Error 143 password

Have you been looking for a list of Error143 Game Passwords but couldn't find anything that suited your needs? Looks like you're not the only one. Thanks to Error143, you can now access a comprehensiv

Have you been looking for a list of Error143 Game Passwords but couldn’t find anything that suited your needs? Looks like you’re not the only one. Thanks to Error143, you can now access a comprehensive list of game passwords, including those for popular games like Fortnite, Call of Duty, and Minecraft. This is a great resource if you want to password protect your games or just keep track of which ones you’ve already played.

Error143 Game Password List:

Here you will get Friend PC Backdoor passwords, Answers & Endings – Marriage, Bad & Good Ending, or many more. Now without further delay let’s start the Error143 Game Password List 2022. In this post we covered everything about PC Backdoor passwords, Answers and Endings – Marriage, Bad and Good Ending, or other details.

Friend PC Backdoor:

We are currently seeing an increase in the number of people who are experiencing Error143 while trying to play games online. To help protect yourself and your friends, we have compiled a list of Error143 game passwords. If you are experiencing this issue and cannot access your games, please input the password listed below and try to play your game again.

Error143 Game Password List – Friend PC Backdoor

These are all Friend PC Backdoor passwords:

  • Crocnapping: 4PPLEB0TT0MJ43ANS
  • Odreru: AMEN
  • Jennyan: LOSER
  • Tofu: SWAGLORD
  • Tora: SOUP
  • Mationette: HOTDOG
  • Faranesque: PASSWORD1
  • Chochi: 99B50D
  • Nine: 12345
  • Xavi: LURKER
  • Ma-Rina: KINIKILIG
  • Ohn: BLUBBU

Error143 Game Password List – Answers & Endings

Your answers will influence the ending you unlock, as there are three possible endings

Marriage Ending Answers – Micah – Error 211

Right after you meet Micah, and right after the line of text “I’d never say no to a rematch” you must reply with the password “Marry Me” (obviously without the quotes).

You just need to know that password or answer to unlock the Error 211 ending also known as marriage ending or Micah ending

Bad Ending Answers – Error 1

This ending can be achieved on both day 1 and day 3

  • Day 1: Right after Micah’s gift you should reply > “Whatever stalker ;p” &  “I feel uncomfortable”
  • Day 3: During the call with Micah you must answer “In your dreams” & “Yes, I want you to stop”

Just from the answers you will have already deduced that you are not going to get anything good. But if you already beat the game and want to get all the endings, this is one of them

Good Ending Answers – Error 143

The only thing you have to do to get this ending is to complete the game without using any of the answers from the previous two endings.

How to Play Error143 Game:

In the Error143 Game you video call Micah. It does not even finish ringing once before he actually picks up. He in-game scrunches his face up and says, What’s up, loser? as he really tries to hold back a yawn. Why are you calling me at the time three O’clock? Should not you be asleep by now? Like the angel actually you are.”

It will take a few blinks for him to register your face. But once he actually does, a wry expression creeps onto his face. “Do not tell me you miss me and he says that raising his brow.

A jolt of in-game butterflies rushes throughout your body when he actually says that, and you are embarrassed to admit it. But it is really late and you are tired and your brain short circuits. Which is why you have a flustered and dumb look on your face. It takes him a second to register what is really happening.

Once he actually understands that he cups his face with both hands and starts blushing. Between his fingers, a whimpered sound actually comes through that Don’t tell me you actu—.

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Nice to meet you. I’m a professional blogger. I spend maximum time on Blog Content Writing & Researching. I never saw myself as a writer, but in my early forties, I learned how to write and discovered the joy of writing.

Welcome to our Error143 Game Password List guide. This guide will show you Friend PC Backdoor passwords, Answers and Breaks – Marriage, Good and Bad Endings.

  • Error143 Game Password List

Friend PC Backdoor passwords, Answers & Endings – Marriage, Good and Bad Ending!

Error143 Game Password

Error143 Game Password

Friend PC Backdoor

These are all Friend PC Backdoor passwords:

  • Crocnapping: 4PPLEB0TT0MJ43ANS
  • Odreru: AMEN
  • Jennyan: LOSER
  • Tofu: SWAGLORD
  • Tora: SOUP
  • Mationette: HOTDOG
  • Faranesque: PASSWORD1
  • Chochi: 99B50D
  • Nine: 12345
  • Xavi: LURKER
  • Ma-Rina: KINIKILIG
  • Ohn: BLUBBU

Answers & Endings – Error143 Game Password List

Your answers will influence the ending you unlock, as there are three possible endings

Marriage Ending Answers – Micah – Error 211

Right after you meet Micah, and right after the line of text “I’d never say no to a rematch” you must reply with the password “Marry Me” (obviously without the quotes).

You just need to know that password or answer to unlock the Error 211 ending also known as marriage ending or Micah ending

Bad Ending Answers – Error 1

This ending can be achieved on both day 1 and day 3

  • Day 1: Right after Micah’s gift you should reply > “Whatever stalker ;p” & “I feel uncomfortable”
  • Day 3: During the call with Micah you must answer “In your dreams” & “Yes, I want you to stop”
  • Just from the answers you will have already deduced that you are not going to get anything good. But if you already beat the game and want to get all the endings, this is one of them

Good Ending Answers – Error 143

The only thing you have to do to get this ending is to complete the game without using any of the answers from the previous two endings.

About Error143 Game

You video call Micah. It doesn’t even finish ringing once before he picks up. He scrunches his face up while he says, “What’s up, loser?” as he tries to hold back a yawn. “Why are you calling me at 3 a.m.? Shouldn’t you be sleeping by now? Like the angel you are.”

It takes a couple of blinks for him to register your face. But once he does, a wry smile creeps onto his face. “Don’t tell me you miss me,” he says, raising his brow.

A jolt of butterflies rushes throughout your body when he says that, and you’re embarrassed to admit it. But it’s late. And you’re tired. And your brain short circuits…which is why you have a dumb and flustered look on your face. It takes him a second to register what’s happening.

Once he understands, he starts blushing and cups his face with both hands. Between his fingers, a whimpered sound comes through, “Don’t tell me you actu—.”

A guide for Error143, all endings and all Friend PC Backdoor passwords as of so far. This will spoil the Backdoor activities so if I recommend you do those and the story first, this is mainly to help you out if you’re struggling.


Error 211: (Marriage ending)

When starting up the game, after you’re introduced to Micah he prompts a hacking sequence following the line “I’d never say no to a rematch”.

  • The password is: “Marry me”, unlocking secret ending 211.

Error 1: (Bad ending)

There are two ways to achieve this ending, one on Day 1 and the other on Day 3:

  • Day 1: After Micah reveals he has gotten you a present, you click the text “Whatever stalker ;p”, following this choose “I feel uncomfortable”.
  • Day 2: Once in call with Micah, he should say the following “The only thing that would make me happier is if you’d admit your feelings for me”. Reply with “In your dreams”, later when he asks “Did you want me to stop?”, select “Yes, I want you to stop”

Congrats, you made the boy sad.

Error 143: (Normal/Good ending)

Play through the game normally but avoid clicking the choices outline in the previous endings. This will result in the ending Error143, the main ending of the game.

Friend PC Backdoors

  • Crocnapping: 4PPLEB0TT0MJ43ANS
  • Odreru: AMEN
  • Jennyan: LOSER
  • Tofu: SWAGLORD
  • Tora: SOUP
  • Mationette: HOTDOG
  • Faranesque: PASSWORD1
  • Chochi: 99B50D
  • Nine: 12345
  • Xavi: LURKER
  • Ma-Rina: KINIKILIG
  • Ohn: BLUBBU

Error 143 Codes - All Friend's PC Passwords

Looking for the codes (passwords) to enter in your friend’s computers in Error 143? Don’t worry, you have just arrived at the right place. You can use these codes to hack and access your friend’s computer to take a look at everything they have got. That being said, here are all the codes that you are looking for. Make sure to read till to know the steps to enter the codes as well.

All Error 143 Codes

All Error 143 Codes

Here are all the codes that you can use to hack other’s PC:

  • Chochi – 99B50D
  • Crocnapping – 4PPLEB0TT0MJ43ANS
  • Faranesque – PASSWORD1
  • Jennyan – LOSER
  • Ma-Rina – KINIKILIG
  • Mationette – HOTDOG
  • Nine – 12345
  • Odreru – AMEN
  • Ohn – BLUBBU
  • Rei – POOPHEAD
  • Tofu – SWAGLORD
  • Tora – SOUP
  • Xavi – LURKER

How to Use Codes in Error 143?

There is a list of contacts available on your system. Besides chatting with them, you can also Hack their PC and know private things about them. To do so, simply select a Contact from the list and click on the Hack button below. Further, navigate and click on the Backdoors icon on your PC. For the next step, simply use the above-mentioned codes to Hack the computer of the respective contact.

Performing all these sneaky activities will help you get to know more about your rival, Micah. Moreover, it is necessary for you to best each and every character in Error 143.

That is pretty much it about the Codes and how to use them in Error 143. While you are here, make sure to check out our Mobile Game Category for more such content. Additionally, you can also take a look at our Video Game Guides that features equally entertaining content.

Points of Content

  • 1 Error143 Game Password List
  • 2 Error143 Game Answers & Endings
    • 2.1 Marriage Ending Answers – Micah – Error 211 >>
    • 2.2 Error 1 – Bad Ending Answers >>
    • 2.3 Error 143 – Good Ending Answers >>
  • 3 About Error143 Game
  • 4 Conclusion

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Looking for Error143 Game Password List so you are at the right spot. Here you will get Friend PC Backdoor passwords, Answers & Endings – Marriage, Bad & Good Ending, or many more.

Now without further delay let’s start the Error143 Game Password List 2023.

Last Update On – 2 January 2023

Error143 Game Password
Error143 Game Passwords

Here are all working Friend PC Backdoor passwords:

  • Mationette – HOTDOG
  • Ohn – BLUBBU
  • Odreru – AMEN
  • Ma-Rina – KINIKILIG
  • Faranesque – PASSWORD1
  • Rei – POOPHEAD
  • Tofu – SWAGLORD
  • Tora – SOUP
  • Jennyan – LOSER
  • Chochi – 99B50D
  • Xavi – LURKER
  • Nine – 12345
  • Crocnapping – 4PPLEB0TT0MJ43ANS

Error143 Game Answers & Endings

Your answers will actually influence the Error143 Game ending you unlock, as there are total 3 possible in-game endings

Marriage Ending Answers – Micah – Error 211 >>

In the game, after you meet Micah, and then the line of text “I’d never say actually no to a rematch” you have to reply with the password – Marry Me.

You must know that password or answer to actually unlock the Error 211 ending, also called the Micah ending or the marriage ending.

Error 1 – Bad Ending Answers >>

This in-game ending can be achieved on both day one and day three

Day One – Right after Micah’s gift you should reply that “Whatever stalker ;p” and “I feel uncomfortable”
Day Three – During the Micah call you must answer that “In your dreams” and “Yes, I want you to stop”

Just from the in-game answers, you will already be deduced that you are not actually going to get anything great. But if you already beat the game and would like to get all the in-game endings, this is one of them.

Error 143 – Good Ending Answers >>

The only thing you have to do in the game to get this ending is to complete the game without actually using any of the answers from the previous 2 endings.

About Error143 Game

In the Error143 Game you video call Micah. It does not even finish ringing once before he actually picks up. He in-game scrunches his face up and says, What’s up, loser? as he really tries to hold back a yawn. Why are you calling me at the time three O’clock? Should not you be asleep by now? Like the angel actually you are.”

It will take a few blinks for him to register your face. But once he actually does, a wry expression creeps onto his face. “Do not tell me you miss me and he says that raising his brow.

A jolt of in-game butterflies rushes throughout your body when he actually says that, and you are embarrassed to admit it. But it is really late and you are tired and your brain short circuits. Which is why you have a flustered and dumb look on your face. It takes him a second to register what is really happening.

Once he actually understands that he cups his face with both hands and starts blushing. Between his fingers, a whimpered sound actually comes through that Don’t tell me you actu—.


We hope this Error143 Game Password List is helpful for you. In this post we covered everything about PC Backdoor passwords, Answers and Endings – Marriage, Bad and Good Ending, or other details.

If you have any questions related to Error143 Game Passwords so comment section is open for you, Enjoy Error143 Game.

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На чтение 2 мин Просмотров 562 Опубликовано 27 июля, 2022

Гайд по Error143, всем окончаниям и всем паролям бэкдора Friend PC на данный момент. Это испортит действия в бэкдоре, поэтому, если я рекомендую вам сначала пройти их и историю, это в основном поможет вам, если вы боретесь.


  1. Все концовки и усилители; Бэкдоры
  2. Окончания
  3. Другие компьютерные бэкдоры

Все концовки и усилители; Бэкдоры


Ошибка 211: (Окончание брака)

При запуске игры, после того как вы познакомились с Микой, он предлагает хакерскую последовательность, следующую за строкой «Я никогда не откажусь от матча-реванша».

    < li>Пароль: “Выходи за меня замуж”, открывающий секретную концовку 211.

Ошибка 1: (Плохая концовка)

Есть два способа достичь этой концовки: один в День 1, а другой в День 3:

  • День 1: после того, как Мика сообщает, что получил для вас подарок, вы нажимаете на текст “Что бы ни сталкер ;p”, после этого выберите “Мне неудобно”.
  • День 2: После разговора с Микой он должен сказать следующее: «Единственное, что сделало бы меня счастливее, — это если бы ты признался в своих чувствах ко мне». Ответьте фразой “Во сне” позже, когда он спросит “Ты хотел, чтобы я остановился?”, выбери “Да, я хочу, чтобы ты прекратил”

Поздравляем, вы расстроили мальчика.

Ошибка 143: (Нормальная/Хорошая концовка)

Пройти играйте нормально, но избегайте нажимать на контур выбора в предыдущих концовках. Это приведет к финалу Error143, основному финалу игры.

Другие компьютерные бэкдоры

  • Crocnapping: 4PPLEB0TT0MJ43ANS
  • Odreru: AMEN
  • Odreru: AMEN


  • Дженнян: НЕУДАЧНИК
  • Тофу: ВЛАДЫКА
  • Тора: СУП
  • Матионетта: ХОТДОГ
  • Фаранеск: ПАРОЛЬ1
  • Чочи: 99B50D
  • Девять: 12345
  • Хави: LURKER
  • Ma-Rina: КИНИКИЛИГ
  • Он: BLUBBU

Это не хакерская игра, если вы не взламываете своих друзей, так что вперед!

Error143 — это отомэ-визуальная новелла и хакерская игра, созданная Дженни Ви Фам. история любви в ваших личных сообщениях с кокетливым Микой Юджин, наряду с другими действиями, доступными на рабочем столе, который вы просматриваете.

Одним из таких дополнительных действий является возможность видеть другие контакты, ваших друзей, в списке рядом с экраном чата, и с каждым из них, поскольку вы хакер, шанс увидеть, что у них есть на Мику. Вы можете попробовать взломать пароль каждого из ваших друзей, нажав ‘ВЗЛОМАТЬ’ под списком друзей, и в случае успеха полученные результаты будут доступны для просмотра в разделе ‘Backdoors’ значок на рабочем столе.


Список паролей бэкдора на ПК

Если вы сделаете шаг, чтобы шпионить за своими друзьями, то вы можете либо угадать различные типы палачей, которые составляют хакерские игры, пока вы, возможно, не будете заблокированы в их системах, либо украдкой взглянуть на пароли, которые вам понадобятся. .

Друг Пароль ПК< /th>
Crocnapping 4PP1EB0TT0MJ43NS
Одреру АМИНЬ
Тора СУП
Марионетка HOTDOG
Фаранеск ПАРОЛЬ1
Чочи 99B5OD
Девять 12345

Fan Art Central

Если вы заглянете к своим друзьям’ жестких дисков, вы скоро обнаружите, что вы не единственный, кто зациклен на Мике, и это далеко не так, учитывая количество мемов, фан-арта и художественной литературы, основанной на парне и его коте Скрункли. что они все сохраняют.

Особый интерес представляет результат взлома Jennyan, который приведет вас к сокровищнице другого контента, связанного с Микой, от создателя игры. Еще одна любопытная пасхалка, оставленная создателями игры, заключается в пароле Кроха, который может помочь некоторым игрокам связать воедино нити сюжета.

Рекомендуем ознакомится с другими гайдами на популярные игры Расскажем про секреты и хитрости, которые можно использовать в играх со своей выгодой. А также про полезные и интересные историй в видеоиграх.

Все ваши друзья — очень талантливые художники, и вы можете вернуться к найденным работам в любое время, а также увидеть другие разблокированные игровые рисунки в галерее. значок.

Если вы щелкнете по имени друга после завершения взлома, его значок смайлика изменится на плачущий ‘Грустно’ значок.

Not being able to locate what you need when looking for Error143 Game Password List ? It seems that you’re not alone. Access to a large database of game credentials is made available by Error143, which includes, among many others, passwords for Call of Duty, Fortnite, and Minecraft. It’s a useful tool to have if you want to password-protect your games or just keep track of the ones you’ve played before.

Table of Contents

  • About Error143 Game Password List
    • Partner PC Backdoor:
    • Error143 Game Password List – PC Backdoor
    • Follow These Steps to Play the Error 143 Game
    • Error 1 in Bad Ending Answers
    • Day 1:
    • Day 3:

You may find Friend PC Backdoor passwords, Marriage-related answers and endings, as well as many other things, here. Let’s get started with the Error143 Game Password List 2023 right now. Everything related to PC Backdoor Passwords, Answers, and Endings (Marriage, Bad, and Good Ending) was covered in this article.

Partner PC Backdoor:

The number of individuals who encounter Error 143 when attempting to play games online is continually rising. We’ve gathered a list of Error143 gaming passwords to help you secure yourself and your pals. Please enter the password mentioned below and attempt to play your game again if you are having trouble accessing it due to this problem.

Error143 Game Password List New Update October 2022

Error143 Game Password List – PC Backdoor

These are all Friend PC Backdoor passwords:

  • Crocnapping: 4PPLEB0TT0MJ43ANS
  • Mationette: HOTDOG
  • Faranesque: PASSWORD1
  • Chochi: 99B50D
  • Nine: 12345
  • Xavi: LURKER
  • Ma-Rina: KINIKILIG
  • Odreru: AMEN
  • Jennyan: LOSER
  • Chochi: 99B50D
  • Nine: 12345
  • Xavi: LURKER
  • Tofu: SWAGLORD
  • Tora: SOUP
  • Mationette: HOTDOG
  • Faranesque: PASSWORD1
  • Ma-Rina: KINIKILIG
  • Ohn: BLUBBU

Follow These Steps to Play the Error 143 Game

The Error143 Game requires that you video chat with Micah. On many occasions, he answers the phone before it even stops ringing. He frowns and says, “What’s up, loser?” in-game while furiously trying to hold back a yawn. Why are you calling me at 3:00 p.m.? Have you been awake for a long time? similar to the flawless angel you are.

It will take him a few blinks before he recognises you. But as soon as he does, a sneaky smile slowly appears on his face. Don’t tell me you miss me, he continues, while raising an eyebrow.

At the sound of his voice, you get a flutter of in-game butterflies, but it’s awkward to admit it. But now that it is beyond your bedtime, you are worn out and confused in your thinking. You seem so bewildered and puzzled because of this. He needs a time to consider the circumstances.

He hides his face with his hands once he finally understands it and starts to blush. I don’t believe you’re making this up, but there is a whimpering sound coming from between his fingers.

Error 1 in Bad Ending Answers

You may reach this conclusion on days 1 and 3 alike.

Day 1:

You should immediately respond, “Whatever stalker ;p,” to Micah’s gift. I find it unpleasant.

Day 3:

You must respond “In your dreams” and “Yes, I want you to stop” when Micah calls you.
You will be able to tell from the responses alone that you won’t acquire anything worthwhile. But this is one of the endings if you’ve previously completed the game and want to obtain them all.

Error143 Game Passwords List – PC Friends Backdoor passwords, Answers and Weddings Good and Bad.

Error143 Game Password List – Friend PC Backdoor

All of these are Friend PC Backdoor passwords:

  • Crocnapping: 4PPLEB0TT0MJ43ANS
  • Odreru: AMEN
  • Jennyan: LOSER
  • Tofu: SWAGLORD
  • Tora: SOUP
  • Mationette: HOTDOG
  • Faranesque: PASSWORD1
  • Chochi: 99B50D
  • Nine: 12345
  • Xavi: LURKER
  • Ma-Rina: KINIKILIG
  • Ohn: BLUBBU

Error143 Game Password List – Answers & Endings

Your responses will affect the final outcome you unlock because there are three possibilities for endings.

Marriage Ending Answers – Micah – Error 211

Just after you meet Micah and just after the phrase “I’d never say no to a rematch” you have to reply using”Marry Me” as your username “Marry Me” (obviously without the quotes).

It is all you need to find the password or the answer for unlocking your account. Error 211 ending, also called ending of marriage or Micah ending

Bad Ending Answers – Error 1

This can be accomplished in both day 1 as well as day 3

  • Day 1: After Micah’s present, you must answer > “Whatever stalker ;p” & “I feel uncomfortable”
  • Day 3: In the phone call with Micah you have to answer “In your dreams” & “Yes, I want you to stop”

Based on the answers, you’ll have already concluded that you’re not likely to be able to achieve anything of value. However, if you’ve already completed the game and are eager to complete every ending This is one of the possibilities.

Good Ending Answers – Error 143

The only thing you need to do in order to obtain this final result is to finish your game with no use of any answer that you have found in the two previous endings.

You make a video call to Micah. It’s not even finished the call before he gets up. He is squirms in his face as he says “What’s up, loser?” as he attempts to keep from yawning. “Why do you call me after 3.30 a.m.? Wouldn’t you rather be asleep in the morning? Like the angel that you are.”

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It takes just a few blinks for him to notice your face. Once he has the smile of a funny man is visible on his face. “Don’t tell me you miss me,” the man raises his eyebrow.

A flash of butterflies surges through your body after you hear him say that, and you’re ashamed to admit that. However, it’s already late. You’re exhausted. The brain has will be unable to complete circuits…which is why you’ve an awkward and agitated expression at your face. It takes him about a second to realize what’s happening.

After he has figured it out that he is confused, he begins blushing and covers his face using both hands. In between his hands, a whining sound is heard “Don’t say that you are acting –.”

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