Partition Wizard
Partition Manager
- Four Best Ways to Resolve the Conflict of 409 Status Code
By Charlotte | Follow |
Last Updated April 24, 2022
409 status code indicates that the request can’t be completed because of a conflict in the request. If you ignore this, it may freeze or crash your computer and lead to malware infection. MiniTool Partition Wizard will show you four best ways to fix the error code 409 quickly and simply.
What Is 409 Status Code?
The HTTP 409 status code is an error produced in Agile Lifecycle Manager, which is a program that helps companies to manage the product life cycle of a computer program. With this software, program developers can do computer programming work in an organized manner.
The HTTP 409 status code is most likely to occur in response to a PUT request. What is the PUT request? When a computer program is still in the development or maintenance state, it’s very likely that developers will make some changes to the program codes. In this case, they need to use the PUT feature.
The PUT feature will store the enclosed entity (the program codes) under the supplied URI (Uniform Resource Identifier, a string that identifies the name of an Internet resource). If the URI refers to an existing resource, it is modified. Therefore, this feature is usually used to create a new resource or replace the target resource with the request payload.
However, if there is a conflict in the request, such as the requested resource is not in the expected state, or the result of processing the request would create a conflict within the resource, you will get the HTTP 409 status code.
A specific example is that you are uploading a file that is older than the existing one on the server. This will result in a version control conflict and you will get the HTTP 409 status code.
Tip: Sometimes, you have tried fixing a web error but the same message appears on your browser. So, after you try each solution below, please don’t forget to clear the browser’s cache.
Solution 1. Refresh Website
If you receive the error code 409, you can try to refresh the website to resolve this matter. This is also the easiest way to fix the problem. There are three ways for you to refresh the website:
- Click the Refresh icon beside the network address.
- Press Ctrl and R keys at the same time.
- Press the F5 key on your keyboard.
Solution 2. Check Requested URL
Sometimes you need to input the URL manually, please make sure the URL is correct. If the web address is wrong, you may also encounter the 409 status code.
Solution 3. Try a Different Browser
If your browser has some matters, you may also receive a 409 status code. In this case, you can choose to try a different browser. You just need to input the web address on a different browser, then press Enter key to access the website.
Solution 4. Check for Server Configuration
Server configuration refers to setting software or hardware on devices with server operating systems as required to meet enterprise service requirements. A server configuration will set a special database as the repository for its data. But it is usually handled by the webmaster.
If you are an administrator of the website, you can check which web is running your website by using URL or domain checkers. Or you can also check by right-clicking the webpage and clicking on Inspect.
These are the four ways to fix the 409 status code. If you want to resolve the problem of the 409 error code, you can try this way. For any questions about how to fix the 409 status code conflict, leave comments below. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
About The Author
Position: Columnist
Charlotte is a columnist who loves to help others solve errors in computer use. She is good at data recovery and disk & partition management, which includes copying partitions, formatting partitions, etc. Her articles are simple and easy to understand, so even people who know little about computers can understand. In her spare time, she likes reading books, listening to music, playing badminton, etc.
Partition Wizard
Partition Manager
- Four Best Ways to Resolve the Conflict of 409 Status Code
By Charlotte | Follow |
Last Updated April 24, 2022
409 status code indicates that the request can’t be completed because of a conflict in the request. If you ignore this, it may freeze or crash your computer and lead to malware infection. MiniTool Partition Wizard will show you four best ways to fix the error code 409 quickly and simply.
What Is 409 Status Code?
The HTTP 409 status code is an error produced in Agile Lifecycle Manager, which is a program that helps companies to manage the product life cycle of a computer program. With this software, program developers can do computer programming work in an organized manner.
The HTTP 409 status code is most likely to occur in response to a PUT request. What is the PUT request? When a computer program is still in the development or maintenance state, it’s very likely that developers will make some changes to the program codes. In this case, they need to use the PUT feature.
The PUT feature will store the enclosed entity (the program codes) under the supplied URI (Uniform Resource Identifier, a string that identifies the name of an Internet resource). If the URI refers to an existing resource, it is modified. Therefore, this feature is usually used to create a new resource or replace the target resource with the request payload.
However, if there is a conflict in the request, such as the requested resource is not in the expected state, or the result of processing the request would create a conflict within the resource, you will get the HTTP 409 status code.
A specific example is that you are uploading a file that is older than the existing one on the server. This will result in a version control conflict and you will get the HTTP 409 status code.
Tip: Sometimes, you have tried fixing a web error but the same message appears on your browser. So, after you try each solution below, please don’t forget to clear the browser’s cache.
Solution 1. Refresh Website
If you receive the error code 409, you can try to refresh the website to resolve this matter. This is also the easiest way to fix the problem. There are three ways for you to refresh the website:
- Click the Refresh icon beside the network address.
- Press Ctrl and R keys at the same time.
- Press the F5 key on your keyboard.
Solution 2. Check Requested URL
Sometimes you need to input the URL manually, please make sure the URL is correct. If the web address is wrong, you may also encounter the 409 status code.
Solution 3. Try a Different Browser
If your browser has some matters, you may also receive a 409 status code. In this case, you can choose to try a different browser. You just need to input the web address on a different browser, then press Enter key to access the website.
Solution 4. Check for Server Configuration
Server configuration refers to setting software or hardware on devices with server operating systems as required to meet enterprise service requirements. A server configuration will set a special database as the repository for its data. But it is usually handled by the webmaster.
If you are an administrator of the website, you can check which web is running your website by using URL or domain checkers. Or you can also check by right-clicking the webpage and clicking on Inspect.
These are the four ways to fix the 409 status code. If you want to resolve the problem of the 409 error code, you can try this way. For any questions about how to fix the 409 status code conflict, leave comments below. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
About The Author
Position: Columnist
Charlotte is a columnist who loves to help others solve errors in computer use. She is good at data recovery and disk & partition management, which includes copying partitions, formatting partitions, etc. Her articles are simple and easy to understand, so even people who know little about computers can understand. In her spare time, she likes reading books, listening to music, playing badminton, etc.
The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the target resource. This code is used in situations where the user might be able to resolve the conflict and resubmit the request.
The server SHOULD generate a payload that includes enough information for a user to recognize the source of the conflict.
Conflicts are most likely to occur in response to a PUT request. For example, if versioning were being used and the representation being PUT included changes to a resource that conflict with those made by an earlier (third-party) request, the origin server might use a 409 response to indicate that it can’t complete the request. In this case, the response representation would likely contain information useful for merging the differences based on the revision history.
- Source: RFC7231 Section 6.5.8
Rails HTTP Status Symbol :conflict
Go HTTP Status Constant http.StatusConflict
Symfony HTTP Status Constant Response::HTTP_CONFLICT
Python2 HTTP Status Constant httplib.CONFLICT
Python3+ HTTP Status Constant http.client.CONFLICT
Python3.5+ HTTP Status Constant http.HTTPStatus.CONFLICT
Additional resources
- Learn about web development
- Learn about SEO
- Web development services from WebFX
- SEO services from WebFX
- MDN Web Docs
- W3Schools
Return to List of HTTP Status Codes
Как исправить ERROR HTTP 409 в браузере?
Ошибка HTTP 409 может появиться в любом браузере, включая Chrome, Edge, Opera, Firefox и пр. Иногда это происходит на сайтах, которые позволяют скачивать программы. И хотя чаще всего эту ошибку должны исправлять администраторы сайтов, а не пользователи браузеров, есть несколько советов как можно всё починить. Чем вызвана Error 409 и что с ней делать – рассмотрим прямо сейчас!
- Причины возникновения Ошибки 409
- Как исправить Ошибку 409 в браузере
- Проверьте путь к сайту
- Отключите расширения браузера
- Отключите брандмауэр
- Очистите кэш и куки браузера
- Используйте зеркала
- Как исправить Error 409 на сайте
Ошибка с кодом 409 появляется тогда, когда вы запросили на сайте какой-либо файл с определенной версией, но его больше не существует. Этот файл мог быть удален, заменен на более свежую версию и пр.
Также к данной проблеме может приводить конфликт версий между загружаемым ПО и уже установленным ПО на вашем компьютере или в вашем браузере.
Как исправить Ошибку 409 в браузере
Расскажу про наиболее распространенные способы решить Error 409, однако сразу оговорюсь, что даже весь комплекс описанных мер может не привести к результату, если проблема заключается на стороне сервера сайта, а не на стороне системы (браузера) пользователя.
1. Проверьте путь к сайту
Первое что необходимо сделать – проверить правильность пути к файлу (URL), доступ к которому вы пытаетесь получить. Если он был недавно изменен, есть высокая вероятность, что в вашем браузере появится сообщение об ошибке с кодом 409.
2. Отключите расширения браузера
Расширения, которые мы устанавливаем в браузер, меняют его внутренние настройки и зачастую приводят к разнообразным проблемам. Поэтому второе что надо сделать – отключить все расширения и проверить исчезла ли ошибка.
Если это помогло, по очереди активируйте расширения, чтобы точно определить какое именно вызвало конфликт.
3. Отключите брандмауэр
Программы и расширения браузера типа брандмауэра по соображениям безопасности могут не позволять открывать определенные веб-сайты или выполнять загрузку файлов. Если у вас установлено такое ПО, есть вероятность получить 409-й код ошибки при просмотре любого веб-сайта.
Временно отключите брандмауэр и проверьте решена ли тем самым проблема.
4. Очистите кэш и куки браузера
Если на сервере сайта произошли какие-либо изменения, а ваш браузер до сих пор хранит старые куки и кэш, вы легко можете получить ошибку 409. В этом случае почистите локальный кэш и куки браузера, чтобы убрать конфликт.
Подробная инструкция как это сделать в Chrome, IE, Opera, Firefox и Safari: https://webtous.ru/poleznye-sovety/kak-ochistit-kesh-brauzera.html
5. Используйте зеркала
Нет, вам не надо снимать со стенки зеркало и приставлять его к монитору ) Под зеркалом подразумевается альтернативная ссылка на загрузку файла. Если при переходе по какой-либо ссылке вы получаете Ошибку 409, просто воспользуйтесь зеркалом – многие сайты дают 2-3 зеркала на каждую ссылку для скачивания.
Как исправить Error 409 на сайте
Дабы нести полную ясность в рассматриваемый вопрос, напоследок дам совет как исправить ошибку, если вы являетесь администратором сайта. Как я упомянул выше, ошибка HTTP 409 может возникнуть из-за наличия двух версий одного и того же файла. Если подобное имеет место на вашем сервере, просто удалите старую версию файла, чтобы предоставить пользователям более свежую версию, либо переместите её в другой каталог.
Описание остальных ошибок, которые могут встретиться в браузере во время серфинга в интернет: https://webtous.ru/poleznye-sovety/rasprostranennye-oshibki-sajtov-i-ix-znachenie.html
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