0 work but do not help.
The drive starts OK, gets ready, then starts throwing UNC errors as can be seen in the attached log.
To get the prompt again I have to wait until it unstucks.
Any access to the drive via ATA asserts BUSY and a series of UNC errors like above occurs. After about a minute the drive clears BUSY but keeps DRQ and only soft reset can get it out of this state. But then it starts repeating the same errors.
All traditional commands like N0, m0 and F work but do not change anything. I haven’t tried sending the ATA command to disable the reallocation yet so it might or might not work.
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Hello friend,
You need to use COM port command mode of DFL-DE if you have to repair this common hdd failure of Seagate 7200.12. Above screenshot is where the function is on DFL-DE.
You need to set the baud rate as 38400 and use this function. Please follow our DFL-DE manual on the steps for common hdd repairing.
Keep us updated if above info helps, thank you for your questions.
Dolphin team
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Joined: Dec 2014
(12-10-2012, 12:15 PM)Dolphin999 Wrote: Hello friend,
You need to use COM port command mode of DFL-DE if you have to repair this common hdd failure of Seagate 7200.12. Above screenshot is where the function is on DFL-DE.
You need to set the baud rate as 38400 and use this function. Please follow our DFL-DE manual on the steps for common hdd repairing.
Keep us updated if above info helps, thank you for your questions.
Hi Stanley, I have ST2000DL003 with (DOS) unrecoverable read error. I tried this fix but it failed. Are there particular steps to apply this fix? Does the PCB need to be shorted?
Posts: 354
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Joined: Dec 2014
(08-28-2017, 06:45 PM)DRA Wrote:
(12-10-2012, 12:15 PM)Dolphin999 Wrote: Hello friend,
You need to use COM port command mode of DFL-DE if you have to repair this common hdd failure of Seagate 7200.12. Above screenshot is where the function is on DFL-DE.
You need to set the baud rate as 38400 and use this function. Please follow our DFL-DE manual on the steps for common hdd repairing.
Keep us updated if above info helps, thank you for your questions.
Hi Stanley, I have ST2000DL003 with (DOS) unrecoverable read error. I tried this fix but it failed. Are there particular steps to apply this fix? Does the PCB need to be shorted?
Here is the terminal output
Rst 0x40M
MC Internal LPC Process
(P) SATA Reset
User Data Base 00990FD8
MCMainPOR: Start:
Check MCMT Version: Current
MCMainPOR: Non-Init Case
MC Seg Disc and Cache Nodes: 4011A58C 4011869C
Seg Write Preamble VBM start: 000010A7 end: 000010CE
Footer — start: 000010D0 end: 000010F7
Seg Read Preamble VBM — start: 000010F9 end: 00001120
Footer — start: 00001122 end: 00001149
Reconstruction: MCMT Reconstruction Start
Max number of MC segments 22E0
Nonvolatile MCMT sequence number 0334CAC3
[RSRS] 03ED^z
Reconstruction: Completed 1: Reconstruction occurred
MCMainPOR: MCTBufferPtr->Header.MCStateFlagsDisc = 00000041
MCMainPOR: MCTBufferPtr->Header.MCTStateFlags = 0000002A
MCMainPOR: MCStateFlags = 00000041
MCMainPOR: Feature Enabled…
Posts: 354
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Joined: Dec 2014
Anyone able to offer advice on this one please?
Posts: 354
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Joined: Dec 2014
(08-30-2017, 11:17 AM)DRA Wrote: Anyone able to offer advice on this one please?
SOLVED (DOS) read unrecoverable error
Thanks to Blizzard for the solution which was in DFL ST, enable ID (COM, in my case) and untick to disable all background processes. After doing that the drive has imaged albeit with a few bad sectors. Thanks again Blizzard.
Posts: 354
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Joined: Dec 2014
(08-31-2017, 11:14 AM)DRA Wrote:
(08-30-2017, 11:17 AM)DRA Wrote: Anyone able to offer advice on this one please?
SOLVED (DOS) read unrecoverable error
Thanks to Blizzard for the solution which was in DFL ST, enable ID (COM, in my case) and untick to disable all background processes. After doing that the drive has imaged albeit with a few bad sectors. Thanks again Blizzard.
Reminder every case is different so make sure to thoroughly research beforehand if unsure. There are some very knowledgeable and experienced people on this forum so don’t be afraid to seek help.
Posts: 156
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Joined: Oct 2014
(08-31-2017, 11:14 AM)DRA Wrote: SOLVED (DOS) read unrecoverable error
Thanks to Blizzard for the solution which was in DFL ST, enable ID (COM, in my case) and untick to disable all background processes. After doing that the drive has imaged albeit with a few bad sectors. Thanks again Blizzard.
Glad it worked, I recommend unticking background processes to anyone with terminal access on an unstable Seagate, and maybe disable media cache too which is probably what solved this case. If you lose terminal access because of a media cache problem you will kick yourself for not disabling it when you had access. If you lose terminal access and need to disable media cache you will have to short the read channel, and nobody likes shorting the read channel
Warning: There could be cases/models where disabling media cache could lose access to user data.
For newer users you should always review/post terminal output for Seagate. There are some times when you might think you have a heads problem and you just have a media cache problem.
Maybe DFL can give us more information on the pros and cons of disabling media cache.
Может скажете какими именно? Вместо того, чтобы разыгрывать анекдот про Холмса с Ватсоном на воздушном шаре и местного программиста…
В общем так. Ещё раз всех приветствую. Адаптер USB-TTL CP2102 (кстати, там не всё очевидно с дровами, поделюсь решением: для Windows драйвер лежит тут, для Linux вместо стандартного, автоматически-подцепляющего модуля, говорят (сам не пробовал, решил для чистоты эксперимента делать под виндой, хотя по жизни и линуксоид), надо использовать модуль cp210x (загрузить модпробом до подключения девайса)) и отвёртка Totx T6 куплены, пришло время вернуться к моему пациенту, ST2000DL003:
[more=Информация о модели с крышки]
Seagate Barracuda 2000GB Green
P/N: 9VT166-301
F/W: CC32
Date: 11483
Site: WU
Product of China
DOM: 05/2011
Фото: крышка (наклейка), брюхо (плата). Сами картинки кликабельны и зумабельны, 2448×3264, весят примерно по 3 мегабайта.
Проблема: запускается и нормально определяется в BIOS (хотя и не всегда и может в следующий раз уже больше и не определится), видится системой и GetDataBack (последний некоторое время назад даже находил и начинал вытаскивать файлы, сейчас уже, похоже, просто не успевает до этого дойти. Началось всё когда его вырубили и тряхнули во время дефрагментации запнувшись о провод питания USB-кейса, при этом после этого он вполне нормально работал (думаю если бы принял сразу тяжёлое решение о покупке нового (надеялся что всё-таки поживёт ещё этот, с деньгами-то очень туго было в тот месяц)) и chkdsk не находил проблем, но скоро ему стало плавно но быстро становиться хуже.
Задача: надо вытащить (там один большой NTFS-раздел, который в последнее время средствами ОС уже не читался (но читался GetDataBack-ом)) файлы. Если сам винт вернуть в строй не удастся — это грустно, но терпимо, под эти данные уже куплен новый диск (ST2000DM001, кстати как они? можно ли на них рассчитывать? плата контроллера у него такой же формы (но с другой схемой)), а этот возможно ещё удастся сдать по гарантии.
При включении в терминал выдаётся ниже следующее (и сыпется и сыпется, я в какой-то момент просто выключил), на Ctrl+Z реакции нет.
[more=Выдача в терминал при старте]
Rst 0x40M
MC Internal LPC Process
(P) SATA Reset
User Data Base 00990ED0
MCMainPOR: Start:
Check MCMT Version: Current
MCMainPOR: Non-Init Case
MC Seg Disc and Cache Nodes: 4011A58C 4011869C
Seg Write Preamble VBM start: 000010A7 end: 000010CE
Footer — start: 000010D0 end: 000010F7
Seg Read Preamble VBM — start: 000010F9 end: 00001120
Footer — start: 00001122 end: 00001149
Reconstruction: MCMT Reconstruction Start
Max number of MC segments 22E0
Nonvolatile MCMT sequence number 00000C68
[RSRS] 0A75
Reconstruction: Completed 0: MCMT Was Valid, HeadPtr was unwritten
MCMainPOR: MCTBufferPtr->Header.MCStateFlagsDisc = 00005141
MCMainPOR: MCTBufferPtr->Header.MCTStateFlags = 0000002A
MCMainPOR: MCStateFlags = 00005141
MCMainPOR: Feature Enabled…
[SR] 0000
(DOS)STE OUGHT: 0x0013295A — 0x001339D9 00000212 — 0x00000226
(DOS) Read Unrecoverable Error
InitiateMarkPendingReallocateRequest for disc_lba: 001330DA!
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Read Unrecoverable Error
InitiateMarkPendingReallocateRequest for disc_lba: 001330F0!
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Read Unrecoverable Error
InitiateMarkPendingReallocateRequest for disc_lba: 001330F7!
(DOS) Read Unrecoverable Error
InitiateMarkPendingReallocateRequest for disc_lba: 001330FA!
(DOS) Read Unrecoverable Error
InitiateMarkPendingReallocateRequest for disc_lba: 001330FB!
(DOS) Read Unrecoverable Error
InitiateMarkPendingReallocateRequest for disc_lba: 001330FC!
(DOS) Read Unrecoverable Error
InitiateMarkPendingReallocateRequest for disc_lba: 001330FD!
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Read Unrecoverable Error
InitiateMarkPendingReallocateRequest for disc_lba: 00133100!
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Read Unrecoverable Error
InitiateMarkPendingReallocateRequest for disc_lba: 00133104!
(DOS) Read Unrecoverable Error
InitiateMarkPendingReallocateRequest for disc_lba: 0013310B!
(DOS) Read Unrecoverable Error
InitiateMarkPendingReallocateRequest for disc_lba: 0013310C!
(DOS) Read Unrecoverable Error
InitiateMarkPendingReallocateRequest for disc_lba: 00133110!
(DOS) Read Unrecoverable Error
InitiateMarkPendingReallocateRequest for disc_lba: 00133111!
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Read Unrecoverable Error
InitiateMarkPendingReallocateRequest for disc_lba: 00133113!
(DOS) Read Unrecoverable Error
InitiateMarkPendingReallocateRequest for disc_lba: 0013311A!
(DOS) Read Unrecoverable Error
InitiateMarkPendingReallocateRequest for disc_lba: 0013311B!
(DOS) Write Error
(DOS) Write Failure Reallocation started.
(DOS) AutoWriteReallocationEnabled and Reallocation Request Issued. !84320091
(DOS) WriteFailureReallocateLBARequest is executed successfully.
(DOS) Read Unrecoverable Error
InitiateMarkPendingReallocateRequest for disc_lba: 0013311D!
(DOS) Read Unrecoverable Error
InitiateMarkPendingReallocateRequest for disc_lba: 0013311E!
Как я понимаю, это те самые «пединги», о которых говорил уважаемый SRUTSSSSSSSS80:
Подключить терминал и глянуть лог старта и поведение его, но скорее всего пединги лезут, если нужна дата то к мастеру вам нужно, сами не вытащите.
Заранее премного благодарю за помощь. В случае успешного спасения данных могу отблагодарить даже материально. Буду рад словесному руководству, но если найдётся желающий, можно поработать в живом режиме через TeamViewer+Skype.
This is what I used to repair the HDD.
This HDD has problems of bad sectors and the first thing to do is to deactivate the processes in the background.
I have used the following commands:
F «RWRecoveryFlags», 00,22
F «BGMSFlags», 00,22
F «PerformanceFlags», 043C, 22
Other CONGEN commands (Filesys 0x093) are:
F «MediaCacheControl», 00,22
F «AutomaticTraceSaveFlags», 0,22
F «GlobalTraceTriggerFlags», 0,22
F «PowerFlags», 0,22
F «SCTInterval», 0100,22
F » BGMSECCTLevel «, ff, 22
F» BGMSBusIdleIn100ms «, 1,22
F» IRAWDelayInMilliSecs «, 1,22
F» DOSSTEScanMaxCyl «, 1,22
F» DOSMaxRetryCount «, 1,22
F» SCTTimerReadDefault «, 0100,22
F» SCTTimerWriteDefault » , 0100,22
If we have the MRTLAB we can change CONGEN in the menu option:
Tools -> Service Area Tools -> Edit HDD ID (ATA)
To see other CONGEN options at the T> level of the terminal, press F + [Enter] and all the CONGEN options will appear.
Above there are CONGEN options of Bit and Byte, to modify them you can use:
F «BIT_NAME», nValor, 22 -> nValue in [0..1]
F «BYTE_NAME», nValue, 22 -> nValue in [0x00, 0xFF] if 0x01 is set to 01.
To restore CONGEN use: F, ,22
Do not use any command at any time that can modify any list of system defects, such as regenerating the translator.
The first thing we have to do is a copy of all the resources of the SA, once this is done we can work with more security and almost all the work is done.
From the family 7012.12 there is a list that is the NRG-List that is taken into account to regenerate the translator.
This list can sometimes be very extensive and have invalid data. But be very careful that this list is of vital importance for the recovery of the data. In my case I saw strange data and I deleted it because I thought it was wrong, but to do this one has to think very well.
To regenerate the translator, use the regenerate translator command taking NRGList.
* Do not leave blank spaces in the CONGEN commands.
* Almost all of this information is taken from other peer issues.
* I feel mistakes I may have made; I use translator to translate and my knowledge is quite limited.
Is Earth an intelligent being?
When attempting to run Image for DOS, a message similar to the following appears:
Causeway Error 09: Unrecoverable Exception. Program Terminated.
This problem can be caused by any of the following conditions:
- One or more partitions on the system contain file system corruption.
- The Image for DOS program files are corrupted.
- You are using Image for DOS on a Lenovo notebook.
Please carry out the following steps to correct this issue:
Resolving a Problem with a Corrupt File System
Run ScanDisk (Windows 9x / Me) or CHKDSK /F (Windows NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista, Windows 7/8.x/10) on each partition, including the source and target partitions for any image operations you are attempting to carry out. Note: Using chkdsk in Vista or Windows 7/8.x/10 will require that the Command Prompt be run as an administrator.
If the problem remains, recreate your Image for DOS boot media, as explained below.
Replacing a Corrupt Image for DOS Program File
Create a new Image for DOS boot disc or diskette.
- If you are using a CD/DVD disc for the Image for DOS boot media, try using a different disc.
- If you are using a floppy diskette for the Image for DOS boot media, do a complete format on the floppy diskette first to help ensure that the diskette is reliable. Use the FORMAT A: /U command when performing the format of the floppy diskette.
Using Image for DOS on a Lenovo Netbook
This problem has been traced to an issue with the NIC driver on your computer. Visit and download the correct DOS NIC driver for your machine model.
Please refer to the following Knowledge Base articles, as needed:
How to Run Image for DOS From a Bootable Floppy Disk
How to Create a Windows 95/98/Me Startup Disk
How to Create an MS-DOS Startup Disk From Windows XP
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21.10.06 — 11:57 |
Не могу запустить Бэст4 по WinXP — ругается на установку clipper и files, прописывал эти значения в autoехес.nt, не помогло ((( |
1 — 21.10.06 — 12:07 |
И каким боком это к 1С? |
2 — 21.10.06 — 12:10 |
Запусти режим командной строки, а потом попробуй запустить БЭСТ. autoехес.bat config.sys попробуй в корневой каталог поставить. |
3 — 21.10.06 — 12:14 |
(1) Извини, добрая фея, я выбирал «Прочее», но почему-то не прописалось ((( |
4 — 21.10.06 — 12:16 |
Не партизань. Опиши ошибку подробнее и последовательность действий. Трудно телепатировать. А на вопрос (1) ответа так и не дал |
Игнатий Лойола
5 — 21.10.06 — 12:19 |
(0) Ты название форума читал? Там же русским языком написано «Территория 1С» |
6 — 21.10.06 — 12:26 |
(4) На (1) я ответил — «почему-то не прописалось» |
7 — 21.10.06 — 12:39 |
(0,6) |
8 — 21.10.06 — 12:41 |
(7) Писал, не помогает ((( |
9 — 21.10.06 — 12:42 |
(8) Ты писал в autoехес.nt, а надо в Config.NT |
10 — 21.10.06 — 12:50 |
(8) А перезагружался? |
11 — 21.10.06 — 12:50 |
(9) И туда писал и туда, ничего не помогает (((( |
12 — 21.10.06 — 12:55 |
(10) Ога |
13 — 21.10.06 — 14:09 |
не в тот конфиг.НТ писал… |
14 — 22.10.06 — 13:38 |
(13) Я писал в windows/system32/config.nt |
15 — 23.10.06 — 10:08 |
Апну, понедельник все-таки. |
16 — 23.10.06 — 10:36 |
А попробуй в переменные среды воткнуть clipper=90. Кстати, SET CLIPPER=F90 пишется в автоекзек…. |
17 — 23.10.06 — 10:51 |
(16) а FILES=90 в config.nt Можно попробовать и больше FILES=200 то (1) Например с такого бока: Кроме 1С, ничего не знаю. БЕСТ достался в наследство. Надо его пристрелить, но аккуратно, снайперски, чтоб заложники не пострадали. |
18 — 23.10.06 — 11:15 |
(0) У меня работает BEST на WinXP с такими настройками: |
kdm 19 — 23.10.06 — 12:26 |
а как лечится вот это? |
TurboConf — расширение возможностей Конфигуратора 1С |
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Trevor Pott has a post at The Register entitled Flash banishes the spectre of the unrecoverable data error in which he points out that while disk manufacturers quoted Bit Error Rates (BER) for hard disks are typically 10-14 or 10-15, SSD BERs range from 10-16 for consumer drives to 10-18 for hardened enterprise drives. Below the fold, a look at his analysis of the impact of this difference of up to 4 orders of magnitude.
When a disk in a RAID-5 array fails and is replaced, all the data on other drives in the array must be read to reconstruct the data from the failed drive. If an unrecoverable read error (URE) is encountered in this process, one or more data blocks will be lost. RAID-6 and up can survive increasing numbers of UREs.
It has been obvious for some time that as hard disks got bigger without a
corresponding decrease in BER that RAID technology had a problem, in that the probability of encountering a URE during reconstruction was going up, and thus so was the probability of losing data when a drive failed.As Trevor writes:
Putting this into rather brutal context, consider the data sheet for the 8TB Archive Drive
from Seagate. This has an error rate of 10^14 bits. That is one URE
every 12.5TB. That means Seagate will not guarantee that you can fully
read the entire drive twice before encountering a URE.
Let’s say that I have a RAID 5 of four 5TB drives and
one dies. There is 12TB worth of data to be read from the remaining
three drives before the array can be rebuilt. Taking all of the URE math
from the above links and dramatically simplifying it, my chances of
reading all 12TB before hitting a URE are not very good.
With 6TB drives I am beyond the math. In theory, I
shouldn’t be able to rebuild a failed RAID 5 array using 6TB drives that
have a 10^14 BER. I will encounter a URE before the array is rebuilt
and then I’d better hope the backups work.
So RAID 5 for consumer hard drives is dead.
Well, yes, but RAID-5, and RAID in general, is just one rather simple form of erasure coding. There are better forms of erasure coding for long-term data reliability. I disagree with Trevor when he writes:
There are plenty of ways to ensure that we can reliably store data, even
as we move beyond 8TB drives. The best way, however, may be to put
stuff you really care about on flash arrays. Especially if you have an
attachment to the continued use of RAID 5.
Trevor is ignoring the economics. Hard drives are a lot cheaper for bulk storage than flash. As Chris Mellor pointed out in a post at The Register about a month ago, each byte of flash contains at least 50 times as much capital investment as a byte of hard drive. So it will be a lot more expensive, even if not 50 times as expensive. For the sake of argument, lets say it is 5 times as expensive. To a first approximation, cost increases linearly with the replication factor, but reliability increases exponentially. So, instead of a replication factor of 1.2 in a RAID-5 flash array, for the same money I can have a replication factor of 12.2 in a hard disk array. Data in the hard drive array would be much, much safer for the same money. Or suppose I used a replication factor of 2.5, the data would be a great deal safer for 40% of the cost.