Error 08001 timeout expired

I have a Connection Manager that is .NetOdbc Data Provider that is connecting to a postgresql database on the same server via an ODBC DSN.
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  • I have a Connection Manager that is .NetOdbc Data Provider that is connecting to a postgresql database on the same server via an ODBC DSN. 

    Most of the time the connection works fine (it is reading multiple tables from postgresql and putting them into staging tables), but some times I get the error below. The error happens 15 seconds after the task execution starts, which leads me to believe
    there is a setting somewhere that I am missing or is defaulted to 15 seconds. 

    ADO NET Source has failed to acquire the connection {749D2DCC-780C-4C0F-9F4E-7B24D1AD0550} with the following error message: «ERROR [08001] timeout expired «.  

    Note: This is not the CommandTimeout (which is set to 0), but rather a connection timeout I am looking for.

    Thanks in advance!

Encountering error 08001 when attempting to connect to database

Part of AWS Collective

When I attempt to connect to an instance of a PostgreSQL database I’ve created as per the AWS «Create and Connect to a PostgreSQL Database with Amazon RDS» tutorial located here (, I receive an error that reads:

[08001] The connection attempt failed. connect timed out.

The database is set to allow incoming and outgoing traffic on all ports and from all IP addresses. I am completely at a loss as to how to get this working and have reached out to AWS Support for their input, but, as yet, all I’ve done is follow the directions prescribed by the AWS tutorial—to no avail.

Does anyone know what might be the issue?

Edit: I should mention that all of my, host URL, port number, database name, etc. have been entered correctly into DataGrip, so none of the above are the issue.

1 Answer 1

All right—I’ve figured it out.

First off, @Mark B was right—the issue was that I hadn’t yet made the database itself publicly accessible via the VPC security group of which it was a member. To do this, from the database detail screen in AWS, I:

  1. clicked (what for me was the one and only) link beneath the «VPC security groups» of the database’s dashboard, which directed me to the EC2 Security Groups screen
  2. clicked the security group link related to my database, which directed me to that group’s detail page
  3. clicked the «Edit inbound rules» button which directed me to the «Edit inbound rules» screen
  4. clicked the «Add rule» button, which caused a table row containing the following columns: «Type», «Protocol,» «Port Range,» «Source,» «Description — optional»
  5. selected «PostgreSQL» for the «Type» column, which caused the values of «TCP» and «5432» to populate the «Protocol» and «Port range» columns respectively, entered my machine’s IP address («123.456.789.012/32»—no quotes and no parentheses), and left «Description — optional» blank, because, well, it’s optional.

Finally, I guess I’d forgotten to explicitly name the database, and so my attempts to enter what for me was ostensibly the database’s name (that is, «database-1») resulted in a connection error indicating that «database-1» does not exist. So, for the sake of ease and simply verifying my database connection, I entered «postgres» as the database name in my database client (I’m presently using DataGrip), because «postgres» is the de facto name of a postgreSQL database.

And that should work. I’m sure this is all no-brainer stuff to those more experienced with AWS, but it’s new to me and presumably to many others.

Thanks again, @Mark B, for sending me down the right path.


Name already in use

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Troubleshoot DMS errors when connecting to source databases

The following article provides detail about how to address potential issues you might encounter when connecting the Azure Database Migration Service (DMS) to your source database. Each section below relates to a specific type of source database, listing the error you might encounter together with detail and links to information about how to troubleshoot the connectivity.

Potential issues associated with connecting to a source SQL Server database and how to address them are provided in the following table.

Error Cause and troubleshooting detail
SQL connection failed. A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct, and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. This error occurs if the service can’t locate the source server. To address the issue, see the article Error connecting to source SQL Server when using dynamic port or named instance.
Error 53 — SQL connection failed. (Also, for error codes 1, 2, 5, 53, 233, 258, 1225, 11001) This error occurs if the service can’t connect to the source server. To address the issue, refer to the following resources, and then try again.

Prerequisites for migrating SQL Server to an Azure SQL Managed Instance

Error 18456 — Login failed. This error occurs if the service can’t connect to the source database using the provided T-SQL credentials. To address the issue, verify the entered credentials. You can also refer to MSSQLSERVER_18456 or to the troubleshooting documents listed in the note below this table, and then try again.
Malformed AccountName value ‘<0>‘ provided. Expected format for AccountName is DomainNameUserName This error occurs if the user selects Windows authentication but provides the username in an invalid format. To address the issue, either provide username in the correct format for Windows authentication or select SQL Authentication.

Potential issues associated with connecting to a source AWS RDS MySQL database and how to address them are provided in the following table.

Error Cause and troubleshooting detail
Error [2003][HY000] — connection failed. ERROR [HY000] [MySQL][ODBC x.x(w) driver] Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘‘ (10060) This error occurs if the MySQL ODBC driver can’t connect to the source server. To address the issue, refer to the troubleshooting documents listed in the note below this table, and then try again.
Error [2005][HY000] — connection failed. ERROR [HY000] [MySQL][ODBC x.x(w) driver] Unknown MySQL server host ‘‘ This error occurs if the service can’t find the source host on RDS. The issue could either be because the listed source does not exist or there is a problem with RDS infrastructure. To address the issue, refer to the troubleshooting documents listed in the note below this table, and then try again.
Error [1045][HY000] — connection failed. ERROR [HY000] [MySQL][ODBC x.x(w) driver] Access denied for user ‘‘@’‘ (using password: YES) This error occurs if MySQL ODBC driver cannot connect to the source server due to invalid credentials. Verify the credentials you have entered. If the issue continues, verify that source computer has the correct credentials. You may need to reset the password in the console. If you still encounter the issue, refer to the troubleshooting documents listed in the note below this table, and then try again.
Error [9002][HY000] — connection failed. ERROR [HY000] [MySQL][ODBC x.x(w) driver] The connection string may not be right. Visit portal for references. This error occurs if the connection is failing due to an issue with the connection string. Verify the connection string provided is valid. To address the issue, refer to the troubleshooting documents listed in the note below this table, and then try again.
Error in binary logging. Variable binlog_format has value ‘‘. Please change it to ‘row’. This error occurs if there is an error in binary logging; the variable binlog_format has the wrong value. To address the issue, change the binlog_format in parameter group to ‘ROW’, and then reboot the instance. For more information, see to Binary Logging Options and Variables or AWS RDS MySQL Database Log Files documentation.

[!NOTE] For more information about troubleshooting issues related to connecting to a source AWS RDS MySQL database, see the following resources:


Potential issues associated with connecting to a source AWS RDS PostgreSQL database and how to address them are provided in the following table.

Error Cause and troubleshooting detail
Error [101][08001] — connection failed. ERROR [08001] timeout expired. This error occurs if the Postgres driver can’t connect to the source server. To address the issue, refer to the troubleshooting documents listed in the note below this table, and then try again.
Error: Parameter wal_level has value ‘‘. Please change it to ‘logical’ to allow replication. This error occurs if the parameter wal_level has the wrong value. To address the issue, change the rds.logical_replication in parameter group to 1, and then reboot the instance. For more information, see to Pre-requisites for migrating to Azure PostgreSQL using DMS or PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS.

[!NOTE] For more information about troubleshooting issues related to connecting to a source AWS RDS PostgreSQL database, see the following resources:


Potential issues associated with connecting to a source AWS RDS SQL Server database and how to address them are provided in the following table.

Error Cause and troubleshooting detail
Error 53 — SQL connection failed. A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server wasn’t found or wasn’t accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct, and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 — Could not open a connection to SQL Server This error occurs if the service can’t connect to the source server. To address the issue, refer to the troubleshooting documents listed in the note below this table, and then try again.
Error 18456 — Login failed. Login failed for user ‘‘ This error occurs if the service can’t connect to the source database with the T-SQL credentials provided. To address the issue, verify the entered credentials. You can also refer to MSSQLSERVER_18456 or to the troubleshooting documents listed in the note below this table, and try again.
Error 87 — Connection string is not valid. A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct, and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 25 — Connection string is not valid) This error occurs if the service can’t connect to the source server because of an invalid connection string. To address the issue, verify the connection string provided. If the issue persists, refer to the troubleshooting documents listed in the note below this table, and then try again.
Error — Server certificate not trusted. A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: SSL Provider, error: 0 — The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted.) This error occurs if the certificate used isn’t trusted. To address the issue, you need to find a certificate that can be trusted, and then enable it on the server. Alternatively, you can select the Trust Certificate option while connecting. Take this action only if you’re familiar with the certificate used and you trust it.
TLS connections that are encrypted using a self-signed certificate don’t provide strong security — they’re susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks. Do not rely on TLS using self-signed certificates in a production environment or on servers that are connected to the internet.
For more information, see to Using SSL with a Microsoft SQL Server DB Instance or Tutorial: Migrate RDS SQL Server to Azure using DMS.
Error 300 — User does not have required permissions. VIEW SERVER STATE permission was denied on object ‘‘, database ‘‘ This error occurs if user doesn’t have permission to perform the migration. To address the issue, refer to GRANT Server Permissions — Transact-SQL or Tutorial: Migrate RDS SQL Server to Azure using DMS for more details.

[!NOTE] For more information about troubleshooting issues related to connecting to a source AWS RDS SQL Server, see the following resources:


Error 08001 timeout expired

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I’ve received this error twice over 2 days in the SQL Agent error log during off-hours from a server which has not had any changes to it in the last few months (once at 3:32AM and the next day at 3:46AM. I’ve been able to tie it to log-shipping backup jobs (all of which run under the SQL Service domain account) which run every minute. It seems to be only momentary, as the next attempt a minute later is successful.

I get the same set of messages for each database for the same time which look like this:

Date 07.03.2008 3:31:51 AM
Log SQL Agent (Current — 10.03.2008 6:15:00 PM)

[298] SQLServer Error: 258, TCP Provider: Timeout error [258]. [SQLSTATE 08001]

Date 07.03.2008 3:31:52 AM
Log SQL Agent (Current — 10.03.2008 6:15:00 PM)

[165] ODBC Error: 0, Login timeout expired [SQLSTATE HYT00]

Date 07.03.2008 3:31:52 AM
Log SQL Agent (Current — 10.03.2008 6:15:00 PM)

[298] SQLServer Error: 258, Unable to complete login process due to delay in login response [SQLSTATE 08001]

Date 07.03.2008 3:31:52 AM
Log SQL Agent (Current — 10.03.2008 6:15:00 PM)

[382] Logon to server ‘(local)’ failed (SubSystemStepHistoryLogger)

I can’t find any documentation on these errors on the web or MSDN site. Can I chalk this up to possibly «winking» connection to our domain controller? We’ve never had these messages before, and our LAN department swears that there have been no upgrades to the network or domain controller servers recently.


I had almost a similar experience this week.We got a STELLENT content software which is using SQL 2K as backend.

There were other databases hosted in this SQL box and one of my colleague restedted the SQL service (planned restart) and Stellent and some of the applications weren’t connecting.

When we restarted the server, everything works fine. We again restarted DB services to figure out the root cause. Stellent down after SQL service restart. Raised a ticket with Oracle who bought Stellent and wasn’t helpful.

Finally after 2 days we found out the problem.

The TCPIP wasn’t listening for SQL Server when the service is restarted. But will listen when the machine is rebooted which we can’t do much as there is one more instance and some other DB applications.

So we disabled TCP and reenabled after service restart and everything worked like a charm.

Now we know the immediate workaround for this issue if happen again.

Hope this would help you troubleshoot and resolve this issue.

Please let us know if this helped you resolve your issue.

If this post helped you resolve your issue, please mark ‘answered’

All replies

It could be possible that the server is under heavier load during those times and so it is failing to respond within the timeout you provided. Do you have scheduled jobs running around those times, or is your network/server load any higher between 3 and 4 am?

With (local), it should go through the loopback device, which won’t need to do dns lookup or address resolution, or any of the other usual suspects for these kinds of failures. As you say, it may be the domain controller for NTLM authentication running slowly at that time or being down for some reason. It is hard to tell, with this one, why it might be happening. Do the server logs register anything about the connection attempts? It seems like it should definitely have gotten the prelogin/login packets — I wonder if there are log entries indicating something around those times?

No, the server logs don’t indicate any failed attempts. Only the messages indicated in my original post are shown.

Interestingly, I received exactly the same set of messages again last night, but that was during a known reboot of our domain controllers by our LAN department in order to apply some WSUS patches.

Just had log-shipping issues on our server this morning, and wanted to add that a burst of the [382] and [298] login failed messages appeared in our server Log File, same as indicated earlier in this thread. This is the first time we’ve seen these event log entries.

Our log shipping job runs every 5 minutes. Last night at 2:00am we ran a re-indexing job which caused the log shipping job to fail with insufficient disk space error on our local log shipping share due to huge transaction log. This first occurred at 3:35am . At 6:30 am, with the log shipping still enabled and still failing, we received the burst of logon failures. Everything else appeared normal on the server —no unusual load. Also, as with the thread’s earlier post, this server has been stable with log shipping running for over 6 mos.

Here’s a sample of our errors. Maybe this will shed some additional light.

They come in sets of four. I’m pasting them in chronological order, top to bottom.

Date 3/21/2008 6:30:35 AM
Log SQL Agent (Current — 3/21/2008 6:32:00 AM)

[298] SQLServer Error: 258, Shared Memory Provider: Timeout error [258]. [SQLSTATE 08001]

Date 3/21/2008 6:30:35 AM
Log SQL Agent (Current — 3/21/2008 6:32:00 AM)

[165] ODBC Error: 0, Login timeout expired [SQLSTATE HYT00]

Date 3/21/2008 6:30:35 AM
Log SQL Agent (Current — 3/21/2008 6:32:00 AM)

[298] SQLServer Error: 258, Unable to complete login process due to delay in login response [SQLSTATE 08001]

Date 3/21/2008 6:30:35 AM
Log SQL Agent (Current — 3/21/2008 6:32:00 AM)

[382] Logon to server ‘ELMSERVER8’ failed (ConnAttemptCachableOp)

The error you are getting is typically seen when a user connects succesfully and recieves an ack from the server, but then sends login credentials and does not complete the login process within a prespecified timeout. You are connecting over SM, so this is local and network issues can be ignored with the exception of the domain controller, who controls NTLM credential management and authentication. If you are using Integrated Authentication, your domain controller could be a culprit in this scenario. One general suggestion people offer for this issue is «lengthen the timeout», but I think that (at least in this case) this would not address your issue, as your job is running every 5 minutes. You may not be able to affort a 2 minute login timeout, and that doesn’t guarantee that you won’t see these issues, just lowers the probability of load-based issues causing failure. Is it possible to ping the domain controller on job failure to see if it is up and what its response time is like?

The ODBC error «Timeout expired» states that a query did not found to
return rows with the timeout period,
The cause for this could be that the query needed long time
to execute, because of large amounts of data to seek & Bad indexing.

It could also be a Lock issue with tables,
and that query was long-running. In fact it does not have to be a query
as such that was blocking, but a process holding locks reason behind
an earlier discarded query, which was not properly handled.
All this could have been started by some abnormal event like a
network problem. However, it is much more likely that there was
some unsuitable SQL statement.

After one week of researching on the Internet and talking with fellow Sys Admins here, none of us can figure out this issue. The issue is: We run a single server SharePoint site and that server’s got MS Sql Server 2005 on it. It is a Windows 2003 server with SP2. Since last Tuesday, our default web site would go down about every two to two-and-half hours and when trying to access the site would get a message stating «could not connect to configuration database.» When looking in error logs, it is not transparent except that on the server, we’ll see errors stating access is denied or there is no database available. After plugging in every SQL Log error code and many Event Log error codes, we cannot figure out the issue! When looking at the MSSQLSERVER, the SQLSERVER Agent services, they both still show they’re running, but when we restart the services, the site still isn’t accessible. We’ve talked to our Domain Admins to see if they’ve pushed anything to the domain controllers that out server authenticates throug (they did say they had pushed the latest Windows Server 2003 SP). Anyway, our only solution now is to re-boot the server every time the database cannot be accessed. Here’s what I’ve done so far:

NP, TCP/IP, and Shared Memory are enabled (and were before)

Service account does have access to the database and is not expired

I am new at this so if there’s any technical info required of me to clarify, please let me know and I will provide it. Thank you.


On 06/28/2017 11:32 AM, Niel Smith wrote:
> Hi,
> So I have a few problems with my PostGreSQL and was hoping you could
> help me out. one is I’m getting random timeouts and the errors I’m
> seeing in the logs are

What version of Postgres and where did you get it?
OS and version?
What is the source for the logs below?

> On the 6/22/17 at 10:51am we had ERROR [08001] timeout expired at
> System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.HandleError(OdbcHandle hrHandle, RetCode
> retcode)

A timeout expired, probably on client side.
Where are the clients relative to the server, local network or Internet?

> 2:23pm we had Error during indexfile unfixed fields readCurIndex:
> 6598CurFileNum: 551
> 4;25 pm Error during indexfile unfixed fields readCurIndex:
> 7054CurFileNum: 551
> 6/23/17 @ 5:57PM Error during indexfile unfixed fields readCurIndex:
> 4449CurFileNum: 552

Where are the above coming from as I can not find a reference to
readCurIndex in either the Postgres or psqodbc code?

> 6/24/17 9:43 am ERROR [08001] timeout expired
> at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.HandleError(OdbcHandle hrHandle,
> RetCode retcode)

Another timeout.

> 6/26/17 7:21am Exception during IsDuplicateSelect ID from
> di_central.di_web_records where starttime = ‘2017-06-26 01:07:34’ AND
> channelnum = 95 AND ulseqlow = 5095480The connection has been disabled.
> at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.ConnectionIsAlive(Exception
> innerException) >
> x2 6/26/17 7:21am ERROR [08001] FATAL: the database system is shutting down
> at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.HandleError(OdbcHandle hrHandle,
> RetCode retcode)

Looks like bad code in IsDuplicateSelect ID is triggering an exception
that shuts down the database.

> Having an Issue of timing out or just randomly shutting down? other
> errors I’m getting are duplicate key value violates unique constraint
> «di_web_users_pkey»

I am not seeing that in what you show. In any case that is what a unique
constraint is supposed to do, throw an error when you try to create a
duplicate entry. The client/application code will need to be able to
deal with that.

> 2017-06-21 06:53:09 MDT ERROR: relation
> «di_central.di_web_user_hmaxfield» does not exist at character 37
> 2017-06-21 06:53:09 MDT STATEMENT: select column_name, is_checked from
> di_central.di_web_user_hmaxfield
> 2017-06-21 09:43:35 MDT LOG: could not receive data from client: An
> established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
> 2017-06-26 07:21:35 MDT FATAL: terminating connection due to
> administrator command
> 2017-06-26 07:21:47 MDT FATAL: the database system is shutting down

Looks like some external process is shutting down the server.

> I also have MySQL running on this PC and have an error in event viewer
> we have a spam of errors Task category is WebHost and the source is
> system.serviceModel WebHost failed to process a request.
> Sender Information:
> System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostingEnvironment+HostingManager/45653674
> Exception: System.ServiceModel.ServiceActivationException: The service
> ‘/MySQLService.svc’ cannot be activated due to an exception during
> compilation. The exception message is: Memory gates checking failed
> because the free memory (89677824 bytes) is less than 5% of total
> memory. Process Name: w3wp Process ID: 10672

The only thing I understand in the above is:

«…the free memory (89677824 bytes) is less than 5% of total memory.»

Whatever it is wants more memory.

> if anyone can help me out with these errors that would be very much
> appreciated.
> Thank you
> Niel Smith — Support Technician
> Equature

Adrian Klaver

I am trying to access tables in SQL database in Azure Managed Instance (with IP: from a python script in Azure VM machine but I am getting the Operational Error below. I have tried with 2 different ways below.


OperationalError: (‘08001’, ‘[08001] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.rn (10060) (SQLDriverConnect); [08001] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Login timeout expired (0); [08001] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL Server Books Online. (10060)’)

1st way with connectionString:

import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

engine = create_engine("mssql+pyodbc://<username>:<password>@<server>/<database>?driver=SQL+Server+Native+Client+11.0")
query = "select * from table"

2nd way with connectionString:

import pyodbc

server = ''
database = 'database'
username = 'username'
password = 'password'   
driver= '{SQL Server Native Client 11.0}'
with pyodbc.connect('DRIVER='+driver+';SERVER='+server+';PORT=1433;DATABASE='+database+';UID='+username+';PWD='+ password) as conn:
    with conn.cursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT TOP 3 name, collation_name FROM sys.databases")
        row = cursor.fetchone()
        while row:
            print (str(row[0]) + " " + str(row[1]))
            row = cursor.fetchone()

Besides, I have also tried to change the driver to drivers below, still no luck.

{ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server}
{ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server}
{ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}
{SQL Server Native Client 11.0}

Interesting part is, if I try the connect with the same connection string from on-premise machine which is not Azure VM (ex: my local machine or other servers I can RDP to), I can access the database. But when I try on a Azure VM machine, it is timing out. Do you have any ideas how to fix this problem?

Thank you for inputs.

Когда я пытаюсь подключиться к экземпляру базы данных PostgreSQL, которую я создал согласно руководству AWS «Создание и подключение к базе данных PostgreSQL с Amazon RDS», расположенному здесь ( ), Я получаю сообщение об ошибке:

[08001] Попытка подключения не удалась. время ожидания подключения истекло.

База данных настроена на разрешение входящего и исходящего трафика на всех портах и ​​со всех IP-адресов. Я совершенно не понимаю, как заставить это работать, и обратился в службу поддержки AWS за их предложениями, но пока что все, что я сделал, — это следовал инструкциям, предписанным в руководстве по AWS, — безрезультатно.

Кто-нибудь знает, в чем может быть проблема?

Изменить: я должен упомянуть, что весь мой URL-адрес хоста, номер порта, имя базы данных и т. Д. Были правильно введены в DataGrip, поэтому ни одна из вышеперечисленных проблем не является проблемой.

1 ответ

Лучший ответ

Хорошо — я понял.

Во-первых, @Mark B был прав — проблема заключалась в том, что я еще не сделал саму базу данных общедоступной через группу безопасности VPC, членом которой он был. Для этого на подробном экране базы данных в AWS я:

  1. нажал (что для меня было единственной) ссылку под «Группы безопасности VPC» на панели управления базы данных, которая направила меня на экран «Группы безопасности EC2»
  2. щелкнул ссылку группы безопасности, относящуюся к моей базе данных, которая направила меня на страницу сведений об этой группе
  3. нажал кнопку «Изменить правила для входящих подключений», которая направила меня на экран «Изменить правила для входящих подключений».
  4. нажал кнопку «Добавить правило», в результате чего появилась строка таблицы, содержащая следующие столбцы: «Тип», «Протокол», «Диапазон портов», «Источник», «Описание — необязательно»
  5. выбрал «PostgreSQL» для столбца «Тип», в результате чего значения «TCP» и «5432» заняли соответственно столбцы «Протокол» и «Диапазон портов», ввел IP-адрес моей машины («123.456.789.012/32» — без кавычек и скобок) и оставил поле «Описание — необязательно» пустым, потому что это необязательно.

Наконец, я думаю, что забыл явно назвать базу данных, и поэтому мои попытки ввести то, что для меня было якобы именем базы данных (то есть «база данных-1»), привели к ошибке соединения, указывающей, что «база данных-1» не существует. Итак, для простоты и простой проверки подключения к базе данных я ввел «postgres» в качестве имени базы данных в моем клиенте базы данных (в настоящее время я использую DataGrip), потому что «postgres» — это фактическое имя базы данных postgreSQL.

И это должно сработать. Я уверен, что это несложно для тех, кто более опытен с AWS, но это ново для меня и, предположительно, для многих других.

Еще раз спасибо, @Mark B, за то, что направил меня по правильному пути.


Michael P.
11 Дек 2020 в 01:52

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:

Читайте также:

  • Error 075 input line too long after substitutions pawno
  • Error 072 sizeof operator is invalid on function symbols
  • Error 0701 usb over current on hc port
  • Error 064 пульсар как сбросить ошибку
  • Error 06 автомагнитола prology

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