Ebs 4355 ошибка ман

машина MAN TGA 41.480 2008 года 4 оси EBS 04352-00 EBS 04354-00 EBS 04388-00 ABS не работает, тормоза есть замена модулей никакого результата не дает что может быть?

Re: ман тга ошибки ебс


max10.84 » Чт фев 16, 2017 12:22 am

Чтобы не начинать новую тему спрошу тут. Машина MAN TGX 2009 года, EBS 5. Горит ошибка 4352-00(модуль регулировки давления для колеса 1, ошибка идентификации, запрос больше измеренного давления). Питание на левый передний модулятор подается на секунду и исчезает. Проводка от блока до модулятора в норме, подключали(без меня) этот модулятор на правую сторону, там этой ошибки нет. Но подключали только фишку питания, поэтому были ошибки по датчику скорости и датчику износа. Еще такой момент, когда фишку от модулятора отсоединяю совсем , то ошибка эта и остается. Также вытаскивал разъем на модуляторы из самого блока, по трем колесам пишет, что нет связи CAN c модуляторами, а по левому так и горит 4352-00.
Для верности надо было наверное менять модуляторы полностью(все трубки и все фишки). Если по правой стороне проблема вылезет, то модулятор неисправен. а если так и останется ошибка по левой стороне, то дело получается в пневматике, либо в самом блоке EBS. Как вообще блок понимает, что проблема по пневматике ушла, если сам отрубает питание на модулятор и должно оно вообще отключаться при такой ошибке?

MAN tgs 40T самосвал 2013г. vin Z0W34WZZ7EV000318

Здравствуйте, подскажите пожалуйста. При нажатии педали тормоза, отключается модулятор заднего моста (при давлении от 10). Ошибки abs, ebs. Но если нажимать педаль тормоза очень медленно(!), то в аварийный режим не уходит. При давлении ниже 6, нажимая педаль тормоза(быстро-медленно), тоже все нормально. Ошибок в блоках нет до аварийного режима. Кроме показаний датчиков вращения колёс заднего моста, на 5,6 колесе показания 461 km/ч. После аварийного режима ошибки следующие: EBS 4354, 4355, 4356, 4357, PTM 5621, 5620. (подробнее на фото). Заменён модулятор заднего моста, заменен ножной кран педали тормоза. Подкидывали заведомо рабочий блок ebs салонный. Заменены датчики ABS 5,6 колеса. После всех продцедур, все ровно задние колеса 461km/ч.! Провода от педали до блока EBS прозванивали. Год назад дилер ман по какой то причине подкинули провода от заднего модулятора, и передних до фишки. Их тоже прозванивали, целые. Can шина 84om, на другом мане тоже 84ом. Подскажите пожалуйста, куда ещё смотреть? Ошибки безопасности скидываем мк2. Спасибо 


04222 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 6, air gap too great

04222 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 222

04222 ZBRO Night lighting check

04223 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 7, air gap too great

04223 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 223

04223 ZBRO Interior lighting 2c full

04224 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 8, air gap too great

04224 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 224

04224 ZBRO Interior lighting 1a full

04225 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 1, impulse wheel defective

04225 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 225

04225 ZBRO Interior lighting 1b full

04226 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 2, impulse wheel defective

04226 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 226

04226 ZBRO Interior lighting 1c full

04227 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 3, impulse wheel defective

04227 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 227

04227 ZBRO Interior lighting reduction

04228 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 4, impulse wheel defective

04228 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 228

04228 ZBRO Interior lighting reduct. check

04229 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 5, impulse wheel defective

04229 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 229

04229 ZBRO Footwell lighting

04230 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 6, impulse wheel defective

04230 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 230

04230 ZBRO Footwell lighting

04231 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 7, impulse wheel defective

04231 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 231

04231 ZBRO Aisle lighting

04232 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 8, impulse wheel defective

04232 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 232

04232 ZBRO Reading lights on

04233 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 1, tyre diameter too great

04233 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 233

04233 ZBRO Reading lights enable

04234 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 2, tyre diameter too great

04234 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 234

04234 ZBRO Interior lighting 4

04235 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 3, tyre diameter too great

04235 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 235

04235 ZBR2 Left entry lighting

04236 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 4, tyre diameter too great

04236 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 236

04236 ZBR2 Right entry lighting

04237 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 5, tyre diameter too great

04237 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 237

04238 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 6, tyre diameter too great

04238 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 238

04239 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 7, tyre diameter too great

04239 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 239

04240 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 8, tyre diameter too great

04240 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 240

04241 EBS_5 Pressure module intake valve on wheel 1

04241 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 241

04242 EBS_5

Pressure module intake valve on wheel 1, valve cannot be 

switched and is opened

04242 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 242

04243 EBS_5

Pressure module intake valve on wheel 1, valve cannot be 

switched and is closed

04243 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 243

04244 EBS_5 Pressure module intake valve on wheel 2

04244 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 244

04245 EBS_5

Pressure module intake valve on wheel 2, valve cannot be 

switched and is opened

04245 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 245

04246 EBS_5

Pressure module intake valve on wheel 2, valve cannot be 

switched and is closed

04246 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 246

04247 EBS_5 Pressure module intake valve on wheel 3

04247 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 247

04248 EBS_5

Pressure module intake valve on wheel 3, valve cannot be 

switched and is opened

04248 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 248

04249 EBS_5

Pressure module intake valve on wheel 3, valve cannot be 

switched and is closed

04249 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 249

04250 EBS_5 Pressure module intake valve on wheel 4

04250 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 250

04251 EBS_5

Pressure module intake valve on wheel 4, valve cannot be 

switched and is opened

04251 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 251

04252 EBS_5

Pressure module intake valve on wheel 4, valve cannot be 

switched and is closed

04252 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 252

04253 EBS_5 Pressure module intake valve on wheel 5

04253 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 253

04254 EBS_5

Pressure module intake valve on wheel 5, valve cannot be 

switched and is opened

04254 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 254

04255 EBS_5

Pressure module intake valve on wheel 5, valve cannot be 

switched and is closed

04255 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 255

04256 EBS_5 Pressure module intake valve on wheel 6

04257 EBS_5

Pressure module intake valve on wheel 6, valve cannot be 

switched and is opened

04258 EBS_5

Pressure module intake valve on wheel 6, valve cannot be 

switched and is closed

04259 EBS_5 Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 1

04260 EBS_5

Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 1, valve cannot be

switched and is opened

04261 EBS_5

Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 1, valve cannot be

switched and is closed

04262 EBS_5 Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 2

04263 EBS_5

Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 2, valve cannot be

switched and is opened

04264 EBS_5

Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 2, valve cannot be

switched and is closed

04265 EBS_5 Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 3

04266 EBS_5

Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 3, valve cannot be

switched and is opened

04267 EBS_5

Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 3, valve cannot be

switched and is closed

04268 EBS_5 Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 4

04269 EBS_5

Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 4, valve cannot be

switched and is opened

04270 EBS_5

Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 4, valve cannot be

switched and is closed

04271 EBS_5 Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 5

04272 EBS_5

Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 5, valve cannot be

switched and is opened

04273 EBS_5

Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 5, valve cannot be

switched and is closed

04274 EBS_5 Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 6

04275 EBS_5

Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 6, valve cannot be

switched and is opened

04276 EBS_5 Pressure module backup valve on wheel 1

04277 EBS_5

Pressure module backup valve on wheel 1, valve cannot be 

switched and is closed

04278 EBS_5 Pressure module backup valve on wheel 2

04279 EBS_5

Pressure module backup valve on wheel 2, valve cannot be 

switched and is closed

04280 EBS_5 Pressure module backup valve on wheel 3

04281 EBS_5

Pressure module backup valve on wheel 3, valve cannot be 

switched and is closed

04282 EBS_5 Pressure module backup valve on wheel 4

04283 EBS_5

Pressure module backup valve on wheel 4, valve cannot be 

switched and is closed

04284 EBS_5 Pressure module backup valve on wheel 5

04285 EBS_5

Pressure module backup valve on wheel 5, valve cannot be 

switched and is closed

04286 EBS_5 Pressure module backup valve on wheel 6

04287 EBS_5

Pressure module backup valve on wheel 6, valve cannot be 

switched and is closed

04288 EBS_5

Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 1, offset learned by 


04289 EBS_5 Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 1, signal

04290 EBS_5 Frequent-stop brake check lamp

04291 EBS_5

Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 2, offset learned by 


04292 EBS_5 Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 2, signal

04294 EBS_5

Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 3, offset learned by 


04295 EBS_5 Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 3, signal

Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 4, offset learned by 

04297 EBS_5

Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 4, offset learned by 


04298 EBS_5 Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 4, signal

04300 EBS_5

Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 5, offset learned by 

teach-in is too high

04300 ZBR2 Fill level, cleaning water

04301 EBS_5 Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 5, signal

04301 ZBR2 Washer pump

04301 ZBRO Windscreen washers

04302 EBS_5

Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 5, offset learned by 

teach-in is too low

04302 ZBR2 Intermittent wipe switch

04302 ZBRO Windscreen wiper interval

04303 EBS_5

Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 6, offset learned by 


04303 ZBR2 CLK interval switch

04304 EBS_5 Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 6, signal

04304 ZBR2 Windscreen washer button

04304 ZBRO Windscreen washers

04305 ZBR2 Rain sensor signal

04306 EBS_5 Wheel 1: Brake performance monitoring

04306 ZBR2 Fill level, headlight cleaning system

04307 EBS_5 Wheel 2: Brake performance monitoring

04307 ZBR2 Pump, headlight cleaning system

04308 EBS_5 Wheel 3: Brake performance monitoring

04308 ZBR2 Wiper motor revolutions

04309 EBS_5 Wheel 4: Brake performance monitoring

04309 ZBR2 Wiper motor speed

04310 EBS_5 Wheel 5: Brake performance monitoring

04310 ZBR2 Wiper relay (spare relay, parking light)

04310 ZBRO Windscreen wiper relay

04311 EBS_5 Wheel 6: Brake performance monitoring

04311 ZBR2 Wiper limit switch

04311 ZBRO Windscreen wiper zero position

04312 EBS_5

(!) Wheel 1 in conjunction with ABS logic: ABS is demanding 

insufficient brake pressure over an implausibly long time

04312 ZBR2 Wiper switch position

04313 EBS_5

(!) Wheel 2 in conjunction with ABS logic: ABS is demanding 

insufficient brake pressure over an implausibly long time

04313 ZBRO Windscreen wiper stage 1

04314 EBS_5

(!) Wheel 3 in conjunction with ABS logic: ABS is demanding 

insufficient brake pressure over an implausibly long time

04314 ZBRO Windscreen wiper stage 2

04315 EBS_5

(!) Wheel 4 in conjunction with ABS logic: ABS is demanding 

insufficient brake pressure over an implausibly long time

04316 EBS_5

(!) Wheel 5 in conjunction with ABS logic: ABS is demanding 

insufficient brake pressure over an implausibly long time

04317 EBS_5

(!) Wheel 6 in conjunction with ABS logic: ABS is demanding 

insufficient brake pressure over an implausibly long time

04318 EBS_5 (!) Wheel 1 in conjunction with ABS logic: Wheel speed fault

04319 EBS_5 (!) Wheel 2 in conjunction with ABS logic: Wheel speed fault

04320 EBS_5 (!) Wheel 3 in conjunction with ABS logic: Wheel speed fault

04321 EBS_5 (!) Wheel 4 in conjunction with ABS logic: Wheel speed fault

04322 EBS_5 (!) Wheel 5 in conjunction with ABS logic: Wheel speed fault

04323 EBS_5 (!) Wheel 6 in conjunction with ABS logic: Wheel speed fault

04324 EBS_5

(!) Wheel 1 in conjunction with ABS logic: Change between 

active and inactive ABS intervention too fast

04325 EBS_5

(!) Wheel 2 in conjunction with ABS logic: Change between 

active and inactive ABS intervention too fast

04326 EBS_5

(!) Wheel 3 in conjunction with ABS logic: Change between 

active and inactive ABS intervention too fast

04327 EBS_5

(!) Wheel 4 in conjunction with ABS logic: Change between 

active and inactive ABS intervention too fast

04328 EBS_5

(!) Wheel 5 in conjunction with ABS logic: Change between 

active and inactive ABS intervention too fast

04329 EBS_5

(!) Wheel 6 in conjunction with ABS logic: Change between 

active and inactive ABS intervention too fast

04330 EBS_5

External sequential fault: External vehicle speed signal


04331 EBS_5

External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition in 

communication with gearbox control unit on CAN (SA=0x03)

04332 EBS_5

External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition in 

communication with EAC control unit d on CAN (SA=0x30)

04333 EBS_5

External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition in 

communication with ECAS control unit on CAN (SA=0x2F)

04334 EBS_5

External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition in 

communication with central on-board computer on CAN 


04335 EBS_5

External sequential fault: Time overrun in communication with 

trailer control unit 1

04336 EBS_5

External sequential fault: Time overrun in communication with 

trailer control unit 2

04337 EBS_5

(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausible intake 

valve actuation

04338 EBS_5

(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Residual pressure 


04339 EBS_5

(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high 

pressure at the end of braking and parking brake signal 


04340 EBS_5

(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high 

pressure at the end of braking and long actuation of the parking 

brake switch

04341 EBS_5

(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high 

pressure at the end of braking and long actuation of the anti-

jackknife brake valve

04342 EBS_5

(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high 

pressure at the end of braking and parking brake switch and 

trailer brake switch not actuated

04343 EBS_5

(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high 

pressure at the end of braking and parking brake signal 


04344 EBS_5

(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high 

pressure at the end of braking and long actuation of the parking 

brake switch

04345 EBS_5

(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high 

pressure at the end of braking and long actuation of the anti-

jackknife brake switch

04346 EBS_5

(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high 

pressure at the end of braking and parking brake switch and 

trailer brake switch not actuated

04347 EBS_5

(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high 

pressure in the exhaust valve actuation and parking brake signal 


04348 EBS_5

(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high 

pressure in the exhaust valve actuation and long actuation of the 

parking brake switch

04349 EBS_5

(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high 

pressure in the exhaust valve actuation and long actuation of the 

valve-controlled trailer brake switch

04350 EBS_5

(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high 

pressure in the exhaust valve actuation and parking brake 

switch and trailer brake switch not actuated

04351 EBS_5 J1939 (driveline CAN): Time overrun in EBC1-RX message

04352 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1: 

Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is greater than 

the measured pressure

04353 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2: 

Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is greater than 

the measured pressure

04354 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3: 

Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is greater than 

the measured pressure

04355 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4: 

Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is greater than 

the measured pressure

04356 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5: 

Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is greater than 

the measured pressure

04357 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6: 

Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is greater than 

the measured pressure

04358 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1: 

Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured pressure is 

greater than request

04359 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2: 

Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured pressure is 

greater than request

04360 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3: 

Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured pressure is 

greater than request

04361 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4: 

Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured pressure is 

greater than request

04362 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5: 

Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured pressure is 

greater than request

04363 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6: 

Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured pressure is 

greater than request

04364 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1: Full 

braking test

04365 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2: Full 

braking test

04366 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3: Full 

braking test

04367 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4: Full 

braking test

04368 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5: Full 

braking test

04369 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6: Full 

braking test

04370 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1: 

Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating module 

pressure and supply pressure

04371 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2: 

Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating module 

pressure and supply pressure

04372 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3: 

Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating module 

pressure and supply pressure

04373 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4: 

Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating module 

pressure and supply pressure

04374 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5: 

Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating module 

pressure and supply pressure

04375 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6: 

Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating module 

pressure and supply pressure

04376 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1: 

Temporary backup test

04377 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2: 

Temporary backup test

04378 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3: 

Temporary backup test

04379 EBS_5

(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4: 

Temporary backup test

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