Error 429 google

Если вы не можете открыть веб-страницу или веб-службу, а Google Chrome отображает 429, это ошибка, вот что вам нужно знать и что вы можете с этим сделать. 429, Это ошибка. Сожалеем, но в последнее время вы отправили нам слишком много запросов. Повторите попытку. Ошибка 429, слишком много запросов может возникать из-за ежедневных ограничений для каждого...

Если вы не можете открыть веб-страницу или веб-службу, а Google Chrome отображает 429, это ошибка, вот что вам нужно знать и что вы можете с этим сделать.

Как исправить ошибку 429, слишком много запросов

429, Это ошибка. Сожалеем, но в последнее время вы отправили нам слишком много запросов. Повторите попытку.

Ошибка 429, слишком много запросов может возникать из-за ежедневных ограничений для каждого пользователя, включая ограничения на отправку почты, ограничения пропускной способности или ограничение на количество одновременных запросов для каждого пользователя. Это также может произойти, если веб-сайт перегружен слишком большим количеством запросов и не может удовлетворить ваши.

Как правило, сообщение 429, Слишком много запросов, отображаемое в браузере Google Chrome, является не совсем ошибкой, а ответом сервера или API, сигнализирующим клиентскому приложению прекратить отправлять запросы, поскольку у него недостаточно ресурсов для их обработки. Таким образом, это своего рода защитная мера, мешающая пользователям злоупотреблять ресурсами сервера, сознательно или неосознанно, отправляя слишком много запросов на сервер.

  1. Подождите некоторое время, а затем повторите попытку.
  2. Очистите кеш и историю браузера
  3. Проверьте, активны ли прокси или другие службы VPN.
  4. Войдите через другую сеть или точку доступа.

Обнаружение ошибок, таких как Ошибка Google Chrome 429, слишком много запросов на веб-сайте, к которому вы пытаетесь получить доступ, может быть довольно неприятно. Попробуйте решения, приведенные выше, и посмотрите, поможет ли это.

1]Подождите некоторое время, а затем повторите попытку.

Подождите некоторое время, а затем попробуйте еще раз и посмотрите, поможет ли это.

2]Очистите кэш и историю браузера.

Очистить данные просмотра

Каждый браузер подвержен некоторым недостаткам, и Chrome не является исключением из этого правила. Поврежденный кеш и файлы cookie иногда могут вызывать ошибку Google Chrome Error 429. Однако это легко исправить, очистив кеш браузера и историю.

3]Проверьте, активны ли прокси или другие службы VPN.

Подобно плагинам и надстройкам, использование прокси-сервера или службы VPN может создать проблемы совместимости и помешать вам получить доступ к веб-странице в Chrome, что приведет к коду ошибки 429. Поэтому проверьте, активны ли какие-либо прокси-серверы или другие службы VPN. Если да, вам нужно отключить их.

Вы можете убедиться в этом, зайдя на Настройки > Сеть и Интернет > VPN или прокси.

4]Войдите через другую сеть или точку доступа.

Если вышеуказанные решения не работают, попробуйте переключиться на другую сеть Wi-Fi или включить личную точку доступа. Как ни странно, этот трюк работает в большинстве случаев.

Что такое код ошибки 11 в Chrome?

Это ошибка обновления. Итак, если у вас возникли проблемы с обновлением Chrome на вашем компьютере, вы можете увидеть следующую ошибку:

  • Ошибка обновления: обновления отключены администратором.
  • Ошибка обновления (ошибка: 3 или 11) Произошла ошибка при проверке обновлений: сервер обновлений недоступен.

Что такое отклоненный код 12?

Это код, связанный с «Недействительной транзакцией по кредитной карте», который в основном проявляется, когда банк-эмитент не принимает транзакцию.

Читать дальше: исправить 500, это ошибка, повторите попытку позже Ошибка Google.

429 Слишком много запросов

This page describes how different
HTTP status codes,
network errors, and DNS errors affect Google Search. We cover the top 20 status codes that
encountered on the web, and the most prominent network and DNS errors. More exotic status
codes, such as
418 (I'm a teapot),
aren’t covered. All issues mentioned on this page generate a corresponding error or warning in
Search Console’s
Page Indexing report.

HTTP status codes

HTTP status codes are generated by the server that’s hosting the site when it responds to a
request made by a client, for example a browser or a crawler. Every HTTP status code has a
different meaning, but often the outcome of the request is the same. For example, there are
multiple status codes that signal redirection, but their outcome is the same.

Search Console generates error messages for status codes in the 4xx–5xx range,
and for failed redirections (3xx). If the server responded with a
2xx status code, the content received in the response may be considered for

HTTP status codes

2xx (success)

Google considers the content for indexing. If the content suggests an error, for example
an empty page or an error message, Search Console will show a
soft 404 error.

200 (success)

Google passes on the content to the indexing pipeline. The indexing systems may
index the content, but that’s not guaranteed.

201 (created)
202 (accepted)

Googlebot waits for the content for a limited time, then passes on whatever it
received to the indexing pipeline. The timeout is user agent dependent, for
example Googlebot Smartphone may have a different timeout than Googlebot Image.

204 (no content)

Googlebot signals the indexing pipeline that it received no content. Search
Console may show a soft 404 error in the site’s
Page Indexing report.

3xx (redirection)

Googlebot follows up to 10 redirect hops. If the crawler doesn’t receive content within
10 hops, Search Console will show a
redirect error
in the site’s Page Indexing report. The number of hops Googlebot follows is user agent
dependent; for example, Googlebot Smartphone may have a different value than Googlebot

In case of robots.txt, Googlebot follows at least five redirect hops as defined by
RFC 1945 and then
stops and treats it as a 404 for the robots.txt file.

Any content Googlebot received from the redirecting URL is ignored, and the final target
URL’s content is considered for indexing.

301 (moved permanently)

Googlebot follows the redirect, and the indexing pipeline uses the redirect as a
strong signal that the redirect target should be canonical.

302 (found)

Googlebot follows the redirect, and the indexing pipeline uses the redirect as a
weak signal that the redirect target should be canonical.

303 (see other)
304 (not modified)

Googlebot signals the indexing pipeline that the content is the same as last time
it was crawled. The indexing pipeline may recalculate signals for the URL, but
otherwise the status code has no effect on indexing.

307 (temporary redirect) Equivalent to 302.
308 (moved permanently) Equivalent to 301.

4xx (client errors)

Google’s indexing pipeline doesn’t consider URLs that return a 4xx status
code for indexing, and URLs that are already indexed and return a 4xx
status code are removed from the index.

Any content Googlebot received from URLs that return a 4xx status code is

400 (bad request)

All 4xx errors, except 429, are treated the same:
Googlebot signals the indexing pipeline that the content doesn’t exist.

The indexing pipeline removes the URL from the index if it was previously indexed.
Newly encountered 404 pages aren’t processed. The crawling frequency
gradually decreases.

401 (unauthorized)
403 (forbidden)
404 (not found)
410 (gone)
411 (length required)
429 (too many requests)

Googlebot treats the 429 status code as a signal that the server is
overloaded, and it’s considered a server error.

5xx (server errors)

5xx and 429 server errors prompt Google’s crawlers to
temporarily slow down with crawling. Already indexed URLs are preserved in the index,
but eventually dropped.

If the robots.txt file returns a server error status code for more than 30 days, Google
will use the last cached copy of the robots.txt. If unavailable, Google assumes that
there are no crawl restrictions.

Any content Googlebot received from URLs that return a 5xx status code is

500 (internal server error)

Googlebot decreases the crawl rate for the site. The decrease in crawl rate is
proportionate to the number of individual URLs that are returning a server error.
Google’s indexing pipeline removes from the index URLs that persistently return a
server error.

502 (bad gateway)
503 (service unavailable)

soft 404 errors

A soft 404 error is when a URL that returns a page telling the user that the page does
not exist and also a
200 (success)
status code
. In some cases, it might be a page with no main content or empty page.

Such pages may be generated for various reasons by your website’s web server or content
management system, or the user’s browser. For example:

  • A missing server-side include file.
  • A broken connection to the database.
  • An empty internal search result page.
  • An unloaded or otherwise missing JavaScript file.

It’s a bad user experience to return a 200 (success) status code, but then
display or suggest an error message or some kind of error on the page. Users may think the
page is a live working page, but then are presented with some kind of error. Such pages are
excluded from Search.

When Google’s algorithms detect that the page is actually an error page based on its content,
Search Console will show a soft 404 error in the site’s
Page Indexing report.

Fix soft 404 errors

Depending on the state of the page and the desired outcome, you can solve soft 404
errors in multiple ways:

  • The page and content are no longer available.
  • The page or content is now somewhere else.
  • The page and content still exist.

Try to determine which solution would be the best for your users.

The page and content are no longer available

If you removed the page and there’s no replacement page on your site with similar content,
return a
404 (not found) or 410 (gone)
response (status) code for the page. These status codes indicate to search engines that the
page doesn’t exist and the content should not be indexed.

If you have access to your server’s configuration files, you can make these error pages useful
to users by customizing them. A good custom 404 page helps people find the
information they’re looking for, and also provides other helpful content that encourages
people to explore your site further. Here are some tips for designing a useful custom
404 page:

  • Tell visitors clearly that the page they’re looking for can’t be found. Use language that is
    friendly and inviting.
  • Make sure your 404 page has the same look and feel (including navigation) as
    the rest of your site.
  • Consider adding links to your most popular articles or posts, as well as a link to your
    site’s home page.
  • Think about providing a way for users to report a broken link.

Custom 404 pages are created solely for users. Since these pages are useless from
a search engine’s perspective, make sure the server returns a 404 HTTP status
code to prevent having the pages indexed.

The page or content is now somewhere else

If your page has moved or has a clear replacement on your site, return a
301 (permanent redirect)
to redirect the user. This will not interrupt their browsing experience and it’s also a great
way to tell search engines about the new location of the page. Use the
URL Inspection tool
to verify whether your URL is actually returning the correct code.

The page and content still exist

If an otherwise good page was flagged with a soft 404 error, it’s likely it
didn’t load properly for Googlebot, it was missing critical resources, or it displayed a
prominent error message during rendering. Use the
URL Inspection tool
to examine the rendered content and the returned HTTP code. If the rendered page is blank,
nearly blank, or the content has an error message, it could be that your page references many
resources that can’t be loaded (images, scripts, and other non-textual elements), which can be
interpreted as a soft 404.
Reasons that resources can’t be loaded include blocked resources (blocked by
robots.txt), having too many
resources on a page, various server errors, or slow loading or very large resources.

Network and DNS errors

Network and DNS errors have quick, negative effects on a URL’s presence in Google Search.
Googlebot treats network timeouts, connection reset, and DNS errors similarly to
5xx server errors. In case of network errors, crawling immediately starts
slowing down, as a network error is a sign that the server may not be able to handle the
serving load. Since Googlebot couldn’t reach the server hosting the site, Google also hasn’t
received any content from the server. The lack of content means that Google can’t index the
crawled URLs, and already indexed URLs that are unreachable will be removed from Google’s
index within days. Search Console may generate errors for each respective error.

Debug network errors

These errors happen before Google starts crawling a URL or while Google is crawling the URL.
Since the errors may occur before the server can respond and so there’s no status code that
can hint at issues, diagnosing these errors can be more challenging. To debug timeout and
connection reset errors:

  • Look at your firewall settings and logs. There may be an overly-broad
    blocking rule set. Make sure that
    Googlebot IP addresses
    are not blocked by any firewall rule.
  • Look at the network traffic. Use tools like
    tcpdump and
    Wireshark to capture and analyze
    TCP packets, and look for anomalies that point to a specific network component or server
  • If you can’t find anything suspicious, contact your hosting company.

The error may be in any server component that handles network traffic. For example, overloaded
network interfaces may drop packets leading to timeouts (inability to establish a connection)
and reset connections (RST packet sent because a port was mistakenly closed).

Debug DNS errors

DNS errors are most commonly caused by misconfiguration, but they may be also caused by a
firewall rule that’s blocking Googlebot DNS queries. To debug DNS errors, do the following:

  • Inspect your firewall rules. Make sure that
    none of Google’s IPs
    are blocked by any firewall rule, and that both UDP and TCP
    requests are allowed.
  • Look at your DNS records. Double check that your A and
    CNAME records are pointing to the right IP addresses and hostname,
    respectively. For example:

    dig +nocmd a +noall +answer
    dig +nocmd cname +noall +answer
  • Check that all your name servers are pointing to the correct IP addresses of your
    . For example:

    dig +nocmd ns +noall +answer    86400  IN  NS    86400  IN  NS
    dig +nocmd +noall +answer    86400  IN  A
    dig +nocmd +noall +answer
  • If you’ve made changes to your DNS configuration within the last 72 hours,
    you may need to wait for your changes to propagate across the global DNS network. To speed up propagation, you can
    flush Google’s Public DNS cache.
  • If you’re running your own DNS server, make sure it’s healthy and that it’s
    not overloaded.



This document will explain when a Google API Error 429 may occur and how to bypass it. In this example, we will refer to the Data Source "google_dns_managed_zone", but this error may occur for other configurations.


While using the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provider with Service Account credentials to provision a large infrastructure using Terraform, automatic triggering of Speculative Plans are exceeding your Google API quota for Queries per minute per user. This quota can be found under the GCP “Quotas” section of your Google dashboard and you may encounter the error even if the maximum limit of 1200 is set. See GCP: Usage Limits for more details.

Terraform Plan output:

on .terraform/modules/example/ line 6, in data "google_dns_managed_zone" "example_zone": 6: data "google_dns_managed_zone" "example_zone" { 
Error: googleapi: Error 429: Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Queries' and limit 'Queries per minute per user' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:111123456789'., rateLimitExceeded

TF_LOG=TRACE output:

[DEBUG] Google API Response Details: ---[ RESPONSE ]-------------------------------------- 
HTTP/2.0 429
Too Many Requests
{ "error": { "code": 429, "message": "Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Queries' and limit 'Queries per minute per user' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:111123456789'.",
"errors": [ { "message": "Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Queries' and limit 'Queries per minute per user' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:111123456789'.",
"domain": "global", "reason": "rateLimitExceeded" } ], "status": "RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED" } }


This is a limitation of Google’s 1200 maximum requests per minute per user.


It’s recommended to report to Google any feedback you have about the maximum

requests per minute per user.

Best Option

Determine if the number of resources within the same configuration can be separated in a logical way. For example, once a Database is provisioned it is seldom updated. This makes Database configuration a good candidate for its own Workspace. Separating this will avoid unnecessary API calls and refreshes freeing up more requests per minute per user. Overall if there are objects you do not change often, we recommend giving them their own Workspaces.

Temporary Option

If you are using TFC or TFE and have a VCS connection, you can go to

Your Workspace > Settings > Version Control > and disable

Automatic speculative plans.

This option is not always ideal since Speculative Plans help to mitigate risk by allowing users to review configuration before applying.

Performance Impact Option

Another workaround is to wait a longer period of time between executing runs. This allows more time for requests per minute per user to free up.

Additional Setup Option

Create more GCP provider instances with different credentials and accounts.

I am trying to get the first non-ad result on a simple query on Google.

res = requests.get('' + query)

Assign any value to query and you will get an error.
I have tried to add some headers, but nothing changes.

I have tried to add all other parameters that google typically associates to a query and again nothing changes.

No problems if you do the search with selenium.

The error code is 429, but this seems to be just a standard response for this query. It has nothing to do with my IP and I am not spamming Google, and this does not disappear after a while.

Do you know why this happens, and is there some header I can add, or any other solution to just see the results, as if you were searching that keyword on google?

ParthS007's user avatar


2,5511 gold badge19 silver badges37 bronze badges

asked Jun 25, 2019 at 16:23

Adrian Nicoli's user avatar


Since you are getting status code 429 which means you have sent too many requests in a given amount of time («rate limiting»). Read in more detail here.

Add Headers in your request just like this:

headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_5)
            AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cafari/537.36'}

So the final request will be:

url = '' + query
res = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

answered Jun 25, 2019 at 16:34

ParthS007's user avatar


2,5511 gold badge19 silver badges37 bronze badges


429 Too Many Requests

The HTTP 429 Too Many Requests response status code indicates that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time («rate limiting»). The response representations SHOULD include details explaining the condition, and MAY include a Retry-After header indicating how long to wait before making a new request.

When a server is under attack or just receiving a very large number of requests from a single party, responding to each with a 429 status code will consume resources. Therefore, servers are not required to use the 429 status code; when limiting resource usage, it may be more appropriate to just drop connections, or take other steps.

However, when I took you code and executed the same test, I got the perfect result as follows:

  • Code Block:

      import requests
      query = "selenium"
      headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.100 Safari/537.36'}
      url = '' + query
      res = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
  • Console Output:

      <Response [200]>

You can find a relevant discussion in Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 429 (Too Many Requests) and 404 (Not Found) with ChromeDriver Chrome through Selenium

Community's user avatar

answered Jun 26, 2019 at 13:49

undetected Selenium's user avatar


I found reason why google simple query, rest-api request make 429 error.

user-agent header is one of reason, but I tried to insert user-agent header in request. but 429 error was made in response.

finally I found why, reason is cookies.

if you want access google page apis, first of all you have to get cookies from basic google urls like,, this basic site can be accessed by using any request method.

 googleTrendsUrl = ''
 response = requests.get(googleTrendsUrl)
 if response.status_code == 200:
    g_cookies = response.cookies.get_dict()

and this cookies insert into api request with user-agent

  headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_5)
            AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cafari/537.36'}
  url = '' + query
  res = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=g_cookies)

answered May 27, 2021 at 7:21

MadFish.DT's user avatar

It’s the most common question on the StackOverFlow that is being asked 200+ times in [requests] and [bs4] tags, and pretty much every solution lies down to simply adding user-agent.

User-agent is needed to act as a «real» user visit when the bot or browser sends a fake user-agent string to announce themselves as a different client.

When no user-agent is being passed to request headers while using requests library, it defaults to python-requests and Google understands that it’s a bot/script, then it blocks a request (or whatever it does) and you receive a different HTML (with some sort of an error) with different CSS selectors. Check what’s your user-agent. List of user-agents.

I wrote a dedicated blog about how to reduce chance of being blocked while web scraping search engines.

Note: Adding user-agent doesn’t mean that it will fix the problem and you still can get a 429 (or different) error, even when rotating user-agents.

Pass user-agent:

headers = {
    'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36 Edge/18.19582'

requests.get('URL', headers=headers)

Alternatively, you can achieve the same thing by using Google Organic Results API from SerpApi. It’s a paid API with a free plan.

The difference is that you don’t have to spend time trying to bypass blocks from Google and figuring out why certain things don’t work as they should. Instead, you need to focus on the data you want to extract. Check out the playground.

Disclaimer, I work for SerpApi.

answered Oct 28, 2021 at 6:39

Dmitriy Zub's user avatar

Dmitriy ZubDmitriy Zub

1,6848 silver badges32 bronze badges

Периодически у некоторых пользователей одного из самых популярных видеохостингов в мире может появляться ошибка сервера 429 на Youtube. При это возникает она не по всем веб-адресам, а только на главных страницах каналов и вкладках с подписками. Сами видео и страница поиска открываются без проблем. Проблема наблюдается на мобильных устройствах. А именно: в приложениях на телефонах и планшетах с операционными системами Android и IOS. На ПК же просто открывается пустая страница с белым фоном.

Ошибка сервера 429 на Youtube – что значит, как исправить

В чем же проблема? Что значит «Ошибка сервера 429» на Youtube, почему ее выдает и что делать, чтобы исправить ситуацию?

Youtube: «Произошла ошибка сервера 429» на телефоне — причина возникновения и способ устранения

Есть 2 основные причины, почему Youtube выдает: «Произошла ошибка сервера 429» на телефоне:

  • Неполадки в работе самих серверов хостинга;
  • Проблема с отправкой слишком большого количество запросов на хостинг с одного IP.

При этом, информационное сообщение может быть дополнено расшифровкой:

  • Проблемы с сервером (There was a problem with the server)
  • Слишком много запросов (Too many requests)

Как исправить ошибку сервера 429 на Youtube – что вообще следует делать?

В случае если проблема с сервером, то, увы, сделать ничего нельзя. Разве что – набраться терпения и пойти заняться другими делами. А как понять, что неполадка именно на стороне хостинга? Самый простой способ: связаться с кем-то из друзей или знакомых и спросить, исправно ли у них работают указанные страницы, не выскакивает ли ошибка 429. Если да – значит проблема массовая.

Также в сети интернет есть сайты, выполняющие мониторинг работоспособности популярных сайтов. Например, DownDetector. Если сбой массовый, то веб-ресурс отобразит это на графиках.

Если же проблема персонализированная и наблюдается только у вас, то пора доставать бубен и начинать разминаться перед танцами.

Рекомендации, которые могут помочь:

  1. Закрыть полностью приложение и запустить заново;
  2. Перезагрузить мобильное устройство;
  3. Проверить в магазине расширений наличие обновлений для приложения;
  4. Произвести очистку кэша приложения в настройках устройства;
  5. Перезагрузить роутер. Если проблема с большим количеством запросов. То, в случае динамического IP-адреса перезагрузка роутера его изменит, что позволит снять наложенные ограничения и пользоваться сервисом;
  6. Проверить, не используются ли на устройстве какие-либо Proxy-сервисы, подменяющие IP. Если используются – отключить. Если не используются – попробовать установить и проверить наличие ошибки.
  7. Проверить, нет ли на устройстве приложений, взаимодействующих с Youtube и способных отправлять туда запросы. Например, различные сервисы сбора статистики, парсеры и т.д.

Если указанные манипуляции не помогли, значит можно расслабиться и ничего не делать, скорее всего ошибку с кодом 429 устранить самостоятельно не удастся. Остается лишь надеяться на службу технической поддержки, которая не оставит без внимания данную неисправность.

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If you cannot open a webpage or a web service and Google Chrome displays 429, That’s an error, here’s what you need to know and what you can do about it.

How to fix Error 429, Too many requests

429, That’s an error, We’re sorry, but you have sent too many requests to us recently, Please try again.

The 429, Too many requests error can occur due to daily per-user limits, including mail sending limits, bandwidth limits, or a per-user concurrent request limit. It can also occur if the website ir overloaded with too many requests and cannot entertain yours.

Typically, 429, Too many requests message seen in the Google Chrome browser is not exactly an error but a response from a server or API, signaling the client application to stop making requests as it doesn’t have sufficient resources to process them. So, it is a kind of safeguard measure stopping users from abusing server resources, knowingly or unknowingly by sending too many requests to the server.

  1. Wait for some time and then try again
  2. Clear your cache and browser history
  3. Check if proxy or other VPN services are active
  4. Log in via a different network or a hotspot.

Encountering errors such as Google Chrome Error 429, Too many requests on a website you are trying to access can be quite frustrating. Try the solutions given above and see if it helps.

1] Wait for some time and then try again

Wait for some time and then try again and see if that helps.

2] Clear the browser cache and history

Clear Browsing Data

Every browser is prone to a few shortfalls and Chrome is no exception to this rule. Corrupted cache and cookies can sometimes end up causing Google Chrome Error 429 error. However, it can be easily fixed by clearing the browser cache and history.

3] Check if proxy or other VPN services are active

Like plugins and add-ons, using a proxy setup or a VPN service can create compatibility issues and stop you from accessing a webpage in Chrome, resulting in error code 429. So, check if any proxy or other VPN services are active. If yes, you’ll need to disable them.

You can verify this by going to Settings > Network & internet > VPN or Proxy.

4] Log in via a different network or a hotspot.

If the above solutions fail to work, try switching to a different Wi-Fi network or enabling the personal hotspot. Strangely, this trick works in most cases.

How do I fix bad requests on Chrome?

If you see a 400 Bad Request error on Google Chrome, then you need to delete or clear the cookies for that particular website or domain. If that doesn’t help, then you should clear the entire browser cache and cookies.

Read next: Fix 500, That’s an error, Please try again later Google error.


A post-graduate in Biotechnology, Hemant switched gears to writing about Microsoft technologies and has been a contributor to TheWindowsClub since then. When he is not working, you can usually find him out traveling to different places or indulging himself in binge-watching.

While using different Google products through Chrome browser, you may face Error 429. Commonly the issue occurs because of either piling up of cache or sometimes bad internet connection.

However, you can fix this annoying problem very easily in a few minutes.

Error 429 in Chrome Solutions

Experts quote that clearing cache from the browser can resolve the flaw. In addition, we have few methods in order to fix Error 429 in Chrome. Let’s proceed to the solutions.

Solution-1: Clearing the caches and browsing history

Cache stores your information like login details for future use furthermore browsing history stores your last visited websites. When they accumulate in a huge in number, they can create Error 429 in Chrome. So you need to wipe out the data using the browser to fix the problem. However, we have written an article in this concern – How to clear Cache in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Moreover, in order to clear cache as well as browsing data from chrome, you can follow the steps ahead.

Step-1: Launch the browser and perform a click on Menu (“Customize and control Google Chrome”), the three dots icon. Once the drop down appears, click on the Settings options.

Step-3: On the following tab, go directly to the bottom part and click on Advanced.

Step-4: Navigate to the Privacy and Security section and make a click on the last option “Clear browsing data“.

Step-5: A new popup window will open, check 2 options “Cookies and other site data” and “Cached images and files“.

Step-7: Click on the dropdown arrow ahead to Clear the following items from and select the beginning of time.

Step-8: Finally click on “CLEAR DATA “in order to clear cache.

Error 429 in Chrome pic 1

Note: – If you still find trouble, then check all the boxes on Clear browsing data pop up.

This method is found to be effective in most cases. If you cannot resolve the error in this way, you can proceed on to network diagnosis.

Solution-2: Fixing Internet error

Error 429 chrome can also appear on your PC due to poor internet connection as well as other network issues. In that case, you need to restart your router and run the diagnosis for resolving the error.

Step-1: Click on Running Windows Network Diagnostics from the page you encounter the error and allow Windows to complete the process.

Error 429 in Chrome pic 2

Else, you can check and fix the internet connection problem according to its nature.


Google Chrome is one of the most popular as well as finest browsers at present time. It is light and user-friendly. Any error while surfing internet using this browser is unexpected and nagging. However, we can easily resolve Error 429 chrome using above instructions. Follow the steps mentioned here and enjoy reliable browsing with Google Chrome.

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