Error 1030 hy000 at line 34 got error 168 from storage engine

I'm trying to import sql to my database. I'm using Ubuntu OS. Here is an error: david@david-VirtualBox:~$ mysql -u root -p test_project < db.sql Enter password: ERROR 1030 (HY000) at line 2...

I’m trying to import sql to my database.

I’m using Ubuntu OS.

Here is an error:

david@david-VirtualBox:~$ mysql -u root -p test_project < db.sql
Enter password: 
ERROR 1030 (HY000) at line 25: Got error 168 from storage engine`

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| sys                |
| testBase           |
| test_project       |
6 rows in set (0,05 sec)

mysql> use test_project;
Database changed

mysql> show tables;
Empty set (0,00 sec)

Any ideas how to fix it? I’ve tried to google this problem, but couldn’t find anything useful.

Thank you for your answers.

Jens's user avatar


66.3k15 gold badges97 silver badges113 bronze badges

asked May 31, 2017 at 9:00

David's user avatar


I ran into this error as well and it turned out that the hard disk drive on the server was full.

I was trying to truncate a table. I couldn’t do it through the web script or through MySQL Workbench.

After shaking my fist at the server admin I deleted some temporary files, as I had to wait for his availability, and I was then able to perform my truncate.

answered Feb 26, 2018 at 17:30

Barber's user avatar


591 silver badge6 bronze badges

Did you have test_project already before importing?

I was getting the same error after failed attempt to drop the schema and deleting the schema dir.

The only solution that worked for me was to drop the existing schema with the same name, delete related dir under /var/lib/mysql/, then import.

See this great answer for more details.

answered Apr 23, 2019 at 10:30

grinderX19's user avatar


5425 silver badges12 bronze badges

Look at your MySQL error logs. When I did that, I saw a bunch of messages like:

2020-06-05T22:40:16.305594Z 57444 [Warning] InnoDB: Tablespace 'client_sg_AdminItUS/SomeTable' exists in the cache with id 4982441 != 5000680

I dropped the bad DB (this is a test server) and everything is fine now.

drop database client_sg_AdminItUS;

answered Jun 6, 2020 at 3:36

Ryan Shillington's user avatar

Ryan ShillingtonRyan Shillington

21.7k13 gold badges92 silver badges104 bronze badges


I just wanted to say that I too was getting this error but got past it by commenting out the variables below. I cannot tell you the combination that was causing it because I am in dire straits trying to get this K8s image up and running. One or a combo of these commented-out variables is the cause.

  - args:
    - --max-connections=1001
    - --lower-case-table-names=1
    - --max-allowed-packet=128M
    #- --innodb_data_file_path=ibdata1:10M:autoextend:max:512M
    #- --innodb_buffer_pool_size=3G
    #- --innodb_log_buffer_size=1024M
    #- --innodb_log_file_size=2G
    #- --innodb_write_io_threads=18
    #- --innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0
    #- --innodb_doublewrite=0        
    #- --innodb_force_recovery=1
    #- --tmp_table_size=256M
    #- --max_heap_table_size=256M

answered Mar 9, 2021 at 21:25

user3008410's user avatar


5916 silver badges13 bronze badges

I am not sure if this is the right Stack Exchange to post to or not (StackOverflow figured it belonged elsewhere, so maybe it will do better here?) but I keep receiving this MySQL error when I try to install Magento2 on a VPS (Centos6, MySQL 5.7.11):

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1030 Got error 168 from storage engine

I have searched around and have found that it has to do with InnoDB not being able to write to its data files. I have also found that people who have had the same 1030 error mostly receive a -1 or 28 error and both are easily identified as 1) innodb_force_recovery set to greater than 0 (I don’t have this set in my my.cnf file), and 2) not enough disk space (I have 5GB left on the drive mysql is on).

I should note that it installs anywhere from 136-162 tables fine before it stops and errors out. After that I try to add the last table it errored on manually, it then exhibits symptoms similar to this issue:

Can’t create table, but table doesn’t exist

The MySQL manual says:

«Check the %d value to see what the OS error means. For example, 28 indicates that you have run out of disk space.»

So my question(s) are:

  1. Does anyone know what the 168 code means? -OR-
  2. Where to find the list of «%d value» errors so I can hopefully get some idea for what else to try? I have Googled %d value mysql and other versions of these search criteria and don’t get back any results of value (that I can decipher anyway)

What I have tried thus far:

  1. Adding a line to my fstab to up the storage of my /temp folder to 2GB
  2. I have tried to repair tables (which actually was not a good idea, that messed up a bunch of stuff)
  3. I tried to run the mysql_upgrade (I recently updated the MySQL install so I could install Magento2 so I was hoping I forgot to do that and that might work)
  4. Various other tinkering-type things that probably broke something else I don’t know about…

If anyone has any insight on where these %d descriptions are or can point me in the right direction besides what’s already out there for the -1 and 28 versions of this error, I would appreciate it. I am not a Database expert at all, but I’ve never had so much trouble installing into a database before, usually it’s pretty straight forward.


After reviewing the log, this is the top-most part of the error and is the table it failed on:

 2016-05-15T15:08:22.610729Z 240 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock
 ./magento_test2/authorization_rule.ibd error: 37
 2016-05-15T15:08:22.610789Z 240 [ERROR] InnoDB: Operating system error
 number 37 in a file operation. 2016-05-15T15:08:22.610840Z 240 [ERROR]
 InnoDB: Error number 37 means 'No locks available'
 2016-05-15T15:08:22.610879Z 240 [Note] InnoDB: Some operating system
 error numbers are described at
 2016-05-15T15:08:22.610896Z 240 [ERROR] InnoDB: Cannot create file
 './magento_test2/authorization_rule.ibd' 2016-05-15T15:08:23.025333Z 0
 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./magento_test2/quote_address.ibd
 error: 37 2016-05-15 08:08:23 0x7f968ae75700  InnoDB: Assertion
 failure in thread 140284552238848 in file line 884 InnoDB:
 Failing assertion: success InnoDB: We intentionally generate a memory
 trap. InnoDB: Submit a detailed bug report to
 InnoDB: If you get repeated assertion failures or crashes, even
 InnoDB: immediately after the mysqld startup, there may be InnoDB:
 corruption in the InnoDB tablespace. Please refer to InnoDB:
 InnoDB: about forcing recovery. 15:08:23 UTC - mysqld got signal 6 ;
 This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this
 binary or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt,
 improperly built, or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by
 malfunctioning hardware. Attempting to collect some information that
 could help diagnose the problem. As this is a crash and something is
 definitely wrong, the information collection process might fail.

I guess it’s just not working very well in general.


  1. How to solve MySQL General error: 1030 Got error 139 from storage engine
  2. Why does this happens?
  3. 1. Verify if Barracuda format is available
  4. 2. Change file format to Barracuda
  5. 3. Change row format of the table to DYNAMIC
  6. скрипт переустановки mysql — ошибка storage engine : УКМ-4
  7. Fixing MySQL ERROR 1030 (HY000): Got error 28 from storage engine
  8. mysql Ошибка SQL Error (1030): Got error 139 from storage engine — выход за размер записи (страницы) хранения данных
  9. Primary tabs
  10. Forums:
  11. Возможные причины
  12. Слишком много полей типа TEXT
  13. Как это работает — почему мы тогда вообще можем хранить длинные поля
  14. From storage engine error code 1030
  15. Answered by:
  16. Question

How to solve MySQL General error: 1030 Got error 139 from storage engine

Carlos Delgado

Learn how to solve the MySQL General error: 1030 Got error 139 from storage engine.

You will face this kind of error random times, where an insert statement will fail, causing the fatal error 139. It happens normally in production, when the user inserts a lot of text in some field of a table (although the field may be of type LONGTEXT). Innodb triggers this error when it is unable to store all of the variable-length columns for a given row on a single database page.

In this article, we’ll show you how to bypass this limitation and explain you why this happens.

Why does this happens?

Innodb has a known limit for the maximum row size, which is slightly less than the half of a database page (the actual math is 16K — (page header + page trailer)/2. For the default page size of 16kb. this sets an

8000 bytes limit on row size. This limit is a consequence of InnoDB storing two rows on a page. If you’re using compression, however, you can store a single row on a page. If your row has variable length columns and the complete row size exceeds this limit, InnoDB chooses variable length columns for off-page storage.

It’s worth mentioning that this limit applies to the byte-size of values, not the character-size. This means if you insert a 500 character string with all multi-byte characters into a VARCHAR(500) column, that value will also be chosen for off page storage. This means it is possible that you hit this error after converting from a native language character set to utf8, as it can increase the size dramatically. For example, in case that you have a table with at least 8 columns with text (TEXT, LONGTEXT) and each exceeds 768 bytes, then you’ll have at least 8448 bytes for local storage. This exceeds the limit and therefore you will face the exception.

In short words, a lot of data that InnoDB is unable to store with the current configuration. The best solution for this problem is changing the default format of your MySQL installation from Compact or Redundant to Dynamic or Compressed.

You will face normally this exception on MySQL versions equal or lower than 5.5 (MySQL 5.7 introduces the option innodb_default_row_format , which defaults to DYNAMIC, so in newer versions you will never see this exception).

1. Verify if Barracuda format is available

The solution to this problem is to set the row format of the table where you have the problem to DYNAMIC, however this options is not available when the format of the table is set to Antelope. To verify if your MySQL server has the Barracuda format enabled, you can check for example with a tool like PHPMyAdmin the row format options of any table:

If you don’t see the DYNAMIC or COMPRESSED option, you need to change the innodb_file_format to barracuda following the step #2, which normally is set Antelope. If you don’t have a tool like PHPMyAdmin available, you can open the mysql terminal and get the information with the following command:

A mysql version with this problem should output something like:

As you can see, the file format is set to Antelope, which doesn’t support the dynamic row format.

2. Change file format to Barracuda

The first thing that you need to do is to locate the configuration file of Mysql ( my.cnf in unix or my.ini in windows) and add the new 2 options with the following values on the mysqld block:

If after adding these options, the mysql server is unable to start, then the format is not supported, which means that the solution to the problem isn’t neither. You will be forced to upgrade the MySQL server version to have the DYNAMIC and COMPACT row formats available.

Restart the mysql server and repeat the first step to see if the DYNAMIC and COMPACT row formats are available or running again the following instruction in the mysql terminal:

Which should output now:

Using the innodb_file_format with Barracuda as value, you will be able to use the required Dynamic row format on the table where you have this storage engine problem.

3. Change row format of the table to DYNAMIC

Now that you have the barracuda file format configured, simply change the table row format either with the tool in PHPMyAdmin (go to the table, then operations and search for Table options and change the row_format option):

Or if you can’t use a tool, with an instruction on the mysql command line:

After modifying the row format of the table, saving a row on the database with a lot of data shouldn’t be a problem anymore and you won’t see this exception neither.


скрипт переустановки mysql — ошибка storage engine : УКМ-4

Попробовал этот скрипт, он скачал с сервера установочные файлы, но при создании БД ругается

ERROR 1030 (HY000) at line 1: Got error -1 from storage engine

Если автор или кто-то, в нем копавшийся, заглянет, подскажите, пожалуйста, в чем дело. Может, он уже доработан, и новая версия есть, я просто давно не проверял.

Вложения (4.3 Кб, 60 просмотров)

Еще на одной кассе попробовал, теперь прочитал внимательнее.

Видно, что ukm.sql отработал, и ошибка возникает на setver.sql. Пропустил его. База создалась, ukmclient запустился и пишет «КОД НЕИЗВЕСТЕН НЕИЗВЕСТНАЯ ОШИБКА Can not convert » to j».

Видимо, осталось разобраться, что неверно в setver.sql, и дальше уже просить совета у разработчика.

Гм. После перезагрузки кассы ошибка изменилась.

КОД НЕИЗВЕСТЕН НЕИЗВЕСТНАЯ ОШИБКА Query failed: Error(1146) Table ‘ukmclient.ukm_ukmversion’ doesn’t exist: SQL SELECT MAX(version) FROM ukm_ukmversion

Захожу в mysql, не пойму, что за глюк.

Переставил еще раз. Уже нет этого глюка.

Осталось понять, что за проблема вставить строчку в таблицу.

На другой рабочей кассе смотрю.

mysql > select * from ukm_ukmversion ;
| version | full_version | moment | cli_updates_version |
| 74000 | | 2017 — 01 — 13 19 : 55 : 00 | 74000 |
| 75000 | | 2017 — 05 — 14 11 : 34 : 36 | 75000 |
| 75001 | | 2017 — 05 — 14 11 : 34 : 47 | 75001 |
| 78000 | | 2018 — 02 — 06 11 : 35 : 32 | 78000 |
| 78001 | | 2018 — 02 — 06 11 : 35 : 33 | 78001 |
| 78002 | | 2018 — 02 — 06 11 : 35 : 43 | 78002 |
| 83000 | | 2018 — 12 — 18 15 : 12 : 57 | 83000 |
| 83001 | | 2018 — 12 — 18 15 : 12 : 58 | 83001 |
| 83002 | | 2018 — 12 — 18 15 : 12 : 58 | 83002 |
| 83003 | | 2018 — 12 — 18 15 : 13 : 12 | 83003 |
10 rows in set ( 0 , 00 sec )

На этой не хочет.

mysql > insert into ukm_ukmversion values ( 83000 , ‘83000’ , NOW (), 83000 );
ERROR 1030 ( HY000 ): Got error — 1 from storage engine
mysql > CREATE TABLE ukm_test (
-> version int ( 10 ) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’ , — Идентификатор версии
-> full_version varchar ( 15 ) NOT NULL default » , — Полный номер версии
-> moment datetime NOT NULL default ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’ , — Дата установки версии
-> cli_updates_version int ( 10 ) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’ — Версия клиентских обновлений
-> );
Query OK , 0 rows affected ( 0 , 07 sec )

mysql >
mysql > insert into ukm_test values ( 83000 , » , NOW (), 83000 );
Query OK , 1 row affected ( 0 , 00 sec )

mysql > insert into ukm_ukmversion select * from ukm_test ;
ERROR 1030 ( HY000 ): Got error — 1 from storage engine
mysql > select * from ukm_test ;
| version | full_version | moment | cli_updates_version |
| 83000 | | 2019 — 06 — 16 11 : 54 : 18 | 83000 |
1 row in set ( 0 , 00 sec )

mysql > drop table ukm_ukmversion ;
Query OK , 0 rows affected ( 0 , 13 sec )

mysql > rename table ukm_test to ukm_ukmversion ;
Query OK , 0 rows affected ( 0 , 00 sec )


Fixing MySQL ERROR 1030 (HY000): Got error 28 from storage engine

TL;DR You need to free-up some space on your server (or computer) or get a bigger HDD (or partition).

Today some of the pages on CSSDeck just stopped showing up. All one could see was a blank white page. Pretty scary!

What’s the one thing every developer wants? More screens! Enhance your coding experience with an external monitor to increase screen real estate.

I checked the pages across Firefox and Chrome to make sure the issue persisted on both, which was true.

Next, I quickly wget one of the webpages that wasn’t showing up and noticed something weird. It was giving me a 500 Internal Server Error . With 500 errors, I would usually suspect something wrong with the Web Server but had no dice with Apache’s /var/log/apache2/access.log or /var/log/apache2/error.log .

Checking the development environment locally, no issues were found. So, I almost guessed that something is wrong with MySQL. I quickly picked one of the SELECT SQL queries from my codebase and executed on the mysql command line on server, and here’s what the output was:

Wait, what ?! Soon I figured out error code 28 means – “No space left on device”. But why for a SELECT query ? Fetching data should not eat up any extra space, right ? Well, it depends. The data from the query needs to be stored somewhere especially if it has ORDER BY and GROUP BY . So mysql creates a temporary file on the disk as far as I know. Plus, there’s even more to be done like opening a file handle, a connection, etc. You get the idea, right ?

You can check your File System’s disk space usage with df -h . Checking the disk space usage of a file or directory is also simple with du -hs dir/ .

So just fix your drive from being out of space. In my case, I simply purged some big old backup directories.


mysql Ошибка SQL Error (1030): Got error 139 from storage engine — выход за размер записи (страницы) хранения данных

Primary tabs


Получаю такую ошибку при попытке обновить поле типа TEXT.

  • Причем в таблице полей с таким типом много (в моём случае 14 штук).
  • Другие поля той же строки почти все заполнены, если в этом поле передавать коротнкое значение, то всё сохраняется, но начиная с определённого момента падает.

Как пишут люди (см. ссылки внизу) проблема состоит в том, что в mySQL InnoDB имеется ограничение места на хранение строки. Далее будем выяснять подробности.

Возможные причины

Ещё раз про возможные причины:

  1. У вас на диске просто закончилось место
  2. У вас «слишком много» полей типа TEXT (вообще текстовых полей)

Второй вариант рассмотрим подробнее.

Слишком много полей типа TEXT

По сути причина ошибки формулируется так:

. чтобы поддерживать как минимум 256-симольный в UTF-8 prefix индекс,
InnoDB резервирует минимум 768 байт на каждую колонку внутри данной записи [кортежа, который например добавляется или обновляется]. Если у вас 11 полей типа TEXT. то вы выходите за ограничение в 8000 байт [т.е. за половину размера страницы — при размере страницы хранения данных 16 кб = 16 000 байт]

to support at least 256-character UTF-8 column prefix indexes, InnoDB stores at least 768 bytes of each column ‘internally’ to the record. With 11 TEXT fields you will run over the 8000 byte record len limit.

Как это работает — почему мы тогда вообще можем хранить длинные поля

. как известно, MySQL хранят текстовые данные в хранилище, отдельном от табличных строк. Оказалось, что это верно только на половину. На самом деле InnoDB хранит в отдельном хранилище только «излишки», к коим он относит первые 768 байтов каждого текстового поля. Т.е. любой текст будет отъедать от длины строки столько байт, сколько он содержит, но не больше 768. Несложно подсчитать, что максимальное число текстовых полей длиной от 768 байт, которое можно безопасно хранить в одной таблице — 10.


From storage engine error code 1030

This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

Answered by:


I have tried to deploy a fresh mediawiki 1.28.2 with Azure Database for MySQL (location west europe).
The very last step of the mediawiki installer (http://uri/mw-config/) ends with an error message due to a create table query with MyISAM engine, see below (1). Do you have an idea on how to fix?

It appears, the query fails because the engine is set to MyISAM. The same query works well with engine set to InnoDB, as shown in the test below (2). I would check deeper Mediawiki manual or eventually code to understand why Mediawiki installer is trying to create some tables with MyISAM engine even Innodb mode was chosen during installation wizzard. Might need to check if Azure Database for MySQL service currently supports MySAM, my DB instance shows Support=Yes — see below (3).

1 — Issue during Mediawiki install wizzard (Innodb mode)

Setting up database. done
Creating tables.
[cdf307cab214b13c3b736a6b] /mediawiki-1.28.2/mw-config/index.php?page=Install DBQueryError from line 1054 of /home/site/wwwroot/mediawiki-1.28.2/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php: A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application’s database schema updater after upgrading?
Query: CREATE TABLE `searchindex` (
si_page int unsigned NOT NULL,
si_title varchar(255) NOT NULL default »,
si_text mediumtext NOT NULL

Function: Database::sourceFile( /home/site/wwwroot/mediawiki-1.28.2/maintenance/tables.sql )
Error: 1030 Got error 1 from storage engine (
#0 /home/site/wwwroot/mediawiki-1.28.2/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php(912): Database->reportQueryError(string, integer, string, string, boolean)
#1 /home/site/wwwroot/mediawiki-1.28.2/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php(3150): Database->query(string, string)
#2 /home/site/wwwroot/mediawiki-1.28.2/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php(3098): Database->sourceStream(unknown type, NULL, NULL, string, NULL)
#3 /home/site/wwwroot/mediawiki-1.28.2/includes/installer/DatabaseInstaller.php(195): Database->sourceFile(string)
#4 /home/site/wwwroot/mediawiki-1.28.2/includes/installer/DatabaseInstaller.php(218): DatabaseInstaller->stepApplySourceFile(string, string, boolean)
#5 /home/site/wwwroot/mediawiki-1.28.2/includes/installer/Installer.php(1515): DatabaseInstaller->createTables(MysqlInstaller)
#6 /home/site/wwwroot/mediawiki-1.28.2/includes/installer/WebInstallerInstall.php(44): Installer->performInstallation(array, array)
#7 /home/site/wwwroot/mediawiki-1.28.2/includes/installer/WebInstaller.php(279): WebInstallerInstall->execute()
#8 /home/site/wwwroot/mediawiki-1.28.2/mw-config/index.php(81): WebInstaller->execute(array)
#9 /home/site/wwwroot/mediawiki-1.28.2/mw-config/index.php(39): wfInstallerMain()

2 — Table creation test on Azure Database for MySQL instance

> Error Code: 1030. Got error 1 from storage engine

3 — Other test on Azure Database for MySQL instance

Seems the MySQL instance supports MyISAM engines.

# Engine, Support, Comment, Transactions, XA, Savepoints
‘InnoDB’, ‘DEFAULT’, ‘Supports transactions, row-level locking, and foreign keys’, ‘YES’, ‘YES’, ‘YES’
‘MyISAM’, ‘YES’, ‘MyISAM storage engine’, ‘NO’, ‘NO’, ‘NO’
‘MRG_MYISAM’, ‘YES’, ‘Collection of identical MyISAM tables’, ‘NO’, ‘NO’, ‘NO’


█ 13.05.2019 10:44

Попробовал этот скрипт, он скачал с сервера установочные файлы, но при создании БД ругается

ERROR 1030 (HY000) at line 1: Got error -1 from storage engine

Если автор или кто-то, в нем копавшийся, заглянет, подскажите, пожалуйста, в чем дело. Может, он уже доработан, и новая версия есть, я просто давно не проверял.

█ 13.05.2019 15:37

я не пробовал, но подозреваю неправильные пути для создания базы…

█ 16.06.2019 11:08

Еще на одной кассе попробовал, теперь прочитал внимательнее.

Видно, что ukm.sql отработал, и ошибка возникает на setver.sql. Пропустил его. База создалась, ukmclient запустился и пишет «КОД НЕИЗВЕСТЕН НЕИЗВЕСТНАЯ ОШИБКА Can not convert » to j».

Видимо, осталось разобраться, что неверно в setver.sql, и дальше уже просить совета у разработчика.


SQL код:

replace into ukm_ukmversion(versionmomentcli_updates_versionvalues (83000NOW(), 83000); 

█ 16.06.2019 11:32

может, несовпадение версий или структуры?

█ 16.06.2019 11:38

Гм. После перезагрузки кассы ошибка изменилась.

КОД НЕИЗВЕСТЕН НЕИЗВЕСТНАЯ ОШИБКА Query failed: Error(1146) Table ‘ukmclient.ukm_ukmversion’ doesn’t exist: SQL SELECT MAX(version) FROM ukm_ukmversion

Захожу в mysql, не пойму, что за глюк.

Код: --user=root --password=CtHDbCGK.C
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 21
Server version: 5.0.67 Source distribution

Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> use ukmclient;
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_ukmclient                       |
| auth_bpc_journal                          |
| auth_gpb_journal                          |
| auth_internal_journal                     |
| trm_out_table_operations                  |
| trm_out_updates_download_state            |
| trm_out_webmoney_sequence                 |
| ukm_job_scheduler                         |
| ukm_operation_processing                  |
| ukm_ukmversion                            |
| wbn_event                                 |
| wbn_session                               |
610 rows in set (0,07 sec)

mysql> select * from ukm_ukmversion;
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'ukmclient.ukm_ukmversion' doesn't exist
mysql> select * from wbn_event;
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'ukmclient.wbn_event' doesn't exist
mysql> select * rom trm_in_store;
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'ukmclient.trm_in_store' doesn't exist

Переставил еще раз. Уже нет этого глюка.


mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| test               |
| ukmclient          |
4 rows in set (0,00 sec)

mysql> select * from ukmclient.ukm_ukmversion;
Empty set (0,00 sec)

mysql> use ukmclient;
Database changed
mysql> select * from ukm_ukmversion;
Empty set (0,00 sec)

Осталось понять, что за проблема вставить строчку в таблицу.

SQL код:

mysqlreplace into ukm_ukmversion(versionmomentcli_updates_versionvalues (83000NOW(), 83000);

ERROR 1030 (HY000): Got error -1 from storage engine

insert into ukm_ukmversion(versionmomentcli_updates_versionvalues (83000NOW(), 83000);

ERROR 1030 (HY000): Got error -1 from storage engine 

█ 16.06.2019 11:40

На другой рабочей кассе смотрю.

SQL код:

mysqlselect from ukm_ukmversion;


version full_version moment              cli_updates_version |


74000 |              | 2017-01-13 19:55:00 |               74000 |

75000 |              | 2017-05-14 11:34:36 |               75000 |

75001 |              | 2017-05-14 11:34:47 |               75001 |

78000 |              | 2018-02-06 11:35:32 |               78000 |

78001 |              | 2018-02-06 11:35:33 |               78001 |

78002 |              | 2018-02-06 11:35:43 |               78002 |

83000 |              | 2018-12-18 15:12:57 |               83000 |

83001 |              | 2018-12-18 15:12:58 |               83001 |

83002 |              | 2018-12-18 15:12:58 |               83002 |

83003 |              | 2018-12-18 15:13:12 |               83003 |


10 rows in set (0,00 sec)

На этой не хочет.

SQL код:

mysqlreplace into ukm_ukmversion(versionfull_versionmomentcli_updates_versionvalues (83000nullNOW(), 83000);

ERROR 1048 (23000): Column 'full_version' cannot be null

replace into ukm_ukmversion(versionfull_versionmomentcli_updates_versionvalues (8300083000NOW(), 83000);

ERROR 1030 (HY000): Got error -1 from storage engine 

█ 16.06.2019 11:56

SQL код:

mysqlinsert into ukm_ukmversion values (83000'83000'NOW(), 83000);

ERROR 1030 (HY000): Got error -1 from storage engine

CREATE TABLE ukm_test (

version int(10unsigned NOT NULL default '0', -- Идентификатор версии

->   full_version varchar(15NOT NULL default '', -- Полный номер версии

->   moment datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', -- Дата установки версии

->   cli_updates_version int(10unsigned NOT NULL default '0' -- Версия клиентских обновлений

-> );

Query OK0 rows affected (0,07 sec)

mysqlinsert into ukm_test values (83000''NOW(), 83000);

Query OK1 row affected (0,00 sec)
mysqlinsert into ukm_ukmversion select from ukm_test;

ERROR 1030 (HY000): Got error -1 from storage engine

select from ukm_test;


version full_version moment              cli_updates_version |


83000 |              | 2019-06-16 11:54:18 |               83000 |


1 row in set (0,00 sec)
mysqldrop table ukm_ukmversion;

Query OK0 rows affected (0,13 sec)
mysqlrename table ukm_test to ukm_ukmversion;

Query OK0 rows affected (0,00 sec)
mysqlselect from ukm_ukmversion;


version full_version moment              cli_updates_version |


83000 |              | 2019-06-16 11:54:18 |               83000 |


1 row in set (0,00 sec)


█ 16.06.2019 12:03

конфиг мускула покажи? место на дисках точно есть?

█ 16.06.2019 12:13

В конфиге забыл отключить set-variable=innodb_force_recovery=6

Полет нормальный.

█ 17.07.2019 12:22

я как разработчик скрипта, не ожидал что скрипт пойдет в массы…
Если у меня он перестанет работать исправлю и выложу новую версию.
Идея скрипта крайне проста он тупо качает инсталяционные файлы с сервера(ip сервера берем из rc.ukm) в котором лежат SQL скрипты необходимые для создания и настройки базы. Единственное что формируется самим скриптом это гранты.
P.S. Если часто пользуетесь этим скриптом, подчищайте директории бэкапов /usr/local/mysql/var_badXX. На больших базах может быстро забиться винт.

Часовой пояс GMT +3, время: 14:21.

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Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.
В случае заимствования информации гипертекстовая индексируемая ссылка на Форум обязательна.

Я пытаюсь импортировать sql в мою базу данных.

Я использую Ubuntu OS.

Вот ошибка:

[email protected]:~$ mysql -u root -p test_project < db.sql
Enter password: 
ERROR 1030 (HY000) at line 25: Got error 168 from storage engine'

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| sys                |
| testBase           |
| test_project       |
6 rows in set (0,05 sec)

mysql> use test_project;
Database changed

mysql> show tables;
Empty set (0,00 sec)

Есть идеи, как это исправить? Я попытался решить эту проблему, но не нашел ничего полезного.

Спасибо за ответ.

31 май 2017, в 11:28



1 ответ

Я столкнулся с этой ошибкой, и оказалось, что жесткий диск на сервере был заполнен.

Я пытался усечь стол. Я не мог сделать это через веб-скрипт или через MySQL Workbench.

После того, как я встряхнул кулак администратора сервера, я удалил несколько временных файлов, так как мне пришлось ждать его доступности, и тогда я смог выполнить свою усечку.

26 фев. 2018, в 17:46


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