Error 1241 operand should contain 1 column s sql

Learn how to fix MySQL error operand should contain 1 column(s)

The error Operand should contain 1 column(s) is most likely caused by a subquery that’s returning more than one column.

Here’s a typical SELECT query that causes this error:

SELECT column_one, 
    (SELECT column_two, column_three FROM table_two) 
  FROM table_one;

The above subquery returns column_two and column_three, so MySQL throws the Operand should contain 1 column(s) error.

Most often, you only need to check your subquery and make sure that it returns only one column.

If you need more guidance on how to fix this MySQL error, then you may read the next section.

How to fix Operand should contain 1 column(s) error

To illustrate an example, imagine you have two tables that have related data named members and pets.

The members table contain the first_name of people who have pets as shown below:

| id | first_name | country        |
|  1 | Jessie     | United States  |
|  2 | Ann        | Canada         |
|  3 | Joe        | Japan          |
|  4 | Mark       | United Kingdom |
|  5 | Peter      | Canada         |

While the pets table contain the owner and the species column as follows:

| id | owner  | species | age  |
|  1 | Jessie | bird    |    2 |
|  2 | Ann    | duck    |    3 |
|  3 | Joe    | horse   |    4 |
|  4 | Mark   | dog     |    4 |
|  5 | Peter  | dog     |    5 |

The first_name and the owner columns are related, so you may use a subquery to display data from both tables like this:

SELECT `first_name` AS `owner_name`, 
  (SELECT `species`, `age` 
    FROM pets WHERE pets.owner = members.first_name) 
  FROM members;

However, the above SQL query is wrong, and it will throw an error like this:

ERROR 1241 (21000): Operand should contain 1 column(s)

This is because MySQL expects the subquery to return only one column, but the above subquery returns two.

To fix the error, you may create two subqueries with each subquery returning only one column as in the following SELECT statement:

SELECT `first_name` AS `owner_name`, 
  (SELECT `species` 
    FROM pets WHERE pets.owner = members.first_name) AS `species`,
  (SELECT `age` 
    FROM pets WHERE pets.owner = members.first_name) AS `age`  
  FROM members;

While the above query works, it will throw another error once the subquery returns more than one row.

Let’s add another pet that’s owned by “Jessie” to the pets table as shown below:

| id | owner  | species | age  |
|  1 | Jessie | bird    |    2 |
|  2 | Ann    | duck    |    3 |
|  3 | Joe    | horse   |    4 |
|  4 | Mark   | dog     |    4 |
|  5 | Peter  | dog     |    5 |
|  6 | Jessie | cat     |    4 |

Now the subqueries will return two species and age rows for “Jessie”, causing another related error:

mysql> SELECT `first_name` AS `owner_name`, 
   ->   (SELECT `species` 
   ->     FROM pets WHERE pets.owner = members.first_name) 
   ->   FROM members;
ERROR 1242 (21000): Subquery returns more than 1 row

To properly fix the error, you need to replace the subquery with a JOIN clause:

SELECT `first_name` AS `owner_name`, `species`, `age`
  FROM members JOIN pets 
  ON members.first_name = pets.owner;

Subqueries can be used to replace JOIN clauses only when you need to SELECT data from one table, but you need to filter the result by another table column.

For example, maybe you have some owner names in the pets table that aren’t recorded in the members table. You can use a subquery in the WHERE clause to display rows in the pets table that are also recorded in the members table.

Here’s an example of using a subquery in the WHERE clause:

SELECT `owner`, `species`, `age` 
  FROM pets 
  WHERE `owner` IN (SELECT `first_name` FROM members);

Without using a subquery, you need to JOIN the table as shown below:

SELECT `owner`, `species`, `age` 
  FROM pets JOIN members 
  ON pets.owner = members.first_name;

The two queries above will produce the same result set.

And that’s how you can fix the Operand should contain 1 column(s) error in MySQL.

You need to check your subquery before anything else when you encounter this error.


  1. How to fix MySQL operand should contain 1 column(s) error
  2. How to fix Operand should contain 1 column(s) error
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  5. How to fix MySQL operand should contain 1 column(s) error
  6. How to fix Operand should contain 1 column(s) error
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How to fix MySQL operand should contain 1 column(s) error

Posted on Oct 06, 2021

Learn how to fix MySQL error operand should contain 1 column(s)

The error Operand should contain 1 column(s) is most likely caused by a subquery that’s returning more than one column.

Here’s a typical SELECT query that causes this error:

The above subquery returns column_two and column_three , so MySQL throws the Operand should contain 1 column(s) error.

Most often, you only need to check your subquery and make sure that it returns only one column.

If you need more guidance on how to fix this MySQL error, then you may read the next section.

How to fix Operand should contain 1 column(s) error

To illustrate an example, imagine you have two tables that have related data named members and pets .

The members table contain the first_name of people who have pets as shown below:

While the pets table contain the owner and the species column as follows:

The first_name and the owner columns are related, so you may use a subquery to display data from both tables like this:

However, the above SQL query is wrong, and it will throw an error like this:

This is because MySQL expects the subquery to return only one column, but the above subquery returns two.

To fix the error, you may create two subqueries with each subquery returning only one column as in the following SELECT statement:

While the above query works, it will throw another error once the subquery returns more than one row.

Let’s add another pet that’s owned by “Jessie” to the pets table as shown below:

Now the subqueries will return two species and age rows for “Jessie”, causing another related error:

To properly fix the error, you need to replace the subquery with a JOIN clause:

Subqueries can be used to replace JOIN clauses only when you need to SELECT data from one table, but you need to filter the result by another table column.

For example, maybe you have some owner names in the pets table that aren’t recorded in the members table. You can use a subquery in the WHERE clause to display rows in the pets table that are also recorded in the members table.

Here’s an example of using a subquery in the WHERE clause:

Without using a subquery, you need to JOIN the table as shown below:

The two queries above will produce the same result set.

And that’s how you can fix the Operand should contain 1 column(s) error in MySQL.

You need to check your subquery before anything else when you encounter this error.

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Nathan Sebhastian is a software engineer with a passion for writing tech tutorials.
Learn JavaScript and other web development technology concepts through easy-to-understand explanations written in plain English.


How to fix MySQL operand should contain 1 column(s) error

Posted on Oct 06, 2021

Learn how to fix MySQL error operand should contain 1 column(s)

The error Operand should contain 1 column(s) is most likely caused by a subquery that’s returning more than one column.

Here’s a typical SELECT query that causes this error:

The above subquery returns column_two and column_three , so MySQL throws the Operand should contain 1 column(s) error.

Most often, you only need to check your subquery and make sure that it returns only one column.

If you need more guidance on how to fix this MySQL error, then you may read the next section.

How to fix Operand should contain 1 column(s) error

To illustrate an example, imagine you have two tables that have related data named members and pets .

The members table contain the first_name of people who have pets as shown below:

While the pets table contain the owner and the species column as follows:

The first_name and the owner columns are related, so you may use a subquery to display data from both tables like this:

However, the above SQL query is wrong, and it will throw an error like this:

This is because MySQL expects the subquery to return only one column, but the above subquery returns two.

To fix the error, you may create two subqueries with each subquery returning only one column as in the following SELECT statement:

While the above query works, it will throw another error once the subquery returns more than one row.

Let’s add another pet that’s owned by “Jessie” to the pets table as shown below:

Now the subqueries will return two species and age rows for “Jessie”, causing another related error:

To properly fix the error, you need to replace the subquery with a JOIN clause:

Subqueries can be used to replace JOIN clauses only when you need to SELECT data from one table, but you need to filter the result by another table column.

For example, maybe you have some owner names in the pets table that aren’t recorded in the members table. You can use a subquery in the WHERE clause to display rows in the pets table that are also recorded in the members table.

Here’s an example of using a subquery in the WHERE clause:

Without using a subquery, you need to JOIN the table as shown below:

The two queries above will produce the same result set.

And that’s how you can fix the Operand should contain 1 column(s) error in MySQL.

You need to check your subquery before anything else when you encounter this error.

Level up your programming skills

I’m sending out an occasional email with the latest programming tutorials. Drop your email in the box below and I’ll send new stuff straight into your inbox!


Nathan Sebhastian is a software engineer with a passion for writing tech tutorials.
Learn JavaScript and other web development technology concepts through easy-to-understand explanations written in plain English.


Всем привет! Выходит это ошибка при вставке в таблицу данные.
Этот же код нормально работает для триггера Before Update, а для Before Insert выдает ошибку, типа много чем одной строки как я понял.
Вот мой код:

DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `InsertBuildingAnalysis`;

  DECLARE population INT;
  DECLARE normative, isnornamtive INT;
  DECLARE locality VARCHAR(1256);
  DECLARE loc_dis_id int;
  DECLARE loc_isCenter int;
  DECLARE sub_pop int;
  DECLARE sub_cpop int;
  DECLARE dis_pop int;

  SET population = (SELECT new_fnc(new.ParentId));
  SET locality = (SELECT * FROM Localities WHERE Localities.Id = new.LocalityId);
  SET loc_dis_id = (SELECT Localities.DistrictId FROM Localities WHERE Localities.Id = new.LocalityId);
  SET loc_isCenter = (SELECT Localities.IsCenter from Localities WHERE Localities.Id = new.LocalityId);
  SET sub_pop = (SELECT new_fnc2(new.SubRegionId));
  SET sub_cpop = (SELECT new_fnc3(new.SubRegionId));
  SET dis_pop = (SELECT new_fnc4(loc_dis_id));

  IF (new.TypeId = 4 ) THEN
    IF (population < 50) THEN
      SET new.Normative = 0;
      SET new.IsNormativePositive = 1;
    ELSEIF (population > 8000) THEN
      SET new.Normative = 0;
      SET new.IsNormativePositive = 0;
      SET new.Normative = 1;
    END IF;
  ELSEIF (new.TypeId = 3) THEN
    IF (population < 800) THEN
      SET  new.Normative = 1;
      SET  new.IsNormativePositive = 1;
    ELSEIF (population > 2000) THEN
      SET new.Normative = 0;
      SET new.IsNormativePositive = 0;
      SET new.Normative = 1;
    END IF ;
  ELSEIF (new.TypeId = 2) THEN
    IF (population > 800 && population <= 2000) THEN
      SET new.Normative = 2;
    ELSEIF (population > 2000 ) THEN
      SET new.Normative = 1;
      SET new.Normative = 0;
      SET new.IsNormativePositive = 1;
    END IF;
  ELSEIF (new.TypeId = 57) THEN
    IF(population < 10000) THEN
      SET new.Normative = 0;
      SET new.IsNormativePositive = 1;
      SET new.Normative = 1;
    END IF;
  ELSEIF (new.TypeId = 26)THEN
    IF (!locality) THEN
      SET new.Normative = -1;
    ELSEIF (loc_isCenter != 1) THEN
      SET new.Normative = -2;
      SET new.Normative = 1;
    END IF;
  ELSEIF (new.TypeId = 35) THEN
    SET  population = sub_pop + sub_cpop;
    IF(population >= 100000) THEN
      SET new.Normative = 1;
      SET new.Normative = 0;
      SET new.IsNormativePositive = 1;
    END IF;
  ELSEIF (new.TypeId = 27) THEN
    SET population = dis_pop;
    IF(population > 5000) THEN
    SET new.Normative = 1;
      SET new.Normative = 0;
      SET new.IsNormativePositive = 1;
    END IF;
  ELSEIF (new.TypeId = 25) THEN
    SET new.Normative = 1;

Не знаю как исправить! Ваши варианты пож-а!

sql – MySQL error 1241: Operand should contain 1 column(s)

Syntax error, remove the ( ) from select.

insert into table2 (name, subject, student_id, result)
select name, subject, student_id, result
from table1;

Just remove the ( and the ) on your SELECT statement:

insert into table2 (Name, Subject, student_id, result)
select Name, Subject, student_id, result
from table1;

sql – MySQL error 1241: Operand should contain 1 column(s)

Another way to make the parser raise the same exception is the following incorrect clause.

FROM roles r
WHERE id IN ( SELECT role_id ,
                 FROM role_members m
                 WHERE = m.role_id
                 AND m.system_user_id = intIdSystemUser

The nested SELECT statement in the IN clause returns two columns, which the parser sees as operands, which is technically correct, since the id column matches values from but one column (role_id) in the result returned by the nested select statement, which is expected to return a list.

For sake of completeness, the correct syntax is as follows.

FROM roles r
WHERE id IN ( SELECT role_id
                 FROM role_members m
                 WHERE = m.role_id
                 AND m.system_user_id = intIdSystemUser

The stored procedure of which this query is a portion not only parsed, but returned the expected result.

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547 votes

3 answers

Get the solution ↓↓↓

I am trying to Insert data from a table1 into table2

insert into table2(Name,Subject,student_id,result)
select (Name,Subject,student_id,result)
from table1;

Key for table2 is student_id.

Assume that there are not any duplicates.

I get the error:MySQL error 1241: Operand should contain 1 column(s)

There are only four columns in table2.


Write your answer





Syntax error, remove the( ) fromselect.

insert into table2 (name, subject, student_id, result)
select name, subject, student_id, result
from table1;





Just remove the( and the) on your SELECT statement:

insert into table2 (Name, Subject, student_id, result)
select Name, Subject, student_id, result
from table1;





Another way to make the parser raise the same exception is the following incorrect clause.

FROM roles r
WHERE id IN ( SELECT role_id ,
                 FROM role_members m
                 WHERE = m.role_id
                 AND m.system_user_id = intIdSystemUser

The nestedSELECT statement in theIN clause returns two columns, which the parser sees as operands, which is technically correct, since the id column matches values from but one column (role_id) in the result returned by the nested select statement, which is expected to return a list.

For sake of completeness, the correct syntax is as follows.

FROM roles r
WHERE id IN ( SELECT role_id
                 FROM role_members m
                 WHERE = m.role_id
                 AND m.system_user_id = intIdSystemUser

The stored procedure of which this query is a portion not only parsed, but returned the expected result.

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5 ответов

Проблема заключается в том, что ваш внутренний запрос возвращает два столбца. Измените свой запрос, например


Это должно сработать.

У меня есть еще одно предложение: вы уверены, что ваш внутренний запрос всегда будет возвращать одну строку?
Если вы хотите установить EMAIL со значением 0 для нескольких идентификаторов, возвращаемых внутренним запросом, я бы рекомендовал использовать «IN» вместо «=».

14 март 2012, в 18:53


В вашем подзапросе содержатся два столбца. Попробуйте следующее:


Я удалил COUNT(ID), поэтому вы выбираете только идентификатор и вместо этого помещаете его в предложение HAVING.

Кроме того, если вы не уверены, что этот запрос никогда не вернет более одной строки, вам нужно иметь дело с возможностью дублирования. Либо измените на WHERE ID IN вместо WHERE ID =, либо ограничьте количество результатов, возвращаемых запросом. Метод ограничения результатов будет зависеть от ваших требований — добавление LIMIT 1 к подзапросу будет работать, но вы можете захотеть сделать некоторую сортировку или использовать MIN/MAX, чтобы указать, какую строку вы получите.

Ryan P
14 март 2012, в 18:36


Проблема с вашим подзапросом:


вы пытаетесь сравнить его с ID, но возвращаете два столбца

James C
14 март 2012, в 18:47



14 март 2012, в 19:38


                FROM EIGENSCHAFTEN 
                WHERE Kategorie = "BOUNCE" 
                GROUP BY ID
                HAVING COUNT(*) = 1 )

14 март 2012, в 18:44


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