Error 0x5380c3 trying to load object instance with undefined id

Name already in use SAxVCxLC / Go to file T Go to line L Copy path Copy permalink Copy raw contents Copy raw contents This version of SAxVCxLC and the installation are still work-in-progress. Some things do not work yet. Authors, Credits/Special Thanks INSTALLATION Remarks for developers of SAxVCxLC Principles GitHub File structure […]


  1. Name already in use
  2. SAxVCxLC /
  3. Error 0x5380c3 trying to load object instance with undefined id
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  9. Name already in use
  10. SAxVCxLC /

Name already in use


  • Go to file T
  • Go to line L
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  • Copy permalink

Copy raw contents

Copy raw contents

This version of SAxVCxLC and the installation are still work-in-progress. Some things do not work yet.

  • Authors, Credits/Special Thanks
  • Remarks for developers of SAxVCxLC
    • Principles
    • GitHub
    • File structure and installation scripts
    • Updating files during development
  • Mods for SAxVCxLC (specifically adjusted)

Adds the GTA Vice City and Liberty City maps into GTA San Andreas. GTA SA remains fully playable and modable: mods for SA work also with SAxVCxLC. SAxVCxLC is clean basis for modding by external mods.

  • goodidea82 — Infrastructure, Installation
  • inan.ahammad — Added garages in VC/LC, testing/bug reporting
  • HeicoDE — Bugfixes, script updates
  • eagle152 — zone/gang fixes
  • chaosbginwenrealityend — Culling fixes
  • artginPL — ENEX/Interior Markers, Patches, Conversion of music for radio
  • Swoorup — PathMover, COLRenamer(old program :p), Conversion of LC and VC paths

Providing help and additional ressources

  • fastman92 — Limit Adjuster, IMG Console, Debugging
  • GTA: Liberty City Team — Use of GTA:LC map
  • OpenVice(NTAuthority) — Use of Vice City map
  • Silent — ASI Loader and Extended Gangs ASI
  • LINK2012 — Modloader, Garage Extender
  • F — use of GTA VC cars Converted to SA
  • CJ2000 — use of GTA VC and III vehicles
  • Kam — Kam’s Max Scripts
  • Deniska — 3dmax script pack
  • x-men — 3dmax scripts/IMG Manager
  • CLEO Team — CLEO
  • ThirteenAG — Project2dfx
  • Junior_Djjr — Overhaul of CLEO scripts
  • ZAZ — some of his CLEO mods were crucial for debugging/getting around the map.
  • X-Seti — original concept of combining GTA III era cities so he deserves a shout out :p
  • Squad — testing/bug reporting, map fixes
  • Crspy — modloader installation fix
  • Beckerbrasil — testing/bug reporting
  • ILOVEFOOTBALL95 — testing/bug reporting

Thanks Rock* Games

  1. Two different ways exist to download the project (Use only ONE of them):
  • (Easy, but small UPDATES require full download and installation) Download the project as a Zip file from Extract the Zip file.
  • (Recommended because UPDATES are simple and fast):
    • Download and install the GIT client.
    • Run «Git-Bash.exe» and enter «git clone» to download the project. When SAxVCxLC gets an update you just double-click on updateFromGitHub.bat. Some infos: here and github-git-cheat-sheet.pdf
  1. Click on Install.bat and follow the instructions there. Eventually additional files (radio music) will be downloaded.

If the installation script closes without asking to press a button (enter), then something went wrong. In this case run the script from cmd.exe so that the commandline window does not close and you can see what were the last words the script said.

Remarks for developers of SAxVCxLC

SAxVCxLC is a clean base for modding. This means SAxVCxLC should be as close as possible to the original games and modification or additions shall be provided as external mods (except for few cases where every user agrees).

  • Developing SAxVCxLC means to fix bugs; add missing things; and improve compatibility, modularity, and flexibility. Ideally all missions from VC and LC should be ported one day. The look-and-feel of the games shall remain original with priority for SA. Additional Rockstar maps may be added. In particular, original SA game must remain fully playable and modable at all times (backwards compatible with older mods). Things to keep in mind, for example:
    • Do not add/removed/modify objects in the SA map area.
    • All object IDs that were free in original SA game must remain free after SAxVCxLC installation. Do not use IDs in the range 0-20000.
    • The number of weapons, peds, cars, objects, etc. should be fixed some day (when all original things are ported). This important so that modders that provide external mods will know what are the IDs of objects for which they can provide improved versions and what are the remaining free IDs for new objects.
  • Additions, modification, HD-content, scripts, etc for SAxVCxLC are very welcome. They should be provided as external mods for three reasons: (1) to advertise SAxVCxLC to new users on other websites, (2) to not force modification/addition on users, but let them customize it individually, (3) to ensure that SAxVCxLC becomes a stable base for modding (known used/free IDs etc). Many GTA-specialized websites exists where you can publish mods. In your mod provide a Readme.txt with a link to a release version on this GitHub. Here we can provide a list of mods that link to SAxVCxLC on GitHub.
  • It is also possible to create a spin-off project if publishing a mod for SAxVCxLC is not a suitable solution for some reason (e.g. a super modded version). This can be done by using «fork» to create a derived GitHub project without creating a pull-request back. This way the spin-off can benefit from updates made to SAxVCxLC and from campatibility with mods made for SAxVCxLC. The spin-off must prominently say somewhere that it is based on SAxVCxLC.
  • Create your GitHub account, then practice Git and GitHub on a hello-world project first. From experience we require that you install GIT on your computer (For example: and test it with your hello-world project. You must understand (git add, git commit, git push, git pull) so read a tutorial on the internet. Some quick info github-git-cheat-sheet.pdf
  • Git configuration on windows:
    • line endings: Checkout as-is
    • commit as-is (we use windows line endings)
  • Contact us on «» so you can be included as collaborator on on this GitHub project. You can then do updates and patches on SAxVCxLC. The «Principles» in the above section must be respected. Once you have access as a collaborator:
    1. Open Git Bash on your computer and Use «git clone»
    2. Create a new branch «git branch BRANCHNAME» and switch to this branch «git checkout BRANCHNAME». Make sure that the BRANCHNAME starts with your username as prefix, e.g. «MisterGTA_testBranch».
    3. Create commits ‘git commit -a -m «Some description. » ‘ to your local branch and frequently do «git pull» and «git merge master» to add the latest updates to your local branch. Use «git push» to send commits in your branch on your local computer to GitHub.
    4. When your work is ready to be added to the master branch, then do a pull request so that your changes will be reviewed and can then be merged into the master branch. To do a pull request: you can either
      • , or
  • Do not upload big files on GitHub. The purpuse of Git is to keep track of many small files. Maxium allowed project size on GitHub is 1000 GB.
  • Let’s try not to use Git Large File Storage (LFS), because all developers will have to install this (making it harder for new developers to start). Take a look in toolsForInstallationMusic.bat how to download large files using wget.exe during installation.
  • To move and rename files/folders install GIT on your computer rather than using the web interface. Use «git mv» to move files and directories and «git rm» to delete files and so on.
  • Pull updates «git pull» from the master branch frequently to reduce the risk of version conflicts.

File structure and installation scripts

  • The installation uses BAT files. It is horrible BUT it has the advantages that nobody has to install additional tools, it is trasparent (people can read it and edit with a text editor). Learn a few basics about batch programming here
  • Read the installation scripts (.bat files) carefully to understand what is happening. Read also .gitignore, and xcopy_exclude.txt
  • Read SAxVCxLC_sourceReadme.txt

Updating files during development

  • The script copyOnlyNewerFiles.bat uses InstallSettings.bat to update only modified files. This means you can place files in the source directories and run the script. However, the file timestamp uses minutes not seconds. If you update files more frequently then a minute, then IMG files will not be recreated.
  • When you make changes then eventually you will have to update the installation scripts in toolsForInstallation.
  • Do not forget to add files to git and push them to your git branch.

Troubleshooting, Errors, FAQs

Here is a list of issues.

Problems after clean installation

SAxVCxLC must be installed on a clean game (HOODLUM 1.0)! After installing SAxVCxLC, test it BEFORE adding mods.

  • Game crashes. Try to remove the .asi files one-by-one (start with grgx.asi and ExGangWars.asi) and try to start the game again eachtime. However, do not remove fastman92limitAdjuster.asi because this one is essential. See here
  • Game freezes while loading: Perhaps a popup-window in the background (invisible) from Fastman92LimitAdjuster. Try pressing the Space-bar or Enter several times.
  • Game started once, but not again: Perhaps gta_sa.exe did not close properly and is still running in the background and blocking the new start of gta. Open windows task manager and kill the process gta_sa.exe.
  • Error 0x5380C3 trying to load object instance with undefined ID When using ModLoader. See here and here
  • FastmanLimitAdjuster92.log says «Error, model hash 0x81AC51E7 is declared on multiple IDs: 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393,». SAxVCxLC contains a fix for that, this means that your the installation did not work completely. See also here
  • Fastman92LimitAdjuster.log says «Error 0x4087EA, file with undefined ID requested:» and «Last file to be loaded: datashopping.dat». Try to adjust: fastman92limitAdjuster_GTASA.ini, section [MAP LIMITS], item «Paths map size».
  • Error Status 0xc000012f “Bad Image” When Running a Program. This is a windows problem. See, for example here
  • Error 126: «missing dependency (DLL). Try using Dependency Walker on the ASI», see here
  • 0x00537D12 memory exception during game-play. See here

Problems with savegames or original missions

  • About savegames. Mods can introduce faults into savegames that show up later in the future. Once a savegame has a fault, that fault will copy from savegame to savegame like a virus. This problem has nothing to do with SAxVCxLC. Once a savegame has a problem it must be deleted as well as all derived savegames. After completing a missing using «All Mission Access Mod v1.2» I think it is not safe to create savegame from that state. For example see here
  • Missions that sometimes work and sometimes not: («OG LOC», «Saint Mark’s Bistro», «Nines & AKs», «Swet and Kendl»)
  • Missions that have been tested successfully:

Problems with external mods

Incompatible with FLA (SAxVCxLC is based on FastmanLimitAdjuster92 (FLA)):

  • Dkpacc22 Hud
  • A list with mods that are incompatible due to FLA exist also in another similar project here
  • GarageExtender grgx.asi doesn’t seem to work properly with SilentPatch, eg. the Pay’n’Spray doesn’t work. See here

Mods for SAxVCxLC (specifically adjusted)

SAxVCxLC is compatible with most mods for normal SA. Below is a list of mods that are specially adjusted or created for SAxVCxLC.


Error 0x5380c3 trying to load object instance with undefined id

Вопрос от _bogdan_ , 19 января, 2021


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    Доброго времени суток, такой вопрос, кто сталкивался с такой же проблемой?

    Я так понимаю нету каких то обьектов.
    Подскажите пожалуйста. За ранее огромное спасибо.

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    Опубликовал legendabrn ,Опубликовано 26 января, 2021

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    Name already in use

    SAxVCxLC /

    • Go to file T
    • Go to line L
    • Copy path
    • Copy permalink

    Copy raw contents

    Copy raw contents

    This version of SAxVCxLC and the installation are still work-in-progress. Some things do not work yet.

    • Authors, Credits/Special Thanks
    • Remarks for developers of SAxVCxLC
      • Principles
      • GitHub
      • File structure and installation scripts
      • Updating files during development
    • Mods for SAxVCxLC (specifically adjusted)

    Adds the GTA Vice City and Liberty City maps into GTA San Andreas. GTA SA remains fully playable and modable: mods for SA work also with SAxVCxLC. SAxVCxLC is clean basis for modding by external mods.

    • goodidea82 — Infrastructure, Installation
    • inan.ahammad — Added garages in VC/LC, testing/bug reporting
    • HeicoDE — Bugfixes, script updates
    • eagle152 — zone/gang fixes
    • chaosbginwenrealityend — Culling fixes
    • artginPL — ENEX/Interior Markers, Patches, Conversion of music for radio
    • Swoorup — PathMover, COLRenamer(old program :p), Conversion of LC and VC paths

    Providing help and additional ressources

    • fastman92 — Limit Adjuster, IMG Console, Debugging
    • GTA: Liberty City Team — Use of GTA:LC map
    • OpenVice(NTAuthority) — Use of Vice City map
    • Silent — ASI Loader and Extended Gangs ASI
    • LINK2012 — Modloader, Garage Extender
    • F — use of GTA VC cars Converted to SA
    • CJ2000 — use of GTA VC and III vehicles
    • Kam — Kam’s Max Scripts
    • Deniska — 3dmax script pack
    • x-men — 3dmax scripts/IMG Manager
    • CLEO Team — CLEO
    • ThirteenAG — Project2dfx
    • Junior_Djjr — Overhaul of CLEO scripts
    • ZAZ — some of his CLEO mods were crucial for debugging/getting around the map.
    • X-Seti — original concept of combining GTA III era cities so he deserves a shout out :p
    • Squad — testing/bug reporting, map fixes
    • Crspy — modloader installation fix
    • Beckerbrasil — testing/bug reporting
    • ILOVEFOOTBALL95 — testing/bug reporting

    Thanks Rock* Games

    1. Two different ways exist to download the project (Use only ONE of them):
    • (Easy, but small UPDATES require full download and installation) Download the project as a Zip file from Extract the Zip file.
    • (Recommended because UPDATES are simple and fast):
      • Download and install the GIT client.
      • Run «Git-Bash.exe» and enter «git clone» to download the project. When SAxVCxLC gets an update you just double-click on updateFromGitHub.bat. Some infos: here and github-git-cheat-sheet.pdf
    1. Click on Install.bat and follow the instructions there. Eventually additional files (radio music) will be downloaded.

    If the installation script closes without asking to press a button (enter), then something went wrong. In this case run the script from cmd.exe so that the commandline window does not close and you can see what were the last words the script said.

    Remarks for developers of SAxVCxLC

    SAxVCxLC is a clean base for modding. This means SAxVCxLC should be as close as possible to the original games and modification or additions shall be provided as external mods (except for few cases where every user agrees).

    • Developing SAxVCxLC means to fix bugs; add missing things; and improve compatibility, modularity, and flexibility. Ideally all missions from VC and LC should be ported one day. The look-and-feel of the games shall remain original with priority for SA. Additional Rockstar maps may be added. In particular, original SA game must remain fully playable and modable at all times (backwards compatible with older mods). Things to keep in mind, for example:
      • Do not add/removed/modify objects in the SA map area.
      • All object IDs that were free in original SA game must remain free after SAxVCxLC installation. Do not use IDs in the range 0-20000.
      • The number of weapons, peds, cars, objects, etc. should be fixed some day (when all original things are ported). This important so that modders that provide external mods will know what are the IDs of objects for which they can provide improved versions and what are the remaining free IDs for new objects.
    • Additions, modification, HD-content, scripts, etc for SAxVCxLC are very welcome. They should be provided as external mods for three reasons: (1) to advertise SAxVCxLC to new users on other websites, (2) to not force modification/addition on users, but let them customize it individually, (3) to ensure that SAxVCxLC becomes a stable base for modding (known used/free IDs etc). Many GTA-specialized websites exists where you can publish mods. In your mod provide a Readme.txt with a link to a release version on this GitHub. Here we can provide a list of mods that link to SAxVCxLC on GitHub.
    • It is also possible to create a spin-off project if publishing a mod for SAxVCxLC is not a suitable solution for some reason (e.g. a super modded version). This can be done by using «fork» to create a derived GitHub project without creating a pull-request back. This way the spin-off can benefit from updates made to SAxVCxLC and from campatibility with mods made for SAxVCxLC. The spin-off must prominently say somewhere that it is based on SAxVCxLC.
    • Create your GitHub account, then practice Git and GitHub on a hello-world project first. From experience we require that you install GIT on your computer (For example: and test it with your hello-world project. You must understand (git add, git commit, git push, git pull) so read a tutorial on the internet. Some quick info github-git-cheat-sheet.pdf
    • Git configuration on windows:
      • line endings: Checkout as-is
      • commit as-is (we use windows line endings)
    • Contact us on «» so you can be included as collaborator on on this GitHub project. You can then do updates and patches on SAxVCxLC. The «Principles» in the above section must be respected. Once you have access as a collaborator:
      1. Open Git Bash on your computer and Use «git clone»
      2. Create a new branch «git branch BRANCHNAME» and switch to this branch «git checkout BRANCHNAME». Make sure that the BRANCHNAME starts with your username as prefix, e.g. «MisterGTA_testBranch».
      3. Create commits ‘git commit -a -m «Some description. » ‘ to your local branch and frequently do «git pull» and «git merge master» to add the latest updates to your local branch. Use «git push» to send commits in your branch on your local computer to GitHub.
      4. When your work is ready to be added to the master branch, then do a pull request so that your changes will be reviewed and can then be merged into the master branch. To do a pull request: you can either
        • , or
    • Do not upload big files on GitHub. The purpuse of Git is to keep track of many small files. Maxium allowed project size on GitHub is 1000 GB.
    • Let’s try not to use Git Large File Storage (LFS), because all developers will have to install this (making it harder for new developers to start). Take a look in toolsForInstallationMusic.bat how to download large files using wget.exe during installation.
    • To move and rename files/folders install GIT on your computer rather than using the web interface. Use «git mv» to move files and directories and «git rm» to delete files and so on.
    • Pull updates «git pull» from the master branch frequently to reduce the risk of version conflicts.

    File structure and installation scripts

    • The installation uses BAT files. It is horrible BUT it has the advantages that nobody has to install additional tools, it is trasparent (people can read it and edit with a text editor). Learn a few basics about batch programming here
    • Read the installation scripts (.bat files) carefully to understand what is happening. Read also .gitignore, and xcopy_exclude.txt
    • Read SAxVCxLC_sourceReadme.txt

    Updating files during development

    • The script copyOnlyNewerFiles.bat uses InstallSettings.bat to update only modified files. This means you can place files in the source directories and run the script. However, the file timestamp uses minutes not seconds. If you update files more frequently then a minute, then IMG files will not be recreated.
    • When you make changes then eventually you will have to update the installation scripts in toolsForInstallation.
    • Do not forget to add files to git and push them to your git branch.

    Troubleshooting, Errors, FAQs

    Here is a list of issues.

    Problems after clean installation

    SAxVCxLC must be installed on a clean game (HOODLUM 1.0)! After installing SAxVCxLC, test it BEFORE adding mods.

    • Game crashes. Try to remove the .asi files one-by-one (start with grgx.asi and ExGangWars.asi) and try to start the game again eachtime. However, do not remove fastman92limitAdjuster.asi because this one is essential. See here
    • Game freezes while loading: Perhaps a popup-window in the background (invisible) from Fastman92LimitAdjuster. Try pressing the Space-bar or Enter several times.
    • Game started once, but not again: Perhaps gta_sa.exe did not close properly and is still running in the background and blocking the new start of gta. Open windows task manager and kill the process gta_sa.exe.
    • Error 0x5380C3 trying to load object instance with undefined ID When using ModLoader. See here and here
    • FastmanLimitAdjuster92.log says «Error, model hash 0x81AC51E7 is declared on multiple IDs: 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393,». SAxVCxLC contains a fix for that, this means that your the installation did not work completely. See also here
    • Fastman92LimitAdjuster.log says «Error 0x4087EA, file with undefined ID requested:» and «Last file to be loaded: datashopping.dat». Try to adjust: fastman92limitAdjuster_GTASA.ini, section [MAP LIMITS], item «Paths map size».
    • Error Status 0xc000012f “Bad Image” When Running a Program. This is a windows problem. See, for example here
    • Error 126: «missing dependency (DLL). Try using Dependency Walker on the ASI», see here
    • 0x00537D12 memory exception during game-play. See here

    Problems with savegames or original missions

    • About savegames. Mods can introduce faults into savegames that show up later in the future. Once a savegame has a fault, that fault will copy from savegame to savegame like a virus. This problem has nothing to do with SAxVCxLC. Once a savegame has a problem it must be deleted as well as all derived savegames. After completing a missing using «All Mission Access Mod v1.2» I think it is not safe to create savegame from that state. For example see here
    • Missions that sometimes work and sometimes not: («OG LOC», «Saint Mark’s Bistro», «Nines & AKs», «Swet and Kendl»)
    • Missions that have been tested successfully:

    Problems with external mods

    Incompatible with FLA (SAxVCxLC is based on FastmanLimitAdjuster92 (FLA)):

    • Dkpacc22 Hud
    • A list with mods that are incompatible due to FLA exist also in another similar project here
    • GarageExtender grgx.asi doesn’t seem to work properly with SilentPatch, eg. the Pay’n’Spray doesn’t work. See here

    Mods for SAxVCxLC (specifically adjusted)

    SAxVCxLC is compatible with most mods for normal SA. Below is a list of mods that are specially adjusted or created for SAxVCxLC.


  • I’ve been working a lot on MEd this week… A lot! And im working only on the construction site in san fierro… And it was going so well until today, when suddenly after editing a couple of things, i went to see what they looked like ingame, and the game did not load… It crashes loading at around 70%, and the fastman limit adjuster gives me this error message:

    «Error 0x5380C3, trying to load object instance with undentified ID: 10976»

    So i go back to MEd, and try to find the unidentified object by searching its ID, and it gives no results.I removed all the objects that i previously edited, and still no results!

    I try to find the «10976» in sfse.ipl and sfse.ide and nothing…

    I try to find an object with the ID 10976 online, and it does not exist! I double check all kinds of ID’s in san andreas folders, and there is none that carries the number 10976!

    Hopeless, i tryed deleting the gta_sa.set and loaded the game from several other savegames… It still crashed.

    So if the object ID 10976 doesn’t exist enywhere in my game folders, then where is it coming from and why is it making my game crash?

    I am really getting crazy on this, and i definitely need some help!

    Sorry for my nonsense english, and Thank You!

    PS: This is why you got to backup your files everytime you edit your game!


    Try checking if that ID is either missing (as the game says) and try adding an IDE line using that ID if it is indeed missing.

    Oh and, whenever you see that error you can look if the ID that was reported as missing exists in the IDE files.

    If it doesnt, add an IDE entry.

    Рассмотрено Крашит и выдает ошибку при запуске.

    • Автор темы


    • Дата начала

      24 Авг 2021

    В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.


    • #1

    Запускаю игру и вижу черный экран, игра вылетает и Выдает ошибку после краша игры «Error 0x5380C3, trying to load object instance with underfined ID: 10308» помогите решить проблему

    • #2

    Не по форме

    Ваш игровой ник:

    Суть вашего обращения:

    Скриншот статистики (обязательно):

    Дата (в случаи, если пропало что-то, то дата, когда у вас была эта покупка и дата, когда пропало что-то):

    Вложения (скриншоты/видео):

    Ссылка на VK:


    В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.


    • #1

    Играю на лаунчере, начало крашить.

    Снимок экрана 2022-07-05 140708.png

    Снимок экрана 2022-07-05 140631.png

    Start game (commit 8bd163e1)
    Hook crt
    Disable DEP
    Game: Arizona
    Branch: Main
    Hook launch errors
    Hook game exit
    Hook game load logging
    Fix refresh rate
    Fix startup errors
    Fix default resolution
    Hook fonts
    Find documets dir
    Use default SAMP font
    Hook AddFontResourceA( "gtaweap3.ttf" )
    Hook AddFontResourceA( "sampaux3.ttf" )
    Load SAMP R3 ( 0x4130000 )
    Force use russian fonts
    Locale: ru-RU (1251)
    Detect multibyte locale with russian characters.
    Disable limit for maximum FPS
    Hook startupInfo
    Replace settings file to: arizona.set
    Seasons disabled
    Hook SAA
    Hook gameloop
    Load Runtime
    Load crashlog
    Load dbg symbols
    Hook UEF
    Time start 14:13:12
    Win ver: 10.0 build 19041 (10)
    With mod "fistik"
    With lua "ARTime.lua"
    With lua "ArzZav.luac"
    With lua "arz_tir.lua"
    With lua "Nоte.lua"
    With cleo "binthesky_by_DK.cs"
    With cleo "Reconnect_v5.1[rec,recon,au_rec,au_recon,fconnect,pconnect,sconnect].cs"
    Load asi-plugins
    Load ASI "!$fastman92limitAdjuster.asi" at 0x5f300000
    Load ASI "$fastman92limitAdjuster.asi" at 0x605a0000
    Load ASI "AZVoice.asi" at 0x5f1a0000
    Load ASI "cleo.asi" at 0x5f100000
    Load ASI "core.asi" at 0x5ef20000
    Load ASI "crashes.asi" at 0x5eed0000
    Load ASI "fixFTH.asi" at 0x5ee40000
    Load ASI "modloader.asi" at 0x5ed80000
    Load ASI "MoonLoader.asi" at 0x5ebd0000
    Load ASI "mousefix.asi" at 0x5eb40000
    Load ASI "normalmapfix.asi" at 0x51a0000
    Load ASI "rcon.asi" at 0x5eb30000
    Load ASI "SAMPFUNCS.asi" at 0x5e950000
    Load ASI "SilentPatchSA.asi" at 0x5e900000
    Load ASI "StreamMemFix.asi" at 0x5230000
    Load ASI "_CoreGame.asi" at 0x5e8d0000
    Fix CLEO opcodes
    Loading CEF
    All plugins is loaded
    Load videomode: 14
    Init cursor
    Init d3d9
    Hook dx
        Arch: 9
        Level: 0x6
        Type: 0x21d8
        Count: 4
        Page size: 4096
        Min address: 0x10000
        Max address: 0xfffeffff
        Total: 4095MB
        Available for system: 3967MB
        Available for game: 3292MB
        Available for textures: 4015MB
        Video adapter 0:
            Device: \.DISPLAY1 ( 0x10de, 0x104a )
            Driver: nvldumd.dll ( 170015000d23af )
            Description: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610
            Vertex shader version: fffe0300
            Pixel shader version: ffff0300
    Pools initialize
    Load IMG archives
    Loading the Game: Loading default.ide
    Loading the Game: Loading vehicles.ide
    Exit process from AZVoice.asi + 0x6d128

    Starting fastman92 limit adjuster 6.0, compilation time: Mar 26 2021 04:55:38 (UTC)
    Launch time: 5-7-2022 11:13:12 (UTC), 14:13 (local)
    Launched during the day.
    Solution platform: WIN_X86
    FASTMAN92_LIMIT_ADJUSTER_RELEASE_DIRECTORY is not defined. Documentation files will not be written.
    Game detected: GTA SA 1.0 US HOODLUM 14383616 bytes
    Game uses dynamic image base? No
    Game preferred image base: 0x400000
    Game current image base: 0x400000
    Number of FLA modules: 70
    Delayed processing of limits? No
    Root base directory:
    Root directory: D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizona
    Initial directory: D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizona
    INI filename: fastman92limitAdjuster_GTASA.ini
    Global exception handler has been registered.
    At least one ID limit is changed. ID limits will be patched.
    COL ID limit is over 256 and requires something more than uint8_t. Applying COL ID uint32_t patches.
    IPL ID limit is over 256 and requires something more than uint8_t. Applying IPL ID uint32_t patches.
    New ID limits:
    0 - 24299 (24300) - DFF models defined within IDE files
    24300 - 31249 (6950) - TXD texture archives.
    31250 - 31549 (300) - COL collision archives.
    31550 - 31905 (356) - IPL Binary IPL files.
    31906 - 31969 (64) - DAT files limited to nodes*.dat
    31970 - 32149 (180) - IFP animation archives.
    32150 - 32624 (475) - RRR car recordings, carrec*.rrr files
    32625 - 32706 (82) - SCM scripts
    32707 - 32708 (2) - Loaded list
    32709 - 32710 (2) - Requested list
    32711 - count of all file IDs
    CModelInfo::ms_modelInfoPtrs: 0x1A657D8
    CStreaming::ms_aInfoForModel: 0x47D4020
    CAnimManager::ms_aAnimBlocks: 0xB5D4A0
    CVehicleRecording::StreamingArray: 0x97D880
    CTheScripts::StreamedScripts: 0xA47B60
    Format of new savefiles will be different: patch for block of IPL flags is applied! Number of IPL flags will depend on current IPL ID limit.
    Format of new savefiles will be different: patch for enhanced format of model flags block is applied!
    Format of new savefiles will be different: patch for save game of variable length is applied!
    Modified count of killable model IDs: 20010
    Format of new savefiles will be different: patch for car generators with CCarGenerator_extended structure is applied!
    Format of new savefiles will be different: patch for save game of variable length is applied!
    Modified limit Car generators to: 500 Is CCarGenerator_extended structure used: 1
    Enabling handling.cfg limit adjuster.
    New limits:
    Number of standard lines = 500
    Number of bike lines = 32
    Number of flying lines = 46
    Number of boat lines = 40
    Number of animation group lines = 30
    &mod_HandlingManager = 0x1A96A08, sizeof(mod_HandlingManager) = 0x20DC8
    Modified limit of DYNAMIC LIMITS: VehicleStructs to: 300
    Modified limit of DYNAMIC LIMITS: rwObjectInstances to: 5000
    Modified limit of DYNAMIC LIMITS: EntryInfoNodes to: 4500
    Modified limit of DYNAMIC LIMITS: Collision links to: 100
    Modified limit of DYNAMIC LIMITS: ColModels to: 32511
    Modified limit of IPL: entity index array to: 140
    Modified limit of IDE:tobj section to 500
    Modified limit of IDE:cars section to 500
    Modified limit of IDE:peds section to 700
    Modified max number of IMG archives to: 32
    Modified limit of WATER LIMITS -> Water quads to: 303
    Modified limit of OTHER LIMITS: Coronas to: 128
    Vehicle special features are enabled
    Number of hydra vehicles = 1
    Hydra 0 = 520
    Number of ZR350 vehicles = 1
    ZR350 0 = 477
    ZR350 1 = 15098
    Error reporting going to be applied.
    Error reporting is applied now.
    Vehicle audio loader is enabled
    Number of memory changes made: 2001
    Game has crashed, here's a crash log:
    Current process ID: 11372
    Current thread ID: 372
    Last file to be loaded: NOT SET
    Last library loaded: NOT SET
    Exception address: 0x004C678E ("gta_sa.exe"+0xC678E)
    Exception code: 0xC0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
    Inaccessible memory address: 0x18
    General registers:
    EAX: 0x00000000 (0)
    EBX: 0x008E2C64 (9317476)
    ECX: 0x04D6004C (81133644)
    EDX: 0x00000000 (0)
    ESI: 0x04D6004C (81133644)
    EDI: 0xFFFFFFFF (-1)
    EBP: 0xFFFFFFFF (-1)
    ESP: 0x0177ECAC (24636588)
    EIP: 0x004C678E (5007246) ["gta_sa.exe"+0xC678E]
    EFL: 0x00210202 (2163202)
    Segment registers:
    CS: 0023
    DS: 002B
    ES: 002B
    FS: 0053
    GS: 002B
    SS: 002B
    FPU registers:
    ST0: 222220.234375 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 0F 03 D9 10 40
    ST1: 1.000000 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 FF 3F
    ST2: -69444.445313 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 39 A2 87 0F C0
    ST3: 1.000000 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 FF 3F
    ST4: -111110.117188 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 0F 03 D9 0F C0
    ST5: 222223.234375 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 CF 03 D9 10 40
    ST6: 0.000000 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    ST7: 1.000000 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 FF 3F
    CTRL: 007F
    STAT: 0130
    MMX registers, 8 bytes:
    MM0: 00 00 00 00 00 0F 03 D9
    MM1: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80
    MM2: 00 00 00 00 00 39 A2 87
    MM3: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80
    MM4: 00 00 00 00 00 0F 03 D9
    MM5: 00 00 00 00 00 CF 03 D9
    MM6: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    MM7: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80
    XMM registers, 16 bytes:
    XMM0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    XMM1: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    XMM2: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    XMM3: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    XMM4: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    XMM5: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    XMM6: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    XMM7: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Stack (printing from 0x177ECAC):
    +0x000  40 00 00 00  62 0D 8E 01  90 01 00 00  48 18 B7 00
    +0x010  FC 97 86 00  1C ED 77 01  80 ED 77 01  98 ED 77 01
    +0x020  14 ED 77 01  40 ED 77 01  50 ED 77 01  70 ED 77 01
    +0x030  20 ED 77 01  34 ED 77 01  3C ED 77 01  38 ED 77 01
    +0x040  08 ED 77 01  10 ED 77 01  0C ED 77 01  30 ED 77 01
    +0x050  07 00 00 00  00 00 0C 00  FF FF FF FF  FF FF FF FF
    +0x060  A6 9B 44 3F  A6 9B 44 3F  63 61 72 00  00 00 00 00
    +0x070  90 01 00 00  6E 6F 72 6D  61 6C 00 00  00 00 0C 00
    +0x080  64 2C 8E 00  00 00 00 00  0A 00 00 00  00 00 00 00
    +0x090  00 00 00 00  4C 41 4E 44  53 54 41 4C  00 38 82 00
    +0x0A0  00 32 D0 03  4C 41 4E 44  53 54 4B 00  48 18 B7 00
    +0x0B0  64 2C 8E 00  AE 18 B7 00  0A 00 00 00  60 8E 82 61
    +0x0C0  29 42 83 61  6E 75 6C 6C  00 C3 66 61  34 ED 77 01
    +0x0D0  A4 5E 82 00  6C 61 6E 64  73 74 61 6C  00 33 D0 03
    +0x0E0  58 33 D0 03  00 18 B7 00  9A 01 00 00  6C 61 6E 64
    +0x0F0  73 74 61 6C  00 68 7B 61  48 18 B7 00  00 02 00 00
    +0x100  FF FF FF FF  32 0B 8E 01  48 18 B7 00  08 EF 77 01
    +0x110  80 EF 77 01  E0 EE 77 01  FF FF FF FF  90 2C 8E 00
    +0x120  FF FF FF FF  00 00 0C 00  FF FF FF 07  64 61 74 61
    +0x130  5C 76 65 68  69 63 6C 65  73 2E 69 64  65 00 0C 00
    base: 0x1580000   top: 0x177ECAC   bottom: 0x1780000
    Module list
    ; Path    Module file size        Base    Size of image    Entry point
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonagta_sa.exe    14383616    0x00400000    0x01177000    0x00824570
    C:WindowsSYSTEM32ntdll.dll    1696760    0x77570000    0x001A3000    0x00000000
    C:WindowsSystem32KERNEL32.DLL    632552    0x76D40000    0x000F0000    0x76D5F640
    C:WindowsSystem32KERNELBASE.dll    2181672    0x764A0000    0x00214000    0x765B4F80
    C:WindowsSYSTEM32apphelp.dll    638464    0x73960000    0x0009F000    0x739985D0
    C:WindowsSYSTEM32AcLayers.DLL    415744    0x71910000    0x0028C000    0x7192EEC0
    C:WindowsSystem32msvcrt.dll    775256    0x76810000    0x000BF000    0x76845AC0
    C:WindowsSystem32USER32.dll    1663656    0x76300000    0x00196000    0x7633AD10
    C:WindowsSystem32win32u.dll    92960    0x774A0000    0x00018000    0x00000000
    C:WindowsSystem32GDI32.dll    136328    0x75DF0000    0x00023000    0x75DF73C0
    C:WindowsSystem32gdi32full.dll    895040    0x76E30000    0x000DC000    0x76E8FE90
    C:WindowsSystem32msvcp_win.dll    495840    0x76280000    0x0007B000    0x76297800
    C:WindowsSystem32ucrtbase.dll    1181208    0x75C10000    0x00120000    0x75C3BA30
    C:WindowsSystem32SHELL32.dll    6005368    0x75430000    0x005B4000    0x755ABE50
    C:WindowsSystem32SHLWAPI.dll    275808    0x75EB0000    0x00045000    0x75EC7860
    C:WindowsSystem32OLEAUT32.dll    606880    0x774C0000    0x00096000    0x774F5670
    C:WindowsSystem32combase.dll    2638248    0x77060000    0x00282000    0x7719C6B0
    C:WindowsSystem32RPCRT4.dll    786608    0x75D30000    0x000C0000    0x75D6A8E0
    C:WindowsSystem32SETUPAPI.dll    4433640    0x768F0000    0x00434000    0x7691EFC0
    C:WindowsSystem32cfgmgr32.dll    236520    0x77020000    0x0003B000    0x7702D450
    C:WindowsSystem32bcrypt.dll    96032    0x768D0000    0x00019000    0x768D93E0
    C:WindowsSYSTEM32MPR.dll    93488    0x736E0000    0x00019000    0x736E3540
    C:WindowsSYSTEM32sfc.dll    11272    0x66680000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    C:WindowsSYSTEM32WINSPOOL.DRV    422912    0x73670000    0x0006D000    0x736872E0
    C:WindowsSYSTEM32sfc_os.DLL    50104    0x74090000    0x0000F000    0x74095D70
    C:WindowsSystem32IMM32.DLL    143056    0x75F60000    0x00025000    0x75F64410
    C:WindowsSystem32WS2_32.dll    397728    0x75B20000    0x00063000    0x75B24B40
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonavorbisfile.dll    959488    0x61580000    0x003E4000    0x61961450
    C:WindowsSYSTEM32WINMM.dll    149272    0x75360000    0x00028000    0x753655B0
    C:WindowsSystem32ADVAPI32.dll    489128    0x77400000    0x0007A000    0x77411D00
    C:WindowsSystem32sechost.dll    477800    0x76F10000    0x00076000    0x76F300A0
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonaEAX.DLL    197032    0x10000000    0x00030000    0x1001A472
    C:WindowsSystem32PSAPI.DLL    17016    0x75FF0000    0x00006000    0x75FF14D0
    C:WindowsSystem32ole32.dll    924528    0x76720000    0x000E3000    0x7674C8E0
    C:WindowsSystem32WINTRUST.dll    288680    0x759F0000    0x00047000    0x75A05970
    C:WindowsSYSTEM32dbghelp.dll    1494016    0x66960000    0x00188000    0x66998B50
    C:WindowsSYSTEM32d3dx9_43.dll    1998168    0x61380000    0x001FF000    0x6153EC0D
    C:WindowsSYSTEM32USP10.dll    77824    0x62270000    0x00017000    0x00000000
    C:WindowsSYSTEM32WSOCK32.DLL    16384    0x72EE0000    0x00008000    0x72EE1620
    C:WindowsSYSTEM32dxgi.dll    784016    0x67F10000    0x000C2000    0x67F43B80
    C:WindowsSYSTEM32WININET.DLL    4523520    0x03890000    0x00458000    0x03BB25F0
    C:WindowsSystem32CRYPT32.dll    1013352    0x772F0000    0x000FA000    0x77345030
    C:WindowsSYSTEM32MSASN1.dll    50616    0x74880000    0x0000E000    0x74885690    6363248    0x74A60000    0x00609000    0x74C3B470
    C:WindowsSYSTEM32Wldp.dll    139960    0x74950000    0x00024000    0x749585A0
    C:WindowsSystem32SHCORE.dll    548528    0x75E20000    0x00087000    0x75E62E90
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonasamp.DLL    1221504    0x04130000    0x0027E000    0x041FC4D0    568120    0x72FE0000    0x0008D000    0x73047340
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonaBASS.dll    137112    0x61320000    0x00057000    0x61376004
    C:WindowsSYSTEM32MSACM32.dll    93472    0x714B0000    0x00019000    0x714B4420
    C:WindowsSYSTEM32winmmbase.dll    110720    0x69F80000    0x0001D000    0x69F93850
    C:WindowsSYSTEM32d3dx9_25.dll    2337488    0x043B0000    0x00253000    0x045B9E9C
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonasampar.dll    2776960    0x61070000    0x002A6000    0x610742B2
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizona$fastman92limitAdjuster.asi    11261312    0x605A0000    0x00AC5000    0x606AB3F7
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonazlib1.dll    107520    0x62E80000    0x00022000    0x62E81440
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonaDllTricks.dll    33792    0x73180000    0x0000D000    0x7318147F
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonaMinHook.x86.dll    14848    0x722A0000    0x00007000    0x00000000
    C:WindowsSYSTEM32ntmarta.dll    152904    0x74A30000    0x00029000    0x74A37E90
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-console-l1-1-0.dll    20520    0x71F90000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-console-l1-2-0.dll    20096    0x69E80000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-0.dll    19584    0x66910000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll    19584    0x62260000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-0.dll    19584    0x62250000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-file-l1-1-0.dll    23168    0x60590000    0x00004000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0.dll    19584    0x60580000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-0.dll    19584    0x60570000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-handle-l1-1-0.dll    19584    0x60560000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-heap-l1-1-0.dll    19584    0x60550000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-interlocked-l1-1-0.dll    20096    0x60540000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-0.dll    20608    0x60530000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0.dll    22144    0x60520000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-0.dll    20312    0x60510000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-namedpipe-l1-1-0.dll    19584    0x60500000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-processenvironment-l1-1-0.dll    20608    0x604F0000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll    21632    0x604E0000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll    20096    0x604D0000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-profile-l1-1-0.dll    19072    0x604C0000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-rtlsupport-l1-1-0.dll    19072    0x604B0000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0.dll    19584    0x604A0000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-synch-l1-1-0.dll    21632    0x60490000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll    20336    0x60480000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-1-0.dll    20608    0x60470000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0.dll    20096    0x60460000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-core-util-l1-1-0.dll    19584    0x60450000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll    20824    0x60440000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll    23680    0x60430000    0x00004000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0.dll    20096    0x60420000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll    21632    0x60410000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll    20608    0x60400000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll    20096    0x603F0000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll    30336    0x603E0000    0x00005000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-crt-multibyte-l1-1-0.dll    27776    0x603D0000    0x00005000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-crt-private-l1-1-0.dll    74368    0x603C0000    0x00010000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-crt-process-l1-1-0.dll    20608    0x603B0000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll    24192    0x603A0000    0x00004000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll    25944    0x60390000    0x00004000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll    25728    0x60380000    0x00004000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll    22144    0x60370000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefapi-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll    20096    0x60360000    0x00003000    0x00000000
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefucrtbase.dll    1193808    0x60230000    0x00123000    0x6025D750
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefvcruntime140.dll    80128    0x60210000    0x00013000    0x6021D990
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefmsvcp140.dll    449280    0x601A0000    0x0006F000    0x601DD960
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefmsvcp140_1.dll    28440    0x60190000    0x00007000    0x60191DD0
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefmsvcp140_2.dll    172824    0x60160000    0x00029000    0x60180410
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacefvccorlib140.dll    269568    0x60110000    0x00042000    0x60138470
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacrashlog.DLL    211456    0x60040000    0x000C4000    0x601016A0
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonaGameSyms.dll    2520800    0x5FDD0000    0x00269000    0x5FED4A30
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizona!$fastman92limitAdjuster.asi    11261312    0x5F300000    0x00AC5000    0x5F40B3F7
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonaAZVoice.asi    1288704    0x5F1A0000    0x0015E000    0x5F241DB1
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonabassmix.dll    31168    0x5F190000    0x0000D000    0x5F19C004
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonaBASSWASAPI.dll    23712    0x5F180000    0x0000A000    0x5F189004
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonaBASS_FX.dll    43832    0x04E60000    0x00013000    0x04E72036
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacleo.asi    334848    0x5F100000    0x0007B000    0x5F115676
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacore.asi    723968    0x5EF20000    0x0017E000    0x5EF675DF
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonacrashes.asi    266240    0x5EED0000    0x00045000    0x5EEDE466
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    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonamoonloaderlibstdiconv.dll    1000960    0x5D9F0000    0x000F9000    0x5DA02F0C
    D:ARIZONA GAMESbinArizonamoonloaderlibMoonImGui.dll    3349504    0x5D690000    0x00351000    0x5D8C0D36
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    C:WindowsSYSTEM32mfperfhelper.dll    1075528    0x5D330000    0x00106000    0x5D41C3B0
    C:Windowssystem32mlang.dll    198656    0x5D2F0000    0x00034000    0x5D300580
    Game terminated.

    Последнее редактирование: 5 Июл 2022

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