Error 1302 no such element

I am getting an error with a script i have used before without any problems. The script updates the only image at the bottom of a single page PDF and saves the changed PDF in another folder. It asks me to locate the folder of PDFs to be modified. It asks me to locate the folder where the modified ...

I am getting an error with a script i have used before without any problems.

The script updates the only image at the bottom of a single page PDF and saves the changed PDF in another folder.

It asks me to locate the folder of PDFs to be modified.
It asks me to locate the folder where the modified PDFs will be saved.
It asks me to select the new image that will be used.
It will then update the image and resizes it and save the PDF in the specified folder.

I don’t get this error on all PDFs but i get it at least once every 10 PDFs  (and there are over a 1,000 PDFs).

The error i get is this:

Error 1302:No such element
->      rip=

I get this error regardless of whether the script is run in CS3 or CS5.

Additional info.
I ran this script in CS3 and it worked. At a later date i ran another script on the folder of modified PDFs in CS5 that deleted any

unnessesary elements outside the artboard, it selected All on the Artboard — then inversed the selection — and deleted any selected items

followed by save and close.
I have tried making sure the «new» image has the same name as the image being replaced but this made no difference.

I am using Illustrator on Vista.

The script is below:

#target illustrator

function replaceImage() {

          var i, doc, fileList, inFolder, outFolder, opts, pic, rep, rip, saveFile, uIL;

          inFolder = Folder.selectDialog( ‘Please choose your Folder of AI PDFs…’ );

          outFolder = Folder.selectDialog( ‘Please choose a Folder to save AI PDFs in…’ );

          pic = File.openDialog( ‘Please choose your replacement Image…’ );

          if ( inFolder != null && outFolder  != null && pic != null ) {

                    fileList = inFolder.getFiles( /.pdf$/i );

                    if ( fileList.length > 0 ) {

                              uIL = app.userInteractionLevel;

                              app.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DONTDISPLAYALERTS;

                              for ( i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++ ) {

                                        doc = fileList );

                                        rip = doc.rasterItems[0].position;

                                        rep = doc.placedItems.add();

                                        rep.file = pic;

                                        rep.move( doc.rasterItems[0], ElementPlacement.PLACEBEFORE )

                                        rep.position = rip;

                                        rep.resize( 31.414, 31.414, true, true, true, true, 100, Transformation.TOPLEFT );



                                        opts = new PDFSaveOptions();

                                        opts.pDFPreset = ‘[Illustrator Default]’;

                                        saveFile = File( outFolder + ‘/’ + );

                                        doc.saveAs( saveFile, opts );

                                        doc.close( SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES );


                              app.userInteractionLevel = uIL;

                    } else {

                              alert( ‘This Folder contained NO Illustrator PDF files?’ );






  1. Error 1302 no such element
  2. ERROR 1302 with Setup Script.
  3. ERROR 1302 with Setup Script.
  4. ERROR 1302 with Setup Script. [SOLVED!]
  6. Error 1302 : No such element
  7. Error 1302 : No such element
  8. Error 1302 : No such element
  9. Error 1302 : No such element
  10. Error 1302 : No such element
  11. Error 1302 : No such element
  12. Illustrator Scripting :: Getting Error 1302 — No Such Element Line
  13. Illustrator Scripting :: Using IndexOf To See Whether Element Exist Within Array
  14. Illustrator Scripting :: Can Execute Action From Command-line Using AI?
  15. Illustrator Scripting :: How To Provide Space And New Line To The Text
  16. Illustrator Scripting :: Change Color And Line Weight
  17. Illustrator Scripting :: Deleting Used Symbol Generates Error
  18. Illustrator Scripting :: How To Give Line Height To Text In AI Script
  19. Illustrator Scripting :: Adding New Line And Spaces In Between Text In AI Script
  20. Illustrator Scripting :: How To Make Auto Line Alignment In ScriptUI
  21. Illustrator Scripting :: Changing Line Of Text In Multiple AI Files
  22. Illustrator Scripting :: Block Specific Error Message In JavaScript?
  23. Illustrator Scripting :: CS6 PlacedItems Relink Method — Sometimes Producing Error
  24. Illustrator Scripting :: Restart Through Script (or Eliminate PARM Error)
  25. Illustrator Scripting :: Why Does Trace Script Give Application Error
  26. Illustrator Scripting :: Open Multiple AI Files Produce Error In Palette (8702 — No Document)
  27. After Effects :: ELEMENT 3D Ram Preview Error
  28. AutoCAD VB :: Element Not Found Error In 2012
  29. Maya :: Error — Could Not Find UI Element Named
  30. Revit :: Error / Can’t Obtain Permission To Edit The Element
  31. AutoCAD Inventor :: An Error Occurred While Creating Finite Element Mesh
  32. Illustrator Scripting :: How To Automate Importing Variable And Datasets Into Graphs Via Scripting
  33. Illustrator Scripting :: Access Graph Data Through Scripting DOM?
  34. Illustrator :: Export Only 1 Element From AI Document?
  35. Illustrator :: Make Pattern Brush With 3D Element?
  36. Illustrator :: Copying Element Which Has Graphic Style Applied
  37. Illustrator :: How To Cut First Stroke From Double Outlined Text Element
  38. Illustrator :: Importing DXF Files Into CC And Keeping Every Element In Place And Size
  39. Illustrator Scripting :: Create Mirror Text And Stroke Text In AI Scripting
  40. Illustrator :: Can’t Apply Effect / Warp — Wave To A Line Made With Line Tool
  41. Illustrator :: Thin White Line Between Line Art And Live Paint Fill?
  42. Illustrator :: Line Segment Tool Does Not Allow To Draw Horizontal Line?

Error 1302 no such element

I just downloaded and copied VuMark scripts for AI CC 2018 (ver 22.1) (x64) on Windows 10 Pro OS.

I launch AI and then execute setup script and get ERROR 1302: No such element line 117 ->

Anyone have thoughts? I saw another thread with same issue and marked as solved but there was no resolution posted. only difference was line # was listed as 125 not 117 as my is giving.

ERROR 1302 with Setup Script.

Hello there, I have the same problem, that’s how I entered this section. But the fonts Rick mentioned , cannot be found anymore in What choices I have to fix the error? Although I normally paste the files into the Scripts folder of Illustrator, I cannot run the desirable procession Instead,I get the message: Error 1302: No such element Line 117

ERROR 1302 with Setup Script.

Apologies for the challenges you faced for this issue. Your suggestion to include this information as part of the VuMarks article is a valid one (and somehow missed by us).

Thanks for your contribution to our community.

-Vuforia Engine Support

ERROR 1302 with Setup Script. [SOLVED!]

After a great deal of searching I finally found the issue and have solved this and thought I’d share since other posts did not include how they solved issue.

The following fonts need to be installed prior to running VuMark-Setup script:

MyriadPro (Regular); MyriadPro-Bold and MyriadPro-Semibold

According to the article the error occurs on a line in the code where the MyriadPro fonts are trying to be accessed in AI. I found and downloaded these fonts here:

Hope this helps others that may come across this error in the future.

I am wondering why since this is a *MUST* requirement to have these fonts installed that it is not listed in the Users Guide as a installation and/or troubleshooting step?



Independent Photoshop® Scripting Community

Error 1302 : No such element

Moderators: Tom, Kukurykus

Error 1302 : No such element

Post by Dohny » Mon Jun 05, 2006 9:13 pm

I’m new in this forum (and new to PS script writing to be honnest !) and I’m having my first little problem.

I’m using wade’s script (bb/viewtopic.php?t=411&highlight=pixel+color+colour) in order to pick the color of a pixel. When I launch the script, PS returns the error :
«Error 1302: No such element» (Translation from the french : Elément inexistant)
concerning the code :
pChannel = curDoc.channels.getByName(«Red»).histogram;

I’ve checked the code several times, and everything seems ok to me. I actually don’t even understand the meaning of this error.

By the way, I wondered if anybody could give me tips to debug PS scripts.

Error 1302 : No such element

Post by Mike Hale » Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:30 pm

I would think of possible two reasons for this error. The error says that it can not find a channel with the name of ‘Red’.

1 Is you doc in RGB mode? Only RGB files will have a ‘RED’ channel. If your doc is not RGB you will have to change the script or you doc

2 If it is RGB, is the channel called ‘Red’ in the channel palette? The only other thing I can think is that the red channel uses the french word for red in your version of Photoshop

Error 1302 : No such element

Post by Dohny » Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:27 am

Well, thanks a lot Mike for your answer !

I had checked that the picture was in RGB mode, but I hadn’t checked about the name of the channels ! My channel is actually Rouge as you said !!

Yet, now I wonder : do you think that the name of the channels depend on the language of the soft with which the image has been saved or does it only depend on the soft with which you open the image ?

Again, thanks a lot for your fast and accurate answer !

Error 1302 : No such element

Post by Mike Hale » Tue Jun 06, 2006 12:51 pm

I think that it is the version you are using. There are other issuses that can break a script because of the language version of Photoshop is different than the one the script was tested in . The OS or app path and error messages are other problem areas.

Would you be willing to work with me, perhaps by email, to compile a list of differences between the french version and the english version that we can post here to help other script writers localize their scripts?

Error 1302 : No such element

Post by Dohny » Tue Jun 06, 2006 9:09 pm

Ok. as soon as I have my script done and working on my machine, I try it on the english version of the soft.

About working on the differences between area versions, I’d be glad but I’m really beginner in scripting. so it would mean that you would have to pilot me a little bit !

If you’re still interested, just send me a pm and we’ll work this out !

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Illustrator Scripting :: Getting Error 1302 — No Such Element Line

I am getting an error with a script i have used before without any problems.The script updates the only image at the bottom of a single page PDF and saves the changed PDF in another folder.

It asks me to locate the folder of PDFs to be modified.It asks me to locate the folder where the modified PDFs will be saved.It asks me to select the new image that will be used.It will then update the image and resizes it and save the PDF in the specified folder.

I don’t get this error on all PDFs but i get it at least once every 10 PDFs (and there are over a 1,000 PDFs).The error i get is this:

Error 1302:No such elementLine:27-> rip=doc.rasterItems[0].position;

I get this error regardless of whether the script is run in CS3 or CS5.

Additional info.I ran this script in CS3 and it worked. At a later date i ran another script on the folder of modified PDFs in CS5 that deleted any unnessesary elements outside the artboard, it selected All on the Artboard — then inversed the selection — and deleted any selected items followed by save and close.I have tried making sure the «new» image has the same name as the image being replaced but this made no difference.I am using Illustrator on Vista.

The script is below:

#target illustrator
function replaceImage() <

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if ( app.documents.length > 0 ) <
var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
//add Black swatch
var newSwatch = app.activeDocument.swatches.add()
var newColor = new GrayColor();
newColor.gray = 100;
[Code] .

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//test de dialogue
function csDialog() <
var fabGroup = app.activeDocument.swatchGroups.getByName(‘Fabrics’);
var allFabs = fabGroup.getAllSwatches();
var fabNames = Array();

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areaText.contents = «This is an Area Text in a rectangle. See how it flows to the next line.»;

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var win =new Window («dialog», «test»);win.orientation = «column»;
var form1 = win.add («edittext», undefined, «»);form1.onChanging = function()< if(«
«) == true)< = true; >>
var form2 = win.add («edittext», undefined, «»);
var form3 = win.add («edittext», undefined, «»);;

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I’ve already tried the following:

Illustrator Scripting :: CS6 PlacedItems Relink Method — Sometimes Producing Error

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// execute the main function
// Construct the main function
function main() <
var retVal = «OK»;

Illustrator Scripting :: Restart Through Script (or Eliminate PARM Error)

I’m working on a javascript that goes through a folder, rasterizes the paths inside each file, and saves the results as separate files in another folder. My script works fine on individual files as well as for several simple files. However, once it gets going on some of the big ones, it starts to give me PARM errors.

Illustrator CS5.1Windows XP, SP3 (work computer)JavascriptThe CAD export that created the pdf and eps files broke any curves into tons of tiny straight lines. As a result, these drawings can have 15-35 thousand paths per image.

Get the source and destination directoriesOpen a file from the source directoryGo to the first layer of the fileLoop through all text items to move them to their own layerLoop through all path and compound paths to move them to a groupRasterize the group of path itemsRepeat for the next layer and so onSave the file to the destination directoryRepeat the process for the next file and so on.The scripting guide suggests it could be from conflicting functions or global variables overwriting each other. However, my script is now entirely contained within its own function, and all variables are declared locally. Running from a clean illustrator and ESTK startup, it will still produce a PARM error after a few large files.

The guide also suggests having the script quit and re-launch Illustrator after working on many files. Since I assume these huge diagrams are probably several «normal» files’ worth of objects each, I figured it probably just needs to restart Illustrator after x amount of stuff goes through. So I look in the guide’s section on launching Illustrator through javascript. That basically says «Why would you ever need to do that?» I tried looking it up in the tools guide, but that document isn’t very clear at all.

1. What would I have to do so Illustrator doesn’t throw a PARM error on the line marked below? (besides just putting it in a try/catch and pretending it didn’t happen) It doesn’t consistently happen on the same file or even at the same point in the file, but always at that line.

This is just a tiny part of the script. objectClass is a placeholder for PathItems, CompoundPathItems, etc. Looping backwards and setting the group to null at the end were just experiments, neither of which had any effect on the error.

if(objectClass.length > 0) <
var objectGroup = myLayer.groupItems.add();
for(var i = objectClass.length; i > 0; i—) <
objectClass[i-1].move(objectGroup, ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING); //This one keeps breaking stuff.
sourceDoc.rasterize(objectGroup, rastBounds, rastOptions);
objectGroup = null;

2. Failing that, how can I relaunch Illustrator through javascript? Or a limited amount of VBScript, though my knowledge of that is limited too.

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var jpgFilePath = new File («/Users/Ellipse8.jpg»
function createRasterItem(jpgFilePath) <
var rasterFile = File(jpgFilePath);
var myDoc = app.documents.add();

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var txtSourceFolder = win.add(«edittext»,undefined);
var btnOk = win.add(«button»,undefined,»Run»);

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but im did it everythin in M&M preference and this error only Rampreviewing wit E3D, anything is cool. My issue is Few days ago Upgrade VGA card n Driver and Element3D v1.6 update.

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Below is a simplified version of my program. I get an Element Not Found error on the line noted. Again, this has never happened in any of our previous versions of AutoCAD. Just started with 2012.

Sub Test
Dim blkref As AcadBlockReference
Dim entry As Variant
For Each entry In ThisDrawing.PaperSpace
If entry.EntityType = acBlockReference Then ‘

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Revit :: Error / Can’t Obtain Permission To Edit The Element

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AutoCAD Inventor :: An Error Occurred While Creating Finite Element Mesh

we’ve made a part from an assembly and put the stress analysis to the test. Unfortunately the analysis doesn’t complete it’s run, because of an error:

«An error occurred while creating the finite element mesh. The cause may be invalid geometry or features that are extremely small in comparison to the overall dimensions of the part. To fix the problem, please suppress those problematic features or use standard meshing method.»

We can’t change the thickness of the sheet-metal, because it’s a model which comes from a supplier with a different cad-program. And supressing any features isn’t possible, because it’s a base-solid.

But where can we change it to the standard meshing methode? The program is recently re-installed on my computer, the settings haven’t changed since it’s been installed. We can’t find the feature.

Illustrator Scripting :: How To Automate Importing Variable And Datasets Into Graphs Via Scripting

I’m try to automate the importing of the Varaible and datasets into my graphs via Scripting, but the ImportVaraibles() function doesn’t seem to work. Here is my Script, mostly copied from the example script provided with Illustrator (CS5). And, this works manually, using the file names in the script, via Load Variable Library

Set appRef = CreateObject(strIllistratorVersion)

‘Open the file and import the datasets
Set docRef = appRef.Open(strTemplate & «»)

Here is the problem, after I delete the previous library, then this next line, right from the example, does nothing
The script then exits with ‘No Datasets in this document’

docRef.ImportVariables (strXMLFolder & «Lumber_200-500.xml»)
‘appRef.DoJavaScript «alert(‘Template:» & strTemplate & strRange & «.ai | XML file:» & strXMLFolder & «» & objFile.Name & «^’)»
If (appRef.Documents.Count > 0) Then
Set docRef = appRef.Documents(1)

If I remove that delete line, the script runs, but just uses whatever Variables I had last loaded, not the XML file.

It’s simply not loading. What do I need to do to get it to load?

Illustrator Scripting :: Access Graph Data Through Scripting DOM?

Can you access graph data through the scripting DOM?

Illustrator :: Export Only 1 Element From AI Document?

how you could select only one element from within an AI document and be able to export just that element out. For example, I’m making a letterhead and I want to select just a logo element from my page and export just that to an eps so that it could be imported into something else.

Back when I was using Corel Draw I could simply select anything and as long as it was the only thing selected I could export it to a new eps file, or whatever kind of file I wanted. If I did it with an image, the image would be cropped to just the bounds of the image.

So far it seems the only way to do this in AI is to export the entire artboard. I’m sure this can’t be because that would be ludicrous, right?

Illustrator :: Make Pattern Brush With 3D Element?

I followed this tutorial to create 3D Christmas lights, and all was going well until I reached one of the final steps- release clipping mask in order to proceed with making a pattern brush. The «Release» option is simply not available, I’m only allowed to «Make.»

— What might have I missed/what should I look for to enable making a pattern brush with 3d objects?

Illustrator :: Copying Element Which Has Graphic Style Applied

Copying an element which has a graphic style applied now breaks apart the style into individual elements if the style is applied to text, the text is outlined too. This never use to happen. Have tried changing the paste board setting but this changes nothing.

Illustrator :: How To Cut First Stroke From Double Outlined Text Element

I have text with two strokes apllied to it. I want to cut/delete the first stroke to have the apperance of a stroke that has a gap between the text fill and the stroke. Or if there is an easier way to have the outline apllied, expanded (for lack of a better term) off of the fill?

Illustrator :: Importing DXF Files Into CC And Keeping Every Element In Place And Size

When i import a DXF file into Illustrator created in AutoCAD, i have the problem that the positions of the elements (rectangles, circles etc.) are not on the exact position as created in AutoCAD. The variations are very minor (Centerposiotion of a element x 5mm y 5mm in AutoCad = x 4.969 y 4.949 after import in Illustrator). Sometimes the sizes of the elements variate also slightly (a line which is 102mm in AutoCAD is 101.99mm after import in Illustrator) but not generally.

I tried various files with different export versions from AutoCAD, including different measures such as mm to inch and points and so on. I tried also the different importing options in Illustrator. The closest i come is Centerposiotion of a element x 5mm y 5mm in AutoCad = x 4.969 y 4.949 but never exact. How to get a DXF file into illustrator by keeping every element in place and size?

Illustrator Scripting :: Create Mirror Text And Stroke Text In AI Scripting

the Script of creating mirror text and stroke text in Adobe illustrator scripting.

Illustrator :: Can’t Apply Effect / Warp — Wave To A Line Made With Line Tool

I should be able to apply an effect to a line that has been made with the line tool. Why is this not working?I thought that maybe I might have disabled Effects somehow, but I can’t think of anything.

Illustrator :: Thin White Line Between Line Art And Live Paint Fill?

I am using live paint to paint cartoon character illustrations. The artwork is brought into Illustrator CS3 and live traced. Then I convert it to a live paint group and use the paint bucket to fill. Everything looks fine no matter how much I zoom in. If I bring the AI file into Photoshop CS6 I can see a thin white line between the black line art and the fill. This is most noticeable where black meets black. I can also see this sometimes in file previews while browsing through files. If the white line cannot be seen in Illustrator is the file ok? I did just upgrade to CS6 if that would make a difference.

I must have pushed one or the other button but I don’t know which one!

I use CS5 and have now a small arrow on my line segment tool (as shown in the picutres):

Ever since that when i click shift, it just allows me to draw vertical lines, rather than vertical or horizontal.



I’m getting a following error, when I try to run VuMark-Setup script:

«Error 1302: No such element

Line 117



VuMark-Verify throws an error as well:

Verify Error

I’m using Adobe Illustrator 20.1.0 64-bit.

Could you please help me with that? Thank you in advance!

Installing MyriadPro (Regular); MyriadPro-Bold and MyriadPro-Semibold. helped in my case.


error 1302 no such element line :17  solved 

i downoaded the required three fonts from the given link>

and i installed these fonts and it worked for me.

MyriadPro (Regular); MyriadPro-Bold and MyriadPro-Semibold.

i downloaded the files and just install them and it worked for me no need to place the fonts at specfic place just download and install the fonts and it started working.

i have the same issue. Did you fix it?



October 13, 2018



A couple of questions:

  1. At which stage in the process does the error occur (i.e. new VuMark setup, VuMark testing/validation, or VuMark export)?
  2. Please provide the version of Illustrator you are running?


Vuforia Engine Support



February 26, 2016

 I am getting error 66, even with Myriad Pro installed through the Creative Cloud subscription.



January 31, 2019


Hi all, 

I am also getting error 117 

And I found out that Myriad Pro Semibold is only available on CC subscription, 

Can we confirm that this font is absolutely necessary for the setup script to run correctly? 

The other problem I ran into is that I couldn’t select other option than String. if I selected Numeric or Bytes, the pop-up screen disappears and the program stop reacting to my mouse clicks. 

please help! 




December 19, 2015


Hi, i have an error when i want to use the Vumarks setup script. Pliz help :3



September 17, 2018


I get the same error but at line 783, anyone knows what can cause this?

Thanks! it work for me, i have the same problem

I am still getting a similar error currently when opening the setup script provided with the Vumark Tools.

«Error 1302: No Such Element»

«Line 117″… (see image)

I tried opening the sample, and I was able to download 2 of the missing fonts. It seems I’m missing MyriadPro-Semibold.

Currently using Adobe Illustrator CC 2018. 

 Is there any workaround for this? Do we really need that font?

Thank you.



October 8, 2017


Found the issue: I had accidentally deleted a layer in my file.



November 30, 2016


I’m also seeing an error in line 783. Any solution for this?



November 30, 2016


I’m seeing this too. (Illustrator CC 2017) which I had to download a trial of to test this. Is there really no way to make a vumark without Illustrator???

After adding the fonts I got to this point, it broke here once I had the required 38 light and dark marks. If either the light or dark marks are greater or less than 38 (e.g. 38 light and 37 dark) then it does not break but I get a fail in the Number of Elements section.

I’m getting the same error. I have the Myriad Pro font installed, I don’t think the solution has anything to do with that. Can anyone assist?



January 27, 2017



i´m getting the following error and can´t figure out whats wrong with my VuMark.

Thanks in advance,


I’m also getting this error using Illustrator CC 2015.3.0

The experience with VuMarks isn’t that great for me. They seem to be not ready to be used for consumer apps.



June 22, 2011


Hey guys,

I get this error when my dark and bright elements are equal in number. The error says «Error 21 -null is not an object. Line 598»

I tried running the script for the tuxedo example. It works there but gives an error for my vumark file.

Appreciate the help.



September 10, 2016


Hey Guys,

So I had this same problem.  Apparently, there is a missing font.  All you have to do is open one of the example illustrator files in the VuMark Designer zip that came with the scripts.  It will tell you a font is missing.  Hit sync.  After a short delay, the font will be added.  Then you should be able to use the setup script.

Good luck!




November 15, 2016



I have other error for this when I try to  run VuMark-Setup script.

Here is the message:

I’m using Adobe illustratorCS6

How can i fixed it?





February 26, 2015



I’m getting the following error when I try to run VuMark-Verify script:

Could you please take a look at that? Thanks!

I get a error when I cteate the exactly number of Element and run Vumark-Verify script 。

error 21 : null 不是对象


I’m using Illustrator CC 2015



August 16, 2016


  • #1

Доброго времени суток.
Существует скрипт в стадии изготовления…
Вашему вниманию предлагается его часть:

//выключение ненужных слоев включение (CUT)
for (i=0; i<app.activeDocument.layers.length; i++){
app.activeDocument.layers.visible = false;
activeDocument.activeLayer = activeDocument.layers[«Cut»];
activeDocument.activeLayer.visible = true

//создать спот (CUT)
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var newSpot = doc.spots.add();
var newColor = new CMYKColor();
newColor.cyan = 15;
newColor.magenta = 100;
newColor.yellow = 100; = 0; = «CUT»;
newSpot.colorType = ColorModel.SPOT;
newSpot.color = newColor;
var newSpotColor = new SpotColor(); = newSpot;
newSpotColor.tint = 100;

// покрасить выделенное в спот (CUT)
if (app.activeDocument.selection.length > 0){
for (i=0; i<app.activeDocument.selection.length; i++){
app.activeDocument.selection.strokeColor = doc.swatches[«CUT»].color;
activeDocument.activeLayer.hasSelectedArtwork = false

Ситуация: в случае отсутствия слоя «Cut» в документе скрипт выдает ошибку «result Error 1302: No such element» Line 5″ смысл ее мне понятен. Вопрос: Как сделать так чтобы скрипт не останавливался на ошибке, а переходил к следующим действиям скрипта (то есть в случае отсутствия слоя «Cut» не создавался цвет и ничего не красилось, а переходило к сл действию)?
Заранее спасибо!
Программист из меня совсем никакой по этому прошу помощи…
Всех с наступающим!


  • #2

Ну, дак, убрать этот кусок кода из кода… А лучше вывесите весь код, так понятнее будет



Пикирующий бомбардировщик

  • #3

Для начала постить код на форум в специальных тэгах

  • #4


for (i=0; i<app.activeDocument.layers.length; i++){
    Lname = app.activeDocument.layers[i];
    if (Lname == "[Layer Cut]") {
    app.activeDocument.layers[i].visible = true;
    else {
    app.activeDocument.layers[i].visible = false

Это нужно было?

  • #5

Для начала постить код на форум в специальных тэгах


у, дак, убрать этот кусок кода из кода… А лучше вывесите весь код, так понятнее будет

)))) вариант мне нравится, но к сожалению так не получится…
вот что есть на данный момент:


//выключение ненужных слоев включение (CUT)
for (i=0; i<app.activeDocument.layers.length; i++){
app.activeDocument.layers[i].visible = false;
activeDocument.activeLayer = activeDocument.layers["Cut"];
activeDocument.activeLayer.visible = true
activeDocument.activeLayer = activeDocument.layers["CUT"];
activeDocument.activeLayer.visible = true
activeDocument.activeLayer = activeDocument.layers["cut"];
activeDocument.activeLayer.visible = true
activeDocument.activeLayer.hasSelectedArtwork = true

    //создать спот (CUT)
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    var newSpot = doc.spots.add();
    var newColor = new CMYKColor();
    newColor.cyan = 15;
    newColor.magenta = 100;
    newColor.yellow = 100; = 0; = "CUT";
    newSpot.colorType = ColorModel.SPOT;
    newSpot.color = newColor;
    var newSpotColor = new SpotColor(); = newSpot;
    newSpotColor.tint = 100;

        // покрасить выделенное в спот (CUT)
        if (app.activeDocument.selection.length > 0){
        for (i=0; i<app.activeDocument.selection.length; i++){
        app.activeDocument.selection[i].strokeColor = doc.swatches["CUT"].color;
        activeDocument.activeLayer.hasSelectedArtwork = false

                    //включение всех слоев
                    for (i=0; i<app.activeDocument.layers.length; i++){
                    app.activeDocument.layers[i].visible = true;
//выключение ненужных слоев включение (Crease)
for (i=0; i<app.activeDocument.layers.length; i++){
app.activeDocument.layers[i].visible = false;
activeDocument.activeLayer = activeDocument.layers["Crease"];
activeDocument.activeLayer.visible = true
activeDocument.activeLayer = activeDocument.layers["CREASE"];
activeDocument.activeLayer.visible = true
activeDocument.activeLayer = activeDocument.layers["crease"];
activeDocument.activeLayer.visible = true
activeDocument.activeLayer.hasSelectedArtwork = true

    //создать спот (CREASE)
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    var newSpot1 = doc.spots.add();
    var newColor1 = new CMYKColor();
    newColor1.cyan = 100;
    newColor1.magenta = 0;
    newColor1.yellow = 100; = 0; = "CREASE";
    newSpot1.colorType = ColorModel.SPOT;
    newSpot1.color = newColor1;
    var newSpot1Color = new SpotColor(); = newSpot;
    newSpotColor.tint = 100;

        // покрасить выделенное в спот (CREASE)
        if (app.activeDocument.selection.length > 0){
        for (i=0; i<app.activeDocument.selection.length; i++){
        app.activeDocument.selection[i].strokeColor = doc.swatches["CREASE"].color;
        activeDocument.activeLayer.hasSelectedArtwork = false

            //включение всех слоев
            for (i=0; i<app.activeDocument.layers.length; i++){
            app.activeDocument.layers[i].visible = true;

//выключение ненужных слоев включение (Rits)
for (i=0; i<app.activeDocument.layers.length; i++){
app.activeDocument.layers[i].visible = false;
activeDocument.activeLayer = activeDocument.layers["Rits"];
activeDocument.activeLayer.visible = true
activeDocument.activeLayer = activeDocument.layers["RITS"];
activeDocument.activeLayer.visible = true
activeDocument.activeLayer = activeDocument.layers["rits"];
activeDocument.activeLayer.visible = true
activeDocument.activeLayer.hasSelectedArtwork = true

    //создать спот (RITZ)
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    var newSpot2 = doc.spots.add();
    var newColor2 = new CMYKColor();
    newColor2.cyan = 0;
    newColor2.magenta = 0;
    newColor2.yellow = 0; = 100; = "RITZ";
    newSpot2.colorType = ColorModel.SPOT;
    newSpot2.color = newColor2;
    var newSpot2Color = new SpotColor(); = newSpot;
    newSpotColor.tint = 100;

        // покрасить выделенное в спот (RITZ)
        if (app.activeDocument.selection.length > 0){
        for (i=0; i<app.activeDocument.selection.length; i++){
        app.activeDocument.selection[i].strokeColor = doc.swatches["RITZ"].color;
        activeDocument.activeLayer.hasSelectedArtwork = false

            //включение всех слоев
            for (i=0; i<app.activeDocument.layers.length; i++){
            app.activeDocument.layers[i].visible = true;

  • #6

То есть если нет слоя «Cut» переходить к действию со слоем «Crease», не создавая спота «CUT» и ничего не крася им…



Пикирующий бомбардировщик

  • #7

Можно просто завернуть критический кусок в try { … } catch ( err ) { }

  • #8

Можно просто завернуть критический кусок в try { … } catch ( err ) { }

Все удалось большое спасибо!!!

  • #9

Доброго всем Времени суток.
Возник еще такой вопрос: где-то в документе иллюстратора (за пределами артборда) существует текстовая линия на ней есть надпись (скажем «С ОБОРОТА») как заставить скрипт обнаружить текстовую линию с этой надписью?

Заранее Спасибо!



Пикирующий бомбардировщик

  • #10

Перебирать все textFrame и проверять contents на совпадение с данной строкой

  • #11

Перебирать все textFrame и проверять contents на совпадение с данной строкой

А можно немножко по подробней если вас не затруднит… просто что нужно сделать я понимаю а как это сделать не очень… заранее спасибо



Пикирующий бомбардировщик

  • #12


for (var i=0;i<app.activeDocument.textFrames.length;i++)
        if (app.activeDocument.textFrames.contents=="искомый текст")
            //нужное действие
            break; // ну или искать дальше - тогда не break

  • #13

Еще раз всем большущее спасибо за ответы.
Теперь возник такой вопрос по скрипту на иллюстратор: возможно ли включить поиск слоя по части названия? Если да то каким образом???

Oleg Butrin

  • #14



  • #15

: возможно ли включить поиск слоя по части названия? Если да то каким образом???

1. Да.
2. Берется имя слоя и ищется вхождение части названия


  • #16

1. Да.
2. Берется имя слоя и ищется вхождение части названия
Посмотреть вложение 127632

Большущее спасибо!!!
немного переписав под свои нужды получил:


for (var i = app.activeDocument.layers.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
if ( new String( app.activeDocument.layers[i].name ).indexOf("PERF") == 0 ) {
app.activeDocument.layers[i].visible = true;

И возник такой (понимаю глупый) вопрос как найденный слой сделать активным???

Еще раз Большое спасибо!!!

  • #17



app.activeDocument.activeLayer = app.activeDocument.layers[i];

  • #18

Добрый Вечер…
И вновь вопрос: как удалить найденный текст:


// Получить данные артборда
                        docRef = app.activeDocument;
                        var aIndex = docRef.artboards.getActiveArtboardIndex();
                        var artboard = docRef.artboards[aIndex];
                        var aRect = artboard.artboardRect;
                        var aLeft = aRect[0];
                        var aRight = aRect[2];
                        var aTop = aRect[1];
                        var aBottom = aRect[3];
// если есть комент поставить его в артборд
for (var i=0;i<app.activeDocument.textFrames.length;i++)
    if (app.activeDocument.textFrames.contents='с некашированной стороны');
        //NO = app.activeDocument.textFrames.contents='с некашированной стороны';
        // Поставить текст лайн
        pointTextRef11 = app.activeDocument.activeLayer.textFrames.add();
        // Установить по координатам = aTop - 90*2.834645;
        pointTextRef11.left = aLeft + 10*2.834645;
        // Покрасить в нужный цвет из поллитры сватч
        var range = pointTextRef11.textRange;
        var attributes = range.characterAttributes;
        attributes.fillColor = app.activeDocument.swatches["[Registration]"].color
        attributes.size = 36*2.834645*0.35
        pointTextRef11.contents = "C некашированной стороны"
            break; // ну или искать дальше - тогда не break

Мои бесплодные попытки сделать это строки 15 и 16 (в данный момент изолированные)…
смысл такой: Если текст ‘с некашированной стороны’ есть в документе, поставить согласно заданным параметрам текст «C некашированной стороны», найденный удалить…

Большое спасибо!!!



Пикирующий бомбардировщик

  • #19

Самый простой способ для нужного удаляемого фрагмента создать textRange и его contents присвоить «»

  • #20

Самый простой способ для нужного удаляемого фрагмента создать textRange и его contents присвоить «»

Спасибо большое!!!

Moderators: Tom, Kukurykus


Error 1302 : No such element


I’m new in this forum (and new to PS script writing to be honnest !) and I’m having my first little problem.

I’m using wade’s script (bb/viewtopic.php?t=411&highlight=pixel+color+colour) in order to pick the color of a pixel. When I launch the script, PS returns the error :
«Error 1302: No such element» (Translation from the french : Elément inexistant)
concerning the code :
pChannel = curDoc.channels.getByName(«Red»).histogram;

I’ve checked the code several times, and everything seems ok to me… I actually don’t even understand the meaning of this error.

By the way, I wondered if anybody could give me tips to debug PS scripts…

Thanks !

Mike Hale

Error 1302 : No such element

by Mike Hale » Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:30 pm

I would think of possible two reasons for this error. The error says that it can not find a channel with the name of ‘Red’.

1 Is you doc in RGB mode? Only RGB files will have a ‘RED’ channel. If your doc is not RGB you will have to change the script or you doc

2 If it is RGB, is the channel called ‘Red’ in the channel palette? The only other thing I can think is that the red channel uses the french word for red in your version of Photoshop


Error 1302 : No such element

by Dohny » Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:27 am

Well, thanks a lot Mike for your answer !

I had checked that the picture was in RGB mode, but I hadn’t checked about the name of the channels ! My channel is actually Rouge as you said !!

Yet, now I wonder : do you think that the name of the channels depend on the language of the soft with which the image has been saved or does it only depend on the soft with which you open the image ?

Again, thanks a lot for your fast and accurate answer !

Mike Hale

Error 1302 : No such element

by Mike Hale » Tue Jun 06, 2006 12:51 pm

I think that it is the version you are using. There are other issuses that can break a script because of the language version of Photoshop is different than the one the script was tested in . The OS or app path and error messages are other problem areas.

Would you be willing to work with me, perhaps by email, to compile a list of differences between the french version and the english version that we can post here to help other script writers localize their scripts?



Error 1302 : No such element

by Dohny » Tue Jun 06, 2006 9:09 pm

Ok… as soon as I have my script done and working on my machine, I try it on the english version of the soft.

About working on the differences between area versions, I’d be glad but I’m really beginner in scripting… so it would mean that you would have to pilot me a little bit !

If you’re still interested, just send me a pm and we’ll work this out !

Thanks again !

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