Error 0x80000000000003 macbook status 0x00000003

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013): When I try to load Apple Hardware Test from the Internet (startup with D key), it doesn't start, but shows a message:

MacBook Pro 2013 — cannot load Apple Hardware Test

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013): When I try to load Apple Hardware Test from the Internet (startup with D key), it doesn’t start, but shows a message:

Error: 8000000000000003, Cannot load ‘EFI/Drivers/TestSupport.efi’

Status: 0x00000003

Which sits there for about five minutes, then it restarts into MacOS.

Same result when I try to run AHT from a USB stick, except this time it shows the above message twice – flashing by so quickly I had to get a video of it to see what it said – then immediately restarts into MacOS.

The OS version of Apple Service Diagnostic works okay (it has an OS on it, and shows in the Startup Disk preference Pane), but the EFI version gives the same result as above.

I’ve reset the SMC and NVRAM, and reinstalled the OS (Sierra) numerous times, to no avail.

I ran both AHT (Internet & USB) and ASD/EFI successfully a couple times only a few months ago; something’s changed, but I can’t figure out what.

However, MemTest86 (which also starts up from an EFI driver from a USB stick) still works fine with the MacBook Pro. So it seems this MBP is now somehow allergic to Apple’s own EFI driver?

The same hardware (USB stick for AHT, external HD or USB stick for ASD) works fine with four other Mac portables, and two of them can access Apple Diagnostic (the 2014 & later version of AHT) from the Internet as they’re supposed to (the others are too old to do so). So the problem is definitely something in this MacBook Pro.

The MBP was showing other problems as well; I sent it to a repair service, who said the GPU needed fixing (apparently common in this model), which they did, and said the logic board now tested all good. But it still «Cannot load ‘EFI/Drivers/TestSupport.efi'».

I spoke with somebody at Apple Support, who was mystified, suggested maybe it had something to do with the SSD? The SSD seems to work fine otherwise, starts up okay etc., and DriveDx (which gives detailed readout of SMART parameters) says it is good.

Anybody have any idea what the problem might be? I plan to sell this MBP, but can’t do so in good conscience as it is, even if it seems to be working okay otherwise. 

MacBook Pro 15″,

macOS 10.12

Posted on May 17, 2019 3:59 PM

I have three early 2013 macbook pro logic boards, one will load apple AHT (apple hardware test), the other two produce the following error booting into diagnostics:

Error: 8000000000000003, Cannot load ‘EFI/Drivers/TestSupport.efi’

Status: 0x00000003

Using all the same parts except the logic boards swapped confirms the issue is based solely within the logic board itself.

I have tried using the github AHT for this model by both moving it into the .diagnostics folder and creating USB media, both produce the same error.

After days of research with little solid info, I have seen anecdotal accounts that:

  • this was caused by apple with an os based update that also updated
    the efi firmware and broke AHT at some point,
  • some people have successfully downgraded or restored the firmware to
    fix their issue on other models, but cannot find any information on
    how to do this on this model, or where to even get the old firmware
    to do this with.

Does anyone know how to get the efi based AHT to work again when they encounter this error? Apple store refuses to help with this issue.


  1. Question: Q: Mac keeps crashing — error 0x8000000000000003 cannot load EFI/Drivers/TestSupport.efi
  2. All replies
  3. Question: Q: Unable to launch Apple Diagnostics
  4. Helpful answers
  5. Question: Q: Error: 0x8000000000000003, Cannot Load ‘EFI/Drivers/TestSupport.efi’ encountered while trying to run diagnostics
  6. All replies
  7. Question: Q: Cannot Load EFI/Drivers/TestSupport.efi
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Question: Q: Mac keeps crashing — error 0x8000000000000003 cannot load EFI/Drivers/TestSupport.efi

I was using my Mac to copy my WhatsApp account from an iPhone to an Android phone, but it «crashed in the middle». after some struggle I managed to finish the operation and switch of WhatsApp data.

ever since my Mac keeps crashing very often and won’t open my mail application.

apparently something went wrong in the process and I am not sure about how bad it is and more importantly how to fix.

I am enclosing copies of the various error messages I got.

any help would be highly appreciated.

MacBook Air 13″, macOS 10.15

Posted on Dec 10, 2020 6:55 AM

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I don’t know anything about transferring accounts between an iPhone and Android. I’m not sure it is possible using the method you were using.

As for the pictures of the two errors:

1) That is a common error when trying to boot the Apple Diagnostics. Apple broke this feature several years for some systems.

2) That screen with the different languages is a Kernel Panic. Without a copy of the Kernel Panic log we cannot tell what the problem may be.

3) You have APFS file system issues that First Aid is unable to repair. This means you need to make sure to have a good backup or clone. Then erase the whole physical drive before restoring from a backup or clone.

Dec 10, 2020 12:40 PM

thank you for taking the time to respond.

1) anything I can or should do ?

2) can I find the log somewhere on my Mac and if so, share it with you and/or anyone who can work something out of it ?

3) shall I do a full back-up or only what I want to keep ? isn’t the risk that when I restore, the bad documents or what was the source of the issue, gets restored as well ?

Dec 11, 2020 9:36 AM

thank you for taking the time to respond.

1) anything I can or should do ?

Not unless your Mac can run a newer version of macOS which may install a newer system firmware update that may resolve the issue. Part of the issue may be on Apple’s remote servers as well.

2) can I find the log somewhere on my Mac and if so, share it with you and/or anyone who can work something out of it ?

You can try looking in «/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports» for a file beginning with «kernel» and ending in «.panic». The date & time of the file is found in between those parts of the file name. Post several Kernel Panic reports if you have them. Post the report(s) here using the «Additional Text» icon which looks like a piece of paper.

To look for possible software issues run EtreCheck and post the report here using the «Additional Text» icon which looks like a piece of paper. It is possible the file system issues are the source of the problems.

3) shall I do a full back-up or only what I want to keep ? isn’t the risk that when I restore, the bad documents or what was the source of the issue, gets restored as well ?

When you restore from a backup or «clone» the files are copied over to your drive which will have a fresh clean file system if it was erased. The «cloning» utilities for macOS such as Carbon Copy Cloner do not perform an identical clone at the block level so CCC just ends up «copying» the files from the clone (image or drive). I don’t use Time Machine, but I think if you have a Time Machine backup you will first need to re-install macOS and migrate your data from the backup since I’ve heard TM only recovers the main volume and not the hidden recovery partition. Here is how you erase the whole drive:


Question: Q: Unable to launch Apple Diagnostics

I encountered a (recoverable) kernel panic on my MBP this morning when waking my system after upgrading to Mojave from ElCapitan just a few days earlier. In order to figure out if there may be hardware issues I attempted a restart while holding the D key in order to launch Apple Diagnostics. I however was greeted by this error message:

Error: 0x8000000000000003, Cannot Load ‘EFI/Drivers/TestSupport.efi’

I am able to restart and launch OS X — thus the system is operational. But obviously something strange is going on.

Question: IF I create a bootable drive will I be able to launch diagnostics or AHT from there?

Thanks in advance.

MacBook Pro 15″, macOS 10.14

Posted on Apr 6, 2019 2:13 AM

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“Vintage» («denoting something of high quality, especially something from the past or characteristic of the best period of a person’s work» – New Oxford American Dictionary, included with macOS),

Apple’s definition of vintage:

“Vintage products are those that have not been manufactured for more than 5 and less than 7 years ago. Apple has discontinued hardware service for vintage products with the following exceptions”

The point is that Apple no longer actively supports these unless a repair is necessary and that would depend on the age and/or if parts are still available. There will never be any special “fix” for these unless the exact same problem were found on newer machines.

Rather than spending all this time complaining here, I accept the fact that my 2012 MBP will most likely not be able to run AHT and that is easily fixed by having the Genius Bar run it. Except for having to drive there, it will be quick and done at no charge.

Jun 15, 2019 8:39 AM

Well if I use the Shift key to boot into safe mode then how would I get into AppleDiagnostics? Today I actually created a bootable USB with the AHT for my MBP model per this guide:

The USD had the following contents:

Unfortunately it didn’t work either — just runs a bunch of command lines quickly after booting and then resumes booting into the main drive.

Then — per the same guide — I copied the .diagnostics directory into my /System/Library/CoreServices/ directory. Rebooted holding D key and got the very same error message that it wasn’t able to find TestSupport.efi — which clearly is in the right place and in the right folder now.

It’s really strange. not sure what to do here.

Apr 6, 2019 1:19 PM

I have a 2012 MacBook Pro running High Sierra and have the exact same problem. A few weeks ago I did upgrade it to Mojave but reverted to High Sierra thru Time Machine.

My boot ROM version in System Report is .

I have tried every conceivable option for the last couple of days to get either AHT or ASD working. I’ve tried creating bootable USBs and copying the .diagnostics folder over to the local coreservices folder. I’ve tried scripts and terminal commands from various sites and absolutely nothing works. I can’t boot using a USB or get in by holding down ‘D’ on boot.

I also cannot run Option-D to load diagnostics over the Internet.

It must be something in the updated EFI firmware that is preventing the running of the diagnostics.

If you can figure out a way to get it working I will be very impressed.

Apr 9, 2019 9:54 AM

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Very good question, I would think so, later Macs load AHT from Internet.

Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), does the problem occur in Safe Mode?

Apr 6, 2019 11:05 AM

Well if I use the Shift key to boot into safe mode then how would I get into AppleDiagnostics? Today I actually created a bootable USB with the AHT for my MBP model per this guide:

The USD had the following contents:

Unfortunately it didn’t work either — just runs a bunch of command lines quickly after booting and then resumes booting into the main drive.

Then — per the same guide — I copied the .diagnostics directory into my /System/Library/CoreServices/ directory. Rebooted holding D key and got the very same error message that it wasn’t able to find TestSupport.efi — which clearly is in the right place and in the right folder now.

It’s really strange. not sure what to do here.

Apr 6, 2019 1:19 PM

Sorry, I meant to try the d key after Safe boot to clear caches then regular boot or d key boot next.

Apr 6, 2019 1:31 PM

I have a 2012 MacBook Pro running High Sierra and have the exact same problem. A few weeks ago I did upgrade it to Mojave but reverted to High Sierra thru Time Machine.

My boot ROM version in System Report is .

I have tried every conceivable option for the last couple of days to get either AHT or ASD working. I’ve tried creating bootable USBs and copying the .diagnostics folder over to the local coreservices folder. I’ve tried scripts and terminal commands from various sites and absolutely nothing works. I can’t boot using a USB or get in by holding down ‘D’ on boot.

I also cannot run Option-D to load diagnostics over the Internet.

It must be something in the updated EFI firmware that is preventing the running of the diagnostics.

If you can figure out a way to get it working I will be very impressed.

Apr 9, 2019 9:54 AM

What happens when you reboot holding the option D key? Anything?

It can take quite awhile for this to load up.

If you need help you can post the kernels panics here in the «Additional Text» box

Also In or out of warranty you can get a free over the counter ‘Apple Service Diagnostics’ test /assessment

Make an appointment hardware issue—

Apr 9, 2019 10:00 AM

Ah yes, MBP 2012 needs an ASD, it’s pre-internet HWD, might ask for other clues on my site.

Apr 9, 2019 11:21 AM

That is too funny — two people with the same problem and (almost) the same setup battling the same problem at almost the same time 🙂

Unfortunately I have not been able to solve this problem and after two days of banging my head against this wall came to the same conclusion: there’s something in the boot process that prevents the proper files to be loaded. I did set the right permission/ownership — I blessed the folder — everything is located where it should be but AHT fails.

FWIW — I love my old MBP as it was top of the line (750GB SSD and 16GB of RAM) when I bought it. I love all my ports that I use on a regular basis and which are now missing on those new fangled ‘naked’ MacBooks. Plus it drives my gorgeous 32» Apple Cinema display that is incompatible with newer MacBooks.

Which is why I am fighting tooth/nails to keep it running. Fortunately the system is still humming along nicely with no apparent hardware degradation but if there are parts that are getting old and are about to break then I want to know beforehand so I can get them fixed while they are still available.

Perhaps an Apple systems engineer will have mercy with us and shed some light on this issue.


Question: Q: Error: 0x8000000000000003, Cannot Load ‘EFI/Drivers/TestSupport.efi’ encountered while trying to run diagnostics

What is the meaning of this error and how can it be resolved?

Posted on Aug 2, 2022 4:15 AM

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Unless you can upgrade macOS to a newer version, then there is nothing you can do about this error when trying to run the Apple Diagnostics. A system firmware update to your Mac has rendered the system firmware and the diagnostic boot files located on the Apple server to be incompatible. Apple would need to either update the system firmware or update the diagnostic boot files on their server. This issue has existed for many years now, so I would not expect it to be fixed by Apple after all this time.

If you are having problems with your Mac, then there are other ways we can help you to diagnose the problem. You will need to provide the exact model of the Mac and version of macOS used as well as some background of the problem and the symptoms. If the Mac can boot, then running EtreCheck and posting the report here using the «Additional Text» icon will help us assess your computer. If necessary we may also be able to provide other methods of checking some of the hardware depending on the problem and the exact model of Mac. If you cannot boot normally, then try booting into Safe Mode.

Here is another Apple article for troubleshooting various startup issues (Apple assumes everything is a software issue unless all steps fail to resolve the issue or a clean install fails):


Question: Q: Cannot Load EFI/Drivers/TestSupport.efi

Hello, I tried to boot in diagnostic mode and have this error message (see question title)

I use an iMac with Mojave and it hang at boot time all the time.

I can not enter Recovery mode (CMD+R) or (OPT+CMD+R) (loading bar hang at 50%)

I also tried to boot from an external HDD (maintaining the key OPT at boot time) with Mojave OS on it, and the iMac do the same, it also hang at middle of the loading bar. (I also tried with another external HDD with High Sierra on it)

I also connected a MacBookPro with Thunderbolt câble and place the iMac in Target mode (T), I can see the files in the HDD of the iMac from my MacBook and there is still some free space on the HDD.

I did also the reset PRAM (OPT+CMD+P+R)

and for good measure did the SMC reset by unplugging 15sec the power cord.

Is there anything that I can do?

Posted on Sep 16, 2020 12:32 AM

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Apple broke the functionality for some users/systems with a system firmware update a few years ago. While a newer system firmware update could possibly fix the issue (you would need to install Catalina to an external drive if you don’t actually want Catalina on your main drive). There is no guarantee this will work since I’ve also seen reports that some iMacs don’t always update their system firmware properly. Plus I think part of the issue may be with the Apple servers themselves.

I know that Internet Recovery Mode also doesn’t always work reliably as some of our Macs will only boot the oldest online macOS installer instead of the more recent installers.

While this is a great feature when it works it is unfortunate Apple has left it broken for some many people.

Sep 16, 2020 9:11 PM

Apple Hardware Test (AHT)


Apple computers ship with a pre-installed suite of hardware diagnostic tools, known as Apple Hardware Test (AHT). In principle you can start them by holding the d key while booting. Newer models support holding option d to load AHT over the internet. Refer to the official Apple documentation for details: Using AHT on Intel-based Macs, Mountain Lion, Mavericks and Yosemite. Apple redesigned the AHT, now called Apple Diagnostics, for Macs introduced after June 2013. Consult the reference codes to interpret the results.

If however, you reinstalled an older computer from scratch, the diagnostic tools might no longer be available. Unless you have the original disks that came with your computer, there seems to be no way to restore the AHT.

It happens that Apple provides disk images with AHT for most computers, but does not make the links publicly available. Various blogs and forums, mostly Riven by Five and have gathered a list of download links. The rest were obtained by scraping for all the links of the form 0(18|22)-d<4>-A.dmg.

Even though there’s no guarantee that this list is correct or complete, some links can come in very handy to whoever is trying to debug hardware problems.

You can use the following terminal commands to determine the model and board ID of your computer:

sysctl hw.model | awk ‘< print $2 >‘

ioreg -l | awk -F» ‘/board-id/ < print $4 >‘

Download the AHT for your computer model and use the contents to restore the /System/Library/CoreServices/.diagnostics folder, then reboot while holding d to start the diagnostic tools. Alternatively you may try with a bootable USB stick, as described below. This is also the preferred way on OS X 10.11 or later, where the System Integrity Protection (SIP) no longer allows writing to system folders.

When trying to open an old dmg you may get the error ‘legacy image should be converted’. To convert it to a newer format, open Disk Utility, in the menu Images click on Convert and select the dmg to convert and save it under a new name.

Note that there is no one-to-one correspondence between hardware model and AHT. For some models no hardware test could be found, while others seem to have multiple AHT. As the differences are not clear, feel free to try them out, to see which one works best for your hardware.


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