Error 105 insufficient free disk space on drive to back up



I have a big problem with my iMac with OS X 10.6.8 with iTunes 10.7(21). When i wan’t to make a backup from my iPhone 4S with iOS6 i get some errors with the message: iTunes could not back up the iPhone «iPhone» because not enough free space is available on this computer. Remove files and emptying the Trahs will free up additional space.

On my system partition has more than 200GB of free space.

df, and df -h output:

storm-lan:~ czo$ df

Filesystem 512-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on

/dev/disk0s3 1433993920 820660488 612821432 58% /

devfs 229 229 0 100% /dev

/dev/disk0s2 31250000 360928 30889072 2% /Volumes/SWAP

map -hosts 0 0 0 100% /net

map auto_home 0 0 0 100% /home

/dev/disk0s4 487344120 295712528 191631592 61% /Volumes/Windows

storm-lan:~ czo$ df -h

Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on

/dev/disk0s3 684Gi 391Gi 292Gi 58% /

devfs 115Ki 115Ki 0Bi 100% /dev

/dev/disk0s2 15Gi 176Mi 15Gi 2% /Volumes/SWAP

map -hosts 0Bi 0Bi 0Bi 100% /net

map auto_home 0Bi 0Bi 0Bi 100% /home

/dev/disk0s4 232Gi 141Gi 91Gi 61% /Volumes/Windows

System log:

2012.10.11. 22:48:29 AppleMobileBackup[1015] ERROR: Backup message response: 105 Insufficient free disk space on drive to back up (494116864 < 2359719424 + 134217728) (MBErrorDomain/105)

2012.10.11. 22:48:29 AppleMobileBackup[1015] ERROR: Backup error: -36

2012.10.11. 22:48:29 [0x0-0x26026][464] 2012-10-11 22:48:29.279 AppleMobileBackup[1015:903] ERROR: Backup message response: 105 Insufficient free disk space on drive to back up (494116864 < 2359719424 + 134217728) (MBErrorDomain/105)

2012.10.11. 22:48:29 [0x0-0x26026][464] 2012-10-11 22:48:29.280 AppleMobileBackup[1015:903] ERROR: Backup error: -36

How can i find which partition has 494116864 bytes free?

If i try to make the backup after fresh boot, or newly created test user, or just try to to run backup, i see different numbers here, example:

(494116864 < 2359719424 + 134217728)

(495902720 < 2359719424 + 134217728)

(501121024 < 2093123987 + 134217728)

(393895936 < 2408273148 + 134217728)

(395116544 < 2408273152 + 134217728)

(720752640 < 2408268817 + 134217728)

(694030336 < 2408252902 + 134217728)


I have a big problem with my iMac with OS X 10.6.8 with iTunes 10.7(21). When i wan’t to make a backup from my iPhone 4S with iOS6 i get some errors with the message: iTunes could not back up the iPhone «iPhone» because not enough free space is available on this computer. Remove files and emptying the Trahs will free up additional space.

On my system partition has more than 200GB of free space.

df, and df -h output:

storm-lan:~ czo$ df

Filesystem    512-blocks      Used Available Capacity  Mounted on

/dev/disk0s3  1433993920 820660488 612821432    58%    /

devfs                229       229         0   100%    /dev

/dev/disk0s2    31250000    360928  30889072     2%    /Volumes/SWAP

map -hosts             0         0         0   100%    /net

map auto_home          0         0         0   100%    /home

/dev/disk0s4   487344120 295712528 191631592    61%    /Volumes/Windows

storm-lan:~ czo$ df -h

Filesystem      Size   Used  Avail Capacity  Mounted on

/dev/disk0s3   684Gi  391Gi  292Gi    58%    /

devfs          115Ki  115Ki    0Bi   100%    /dev

/dev/disk0s2    15Gi  176Mi   15Gi     2%    /Volumes/SWAP

map -hosts       0Bi    0Bi    0Bi   100%    /net

map auto_home    0Bi    0Bi    0Bi   100%    /home

/dev/disk0s4   232Gi  141Gi   91Gi    61%    /Volumes/Windows

System log:

2012.10.11. 22:48:29    AppleMobileBackup[1015]    ERROR: Backup message response: 105 Insufficient free disk space on drive to back up (494116864 < 2359719424 + 134217728) (MBErrorDomain/105)

2012.10.11. 22:48:29    AppleMobileBackup[1015]    ERROR: Backup error: -36

2012.10.11. 22:48:29    [0x0-0x26026][464]    2012-10-11 22:48:29.279 AppleMobileBackup[1015:903] ERROR: Backup message response: 105 Insufficient free disk space on drive to back up (494116864 < 2359719424 + 134217728) (MBErrorDomain/105)

2012.10.11. 22:48:29    [0x0-0x26026][464]    2012-10-11 22:48:29.280 AppleMobileBackup[1015:903] ERROR: Backup error: -36

How can i find which partition has 494116864 bytes free?

If i try to make the backup after fresh boot, or newly created test user, or just try to to run backup, i see different numbers here, example:

(494116864 < 2359719424 + 134217728)

(495902720 < 2359719424 + 134217728)

(501121024 < 2093123987 + 134217728)

(393895936 < 2408273148 + 134217728)

(395116544 < 2408273152 + 134217728)

(720752640 < 2408268817 + 134217728)

(694030336 < 2408252902 + 134217728)


Сообщения: 83
Зарегистрирован: 10 авг 2010, 11:20

Недостаточно места на диске — Insufficient disk space.

Возникла новая проблема.
Захожу в программу. Все ОК.
Выставляю фильтр по расходам.
Появляется странное окошко с такой вот надписью:
Insufficient disk space
Якобы не хватает места на диске.
Но как такое может быть, если у меня на обоих логических дисках (и на С, и на D), которые принадлежат одному винчестеру полно свободного места?
PS/ Система ХР SP3, винчестер 500 Гб, 1 лог диск (С) 48 Гб (свободно 8), второй 417 Гб (свободно 10)
Программу юзаю лет 10, никогда подобной надписи не встречал :(
PPS/ Фильтр при этом не работает, хотя галочка стоИт…

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 3648
Зарегистрирован: 20 мар 2008, 18:03
Контактная информация:

Re: Недостаточно места на диске — Insufficient disk space.

Сообщение Keepsoft » 13 янв 2013, 23:33

Andres_2003 писал(а):Возникла новая проблема.
Захожу в программу. Все ОК.
Выставляю фильтр по расходам.
Появляется странное окошко с такой вот надписью:
Insufficient disk space
Якобы не хватает места на диске.
Но как такое может быть, если у меня на обоих логических дисках (и на С, и на D), которые принадлежат одному винчестеру полно свободного места?
PS/ Система ХР SP3, винчестер 500 Гб, 1 лог диск (С) 48 Гб (свободно 8), второй 417 Гб (свободно 10)
Программу юзаю лет 10, никогда подобной надписи не встречал :(
PPS/ Фильтр при этом не работает, хотя галочка стоИт…

1. Закройте Домашнюю бухгалтерию, если она у Вас открыта
2. Скачайте последнюю версию Домашней бухгалтерии:

3. Проинсталлируйте ее в ту папку, где Домашняя бухгалтерия 5 стоит сейчас.
4. Запустите один раз файл BaseRefresh.bat из папки Домашней бухгалтерии.

С уважением, Keepsoft.

Евгений Смирнов

Сообщения: 3
Зарегистрирован: 13 фев 2013, 12:34
Откуда: Ярославль
Контактная информация:

Re: Недостаточно места на диске — Insufficient disk space.

Сообщение Евгений Смирнов » 13 фев 2013, 12:41

У меня тоже подобная ошибка была. Вроде и места свободного много было, а программа ругается. Мне помогла чистка дисков и дефрагментация. Пуск-все программы-стандартные-служебные. Попробуйте, уверен, что проблема уйдёт.

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idevicebackup2 not giving error message when disk space low #1384


idevicebackup2 hangs when disk space on the partition holding the directory (named data in the following example) given to idevicebackup2 is to low to receive the backup data.

Expected behavior

An errormessage like the following:

Insufficient free disk space on drive to backup

Current behavior

idevicebackup2 starts in a normal manner with status messages like the following:

$ idevicebackup2 backup data

Backup directory is "data"
Started "" service on port 49878.
Negotiated Protocol Version 2.1
Starting backup...
Backup will be unencrypted.
Requesting backup from device...
Full backup mode. 

After that idevicebackup2 does not output anything, waiting forever if the disk space is to low.


Mexmer commented on 2 months ago


looks it working correcly, just apple probly broke it
this is my output — but my backup size is roughly 16 GB

Backup directory is "."
Started "" service on port 51171.
Negotiated Protocol Version 2.1
Reading Info.plist from backup.
Starting backup...
Enforcing full backup from device.
Backup will be encrypted.
Requesting backup from device...
Incremental backup mode.
ErrorCode 105: Insufficient free disk space on drive to back up (MBErrorDomain/105)
Received 0 files from device.
Backup Failed (Error Code 105). 

i think, problem might be, that calculating required space takes too much time, so service in phone either breaks, or just become unresposive. i will do further investigation on this, also with ios 15 device.
time that it needs to check on your device is unusual tho’ … for me it took like 15 second, before i got, not enough space error.


Mexmer commented on 2 months ago


just checked with ios 15 and seems behavior is the same, it first calculates amount of required space by doing snaphost of all files eglible for backup (at least that seems from the log). it took roughly 1 minut on iphone 7 with ios 15.6 — roughly 10.000 photos and video, size of full backup around 10GB

from comparison of 3 devices
ipad air 5 256GB — ios 16.1.1 — 15 sec (16GB, 2.000 photos)
iphone SE 2020 128GB — ios 16.0 — 20 sec ( 21GB, 2.200 photos)
iphone 7 128GB — ios 15.6 — 32 sec (10GB, 10.000 photos)

i would assume, that older devices might have slower storage, not to mention, backup service most likely also calculates hash of the file in preparation for backup, preparation phase will take longer on old device, and will increase with ammount of data.

when doing backup on disk with enough disk space, preparation phase from syslog seems to take rouhgly same time (there is few second variance — like 1-3 sec difference between attempts).

but i don’t have device with large number of files, that i can test it on … so i can only theoretize on what i have …

atm. i can only say it works … except it seems it doesn’t for you.


If you like me to do a specific test, I am glad to help.

Just tell what to do and what to look for.

By the way I did an unback of the backup to check the data. The unback timed out wtih error -4 and I find alot of pictures but no contacts.

Strange that the unback is possible only when the phone is plugged in. How does one access the data in case the phone is lost?


Mexmer commented on 2 months ago


unback is broken for long time (i think since ios 10, or maybe even longer) … it was broken by apple.

Please note that unback (and also list) is broken on iOS 10+ thanks to Apple. Originally posted by nikias in

as for «viewing» itunes backup, there is handfull of software that can view itunes backup, if it’s not encrypted, or if you know password, not sure how much of it is free, i’m working on one also, but that’s forensic stuff, and cost lot of money.

as for test, you will need to use 2 consoles
console one> run idevicesyslog | grep -i backupagent console two> run backup to folder with low disk space (so it will be certain it will fail)

then check console one, when it stops producing output, and see if there are lines like this (then there is few more lines, but these indicate, that backup agent finished enumeration, and sent error back to device)

Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Notice>: Finished scanning all domains - size:3823179942/0/760848384, files:12783, dirs:11684, clones:715/964/180, hardLinks:3, symLinks:80: (null)
Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Notice>: Scanned in 35.333 s
Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Notice>: Starting to prepare for preflight
Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Notice>: uploadSize:3579842238(3579842238), uploadFileCount:12006
Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Notice>: Free disk space on drive: 2535424 (2.54 MB)
Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Notice>: Need extra space on host: 3711524542. Requesting host to purge now
Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Error>: Failed to purge disk space of drive: Error Domain=MBErrorDomain Code=1 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=<private>}
Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Error>: Insufficient free disk space on drive to backup (2535424 < 3579842238 + 134217728)
Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Notice>: Finished preflight in 39.091s
Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Error>: Failed to preflight: Error Domain=MBErrorDomain Code=105 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=<private>}
Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Notice>: ManifestDB: closing <private> 


For a full backu it looks like the following:

Nov 30 05:33:32 BackupAgent2[4308] <Notice>: Scanned in 23.124 s
Nov 30 05:33:32 BackupAgent2[4308] <Notice>: Starting to prepare for preflight
Nov 30 05:33:32 BackupAgent2[4308] <Notice>: uploadSize:16795365018(16795365018), uploadFileCount:28691
Nov 30 05:33:32 BackupAgent2[4308] <Notice>: Free disk space on drive: 4664553472 (4.66 GB)
Nov 30 05:33:32 BackupAgent2[4308] <Notice>: Need extra space on host: 12265029274. Requesting host to purge now
Nov 30 05:33:53 BackupAgent2(Accounts)[4308] <Notice>: "The connection to ACDAccountStore was invalidated." 

For incremental it looks like the following:

Nov 30 05:39:58 BackupAgent2[4318] <Notice>: Scanned in 22.914 s
Nov 30 05:39:58 BackupAgent2[4318] <Notice>: Starting to prepare for preflight
Nov 30 05:39:58 BackupAgent2[4318] <Notice>: uploadSize:16795365033(16795365033), uploadFileCount:28691
Nov 30 05:39:58 BackupAgent2[4318] <Notice>: Free disk space on drive: 4664348672 (4.66 GB)
Nov 30 05:39:58 BackupAgent2[4318] <Notice>: Need extra space on host: 12265234089. Requesting host to purge now
Nov 30 05:40:02 powerd[46] <Notice>: Process BackupAgent2.4318 Summary NoIdleSleepAssertion "BackupAgent2" age:00:00:31  id:4295008516 [System: PrevIdle]
Nov 30 05:40:19 BackupAgent2(Accounts)[4318] <Notice>: "The connection to ACDAccountStore was invalidated."
Nov 30 05:55:02 powerd[46] <Notice>: Process BackupAgent2.4318 Summary NoIdleSleepAssertion "BackupAgent2" age:00:15:31  id:4295008516 [System: PrevIdle] 

Notice the timing gap between the last lines.


Mexmer commented on 2 months ago


in your log i’m missing message

<Error>: Failed to purge disk space of drive 

can you check version of idevicebackup2 ?
run idevicebackup2 -v

DLMessagePurge was added 2 year ago
buf if you have older version, it migh get stuck on this command, when it was not handled.


I had seen a purge message. It is given right after interrupting the process.

I believe it is the most actual version. But it is from Debian stable and one never knows how old the package is.

~$ idevicebackup2 -v
idevicebackup2 1.3.0 

Nov 30 17:29:19 BackupAgent2[4993] : Scanned in 23.127 s
Nov 30 17:29:19 BackupAgent2[4993] : Starting to prepare for preflight
Nov 30 17:29:19 BackupAgent2[4993] : uploadSize:16803691581(16803691581), uploadFileCount:28750
Nov 30 17:29:19 BackupAgent2[4993] : Free disk space on drive: 4673806336 (4.67 GB)
Nov 30 17:29:19 BackupAgent2[4993] : Need extra space on host: 12264102973. Requesting host to purge now Nov 30 17:29:40 BackupAgent2(Accounts)[4993] : «The connection to ACDAccountStore was invalidated.»

Wait and press Ctrl-C here

Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2[4993] : Failed to purge disk space of drive: Error Domain=MBErrorDomain Code=1 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=}
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2[4993] : Insufficient free disk space on drive to backup (4673806336 < 16803691581 + 134217728)
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2[4993] : Finished preflight in 208.654s
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2[4993] : Failed to preflight: Error Domain=MBErrorDomain Code=105 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=}
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2[4993] : ManifestDB: closing
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2[4993] : Notified MBRestoreAppsPlugin of endedBackupWithEngine:error: in 0.000s
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2[4993] : Notified MBLockdownPlugin of endedBackupWithEngine:error: in 0.000s
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2(MobileDeviceLink)[4993] : 4993:6098513920|SocketStreamHandler.c:_SocketLogCallback| ERROR: SocketRecv (data): error -555: Unknown error: -555
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2(MobileDeviceLink)[4993] : 4993:6098513920|StreamHandler.c:_ReadFunc| ERROR: Error reading data: Can’t read data
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2(MobileDeviceLink)[4993] : 4993:6098513920|DeviceLinkConnection.c:_DLHandlerThreadReadMessage| ERROR: Could not receive message: ‘(null)’
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2[4993] : Notified MBAppleCarePlugin of endedBackupWithEngine:error: in 0.005s
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2[4993] : Notified MBAnalyticsEventPlugin of endedBackupWithEngine:error: in 0.000s
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2[4993] : Unmounting APFS snapshot at /.ba and removing it


Mexmer commented on 2 months ago


just checked and version in debian is ancient …
sourcecode snapshot is from may 2020, it didn’t handle DLMessagePurge at that time, that’s why it gets stuck.
idevicebackup2 encountered command that was not handled, and gost stuck in loop, waiting for command it will understand, while device was waiting for response from idevicebackup2.

that’s also why you backupagent log stops, and then continue, after you killed/stopped idevicebackup2.

i think you can safely close this issue, because current version on github handles it properly (you can see in my log, that there is immediate failure)


What I do not undertand, that the webite claims that version 1.3.0 is the most current version. Debian distributes version 1.3.0 and it is not current. How can Debian know that there is a more current version (for many years) if the version number is not changed for updates?

Who is maintaining the Debian package? Do these guys know that they are distributing an outdated package?

Also the libidevice site states that is fully implemented for IOS 11+ but you say that —unback and —list option are not working for 6 years by now and this issue is still open!


Mexmer commented on 2 months ago


as for debian (and not just debian, it applies to many other distribution) it uses «stable» code, for libimobile last tagged stable version is 1.3.0 from 2020, so they use that one, instead of latest repository code

as for broken unback, list … you need to understand, that libimobile is interface and backup/restore workflow is controlled by device (MobileBackupAgent2 inside device actually tells libimobile, or respectively idevicebackup2, what it should do). so if apple breaks something in their software, there is not much to do on side or library, to fix that.

if they change communication protocol, data format, encryption … those things can be sooner or later figured out and fixed, but if they remove functionality from their own software … well it’s something that only apple can fix.

list is broken, since apple switched from mdbd to sqlite format of manifest database, which was iOS version 10, unback i believe is broken for same reason.


I understand.

So «stable» means the software is stable NOT working instead of unstable sometimes working and sometimes not working.

My suggestion would be to have two branches, one unstable with added functions and another with only corrections to the stable version. Version 1.3.X would then be stable with corrections and 1.4.Y would be an extended version and would eventually become stable.

I do understand how frustrating it is when vendors use open source software to make millions of $$ and at the same time make it hard for open source to use it.

Sqlite is free and open source and bindings are available for all kinds of languages. I see no reason when Apple changes to a different database backend to store data, that this might be too complicated for an experienced developer to follow.

I do have one IPhone only, no IMac, no ITunes. I have the IPhone only because I got it as gift. I need a working disaster recovery solution for it.

How can I trust that backup and reatore works in case of a disaster like complete data or telephone loss?


Mexmer commented on 2 months ago


i will not comment on branching and tagging, since that’s on discretion of project authors.

as for how can your trust … well either you will or not.
for iphone backup/recovery, if you don’t want to rely on tools based on libimobile, you have always option to rely on icloud backup … and yes it will cost you money, because 5GB of free storage is not enough.


i will not comment on branching and tagging, since that’s on discretion of project authors.

This is not a point of discussion. It was meant as an suggestion if you want to try to get around the situation that software known to be broken for years still be marked as complete, fully functional and stable. | Done | 11+ | Fully implemented.

There are Thousands of developers out there but if the libimobiledevice project claims everything is working no one gets the idea that help is needed.

Since at least parts of the information on the project website and in the help of the utilities is proven wrong and misleading nobody can trust the rest of it.

Therefore my question:

Is idevicebackup2 backup and restore working for desaster recovery in case of dataloss or loss of telephone?


Mexmer commented on 2 months ago


backup and restore function is working, i have used it many times in past.
i can also confirm that backup password change is working

other functions (list, unback, info) are not working. why apple did break them, no idea (imo they just don’t need them anymore, since primary backup method is icloud, not local one, so they didn’t bother to check, if they still working or not, and didn’t need to fix them)

there is commandline tool in windows itunes installation, that works similar way as idevicebackup2 (or rather, you can say, that idevicebackup2 imitates it), and it fails to do info/list/unback operation too, because it uses device for that (like idevicebackup does).

there are 3rd party tools, that can browse itunes backup stored on your disk (eg. provide similar functionality to list/info operation, and don’t need phone for that), they also allow extraction of files backup.

to my knowledge, there is no tool, that provide same functionality as unback operation.



backup and restore function is working, i have used it many times in past.
i can also confirm that backup password change is working

Thanks for confirming. Did you see bug #1386 it scares me a bit.

To your knowledge. In the mean time I informed Debian package management about the situation that they distribute outdated version.

I did not get a response jet.


Hosiet commented on 1 month ago


Okay, I received someone’s email to Debian claiming that Debian’s packaged library is not up-to-date. As Debian Developer, I was not aware of this issue until someone reports the bug. However, the libimobiledevice homepage and GitHub release page does not have a newer version after 2020.

Now, my question is about what I should do next. The libimobiledevice author did not release any new version after 2020. It does not make sense for me to blindly choose current git HEAD, since doing so is even more irresponsible to the actual users. I will need some feedback from the upstream author; as long as I can see the developer has not appeared in this GitHub issue yet.

  • If he/she considers current development on GitHub stable enough, please tag a new release and I will happy to package it in Debian.
  • If the developer refuse to tag a new release and tells me «yes, please pack the git HEAD in downstream Linux distributions», I will also be happy to do so.
  • If the developer refuse to tag a new release and tells me to wait till the new release is made, I may as well wait for the new release before taking action. Any other suggestion would also be valuable.


Mexmer commented on 1 month ago


you will need to contact either @nikias or @FunkyM with that question


idevicebackup2 not giving error message when disk space low

idevicebackup2 hangs when disk space on the partition holding the directory (named data in the following example) given to idevicebackup2 is to low to receive the backup data.

Expected behavior

An errormessage like the following:

Insufficient free disk space on drive to backup

Current behavior

idevicebackup2 starts in a normal manner with status messages like the following:

$ idevicebackup2 backup data

Backup directory is "data"
Started "" service on port 49878.
Negotiated Protocol Version 2.1
Starting backup...
Backup will be unencrypted.
Requesting backup from device...
Full backup mode.

After that idevicebackup2 does not output anything, waiting forever if the disk space is to low.


looks it working correcly, just apple probly broke it
this is my output — but my backup size is roughly 16 GB

Backup directory is "."
Started "" service on port 51171.
Negotiated Protocol Version 2.1
Reading Info.plist from backup.
Starting backup...
Enforcing full backup from device.
Backup will be encrypted.
Requesting backup from device...
Incremental backup mode.
ErrorCode 105: Insufficient free disk space on drive to back up (MBErrorDomain/105)
Received 0 files from device.
Backup Failed (Error Code 105).

i think, problem might be, that calculating required space takes too much time, so service in phone either breaks, or just become unresposive. i will do further investigation on this, also with ios 15 device.
time that it needs to check on your device is unusual tho’ … for me it took like 15 second, before i got, not enough space error.


just checked with ios 15 and seems behavior is the same, it first calculates amount of required space by doing snaphost of all files eglible for backup (at least that seems from the log). it took roughly 1 minut on iphone 7 with ios 15.6 — roughly 10.000 photos and video, size of full backup around 10GB

from comparison of 3 devices
ipad air 5 256GB — ios 16.1.1 — 15 sec (16GB, 2.000 photos)
iphone SE 2020 128GB — ios 16.0 — 20 sec ( 21GB, 2.200 photos)
iphone 7 128GB — ios 15.6 — 32 sec (10GB, 10.000 photos)

i would assume, that older devices might have slower storage, not to mention, backup service most likely also calculates hash of the file in preparation for backup, preparation phase will take longer on old device, and will increase with ammount of data.

when doing backup on disk with enough disk space, preparation phase from syslog seems to take rouhgly same time (there is few second variance — like 1-3 sec difference between attempts).

but i don’t have device with large number of files, that i can test it on … so i can only theoretize on what i have …

atm. i can only say it works … except it seems it doesn’t for you.


If you like me to do a specific test, I am glad to help.

Just tell what to do and what to look for.

By the way I did an unback of the backup to check the data. The unback timed out wtih error -4 and I find alot of pictures but no contacts.

Strange that the unback is possible only when the phone is plugged in. How does one access the data in case the phone is lost?


unback is broken for long time (i think since ios 10, or maybe even longer) … it was broken by apple.

Please note that unback (and also list) is broken on iOS 10+ thanks to Apple.
Originally posted by nikias in #438 (comment)

as for «viewing» itunes backup, there is handfull of software that can view itunes backup, if it’s not encrypted, or if you know password, not sure how much of it is free, i’m working on one also, but that’s forensic stuff, and cost lot of money.

as for test, you will need to use 2 consoles
console one> run idevicesyslog | grep -i backupagent
console two> run backup to folder with low disk space (so it will be certain it will fail)

then check console one, when it stops producing output, and see if there are lines like this (then there is few more lines, but these indicate, that backup agent finished enumeration, and sent error back to device)

Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Notice>: Finished scanning all domains - size:3823179942/0/760848384, files:12783, dirs:11684, clones:715/964/180, hardLinks:3, symLinks:80: (null)
Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Notice>: Scanned in 35.333 s
Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Notice>: Starting to prepare for preflight
Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Notice>: uploadSize:3579842238(3579842238), uploadFileCount:12006
Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Notice>: Free disk space on drive: 2535424 (2.54 MB)
Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Notice>: Need extra space on host: 3711524542. Requesting host to purge now
Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Error>: Failed to purge disk space of drive: Error Domain=MBErrorDomain Code=1 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=<private>}
Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Error>: Insufficient free disk space on drive to backup (2535424 < 3579842238 + 134217728)
Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Notice>: Finished preflight in 39.091s
Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Error>: Failed to preflight: Error Domain=MBErrorDomain Code=105 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=<private>}
Nov 29 17:53:00 BackupAgent2[16845] <Notice>: ManifestDB: closing <private>


For a full backu it looks like the following:

Nov 30 05:33:32 BackupAgent2[4308] <Notice>: Scanned in 23.124 s
Nov 30 05:33:32 BackupAgent2[4308] <Notice>: Starting to prepare for preflight
Nov 30 05:33:32 BackupAgent2[4308] <Notice>: uploadSize:16795365018(16795365018), uploadFileCount:28691
Nov 30 05:33:32 BackupAgent2[4308] <Notice>: Free disk space on drive: 4664553472 (4.66 GB)
Nov 30 05:33:32 BackupAgent2[4308] <Notice>: Need extra space on host: 12265029274. Requesting host to purge now
Nov 30 05:33:53 BackupAgent2(Accounts)[4308] <Notice>: "The connection to ACDAccountStore was invalidated."

For incremental it looks like the following:

Nov 30 05:39:58 BackupAgent2[4318] <Notice>: Scanned in 22.914 s
Nov 30 05:39:58 BackupAgent2[4318] <Notice>: Starting to prepare for preflight
Nov 30 05:39:58 BackupAgent2[4318] <Notice>: uploadSize:16795365033(16795365033), uploadFileCount:28691
Nov 30 05:39:58 BackupAgent2[4318] <Notice>: Free disk space on drive: 4664348672 (4.66 GB)
Nov 30 05:39:58 BackupAgent2[4318] <Notice>: Need extra space on host: 12265234089. Requesting host to purge now
Nov 30 05:40:02 powerd[46] <Notice>: Process BackupAgent2.4318 Summary NoIdleSleepAssertion "BackupAgent2" age:00:00:31  id:4295008516 [System: PrevIdle]
Nov 30 05:40:19 BackupAgent2(Accounts)[4318] <Notice>: "The connection to ACDAccountStore was invalidated."
Nov 30 05:55:02 powerd[46] <Notice>: Process BackupAgent2.4318 Summary NoIdleSleepAssertion "BackupAgent2" age:00:15:31  id:4295008516 [System: PrevIdle]

Notice the timing gap between the last lines.


in your log i’m missing message

<Error>: Failed to purge disk space of drive

can you check version of idevicebackup2 ?
run idevicebackup2 -v

DLMessagePurge was added 2 year ago
buf if you have older version, it migh get stuck on this command, when it was not handled.


I had seen a purge message. It is given right after interrupting the process.

I believe it is the most actual version. But it is from Debian stable and one never knows how old the package is.

~$ idevicebackup2 -v
idevicebackup2 1.3.0

Nov 30 17:29:19 BackupAgent2[4993] : Scanned in 23.127 s
Nov 30 17:29:19 BackupAgent2[4993] : Starting to prepare for preflight
Nov 30 17:29:19 BackupAgent2[4993] : uploadSize:16803691581(16803691581), uploadFileCount:28750
Nov 30 17:29:19 BackupAgent2[4993] : Free disk space on drive: 4673806336 (4.67 GB)
Nov 30 17:29:19 BackupAgent2[4993] : Need extra space on host: 12264102973. Requesting host to purge now
Nov 30 17:29:40 BackupAgent2(Accounts)[4993] : «The connection to ACDAccountStore was invalidated.»

Wait and press Ctrl-C here

Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2[4993] : Failed to purge disk space of drive: Error Domain=MBErrorDomain Code=1 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=}
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2[4993] : Insufficient free disk space on drive to backup (4673806336 < 16803691581 + 134217728)
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2[4993] : Finished preflight in 208.654s
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2[4993] : Failed to preflight: Error Domain=MBErrorDomain Code=105 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=}
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2[4993] : ManifestDB: closing
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2[4993] : Notified MBRestoreAppsPlugin of endedBackupWithEngine:error: in 0.000s
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2[4993] : Notified MBLockdownPlugin of endedBackupWithEngine:error: in 0.000s
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2(MobileDeviceLink)[4993] : 4993:6098513920|SocketStreamHandler.c:_SocketLogCallback| ERROR: SocketRecv (data): error -555: Unknown error: -555
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2(MobileDeviceLink)[4993] : 4993:6098513920|StreamHandler.c:_ReadFunc| ERROR: Error reading data: Can’t read data
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2(MobileDeviceLink)[4993] : 4993:6098513920|DeviceLinkConnection.c:_DLHandlerThreadReadMessage| ERROR: Could not receive message: ‘(null)’
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2[4993] : Notified MBAppleCarePlugin of endedBackupWithEngine:error: in 0.005s
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2[4993] : Notified MBAnalyticsEventPlugin of endedBackupWithEngine:error: in 0.000s
Nov 30 17:32:23 BackupAgent2[4993] : Unmounting APFS snapshot at /.ba and removing it


just checked and version in debian is ancient …
sourcecode snapshot is from may 2020, it didn’t handle DLMessagePurge at that time, that’s why it gets stuck.
idevicebackup2 encountered command that was not handled, and gost stuck in loop, waiting for command it will understand, while device was waiting for response from idevicebackup2.

that’s also why you backupagent log stops, and then continue, after you killed/stopped idevicebackup2.

i think you can safely close this issue, because current version on github handles it properly (you can see in my log, that there is immediate failure)


What I do not undertand, that the webite claims that version 1.3.0 is the most current version. Debian distributes version 1.3.0 and it is not current. How can Debian know that there is a more current version (for many years) if the version number is not changed for updates?

Who is maintaining the Debian package? Do these guys know that they are distributing an outdated package?

Also the libidevice site states that is fully implemented for IOS 11+ but you say that —unback and —list option are not working for 6 years by now and this issue is still open!


as for debian (and not just debian, it applies to many other distribution) it uses «stable» code, for libimobile last tagged stable version is 1.3.0 from 2020, so they use that one, instead of latest repository code

as for broken unback, list … you need to understand, that libimobile is interface and backup/restore workflow is controlled by device (MobileBackupAgent2 inside device actually tells libimobile, or respectively idevicebackup2, what it should do). so if apple breaks something in their software, there is not much to do on side or library, to fix that.

if they change communication protocol, data format, encryption … those things can be sooner or later figured out and fixed, but if they remove functionality from their own software … well it’s something that only apple can fix.

list is broken, since apple switched from mdbd to sqlite format of manifest database, which was iOS version 10, unback i believe is broken for same reason.


I understand.

So «stable» means the software is stable NOT working instead of unstable sometimes working and sometimes not working.

My suggestion would be to have two branches, one unstable with added functions and another with only corrections to the stable version. Version 1.3.X would then be stable with corrections and 1.4.Y would be an extended version and would eventually become stable.

I do understand how frustrating it is when vendors use open source software to make millions of $$ and at the same time make it hard for open source to use it.

Sqlite is free and open source and bindings are available for all kinds of languages. I see no reason when Apple changes to a different database backend to store data, that this might be too complicated for an experienced developer to follow.

I do have one IPhone only, no IMac, no ITunes. I have the IPhone only because I got it as gift. I need a working disaster recovery solution for it.

How can I trust that backup and reatore works in case of a disaster like complete data or telephone loss?


i will not comment on branching and tagging, since that’s on discretion of project authors.

as for how can your trust … well either you will or not.
for iphone backup/recovery, if you don’t want to rely on tools based on libimobile, you have always option to rely on icloud backup … and yes it will cost you money, because 5GB of free storage is not enough.


i will not comment on branching and tagging, since that’s on discretion of project authors.

This is not a point of discussion. It was meant as an suggestion if you want to try to get around the situation that software known to be broken for years still be marked as complete, fully functional and stable. | Done | 11+ | Fully implemented.

There are Thousands of developers out there but if the libimobiledevice project claims everything is working no one gets the idea that help is needed.

Since at least parts of the information on the project website and in the help of the utilities is proven wrong and misleading nobody can trust the rest of it.

Therefore my question:

Is idevicebackup2 backup and restore working for desaster recovery in case of dataloss or loss of telephone?


backup and restore function is working, i have used it many times in past.
i can also confirm that backup password change is working

other functions (list, unback, info) are not working. why apple did break them, no idea (imo they just don’t need them anymore, since primary backup method is icloud, not local one, so they didn’t bother to check, if they still working or not, and didn’t need to fix them)

there is commandline tool in windows itunes installation, that works similar way as idevicebackup2 (or rather, you can say, that idevicebackup2 imitates it), and it fails to do info/list/unback operation too, because it uses device for that (like idevicebackup does).

there are 3rd party tools, that can browse itunes backup stored on your disk (eg. provide similar functionality to list/info operation, and don’t need phone for that), they also allow extraction of files backup.

to my knowledge, there is no tool, that provide same functionality as unback operation.



backup and restore function is working, i have used it many times in past.
i can also confirm that backup password change is working

Thanks for confirming. Did you see bug #1386 it scares me a bit.

To your knowledge. In the mean time I informed Debian package management about the situation that they distribute outdated version.

I did not get a response jet.


Okay, I received someone’s email to Debian claiming that Debian’s packaged library is not up-to-date. As Debian Developer, I was not aware of this issue until someone reports the bug. However, the libimobiledevice homepage and GitHub release page does not have a newer version after 2020.

Now, my question is about what I should do next. The libimobiledevice author did not release any new version after 2020. It does not make sense for me to blindly choose current git HEAD, since doing so is even more irresponsible to the actual users. I will need some feedback from the upstream author; as long as I can see the developer has not appeared in this GitHub issue yet.

  • If he/she considers current development on GitHub stable enough, please tag a new release and I will happy to package it in Debian.
  • If the developer refuse to tag a new release and tells me «yes, please pack the git HEAD in downstream Linux distributions», I will also be happy to do so.
  • If the developer refuse to tag a new release and tells me to wait till the new release is made, I may as well wait for the new release before taking action. Any other suggestion would also be valuable.


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  • Вопрос

  • Hi all

    I am trying to backup my SSAS 2005 database and immediately on running the backup command I am getting the following error:

    Backup and restore errors: Error during backup: There is insufficient free disk space on the ‘f:backup’ drive to create the backup file.

    What is confusing is that I have plenty of space available for the backup. The cube is approximately 95gb and there is 105gb of available space on the drive for the backup. Previous backups have been around 75gb and the data size has not increased massively.

    Is there a way of forcing it to backup without checking if there is enough disk space available?



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Что делать, недостаточно места на диске?

Недостаточно места на диске C:
Системный раздел, который чаще всего располагается на компьютерах на диске C, крайне желательно держать в чистоте и не засорять ненужной информацией. Но бывает наступает время, когда система пишет приблизительно так: «недостаточно места на диске C:» или вы не можете установить какую-нибудь программу из-за того что места элементарно не хватает, поэтому возникает вполне резонный вопрос: «как очистить диск от ненужных файлов?».

Пользователи, которые редко сталкиваются с подобной операцией (очистка диска C:), могут даже записать текущий показатель свободного пространства на диске, чтобы потом сравнить этот показатель с аналогичной цифрой, но уже после очистки, а также узнать, сколько удалось освободить места. Обычно недостаточно места на диске бывает из-за того что пользователь вовремя не удаляет скопившиеся ненужные данные например: фильмы. Также бывает недостаточно места на диске из-за самой операционной системы. Здесь я приведу несколько способов по очистке диска:

1. Прежде всего, необходимо просмотреть диск C на наличие на нём больших файлов: видео, аудио, архивов,  не участвующих в работе системы. Эти файлы можно скопировать на другой диск или раздел диска. Но ни в коем случае не надо трогать системные файлы, даже если они имеют «странные» названия, работа системы может быть нарушена.

2. Далее следует запустить специальную утилиту по очистке диска. Запускается она следующим образом: надо зайти в «Мой компьютер», после чего щелкнуть правой кнопкой мышки на диске C и перейти в «Свойства», и в нем нажать кнопку «Очистка диска». В открывшемся окне необходимо выбрать виды файлов, которые будут анализироваться на возможность удаления: корзина, файлы отчетов windows, временные файлы и т.д. За тем «ОК».

3. К сожалению стандартная утилита «Очистка диска» очищает не все нужные разделы, и места на вашем диске все равно может быть  недостаточно. В этом случае я рекомендую провести очистку жесткого диска вручную из временных папок Windows.
Предварительно для того чтобы увидеть многие папки надо сделать их видимыми. Располагаются эти папки по следующим путям:
с:UsersВладимирAppDataLocalTemp(Владимир меняете на свою учетную запись).
Вы можете оттуда смело удалять все, у вас могут возникать ошибки с некоторыми файлами: «невозможно удалить файл», не надо пугаться. Просто файл в данный момент используется системой и его удалить нельзя.

4. Кроме  очистки системного жесткого диска раздела  для победы над проблемой «недостаточно места на диске» можно попробовать отключить функцию гибернации компьютера. В корневом каталоге системного раздела (прямо в корне диска С) располагается файл, с названием Hiberfil.sys. Файл является системным, поэтому он будет виден только при включённом режиме отображения скрытых и системных файлов. Размер этого файла обычно достаточно серьёзен. Если пользователем не используется гибернация, то после её отключения удалится и сам файл, что позволит освободить некоторое место на диске.

5. Достаточно опытные пользователи могут попробовать удалить ненужные/неиспользуемые программы, чтобы освободить ещё места на системном диске. Список всех установленных программ вызывается из «Панели управления» компьютера, в Win7 необходимо зайти в пункт «Программы и компоненты», а в WinXP – в «Установка и удаление программ».

6. Ещё один вариант увеличения места на системном диске: уменьшить файл подкачки. Но подобную операцию лучше не делать малоопытным пользователям, которые слабо представляют, что они вообще делают. Также можно почистить кэш используемых браузеров. Чтобы получить возможность сделать это, нужно нажать одновременно клавиши «Ctrl + Shift + Delete», находясь в самом браузере. Этот вариант рекомендуется если все равно недостаточно места на диске.


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