Error 0x800f081f server 2016

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  • Hi Guys,

    I’m trying to install Net Framework 3.5 on Windows Server 2016 Standard, but I’m getting the error 0x800F081F.

    I tried the following methods without success:

    1. dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:netfx3 /all /limitaccess /source:<drive>:sourcessxs
    2. dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:netfx3 /all
    3. Enable-WindowsFeature -Name Net-Framework-Core -Source <drive>:sourcessxs
    4. Directly in server manager configuring the option for altenate source.
    5. Double click on the CAB file «microsoft-windows-netfx3-ondemand-package» inside sourcessxs.

    Note: I tried with a lot of official ISO of Windows Server 2016, still not working.

    KB2966828, 2966827 not installed.

    Finally I noticed that in the media only exists a CAB package that is «microsoft-windows-netfx3-ondemand-package».

    I hope you can help me Guys, Thanks.

    • Edited by

      Friday, May 12, 2017 2:53 PM


  • Hi, I had the same problem on Windows Server 2016 Essentials and managed to solve it.

    I did not have access to my Windows Server 2016 Essentials installation media, but searching Google for «microsoft-windows-netfx3-ondemand-packag
    led me to a direct link to the .cab file.

    Pointing the wizard to the .cab file solved my issue and let me install the Net Framework 3.5 features I needed.

    Hoping this helps someone.

    • Marked as answer by
      Friday, July 20, 2018 1:42 AM

Run this function in PowerShell as Administrator:

function resetWindowsUpdate{
    # Source:
    write-host 'Resetting Windows updates...'
    stop-Service wuauserv -force
    stop-Service cryptSvc -force # This may not work due to certain antivirus dependencies
    stop-Service bits -force
    stop-Service msiserver -force
    Rename-Item "$env:systemrootSoftwareDistribution" SoftwareDistribution.bak
    if((get-service cryptSvc -ea silentlycontinue).status -eq 'Stopped'){
        Rename-Item "$env:systemrootSystem32catroot2" Catroot2.bak
        write-warning "$env:systemrootSystem32catroot2 was not renamed."
    set-location "$env:windirsystem32"
    regsvr32 c:windowssystem32vbscript.dll /s
    regsvr32 c:windowssystem32mshtml.dll /s    
    regsvr32 c:windowssystem32msjava.dll /s
    regsvr32 c:windowssystem32jscript.dll /s    
    regsvr32 c:windowssystem32msxml.dll /s    
    regsvr32 c:windowssystem32actxprxy.dll /s    
    regsvr32 c:windowssystem32shdocvw.dll /s    
    regsvr32 wuapi.dll /s    
    regsvr32 wuaueng1.dll /s    
    regsvr32 wuaueng.dll /s    
    regsvr32 wucltui.dll /s    
    regsvr32 wups2.dll /s    
    regsvr32 wups.dll /s    
    regsvr32 wuweb.dll /s    
    regsvr32 Softpub.dll /s    
    regsvr32 Mssip32.dll /s    
    regsvr32 Initpki.dll /s    
    regsvr32 softpub.dll /s    
    regsvr32 wintrust.dll /s    
    regsvr32 initpki.dll /s    
    regsvr32 dssenh.dll /s    
    regsvr32 rsaenh.dll /s    
    regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll /s    
    regsvr32 sccbase.dll /s    
    regsvr32 slbcsp.dll /s    
    regsvr32 cryptdlg.dll /s    
    regsvr32 Urlmon.dll /s    
    regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll /s    
    regsvr32 Msjava.dll /s    
    regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll /s    
    regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll /s    
    regsvr32 Mshtml.dll /s    
    regsvr32 msxml.dll /s    
    regsvr32 msxml2.dll /s    
    regsvr32 msxml3.dll /s
    regsvr32 Browseui.dll /s    
    regsvr32 shell32.dll /s    
    regsvr32 wuapi.dll /s    
    regsvr32 wuaueng.dll /s    
    regsvr32 wuaueng1.dll /s    
    regsvr32 wucltui.dll /s    
    regsvr32 wups.dll /s    
    regsvr32 wuweb.dll /s    
    regsvr32 jscript.dll /s
    regsvr32 atl.dll /s    
    regsvr32 Mssip32.dll /s
    netsh winsock reset
    start-service wuauserv
    start-service cryptSvc
    start-service bits    
    start-service msiserver
    bitsadmin.exe /reset /allusers
    DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth    
    set-location $originalLocation
    write-host 'Done.'

PS C:Windowssystem32> Install-WindowsFeature DHCP -IncludeManagementTools
Install-WindowsFeature : The request to add or remove features on the specified server failed.
Installation of one or more roles, role services, or features failed.
The source files could not be found.
Use the "Source" option to specify the location of the files that are required to restore the feature. For more
information on specifying a source location, see Error: 0x800f081f
At line:1 char:1
+ Install-WindowsFeature DHCP -IncludeManagementTools
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (@{Vhd=; Credent...Name=localhost}:PSObject) [Install-WindowsFeature],
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DISMAPI_Error__Failed_To_Enable_Updates,Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Commands.AddWind

Success Restart Needed Exit Code Feature Result
------- -------------- --------- --------------
False No Failed {}

# Clean up Windows Component Store, aka WinSXS (C:Windowswinsxs)
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup # fix WinSXS
# SFC /SCANNOW # fix corrupted system files
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore # check WinSXS
# Restart-Computer # reboot to render changes effective
# Perform Windows Repair using Microsoft Windows Update sources (may not work):
# Run Restore Health after reboot
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

# PowerShell native command to restore health
Repair-WindowsImage -Online -RestoreHealth

# Perform Windows Repair using Windows ISO as the source (works better):

# Specify ISO Path to automatically generate the rest of the other variables
# Obtain ISO from Microsoft at

# Autogen variables:
$isoMount=Mount-DiskImage $isoPath -PassThru
$driveLetter=($isoMount | get-volume).DriveLetter

# Restore Windows Health using provided ISO:
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth /source:WIM:$wimPath /limitaccess # non-native PowerShell command
# Repair-WindowsImage -Online -RestoreHealth -Source $wimPath -LimitAccess -LogPath $logPath

# Dismount ISO when done
Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath $isoPath

Sample Output:
# Failure scenario

PS C:Windowssystem32> dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.14393.3085

Image Version: 10.0.14393.3085

Error: 0x800f081f

The source files could not be found.
Use the "Source" option to specify the location of the files that are required to restore the feature. For more informat
ion on specifying a source location, see

The DISM log file can be found at C:WindowsLogsDISMdism.log

# Success scenario

PS C:Windowssystem32> DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.14393.3085

Image Version: 10.0.14393.3085

[===== 10.0% ]

PS C:Windowssystem32> dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.14393.3085

Image Version: 10.0.14393.3085


Profile picture for user Олег


Поймал нехорошую ошибку при сканировании системы на ошибки. Ошибка встречалась и на Windows 10 и на Windows Server 2016.

После внезапного отключение питания запустил проверку на ошибки:

sfc /scannow

И неожиданно увидел:

Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.


Сканирование выявило ошибки, но не смогло их исправить.

Попытался восстановить системные файлы:

dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

И снова получил ошибку:

Error 0x800f081f
The source files could not be found.


Лечим Error 0x800f081f

Предлагаю инструкцию, которая мне помогла исправить ошибки.

Делаем на всякий случай. Процедуры долгие, можно пропустить, вдруг и без них прокатит. Вторую я не выполнял, а первая также завершилась с ошибкой. Выполняем в командной строке под администратором:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore

Нам понадобится установочный дистрибутив Windows, я примонтировал его как диск D:. Проверяем, что существует файл: «D:sourcesinstall.wim». Путь чувствителен к регистру.

Дальше уже обязательная команда:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /source:WIM:D:sourcesinstall.wim:1 /LimitAccess

Выполнилось успешно, системные файлы восстановлены.

The restore operation completed successfully.


Теперь можно запустить сканирование на ошибки.

sfc /scannow

И тоже успешно.

Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.



Дальше пример от другой операционной системы, но весьма познавательный.

Если команда всё равно выдаёт ошибку:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /source:WIM:D:sourcesinstall.wim:1 /LimitAccess

Не удалось найти исходные файлы.


В этом случае может помочь смена индекса.

Смотрим текущую версию Windows.


В этом примере у меня Windows 11 Pro.

DISM /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:"D:sourceinstall.wim" /index:1


Здесь у нас Home версия. Проверяем другие индексы.

DISM /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:"D:sourceinstall.wim" /index:2


Домашняя для одного языка.

DISM /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:"D:sourceinstall.wim" /index:3


Для образовательных учреждений.

DISM /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:"D:sourceinstall.wim" /index:4


А вот и Windows 11 Pro. Соответственно, пробуем восстановиться так:

DISM /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:"D:sourceinstall.wim" /index:4

Набор компонентов для Pro версии может содержать нужный файл, которого нет в Home.

Полезные ссылки

Восстановление системных файлов Windows

Средство проверки системных файлов Windows

I am trying to install .NET 3.5 on a Windows Server 2016, through SCCM 2012, with the source file located on a remote network location, without mounting the ISO locally.

My .NET 3.5 installation keeps failing on a Windows Server 2016.

Running the usual
Install-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Core -source \ApplicationsNet35_2016sxs

Fails with Error: 0x800f081f

Install-WindowsFeature : The request to add or remove features on the specified server failed.
Installation of one or more roles, role services, or features failed.
The source files could not be found.
Use the "Source" option to specify the location of the files that are required to restore the feature. For more
information on specifying a source location, see Error: 0x800f081f

Of course, the files are definitely at that location. The feature installation fails both if run through powershell, or the install roles and features GUI.

I have tried running this command both locally and from the network location. The only way to make this work is to mount the ISO locally and then point to the ISO source as the source location.

This is only a workaround, because I need to be able to install .NET 3.5 from SCCM, where the source files are located remotely. I suppose it is an option to copy the ISO locally, mount it, install the feature, then un-mount it and delete it, but it’s rather cumbersome and time consuming.

So my question is, how to install the feature with the sources located on a remote network location, without mounting the ISO locally?

Does anyone have any experience installing .NET 3.5 on Windows Server 2016 through SCCM remotely?



  • What can be the Error Code 0x800f081f caused by?
  • Solution 1: Configuring your Group Policy
    • To begin, follow these steps:
  • Solution 2: Using a DISM Command to Enable the .NET Framework
  • Reinstalling Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

How to fix error code 0x800f081f in Windows 10?

Microsoft has been working hard to bring improvements to Windows over the past couple of years. However, one cannot deny that the operating system is still prone to errors. Some of these issues prevent users from performing their typical computing tasks. It can be frustrating if you encounter one of these error codes while you’re in the middle of completing your work.

In previous articles, we shared tips on how to get rid of some of these error codes. However, in this post, we are going to teach you how to resolve the error 0x800f081f on Windows 10. We will also share some of the possible reasons why this issue occurs. Once you know the root cause of the problem, you can prevent it from happening again.

What can be the Error Code 0x800f081f caused by?

In most cases, the error code 0x800f081f appears because of Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 incompatibilities. Users reported that the issue had occurred after they had enabled the .NET Framework through the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool, installation wizard, or Windows PowerShell commands.

The error code 0x800f081f usually appears on Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows Server version 1709, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, and Windows Server 2012. It is worth noting that Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 is a ‘Feature on Demand’ on the operating systems we mentioned. That is why, the feature is not enabled by default.

Aside from the error code 0x800F081F, there are four other codes that show up due to the same underlying problem. These error codes are 0x800F0906, 0x800F0907, and 0x800F0922. So, if you happen to encounter one of these error codes, you can use the solutions we’ve listed below to get rid of the issue. We’re not only teaching you how to resolve the error 0x800f081f on Windows 10, we’re also helping you fix three other error codes!

Solution 1: Configuring your Group Policy

One of the methods for fixing the error code 800f081f is configuring your group policy. After all, some issues with it may affect your operating system’s ability to activate the installation. It is worth noting that the Group Policy Editor is natively available on Enterprise, Pro, and Education versions of Windows 10. So, if you have a different version of the OS, you won’t be able to see the feature. That said, you can still get rid of the error code by following the instructions in the next solution.

To begin, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Run dialog box by pressing Windows Key+R on your keyboard.
  2. Now, type “gpedit.msc” (no quotes) inside the box, then click OK. Doing this should let you open the Group Policy Editor.
  3. Once the Group Policy Editor is up, go to the left-pane menu and navigate to this path:

Computer Configuration ->Administrative Templates ->System

  1. Go to the right panel, then scroll down until you find the ‘Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair’ entry.
  2. Double-click the entry, then go to the top left-hand corner to select the box beside Enabled.
  3. Click OK.

Solution 2: Using a DISM Command to Enable the .NET Framework

This solution best applies to the error code 0x800F0922, but it can also fix the error 0x800F081F. In this method, you need to run a DISM command in order to activate the .NET Framework. The process is not complicated as long as you follow the instructions to a tee.

Before you proceed with the steps, you need to get an ISO image of Windows 10. Keep in mind that the version you’ll acquire must match your current OS. You can use the Media Creation Tool to make an ISO image. You can download this tool from Microsoft’s site.

Once you’ve downloaded the Media Creation Tool, run it, then click the ‘Create installation media for another PC’ option. A new screen will open, and you need to select your language and system architecture. Choose ISO file to commence the creation process. Save the ISO file on a USB flash drive or burn it onto a DVD. Once you’ve done that, you can begin to resolve the error code, using these steps:

  1. Insert the DVD or plug the USB flash drive with the ISO file to your computer.
  2. Double-click the ISO file to mount it automatically. You can also mount the file by right-clicking it and selecting Mount from the options. Take a look at the left-hand panel of the window. You should be able to see the ISO in a virtual drive here if the process was successful. Take note of the letter of the drive. If you wish to unmount the image, right-click the virtual drive in This PC, then select Eject from the context menu.
  3. Once you’ve mounted the image, click the Search icon on your taskbar.
  4. Type “cmd” (no quotes) inside the search box.
  5. Right-click Command Prompt from the results, then choose Run as Administrator.
  6. Once Command Prompt is up, paste this text:

Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source:[Drive]:sourcessxs /LimitAccess

Note: Remember to replace [Drive] with the letter you took note from Step 2.

  1. Press Enter to run the command.

Reinstalling Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

After following the instructions we shared, you can now proceed to installing .NET Framework 3.5 to see if the error code 0x800F081F is gone. To do that, follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to your taskbar and right-click the Windows icon.
  2. Select Settings from the options.
  3. Inside the Settings app, click Apps, then select Apps and Features.
  4. Scroll down until you find the Related Settings section. Click Programs and Features below it.
  5. Go to the left-pane menu, then click the ‘Turn Windows features on or off’ link.
  6. Look for the ‘.NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)’ entry and select the box beside it.
  7. Click OK to start the installation process.

If you are able to install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 without any problem, then it means that you have eliminated the error code 0x800F081F. Many issues have been associated with this feature. Some people using the Windows 10 Technical Preview version reported that the file went missing, causing a host of issues in their system.

This is a legitimate problem that we have addressed in one of our blog posts. However, you need to be wary of malicious messages that tell you that the .Net Framework file went missing because of a harmful virus. In most cases, this is caused by adware that can trick you into calling a fake contact center. If you’re not careful, you might end up giving your credit card details and other sensitive information to scammers.

As such, we recommend protecting your computer, using a powerful security tool like Auslogics Anti-Malware. This reliable software program will clean your system and get rid of adware and other suspicious items. It even has a friendly interface which allows you to easily set up and run the scan.

Which error code would you like us to solve next?
Ask your questions in the comments section below!

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During a Windows update, problems frequently occur and users may see error messages like the error code 0x800f081f. Often, the problem occurs during the update process in Windows 10 because one important update file is missing. In the following article, you’ll learn what you can do to troubleshoot this error.


  1. Fixing error 0x800f081f with the troubleshooter
  2. Fixing error 0x800f081f using the Reset Windows Update Script
  3. Fixing the 0x800f081f error using the DISM command line program

Fixing error 0x800f081f with the troubleshooter

Microsoft has long struggled with a paradoxical fact: Its Update Center regularly causes problems that prevent users from implementing improvements and upgrades by downloading and installing new updates. For this reason, a troubleshooting tool was included with Windows 10 that automatically fixes most errors, including the error 0x800f081f.

To use the tool, first open the Windows settings app by choosing the Settings button in the Start menu or using the keyboard shortcut Windows key + i. Next, select the Update & Security section:

“Update & Security” section in Windows Settings
Windows 10 settings: Update & Security

Select Troubleshooting from the menu on the left side of the window. On the right side, scroll down to the “Get up and running” section. Now, you’ll see the Windows Update options, among others. Click the option and then choose Run the troubleshooter:

Windows Update troubleshooting
The Windows Update troubleshooter automatically finds and resolves many update problems, including the 0x800f081f error.

The troubleshooter will run automatically and requires no further action on your part. Once it finishes, a message will appear, notifying you whether the problem was resolved or not.

Fixing error 0x800f081f using the Reset Windows Update Script

Over time, Microsoft has collected a wide range of tools, registry hacks, and command line tips for troubleshooting update errors in a Windows support database. These tools are helpful when basic troubleshooting for the Update Center and other Windows features fail. For example, the Reset Windows Update Agent script is very effective to troubleshoot problems that result in error code 0x800f081f.

Simply download the tool using the provided download link and unzip the archived file. The file contains the ResetWUEng.cmd script. Right-click it and run it as an administrator.


Turn off all security software except Windows Defender before running the script file because third-party software often blocks access to critical system components. In addition, the script could mistake the reactions of the antivirus software for actual errors.

Run the individual components of the script by entering numbers. To resolve the 0x800f081f error, run script components 1, 2, and 3 one at a time. In most cases, the error will no longer appear during future Windows updates.

Reset Windows Update Agent
The Reset Windows Update Agent fixes a range of problems that can occur during Windows updates.

Fixing the 0x800f081f error using the DISM command line program

Finally, you can also use the DISM command line tool and Windows System File Checker to resolve Windows Update problems such as 0x800f081f. These troubleshooting tools come pre-installed with Windows and can be run from the command line. Although they don’t have a graphical user interface, they’re still very efficient.

To fix the 0x800f081f error using the command line tool, proceed as follows:

Right-click the Windows logo in the taskbar to open the Start menu. Select Command Prompt (Admin) or Windows PowerShell (Admin). Only one of these options will be displayed, depending on your Windows configuration or version.

Once you’ve opened the command line tool, type the following command:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth

When you confirm your input by pressing the Enter key, Windows automatically checks for errors, which can take a few minutes. If an error is found and displayed, type the following command:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

The detected errors are successively repaired, which can take much longer.

If a message appears notifying you that the Source files could not be found, you have to restore them from a Windows installation DVD or an ISO file.

If you don’t have the original Microsoft DVD, you can download and generate an ISO file using the Windows Media Creation Tool.


Always download the Windows Media Creation Tool directly from Microsoft. Some untrustworthy vendors offer fake versions that may contain malware.

To restore the source files for the repair using the DVD or ISO file, enter the drive path for the Windows installation image in the DISM command tool:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:wim:X:sourcesinstall.wim:1 /LimitAccess

Replace the drive letter X: with the drive letter of your DVD drive or the virtual drive of the ISO file.

After DISM successfully completes the repair, start the System File Checker in the same Command Prompt window:

Finally, go to the Update Center. In many cases, you’ll immediately see one or more updates to install in the Update Center. You can now download and install these updates, and error code 0x800f081f will not reappear.

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  • #1

Добрый день, коллеги! Есть удаленный сервер с доступом только через AnyDesk. Там нужно установить некоторое ПО для ремонта базы данных. Только проблема в том что для работы этой софтины на windows server 2016 требуется поддержка microsoft dot Net 3.5. Пытался поставить через оффлайн установщик — но не получается. Помогите как можно еще попробовать установить ?


  • #2

Попробуйте открыть PowerShell От имени администратора и далее вбить
DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All

  • #3

Я находил такое решение в интернете но оно не работает, и у меня так же нет дистрибутива с windows server.
Получается ошибка установки dot.Net framework — 0x800f081f

Не удалось найти исходные файлы.
Укажите расположение файлов, необходимых для восстановления компонента, с помощью параметра «Источник»


  • #4

Хм, попробуйте выполнить установку такой командой в том же окне powershell
Install-WindowsFeature NET-Framework-Core

  • #5

Неа. Не работает — та же ошибка 0x800f081f

Сбой запроса на добавление или удаление компонентов на указанном сервере.


  • #6

Или нет доступа в интернет или кто-то задушил службу Центр обновления Windows. Проверьте что она включена и запущена

  • #7

Инет есть — иначе как бы я к нему через AnyDesk подключался. Была отключена служба Windows Update, включил и заработало. Спасибо всем!!:cool:

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  • Windows Server

  • На данном сайте используются cookie-файлы, чтобы персонализировать контент и сохранить Ваш вход в систему, если Вы зарегистрируетесь.
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Читайте также:

  • Error 0x800b010f authenticating server credentials
  • Error 0x800b0109 failed authenticode verification of payload
  • Error 0x80096005 решение
  • Error 0x80096005 failed authenticode verification of payload
  • Error 0x80092004 finding cert chain

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