Error 0x8876086c lego star wars

Исправление ошибки / Fix Error “Failed to Create d3d device. Application will now exit. Error = 0x8876086c”


Исправление ошибки / Fix Error “Failed to Create d3d device. Application will now exit. Error = 0x8876086c”


При запуске игры на Windows 10 вы, с большой вероятностью, увидите ошибку “Failed to Create d3d device. Application will now exit. Error = 0x8876086c”. В руководстве описано два способа исправить эту ошибку – ручной и автоматический.

When you start the game on Windows 10, you are most likely to see the error “Failed to Create d3d device. Application will now exit. Error = 0x8876086c”. The guide describes two ways to correct this error – manual and automatic.

Ручное исправление / Manual fix


Откройте файл %appdata%ttalesThe LEGO Movie – Videogamepcconfig.txt
(можете скопировать и вставить в адресную строку проводника)

Найдите строки:

ScreenWidth 1024 ScreenHeight 768 WindowWidth 1024 WindowHeight 768

И замените параметры разрешения экрана на соответствующие вашему монитору.


Open file %appdata%ttalesThe LEGO Movie – Videogamepcconfig.txt
(you can copy-paste into the address bar of the explorer)

Find lines:

ScreenWidth 1024 ScreenHeight 768 WindowWidth 1024 WindowHeight 768

And replace the screen resolution settings with those appropriate for your monitor.

Автоматическое исправление / Automatic fix


Скачайте и запустите специальный патч, который отредактирует файл настроек:

Исходный код присутствует в архиве.


Download and run the patch:

Source code is in the archive.


LEGO® Star Wars™: The Complete Saga – How to Fix (Failed to create d3d device) Tutorial Guide 1 -
LEGO® Star Wars™: The Complete Saga – How to Fix (Failed to create d3d device) Tutorial Guide 1 —

This guide will hopefully help you solve an annoying d3d device error on older Lego games!


Chances are, you’re on a modern gaming laptop- and just wanna enjoy some older Lego games. But, upon opening, you run into this:

  LEGO® Star Wars™: The Complete Saga - How to Fix (Failed to create d3d device) Tutorial Guide - Introduction - 0F36629

  In Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga, Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures, Lego Batman, and I can a*sume others from the early Lego game days, won’t work if your monitor refresh rate is not 60hz. A lot of laptops now have 144hz refresh rates. Great for some things, not so great for older Lego games.

Clean solution

Connect to a monitor with a 60hz refresh rate. Most connect via HDMI, so shouldn’t be a problem for most laptops. If you don’t have an HDMI port, there are USB-to-HDMI adapters available.

  I found out this worked by using my monitor drawing tablet, which has a 60hz refresh rate. Problem solved!

Slightly messier

If you don’t have, or don’t want to connect an external monitor, there are a few options.

  First, right-click your desktop and go to Display Settings, then Advanced Display settings. Check and see if your box for refresh rate has other options, and if so, select 60hz. (Other rates below 144hz might work, but 60 definitely works so it’s just as well to use that.)

  If that’s not an option, then you’ll need to use some software.

  Use caution and remember to ask the computer owner before using this tool!

  I’ve not experienced any issues with it thus far, and I believe it’s fairly simple and not likely to ruin your machine. However, it does modify registry entries. So again, use some discretion.

  You can download Custom Resolution Utility from monitortests’ website, or via this link – []

 if steam doesn’t remove it

  Be sure to read the description and tutorials on the site as well!

  After you extract the contents, run the CRU exe as an administrator.

  Then, under Standard Resolutions, select “add”

  LEGO® Star Wars™: The Complete Saga - How to Fix (Failed to create d3d device) Tutorial Guide - Slightly messier - 16BB99F

  and select your resolution. It must be 60hz!.

  LEGO® Star Wars™: The Complete Saga - How to Fix (Failed to create d3d device) Tutorial Guide - Slightly messier - D79C83D

  Press “OK”.

  Now, in the same folder as CRU.exe, run “restart.exe”. This’ll restart the graphics driver, so the screen will briefly black out.

  After that’s done, go to Windows” Advanced Display settings and, if all went right, you’ll now see 60hz as an option. Select it.

  LEGO® Star Wars™: The Complete Saga - How to Fix (Failed to create d3d device) Tutorial Guide - Slightly messier - D0B29D0

All done!

You should be able to enjoy those older Lego games now!


 This is all about LEGO® Star Wars™: The Complete Saga – How to Fix (Failed to create d3d device) Tutorial Guide; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

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Can’t launch : Lego Star Wars : The Complete Saga





  • Angel


    I’m having troubles to launch Lego Star Wars : The Complete Saga (PC).
    This is a game stored in my steam library.
    When I want to launch it normally (without DxWnd), I get «Failed to create d3d device. Application will now exit. Error = 0x8876086c»

    I searched on the internet and found different solutions but not a single one is working on my laptop.
    My config : MSI laptop, GTX 1060, IntelCore i7.

    Finally, I’m trying to open my game through DxWnd. I created a new i, set the path to my executable…
    When I launch it, a window pops up with DxWnd logo and it says «does not respond…» and then, crashes after a few seconds.

    Note that I don’t get the d3d error anymore, even if the game doesn’t start.

    Please could you help me finding a solution ?
    Thank you in advance.

    • gho

      The suggested procedure is to use the «Import» command: in the DxWnd menu on the upper part of the window select the File -> Import … choice, then when the file selection dialog appears pick the «LEGO Star Wars — The Complete Saga.dxw» file that you can find in the DxWnd «exports» folder. Once done this, you will also have to update the «Path» field (using the Update command) that points to the file location in my pc. Once the game works, then you could adjust all parameters according to your requirements.

      But I doubt this will work: the fact that the game gives an error both with and without DxWnd makes me think that there must be some problem. The game is recent enough to run with no problems with the Steam release. I suspect your pc may miss the D3D9 interface that is required by this game and is currently considered quite a bit «legacy» by MS.
      You could try to run «dxdiag» (you can do it also from the command prompt typing the command name) and check if direct3d hw acceleration is enabled or if the tool reports any sort of problems. Otherwise, you could capture a dxwnd log file (see the tutorial in «Help -> View help -> Taking logs») and post it here.

  • Kataah

    It should work. Mine works with DxWnd.

  • Angel

    Good evening,

    Thanks for your answer. I’ve tried to chose the .dxw file, as you said it didn’t change anything.

    I ran dxdiag, apparently, there is no error.
    In addition to that, my 3 DirectX acceleration features are enabled…

    So, here is the dxwnd log file, hope it can help … :(

    Thank you

  • gho

    Strange, you used the latest DxWnd release (though this doesn’t necessarily means the best …) and the log tells that the D3D9 session was successfully created.
    I tried to run this way a close-enough game, «Lego Star Wars» (sorry, I don’t have enough HD space to hold everything I ever tried!) and in effect I got an error notification about a bad refresh rate that prevented the game to run. To fix the problem was enough to select the «Native» flag for the Video / Screen resolution selector instead of the default SVGA value. You can try this operation (see screenshot): BTW I’m pretty sure that the problem is a new one, probably introduced by some system sw update with more picky logics.


  • Angel

    I’m not sure my configuration is correct, tell me if something is wrong.

    I downloaded your .dxw file and put it in DxWndexports
    Then, file -> import and select that file.
    Then, clic on the icon, edit -> modify -> set my .exe path on it. (see image below).
    Then, checked the «native» button on the settings.

    Am I doing something wrong ?

    By the way, the game works on my desktop computer with the same graphic card. But not on my laptop…
    Edit : My Desktop computer has a 60 Hz refresh rate meanwhile my laptop has a 120 Hz one. May it be the source of the problem ?


    Last edit: Angel 2019-04-29


  • gho

    It is not easy to tell something about what’s going on in your pc. Maybe a second log file captured with the «native» flag set could help.
    I see that the game opens a device using D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE mode that may cause some troubles on certain conditions. You could experiment in the DxWnd «Direct3D» configuration tab moving the «Force Vertex Proc. / Execute Buffer» selector from «Default» position to «software» or «mixed» positions.
    Also, in your tests you’d better uncheck the «Main / do not notify on task switch» flag because this flag may hide possible error / warning dialog boxes that the game may throw to video to call your attention.

  • Angel


    I turned on both software or mixed positions and looked at the log file. Still the same problem I guess, as you will see my refresh rate is bugged on the D3D9 device, and (maybe I’m wrong) the BackBufferFormat looks bugged too.

    This is very weird …

  • gho

    Ok, now the situation is a little more clear. We face two problems here:

    1) the DxWnd log message is bugged — my fault and apologies, I wrote bad code there and the message is meaningless. It’s fixed in the attached release.

    2) the CheckDeviceType method fails. This is a genuine error, does not depend on the bugged log message but I think rather on the fact that we’re trying to validate a fullscreen video mode while we’re just trying to go windowed. The attached release should fix this problem as well (I can’t tell for sure since I can’t replicate your situation here), it’s not granted but worth a try.

    So, please do the following: download and unpack the new dxwnd.dll over the current v2.05.15 release. If ok, the DxWnd -> Help -> About command should show a v2.05.16.sw release version now. Then try the game and cross your fingers ….
    If it doesn’t work, please, send some logs again.
    P.s. since this way we should force the game to validate a windowed screen mode, maybe the trick of clearing the D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE mode could work now.


    Last edit: gho 2019-04-30

  • Angel

    I did what you explained but it didn’t change anything… Still having a black window which crashes after few seconds.
    My launch parameters are :
    Video -> Screen resolution : Native
    Direct3D -> Force Vertex Proc : Default

    Here is the log.

    • gho

      The log still has the bugged log message! Either I sent you the wrong file, or you didn’t replace the old one. I’m sorry I’ll have to leave now, I’ll double check in a few hours …. please be patient.

  • Angel

    I downloaded your .dll file and put it in my DxWnd directory as you said.
    I have the «DLL version 2.05.16.sw » message in help -> about.

    I don’t know what is wrong… I’ll be patient, no worries !

  • gho

    I read again the logfile and, my mistake, the dll replacement was ok. I was confused by the fact that the CheckDeviceType was repeated twice and firtst time with a «strange» value for the adapterformat field (see the xtract from the log)

    CheckDeviceType(9): d3d=0x7372b60 adapter=0 devtype=0x1(HAL) adapterformat=-383899409(Unknown) backbufferformat=21(A8R8G8B8) windowed=0
    CheckDeviceType: res=0x8876086a(D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE)

    the second time the operation was attempted with more reasonable valoes and in fact it didn’t fail:

    CheckDeviceType(9): d3d=0x7372b60 adapter=0 devtype=0x1(HAL) adapterformat=22(X8R8G8B8) backbufferformat=22(X8R8G8B8) windowed=0x1
    CheckDeviceType: res=0(DD_OK)

    but all this matters very little to the program that just sees the final result of the Createdevice operation:

    SUCCESS! device=0x9c8c920

    and after that nothing at all, as if the program was blocked. In conclusion, the logs take a snapshot of a weird situation, but honestly they didn’t tell much about why this happens and how to fix it …
    Probably later I will come back with some new weird idea. Do you have other D3D9 games? It would be interesting to know whether this problem occurs with all games with same technology or this one only!

    p.s. in case, this is a good and small enough d3d9 sample:


    Last edit: gho 2019-05-01

    • Angel


      I downloaded the demo and, amazingly, it worked. The only this is that if I ALT+TAB to go to another window, i get an error and the game crashes (see attached image).

      It’s very frustrating to know that the Demo actually works but not the full version …
      I even tried to download the full version from another site (not for Steam) and I have the same problems…

      I think the problem is caused only by the original game….

      Should I try to launch the Demo Game through dxwnd and send you the logs when the Alt+Tab error occurs ?


      • gho

        Uhm, yes, this new log could be interesting, maybe it could tell what’s wrong with the full game ….

        • Angel

          I don’t think I can reproduce the bug since DXWnd launches the game as windowed mode and it crashed only when I’m on a fullscreen mode, doing alt+tab …

          I can still play the game, close it quickly and send the log but there will not be any problem I guess..?

          EDIT : After checking, there is no log file in the game directory when launched through DXWnd

          EDIT2 : I launched the game in full screen mode but the bug doesn’t seem to happen when I do ALT+TAB… Very weird


          Last edit: Angel 2019-05-01

  • gho

    Hi. I’m here on vacation, May 1st holiday, with all stuff on my portable pc but not the game itself (and, of course, without a 120Hz video card). So, I think the best I can do today is send you a new dxwnd.dll file that makes all possible efforts to return a positive result, even with a lie if necessary! In effect, the last log of yours is telling two more weird things:
    1) the first CheckDeviceType call receives a bugged value and returns an error code, and this time it’s not DxWnd’s coding fault because the second call is ok!
    2) the second CheckDeviceType call is performed within the CreateDevice method (that is sure because its log line is between the first and last log line for CreateDevice operation).

    SO, I still can’t understand why this is happening in your situation (and only on one of your computers) but my hope is that forcing a D3D_OK positive result the program may go on. I’m not 100% sure, but at the moment I have no better ideas.

    p.s. this new dll is identified by a v2.05.16.sw2 string on the Help -> About … panel.

  • Angel

    Good evening,

    No worries with the May 1st holiday, just enjoy I have time.
    Anyway, I tried with your last dll and it didn’t work (I don’t think we can make it work… I feel it’s impossible on my computer, don’t know why) the log is below.

    • gho

      I somehow agree: the problem is likely that the CheckDeviceType error is a sympthom and not the cause of the problem. In this log

      CheckDeviceType(9): d3d=0x94959e0 adapter=0 devtype=0x1(HAL) adapterformat=-875104388(Unknown) backbufferformat=21(A8R8G8B8) windowed=0
      CheckDeviceType: res=0x8876086a(D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE) @2396 - RETRY
      CheckDeviceType: res=0x8876086a(D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE) @2399 - RETRY
      CheckDeviceType: res=0x8876086c(D3DERR_INVALIDCALL) @2403 - RETRY
      CheckDeviceType: res=0(DD_OK)

      you can see that DxWnd made all possible attempt to make D3D9 «swallow» the game requests by sending more and more generic flags, but D3D9 keeps telling that the device isn’t «avaliable» (D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE). The lasr DD_OK is simply a forced positive return code, but this is not enough to fix the internal problem of D3D9.
      I’m currently looking at another weird aspect: the game logs show an attempt to use A8R8G8B8 backbuffer with X8R8G8B8 video mode (in short, they both use a 32bit color mode, but the backbuffer format should support alpha blending). Maybe this could be another track for a possible fix. I hope to be able to install the game by tonight (I’m still a little busy …) but if you have a chance, could you post here the logs from your second pc where the same game runs ok with DxWnd?

  • Angel

    Good evening,

    Here is the log with the working PC. I tried to play the program the shortest time possible as you recommanded.

  • gho

    The comparison between the two logs reveals maybe something interesting. I’m going to list here the things I noticed, it’s up to yu to try to unederstand why this happened and how to recover:

    the first log with the game failure:
    1. there are no d3d11 nor dxgi dll
    2. GetAdapterIdentifier reports no details about the video driver !!
    3. GetAdapterDisplayMode correctly reports a 120Hz refresh rate
    4. CheckDeviceType receives bad aguments and fails, in particular adapterformat=-875104388(Unknown) and backbufferformat=21(A8R8G8B8)
    5. CreateDevice receives a bad refresh rate value (FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz = -875104388) tough it doesn’t report any error
    6. CreateDevice calls CheckDeviceType internally to check again about the video settings. This call doesn’t fail (because of my DxWnd hack) but the game doesn’t work

    the second log on the pc where the game is working:
    1. there is d3d11 and dxgi dll — it’s possible that d3d9 is now based on these.
    2. GetAdapterIdentifier reports a «NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB» driver and its details
    3. GetAdapterDisplayMode correctly reports a 60Hz refresh rate
    4. CheckDeviceType receives good aguments and doesn’t fail, in particular both adapterformat and backbufferformat are =22(X8R8G8B8).
    5. CreateDevice receives the correct refresh rate value (FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz = 60)
    6. CreateDevice returns a D3D_OK value with no need to call CheckDeviceType again

    In my opinion, the most interesting thing is that fact that the faulty pc doesn’t seem aware of having a NVIDIA video card and also its system software is not up-to-date. A system and video drivers update could fix the problem.

  • Angel

    I think I understood almost everything you said.
    However : I updated all my drivers already several times (even unistall + reinstall). The thing I can notice is that my «OK» computer is a desktop computer, which has only 1 graphic card (GTX 1060). At the opposite, my «NOK» computer, a laptop, has a basic graphic card (inside the processor I guess : INTEL HD Graphics 630. In addition, I have a gaming graphic card (GTX 1060). My computer is running permanently on the basic graphic card, and the other one is activated when I launch «big» applications or games.

    Then, as I know, my INTEL is used by default and my NVIDIA is just switched on when needed.

    I just noticed too that the dxDiag shows me something maybe weird as you will see in the attached image. (Sorry it’s in french)

    What do you think about it ?

    PS : Lego Star Wars is launched with my NVIDIA by default (I set it)


    Last edit: Angel 2019-05-02


    • gho

      Uhm … I think we’re getting closer. You say that «Lego Star Wars is launched with my NVIDIA by default (I set it)», but the logs aren’t showing this scenario:

      GetAdapterIdentifier(9): Adapter=0 flags=0
      GetAdapterIdentifier(9): ret=0
      GetAdapterDisplayMode(9): size=(1920x1080) RefreshRate=120 Format=22(X8R8G8B8)
      GetAdapterDisplayMode: fixed size=(1920x1080)

      The game doesn’t try to enumerate all the available video devices and uses directly DISPLAY1, that in your configuration corresponds to the Intel integrated chipset, isn’t it?
      This could be a game «bug», since one would expect that such a famous game should handle a multi-video & monitor configuration. For sure, this mismatch between the set video card and the detected one isn’t any good!
      More in tech detail, here is what MSDN tells about the Adapter argument of the GetAdapterIdentifier call:

      Ordinal number that denotes the display adapter. D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT is always the primary display adapter. The minimum value for this parameter is 0, and the maximum value for this parameter is one less than the value returned by GetAdapterCount.

      Again, the logs tell that the game doesn’t try to call GetAdapterCount to realize that there are more than one video cards in the system and goes straight to Adapter=0! The same adapter=0 is also used in the CreateDevice call that doesn’t fail, but points to the wrong card.

      This suggests a possible way to fix your problem by forcing a different adapter value, but first I would suggest to check if the game has somewhere / somehow a way to tell that there are more than one video card and point to the «big» one.


      Last edit: gho 2019-05-03

      • Angel

        In my NVIDIA control panel I can chose which graphic card should it use, and I’ve chosen the NVIDIA one. I don’t know if there is any possible way to tell the game to «enumerate» the different graphic cards and chose the right one. I think it’s already done by the game since I set the NVIDIA by default…

  • huh

    If I remember, Nvidia had the option to manually set up a profile for any software or game (I haven’t tried it lately).
    Here was a choice to run with a powerful Nvidia video adapter (or something).
    The settings were made in their control panel (or how to say it).
    I think the problem is that the game and DxWnd is set as «Default» in the Nvidia profile.
    That is, the drivers themselves determine whether the integrated or PCIE performance graphic will be used.
    For DxWnd, drivers probably won’t find a requirement for any 3d features and will choose Intel HD graphics.
    You might try to set both profiles (game + DxWnd) to run with the Nvidia video card.

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Joined: 03 Jan 2015
Posts: 341

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 8:08 pm    Post subject: [SOLVED] Wine Steam Lego Batman and d3d device error Reply with quote

I’m having an issue starting a Lego Batman game on steam via wine.

Right after I select play…I get a blank white screen then the desktop returns… showing the steam gui window, a reduced blank white screen window and an error window. Here is a photo of the error window:

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I have the «wine-steam-lego batman» setup on three other computers with intel and nvidia and they all work.

Also I have other lego games that work fine — Jurassic World and Lego Movie.

I have tried the following:

I have researched the error message «Failed to create d3d device. Application will now exit. Error=0x8876086c» and basically everything is windows oriented and doesn’t resolve the issue.

I have re-downloaded the lego batman game several times with the same result.

I have copied the lego batman game from another computer and the same result.

Current setup:

CI3 550

4 Gb ram

Nvidia GTX 750

Gentoo stable

Kernel 4.4.6

QT 5.6.2

Plasma 5.8.4

Frameworks 5.28

KDE Apps 16.08.3

Nvidia-drivers 361.28

Wine 1.9.20 with staging and s3tc

Any help would be appreciated.


Last edited by davidbrooke on Tue Dec 20, 2016 5:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 8:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You could try running it with setting the virtual desktop in winecfg. If it doesn’t help, there are some tips for debug info in this old winehq bug report, in case you haven’t seen it.

Since it should work, another option is to try a new, clean wine prefix both with 32 and 64 bits. I didn’t find a demo for this, so can’t really try it myself.

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Joined: 03 Jan 2015
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

rh wrote:
You could try running it with setting the virtual desktop in winecfg. If it doesn’t help, there are some tips for debug info in this old winehq bug report, in case you haven’t seen it.

Since it should work, another option is to try a new, clean wine prefix both with 32 and 64 bits. I didn’t find a demo for this, so can’t really try it myself.

Thanks for the reply!

Basically I had tried everything you suggested but the virtual desktop option. I tried that and the game worked. The «virtual desktop option» seems like a «less desired path»…My kids will be operating…so expecting them to get from steam to «virtual steam» would be insane. I will need to evaluate the need on that computer if no other options become available.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

davidbrooke wrote:
Basically I had tried everything you suggested but the virtual desktop option. I tried that and the game worked.

It could be an issue with resolution. Have you tried to change the resolution in game menus to match your native screen res? If there isn’t an option for it you can propably edit in some config file. If it doesn’t work, we could compare xrandr output from working and non-working setup.

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Joined: 03 Jan 2015
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

rh wrote:
It could be an issue with resolution. Have you tried to change the resolution in game menus to match your native screen res? If there isn’t an option for it you can propably edit in some config file.

I had adjusted the resolution in two ways prior to your suggestion:

1. Edit /home/username/.wine/drive_c/users/username/Local Settings/Application Data/Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment/LEGO Batman/pcconfig.txt

FileVersion                 2

ScreenWidth                 1920

ScreenHeight                1080

WindowWidth                 1920

WindowHeight                1080

WindowLeft                  0

WindowTop                   0

ScreenRefreshRate           60

VerticalSync                1

FSAA                        0

Widescreen                  1

TextureQuality              0

ForceMultithreadedD3D       0

IgnoreVendorPresets         0

SFXVolume                   8

MusicVolume                 6

MasterVolume                10

MusicEnabled                1

MouseSensitivity            10

InvertY                     0

Vibration                   0

BloomEnabled                1

DofEnabled                  1

DesiredShadowMethod         2

ShadowsEnabled              1

DesiredDynamicLightQuality  2

SpeedBlurEnabled            1

ProcessColourEnabled        1

EdgeAAEnabled               0

SSAOEnabled                 0

AllowVendorExtensions       1

UseHires                    0

UseHiresPending             0

ForceShaderModel            0

I changed the resolution from 1024×768 to 1920×1080.

2. While in Steam, I right clicked on the game and selected «properties» then added the following to the «set launch options» field:

-w 1920 -h 1080

Both efforts resulted with the same error message.

If it doesn’t work, we could compare xrandr output from working and non-working setup.

Please post an xrandr example and specify the key points to compare.


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Joined: 19 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

davidbrooke wrote:
Please post an xrandr example and specify the key points to compare.

Just running xrandr on a xterm as regular user should be enough. This shows the resolutions and refresh rates X can use on the connected monitor.

$ xrandr

Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1920 x 1080, maximum 16384 x 16384

DisplayPort-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)

HDMI-0 connected primary 1920×1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 598mm x 336mm

   1920×1080     60.00*+  50.00    59.94 

   1920x1080i    60.00    50.00    59.94 

   1680×1050     59.88 

   1280×1024     75.02    60.02 

   1440×900      59.90 

   1280×960      60.00 

   1152×864      75.00 

   1280×720      60.00    50.00    59.94 

   1440×576      50.00 

   1024×768      75.03    70.07    60.00 

   1440×480      60.00    59.94 

   832×624       74.55 

   800×600       72.19    75.00    60.32    56.25 

   720×576       50.00 

   720×480       60.00    59.94 

   640×480       75.00    66.67    60.00    59.94 

   720×400       70.08 

DVI-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)

DVI-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)

If the one game is requesting is missing, that could be it. The game might request some more or less random resolution at start, before swithing to user configured resolution. Looking for differences in a working and non-working system might give a clue what the game wants. It should be something standard like 1024×768@60. Hopefully making that resolution available to X could solve the issue. This all is just guesswork on my part, but would explain why virtual desktop mode works, and the game works on another system.

Another option is that you could just try with another monitor that you know to work with this game. There propably is a wine debug variable to get some display related debug information, but I’m not familiar enough with wine to help you with that.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 6:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here is the xrandr output:

 ~ $ xrandr

Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 1920 x 1080, maximum 16384 x 16384

VGA-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)

DVI-D-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)

HDMI-0 connected primary 1920×1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 1150mm x 650mm

   1920×1080     59.93*+

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 9:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I guess that’s your problem. You don’t have even the 1920×1080@60 mode available you set in game config. That could be an issue in graphics stack or monitor. One obvious cause could be a non-direct connection to your display device, such as home theather equipment or adapters. Trying a DVI connetion and another display device would help to rule out those as possible causes.

You could try to set the 59.93 refresh rate in game’s config file, but even if it works that’s a workaround, not a fix. Better way would be to find and fix the underlaying issue and make 1920×1080@60 and some other common modes available.

FWIW, here a link to wiki on adding new modes manually:

Posting to Kernel & Hardware subsection would get more attention of people with better understanding of the graphics stack. If you do so, please include your xserver log and xrandr output along information with graphics stack. If you want to continue here, please pastebin your xserver log and make+model of display device in that case too.

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Posts: 341

PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 6:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

rh wrote:
You could try to set the 59.93 refresh rate in game’s config file, but even if it works that’s a workaround, not a fix. Better way would be to find and fix the underlaying issue and make 1920×1080@60 and some other common modes available.

I tried using the 59.93 Hz value in the config file but it didn’t help.

Sometimes it’s best to admit that the solution is that it just won’t work??? I think that is the route I’m taking at this point. So thanks for your help!

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 5:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Due to a new install on the problem computer…I decided to take one last effort to resolve the video issue.

I had a problem with a nvidia upgrade a few months back which broke my setup. This left me with my initial problem of setting up a 720p native TV to work in 1080p and fix overscan. I found CVT and was using it when I started this thread. I re-visited my nvidia fix and found a way to make it work again. I tested the «Lego Batman game on steam via wine» and it worked as expected. It appears that CVT was the problem. For those that are interested, the following is the nvidia.conf:

# 12/20/16

# Emerson Nvidia setup

# This setup allows for steam window games


Section «Monitor»

    # HorizSync source: edid, VertRefresh source: edid

    Identifier     «Emerson»

    VendorName     «Unknown»

    ModelName      «Hitachi Engineering Company Ltd HDMI»

    HorizSync       31.0 — 69.0

    VertRefresh     50.0 — 85.0

    Option         «DPMS»


Section «Device»

    Identifier     «Device0»

    Driver         «nvidia»

    VendorName     «NVIDIA Corporation»

    BoardName      «GeForce GTX 750»

#    Option         «ModeDebug»

    Option         «ModeValidation» «NoXServerModes,NoPredefinedModes,NoVESAModes»

    Option         «NoLogo»


Section «Screen»

    Identifier     «Screen0»

    Device         «Device0»

    Monitor        «Emerson»

    DefaultDepth    24

    Option         «nvidiaXineramaInfoOrder» «DFP-2»

    Option         «metamodes» «1920×1080 +0+0 {viewportin=1920×1080, viewportout=1860×1046+30+16}»

    Option         «SLI» «Off»

    Option         «MultiGPU» «Off»

    Option         «BaseMosaic» «off»

    SubSection     «Display»

        Depth       24



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22.01.2016, 14:59. Показов 2597. Ответов 7

Люди,обьясните пожалуйста в чем дело.Не запускается игра LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (2013) PC. Выскакивает окно Fatal Error с текстом: «Failed to create d3d device.Application will now exit.Error=0x8876086c». На ПК все игры без проблем,только эта не идет. Система-Виндовс7 максимал х86. Обновлял и директ и визуал. Дрова стоят новые (видео HD-5570).Пробовал и на ранних версиях. Сын просит игру,даже не знаю что и поделать.Копался в иннете перепробовал всякие советы ничего не помогает! Прям чертовщина какая-то! Оч.надеюсь на Вашу помощь!

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22.01.2016, 18:30


alexiko, если это стимовская версия игры, то стоит обратиться в техподдержку.
Если нет, то может быть репак кривой.


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23.01.2016, 10:45



Ставил три разных репака,результат один и тот-же.


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24.01.2016, 12:02



А что означает вообще этот:»d3d device»?Не пойму что не удается создать?



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24.01.2016, 13:09


Сообщение от alexiko
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А что означает вообще этот:»d3d device»?

D3D — сокращение от Direct 3D, одна из частей технологии DirectX.
Игра выводит графику, используя программную абстракцию — устройство D3D, которое использует видеокарту.
По каким-то причинам игра не может получить доступ к видеокарте или в основе лежит какая-то другая неведомая причина.


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24.01.2016, 14:58



Сообщение от tezaurismosis
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По каким-то причинам игра не может получить доступ к видеокарте или в основе лежит какая-то другая неведомая причина.

Дак по каким-же?!!!



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24.01.2016, 15:14


alexiko, не знаю, уж извините.


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24.01.2016, 19:34



Сообщение от tezaurismosis
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не знаю, уж извините.

Да нет-же,эт Вы меня извините,привязался!Просто нигде немогу найти ответ.А ведь решение наверно есть?!


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