Dosbox fatal error 1307

Dosbox fatal error 1307 by deathclaw Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:02 am So I have installed free dos and almost everything works fine except some more demanding games like doom, death rally etc. every time I try to load any of such games it says that I do not have enough memory. like when […]


  1. Dosbox fatal error 1307
  2. Re: freedos — not enough memory (even for doom and I have 32 mb)
  3. Re: freedos — not enough memory (even for doom and I have 32 mb)
  4. Re: freedos — not enough memory (even for doom and I have 32 mb)
  5. Re: freedos — not enough memory (even for doom and I have 32 mb)
  6. Re: freedos — not enough memory (even for doom and I have 32 mb)
  7. Re: freedos — not enough memory (even for doom and I have 32 mb)
  8. Re: freedos — not enough memory (even for doom and I have 32 mb)
  9. Re: freedos — not enough memory (even for doom and I have 32 mb)
  10. Re: freedos — not enough memory (even for doom and I have 32 mb)
  11. DOS/4GW Фатальная ошибка (1307): недостаточно памяти
  12. Insufficient memory even though there is enough #3257
  14. Code of Conduct & Contributing Guidelines
  15. Have you checked that no other similar bug report(s) already exists?
  16. What operating system(s) this bug have occurred on?
  17. What version(s) of DOSBox-X have this bug?
  18. Describe the bug
  19. Expected behavior
  20. Steps to reproduce the behaviour
  21. Used configuration
  22. Emulator log
  23. Additional context

Dosbox fatal error 1307

by deathclaw Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:02 am

So I have installed free dos and almost everything works fine except some more demanding games like doom, death rally etc. every time I try to load any of such games it says that I do not have enough memory. like when I try to play doom, this is the last line

DOS/4GW Professional fatal error (1307): not enough memory

please help me, I am really desperate. thank you in advance

Re: freedos — not enough memory (even for doom and I have 32 mb)

by RyaNtheSlayA Sat Jul 11, 2009 1:16 pm

Re: freedos — not enough memory (even for doom and I have 32 mb)

by Hatta Sat Jul 11, 2009 2:52 pm

I dont think DOSBOX will work if he only has 32 mb of ram. But yeah, this is one of the reasons I stick with emulation for DOS, messing with your config.sys to get enough extended and expanded memory. WTF is the difference anyway.

Anyway, try looking into your config.sys, maybe messing with HIMEM or EMM386 will fix it. You could always try running it with Dos32/a instead of Dos4GW too.

Re: freedos — not enough memory (even for doom and I have 32 mb)

by deathclaw Sat Jul 11, 2009 4:17 pm

the thing is, I want to play it on my old computer

Hatta — yeah, I think it would be something with HIMEM or EMM386, but I’m not much into such things, so I don’t thing I would be able to repair it

Re: freedos — not enough memory (even for doom and I have 32 mb)

by gtmtnbiker Sat Jul 11, 2009 4:44 pm

Wow, I haven’t fuss with that DOS stuff for almost 15 years.

Try doing something like this:

Getting additional memory

The below commands will help allow your computer to load programs into memory more efficiently allowing you to have more memory for MS-DOS programs / games.

Ensure you have the below three lines at the beginning of your config.sys file.

By placing the DOS=HIGH,UMB on the second line, this can, in some cases, save memory because it is loading DOS into upper memory before loading the memory manager. Additionally, the first and third lines cannot be loaded into high memory because these lines are the memory managers.

Load all your devices in your config.sys and autoexec.bat into high memory.

You probably want to google some more

Re: freedos — not enough memory (even for doom and I have 32 mb)

by Hatta Sat Jul 11, 2009 4:53 pm

You simply need to rem out MOST of your config & autoexec lines most of them ar’nt required to run DOOM. The last thing you want to do is enable EMS!! ALL you need in config.sys is:

Rem the other lines out they just use up memory that DOOM would use.

And for Autoexec.bat :


again rem out the rest.

This sounds right to me, but my memory is foggy. Give it a shot, and back up your old config.sys and autoexec.bat first.

Re: freedos — not enough memory (even for doom and I have 32 mb)

by Dakinggamer87 Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:41 pm

Re: freedos — not enough memory (even for doom and I have 32 mb)

by deathclaw Sat Jul 11, 2009 6:22 pm

You simply need to rem out MOST of your config & autoexec lines most of them ar’nt required to run DOOM. The last thing you want to do is enable EMS!! ALL you need in config.sys is:

Rem the other lines out they just use up memory that DOOM would use.

And for Autoexec.bat :


again rem out the rest.

This sounds right to me, but my memory is foggy. Give it a shot, and back up your old config.sys and autoexec.bat first.

thank you really much. now even quake works flawlessly at 640×480! man, it looks so real. how can graphics become any better than THIS? this game is reality itself

ok, so it’s all fine, but now my cdrom as well as sound card don’t work. so here is my old config.sys and let me know which lines should I put in there and where should I put them : )

and my old autoexec.bat

/D:?FDCD0002 /D:?FDCD0003 /D:?CDRCACH0
SET autofile=C:autoexec.bat
alias reboot=fdapm warmboot
alias halt=fdapm poweroff
SET CFGFILE=C:fdconfig.sys
echo type HELP to get support on commands and navigation
echo Welcome to FreeDOS
if not «%config%»==»4» mouse
lh doslfn

Re: freedos — not enough memory (even for doom and I have 32 mb)

by Hatta Sat Jul 11, 2009 6:51 pm

That looks like the line in config.sys that handles your CDROM. Not sure what’s with the 123? at the beginning of the line, I don’t think you need that.

That sets up your sound blaster compatible card in autoexec.bat.

I’m not familiar with Freedos, but you might want this line too:

I don’t think that should take any memory, but try it both ways if you have problems.

Re: freedos — not enough memory (even for doom and I have 32 mb)

by deathclaw Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:20 am

That looks like the line in config.sys that handles your CDROM. Not sure what’s with the 123? at the beginning of the line, I don’t think you need that.

That sets up your sound blaster compatible card in autoexec.bat.

I’m not familiar with Freedos, but you might want this line too:

I don’t think that should take any memory, but try it both ways if you have problems.

So it doesn’t work anyway. I tried to use the same config.sys and autoexec.bat and it worked, (with not having enough memory for games like Doom, Quake. ) but then I deleted this line

and the cd drive didn’t work. it said something like it doesn’t have enough memory, so the cd driver would not load. but it was way too fast, so I couldn’t read it . is there a way how to read it, even though it’s no longer on screen? I think it would help


DOS/4GW Фатальная ошибка (1307): недостаточно памяти

Я’пытаюсь запустить приложение dos/4gw в Win7 32 bit OS. Я получаю следующее сообщение об ошибке, DOS/4GW fatal error (1307): not enough memory

Когда я запускаю то же приложение в WinXP 32 bit OS, оно работает нормально и без проблем.

Приложение dos/4gw было создано с использованием компилятора Watcom C.

Команда mem показывает следующее количество доступной памяти,

655360 байт общей обычной памяти 655360 байт доступно для MS-DOS 580640 наибольший размер исполняемой программы 16777216 байт общей памяти EMS 16777216 байт свободной памяти EMS 32505856 байт общей непрерывной расширенной памяти 0 байт доступной непрерывной расширенной памяти 15580160 байт доступной памяти XMS Резидент MS-DOS в старшей области памяти

Из вышесказанного ясно, что памяти меньше 1MB. Однако моей программе нужно больше. В принципе, мне нужно расширить память DOS, чтобы получить более 1MB памяти для запуска моего приложения dos/4gw.

Не мог бы кто-нибудь помочь в решении этой проблемы с памятью?

Ответ на вопрос — ответ, отправленный doynax :

«Я полагаю, что в последних версиях Windows есть шим, ограничивающий доступную память DPMI до 32 МБ, для еще более древнего программного обеспечения, неспособного не подготовить такое ничтожное количество оперативной памяти. Вы можете попробовать создать ключ DpmiLimit в HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlWOW в реестре, чтобы настроить это ограничение в байтах как DWORD»

Я хотел помочь сохранить зачем существует этот сеттинг, пока он не стал достоянием истории.

Краткая версия: Сломанные расширители DOS использовали 16-битные знаковые целые числа. Все, что больше 32 768 байт (32 МБ), приводит к их отказу.

Thomas R. Nicely в 2007 году опубликовал сообщение, в котором указал на эту проблему:

А затем есть сообщение в usenet 2010 года, которое напоминает нам, что операционная система ограничивает объем памяти, доступной для DPMI:

  • существует с момента появления виртуальной памяти (например, OS/2)
  • существует для предотвращения попыток неправильных DPMI-приложений выделить 2 ГБ памяти (поскольку память виртуальная)
  • для старых игр можно найти FAQ, в которых указаны DPMI, которые следует применять

Недавно я наткнулся на страницу Thomas R. Nicely’ WWW о Windows Vista’. сервер DPMI. Она довольно запутанная. (У этих людей есть несколько довольно разумные вещи, чтобы сказать по поводу страницы М. Нисли’). И неудивительно, что это так, если вы именно так объяснили все М. Nicely, как, по утверждению xe, вы это сделали. (-:

Этот лимит DPMI-сервера — еще один пример, собственно говоря. M. Nicely представляет это как некий таинственный заговор против gcc. На самом деле, как указывает M. bwakaz, это’простая защита против всех глупых и сломанных вещей, которые основанные на DPMI расширенные DOS-приложения, как известно, делают, например, выделяют всю память. которая доступна при запуске программы, потому что они плохо написаны. M. bwakaz указывает на статью Раймонда Чена, в которой любой, кто желающий понять это, должен прочитать.

Эта настройка DpmiLimit , которую вы упомянули, на самом деле не представляет собой ничего нового. Она просто недокументирована в Windows NT 6. OS/2 VDM’ы имели. документированная настройка лимита памяти DPMI уже почти два десятилетия.
настройка — DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT . Вы можете прочитать в Usenet и WWW. сотни обсуждений этого параметра, начиная примерно с 1994 года, и > причины. причины для изменения этого параметра в большую или меньшую сторону. В системе OS/2 можно открыть открыть блокнот настроек VDM и получить онлайновую справку, описывающую > настройку. настройки.

Раймонд Чен выделяет игры для DOS как одних из самых опасных. когда дело доходит до злоупотребления DPMI, и есть целый FAQ для запуска DOS-игр под OS/2, в котором перечислены различные различные DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT (и другие) настройки для получения таких игр, чтобы они играли хорошо сочетаться с операционной системой и не жрать память без необходимости, только потому, что сервер DPMI в VDM иначе бы им это позволил.

Опять же, NTVDM вовсе не является «странным». Он реализует настройки и ограничения, которые являются обычными для виртуальных DOS. машинах. Даже значение по умолчанию 32MiB не является чем-то необычным. Значение по умолчанию для DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT в OS/2 VDMs было (в последних версиях OS/2, если мне не изменяет память) 64MiB. память не изменяет) 64MiB. Если вы прочтете статью Раймонда Чена до конца до конца, там даже есть объяснение того, почему такие значения являются по умолчанию: > чтобы справиться с сломанными расширенными программами DOS, которые измеряют доступную память DPMI в КиБ, используя 16-битные целые числа. (NTVDM’s по умолчанию использует подписанные 16-битные целые числа. OS/2’VDM по умолчанию предполагает. беззнаковые 16-битные целые числа).

Все эти вещи — будь то ловушки в монитор ВМ изнутри. VDM, или ограничения сервера DPMI для управления плохо написанными DOS-программами — > &gt. не являются ли > NTVDM «странными» или необычными, или тайными заговорами со стороны > Microsoft против людей. Microsoft против людей, которые думают, что компиляция с помощью gcc означает, что компилировать расширенные DOS-программы. Это просто давняя практика для VDM, и обычные вещи для виртуальных машин. технологии, которая насчитывает десятилетия.


Insufficient memory even though there is enough #3257

Code of Conduct & Contributing Guidelines

  • I agree to follow the code of conduct and the contributing guidelines.

Have you checked that no other similar bug report(s) already exists?

  • I have searched and didn’t find any similar issues.

What operating system(s) this bug have occurred on?

What version(s) of DOSBox-X have this bug?

Describe the bug

Master of Magic 1.5 (unofficial community patched exe) and above reports insufficient memory even though there is enough.

I have tried using loadfix to get it to exactly 583kb and it still doesn’t work. Nor does playing with enabling/disabling combinations of XMS, EMS and UMB.

This behaviour does not occur in Master of Magic version 1.31, the last official version.

This behaviour also does not occur in regular Dosbox 0.73.

Expected behavior

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

Used configuration

Emulator log

Additional context

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Hi, I think this is not a bug of DOSbox-x but a mistake of error message of MOM.
I tried it on VMware, and same thing occurs.
I had to secure 630kB free memory to boot the game.
I haven’t found a way to secure 630kB free memory on native DOSbox-x yet, so you may have to boot from MSDOS.

Fig 1: Boot fails if free memory is 625kB

Fig 2: Boot successful (630kB)

Fig 3: DOSbox-x boot fails (626kB)

In the [dos] section, modify the «minimum mcb segment» and «minimum mcb free» settings. Give them a lower value like 400 or 500 to make more memory available.

As silly as it sounds, DOSBox-X sets up free memory at startup to approximate the maximum an MS-DOS startup would typically provide, not just for accuracy, but also because there are DOS games and applications that literally cannot handle more than about 625KB of free conventional memory, either because they don’t expect an allocation that large to work, or because the executable cannot handle being loaded so low in conventional memory.

Thanks for your information. So I adjusted the said parameters as follows, and successfully booted the game.
This supports that the error message of the game is wrong, not a bug of DOSbox-X.

I don’t think it is so silly to put some paddings in the low memory area to consider some games,
but it simply wasn’t the case for MOM. 🙂

minimum mcb segment = 250
minimum mcb free = 1

Thanks @maron2000, this worked. Thanks so much for the suggestion!

And thanks @joncampbell123 for explaining why the issue occurs. Now I know why it works in vanilla Dosbox 0.74-3 because that gives you 634kb conventional memory by default.


I wanted to help preserve why this setting exists, before it’s lost to history.

Short Version: Broken DOS extenders used 16-bit signed integers. Anything larger than 32,768 bytes (32 MB) will cause them to fail.

Thomas R. Nicely had a post in 2007 that points out the problem:

Windows Vista restricts non-Win32 apps to 32 MB of memory (archive)

And then there’s a 2010 usenet post that reminds us that an operating system limiting the amount of memory available to DPMI:

  • has existed since the beginning of virtual memory (e.g. OS/2)
  • exists to prevent misbehaving DPMI applications from trying to allocate 2 GB of memory (because memory is virtual)
  • for old games you can find FAQs that give the DPMIs you should apply

I recently came across Thomas R. Nicely’s WWW page on Windows Vista’s
DPMI server. It’s pretty confused. (These people have some
quite sensible things to say on the matter of M. Nicely’s page.) And
no wonder that it is, if this was how you explained things to M.
Nicely, as xe claims you did. (-:

This DPMI server limit is another case in point, as a matter of fact.
M. Nicely presents this as some sort of mysterious conspiracy against
gcc. In actual fact, as pointed out by M. bwakaz, it’s simple defence
against all of the stupid and broken things that DPMI-based extended
DOS applications are known to do, such as allocating all of the memory
that is available at program startup, because they are badly written.
M. bwakaz points to an article by Raymond Chen that anyone
wanting to understand this should read.

This DpmiLimit setting that you mentioned is in fact nothing new.
It’s simply undocumented on Windows NT 6. OS/2 VDM’s have had a
documented DPMI memory limit setting for almost two decades. The
setting is DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT. You can read on Usenet and the WWW
hundreds of discussions of this, going back to about 1994, and the
reasons for tweaking it up and down. On an OS/2 system one can open
up a VDM settings notebook, and obtain on-line help describing the

Raymond Chen singles out DOS games as some of the particular offenders
when it comes to abusing DPMI, and there’s a whole FAQ for running
DOS games under OS/2 that lists the various different
DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT (and other) settings for getting such games to play
nicely with the operating system and not chew up memory unnecessarily,
just because the DPMI server in the VDM would otherwuse allow them to.

Again, NTVDM isn’t being «weird», at all. It’s implementing a
setting, and a limit, that is par for the course in Virtual DOS
Machines. Even the default of 32MiB isn’t unusual. The default for
DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT in OS/2 VDMs was (in recent versions of OS/2, if
memory serves) 64MiB. If you read Raymond Chen’s article all of the
way to the end, there’s even an explanation of why such values are the
defaults: It’s to cope with the broken extended DOS programs that
measure available DPMI memory in KiB using 16-bit integers. (NTVDM’s
default assumes signed 16-bit integers. OS/2’s VDM default assumes
unsigned 16-bit integers.)

All of these things — be they traps into the VM monitor from inside
the VDM, or DPMI server limits to control badly written DOS programs —
aren’t NTVDM being «weird» or unusual, or secret conspiracies by
Microsoft against people who think that compiling with gcc means that
one is compiling extended DOS programs. They’re simple long-standing
practice for VDMs, and run-of-the-mill stuff for virtual machine
technology that goes back for decades.

I wanted to help preserve why this setting exists, before it’s lost to history.

Short Version: Broken DOS extenders used 16-bit signed integers. Anything larger than 32,768 bytes (32 MB) will cause them to fail.

Thomas R. Nicely had a post in 2007 that points out the problem:

Windows Vista restricts non-Win32 apps to 32 MB of memory (archive)

And then there’s a 2010 usenet post that reminds us that an operating system limiting the amount of memory available to DPMI:

  • has existed since the beginning of virtual memory (e.g. OS/2)
  • exists to prevent misbehaving DPMI applications from trying to allocate 2 GB of memory (because memory is virtual)
  • for old games you can find FAQs that give the DPMIs you should apply

I recently came across Thomas R. Nicely’s WWW page on Windows Vista’s
DPMI server. It’s pretty confused. (These people have some
quite sensible things to say on the matter of M. Nicely’s page.) And
no wonder that it is, if this was how you explained things to M.
Nicely, as xe claims you did. (-:

This DPMI server limit is another case in point, as a matter of fact.
M. Nicely presents this as some sort of mysterious conspiracy against
gcc. In actual fact, as pointed out by M. bwakaz, it’s simple defence
against all of the stupid and broken things that DPMI-based extended
DOS applications are known to do, such as allocating all of the memory
that is available at program startup, because they are badly written.
M. bwakaz points to an article by Raymond Chen that anyone
wanting to understand this should read.

This DpmiLimit setting that you mentioned is in fact nothing new.
It’s simply undocumented on Windows NT 6. OS/2 VDM’s have had a
documented DPMI memory limit setting for almost two decades. The
setting is DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT. You can read on Usenet and the WWW
hundreds of discussions of this, going back to about 1994, and the
reasons for tweaking it up and down. On an OS/2 system one can open
up a VDM settings notebook, and obtain on-line help describing the

Raymond Chen singles out DOS games as some of the particular offenders
when it comes to abusing DPMI, and there’s a whole FAQ for running
DOS games under OS/2 that lists the various different
DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT (and other) settings for getting such games to play
nicely with the operating system and not chew up memory unnecessarily,
just because the DPMI server in the VDM would otherwuse allow them to.

Again, NTVDM isn’t being «weird», at all. It’s implementing a
setting, and a limit, that is par for the course in Virtual DOS
Machines. Even the default of 32MiB isn’t unusual. The default for
DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT in OS/2 VDMs was (in recent versions of OS/2, if
memory serves) 64MiB. If you read Raymond Chen’s article all of the
way to the end, there’s even an explanation of why such values are the
defaults: It’s to cope with the broken extended DOS programs that
measure available DPMI memory in KiB using 16-bit integers. (NTVDM’s
default assumes signed 16-bit integers. OS/2’s VDM default assumes
unsigned 16-bit integers.)

All of these things — be they traps into the VM monitor from inside
the VDM, or DPMI server limits to control badly written DOS programs —
aren’t NTVDM being «weird» or unusual, or secret conspiracies by
Microsoft against people who think that compiling with gcc means that
one is compiling extended DOS programs. They’re simple long-standing
practice for VDMs, and run-of-the-mill stuff for virtual machine
technology that goes back for decades.

This is pretty much a copy of the post I made on the Acer Community forums, also posting here to hopefully get help faster.

I’ve been trying to install a 2GB RAM stick in my Aspire One D255, however once it’s in there it won’t boot to BIOS, just a blank screen and fans stop spinning. I’ve looked around and I think a good step is to update the BIOS to v3.16 (after putting the factory 1GB RAM back in, of course).

I’ve already wiped Windows off my C drive trying (and failing) to install Kubuntu. So I installed FreeDOS on there and (on another PC) copied the BIOS update files onto a USB drive and then moved them to the root of C on my laptop. The file structure is as follows:

 Volume in drive C is FREEDOS2016
 Volume Serial Number is 113E-16F7

 Directory of C:

FDOS                 <DIR> 04-27-2019  3:20p
AUTOEXEC BAT         1,319 04-27-2019  3:21p
COMMAND  COM        66,945 08-28-2006 10:38p
FDCONFIG SYS           762 04-27-2019  3:21p
FLASH    EXE        16,714 04-27-2019  3:42p
FLASHIT  EXE       489,486 01-10-2009 10:02p
KERNEL   SYS        46,685 05-11-2016  9:42p
PAV70D2  FD      2,097,152 04-22-2011 10:48p
PAV70D3  FD      2,097,152 04-22-2011 10:00p
         8 file(s)      4,816,215 bytes
         1 dir(s)   2,136,309,760 bytes free

Flash.exe, FlashIt.exe & the 2 .fd files are the update files. The rest is part of FreeDOS.

But when I run Flash.exe, I get this error:

C:>Flashit PAV70D3.fd /all
DOS/4GW Professional fatal error (1307): not enough memory
one file removed.

mem returns this:


Memory Type        Total       Used       Free
----------------  --------   --------   --------
Conventional          639K        18K       621K
Upper                  68K        19K        49K
Reserved              317K       317K         0K
Extended (XMS)   1,036,776K     1,316K 1,035,460K
----------------  --------   --------   --------
Total memory     1,037,800K     1,670K 1,036,130K

Total under 1 MB      707K        37K       670K

Total Expanded (EMS)                8,640K (8,847,360 bytes)
Free Expanded (EMS)                 8,192K (8,388,608 bytes)

Largest executable program size       621K (635,904 bytes)
Largest free upper memory block        48K ( 49,520 bytes)
FreeDOS is resident in the high memory area.

Before you say «don’t bother, just buy a new laptop», I recently received this D255 as a gift.

Please help, as I have 30 days to return the 2GB RAM stick if the problem is with the stick itself (however I highly doubt that, since I bought another 2GB RAM ram stick before this one but that didn’t work either).

Я пытаюсь запустить приложение dos / 4gw в Win7 32-битной ОС. Я получаю следующее сообщение об ошибке, DOS/4GW fatal error (1307): not enough memory

Когда я запускаю то же самое приложение в 32-битной ОС WinXP, оно работает нормально и никаких проблем.

Приложение dos / 4gw было построено с использованием компилятора Watcom C.

Команда mem показывает следующую доступную память,

655360 bytes total conventional memory
655360 bytes available to MS-DOS
580640 largest executable program size
16777216 bytes total EMS memory
16777216 bytes free EMS memory
32505856 bytes total contiguous extended memory
0 bytes available contiguous extended memory
15580160 bytes available XMS memory
MS-DOS resident in High Memory Area

Из вышесказанного ясно, что объем памяти составляет менее 1 МБ. Однако моей программе нужно нечто большее. По сути, мне нужно расширить память DOS, чтобы получить более 1 МБ памяти для запуска приложения dos / 4gw.

Может ли кто-нибудь помочь в решении этой проблемы с памятью?



1 ответ

Я хотел помочь сохранить почему этот параметр существует до того, как он потерян для истории.

Короткая версия : сломанные расширители DOS использовали 16-разрядные целые числа со знаком. Все, что больше 32 768 байт (32 МБ), приведет к сбою.

У Томаса Р. Ницли была должность в 2007 году, в которой указывалось на проблему:

Windows Vista ограничивает приложения, отличные от Win32, до 32 МБ памяти ( архив)

А затем есть публикация из 2010 года, которая напоминает Мы используем операционную систему, ограничивающую объем памяти, доступной для DPMI:

  • существует с начала виртуальной памяти (например, OS / 2)
  • существует для предотвращения неправильного обращения приложений DPMI к выделению 2 ГБ памяти (поскольку память является виртуальной)
  • для старых игр вы можете найти часто задаваемые вопросы, которые дают DPMI, которые вы должны применить

Я недавно натолкнулся на WWW-страницу Томаса Р. Ницли о Windows Vista DPMI сервер. Это довольно запутано. (Эти люди имеют некоторые довольно разумные вещи, чтобы сказать по вопросу о странице М. Ницели.) И Неудивительно, что так оно и есть, если ты так объяснил М. Хорошо, как утверждает xe, ты это сделал. (-:

Это ограничение сервера DPMI является еще одним примером. М. Прекрасно представляет это как некий таинственный заговор против НКА . На самом деле, как указал М. Бваказ, это простая защита против всех глупых и сломанных вещей, которые расширили на основе DPMI Известно, что приложения DOS делают, например, выделяют всю память это доступно при запуске программы, потому что они плохо написаны. М. Бваказ указывает на статью Раймонда Чена, которая желая понять это, следует прочитать.

Этот DpmiLimit параметр, который вы упомянули, на самом деле ничего нового. Это просто недокументированное в Windows NT 6. В OS / 2 VDM были задокументировано Установка предела памяти DPMI в течение почти двух десятилетий. настройка DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT. Вы можете прочитать на Usenet и WWW сотни обсуждений этого, начиная примерно с 1994 года, и причины для настройки вверх и вниз. В системе OS / 2 можно открыть записную книжку с настройками VDM и получите интерактивную справку с описанием установка .

Раймонд Чен выделяет игры для DOS как некоторые из конкретных преступников когда речь идет о злоупотреблении DPMI, и есть целый FAQ для запуска DOS-игры под OS / 2, в которых перечислены различные DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT (и другие) настройки, позволяющие играть в такие игры приятно с операционной системой и не жевать память без необходимости, только потому, что сервер DPMI в VDM иначе позволил бы им.

Опять же, НТВДМ вовсе не «странный». Это реализует настройка и предел, который является номиналом для курса в Virtual DOS Машины . Даже значение по умолчанию 32MiB не является необычным. По умолчанию для DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT в OS / 2 VDM были (в последних версиях OS / 2, если память служит) 64MiB. Если вы читаете статью Рэймонда Чена, все до конца, есть даже объяснение почему такие значения по умолчанию: это справиться с сломанными расширенными программами DOS , которые измерьте доступную память DPMI в КиБ, используя 16-битные целые числа. ( NTVDM это по умолчанию предполагается 16-разрядные целые числа со знаком. VDM по умолчанию в OS / 2 предполагает 16-разрядные целые числа без знака.)

Все эти вещи — будь то ловушки в мониторе виртуальной машины изнутри VDM или ограничения сервера DPMI для управления плохо написанными программами DOS — не являются ли NTVDM «странными» или необычными, или тайными заговорами Microsoft против людей, которые думают, что компиляция с gcc означает, что один компилирует расширенные программы DOS. Это простая многолетняя практика для VDM, и заурядный материал для технологии виртуальных машин, который существует уже несколько десятилетий.


Ian Boyd
28 Май 2018 в 14:55

  1. Статья по использованию DOSBox на данный момент находится в нашей wiki и разделена на несколько частей.

    DOSBox в «вопросах и ответах».

    О DOSBox’е.
    Что это такое и зачем оно нужно?
    Какую версию использовать?
    Как запустить игру в DOSBox’е?
    Как запустить PC-booter игру (т.е. игру, запускающуюся напрямую с образа дискеты)?

    Команды DOSBox’а.
    Я запустил DOSBox — получил чёрный экран и командную строку, что писать?
    Как мне получить содержимое папки с игрой в DOSBox’е?
    У меня есть образ диска/дискеты и я не хочу его записывать на реальный носитель или загружать в виртуальный привод для игры, есть ли способ подключать образ в DOSBox’е напрямую?

    Горячие клавиши DOSBox’а.
    Как перевести игру в полноэкранный режим?
    Как записать видео-ролик или сделать скриншот игры? Как записать музыку?
    У меня не проигрываются видеоролики, записанные в DOSBox’е!
    Игра идет слишком быстро/медленно, что делать?
    Есть ли в DOSBOx’е возможность сохраняться в любой момент (как например в эмуляторе Super Nintendo)?
    Как переназначить клавиши в DOSBox’е?

    Частые проблемы при запуске игр.
    На моем ноутбуке при переходе в полноэкранный режим изображение глючит или игра вообще вылетает.
    Картинка сжата или, наоборот, хочется, чтобы пропали пустые полосы по бокам экрана в полноэкранном режиме
    Где мне искать файл настроек dosbox.conf?
    В игре нет звука или музыки, хотя они должны быть
    Я монтирую диск с игрой, как написано, перехожу на него и запускаю игру с помощью команды GAMESGAMEGAME.EXE (пример), но ничего не работает.

    DOSBox для пользователей.

    DOSBox для знатоков.

    DOSBox.conf — полное описание.

    Примеры запуска игр в DOSBox.

    Краткая инструкция по запуску glide-игр в особой сборке DOSBox.

    Описание DOSBox.

    Русский перевод интерфейса DOSBox и ридми-файла к нему (с официального сайта) (продублировано в аттаче)

    Видео на 10 минут про основные моменты

    Здесь обсуждается только использование программы DosBox для запуска старых DOS же игр. Когда описываете проблему — пишите о ней развёрнуто т.е. что делали, в какой последовательности, где происходит ошибка и т.п. Все сообщения, не удовлетворяющие этим условиям будут удаляться без предупреждения — не хочу видеть здесь помойку. Та же учесть постигнет нетлёнки авторов, задающих вопросы, разобранные в этом посте. Так, что соизвольте сначала поискать ответ на интересующий вас вопрос.


    Последнее редактирование: 15 июн 2021

  2. Вот это прям от души вы надавали :) Спасибо! Завтра попробую.

    VDMSound это годный совет, но я до сих пор помню daggerfall в котором квестовые предметы были невидимы если запускать игру под хр. Пугают меня такие глюки.

  3. fR0z3nS0u1



    14 ноя 2007

    Я очень много лет в своё время пытался в DosBox запустить Azrael’s Tear. И сравнительно недавно смог нормально играть.
    В самом высоком разрешении рендеринга оно у меня только на Core i7, смогло работать с играбельной частотой кадров во всех виденных мной комнатах. Правда, не без проблем со скачущей скоростью :(

    Последнее редактирование: 14 май 2017

  4. Довольно странно. А какая используется версия DOSBox и с какими настройками?

  5. Запустил сейчас, вроде шустренько всё, хотя у меня далеко не i7.

  6. fR0z3nS0u1



    14 ноя 2007

    @kreol, ванила. Настройки разные смотрел, но на буке с i5 в зоне с водой (сразу за стартом) и в следующей комнате с краном просадка фпс была жуткая и играть можно было только с детализацией в «3».
    ЗЫ. проблемы звука как-то связаны с тем, что музыку я настроил там на эмулятор GUS, а звук на SB pro. Выставил музыку в mpu401 стало как надо.

    Циклы сейчас:
    Фиксированные циклы — скорость зависит от комнаты к комнате если детализацию оставить в положении «1» (максимум). Если поставить положение «4», то в движении детализация падает, а статичная картинка даёт максимальное качество. Всё равно дискомфортно, ибо при понижении детализации сразу начинается рывок в скорости :)
    Максимум — скорость так же прыгает от комнаты к комнате: в первой всё летает, комната с водой также быстрее желаемого.
    Циклы в 50% практически как и фикс — первая комната комфортно, комната с водой тормозит.

    Последнее редактирование: 14 май 2017

  7. — добавлено 14 май 2017, предыдущее сообщение размещено: 14 май 2017

    Ровно семь лет ему исполнилось.

  8. fR0z3nS0u1



    14 ноя 2007

    @MisterGrim, да, именно. Я знаю, сам себе злобный буратино, но везде кроме Azrael’s Tear проблем у меня не было и желания использовать сборки не возникало.

  9. @fR0z3nS0u1, сборки здесь не в том смысле, что сборки типа «Zver». Сборки в первую очередь основаны на актуальном коде, который, как ни удивительно, до сих пор пишется, только авторам лень превозмочь себя и выпустить новую стабильную версию.

    Ну и аргумент «у меня проблем нигде не было», как всегда, радует.

  10. fR0z3nS0u1



    14 ноя 2007

    Что характерно, помню, что на физическом железе, когда я ещё играл с диска, проблем с разными комнатами не было вообще никаких! Скорость была постоянной.

    — добавлено 14 май 2017, предыдущее сообщение размещено: 14 май 2017

    @MisterGrim значить надо будет попробовать что-то посвежее, ок. Для справки, ты сам что используешь?

  11. Обычно Ykhwong’s build 2014-01-27 (более новый жутко проблемный). Есть DOSBox-X, но он идёт в сторону эмуляции реального железа, в основном для установки Windows (достаточно посмотреть конфиг

    # This is the configuration file for DOSBox DOSBox-X. (Please use the latest version of DOSBox)
    # Lines starting with a # are comment lines and are ignored by DOSBox.
    # They are used to (briefly) document the effect of each option.
    # To write out ALL options, use command 'config -all' with -wc or -writeconf options.
    #     logfile: file where the log messages will be saved to
    #         vga: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #      vgagfx: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #     vgamisc: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #       int10: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #    sblaster: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    # dma_control: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #         fpu: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #         cpu: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #      paging: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #         fcb: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #       files: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #       ioctl: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #        exec: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #     dosmisc: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #         pit: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #    keyboard: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #         pic: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #       mouse: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #        bios: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #         gui: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #        misc: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #          io: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #         pci: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #         sst: Enable/Disable logging of this type.
    #              Possible values: true, false, debug, normal, warn, error, fatal, never.
    #       fullscreen: Start dosbox directly in fullscreen. (Press ALT-Enter to go back)
    #       fulldouble: Use double buffering in fullscreen. It can reduce screen flickering, but it can also result in a slow DOSBox.
    #   fullresolution: What resolution to use for fullscreen: original, desktop or a fixed size (e.g. 1024x768).
    #                     Using your monitor's native resolution with aspect=true might give the best results.
    #                     If you end up with small window on a large screen, try an output different from surface.
    # windowresolution: Scale the window to this size IF the output device supports hardware scaling.
    #                     (output=surface does not!)
    #           output: What video system to use for output.
    #                   Possible values: surface, overlay, opengl, openglnb, openglhq, ddraw.
    #         autolock: Mouse will automatically lock, if you click on the screen. (Press CTRL-F10 to unlock)
    #      sensitivity: Mouse sensitivity.
    #      waitonerror: Wait before closing the console if dosbox has an error.
    #         priority: Priority levels for dosbox. Second entry behind the comma is for when dosbox is not focused/minimized.
    #                     pause is only valid for the second entry.
    #                   Possible values: lowest, lower, normal, higher, highest, pause.
    #       mapperfile: File used to load/save the key/event mappings from. Resetmapper only works with the default value.
    #     usescancodes: Avoid usage of symkeys, might not work on all operating systems.
    #         overscan: Width of overscan border (0 to 10). (works only if output=surface)
    #                                          language: Select another language file.
    #                                             title: Additional text to place in the title bar of the window
    #                                         dpi aware: Set this option (on by default) to indicate to your OS that DOSBox is DPI aware.
    #                                                    If it is not set, Windows Vista/7/8/10 and higher may upscale the DOSBox window
    #                                                    on higher resolution monitors which is probably not what you want.
    #                               bochs debug port e9: If set, emulate Bochs debug port E9h. ASCII text written to this I/O port is assumed to be debug output, and logged.
    #                                           machine: The type of machine DOSBox tries to emulate.
    #                                                    Possible values: hercules, cga, cga_mono, cga_rgb, cga_composite, cga_composite2, tandy, pcjr, ega, vgaonly, svga_s3, svga_et3000, svga_et4000, svga_paradise, vesa_nolfb, vesa_oldvbe, amstrad, pc98.
    #                                         vmemdelay: VGA Memory I/O delay in nanoseconds. Set to -1 to use default, 0 to disable.
    #                                                    Default off. Enable this option (-1 or nonzero) if you are running a game or
    #                                                    demo that needs slower VGA memory (like that of older ISA hardware) to work properly.
    #                                                    If your game is not sensitive to VGA RAM I/O speed, then turning on this option
    #                                                    will do nothing but cause a significant drop in frame rate which is probably not
    #                                                    what you want. Recommended values -1, 0 to 2000.
    #                                          vmemsize: Amount of video memory in megabytes.
    #                                                      The maximum resolution and color depth the svga_s3 will be able to display
    #                                                      is determined by this value.
    #                                                       0: 512k (800x600  at 256 colors)
    #                                                      1: 1024x768  at 256 colors or 800x600  at 64k colors
    #                                                      2: 1600x1200 at 256 colors or 1024x768 at 64k colors or 640x480 at 16M colors
    #                                                      4: 1600x1200 at 64k colors or 1024x768 at 16M colors
    #                                                      8: up to 1600x1200 at 16M colors
    #                                                    For build engine games, use more memory than in the list above so it can
    #                                                    use triple buffering and thus won't flicker.
    #                                        vmemsizekb: Amount of video memory in kilobytes, in addition to vmemsize
    #                                          captures: Directory where things like wave, midi, screenshot get captured.
    #                             capture chroma format: Chroma format to use when capturing to H.264. 'auto' picks the best quality option.
    #                                                    4:4:4       Chroma is at full resolution. This provides the best quality, however not widely supported by editing software.
    #                                                    4:2:2       Chroma is at half horizontal resolution.
    #                                                    4:2:0       Chroma is at quarter resolution, which may cause minor color smearing.
    #                                                                However, this chroma format is most likely to be compatible with video editing software.
    #                                                    Possible values: auto, 4:4:4, 4:2:2, 4:2:0.
    #                                    capture format: Capture format to use when capturing video. The availability of the format depends on how DOSBox-X was compiled.
    #                                                    default                     Use compiled-in default (avi-zmbv)
    #                                                    avi-zmbv                    Use DOSBox-style AVI + ZMBV codec with PCM audio
    #                                                    mpegts-h264                 Use MPEG transport stream + H.264 + AAC audio. Resolution & refresh rate changes can be contained
    #                                                                                within one file with this choice, however not all software can support mid-stream format changes.
    #                                                    Possible values: default, avi-zmbv, mpegts-h264.
    #                       mainline compatible mapping: If set, arrange private areas, UMBs, and DOS kernel structures by default in the same way the mainline branch would do it.
    #                                                    If cleared, these areas are allocated dynamically which may improve available memory and emulation accuracy.
    #                                                    If your DOS game breaks under DOSBox-X but works with mainline DOSBox setting this option may help.
    #                  mainline compatible bios mapping: If set, arrange the BIOS area in the same way that the mainline branch would do it.
    #                                                    If cleared, these areas are allocated dynamically which may improve available memory and emulation accuracy.
    #                                                    If your DOS game breaks under DOSBox-X but works with mainline DOSBox setting this option may help.
    #                                adapter rom is ram: Map adapter ROM as RAM (mainline DOSBox 0.74 behavior). When clear, unused adapter ROM is mapped out
    #                            shell environment size: Size of the initial DOSBox shell environment block, in bytes. This does not affect the environment block of sub-processes spawned from the shell.
    #                                                    This option has no effect unless dynamic kernel allocation is enabled.
    #                                 private area size: Set DOSBox-X private memory area size. This area contains private memory structures used by the DOS kernel.
    #                                                    It is discarded when you boot into another OS. Mainline DOSBox uses 32KB. Testing shows that it is possible
    #                                                    to run DOSBox with as little as 4KB. If DOSBox-X aborts with error "not enough memory for internal tables"
    #                                                    then you need to increase this value.
    #                                               a20: A20 gate emulation mode.
    #                                                    The on/off/on_fake/off_fake options are intended for testing and debugging DOS development,
    #                                                    or to emulate obscure hardware, or to work around potential extended memory problems with DOS programs.
    #                                                    on_fake/off_fake are intended to test whether a program carries out a memory test to ensure the A20
    #                                                    gate is set as intended (as HIMEM.SYS does). If it goes by the gate bit alone, it WILL crash.
    #                                                    This parameter is also changeable from the builtin A20GATE command.
    #                                                      fast                         Emulate A20 gating by remapping the first 64KB @ 1MB boundary (fast, mainline DOSBox behavior)
    #                                                      mask                         Emulate A20 gating by masking memory I/O address (accurate)
    #                                                      off                          Lock A20 gate off (Software/OS cannot enable A20)
    #                                                      on                           Lock A20 gate on (Software/OS cannot disable A20)
    #                                                      off_fake                     Lock A20 gate off but allow bit to toggle (hope your DOS game tests the HMA!)
    #                                                      on_fake                      Lock A20 gate on but allow bit to toggle
    #                                     isa bus clock: ISA BCLK frequency.
    #                                                    WARNING: In future revisions, PCI/motherboard chipset emulation will allow the guest OS/program to alter this value at runtime.
    #                                                      std8.3                       8.333MHz (typical 386-class or higher)
    #                                                      std8                         8MHz
    #                                                      std6                         6MHz
    #                                                      std4.77                      4.77MHz (precisely 1/3 x 14.31818MHz). Bus frequency of older PC/XT systems.
    #                                                      oc10                         10MHz
    #                                                      oc12                         12MHz
    #                                                      oc15                         15MHz
    #                                                      oc16                         16MHz
    #                                                      <integer or float>           Any integer or floating point value will be used as the clock frequency in Hz
    #                                                      <integer/integer ratio>      If a ratio is given (num/den), the ratio will be used as the clock frequency
    #                                     pci bus clock: PCI bus frequency.
    #                                                    WARNING: In future revisions, PCI/motherboard chipset emulation will allow the guest OS/program to alter this value at runtime.
    #                                                      std33.3                      33.333MHz (very common setting on motherboards)
    #                                                      std30                        30MHz (some older mid-1990's Pentium systems)
    #                                                      std25                        25MHz
    #                                                      <integer or float>           Any integer or floating point value will be used as the clock frequency in Hz
    #                                                      <integer/integer ratio>      If a ratio is given (num/den), the ratio will be used as the clock frequency
    #                           rom bios allocation max: Maximum size (top down from 1MB) allowed for ROM BIOS dynamic allocation in KB
    #                             rom bios minimum size: Once ROM BIOS layout is finalized, trim total region down to a minimum amount in KB
    #                                           iodelay: I/O delay in nanoseconds for I/O port access. Set to -1 to use default, 0 to disable.
    #                                                    A value of 1000 (1us) is recommended for ISA bus type delays. If your game
    #                                                    or demo is not sensitive to I/O port and ISA bus timing, you can turn this option off
    #                                                    (set to 0) to increase game performance.
    #                                         iodelay16: I/O delay for 16-bit transfers. -1 to use default, 0 to disable.
    #                                         iodelay32: I/O delay for 32-bit transfers. -1 to use default, 0 to disable.
    #                                              acpi: ACPI emulation, and what version of the specification to follow.
    #                                                    WARNING: This option is very experimental at this time and should not be enabled unless you're willing to accept the consequences.
    #                                                             Intended for use with ACPI-aware OSes including Linux and Windows 98/ME. This option will also slightly reduce available
    #                                                             system memory to make room for the ACPI tables, just as real BIOSes do, and reserve an IRQ for ACPI functions.
    #                                                    Possible values: off, 1.0, 1.0b, 2.0, 2.0a, 2.0b, 2.0c, 3.0, 3.0a, 3.0b, 4.0, 4.0a, 5.0, 5.0a, 6.0.
    #                             acpi rsd ptr location: Where to store the Root System Description Pointer structure. You can have it stored in the ROM BIOS area, or the Extended Bios Data Area.
    #                                                    Possible values: auto, bios, ebda.
    #                                      acpi sci irq: IRQ to assign as ACPI system control interrupt. set to -1 to automatically assign.
    #                                       acpi iobase: I/O port base for the ACPI device Power Management registers. Set to 0 for automatic assignment.
    #                                acpi reserved size: Amount of memory at top to reserve for ACPI structures and tables. Set to 0 for automatic assignment.
    #                                           memsize: Amount of memory DOSBox has in megabytes.
    #                                                      This value is best left at its default to avoid problems with some games,
    #                                                      though few games might require a higher value.
    #                                                      There is generally no speed advantage when raising this value.
    #                                                      Programs that use 286 protected mode like Windows 3.0 in Standard Mode may crash with more than 15MB.
    #                                         memsizekb: Amount of memory DOSBox has in kilobytes.
    #                                                      This value should normally be set to 0.
    #                                                      If nonzero, it is added to the memsize parameter.
    #                                                      Finer grained control of total memory may be useful in
    #                                                      emulating ancient DOS machines with less than 640KB of
    #                                                      RAM or early 386 systems with odd extended memory sizes.
    #                                     dos mem limit: Limit DOS conventional memory to this amount. Does not affect extended memory.
    #                                                    Setting this option to a value in the range 636-639 can be used to simulate modern BIOSes
    #                                                    that maintain an EBDA (Extended BIOS Data Area) at the top of conventional memory.
    #                                                    You may also play with this option for diagnostic purposes or to stress test DOS programs in limited memory setups.
    #                                                    A few DOS games & demos require this option to be set:
    #                                                         Majic 12 "Show": If UMBs are enabled, set this option to 639 to avoid MCB chain corruption error.
    #                          isa memory hole at 512kb: If set, emulate an ISA memory hole at the 512KB to 640KB area (0x80000-0x9FFFF).
    #                                          memalias: Memory aliasing emulation, in number of valid address bits.
    #                                                    . Many 386/486 class motherboards and processors prior to 1995
    #                                                      suffered from memory aliasing for various technical reasons. If the software you are
    #                                                      trying to run assumes aliasing, or otherwise plays cheap tricks with paging,
    #                                                      enabling this option can help. Note that enabling this option can cause slight performance degredation. Set to 0 to disable.
    #                                                      Recommended values when enabled:
    #                                                        24: 16MB aliasing. Common on 386SX systems (CPU had 24 external address bits)
    #                                                            or 386DX and 486 systems where the CPU communicated directly with the ISA bus (A24-A31 tied off)
    #                                                        26: 64MB aliasing. Some 486s had only 26 external address bits, some motherboards tied off A26-A31
    #                            vga bios size override: VGA BIOS size override. Override the size of the VGA BIOS (normally 32KB in compatible or 12KB in non-compatible).
    # video bios dont duplicate cga first half rom font: If set, save 4KB of EGA/VGA ROM space by pointing to the copy in the ROM BIOS of the first 128 chars
    #    video bios always offer 14-pixel high rom font: If set, video BIOS will always carry the 14-pixel ROM font. If clear, 14-pixel rom font will not be offered except for EGA/VGA emulation.
    #    video bios always offer 16-pixel high rom font: If set, video BIOS will always carry the 16-pixel ROM font. If clear, 16-pixel rom font will not be offered except for VGA emulation.
    #        video bios enable cga second half rom font: If set, and emulating CGA/PCjr/Tandy, automatically provide the second half of the 8x8 ROM font.
    #                                                    This setting is ignored for EGA/VGA emulation. If not set, you will need a utility like GRAFTABL.COM to load the second half of the ROM font for graphics.
    #                                                    NOTE: if you disable the 14 & 16 pixel high font AND the second half when machine=cga, you will disable video bios completely.
    #                                         forcerate: Force the VGA framerate to a specific value(ntsc, pal, or specific hz), no matter what
    #                                     sierra ramdac: Whether or not to emulate a Sierra or compatible RAMDAC at port 3C6h-3C9h.
    #                                                    Some DOS games expect to access port 3C6h to enable highcolor/truecolor SVGA modes on older chipsets.
    #                                                    Disable if you wish to emulate SVGA hardware that lacks a RAMDAC or (depending on the chipset) does
    #                                                    not emulate a RAMDAC that is accessible through port 3C6h. This option has no effect for non-VGA video hardware.
    #                            sierra ramdac lock 565: When emulating High Sierra highcolor RAMDAC, assume 5:6:5 at all times if set. Else,
    #                                                    bit 6 of the DAC command selects between 5:5:5 and 5:6:5. Set this option for demos or
    #                                                    games that got the command byte wrong (MFX Transgrassion 2) or any other demo that is
    #                                                    not rendering highcolor 16bpp correctly.
    #                              page flip debug line: VGA debugging switch. If set, an inverse line will be drawn on the exact scanline that the CRTC display offset registers were written.
    #                                                    This can be used to help diagnose whether or not the DOS game is page flipping properly according to vertical retrace if the display on-screen is flickering.
    #                  vertical retrace poll debug line: VGA debugging switch. If set, an inverse green dotted line will be drawn on the exact scanline that the CRTC status port (0x3DA) was read.
    #                                                    This can be used to help diagnose whether the DOS game is propertly waiting for vertical retrace.
    #                                           cgasnow: When machine=cga, determines whether or not to emulate CGA snow in 80x25 text mode
    #                            vga 3da undefined bits: VGA status port 3BA/3DAh only defines bits 0 and 3. This setting allows you to assign a bit pattern to the undefined bits.
    #                                                    The purpose of this hack is to deal with demos that read and handle port 3DAh in ways that might crash if all are zero.
    #                                                    By default, this value is zero.
    #                    unmask timer on int 10 setmode: If set, INT 10h will unmask IRQ 0 (timer) when setting video modes.
    #                    unmask keyboard on int 16 read: If set, INT 16h will unmask IRQ 1 (keyboard) when asked to read keyboard input.
    #   int16 keyboard polling undocumented cf behavior: If set, INT 16h function AH=01h will also set/clear the carry flag depending on whether input was available.
    #                                                    There are some old DOS games and demos that rely on this behavior to sense keyboard input, and this behavior
    #                                                    has been verified to occur on some old (early 90s) BIOSes.
    #                                         irq delay: If 0 or greater, apply a delay (in cycles) to IRQ handling in the CPU. A value of -1 means to use a default value.
    #                                                    There are some old DOS games and demos that have race conditions with IRQs that need a nonzero value here to work properly.
    #                               allow port 92 reset: If set (default), allow the application to reset the CPU through port 92h
    #                                    enable port 92: Emulate port 92h (PS/2 system control port A). If you want to emulate a system that predates the PS/2, set to 0.
    #                         enable 1st dma controller: Emulate 1st (AT) DMA controller (default). Set to 0 if you wish to emulate a system that lacks DMA (PCjr and some Tandy systems)
    #                         enable 2nd dma controller: Emulate 2nd (AT) DMA controller (default). Set to 0 if you wish to emulate a PC/XT system without 16-bit DMA.
    #                                                    Note: mainline DOSBox automatically disables 16-bit DMA when machine=cga or machine=hercules, while DOSBox-X does not.
    #                       allow dma address decrement: If set, allow increment & decrement modes as specified in the 8237 datasheet.
    #                                                    If clear, always increment the address (as if to emulate clone 8237 implementations that skipped the inc/dec bit).
    #                    enable 128k capable 16-bit dma: If true, DMA controller emulation models ISA hardware that permits 16-bit DMA to span 128KB.
    #                                                    If false, DMA controller emulation models PCI hardware that limits 16-bit DMA to 64KB boundaries.
    #                                                    If auto, the choice is made according to other factors in hardware emulation
    #                                                    Possible values: true, false, 1, 0, auto.
    #                   enable dma extra page registers: If set, emulate the extra page registers (I/O ports 0x80, 0x84-0x86, 0x88, 0x8C-0x8E), like actual hardware.
    #                                                    Note that mainline DOSBox behavior is to NOT emulate these registers.
    #                     dma page registers write-only: Normally (on AT hardware) the DMA page registers are read/write. Set this option if you want to emulate PC/XT hardware where the page registers are write-only.
    #                                  enable slave pic: Enable slave PIC (IRQ 8-15). Set this to 0 if you want to emulate a PC/XT type arrangement with IRQ 0-7 and no IRQ 2 cascade.
    #                                enable pc nmi mask: Enable PC/XT style NMI mask register (0xA0). Note that this option conflicts with the secondary PIC and will be ignored if the slave PIC is enabled.
    #                             rom bios 8x8 CGA font: If set, or mainline compatible bios mapping, a legacy 8x8 CGA font (first 128 characters) is stored at 0xF000:0xFA6E. DOS programs that do not use INT 10h to locate fonts might require that font to be located there.
    #                    rom bios video parameter table: If set, or mainline compatible bios mapping, DOSBox will emulate the video parameter table and assign that to INT 1Dh. If clear, table will not be provided.
    #                 allow more than 640kb base memory: If set, and space is available, allow conventional memory to extend past 640KB.
    #                                                    For example, if machine=cga, conventional memory can extend out to 0xB800 and provide up to 736KB of RAM.
    #                                                    This allows you to emulate PC/XT style memory extensions.
    #                     vesa lfb base scanline adjust: If non-zero, the VESA BIOS will report the linear framebuffer offset by this many scanlines.
    #                                                    This does not affect the linear framebuffer's location. It only affects the linear framebuffer
    #                                                    location reported by the VESA BIOS. Set to nonzero for DOS games with sloppy VESA graphics pointer management.
    #                                                        MFX "Melvindale" (1996): Set this option to 2 to center the picture properly.
    #                                allow hpel effects: If set, allow the DOS demo or program to change the horizontal pel (panning) register per scanline.
    #                                                    Some early DOS demos use this to create waving or sinus effects on the picture. Not very many VGA
    #                                                    chipsets allow this, so far, only ATI chipsets are known to support this effect. Disabled by default.
    #                            allow hretrace effects: If set, allow the DOS demo or program to make the picture wavy by playing with the 'start horizontalretrace' register of the CRTC during the active picture. Some early DOS demos (Copper by Surprise!productions) need this option set for some demo effects to work. Disabled by default.
    #                            hretrace effect weight: If emulating hretrace effects, this parameter adds 'weight' to the offset to smooth it out.
    #                                                    the larger the number, the more averaging is applied. This is intended to emulate the inertia
    #                                                    of the electron beam in a CRT monitor
    #                                 vesa modelist cap: IF nonzero, the VESA modelist is capped so that it contains no more than the specified number of video modes.
    #                                                    Set this option to a value between 8 to 32 if the DOS application has problems with long modelists or a fixed
    #                                                    buffer for querying modes. Such programs may crash if given the entire modelist supported by DOSBox-X.
    #                                                      Warcraft II by Blizzard ................ Set to a value between 8 and 16. This game has a fixed buffer that it
    #                                                                                               reads the modelist into. DOSBox-X's normal modelist is too long and
    #                                                                                               the game will overrun the buffer and crash without this setting.
    #                         vesa modelist width limit: IF nonzero, VESA modes with horizontal resolution higher than the specified pixel count will not be listed.
    #                                                    This is another way the modelist can be capped for DOS applications that have trouble with long modelists.
    #                        vesa modelist height limit: IF nonzero, VESA modes with vertical resolution higher than the specified pixel count will not be listed.
    #                                                    This is another way the modelist can be capped for DOS applications that have trouble with long modelists.
    #                      vesa vbe 1.2 modes are 32bpp: If set, truecolor (16M color) VESA BIOS modes in the 0x100-0x11F range are 32bpp. If clear, they are 24bpp.
    #                                                    Some DOS games and demos assume one bit depth or the other and do not enumerate VESA BIOS modes, which is why this
    #                                                    option exists.
    #                   allow low resolution vesa modes: If set, allow low resolution VESA modes (320x200x16/24/32bpp and so on). You could set this to false to simulate
    #                                                    SVGA hardware with a BIOS that does not support the lowres modes for testing purposes.
    #                            allow 32bpp vesa modes: If the DOS game or demo has problems with 32bpp VESA modes, set to 'false'
    #                            allow 24bpp vesa modes: If the DOS game or demo has problems with 24bpp VESA modes, set to 'false'
    #                            allow 16bpp vesa modes: If the DOS game or demo has problems with 16bpp VESA modes, set to 'false'
    #                            allow 15bpp vesa modes: If the DOS game or demo has problems with 15bpp VESA modes, set to 'false'
    #                             allow 8bpp vesa modes: If the DOS game or demo has problems with 8bpp VESA modes, set to 'false'
    #                             allow 4bpp vesa modes: If the DOS game or demo has problems with 4bpp VESA modes, set to 'false'
    #                              allow tty vesa modes: If the DOS game or demo has problems with text VESA modes, set to 'false'
    #                      double-buffered line compare: This setting affects the VGA Line Compare register. Set to false (default value) to emulate most VGA behavior
    #                                                    Set to true for the value to latch once at the start of the frame.
    #                          ignore vblank wraparound: DOSBox-X can handle active display properly if games or demos reprogram vertical blanking to end in the active picture area.
    #                                                    If the wraparound handling prevents the game from displaying properly, set this to false. Out of bounds vblank values will be ignored.
    #                           enable vga resize delay: If the DOS game you are running relies on certain VGA raster tricks that affect active display area, enable this option.
    #                                                    This adds a delay between VGA mode changes and window updates. It also means that if you are capturing a demo or game,
    #                                                    that your capture will also show a few garbled frames at any point mode changes occur, which is why this option is disabled
    #                                                    by default. If you intend to run certain DOS games and demos like DoWhackaDo, enable this option.
    #  resize only on vga active display width increase: If set, changes to the Display End register of the CRTC do not trigger DOSBox to resize it's window
    #                                                    IF the value written is less than the current value. Some demos like DoWhackaDo need this option set
    #                                                    because of the way it's raster effects work. If the DOSBox window rapidly changes size during a demo
    #                                                    try setting this option. Else, leave it turned off. Changes to other VGA CRTC registers will trigger
    #                                                    a DOSBox mode change as normal regardless of this setting.
    #                                    enable pci bus: Enable PCI bus emulation
    dpi aware=true
    bochs debug port e9=false
    capture chroma format=auto
    capture format=default
    mainline compatible mapping=false
    mainline compatible bios mapping=false
    adapter rom is ram=false
    shell environment size=0
    private area size=32768
    isa bus clock=std8.3
    pci bus clock=std33.3
    rom bios allocation max=0
    rom bios minimum size=0
    acpi rsd ptr location=auto
    acpi sci irq=-1
    acpi iobase=0
    acpi reserved size=0
    dos mem limit=0
    isa memory hole at 512kb=false
    vga bios size override=0
    video bios dont duplicate cga first half rom font=false
    video bios always offer 14-pixel high rom font=false
    video bios always offer 16-pixel high rom font=false
    video bios enable cga second half rom font=true
    sierra ramdac=true
    sierra ramdac lock 565=false
    page flip debug line=false
    vertical retrace poll debug line=false
    vga 3da undefined bits=0
    unmask timer on int 10 setmode=false
    unmask keyboard on int 16 read=false
    int16 keyboard polling undocumented cf behavior=false
    irq delay=-1
    allow port 92 reset=true
    enable port 92=true
    enable 1st dma controller=true
    enable 2nd dma controller=true
    allow dma address decrement=true
    enable 128k capable 16-bit dma=auto
    enable dma extra page registers=true
    dma page registers write-only=false
    enable slave pic=true
    enable pc nmi mask=true
    rom bios 8x8 CGA font=true
    rom bios video parameter table=true
    allow more than 640kb base memory=false
    vesa lfb base scanline adjust=0
    allow hpel effects=false
    allow hretrace effects=false
    hretrace effect weight=4.00
    vesa modelist cap=0
    vesa modelist width limit=0
    vesa modelist height limit=0
    vesa vbe 1.2 modes are 32bpp=true
    allow low resolution vesa modes=true
    allow 32bpp vesa modes=true
    allow 24bpp vesa modes=true
    allow 16bpp vesa modes=true
    allow 15bpp vesa modes=true
    allow 8bpp vesa modes=true
    allow 4bpp vesa modes=true
    allow tty vesa modes=true
    double-buffered line compare=false
    ignore vblank wraparound=false
    enable vga resize delay=false
    resize only on vga active display width increase=false
    enable pci bus=true
    #  frameskip: How many frames DOSBox skips before drawing one.
    #     aspect: Do aspect correction, if your output method doesn't support scaling this can slow things down!.
    #      char9: Allow 9-pixel wide text mode fonts.
    # doublescan: If set, doublescanned output emits two scanlines for each source line, in the
    #             same manner as the actual VGA output (320x200 is rendered as 640x400 for example).
    #             If clear, doublescanned output is rendered at the native source resolution (320x200 as 320x200).
    #             This affects the raster PRIOR to the software or hardware scalers. Choose wisely.
    #     scaler: Scaler used to enlarge/enhance low resolution modes. If 'forced' is appended,
    #             then the scaler will be used even if the result might not be desired.
    #             Possible values: none, normal2x, normal3x, normal4x, normal5x, advmame2x, advmame3x, advinterp2x, advinterp3x, hq2x, hq3x, 2xsai, super2xsai, supereagle, tv2x, tv3x, rgb2x, rgb3x, scan2x, scan3x, hardware_none, hardware2x, hardware3x, hardware4x, hardware5x.
    #    autofit: Best fits image to window
    #             - Intended for output=direct3d, fullresolution=original, aspect=true
    # vsyncmode: Synchronize vsync timing to the host display. Requires calibration within dosbox.
    #            Possible values: off, on, force, host.
    # vsyncrate: Vsync rate used if vsync is enabled. Ignored if vsyncmode is set to host (win32).
    #            Possible values:.
    #                                core: CPU Core used in emulation. auto will switch to dynamic if available and appropriate.
    #                                      WARNING: Do not use dynamic or auto setting core with Windows 95 or other preemptive
    #                                      multitasking OSes with protected mode paging, you should use the normal core instead.
    #                                      Possible values: auto, dynamic, normal, full, simple.
    #                                 fpu: Enable FPU emulation
    #                      segment limits: Enforce segment limits
    #                        double fault: Emulate double fault exception
    #               reset on triple fault: Reset CPU on triple fault condition (failure to handle double fault)
    #          always report double fault: Always report (to log file) double faults if set. Else, a double fault is reported only once. Set this option for debugging purposes.
    #          always report triple fault: Always report (to log file) triple faults if set. Else, a triple fault is reported only once. Set this option for debugging purposes.
    #                          enable msr: Allow RDMSR/WRMSR instructions. This option is only meaningful when cputype=pentium.
    #                                      WARNING: Leaving this option enabled while installing Windows 95/98/ME can cause crashes.
    #                    enable cmpxchg8b: Enable Pentium CMPXCHG8B instruction. Enable this explicitly if using software that uses this instruction.
    #                                      You must enable this option to run Windows ME because portions of the kernel rely on this instruction.
    #                ignore undefined msr: Ignore RDMSR/WRMSR on undefined registers. Normally the CPU will fire an Invalid Opcode exception in that case.
    #                                      This option is off by default, enable if using software or drivers that assumes the presence of
    #                                      certain MSR registers without checking. If you are using certain versions of the 3Dfx glide drivers for MS-DOS
    #                                      you will need to set this to TRUE as 3Dfx appears to have coded GLIDE2.OVL to assume the presence
    #                                      of Pentium Pro/Pentium II MTRR registers.
    #                                      WARNING: Leaving this option enabled while installing Windows 95/98/ME can cause crashes.
    #         interruptible rep string op: if nonzero, REP string instructions (LODS/MOVS/STOS/INS/OUTS) are interruptible (by interrupts or other events).
    #                                      if zero, REP string instructions are carried out in full before processing events and interrupts.
    #                                      Set to -1 for a reasonable default setting based on cpu type and other configuration.
    #                                      A setting of 0 can improve emulation speed at the expense of emulation accuracy.
    #                                      A nonzero setting (1-8) may be needed for DOS games and demos that use the IRQ 0 interrupt to play digitized samples
    #                                      while doing VGA palette animation at the same time (use case of REP OUTS), where the non-interruptible version
    #                                      would cause an audible drop in audio pitch.
    #       dynamic core cache block size: dynamic core cache block size. default value is 32. change this value carefully.
    #                                      according to forum discussion, setting this to 1 can aid debugging, however doing so
    #                                      also causes problems with 32-bit protected mode DOS games and reduces the performance
    #                                      of the dynamic core.
    #                             cputype: CPU Type used in emulation. auto emulates a 486 which tolerates Pentium instructions.
    #                                      Possible values: auto, 8086, 8086_prefetch, 80186, 80186_prefetch, 286, 286_prefetch, 386, 386_prefetch, 486, pentium, pentium_mmx.
    #                              cycles: Amount of instructions DOSBox tries to emulate each millisecond.
    #                                      Setting this value too high results in sound dropouts and lags.
    #                                      Cycles can be set in 3 ways:
    #                                        'auto'          tries to guess what a game needs.
    #                                                        It usually works, but can fail for certain games.
    #                                        'fixed #number' will set a fixed amount of cycles. This is what you usually
    #                                                        need if 'auto' fails (Example: fixed 4000).
    #                                        'max'           will allocate as much cycles as your computer is able to
    #                                                        handle.
    #                                      Possible values: auto, fixed, max.
    #                             cycleup: Amount of cycles to decrease/increase with keycombos.(CTRL-F11/CTRL-F12)
    #                           cycledown: Setting it lower than 100 will be a percentage.
    #            non-recursive page fault: Determines whether CPU emulation attempts to use a non-recursive method to emulate guest OS page fault exceptions.
    #                                      If false (mainline DOSBox compatible), page faults are emulated using a recursive method, which is recommended for
    #                                      MS-DOS and Windows 3.1 exception handlers. For preemptive multitasking OSes like Windows 95, set this option to true.
    #                                      This option is not compatible with the dynamic core.
    #                    ignore opcode 63: When debugging, do not report illegal opcode 0x63.
    #                                      Enable this option to ignore spurious errors while debugging from within Windows 3.1/9x/ME
    #                             apmbios: Emulate Advanced Power Management BIOS calls
    #                         apmbios pnp: If emulating ISA PnP BIOS, announce APM BIOS in PnP enumeration.
    #                                      Warning: this can cause Windows 95 OSR2 and later to enumerate the APM BIOS twice and cause problems.
    #                     apmbios version: What version of the APM BIOS specification to emulate.
    #                                      You will need at least APM BIOS v1.1 for emulation to work with Windows 95/98/ME
    #                                      Possible values: auto, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2.
    #              apmbios allow realmode: Allow guest OS to connect from real mode.
    # apmbios allow 16-bit protected mode: Allow guest OS to connect from 16-bit protected mode.
    # apmbios allow 32-bit protected mode: Allow guest OS to connect from 32-bit protected mode.
    #                                      If you want power management in Windows 95/98/ME (beyond using the APM to shutdown the computer) you MUST enable this option.
    #                                      Windows 95/98/ME does not support the 16-bit real and protected mode APM BIOS entry points.
    #                                      Please note at this time that 32-bit APM is unstable under Windows ME
    #                  integration device: Enable DOSBox integration I/O device. This can be used by the guest OS to match mouse pointer position, for example. EXPERIMENTAL!
    #                          isapnpbios: Emulate ISA Plug & Play BIOS. Enable if using DOSBox to run a PnP aware DOS program or if booting Windows 9x.
    #                                      Do not disable if Windows 9x is configured around PnP devices, you will likely confuse it.
    #                           realbig16: Allow the B (big) bit in real mode. If set, allow the DOS program to set the B bit,
    #                                      then jump to realmode with B still set (aka Huge Unreal mode). Needed for Project Angel.
    segment limits=true
    double fault=true
    reset on triple fault=true
    always report double fault=false
    always report triple fault=false
    enable msr=true
    enable cmpxchg8b=true
    ignore undefined msr=false
    interruptible rep string op=-1
    dynamic core cache block size=32
    non-recursive page fault=true
    ignore opcode 63=true
    apmbios pnp=false
    apmbios version=auto
    apmbios allow realmode=true
    apmbios allow 16-bit protected mode=true
    apmbios allow 32-bit protected mode=true
    integration device=false
    #                     aux: Enable emulation of the 8042 auxiliary port. PS/2 mouse emulation requires this to be enabled.
    #                          You should enable this if you will be running Windows ME or any other OS that does not use the BIOS to receive mouse events.
    # allow output port reset: If set (default), allow the application to reset the CPU through the keyboard controller.
    #                          This option is required to allow Windows ME to reboot properly, whereas Windows 9x and earlier
    #                          will reboot without this option using INT 19h
    #               auxdevice: Type of PS/2 mouse attached to the AUX port
    #                          Possible values: none, 2button, 3button, intellimouse, intellimouse45.
    allow output port reset=true
    # voodoo: Enable VOODOO support.
    #         Possible values: false, software, opengl, auto.
    #         nosound: Enable silent mode, sound is still emulated though.
    # sample accurate: Enable sample accurate mixing, at the expense of some emulation performance. Enable this option for DOS games and demos that
    #                  require such accuracy for correct Tandy/OPL output including digitized speech. This option can also help eliminate minor
    #                  errors in Gravis Ultrasound emulation that result in random echo/attenuation effects.
    #      swapstereo: Swaps the left and right stereo channels.
    #            rate: Mixer sample rate, setting any device's rate higher than this will probably lower their sound quality.
    #                  Possible values: 44100, 48000, 32000, 22050, 16000, 11025, 8000, 49716.
    #       blocksize: Mixer block size, larger blocks might help sound stuttering but sound will also be more lagged.
    #                  Possible values: 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 512, 256.
    #       prebuffer: How many milliseconds of data to keep on top of the blocksize.
    sample accurate=false
    #              mpu401: Type of MPU-401 to emulate.
    #                      Possible values: intelligent, uart, none.
    #          mididevice: Device that will receive the MIDI data from MPU-401.
    #                      Possible values: default, win32, alsa, oss, coreaudio, coremidi, mt32, synth, timidity, none.
    #          midiconfig: Special configuration options for the device driver. This is usually the id of the device you want to use.
    #                        or in the case of coreaudio, you can specify a soundfont here.
    #                        When using a Roland MT-32 rev. 0 as midi output device, some games may require a delay in order to prevent 'buffer overflow' issues.
    #                        In that case, add 'delaysysex', for example: midiconfig=2 delaysysex
    #                        See the README/Manual for more details.
    # mt32.reverse.stereo: Reverse stereo channels for MT-32 output
    #                      Possible values: off, on.
    #        mt32.verbose: MT-32 debug logging
    #                      Possible values: off, on.
    #         mt32.thread: MT-32 rendering in separate thread
    #                      Possible values: off, on.
    #            mt32.dac: MT-32 DAC input emulation mode
    #                      Nice = 0 - default
    #                      Produces samples at double the volume, without tricks.
    #                      Higher quality than the real devices
    #                      Pure = 1
    #                      Produces samples that exactly match the bits output from the emulated LA32.
    #                      Nicer overdrive characteristics than the DAC hacks (it simply clips samples within range)
    #                      Much less likely to overdrive than any other mode.
    #                      Half the volume of any of the other modes, meaning its volume relative to the reverb
    #                      output when mixed together directly will sound wrong. So, reverb level must be lowered.
    #                      Perfect for developers while debugging :)
    #                      GENERATION1 = 2
    #                      Re-orders the LA32 output bits as in early generation MT-32s (according to Wikipedia).
    #                      Bit order at DAC (where each number represents the original LA32 output bit number, and XX means the bit is always low):
    #                      15 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 XX
    #                      GENERATION2 = 3
    #                      Re-orders the LA32 output bits as in later geneerations (personally confirmed on my CM-32L - KG).
    #                      Bit order at DAC (where each number represents the original LA32 output bit number):
    #                      15 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 14
    #                      Possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3, auto.
    #    mt32.reverb.mode: MT-32 reverb mode
    #                      Possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3, auto.
    #    mt32.reverb.time: MT-32 reverb decaying time
    #                      Possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
    #   mt32.reverb.level: MT-32 reverb level
    #                      Possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
    #       mt32.partials: MT-32 max partials allowed (0-256)
    #                                           sbtype: Type of Soundblaster to emulate. gb is Gameblaster.
    #                                                   Possible values: sb1, sb2, sbpro1, sbpro2, sb16, sb16vibra, gb, ess688, reveal_sc400, none.
    #                                           sbbase: The IO address of the soundblaster.
    #                                                   Possible values: 220, 240, 260, 280, 2a0, 2c0, 2e0, 300.
    #                                              irq: The IRQ number of the soundblaster. Set to -1 to start DOSBox with the IRQ unassigned
    #                                                   Possible values: 7, 5, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12.
    #                                           mindma: Minimum DMA transfer left to increase attention across DSP blocks, in milliseconds. Set to -1 for default.
    #                                                   There are some DOS games/demos that use single-cycle DSP playback in their music tracker and they micromanage
    #                                                   the DMA transfer per block poorly in a way that causes popping and artifacts. Setting this option to 0 for
    #                                                   such DOS applications may reduce audible popping and artifacts.
    #                                         irq hack: Specify a hack related to the Sound Blaster IRQ to avoid crashes in a handful of games and demos.
    #                                                       none                   Emulate IRQs normally
    #                                                       cs_equ_ds              Do not fire IRQ unless two CPU segment registers match: CS == DS. Read Dosbox-X Wiki or source code for details.
    #                                                   Possible values: none, cs_equ_ds.
    #                                              dma: The DMA number of the soundblaster. Set to -1 to start DOSBox with the IRQ unassigned
    #                                                   Possible values: 1, 5, 0, 3, 6, 7.
    #                                             hdma: The High DMA number of the soundblaster. Set to -1 to start DOSBox with the IRQ unassigned
    #                                                   Possible values: 1, 5, 0, 3, 6, 7.
    #                                   pic unmask irq: Start the DOS virtual machine with the sound blaster IRQ already unmasked at the PIC.
    #                                                   Some early DOS games/demos that support Sound Blaster expect the IRQ to fire but make
    #                                                   no attempt to unmask the IRQ. If audio cuts out no matter what IRQ you try, then try
    #                                                   setting this option.
    #                                                   Option is needed for:
    #                                                      Public NMI "jump" demo (1992)
    #                                   enable speaker: Start the DOS virtual machine with the sound blaster speaker enabled.
    #                                                   Sound Blaster Pro and older cards have a speaker disable/enable command.
    #                                                   Normally the card boots up with the speaker disabled. If a DOS game or demo
    #                                                   attempts to play without enabling the speaker, set this option to true to
    #                                                   compensate. This setting has no meaning if emulating a Sound Blaster 16 card.
    #                                       enable asp: If set, emulate the presence of the Sound Blaster 16 Advanced Sound Processor/Creative Sound Processor chip.
    #                                                   NOTE: This only emulates it's presence and the basic DSP commands to communicate with it. Actual ASP/CSP functions are not yet implemented.
    #                                disable filtering: By default DOSBox-X filters Sound Blaster output to emulate lowpass filters and analog output limitations.
    #                                                   Set this option to true to disable filtering. Note that doing so disables emulation of the Sound Blaster Pro
    #                                                   output filter and ESS AudioDrive lowpass filter.
    # dsp write buffer status must return 0x7f or 0xff: If set, force port 22Ch (DSP write buffer status) to return 0x7F or 0xFF. If not set, the port
    #                                                   may return 0x7F or 0xFF depending on what type of Sound Blaster is being emulated.
    #                                                   Set this option for some early DOS demos that make that assumption about port 22Ch.
    #                                                   Option is needed for:
    #                                                      Overload by Hysteria (1992) - Audio will crackle/saturate (8-bit overflow) except when sbtype=sb16
    #                             pre-set sbpro stereo: Start the DOS virtual machine with the Sound Blaster Pro stereo bit set (in the mixer).
    #                                                   A few demos support Sound Blaster Pro but forget to set this bit.
    #                                                   Option is needed for:
    #                                                      Inconexia by Iguana (1993)
    #                                          sbmixer: Allow the soundblaster mixer to modify the DOSBox mixer.
    #                                          oplmode: Type of OPL emulation. On 'auto' the mode is determined by sblaster type.
    #                                                   To emulate Adlib, set sbtype=none and oplmode=opl2. To emulate a Game Blaster, set
    #                                                   sbtype=none and oplmode=cms
    #                                                   Possible values: auto, cms, opl2, dualopl2, opl3, none, hardware, hardwaregb.
    #             adlib force timer overflow on detect: If set, Adlib/OPL emulation will signal 'overflow' on timers after 50 I/O reads.
    #                                                   This is a temporary hack to work around timing bugs noted in DOSBox-X. Certain
    #                                                   games (Wolfenstein 3D) poll the Adlib status port a fixed number of times assuming
    #                                                   that the poll loop takes long enough for the Adlib timer to run out. If the game
    #                                                   cannot reliably detect Adlib at higher cycles counts, but can reliably detect at
    #                                                   lower cycles counts, set this option.
    #                                                   NOTE: Technically this decreases emulation accuracy, however it also reflects the
    #                                                         fact that DOSBox-X's I/O timing code needs some work to better match the
    #                                                         slowness of the ISA bus per I/O read in consideration of DOS games. So this
    #                                                         option is ON by default.
    #                                           oplemu: Provider for the OPL emulation. compat might provide better quality (see oplrate as well).
    #                                                   Possible values: default, compat, fast.
    #                                          oplrate: Sample rate of OPL music emulation. Use 49716 for highest quality (set the mixer rate accordingly).
    #                                                   Possible values: 44100, 49716, 48000, 32000, 22050, 16000, 11025, 8000.
    #                                     hardwarebase: base address of the real hardware soundblaster:
    #                                                   210,220,230,240,250,260,280
    #                              force dsp auto-init: Treat all single-cycle DSP commands as auto-init to keep playback going.
    #                                                   This option is a workaround for DOS games or demos that use single-cycle DSP playback commands and
    #                                                   have problems with missing the Sound Blaster IRQ under load. Do not enable unless you need this workaround.
    #                                                   Needed for:
    #                                                     - Extreme "lunatic" demo (1993)
    #                                   force goldplay: Always render Sound Blaster output sample-at-a-time. Testing option. You probably don't want to enable this.
    #                                         goldplay: Enable goldplay emulation.
    #                                  goldplay stereo: Enable workaround for goldplay stereo playback. Many DOS demos using this technique
    #                                                   don't seem to know they need to double the frequency when programming the DSP time constant for Pro stereo output.
    #                                                   If stereo playback seems to have artifacts consider enabling this option. For accurate emulation of Sound Blaster
    #                                                   hardware, disable this option.
    #                dsp require interrupt acknowledge: If set, the DSP will halt DMA playback until IRQ acknowledgement occurs even in auto-init mode (SB16 behavior).
    #                                                   If clear, IRQ acknowledgement will have no effect on auto-init playback (SB Pro and earlier & clone behavior)
    #                                                   If set to 'auto' then behavior is determined by sbtype= setting.
    #                                                   This is a setting for hardware accuracy in emulation. If audio briefly plays then stops then your DOS game
    #                                                   and it's not using IRQ (but using DMA), try setting this option to 'false'
    #                             dsp write busy delay: Amount of time in nanoseconds the DSP chip signals 'busy' after writing to the DSP (port 2xCh). Set to -1 to use card-specific defaults.
    #                                                   WARNING: Setting the value too high (above 20000ns) may have detrimental effects to DOS games that use IRQ 0 and DSP command 0x10 to play audio.
    #                                                            Setting the value way too high (above 1000000ns) can cause significant lag in DOS games.
    #                     blaster environment variable: Whether or not to set the BLASTER environment variable automatically at startup
    #                               sample rate limits: If set (default), limit DSP sample rate to what real hardware is limited to
    #                               instant direct dac: If set, direct DAC output commands are instantaneous. This option is intended as a quick fix for
    #                                                   games or demos that play direct DAC music/sound from the IRQ 0 timer who a) write the DSP command
    #                                                   and data without polling the DSP to ensure it's ready or b) can get locked into the IRQ 0 handler
    #                                                   waiting for DSP status when instructed to play at or beyond the DSP's maximum direct DAC sample rate.
    #                                                   This fix allows broken Sound Blaster code to work and should not be enabled unless necessary.
    #                   stereo control with sbpro only: Default on. If set, Sound Blaster Pro stereo is not available when emulating sb16 or sb16vibra.
    #                                                   If clear, sb16 emulation will honor the sbpro stereo bit. Note that Creative SB16 cards do not
    #                                                   honor the stereo bit, and this option allows DOSBox emulate that fact. Accuracy setting.
    #                              dsp busy cycle rate: Sound Blaster 16 DSP chips appear to go busy periodically at some high clock rate
    #                                                   whether the DSP is actually doing anything for the system or not. This is an accuracy
    #                                                   option for Sound Blaster emulation. If this option is nonzero, it will be interpreted
    #                                                   as the busy cycle rate in Hz. If zero, busy cycle will not be emulated. If -1, sound
    #                                                   blaster emulation will automatically choose a setting based on the sbtype= setting
    #                            dsp busy cycle always: If set, the DSP busy cycle always happens. If clear, DSP busy cycle only happens when
    #                                                   audio playback is running. Default setting is to pick according to the sound card.
    #                              dsp busy cycle duty: If emulating SB16 busy cycle, this value (0 to 100) controls the duty cycle of the busy cycle.
    #                                                   If this option is set to -1, Sound Blaster emulation will choose a value automatically according
    #                                                   to sbtype=. If 0, busy cycle emulation is disabled.
    #                                 io port aliasing: If set, Sound Blaster ports alias by not decoding the LSB of the I/O port.
    #                                                   This option only applies when sbtype is set to sb1 or sb2 (not SBPro or SB16).
    #                                                   This is a hack for the Electromotive Force 'Internal Damage' demo which apparently
    #                                                   relies on this behavior for Sound Blaster output and should be enabled for accuracy in emulation.
    irq hack=none
    pic unmask irq=false
    enable speaker=false
    enable asp=false
    disable filtering=false
    dsp write buffer status must return 0x7f or 0xff=false
    pre-set sbpro stereo=false
    adlib force timer overflow on detect=true
    force dsp auto-init=false
    force goldplay=false
    goldplay stereo=true
    dsp require interrupt acknowledge=auto
    dsp write busy delay=-1
    blaster environment variable=true
    sample rate limits=true
    instant direct dac=false
    stereo control with sbpro only=true
    dsp busy cycle rate=-1
    dsp busy cycle always=-1
    dsp busy cycle duty=-1
    io port aliasing=true
    #                                gus: Enable the Gravis Ultrasound emulation.
    #                         unmask dma: Start the DOS virtual machine with the DMA channel already unmasked at the controller.
    #                                     Use this for DOS applications that expect to operate the GUS but forget to unmask the DMA channel.
    # clear dma tc irq if excess polling: If the DOS application is seen polling the IRQ status register rapidly, automatically clear the DMA TC IRQ status.
    #                                     This is a hack that should only be used with DOS applications that need it to avoid bugs in their GUS support code.
    #                                     Needed for:
    #                                       Warcraft II by Blizzard ............. if using GUS for music and sound, set this option to prevent the game from
    #                                                                             hanging when you click on the buttons in the main menu.
    #            force master irq enable: Set this option if a DOS game or demo initializes the GUS but is unable to play any music.
    #                                     Usually the cause is buggy GUS support that resets the GUS but fails to set the Master IRQ enable bit.
    #                  gus panning table: Controls which table or equation is used for the Gravis Ultrasound panning emulation.
    #                                     accurate emulation attempts to better reflect how the actual hardware handles panning,
    #                                     while the old emulation uses a simpler idealistic mapping.
    #                                     Possible values: old, accurate, default.
    #                            gusrate: Sample rate of Ultrasound emulation.
    #                                     Possible values: 44100, 48000, 32000, 22050, 16000, 11025, 8000, 49716.
    #              gus fixed render rate: If set, Gravis Ultrasound audio output is rendered at a fixed sample rate specified by 'gusrate'. This can provide better quality than real hardware,
    #                                     if desired. Else, Gravis Ultrasound emulation will change the sample rate of it's output according to the number of active channels, just like real hardware.
    #                                     Note: DOSBox-X defaults to 'false', while mainline DOSBox SVN is currently hardcoded to render as if this setting is 'true'.
    #                         gusmemsize: Amount of RAM on the Gravis Ultrasound in KB. Set to -1 for default.
    #                            gusbase: The IO base address of the Gravis Ultrasound.
    #                                     Possible values: 240, 220, 260, 280, 2a0, 2c0, 2e0, 300, 210, 230, 250.
    #                             gusirq: The IRQ number of the Gravis Ultrasound.
    #                                     Possible values: 5, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12.
    #                             gusdma: The DMA channel of the Gravis Ultrasound.
    #                                     Possible values: 3, 0, 1, 5, 6, 7.
    #                            gustype: Type of Gravis Ultrasound to emulate.
    #                                     classic             Original Gravis Ultrasound chipset
    #                                     classic37           Original Gravis Ultrasound with ICS Mixer (rev 3.7)
    #                                     max                 Gravis Ultrasound MAX emulation (with CS4231 codec)
    #                                     interwave           Gravis Ultrasound Plug & Play (interwave)
    #                                     Possible values: classic, classic37, max, interwave.
    #                           ultradir: Path to Ultrasound directory. In this directory
    #                                     there should be a MIDI directory that contains
    #                                     the patch files for GUS playback. Patch sets used
    #                                     with Timidity should work fine.
    unmask dma=false
    clear dma tc irq if excess polling=false
    force master irq enable=false
    gus panning table=default
    gus fixed render rate=false
    #     innova: Enable the Innovation SSI-2001 emulation.
    # samplerate: Sample rate of Innovation SSI-2001 emulation
    #             Possible values: 44100, 48000, 32000, 22050, 16000, 11025, 8000, 49716.
    #    sidbase: SID base port (typically 280h).
    #             Possible values: 240, 220, 260, 280, 2a0, 2c0, 2e0, 300.
    #    quality: Set SID emulation quality level (0 to 3).
    #             Possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3.
    #         pcspeaker: Enable PC-Speaker emulation.
    # initial frequency: PC speaker PIT timer is programmed to this frequency on startup. If the DOS game
    #                    or demo causes a long audible beep at startup (leaving the gate open) try setting
    #                    this option to 0 to silence the PC speaker until reprogrammed by the demo.
    #                    Set to 0 for some early Abaddon demos including "Torso" and "Cycling".
    #            pcrate: Sample rate of the PC-Speaker sound generation.
    #                    Possible values: 44100, 48000, 32000, 22050, 16000, 11025, 8000, 49716.
    #             tandy: Enable Tandy Sound System emulation. For 'auto', emulation is present only if machine is set to 'tandy'.
    #                    Possible values: auto, on, off.
    #         tandyrate: Sample rate of the Tandy 3-Voice generation.
    #                    Possible values: 44100, 48000, 32000, 22050, 16000, 11025, 8000, 49716.
    #            disney: Enable Disney Sound Source emulation. (Covox Voice Master and Speech Thing compatible).
    #          ps1audio: Enable PS1 audio emulation.
    #                    Possible values: on, off.
    #      ps1audiorate: Sample rate of the PS1 audio emulation.
    #                    Possible values: 44100, 48000, 32000, 22050, 16000, 11025, 8000, 49716.
    initial frequency=903
    # joysticktype: Type of joystick to emulate: auto (default), none,
    #               2axis (supports two joysticks),
    #               4axis (supports one joystick, first joystick used),
    #               4axis_2 (supports one joystick, second joystick used),
    #               fcs (Thrustmaster), ch (CH Flightstick).
    #               none disables joystick emulation.
    #               auto chooses emulation depending on real joystick(s).
    #               (Remember to reset dosbox's mapperfile if you saved it earlier)
    #               Possible values: auto, 2axis, 4axis, 4axis_2, fcs, ch, none.
    #        timed: enable timed intervals for axis. Experiment with this option, if your joystick drifts (away).
    #     autofire: continuously fires as long as you keep the button pressed.
    #       swap34: swap the 3rd and the 4th axis. can be useful for certain joysticks.
    #   buttonwrap: enable button wrapping at the number of emulated buttons.
    # serial1: set type of device connected to com port.
    #          Can be disabled, dummy, modem, nullmodem, directserial.
    #          Additional parameters must be in the same line in the form of
    #          parameter:value. Parameter for all types is irq (optional).
    #          for directserial: realport (required), rxdelay (optional).
    #                           (realport:COM1 realport:ttyS0).
    #          for modem: listenport (optional).
    #          for nullmodem: server, rxdelay, txdelay, telnet, usedtr,
    #                         transparent, port, inhsocket, nonlocal (all optional).
    #                         connections are limited to localhost unless you specify nonlocal:1
    #          Example: serial1=modem listenport:5000
    #          Possible values: dummy, disabled, modem, nullmodem, serialmouse, directserial, log.
    # serial2: see serial1
    #          Possible values: dummy, disabled, modem, nullmodem, serialmouse, directserial, log.
    # serial3: see serial1
    #          Possible values: dummy, disabled, modem, nullmodem, serialmouse, directserial, log.
    # serial4: see serial1
    #          Possible values: dummy, disabled, modem, nullmodem, serialmouse, directserial, log.
    # parallel1: parallel1-3 -- set type of device connected to lpt port.
    #            Can be:
    #               reallpt (direct parallel port passthrough),
    #               file (records data to a file or passes it to a device),
    #               printer (virtual dot-matrix printer, see [printer] section)
    #                   disney (attach Disney Sound Source emulation to this port)
    #            Additional parameters must be in the same line in the form of
    #            parameter:value.
    #              for reallpt:
    #              Windows:
    #                realbase (the base address of your real parallel port).
    #                  Default: 378
    #                ecpbase (base address of the ECP registers, optional).
    #              Linux: realport (the parallel port device i.e. /dev/parport0).
    #              for file:
    #                dev:<devname> (i.e. dev:lpt1) to forward data to a device,
    #                or append:<file> appends data to the specified file.
    #                Without the above parameters data is written to files in the capture dir.
    #                Additional parameters: timeout:<milliseconds> = how long to wait before
    #                closing the file on inactivity (default:500), addFF to add a formfeed when
    #                closing, addLF to add a linefeed if the app doesn't, cp:<codepage number>
    #                to perform codepage translation, i.e. cp:437
    #              for printer:
    #                printer still has it's own configuration section above.
    # parallel2: see parallel1
    # parallel3: see parallel1
    #    dongle: Enable dongle
    #                                              xms: Enable XMS support.
    #                                              hma: Report through XMS that HMA exists (not necessarily available)
    #                            hma allow reservation: Allow TSR and application (anything other than the DOS kernel) to request control of the HMA.
    #                                                   They will not be able to request control however if the DOS kernel is configured to occupy the HMA (DOS=HIGH)
    #                           hma minimum allocation: Minimum allocation size for HMA in bytes (equivalent to /HMAMIN= parameter).
    #                                       dos in hma: Report that DOS occupies HMA (equiv. DOS=HIGH)
    #                                   hma free space: Controls the amount of free space available in HMA. This setting is not meaningful unless the
    #                                                   DOS kernel occupies HMA and the emulated DOS version is at least 5.0.
    #                                            share: Report SHARE.EXE as resident. Does not actually emulate SHARE functions.
    #           write plain iretf for debug interrupts: If true (default), the DOS kernel will create an alternate interrupt handler for debug interrupts INT 1 and INT 3
    #                                                   that contain ONLY an IRETF instruction. If false, INT 1 and INT 3 will use the same default interrupt handler in
    #                                                   the DOS kernel, which contains a callback instruction followed by IRETF. Some DOS games/demos assume they are being
    #                                                   debugged if the debug interrupts point to anything other than an IRETF instruction. Set this option to false if
    #                                                   you need notification that INT 1/INT 3 was not handled.
    #              minimum dos initial private segment: In non-mainline mapping mode, where DOS structures are allocated from base memory, this sets the
    #                                                   minimum segment value. Recommended value is 0x70. You may reduce the value down to 0x50 if freeing
    #                                                   up more memory is important. Set to 0 for default.
    #                              minimum mcb segment: Minimum segment value to begin memory allocation from, in hexadecimal. Set to 0 for default.
    #                                                   You can increase available DOS memory by reducing this value down to as low as 0x51, however
    #                                                   setting it to low can cause some DOS programs to crash or run erratically, and some DOS games
    #                                                   and demos to cause intermittent static noises when using Sound Blaster output. DOS programs
    #                                                   compressed with Microsoft EXEPACK will not run if the minimum MCB segment is below 64KB.
    #                          enable dummy device mcb: If set (default), allocate a fake device MCB at the base of conventional memory.
    #                                                   Clearing this option can reclaim a small amount of conventional memory at the expense of
    #                                                   some minor DOS compatibility.
    #                           enable loadfix padding: If set (default), allocate a small 1KB region at the base of conventional memory.
    #                                                   Clearing this option can reclaim a small amount of conventional memory, but can also
    #                                                   cause some DOS games to break especially if dynamic kernel allocation is enabled.
    #                   enable dummy environment block: If set (default), allocate a dummy environment block at the base of conventional memory.
    #                                                   You can clear this option to reclaim a small amount of conventional memory.
    #           maximum environment block size on exec: Maximum environment block size to copy for child processes. Set to -1 for default.
    #        additional environment block size on exec: When executing a program, compute the size of the parent block then add this amount to allow for a few additional variables.
    #                                                   If the subprocesses will never add/modify the environment block, you can free up a few additional bytes by setting this to 0.
    #                                                   Set to -1 for default setting.
    #                       enable a20 on windows init: If set, DOSBox will enable the A20 gate when Windows 3.1/9x broadcasts the INIT message
    #                                                   at startup. Windows 3.1 appears to make assumptions at some key points on startup about
    #                                                   A20 that don't quite hold up and cause Windows 3.1 to crash when you set A20 emulation
    #                                                   to a20=mask as opposed to a20=fast. This option is enabled by default.
    #             zero memory on xms memory allocation: If set, memory returned by XMS allocation call is zeroed first. This is NOT what
    #                                                   DOS actually does, but if set, can help certain DOS games and demos cope with problems
    #                                                   related to uninitialized variables in extended memory. When enabled this option may
    #                                                   incur a slight to moderate performance penalty.
    #                                             dosv: Enable DOS/V emulation and specify which version to emulate. This option is intended for
    #                                                   use with games or software originating from Asia that use the double byte character set
    #                                                   encodings and the DOS/V extensions to display Japanese, Chinese, or Korean text.
    #                                                   Note that enabling DOS/V replaces 80x25 text mode (INT 10h mode 3) with a EGA/VGA graphics
    #                                                   mode that emulates text mode to display the characters and may be incompatible with non-Asian
    #                                                   software that assumes direct access to the text mode via segment 0xB800.
    #                                                   WARNING: This option is very experimental at this time.
    #                                                   Possible values: off, japanese, chinese, korean.
    #                                              ems: Enable EMS support. The default (=true) provides the best
    #                                                   compatibility but certain applications may run better with
    #                                                   other choices, or require EMS support to be disabled (=false)
    #                                                   to work at all.
    #                                                   Possible values: true, emsboard, emm386, false.
    #                                             vcpi: If set and expanded memory is enabled, also emulate VCPI.
    #                          unmask timer on disk io: If set, INT 21h emulation will unmask IRQ 0 (timer interrupt) when the application opens/closes/reads/writes files.
    #                           zero int 67h if no ems: If ems=false, leave interrupt vector 67h zeroed out (default true).
    #                                                   This is a workaround for games or demos that try to detect EMS by whether or not INT 67h is 0000:0000 rather than a proper test.
    #                                                   This option also affects whether INT 67h is zeroed when booting a guest OS
    #                            emm386 startup active: If set and expanded memory is set to emulate emm386, start the DOS machine with EMM386.EXE active
    #                                                   (running the 16-bit DOS environment from within Virtual 8086 mode). If you will be running anything
    #                                                   that involves a DOS extender you will also need to enable the VCPI interface as well.
    #             zero memory on ems memory allocation: If set, memory returned by EMS allocation call is zeroed first. This is NOT what
    #                                                   DOS actually does, but if set, can help certain DOS games and demos cope with problems
    #                                                   related to uninitialized variables in expanded memory. When enabled this option may
    #                                                   incur a slight to moderate performance penalty.
    #                    ems system handle memory size: Amount of memory associated with system handle, in KB
    #               ems system handle on even megabyte: If set, try to allocate the EMM system handle on an even megabyte.
    #                                                   If the DOS game or demo fiddles with the A20 gate while using EMM386.EXE emulation in virtual 8086 mode, setting this option may help prevent crashes.
    #                                                   However, forcing allocation on an even megabyte will also cause some extended memory fragmentation and reduce the
    #                                                   overall amount of extended memory available to the DOS game depending on whether it expects large contiguous chunks
    #                                                   of extended memory.
    #                                              umb: Enable UMB support.
    #                                        umb start: UMB region starting segment
    #                                          umb end: UMB region last segment
    #                         kernel allocation in umb: If set, dynamic kernel allocation=1, and private area in umb=1, all kernel structures will be allocated from the private area in UMB.
    #                                                   If you intend to run Windows 3.1 in DOSBox, you must set this option to false else Windows 3.1 will not start.
    #                        dynamic kernel allocation: If set, DOS kernel structures are allocated dynamically. If clear, DOS kernel structures are fixed at specific segments (mainline DOSBox behavior)
    #                                 keep umb on boot: If emulating UMBs, keep the UMB around after boot (Mainline DOSBox behavior). If clear, UMB is unmapped when you boot an operating system.
    #                        keep private area on boot: If set, keep the DOSBox private area around after boot (Mainline DOSBox behavior). If clear, unmap and discard the private area when you boot an operating system.
    #                              private area in umb: If set, keep private DOS segment in upper memory block, usually segment 0xC800 (Mainline DOSBox behavior)
    #                                                   If clear, place private DOS segment at the base of system memory (just below the MCB)
    #                                              ver: Set DOS version. Specify as major.minor format. A single number is treated as the major version (LFN patch compat). Common settings are:
    #                                                   auto (or unset)                  Pick a DOS kernel version automatically
    #                                                   3.3                              MS-DOS 3.3 emulation (not tested!)
    #                                                   5.0                              MS-DOS 5.0 emulation (recommended for DOS gaming)
    #                                                   6.22                             MS-DOS 6.22 emulation
    #                                                   7.0                              Windows 95 (pure DOS mode) emulation
    #                                        automount: Enable automatic mount.
    #                                            int33: Enable INT 33H (mouse) support.
    #                                int 13 extensions: Enable INT 13h extensions (functions 0x40-0x48). You will need this enabled if the virtual hard drive image is 8.4GB or larger.
    #                                          biosps2: Emulate BIOS INT 15h PS/2 mouse services
    #                                                   Note that some OS's like Microsoft Windows neither use INT 33h nor
    #                                                   probe the AUX port directly and depend on this BIOS interface exclusively
    #                                                   for PS/2 mouse support. In other cases there is no harm in leaving this enabled
    #                      int15 wait force unmask irq: Some demos or games mistakingly use INT 15h AH=0x86 (WAIT) while leaving the IRQs needed for it masked.
    #                                                   If this option is set (by default), the necessary IRQs will be unmasked when INT 15 AH=0x86 is used so that the game or demo does not hang.
    # int15 mouse callback does not preserve registers: Set to true if the guest OS or DOS program assigns an INT 15h mouse callback,
    #                                                   but does not properly preserve CPU registers. Diagnostic function only (default off).
    #                                   keyboardlayout: Language code of the keyboard layout (or none).
    #                                             dbcs: Enable DBCS table.
    #                                                   CAUTION: Some software will crash without the DBCS table, including the Open Watcom installer.
    #                                     filenamechar: Enable filename char table
    #                          collating and uppercase: Enable collating and uppercase table
    #                                            files: Number of file handles available to DOS programs. (equivalent to "files=" in config.sys)
    #  con device use int 16h to detect keyboard input: If set, use INT 16h to detect keyboard input (MS-DOS 6.22 behavior). If clear, detect keyboard input by
    #                                                   peeking into the BIOS keyboard buffer (Mainline DOSBox behavior). You will need to set this
    #                                                   option for programs that hook INT 16h to handle keyboard input ahead of the DOS console.
    #                                                   Microsoft Scandisk needs this option to respond to keyboard input correctly.
    #         zero memory on int 21h memory allocation: If set, memory returned by the INT 21h allocation call is zeroed first. This is NOT what
    #                                                   DOS actually does, but if set, can help certain DOS games and demos cope with problems
    #                                                   related to uninitialized variables in the data or stack segment. If you intend to run a
    #                                                   game or demo known to have this problem (Second Unreal, for example), set to true, else
    #                                                   set to false. When enabled this option may incur a slight to moderate performance penalty.
    hma allow reservation=true
    hma minimum allocation=0
    dos in hma=true
    hma free space=34816
    write plain iretf for debug interrupts=true
    minimum dos initial private segment=0
    minimum mcb segment=0
    enable dummy device mcb=true
    enable loadfix padding=true
    enable dummy environment block=true
    maximum environment block size on exec=-1
    additional environment block size on exec=-1
    enable a20 on windows init=true
    zero memory on xms memory allocation=false
    unmask timer on disk io=false
    zero int 67h if no ems=true
    emm386 startup active=false
    zero memory on ems memory allocation=false
    ems system handle memory size=384
    ems system handle on even megabyte=false
    umb start=0
    umb end=0
    kernel allocation in umb=false
    dynamic kernel allocation=true
    keep umb on boot=false
    keep private area on boot=false
    private area in umb=true
    int 13 extensions=true
    int15 wait force unmask irq=true
    int15 mouse callback does not preserve registers=false
    collating and uppercase=true
    con device use int 16h to detect keyboard input=true
    zero memory on int 21h memory allocation=false
    # ipx: Enable ipx over UDP/IP emulation.
    #  ne2000: Enable Ethernet passthrough. Requires [Win]Pcap.
    # nicbase: The base address of the NE2000 board.
    #  nicirq: The interrupt it uses. Note serial2 uses IRQ3 as default.
    # macaddr: The physical address the emulator will use on your network.
    #          If you have multiple DOSBoxes running on your network,
    #          this has to be changed for each. AC:DE:48 is an address range reserved for
    #          private use, so modify the last three number blocks.
    #          I.e. AC:DE:48:88:99:AB.
    # realnic: Specifies which of your network interfaces is used.
    #          Write 'list' here to see the list of devices in the
    #          Status Window. Then make your choice and put either the
    #          interface number (2 or something) or a part of your adapters
    #          name, e.g. VIA here.
    [fdc, primary]
    #                 enable: Enable floppy controller interface
    #                    pnp: List floppy controller in ISA PnP BIOS enumeration
    #                    irq: IRQ used by floppy controller. Set to 0 for default.
    #                         WARNING: Setting the IRQ to non-standard values will not work unless the guest OS is using the ISA PnP BIOS to detect the floppy controller.
    #                                  Setting the IRQ to one already occupied by another device or IDE controller will trigger "resource conflict" errors in Windows 95.
    #                                  Normally, floppy controllers use IRQ 6.
    #                     io: Base I/O port for floppy controller. Set to 0 for default.
    #                         WARNING: Setting the I/O port to non-standard values will not work unless the guest OS is using the ISA PnP BIOS to detect the IDE controller.
    #                                  Standard I/O ports are 3F0 and 370.
    #                    dma: DMA channel for floppy controller. Set to -1 for default.
    #                         WARNING: Setting the DMA channel to non-standard values will not work unless the guest OS is using the ISA PnP BIOS to detect the IDE controller.
    #                                  Standard DMA channel is 2.
    #         int13fakev86io: If set, and int13fakeio is set, certain INT 13h commands will
    #                         cause floppy emulation to issue fake CPU I/O traps (GPF) in
    #                         virtual 8086 mode and a fake IRQ signal. you must enable this option
    #                         if you want 32-bit floppy access in Windows 95 to work with DOSBox.
    #           instant mode: If set, all floppy operations are 'instantaneous', they are carried
    #                         out without any delay. Real hardware of course has motor, command
    #                         and data I/O delays and so this option is off by default for realistic
    #                         emulation.
    # auto-attach to int 13h: If set, DOSBox-X will automatically attach a disk image as being
    #                         inserted into a floppy drive attached to the controller when imgmount is used
    #                         to mount a disk image to drive 0/1 or A/B. If not set, you must specify
    #                         the -fdc option to imgmount to attach drive A/B to the floppy controller
    #                         manually. You must use the -fdc option regardless if loading floppies into
    #                         drives attached to any other FDC than the primary controller
    #                   mode: Floppy controller mode. What the controller acts like.
    #                           ps2                          PS/2 mode (most common)
    #                           ps2_model30                  PS/2 model 30
    #                           at                           AT mode
    #                           xt                           PC/XT mode
    #                   chip: Floppy controller chipset
    #                           82077aa                      Intel 82077AA chipset
    #                           82072                        Intel 82072 chipset
    #                           nec_uPD765                   NEC uPD765 chipset
    #                           none                         No chipset (For PC/XT mode)
    instant mode=false
    auto-attach to int 13h=true
    [ide, primary]
    #                  enable: Enable IDE interface
    #                     pnp: List IDE device in ISA PnP BIOS enumeration
    #                     irq: Alternate I/O port for IDE controller (alt status, etc). Set to 0 for default.
    #                          WARNING: Setting the I/O port to non-standard values will not work unless the guest OS is using the ISA PnP BIOS to detect the IDE controller.
    #                                   For best compatability set this value to io+0x206, for example, io=1F0 altio=3F6.
    #                                   The primary IDE controller will not claim port 3F7 if the primary floppy controller is enabled due to I/O port overlap in the 3F0-3F7 range.
    #             int13fakeio: If set, force IDE state change on certain INT 13h commands.
    #                          IDE registers will be changed as if BIOS had carried out the action.
    #                          If you are running Windows 3.11 or Windows 3.11 Windows for Workgroups
    #                          you must enable this option (and use -reservecyl 1) if you want 32-bit
    #                          disk access to work correctly in DOSBox.
    #          int13fakev86io: If set, and int13fakeio is set, certain INT 13h commands will
    #                          cause IDE emulation to issue fake CPU I/O traps (GPF) in
    #                          virtual 8086 mode and a fake IRQ signal. you must enable this option
    #                          if you want 32-bit disk access in Windows 95 to work with DOSBox.
    #            enable pio32: If set, 32-bit I/O reads and writes are handled directly (much like PCI IDE implementations)
    #                          If clear, 32-bit I/O will be handled as if two 16-bit I/O (much like ISA IDE implementations)
    #            ignore pio32: If 32-bit I/O is enabled, attempts to read/write 32-bit I/O will be ignored entirely.
    #                          In this way, you can have DOSBox emulate one of the strange quirks of 1995-1997 era
    #                          laptop hardware
    #      cd-rom spinup time: Emulated CD-ROM time in ms to spin up if CD is stationary.
    #                          Set to 0 to use controller or CD-ROM drive-specific default.
    # cd-rom spindown timeout: Emulated CD-ROM time in ms that drive will spin down automatically when not in use
    #                          Set to 0 to use controller or CD-ROM drive-specific default.
    #  cd-rom insertion delay: Emulated CD-ROM time in ms that drive will report "medium not present"
    #                          to emulate the time it takes for someone to take out a CD and insert a new one when
    #                          DOSBox is instructed to swap or change CDs.
    #                          When running Windows 95 or higher a delay of 4000ms is recommended to ensure that
    #                          auto-insert notification triggers properly.
    #                          Set to 0 to use controller or CD-ROM drive-specific default.
    enable pio32=false
    ignore pio32=false
    cd-rom spinup time=0
    cd-rom spindown timeout=0
    cd-rom insertion delay=0
    [ide, secondary]
    enable pio32=false
    ignore pio32=false
    cd-rom spinup time=0
    cd-rom spindown timeout=0
    cd-rom insertion delay=0
    [ide, tertiary]
    enable pio32=false
    ignore pio32=false
    cd-rom spinup time=0
    cd-rom spindown timeout=0
    cd-rom insertion delay=0
    [ide, quaternary]
    enable pio32=false
    ignore pio32=false
    cd-rom spinup time=0
    cd-rom spindown timeout=0
    cd-rom insertion delay=0
    [ide, quinternary]
    enable pio32=false
    ignore pio32=false
    cd-rom spinup time=0
    cd-rom spindown timeout=0
    cd-rom insertion delay=0
    [ide, sexternary]
    enable pio32=false
    ignore pio32=false
    cd-rom spinup time=0
    cd-rom spindown timeout=0
    cd-rom insertion delay=0
    [ide, septernary]
    enable pio32=false
    ignore pio32=false
    cd-rom spinup time=0
    cd-rom spindown timeout=0
    cd-rom insertion delay=0
    [ide, octernary]
    enable pio32=false
    ignore pio32=false
    cd-rom spinup time=0
    cd-rom spindown timeout=0
    cd-rom insertion delay=0
    # Lines in this section will be run at startup.
    # You can put your MOUNT lines here.

    и проникнуться). На постоянно выкладываются свежие билды на основе SVN-кода, правда, отключена функциональность снятия скриншотов. Ну и можно собрать самому, если очень хочется и есть минимальный навык.
    Есть и другие варианты, думаю, сейчас посоветуют.

    Последнее редактирование: 14 май 2017

  12. fR0z3nS0u1



    14 ноя 2007

    @MisterGrim, спасибо, но совсем не хочется. Навык есть где-то, но заржавел почти совсем…
    SVN-lfn не помог, сейчас посмотрю на твою.

  13. PS исправил ссылки в сообщении.

  14. fR0z3nS0u1



    14 ноя 2007

    @MisterGrim, конфигом уже проникся :) Спасибо в любом случае!
    PS. сборка не помогла, проблема осталась.

  15. Эту функцию давно уже вернули.

  16. @fR0z3nS0u1, попозже разберусь с управлением, ознакомлюсь с проблемой.

    — добавлено 14 май 2017, предыдущее сообщение размещено: 14 май 2017

    @BrainRipper, ну тогда превосходно вообще.

  17. fR0z3nS0u1



    14 ноя 2007

    @MisterGrim, буду премного благодарен, если получится. А то мне что-то быстро надоело постоянно вычислять комфортные значения cpu для каждой комнаты и идею наконец-то пройти игру в очередной раз отложил.

  18. О, важное замечание. Интересно насколько мне, с моим пнем, это поможет в завтрашних экспериментах :)

  19. Возникла проблема с The Legacy: Realm of Terror (1993, DOS).
    При настройке игры на SoundBlaster звуковые эффекты в игре начинают сопровождаться резкими посторонними щелчками. Покрутил звуковые настройки DAUM и циклы — результата нет. Есть идеи?

  20. @VladimIr V Y, да, похоже на какие-то косяки именно досбокса. Предлагаю использовать 86box — там такого не наблюдается.

  21. @VladimIr V Y, ещё сборку от yesterplay попробуй.

    VladimIr V Y нравится это.

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