Error 1007 an error occurred while running ghostscript bullzip

I'm new to this forum and to BullZip PDF Printer. I get some PDF files in a browser window, that don't have a "Save" button. So, I try to use BullZip PDF Printer to save the document to a file. And, on some of these files, I get this message: An error occurred.

I’m new to this forum and to BullZip PDF Printer. I get some PDF files in a browser window, that don’t have a «Save» button. So, I try to use BullZip PDF Printer to save the document to a file. And, on some of these files, I get this message:
An error occurred.

Error 1007: an error occured while running Ghostscript

%%[ ProductName: GPL Ghostscript ]%%
This PostScript file was created from an encrypted PDF file.
Redistilling encrypted PDF is not permitted.
%%[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: eexec ]%%

Source: GUI

Internal hint: Run converter to create PDF file

So, my question is, should I be able to print this to a PDF file using Bullzip PDF Printer? Or, is there some limitation I missed in the description of the product? Or, are encrypted PDF files unable to be «Redistilled»… I have no idea what that means.
And, the Internal hint didn’t help me to understand what I must do to create the PDF file.

I’m running «GPL Ghostcript Lite 8.70» and «Bullzip PDF Printer» with Windows 7 Professional SP1 — 64 bit OS.
Any help would be appreciated… just point me in a direction.


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  8. Error 1007 An error occured while running Ghostscript
  9. Error 1007 An error occured while running Ghostscript
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  11. Re: Error 1007 An error occured while running Ghostscript
  12. Re: Error 1007 An error occured while running Ghostscript
  13. Re: Error 1007 An error occured while running Ghostscript
  14. BullZip Home
  15. Error 1007 Merge
  16. Error 1007 Merge
  17. I’m having the same problem
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  19. Error 1007
  20. Error 1007
  21. BullZip Home
  22. Error 1007
  23. Error 1007
  24. Re: Error 1007
  25. Re: Error 1007

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Error 1007: An error occured while running Ghostscript

Moderator: jr

Error 1007: An error occured while running Ghostscript

Post by paegus » Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:24 pm

Whenever I try to print to PDF I get the following error:
Error 1007: An error occurred while running Ghostscript

**** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.

Run Ghost to create PDF file.

I’m not sure how to run Ghost by itself exactly though.

Also during the installation it kept asking for the files PSCRIPT.HLP & APLWCSB1.PPD which are supposed to be on my XP’s install disc in the i386 folder. but aren’t? I found them (or something called the same) online which the install didn’t object to but i somehow doubt that was supposed to happen either.

I am running Windows XP Professional (x86) Version 2008 Service Pack 3 on an AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual core.

Re: Error 1007: An error occured while running Ghostscript

Post by jr » Sat Nov 01, 2008 2:38 pm

Please make sure that you have enough free space on the disk where you TEMP files are located.

Re: Error 1007: An error occured while running Ghostscript

Post by paegus » Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:03 pm

Hmm there should be plenty of space as it’s a fresh OS install on a 60GB partition. 52GB free so far according to the almighty property box. I haven’t touched any of the system locations so the temp folders will be in their default locations, on that main partition.

Re: Error 1007: An error occured while running Ghostscript

Post by pax417 » Fri Dec 05, 2008 6:04 pm

I also got this error, and after seeing the mention of the TEMP folder, I did the following:

Deleted everything I could in the TEMP folder
Deleted the TEMPBullZip folder // No improvement — Same problem

The version of the » gslite.exe » installed on my pc was
(The version in Control Panel / Add Remove programs only shows 8.61 but by right mouse clicking on gslite.exe / Properties / Version tab / it showed )

I downloaded the current version from the website ( ) and installed it.


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Error 1007 An error occured while running Ghostscript

Moderator: jr

Error 1007 An error occured while running Ghostscript

Post by bearntrail » Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:42 pm

I’m new to this forum and to BullZip PDF Printer. I get some PDF files in a browser window, that don’t have a «Save» button. So, I try to use BullZip PDF Printer to save the document to a file. And, on some of these files, I get this message:
An error occurred.

Error 1007: an error occured while running Ghostscript

%%[ ProductName: GPL Ghostscript ]%%
This PostScript file was created from an encrypted PDF file.
Redistilling encrypted PDF is not permitted.
%%[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: eexec ]%%

Internal hint: Run converter to create PDF file

So, my question is, should I be able to print this to a PDF file using Bullzip PDF Printer? Or, is there some limitation I missed in the description of the product? Or, are encrypted PDF files unable to be «Redistilled». I have no idea what that means.
And, the Internal hint didn’t help me to understand what I must do to create the PDF file.

I’m running «GPL Ghostcript Lite 8.70» and «Bullzip PDF Printer» with Windows 7 Professional SP1 — 64 bit OS.
Any help would be appreciated. just point me in a direction.

Re: Error 1007 An error occured while running Ghostscript

Post by wtx_markymark » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:05 pm

I get the same error, while printing and creating a JPG or PDF. Unistalled and reintalled. The program will print once and then begins this error. Unistalled and removed all directories — same.
Using Win7 Professional and tried both versions of Bull Zip 7.1 and 7.2 Beta
An error occurred.

Error 1007: An error occured while running Ghostscript

%%[ ProductName: GPL Ghostscript ]%%
%%[ Error: stackunderflow; OffendingCommand: moveto ]%%

Internal hint: Run converter to create PDF file

Re: Error 1007 An error occured while running Ghostscript

Post by wtx_markymark » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:10 pm

I get the same error printing to JPG or PDF. Running Win7 Professional also. I have uninstalled and reinstalled both 7.1 and 7.2 versions. Will work once and then get the error message and no output
An error occurred.

Error 1007: An error occured while running Ghostscript
%%[ ProductName: GPL Ghostscript ]%%
%%[ Error: stackunderflow; OffendingCommand: moveto ]%%
Source: GUI
Internal hint: Run converter to create PDF file

Re: Error 1007 An error occured while running Ghostscript

Post by oomdelaooms » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:05 am

I have been using Bullzip for 6 months or so and have had no problems and now I am getting a similar message.

Error 1005: Unable to locate Ghostscript installation.

Internal hint: Run converter to create PDF file.

Re: Error 1007 An error occured while running Ghostscript

Post by oomdelaooms » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:27 am


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Error 1007 Merge

Moderator: jr

Error 1007 Merge

Post by jobrahms » Wed May 28, 2008 8:30 pm

Hi, I’m trying to merge two pdfs from within access vba and I keep getting this error:

Error 1007: An error occured while running Ghostscript

. and then the bullzip settings form comes up. Anyone know why this is happening?

Here is my code:

Set pdfwriter = CreateObject(progid)

With pdfwriter
.SetValue «output», fullPath
.SetValue «ShowSaveAS», «never»
.SetValue «ShowSettings», «never»
.SetValue «ShowPDF», «no»
.SetValue «Target», «printer»
.SetValue «Title», «Cut Report»
.SetValue «Subject», «Report generated at » & Now
.SetValue «UseThumbs», «yes»
.SetValue «MergeFile», «C:testdumb.pdf» ‘summaryPath
.WriteSettings True
End With

. open the report, etc.

Post by jr » Sun Jun 01, 2008 8:41 am

Just a couple of questions.

1) Please confirm that you are using the latest version.
2) Does the error message tell you anything else?
3) Is the testdumb.pdf created by the Bullzip PDF Printer?

I’m having the same problem

Post by dudley » Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:01 pm

I’m having the same problem. I’m testing the Merge process by trying to send two Access reports. I’ve modified the sample code for PrintReportAsPDF to allow me to pass variables about the report to create, whether to open it once completed, and whether to merge. The first report is created just fine, I get the bubble message saying it’s done, and if I’m only sending one (no merge) it opens and looks fine. But when the second one is sent, I get the 1007 error. The icon in the tray indicates there’s a merge in process, but the error window comes up and it fails. When I open the PDF file, it only holds the first report. I downloaded 5.0.609 this morning, but I get the same results. I sure appreciate any help or feedback!

Here’s the code that calls bullzip:
Case «PDF»
‘Make sure any previous instances of BullZip are finished
Do While Dir(Environ(«APPDATA») & «BullzipPDF Printerrunonce@Bullzip PDF Printer.ini») <> «»
‘ c = c + 1
‘ Sleep 200

Select Case intRptCounter
Case 1 ‘First one, make it
Call PrintReportAsPDF(gstrNewReport, «No», «No»)
Case gintRptCount ‘last rpt, display it
Call PrintReportAsPDF(gstrNewReport, «Yes», «Yes»)
Case Else
Call PrintReportAsPDF(gstrNewReport, «No», «Yes»)
End Select
End Select

Sub PrintReportAsPDF(RPTName As String, ShowPDF As String, Merge As String)
Dim pdf_printer_name As String
Dim pdf_printer_index As Integer
Dim current_printer_name As String
Dim current_printer_index As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim progid As String
Dim xmldom As Object
Dim currentdir As String
Dim pdfwriter As Object
Dim c As Integer

Rem — Get the directory of the database
currentdir = GetDatabaseFolder

Rem — Read the info xml
‘ Set xmldom = CreateObject(«MSXML.DOMDocument»)
‘ xmldom.Load (currentdir & «info.xml»)

Rem — Get the program id of the automation object.
‘ progid = xmldom.SelectSingleNode(«/xml/progid»).Text

Rem — Create the printer automation object
Set pdfwriter = CreateObject(«Bullzip.PDFPrinterSettings»)

Rem — Printer specific settings
pdf_printer_name = pdfwriter.GetPrinterName

Rem — Find the index of the printer that we want to use
pdf_printer_index = -1
current_printer_index = -1
current_printer_name = Application.Printer.DeviceName
For i = 0 To Application.Printers.count — 1
If Application.Printers.Item(i).DeviceName = pdf_printer_name Then
pdf_printer_index = i
End If
If Application.Printers.Item(i).DeviceName = current_printer_name Then
current_printer_index = i
End If

Rem — Exit here if the pdf printer was not found
If pdf_printer_index = -1 Then
MsgBox «The printer ‘» & pdf_printer_name & «‘ was not found on this computer.»
Exit Sub
End If

Rem — Exit here if the current printer was not found
If current_printer_index = -1 Then
MsgBox «The current printer ‘» & current_printer_name & «‘ was not found on this computer.» & _
» Without this printer the code will not be able to restore the original printer selection.»
Exit Sub
End If

Rem — Set the printer
Application.Printer = Application.Printers(pdf_printer_index)

Rem — Configure the PDF printer
With pdfwriter

Rem — Set the destination file name of the PDF document
‘ .SetValue «output», GetDatabaseFolder & «LSP_ScaleReport.pdf»
Select Case Merge
Case «No»
.setvalue «output», «

» & «LSP_Scale_Report_» & » » & «.pdf»
Case «Yes»
.setvalue «MergeFile», «

» & «LSP_Scale_Report_» & » » & «.pdf»
End Select

Rem — Control the dialogs when printing
.setvalue «ConfirmOverwrite», «no»
.setvalue «ShowSaveAS», «never»
.setvalue «ShowSettings», «never»
.setvalue «ShowPDF», ShowPDF

Rem — Set document properties
.setvalue «Target», «printer»
.setvalue «Title», «LSP Scales Report»
.setvalue «Subject», «Report generated at » & Now

Rem — Display page thumbs when the document is opened
.setvalue «UseThumbs», «no»

Rem — Set the zoom factor to 50%
.setvalue «Zoom», «50»

Rem — Place a stamp in the lower right corner
‘ .SetValue «WatermarkText», «LSP Report»
‘ .SetValue «WatermarkVerticalPosition», «bottom»
‘ .SetValue «WatermarkHorizontalPosition», «right»
‘ .SetValue «WatermarkVerticalAdjustment», «3»
‘ .SetValue «WatermarkHorizontalAdjustment», «1»
‘ .SetValue «WatermarkRotation», «0»
‘ .SetValue «WatermarkColor», «#ff0000»
‘ .SetValue «WatermarkOutlineWidth», «1»


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Error 1007

Moderator: jr

Error 1007

Post by mkman » Sun Jun 24, 2007 1:45 pm

I have just installed the Bullzip pdf-printer and Ghostscript, but i can’t create pdf-files. I’m getting this measage: «Error 1007: An error occured while running Ghostscript — the patch was not found»

Can you please help me?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Post by Wim Aerts » Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:52 pm

I’ve got the same problem, but the strange part is that I have a working installation on one workstation, but a failing installation on an other. Both installation are identical, but when executing the print job I get the same error 1007. It looks as if the command line for the ghost script is missing a few double quotes surrounding the filename(?)

Post by crazee_canuck » Fri Jul 20, 2007 5:27 am

I’m getting the same error as well now. It was working perfectly fine earlier today. After a reboot I’m getting the «error 1007» message box.

I’ve tried uninstalling the latest one and reverting back to an older copy—same.

I’ve cleaned out the temp files and %appdata%bullzip—same.

I’ve scrubbed the registry clean of any Bullzip entries—same

I’ve disabled UAC—same.

Vista Ultimate x64 (my XP MCE SP2 installation is still working)
Ghostscript 2.56 x64
(also re-tried BullZipPDFPrinter(


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Error 1007

Moderator: jr

Error 1007

Post by barakosg » Fri Apr 04, 2008 1:21 pm

I am trying to use the command line interface to convert a file to PDf.
On the command line I type: print /d:\computernamesharename c:filename.doc

computername is the name of my computer,
Sharename is the share name of bullzip printer.

after I press enter the window of Bullzip PDF Printer comes up and when I click on Save another window comes up with the following error

Error 1007: An error occurred while running Ghostscript
Error: /undefined in .

Thanks in advance

Re: Error 1007

Post by artiechappie » Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:43 pm

It’s good to know your’re not alone on this but I am trying to do exacelty the same as you and am getting the same error.

It actually looks as though it is tripping up on the first word it finds in the text document as the error I am getting reads:

error: /undefined in VIKING

which conincidentally is the first word on the first line of the text doc.

Hope someone out there has a resolution for this as it would be good to get this working.

Re: Error 1007

Post by artiechappie » Tue Jul 14, 2009 1:22 pm

In Bullzip Printer settings -> Advanced ->Print Processor. Change the setting from RAW to TEXT — works for me.


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Error 1007 An error occured while running Ghostscript

Moderator: jr

Error 1007 An error occured while running Ghostscript

Post by bearntrail » Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:42 pm

I’m new to this forum and to BullZip PDF Printer. I get some PDF files in a browser window, that don’t have a «Save» button. So, I try to use BullZip PDF Printer to save the document to a file. And, on some of these files, I get this message:
An error occurred.

Error 1007: an error occured while running Ghostscript

%%[ ProductName: GPL Ghostscript ]%%
This PostScript file was created from an encrypted PDF file.
Redistilling encrypted PDF is not permitted.
%%[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: eexec ]%%

Internal hint: Run converter to create PDF file

So, my question is, should I be able to print this to a PDF file using Bullzip PDF Printer? Or, is there some limitation I missed in the description of the product? Or, are encrypted PDF files unable to be «Redistilled». I have no idea what that means.
And, the Internal hint didn’t help me to understand what I must do to create the PDF file.

I’m running «GPL Ghostcript Lite 8.70» and «Bullzip PDF Printer» with Windows 7 Professional SP1 — 64 bit OS.
Any help would be appreciated. just point me in a direction.

Re: Error 1007 An error occured while running Ghostscript

Post by wtx_markymark » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:05 pm

I get the same error, while printing and creating a JPG or PDF. Unistalled and reintalled. The program will print once and then begins this error. Unistalled and removed all directories — same.
Using Win7 Professional and tried both versions of Bull Zip 7.1 and 7.2 Beta
An error occurred.

Error 1007: An error occured while running Ghostscript

%%[ ProductName: GPL Ghostscript ]%%
%%[ Error: stackunderflow; OffendingCommand: moveto ]%%

Internal hint: Run converter to create PDF file

Re: Error 1007 An error occured while running Ghostscript

Post by wtx_markymark » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:10 pm

I get the same error printing to JPG or PDF. Running Win7 Professional also. I have uninstalled and reinstalled both 7.1 and 7.2 versions. Will work once and then get the error message and no output
An error occurred.

Error 1007: An error occured while running Ghostscript
%%[ ProductName: GPL Ghostscript ]%%
%%[ Error: stackunderflow; OffendingCommand: moveto ]%%
Source: GUI
Internal hint: Run converter to create PDF file

Re: Error 1007 An error occured while running Ghostscript

Post by oomdelaooms » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:05 am

I have been using Bullzip for 6 months or so and have had no problems and now I am getting a similar message.

Error 1005: Unable to locate Ghostscript installation.

Internal hint: Run converter to create PDF file.

Re: Error 1007 An error occured while running Ghostscript

Post by oomdelaooms » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:27 am


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Error 1007 Merge

Moderator: jr

Error 1007 Merge

Post by jobrahms » Wed May 28, 2008 8:30 pm

Hi, I’m trying to merge two pdfs from within access vba and I keep getting this error:

Error 1007: An error occured while running Ghostscript

. and then the bullzip settings form comes up. Anyone know why this is happening?

Here is my code:

Set pdfwriter = CreateObject(progid)

With pdfwriter
.SetValue «output», fullPath
.SetValue «ShowSaveAS», «never»
.SetValue «ShowSettings», «never»
.SetValue «ShowPDF», «no»
.SetValue «Target», «printer»
.SetValue «Title», «Cut Report»
.SetValue «Subject», «Report generated at » & Now
.SetValue «UseThumbs», «yes»
.SetValue «MergeFile», «C:testdumb.pdf» ‘summaryPath
.WriteSettings True
End With

. open the report, etc.

Post by jr » Sun Jun 01, 2008 8:41 am

Just a couple of questions.

1) Please confirm that you are using the latest version.
2) Does the error message tell you anything else?
3) Is the testdumb.pdf created by the Bullzip PDF Printer?

I’m having the same problem

Post by dudley » Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:01 pm

I’m having the same problem. I’m testing the Merge process by trying to send two Access reports. I’ve modified the sample code for PrintReportAsPDF to allow me to pass variables about the report to create, whether to open it once completed, and whether to merge. The first report is created just fine, I get the bubble message saying it’s done, and if I’m only sending one (no merge) it opens and looks fine. But when the second one is sent, I get the 1007 error. The icon in the tray indicates there’s a merge in process, but the error window comes up and it fails. When I open the PDF file, it only holds the first report. I downloaded 5.0.609 this morning, but I get the same results. I sure appreciate any help or feedback!

Here’s the code that calls bullzip:
Case «PDF»
‘Make sure any previous instances of BullZip are finished
Do While Dir(Environ(«APPDATA») & «BullzipPDF Printerrunonce@Bullzip PDF Printer.ini») <> «»
‘ c = c + 1
‘ Sleep 200

Select Case intRptCounter
Case 1 ‘First one, make it
Call PrintReportAsPDF(gstrNewReport, «No», «No»)
Case gintRptCount ‘last rpt, display it
Call PrintReportAsPDF(gstrNewReport, «Yes», «Yes»)
Case Else
Call PrintReportAsPDF(gstrNewReport, «No», «Yes»)
End Select
End Select

Sub PrintReportAsPDF(RPTName As String, ShowPDF As String, Merge As String)
Dim pdf_printer_name As String
Dim pdf_printer_index As Integer
Dim current_printer_name As String
Dim current_printer_index As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim progid As String
Dim xmldom As Object
Dim currentdir As String
Dim pdfwriter As Object
Dim c As Integer

Rem — Get the directory of the database
currentdir = GetDatabaseFolder

Rem — Read the info xml
‘ Set xmldom = CreateObject(«MSXML.DOMDocument»)
‘ xmldom.Load (currentdir & «info.xml»)

Rem — Get the program id of the automation object.
‘ progid = xmldom.SelectSingleNode(«/xml/progid»).Text

Rem — Create the printer automation object
Set pdfwriter = CreateObject(«Bullzip.PDFPrinterSettings»)

Rem — Printer specific settings
pdf_printer_name = pdfwriter.GetPrinterName

Rem — Find the index of the printer that we want to use
pdf_printer_index = -1
current_printer_index = -1
current_printer_name = Application.Printer.DeviceName
For i = 0 To Application.Printers.count — 1
If Application.Printers.Item(i).DeviceName = pdf_printer_name Then
pdf_printer_index = i
End If
If Application.Printers.Item(i).DeviceName = current_printer_name Then
current_printer_index = i
End If

Rem — Exit here if the pdf printer was not found
If pdf_printer_index = -1 Then
MsgBox «The printer ‘» & pdf_printer_name & «‘ was not found on this computer.»
Exit Sub
End If

Rem — Exit here if the current printer was not found
If current_printer_index = -1 Then
MsgBox «The current printer ‘» & current_printer_name & «‘ was not found on this computer.» & _
» Without this printer the code will not be able to restore the original printer selection.»
Exit Sub
End If

Rem — Set the printer
Application.Printer = Application.Printers(pdf_printer_index)

Rem — Configure the PDF printer
With pdfwriter

Rem — Set the destination file name of the PDF document
‘ .SetValue «output», GetDatabaseFolder & «LSP_ScaleReport.pdf»
Select Case Merge
Case «No»
.setvalue «output», «

» & «LSP_Scale_Report_» & » » & «.pdf»
Case «Yes»
.setvalue «MergeFile», «

» & «LSP_Scale_Report_» & » » & «.pdf»
End Select

Rem — Control the dialogs when printing
.setvalue «ConfirmOverwrite», «no»
.setvalue «ShowSaveAS», «never»
.setvalue «ShowSettings», «never»
.setvalue «ShowPDF», ShowPDF

Rem — Set document properties
.setvalue «Target», «printer»
.setvalue «Title», «LSP Scales Report»
.setvalue «Subject», «Report generated at » & Now

Rem — Display page thumbs when the document is opened
.setvalue «UseThumbs», «no»

Rem — Set the zoom factor to 50%
.setvalue «Zoom», «50»

Rem — Place a stamp in the lower right corner
‘ .SetValue «WatermarkText», «LSP Report»
‘ .SetValue «WatermarkVerticalPosition», «bottom»
‘ .SetValue «WatermarkHorizontalPosition», «right»
‘ .SetValue «WatermarkVerticalAdjustment», «3»
‘ .SetValue «WatermarkHorizontalAdjustment», «1»
‘ .SetValue «WatermarkRotation», «0»
‘ .SetValue «WatermarkColor», «#ff0000»
‘ .SetValue «WatermarkOutlineWidth», «1»


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Error 1007 for BullZIP

Moderator: jr

Error 1007 for BullZIP

Post by tlvp » Wed Dec 24, 2008 6:59 am

[attachment=0]BullZipError.png[/attachment]Attempting to print one particular Opera 9.63 web page with BullZIP (under Windows Vista Home Premium, SP 1), I got no PDF output, but an error message from «BullZIP PDF Printer» stating:

| An error occurred.
| Error 1007: An error occurred while running Ghostscript.
| Error: /undefined in

Note that «» was the host of the web page I was trying to print. Other web pages, and everything else I’ve sought to print with BullZIP PDF printer, have come out flawlessly.

Further details in the attached .PNG file, screen-scrape of the error message.
My gslite (version *not( specified) has the following attributes:

08/01/2008 11:34 AM 147,456 gswin32c.exe

Since then, I’ve upgraded BullZIP PDF Printer to version, but have not yet had a chance to see whether this problem is solved, or will recur.

Re: Error 1007 for BullZIP

Post by tlvp » Wed Dec 24, 2008 7:18 am

Alas, BullZIP PDF Printer v exhibits the same behavior as reported for

The offending, unprintable web page has URL (where an email address appears at the end, munged in this transcription):

Same 1007 error, as depicted in the following PNG snapshot of the error pop-up. Help? Thanks! — tlvp

Re: Error 1007 for BullZIP

Post by jr » Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:24 pm

I have tried to print the page from both IE and Firefox. None of these had any problems on my Vista. Can you confirm that only Opera is causing the problem? I don’t have Opera installed at the moment.

Re: Error 1007 for BullZIP

Post by tlvp » Thu Dec 25, 2008 11:05 am

You were quite right, jr, in asking whether «. only Opera is causing the problem . » — I just fired up IE 7 (on the same Vista machine where Opera/BullZIP had problems), and BullZIP printed that page just fine. [FWIW, BullZIP has printed, with no difficulty, many other pages opened in Opera.]

Looks like an incompatibility of some sort, either with Opera, or perhaps with one of the ActiveX or JScripts that the page in question loads and runs. Bug in Opera? Mere «incompatibility» between BullZIP and Opera? I’m not well-placed to distinguish. But good to know that, should printing from Opera fail, it’s worth trying again from IE 7: many thanks for that valuable insight.

Cheers, and Christmas Greetings, — tlvp

[PS of 1/4/2009: I’ve had several more instances of BullZIP being unable to print PDFs successfully from Opera web pages. As earlier, the same page prints successfully if loaded in IE7 instead. Is it worth going into conference with Opera AB to sort the problem out?

Cheers, and Happy New Year, — tlvp ]

Re: Error 1007 for BullZIP

Post by santana » Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:19 am

Don’t mean to hijack this thread but i have a similar error.

Attached is the picture with the error generated. Browser is IE7 and have attempted to use IE6. The citrix virtual app i am trying to print from is only compatible with IE.
note* this worked months prior and ceased to work. have attempted different computers with all the same results.

If i switch the printer processor from RAW to TEXT it generates a PDF. But lines of «jibberish» is included along the top of the document as well as being incorrectly sized.

any help or suggestions would be much appreciated. have attempted the latest versions of bullzip and ghostscript to no avail.


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Error 1007: An error occured while running Ghostscript

Moderator: jr

Error 1007: An error occured while running Ghostscript

Post by paegus » Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:24 pm

Whenever I try to print to PDF I get the following error:
Error 1007: An error occurred while running Ghostscript

**** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.

Run Ghost to create PDF file.

I’m not sure how to run Ghost by itself exactly though.

Also during the installation it kept asking for the files PSCRIPT.HLP & APLWCSB1.PPD which are supposed to be on my XP’s install disc in the i386 folder. but aren’t? I found them (or something called the same) online which the install didn’t object to but i somehow doubt that was supposed to happen either.

I am running Windows XP Professional (x86) Version 2008 Service Pack 3 on an AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual core.

Re: Error 1007: An error occured while running Ghostscript

Post by jr » Sat Nov 01, 2008 2:38 pm

Please make sure that you have enough free space on the disk where you TEMP files are located.

Re: Error 1007: An error occured while running Ghostscript

Post by paegus » Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:03 pm

Hmm there should be plenty of space as it’s a fresh OS install on a 60GB partition. 52GB free so far according to the almighty property box. I haven’t touched any of the system locations so the temp folders will be in their default locations, on that main partition.

Re: Error 1007: An error occured while running Ghostscript

Post by pax417 » Fri Dec 05, 2008 6:04 pm

I also got this error, and after seeing the mention of the TEMP folder, I did the following:

Deleted everything I could in the TEMP folder
Deleted the TEMPBullZip folder // No improvement — Same problem

The version of the » gslite.exe » installed on my pc was
(The version in Control Panel / Add Remove programs only shows 8.61 but by right mouse clicking on gslite.exe / Properties / Version tab / it showed )

I downloaded the current version from the website ( ) and installed it.


In very rare cases, users receive an error message with the following message when creating a PDF document via our PDF printer: Error 1007: An error occured while running Ghostscript.

Error 1007: An error occured while running Ghostscript


Some customers have managed to get the printer working again by manually installing the required Ghostscript Lite component via the GSLite Installers provided on our website. Also, they had to uncheck the option to install «Ghostscript Lite» with the 7-PDF Printer setup/installer.

Background Infos

Sometimes the above error 1007 appears when running the pdf printer. This indicates that there were problems converting Postscript to PDF. The conversion is probably done by Ghostscript in most installations of our PDF printer. If for some reason the user lacks the rights to run the Ghostscript executables, this error can occur. You should check your rights/security regarding your Ghostscript installation and fix any issues before proceeding. Installing the workaround gslite.exe listed above manually and not via the optional installation via the PDF printer setup seems to be the easiest and fastest way to solve the problem in these cases.









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Reported: 2014-09-24 14:53 UTC by atan1839
Modified: 2017-09-19 23:57 UTC

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error from «PDF Printer» when I would use BullZip PDF printer

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2017-09-19 20:07 UTC,

Michael Eakin


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Out of the blue, I cannot print to PDF printers any more.
This wonderful function worked for years, and it is a big loss to me.


The file seems to go the the spooler,
in the printer’s «document list» the file is there (says «printing»)
but then it disappears and nothing happens (it does not print).

My default PDF printer is PDFCreator,
I also tried other PDF printers, like «7-PDF Printer», and «Free PDF Printer»,
none of them works.

The «7-PDF Printer» was the only one than gave me any sort of error message :
«Error 1007: An error occurred while running GhostScript. Unable to open the initial device. Quitting».

Strangely, physical printers, like my HP OfficeJet 4620 printer (attached via USB)
work fine — in other words, printing to paper works OK.

Other programs requiring GhostScript, like Scribus,
also work fine (for them, my GhostScript is OK).


Aside from the printers listed above,
I have GhostScript 9.10 installed
on Windows 8 (64 bit).


I tried System Restore, but no luck, so the problem must have happen a while ago;
I did not notice it in time, since I have not used the PDF printer for a while.

I tried installing different versions of GhostScript (from 9.05 to 9.19 GPL),
it made no difference.

I tried tweaking the printer in any way imaginable (all failed) :
create a new local port, allow full permissions to all users,
«take ownership» of all the relevant folders (e.g. Temp folders of PDFCreator and Spooler).

Clearing the printer spooler (with stop and restart)
did not work (which I expected)
since there was no file «stuck» there.

DoPDF 7.3.394 works without GhostScript, and it works (!)
but it prints everything as image only (to PDF with images only),
which is not what I want;
I might just as well use a Screen Shot tool for that.

DoPDF 8.x I was not able to install;
the setup procedure fails on my system, the error message says:
«Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000705). Windows cannot locate a suitable printer driver.»


It seems almost certain that some wild software messed it up.

There are several possibilities (that I can think of) as to where the problem is located :
printer driver for local printers, windows registry, printer port, GhostScript.

Two very important clues might be :
1. paper printers work fine,
2. DoPDF 7.3.394 (which does not need GhostScript) works !

If anyone has any further ideas, I would very much appreciate it.
But, please skip the standard «re-install Windows» (= if in doubt, pull out the nuclear weapon),
I want to find a more specific (targeted) solution.

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