- Error 130 cannot coerce functions to values
- Error 130 cannot coerce functions to values
- Error 130 cannot coerce functions to values
Error 130 cannot coerce functions to values
public void OnPluginStart ()
ArrayList a = new ArrayList ();
Function f = GetFunctionByName ( GetMyHandle (), «OnPluginStart» );
// error 130: cannot coerce functions to values
a . Push ( f );
// warning 237: coercing functions to and from primitives is unsupported
// and will be removed in the future
a . Push ( view_as int >( f ));
Are you seriously? Is that really all I can do? :
Yes, this is also a way, but it still looks silly. int Extractor ( int [] anchor ) int FuncToInt (Function func ) Function FuncExtractor (Function[] anchor ) Function IntToFunc ( int func ) public void OnPluginStart () Function f = GetFunctionByName ( plugin , «OnPluginStart» ); Call_StartFunction ( plugin , IntToFunc ( i )); |
cell_t = 4 bytes (max value = unsigned int) I can also add that the developers forgot to add another method like: Or: Because FetchInt can’t return unsigned int and we must do: FetchString + StringToInt |
SourcePawn doesn’t support uint as i know (at least most of functions work with signed integer). There’s only int (which is signed, from −2147483648 to 2147483647) EDIT: Maybe i was wrong, i don’t really know about unsigned integers, but i know that SourcePawn supports only 32-bit integers. |
You need to decouple the API from the implementation in your head. The SourcePawn language rules were changed to consider Function as a separate type (like char[]) rather than a specialised int (like float) as future work to support closures will require “fat” function references that are larger than 4 bytes. At the same time data structure that could safely contain these new function references in the future were updated with methods to get/set them — DataPack met the requirements as each entry is a) tagged with type info, so a round trip is type safe, and b) variable sized based on the implementation, so that when the work is done that requires fat references it is all internal changes. The work to implement closures has not been done yet, so obviously internally everything is still a cell_t at the moment. ArrayList meets neither of those requirements, it has no internal typing and the block size is user-controlled. Источник Error 130 cannot coerce functions to valuespublic void OnPluginStart () // error 130: cannot coerce functions to values // warning 237: coercing functions to and from primitives is unsupported Are you seriously? Is that really all I can do? : |
Yes, this is also a way, but it still looks silly. int Extractor ( int [] anchor ) int FuncToInt (Function func ) Function FuncExtractor (Function[] anchor ) Function IntToFunc ( int func ) public void OnPluginStart () Function f = GetFunctionByName ( plugin , «OnPluginStart» ); Call_StartFunction ( plugin , IntToFunc ( i )); |
cell_t = 4 bytes (max value = unsigned int) I can also add that the developers forgot to add another method like: Or: Because FetchInt can’t return unsigned int and we must do: FetchString + StringToInt |
SourcePawn doesn’t support uint as i know (at least most of functions work with signed integer). There’s only int (which is signed, from −2147483648 to 2147483647) EDIT: Maybe i was wrong, i don’t really know about unsigned integers, but i know that SourcePawn supports only 32-bit integers. |
You need to decouple the API from the implementation in your head. The SourcePawn language rules were changed to consider Function as a separate type (like char[]) rather than a specialised int (like float) as future work to support closures will require “fat” function references that are larger than 4 bytes. At the same time data structure that could safely contain these new function references in the future were updated with methods to get/set them — DataPack met the requirements as each entry is a) tagged with type info, so a round trip is type safe, and b) variable sized based on the implementation, so that when the work is done that requires fat references it is all internal changes. The work to implement closures has not been done yet, so obviously internally everything is still a cell_t at the moment. ArrayList meets neither of those requirements, it has no internal typing and the block size is user-controlled. Источник Error 130 cannot coerce functions to valuespublic void OnPluginStart () // error 130: cannot coerce functions to values // warning 237: coercing functions to and from primitives is unsupported Are you seriously? Is that really all I can do? : |
Yes, this is also a way, but it still looks silly. int Extractor ( int [] anchor ) int FuncToInt (Function func ) Function FuncExtractor (Function[] anchor ) Function IntToFunc ( int func ) public void OnPluginStart () Function f = GetFunctionByName ( plugin , «OnPluginStart» ); Call_StartFunction ( plugin , IntToFunc ( i )); |
cell_t = 4 bytes (max value = unsigned int) I can also add that the developers forgot to add another method like: Or: Because FetchInt can’t return unsigned int and we must do: FetchString + StringToInt |
SourcePawn doesn’t support uint as i know (at least most of functions work with signed integer). There’s only int (which is signed, from −2147483648 to 2147483647) EDIT: Maybe i was wrong, i don’t really know about unsigned integers, but i know that SourcePawn supports only 32-bit integers. |
You need to decouple the API from the implementation in your head. The SourcePawn language rules were changed to consider Function as a separate type (like char[]) rather than a specialised int (like float) as future work to support closures will require “fat” function references that are larger than 4 bytes. At the same time data structure that could safely contain these new function references in the future were updated with methods to get/set them — DataPack met the requirements as each entry is a) tagged with type info, so a round trip is type safe, and b) variable sized based on the implementation, so that when the work is done that requires fat references it is all internal changes. The work to implement closures has not been done yet, so obviously internally everything is still a cell_t at the moment. ArrayList meets neither of those requirements, it has no internal typing and the block size is user-controlled. Источник Adblock |
Answer by Alberto Palacios
This means, that one of parameter in react-table expect string or function, but get ‘underfined’. In my opinion this error could have happened when you use some variable of type ‘any’ and set typed parameter with value of this variable.,TS type ‘any’ allows to store any type of data in variable, but react-table has typed parameters, so when your variable has ‘undefined’ and you try to set typed variable with this value — you get an error.,One of the way to solve this error is used in rendering pattern to check for existing value of some data variable
One of the way to solve this error is used in rendering pattern to check for existing value of some data variable
{someData && <renderTable...>}
Answer by Marie Haynes
Turns out I needed to delete package-lock.json and node_modules on the server then run $ npm install
$ npm install
Answer by Kehlani Pollard
More Details Refer
Answer by Emelia Kent
Same here, open source sensu-go built on the v5.181 tag. Running sensu/web revision ce8990b.
I wasn’t able to pull more information than what nilroy posted above.,
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
,Sensu version used (sensuctl, sensu-backend, and/or sensu-agent):
sensu/web revision: ce8990b
in Annotation
in td
in ForwardRef(Typography)
in ForwardRef(WithStyles)
in DictionaryValue
in ForwardRef(WithStyles)
in StyledComponent
in LabelsAnnotationsCell.Value
in tr
in DictionaryEntry
in tbody
in table
in Dictionary
in ForwardRef(WithStyles)
in div
in ForwardRef
in ForwardRef(WithStyles)
in div
in ForwardRef
in ForwardRef(WithStyles)
in LabelsAnnotationsCell
in div
in ForwardRef(CardContent)
in ForwardRef(WithStyles)
in div
in ForwardRef(Paper)
in ForwardRef(WithStyles)
in ForwardRef(Card)
in ForwardRef(WithStyles)
in EntityDetailsInformation
in div
in ForwardRef
in ForwardRef(WithStyles)
in div
in ForwardRef
in ForwardRef(WithStyles)
in EntityDetailsContainer
in div
in div
in div
in AppLayout
in ForwardRef(WithStyles)
in div
in div
in Loader
in ForwardRef(WithStyles)
in AppLayout
in EntityDetailsViewContent
in EntityDetailsView
in Route
in Switch
in NavigationProvider
in Query
in Route
in NamespaceRoute
in Switch
in Route
in ConditionalRoute
in AuthenticatedRoute
in Query
in Apollo(AuthenticatedRoute)
in Switch
in ThemeProvider
in ThemeProvider
in AppThemeProvider
in Provider
in ApolloProvider
in Provider
in AppRoot
in Route
in withRouter(AppRoot)
in Router
in BrowserRouter
in ErrorBoundary
Answer by Alberto Curtis
install latest react-boilerplate,
install latest react-boilerplate
,thank for this react-boilerplate!
yarn start:production
Answer by Regina Sanders
In the minified production build of React, we avoid sending down full error messages in order to reduce the number of bytes sent over the wire.,We highly recommend using the development build locally when debugging your app since it tracks additional debug info and provides helpful warnings about potential problems in your apps, but if you encounter an exception while using the production build, this page will reassemble the original text of the error.,Passing Functions to Components
More Details Refer
Answer by Mira Peters
You replied to me very late so I restore the EE3 database on my website again. Now I am doing this migration process again to see what happens.
I checked my error log and it gave me this warning continuously.,The error your getting is not something I can reproduce so I don’t have any additional details, the logged error above isn’t from Event Espresso but may well be related.,Does it then show any other errors on that page?
In your wp-config.php file set WP_DEBUG to true:
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
Answer by Kimberly Owen
The editor has encountered an unexpected error for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.,Error: Minified React error #31; visit hidden link for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful.,I am getting this error: Invariant Violation: Minified React error #130; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html? for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
More Details Refer
Answer by Iris Powers
I’ve scoured the web and asked other developers for help, but can’t find any issues with the code. I’ll post my calendar component below (leaving out some functions as they are irrelevant):,I am a student, and have an app I’m working on that utilizes the MDBReact full calendar feature. Upon deployment, my app works great except when I try to navigate to the calendar page. The calendar does not render and throws the Minified React error #130, which equates to:,I never did. I switched to fullcalendar.io for the calendar feature. I had my professor and both TA’s working on it but couldn’t figure it out.
I’ve scoured the web and asked other developers for help, but can’t find any issues with the code. I’ll post my calendar component below (leaving out some functions as they are irrelevant):
import React from "react";
import MDBFullCalendar from "mdb-react-calendar";
import { addDays } from "date-fns";
import UserContext from "../../utils/UserContext";
import API from "../../utils/API";
class CalendarPage extends React.Component {
static contextType = UserContext;
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
homework: [],
classes: [],
tasks: [],
componentDidMount() {
const { user } = this.context;
// Load the state with homework, class info, and tasks
this.setState({ tasks: user.activities });
this.setState({ homework: user.homework });
componentDidUpdate(_, prevState) {
if (this.state.homework !== prevState.homework) {
if (this.state.classes !== prevState.classes) {
onChange = async (e) => {
let { user, setUser } = this.context;
this.setState({ tasks: user.activities });
// Setting new task list (e) to state, context, and database
if (e.length !== this.state.tasks.length) {
setUser({ ...user, activities: e });
this.setState({ tasks: e });
await API.setActivities(e);
render() {
const arrOfObjects = [
{ color: "elegant-color", title: "Test", dark: true },
{ color: "danger-color", title: "Homework Due", dark: false },
{ color: "warning-color", title: "Meeting", dark: false },
{ color: "secondary-color", title: "Lunch", dark: false },
{ color: "default-color", title: "Activity", dark: false },
{ color: "primary-color", title: "Appointment", dark: false },
{ color: "info-color", title: "Class", dark: true },
{ color: "success-color", title: "Other", dark: false },
return (
export default CalendarPage;
Any ideas on why this won’t render? My package.json:
"name": "study-check",
"version": "0.1.0",
"private": true,
"proxy": "http://localhost:3001",
"engines": {
"node": "12.18.0",
"npm": "6.14.4"
"dependencies": {
"axios": "^0.20.0",
"date-fns": "^2.16.1",
"mdb-react-calendar": "file:package",
"mdbreact": "git+https://oauth2:**key here**@git.mdbootstrap.com/mdb/react/re-pro.git",
"react": "^16.13.1",
"react-datepicker": "^3.1.3",
"react-dom": "^16.13.1",
"react-icons": "^3.11.0",
"react-iframe": "^1.8.0",
"react-router-dom": "^5.2.0",
"react-scripts": "3.4.3",
"react-select": "^3.1.0",
"serve": "^11.3.2"
"scripts": {
"start": "react-scripts start",
"build": "react-scripts build",
"test": "react-scripts test --env=jsdom",
"eject": "react-scripts eject",
"heroku-postbuild": "npm run build"
"eslintConfig": {
"extends": "react-app"
"browserslist": {
"production": [
"not dead",
"not op_mini all"
"development": [
"last 1 chrome version",
"last 1 firefox version",
"last 1 safari version"
Answer by Aniyah Velazquez
You mix up import and require calls in the same file. This might lead to
“WebpackError: Invariant Violation: Minified React error #130” since webpack 4
is stricter than v3.
The solution is to only use import and this also extends to gatsby-ssr and gatsby-browser files.,One solution is to customize your webpack
configuration to replace the offending module with a dummy module during server
rendering.,Errors while building static HTML files (the build-time React SSR process) generally happen for one of the following reasons:
Some of your code references “browser globals” like window
or document
that aren’t available in Node.js. If this is your problem you should see an
error above like “window is not defined”. To fix this, find the offending
code and either a) check before calling the code if window is defined so the
code doesn’t run while Gatsby is building (see code sample below) or b) if
the code is in the render function of a React.js component, move that code
into a componentDidMount
or into a useEffect
hook, which
ensures the code doesn’t run unless it’s in the browser.
Some of your code references “browser globals” like window
or document
that aren’t available in Node.js. If this is your problem you should see an
error above like “window is not defined”. To fix this, find the offending
code and either a) check before calling the code if window is defined so the
code doesn’t run while Gatsby is building (see code sample below) or b) if
the code is in the render function of a React.js component, move that code
into a componentDidMount
or into a useEffect
hook, which
ensures the code doesn’t run unless it’s in the browser.
- Коды ошибок
- A) Полностью соответствуют MQL4 OrderSend() требованиям синтаксиса
- B) Ошибка 130: == «недействительная остановка»
- C) Хорошая практика не назначать в extern итераторных-переменных
MQL для чайников, программирование на MQL4, MQL5
Что значит 2010.02.01 17:00 MyExpert GBPUSD,M15: OrderModify error 130
почему обычно эта ошибка возникает?
Очень много подобных вопросов мне приходит. Поэтому публикую таблицу кодов ошибок. Например посмотрев вышеописанную ошибку error 130 становится понятно, что функция OrderModify пытается изменить стоп-лосс или тейк-профит слишком близко к текущей цене.
Коды ошибок
GetLastError() — функция, возвращающая коды ошибок. Кодовые константы ошибок определены в файле stderror.mqh. Для вывода текстовых сообщений следует использовать функцию ErrorDescription(), определенную в файле stdlib.mqh.
Коды ошибок, возвращаемые торговым сервером или клиентским терминалом:
Значение | Описание |
Нет ошибки | |
1 | Нет ошибки, но результат неизвестен |
2 | Общая ошибка |
3 | Неправильные параметры |
4 | Торговый сервер занят |
5 | Старая версия клиентского терминала |
6 | Нет связи с торговым сервером |
7 | Недостаточно прав |
8 | Слишком частые запросы |
9 | Недопустимая операция нарушающая функционирование сервера |
64 | Счет заблокирован |
65 | Неправильный номер счета |
128 | Истек срок ожидания совершения сделки |
129 | Неправильная цена |
130 | Неправильные стопы |
131 | Неправильный объем |
132 | Рынок закрыт |
133 | Торговля запрещена |
134 | Недостаточно денег для совершения операции |
135 | Цена изменилась |
136 | Нет цен |
137 | Брокер занят |
138 | Новые цены |
139 | Ордер заблокирован и уже обрабатывается |
140 | Разрешена только покупка |
141 | Слишком много запросов |
145 | Модификация запрещена, так как ордер слишком близок к рынку |
146 | Подсистема торговли занята |
147 | Использование даты истечения ордера запрещено брокером |
148 | Количество открытых и отложенных ордеров достигло предела, установленного брокером. |
Коды ошибок выполнения MQL4 программы:
GetLastError() — функция, возвращающая коды ошибок. Кодовые константы ошибок определены в файле stderror.mqh. Для вывода текстовых сообщений следует использовать функцию ErrorDescription(), определенную в файле stdlib.mqh.
Коды ошибок, возвращаемые торговым сервером или клиентским терминалом:
Я пытаюсь вставить takeprofit и stoploss аргумент в моей SendOrder() функции, но я получаю следующее сообщение об ошибке:
Я уже проверил документацию для функции NormalizeDouble() , но я все еще получаю ошибку.
A) Полностью соответствуют MQL4 OrderSend() требованиям синтаксиса
Ваш код не на установление правильной SHORT торговли входной цены, как это следует читать , а Bid не Ask (эта ошибка скрыта , как это эффективно замаскированных на довольно космическом расстоянии 100 точек на допустимом расстоянии проскальзывания от указанной цены) ,
Ваш код не при назначении int ( 0 ) в месте, где , string как ожидается.
Вы должны проверить с вашим брокером несколько деталей:
- Допускает ли их условия и условия в OrderSend() одной стоп-инструкции, в т.ч., TP и SL, или же брокер T & C требуют , чтобы сначала открыть торгово-позицию и только после того, как это происходит , чтобы позволить OrderModify() инструкции к прайс-уровней настройки TP и SL?
- В любом случае, проверьте настройки Брокер T & C для STOPLEVEL & FREEZELEVEL расстояний, в пределах которого Брокер отвергает любые TP и SL установки (ы) или модификации (части).
C) Хорошая практика не назначать в extern итераторных-переменных
Хотя это не является корневой причиной вашей проблемы, не приживаются с передовой отраслевой практикой, один из которых не является присвоить любое значение заявленного extern . Вместо объявить собственную переменную, что вы контролируете объем & назначения их, но оставить extern (s) не-прикоснулся с вашей стороны кода.
thc_rpg/base/configmanager.inc(226) : error 130: cannot coerce functions to values
thc_rpg/base/configmanager.inc(406) : error 130: cannot coerce functions to values
thc_rpg/base/configmanager.inc(431) : error 130: cannot coerce functions to values
thc_rpg/project_events.inc(215) : error 178: cannot coerce any[] to char[]; storage classes differ
thc_rpg/project_events.inc(484) : error 178: cannot coerce any[] to char[]; storage classes differ
thc_rpg/project_events.inc(508) : error 178: cannot coerce any[] to char[]; storage classes differ
thc_rpg/project_events.inc(546) : error 178: cannot coerce any[] to char[]; storage classes differ
thc_rpg/base/eventmanager.inc(135) : error 130: cannot coerce functions to values
thc_rpg/base/eventmanager.inc(491) : error 178: cannot coerce any[] to char[]; storage classes differ
thc_rpg/base/eventmanager.inc(492) : error 178: cannot coerce any[] to char[]; storage classes differ
thc_rpg/base/eventmanager.inc(570) : error 178: cannot coerce any[] to char[]; storage classes differ
thc_rpg/base/eventmanager.inc(571) : error 178: cannot coerce any[] to char[]; storage classes differ
thc_rpg/base/eventmanager.inc(643) : error 130: cannot coerce functions to values
thc_rpg/base/eventmanager.inc(702) : error 130: cannot coerce functions to values
thc_rpg/base/modulemanager.inc(239) : error 178: cannot coerce any[] to char[]; storage classes differ
thc_rpg/base/modulemanager.inc(324) : error 178: cannot coerce any[] to char[]; storage classes differ
На чтение 7 мин Обновлено 17.01.2023
Error 130 cannot coerce functions to values
Function func ; void Hello () If you like my work you can donate here! |
I just want to directly return Function pointer like some natives (GetNativeFunction, GetFunctionByName) do. Actually, GetNativeFunction returns regular cell_t so i wonder if i can do same but without warning 237. |
Why not? I have my own Store/Shop plugin coded from scratch and there’s a thing: I have 3 plugins for Store system: So, i have native (from Item Table plugin) that returns «ItemBehavior» Function pointer (script/code that launches on item use/activating) that was registered via other native. Functions work fine but this warning annoys me. Also, i know that i can use forwards (instead of storing Function pointers and using Call_StartFunction) but i don’t know how to share these private forwards or how to execute them from other plugins. Источник Error 130 cannot coerce functions to valuespublic void OnPluginStart () // error 130: cannot coerce functions to values // warning 237: coercing functions to and from primitives is unsupported Are you seriously? Is that really all I can do? : |
Yes, this is also a way, but it still looks silly. int Extractor ( int [] anchor ) int FuncToInt (Function func ) Function FuncExtractor (Function[] anchor ) Function IntToFunc ( int func ) public void OnPluginStart () Function f = GetFunctionByName ( plugin , «OnPluginStart» ); Call_StartFunction ( plugin , IntToFunc ( i )); |
cell_t = 4 bytes (max value = unsigned int) I can also add that the developers forgot to add another method like: Or: Because FetchInt can’t return unsigned int and we must do: FetchString + StringToInt |
SourcePawn doesn’t support uint as i know (at least most of functions work with signed integer). There’s only int (which is signed, from −2147483648 to 2147483647) EDIT: Maybe i was wrong, i don’t really know about unsigned integers, but i know that SourcePawn supports only 32-bit integers. |
You need to decouple the API from the implementation in your head. The SourcePawn language rules were changed to consider Function as a separate type (like char[]) rather than a specialised int (like float) as future work to support closures will require “fat” function references that are larger than 4 bytes. At the same time data structure that could safely contain these new function references in the future were updated with methods to get/set them — DataPack met the requirements as each entry is a) tagged with type info, so a round trip is type safe, and b) variable sized based on the implementation, so that when the work is done that requires fat references it is all internal changes. The work to implement closures has not been done yet, so obviously internally everything is still a cell_t at the moment. ArrayList meets neither of those requirements, it has no internal typing and the block size is user-controlled. Источник Error 130 cannot coerce functions to valuespublic void OnPluginStart () // error 130: cannot coerce functions to values // warning 237: coercing functions to and from primitives is unsupported Are you seriously? Is that really all I can do? : |
Yes, this is also a way, but it still looks silly. int Extractor ( int [] anchor ) int FuncToInt (Function func ) Function FuncExtractor (Function[] anchor ) Function IntToFunc ( int func ) public void OnPluginStart () Function f = GetFunctionByName ( plugin , «OnPluginStart» ); Call_StartFunction ( plugin , IntToFunc ( i )); |
cell_t = 4 bytes (max value = unsigned int) I can also add that the developers forgot to add another method like: Or: Because FetchInt can’t return unsigned int and we must do: FetchString + StringToInt |
SourcePawn doesn’t support uint as i know (at least most of functions work with signed integer). There’s only int (which is signed, from −2147483648 to 2147483647) EDIT: Maybe i was wrong, i don’t really know about unsigned integers, but i know that SourcePawn supports only 32-bit integers. |
You need to decouple the API from the implementation in your head. The SourcePawn language rules were changed to consider Function as a separate type (like char[]) rather than a specialised int (like float) as future work to support closures will require “fat” function references that are larger than 4 bytes. At the same time data structure that could safely contain these new function references in the future were updated with methods to get/set them — DataPack met the requirements as each entry is a) tagged with type info, so a round trip is type safe, and b) variable sized based on the implementation, so that when the work is done that requires fat references it is all internal changes. The work to implement closures has not been done yet, so obviously internally everything is still a cell_t at the moment. ArrayList meets neither of those requirements, it has no internal typing and the block size is user-controlled. Источник Adblock |