Mimaki JV33-160 Датчик не видит носителя (Error 50)
Доброго всем дня, датчик не обнаруживает носитель
выходит «Error 50». В инструкции это значит что- Датчик не обнаруживает носитель
(носитель установлен неправильно либо установлен носитель недо-пустимого типа).
В чем может быть проблемка? Бумаги те же что и раньше. Помогите кто чем может.
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Сообщение Sokell » 07 фев 2014 14:08
Внизу под «носителем» есть, утопленная в канавке черная «полоска» по ширине всего стала…
Убедитесь что она есть, не повреждена… Протрите ее… И убедитесь что датчик с левой стороны головы (не красный световой) подключен и не выскочил с своей позиции…
Спаси меня господь от тех кому я верю,
от тех кому не – верю уберегусь я сам
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Сообщение @natol » 07 фев 2014 15:18
В Mimaki есть тестовый режим, там можно откалибровать датчик.
Александр Яковлевич
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Сообщение Александр Яковлевич » 08 фев 2014 21:38
Протри датчик спиртом (или в крайнем случае водкой) — должно помочь. Ну и край материала не должен быть очень близко к краю стола.
Тщательней надо, братцы, тщательней…, но без фанатизма!
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Сообщение vovka.ru » 09 фев 2014 22:24
Александр Яковлевич верно написал У него глазок забило протри его только не водкой а изопропиловым спиртом
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Сообщение Goodymaster_1 » 10 фев 2014 12:29
Еще бывает темно в помещении Можно фонариком подсветить в место замера.
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Сообщение Немец » 10 фев 2014 13:32
Помогла ли вам помощь печатного сообщества ?
(в нашем случае пришлось когда то менять датчик)
Вернуться в «Принтеры MIMAKI»
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Chapter 6 Troubleshooting
When an error message is displayed, eliminate the error according to the chart below.
If the same error message appears again, contact your dealer or an office of MIMAKI to call for service.
Main PCB V1R2
Main PCB V2R5
Main PCB V3R3
Main PCB V05
Main PCB V3R3B
SDRAM is defective.
Head control circuit board is defective.
The battery life end of the internal clock
is detected.
Head data transferring sequence error
Sequential number abnormality of the
event log occurred.
An error occurred in the main PCB .
COM driver becomes the high tempera-
New Print Head was recognized.
An error is detected on the waveform
printed on.
An error occurred in the main PCB .
• Turn off the power to the machine and turn it
on after a while.
• If the same error message appears again,
contact your local distributor to call for ser-
• Contact your local distributor to call for ser-
• Turn off the power to the machine and turn it
on after a while.
• If the same error message appears again,
contact your local distributor to call for ser-
Mimaki SWJ 320 -S4 — Проблема с шагом.
Mimaki SWJ 320 -S4 — Проблема с шагом.
Сообщение Granovskiy » 06 дек 2013 22:56
Имеется у нас в наличии 2 плоттера фирмы mimaki, jv33-160 и недавно приобрели Mimaki SWJ-S4. Так вот если на jv33 с шагом все просто, будь то рулон пленки 100,126,160 см. заправленный в станок или огрызок найденный в коробке с отходами, шаг постоянно одинаковый. А вот на SWJ-320, почему-то разный шаг на каждую ширину материала, будь то пленка или баннер. А про печать цвето пробы на огрызке, я вообще молчу ! Так например шаг на пленке шириной 100см равен нулю, а на 126см уже ша (МИНУС 215), на 160см. -535.
Подскажите пожалуйста, это нормально ? Или может мы материал как-то не правильно заправляем, а или секрет какой есть ))) С баннером такая же проблема.
Сообщение Алексей Береговой » 09 дек 2013 17:11
Попробуйте обратиться к поставщику этого принтера.
Так же посмотрите на ссылочку: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AziSc40DDqg
Еще одно примечание — рулоны нужно позиционировать строго по центру зоны печати.
Добавлено спустя 4 минуты 1 секунду:
На JV33 на разных материалах шаг тоже разный. Просто это не сильно заметно
Сообщение kireyev » 11 дек 2013 13:43
Шаг — это имеется ввиду «коррекция скорости подачи носителя» (по англ. MEDIA COMP.)?
Если да, то в режиме LOCAL.X(1,2,3,4) заходите MENU->FUNCTION->SETUP->MEDIA COMP и там выставляете 0 (чтобы пропустить тестовую печать нажмите стрелку вправо). Далее делаете тестовый принт и регулируете на текущий материал.
Правда я скорее всего не правильно понял про шаг, так как у Вас уже 2 мимаки и про такую регулировку Вы наверное знаете.
Сообщение uosega » 08 янв 2014 14:32
Сообщение Евгений Жариков » 28 янв 2014 15:21
Mimaki SWJ 320 -S4 — Проблема с шагом.
Mimaki SWJ 320 -S4 — Проблема с шагом.
Сообщение Granovskiy » 06 дек 2013 22:56
Имеется у нас в наличии 2 плоттера фирмы mimaki, jv33-160 и недавно приобрели Mimaki SWJ-S4. Так вот если на jv33 с шагом все просто, будь то рулон пленки 100,126,160 см. заправленный в станок или огрызок найденный в коробке с отходами, шаг постоянно одинаковый. А вот на SWJ-320, почему-то разный шаг на каждую ширину материала, будь то пленка или баннер. А про печать цвето пробы на огрызке, я вообще молчу ! Так например шаг на пленке шириной 100см равен нулю, а на 126см уже ша (МИНУС 215), на 160см. -535.
Подскажите пожалуйста, это нормально ? Или может мы материал как-то не правильно заправляем, а или секрет какой есть ))) С баннером такая же проблема.
Сообщение Алексей Береговой » 09 дек 2013 17:11
Попробуйте обратиться к поставщику этого принтера.
Так же посмотрите на ссылочку: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AziSc40DDqg
Еще одно примечание — рулоны нужно позиционировать строго по центру зоны печати.
Добавлено спустя 4 минуты 1 секунду:
На JV33 на разных материалах шаг тоже разный. Просто это не сильно заметно
Сообщение kireyev » 11 дек 2013 13:43
Шаг — это имеется ввиду «коррекция скорости подачи носителя» (по англ. MEDIA COMP.)?
Если да, то в режиме LOCAL.X(1,2,3,4) заходите MENU->FUNCTION->SETUP->MEDIA COMP и там выставляете 0 (чтобы пропустить тестовую печать нажмите стрелку вправо). Далее делаете тестовый принт и регулируете на текущий материал.
Правда я скорее всего не правильно понял про шаг, так как у Вас уже 2 мимаки и про такую регулировку Вы наверное знаете.
Сообщение uosega » 08 янв 2014 14:32
Сообщение Евгений Жариков » 28 янв 2014 15:21
Clamp up mimaki error 504
Answer: This error is displayed when the obstacle sensor detects an obstacle that can collide with the head.
Check that the setting value of “MEDIA THICKNESS” or “HEAD GAP” is appropriate against the actual thickness of the media. In addition, check on the followings.
・Dust or garbage is not sticking to the surface of table or media
・When the media is fixed with tape, the tape is not lifted
・The media is not rolled back
1. Required action against “ERROR505 !WORK High”
(1) Press the [ENTER] key while the error is displayed. The machine returns to mode.
(2) If [DATA REMAIN] is displayed, press the [DATACLEAR] key and then press the [ENTER] key.
(3) Press the [FUNCTION] key, and then press the [WORK SET] -> [ENTER] key. The Y bar moves backward, and the table moves down to the lowest point.
(4) Reset the media.
(5) Press the [REMOTE] key. The Y bar moves from the backside to the front when the machine enters mode. It is possible to start printing if no error is displayed until the Y bar stops at the front.
* Note that the head gap may be wider than the setting value even though it is set to 1.5mm in [Head Gap], if the value in [MEDIA THICKNESS] is larger than the thickness of the actual media.
2. Difference in action by setting
[FUNCTION] -> [HEAD HEIGHT] -> [GAP CHECK] is added to UJF-3042 firmware version 1.30. UJF-3042FX and UJF-3042HG have the [GAP CHECK] function regardless of firmware version.
・[GAP CHECK] is set as [OFF]:
When the obstacle sensor reacts, “ERROR505! WORK High” is displayed and the operation stops.
・[GAP CHECK] is set as [ON]:
When the obstacle sensor reacts, “ERROR505! WORK High” is not displayed, and the table moves down to the point that the obstacle sensor does not react.
* Because the table continues to move down until the obstacle sensor does not react even though [HEAD GAP] is set to 1.5mm, the actual head gap may not be 1.5mm. Note that movement of the head gap may cause a degraded drawing quality or ink mist if the obstacle sensor reacts during printing.
If the problem still remains, please contact us.
Что означает ошибка сервера 504 Gateway Time Out и как ее исправить
Иногда при посещении отдельных страниц сайта мы сталкиваемся с тем, что на экране вместо желаемого контента появляется сообщение об ошибке с цифровым кодом. Для «непосвященного» пользователя это просто набор цифр, но на самом деле в этих цифрах заложена определенная информация. Все они группируются по видам причин возникновения сбоя.
Сообщения, кодирующиеся в формате 5хх, говорят о проблеме на стороне сервера, например, когда невозможно выполнить запрос из-за нарушения связи между несколькими серверами. Ошибка 504 Gateway Time Out не является распространенной, но это не значит, что на нее не стоит обращать внимания, особенно владельцу сайта. Рассмотрим некоторые причины возникновения данной ошибки и способы ее устранения как на стороне обычного посетителя, так и администратором веб-ресурса.
Ошибка 504 Gateway Time Out – это код состояния HTTP, который появляется, когда в течение заданного периода времени один сервер не получает своевременный ответ от другого сервера, который действует как шлюз или прокси.
Описания ошибки могут иметь различную форму:
- 504 Gateway Timeout nginx
- Gateway Timeout Error
- HTTP Error 504
- 504 Gateway Time-out – The server didn’t respond in time
- HTTP Error 504 – Gateway Timeout
Наличие дополнительного словесного описания помогает конкретизировать причину возникновения сбоя.
Производительный хостинг в подарок при заказе лицензии 1С-Битрикс
Выбирайте надежную CMS с регулярными обновлениями системы и профессиональной поддержкой. А мы подарим вам год хостинга – специально для сайтов на 1С-Битрикс.
Что делать посетителю сайта при возникновении ошибки 504
Итак, вы столкнулись с появлением на экране сообщения «error 504». Не спешите уходить с сайта, ведь возникновение сбоя может говорить о неправильной работе вашего браузера или даже наличии более серьезных проблем на уровне пользовательского софта. Попробуйте произвести довольно простые действия, чтобы убедиться, что с вашим программным обеспечением и настройками все в порядке.
- Перезагрузите проблемную страницу или текущий браузер. Если проблема устранилась и не повторяется вновь, особенно при посещении других сайтов, о ней можно просто забыть. При регулярном возникновении однотипных ошибок во время посещения разных ресурсов стоит покопаться в настройках собственного ПО поглубже.
- Зайдите на тот же самый сайт, где возникла ошибка сервера 504, используя альтернативный браузер. В случае, когда страница во время тестирования открылась корректно, обновите браузер, в котором случился сбой, до последней версии.
- Проверьте, как открываются страницы этого же сайта с другого компьютера или смартфона. Это позволит вам понять, не связано ли появление ошибки 504 с ПО конкретного устройства.
- При регулярном появлении HTTP ошибок, в т.ч. с кодом 504, очистите кэш браузера, удалите файлы cookies. Со временем в любом браузере накапливается много «мусора». Произведя очистку, вы поможете программе работать более корректно и даже быстрее.
- Произведите сброс настроек роутера или модема, отключив оборудование на некоторое время от сети. Данная операция вряд ли приведет к устранению ошибки 504, но может улучшить качество интернет-соединения. Провайдеры регулярно вносят изменения в настройки собственного софта, обновляют его. Иногда это приводит к конфликту в корректном взаимодействии пользовательского оборудования и серверов оператора. Перезагрузка устройства по питанию в большинстве случаев решает такие проблемы.
- Очистите кэш DNS. Данная операция кажется сложной для обычного пользователя, но на деле выполнить ее достаточно легко. Способ очистки зависит от вашей операционной системы, найдите соответствующий мануал в интернете.
- Для опытных пользователей подойдет рекомендация временно переключить DNS-сервер на Google Public DNS , что как минимум поможет определить, возник ли ошибочный код состояния HTTP по причине DNS проблемы.
Если после проведения всех вышеозначенных рекомендаций любая ошибка, в т.ч. 504 Gateway Time Out, продолжает возникать регулярно, обратитесь в техподдержку проблемного интернет-ресурса.
Решение проблем с появлением ошибки сервера 504 администратором веб-ресурса
Некорректная работа сайта чаще всего просто раздражает посетителя и приводит к тому, что пользователь находит альтернативный ресурс. Для владельца сайта такие сбои могут носить более глобальные последствия. Поэтому очень важно своевременно обнаруживать баги и максимально быстро устранять их. Для раннего мониторинга стоит использовать все возможные инструменты:
- проводить регулярную симуляцию пользовательского поведения на сайте;
- настроить автоматизированный мониторинг работоспособности ресурса как встроенными инструментами администрирования, так и с использованием специальных скриптов;
- обеспечить качественную работу службы технической поддержки сайта, своевременную обработку всех поступающих сообщений, особенно связанных с информацией о появлении разного рода ошибок на стороне пользователя.
Соблюдение последнего правила не только позволит практически без дополнительных затрат отслеживать все возможные проблемы, которые возникают при посещении сайта. Своевременная обработка пользовательских запросов, быстрый ответ, выдача рекомендаций и публичное обсуждение повышают лояльность и создают дополнительный PR-эффект.
Почти все ошибки с кодом 5хх, возникающие из-за невозможности обработки определенного количества запросов, поступающих на сервер, решаются методом апгрейда железа (использованием высокопроизводительного хостинга) либо оптимизацией работы программного обеспечения. Второй способ зависит от вида движка, на котором создан конкретный сайт. При использовании условно-бесплатных программ (WordPress, OpeneCart и других) все проблемы придется решать на уровне администрирования, с привлечением конкретного веб-программиста, разработавшего данный сайт. Если баги возникают на платных платформах (1С-Битрикс, UMI.CMS, NetCat CMS), напишите об ошибке 504 Gateway Time Out в техподдержку разработчика. Отправить сообщение о проблеме следует и разработчикам платных скриптов, если они установлены на вашем сайте, и вы считаете, что сбои возникают по причине их некорректного исполнения.
Вот некоторые причины, приводящие к возникновению ошибки 504 Gateway Time Out
- Резкий скачок нагрузки на сайт вследствие поступления большого количества внешних запросов, вызванного DDoS-атаками или действиями вирусного ПО, пиковым посещением сайта, например, в момент проведения различных акций в интернет-магазине, или единовременной загрузкой на сайт большого объема контента (импорт информации из CSV- или XML-файлов).
- Некорректная работа скриптов, плагинов и дополнений, конфликтующих как между собой, так и внутри.
- Превышение лимита доступных ресурсов при использовании виртуального хостинга.
Еще одна возможная причина возникновения ошибки 504 – исполняемый скрипт не укладывается в отведенный лимит времени. Это бывает, когда скрипт обращается к другим сайтам либо просто выполняет тяжелую операцию, например, строит поисковый индекс.
Рекомендации по устранению ошибки 504 Gateway Time Out методами администрирования сайта
Ошибка 504 Gateway Time Out может быть вызвана недавними изменениями или обновлениями на сайте. Если после отката к состоянию, предшествующему изменениям, баг исчез, следует найти конкретное действие, повлекшее возникновение ошибки. Для этого необходимо проверить журнал ошибок соответствующей CMS. Пользователи WordPress могут включить журналирование ошибок в файле wp-config.php добавлением следующих строк:
Все возникающие варианты ошибок будут записаны в файле wp-contents/debug.log.
Для проверки работоспособности плагинов и расширений попробуйте отключить те, которые вызывают подозрение как источники возникновения ошибки 504. В первую очередь это касается устаревших скриптов, но причиной могут оказаться и обновления. Если проблема исчезла, далее следует найти некорректный плагин или дополнение и устранить или исправить его. Один из способов улучшения работы исполняемого скрипта – увеличить значение параметра PHP max_execution_time или облегчить скрипт.
При использовании CDN для более быстрого получения контента, в частности CloudFlare, который работает как CDN и как сервис предотвращения негативных последствий от DDoS, вы можете столкнуться с двумя типами ошибок 504. В случае возникновения проблемы на стороне CloudFlare лучшим решением будет связаться с поддержкой CloudFlare или отключить его. Второй вариант – когда сбой возникает на стороне хостинг-провайдера. В этой ситуации также необходимо обратиться в службу поддержки хостера.
Часто ошибку 504 можно видеть на серверах, где используется VPS-хостинг и установлен Nginx в качестве фронтенда и Apache в качестве бэкенда. Для устранения проблемы в Apache можно увеличить значение timeout по умолчанию в файле httpd.conf:
Также увеличить лимит в max_execution_time в php.ini:
После внесения изменений следует перезапустить Apache. Ошибка 504 Gateway Time Out должна исчезнуть.
Аналогичным образом проблема с появлением ошибки HTTP 504 решается пользователями Nginx. Попробуйте увеличить такие параметры в файле /etc/nginx/conf.d/timeout.conf:
Также рекомендуется увеличить max_execution_time в php.ini:
Далее перезапустите Nginx и откройте сайт.
Более простым решением устранения данной проблемы является использование панели управления сервером.
Данный способ позволяет администрировать настройки веб-сервера без использования консоли, один раз настроить их под ваш проект и больше не подключаться к серверу без острой необходимости.
Например, в бесплатной панели управления Vesta Control Panel достаточно внести изменения в раздел «Сервер» и навсегда забыть о возможности возникновения ошибок на сайте.
И далее внести соответствующие изменения.
Аналогичным способом проблема устраняется и при использовании альтернативных панелей управления хостингом – Ajenti, CentOS Web Panel, ISPmanager и других.
Если вы считаете, что появление 504 Gateway Timeout вызвано превышением лимита использования ресурсов серверного железа, оптимальным решением будет аренда выделенного сервера или VPS. Когда ваш сайт уже размещен на виртуальном хостинге, но ни одна из рекомендаций не привела к исправлению error 504, обратитесь к хостинг-провайдеру. В этом случае подробно опишите причины, которые, как вы полагаете, привели к появлению сбоя.
В данной статье мы рассмотрели основные причины возникновения ошибки HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout и популярные способы устранения неполадки. Уверен, некоторые администраторы веб-ресурсов сталкивались с подобными проблемами, выходящими за рамки приведенных примеров и рекомендаций.
Буду благодарен, если вы поделитесь своим опытом в комментариях.
MIMAKI ENGINEERING CO., LTD. URL: https://mimaki.com/ You can also download the latest manual from our website. D203176-23 Original instructions UV INKJET Printer Cutter i CAUTION ........................................................................................vi CAUTION ............................................................................................ vi Requests ............................................................................................. vi FCC Statement (USA) ......................................................................... vi Interference to televisions and radios .................................................. vi Foreword ........................................................................................vii On This Operation manual ..................................................................vii Safety Precautions .........................................................................vii Symbols ...............................................................................................vii Safety interlock .................................................................................... xi Warning labels ...............................................................................xii Chapter 1 Before Use Moving This Machine ..................................................................... 1-2 Where to Install This Machine ...........................................................1-2 Working Environmental Temperature ................................................1-2 Moving This Machine ........................................................................1-2 Names of Parts and Functions ...................................................... 1-3 Front Side of the Machine .................................................................1-3 Rear Side and Right Side of the Machine .........................................1-4 Carriage .............................................................................................1-5 Operation Panel ................................................................................1-6 Media Sensor ....................................................................................1-8 Carriage .............................................................................................1-8 Cutter Blade and Cutting Slot ............................................................1-8 Capping Station .................................................................................1-8 Pinch Rollers and Grit Rollers ...........................................................1-8 Connecting Cables ........................................................................1-9 Connecting USB 2.0 Interface Cable ................................................1-9 Connecting a LAN Cable ...................................................................1-9 Connecting the Power Cable ...........................................................1-10 Ink Bottles .................................................................................... 1-11 Types of Inks You Can Use with the Machine .................................1-11 Precautions on Using the Ink Bottles ..............................................1-11 Installing the Ink Bottles ............................................................... 1-12 Media ........................................................................................... 1-17 The Size of Media That Can Be Used with This Machine ...............1-17 Precautions on Handling the Media ................................................1-17 Menu Mode ................................................................................. 1-18 Chapter 2 Basic Operations Printing Procedure ......................................................................... 2-2 Turning the Power On/Off .............................................................. 2-3 Turning the Power On .......................................................................2-3 Turning the Power Off .......................................................................2-3 Table of Contents ii Setting Media .................................................................................2-4 Adjusting the Head Height .................................................................2-4 Adjusting the Positions of the Pinch Rollers to Suit the Media ..........2-5 Maximum Print/Cut Area .................................................................2-10 Precautions on Setting the Media ...................................................2-10 Setting a Roll Media ........................................................................2-11 Setting the Pinch Roller Pressure ...................................................2-13 Take-up Device ...............................................................................2-14 Setting Leaf Media ..........................................................................2-15 Changing the printing origin ............................................................2-16 Test Printing .................................................................................2-17 Test Printing ....................................................................................2-17 Perform test printing with the normal test pattern ............................2-18 Perform test printing with the test pattern for checking white ink ....2-18 Head Cleaning .............................................................................2-19 About Head Cleaning ......................................................................2-19 Perform head cleaning depending on the test printing result ..........2-19 Setting Media Correction .............................................................2-19 Setting of Media Correction .............................................................2-19 If the Positions of Dots Shift... ......................................................2-20 Printing Data ................................................................................2-20 Starting a Printing Operation ...........................................................2-20 Cancel printing (Data Clear) ............................................................2-21 Cutting Media ...............................................................................2-21 Workflow of cutting ......................................................................2-22 Installing Tools .............................................................................2-23 When a Cutter Is Used ....................................................................2-23 How to Install a Ballpoint Pen ..........................................................2-24 Setting the Cutting Conditions .....................................................2-26 About the Cut Conditions ................................................................2-26 Select the Tool Condition ................................................................2-27 Set the Cut Conditions ....................................................................2-27 Test Cutting .................................................................................2-28 Cutting Data .................................................................................2-29 Setting the Origin .............................................................................2-29 Start Cutting ....................................................................................2-29 Stopping a Cutting Operation (Data Clear) .....................................2-29 Removing the Cutter Unit Temporarily ............................................2-29 Cutting Media ...............................................................................2-30 Chapter 3 Setup About SETUP MENU .....................................................................3-2 SETUP MENU table ..........................................................................3-3 Register the Optimal Print Conditions to Match the Use ...................3-4 Setting of Media Correction ...............................................................3-5 If the Positions of Dots Shift... ...........................................................3-6 Setting of Logical Seek ......................................................................3-7 Setting of Overprint ...........................................................................3-7 Setting of Drying Time .......................................................................3-7 Setting of Left and Right Margins ......................................................3-8 Setting of Vacuum Fan ......................................................................3-8 iii Setting of Feed Speed .......................................................................3-8 Setting of MAPS ................................................................................3-9 Setting of Auto Cleaning ....................................................................3-9 Setting of Interval Wiping ................................................................3-10 Setting of the UV Mode ...................................................................3-10 Setting Ionizer (option) ....................................................................3-10 Setting of LT mode ..........................................................................3-11 About MACHINE SETUP MENU .................................................3-12 MACHINE SETUP MENUs table .....................................................3-13 Setting of AUTO Power-off ..............................................................3-14 Setting of Take-up Unit ....................................................................3-14 Setting of the Display of Media Residual .........................................3-15 Setting of Media Detection ..............................................................3-15 Setting of a LANGUAGE .................................................................3-16 Setting of Time ................................................................................3-16 Setting of Unit (Temperature/ Length) .............................................3-16 Setting of a KEY BUZZER ...............................................................3-16 Setting of the CONFIRM. FEED ......................................................3-17 Setting of the SPACE FEED MODE ................................................3-17 Setting of the Network .....................................................................3-17 Setting of Event Mail Function .........................................................3-18 Initializing the Settings .....................................................................3-22 About NOZZLE CHECK MENU ................................................... 3-23 INFORMATION MENU table ...........................................................3-23 Printing Check Flow ........................................................................3-24 Printing Operations at "Nozzle Missing" Judgment and Error Occurrence ......................................................................................3-24 Setting of the Printing Check ...........................................................3-25 Setting of the NOZZLE RECOVERY ...............................................3-25 Setting of the Judgment Condition ..................................................3-25 About INFORMATION MENU ..................................................... 3-26 INFORMATION MENU table ...........................................................3-27 Displaying the Information ...............................................................3-27 Displaying the machine's information (LOCAL guidance) ...............3-28 Chapter 4 Cutting Function Cut Out Data with Register Mark ................................................... 4-2 The Flow of Cutting out the Registered Data ....................................4-2 Enter register mark detection mode ..................................................4-2 Precautions for inputting data with register marks ............................4-2 Settings for Detecting register marks ................................................4-5 ID Cut ................................................................................................4-6 About CUTTING MENU ............................................................... 4-11 Cutting MENU table .........................................................................4-12 Setting the CUT MODE ...............................................................4-13 Perform Multiple Cuttings (Copy function) ................................... 4-13 SETUP SUB MENU ..................................................................... 4-14 Make the media without uncut area (OVER CUT function) .............4-15 Other SETUP SUB MENU ..............................................................4-15 SETUP RESET ...............................................................................4-16 iv Maintenance Function .................................................................4-17 Maintenance of Mark Sensor ..........................................................4-17 Perform SAMPLE CUT to Find out the Cause of Cutting Error. ......4-19 Cutting a Medium into Multiple Pieces with a Certain Length .........4-19 Cutting out Data without Register Marks (PC ORIGIN OFFSET) ....4-20 Setting the Scale Adjust ..................................................................4-21 Chapter 5 Maintenance Maintenance ..................................................................................5-2 When the Machine Is Not Used for a Long Time ..............................5-2 Precautions for Maintenance .............................................................5-2 Cleaning the Exterior Surfaces ..........................................................5-2 Cleaning the Platen ...........................................................................5-2 Cleaning the Media Sensor ...............................................................5-3 Cleaning the Media Press .................................................................5-3 About MAINTENANCE MENU .......................................................5-4 MAINTENANCE MENUs table ..........................................................5-5 Maintaining the Capping Station ....................................................5-6 Cleaning the Wiper and Cap .............................................................5-6 Cleaning the mist filter....................................................................... 5-7 Clean the NCU .................................................................................. 5-8 Washing the Head Nozzle .................................................................5-9 Cleaning of ink discharge passage ...................................................5-9 When the Machine Is Not Used for a Long Time ............................5-10 Cleaning the Ink Head and the Area around It ............................5-12 Nozzle Recovery Function ...........................................................5-13 Reset the set value ..........................................................................5-14 Eliminate Ink Over Flow .............................................................5-14 Automatic Maintenance Function ................................................5-15 Setting the Refreshing Intervals ......................................................5-15 Setting the Cleaning Intervals and Type .........................................5-15 INK FILLING ................................................................................5-16 AIR PURGE .....................................................................................5-16 Replacing consumables ...............................................................5-18 Replacing the wiper .........................................................................5-18 Replacing the mist filter ................................................................... 5-18 If a Waste Ink Tank Confirmation Message Appears ......................5-19 Replace the waste ink tank with another .........................................5-19 Replacing the waste ink tank before the waste ink tank confirmation message is displayed ......................................................................5-20 Replacing the Cutter Blade .............................................................5-20 Replacing and Adjusting the Cutter Blade ...................................5-21 Replacing the cutter ........................................................................5-21 Adjusting the Cutter Blade ...............................................................5-22 Replacing cutters other than supplied one ......................................5-22 Adjusting blade edge of cutters other than supplied one ................5-22 v Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting ............................................................................. 6-2 Power does not turn on .....................................................................6-2 The machine does not start printing ..................................................6-2 Media get jammed / media is soiled ..................................................6-2 Image quality is poor .........................................................................6-3 Nozzle is clogged ..............................................................................6-3 An error occurred in the ink bottle .....................................................6-3 When the ink leakage occurs ............................................................6-3 Warning / Error Messages .............................................................6-4 Warning messages ............................................................................6-4 Error messages .................................................................................6-7 Chapter 7 Appendix Specification .................................................................................. 7-2 Printer Section Specifications ............................................................7-2 Cutter Section Specifications ............................................................7-3 Common Specifications .....................................................................7-4 Ink specifications ...............................................................................7-6 Ink bottle installation order .............................................................7-7 Sheet for inquiry ............................................................................ 7-8 vi 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION THIS LIMITED WARRANTY OF MIMAKI SHALL BE THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS, AND MIMAKI NEITHER ASSUMES NOR AUTHORIZES DEALER TO ASSUME FOR IT ANY OTHER OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OR MAKE ANY OTHER WARRANTY OR MAKE ANY OTHER WARRANTY IN CONNECTION WITH ANY PRODUCT WITHOUT MIMAKI’S PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL MIMAKI BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR FOR LOSS OF PROFITS OF DEALER OR CUSTOMERS OF ANY PRODUCT. Requests • This Operation manual has been carefully prepared for your easy understanding.However, please do not hesitate to contact a distributor in your district or our office if you have any inquiry. • Description contained in this Operation manual are subject to change without notice for improvement. FCC Statement (USA) This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the Operation manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. In the case where MIMAKI-recommended cable is not used for connection of this machine, limits provided by FCC rules can be exceeded. To prevent this, use of MIMAKI-recommended cable is essential for the connection of this machine. Interference to televisions and radios The machine described in this manual generates high frequency when operating. The machine can interfere with radios and televisions if set up or commissioned under improper conditions. The product is not guaranteed against any damage to specific-purpose radio and televisions. The machine’s interference with your radio or television will be checked by turning on/off the power switch of the machine. In the event that the product is the cause of interference, try to eliminate it by taking one of the following corrective measures or taking some of them in combination. • Change the orientation of the antenna of the television set or radio to find a position without reception difficulty. • Separate the television set or radio from this product. • Plug the power cord of this product into an outlet which is isolated from power circuits connected to the television set or radio. vii Foreword Foreword Congratulations on your purchase of MIMAKI UV ink jet printer "UCJV300Series/150Series". UV Inkjet Printer UCJV300Series/150Series uses ultraviolet ray curing ink (UV ink). Read this Operation Manual carefully and make the most effective use of your printer. On This Operation manual • This Operation Manual is describing the operations and maintenance of "UV inkjet printer UCJV300Series/ 150Series" (hereinafter referred to as the machine). • Read this Operation Manual carefully and understand them thoroughly to use. It is also necessary to keep this Operation Manual on hand. • Make arrangements to deliver this Operation Manual to the person in charge of the operation of this machine. • This Operation Manual has been carefully prepared for your easy understanding, however, please do not hesitate to contact a distributor in your district or our office if you have any inquiry. • Descriptions contained in this Operation Manual are subject to change without any notice for improvement. • In the case when this Operation Manual should be illegible due to destruction or lost by fire or breakage, purchase another copy of the Operation Manual from our office. • You can also download the latest manual from our website. Reproduction of this manual is strictly prohibited. © 2017 MIMAKI ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. Safety Precautions Symbols Symbols are used in this Operation Manual for safe operation and for prevention of damage to the machine. The indicated sign is different depending on the content of caution. Symbols and their meanings are given below. Please follow these instructions as you read this manual. Examples of symbols Meaning Failure to observe the instructions given with this symbol can result in death or serious injuries to personnel. Be sure to read it carefully and use it properly. Failure to observe the instructions given with this symbol can result in injuries to personnel or damage to property. Important notes in use of this machine are given with this symbol. Understand the notes thoroughly to operate the machine properly. Important notes in use of this machine are given with this symbol. Understand the notes thoroughly to operate the machine properly. Indicates the reference page for related contents. The symbol " " indicates that the instructions must be observed as strictly as the CAUTION instructions (including DANGER and WARNING instructions). A sign representing a precaution (the sign shown at left warns of hazardous voltage) is shown in the triangle. The symbol " " indicates that the action shown is prohibited. A sign representing a prohibited action (the sign shown at left prohibits disassembly) is shown in or around the circle. The symbol " " indicates that the action shown must be taken without fail or the instructions must be observed without fail. A sign representing a particular instruction (the sign shown at left instructs to unplug the cable from the wall outlet) is shown in the circle. viii 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 Safety Precautions Warning for Use Never do the following WARNING • The set of power cables provided with this machine is for use with this machine only, and cannot be used with other electrical devices. Do not use any power cables other than the ones provided with the machine. Failure to observe those instructions may result in fire or electric shocks. • Do not use this machine in an environment where humidity is high or the machine may get wet. Using the machine under such environment may result in fire or electric shock, or cause malfunction. • Use of the machine under an abnormal condition where it produces smoke or strange smell can result in fire or electric shocks. If such an abnormality is found, be sure to turn off the power switch immediately and unplug the cable from the wall outlet. Check first that the machine no longer produces smoke, and contact your distributor or a sales office of MIMAKI for repair. Never repair your machine by yourself since it is very dangerous for you to do so. • Never disassemble or remodel the main unit of the machine or the ink bottle. Disassembly or remodeling can result in an electric shock or breakdown of the machine. • Do not use extension cords. Doing so may result in fire or electric shocks. • Keep the power plug prong clear of any foreign object such as a piece of metal. Failure to do so may result in a fire or electric shocks. • Do not plug too many leads into a single socket. Doing so may result in fire or electric shocks. • Do not use the machine if the power cord or plug is damaged. Using the machine with damaged power cord may result in fire or electric shocks. Contact your service representative for replacement cord. • Do not handle the power plug with wet hands. Doing so may result in electric shocks. • Grasp by holding the plug itself when removing the power plug from wall outlet, and never hold by the cord. Holding and pulling the cord may damage the cord, leading to fire or electric shocks. • When setting the roll media, be sure to do so with at least one other person. • In case of ink leakage, please turn off the main power, unplug the power cable and contact our service office or distributor. • Do not use a flammable spray or solvent inside or around the machine. Doing so may result in fire or electric shocks. • Do not place a vase, flower pot, water glass, container with liquid such as water or chemicals inside, or small metallic object near or on top of this machine. Liquid or foreign object may get inside the machine, leading to fire or electric shocks. • Do not use this machine in an area where children might be present. • The ink used for this machine falls into the category of UN No.3082 and UN Class 9. Since the ink is flammable, never use fire when using the machine. WARNING Do not disassemble or remodel the machine • Never disassemble or remodel the main unit of the machine or the ink bottles. Disassembly or remodeling can result in an electric shock or breakdown of the machine. Power supply and voltage • Use this machine with the indicated power specifications. Be sure to connect the power cable plug to a grounded outlet. Failure to do so may result in fire or electric shocks. • Never look at the illuminated LED UV with your naked eyes. Doing so could cause pain in your eyes or visual impairment. Be sure to wear safety glasses. • Do not expose your skin directly to ultraviolet (UV) light. Doing so could cause skin irritation. • To prevent electrical shock, be sure to turn off the main power circuit breaker and disconnect the power plug before carrying out maintenance. For some units, it may take one minute for the capacitors to discharge. Therefore, wait three minutes after turning off the main power circuit breaker and disconnecting the power plug before starting maintenance work. • Although rare, LED UV units can become damaged. We recommend replacing the LED UV unit when it has reached its rated operation life, or earlier. • The main power circuit breaker should be turned on only by personnel with sufficient knowledge about the operation of this machine. • The LED UV unit is hot while it is on and immediately after it has been turned off. Do not touch it with your bare hands. Doing so could result in burns. Do not use this machine in damp places • Do not use this machine in an environment with high humidity or where the machine could get wet. Using the machine under such environment may result in fire or electric shock, or cause malfunction. Handling ink bottles • Some of the ingredients (UV curing initiator) are toxic to aquatic life. Avoid any leaks into water systems or sewage systems. • Store ink bottles and waste ink bottles in a place that is out of the reach of children. • If you get ink on your skin or clothing, immediately wash it off with detergent or water. If you get ink in your eyes, immediately wash your eyes with a lot of clean water, and then consult a doctor as soon as possible. • Dispose of waste ink according to the local regulations of the area where the machine isused. ix Safety Precautions Notes on maintenance • When handling ink and cleaning solution, pay close attention to ventilation and be sure to wear the included safety glasses and gloves. • The gloves supplied with the machine are disposable. When all the gloves are expended, purchase an equivalent product on the market. • Before using ink and cleaning solution, be sure to read the Safety Data Sheet (SDS). • Keep ink away from an open flame. Also keep the room well ventilated when you use or handle ink. • If you get ink in your eyes, immediately wash your eyes thoroughly with a lot of clean water for at least 15 minutes. Then, consult a doctor as soon as possible. • If anyone drinks ink by mistake, keep him or her quiet and see a doctor immediately. Do not allow him or her to swallow the vomit. Then contact the emergency number written on the SDS. • If you inhale a great deal of vapor and feel ill, immediately move to a location with plenty of fresh air, and keep yourself warm and quiet. Consult a doctor as soon as possible. • If the ink adheres to your skin, use a large amount of water and soap or special detergent for skin to remove the ink. Periodic replacement parts • Some parts of this machine must be replaced with new ones periodically by service personnel. Be sure to make a contract with your distributor or dealer for After sale service to ensure a long life of your machine. Protection of media from dust • Store media in a bag. Wiping off dust accumulated on media will adversely affect the media due to static electricity. • When leaving the workshop after the working hours, do not leave any media on the roll hanger. If any media is left on the roll hanger, it can get dusty. Clump lever • Never raise the lever during printing. Raising the lever will abort printing. Notes on maintenance • It is strongly recommended to use the machine in a room that is not dusty. • Dust in the heads can also cause drops of ink to fall suddenly down on the media during printing. In such a case, be sure to clean up the heads. • Perform wiping (removal of dust and paper powder) of the capping station and wiper frequently. WARNING Handling ink bottles • The safety evaluation of this machine assumes that the ink recommended by this company is used. For safe usage of this machine, use the ink recommend by this company. • Never refill the ink bottles with ink. Refilled ink cartridge can cause a trouble. Remember that MIMAKI assumes no responsibility for any damage caused by the use of the ink cartridge replenished with ink. • If an ink bottle is moved from a cold place to a warm place, leave it at room temperature for at least three hours before using it. • Open the ink bottle just before installing it in the machine. If it is opened and left for an extended period of time, normal printing performance of the machine may not be ensured. • Make sure to store ink bottles in a cool and dark place. • Store ink bottles and waste ink bottles in a place that is out of the reach of children. • Once an ink bottle is opened, be sure to thoroughly consume the ink within three months. If an extended period of time has passed away after opening the cartridge tank, printing quality would be poor. • Do not pound ink bottles or shake them violently. Doing so could cause the ink to leak. • Consult with your sales or service representative regarding the proper disposal of ink bottles and waste ink. When you dispose them by yourself, follow the regulations stipulated by the industrial waste disposer or the country or region you live in. Handling of media • Use media recommended by MIMAKI to ensure reliable, high-quality printing. • Pay attention to the expansion and contraction of the media. Do not use media immediately after unpacking. The media can be affected by the room temperature and humidity, and thus it may expand and contract. The media have to be left in the atmosphere in which they are to be used for 30 minutes or more after unpacked. • Do not use curled media. The use of curled media can not only cause a media jam but also affect print quality. Straighten the sheet of media, if significantly curled, before using it for printing. If a regular-sized coated sheet of media is rolled and stored, the coated side has to face outside. Disposition of this machine • Consult your sales or service representative for proper disposal of this machine. Otherwise, commission an industrial waste disposal company. WARNING x 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 Safety Precautions Precautions in Use Cautions on Installation CAUTION Handling of the power cable • Connect to a socket-outlet with determinate polarity. • For PLUGGABLE EQUIPMENT, the socket- outlet shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easily accessible. • Unplug the cord from the wall outlet and remove dust from the power plug periodically, at least once a year. Failure to do so may result in fire or electric shocks. • Do not use the machine unless it is connected to a power supply that satisfies the displayed voltage condition. • Check the voltage of the wall outlet and the capacity of the circuit breaker before you plug the power cords. Plug each power cord to different outlet that has independent circuit breaker If you plug more than one power cord to wall outlets that share the same circuit breaker, the power may be cut off by the breaker. Power supply • Leave the breaker turned ON. • Do not turn off the main power switch on the right side of this machine. Ultraviolet (UV) light • Some leakage of ultraviolet light occurs around the LED UV unit. Exposing skin and eyes to ultraviolet light could cause inflammation and skin cancer. Even if weak ultraviolet light does not cause inflammation, chronic disorders could develop due to repeated exposure. Avoid exposing your skin and eyes to ultraviolet light. • Visual impairments that can occur as a result of exposure to ultraviolet light include acute disorders such as pain or excess tearing in response to foreign matter, and chronic disorders such as cataracts. When using this machine, be sure to wear gloves, long-sleeved clothing, a visor over your face, and the shaded glasses that are included with the machine. Notes on the LED UV unit • When handling the glass on the bottom of the LED UV unit, be sure to wear the included gloves. Never touch the glass with your bare hands. Otherwise, the UV ink curing level may drop significantly. If the glass becomes dirty, wipe it with clean gauze moistened with alcohol. (Do not use alcohol for cleaning the exterior cover, or the paint will peel off.) • The LED UV performance and service life are significantly affected by the UV irradiation and UV power supply units that are used. Only use UV devices that are recommended by Mimaki.Mimaki shall bear no responsibility for any trouble due to the use of UV devices other than those that are recommended. Be careful with the movable parts • Do not touch the rolling grit roller. Otherwise, you could hurt your fingers or tear off your finger nails. • Keep your head and hands away from any moving parts during cutting (plotting) operation. Otherwise, your hair could become caught in the machine. Wear proper clothes. (Do not wear loose-fit clothes or accessories). Bind a long hair. Caution with cutters • The cutter blades are very sharp. Do not touch them. • Do not shake or swing the cutter holder. Otherwise, the blade may come off. Hot parts • The LED UV unit is very hot. Before performing maintenance work, wait until the temperature has dropped sufficiently after the LED UV unit has been turned off. • If touching hot parts is unavoidable, be sure to wear heat-insulating gloves to protect your hands. CAUTION A place exposed to direct sunlight On an inclined surface A place that vibrates A place exposed to direct air flow from an air conditioner A place where the temperature or humidity varies significantly Around a place where fire is used • Use the machine under the following environmental conditions: • Operating environment: 20 to 30 °C (68 to 86 °F) 35 to 65 % (Rh) CAUTION Safety Precautions xi Safety interlock For your safety, this machine is equipped with interlocks to stop all operations if a cover is opened while the machine is printing. (parts circled in red in the figure below) Warning labels xii 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 Warning labels Warning labels are attached to the machine. Be sure to fully understand the warning given on the labels. If a warning label is illegible due to stains or has come off, purchase a new one from a distributor or our sales office. 3 4 7 5 2 2 3 6 1 1 8 Around the carriage When the maintenance cover is open Warning labels xiii No. Reorder Label 1 M910931 2 M907833 3 M903330 4 M903405 5 M907935 6 M905811 7 M913419 8 M905935 This chapter tells you what you should know before using this machine, including the name of each part and the installation procedures. Moving This Machine .................................... 1-2 Where to Install This Machine ..................... 1-2 Working Environmental Temperature ......... 1-2 Moving This Machine .................................. 1-2 Names of Parts and Functions...................... 1-3 Front Side of the Machine ........................... 1-3 Rear Side and Right Side of the Machine ... 1-4 Carriage ...................................................... 1-5 Operation Panel .......................................... 1-6 Media Sensor .............................................. 1-8 Carriage ...................................................... 1-8 Cutter Blade and Cutting Slot ...................... 1-8 Capping Station ........................................... 1-8 Pinch Rollers and Grit Rollers ..................... 1-8 Connecting Cables........................................ 1-9 Connecting USB 2.0 Interface Cable ...........1-9 Connecting a LAN Cable .............................1-9 Connecting the Power Cable .....................1-10 Ink Bottles ................................................... 1-11 Types of Inks You Can Use with the Machine .....................................................1-11 Precautions on Using the Ink Bottles .........1-11 Installing the Ink Bottles .............................. 1-12 Media .......................................................... 1-17 The Size of Media That Can Be Used with This Machine .............................................1-17 Precautions on Handling the Media ...........1-17 Menu Mode ................................................. 1-18 Chapter 1 Before Use Chapter 1 Before Use 1-2 Moving This Machine Where to Install This Machine Secure a suitable installation space before assembling this machine. The place of installation must have enough space for not only this machine itself but also for the printing operation. Working Environmental Temperature Use this machine in an environment of 20 to 30°C to ensure reliable printing. Moving This Machine Follow the procedure described below when you have to move this machine to a different place within the same floor that does not have any steps. 1 Remove the caster blocks. 2 Move this machine as shown in the figure. • This machine must be moved by at least 4 people. This work shall be performed in accordance with the regulations of each country and region. • Do not push the cover to move this machine because doing so can cause the cover to crack. 3 Put the caster blocks back in place. Model Width Depth Height Gross weight UCJV300-160 2900mm (114.2 in) 776mm (30.6 in) 1475mm (5801 in) 188kg (414.5 lb) UCJV300-130 2650mm (104.3ln) 776mm (30.6 in) 1475mm (5801 in) 177kg (390.2lb) UCJV300-107 2380mm (93.7in) 776mm (30.6 in) 1475mm (5801 in) 161kg (354.9lb) UCJV300-75 2090mm (82.3in) 776mm (30.6 in) 1475mm (5801 in) 144kg (317.5lb) UCJV150-160 2900mm (114.2 in) 776mm (30.6 in) 1475mm (5801 in) 183kg (410.1 lb) • If you need to move the machine to any other places, contact your distributor or our service office. Moving the machine by yourself may cause failure or damage to the machine. Be sure to request your distributor or our service office to move this machine. • When moving this machine, take care not to sub- ject it to excessive shocks. • Be sure to lock the casters after moving this machine. 500 mm (19.7 in) minimum 3900 m m ( 15 3 .5 i n) m i ni mum ( 1 60Mod el ) 3 650 mm ( 143 .7 i n) m i n i m um ( 1 3 0Mod el ) 3 380 mm ( 133. 0 i n) mi ni m um ( 10 7Mode l ) 30 90 mm ( 121. 7 i n) mi ni m u m ( 75 Mo del ) 2 7 7 6 m m ( 1 0 9 . 3 i n ) 500 mm (19.7 in) minimum 1 0 0 0 m m ( 3 9 . 3 i n ) m i n i mu m 1 0 0 0 mm ( 3 9 . 3 i n ) m i n i m u m 1-3 Chapter 1 Before Use 1 2 2 2 2 Names of Parts and Functions Front Side of the Machine Operation panel This panel has the operation keys required for operating the machine and the LCDs for displaying setting items, etc. Clamp lever (front) Moves the pinch rollers up and down to hold or release the media. Waste ink tank Waste ink gathers in this tank. Stand Supports the main body of the machine. It is provided with casters that are used to move this machine. After cover The printed media is output along the after cover. Ink supply unit The ink bottles are inserted here. ( P.1-12) Take-up device Automatically winds up the printed roll media. Carriage The print head moves from side to side. Maintenance cover Open these covers only when you have to perform maintenance. Normally, keep all covers closed even when the power switch is off, Platen Area where media is flattened and printed. 1-4 Chapter 1 Before Use Rear Side and Right Side of the Machine AC inlet Connect the power cable to the AC inlet. Clamp lever (rear) Interlocks with the clamp lever in the font of this machine. USB connector This is a USB 2.0 interface connector. Main power switch (INLET 1) Turns on/off the main power for this machine. Leave the main power turned on to prevent ink clogging. Vent filter box Vents the ink mist generated during printing. Roll holder Grabs the roll media by the ends of its paper core to hold the media in place. It supports 2-inch and 3-inch paper cores. LAN connector Use this connector when you use network functions. Chapter 1 Before Use 1-5 1 2 2 2 2 Carriage The carriage is equipped with a print head and an LED- UV unit for printing. • Do not look into the light emitted from the LED-UV unit directly with the naked eye, regardless of whether the front cover is placed on top of it. The emitted light can be extremely bright under some printing conditions. • Remember to wear the UV protective glasses sup- plied with the machine. UV light Front cover 1-6 Chapter 1 Before Use Operation Panel Use the operation panel to specify print settings or to operate this machine. *1: Ink status The display shows icons indicating the status (remaining ink, error, etc.) of ink bottles. The following table describes each icon: Icon Meaning The ink bottle icons are arranged in the same order as the actual ink bottles are arranged in the ink supply unit. For each ink bottle icon, the remaining ink is indicated in nine levels. The following icons are arranged in descending order of remaining ink level: This icon is displayed at ink end or ink near end. Be aware that the ink is running low. Indicates that the cartridge cannot be used due to ink end or ink error (remaining ink 0, cartridge not attached, etc.). Indicates that ink has expired or that one month has passed since the expiration date. Please replace the ink bottle as soon as possible. After two months from the expiration date, the ink bottle can no longer be used. width:1340mm REMOTEMENU TEST PRINT CLEANING LOCAL Status indicator lamp Indicates the machine's status (printing, an error has occurred, etc). Lamp state Machine state Off The machine is in LOCAL mode, which means that there is no incoming print data or error occurring on the machine. Solid light blue The machine is in REMOTE mode. Blinking light blue The machine is currently printing data. The machine is performing a test print or other similar operation (that is, the machine is printing the patterns stored in it). Solid blue There is remaining print data in the machine. Blinking red An error has occurred. Solid red An error (SYSTEM HALT) has occurred. Display The display shows the following information: • Status of the machine • Width of the set media •Ink status *1 • Functions assigned to [FUNC1], [FUNC2] and [FUNC3] *2 button Press this button to select a function to be assigned to each function button ([FUNC1], [FUNC2] and [FUNC3]). // buttons Press one of these buttons to set a function or to perform test printing. With each pressing of the [SEL] button, you can change the function assigned to the selected function button. JOG button Use these buttons to move the head or media during LOCAL mode or to select a setting. button Use this button to cancel the entered setting or to go back to the previous level of the setting menu. You can also use this button to turn the power on or off. (Give it a long press to turn the power off.) button • When the power is turned on using the [END/POWER] key, the [ENTER] key lights up blue and turns off when the power switch is turned off. While the main power switch ( P.1-4) is on, the ink clogging prevention function is peri- odically operated even when the power is turned off using the [END/POWER] key. Ink full Approximatel y 1/8 consumed Approximatel y 1/4 consumed Approximatel y 3/8 consumed Approximatel y 1/2 consumed Approximatel y 5/8 consumed Approximatel y 3/4 consumed Approximatel y 7/8 consumed Near end 1-7 Chapter 1 Before Use 1 2 2 2 2 *2: Functions assigned to [FUNC1], [FUNC2], and [FUNC3] The following table describes the functions assigned to [FUNC1], [FUNC2], and [FUNC3], respectively: Icon Meaning Displays a menu for setting functions. Displays maintenance functions such as test print, cleaning, etc. Exits LOCAL mode and enters REMOTE mode to start printing. Displays adjustment functions such as FEED COMP, DROP.POScorrect, etc. Clears data. Suspends printing in REMOTE mode and enters LOCAL mode. Cuts the media. Moves to the previous page when multiple items are displayed on a screen (for example, on the MENU screen). Moves to the next page when multiple items are displayed on a screen (for example, on the MENU screen). Used for confirmation of a displayed message (for example, a warning message). Used to turn off or disable a function. Indicates that some setting or function has been assigned here. Use the assigned setting or function by following the instructions provided for it. Enables or disables the operation specified for the selected items (applicable when multiple items are selected, for example, when multiple heads are selected for cleaning). Sets cutting conditions. Confirms or sets cutting-related functions, including test cutting. Sets the pressure of the pinch rollers. • The color of the icons changes according to the state of the printer. When the icon is green: The machine is in REMOTE mode. When the icon is dark blue: The machine is in LOCAL mode. When the icon is yellow: A warning has been issued. When the icon is red: An error has occurred. Chapter 1 Before Use 1-8 Media Sensor The media sensor detects the presence of the media and the media length. This machine has one media sensor on the platen (in the rear). Carriage The carriage consists of the printer unit and the cutter unit. Printer unit Cutter unit Cutter Blade and Cutting Slot The cutter unit is equipped with a cutter blade for cutting the media. The cutter cuts off the sheet of media along the cutting slot on the platen. Capping Station The capping station consists of the ink caps, the wiper for cleaning the heads, etc. The ink caps prevent the nozzles in the ink heads from drying up. The wiper cleans the nozzles in the heads. The wiper is a consumable. If the wiper becomes deformed or the media gets stained, replace the wiper with a new one. Pinch Rollers and Grit Rollers The pinch rollers and grit rollers hold the media in place. • When setting media, be sure to cover the media sensor located on the rear of the platen. The media cannot be detected unless it is placed over the sensor. Media sensor Printer unit Cutter unit • Remember to wear the protective safety glasses supplied with the machine when cleaning the inside of the capping station. This precaution is necessary to prevent ink from getting in your eyes. • Keep the pinch rollers lifted up when this machine is not in use. Leaving the pinch rollers lowered for an extended period of time can cause them to become deformed and thus unable to securely hold the media in place. Cutter Cutting slot Grit roller Pinch roller Chapter 1 Before Use 1-9 1 2 2 2 2 Connecting Cables Connecting USB 2.0 Interface Cable Connect your computer and this machine with the USB 2.0 interface cable. Notes on the USB 2.0 interface When connecting more than one UCJV300Series/150Series machine to your computer When more than one UCJV300Series/150Series machine is connected to your computer, the computer might not be able to properly recognize the connected machines. If your computer has more than one USB port, try connecting the machine that your computer previously failed to recognize to another USB port to see if your computer can then recognize the machine. If your computer still fails to recognize the machine, use a commercially available USB 2.0 repeater cable. Peripheral devices that run in USB high-speed mode If you use a UCJV300Series/150Series machine with peripheral devices that run in USB high-speed mode (USB stick, USB-HDD, etc.), your computer might not be able to recognize the USB devices. Also, when connecting the UCJV300 series or UCJV150 series to the computer which is connected to the external USB hard disk drive and so on, the data output speed to the UCJV300 series or UCJV150 series may decrease. This may cause the print head to stop at the right edge or left edge while printing. Removing the USB stick If a USB stick is inserted to the computer to which a UCJV300Series/150Series machine is connected, select "Safely Remove Hardware" and then "Stop" to remove the USB stick. Failure to observe this causes [ERROR 10 COMMAND ERROR]. Connecting a LAN Cable When connecting a LAN cable, observe the following precautions: Printing data via a network If you are printing data via a network, you must configure a network in an environment described below. Configuring a network in an inappropriate environment can cause printing to stop prematurely. ・Use a category 6 or higher LAN cable. ・Use a computer and a switching hub that support 1000BASE-T. • Your RIP must be compatible with the USB 2.0 interface. • If your computer does not have a USB 2.0 inter- face, contact a RIP manufacturer near your loca- tion or our office for assistance. • Your RIP must be compatible with USB 2.0. USB cable • Insert the LAN cable until it clicks into place. • Do not remove and then reinsert the LAN cable during data transfer. • The computer to which to send printed data and the printer must use the same network. • Connection via a router is not supported. Connecting the computer directly to the printer Chapter 1 Before Use 1-10 If the computer or device connected to the printer uses a network other than 1000BASE-T, printing is not possible. After connecting the computer or device with the printer, check the following: (1) Check the information displayed on the screen on the printer. • From the local screen or media detection screen, press the [Enter] key several times until the information screen appears. • Confirm that "1000Mbps" is displayed as the LAN status. (2) Check the LAN connector's green lamp. • After the main unit starts up, the LAN connector's lamp can indicate one of the following states: Connecting the Power Cable 1 Insert the power cable into the inlet on the machine. 2 Secure a cable band. • Secure the cable with the cable band attached to this machine. 3 Insert the power plug into a plug socket. • If [100Mbps], [10Mbps], or [Not connected] is dis- played as the LAN status, you cannot print data via a LAN. • If [100Mbps] or [10Mbps] is displayed as the LAN status, event messages will be available ( Chapter 3 Setting of Event Mail Function). Color State State Green Solid Connected via 1000BASE-T Off Connected via a network other than 1000BASE-T Yellow Solid Link-up Blinking Data reception in progress Off Link-down • When only the yellow lamp is solidly lit or blinking, the network is not running at 1000 Mbps. Check the specifications of the computer, devices, and cables. Switching hub Connecting the computer to the printers via a switching hub INFORMATION LAN Status 1000Mbps • Use only the power cable supplied with the machine. • Be sure to connect the power cable to the outlet near this machine, and make sure that the power cable can be easily removed. • Connect the power cable to the grounded outlet. Failure to observe this could lead to electric shocks or fire. Inlet Power cable Cable band Power plug Socket Chapter 1 Before Use 1-11 1 2 2 2 2 Ink Bottles Insert each ink bottle into the ink supply unit for use. You will find eight (or four in the case of UCJV150 Series) ink bottles on the left of the machine. Types of Inks You Can Use with the Machine Colors are indicated as follows on the display: Notes on installing the ink bottles Observe the following precautions when installing the ink bottles: Precautions on Using the Ink Bottles Ink type Color UV ink Magenta Cyan Yellow Black White (UCJV300Series only) Clear (UCJV300Series only) Light cyan (UCJV300Series only) Light magenta (UCJV300Series only) Cleaning liquid bottle *1 *1. Used for head cleaning. Display Color Display Color M Magenta WWhite CCyanCL Clear YYellow Lc Light cyan KBlackLm Light magenta • Check the ink slot number and insert an ink bottle of the correct color into the ink supply unit. • Insert each ink bottle all the way into the slot. Do not use excessive force when inserting or pulling out ink bottles. • Insert an IC chip into the slot on the ink supply unit. • If you get ink in your eyes, immediately and thor- oughly flush your eyes with plenty of running water for at least 15 minutes, with eyelids held open. Seek medical attention as soon as possible. • Use genuine ink bottles for this machine. This machine functions by recognizing the genuine ink bottles. Our limited warranty does not cover dam- age resulting from modification of ink bottles or other parts of the machine. • Store the ink bottles in a location no more than 1 m from the floor surface. If the ink bottles are dropped from a height of more than 1 m onto a floor surface, the impact of the fall can cause the caps on the ink bottles to come off, causing the ink inside to spill out. • If the ink bottles are moved from a cold place to a warm place, leave it in the room temperature for three hours or more before using it. • Store the ink bottles in a cold and dark place. • Keep the ink bottles out of reach of children. • The ink contains an ingredient that is toxic to aquatic organisms (photopolymerization initiator). Take all measures necessary to prevent it from leaking into natural water sources and sewage systems. • Read the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) before using the ink bottles. • Ask an industrial waste disposal company to dis- pose of waste ink bottles. • Do not shake the ink bottles violently. Shaking the ink bottles violently can cause ink to leak out of the bottles. • Never refill the ink bottles with ink. Doing so may result in a failure. MIMAKI will not bear any responsibility for any damage caused by using ink bottles that have been refilled with ink. • Do not touch or stain the part where the IC chip comes into contact with the printed circuit board. Doing so can cause damage to the printed circuit board. • The ink bottles can get dented in the middle, as shown in the figure to the right, even when they are inserted into the machine. This, however, does not affect the performance of this machine. Chapter 1 Before Use 1-12 Installing the Ink Bot- tles 1 Take out an ink bottle and gently shake it from side to side at least 20 times. • While wearing gloves, hold the cap of the ink bottle tightly with a paper towel or a similar object, and then gently shake the bottle from side to side at least 20 times to let the ink flow inside the bottle. 2 Remove the cap from the bottle. 3 Screw the special cap onto the ink bottle. (1) Screw the special cap onto the bottle. • Confirm that the cap is firmly closed, and then gently shake the bottle. • Remember to shake the bottle gently. Shaking the bottle violently can cause the ink to leak out. • When the remaining ink is low, tilt the ink bottle all the way to the right and left until the bottle is in the upright position to ensure that the ink inside the bottle is thoroughly mixed. Hold the cap of the ink bottle tightly with a paper towel, and gently shake the ink bottle. Repeat • If, after removing the cap from the bottle, you find that the bottle opening has a seal attached to it, use a cutter to open the seal. Cut the seal as shown in the figure below so that the seal is divided into eight parts, and then bend the cut seal toward the inside of the bottle. • Make sure that the cut seal is bent securely toward the inside of the bottle. If the cut seal is not bent securely, an ink supply shortage can occur. • Cut the seal as shown in the figure to the left so that the seal is divided into eight parts, and then bend the cut seal toward the inside of the bottle. Special cap Cap B Chapter 1 Before Use 1-13 1 2 2 2 2 (2) Tighten the special cap securely onto the bottle by using the tightening jig. (3) Turn the bottle upside down to confirm that no ink leaks out. 4 Insert the ink bottle into the tank. • Slide the lever on the tank all the way to the right, and then insert the ink bottle into the tank. 5 Slide the lever on the tank from right to left. 6 Insert an IC chip into the slot. • Insert an IC chip into the slot, with the metal part facing upward. Incorrectly inserting the IC chip can lead to failure or cause the IC chip to break. • Do not touch the metal part of the IC chip. Doing so can cause damage to the IC chip due to static electricity or lead to reading failure due to stains or scratches. • For details about how to install the ink bottles, see P. 7- 7 「Ink bottle installation order」. • Turn the tightening jig until the arrow mark on the tightening jig is aligned with the arrow mark on the special cap. • Do not close the special cap too tightly. Doing so can cause damage. • Do not leave ink bottles with the special cap attached in a place exposed to light for a pro- longed period of time. Doing so can cause the ink inside to harden. Turn the tightening jig until on the tightening jig is aligned with the arrow mark on the special cap. Tightening jig • Never turn the ink bottle after inserting it into the tank, Doing so can cause ink to leak out. Lever IC chip Chapter 1 Before Use 1-14 Replacing the ink bottles When [INK END] or [INK NEAR END] shows up on the display, follow the steps described below. When [INK END] is displayed 1 Slide the lever on the tank all the way to the right. 2 Lift the ink bottle straight up. IC chip • The IC chip contains information regarding the color, remaining level, and expiration date of the ink. When installing an ink bottle, insert the IC chip that comes with the ink bottle into the IC chip slot on the ink cover. • Inserting a wrong IC chip (that is, an IC chip other than the one that comes with the ink bottle) into the slot can cause poor image quality or other problems. • The IC chip has a marking applied to it to provide color information. IC chip Marking is provided here. Ink color and the corresponding marking Ink color Marking Black (One black circle) Cyan (One blue circle) Magenta (One red circle) Yellow (One yellow circle) White (One white circle) Clear (Two white circle) Light cyan (Two blue circles) Light magenta (Two red circles) • Remember to wear protective glasses. • Do not turn the ink bottle. Doing so can cause ink to leak out. • After removing the ink bottle from the tank, confirm that the light-blocking cover is closed. If the lid is open, close it by hand. Leaving the light-blocking cover open causes the ink to harden. • Be careful not to spill any ink from the bottle. Light-blocking cover Chapter 1 Before Use 1-15 1 2 2 2 2 3 Wipe off the ink with the wiper filter. 4 Wipe off the ink attached to the cap. • Hold the bottle with the cap facing upward and wipe off the ink attached to the cap with a paper towel or a similar object. 5 Remove the cap from the used ink bottle. • If you have difficulty removing the cap, use the tightening jig to remove the cap. 6 Install a new ink bottle by referring to P.1- 12"Installing the Ink Bottles". When [INK NEAR END] is displayed The remaining ink level is low. Although you can continue printing, the machine may run out of ink while printing. We therefore recommend that you replace the ink bottle as soon as possible. If you press the key in LOCAL mode, you can view a local guidance that provides information regarding the bottle that requires replacement. ( P.3-27) You can also check the ink bottle lamp to find the bottle to replace.(P.1-16) If the light-blocking cover comes off If the light-blocking cover comes off, the inside of the tank is exposed to light, which causes the ink to harden. If the light-blocking cover comes off, attach it to the tank as follows: 1 Insert one of the lugs on the light-blocking cover into one of the receiving holes on the tank. 2 While pressing the light-blocking cover against the receiving hole into which you have just inserted the lug, insert the other lug into the remaining hole on the tank. • Do not leave ink bottles with the special cap attached in a place exposed to light for a pro- longed period of time. Doing so can cause the ink inside to harden. Wiper filter Chapter 1 Before Use 1-16 Expiration date of the ink The ink bottle has an expiration date. Although you can continue using the ink bottle until two months after the expiration date specified on the ink bottle, when three months elapses from the expiration date, the ink bottle becomes unusable. A warning message appears when an ink bottle becomes unusable. When this message appears, replace the applicable ink bottle. Example: If April 2018 is specified as the expiration date: May: Usable June: Usable (solid yellow LED) July: Unusable (blinking red LED) Ink end and ink near end A warning message appears at ink near end (when the remaining ink level is low). When this message appears, we recommend that you replace the applicable ink bottle as soon as possible. A warning message appears at ink end (when the ink is empty). When this message appears, replace the applicable ink bottle. Ink bottle lamps The lamps located above the ink bottles tell you the status of the installed ink bottles. Lamp status Description Solid blue Normal (ink is being supplied) Off Normal Solid yellow or blinking yellow One of the following errors has occurred: • Ink near end • One month past the expiration date Blinking red Two months past the expiration date Solid red One of the following errors has occurred: •Ink end • No ink IC chip inserted • Other ink errors ( P.6-6) Ink bottle lamps 1-17 Chapter 1 Before Use 1 2 2 2 2 Media This section describes the size of media that can be used with this machine and how to handle it. The Size of Media That Can Be Used with This Machine Precautions on Handling the Media Observe the following precautions for handling the media: Model UCJV300/150-160 UCJV300-130 UCJV300-107 UCJV300-75 Type of recommended media Label stock (paper-based) / PVC sheet (including laminated sheet, 0.25 mm thick maximum) / reflective sheet (excluding high-luminance reflective sheet) / heat transfer rubber sheet Maximum width 1620mm (63.8in) 1371mm (54.0in) 1100mm (43.3in) 810mm (31.9in) Minimum width 210mm (8.3in) Maximum print width 1610mm (63.4in) *1 *1. When the MARGIN(RIGHT/LEFT) setting has been set to the minimum (-10 mm). 1361mm (53.6in) *1 1090mm (42.9in) *1 800mm (31.5in) *1 Roll media Thickness 1.0 mm (0.04in) maximum Roll outside diameter Paper media: Φ250mm (9.8in) maximum Other media: Φ210mm (8.3in) maximum Roll weight 40 kg (88.2lb) maximum Roll inside diameter 2 or 3 inches The side to be printed Inside/outside Roll end treatment The roll end is gently fixed to the core with weak-adhesive tape or weak glue for easy removal. • Use the recommended media. Use the media recommended by MIMAKI to ensure reliable, high-quality printing. • Note that the media can shrink or stretch. Do not use media immediately after unpacking. The media can shrink or stretch due to room temperature and humidity. After unpacking the media, leave it in the place where the media is to be used for at least 30 minutes before installing it in the machine. • Do not use curled media. Using curled media can cause paper jamming. When rolling regular-sized coated media for storage, make sure that the coated side is facing outward. • Dust may be accumulated on the edge of the media. Depending on the roll you are using, the dust inside the package may be gathered on the edge surface of the roll. Using dusty media can cause nozzle missing or ink drops that can lead to degraded printing quality. Remember to remove the dust on the edge surface of the roll before installing it on the machine. 1-18 Chapter 1 Before Use Menu Mode This machine has four modes. Each menu mode is described below. NOT-READY mode The machine is in this mode before the detection of the media. LOCAL mode In this mode, the machine is getting ready for printing. All the keys are effective. Although the machine can receive data from the computer, it does not perform printing yet. During LOCAL mode, you can perform the following operations: • Press the JOG keys to set a print origin and a print width. • You can check the remaining ink levels, cartridge error details, model name, firmware version, and so on by pressing the [Enter] key. MENU mode The MENU mode is activated if you press the [FUNC1] button during LOCAL mode. During MENU mode, you can set various functions. REMOTE mode In this mode, the machine prints the received data. width:1340mm REMOTEMENU PRE PRINT TEST PRINT CLEANING LO CA L Screen display during LOCAL mode The detected media width is displayed. The detected ink levels (approximate) are displayed. Function buttons The functions assigned to [FUNC1], [FUNC2], and [FUNC3] are displayed. [SEL] key [FUNC1], [FUNC2], and [FUNC3] You can change functions by pressing the [SEL] button. This chapter describes procedures and setting methods for ink and media preparation, and printing. Printing Procedure ........................................2-2 Turning the Power On/Off .............................2-3 Turning the Power On ................................. 2-3 Turning the Power Off ................................. 2-3 Setting Media ................................................2-4 Adjusting the Head Height .......................... 2-4 Adjusting the Positions of the Pinch Rollers to Suit the Media ............................................. 2-5 Maximum Print/Cut Area ........................... 2-10 Precautions on Setting the Media ............. 2-10 Setting a Roll Media .................................. 2-11 Setting the Pinch Roller Pressure ............. 2-13 Take-up Device ......................................... 2-14 Setting Leaf Media .................................... 2-15 Changing the printing origin ...................... 2-16 Test Printing ................................................2-17 Test Printing .............................................. 2-17 Perform test printing with the normal test pattern ....................................................... 2-18 Perform test printing with the test pattern for checking white ink ..................................... 2-18 Head Cleaning ............................................2-19 About Head Cleaning ................................ 2-19 Perform head cleaning depending on the test printing result ............................................. 2-19 Setting Media Correction .............................2-19 Setting of Media Correction .......................2-19 If the Positions of Dots Shift... .....................2-20 Printing Data ...............................................2-20 Starting a Printing Operation .....................2-20 Cancel printing (Data Clear) ......................2-21 Cutting Media ..............................................2-21 Workflow of cutting ......................................2-22 Installing Tools ............................................2-23 When a Cutter Is Used ..............................2-23 How to Install a Ballpoint Pen ....................2-24 Setting the Cutting Conditions .....................2-26 About the Cut Conditions ...........................2-26 Select the Tool Condition ...........................2-27 Set the Cut Conditions ...............................2-27 Test Cutting .................................................2-28 Cutting Data ................................................2-29 Setting the Origin .......................................2-29 Start Cutting ...............................................2-29 Stopping a Cutting Operation (Data Clear) ...............................................2-29 Removing the Cutter Unit Temporarily ......2-29 Cutting Media ..............................................2-30 Chapter 2 Basic Operations Chapter 2 Basic Operation 2-2 Printing Procedure Turning the Power On/Off See "Turning the Power On/Off" ( P.2-3). Setting Media See "Setting Media" ( P.2-4). Test Printing See "Test Printing" ( P.2-17). Head Cleaning See "Head Cleaning" ( P.2-19). Printing Data See "Printing Data" ( P.2-20). 2-3 2 2 2 2 2 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Turning the Power On/ Off Turning the Power On This machine has two power switches. Main power switch: This switch is located on the side of the machine. This switch must always be on. [END/POWER] button: Normally, use this button to turn the power on or off. As long as the main power switch is on, the machine periodically turns on to activate the function that prevents ink sedimentation, even when the [END/ POWER] button is turned off. 1 Turn the main power switch on. • Press the main power switch located on the side of the machine to the "I" position. • The firmware version is displayed when the power is turned on, and the initial operation begins. 2 Press the button to turn the power on. • The machine enters LOCAL mode. 3 Turn on the computer connected with the machine. Turning the Power Off After using the printer, press the [END/POWER] key to turn off the power. Before turning the power off, confirm the following: • If the machine is receiving data from the computer or if there is any data that has not been output yet • If the head has returned to the capping station • If any error has occurred ( P.6-7Error messages ) 1 Turn off the computer connected with the machine. 2 Hold down the button to turn the power off. • Do not turn off the main power switch on the side of the machine. • The next time you use this machine, just press the [END/POWER] button. Precautions on turning the power off Do not turn the main power switch off. As long as the main power switch is on, the machine periodically turns on to activate the function that prevents ink sedimentation. When the main power switch is off, this function does not work, which can cause nozzle clogging. Keep the front cover and the maintenance cover closed. When these covers are open, the function that prevents ink sedimentation does not work. Check the position of the head, and then turn the power off. If you turn the power off without the head returned to the capping station, the ink head dries up, causing the nozzles to become clogged. Thus, if you have turned the power off without the head returned to the capping station, turn the power on again, confirm that the head has returned to the capping station, and then turn the power off. Do not turn the power off during printing or cutting. If you do so, the head might not return to the capping station. Press the [END/POWER] button to turn off the power, and then turn the main power switch off. If you have to turn the main power switch off to move the machine or to resolve an error that has occurred on the machine, first hold down the [END/POWER] button on the front of the machine, confirm that the display on the operation panel has turned off, and then turn the main power switch off. • Close the front cover and the maintenance cover before turning the power on. • Leaving the machine with the main power switch turned off for a prolonged period of time can cause the head nozzles to clog. Main power switch [END/POWER] button [END/POWER] button 2-4 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Setting Media You can use roll media and leaf media with this machine. For details about the media you can use with the machine, see P.1-17 "「The Size of Media That Can Be Used with This Machine」". Adjusting the Head Height Adjust the head height to suit the thickness of the media you are using. • The range of the initial head height can be adjusted by 3 levels according to the purpose of use. • The printing height varies from L range (2 mm) to H range (3 mm). (The print height is set to L range (2 mm) at shipment.) 1 Move the carriage to the platen. • Execute [ST.MAINTENANCE - CARRIAGE OUT] (maintenance function) ( P.5-6, steps 1 and 2). 2 Adjust the height-adjusting lever to suit the media. • Adjust the position of the lever by referring to "Adjusting lever and range". • Be sure to set the height adjustment lever so that the desired height display is at the top. If the lever is in the middle, a printing error will occur. 3 Return the carriage to the station. Adjusting lever and range • When you set roll media on the machine, be care- ful not to drop the media on your feet or other part of the body. The media is heavy and can cause bodily injury. • At least two people must work together to set roll media on the machine, Working alone can cause injury to the back due to the weight of the roll media. • Adjust the head height before setting the media on the machine. Adjusting the head height after set- ting the media on the machine may result in jam- ming, deterioration of the print quality or head damage. Carriage Range Head height L range 2mm (Factory default position) M range 2.5mm H range 3mm Height-adjusting lever It becomes the height of this display position. 2-5 2 2 2 2 2 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Adjusting the Positions of the Pinch Rollers to Suit the Media Adjust the positions of the pinch rollers to suit the width of the media to be set. This machine feeds the media with the pinch rollers and grit rollers for printing and cutting. The pinch rollers should be located above the grit rollers. How to adjust the pinch roller Move the pinch roller unit to adjust the position of the pinch roller. Use the pinch roller guide mark for positioning. • When you set the media, make sure that the pinch rollers lying outside the media do not lie on top of the grit rollers below them. Displace the pinch rollers lying outside the media slightly from their normal positions, as shown in illustration "X" under "How to adjust the pinch roller". Operating the machine with the media not gripped between the pinch rollers and the grit rollers could wear the pinch roller out. Pinch roller Grit roller Pinch roller guide mark To adjust the pinch roller from the front side: To adjust the pinch roller from the rear side: Pinch roller unit (top view) Adjust the pinch roller so that the triangle mark comes between the pinch roller guide marks. Pinch roller unit (rear side) 2-6 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Media size and grit rollers (UCJV300/150-160) The grit rollers to be used vary depending on the size of the media. • To feed the media smoothly, select the appropriate grid roller positions so that the media can be held at equally spaced intervals. • When the grid rollers to be used are determined, adjust the pinch roller unit by referring to “P.2-5 「How to adjust the pinch roller」". • You can use any number of pinch roller units from 2 to 7. • The pinch rollers at the left and right ends of the media must be located within 10 cm and 2 cm of the ends of the media, respectively. If they are positioned further from the ends of the media, some part of the media remains uncut. 1577 ~ 1620mm1577 ~ 1620mm 1446 ~ 1514mm1446 ~ 1514mm 1212 ~ 1272mm1212 ~ 1272mm 1032 ~ 1092mm1032 ~ 1092mm 732 ~ 792mm732 ~ 792mm 576 ~ 644mm576 ~ 644mm 364 ~ 424mm364 ~ 424mm 241 ~ 301mm241 ~ 301mm 1501 ~ 1561mm1501 ~ 1561mm 1370 ~ 1438mm1370 ~ 1438mm 1136 ~ 1196mm1136 ~ 1196mm 956 ~ 1016mm956 ~ 1016mm 656 ~ 716mm656 ~ 716mm 500 ~ 568mm500 ~ 568mm 288 ~ 348mm288 ~ 348mm 165 ~ 225mm165 ~ 225mm 1413 ~ 1473mm1413 ~ 1473mm 1284 ~ 1350mm1284 ~ 1350mm 1048 ~ 1108mm1048 ~ 1108mm 868 ~ 928mm868 ~ 928mm 568 ~ 628mm568 ~ 628mm 414 ~ 480mm414 ~ 480mm 200 ~ 260mm200 ~ 260mm 85 ~ 137mm85 ~ 137mm GR1GR1 GR2GR2GR4GR4 GR3GR3 GR11GR11 GR10GR10 GR5GR5GR6GR6GR7GR7GR8GR8GR9GR9 Determine the grid rollers to be used according to the size of the media. The right end of the media should come within this range. GR: Grit roller 2-7 2 2 2 2 2 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Media size and grit rollers (UCJV300-130) The grit rollers to be used vary depending on the size of the media. • To feed the media smoothly, select the appropriate grid roller positions so that the media can be held at equally spaced intervals. • When the grid rollers to be used are determined, adjust the pinch roller unit by referring to “P.2-5 「How to adjust the pinch roller」". • You can use any number of pinch roller units from 2 to 6. • The pinch rollers at the left and right ends of the media must be located within 10 cm and 2 cm of the ends of the media, respectively. If they are positioned further from the ends of the media, some part of the media remains uncut. 1328 ~ 1371mm1328 ~ 1371mm 1212 ~ 1272mm1212 ~ 1272mm 1032 ~ 1092mm1032 ~ 1092mm 732 ~ 792mm732 ~ 792mm 576 ~ 644mm576 ~ 644mm 362 ~ 422mm362 ~ 422mm 241 ~ 301mm241 ~ 301mm 1252 ~ 1312mm1252 ~ 1312mm 1136 ~ 1196mm1136 ~ 1196mm 956 ~ 1016mm956 ~ 1016mm 656 ~ 716mm656 ~ 716mm 500 ~ 568mm500 ~ 568mm 286 ~ 346mm286 ~ 346mm 165 ~ 225mm165 ~ 225mm 1164 ~ 1224mm1164 ~ 1224mm 1048 ~ 1108mm1048 ~ 1108mm 868 ~ 928mm868 ~ 928mm 568 ~ 628mm568 ~ 628mm 414 ~ 480mm414 ~ 480mm 198 ~ 258mm198 ~ 258mm 85 ~ 137mm85 ~ 137mm GR1GR1 GR2GR2GR4GR4 GR3GR3 GR10GR10 GR5GR5GR6GR6GR7GR7GR8GR8GR9GR9 Determine the grid rollers to be used according to the size of the media. The right end of the media should come within this range. GR: Grit roller 2-8 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Media size and grit rollers (UCJV300-107) The grit rollers to be used vary depending on the size of the media. • To feed the media smoothly, select the appropriate grid roller positions so that the media can be held at equally spaced intervals. • When the grid rollers to be used are determined, adjust the pinch roller unit by referring to “P.2-5 「How to adjust the pinch roller」". • You can use any number of pinch roller units from 2 to 5. • The pinch rollers at the left and right ends of the media must be located within 10 cm and 2 cm of the ends of the media, respectively. If they are positioned further from the ends of the media, some part of the media remains uncut. 1043 ~ 1100mm 900 ~ 960mm 732 ~ 792mm 576 ~ 644mm 362 ~ 422mm 241 ~ 301mm 967 ~ 1027mm 824 ~ 884mm 656 ~ 716mm 500 ~ 568mm 288 ~ 348mm 165 ~ 225mm 879 ~ 939mm 736 ~ 796mm 568 ~ 628mm 414 ~ 480mm 200 ~ 260mm 85 ~ 137mm 1043 ~ 1100mm 900 ~ 960mm 732 ~ 792mm 576 ~ 644mm 362 ~ 422mm 241 ~ 301mm 967 ~ 1027mm 824 ~ 884mm 656 ~ 716mm 500 ~ 568mm 288 ~ 348mm 165 ~ 225mm 879 ~ 939mm 736 ~ 796mm 568 ~ 628mm 414 ~ 480mm 200 ~ 260mm 85 ~ 137mm GR1GR1 GR2GR2GR4GR4 GR3GR3 GR5GR5GR6GR6GR7GR7GR8GR8GR9GR9 Determine the grid rollers to be used according to the size of the media. The right end of the media should come within this range. GR: Grit roller 2-9 2 2 2 2 2 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Media size and grit rollers (UCJV300-75) The grit rollers to be used vary depending on the size of the media. • To feed the media smoothly, select the appropriate grid roller positions so that the media can be held at equally spaced intervals. • When the grid rollers to be used are determined, adjust the pinch roller unit by referring to “P.2-5 「How to adjust the pinch roller」". • You can use any number of pinch roller units from 2 to 4. • The pinch rollers at the left and right ends of the media must be located within 10 cm and 2 cm of the ends of the media, respectively. If they are positioned further from the ends of the media, some part of the media remains uncut. 777 ~ 810mm 962 ~ 752mm 578~ 638mm 364 ~ 424mm 241 ~ 301mm 691 ~ 751mm 616 ~ 676mm 502 ~ 582mm 288 ~ 348mm 165 ~ 225mm 603 ~ 663mm 528 ~ 588mm 414 ~ 474mm 200 ~ 260mm 86 ~ 137mm 777 ~ 810mm 962 ~ 752mm 578~ 638mm 364 ~ 424mm 241 ~ 301mm 691 ~ 751mm 616 ~ 676mm 502 ~ 582mm 288 ~ 348mm 165 ~ 225mm 603 ~ 663mm 528 ~ 588mm 414 ~ 474mm 200 ~ 260mm 86 ~ 137mm GR1GR1 GR2GR2GR4GR4 GR3GR3 GR5GR5GR6GR6 GR7GR7 GR8GR8 Determine the grid rollers to be used according to the size of the media. The right end of the media should come within this range. GR: Grit roller 2-10 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Maximum Print/Cut Area The maximum printable area or cut area varies, depending on the position of the media width ( P.2-6) and the origin position ( P.2-16). The area other than that is the dead space that cannot be printed/cut. Precautions on Setting the Media Setting position of the media Set the media such that the right end of the media lies within the area shown in the following figure: The end of the media should not lie beyond the slit line on the platen. UCJV300/150-160 UCJV300-130 UCJV300-107 UCJV300-75 Maximum printing/cut width 1610mm (63.4in) 1361mm (53.6in) 1090mm (41.7in) 800mm (31.5in) Set the media such that the right end of the media lies within the area indicated by the arrows (within the first three grit rollers from the right end on the front of the machine). Media Media press Slit line 2-11 2 2 2 2 2 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Setting a Roll Media Attach a roll media to the roll media hanger located on the back of the machine. 1 Confirm that the clamp lever is lowered. 2 Move the left roll holder to the roll setting position. • Loosen the roll holder fixing screw and move the roll holder. • Check the size of the media and where to set the media by referring to the section applicable to your machine (P.2-6). 3 Tighten the roll holder fixing screw on the left side. • Recheck steps 1 and 2. 4 Push the core of the roll media into the left side of the roll holder. • Push the roll media all the way into the roll holder until it is held steady. 5 Loosen the screw at the right side of the roll holder and insert the holder into the core of the roll media. 6 Pull up the clamp lever located on the back of the machine. 7 Insert the roll media into the machine. • Slightly tilt the media so that it can be smoothly inserted into the machine without catching on anything. (1) Pull the media all the way out to the front end of the platen. (2) Insert the media between the platen and the pinch rollers. • Pull the media out of the roll so that the media can be grasped from the front of the machine. (3) Push down the clamp lever located on the back of the machine. • This holds the media in place. • Be careful not to drop the media on your feet or other part of your body while attaching it to the roll media hanger. The media is heavy and can cause bodily injury. Roll holder side (the back of the machine) This is where the end of the set media should be when the media has a 2-inch core. This is where the end of the set media should be when the media has a 3-inch core. The reference position of the roll holder must come between the pinch roller guide marks. • Set up the pinch roller unit such that the media is held in place by equally-spaced pinch rollers. If the pinch rollers holding the media in place are not equally spaced, start over from step 1. • Provide a dead space of at least 5 mm at both ends of the media. 2-12 Chapter 2 Basic Operation 8 Pull out the roll media. (1) Open the front cover. (2) Pull up the clamp lever from the front of the machine. (3) Gently pull out the roll media until you feel slight resistance. 9 Confirm that the roll media is evenly pulled out, and then lower the clamp lever. • Pulling several positions of the media lightly, lower the clamp lever after confirming that the amount of the roll media pulled out is almost even. 10 Hold the media with the media press gently. • When using thick media, remove the media press from the media before printing. • You do not have to use the media press to cut the media. 11 Set an empty core of the roll media on the take-up device. 12 Press and then select "ROLL". • The media width is detected. • When [MEDIA DETECT] (one of the machine settings) is set to "MANUAL" ( P.3-15), media width will not be automatically detected. Enter the media width by referring to P.2-13 "Setting the manual media width". 13 When the media width detection is complete, use to enter the number of the pinch rollers you are using. • When the pinch roller number in "MEDIA DETECT" of the machine setup is set to OFF ( P.3-15), the screen to enter the number of pinch rollers is not displayed. Proceed to the Step 16. 14 Press the key. • When [MEDIA RESIDUAL] (one of the machine settings) is set to "ON” ( P.3-15), you can display the remaining media entry screen by pressing the [Enter] key. ( P.2-13) Media press • When installing the media, make sure that the right edge of the media is placed on the left side with respect to the slit line on the platen. Placing the media rightward of the slit line will make it rise up if it moves obliquely, and this could cause dam- age to the head. • If a media is misaligned to the right of the standard position, an error message “MEDIA SET POSI- TION R” is displayed after detecting the media. Set the media again. Media Media press Slit line Core Take-up device 2-13 2 2 2 2 2 Chapter 2 Basic Operation 15 Fix the media to the take-up device. (1) By pressing [], feed the media until it reaches the core of the take-up device. (2) Fix the middle of the media with adhesive tape. (3) In the same manner, fix the left side and right side of the media. • Make sure that the there is no slack or wrinkle on the media in such condition that the roll media is pulled to right and left evenly, and stick the tape. (4) Press the [ENTER] key Setting the Pinch Roller Pressure After setting the media in place, set the pressure to be applied to the pinch rollers that retain the media. Setting an inappropriate pressure for the pinch rollers can cause not only the media to become skewed during printing or cutting but also the pinch rollers to leave traces on the media. The set pressure must be appropriate to the media set on the machine. You can set the following items in pinch roller pressure settings: 1 Press twice in LOCAL, and then press the (PR) key 2 Press to select a setting item, and then press the key. 3 Press to select a setting. 4 Press . 5 Press to finish. Entering the media remaining amount When [MEDIA REMAIN] of the machine setting is set to “ON” ( P.3-15), the screen for entering the media length is displayed after detecting the media width. 1 The input media length screen is displayed. 2 Press to enter the media remaining amount. 3 Press the key. Setting the manual media width When [MEDIA DETECT] of the machine setup is "MANUAL" ( P.3-15), set the media width with the following method. 1 The right edge position screen is displayed. 2 Press to enter the right edge position of the media. 3 Press the key. • Next, the screen to enter the left edge position of the media is displayed. 4 Press to enter the left edge position of the media. 5 Press the key. Item Setting Description NUMBER FOR USE 1 ~ 7 Set the number of the pinch rollers you are using. This number differs depending on the model you are using. PRINT LOW/ MID/ HIGH Set the pinch roller pressure for printing. CUT: ENDS LOW/ MID/ HIGH Set the pressure of the edge pinch rollers (left and right edges) used when cutting the media. CUT: INNER OFF/ LOW/ MID/ HIGH Set the pressure of the pinch rollers except for the edge pinch rollers used when cutting the media. CHANGE EXECUTION PRINT/ CUT Switch between the setting for printing and cutting. 50.0m LENGTH PRINT INPUT MEDIA LENGTH ***.*0.0 PRINT RIGHT EDGE POSITION 30°/35° ***.*0.0 PRINT LEFT EDGE POSITION 2-14 Chapter 2 Basic Operation About the media residual print When [MEDIA RESIDUAL] of the maintenance function is "ON" ( P.3-15), you can print the current date and media remaining amount. 1 In LOCAL mode, press . • The machine enters the origin setting mode. 2 Press the key. • Appear the confirmation screen of media remaining print. 3 Press the key. • Media residual print starts. Take-up Device With the switch of the narrow take-up device, select the take-up direction of the media or others. Setting the torque limiter The take-up device is provided with a torque limiter. The take-up torque can be adjusted with the torque limiter. (The torque limiter is set to "media" at delivery.) If the tension is too strong to use thin media, lower the take-up torque. Clockwise turn: Increases torque (For a heavy and thicker media such as tarpaulin or the like) Counterclockwise turn: Decreases torque (For light media) When not using taking-up device • Be careful not to set the position beyond the media range, as doing so may cause printing or cutting outside the media. Direction selector switch UP (REVERSE) The take-up device winds the media with the printed side facing in. DOWN (FORWARD) The take-up device winds the media with the printed side facing out. ON/OFF button This button enables or disables take-up operation. (If you press this button and enable take-up operation, the operation continues until you press the button again.) *1 *1. You can also change the setting so that the taking-up operation only lasts while the ON/OFF button is being pressed. For details, refer to "Setting of Take-up Unit" ( P.3-14). ON/OFF button Direction selector switch • When performing printing or cutting of 700 mm or more without using the taking-up device, evacuate the taking-up device to right and left. The quality of the print and cut may become low because of the impact when the front end of the media touches the taking-up device. 50% of the maximum torque 100% of the maximum torque Scale of the torque Adjustment nut 2-15 2 2 2 2 2 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Setting Leaf Media Unlike roll media, leaf media does not need to be retained with the roll holders. 1 Raise the clamp lever. 2 Insert the leaf media between the platen and the pinch rollers. 3 To print, hold the media with the media press gently. • When using thick media, remove the media press from the media before printing. • You do not have to use the media press to cut the media. 4 Push down the clamp lever. • Set the media straight. 5 Press the key. 6 Press and select "LEAF". 7 The media detection is started. (1) The media width is detected. (2) The media is fed then the rear end of media is detected. (3) It returns to the Local when the detection is completed. • Set up the pinch rollers such that the media is held in place by equally-spaced pinch rollers. If the pinch rollers holding the media in place are not equally spaced, start over from step 2. • Provide a dead space of at least 5 mm at both ends of the media. Clamp lever Pinch roller Media press • The media must lie on the black part of the "after cover", with at least 40 mm of the media lying off the edge of the black part. If it is shorter than that, it may not be able to perform the media detection. • After setting the media in place, set the pinch roller pressure, referring to P.2-13 "Setting the Pinch Roller Pressure". Media Approximately 40 mm After Cover 2-16 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Notes when using media press Changing the printing origin The position of the printing origin can be changed. Move the LED pointer to the changing position and deciding the position. 1 In LOCAL mode, press . • It enters into the origin setting mode. 2 By pressing , align the light spot of the LED pointer with the new printing origin you want to set. •Use [][][][] to move the carriage and the media and select a new printing origin. 3 After determining the origin, press the key. • The printing origin is changed. Typical setting position of printing origin The printing origin in the depth direction (X') is positioned at about 75 mm rearward from the slot for cutting on the platen. The printing origin in the scanning direction (Y') is positioned at 15 mm from the right end of the media. The value in the scanning direction (Y') can be changed using [MARGIN] in FUNCTION mode ( P.3-8). This can be changed by using the Jog key. • When installing the media, make sure that the right edge of the media is placed on the left side with respect to the slit line on the platen. Placing the media rightward of the slit line will make it rise up if it moves obliquely, and this could cause dam- age to the head. • If a media is misaligned to the right of the standard position, an error message “MEDIA SET POSI- TION R” is displayed. Media Media press Slit line X 0.0 Y 0.0 SET ORIGIN Cutting slot approx. 75 mm (X’) 15 mm (Y’) 2-17 2 2 2 2 2 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Test Printing Print a test pattern to check that there are no discharging defects such as nozzle clogging (slight touching of ink or nozzle missing). Relationship between head row and test pattern The relations between head row and test pattern print position are as follow. About test patterns This machine provides you two test patterns. Normal test pattern (when using ink other than white ink) When you use ink that you can check by printing a test pattern on a white media, print this test pattern. Test pattern for checking white ink When you use a white media and wish to check discharging status of white ink, print this test pattern. Note on test printing Test Printing Print a test pattern to check that there are no discharging defects such as nozzle clogging (slight touching of ink or nozzle missing). In addition, you can select the orientation of the test pattern to print from two types in order to perform test printing repeatedly. Select one depending on your use. • When using leaf media, set a media of more than A3 size put horizontally. If a media with narrow width is set, printing will only be conducted to mid- way. • When using a roll media, rewind the media by hand before printing so that it is not loose. When the roll media has not been rewound tightly, it may cause image quality to deteriorate. Media feed direction Test pattern Head Check before test printing. • If media has been set P.2-4 • If the origin position has been set • If the head gap has been adjusted P.2-4 Media-feeding direction : When the set value is "FEED DIR." : When the set value is "SCAN DIR." 2-18 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Perform test printing with the normal test pattern 1 In LOCAL mode, press (TEST PRINT/CLEANING) , and then the key. • The test print menu appears. • You can change the orientation of the test pattern by pressing [][]. The orientation you set here will also be applied the next time you perform printing. • When performing test printing after having changed the orientation from "SCAN DIR." to "FEED DIR.", the line is fed to the position of the first test printing, and then printed. 2 Press the key. • Test printing starts. 3 Check the printed test pattern. • When the result is normal, end the operation. • When the result is abnormal, perform head cleaning. ( P.2-19) Perform test printing with the test pattern for checking white ink It makes easier to check if print the background to the white ink locations in the pattern. 1 In LOCAL mode, press (TEST PRINT/CLEANING) , and then the key. • The test print menu appears. 2 Press and select "SpotColor Check". 3 Press the key. • Print a test pattern in the following orders. (1) Print the pattern daubed with black. (2) Return the media automatically and print the test pattern. 4 Check the printed test pattern. • When the result is normal, end the operation. • When the result is abnormal, perform head cleaning. ( P.2-19) Abnormal pattern Clogged with ink Normal pattern Nozzles are dirty Abnormal pattern Clogged with ink Normal pattern Nozzles are dirty 2-19 2 2 2 2 2 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Head Cleaning About Head Cleaning Check the printed test pattern result and perform cleaning depending on the status. Select one from the four types below: NORMAL: When any line is missing SOFT : When only head wiping is needed (when lines are bent) HARD : When poor image quality cannot be improved even by NORMAL or SOFT cleaning ULTRA : When poor image quality cannot be improved even by HARD cleaning, or when the color does not improve. Perform head cleaning depending on the test printing result There are four types of head cleaning. Use appropriate one for the test result. 1 In LOCAL mode, press (TEST PRINT/CLEANING) . • The cleaning menu appears. 2 Press to select a cleaning type. 3 Press the key. 4 Press to select the head to be cleaned, and then press () . • After selecting the head, press the [FUNC2] key and put a check in the check box. The head whose box has been checked will be cleaned. • To have both head 1 and head 2 cleaned, put a check in both their check boxes. 5 Press the key. 6 Perform test printing again, and check the result. • Repeat the cleaning and the test printing until the printing result becomes normal. Setting Media Correc- tion Correct the media feed amount to match the type of media you are using. If the correction value is not appropriate, stripes may appear on the printed image, thus resulting in a poor printing. Setting of Media Correction A pattern for media correction is printed and a media- feeding rate is corrected. 1 Set the media on the machine. ( P.2-4) 2 In LOCAL mode, press the key, and then press (ADJUST) . • The adjustment menu appears. 3 Press the key twice to print a correction pattern. 4 Check the correction pattern and enter a correction value. • A screen for entering the correction value will be displayed. • Enter a correction value in "+": The boundary between the two bands is widened. • Enter a correction value in "-": The boundary between the two bands is narrowed. • When you change the correction value by "30", the width of the boundary changes by about 0.1 mm. When the image quality is not improved after the head cleaning. • Clean the wiper and ink cap. ( P.5-6) • Wash the head nozzle. ( P.5-9) • On completion of [MEDIA COMP.] during use of roll media, the media returns to the printing origin. Then the roll media in the rear of this machine will slacken. Before printing, take up the slack in the roll media by hand; loose roll media can result in an inferior image quality. • When printing with a take-up device, set the media first and perform media correction. • Two bands are printed in the correction pattern. • Make adjustment so that an even color density is obtained in the boundary between the two bands. Second band First band Media feed direction 2-20 Chapter 2 Basic Operation If the Positions of Dots Shift... When the condition for printing (media thickness/ink type/ etc.) has been changed, perform the following operation to correct the ink drop position for bi-directional (Bi) printing and obtain the proper printing result. Example of a printed pattern 1 In LOCAL mode, press the key, and then press (ADJUST) . • The adjustment menu appears. 2 Press and then the key. • "DROP.POScorrect" will be selected. 3 Press the key. • Printing of the Drop position correct printed pattern will start. • Multiple test patterns are printed. (The printed patterns are called Pattern 1, Pattern 2, Pattern 3... in the order of printing.) 4 Press to enter a correction value of Pattern 1, and press the key. • Corrected feeding rate: -40 to 40 • Check the test patterns. The position where an outward feeding line and a return feeding line become one straight line is the correction value. • When the correction value in not between -40 and 40, adjust the height of the printing heads and perform the operations in Step 2 and later. 5 In the same way as in Step 4, enter a correction value of Pattern 2 and later, and press the key. 6 Press the key several times to end the setting. Printing Data Starting a Printing Operation 1 Set the media on the machine. ( P.2-4) 2 Press the (REMOTE) key in LOCAL. • The screen changes to REMOTE, and data can be received from the PC. 3 Transmit data to be printed from the PC. • For the method of data transmission, see the instruction manual for the RIP software. 4 Start printing. • The printing speed may change, depending on the width of the set media or the position of the print origin even when the same data is printed. This is because of a difference in resolution. • When using leaf media, set a media of more than A3 size put horizontally. If a media with narrow width is set, printing will be only conducted to mid- way. The dots at the fourth position counted from the zero position in the positive direction form a straight line. In this case, the dot position correction value is 4.0. Output • When using a roll media, rewind the media by hand before printing so that it is not loose. When the roll media has not been rewound tightly, it may cause image quality to deteriorate. 0.0m 600x600 16p / Bi / Hi / Vd PRINT REMOTE 30°/35° Resolution 300/600/900/1200 DPI Number of passes The length of media printed Scan direction Uni: Unidirectional Bi: Bidirectional Scanning speed Std: Standard speed Hi: Double speed Data type Vd: Variable data Nd: Normal data 2-21 2 2 2 2 2 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Pause printing Perform the following operation when pausing printing. 1 Press (LOCAL) during printing. • Pause the printing operation • Interrupt data sending at the PC side during the data is sent from the PC. • Press the [REMOTE] key to resume printing. Cancel printing (Data Clear) If you want to cancel printing the received data, select DATA CLEAR. 1 In LOCAL mode, press the key, Press (DATA CLEAR) . 2 Press the key. • The received data is erased then it returns to the Local. Cutting Media By using the keys on the operation panel, you can cut the media at any position. 1 In LOCAL mode, press . • It enters into the origin setting mode. • By pressing [], feed the media to the cutting position. 2 Press the key. • The media is cut. • When the cutting has been completed, the current mode returns to LOCAL. • Do not perform data clear during data transmis- sion. • Received data is stored in the receiving buffer even after data clear. X 0.0 Y 0.0 SET ORIGIN 2-22 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Workflow of cutting Turning the Power On/Off See "Turning the Power On/Off" ( P.2-3). Setting Media See "Setting Media" ( P.2-4). Installing Tools See "Installing Tools" ( P.2-23). Setting the Cutting Conditions See "Setting the Cutting Conditions" ( P.2- 26). Test Cutting See "Test Cutting" ( P.2-28). Cutting Data See "Cutting Data" ( P.2-29). 2-23 2 2 2 2 2 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Installing Tools You can use the following tools with this machine: Cutter: This tool is selected when an image printed on a media is cut or when letters are cut with a cutting media. Pen (water-based ballpoint pen): This tool is used to perform "test printing" for checking how images or letters are actually cut. When a Cutter Is Used How to install a cutter 1 Remove the cap located at the edge by rotating it, and replace the cutter with a new one using tweezers or the like. 2 Turn the adjusting knob to adjust the protruding amount of the cutter. • Turn the adjusting knob in the direction indicated by the arrow in the figure below to bring out the cutter blade. (With each turn of the adjusting knob, the cutter blade advances 0.5 mm.) Adjusting the protrusion of the cutter blade Adjust the cutter blade according to the types of the cutters and the sheet for use. After adjusting the blade edge, set the cut condition and perform test cut to check whether cutting is performed well. For the cutter supplied with the unit, the protruding amount of the blade can be adjusted with the cutter attached to the tool holder. 1 Turn the adjusting knob to adjust the protruding amount of the cutter blade. • You can bring out the cutter blade by turning the adjusting knob clockwise. (With each turn of the adjusting knob, the cutter blade advances 0.5 mm.) • Do not touch the cutter with your fingers. Sharp cutter tip may injure you. • Do not shake the tool after having set the cut- ter. Otherwise, the blade edge may pop out, causing you to get injured. • Keep the cutter out of reach of children. Dispose of the used cutter blade in compliance with the appli- cable regulations. Cutter holder Cutter Cap Cutter Adjusting knob • Take care not to protrude the blade too much. If the cutter is used with its blade excessively pro- truded, the cutter can cut out the base paper, thus damaging the machine. • If you are using a cutter other than the one sup- plied with the machine, refer to P.5-22 "Adjusting blade edge of cutters other than supplied one" for information about how to adjust the cutter blade. 2-24 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Protruding amount of the cutter blade How to install the cutter holder 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (>>) . • The cutting menu appears. 2 Press , select "TOOL REPLACE", and then press the key. • The cutter unit moves to the left end of the machine. 3 Rotate the knob to loosen the holder presser. 4 Insert the cutter holder into the tool holder. • Push the brim of the cutter holder against the tool holder. • Press the brim of the cutter holder with the holder presser. 5 Fix the cutter holder. • Turn the knob of the tool holder clockwise, and fix it securely. 6 Press the key. How to Install a Ballpoint Pen 1 Put the cap on the pen adapter. • Use the cap to adjust the pen height. • Install the cutter holder to the tool holder of the carriage.Be sure to insert the cutter holder all the way in the tool holder. Amount of cutting= For reference: the protruding amount of the cutter blade = 0.2 to 0.5 mm (Replace the blade when it is blunt.) • Adjust the blade pressure so that the cutter may leave a little bit of cutter track on the sheet. • In case the sheet thickness is thinner than the film thickness, which may not provide correct cutting quality, change the protruding amount of the blade and you may get a better result. Protruding amount of the cutter blade Amount of cutting Film Base paper (Film thickness + Base paper thickness) 2 • However, When Filem is thinner than Base Paper Holder presser Knob • Fix the cutter holder firmly. If not, accurate and high-quality cutting will not be achieved. • When you want to use a commercially available ballpoint pen, you must use the pen of 8mm to 9mm in diameter. Image quality may depend on the pen. (Recommended ballpoint pen: the one available from Pentel Co., Ltd. with the product No.: K105- A, K105-GA) • Regarding such ballpoint pens as shown below, the pen inclines to touch the cover when held by the pen adapter. (A pen that has a contoured body or a pen that has a lug or uneven surface) Brim Holder presser Knob A pen that has a contoured body A pen that has a lug or uneven surface 2-25 2 2 2 2 2 Chapter 2 Basic Operation 2 Insert the pen into the pen adapter. • Insert the pen until the tip of the pen reaches the cap. 3 Fix the tip of the pen. • Tighten the fixing screw clockwise. • Be careful not to over-tighten the fixing screw for the pen adapter. If tightened too much, the ball- point pen may crack. 4 Remove the cap. 5 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (>>) . • The cutting menu appears. 6 Press to select "TOOL REPLACE", and then press the key. • The cutter unit moves to the left end of the machine. 7 Rotate the knob to loosen the holder presser. 8 Insert the pen adapter with the pen into the tool holder. • Make sure that the brim of the pen adapter is rested on the tool holder. • Set the adapter in such a way that the fixing screw will not obstruct operation. • Press the brim of the pen adapter with the holder presser. 9 Turn the knob clockwise to fix the tool. • Turn the knob of the tool holder clockwise, and fix it securely. 10 Press the key. Pen Pen adapter Fixing screw Cap Holder presser Knob • Instead of the ballpoint pen, you can attach the refill that comes with it. Follow the procedure below to attach the ballpoint pen refill to the pen adapter, then put it into the tool holder in the same way as in step 6. (1) Insert a spring into the pen tip. (2) While pressing the cap onto the spring, attach it on the pen adapter. • Rotate the cap to the direction indicated with an arrow and attach it on the pen adapter. • When you replace the ballpoint pen (SPB-0726), contact a distributor in your district or our office to call for service Insert until it is rested Brim Holder presser 2-26 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Setting the Cutting Conditions You can register the cutting speed and the pressure depending on the sheet or the tool type to be used. (Cut condition) About the Cut Conditions Items you can set here About Selecting Cutting Condition 1 Press the key twice to display "TOOL" 2 Press to display the cut condition. • The three items shown in the following screen are not displayed unless the half-cut is set to ON. About half cutting You can cut on the dotted line, not to cut sheet out. (Half cut) When you set half cut to valid (ON), you can use the half cut function. Tool condition You can select the cutting condition No. (1 to 7) or plotting condition (PEN). Cut speed Setting of the speed of cutting. Cutting pressure Setting of the pressure (g) required for cutting. Offset *1 *1. You cannot set this when "PEN" is selected in the tool condition, Setting of the distance from the center of the cutter holder to the cutter blade. Half cut *2 *2. The three items in the lower level are available when the half-cut is set to ON. Setting of enabling (ON)/disabling (OFF) the half-cut function. Half cut press Setting of the pressure of left part. (g) H-leng Setting of the length to be left (not to be cut). (mm) C-leng Setting of the length to be cut. (mm) width:1340mm PRTOOL TEST CUT LOCAL • The illustration above is the image. The shape of cut surface differs depending on the cutting condi- tions. CUT CONDITION HALF CUT PRESSURE 80g 2.0mm H・LENG 20mm C・LENG >><< CUT CONDITION TOOL CUT1 30cm/s SPEED 60g PRESSURE OFFSET 0.30mm ON HALF CUT >><< Cutter Set the length to be left (not to be cut). Sheet Set the length to be cut. Set the cutting pressure 2-27 2 2 2 2 2 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Select the Tool Condition Before cutting (plotting), select the tool condition depending on the sheet and the tool type to be used. 1 Press the key twice to display the "TOOL" menu. 2 Press the (TOOL). 3 Press the key. 4 Press to select a tool condition to be used. • Each time you press [][], the tool condition is switched as follows. 5 Cutting. ( P.2-29) Set the Cut Conditions Set the condition to cut or to plot with a pen. Setting contents of cutting condition (CUT1 to 7): Cut speed (SPEED)/ cut pressure (PRESS)/ OFFSET value/ Half cut Setting contents of plotting condition (PEN): Plotting speed (SPEED)/ pen pressure (PRESS) 1 Press the key twice to display the "TOOL" menu. 2 Press the (TOOL). 3 Press the key, Select a tool condition to be used by using , and then press the key. 4 Press to move the cursor to cutting speed, and press the key. 5 Press to set the cutting speed, and press the key. • Set the moving speed of the tool for cutting or pen plotting. • Setting values: 1 to 10 cm/s (settable by 1cm/s step) 15 to 30 cm/s (settable by 5cm/s step) 6 Press to move the cursor to cutting pressure,and press the key. 7 Press to set the cutting pressure, and press the key. • Set the pressure that the tool presses the sheet for cutting or pen plotting. • Setting values: 10 to 20 g (settable by 2 g step) 25 to 100 g (settable by 5 g step) 110 to 450 g (settable by 10 g step) 8 Press to move the cursor to OFFSET, and press the key. 9 Press to set the offset value, and press the key. • When you set the cutting condition (CUT1 to 7), set the distance between the center of the cutter holder and the blade tip. • Setting values: to 250 (0.00 to 2.50 mm) (settable by 0.05 mm step) 10 Press to move the cursor to half cut, and press the key. 11 Press to set ON/OFF, and press the key. • When you perform half cut, select ON and proceed to the Step 11. • When you are not performing half cut, select "OFF" and proceed to Step 18. 12 Press to move the cursor to pressure setting of left part (not to be cut), and press the key. 13 Press to set pressure, and press the key. • Set the pressure of the left part (not to be cut) when performing half cut. • Setting values: 0 to 300 g (settable by 5 g step) 14 Press to move the cursor to the setting of length to be left, and press the key. 15 Press to move the cursor to the setting of length to be left, and press the key. • Set the length to be left not to be cut when performing half cut. • Setting values: 0.1 to 5 mm (settable by 0.1 mm step) CUT1 ~ 3 PEN CUT4 ~ 7 • When the cutting (plotting) pressure setting is completed, proceed to the setting of the OFFSET value. When you set the plotting condition (PEN), you cannot set the OFFSET value and half cut. Proceed to the Step 16. • The maximum pressure at selecting PEN is 150 g. Cutter holder OFFSET Blade 2-28 Chapter 2 Basic Operation 16 Press to move the cursor to the setting of cut length, and press the key. 17 Press to set the cut length, and press the key. • Set the length to be cut when performing half cut. • Setting values: 5 to 150 mm (5 to 20 mm: 1 mm step, 20 to 150 mm: 5 mm step) 18 Press the key to register the set contents. • Return to the local. Test Cutting Execute test cutting to confirm the tool conditions. In the test cutting, the machine cuts two squares. 1 Press the key twice to display the "TEST CUT" menu. 2 Press (TEST CUT). 3 Press the key. • Test cutting is performed. Change the settings of the cut conditions according to the test cutting results. • The set value is retained even when the power is turned "OFF". • When the cutter blade is worn and dull, you can use it temporarily by enhancing the value of PRESSURE. (Remember that this is just a temporary mea- sure. To maintain satisfactory cutting quality, we recommend that you replace the cutter blade with a new one.) When the tool conditions are proper, the results of test cutting are as follows: • The two squares are cut perfectly. • The base media remains uncut. • No corner of the squares is rounded. • No corner of the squares is curled-up. Cut Condition Cause Solution Some parts uncut. The blade is lifted above the media because of a too high cutting speed. Lower the speed . (P.2-27) Tighten up the knob for the tool holder. ( P.2-24) The base media has been cut. Too high pressure. Lower the pressure. (P.2-27) Too large protrusion of the cutter blade. Adjust the protrusion of the cutter blade. ( P.2-24) Any of the square corners rounded. Improper OFFSET value. Adjust the OFFSET value so that it suits the cutter blade in use. ( P.2-27) Any of the square corners curled-up. Too large protrusion of the cutter blade. The cutting pressure is higher. The [COMPENSATIO N PRESSURE OFFSET value] is large. More than two out of the above fall under this category. Adjust the protrusion of the cutter blade. ( P.2-24) Adjust the cutting pressure. (P.2-27) Adjust the ADJ-PRS OFS value. ( P.4-15) 2-29 2 2 2 2 2 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Cutting Data You can start cutting after completion of setting up a tool, a media and the tool conditions. Setting the Origin The origin is a reference point for the cutting data. Set the origin again before starting cutting. 1 Move the carriage to a point at which the new origin is to be set. •[]: Moves the carriage to the right. []: Moves the carriage to the left. []: Feeds the media to the rear of the machine. []: Feeds the media to the front of the machine. 2 Press the key to register the origin. • The tool condition is displayed. Start Cutting 1 After completion of setting the origin, press (REMOTE). • The screen changes to REMOTE, and data can be received from the PC. 2 Transmit data to be cut from the PC. • While cutting the received data, the machine displays the remaining amount of data. Bringing the cutting to a halt To temporarily stop the machine during cutting, press the [FUNC3] (REMOTE) key once. Another press of the key will make the machine resume cutting. Stopping a Cutting Operation (Data Clear) If you want to stop a cutting operation of the received data, clear the data. 1 In LOCAL mode, press the key, Press (DATA CLEAR) . 2 Press the key. • The reception buffer is cleared, and the present mode returns to LOCAL Removing the Cutter Unit Temporar- ily When cutting or printing-with-a-pen job is finished, the cutter unit is on the platen. To check the result of cutting (printing-with-a-pen) or to set a new medium, follow the steps below to remove the cutter unit from the platen temporarily. 1 Press the key to display the "TEST CUT" menu. 2 Press (TEST CUT). 3 Press to select the "CUTTER HEAD MOVE/RETRACT", and press the key. • The cutter unit moves from on the platen to the left end of the machine. • When the coupling unit is connected to the printer unit, switch the destination to the cutter unit, and move to move it to the origin position. (Moving the cutter unit) • Change the origin before cutting the next data; otherwise, cutting will be performed over the previ- ous data. • In case the media has slipped off the machine during cutting operation, turn off the power imme- diately; otherwise, the main unit may be damaged. • You cannot use the functions that include opera- tions while pausing. In this case, let the machine complete the cutting for the remaining portion of the data or discontinue the cutting by executing data clearing ( P.2-29). New origin • When clearing the data, the process will not restart even if you press the [FUNC3] (REMOTE) key. • After clearing the data, switching to the remote mode and receiving another data, new data will be cut. • Do not perform the data clearance during the data transmitting. • Even after performing the data clearance, the received data is stored in the reception buffer. 2-30 Chapter 2 Basic Operation Cutting Media By using the keys on the operation panel, you can cut the media at any position. 1 In LOCAL mode, press . • It enters into the origin setting mode. • By pressing [], feed the media to the cutting position. 2 Press the key. • The media is cut. • When the cutting has been completed, the current mode returns to LOCAL. X 0.0 Y 0.0 SET ORIGIN This chapter describes various settings of this machine. About SETUP MENU ....................................3-2 SETUP MENU table .................................... 3-3 Register the Optimal Print Conditions to Match the Use ........................................................3-4 Setting of Media Correction ......................... 3-5 If the Positions of Dots Shift... ..................... 3-6 Setting of Logical Seek ............................... 3-7 Setting of Overprint ..................................... 3-7 Setting of Drying Time ................................. 3-7 Setting of Left and Right Margins ................ 3-8 Setting of Vacuum Fan ................................ 3-8 Setting of Feed Speed ................................ 3-8 Setting of MAPS .......................................... 3-9 Setting of Auto Cleaning ............................. 3-9 Setting of Interval Wiping .......................... 3-10 Setting of the UV Mode ............................. 3-10 Setting Ionizer (option) .............................. 3-10 Setting of LT mode .................................... 3-11 About MACHINE SETUP MENU ................3-12 MACHINE SETUP MENUs table .............. 3-13 Setting of AUTO Power-off ........................ 3-14 Setting of Take-up Unit ............................. 3-14 Setting of the Display of Media Residual .. 3-15 Setting of Media Detection .........................3-15 Setting of a LANGUAGE ............................3-16 Setting of Time ...........................................3-16 Setting of Unit (Temperature/ Length) .......3-16 Setting of a KEY BUZZER .........................3-16 Setting of the CONFIRM. FEED ................3-17 Setting of the SPACE FEED MODE ..........3-17 Setting of the Network ...............................3-17 Setting of Event Mail Function ...................3-18 Initializing the Settings ...............................3-22 About NOZZLE CHECK MENU ..................3-23 INFORMATION MENU table .....................3-23 Printing Check Flow ...................................3-24 Printing Operations at "Nozzle Missing" Judgment and Error Occurrence ...............3-24 Setting of the Printing Check .....................3-25 Setting of the NOZZLE RECOVERY .........3-25 Setting of the Judgment Condition .............3-25 About INFORMATION MENU .....................3-26 INFORMATION MENU table .....................3-27 Displaying the Information .........................3-27 Displaying the machine's information (LOCAL guidance) .....................................3-28 Chapter 3 Setup 3-2 Chapter3 Setup About SETUP MENU On SETUP MENU, you can set the print conditions to match the media you usually use. width:1340mm REMOTEMENU TEST PRINT CLEANING LOCAL width:1340mm REMOTEMENU TEST PRINT CLEANING LOCAL SETUP1 1/3 FEED COMP. > > DROP.POScorrect OFF HOST LOGICAL SEEK OVER PRINT > DRYING TIME >><< MARGIN/LEFT HOST HOST MARGIN/RIGHT HOST VACUUM FAN 100% > FEED SPEED AUTO CLEANING >><< SETUP1 2/3 MENU SETUP > > MAINTENANCE > INFORMATION > NOZZLE CHECK > MACHINE SETUP SETUP ●SETUP1 > > ○SETUP2 > ○Temporary > ○SETUP4 > ○SETUP3 Select SETUP 1 to 3 or Tempotary and then press the key MAPS4 AUTO UV MODE OFF LT mode OFF RESET SETTIG > SETUP1 3/3 INTERVAL WIPING OFF >><< Press this to select SETUP MENU, or to switch to the previous screen. SETUP MENUs at-a-glance Press this to switch to the next screen. Use these to select a setting item. Press this to confirm a setting, etc. 3-3 3 2 2 2 Chapter3 Setup SETUP MENU table • For each setting item below, you can set it so that the machine may operate according to the value specified when you printed from your RIP software in the connected host PC. • When you operate the machine according to the contents specified with the RIP software, set each item to "Host" when registering this machine type. When you set it other than "Host", the machine operates according to the machine setting. • For the specifying method with the RIP software, refer to the operation manual of the RIP software. Function name Set Value *1 *1. The underlined values above represent the default settings. When no instruction from RIP exists *2 *2. This is the setting value to be used for printing when setting value is not specified at the RIP software (host) side, or, you give priority to the setting value at the machine side. Description FEED COMP. ( P.3-5) -9999 to 0 to 9999 Used to print a pattern for correcting a media- feeding rate and correct it. DROP.POScorrect ( P.3-6) -40.0 to 0 to 40.0 Used to adjust the dot position in go and return printing. LOGICAL SEEK ( P.3-7) HOST /ON / OFF OFF Sets the scan movable area during printing. OVER PRINT ( P.3-7) HOST / 1~9 times 1 time Set the number of times of overprinting of ink. DRYING TIME (P.3-7) SCAN HOST/0.0 to 9.9 sec 0 sec Sets the time to wait for ink drying. PRINT END HOST /0 to 120 min 0 min Sets the ink drying time after printing. MARGIN/LEFT ( P.3-8) HOST /-10 to 85 mm 0 mm Sets a non-printing area along the right and left edges of the media. MARGIN/RIGHT ( P.3-8 0 mm VACUUM FAN ( P.3-8) HOST / WEAK/ STANDARD/ STRONG STRONG Sets the absorbability of the media. FEED SPEED *3 (P.3-8) *3. When you set this to "100%" or more, required time for completion of printing will be shortened. However, enough drying time cannot be ensured and it may affect the image quality. *4. Displayed when the optional ionizer is connected. HOST/10 to 100 to 200% 100 % Changes the media feeding speed in printing. AUTO CLEANING (P.3-9) OFF, FILE, LENGTH, TIME Sets the automatic cleaning operation for the head performed before printing or during printing. FILE INTERVAL 1 to 1000 TYPE NORMAL/ SOFT/ HARD LENGTH INTERVAL 0.1 to 100.0 m TYPE NORMAL/ SOFT/ HARD TIME INTERVAL 10 to 120 min TYPE NORMAL/ SOFT/ HARD Cleaning Check ON/ OFF Sets whether to perform a nozzle check after automatic cleaning. INTERVAL WIPING ( P.3-10) 3 to 255 min, OFF Sets the wiping operation performed during printing. MAPS (P.3-9) AUTO Change the effect of "MAPS". MANUAL Smoothing level 0 to 100% Speed 50 to 100% Expansion ON/ OFF UV mode ( P.3-10) ON / OFF / No printing ON Specify UV irradiation during printing. Ionizer *4 ( P.3-10) ON / OFF Set the operation of the ionizer (option). LT mode ( P.3-11) ON / OFF OFF Set LT mode when you need more flexibility than the default UV mode print. RESET SETTING ( P.3-5) The configuration in the settings 1-4 can be reset individually. 3-4 Chapter3 Setup Register the Optimal Print Conditions to Match the Use In this machine, you will be able to register print conditions, SETUP 1 to 4 individually to match the media in advance. For example, after print on different types of media, return to the media always use. In such case you can set the optimum printing conditions by simply selecting the registered SETUP 1 to 4. Register the print conditions to SETUP 1 to 4 1 Press the (MENU) key in LOCAL. 2 Press to select SETUP 1 to 4, and press the key. • The item selected indicates ● and others show ○ . • The setup menu appears. 3 Press to select each item in the setup menu list. • Please see the reference page in the setup menu list for detailed configuration procedure. How to use [Temporary] [Temporary] is not only to set the print condition to be used only once, but also can be used for partial change of the registered SETUP "1 to 4", or for reflecting the print conditions set by the [Temporary] to SETUP 1 to 4. Register the print conditions in [Temporary] Registration of the print conditions to [Temporary] can be done as the same method as to SETUP 1 to 4. 1 Press the (MENU) key in LOCAL. 2 Press to select "Temporary", and press the key. • The setup menu appears. 3 Press to select each item in the setup menu list. • Please see the reference page in the setup menu list for detailed configuration procedure. Copy the contents of SETUP 1 to 4 to [Temporary]. You can use it with changing the part of registration contents of SETUP 1 to 4. Select "RESET SETTING" then "COPY" from the registration screen of [Temporary], and specify the copy source (SETUP 1 to 4). 1 Press the (MENU) key in LOCAL. 2 Press to select "Temporary", and press the key. • The setup menu appears. 3 Press (<<). 4 Press to select "RESET SETTING", and press the key. 5 Press to select "COPY", and press the key. • A screen appears, from which you can select the source from which to copy settings. 6 Press to select the copy source (SETUP 1 to 4) and press the key. • A confirmation screen appears on the display, asking for confirmation to copy the settings. 7 Press the key. • Settings selected in Step 5 are copied to Temporary. 8 Press to select the setting item to be changed, and press the key. • Please see the reference page in the setup menu list for detailed configuration procedure. Reflect the content set in [Temporary] to SETUP 1 to 4 1 Press the (MENU) key in LOCAL. 2 Press to select "Temporary", and press the key. • The setup menu appears. 3 Press to select each item in the setup menu list. • Please see the reference page in the setup menu list for detailed configuration procedure. 4 Display the last page of Temporary and select "SAVE SETTING", and press the key. • A screen appears, from which you can select the location to which to save settings. • Print conditions that can be pre-registered with the machine are the four types, "SETUP 1" to "SETUP 4". • If you print with the print condition which do not often use, you will be able to set the print condi- tions by selecting "Temporary". If turn on the power again, settings in "Temporary" will return to the original state when it was pur- chased. Also if turn on the power again in "Temporary" state, it will be the state in selecting "SETUP 1". 3-5 3 2 2 2 Chapter3 Setup 5 Press to select the location selected SETUP 1 to 4), and press the key. • A confirmation screen appears on the display, asking for confirmation to save the settings. 6 Press the key. • Settings of Temporary will be saved to the location selected in step 5. 7 Press the key several times to end the setting. Reset the registered contents Reset the contents registered to SETUP 1 to 4. 1 Press the (MENU) key in LOCAL. 2 Press to select SETUP 1 to 4 to be reset and press the key. • The setup menu appears. 3 Press (<<). 4 Press to select "RESET SETTING", and press the key. • After the check screen for SETUP RESET is displayed, press the [ENTER] key to execute. 5 Press the key to execute 6 Press the key several times to end the setting. Setting of Media Correction Correct the media feed amount to match the type of media you are using. If the correction value is not appropriate, stripes may appear on the printed image, thus resulting in a poor printing. A pattern for media correction is printed and a media- feeding rate is corrected. 1 Set a media on the machine. ( P.2-4) 2 Press the (MENU) key in LOCAL. 3 Press to select SETUP 1 to 4, and press the key. 4 Press to select "FEED COMP", and press the key. 5 Press the key once to print a correction pattern. 6 Check the correction pattern and enter a correction value. • A screen for entering the correction value will be displayed. • Enter a correction value in "+": The boundary between the two bands is widened. • Enter a correction value in "-": The boundary between the two bands is narrowed. • When you change the correction value by "30", the width of the boundary changes by about 0.1 mm. 7 Press the key. • Print a correction pattern again and check it. • When media correction is needed, perform the operation in Step 6 to make correction. • On completion of [MEDIA COMP.] during use of a roll media, the media returns to the printing origin. Then the roll media in the rear of this machine will slacken. Before printing, take up the slack in the roll media by hand; a loose roll media can result in an inferior image quality. • When printing with a take-up device, set the media first and perform media correction. • Two bands are printed in the correction pattern. • Make adjustment so that an even color density is obtained in the boundary between the two bands. Second band First band Media feed direction 3-6 Chapter3 Setup 8 Press the key several times to end the setting. Correcting media-feeding during printing A media-feeding rate can be corrected even in the remote mode or when image data is printed. 1 Press the (ADJUST) key in remote mode. 2 Press , and then enter a media- feeding rate. • Corrected feeding rate: -9999 to 9999 • The value entered here is reflected in the corrected feeding rate soon. 3 Press the key twice. • The changed value is registered. If the Positions of Dots Shift... When the condition for printing (media thickness/ink type/ etc.) has been changed, perform the following operation to correct the ink drop position for bidirectional (Bi) printing and obtain the proper printing result. Example of a printed pattern 1 Set a media on the machine. ( P.2-4) • In order to print a pattern, media that is at least 500 mm wide is necessary. 2 Press the (MENU) key in LOCAL. 3 Press to select SETUP 1 to 4, and press the key. • The setup menu appears. 4 Press to select "DROP.POScorrect", and press the key. 5 Press the key. • Printing of the Drop position correct printed pattern will start. • Multiple test patterns are printed. (The printed patterns are called Pattern 1, Pattern 2, Pattern 3... in the order of printing.) 6 Press to enter a correction value of Pattern 1, and press the key. • Corrected feeding rate: -40 to 40 • Check the test patterns. The position where an outward feeding line and a return feeding line become one straight line is the correction value. • When the correction value in not between -40 and 40, adjust the height of the printing heads and perform the operations in Step 2 and later. 7 In the same way as in Step 4, enter a correction value of Pattern 2 and later, and press the key. 8 Press the key several times to end the setting. The dots at the fourth position counted from the zero position in the positive direction form a straight line. Output 3-7 3 2 2 2 Chapter3 Setup Setting of Logical Seek The head's operation varies depending on the LOGICAL SEEK settings, as shown in the figure below. 1 Press the (MENU) key in LOCAL. 2 Press to select SETUP 1 to 4, and press the key. • The setup menu appears. 3 Press to select "LOGICAL SEEK", and press the key. 4 Press to select a set value, and press the key. • Set value: HOST/ON/OFF 5 Press the key several times to end the setting. Setting of Overprint Sets the number of layers in which ink is to be applied. 1 Press the (MENU) key in LOCAL. 2 Press to select SETUP 1 to 4, and press the key. • Setup menu appears. 3 Press to select "Overprint", and press the key. 4 Press to set number of Overprint, and press the key. • Setting value : Host/ 1 to 9 times 5 Press the key several times to end the setting. Setting of Drying Time In the drying time setting, the following items for ink drying time are set. • SCAN: Ink drying time for each scanning is set. (During bidirectional printing, the machine stops for a certain period of time specified for each of the outward and return scanning.) • PRINT END: Ink drying time for after printing is set. 1 Press the (MENU) key in LOCAL. 2 Press to select SETUP 1 to 4, and press the key. • The setup menu appears. 3 Press to select "DRYING TIME", and press the key. 4 Press to set drying time, and press the key. • Set the drying time for scanning and after printing is completed. • Scanning setting value: Host or 0.0 to 9.9 sec. • Print end setting value: Host or 0 to 120 min. • Item selecting: by the [][] keys • Time setting: by the [][] keys 5 Press the key several times to end the setting. UNI-DIRECTIONAL BI-DIRECTIONAL Movement of heads when LOGICAL seek is OFF Movement of heads when LOGICAL seek is ON UNI-DIRECTIONAL BI-DIRECTIONAL Media Red arrow: Movement of head Print area Red arrow: Movement of head Print area Media Media Media 3-8 Chapter3 Setup Setting of Left and Right Margins Set a non-printing area along the left and right edges of the media. The offset value against the standard margin 15 mm is set hereupon. 1 Press the (MENU) key in LOCAL. 2 Press to select SETUP 1 to 4, and press the key. • The setup menu appears. 3 Press (>>) . 4 Press to select "Margin/L" or "Margin/R", and press the key. 5 Press to select a set value, and press the key. • Set value: HOST/-10 to 85 mm 6 Press the key several times to end the setting. Setting of Vacuum Fan Sets the absorbability of the media. By setting the absorption power to match the media, you can prevent print errors due to media rise-up. 1 Press the (MENU) key in LOCAL. 2 Press to select SETUP 1 to 4, and press the key. • The setup menu appears. 3 Press (>>) . 4 Press to select "VACUUM FAN", and press the key. 5 Press to select a set value, and press the key. • Set value: HOST/WEAK/STANDARD/STRONG 6 Press the key several times to end the setting. Setting of Feed Speed Changes the media feeding speed in printing. 1 Press the (MENU) key in LOCAL. 2 Press to select SETUP 1 to 4, and press the key. • The setup menu appears. 3 Press (>>) . 4 Press to select "FEED SPEED", and press the key. 5 Press to select a set value, and press the key. • Set value: HOST/10% to 200% 6 Press the key several times to end the setting. • When you give priority to the setting at the RIP software side, make the setting value "Host". • You cannot specify the margins at the attached RIP software (RasterLink). When you use the Ras- terLink, if you set this machine to "Host", printing will be performed in "Margins for right and left off set value= 0 mm" status. • The margin setting is reflected when the media width is detected. • Pay attention to that printing may start on the media press if a right and left margin is set to 5 mm or less when the media press is used in print- ing. • Depending on the print conditions, some settings might not be applied (that is, the feeding speed might remain the same). 3-9 3 2 2 2 Chapter3 Setup Setting of MAPS The MAPS (Mimaki Advanced PassSystem) function disperses the pass boundary to make the feeding stripes less visible. With this function, the degree of application of MAPS can be changed. Setting the MAPS function 1 Press the (MENU) keys in LOCAL 2 Press to select SETUP 1 to 4, and press the key • Setup menu is displayed. 3 Press (<<) 4 Press to select "MAPS4", and then press the key. 5 Press to select a set value, and press the key. • Set value: AUTO/MANUAL • If you select “MANUAL,” proceed to Step 6, and if you select another, proceed to Step 8. 6 Press to select "Smoothing Level", and then press the key 7 Press to change the set value for "Smoothing Level", and then press the key Smoothing • Set Value: 0 to 100% (set in units of 5%) • The MAPS4 effect increases as you increase the set value. The MAPS4 effect decreases as you decrease the set value. • When using white ink, make setting for Smoothing Level for both color ink and white ink. Speed • Setting value: 50 to 100% (set in units of 10%) • Decreasing the speed increases the effect of MAPS 4, making stripes less noticeable. But, printing speed will be reduced. Expansion • Setting value: ON / OFF • Setting the expansion to "ON" may reduce light fringes. But, the graininess may increase. 8 Press the key several times to end the setting Setting of Auto Cleaning You can set the machine so that it counts the number of printed files or the length or time after printing has been completed, and performs cleaning automatically if required. You can select the auto cleaning setting from four types below: • PAGE: Set the cleaning intervals by the number of printed files. • LENGTH: Set the cleaning intervals by the printed length. • TIME: Set the cleaning intervals by the printed time. • OFF: Select this value to disable AUTO CLEANING Automatic nozzle check after auto cleaning can be set. (Cleaning Check function) The machine can perform a stable printing operation with its heads always kept clean. 1 Press the (MENU) key in LOCAL. 2 Press to select SETUP 1 to 4, and press the key. • The setup menu appears. 3 Press (>>) . 4 Press to select "AUTO CLEANING", and press the key. 5 Press the key and press to select the type of auto cleaning. • There are “FILE”, “LENGTH”, “TIME”, and "OFF" for auto cleaning types. • FILE: When the set number of prints has been completed, the machine performs head cleaning automatically. • LENGTH: When the set length has passed, the machine performs head cleaning automatically. • TIME: When the set time has passed, the machine performs head cleaning automatically. • OFF: If you do not want to set auto cleaning, select "OFF" and proceed to the Step 7. 6 Press the key, and then use to set cleaning intervals. • Depending on the auto cleaning type selected in the Step 3, the setting value differs. • For FILE: 1 to 1000 files • For LENGTH: 0.1 to 100.0 m (in 0.1 m increment) • For TIME: 10 to 120 min (in 10 min increment) 7 Press the key, and then use to select a cleaning type. • Set Value: NORMAL/SOFT/HARD 8 Press the key, and then use to select "Cleaning Check". 9 Press the key, and then use to select a setting. • Set Value: ON/ OFF • MAPS provides two setting options: "AUTO" and "MANUAL". MAPS applies the one most suitable for your printing conditions, so please normally use "AUTO" (default value). • Changing the MAPS settings may change the color tone. Check the effects before use. • MAPS may not be effective depending on image to be printed. Use it after checking effect in advance. 3-10 Chapter3 Setup 10 Press the key. 11 Press the key several times to end the setting. Setting of Interval Wiping When the set time has passed, nozzle face of the head is cleaned automatically to remove ink droplets on the nozzle face. In case that deflection, nozzle missing, or symptom which ink droplets fall down occurred, set the interval between each operation shorter. 1 Press the (MENU) key in LOCAL. 2 Press to select "Setting" and press the key. 3 Press to select SETUP 1 to 4, and press the key. • The setup menu appears. 4 Press (<<) . 5 Press to select "INTERVAL WIPING", and press the key. 6 Press to set intervals. • Set Value: 3 to 255 minutes, OFF • When [OFF] is set, periodical wiping is not executed. 7 Press the key. 8 Press the key several times to end the setting. Setting of the UV Mode You can select the mode for the LED UV device from 3 types. By setting the UV mode, you can turn off LED UV light when, for example, you are using media that is sensitive to heat or you are going to perform test cutting while cleaning. 1 In LOCAL mode, press the (MENU) key. 2 Press to select "Setting" and press the key. 3 Press to select SETUP 1 to 4, and then press the key. • The setup menu appears. 4 Press to select "UV Mode", and then press the key. 5 Press to select a mode, and then press the key. • Available settings: ON/OFF/No printing 6 When you are finished setting the UV mode, press the key several times. Setting Ionizer (option) Connect the ionizer and set it on when removing static electricity. 1 Press the (MENU) key in local. 2 Press to select "Setting" and press the key. • The setting menu is displayed. 3 Press to select "Ionizer" and press the key. 4 Press to select the setting value, then press the key. • Setting value: ON / OFF • Depending on the state of the heads, etc., the image quality deterioration may not be improved even with this function performed. In this case, contact our service office or the distributor in your region. ON Turns on LED UV light. OFF Turns off LED UV light while printing. No printing Turns on LED UV light without performing printing. This mode is useful when, for example, you did not turn on LED UV light during printing but later on decide to cure the ink. (This mode is usually not set.) • For safety, please refer to "UCJV Series Ionizer Operation Manual". • Displayed when the ionizer is connected. 3-11 3 2 2 2 Chapter3 Setup 5 Press the key several times to end. Setting of LT mode 1 Press the (MENU) key in LOCAL. 2 Press to select "Setting" and press the key. 3 Press (>>) . 4 Press to select "LT mode", and press the key. 5 Press to select set value, and press the key. • Set Value: ON / OFF 6 Press the key several times to end. • Since UV light intensity adjustment is performed, check the print performance (stickiness, odor etc.) before using the LT mode. • Effective condition Ink type Ink set Resolution Pass Media LUS170 4C 300×900 6 pass PVC Tarp a u l i n 600×600 8 pass PVC Tarp a u l i n 6C 300×900 12 pass PVC Tarp a u l i n 600×600 16 pass PVC Tarp a u l i n 3-12 Chapter 3 Machine Setting About MACHINE SETUP MENU The MACHINE SETUP MENU provides the various settings that allow you to use this machine comfortably. The following items can be set in Machine settings. MACHINE SETUP AUTO POWER OFF 30min TAKE-UP UNIT > OFF MEDIA REMAIN >><< MACHINE SETUP TIME > ℃ UNIT/TEMP. mm UNIT/LENGTH MEDIA DETECT > LANGAGE > >><< Two times MACHINE SETUP KEY BUZZER EVENT MAIL ON CONFIRM. FEED ON SPACE FEED MODE > NETWORK > > >><< RESET > width:1340mm REMOTEMENU TEST PRINT CLEANING LOCAL MENU SETUP > > MAINTENANCE > MACHINE SETUP NOZZLE CHECK > > INFORMATION width:1340mm REMOTEMENU TEST PRINT CLEANING LOCAL Press this to confirm a setting, etc. MACHINE SETUP MENUs at-a-glance Press this to select MACHINE SETUP MENU, or to switch to the previous screen. Press this to switch to the next screen. Use these to select a setting item. 3-13 3 2 2 2 Chapter 3 Machine Setting MACHINE SETUP MENUs table Function name Set value Default Meaning AUTO Power-off ( P.3-14) NONE/10 to 600 min 30min When no operation has been performed for the set time, the power supply is automatically turned "OFF". TAKE-UP UNIT (P.3-14) TAKE-UP UNIT ON/ OFF ON For setting whether the take-up unit is used or not used. TAKE-UP SW Continuance/ Temporary Continua nce Set the operation method when press the ON / OFF button on the take-up unit. MEDIA REMAIN ( P.3-15) ON/ OFF OFF You can control the remaining amount of media. MEDIA DETECT (P.3-15) DETECTION TYPE AUTO/MANUAL AUTO Set the media detection method. USE PR NUMBER QUERY ON / OFF ON Set whether or not to enter the number of the pinch rollers you are using during media detection. LANGUAGE( P.3-16) English /Japanese/Chinese/ Turkish English Displayed language is changed. TIME ( P.3-16) +4 h to -20 h Japan time Time difference is corrected. UNIT/ TEMP. ( P.3-16) C (Celsius)/F (Fahrenheit) C A unit for displaying temperature is set. UNIT/ LENGTH ( P.3-16) mm / inch mm A unit for displaying length and area is set. KEY BUZZER ( P.3-16) ON / OFF ON A buzzer sound when keys are pressed is set. CONFIRM. FEED ( P.3-17) ON / OFF ON Set whether media feeding is performed for checking the result of the test printing etc. or not. SPACE FEED MODE ( P.3-17) INTERMITTENT / CONTINUOUS INTERMI TTENT Change the feed mode of the margin included in the image data. NETWORK (P.3-17) Set the network. Check IP Addr. The IP address currently used by this machine is displayed. Check MAC Addr. The IP address currently used by this machine is displayed. DHCP ON/ OFF When it is ON, the IP address given by the DHCP server is used. AutoIP ON/ OFF When it is ON, the IP address is determined by the AutoIP protocol. However, DHCP is ON, DHCP has priority. IP Address *1 Set the IP address used by this machine. Default Gateway *1 Set the default gateway used by this machine. DNS Address *1 Set the DNS server address used by this machine. SubNet Mask *1 Set the digit number of the subnet mask used by this machine. EVENT MAIL Mail Delivery (P.3-18) ON / OFF OFF Set whether you send/ do not send the e-mail when the set event occurs. Select Event (P.3-18) Print Start Event ON / OFF OFF Set whether you send/ do not send the e-mail at the start of printing. Print End Event ON / OFF OFF Set whether you send/ do not send the e-mail at the end of printing. Plot Start Event ON / OFF OFF Select whether an e-mail is sent or not when cutting starts. Plot End Event ON / OFF OFF Select whether an e-mail is sent or not when cutting ends. Error Event ON / OFF OFF Set whether you send/do not send the e-mail when an error occurs. Warning Event ON / OFF OFF Set whether you send/do not send the e-mail when a warning occurs. Other Event ON / OFF OFF Set whether you send/ do not send the e-mail when an event other than the above occurs. Mail Address (P.3-19) Set the e-mail address to which you send the event mail. Alphanumeric characters and symbols (within 96 characters) 3-14 Chapter 3 Machine Setting Setting of AUTO Power-off When no operation has been performed for the set time, the power supply is automatically turned "OFF". 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (twice ). • The MACHINE SETUP MENU appears. 2 Press to select "AUTO POWER OFF", and press the key. 3 Press to select a setting, and press the key. • Set Value: none, 10 to 600 min 4 Press the key several times to end the setting. Setting of Take-up Unit Set the operation method when press the ON / OFF button on the take-up unit. 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (twice ). • The MACHINE SETUP MENU appears. 2 Press to select "TAKE-UP UNIT", and press the key. 3 Press to select a setting, and press the key. • Set Value: ON/ OFF 4 Press to select "TAKE-UP SW", and press the key. 5 Press to select a setting, and press the key. • Set Value: Continuance/ Temporary Continuance:Switching ON / OFF the winding operation when pressing the switch each time. (Take-up unit in operation does not stop until press again ON / OFF switch.) Temporary: Do the winding operation only while holding down the switch. (When release the switch, winding operation is stopped. ) 6 Press the key several times to end the setting. EVENT MAIL Message Subject (P.3-19) Set the characters to write in the subject of the event mail. Alphanumeric characters and symbols (within 8 characters) Server Setup (P.3-19) SMTP Address Set the SMTP server. SMTP Port No. Set an SMTP port number. SENDER ADDRESS Set the e-mail address to be used as the sender mail address. Authentication OFF Set the SMTP server authentication method (SMTP authentication). POP before SMTP SMTP Authentication User Name *2 Set the user name used for the authentication. Password *2 Set the password used for the authentication. POP3 Address *3 Set the POP server. APOP *3 Set ON/ OFF of APOP. Transmit Test (P.3-21) Send the test e-mail. RESET ( P.3-22) All setting values are returned to the status default. *1. Settable when both of DHCP and AutoIP are [OFF] *2. Settable only when Auth. is not OFF *3. Settable only when Auth. is POP before SMTP Function name Set value Default Meaning 3-15 3 2 2 2 Chapter 3 Machine Setting Setting of the Display of Media Resid- ual Whether the screen displays the remaining amount of a media is set. 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (twice ). • The MACHINE SETUP MENU appears. 2 Press to select "MEDIA REMAIN", and press the key. 3 Press to select a set value, and press the key. • Set Value: ON/OFF 4 Press the key. 5 Press the key several times to end the setting. Setting of Media Detection Set the following two items in media detection settings. 1 Press (MENU) (twice ) . • The MACHINE SETUP MENU appears. 2 Press to select "MEDIA DETECT", and press the key. 3 Press to select AUTO/MANUAL. 4 Press the key. 5 Press to select "USE PR NUMBER QUERY", and press the key. 6 Press to select ON/OFF. 7 Press the key. 8 Press the key several times to end the setting. When the media remaining amount display is turned to "ON" The remaining amount of the media is displayed during REMOTE mode. (If you are using leaf media, the printed length is displayed instead.) When the media remaining amount display is turned to "OFF" The remaining amount of a media is not displayed during REMOTE mode. • The amount of a media that has been fed by the printing and jog keys is reflected in the remaining amount of a media. • The length of the media (initial value of the remain- ing amount) is entered when roll media is detected. ( P.2-13) • The setting configured here does not become effective unless media detection is performed after the setting has been complete. Setting of Media Detection When loading the media, set whether to detect the media width automatically (AUTO) or decide the print (or cut) range manually (MANUAL). USE PR NUMBER QUERY Set whether or not to enter the number of the pinch rollers you are using during media detection. • When using the media that cannot be detected by the sensor, such as black cutting sheets, set the media detection setting to "MANUAL". When using the attached RIP software (RasterLink) • If you set the input of the number of pinch rollers "OFF" in Step 8, the pinch roller pressure and the number of use, that has been set in RasterLink, may not match in some cases. Set to "OFF" only when performing set of pinch roller pressure ( P.2-13) in this machine. 3-16 Chapter 3 Machine Setting Setting of a LANGUAGE You can change the displayed language. 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (twice ). • The MACHINE SETUP MENU appears. 2 Press to select "LANGUAGE", and press the key. 3 Press to select a language, and press the key. 4 Press the key several times to end the setting. Setting of Time You can set time of your country (time difference). 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (twice ). • The MACHINE SETUP MENU appears. 2 Press (>>) . 3 Press to select "TIME", and press the key. 4 Press to enter time, and press the key. • Year/Month/Day/Time selecting: by the [][] keys • Year/Month/Day/Time inputting: by the [][] keys 5 Press the key several times to end the setting. Setting of Unit (Temperature/ Length) Units used by this machine are set. 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (twice ) . • The MACHINE SETUP MENU appears. 2 Press (>>) . 3 Press to select "UNIT/TEMP." or "UNIT/LENGTH", and press the key. 4 Press to select a setting, and press the key. • Temperature setting: °C/°F • Length setting: mm/inch 5 Press the key several times to end the setting. Setting of a KEY BUZZER You can turn off the buzzer sound when pressing the key. 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (twice ) . • The MACHINE SETUP MENU appears. 2 Press (>>) once. 3 Press to select "KEEP BUZZER", and press the key. 4 Press to select a setting, and press the key. • Set Value: ON/ OFF 5 Press the key several times to end the setting. • -20 hours to +4 hours can be set. • Some of the length information displayed for cut- ting-related functions is always shown in units of mm, regardless of the setting you specify here. • When the key buzzer is set to "OFF", the buzzer sound for errors, warnings, operation completion, etc. cannot be shut off. 3-17 3 2 2 2 Chapter 3 Machine Setting Setting of the CONFIRM. FEED Set whether media feeding is performed for checking the result of the test printing etc. or not. 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (twice ) . • The MACHINE SETUP MENU appears. 2 Press (>>) once. 3 Press to select "CONFIRM. FEED", and press the key. 4 Press to select a setting, and press the key. • Set Value: ON/ OFF 5 Press the key several times to end the setting. Setting of the SPACE FEED MODE Change the feed mode of the margin included in the image data (the space of no data to be printed). If print data with much margin, set to “CONTINUOUS”, then the print time can be shorten. 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (twice ). • The MACHINE SETUP MENU appears. 2 Press (>>) twice. 3 Press to select "SPACE FEED MODE", and press the key. 4 Press to select a setting, Press the key. INTERMITTENT: Perform intermittent feed operation of the path division unit CONTINUOUS: Feed the no data part at a time 5 Press the key several times to end the setting. Setting of the Network You can also perform network setting with "Network Configurator", the tool to perform network setting of Mimaki's product. To download the Network Configurator, check " Driver / Utility" on the download page at Mimaki Engineering (https://mimaki.com/download). 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (twice ). • The MACHINE SETUP MENU appears. 2 Press (>>) twice. 3 Press to select "NETWORK", and press the key. 4 Press to select "CHECK IP ADDRESS", and press the key. • The IP address currently used with this machine is displayed. • When you have finished the check, press the [ENTER] key. 5 Press to select "CHECK MAC ADDRESS", and press the key. • The MAC address currently used with this machine is displayed. • When you have finished the check, press the [ENTER] key. 6 Press to select "DHCP", and press the key. 7 Press to select a setting, and press the key. • Set Value: ON/ OFF • When it is ON, the IP address given by the DHCP server is used. 8 Press to select "AutoIP", and press the key. 9 Press to select a setting, and press the key. • Set Value: ON/ OFF • When it is ON, the IP address is determined by the AutoIP protocol. However, DHCP is ON, DHCP has priority. 10 Press to select "IP ADDRESS", and press the key. • Both of DHCP and AutoIP is OFF, you can set IP Address. For other than above, proceed to the Step 14. • After connecting with the network, it takes time until the IP address is determined. If the IP address has not been determined, "" is displayed. 3-18 Chapter 3 Machine Setting 11 Press to enter the IP address, and press the key. 12 Press the key. • The setting items DEFAULT GATEWAY, DNS ADDRESS and SUBNET MASK will be displayed. • Both of DHCP and AutoIP is OFF, you can set DEFAULT GATEWAY/ DNS ADDRESS/ SUBNET MASK. For other than above, proceed to the Step 14. 13 Press several times to select a setting item, and press the key. 14 Press to select a setting, and press the key. 15 Press the key several times to end the setting. Setting of Event Mail Function Set the function to send e-mails to the set e-mail address when events such as cutting start/ end and stop due to an error. You can also perform network setting with "Network Configurator", the tool to perform network setting of Mimaki's product. To download the Network Configurator, check "Driver / Utility" on the download page at Mimaki Engineering (https://mimaki.com/download). Enable the event mail function 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (twice ). • The MACHINE SETUP MENU appears. 2 Press (>>) twice. 3 Press to select "EVENT MAIL", and press the key. 4 Press to select "MAIL DELIVERY", and press the key. 5 Press to select "ON", and press the key. 6 Press the key several times to end the setting. Set the event to send an event mail 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (twice ). • The MACHINE SETUP MENU appears. 2 Press (>>) twice. 3 Press to select "EVENT MAIL", and press the key. 4 Press to select "SELECT EVENT", and press the key. 5 Press to select an event, and press again to select ON/OFF. press the key. • Set Value: ON/OFF • When the event set to ON occurs, e-mail is sent. • When the [ENTER] key is pressed, the SETUP screen for the next event is displayed. 6 Press the key several times to end the setting. • To reflect network setting, once turn off the power supply and turn it on again. Disclaimer • The customer is responsible for the communication fee for Internet communication such as e-mail notification. • The notification by the event mail function may not be deliv- ered due to Internet environment, failure of the machine/ the power supply, etc. Mimaki has absolutely no responsibility for any damages or loss resulting from non-delivery or delays. • You can use event mail function by connecting LAN to this machine. Please prepare for LAN cable connection beforehand. • Not compatible with SSL communication. Event name Description PRINT START Sets sending/not sending of an e-mail when printing starts. PRINT END Sets sending/not sending of an e-mail when printing ends. ERROR Sets sending/not sending of an e-mail when printing is stopped due to occurrence of an error. PLOT START Select whether an e-mail is sent or not when cutting starts PLOT END Select whether an e-mail is sent or not when cutting ends WARNING Sets sending/not sending of an e-mail when a warning occurs during printing. etc. Sets sending/not sending of an e-mail when an event other than the above occurs. 3-19 3 2 2 2 Chapter 3 Machine Setting Set the e-mail address 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (twice ). • The MACHINE SETUP MENU appears. 2 Press (>>) twice. 3 Press to select "EVENT MAIL", and press the key. 4 Press to select "MAIL ADDRESS", and press the key. 5 Press to set a mail address, and press the key. • Set the e-mail address to which you send the event mail. • Set it with alphanumeric characters and symbols within 96 characters. 6 Press the key several times to end the setting. Set the subject 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (twice ). • The MACHINE SETUP MENU appears. 2 Press (>>) twice. 3 Press to select "EVENT MAIL", and press the key. 4 Press to select "MESSAGE SUBJECT", and press the key. 5 Press to set a subject, and press the key. • Set the characters to write in the subject of the event mail. • Set it with alphanumeric characters and symbols within 8 characters. 6 Press the key several times to end the setting. Set the server 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (twice ). • The MACHINE SETUP MENU appears. 2 Press (>>) twice. 3 Press to select "EVENT MAIL", and press the key. 4 Press to select "SERVER SETUP", and press the key. 5 Press to select "SMTP ADDRESS", and press the key. 6 Press to set an SMTP address and press the key. •Press [][][][] to set an SMTP address. • Input the SMTP address name. 7 Press to select "SMTP PORT No.", and press the key. 8 Press to set an SMTP port number, and press the key. • Set an SMTP port number. 9 Press to select a sender mail address, and press the key. 10 Press to set a sender mail address, and press the key. •Press [][][][] to set the e-mail address to be used as the sender mail address. • Set it with alphanumeric characters and symbols within 64 characters. 11 Press to select "AUTHENTICATION", and press the key. 12 Press to set an authentication method, and press the key. • Set the authentication method of the SMTP server. • When you select [OFF], proceed to the Step 20. 13 Press to select "USER NAME", and press the key. • Depending on your server, if you do not set the e-mail address not supporting the account, sending/ receiving e-mails may be unavailable. 3-20 Chapter 3 Machine Setting 14 Press to set a user name, and press the key. •Press [][][][] to set the user name to be used for authentication. • Set it with alphanumeric characters and symbols within 30 characters. 15 Press to select "PASSWORD", and press the key. 16 Press to set a password, and press the key. •Press [][][][] to set the password to be used for authentication. • Set it with alphanumeric characters and symbols within 15 characters. • When you select [POP before SMTP] in the Step 11, set the items in the Step 16 to 19. 17 Press to select "POP3 ADDRESS", and press the key. 18 Press to set a POP3 address, and press the key. •Press [][][][] to set a POP server. • Input the POP server name. 19 Press to select "APOP", and press the key. 20 Press to set ON/OFF, and press the key. 21 Press the key several times to end the setting. • On the password setting screen, you can only check the value that you are currently inputting. 3-21 1 2 3 4 5 6 Chapter 3 Machine Setting Send a test e-mail 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (twice ). • The MACHINE SETUP MENU appears. 2 Press (>>) twice. 3 Press to select "EVENT MAIL", and press the key. 4 Press (>>) . • "TRANSMIT TEST" will be selected. 5 Press the key. • The transmission result is displayed. • If the transmission of a test e-mail ends in failure, an error code is displayed. Refer to the next page to solve the problem. 6 Press the key several times to end the setting. Transmi t Test Fa i l ed : 12345 Error code • The sent result of the test e-mail is the result of e-mail sending process performed by this machine to the e-mail server. It does not indicate that the e-mail was received at the address. • If the spam e-mail filter etc. has been set in the terminal in which e-mails are received, even if "Sending has been com- pleted" is displayed, the e-mail cannot be received in some cases. • If sending test e-mail has failed, the error code below is displayed. • If the error cannot be solved, try again after a while. • For the server setting etc., contact with the network administrator or the provider. Error code Possible cause Remedy 10 Network connection error • Check that the machine is connected to the network. • Check that the machine IP address is correct. • Check that the machine is in the environment where DNS is available. 20 No valid e-mail address. • Enter the correct e-mail address. 11003 11004 The POP server cannot be found. Or cannot access DNS server. • Check the POP server address. • Check that the machine is in the environment where DNS is available. 11021 Cannot connect with the POP server. • Check the POP server setting. • Check the firewall setting. 12010 An error returns from the POP server. • Check the POP server setting. 13000 The POP authentication has failed. • Check the user name and the password. • Check the APOP setting. • Confirm the authentication method. 10013 10014 The SMTP server cannot be found. Or cannot access DNS server. • Check the SMTP server address. • Check that the machine is in the environment where DNS is available. 10021 Cannot connect with the SMTP server. • Check the SMTP server setting. • Check the SMTP port number. • Check the firewall setting. 10 11 20 21 An error returns from the SMTP server. Or, there was no response. • Check the SMTP server setting. • Cannot communicate with a server that requires mandatory SSL communication. • Check protocol filter settings. 12 It is invalid sender address. • Check that the e-mail address supporting the account entered in the user name/ the password is set in SENDER ADDRESS. 13 The e-mail address cannot be found. Or, it is invalid sender address. • Check the e-mail address. • Even if there is a mistake in the e-mail address, this error can- not be detected in some cases. • Check that the e-mail address supporting the account entered in the user name/ the password is set in SENDER ADDRESS. 22000 22008 SMTP authentication error • Confirm the authentication method. 23 24 25 The SMTP authentication has failed. • Check the user name and the password. "" is the error code returned from the e-mail server. 3-22 Chapter 3 Machine Setting Initializing the Settings You can return the setting of "SETUP", "MAINTENANCE" and "MACHINE SETUP" to the original status. 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (twice ). • The MACHINE SETUP MENU appears. 2 Press (<<) . 3 Press to select "RESET", and press the key. 4 Press the key. • The already configured settings are initialized. 5 Press the key several times to end the setting. Chapter 3 NOZZLE CHECK 3-23 1 2 3 4 5 6 About NOZZLE CHECK MENU Set operations concerning the nozzle missing detection function. INFORMATION MENU table Function name Set value Default Description Printing Check (P.3-25) ON/OFF OFF Set this when you want to conduct nozzle check at the beginning of online printing. (ON) Check Interval LENGTH 0.1 to 50.0 m 30.0m Conducts nozzle check at each set length. FILE 1 to 100 30 files Conducts nozzle check at each set number of files. *1 *1. When the set length is reached during printing, nozzle check is conducted at the start of the next printing. Action CLEANING OFF/ SOFT/ NORMAL/ HARD SOFT Sets the type of cleaning performed during recovery work. RETRY COUNT 0 to 3 0 Repeats the retry operation for the set number of times. NOZZLE RECOVERY ( P.3- 25) ON/OFF OFF Set this when you want to conduct automatic nozzle recovery. Judgment Condition ( P.3-25) 1 to 64 1 Sets how many missing nozzles are detected for "Nozzle Missing" judgment to be made according to each color. (Maximum 16 per 1 nozzle line) *2 *2. Depending on the print conditions, nozzle recovery is not applied in some cases. three times width:1340mm REMOTEMENU TEST PRINT CLEANING LOCAL NOZZLE CHECK Printing Check OFF OFF NOZZLE RECOVERY > Judgement Condition MENU SETUP > > MAINTENANCE > MACHINE SETTUP NOZZLE CHECK > > INFORMATION >><< width:1340mm REMOTEMENU TEST PRINT CLEANING LOCAL Press this to confirm a setting, etc. NCU MENUs at-a-glance Press this to select INFORMATION MENU, or to switch to the previous screen. Press this to switch to the next screen. Use these to select a setting item. Chapter 3 NOZZLE CHECK 3-24 Printing Check Flow Nozzle check is conducted according to the following flow at the start of printing. Printing Operations at "Nozzle Missing" Judgment and Error Occurrence When judged to be "Nozzle Missing" Printing is stopped. When error occurs during nozzle check Printing is stopped and "Printing Check" is automatically turned OFF. After recovering from the error, set "Printing Check" once again. • Turn the "Printing Check" setting ON to be enabled. • Only perform RETRY COUNT and Printing Check settings when the settings are enabled. 1 Nozzle check Judgment 2 3 Recovery operation Nozzle check Judgment 4 Retry Judgment Printing Check Judgment Detects missing nozzles. If more missing nozzles than "Judgment Condition" are detected after the nozzle check, cleaning is performed and nozzle check is conducted again. 5 Nozzle missing judgment If more missing nozzles than "Judgment Condition" are eventually detected, continued printing will be deemed impossible and printing will stop. If more missing nozzles than "Judgment Condition" are detected after the recovery operation, the recovery operation is conducted again. • If the "RETRY COUNT" setting is configured to 1 or more, this becomes effective. Nozzle recovery is automatically conducted following nozzle check and recovery operation. • Turn the "Printing Check" setting ON to be enabled. 3-25 1 2 3 4 5 6 Chapter 3 NOZZLE CHECK Setting of the Printing Check Select ON when you want to conduct nozzle check at the start of online printing. 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (three times) . • The NOZZLE CHECK MENU appears. 2 Select "Printing Check", and then press the key. 3 Press to select ON, and press the key. • The "Check Interval" setting screen will be displayed. • Select "OFF" to not set nozzle check. Proceed to the Step 11. 4 Press the key. 5 Press to select a setting item, and press the key. • Select the nozzle check interval from "LENGTH" or "FILE". LENGTH: Nozzle check is conducted when the printed length reaches the set length. FILE: Nozzle check is conducted when the number of printed files reaches the set number. 6 Press to select a setting, and press the key. • The set value will differ according to the setting selected in Step 5. LENGTH: 0.1 to 30.0 m FILE: 1 to 100 files 7 Press the key twice. • The "Action" setting screen appears. 8 Press and then press the key. • "CLEANING TYPE" will be selected. 9 Press to select a cleaning time, and press the key. Setting value: OFF/SOFT/ NORMAL/ HARD 10 Press to select a retry count, and press the key. Setting value: 0 to 3 11 When you are finished setting "Printing Check", press the key several times. Setting of the NOZZLE RECOVERY Set this if you want to conduct automatic nozzle recovery when nozzle missing is detected. 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (three times) . • The NOZZLE CHECK MENU appears. 2 Press to select "NOZZLE RECOVERY", and press the key. 3 Press to select ON/OFF, and press the key. 4 When you are finished setting "NOZZLE RECOVERY", press the key several times. Setting of the Judgment Condition Set the conditions for judging nozzle missing. 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (three times) . • The NOZZLE CHECK MENU appears. 2 Press to select "Judgment Condition", and press the key. 3 Press the key to select a color. 4 Press to set the number of nozzles for judgment, and press the key. 5 When you are finished setting "Judgment Condition", press the key several times. • The type of color changes depending on the ink set. Chapter 3 INFORMATION MENU 3-26 About INFORMATION MENU The information of this machine can be confirmed. The following items can be confirmed as machine information. INFORMATION USAGE > > VERSION > LIST > > INK REPLACE REPORT ERROR HISTORY four times width:1340mm REMOTEMENU TEST PRINT CLEANING LOCAL MENU SETUP > > MAINTENANCE > MACHINE SETUP NOZZLE CHECK > > INFORMATION width:1340mm REMOTEMENU TEST PRINT CLEANING LOCAL Press this to confirm a setting, etc. Press this to select INFORMATION MENU, or to switch to the previous screen. Press this to switch to the next screen. Use these to select a setting item. Chapter 3 INFORMATION MENU 3-27 1 2 3 4 5 6 INFORMATION MENU table Displaying the Information 1 In LOCAL mode, press (MENU) (four times) . • The information menu appears. 2 Press to select the information you want to view. • Refer to the "INFORMATION MENU", and select the information to be displayed. 3 Press the key. • If you selected [LIST] in step 2, the machine's settings will be printed. 4 When you are finished displaying information, press the key several times. Item Meaning USAGE WIPING This displays how many wipings have been done. WASTE TANK This displays how much waste ink has built up in the waste ink tank, as a rough percentage of the tank capacity. PRINT LENGTH This displays the total length of the printing done to date. PRINT AREA This displays the total area of the printing done to date. USE TIME This displays the total time for which the machine has been used to date. UV LAMP This displays the total time of UV irradiation. VERSION This displays the version information of this machine. LIST This allows you to print the settings of this machine. Ink REPL. Report This prints ink history of this machine. ERROR HISTORY This displays a history of errors and warnings that have occurred to date. When you press [][], the date of occurrence (year/month/day/hour/minute) and the error/warning information are displayed alternately in the order of occurrence. • To reset the use count of the wiper, press the [FUNC2] key. When you press the [ENTER] key, the number of wipings is reset. • You can reset the use counts by pressing the [FUNC1] or [FUNC2] key while “WIPING information” or “WASTE TANK information” is displayed in USAGE as follows: [FUNC2]: Resets the used count for "WIPING". [FUNC1]: Resets the used count for "WASTE TANK". 3-28 Chapter 3 INFORMATION MENU Displaying the machine's information (LOCAL guidance) 1 Press the key in LOCAL • The subsequent information is displayed every time the [ENTER] key is pressed. INK INFORMATION Displays the ink type, ink remaining amount, and ink errors. WARNING INFORMATION Displays all warnings that occur. This screen is displayed if any warning occurs. OTHER EVENT INFORMATION Displays the Detected media width, Head height, Machine serial number, firmware version, command version, and LAN connection status. NOZZLE CHECK Displays the number of defective nozzles for each color that is detected by nozzle check. 2 Press the or key several times to return to LOCAL LUS170 1. 100% No error 2. 100% No error 3. 100% No error 4. 100% No error LUS170 1. 100% No error 2. 100% No error 3. 100% No error 4. 0% INK END WARNING EVENT !MEDIA UNDETECTED INFORMATION MEDIA WIDTH 1610mm HEAD HEIGHT LOW SERIAL No. xxxxxxxx UCJV300-160 V1.3.0 MRL-V V1.30 INFORMATION LAN Status 1000Mbyte NOZZLE CHECK C0 M0 Y0 K0 This chapter describes about cutting function. Cut Out Data with Register Mark ................... 4-2 The Flow of Cutting out the Registered Data............................................................. 4-2 Enter register mark detection mode ............ 4-2 Precautions for inputting data with register marks .......................................................... 4-2 Settings for Detecting register marks .......... 4-5 ID Cut .......................................................... 4-6 About CUTTING MENU ...............................4-11 Cutting MENU table .................................. 4-12 Setting the CUT MODE................................4-13 Perform Multiple Cuttings (Copy function) ...4-13 SETUP SUB MENU .....................................4-14 Make the media without uncut area (OVER CUT function) ................................ 4-15 Other SETUP SUB MENU......................... 4-15 SETUP RESET.......................................... 4-16 Maintenance Function..................................4-17 Maintenance of Mark Sensor..................... 4-17 Perform SAMPLE CUT to Find out the Cause of Cutting Error............................... 4-19 Cutting a Medium into Multiple Pieces with a Certain Length ........................................ 4-19 Cutting out Data without Register Marks (PC ORIGIN OFFSET) .............................. 4-20 Setting the Scale Adjust............................. 4-21 Chapter 4 Cutting Function 4-2 Chapter 4 Cutting Function Cut Out Data with Reg- ister Mark Create register marks on an output image that you want to make a seal, and the machine detects them to cut them out. There are the following three types of register marks. The Flow of Cutting out the Regis- tered Data Enter register mark detection mode 1 Press (TEST CUT) in LOCAL. 2 Press to select “MARK DETECTION”, and press the key. • The machine enters register mark detection mode. Precautions for inputting data with register marks There are some limitations to preparing data with register marks. In order to make full use of this function, read the following instructions carefully to correctly prepare data with register marks. Size of register marks In addition, for the length of one the side of the register mark compared to the data, refer to "Size of and distance between register marks" ( P.4-4). Make sure that the line width of the register mark is larger than 1/10 the length of register mark. • Use the TP4 when performing trapezium compen- sation to correct the uneven sheet feeding rate caused by the difference in the diameter between the right and left grit rollers. If the trapezium com- pensation is to be omitted, there is no need to set the TP4. In that case, however, cutting distortion will increase. register mark: Type 1 register mark: Type 2 register mark: Zero Margin Add register marks to the image that you want to make a seal, and print it on a sheet. Set the printed sheet in the machine. Send the cut-target image from the computer for cutting. There are some conditions for creating register marks. See pages P.4-2 through P.4-4. Refer to P.2-4 to set the sheet. In case it is not successfully cut, • Check the register mark sensor. • Check the position of the Light Pointer. • When register detection is set to OFF, the machine doesn’t enter register mark detection mode. (P.4-5) • While various functions are being set, data entry may be canceled and the machine may go back to the previous setting item. • The register mark described here is intended to detect the sheet inclination and the lengths along the X and Y axes. It is not a mark for trimming. 0.5~2.0mm 4~40mm Chapter 4 Cutting Function 4-3 4 2 2 Area where register marks and designs can be arranged The placeable range for the register mark and the image is as follows. • Set the start position of the register mark at 100 mm or more from the media front end. • Set the end position of the register mark at 110 mm or more from the media rear end. • When the data is copied by using RasterLink, make sure to leave a space of 210 mm or larger at the tail end of the sheet. Mark Shape: Type 1 Mark Shape: Type 2 No-plotting area around the register marks The area around a register mark (from the mark origin to the mark size area) is a non-plotting area. There must be no data plotted and no stains in this area; otherwise, the origin may be detected incorrectly or a mark read error could occur. Incorrect detection example 1 When there is a line outside the register marks Incorrect detection example 2 When the distance between register marks (TP2 and TP1 or TP4 and TP2) is smaller than the mark length (for Type 2) Area where cutting is permitted Available cutting area 110mm or 210mm more Between 50mm to 3000 mm 20 mm or more 50 mm or more 5mm or more5mm or more Rear Front Area where cutting is permitted Available cutting area 110mm or 210mm + (register mark length / 2) or more Between 50mm to 3000 mm 50 mm or more 20 mm+ (register mark length / 2) or more 5mm or more5mm or more Rear Front • If the mark origin is detected incorrectly, cutting will be performed in the wrong area. Mark length register mark: Type 1 No-plotting area Mark Mark Origin register mark: Type 2 Mark length No-plotting area No-plotting area Mark Origin Mark origin detected incorrectly Space larger than the mark length Space larger than the mark length 4-4 Chapter 4 Cutting Function Size of and distance between register marks The size (Y) of a register mark suited for the distance (X) between the marks is as shown below. If the mark size (Y) is too small relative to the distance (X), the marks may not be detected correctly. Be sure to prepare appropriately sized register marks. Units (mm) Distance between register marks for copied designs For Type 1 register marks, the distance between the marks must be no shorter than two times the mark length and no longer than 1000 mm. For Type 2 register marks, the distance between the marks must be no shorter than the mark length and no longer than 1000 mm. Recommended size of the area defined with a set of four register marks It is recommended that the size of the area defined with a set of four register marks is in the range of A4 size (210 mm x 297 mm) to A3 size (297 mm x 420 mm). When printing register marks continuously When printing register marks continuously, set one side of the register mark to 8 mm. If 8 mm or shorter register marks are detected continuously, glitches might occur in the machine. Mark color Marks must be printed in black against a white background. register marks will not be detected correctly if the background is not white or the marks are not black. Blurred marks If a mark is blurred, the mark origin might be detected incorrectly, thus resulting in deviated cutting. X 200 max. 500 max. 1000 max. 2000 max. 2001 min. Y 5 to 40 8 to 40 15 to 40 25 to 40 35 to 40 register mark: Type 1 Distance between register marks = Between mark length (X) x2 and 1000 mm Distance between register marks = Between mark length (X) and 1000 mm register mark: Type 2 A4 size (210mm x 297mm) to A3 size (297mm x 420mm) 8 mm or more Chapter 4 Cutting Function 4-5 4 2 2 Notes for combined of printing & cutting When using the attached application software to perform the combined operation of print & cut, be careful with the following: (1) When performing combined of printing & cutting with the attached application software to this machine (RasterLink / FineCut), the following set contents will follow the instruction of the software side. Note that the contents set in this machine will be invalid. • Mark length • Mark shape (2) For the combined operation of print & cut without register marks, you can perform print & cut using the take-up device, but it might be misaligned. Settings for Detecting register marks When you want to cut the data with register marks, you must set the following without fail. 1 Press the (MENU) (>>) key in LOCAL. • The cutting MENU will be displayed. 2 Press to select “MARK DETECTION”, and press the key. 3 Press to select the setting item, and press the key. • Refer to "Setting items for detecting register marks" ( P.4-5). 4 Press to select the “CUT MODE”, and then press the key. • Setting value: Standard, High Speed, High Quality 5 Press the key several times to end the setting. Setting items for detecting register marks There are the following seven setting items for register mark detection. (1) MARK DETECT (2) FORM Select either one of the following types of register marks. (3) SIZE Set the length of one side of the register mark. Setting value: 5~40mm • Other than the above conditions, there is a possi- bility of the cutting line being misaligned depend- ing on the printing data size. Therefore, it is also recommended to perform the operation with data which has register marks for combined printing & cutting. • You can set the register mark detection without pressing [FUNC1] (MENU) from LOCAL. (1) Press the [SEL] key twice in LOCAL to display "TEST CUT". (2) Press [FUNC2] (TEST CUT). (3) Press [ ▲ ][ ▼ ] to select [MARK DETECT] (4) Press the [ENTER] key. • After this, go to step 3 of "Settings for Detecting register marks". Setting Value Description ON/OFF The register marks can be detected if this is set to ON. • Use the copy function of cutting software, in the case of continuous cut, select the register mark of Zero margin, and you will be able to place no mar- gin between the register marks. To eliminate the margin between the register marks to cut efficiently, we recommend using the "Zero Margin" mark shape. Setting Value Description Type 1 Type 2 Zero margin Length of one 4-6 Chapter 4 Cutting Function (4) OFFSET X / OFFSET Y Generally the origin will be set at the position shown below. However, depending on your application and the work to be cut, the cutting position may be misaligned in the same direction. In this case, the location of the origin can be corrected. (5) DETECT END KEY START (6) SENSOR LEVEL (7) MARK FILL UP ID Cut It is a function that can cut automatically according to the ID information simply by detecting the ID-contained data. It is not necessary to output the cut data again after printing the data. For details, refer to "ID Cut Guide". Print data If you cut the media rotated by 90, 180, or 270 degrees, set the media margins to the following values at rotated conditions. • Front end : 20 mm or more • Left and right ends : 15 mm or more • Rear end : 110 mm or more 210 mm or more (if a register mark copy *1 has been made) *1: The data whose register mark copy has been made more than one by RasterLink. 1 Set the media. 2 Check if the print start position (the origin ) is set at 110 mm or more from the media front end, and 15 mm or more from the media right end. • Make sure that the width of the media is equal to or larger than [Entire image width (including the register mark) + right 15 mm + left 15 mm]. • If any of the front / left / right margin is insufficient, the media end may be mistaken as the register mark, which may cause the register mark detection to start earlier. (1) Press the jog key in the local state. Move the luminous point of the LED pointer so that the print start position is 100 mm or more from the media front end, and 15 mm or more from the right end. (2) Press the [ENTER] key. • The print start position is changed. 3 Check if the print end position is set at 110 mm or 210 mm (if the mark copy has been made) from the media rear end. • Make sure that the length of the media is equal to or larger than [Entire image length (including the register mark) + 100 mm + 110 mm or 210 mm(if the mark copy has been made)]. Setting Value Description ± 15.00 mm Use this to shift the origin position in the X direction or Y direction. • If the origin is located out of the available cutting area, “ERR37 MARK ORG” will be displayed. In this case, write the register marks in the area closer to the center of the media. Setting Value Description ON/OFF If this is ON, you will be able to detect crop marks with the [END] key. • When set to ON, the cutter head moves when the power is turned off. Setting Value Description 1 to 7 The bigger the numerical value is, the higher the sensitivity of the register mark sensor becomes. If register marks are not detected, increase the sensitivity. If register marks are detected by mistake, lower the sensitivity. Generally, use it with the setting value of “4”. Setting Value Description ON/OFF Make the setting to “ON” when using the “Fill around the register mark” function of the RIP software to detect the printed register mark. Use a register mark size of 10 mm or more when filling in around the register mark. Mark: Type 1 Mark: Type 2 Origin Origin Plus Y direction Plus X directionPlus X direction Plus Y direction Chapter 4 Cutting Function 4-7 4 2 2 4 In the local state, press the ( key ). • This switches to the remote state. 5 Print data. Mark Shape: Type 1 (Outer register mark)] Mark Shape: Type 2 (Inner register mark)] Patterns placeable range Effective cut range 110 or 210 mm or more 70mm to 3000 mm 110 mm or more 70 mm or more 15 mm or more15 mm or more Rear Front Patterns placeable range Effective cut range 100 mm or 210 mm + (half the length of the register mark) or more 70mm + register mark to 3000mm 70 mm or more 110 mm + (half the length of the register mark) or more 15 mm or more15 mm or more Rear Front Chapter 4 Cutting Function 4-8 Setting of Detecting the Registration Marks 1 Press the (MENU) (>>) keys in LOCAL 2 Press to select “CUTTING”, and then press the key 3 Select “MARK DETECT”, and then press the key. 4 Press the key. 5 Press to make settings for the following items, and then press the key Item Value Set value DETECT AREA - You can configure various settings for the register mark operation. SCAN DIR. DEFAULT, 0 cm, 5 cm to the machine width Configure the detection width for the scanning direction. The register mark is detected while scanning is performed bidirectionally at the set detection width. • DEFAULT: The register mark is detected at half the media width. • 0 cm: The register mark is detected only in the feed (media feed) direction. • 5 cm to the machine width: The register mark is detected with the set width. FEED DIR. 10 cm to 50 cm Set the detection distance in the feed (media feed) direction. OFFSET X 0 cm to 100 cm Set the Detection start position after the ID Cut. About [DETECT AREA]. • SCAN DIRECTION, FEED DIRECTION, OFFSET X are as following. FEED DIRECTION Detection start position SCAN DEIRECTION OFFSET X Scan path for Auto MARK DETECT The ID Cut end position for the data immediately before [Front] [Rear] 4-9 Chapter 4 Cutting Function 4 2 2 ID Cutting 1 Set the printed media. • Roll media: 「Setting a Roll Media」(P.2-11) • Leaf media:「Setting Leaf Media」(P.2-15) 2 Detect the register mark (1) Press the in LOCAL. (2) Press [] []key to select [MARK DETECTION], and press the key. • This switches to the mark detection mode. (3) Press the [] [] [] [] keys to move the luminous point of the LED pointer to the center of the register mark. (4) Press the key. • The register mark is detected. • The printer is in remote mode. 3 The cut data is automatically received and cut. • After the ID Cut, the next register mark will be automatically detected. 4 If you have multiple pieces of data, [Auto detection -> ID Cut ] is repeated until all pieces of data are finished. • If you print multiple register marks and perform ID Cut, set the same shape and size for all the register marks. If any of the register marks has a different size or shape, the ID Cut is canceled. • You can set the area for MARK DETECT in the Mark detect area settings. Mark Shape: Type 1 Mark Shape: Type 2 Because the shape of the register mark is different, an error occurs and the ID Cut is canceled. Mark Shape: Type2 Cutting direction Mark Shape: Type1 Mark Shape: Type1 Chapter 4 Cutting Function 4-10 • When there are multiple types of data, the register mark's auto detection direction is set to FEED (media feed) direction. • You cannot detect register marks automatically in the scan direction. When the data is laid out in the scan direction, detect the register marks manually. Scan path for Manual MARK DETECT Feed (media feed) direction. Scanning direction 3. The next register mark will be automatically detected. 1. Detects the register marks manually. 2. Use COPY to perform cutting automatically. 4. Copied data, so it is cut automatically. The register mark is not automatically detected. Detect the register mark manually. Feed (media feed) direction. Scanning direction 1. Detects the register marks manually. 2. Use COPY to perform cutting automatically. 3. Registration marks cannot be detected because there is no data. Scan path for Manual MARK DETECT 4-11 Chapter 4 Cutting Function 4 2 2 About CUTTING MENU In the cutting menu, you can configure a variety of settings regarding cutting functions. MENU Cutting > width:1340mm REMOTEMENU TEST PRINT CLEANING LOCAL >><< Cutting TP DETECT > CUT MODE NORMAL > COPY > TOOL CHANGE > SETUP SUB MENU >><< Cutting MAINTENANCE > >><< width:1340mm REMOTEMENU TEST PRINT CLEANING LOCAL Press this to confirm a setting, etc.. Cutting MENUs at-a-glance Press this to select SETUP MENU, or to switch to the previous screen. Press this to switch to the next screen. Use these to select a setting item. Chapter 4 Cutting Function 4-12 Cutting MENU table • For each setting item below, you can set it so that the machine may operate according to the value specified when you printed from your RIP software in the connected host PC. • When you operate the machine according to the contents specified with the RIP software, set each item to “Host” when registering this machine type. When you set it other than “Host”, the machine operates according to the machine setting. • For the specifying method with the RIP software, refer to the operation manual of the RIP software. Function name Description TP DETECT ( P.4-5) MARK DETECT When you cut the data with register marks, you must set without fail. FORM SIZE OFFSET X OFFSET Y DETECT END KEY START SENSOR LEVEL MARK FILL UP DETECT AREA CUT MODE ( P.4-13) This is to set the cutting quality. COPY ( P.4-13) This function performs cutting for the received data on two or more sheets. Tool Change( P.2-24, P.2-24) You select this function when you replace the tool. SETUP SUB MENU UP SPEED ( P.4-15) This is to set the speed of sheet and carriage movement when the tool is up. Setting the speed lower makes the sheet misalignment reduced at the time of long sheet feeding. DUMMY CUT ( P.4-15) The blade edge is made to turn to a specific direction before starting cutting, which allows dummy cutting. SHEET TYPE ( P.4-15) This is to set the types of sheet according to the sheet you use. ADJ PRS OFFSET ( P.4-15) This is used to expand the value in such a case as when the beginning and end part of the cut are left cut. Vacuum fan Set the strength of the vacuum fan at cutting. Please use "weak" normally. OVER CUT ( P.4-15) By over lapping the start point and the end point arbitrarily, you can make the media without uncut area. Curve mode If the cut line bends, set it to "SLOW". Although the cutting speed decreases, it is possible to prevent a bent. RESET SETTING ( P.4-16) Reset the setting values to the initial state. MAINTENANCE MARK sensor ( P.4-17) This is for adjusting the register mark sensor. SAMPLE CUT ( P.4-19) In case that normal data cutting cannot be performed etc., perform cutting with the sample stored in this machine to find out the cause of cutting error. AUTO MEDIA CUT( P.4-19) Cutting a medium into multiple pieces with a certain length. SCALE ADJUST( P.4-21) When printing and cutting without register marks, adjustment is performed if the misalignment in the scanning direction occurs between the left and right edges of the media. Chapter 4 Cutting Function 4-13 4 2 2 Setting the CUT MODE This is to set the cutting quality. There are the following three types for cut mode. 1 Press the (MENU) (>>) key in LOCAL. • The cutting MENU will be displayed. 2 Press to select the "CUT MODE", and press the key. 3 Press to select the setting item, and press the key. • Setting value: Standard, High Speed, High Quality 4 Press the key several times to end the setting. Perform Multiple Cut- tings (Copy function) This function performs cutting for the received data on two or more sheets. (Max. 999 sheets) • You can perform the multiple-sheet cutting for the data saved in the reception buffer of this machine. • The receiving buffer can save only one data. • When a new data is received, the data that has been saved is overwritten by it. (You cannot perform multiple cuttings by specifying the data that was received before.) 1 Press the (MENU) (>>) key in LOCAL. • The cutting MENU will be displayed. 2 Press to select "COPY", and press the key. 3 Press to select the number of cuttings (1 to 999), and press the key. 4 Press to select the interval of figures to be cut (0 to 30 mm), and press the key. Setting Value Description Standard This is a regular cutting mode. High speed This is used to perform cutting in a short time. (It is not appropriate for heavy media.) High quality This is a cutting mode used to give priority to cutting quality. • Select “QUALITY” in any of the following cases: • Characters whose sizes are 10 mm or less are to be cut • Picture patterns or characters that have many sharp corners are to be cut • Minute cutting is to be performed However, the edges of finished patterns may be rugged if the data sent from the host computer is too compli- cated. In such a case, select “HIGHspd” for smooth finish. • With “QUALITY”, the cutting speed is limited to 20 cm/s. • If the multiple sheet cutting is executed immedi- ately after cutting in the remote mode, cutting (plotting) will be overlapped. To avoid this trouble, be sure to set the new origin. • While the machine is executing the multiple sheet cutting, it ignores data sent from the computer. • To send two or more pieces of data from the com- puter to the machine, the data has to be sent while providing an interval of 5 seconds or more between any two pieces of data. If two pieces of data are sent from the computer to the machine within 5 seconds, the two pieces of data will be subjected to the multiple sheet cutting. The machine performs cutting for divided cutting data by the specified number of sheets without dividing the data. If any error is displayed, refer to “Error messages” ( P.6-7). • If there is the origin renewal command in cutting data, you cannot perform copy function. When you use FineCut, the default value of Origin Renewal is “ON”. If you perform [No. COPIES], uncheck the checkbox. (Refer to FineCut OPERA- TION MANUAL Chapter5 “Setting Head Position after Plotting”) COPY INTERVAL Origin position at the end of multiple cuts. Origin position when performing multiple cuts Feed direction Scan direction 4-14 Chapter 4 Cutting Function SETUP SUB MENU The SETUP SUB MENU offer convenient functions that you can use in cutting. The following items are available in the sub menus. Function name Description UP SPEED (P.4-15) This is to set the speed of sheet and carriage movement when the tool is up. Setting the speed lower makes the sheet misalignment reduced at the time of long sheet feeding. DUMMY CUT (P.4-15) The blade edge is made to turn to a specific direction before starting cutting, which allows dummy cutting. SHEET TYPE (P.4-15) Set this according to the weight of the media you have set. When this is set to "HEAVY", the maximum cutting speed is set low. ADJ PRS OFFSET (P.4-15) This is used to expand the value in such a case as when the beginning and end part of the cut are left cut. Vacuum fan Set the strength of the vacuum fan at cutting. Please use "weak" normally. OVER CUT (P.4-15) By over lapping the start point and the end point arbitrarily, you can make the media without uncut area. Curve mode If the cut line bends, set it to "SLOW". Although the cutting speed decreases, it is possible to prevent a bent. SETUP RESET (P.4-16) Reset the setting values to the initial state. Chapter 4 Cutting Function 4-15 4 2 2 Make the media without uncut area (OVER CUT function) By over lapping the start point and the end point arbitrarily, you can make the media without uncut area. Specify the OVER CUT function (valid/invalid) and the length of the OVER CUT. If the length of the OVER CUT is set, when cut starts, cut will be performed from the position to the front by the specified length and the tool will move up going too far at the end. Additionally, you can enable the corner cut function to perform overcutting of corners other than the start and end points. 1 Press the (MENU) (>>) key in LOCAL. • The cutting MENU will be displayed. 2 Press to select the "SETUP SUB MENU", and press the key. 3 Press to select "OVER CUT", and press the key. 4 Press to select the setting item and press the key. • Set value: OFF/ 0.1 to 1.0 m (in 0.1 mm increment) • When you press the [ENTER] key, the setting for “CORNER CUT” setting will be displayed. 5 Press to select ON/OFF, and press the key. 6 Press the key several times to end the setting. Other SETUP SUB MENU How to set other convenient functions is explained below. Change the settings according to the types of use. 1 Press the (MENU) (>>) key in LOCAL. • The cutting MENU will be displayed. 2 Press to select the "SETUP SUB MENU", and press the key. 3 Press several times, and select an item to set. • See "List of Settings" to select one. 4 and press the key. 5 Press to select a set value. • See "List of Settings" to select one. 6 and press the key. 7 Press the key several times to end the setting. List of Settings The setting is as follows when purchasing: • Setting proper OVER CUT can reduce uncut area of start and end point of a media easy to bend. If too large value is set, the result may have a rupture. OVER CUT : OFF OVER CUT : 1.0mm OVER CUT part Corner cut part • The setting values are kept in memory even when the power is turned off. Function name Description Setting Value *1 Setting the UP SPEED This is to set the speed of sheet and carriage movement when the tool is up. Setting the speed lower makes the sheet misalignment reduced at the time of long sheet feeding. 5,10,20,30, AUTO (cm/s) Setting the DUMMY CUT ( P.4-16) The operation of dummy cutting is set. OFF / ON SHEET TYPE *2 This is to set the types of sheet according to the sheet you use. Standard / Heavy Setting the ADJ-PRS OFFSET (P.4-16) This is used to expand the value in such a case as when the beginning and end part of the cut are left cut. 0 ~ 3 ~ 7 Curve mode If the cut line bends, set it to "SLOW". Although the cutting speed decreases, it is possible to prevent a bent. SLOW / FAST *1. The underlined values are set at purchase. *2. If you set “Heavy” for the media setting, the cutting speed will be limited to 20 cm/s. 4-16 Chapter 4 Cutting Function About Dummy Cutting This is performed after detecting the media or when changing the tool type in front of the pinch roller which is near the both ends from the position of the cutter unit is placed presently. Set the dummy cutting function to OFF when you do not want to damage the media in cutting cut-out characters. About Pressure Correction Offset (ADJ- PRS OFFSET) Some part of a media is left uncut because the pressure applied when the cutter blade touches the media is weak. When an optional eccentric blade is used, some part of a media to be cut with the blade's angle being 120 degrees or less may be left uncut. This is because the corners are cut with a low pressure (about 5 g) automatically applied so that the media does not turn up. Some part of a media may be left uncut because the blade edge does not rotate smoothly in its moving direction with the cutting pressure being low. In such a case, configure the setting for the pressure to be increased when the corners are cut. SETUP RESET Reset the setting values to the initial state. 1 Press the (MENU) (>>) key in LOCAL. • The cutting MENU will be displayed. 2 Press to select the "SETUP SUB MENU", and press the key. 3 Press (>>) , and press twice. • “SETUP RESET” will be selected. 4 Press the key. • The already configured settings are initialized. 5 Press the key several times to end the setting. • When “PEN” is selected for the tool condition, the dummy cutting cannot be set. • The default of the dummy cutting function is ON. When you have set the dummy cutting function to OFF, perform test cutting ( P.2-28) to adjust the cutter blade orientation before cutting. Pinch roller Dummy cut Chapter 4 Cutting Function 4-17 4 2 2 Maintenance Function This section gathers together the functions for checking/ adjusting the cutting accuracy when cutting does not go normally. Maintenance of Mark Sensor If cutting does not go normally, check the items below. In register mark sensor maintenance, you can carry out maintenance of the following items. Check the sensor for the register mark detection Prepare the media on which the register mark is printed. 1 Press the (MENU) (>>) key. • The cutting MENU will be displayed. 2 Press (>>) . 3 Press to select "MAINTENANCE", and press the key. 4 Press to select "MARK SENSOR", and press the key. 5 Press to select "SENSOR CHECK", and press the key. 6 Press to move LED pointer to register mark detection position • Perform register mark detection at a position 1mm or more away from the register mark. 7 Select the length of the register mark and shape of the register mark detection. • For details on setting the [SIZE] and [FORM], refer to the ”Settings for Detecting register marks”. ( P.4-5) 8 Press the to perform register mark detection. ( "Detect operation") Function name Description MARK sensor (P.4-17) This is for adjusting the register mark sensor. SAMPLE CUT (P.4-19) In case that normal data cutting cannot be performed etc., perform cutting with the sample stored in this machine to find out the cause of cutting error. AUTO MEDIA CUT (P.4-19) Cutting a medium into multiple pieces with a certain length. PC ORIGIN OFFSET (P.4-20) Adjust the misalignment between the print origin and the cutting origin. SCALE ADJUST (P.4-20) When printing and cutting without register marks, adjustment is performed if the misalignment in the scanning direction occurs between the left and right edges of the media. Item Description SENSOR CHECK (P.4-17) checking the sensor for the register mark detection. POINTER OFFSET (P.4-18) If the cutter unit fails to recognize any register mark properly, the possible cause is an error in the positional relationship between the mark sensor and the light pointer. In this case, correct the position of the light pointer. • If you move the head and sheet manually, you cannot perform the right response check. Be sure to perform it via the following operations. • For conditions of already printed register marks, refer to "Precautions for inputting data with register marks" ( P.4-2). • The setting values are kept in memory even when the power is turned off. • The settings performed here for shape of the register mark and length of the register mark are reflected in the settings of “MARK DETECT”. ( P.4-5) • The detection speed selected here will be used in the register mark detection operations that are executed from here on. • The pointer offset value selected by this operation is not initialized by SETUP RESET operation. 1mm or more Mark detection position Mark shape : Type 1 Mark shape : Type 2 4-18 Chapter 4 Cutting Function Detect operation 1 Scan in the X direction (plus direction) to detect the line. • The buzzer sounds when the line is detected. If the line is not detected, the buzzer does not sound. 2 Scan in the X direction (minus direction) to detect the line. 3 Scan in the Y direction (plus direction) to detect the line. 4 Scan in the Y direction (minus direction) to detect the line. 5 Follow the Steps 1 to 4, and confirm if the buzzer sounds 4 times. • When the detection behavior completes successfully, the buzzer sounds 4 times. • If the buzzer does not sound, contact our service desk or your local distributor for service. Correct the light pointer position If the machine fails to recognize any register mark properly, the possible cause is an error in the positional relationship between the MARK sensor and the light pointer. In this case, adjust the position of the light pointer. 1 Install a pen in the tool holder 2 Load the copy paper. 3 Press the (MENU) (>>) key in LOCAL. • The cutting MENU will be displayed. 4 Press (>>) . 5 Press to select "MAINTENANCE", and press the key. 6 Press to select "MARK SENSOR", and press the key. 7 Press to select "POINTER OFS", 8 Press the key. • A 10 mm by 10 mm cross pattern will be cut. • The light pointer turns on and moves to the center of the cross pattern. 9 Press to adjust the light pointer position so that the center of the light pointer is in alignment with the center of the cross pattern. 10 Press the key. • The screen returns to LOCAL. Minus direction Plus direction Mark length Plus direction Minus direction Scan in the Y direction Scan in the X direction • The value registered in the [POINTER OFS] is not initialized even by executing the "SETUP RESET" ( P.4-16). Chapter 4 Cutting Function 4-19 4 2 2 Perform SAMPLE CUT to Find out the Cause of Cutting Error. In case that normal data cutting cannot be performed etc., perform cutting with the sample stored in this machine to find out the cause of cutting error. 1 Press the (MENU) (>>) key in LOCAL. • The cutting MENU will be displayed. 2 Press (>>) . 3 Press to select "MAINTENANCE", and press the key. 4 Press to select the "SAMPLE CUT", and press the key. 5 Press to select the SAMPLE DATA to be cut. • There are two types of samples, “Cut” and “Logo.” If you select “Cut,” proceed to Step 8. 6 Press the key. 7 Select scale factor using to cut Logo. • Scale factor : 1 to 999% 8 Press the key for starting cutting. Result of SAMPLE CUT Sample data can be cut successfully, but other data cannot. The host computer is faulty. Sample data as well as other data cannot be successfully cut either. The printer is faulty. (When leaving the start/end lines without cutting off) Increase the set value of [ADJ-PRS OFS] to raise the pressure for pressing the cutter blade down. P.4-15 Cutting a Medium into Multiple Pieces with a Certain Length You can cut a medium into multiple pieces with a specified length. (Automatic media-cutting function) 1 Press the (MENU) (>>) key in LOCAL. • The cutting MENU will be displayed. 2 Press (>>) . 3 Press to select "MAINTENANCE", and press the key. 4 Press to select "AUTO MEDIA CUT",and press the key. 5 Press to select a cutting interval, and press the key. • Set value : 10 to 10,000 mm 6 Press to select a length for the leading end adjustment cutting, and press the key. • Set value : 0 to 500mm 7 Press to select the number of times a medium is cut (number of pieces produced by cutting a medium), and press the key. • Set value : 1 to 9,999 • The number of cuts that you set here will be executed. • You can halt the cutting by pressing the [END/ POWER] key. 8 Press the key several times to end the setting. • Execution of SAMPLE CUT will clear the data in the receiver buffer. Sample “Cut” Sample “Logo” Function name Description Cutting interval Setting the interval for cutting the media. Leading end adjustment cutting Setting the length for cutting the medias’ leading edges before auto media cut starts. You can cut off the leading end part of the media when the leading end of the media is cut at an angle or the cut surface is rough. Number of times a medium is cut Setting the number of times (sheets) for media cutting. Chapter 4 Cutting Function 4-20 Cutting out Data without Register Marks (PC ORIGIN OFFSET) Adjust the misalignment between printing and cutting by Print & Cut. Use the attached RIP software (RasterLink) for this adjustment. Print the adjustment pattern from RasterLink, and enter the adjustment values to the printer. For Print & Cut without register marks 1 Set the machine to "REMOTE" status. 2 Set the print conditions (profile, cut conditions) of the job that you want to print using RasterLink. 3 Click [print & cut Origin adjust] in the [Cut edit] tab of RasterLink. • Click [OK] to print the adjustment pattern. 4 When the pattern is printed, press (ADJUST) and select "PC ORIGIN OFFSET". • When the media is fed, peal the cut part of the pattern, and check the adjustment values 5 Enter the adjustment values • When you press the [ENTER] key, the media return, and the operation is completed. • When printing the data that has a different resolution (Y), make adjustment again. (Save an adjustment value per resolu- tion) • You cannot print adjustment patterns with multiple conditions continuously, and enter the adjustment values. Make sure you print and set one adjustment value per condition. Click + - - + X enlarged Y enlarged Enter the value of the position that has the least misalignment between top and bottom The example here shows that -4 has the least misalignment, so enter “-4”. Enter the value of the position that has the least misalignment between right and left The example here shows that 2 has the least misalignment, so enter “2”. 4-21 Chapter 4 Cutting Function 4 2 2 For Print & Cut with register marks 1 Set the machine to "REMOTE" status. 2 Set the print conditions (profile, cut conditions) of the job that you want to print using RasterLink. 3 Click [print & cut Origin adjust] in the [Cut edit] tab of RasterLink. 4 Select "Add register mark". • Click [OK] to print the adjustment pattern. 5 When the pattern is printed, press (ADJUST) and select "TP OFFSET". • When the media is fed, peal the cut part of the pattern, and check the adjustment values (The actual pattern has register marks.) 6 Enter the adjustment values • When you press the [ENTER] key, the media return, and the operation is completed. Setting the Scale Adjust When printing and cutting without register marks, adjustment is performed if the misalignment in the scanning direction occurs between the left and right edges of the media. When you perform scale adjustment, adjustment is performed automatically. 1 Set a media ( P.2-4) • Set the sheet to print the register mark. 2 Press the (MENU) (>>) keys • Cutting menu is displayed. 3 Press (<<) 4 Press to select “MAINTENANCE”, and press the [ENTER] key 5 Press to select "SCALE ADJUST", and press the key 6 Press the key on the confirmation screen • A correction pattern is printed and correction is performed. 7 Press the key several times to end the setting + - - + X enlarged Y enlarged Enter the value of the position that has the least misalignment between top and bottom The example here shows that -4 has the least misalignment, so enter “-0.40”. Enter the value of the position that has the least misalignment between right and left The example here shows that 2 has the least misalignment, so enter “0.20”. Chapter 4 Cutting Function 4-22 This chapter describes the items required to use this machine more comfortably, which are the meth- ods for the daily care, the maintenance of the ink cartridges etc. Maintenance ..................................................5-2 When the Machine Is Not Used for a Long Time ............................................................ 5-2 Precautions for Maintenance ...................... 5-2 Cleaning the Exterior Surfaces ................... 5-2 Cleaning the Platen..................................... 5-2 Cleaning the Media Sensor......................... 5-3 Cleaning the Media Press ........................... 5-3 About MAINTENANCE MENU.......................5-4 MAINTENANCE MENUs table.................... 5-5 Maintaining the Capping Station .............................................5-6 Cleaning the Wiper and Cap ....................... 5-6 Cleaning the mist filter ................................. 5-7 Clean the NCU ............................................ 5-8 Washing the Head Nozzle........................... 5-9 Cleaning of ink discharge passage ............. 5-9 When the Machine Is Not Used for a Long Time .......................................................... 5-10 Cleaning the Ink Head and the Area around It.......................................................5-12 Nozzle Recovery Function ...........................5-13 Reset the set value ................................... 5-14 Eliminate Ink Over Flow ..............................5-14 Automatic Maintenance Function.................5-15 Setting the Refreshing Intervals................. 5-15 Setting the Cleaning Intervals and Type.... 5-15 INK FILLING.................................................5-16 AIR PURGE............................................... 5-16 Replacing consumables ...............................5-18 Replacing the wiper ................................... 5-18 Replacing the mist filter .............................5-18 If a Waste Ink Tank Confirmation Message Appears ..................................................... 5-19 Replace the waste ink tank with another ... 5-19 Replacing the waste ink tank before the waste ink tank confirmation message is displayed.................................................... 5-20 Replacing the Cutter Blade........................ 5-20 Replacing and Adjusting the Cutter Blade ...5-21 Replacing the cutter................................... 5-21 Adjusting the Cutter Blade......................... 5-22 Replacing cutters other than supplied one 5-22 Adjusting blade edge of cutters other than supplied one .............................................. 5-22 Chapter 5 Maintenance Chapter 5 Maintenance 5-2 Maintenance Maintain the machine regularly or as necessary so that its accuracy will be maintained and it can continue to be used for a long time. When the Machine Is Not Used for a Long Time When the machine is not going to be used for a week or more, clean the ink discharge passage. ( P.5-9) Then, place the machine in storage. Precautions for Maintenance Pay attention to the following items when maintaining this machine. Cleaning the Exterior Surfaces When the exterior surfaces of the machine are stained, dampen a soft cloth with water or a neutral detergent diluted with water, squeeze it, and wipe the surfaces with the cloth. Cleaning the Platen The platen easily gets dirty with lint, paper dust, etc. generated when a media is cut. Wipe off conspicuous stains with a soft-hair brush, a dry cloth, a paper towel, etc. • Always keep the main power turned “ON”. • Remove any media that has been set. • If water or alcohol becomes mixed into the UV curingink (UV ink), flocculation could occurred. Be careful to keep water and alcohol away from both- the nozzles and the heads. • This machine uses UV curing ink (UV ink). When handling ink and cleaning solution, pay close attention to ventilation and be sure to wear the included safety glasses and gloves. • Never disassemble this machine. Disassembling it can result in electric shock hazards or damage to the machine. Before maintenance, be sure to turn off the power switch and unplug the power cable. Otherwise, an unexpected accident may occur. • Prevent moisture from entering the machine. Mois- ture inside the machine can cause electric shock hazards or damage to the machine. • To ensure stable ink jetting, it is necessary for the machine to eject a small amount of ink (flushing) regularly when a printing (outputting) operation has not been performed for a long time. • When the machine is not to be used for a long time, turn off only the power switch on the front side, leave the main power switch at the right side turned ON (in the position of | ), and leave the power cable connected. • Do not wipe the nozzle face of the heads, wiper, caps, etc. with water or alcohol. Doing so can cause nozzle clogging or machine failure. • Do not use benzene, thinner, or any chemical agent containing an abrasive. Such materials can deterio- rate or deform the surface of the cover. • Do not apply a lubricant, etc. to any parts inside the machine. Doing so can cause printing failure. • Be careful that the cleaning solution, ink, etc. do not stick to the cover, because this may cause the surface of the cover to deteriorate or deform. • When the platen is stained with ink, wipe it off with a paper towel containing a small amount of clean- ing solution for maintenance. • When ink smears the end face of the media, be sure to clean it. • When ink adheres frequently, we recommended to set the suction fan to "weak" or "standard". • Because dust and dirt easily accumulate in the slots for holding a media and cutting paper (cutter line), be sure to clean these parts carefully. Chapter 5 Maintenance 5-3 5 2 Cleaning the Media Sensor The media sensors are located on the platen in the backside and the bottom surface of the head. When the sensor is covered with dust, etc., it may cause false detection of media. Using a cotton swab, remove the dust, etc. accumulated on the surface of the sensor. When cleaning the sensor on the lower surface of the head is cleaned, move the carriage to the left end by the operations of step 1 of P.5-12“Cleaning the Ink Head and the Area around It”, and clean it. Cleaning the Media Press When the media press is covered with lint, dust, etc., a media cannot be fed normally during printing or dust sticks to the nozzles, which may result in abnormal printing. Clean the media press regularly. Media sensor The backside of the machine The lower surface of the head Media sensor Media Press 5-4 Chapter 5 Maintenance About MAINTENANCE MENU This provides various settings for doing maintenance on the machine. The following items can be set in Maintenance settings. TEST PRINT > > CLEANING > STATION MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE STATION > > NOZZLE RECOVERY > AUTO MAINTENANCE > INK FILLING > INK TANK EXCHANGE >><< << width:1340mm REMOTEMENU TEST PRINT CLEANING LOCAL width:1340mm REMOTEMENU TEST PRINT CLEANING LOCAL MAINTENANCE OVERFLOW MAINTENANCE > AIR PURGE > >><< MENU SETUP > > MAINTENANCE > MACHINE SETUP NOZZLE CHECK > > INFORMATION >><< width:1340mm REMOTEMENU TEST PRINT CLEANING LOCAL MAINTENANCE MENUs at-a-glance Screen transition when key is pressed Press this to confirm a setting, etc. Press this to select MAINTENANCE MENU, or to switch to the previous screen. Press this to use the maintenance function. Use these to select a setting item. Press this to use the maintenance function. 5-5 5 2 Chapter 5 Maintenance MAINTENANCE MENUs table Item Setting Value Meaning STATION MAINTENANCE For carrying out maintenance on the carriage and station periphery. CARRIAGE OUT (P.5-6) Moves the carriage out, for carrying out cleaning of the cap periphery, head, wipers, etc. NOZZLE WASH (P.5-9) Fixed to 1 min Soaks the nozzle surfaces in maintenance cleaning fluid, for carrying out recovery from nozzle clogging or bent. DISWAY WASH (P.5-9) Executes washing of the suction pump tubes. CUSTODY WASH ( P.5-10) Fixed to 1 min Carried out when the machine is going to be out of use for an extended period. Washes the nozzles and tubes beforehand, to keep the machine in fine condition. Replace WIPER ( P.5-18) Used when replacing the wiper. If the wiper is replaced, the number of times the wiper was used that is managed in this machine is reset. NOZZLE RECOVERY ( P.5-15) For printing using another nozzle, if nozzle wash and so forth fail to effect recovery from nozzle clogging, etc. PRINT Prints a pattern, to identify the nozzle that is clogged. ENTRY Registers the faulty nozzle identified by “PRINT”. RESET Resets a registered faulty nozzle. AUTO MAINTENANCE ( P.5-15) For having the various maintenance functions executed automatically. Set the execution interval for each maintenance function. REFRESH The set value will differ according to the ink type being used. For setting the activation interval for refresh. CLEANING (Interval) For setting the activation interval for head cleaning. CLEANING (TYPE) NORMAL/ SOFT/ HARD For setting the type of head cleaning. INK FILLING ( P.5-16) Supplies ink to correct nozzle clogging. INK TANK EXCHANGE ( P.5- 20) Resets or corrects the used count for the waste ink tank. OVER FLOW MAINTENANCE ( P.5-14) For discharging excessive ink in the sub tank to solve the ink overflow problem. AIR PURGE( P.5- 16) For discharging ink and air that is in the head out of a port, to solve mixed color and nozzle clogging problems. 5-6 Chapter 5 Maintenance Maintaining the Capping Station Maintain the ink cap, wiper, etc. located in the capping station. (SATION MAINT.) The ink cap and wiper function as follows. • Wiper : It wipes off ink sticking to the head nozzles. • Ink cap : It prevents the head nozzles from clogging due to dryness. As the machine is used repeatedly, the wiper and ink cap gradually become dirty with ink, dust, etc. If nozzle missing cannot be corrected even after head cleaning ( P.2-19) has been performed, use F-200 / LF-200 maintenance liquid and clean stick. Cleaning the Wiper and Cap It is recommended that the wiper and cap be cleaned frequently in order to maintain the high image quality of the machine and keep the machine itself in good working order. 1 1Press the (MENU) and press the key in local. • Display maintenance menu. 2 Press to select "Station Maintenance" and press the key. 3 Press to select "Carriage Out" and press the key. 4 Select “STATION MAINT.”, and then press the key. • The carriage moves over the platen. 5 Open the front cover. 6 Remove the wiper. • Pull out the wiper by holding the protrusions at its both ends. 7 Clean the wiper and the bracket. • Wipe off the ink sticking to the wiper and bracket with a clean stick dipped in cleaning solution for maintenance. Wipe off so that cleaning solution for maintenance will not remain. • To keep the nozzle status normal, perform wiper cleaning frequently. Tools required for Maintenance • F-200 / LF-200 maintenance liquid (SPC-0569) • Nozzle swab (SPC-0421) • Gloves • Safety glasses • Never look at the illuminated LED UV with your naked eyes. Doing so could cause pain in your eyes or visual impairment. Be sure to wear safety glasses. • Do not expose your skin directly to ultraviolet (UV) light. Doing so could cause skin irritation. • Be sure to wear the supplied safety glasses and gloves when maintaining the capping station. Doing so could cause the ink to leak. • Do not move the carriage out of the capping sta- tion by hand. When it is desirable to move the car- riage, press the [FUNK1] key to execute the carriage-out. ( P.5-6Steps 1 to 2) • Replace the wiper with a new one when it is extremely dirty or bent. ( P.5-18) • When cleaning the wiper, be careful that lint from the clean stick does not get left on the wiper. Remaining lint may cause image quality to deterio- rate. Carriage Projection Wiper Bracket 5-7 5 2 Chapter 5 Maintenance 8 Clean the wiper cleaner. • Wipe off the ink sticking to the wiper cleaner with a clean stick dipped in cleaning solution for maintenance. 9 Set the wiper at the original position. • Insert the wiper by holding the protrusions at its both ends. 10 Clean the cap rubber. • Wipe off the ink sticking to the cap rubber with a clean stick dipped in maintenance washing liquid for maintenance. • Wipe off so that maintenance solution for maintenance will not remain. 11 Press the key after the cleaning. 12 Close the front cover, and press the key. • After its initial operation, the machine returns to step 1. Cleaning the mist filter 1 Press the (MENU) and press the key. • MAINTENANCE MENU will be displayed. 2 Press the key twice to select the “CARRIAGE OUT”. 3 Press to select "HEAD MAINTENANCE", and press the key. • The carriage will move to the left end of this machine. • A large amount of ink accumulates in the absorp- tion case. Please absorb with water-absorbing paper etc. about once a week. • Do not remove the wiper cleaner from the bracket. • Clean only the surface of the wiper on the wiper cleaner. (It is not necessary to clean the rear side.) • Do not remove the ink pad from the ink pad case. • After cleaning the wiper cleaner, make sure that the cleaner is not facing up. Wiper cleaner OK NG Projection • After cleaning the cap rubber, make sure that the cap slider is not misaligned. If the cap slider is misaligned, move the slider block left and/or right to correct the alignment. Cap rubber 5-8 Chapter 5 Maintenance 4 Open the left maintenance cover. 5 Remove the mist filter. • Mist filters are located in two places. • To remove the mist filter, pull the knob to the front while pushing the hook in the direction indicated by the arrow. 6 Clean the filter. • Remove the filter, and remove the stain by holding paper towel or the like. • Wipe off any stain adhering to the filter case. 7 Set the mist filter at the original position. 8 Close the maintenance cover, and press the key. • After its initial operation, the machine returns to LOCAL. Clean the NCU Ink and dust adhere to NCU. If ink or dust adheres, normal operation may not be possible. 1 Press the (MENU) and press the key in local. • Display maintenance menu. 2 Press to select "Station Maintenance" and press the key. 3 Press to select "Carriage Out" and press the key. 4 Press to select "STATION MAINT." and press the key. • The carriage moves over the platen. 5 Open the front cover. 6 Include maintenance cleaning solution on clean stick (SPC-0421) and wipe off ink and dust adhered to NCU. 7 Press the key after the cleaning. 8 Close the front cover, and press the key. • After its initial operation, the machine returns to step 1. • If the stain strongly attached to the filter, such as the liquefaction of the ink attached to the filter, please replace the filter (SPC-0819).( P.5-19) Maintenance cover Maintenance cover Hook Knob KnobHook Carriage NCU 5-9 5 2 Chapter 5 Maintenance Washing the Head Nozzle 1 Press the (MENU) and press the key. • MAINTENANCE MENU will be displayed. 2 Press to select "STATION", and press the key. 3 Press to select “NOZZLE WASH”, and press the key. • The carriage moves onto the platen. 4 Clean the wiper and the bracket, and press the key. (1) Open the front cover then pull out it by holding projections at both ends of the wiper. (2) Clean the wiper and bracket with a clean stick dipped in cleaning solution for maintenance. Wipe off so that maintenance solution for maintenance will not remain. (3) Insert it in the original position by holding the projections at both ends of the wiper. 5 Clean the cap rubber , and press the key. • Wipe off the ink sticking to the cap rubber with a clean stick dipped in maintenance washing liquid for maintenance. • Wipe off so that maintenance solution for maintenance will not remain. • At this time, the discharge passage is cleaned automatically. 6 Fill up the cap with cleaning solution for maintenance. • Suck cleaning solution into a dropper and fill up the cap with it. Fill up the cap with cleaning solution on the verge of overflow from the cap. 7 Close the front cover, and press the key. 8 Press the key. • The maintenance washing liquid filled in the cap is absorbed. • “Please Wait” will be displayed in the display until the time you set has elapsed. • It takes about one minute for NOZZLE WASH. Cleaning of ink discharge passage In order to prevent clogging of ink due to coagulation of ink inside the ink discharge passage, clean the ink discharge passage periodically (once a week). 1 Press the (MENU) and press the key. • MAINTENANCE MENU will be displayed. 2 Press to select "STATION", and press the key. 3 Press to select "DISWAY WASH", and press the key. • The carriage moves onto the platen. Carriage Projection • When nozzle missing is not cleared even after this washing is carried out several times, contact our service desk or your local distributor for service. Carriage 5-10 Chapter 5 Maintenance 4 Fill up the cap with cleaning solution for maintenance. • Suck cleaning solution into a dropper and fill up the cap with it. Fill up the cap with cleaning solution on the verge of overflow from the cap. 5 Press the key. • Perform the suction of the maintenance cleaning solution and clean the ink discharge path. When the Machine Is Not Used for a Long Time When the machine is not going to be used for a week or more, use the cleaning function for storage to clean the head nozzles and ink discharge passage. Then, place the machine in storage. 1 Press the (MENU) and press the key. • MAINTENANCE MENU will be displayed. 2 Press to select "STATION", and press the key. 3 Press to select "STORAGE WASH", and press the key. • The carriage moves onto the platen. 4 Clean the wiper and the bracket. (1) Open the front cover then pull out it by holding projections at both ends of the wiper. (2) Clean the wiper and bracket with a clean stick dipped in cleaning solution for maintenance. Wipe off so that maintenance solution for maintenance will not remain. (3) Insert it in the original position by holding the projections at both ends of the wiper. 5 and press the key. • Use the machine with always turning “ON” the main power. The function preventing nozzle clog- ging operates automatically to protect the head of the nozzle. • The head nozzle may result in nozzle clogging if the main power switch is left OFF for a long time. Check the items on the right beforehand. Is [NEAR END] or [INK END] displayed? • The cleaning solution or ink is absorbed when the nozzles are washed. At this time, if the state of "no ink" or "almost no ink" is detected, the nozzle washing operation cannot start. • In case of ink end etc., replace with a new bottle. • When the warning message “Check waste ink” is indicated, check the waste ink tank, and operate it, referring to P.5-19 “If a Waste Ink Tank Confirma- tion Message Appears” according to the situation. • Until wiper/ bracket cleaning is competed, “COM- PLETED” is displayed on the screen. After the work up to the step 3 is completed, press the [ENTER] key. If you press the [ENTER] key before cleaning is completed, the machine moves to the next washing procedure. • Until wiper cleaning is competed, [COMPLETED (NEXT): ENT] is displayed on the screen. After the work up to the step 5 is completed, press the [ENTER] key. If you press the [ENTER] key before cleaning is completed, the machine moves to the next washing procedure. Carriage Projection 5-11 5 2 Chapter 5 Maintenance 6 Clean the cap rubber. • Wipe off the ink sticking to the cap rubber with a clean stick dipped in maintenance washing liquid for maintenance. • Wipe off so that maintenance solution for maintenance will not remain. • At this time, the discharge passage is cleaned automatically. 7 Press the key. 8 Fill up the cap with cleaning solution for maintenance. • Suck maintenance solution into a dropper and fill up the cap with it. Fill up the cap with maintenance solution on the verge of overflow from the cap. 9 Press the key. • The nozzles are washed. • When the nozzles have been completely washed, cleaning is performed automatically, and the head moves to the maintenance position. 10 Open the front cover. 11 Fill up the cap with cleaning solution for maintenance. • Suck maintenance solution into a dropper and fill up the cap with it. Fill up the cap with maintenance solution on the verge of overflow from the cap. 12 Close the front cover, and press the key. • After its initial operation, the machine returns to step 2. • Until washing liquid is filled, [COMPLETED NEXT [ENT]] is displayed on the screen. After the work up to the Step 8 is completed and you close the front cover, press the [ENTER] key. Cap rubber 5-12 Chapter 5 Maintenance Cleaning the Ink Head and the Area around It Because the ink head employs a very precise mechanism, due care needs to be taken when it is cleaned. Using a clean stick, etc., rub off gelatinous ink or dust that may stick to the lower part of the slider and the area around the ink head. In doing so, never rub the nozzles of the head. 1 Press the (MENU) and press the key. • MAINTENANCE MENU will be displayed. 2 Press the key twice to select the “CARRIAGE OUT”. 3 Press to select "HEAD MAINTENANCE", and press the key. • The carriage will move to the left end of this machine. 4 Open the maintenance cover. 5 Clean the bottom surface of the UV lamp. • Wipe off the ink sticking to the bottom surface of the UV lamp with a clean stick dipped in maintenance washing liquid for maintenance. Wipe off so that maintenance solution for maintenance will not remain. 6 Use a clean stick soaked in maintenance cleaning fluid to wipe ink off the head surface or other surfaces. • Never rub the nozzles. 7 Close the maintenance cover, and press the key. 8 Press the key several times to end the cleaning. Tools required for cleaning • Clean stick • Gloves • Safety glasses • Be sure to wear the attached safety glasses and gloves when cleaning the area around the ink head. Otherwise, you may get ink in your eyes. • If you get ink in your eyes, immediately wash your eyes thoroughly with a lot of clean water for at least 15 minutes. Then, consult a doctor as soon as possible. • If the ink adheres to your skin, use a large amount of water and soap or special detergent for skin to remove the ink. Maintenance cover Maintenance cover Clean the side surface of the head (shown in red) with a clean stick. The nozzle part (Never touch it.) Clean with a clean stick or a waste cloth. 5-13 5 2 Chapter 5 Maintenance Nozzle Recovery Func- tion NOZZLE RECOVERY: When nozzles missing can not be improved at specific points, other good nozzles can be used as alternatives for printing. 1 Press the (MENU) and press the key. • MAINTENANCE MENU will be displayed. 2 Press to select "NOZZLE RECOVERY", and press the key. 3 Press the key twice. • Printing of the nozzle pattern will start. • Select “ENTRY” then “Move to select of the Nozzle line (Step 4) without drawing a pattern”. 4 Select the Nozzle line that needs NOZZLE RECOVERY by pressing , and then press the key. 5 Register the Nozzle number that needs NOZZLE RECOVERY, and press the key. (1) Select the registration number from 1 to 10 by pressing [][] key and press the [ENTER] key. (2) Register the nozzle number that needs recovery by pressing [][] key and press the [ENTER] key. 6 Press the key several times to end the setting. 1 10 21 30 41 50 61 70 81 90 101 110 121 130 141 150 161 170 181 190 201 210 221 230 241 250 261 270 281 290 301 310 1 10 21 30 41 50 61 70 81 90 101 110 121 130 141 150 161 170 181 190 201 210 221 230 241 250 261 270 281 290 301 310 1 10 21 30 41 50 61 70 81 90 101 110 121 130 141 150 161 170 181 190 201 210 221 230 241 250 261 270 281 290 301 310 1 10 21 30 41 50 61 70 81 90 101 110 121 130 141 150 161 170 181 190 201 210 221 230 241 250 261 270 281 290 301 310 1 10 21 30 41 50 61 70 81 90 101 110 121 130 141 150 161 170 181 190 201 210 221 230 241 250 261 270 281 290 301 310 1 10 21 30 41 50 61 70 81 90 101 110 121 130 141 150 161 170 181 190 201 210 221 230 241 250 261 270 281 290 301 310 1 10 21 30 41 50 61 70 81 90 101 110 121 130 141 150 161 170 181 190 201 210 221 230 241 250 261 270 281 290 301 310 1 10 21 30 41 50 61 70 81 90 101 110 121 130 141 150 161 170 181 190 201 210 221 230 241 250 261 270 281 290 301 310 Overhead view H1-A H1-D H2-A H2-C Nozzle line H1-B H1-C H2-B H2-D • For 6-color ink sets, the nozzle patterns “H1-B” and “H1-D” are not printed. • When using leaf media, set a media of more than A3 size put horizontally. If a media with narrow width is set, printing will only be conducted to mid- way. Nozzle pattern SELECT ENTRY NOZZLE H1-A > > H1-B > H1-C > H1-D >><< > **** Head No. (H1 to H2) Nozzle line • Up to 10 nozzles can be registered per 1 nozzle line. • Even if you use this function, time required for drawing does not change. • When you use white ink, print on the clear film to check. Head1-A No.1 No.2 16 128 No.3 184 No.4 OFF No.5 OFF >><< Recovery nozzle No. or OFF Registration number : 1~10 1 10 21 30 41 50 61 70 81 90 101 110 121 130 141 150 161 170 181 190 201 210 221 230 Nozzle missing No.184 Nozzle number Nozzle missing No.16 Nozzle missing No.128 Registration number Recovery Nozzle number State 1 16 Target for nozzle recovery 2 128 Target for nozzle recovery 3 184 Target for nozzle recovery 4 OFF No registration 5 OFF No registration Example of nozzle to be recovered 5-14 Chapter 5 Maintenance Reset the set value 1 Press the (MENU) and press the key. • MAINTENANCE MENU will be displayed. 2 Press to select "NOZZLE RECOVERY", and press the key. 3 Press to select "RESET", and press the key. 4 Press and (<<) (>>) to select the Nozzle line that needs to be reset, and press the key. • A reset confirmation message will be displayed. 5 and press the key. 6 Press the key several times to end the setting. Eliminate Ink Over Flow 1 Press (MENU) in LOCAL. 2 Press to select “MAINTENANCE”, and press the key. • MAINTENANCE MENU will be displayed. 3 Press (<<). 4 Press to select “OVER MAINTENANCE”, and press the key. 5 Press to select a head. 6 Press the key. 7 Press the key several times to end the setting. • If the problem is not eliminated after performing this operation once, repeat the operation. If the problem is not eliminated after performing the operation three times, contact our service desk or your local distributor for service. 5-15 5 2 Chapter 5 Maintenance Automatic Mainte- nance Function To use this machine comfortably, you can set various maintenances to be performed automatically. Here, set performing intervals of various automatic maintenances. You can prevent troubles such as ink clogging by performing automatic maintenance periodically (Auto maintenance function). For the auto maintenance functions, the following items can be set: Setting the Refreshing Intervals The interval between each operation of ejecting a small amount of ink from the nozzles to prevent nozzle clogging is set. 1 Press the (MENU) and press the key. • MAINTENANCE MENU will be displayed. 2 Press to select "AUTO MAINTENANCE", and press the key. 3 Press to select "REFRESH", and press the key. 4 Press to set the refreshing interval, and press the key. • Set value : The set value will differ according to the ink type being used. 5 Press the key several times to end the setting. Setting the Cleaning Intervals and Type The cleaning type and the interval between each cleaning operation are set. 1 Press the (MENU) and press the key. • MAINTENANCE MENU will be displayed. 2 Press to select "AUTO MAINTENANCE", and press the key. 3 Press several times to select "Interval" or "Type", and press the key. 4 Press to select the setting item, and press the key. • Set value: The set value will differ according to the ink type being used. • Set value of type: SOFT/ NORMAL/ HARD 5 Press the key several times to end the setting. • When you perform maintenance manually, after manual maintenance is completed and when time set with the automatic maintenance function has passed, maintenance starts automatically. Function name Descriptions REFRESH The interval between each refreshing operation is set. CLEANING (INTERVAL) The interval between each cleaning operation is set. CLEANING (TYPE) The cleaning type is set. • If the “Check waste ink” warning message is dis- played, the operation set in the auto maintenance function is not carried out. Perform the operations of P.5-19 if required. • When the power switch on the front of the machine is turned off, check the waste ink tank. 5-16 Chapter 5 Maintenance INK FILLING Supplies ink to correct nozzle clogging. 1 Press the (MENU) and press the key. • MAINTENANCE MENU will be displayed. 2 Press to select "FILL UP INK", and press the key. 3 Press to select the filling head, and press the key. 4 Press the key. • Ink is supplied automatically. 5 Press the key several times to end the setting. AIR PURGE For discharging ink and air that is in the head out of a port. Use this function if ink colors become mixed inside a head, or if air causes a nozzle to clog. 1 Press the (MENU) and key in LOCAL. • Maintenance menu will be displayed. 2 Press to select "AIR PURGE", and press the key. 3 Press to select the head to air purge and check with . • Checked head is the target head to be air purged. From the table below, select the head with the color (port) to be purged. (Head 1 only for UCJV150 Series) • For UCJV300 Series, Head 1 and Head 2 can be selected at the same time. Select both Head 1 and Head 2 when the ink set is 4 colors. 4 Press the key to move the selection head onto the wiper. 5 Open the front cover. 6 Open the lid on the front of the carriage. • Remove the screws and slowly lower the lid. 7 Remove the cap of the target port. • The layout of the port is as shown below. • Turn the cap about 30 ° counterclockwise and then remove it. • The removed cap has ink attached. Temporarily put on paper towels etc. so as not to contaminate the surroundings. • Air purge is done for each head. • Do not remove the cap of Head 2 when removing air of Head 1. Tools required for cleaning • Gloves • Safety glasses • Paper towel • Be sure to wear the attached safety glasses and gloves when cleaning the area around the ink head. Otherwise, you may get ink in your eyes. • If you get ink in your eyes, immediately wash your eyes thoroughly with a lot of clean water for at least 15 minutes. Then, consult a doctor as soon as possible. • If the ink adheres to your skin, use a large amount of water and soap or special detergent for skin to remove the ink. Ink set Head 1 Head 2 4 colors CMYKYKMC 6 colors+W C M Y K Lm Lc W W 4 colors+CL+W C M Y K CL CL W W 4 colors+W C C M M Y K W W Head 1 Head 2 UCJV300 Series 4 colors: CMYK YKMC UCJV300 Series 6 colors + W CMYK LmLcWW UCJV300 Series 4 colors + CL + W: CMYK CLCLWW UCJV300 Series 4 colors + W: CCMM YKWW UCJV150 Series 4 colors:CMYK Ink set Head 1 Head 2 ScrewLid CY MK YM KC CY MK Lm W Lc W CY MK CL W CL W C M CM YW KW CY MK 5-17 5 2 Chapter 5 Maintenance 8 Connect the jig to the port. • Lift the lid on the front of the carriage and pull out the jig. • As with the cap, push the end of the jig into the port and rotate it clockwise by 30 °. 9 Press the key to start air purge . 10 Check inside the transparent tube of the jig whether ink is being discharged. • Be sure to discharge until the amount of ink discharged is constant and there is no air mixing. After confirming the discharge, please remove the jig and press the key to finish. • After 30 second elapse, ink discharge is automatically stopped. If ink is not ejected properly, please "retry". • While ejecting ink, press the to eject ink vigorously for 3 seconds. 11 If there are other target ports on the working head, discharge the ink continuously. • Connect jigs and discharge ink as well. • After purging all target ports of the working head, select "Finish". 12 Remove the jig on the "Remove the air purge jig" screen, close the lid of the carriage and close the front cover. 13 Press the key to move the carriage to the cap position. • If only one head is selected, cleaning is automatically performed and it ends. • If more than one head is selected, Head 2 is automatically moved to the wiper position. Purge the target port as in Head 1 • Even if the cap is removed, the ink does not over- flow by the internal mechanism. • Lift the tube to let the ink inside. If ink remains in the tube, it may cure. • If the retry operation is performed continuously while the jig is connected to one port, air may be mixed into the head, which may cause nozzle missing. Terminate the air purge when the ink is normally discharged. Cap Lid Jig 5-18 Chapter 5 Maintenance Replacing consum- ables Replacing the wiper Wiper (part number: SPA - 0271) is consumables. When the display indicates the warning message “Replace a WIPER”, it is necessary to check and replace the wiper with a new one. Also, wipe ink sticking to the lower surface of the slider off. 1 Press the (MENU) and press the key. • MAINTENANCE MENU will be displayed. 2 Press to select "STATION", and press the key. 3 Press to select "WIPER EXCHANGE", and press the key. • The number of times the wiper was used will be reset. • The carriage moves onto the platen. 4 Remove the wiper. • Pull out the wiper by holding the protrusions at its both ends. 5 Insert a new wiper. • Insert the wiper by holding the protrusions at its both ends. 6 Press the key. • After its initial operation, the machine returns to LOCAL. Replacing the mist filter 1 Press the (MENU) and press the key. • MAINTENANCE MENU will be displayed. 2 Press the key twice to select the “CARRIAGE OUT”. 3 Press to select "HEAD MAINTENANCE", and press the key. • The carriage will move to the left end of this machine. 4 Open the left maintenance cover. • The cleaning wiper is sold separately. Buy one through the dealer in your region or at our service office. Carriage Projection Projection Maintenance cover Maintenance cover 5-19 5 2 Chapter 5 Maintenance 5 Remove the mist filter. • Mist filters are located in two places. • To remove the mist filter, pull the knob to the front while pushing the hook in the direction indicated by the arrow. 6 Replace with a new filter (SPC-0819). 7 Insert the mist filter. 8 Close the maintenance cover, and press the key. • After its initial operation, the machine returns to LOCAL. If a Waste Ink Tank Confirmation Message Appears Ink that is used for head cleaning is collected in the waste ink tank on the bottom right side of this machine. This machine keeps track of the total volume of ink that is discharged, and displays a confirmation message when a certain volume is reached. (When this message is displayed, consider the replacement of the waste ink tank.) Confirmation Message in LOCAL 1 The warning message "Check waste ink"appears on the display. 2 Check the state of the waste ink tank. • If the actual volume is not displayed correctly, perform the operation in Step 3. • If the actual volume is displayed correctly, replace the waste ink tank. When you replace (dispose of) the waste tank ink, perform the procedure in "Replace the waste ink tank with another". ( P.5-19) 3 Press the (MENU) and press the key. • MAINTENANCE MENU will be displayed. 4 Press to select "INK TANK EXCHANGE", and press the key. 5 If the waste ink amount needs to be adjusted, press to adjust the level, and then press the key. Replace the waste ink tank with another If the waste ink tank becomes full, use the following procedure to replace the waste ink tank with another, and set the waste ink information in the maintenance menu to 0%. If you replace the waste ink tank before the waste ink tank confirmation message is displayed (before the 2L tank is 80% (1.6L) full, use the same procedure to replace the waste ink tank. 1 Press the (MENU) and press the key. • MAINTENANCE MENU will be displayed. 2 Press to select "INK TANK EXCHANGE", and press the key. • Waste ink tank information is displayed. 3 Press to adjust the level, and press the key. • The waste ink tank amount that is managed in this machine will be reset. 4 Open the waste ink tank cover. 5 Pull it frontward to remove by holding the waste ink tank handle. • The message is displayed when it reaches 80% (1.6L) of the 2L tank. Hook Knob KnobHook Waste ink tank 5-20 Chapter 5 Maintenance 6 Replace the waste ink tank. (1) Prepare a new waste ink tank (SPC-0117) or discard waste ink from current waste ink tank. (2) Insert the waste ink tank by holding a handle of the tank. 7 Close the waste ink tank cover. 8 Press the key. • The ink discharging amount that is controlled by the machine is reset and the message is canceled. Replacing the waste ink tank before the waste ink tank confirmation message is displayed If you replace the waste ink tank before the waste ink tank confirmation message is displayed (before the 2.0L tank is 80% (1.6L) full, use the same procedure in the previous section. 1 Perform steps 3 through 8 in "Replace the waste ink tank with another" ( P.5-19) to empty the waste ink tank. Replacing the Cutter Blade The media cutter blade is consumable. When the cutter blade gets dull, replace it with a new one (SPA-0107). 1 Press the (MENU) and press the key. • Cutting menu is displayed. 2 Press to select “TOOL CHANGE”, and then press the key. • The cutter unit moves. • Put a cap on the waste ink tank removed. • Waste ink is equivalent to waste oil of industrial waste. Request an industrial waste disposal com- pany for disposal of waste ink. Cap Empty waste ink tank • The blade is sharp. Be careful not to hurt yourself or anyone else. • Store the cutter blade in a place that is out of the reach of children. In addition, dispose of used cut- ter blades according to regional laws and regula- tions. • When replacing the cutter blade, it is recom- mended to place a sheet of paper under the cutter blade. This will help pick up the cutter blade if it drops. Cutter Unit 5-21 5 2 Chapter 5 Maintenance 3 Replace the cutter unit by the carriage. • Now the cutter unit can be moved manually. Move the cutter unit to the position where you can assure easy access, and replace the blade edge. (1) Loosen the screw of the cutter unit. (2) Remove the cutter unit. (3) Mount a new cutter unit. (4) Fasten the screw of the cutter unit to secure the cutter unit. 4 When replacement is finished, press the key. 5 Press the key several times. Replacing and Adjust- ing the Cutter Blade Replacing the cutter The cutter is consumable. If the cutter is chipped or blunt, replace it with a new one. (Accessory parts number: SPA- 0030) New cutter (low-pressure blade set for PVC sheets: Model SPB-0030) are available from your distributor or MIMAKI's sales office. 1 Remove the cap located at the edge by rotating it. 2 Replace the cutter with a new one using tweezers or the like. Screw Cutter Unit • Do not touch the cutter with your fingers. The sharp cutter tip may injure you. • Do not shake the tool after having set the cutter. Otherwise, the blade edge may pop out, causing you to get injured. • Keep the cutter out of reach of children. Dispose of the used cutter blade in compliance with the applicable regulations. Name of product Product No. Specifi cation Remarks Decentering blade for vinyl sheet SPB-0001 Three blades Decentering blade for small letters SPB-0003 Three blades Decentering blade for rubber sheet SPB-0005 Three blades Decentering blade for reflecting sheet SPB-0006 Two blades Decentering blade for fluorescent sheet SPB-0007 Three blades Replacing the cutter other than supplied one SPB-0030 Three blades supplied one Decentering blade for thick rubber sheet SPB-0084 Three blades Cutter holder Cutter Cap 5-22 Chapter 5 Maintenance Adjusting the Cutter Blade After adjusting the blade edge, set the cut condition and perform test cut to check whether cutting is performed well. 1 Turn the adjusting knob to adjust the protruding amount of the cutter. • Turn the knob in the direction of the arrow to extend the cutter blade. ( 0.5 mm per revolution) Replacing cutters other than sup- plied one 1 Loosen the lock nut, and pull the adjusting knob out of the holder. 2 Insert the cutter into the adjusting knob. • Use tweezers to insert the cutter into the adjusting knob. 3 Tighten the lock nut. Adjusting blade edge of cutters other than supplied one 1 Loosen the lock nut. 2 Turn the adjusting knob to adjust the protruding amount of the cutter blade. 3 Tighten the lock nut so that the adjusting knob will not turn. Cutter Adjusting knob Lock nut Adjusting knob • The blade adjuster (Product No.: OPT-S1005) will facilitate the adjustment of the protruding amount of the blade. Lock nut Adjusting knob This chapter describes the corrective measures to be taken for a phenomenon suspected to be trouble and the procedures to clear the error number displayed on the LCD. Troubleshooting ...............................................................................6-2 Power does not turn on ...................................................................6-2 The machine does not start printing ................................................6-2 Media get jammed / media is soiled ................................................6-2 Image quality is poor .......................................................................6-3 Nozzle is clogged ............................................................................6-3 An error occurred in the ink bottle ...................................................6-3 When the ink leakage occurs ..........................................................6-3 Warning / Error Messages ...............................................................6-4 Warning messages ..........................................................................6-4 Error messages ...............................................................................6-7 Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 6-2 Troubleshooting Trouble? Take appropriate actions as described below before taking the trouble as a failure. If still the problem is not solved after troubleshooting, contact your local distributor or our service desk. Power does not turn on In most cases, this is due to improper connection of the power cable for the machine or computer. Check that the power cable is connected properly. The machine does not start printing This occurs when the data is not being transmitted to the machine properly. It can also occur when the printing function does not work properly or the media is not set correctly. Media get jammed / media is soiled Media jamming or stained media is considered to be due to the use of an unsuitable media or improper setting of media. Has the power cable been connected between the machine and a power plug socket ? Securely connect the power cable. Is the main switch ON ? Turn on the main switch. ( P.2-3) Is the power switch located on the front of machine "ON" ? Turn on the power switch on the front of the machine. (P.2-3) Is the correct interface cable used ? Use the cable exclusive for the machine. Is the interface cable properly connected ? Securely connect the interface cable. Yes Is the message on the display indicating that ink has run out ? Replace the ink bottle with a new one. Is a recommended media used ? Use recommended media. Is the media not curled or bent ends ? Avoid using any media with curls or bent ends. Yes Is the media hanging down along the platen ? Use a take-up unit or Re-load the media on the machine. P.2-12P.2-4 No No No No No Yes No No No Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 6-3 1 2 2 2 2 6 Image quality is poor This section describes the corrective actions to be taken in case the image quality is not satisfactory. Take remedy for particular problems with image quality. If the remedy does not work, contact your local distributor or our service desk. Nozzle is clogged When nozzle clogging is not dissolved even after the head cleaning referring to P.2-19, make sure the following operations. Wash the head nozzle by the operations of P.5-9. Follow the procedures described in P.5-16 to perform the FILL UP INK operation. Follow the procedures described in P.5-16 to perform the AIR PURGE operation. Recover the nozzle by the operations of P.5-13. An error occurred in the ink bottle If an ink bottle fails, a warning message will be displayed. None of printing, cleaning and all the other operations that use ink is available. When abnormality occurs, please take following actions. • Check the amount of ink in the ink bottle and replenish it if the ink volume is low. When the ink leakage occurs In case of ink leakage, please turn off the main power, unplug the power cable and contact our service office or distributor. Phenomenon Measures White lines / blur / dark stripes (in the direction of travel of the heads) (1) Execute the head cleaning. P.2-19 (2) Perform maintenance of the inside of the station. P.5-6 (3) Execute the [FEED COMP.] function. P.3-8 (4) If any pieces of paper or dust is attached on the path of the heads such as media press, remove it. Characters are double- or triple-printed in the media feed direction (1) Execute the [FEED COMP.] function. P.3-5 Disagreement in print positions in bi- directional print. (1) Execute the [DROP POSITION] function. P.3-6 Ink drops falling on media during printing (1) Clean the wiper. P.5-6 (2) Clean the ink cap. P.5-6 (3) Clean around the head. P.5-12 (4) Execute the head cleaning [NORMAL]. P.2-19 (5) Set the INTERVAL WIPING, operation. P.3-10 • Please do not leave it for a long time with the ink bottle error displayed. Nozzle clogging prevention function will not oper- ate. If nozzles are clogged, the machine must be repaired by MIMAKI's service engineer. Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 6-4 Warning / Error Messages If some trouble occurs, the buzzer sounds and the display shows a corresponding error message. Take an appropriate remedy for the displayed error. Warning messages Errors when performing operations Message displayed in LOCAL Message Cause Measures Operation cannot be performed because no media is detected. • Execute after media is detected. The motor is OFF after the cover was opened etc. • Return to LOCAL and execute the operation after completion of initialization. An ink error occurred. • Execute the operation after replacing with a new ink bottle. The front cover or the maintenance cover is opened. • Execute the operation after closing the cover. Data was received. • Execute the operation after executing data clear. Message Cause Measures The waste ink tank count has exceeded the prescribed amount. • Check the amount of waste ink in the waste ink tank. • Conduct maintenance and waste ink tank replacement, and reset the amount of waste ink. The used count of wiper has exceeded the prescribed number. • Execute maintenance, station maintenance and wiper exchange and replace the wiper. No media is set. Or, the sensor is faulty. • Set the media. If the same error message still appears after setting the media, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. Print data is received in LOCAL. • Shift to REMOTE and execute printing. Or, execute data clear and cancel printing. Temperature in the installed environment (machine) is too high. Stable printing cannot be done. • Adjust the ambient temperature to within the specified scope (20 ℃ to 35 ℃ ). Temperature in the installed environment (machine) is too low. Stable printing cannot be done. The NCU unit is not connected. The nozzle check function cannot be used. • Turn off the power on the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. INVALID OPERATION MEDIA UNDETECT INVALID OPERATION MOTOR POWER OFF INVALID OPERATION INK ERROR INVALID OPERATION COVER OPEN INVALID OPERATION DATA REMAIN Check waste ink Replace WIPER NO MEDIA DATA REMAIN MACHINE TEMP./H **°C MACHINE TEMP./L **°C NCU CONNECT Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 6-5 1 2 2 2 2 6 The NCU sensor sensitivity is too low to correctly judge nozzle missing. The nozzle check function cannot be used. • NCU replacement is necessary. • Contact our service desk or your local dis- tributor to call for service. • Check the state of the nozzles, and if there are frequent nozzle missing and ink droplet misalignment, conduct cleaning to restore. Because an NCU-related error occurred during nozzle check, printing was stopped and the nozzle check function was turned OFF. • Check the state of the nozzles, and if there are frequent nozzle missing and ink droplet misalignment, conduct cleaning to restore. • If the same error message still appears after restoring the state of the nozzles, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. The NCU ink pad is full. • It is necessary to replace the NCU ink pad. Contact our service desk or your local dis- tributor to call for service. The NCU sensor sensitivity is falling. • Replacement of the NCU is recommended. Contact our service desk or your local dis- tributor to call for service. The sensitivity of the sensor can not be adjusted. The sensitivity of the sensor can not be adjusted. Because the nozzle check found nozzles missing, printing was stopped. • Perform head cleaning (P.2-19) and deal with the nozzles clogging (P.3-23). Because an NCU-related error occurred during nozzle check, printing was stopped and the nozzle check function was turned OFF. • Contact our service desk or your local dis- tributor to call for service. Message Cause Measures REPLACE NCU NCU NZK CHK (HW) Nozzle check OFF NCU NZK CHK (MARK) Nozzle check OFF NCU CENTER POS Nozzle check OFF NCU FLUSH POS Nozzle check OFF NCU SN ADJST Nozzle check OFF REPLACE NCU INK PAD NCU SENSOR LEVEL LOW NCU Sens Adj Err H NCU Sens Adj Err L Nozzle Missing Print Stopped NCU ERROR Nozzle check OFF Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 6-6 Ink Error Ink error is displayed also in the local guidance. ( P.3-27) Message Cause Measures • The ink cartridge IC chip cannot be cor- rectly read. • An error occurred in the information of the ink IC chip. • Make sure there is no nozzle clogging. (especially for the white ink) • Make sure that the cartridge is correctly inserted. • Reinsert the cartridge. • Turn off the power on the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. The ink type of loaded ink IC chip is dif- ferent from the ink type to be loaded. • Set the ink IC chip of correct ink type. The ink color of loaded ink IC chip is dif- ferent from the ink color to be loaded. • Set the ink IC chip of correct ink color. No ink IC chip (ink bottle not loaded). • Set an ink IC chip. • Make sure that the ink IC chip is correctly inserted. • Turn off the power on the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. Ink end (no ink). • Replace the ink with a new one. INK NEAR END (remains slight ink). • The ink will soon be used up. See pages through. The specified expiration date of an ink cartridge has passed. (Available) • Be careful as the expiration date of ink is coming soon, please use as soon as possi- ble. Can be used till the next month. The specified expiration date of an ink cartridge has passed. (one month has passed after the speci- fied expiration date/available) • Be careful as the expiration date of ink is coming soon, please use as soon as possi- ble. Can be used till the next month. The specified expiration date of an ink cartridge has passed. (two month has passed after the speci- fied expiration date/available) • Replace the ink with a new one. WRONG INK IC INK TYPE INK COLOR NON INK IC Ink end Ink near-end Expiration Expiration:1MONTH Expiration:2MONTH Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 6-7 1 2 2 2 2 6 Error messages When an error message is displayed, eliminate the error according to the chart below. When displaying again, contact your local distributor or our service desk to call for service. Message Cause Measures An error occurred in the head tempera- ture control. • Turn off the power to the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. Print head connection error Print head failure An error occurred in the main PCB . An error occurred in the head control. Detected the battery life end of the main PCB. An error occurred in the head control. An error occurred in the head control. An error occurred in the log control. An error occurred in the power supply system of the main PCB. An error occurred in the power supply of the main PCB. ERROR 108 HD THERMIS [1234] ERROR 108 HD CONNECT [1234] ERROR 108 ERROR 108 HD MEM EMP [1234 ] ERROR 108 HD TYPE [1234] ERROR 122 CHECK:SDRAM ERROR 128 HDC FIFO OVER ERROR 128 HDC FIFO UNDER ERROR 129 BATTERY EXCHANGE ERROR 12a HDC SPEED ERROR 130 HD DATA SEQ ERROR 148 E-LOG SEQ ERROR 151 Main PCB V1R2 ERROR 152 Main PCB V2R5 ERROR 153 Main PCB V3R3 ERROR 154 Main PCB V05 ERROR 155 Main PCB V36-1 ERROR 157 Main PCB VTT ERROR 158 Main PCB V36-2 ERROR 16e Main PCB V3R3B Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 6-8 An error occurred in the power supply of the main PCB. • Turn off the power to the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. COM driver becomes the high tempera- ture. New Print Head was recognized. An error occurred in the power supply of the main PCB. An error occurred in the head control. UVLED PCB not connected. An abnormality occurred in the power supply of Station 4 PCB. Memory size is insufficient. The machine received some data other than print data. Or, an error occurred in the transmitted print data. • Execute data clear and transmit data again. • Turn the power on again and transmit the data. • Check the USB cable connection. • Use an interface cable conforming to the specifications. An error occurred in the transmitted print data. The machine received some data unprintable condition. • Check the print data output condition of the RIP software. • Check the profile. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. An error occurred in the communication of USB. • Check the USB cable connection. • Connect the USB cable again. • Turn the power on again and transmit the data. • Use an interface cable conforming to the specifications. Message Cause Measures ERROR 18a Main PCB V_CORE ERROR 18c Main PCB V12 ERROR 15f HEAD DRIVE HOT ERROR 171 NEW HEAD CONNECT ERROR 18a Main PCB V_CORE ERROR 18b Main PCB V1R5B ERROR 18c Main PCB V12 ERROR 18e FLS NOT COMP ERROR 18f OFSET START ERROR 18f OFSET END ERROR 19f LED Connection Error ERROR 1dc Station4 PCB V24 ERROR 1dd Station4 PCB V24-A ERROR 1e6 PRAM SIZE SHORTAGE ERROR 201 COMMAND ERROR ERROR 202 PARAMETER ERROR ERROR 206 PRINTING MODE ERROR 304 USB INIT ERR ERROR 305 USB TIME OUT Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 6-9 1 2 2 2 2 6 An error occurred while accessing the printing condition data. • Turn off the power on the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. An excessive load was applied to the X motor. • Make sure that the media is set correctly. (Feed without problems?) • Open the cover and check whether there is any obstacle in the movement of the car- riage. • Turn off the power on the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. An error due to an excessive current of the X motor was detected. An excessive load was applied to the Y motor. An error due to an excessive current of the Y motor was detected. UV unit fan does not work • Turn off the power on the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. Error on the roller sensor of take-up unit The roller sensor cannot be correctly read. • Make sure that the setting of [Machine set- ting] -> [feeding / take-up unit] -> [take-up unit] is "ON". • Check the set state of the media. • Confirm that the take-up unit operates using the manual SW. Could not separate the print head. • Turn off the power on the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. Could not connect to the print head. Could not separate the cutter head. Could not connect to the cutter head. Inappropriate pinch roller position. • Position the pinch roller on the grit roller. When displaying again again, contact your local distributor or our service desk to call for service. An error occurred in the control position. • Turn off the power on the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. An error occurred in the Y origin detection (initialization operation). Error occurred in the linear scale. The media width could not be correctly read. • Check the media set position. • Clean the media sensor. • Turn off the power on the machine and turn it on after a while. The media is set outside the proper area. Raise the clamp lever. • Check the clamp lever is lowered. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. Message Cause Measures ERROR 307 MCFD File IF Error ERROR 401 MOTOR X ERROR 403 X CURRENT ERROR 402 MOTOR Y ERROR 404 Y CURRENT ERROR 44e UV UNIT FAN ERROR ERROR 44 f Take-UP Roll Sns Err ERROR 45a P-HEAD TAKE OFF Err ERROR 45b C-HEAD CONNECT Err ERROR 45c C-HEAD TAKE OFF Err ERROR 45d P-HEAD CONNECT Err ERROR 45e CHECK PR/GR POSITION ERROR 509 HDC POSCNT ERROR 50a Y ORIGIN ERROR 50f L-SCALE BLACK ERROR 50c MEDIA WIDTH SENSOR ERROR 516 MEDIA SET POSITION R ERROR 504 CLAMP UP Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 6-10 MEDIA JAM SENSOR reacted. • Remove the contacted media and reset it. • Open the cover and check whether there is any obstacle in the movement of the car- riage. Automatic recognition of negative pres- sure sensor failed. • Turn off the power on the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. Cutter head could not be moved due to connection failure between the cutter head and the connecting unit. The internal circuit of the ionizer was broken or abnormal discharge occurred. Due to contamination and abrasion of the electrode needle, the ion generation amount is reduced. • Clean the electrode needle by looking at the ionizer instruction manual. • If the symptoms do not improve, replace the corresponding static electrode needle. When ions are absorbed by the sur- rounding metal, the static elimination capability is affected by instability of installation environment (temperature, humidity, surrounding metals, etc.). • Make sure there are no conductors or other static eliminator near the ionizer. • Keep away from conductors and static elimi- nators if they are nearby. Pump sensor detection error. • Turn off the power on the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. The linear scale wiring to the DIO PCB is disconnected. The IC chip cannot be correctly read. • Make sure that the IC chip is correctly inserted. • Reinsert the bottle. • Turn off the power on the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. The float sensor of the subtank detected Limit. • Perform "Maintenance" "Overflow Mainte- nance". When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. Failed to supply ink to the sub tank • Turn off the power on the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. It became impossible to maintain the negative pressure within the proper range (plus side) It became impossible to maintain the negative pressure within the proper range (minus side) It became impossible to maintain the positive pressure within the proper range (plus side) IC chip can not be read for a certain time. • Make sure that the bottle is correctly inserted. • Reinsert the bottle. • Turn off the power on the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. Message Cause Measures ERROR 505 MEDIA JAM ERROR 519 NEGATIVE P.SENSOR ERROR 522 CUT HOME POSITION ERROR 525 WRONG IONIZER ERROR 526 IONIZER ION LEVEL ERROR 527 IONIZER CONDITION ERROR 528 PUMP MOTOR SENSOR ERROR 549 LEnc. Count DIO ERROR 608 WRONG INK IC ERROR 61A InkOverflow ERROR 61B SUPPLY INK ERROR 61D NEGATIVE P. NotEnough, ERROR 61E NEGATIVE P. OVER, ERROR 620 POSITIVE P.NotEnough, ERROR 621 POSITIVE P.OVER, ERROR 627 ERROR627 INK BOTTLE SET Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 6-11 1 2 2 2 2 6 The NCU unit is not connected. The noz- zle check function cannot be used. • Turn off the power on the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. The NCU sensor sensitivity is too low to correctly judge nozzle missing. The noz- zle check function cannot be used. • NCU replacement is necessary. Contact our service desk or your local dis- tributor to call for service. The NCU cannot correctly recognize the ink discharge, because there are fre- quent nozzle missing and ink droplet misalignment. • Check the state of the nozzles, and if there are frequent nozzle missing and ink droplet misalignment, conduct cleaning to restore. Adjustment of the discharge position to the NCU has failed. Sensor sensitivity adjustment has failed. • Check the state of the nozzles, and if there are frequent nozzle missing and ink droplet misalignment, conduct cleaning to restore. If the same error message still appears after restoring the state of the nozzles, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. The NCU sensor sensitivity is falling. • Replacement of the NCU is recommended. Contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. The sensitivity of the sensor can not be adjusted. Ink heater thermistor broke down. • Turn off the power on the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. UV-DRV PCB fuse blown. Due to a certain error, the function can- not be performed. • Execute the operation after closing the cover. • Execute after media is detected. • Execute after solving the ink error. Performed an operation that can not be executed while receiving print data. • Execute after clearing the data. An error occurred in the mounted heads. • Turn off the power on the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. Message Cause Measures ERROR 650 NCU CONECT ERROR 651 REPLACE NCU ERROR 652 NCU NZK CHK (HW) ERROR 653 NCU NZK CHK (MARK) ERROR 654 NCU CENTER POS ERROR 655 NCU FLUSH POS ERROR 656 NCU SN ADJST ERROR 658 NCU SENSOR LV LOW ERROR 65b NCU Sens Adj Err H ERROR 65c NCU Sens Adj Err L ERROR 715 InkHeater Thr ERROR 716 InkHeater Tmp ERROR 717 InkHeater Brk ERROR 71a UV-DRV PCB fuse ERROR 901 INVALID OPERATION ERROR 902 DATA REMAIN ERROR 90d NO HEAD SELECT Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 6-12 Insufficient print area in built-in pattern printing. • Change the media to the one with enough width or length. When the media width narrows because the origin moved, slide the origin to the right to widen the effective media width. An error occurred in the main PCB. • Turn off the power on the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. Received the code other than the com- mand date. • Execute data clear and transmit data again. • Turn the power on again and transmit the data. • Check the USB cable connection. • Use an interface cable conforming to the specifications. Received the parameters outside the value range. Received the invalid device control com- mand. You have performed "Copy", but the data is not stored in the reception buffer. • Execute Copy function using the same data one more time. The received data is too big to multiple sheet cutting. • Please change the data size. The feeding direction of the sheet is too short. • Use a longer sheet. Could not detect the register marks. (1) Check whether the register marks are placed appropriately. (P.4-2) (2) Make sure that the media is not curled. (3) Make sure that the position to start detecting the register marks is correct. (4) Make sure that black register marks are printed on a white base. (5) Make sure that there are no printed images or smudges between register marks and that there is no dust adhered. (6) Make sure that the register mark detection settings are correct. (7) If the register marks still cannot be detected, even after clearing the check items above, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. (8) If the area around register marks are colored, set the “MARK FILL UP” of the register mark detection settings to ON. The register mark detection result shows that the origin position was detected out- side the print range. • Place the register marks within the sheet. Could not detect the pen height. • Turn off the power on the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. The pen height is not correct. (1) Make sure that the pen line rubber is not worn out extremely, or it has not come off or changed form. (2) Make sure that there is nothing adhered to the pen line rubber. (3) After putting the pen in the commercially available pen holder, check that it is installed at the correct position. (4) If an error is still displayed even after clearing the check items above, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. Message Cause Measures ERROR 90f PRINT AREA SHORT ERROR 04 PARAM ROM ERROR C10 COMMAND ERROR C11 PARAMETER ERROR C12 DEVICE ERROR C31 NO DATA ERROR C32 DATAtooBIG ERROR C33 SHEET SIZE ERROR C36 MARKdetect ERROR C37 MARK ORG ERROR C60 PenEncoder ERROR C61 Pen Stroke Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 6-13 1 2 2 2 2 6 SYSTEM HALT Power supply voltage error on CTC PCB. • Turn off the power on the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. Power supply voltage error on UV-DRV PCB. An error occurred in the power supply of the STATION IV PCB. Message Measures • Turn off the power to the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again again, check the number and contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. (“000” is the error No.) • Perform cleaning around the wiper. • Turn off the power to the machine and turn it on after a while. When displaying again again, check the number and contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. Message Cause Measures ERROR B0A CTC PCB Vpow ERROR B0B CTC PCB V24 ERROR B0C CTC PCB V5R0 ERROR B0D CTC PCB V3R3 ERROR B0E CTC PCB V2R5 ERROR B0F DIO PCB Uvpow ERROR B19 Station4 PCB V36 SYSTEM HALT (*) 000 : MESSAGE SYSTEM HALT (*) 406 : WIPER ORG Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 6-14 This chapter contains the lists of the specifications and functions of this machine. Specification ....................................................................................7-2 Printer Section Specifications ..........................................................7-2 Cutter Section Specifications ...........................................................7-3 Common Specifications ...................................................................7-4 Ink specifications .............................................................................7-6 Ink bottle installation order ...............................................................7-7 Sheet for inquiry ..............................................................................7-8 Chapter 7 Appendix Chapter 7 Appendix 7-2 Specification Printer Section Specifications UCJV300 Series UCJV150 Series Item UCJV300-160 UCJV300-130 UCJV300-107 UCJV300-75 Print head Method Drop-on-demand piezoelectric print heads Specification 2 heads, 8 nozzles: 4c/6c+WW (in-line) Printing mode (scan x feed) 300x600dpi *1 / 300x900dpi / 600x600dpi / 600x1200dpi / 1200x1200dpi *1. Depending on the ink type, it may not be installed. Plotting resolution x-dpi: 600, 900, 1200 y-dpi: 300, 600, 1200 Usable inks UV curing ink (genuine Mimaki ink) C, M, Y, K, Lc, Lm, W, CL Ink supply Supplied from bottles (UV curing ink) Ink capacity 1L (1 bottle for each color) Usable media Label stock (paper-based) / PVC sheet (including laminated; thickness no more than 0.25 mm) / Fluorescent sheet / Reflective sheet Margin Leaf media Left end and right end : 15 mm (Default) / Min. 5 mm Front : 120 mm Rear : 150 mm (Left end and right end : 0.6 in (Default) / Min. 0.2 in Front : 4.7 in Rear : 5.9 in) Roll media Left end and right end : 15 mm (Default) / Min. 5 mm Front : 120 mm Rear : 150 mm (Left end and right end : 0.6 in (Default) / Min. 0.2 in Front : 4.7 in Rear : 5.9 in) Head height adjustment Manual 3-stage (2.0/2.5/3.0) Waste ink tank Bottle type (2,000 cc) Command MRL- V UV unit Two air-cooled LED UV irradiation units (mounted on the head slider) Item UCJV150-160 Print head Method Drop-on-demand piezoelectric print heads Specification 1 heads, 4 nozzles: 4c Printing mode (scan x feed) 300x600dpi *1 / 300x900dpi / 600x600dpi / 600x1200dpi / 1200x1200dpi *1. Depending on the ink type, it may not be installed. Plotting resolution x-dpi: 600, 900, 1200 y-dpi: 300, 600, 1200 Usable inks UV curing ink (genuine Mimaki ink) C, M, Y, K Ink supply Supplied from bottles (UV curing ink) Ink capacity 1L (1 bottle for each color) Usable media Label stock (paper-based) / PVC sheet (including laminated; thickness no more than 0.25 mm) / Fluorescent sheet / Reflective sheet Margin Leaf media Left end and right end : 15 mm (Default) / Min. 5 mm Front : 120 mm Rear : 150 mm (Left end and right end : 0.6 in (Default) / Min. 0.2 in Front : 4.7 in Rear : 5.9 in) Roll media Left end and right end : 15 mm (Default) / Min. 5 mm Front : 120 mm Rear : 150 mm (Left end and right end : 0.6 in (Default) / Min. 0.2 in Front : 4.7 in Rear : 5.9 in) Head height adjustment Manual 3-stage (2.0/2.5/3.0) Waste ink tank Bottle type (2,000 cc) Command MRL- V UV unit Two air-cooled LED UV irradiation units (mounted on the head slider) Chapter 7 Appendix 7-3 1 2 2 2 2 2 7 Cutter Section Specifications Item Specifications Maximum speed *1 *1. The maximum speed may be limited, depending on the size of a used medium. In addition, the cutting section does not operate with both speed and acceleration being at the maximum. 30 cm/s (42 cm/s in the 45° direction) (118.1 in/s (165.4 in/s in the 45° direction)) Maximum acceleration 0.5G Cutting pressure 10 to 450g (0.02 to 1.0lb) Number of times the cutter responds to a medium 10 times/sec Usable tools Eccentric cutter/ water-based ballpoint pen/ oil-based ballpoint pen/ Ballpoint pen for handwriting (sold on the market) *2 *2. Use one with a diameter of 8 to 9 Φ whose clamped part has no protrusion or taper. In addition, because the position of the pen point changes, depending on the types of pens, no good image quality can be ensured. Usable media Polyvinyl chloride sheet (Thickness of 0.25mm or less with laminate) /fluorescent sheet *3 *4 reflecting sheet *4 (excluding high-intensity reflecting sheets)/ Label card (paper- based)/ Heat transfer rubber sheet (Polyvinyl chloride sheet (Thickness of 0.01in or less with laminate)/ fluorescent sheet / reflecting sheet *4 (excluding high-intensity reflecting sheets)/ Label card (paper-based)/ Heat transfer rubber sheet) *3. This conforms with our specified sheet. This conforms with our specified sheet. *4. When a blade dedicated for fluorescent sheets (SPB-0007) or a blade dedicated for reflecting sheets (SPB-0006) is used. When a blade dedicated for fluorescent sheets (SPB-0007) or a blade dedicated for reflecting sheets (SPB-0006) is used. Margin Leaf media Left and right: 15mm (0.6in) (default value), Minimum: 5mm (0.2in), Front: 135 mm (5.3in), Rear: 150 mm (5.9in) Roll media Left and right: 15mm (0.6in) (default value), Minimum: 5mm (0.2in), Front: 135 mm (5.3in), Rear: 150 mm (5.9in) Repetition accuracy *5 *5. For repetition accuracy, see the lower part of this page. ± 0.2 mm or less (excluding expansion and contraction due to temperature) Reception buffer memory 256 MB Command MGL-II c2 Program step 25μm/step Chapter 7 Appendix 7-4 Common Specifications UCJV300 Series Item UCJV300-160 UCJV300-130 UCJV300-107 UCJV300-75 Max. printing/ cutting width 1610mm (63.4in) 1361mm (53.6in) 1090mm (42.9in) 800mm (31.5in) Roll media SIZE Maximum 1620mm (63.8in) 1371mm (54.0in) 1100mm (43.3in) 810mm (31.9in) Minimum 210mm (8.3in) Thickness 1.0 mm or less (0.04 in or less) Roll outside diame- ter *1 *1. It is outside diameter and weight after take-up media. Paper media : Φ250 mm or less (Φ9.8 in or less) Other media : Φ210 mm or less (Φ8.3 in or less) Roll weight *1,*2 *2. Without deflection of the roll when it is retained at both ends. 40 kg or less (88.2 lb or less) Roll inside diameter 2 or 3 inches Printing surface Inside/outside Roll end treatment The roll end is gently fixed to the core with weak-adhesive tape or weak glue for easy removal. Leaf media SIZE Maximum 1620mm (63.8in) 1371mm (54.0in) 1100mm (43.3in) 810mm (31.9in) Minimum 210mm (8.3in) Distance accuracy Absolute accuracy Whichever the larger one of ± 0.3 mm or ± 0.3 % of the designated (Whichever the larger one of ± 0.01 in or ± 0.3 % of the designated) Reproducibility Whichever the larger one of ± 0.2 mm or ± 0.1 % of the designated (Whichever the larger one of ± 0.08in or ± 0.1 % of the designated) Perpendicularity ± 0.5 mm / 1000 mm (± 0.02 in / 39.4 in) Media delivery Take-up device supplied as a standard accessory (switching possible between face in and face out). Interface Print data transfer function USB 2.0, Ethernet 1000 BASE-T E-mail function Ethernet 10 BASE-T / 100BASE-TX / 1000BA Noise During standby Less than 55 dB (A) (FAST-A, Front & Rear & Left & Right 1 m) During continuous printing Less than 65 dB (A) During discontinu- ous printing Less than 70 dB (A) Safety Standard VCCI-Class A, FCC-Class A, UL 60950-1 compliant ETL, CE Marking (EMC,Low Voltage Directive,Machinery Directive, RoHS Directive), CB Report, RoHS, Energy Star, RCM Power Single-phase AC100 - 120V / 200 - 240V ±10% 50/60Hz ± 1Hz Power consumption [email protected] system / [email protected] system Recommended Environment Available temp. 20 °C to 30 °C (68 °F to 86 °F) Humidity 35 to 65% Rh (No condensation) Guaranteed temp. 20 °C to 25 ℃ (68 °F to 86 °F) Temperature change ± 10 °C / h or less (± 50 °F / h or less) Dust Equivalent to normal office level Highest operation height 2000 m (6561.7ft) Weight 188kg (414.5lb) 177kg (390.2lb) 161kg (354.9lb) 144kg (317.5lb) Outside dimensions Width 2900mm (114.2in) 2650mm (104.3in) 2380mm (93.7in) 2090mm (82.3in) Depth 776mm (30.6in) Height 1475 mm (58.1in) (excluding ink bottle height) Chapter 7 Appendix 7-5 1 2 2 2 2 2 7 UCJV150 Series Item UCJV150-160 Max. printing/ cutting width 1610mm (63.4in) Roll media SIZE Maximum 1620mm (63.8in) Minimum 210mm (8.3in) Thickness 1.0 mm or less (0.04 in or less) Roll outside diame- ter *1 *1. It is outside diameter and weight after take-up media. Paper media : Φ250 mm or less (Φ9.8 in or less) Other media : Φ210 mm or less (Φ8.3 in or less) Roll weight *1,*2 *2. Without deflection of the roll when it is retained at both ends. 40 kg or less (88.2 lb or less) Roll inside diameter 2 or 3 inches Printing surface Inside/outside Roll end treatment The roll end is gently fixed to the core with weak-adhesive tape or weak glue for easy removal. Leaf media SIZE Maximum 1620mm (63.8in) Minimum 210mm (8.3in) Distance accuracy Absolute accuracy Whichever the larger one of ± 0.3 mm or ± 0.3 % of the designated (Whichever the larger one of ± 0.01 in or ± 0.3 % of the designated) Reproducibility Whichever the larger one of ± 0.2 mm or ± 0.1 % of the designated (Whichever the larger one of ± 0.08in or ± 0.1 % of the designated) Perpendicularity ± 0.5 mm / 1000 mm (± 0.02 in / 39.4 in) Media delivery Take-up device supplied as a standard accessory (switching possible between face in and face out). Interface Print data transfer function USB 2.0, Ethernet 1000 BASE-T E-mail function Ethernet 10 BASE-T / 100BASE-TX / 1000BA Noise During standby Less than 55 dB (A) (FAST-A, Front & Rear & Left & Right 1 m) During continuous printing Less than 65 dB (A) During discontinu- ous printing Less than 70 dB (A) Safety Standard VCCI-Class A, FCC-Class A, UL 60950-1 compliant ETL, CE Marking (EMC,Low Voltage Directive,Machinery Directive, RoHS Directive), CB Report, RoHS, Energy Star, RCM Power Single-phase AC100 - 120V / 200 - 240V ±10% 50/60Hz ± 1Hz Power consumption [email protected] system / [email protected] system Recommended Environment Available temp. 20 °C to 30 °C (68 °F to 86 °F) Humidity 35 to 65% Rh (No condensation) Guaranteed temp. 20 °C to 25 ℃ (68 °F to 86 °F) Temperature change ± 10 °C / h or less (± 50 °F / h or less) Dust Equivalent to normal office level Highest operation height 2000 m (6561.7ft) Weight 183kg (403.4lb) Outside dimensions Width 2900mm (114.2in) Depth 776mm (30.6in) Height 1475 mm (58.1in) (excluding ink bottle height) Chapter 7 Appendix 7-6 Ink specifications Item UV ink Supply 1 L ink bottle Color Black ink Cyan ink Magenta ink Yellow ink Light cyan ink Light magenta ink White ink Clear ink Ink capacity 1L Shelf life The period is printed on the ink bottle. Within three months after opening the package even in the available period. Storage temperature Storage 5 to 30 ℃ (Up to 1 month at 30 ℃ ) • Be sure to keep a vessel in the airtight condition. • Be sure to keep a vessel in a dry, well-ventilated, cool and dark location. Transportation 1 to 60 ℃ (Up to 120 hours at 60 ℃ , up to 1 month at 40 ℃ ) • Avoid the condition lower than 0 °C and higher than 40 °C. (Avoid the condition lower than 32 °F and higher than 104 °F.) • Do not disassemble ink bottles and do not refill them with ink. • Ink could freeze if kept in a cold place for an extended period. If the ink freezes, defrost it for at least 3 hours at room temperature (25 ℃ ) before use. Note that the properties of ink that has been frozen will change, resulting in deteriorated print quality. Store the ink in an environment that will not freeze the ink. Chapter 7 Appendix 7-7 1 2 2 2 2 2 7 Ink bottle installation order • The installation order of ink bottles varies depending on the ink set that you are using. Model Ink Set Installation Location 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 UCJV150 Series 4C - - C M Y K - - UCJV300 Series 4C CMYKYKMC 6C + W C M Y K Lm Lc W W 4C + CL + W C M Y K CL CL W W 4C + W C C M M Y K W W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Chapter 7 Appendix 7-8 Sheet for inquiry Use this sheet for troubles and abnormal functions of the machine. Fill in the following necessary items, and fax the sheet to our sales office. Company name Person in charge Telephone number Machine model Operating system Machine information *1 *1. Refer to "Displaying the Information" of "Convenient using" then fill in necessary information. ( P.3-27) Error message Contents of inquiry UCJV300Series/150Series Operation Manual October, 2018 MIMAKI ENGINEERING CO.,LTD. 2182-3 Shigeno-otsu, Tomi-shi, Nagano 389-0512 JAPAN D203176-23-19102018 MK FW : 2.20 © MIMAKI ENGINEERING CO., LTD.2017
Ошибка 504 Gateway Time out – это код состояния HTTP, который означает, что один сервер не получил своевременный отклик от другого сервера, к которому он обратился, пытаясь загрузить веб-страницу или выполнить запрос браузера. Она может возникать вместе с 502 Bad Gateway.
Другими словами, ошибка 504 указывает на то, что у сервера, на котором расположен сайт и у компьютера, на котором выскакивает ошибка 504, отсутствует стабильное достаточно быстрое соединение с интернетом.
- Как можно увидеть ошибку 504 Gateway Time out
- Причины возникновения ошибки 504 Gateway Time out
- Как исправить ошибку 504 Gateway Time out
- Исправление ошибки 504 Gateway Time out на вашем собственном сайте
- Больше способов увидеть ошибку 504 Gateway Time out
- Ошибки похожие на 504 Gateway Time out
Отдельным сайтам разрешено настраивать отображение ошибки Gateway Timeout. Вот несколько распространенных способов вывода подобной ошибки:
504 Gateway Timeout HTTP 504 504 ERROR Gateway Timeout (504) HTTP Error 504 - Gateway Timeout Gateway Timeout Error
Ошибка 504 Gateway Time out появляется внутри окна браузера, как обычная веб-страница. На ней могут быть знакомые верхние и нижние колонтитулы сайта и красивое английское сообщение. Также подобная ошибка может отображаться на полностью белой странице с большой цифрой 504 вверху. Это одно и то же сообщение, независимо от того, как сайт показывает его вам.
Помните, что ошибка 504 Gateway Time out и 502 Bad Gateway nginx может появиться в любом браузере, операционной системе и на любом устройстве.
В большинстве случаев ошибка 504 Gateway Timeout означает, что любой сервер, который выдает «тайм-аут», «упал» или неправильно работает.
Поскольку эта ошибка обычно возникает между серверами в интернете, то, вероятно, она не связана с вашим компьютером, устройством или интернет-соединением.
Перезагрузите веб-страницу, нажав кнопку обновление / перезагрузка, в F5 или повторив URL-адрес из адресной строки.
Несмотря на то, что 504 Gateway Timeout и ошибка 502 Bad Gateway сообщает о неподконтрольной вам ошибке, проблема может быть временной. Просто перезагрузите страницу — это быстро и легко.
- Перезапустите все сетевые устройства. Временные проблемы с модемом, маршрутизатором, коммутаторами или другим сетевым оборудованием могут вызывать ошибку 504 Gateway Timeout. Простой перезапуск этих устройств может помочь.
Подсказка: При том, что порядок выключения этих устройств не важен, порядок включения их наоборот очень важен.
- Проверьте настройки прокси-сервера в своем браузере или приложении. Убедитесь, что они верны. Неправильные настройки прокси-сервера могут вызвать 504 ошибку.
Подсказка. Смотрите Proxy.org обновленный, проверенный список прокси-серверов, которые можно использовать.
Примечание. Большинство компьютеров не имеют настроек прокси-сервера, поэтому, если ваши настройки пусты, пропустите этот шаг.
- Измените DNS-сервер. Возможно, ошибка 504 Gateway Timeout, которую вы видите, вызвана проблемой с DNS-сервером, который вы используете.
Примечание. DNS-сервер, используемый сейчас, вероятно, автоматически назначается вашим провайдером. К счастью, для использования доступны другие DNS-сервера, которые можно выбрать.
Подсказка. Если не все сетевые устройства получают ошибку HTTP 504 или 502 error Bad Gateway, но все они находятся в одной сети, изменение DNS-сервера не сработает. Если это похоже на вашу ситуацию, переходите к следующей идее.
- Если изменений не произошло, обратитесь к сайту. Это единственное, что вы можете сделать. Велика вероятность, что администраторы сайта уже работают, чтобы исправить первопричину ошибки 504 Gateway Timeout.
На большинстве сайтов есть учетные записи социальных сетей, которые они используют для поддержки. А некоторые даже имеют номера телефонов и адреса электронной почты.
Подсказка. Если начинает казаться, что сайт выдает 504 ошибку для всех, поищите в Twitter в режиме реального времени информацию о недоступности сайта. Лучший способ сделать это — найти #websitedown в Twitter. Например, если Facebook может быть недоступен, выполните поиск по тегу #facebookdown.
- Обратитесь к своему интернет-провайдеру. Вероятнее всего, что после описанного выше устранения неполадок, выскакивающая 504 Gateway Timeout — это проблема, вызванная неполадками в Сети, за которую отвечает ваш провайдер.
- Вернуться позже. На данный момент вы исчерпали все варианты, и ошибка 504 Gateway Timeout устраняется администратором сайта или интернет-провайдером.
Регулярно проверяйте сайт. Без сомнения, он снова начнет работать.
В большинстве случаев это происходит не по вашей вине, но и не по вине пользователей вашего ресурса. Начните с проверки того, что сервер может правильно предоставлять доступ ко всем доменам, к которым требуют доступ ваши приложения.
Большие объемы трафика могут привести к тому, что ваш сервер будет выдавать ошибку 504. Хотя 503 или ошибка 502 Bad Gateway будет более вероятна.
В частности, в WordPress сообщение 504: Gateway Timeout иногда возникает из-за поврежденных баз данных. Установите WP-DBManager и попробуйте применить функцию «Восстановить БД», а затем «Оптимизировать БД». Посмотрите, поможет ли это.
Убедитесь, что ваш файл HTACCESS правильный. Особенно если вы только что переустановили WordPress.
Свяжитесь с технической поддержкой хостинга. Возможно, ошибка 504, возвращаемая вашим сайтом, связана с проблемой на их стороне, которую они должны решить.
Ошибка Gateway Timeout при получении в Windows Update генерирует код ошибки 0x80244023 или сообщение WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT.
В программах на базе Windows, которые изначально обращаются к интернету, ошибка 504 может отображаться в небольшом диалоговом окне или окне с ошибкой HTTP_STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT и/или сообщение The request was timed out waiting for a gateway (истекло время ожидания запроса для шлюза).
Менее распространенная ошибка 504 — это Gateway Time-out: The proxy server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server (прокси-сервер не получил своевременного ответа от вышестоящего сервера), но поиск и устранение неисправностей (указанных выше) продолжается.
Ряд сообщений об ошибках аналогичен ошибке 504 Gateway Timeout, поскольку все они происходят на стороне сервера. Некоторые включают в себя ошибку 500 Internal Server («Внутренняя ошибка сервера»), ошибку 502 Bad Gateway (что это означает — «Неверный шлюз»), и ошибку 503 Service Unavailable («Сервис временно недоступен»), среди нескольких других.
Существуют также коды статуса HTTP, которые не являются серверными, а возникают на клиентской стороне. Например, часто встречающаяся ошибка 404 Not Found («Страница не найдена»).
Проблемы, при которых на дисплее появляются сообщения об ошибке
Если в работе устройства возникают проблемы, то раздается звуковой сигнал, и на дисплее появляется соответствующее сообщение об ошибке.
Выполните необходимые корректирующие действия в соответствии с сообщением на дисплее.
Ошибки, сопровождающиеся предупредительными сигналами
Эти ошибки обычно имеют отношение к элементам устройства, которые связаны с чернилами.
Сообщения об ошибках
В сообщениях об ошибках указан номер ошибки. Если на дисплее появилось какое-либо сообщение об ошибке, отключите питание устройства и затем через некоторое время включите его снова. Если на дисплее вновь появится такое же сообщение, свяжитесь с местным дистрибьютором MIMAKI или обратитесь за помощью непосредственно в сервисную службу компании MIMAKI.
Сообщение об ошибке
Отключите на некоторое время питание устройство, затем включите его снова. При появлении на дисплее того же сообщения, обратитесь к местному дистрибьютору за сервисной помощью.
В приложении описаны спецификации и детали устройства, а также структура меню функций.
ОСНОВНЫЕ спецификации
РАЗМЕЩЕНИЕ предупредительных НАДПИСЕЙ
Структура меню функций……………………………………………………..
ОСНОВНЫЕ спецификации |
Наименование | JV3-160SP | |
Печатающая головка | Метод | Пьезоэлектрическая печатающая головка «c каплей по запросу» |
Спецификация | 4 линейные головки | |
Дозатор | 360 дозаторов для каждого цвета | |
Разрешение | 360, 540, 720, 1440 точек на дюйм (т/д) | |
Режим печати | Набор из 4-х цветов | 360 x 360 т/д: 1 / 2 / 4 проходов, в одном/ двух направлениях |
360 x 720 т/д: 2 / 4 / 8 проходов, в одном/ двух направлениях | ||
720 x 720 т/д: 2 / 4 / 8 проходов, в одном/ двух направлениях | ||
720 x 1440 т/д: 4 / 8 / 16 проходов, в одном/ двух направлениях | ||
1440 x 1440 т/д: 8 / 16 проходов, в одном/ двух направлениях | ||
Набор из 6-х цветов | 360 x 360 т/д: 2 / 4 / 8 проходов, в одном/ двух направлениях | |
360 x 540 т/д: 3 / 6 / 12 проходов, в одном/ двух направлениях | ||
360 x 720 т/д: 4 / 8 / 16 проходов, в одном/ двух направлениях | ||
720 x 720 т/д: 4 / 8 / 16 проходов, в одном/ двух направлениях | ||
720 x 1440 т/д: 8 / 16 / 32 проходов, в одном/ двух направлениях | ||
1440 x 1440 т/д: 16 / 32 проходов, в одном/ двух направлениях | ||
Используемые чернила | Набор из 4-х цветов | 4 цвета (черный, циан, маджента, желтый) по два цвета на 1 картридж для каждого цвета |
Набор из 6-х цветов | 6 цветов сольвентных чернил (черный, циан, маджента, желтый, светлый циан, светлая маджента), по одному каждого цвета, и 2 картриджа очистительной жидкости для 1 картриджа каждого цвета | |
Емкость чернильного картриджа | 4-цветный набор: каждый цвет (220 cc 5 cc для каждого картриджа) x 2
6-цветный набор: каждый цвет (220 cc 5 cc для каждого картриджа) x 1 Около 200 cc для каждого картриджа, изменяемая |
Тип материала для печати | Баннер, FF, ПВХ | |
Макс. ширина печати | 1440 x 1440 т/д: 1610 мм (для 4 цветов), 1000 мм (для 6 цветов) | |
При нормальном сканировании | 1610 мм | |
Высокоскоростное сканирование | 1570 мм | |
Размеры рулонного материала | (макс.) | 1620 мм |
(мин.) | 210 мм | |
толщина | 1.0 мм или менее (< 1, 0 мм) | |
внешний диаметр рулона | 180 мм или менее (< 180 мм) | |
вес рулона | 25 Кг или менее (<25 кг) | |
внутренний диаметр рулона | 2 дюйма, 3 дюйма | |
поверхность печати | Лицом наружу | |
крепление конца рулона | используется легкая клеящаяся лента для облегчения снятия бумаги с сердечника | |
Размеры листового материала | (макс.) | 1620 мм |
(мин.) | 210 мм | |
Поля | листовой материал | правый и левый край: 15 мм |
спереди: 65 мм | ||
сзади: 110 мм | ||
Поля | рулонный материал | правый и левый край: 15 мм |
спереди: 25 мм | ||
сзади: 0 мм | ||
Точность размера | абсолютная точка | Любая наибольшая из 0.3 мм или 0.3 % от назначенной |
воспроизводимость | Любая наибольшая из of 0.2 мм или 0.1 % от назначенной | |
Перпендикулярный | 0.5 мм / 1000 мм | |
Отклонение материала | 5 мм или меньше / 10 м изменяемая (< 5 мм / 10 м) | |
Регулировка высоты головки | 2.0 мм / 3 мм изменяемая, от поверхности рабочего печатного стола | |
Обрезка материала | Обрезка по оси Y при помощи резака на блоке головок,
точность отрезания (шаги): 0.5 мм или менее. |
Подача материала | Стандартное подающее устройство (закрутка внутрь / наружу, на выбор) | |
Емкость для отхода чернил | Бутылочный тип (2,000 cc [1pcs.])
Необходимость замены определяется визуально. |
Интерфейс | Совместим с IEEE1394 и с IEEE1284. | |
Команда | MRL-II (база ESC/PV.2, MIMAKI) | |
Рабочий шум | в режиме ожидания: менее 58 dB (FAST-A, измерено на расстоянии 1 м со всех сторон)
при непрерывной печати: менее 65 dB при прерывании печати: менее 70 dB |
Стандарт безопасности | UL, VCCI-classA, FCC-classA, CEmarking, CBreport | |
Питание | AC 100 — 120 V± 10%, AC 220 — 240 V± 10%, 50/60 Hz ± 1 Hz | |
Поглощение энергии | 1.5 KVA
или менее |
рекомендованные условия окружающей среды | допустимая температура | От 20º С до 35º C |
влажность | 35 to 65 % относительной влажности (без конденсации) | |
гарантированная температура | От 20º С до 25º C | |
колебания температуры | ± 10 º C / в час или менее | |
пыль | Условия обычного офисного уровня | |
Вес | основной блок | 185 кг (без переднего вытяжного блока: 175 кг или менее) |
габариты | ширина | 2660 мм |
глубина | Менее 750 мм | |
высота | Менее 1240 мм |
Наименование | Спецификация |
Цвет | Картридж с чернилами черного цвета |
Картридж с чернилами цвета циан | |
Картридж с чернилами цвета маджента | |
Картридж с чернилами желтого цвета | |
Картридж с чернилами цвета светлый циан | |
Картридж с чернилами цвета светлая маджента | |
емкость картриджа с чернилами | 220 cc для каждого картриджа |
срок хранения | Один год с даты производства (при комнатной температуре) |
В течение 3 месяцев после открытия упаковки | |
t хранения | -30 to 40º C
(Хранение при t = 40ºC не более месяца) -30 to 60ºC (Хранение при t = 60ºC не более 120 часов, а при t = 40ºC — не более одного месяца) |
РАЗМЕЩЕНИЕ предупредительныХ НАДПИСЕЙ |
На устройстве приклеены этикетки с предупредительными надписями. Убедитесь в том, что Вы правильно понимаете все, что на них написано. Если хотя бы одна из надписей загрязнится до такой степени, что понять написанное будет невозможно, или если надпись отклеится, приобретите новую у своего местного дистрибьютора или в офисе MIMAKI.
Лицевая сторона
адняя сторона
Структура меню функций |