Eidsocketerror socket error 10060 connection timed out

Eidsocketerror socket error 10060 connection timed out type TDownLoader = class(TThread) private FURL: string; FToFolder: string; protected procedure Execute; override; public property URL:string read FURL write FURL; property ToFolder:string read FToFolder write FToFolder; end; procedure TDownLoader.Execute; var str:TFileStream; begin ForceDirectories(ExtractFileDir(ToF older)); str:=TFileStream.Create(ToFolder, fmCreate); try try if (FormSetting.chProxy.Checked=True) then begin FormSetting.IdHTTP1.ProxyParams.Pro xyServer:=FormSetting.eProxyAdr.Tex t; FormSetting.IdHTTP1.ProxyParams.Pro xyPort:=StrToInt(FormSetting.eProxy […]


  1. Eidsocketerror socket error 10060 connection timed out
  2. How to Fix Socket Error 10060 on Windows?
  3. How to Fix Socket Error 10060?
  4. Method 1. Verify web proxy connection
  5. Method 2. Increase the time-out limit for the loading websites.
  6. Method 3. Verify Email Client Settings
  7. ‘socket error 10060 connection timed out’ SMTP error – 5 easy steps to fix it
  8. ‘socket error 10060 connection timed out’ SMTP error – What’s this?
  9. ‘socket error 10060 connection timed out’ SMTP error – Causes and Fixes
  10. 1) Wrong SMTP host and port
  11. 3) ISP firewall issues
  12. 4) PC firewall issues
  13. 5) Infected PC
  14. Conclusion
  16. 1 Comment

Eidsocketerror socket error 10060 connection timed out

TDownLoader = class(TThread)
FURL: string;
FToFolder: string;
procedure Execute; override;
property URL:string read FURL write FURL;
property ToFolder:string read FToFolder write FToFolder;

procedure TDownLoader.Execute;
var str:TFileStream;
ForceDirectories(ExtractFileDir(ToF older));
str:=TFileStream.Create(ToFolder, fmCreate);
if (FormSetting.chProxy.Checked=True) then
FormSetting.IdHTTP1.ProxyParams.Pro xyServer:=FormSetting.eProxyAdr.Tex t;
FormSetting.IdHTTP1.ProxyParams.Pro xyPort:=StrToInt(FormSetting.eProxy Port.Text);

procedure TFormSetting.thrTerminate(Sender: TObject);
MessageBox(0, ‘Çàêà÷àíî!’, pChar(‘EuroSoccer: áàçà äàííûõ’), MB_ICONInformation);

procedure TFormSetting.btnObnovClick(Sender: TObject);
var d:TDownLoader;
FormMain.DateBaseNew:=IdHTTP1.Respo nse.LastModified;
if (DateBase<>FormMain.DateBaseNew) then
//Ñîçäàäèì êëàññ ïîòîêà.
//Ïîòîê äëÿ íà÷àëà áóäåò îñòàíîâëåí
//Ïåðåäàäèì ïàðàìåòðû ïîòîêó
//Ïîòîê äîëæåí óäàëèòü ñåáÿ ïî çàâåðøåíèþ ñâîåé ðàáîòû
//È çàïóñòèì åãî íà çàêà÷êó.
//Òåïåðü ñ ïðîöåäóðû ìû âûéäåì, íî ïîòîê ðàáîòàåò
//è æèâ¸ò ñâîåé æèçíåé
//Ïîòîê äîëæåí óäàëèòü ñåáÿ ïî çàâåðøåíèþ ñâîåé ðàáîòû
end else
showmessage(‘Âàøà áàçà òàêàÿ æå êàê íà ñåðâåðå, ïîýòîìó îíà íå òðåáóåò îáíîâëåíèÿ!’);

procedure TFormSetting.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
GetDir(0, ProgramDir);

procedure TFormSetting.MyProgress(var msg: TMessage);
case msg.WParam of
0: begin ProgressBar1.Max:=msg.LParam;Progre ssBar1.Position:=0; end;
1: ProgressBar1.Position:=msg.LParam;

procedure TFormSetting.IdHTTP1Work(Sender: TObject; AWorkMode: TWorkMode;
const AWorkCount: Integer);
PostMessage(FormSetting.Handle,MY_M ESS,1,AWorkCount);

procedure TFormSetting.IdHTTP1WorkBegin(Sende r: TObject;
AWorkMode: TWorkMode; const AWorkCountMax: Integer);
PostMessage(FormSetting.Handle,MY_M ESS,0,AWorkCountMax);

Возникает также еще следующая ошибка:
«socket error #10051
network is unreachable»


How to Fix Socket Error 10060 on Windows?

Issue: How to Fix Socket Error 10060 on Windows?

I have received an error message, and I don’t know what to do about it. The error says: “Socket Error # 10060 Connection timed out.” I am not sure what might be wrong with my Internet connection.

Socket Error 10060 informs about connection problems. This error usually shows up when using proxy service to connect to the Internet, and the browser does not have enough time to load the requested page. Generally speaking, the proxy server works too slow. As a result, the connection time out error message occurs.

Sometimes it’s enough to fix Socket Error 10060 by refreshing the website that did not load or checking URL address. [1] Indeed, mistyped address might trigger this error too. However, in some cases, it’s not enough. Solving this problem may need making modifications in Windows Registry [2] or verifying web proxy settings.

What is more, this error might also occur when a system cannot connect to the mail server. If you are using Microsoft Outlook [3] and received this error, you should verify email client settings. It should be enough to solve this problem and use email service normally.

How to Fix Socket Error 10060?

As you already know Socket Error 10060 is related to proxy service and in some cases with mail servers. These three methods explained below should help you to fix this error.

Method 1. Verify web proxy connection

1. Start your computer with administrative rights.

2. Open Run app from the Start, and type inetcpl.cpl. Click OK.

3. When Internet Properties window appears, go to the Connections tab. There go to the Lan settings.

4. The Local Area Network (LAN) Settings window shows up. Find the Use a proxy for your Lan box, and deselect this option. Click OK.

Socket Error 10060 should be fixed. Try to open the website that you were not able before. If this error still shows up, try the second method.

Method 2. Increase the time-out limit for the loading websites.

NOTE. This method requires making modifications in Windows Registry. In order to avoid possible damage, you should backup Registry. Backups are crucial if something go wrong.

1. Open the Registry Editor. Go to the Run app from the Start, type regedit and click OK.

2. Go to the registry subkey:

3. Click on RequestTimeoutSecs, and then on Modify button.

4. Go to Decimal where you can increase the time limit for loading the Internet sites. It is recommended to set this number to 180 and more.

5. Once you do that, click OK.

6. When all modifications are applied, reboot your computer.

After making modifications in the registry, you should also make sure that everything is stable on the system. Once you fix this issue, we suggest scanning the computer with Reimage.

Method 3. Verify Email Client Settings

If you see Socket Error 10060 when trying to send emails from Microsoft Outlook, you should confirm your client settings.

1. Start your computer with administrative rights.

2. Open Microsoft Outlook.

3. When in Outlook, go to Tools and then open Accounts.

4. In the Internet Accounts window look for the Mail tab. When you open it, you will find the list of accounts. Double-click on your account.

5. In the appeared Accounts Properties window, select Servers tab. Here you need to verify all the details.

If client settings are correct, there might be a problem with the authentication process. Thus, you need to enable that Authentication is enabled. Follow these steps to fix Socket Error 10060:

1. Repeat the first four previously explained steps in order to open Account Properties window.

2. In the Account Properties, select Server tab. Here look for the My server requires authentication box and tick it. Then, click OK.

If it is Windows Live Mail that you are using, follow the below-provided instructing steps:

  1. Right-click on your account and select Properties.
  2. Check the Advanced Tab and General Tab and make sure that the right settings are selected.
  3. Click on the OK/Apply button if you have applied any changes.


‘socket error 10060 connection timed out’ SMTP error – 5 easy steps to fix it

Whenever I sent an email from my Outlook client, it bounces with this ‘socket error 10060 connection timed out’ SMTP error. What’s wrong?

That was a recent support ticket received at our Server Support department where we resolve support queries for web hosts.

Website owners often face this error when they send emails from email clients like Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.

There’s an error code 10060, what’s that?

And, the message shows connection timed out, but why?

Today, we’ll see the answers to all these questions.

‘socket error 10060 connection timed out’ SMTP error – What’s this?

Before we move on to the reasons for this error, let’s first get an idea of this error.

In a normal mail delivery, mail goes from the sender, to the sending MX, and to the recipient’s MX, and then to the recipient.

How Email Works?

The Socket Error 10060 indicates that the connection to the recipient server times out.

In other words, the sending server doesn’t receive a response from the recipient server.

For instance, website owners see the complete error message like this:

But, this error only stops the user from sending emails, and receiving will work fine.

Now, let’s discuss the top 5 reasons for this error and how our Server Support Engineers fix it.

‘socket error 10060 connection timed out’ SMTP error – Causes and Fixes

A number of reasons can lead to this ‘socket error 10060 connection timed out’ SMTP error.

Let’s see the main causes identified in our debugging process and how we fix them.

1) Wrong SMTP host and port

This error occurs mainly when the outgoing mail server settings are wrongly setup in the email clients like Outlook, Windows Mail, etc.

Sometimes, a typo in the hostname or an inactive mail server leads to this error.

Similarly, the default SMTP port is 25, but some email providers use custom ports, like 587, to avoid spam.

In addition to that, some email servers are configured to allow emails only via SSL port 465.

So, incorrect hostname or incorrect port entry in the email client settings may cause email delivery errors.


Firstly, our Hosting Engineers, ensure the DNS connectivity of the SMTP host with the below command.

Further, we use the below command to identify the correct SMTP port and its connectivity.

After that, we cross-check and correct the SMTP settings in the email client.

[We know that emails are critical for your business. Are you not sure about your email client settings? Our Support Experts are here for your help.]

2) Improper SMTP authentication

Similarly, this error may occur due to authentication problems at the sender end.

All SMTP servers implement authentication process to protect against spamming and email abuse.

In other words, users are only allowed to connect to the SMTP server, and send emails after successful authentication.

And, this authentication is integrated with email clients as well.

So, if a sender tries to connect to the SMTP server without authentication, the connection will be refused with ‘socket error 10060 connection timed out ‘ SMTP error.


Our Support Engineers check the email client settings, and ensure that SMTP authentication is enabled in the sender’s email client.

For example, in Outlook 2007, we verify these settings from Tools > Account Settings > More settings > Outgoing server tab > My Outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.

How to enable My SMTP authentication in Outlook?

3) ISP firewall issues

Many ISPs now block traffic through port 25 to minimize spam, and this is one of the most common reasons for this error.


Our Support Engineers always ask the users to get back with the traceroute results to the email server from their PCs.

This helps us to identify if there are connectivity issues in any of the intermediate networks between the mail server and user PC.

If we find issues at ISP level, the user must contact the ISP end to remove the block on that port.

But, the ideal solution we recommend is to use the SMTP server recommended by the ISP.

4) PC firewall issues

Third party firewall or antivirus installed on the user’s PC can block the connection from certain applications.

In other words, it blocks connections to certain IP ranges and can sometimes blocks the mail server IP as well.

So, customer’s won’t be able to connect to the mail server from their email client and see ‘socket error 10060 connection timed out’ SMTP error.


In such cases, we get the telnet results from the user’s PC to the mail server.

For example, we use the below command to check the connectivity to the mail server “mail.domain.com” on port 25.

And, if the firewall hinders the connection, we recommend the customer to disable the firewall and give a try.

If it works, users must tweak their PC firewall settings.

5) Infected PC

This is not a common reason but can happen at times.

‘socket error 10060 connection timed out’ SMTP error can pop up when your local PC is infected with malware.


In this case, our Support Engineers advise users to perform a full scan on their PC with a standard anti-virus.

And, remove any spyware, trojan or viruses detected in the system.

This list is not complete. There could be many more reasons for this error.

But a detailed log analysis is required to identify the exact reason behind this error.


In short, ‘socket error 10060 connection timed out SMTP error may occur due to incorrect email client settings, firewall restrictions, and more. Today, we’ve discussed the top 5 reasons for this error and how our Server Support Engineers fix them.


Never again lose customers to poor server speed! Let us help you.

Our server experts will monitor & maintain your server 24/7 so that it remains lightning fast and secure.

we called our ISP, and they were not blocking , turns out it was the ADTRAN / ISP modem devices, had to be rebooted.


I’m getting «Socket Error #10060, Connection timed out» when trying to access a https link.

Here is how you can reproduce it with INDY and OpenSSL 1.0.2d DLLs (also happens with older Indy 10 version and dlls):

  • create a project and add a TButton, TIdHTTP and TMemo objects to the form
  • add to button onclick this code:

  • now compile and run it, it will download correctly the file.

  • BUT if you are using a service like www.smartydns.com which redirects DNS request to their server, INDY sample above will not work and fail with «Socket Error #10060, Connection timed out» message.

Have tried it with WGET too (https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/) and in version 1.13 its initializing the SSL handshake and freezes, but works without problems with version 1.15.

So the question is, what IdHTTP settings do I have to use to make it work, or is it a bug in Indy10 ?


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    09.10.05, 16:03



      Рейтинг (т): 0

      Надо обработать исключение

      ExpandedWrap disabled





      «raised exception class EIdSocketError with message ‘Socket Error # 10060 Connection timed out'»

      Пытаюсь обработать

      ExpandedWrap disabled




          on EIdSocketError do

      Undeclared identifier: ‘EIdSocketError’
      Че за ерунда?



      09.10.05, 16:47

        Uses IdException.



        09.10.05, 17:02



          Рейтинг (т): 0

          Прописал, все равно пишет
          Undeclared identifier: ‘EIdSocketError’



          09.10.05, 17:05

            ExpandedWrap disabled

              on E: EIdSocketError do



            09.10.05, 19:08

              Цитата crazz @ 09.10.05, 16:03

              «raised exception class EIdSocketError with message ‘Socket Error # 10060 Connection timed out'»

              Это только при запуске из под IDE при установленом флаге Tools -> Debuger options -> Language Exception -> Stop on Delphi Exception.



              10.10.05, 02:35



                Рейтинг (т): 0

                Цитата Петрович @ 09.10.05, 19:08

                Цитата crazz @ 09.10.05, 16:03

                «raised exception class EIdSocketError with message ‘Socket Error # 10060 Connection timed out'»

                Это только при запуске из под IDE при установленом флаге Tools -> Debuger options -> Language Exception -> Stop on Delphi Exception.

                Проблема не в том что появляется сообщение, а в том как обработать.



                10.10.05, 17:47

                  Цитата crazz @ 10.10.05, 02:35

                  Проблема не в том что появляется сообщение, а в том как обработать.

                  Дык именно так как ты написал:

                  ExpandedWrap disabled




                      // здесь пишется обработка любых исключений возникших при выполнении idFTP.Connect();



                  ExpandedWrap disabled




                      on EIdSocketError do begin

                        // здесь пишется обработка только исключения EIdSocketError возникшего при выполнении idFTP.Connect();



                  Но, сообщение «raised exception class EIdSocketError with message ‘Socket Error # 10060 Connection timed out'», я так понял, выдается IDE. Поэтому, что-бы код обработки ошибки (секция exception) выполнился, нужно будет продолжить выполнение программы (F9).



                  10.10.05, 17:57



                    Рейтинг (т): 0

                    мне нужно обработать именно исключение EIdSocketError



                    07.12.11, 14:26

                      вставь в uses — IdException

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                      [ Script execution time: 0,0381 ]   [ 16 queries used ]   [ Generated: 9.02.23, 10:49 GMT ]  

                      Links used in this discussion

                      Hello sir, pls help when i try config email SMTP on msi configurator i got this problem

                      Exception: EIdSocketError Socket Error # 10060
                      Connection timed out.

                      Hello Andy,

                      Thank you for your message.

                      According to the Windows Sockets Error Codes, the Socket Error # 10060 means the following:
                      A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or the established connection failed because the connected host has failed to respond.
                      This could mean that the SMTP server you’ve specified does not reply in time, so the attempt to connect to the SMTP server fails.

                      Could you please clarify what SMTP provider do you use and what port do you specify in the SMTP settings window? In addition, please also try changing the port number and see if it works this way.

                      Looking forward to your reply.

                      Im using webmail cpanel, providers name idcloudhost, and im trying to use mailjet too but still not sended, i trying all port sir

                      Hello Andy,

                      Thank you for the clarification.

                      Could you please also let me know what version of Remote Utilities do you use? The issue might be caused by the TLS version which was fixed in the 6.12 Beta 2 release as we have implemented a TLS 1.2 support when sending emails using the «SMTP» feature.

                      In case if you’re using version of Remote Utilities or older version, then please try updating to the latest 6.12 Beta 2 version and see if it works for you. Version 6.12 Beta 2 of Remote Utilities is available for the download on this page.

                      Please let me know if the issue persists.

                      What version of TSL is for SMTP on version 6.10?

                      Hello Alex,

                      Thank you for your message.

                      When using version of Remote Utilities the TLS version for the SMTP is specified automatically, based on what versions are supported by both Remote Utilities and the email provider in use, including version 1.2 as well.
                      However, please note that we have implemented support of TLS 1.2 for SMTP feature starting version 7.0 of Remote Utilities. You can see the full list of improvements on the Release Notes page.

                      Hope that helps.

                      * Website time zone: America/New_York (UTC -5)

                      Connect Error 10060 is a connection-timeout error that occurs when trying to connect to the web, such as when the system can not connect to the Internet Service Provider mail server in the required period of time. This error often occurs when you try and connect in PASV mode that prefers PORT for data connections to a server.

                      Another source for this problem could be the fact that it is connected to a slow proxy. Regardless of what the underlying cause of the error is, this is what you can do to solve the problem.

                      What is Connect Error 10060?

                      A 10060 timeout error in a Windows Winsock connection occurs when you try to access a site that is experiencing a high volume of visitors or when you try to connect to a server that does not exist. Microsoft has a patch that you can download (see the References section) and run to resolve this problem.

                      But by taking some simple steps on your own and editing the information on your computer’s registry, you can quickly resolve the problem without downloading and installing any software.

                      Error messages:

                      • Winsock 10060
                      • Winsock error # 10060
                      • Win32 error 10060 anydesk
                      • A connection to the Win32_10060 anydesk network could not be made.

                      Causes of Connect Error 10060

                      There are many causes why we can receive the message socket error 10060 connection wait time exhausted. Among them, we can highlight a bad connection, high latency, the server does not exist, etc. But we will not delve into the causes and if in the final way to solve this error.

                      As mentioned earlier, this error usually occurs because you are using a proxy server and there is not enough time for the connection to load the web page. This, in turn, causes the connection to run out.

                      How to identify Socket Error 10060 on your system?

                      First things first: how do you know you are dealing with Socket Error 10060? There are some things you can look for to recognize this problem.

                      A pretty obvious sign is the following message that appears on the screen when you try to connect to the Internet through a proxy server:

                      Another potential problem could be an inability of the browser to display the web page, in which case you should try to simply refresh that page (or wait a bit to see if the problem is solved) or open the file: // home page and then search for any useful information there.


                      A variation of the error message shown above is “10060 – Connection timeout”, which basically informs you of the same problem.

                      Finally, there is one more message that accompanies the same problem again, but this time it takes a totally different form, and that is “HTTP Error 404404 Not Found”.

                      In this case, the server can not obtain the file or script that you requested. In the beginning, you can try to update the page or verify if you have entered the correct URL. Usually, it’s as simple as that. However, if this is not enough to solve the problem, you should talk to your system administrator about it.

                      How to fix socket error 10060

                      Since the causes of this problem are several, it is normal to have different solutions. Below you will find the solution that repairs in almost 100% of cases the problem and others that serve as complementation.

                      Since Socket Error 10060 is related to the time it takes your browser to load a particular web page, one thing you could do to solve the problem is to increase the time limit required by the proxy service to load that web page.

                      If you have never done it and you have no idea where to start, do not fear, we are here to help you! Follow the guide we are about to outline, and you should be able to complete the task in a short time.

                      However, before you begin, it would be a good idea first to back up the log files. By doing this, you are protecting yourself against any kind of problem you may encounter along the way and, therefore, you can be sure that, whatever happens, you will always have the original configuration to fall back on. Well, here is what you should do next:

                      # Fix 1: Registry Edit

                      1. Go to Start, then Run, and type “regedit” followed by clicking OK.

                      2. Now find this registry subkey:


                      3. Once you have selected that, click on RequestTimeoutSecs and then click on the Modify button.

                      4. Click on the decimal and modify the figure for the load time of the web page. If you are not sure what the value should be, we suggest at least 180.

                      5. Again, press the OK button and then restart your computer to complete the process.

                      With this, the connection timeout problem must be fixed. If you continue to receive the same error even after following these steps, try increasing the load time of the web page to at least 300.

                      Fix 2: Registry Edit (option 2)

                      1. Open the ” Registry Editor ” by clicking on the “Start” menu and then selecting “Run.” Type “Regedt32.exe” in the “Run” dialog box and click “OK.” Now you should see the ” Registry Editor “window.

                      2. Open the “Edit” menu and click on “Add value.”

                      3. Write the following information in the following window that appears:

                      4. Value name: TcpMaxDataRetransmissions Value type: REG_DWORD – Number Valid range: 0 – 0xFFFFFFFF Default value: 5 Decimal New value: 10 Decimal

                      5. Click on “OK.”

                      6. Close the ” Registry Editor ” and restart the computer. Test your connectivity once the computer has completely rebooted to see if the error occurs “10060 – Timeout has run out”.


                      Option 3: Solve socket error 10060 by proxy

                      1. Press the « Windows + R «keys.

                      2. Now, in the window that opens, type ” inetcpl.cpl ” and press ” Enter.”

                      3. Click on the « Connections » tab of the « Properties: Internet «window.

                      4. Click on the « LAN Configuration «button.

                      5. Uncheck the box ” Use a proxy server for the LAN ” and click on ” Accept.”

                      6. Check that the error has disappeared.

                      How to fix socket error 10060 Citrix

                      Many have experiences socket error 10060 Citrix NetApp while trying to a Microsoft ‘Remote Desktop’. If you are trying to connect to our desktop in the office and getting the Socket Error as below

                      Unable to connect the server contact your system administrator with following error: there is no Citrix Xenapp server configured on the specified server. (Socket error 10060)

                      Socket error 10060 on Citrix-ErrorCodeGuru.com

                      This Published remote desktop application would be available on one or more servers.  If it is multiple servers, Citrix will automatically load your session to another appropriate server. If waiting to try again doesn’t fix the socket error 10060 on Citrix. Here are a few fixes to try before contacting your IT support or Citrix.

                      • If there is an Antivirus software installed, try to disable it then test again.
                      • Check your firewall to make sure ports 1494 and 2598 are open

                      Sometimes, Citrix could not be configured properly or has no servers assigned. This is an external Citrix Workspace error and therefore you would need to engage your company IT/Citrix support team to address the problem. This would be most cases as it would be an error from your IT workplace.

                      Final notes

                      This type of error causes that the fps of the games go down, that Gmail, Outlook Express, Opera, Office 365, Windows 7, 8, 10, delphy, etc. give problems. In general, the parameters mentioned above must be modified to get a connection, but it does not always work, since the error may come from something alien to us.

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