Error 042 326 xerox

Error xerox 042 326 xerox Добрый день уважаемые форумчане! С некоторых пор (вернее — с начала этого года) стала периодически выскакивать ошибка 042-326. Вызвал сервисника — тот приехал, снял ремень, переклеил метку, всё промыл-продул-прочистил, печатаем дальше. Через месяц снова та же ошибка — опять сервисник, спирт, продувка. Потом она стала вылазить чаще — раз […]


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Error xerox 042 326 xerox

Добрый день уважаемые форумчане!

С некоторых пор (вернее — с начала этого года) стала периодически выскакивать ошибка 042-326. Вызвал сервисника — тот приехал, снял ремень, переклеил метку, всё промыл-продул-прочистил, печатаем дальше.

Через месяц снова та же ошибка — опять сервисник, спирт, продувка. Потом она стала вылазить чаще — раз в 2 недели, вчера вообще аппарат встал и ни туда ни сюда.

Начитавшись форума решил всё сделать сам — снял ленту переноса, метку спиртиком потёр, собрал, поставил весь блок на место. Включаю принтер — ошибка. Повторяю операция — ошибка. Беру старую рабочую ленту переноса — ставлю — ошибка, только уже 042-327.
Разбираю, ставлю новую ленту — 042-326. Твайужмать.

С 8 утра до 15 часов занимался этой хернёй, продул все датчики, ленту сдёргивал и ставил на место минуты за три уже наверное

В 16 часов пришёл сервисник. Разобрал узел, потёр метку спиртом (а хер ли её тереть — она уже блистала как звёзды на Кремле), продул датчики, протёр всё внутри, пропылесосил, поставил всё на место. Ошибка 042-326.

У меня уже истерика, глаз дёргается, пена изо рта начинает пузыриться.

Сервисник берёт другую ленту, ставит на место предыдущей, всё продувает-протирает, ставит весь блок в принтер. Ошибка 042-327.
Смотрим с ним друг на друга с немым укором в глазах — он потому что уже конец дня и ему такие загадки ну никак не хочется решать, т.к. ужин и запотевшая рюмочка уже наверняка его ждут дома, я же ожидал с его приходом быстрого решения проблемы. )))

В общем после 10 минут игры в гляделки в глазах у мастера загорается «Бинго». Его осеняет, он идёт к аппарату и снимает датчик блокировки двери (ну или как он там по научному называется), разбирает его, чистит там контакты, ставит на место, включает принтер — и АЛИЛУЙЯ.
Ошибки нет, всё работает!

Всем удачной рабочей недели и вагон добра! Ура!


Error xerox 042 326 xerox

We looked it up found what the error was

Thing is where is this sensor located?

Or is **bleep** the belt?

I ordered a belt hoping it gets to the island by Monday but in the meanwhile it could just very well be on the sensor

We had to change a drum so wondering if while putting back in the assembly if it touched off something, during that time we had the belt protected.

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First try to reset in Diag mode in NVM the value 741-132 to 0. If this did not work try to clean the little silver reflective patch located inside the belt.

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it all workled out

I didn’t see that NVM value you sent before so was entering one fouind elsewhere and it never workd

We put in the new belt and it’s working great

even a line in the blue (cyan involved) prints used to come up with a line on the page

but that’s gone now

Thing though black we are having some issues with black and not sure if it’s coming from a toner spillage or so cause one the toner doors (where you enter the toner in sometimes stays open

and we are having an issue with black prints

where it’s liek the black colour is not being fused to the page.


Error xerox 042 326 xerox

Does anybody know what the fault code 042-326 pertain to? I have an X700 digital color press and this code keeps popping up. I need help getting it to go away.

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as i can see , there is a failure in the electronic system, there needs to be a NVM configured. but this needs to be done by a technician.

You have to call assistance for this

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Fabio is correct, its in the xerographics but a technician needs to do this as a part may need replacement.

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I don’t know what everyone else is talking about here, however the 042-326 error is a transfer belt (ITB) error on a 700 Digital Color Press.

On our 700 Digital Color Press, that fault code can be caused by either a worn out ITB, or one of the ITB sensors being dirty or misaligned.

The edges of the transfer belt will eventually curl over time and will cause the same error code. If you are routinely getting this error on a 700, then chances are you need to have the ITB changed.

We have to have ours changed about every 6 months.


Thread: Xerox 252, fault code 042-326 or 042-327

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Re: Xerox 252, fault code 042-326 or 042-327

reset nvm location 741-105 to 0.

do you work on 4595? i need help too..

Re: Xerox 252, fault code 042-326 or 042-327

be sure to set the nvm location 741-105 to zero. make sure the patch and sensor are clean. vacuum out the cleaning blade.. get all that toner out of there. dust the blade and put it back on trying to center it. fire it up. do the adjustment and you should be good. if not. then try that patch deal.. i havent done it. i just would try a new belt.

Re: Xerox 252, fault code 042-326 or 042-327

Hi. I’ve the same error code (042-326) — xerox dc240.
I cleaned everything I could to clear. Silver stripe looks clean — but it aren’t changed.
Error of course remains, 741-105 change to 0 has no effect.
Because I moved belt I also tried to do learning cycle — the message is ‘diagnostic routine error’.
Change, however, a silver stripe?

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Re: Xerox 252, fault code 042-326 or 042-327

First of all check the belt is moving.

Re: Xerox 252, fault code 042-326 or 042-327

When I turn on machine I can hear that machine starts to work but at some point the machine stops rapidly.
When I turn the mode of learning for the belt there is no response from the machine.

Does anyone have a photo on which it is a ‘silver strip sensor’?

Re: Xerox 252, fault code 042-326 or 042-327

When you reinstall the belt, make sure the silver reflective patch is to the rear of the machine. The sensor has to «look» at the patch as it passes by it so it should not be hard to locate the sensors «eyes» in the patches’s path. A lot of times you can get away with cleaning , putting on a replacement patch, installing an anti-curl kit. But sometimes you just need to install a new belt. If you install a new belt, the patch has a clear plastic layer over the reflective patch. Sometimes the sensor can see the patch through this and sometimes not. I always remove this from the patch when installing a new belt.

Re: Xerox 252, fault code 042-326 or 042-327

Similar problem hapened to me a couple years ago on my 250

The Solution was cleaning the sensor of the belt edge learn, on the ibt module, mine had black toner on it (sensor) and the machine was always giving the error.

A very good clean with careful and it was done.


Error xerox 042 326 xerox

Does anybody know what the fault code 042-326 pertain to? I have an X700 digital color press and this code keeps popping up. I need help getting it to go away.

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as i can see , there is a failure in the electronic system, there needs to be a NVM configured. but this needs to be done by a technician.

You have to call assistance for this

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Fabio is correct, its in the xerographics but a technician needs to do this as a part may need replacement.

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I don’t know what everyone else is talking about here, however the 042-326 error is a transfer belt (ITB) error on a 700 Digital Color Press.

On our 700 Digital Color Press, that fault code can be caused by either a worn out ITB, or one of the ITB sensors being dirty or misaligned.

The edges of the transfer belt will eventually curl over time and will cause the same error code. If you are routinely getting this error on a 700, then chances are you need to have the ITB changed.

We have to have ours changed about every 6 months.


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  • Xerox® DocuColor™ 240 242 250 252 260 550 560 570 C60 C70 700 700i 770 C75 J75 Versant 80 2100 3100 4100 Error 042-326

Xerox® DocuColor™ 240 242 250 252 260 550 560 570 C60 C70 700 700i 770 C75 J75 Versant 80 2100 3100 4100 Error 042-326

Xerox® DocuColor™ 240 242 250 252 260 550 560 570 C60 C70 700 700i 770 C75 J75 Versant 80 2100 3100 4100 Error 042-326

8th April 2021

If the fault 042-326 was declared 3 times in succession the print mode of the machine will be disabled. In order to clear this error you need to reset the NVM location 741-105 to 0. The error states that the IBT Belt Home position was not detected in time. Try the procedure below, but if you still get the error then there is a problem in the IBT area of the machine. It could be something simple like dirt of the sensor, a missing silver patch on the underside of the IBT belt or it could be the something to do with the tracking device on the IBT assembly.

To Get Into Service Mode; Press the 0 button for 5 seconds, then press start whilst still holding the 0 button.

Type in 6789 as the password and then press confirm. Press the log in/log out button

Go to systems settings common settings maintenance Change the NVM location 741-105 to 0 (on 550 560 570 C60 C70 it’s 741-119, DCP 700 700i 770 it’s 741-106, C75 J75  it’s 741-132, Versant 80 180 741-700, Versant 280 is 741-525), save and restart the machine.

If the problem continues send us an email to and we can help you further.

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  1. 10-10-2017


    atech is offline

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    Xerox colour 550 , 042 326 error code.

    I have Xerox colour 550 and has an error 042 326.. It says IBT error. The operator of this machine already done resetting..but still the same. He asked me for help and when I check and turn on the machine it does not initializef and the error popped up immediately.. he already cleaned the silver patch and the optical sensor and got no luck we even set the silver patch of the IBT in home position with the sensor but of no success. Does it need new IBT or do I need to check it further?

  2. 10-10-2017


    Re: Xerox colour 550 , 042 326 error code.

    Quote Originally Posted by atech
    View Post

    I have Xerox colour 550 and has an error 042 326.. It says IBT error. The operator of this machine already done resetting..but still the same. He asked me for help and when I check and turn on the machine it does not initializef and the error popped up immediately.. he already cleaned the silver patch and the optical sensor and got no luck we even set the silver patch of the IBT in home position with the sensor but of no success. Does it need new IBT or do I need to check it further?

    what is the page count on the current ITB?

  3. 10-11-2017


    Jake2o is offline

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    Re: Xerox colour 550 , 042 326 error code.

    The optical sensor on the IBT frame can be very hard to clean properly. Use a vaccum, brush and air line to clean it fully.
    You’ve cleared the error and re-set from 3 to 0 so yes if the IBT is not new and it is likely to be over threshold then change it.

  4. 10-11-2017


    Re: Xerox colour 550 , 042 326 error code.

    Remove IBT assy from machine and do a good cleanning of all parts of assembly.
    Especially belt drive roll, sensors and silver patch.
    Then put the IBT assy back into machine go to service and reset the nvm needed for reset the error code.
    If you dont reset this nvm the belt dont turn anymore and the error code is poped right after you start the machine.

  5. 10-11-2017


    atech is offline

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    Re: Xerox colour 550 , 042 326 error code.

    Quote Originally Posted by adriansto
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    Remove IBT assy from machine and do a good cleanning of all parts of assembly.
    Especially belt drive roll, sensors and silver patch.
    Then put the IBT assy back into machine go to service and reset the nvm needed for reset the error code.
    If you dont reset this nvm the belt dont turn anymore and the error code is poped right after you start the machine.

    I’ve already cleaned the sensor and the silver patch. I use 741-105 reset code but the value was already zero. The operator already did resetting before he called me.. Still, I entered zero and press confirm but doesn’t work. I changed​ the sensor from other machine with the same model but no success.

  6. 10-11-2017


    atech is offline

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    Re: Xerox colour 550 , 042 326 error code.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jake2o
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    The optical sensor on the IBT frame can be very hard to clean properly. Use a vaccum, brush and air line to clean it fully.
    You’ve cleared the error and re-set from 3 to 0 so yes if the IBT is not new and it is likely to be over threshold then change it.

    Can I use the IBT from other machine or the whole unit since they have two colour machine with the same model. I’m hesitant to use parts from other machine coz Im not familiar with Xerox it might get the same trouble afterwards.

  7. 10-11-2017


    Re: Xerox colour 550 , 042 326 error code.

    Yes you can but the error remain
    nvm 741-119 reset because the machine is XColor not DocuColor

  8. 10-16-2017


    Jake2o is offline

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    Re: Xerox colour 550 , 042 326 error code.

    Quote Originally Posted by adriansto
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    Yes you can but the error remain
    nvm 741-119 reset because the machine is XColor not DocuColor

    The NVM to change from 3 to 0 is the same as the DC250 and also for the dcp700 and also the same for the Colour550/560

    DO NOT CHANGE NVM 741-119 unless you know what it does.

    What happens when you do the belt edge learn?
    Also when you POPO you must also unplug any anciliary products that it may have with it. Physically unplug everything and plug it back again

  9. 10-16-2017


    Re: Xerox colour 550 , 042 326 error code.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jake2o
    View Post

    The NVM to change from 3 to 0 is the same as the DC250 and also for the dcp700 and also the same for the Colour550/560

    DO NOT CHANGE NVM 741-119 unless you know what it does.

    What happens when you do the belt edge learn?
    Also when you POPO you must also unplug any anciliary products that it may have with it. Physically unplug everything and plug it back again

    Sorry but I think someone did not read the xc560 edoc neither the bulletins. Same for DCP700/700i

    Remain as I said — 741-119 is the nvm who need change on XC560 machine.

  10. 10-16-2017


    George J is offline

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    Re: Xerox colour 550 , 042 326 error code.

    I’m out of the Xerox loop, but I remember there being a handy flowchart in the 550/560/700 series edocs about this issue.

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dc250 error code 042-326

Discussion in ‘Xerox Digital Presses’ started by Durie, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. Durie

    New Member

    Oct 2012

    I am getting this error code 042-326 on my xerox dc250 can anyone help?

    I have tried holding down the 0 key for 5 secs then pressing enter, then entering 6789 and reset NVM location 741-105 to 0
    it has now went onto the screen with copy, scan and stored progames, with copy and scan blanked out
    When searching online it says that this error code is the transfer belt, ours was only replaced before xmas

    Mar 28, 2013


  2. skakram


    Jul 2011
    Dubai — United Arab Emirates

    There is a small silver color sensor on the back side of the transfer belt on top side you will see it while moving the belt with hand slowly there is a black spot on top its the sensor, which needs to be cleaned with a wet tissue paper and then reset the code

    Apr 3, 2013


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