Error 143 micah

Micah Yujin is the main character and the rival of MC, which with playful bantering and flirting, becomes the MC's significant other. Described as Error143's centrepiece, Micah Yujin's snarky attitude and playful humor often gives the player the charisma that he holds as well as possessing a realistic feel to his consistent behavior. also being the hottest person ever. Micah's personality often offers jokes, sarcasm and the use of "deez nuts" jokes. He uses slightly outdated jokes and phrases in

Micah Yujin is the main character and the rival of MC, which with playful bantering and flirting, becomes the MC’s significant other. Described as Error143’s centrepiece, Micah Yujin’s snarky attitude and playful humor often gives the player the charisma that he holds as well as possessing a realistic feel to his consistent behavior.

also being the hottest person ever.

Micah neutral .png


Micah’s personality often offers jokes, sarcasm and the use of «deez nuts» jokes. He uses slightly outdated jokes and phrases in the video calls, such as «pogchamp». Despite the playful banter and competition, he is shown as to flirt with MC and take genuine concern if he steps boundaries. He is affectionate as shown in the two demo endings, as he confesses his love to the MC through pick up lines and singing a song (Only You (Micah’s Version)) for the MC.

Micah takes rejection to heart and will lose his extroversion when dealing with a sense of rejection, he becomes withdrawn and depressed. Him overstepping boundaries also causes him a dejection towards the conversation or person, causing him to drop the conversation and/or person.

Hobbies and Occupation[]

Micah’s hobbies include baking, cleaning, cooking, hacking, gaming, and working out (-ish).

Micah is also shown Stalking, Cyberstalking and Doxxing the player

A guide for ERROR143, all endings and all Friend PC Backdoor passwords as of so far.
This will spoil the Backdoor activities so if I recommend you do those and the story first, this is mainly to help you out if you’re struggling.

Error 211: (Marriage ending)When starting up the game, after you’re introduced to Micah he prompts a hacking sequence following the line “I’d never say no to a rematch”

The password is: “Marry me”, unlocking secret ending 211

Error 1: (Bad ending)There are two ways to achieve this ending, one on Day 1 and the other on Day 3.

-Day 1: After Micah reveals he has gotten you a present, you click the text “Whatever stalker ;p” , following this choose “I feel uncomfortable”

-Day 3: Once in call with Micah, he should say the following “The only thing that would make me happier is if you’d admit your feelings for me”. Reply with “In your dreams”, later when he asks “Did you want me to stop?”, select “Yes, I want you to stop”

Congrats, you made the boy sad >:(

Error 143: (Normal/Good ending)Play through the game normally but avoid clicking the choices outline in the previous endings. This will result in the ending Error143, the main ending of the game.

Friend PC Backdoors

Crocnapping: 4PPLEB0TT0MJ43ANS

Odreru: AMEN

Jennyan: LOSER




Tora: SOUP

Mationette: HOTDOG

Faranesque: PASSWORD1

Chochi: 99B50D

Nine: 12345







That’s everything we are sharing today for this Error143 guide. This guide was originally created and written by Mixxy. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.

If you believe that any of the content on this site violates your rights, including your intellectual property rights, please contact us immediately using our contact form.



Error143 – All Endings & Friend PC Backdoors – Walkthrough 1 -
Error143 – All Endings & Friend PC Backdoors – Walkthrough 1 —

A guide for ERROR143, all endings and all Friend PC Backdoor pa*swords as of so far.

 This will spoil the Backdoor activities so if I recommend you do those and the story first, this is mainly to help you out if you’re struggling.

Error 211: (Marriage ending)

 When starting up the game, after you’re introduced to Micah he prompts a hacking sequence following the line “I’d never say no to a rematch”

 The pa*sword is: “Marry me”, unlocking secret ending 211

  Error 1: (Bad ending)

 There are two ways to achieve this ending, one on Day 1 and the other on Day 3.

 -Day 1: After Micah reveals he has gotten you a present, you click the text

“Whatever stalker ;p”

, following this choose

“I feel uncomfortable”

 -Day 2: Once in call with Micah, he should say the following “The only thing that would make me happier is if you’d admit your feelings for me”. Reply with

“In your dreams”

, later when he asks “Did you want me to stop?”, select

“Yes, I want you to stop”

  Congrats, you made the boy sad >:(

Error 143: (Normal/Good ending)

 Play through the game normally but avoid clicking the choices outline in the previous endings. This will result in the ending Error143, the main ending of the game.

Friend PC Backdoors

Crocnapping: 4PPLEB0TT0MJ43ANS

 Odreru: AMEN

 Jennyan: LOSER




 Tora: SOUP

 Mationette: HOTDOG

 Faranesque: PASSWORD1

 Chochi: 99B50D

 Nine: 12345








 I hope you enjoy the Guide we share about Error143 – All Endings & Friend PC Backdoors – Walkthrough; if you think we forget to add or we should add more information, please let us know via commenting below! See you soon!

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  • Error143

Have you been looking for a list of Error143 Game Passwords but couldn’t find anything that suited your needs? Looks like you’re not the only one. Thanks to Error143, you can now access a comprehensive list of game passwords, including those for popular games like Fortnite, Call of Duty, and Minecraft. This is a great resource if you want to password protect your games or just keep track of which ones you’ve already played.

Error143 Game Password List:

Here you will get Friend PC Backdoor passwords, Answers & Endings – Marriage, Bad & Good Ending, or many more. Now without further delay let’s start the Error143 Game Password List 2022. In this post we covered everything about PC Backdoor passwords, Answers and Endings – Marriage, Bad and Good Ending, or other details.

Friend PC Backdoor:

We are currently seeing an increase in the number of people who are experiencing Error143 while trying to play games online. To help protect yourself and your friends, we have compiled a list of Error143 game passwords. If you are experiencing this issue and cannot access your games, please input the password listed below and try to play your game again.

Error143 Game Password List – Friend PC Backdoor

These are all Friend PC Backdoor passwords:

  • Crocnapping: 4PPLEB0TT0MJ43ANS
  • Odreru: AMEN
  • Jennyan: LOSER
  • Tofu: SWAGLORD
  • Tora: SOUP
  • Mationette: HOTDOG
  • Faranesque: PASSWORD1
  • Chochi: 99B50D
  • Nine: 12345
  • Xavi: LURKER
  • Ma-Rina: KINIKILIG
  • Ohn: BLUBBU

Error143 Game Password List – Answers & Endings

Your answers will influence the ending you unlock, as there are three possible endings

Marriage Ending Answers – Micah – Error 211

Right after you meet Micah, and right after the line of text “I’d never say no to a rematch” you must reply with the password “Marry Me” (obviously without the quotes).

You just need to know that password or answer to unlock the Error 211 ending also known as marriage ending or Micah ending

Bad Ending Answers – Error 1

This ending can be achieved on both day 1 and day 3

  • Day 1: Right after Micah’s gift you should reply > “Whatever stalker ;p” &  “I feel uncomfortable”
  • Day 3: During the call with Micah you must answer “In your dreams” & “Yes, I want you to stop”

Just from the answers you will have already deduced that you are not going to get anything good. But if you already beat the game and want to get all the endings, this is one of them

Good Ending Answers – Error 143

The only thing you have to do to get this ending is to complete the game without using any of the answers from the previous two endings.

How to Play Error143 Game:

In the Error143 Game you video call Micah. It does not even finish ringing once before he actually picks up. He in-game scrunches his face up and says, What’s up, loser? as he really tries to hold back a yawn. Why are you calling me at the time three O’clock? Should not you be asleep by now? Like the angel actually you are.”

It will take a few blinks for him to register your face. But once he actually does, a wry expression creeps onto his face. “Do not tell me you miss me and he says that raising his brow.

A jolt of in-game butterflies rushes throughout your body when he actually says that, and you are embarrassed to admit it. But it is really late and you are tired and your brain short circuits. Which is why you have a flustered and dumb look on your face. It takes him a second to register what is really happening.

Once he actually understands that he cups his face with both hands and starts blushing. Between his fingers, a whimpered sound actually comes through that Don’t tell me you actu—.

Photo of Info Official

Nice to meet you. I’m a professional blogger. I spend maximum time on Blog Content Writing & Researching. I never saw myself as a writer, but in my early forties, I learned how to write and discovered the joy of writing.

Welcome to our Error143 Game Password List guide. This guide will show you Friend PC Backdoor passwords, Answers and Breaks – Marriage, Good and Bad Endings.

  • Error143 Game Password List

Friend PC Backdoor passwords, Answers & Endings – Marriage, Good and Bad Ending!

Error143 Game Password

Error143 Game Password

Friend PC Backdoor

These are all Friend PC Backdoor passwords:

  • Crocnapping: 4PPLEB0TT0MJ43ANS
  • Odreru: AMEN
  • Jennyan: LOSER
  • Tofu: SWAGLORD
  • Tora: SOUP
  • Mationette: HOTDOG
  • Faranesque: PASSWORD1
  • Chochi: 99B50D
  • Nine: 12345
  • Xavi: LURKER
  • Ma-Rina: KINIKILIG
  • Ohn: BLUBBU

Answers & Endings – Error143 Game Password List

Your answers will influence the ending you unlock, as there are three possible endings

Marriage Ending Answers – Micah – Error 211

Right after you meet Micah, and right after the line of text “I’d never say no to a rematch” you must reply with the password “Marry Me” (obviously without the quotes).

You just need to know that password or answer to unlock the Error 211 ending also known as marriage ending or Micah ending

Bad Ending Answers – Error 1

This ending can be achieved on both day 1 and day 3

  • Day 1: Right after Micah’s gift you should reply > “Whatever stalker ;p” & “I feel uncomfortable”
  • Day 3: During the call with Micah you must answer “In your dreams” & “Yes, I want you to stop”
  • Just from the answers you will have already deduced that you are not going to get anything good. But if you already beat the game and want to get all the endings, this is one of them

Good Ending Answers – Error 143

The only thing you have to do to get this ending is to complete the game without using any of the answers from the previous two endings.

About Error143 Game

You video call Micah. It doesn’t even finish ringing once before he picks up. He scrunches his face up while he says, “What’s up, loser?” as he tries to hold back a yawn. “Why are you calling me at 3 a.m.? Shouldn’t you be sleeping by now? Like the angel you are.”

It takes a couple of blinks for him to register your face. But once he does, a wry smile creeps onto his face. “Don’t tell me you miss me,” he says, raising his brow.

A jolt of butterflies rushes throughout your body when he says that, and you’re embarrassed to admit it. But it’s late. And you’re tired. And your brain short circuits…which is why you have a dumb and flustered look on your face. It takes him a second to register what’s happening.

Once he understands, he starts blushing and cups his face with both hands. Between his fingers, a whimpered sound comes through, “Don’t tell me you actu—.”

Points of Content

  • 1 Error143 Game Password List
  • 2 Error143 Game Answers & Endings
    • 2.1 Marriage Ending Answers – Micah – Error 211 >>
    • 2.2 Error 1 – Bad Ending Answers >>
    • 2.3 Error 143 – Good Ending Answers >>
  • 3 About Error143 Game
  • 4 Conclusion

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Looking for Error143 Game Password List so you are at the right spot. Here you will get Friend PC Backdoor passwords, Answers & Endings – Marriage, Bad & Good Ending, or many more.

Now without further delay let’s start the Error143 Game Password List 2023.

Last Update On – 2 January 2023

Error143 Game Password
Error143 Game Passwords

Here are all working Friend PC Backdoor passwords:

  • Mationette – HOTDOG
  • Ohn – BLUBBU
  • Odreru – AMEN
  • Ma-Rina – KINIKILIG
  • Faranesque – PASSWORD1
  • Rei – POOPHEAD
  • Tofu – SWAGLORD
  • Tora – SOUP
  • Jennyan – LOSER
  • Chochi – 99B50D
  • Xavi – LURKER
  • Nine – 12345
  • Crocnapping – 4PPLEB0TT0MJ43ANS

Error143 Game Answers & Endings

Your answers will actually influence the Error143 Game ending you unlock, as there are total 3 possible in-game endings

Marriage Ending Answers – Micah – Error 211 >>

In the game, after you meet Micah, and then the line of text “I’d never say actually no to a rematch” you have to reply with the password – Marry Me.

You must know that password or answer to actually unlock the Error 211 ending, also called the Micah ending or the marriage ending.

Error 1 – Bad Ending Answers >>

This in-game ending can be achieved on both day one and day three

Day One – Right after Micah’s gift you should reply that “Whatever stalker ;p” and “I feel uncomfortable”
Day Three – During the Micah call you must answer that “In your dreams” and “Yes, I want you to stop”

Just from the in-game answers, you will already be deduced that you are not actually going to get anything great. But if you already beat the game and would like to get all the in-game endings, this is one of them.

Error 143 – Good Ending Answers >>

The only thing you have to do in the game to get this ending is to complete the game without actually using any of the answers from the previous 2 endings.

About Error143 Game

In the Error143 Game you video call Micah. It does not even finish ringing once before he actually picks up. He in-game scrunches his face up and says, What’s up, loser? as he really tries to hold back a yawn. Why are you calling me at the time three O’clock? Should not you be asleep by now? Like the angel actually you are.”

It will take a few blinks for him to register your face. But once he actually does, a wry expression creeps onto his face. “Do not tell me you miss me and he says that raising his brow.

A jolt of in-game butterflies rushes throughout your body when he actually says that, and you are embarrassed to admit it. But it is really late and you are tired and your brain short circuits. Which is why you have a flustered and dumb look on your face. It takes him a second to register what is really happening.

Once he actually understands that he cups his face with both hands and starts blushing. Between his fingers, a whimpered sound actually comes through that Don’t tell me you actu—.


We hope this Error143 Game Password List is helpful for you. In this post we covered everything about PC Backdoor passwords, Answers and Endings – Marriage, Bad and Good Ending, or other details.

If you have any questions related to Error143 Game Passwords so comment section is open for you, Enjoy Error143 Game.

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