Error 5055 sans

Error5055!Sans is an Out!code created by DaBlooperBerry. He's a Sans from a Genocide Timeline who were helped by a being known as Dream to defeat the Human within the Anti-void. He then team up with the corrupted being to wreck havoc across the multiverse. 5055 was originally a Sans from Undertale in the Genocide Timeline seeing it over again about one hundred and fifty resets as he starts slowly turning mad. One day as Sans is about to meet the human again a being that resembles Sans appears in

Error5055!Sans is an Out!code created by DaBlooperBerry. He’s a Sans from a Genocide Timeline who were helped by a being known as Dream to defeat the Human within the Anti-void. He then team up with the corrupted being to wreck havoc across the multiverse.


5055 was originally a Sans from Undertale in the Genocide Timeline seeing it over again about one hundred and fifty resets as he starts slowly turning mad. One day as Sans is about to meet the human again a being that resembles Sans appears in front of him. The being is covered in black slime has golden outlines showing his body’s detail as the being looks directly at Sans as he is cautions around this being.

The being introduces himself as Dream and he wants to help Sans become more powerful in order to defeat the human. Sans at first did not trust this being appreciating the offer, but rejecting it in the end. Dream announces that he can wait as he disappears as the Genocide timeline continues forth. After about another hundred Genocide timelines Sans becomes more depressed and starts to feel power hungry and then Dreams shows up again offering him the same deal.

Sans seeing little choice he has to stop the human accepts Dream’s deal not knowing the consequences of what it might entail. They both teleport to the Anti-Void and soon Sans ask how is Dream is going to make him stronger and Dream shows him an apple. Sans confused on why Dream is giving him an apple, but Dream declares that if he eats that apple he will become stronger.

Sans reluctantly eats the apple and suddenly falls to the grown be overwhelmed by negative emotions. Dream then teleports more apples to the Anti-Void and leaves Sans saying that this would make him stronger. Sans being stuck in the Anti-Void for a vast period of time is starving so he eats the apples out of hunger and transforms into a slimy being and unknowingly transforms into an Error as well.

Dream is pleased with his experiment and so he teleports Sans back to the Genocide timeline as the human now faces down their newly transformed enemy. Sans tortures the human physically and mentally as their Soul becomes irresolute and no longer determined to stay alive thus ending the resets permanently. Dream congratulates Sans in stopping the human and offers to come with him since he has nothing left.

Sans hated Dream for him leaving him in the Anti-Void however, he gain powers in the process and after some thought he accepts Dream’s offer. This made Dream happy as he teleports Sans to his headquarters. Dream asks how much time he spent in the Anti-Void which Sans replies that he had been in there for five thousand and fifty five hours. Dream then names him Error!5055 and starting from that day he works for him. Dream now has a weapon of mass destruction and is pleased with it however, if Error Sans tries to erase his minions he will use 5055 to counteract him.



Error5055!Sans is a black skeleton wearing the same type of clothes as Classic Sans however, his jacket is white, as he also has two black tentacles on his back similar to Nightmare!Sans.


Error5055 is similar to error in motive as He will destroy any AU that he deems not worthy to exist. he is usually very calm and not easily angered, but can become very unpredictable once his primal instincts take over


  • Glitched Bones: This attack is similar enough to Undertale Sans except glitched and black, which allows it to deal more damage. It is hard to see these.
  • Glitched Blasters: These are skeletal blasters which fire beams of energy in the direction they’re pointed at. They are glitched and black, which somewhat resembles Error!Sans, Error blasters.
  • Shatter Strings: He uses white strings to tie up and shatter SOULS, if his strings go inside a victim, he can control the victim’s body
  • Appendages: Not gonna lie. It’s the same as Nightmare
  • Negativity Absorption: He feeds upon negativity of other errors to empower himself. He can also utilize negativity in a variety of different ways, though he mainly uses it as an energy source. He’s also able to use negativity as a healing source
  • AU Hopping: 5055 has the ability to hop through AUs at will.
  • Reality Preference: A lower form of reality warping that allows 5055 to make SMALL changes in reality according to his preference. He does not however, control what changes because the ability reads his true preference and changes it
  • Tentacle Grab: He’s able to grab people with his tentacles and crush them to death.
  • Ink Manipulation: He’s able to summon a puddle of ink under the opponent, which drains their HP and decreases their speed.
  • Teleportation: He’s able to teleport.
  • Tentacle Spin: He can summon 2 tentacles under the opponent that spin rapidly, causing their speed to decrease plus their HP.


  • Glitching (Error!5055.exe has crashed): 5055 like many Errors can crash however, this is only in certain circumstances. 5055 must be affected by another Error with positive emotions (such as BlueBerror for example) in order for him to crash. This rarely happens, but he tends to stay away from Errors that are not chaotic.
  • Insanity: 5055 has a problem in containing his primal instincts which can make him unpredictable and cruel however, during this phase he can no longer think straight and blindly attacks whatever he sees as his opponent. If an opponent knows that they will stall 5055 as long as possible to escape to formulate a plan to capture and contain him. Many attempts in containing 5055 is unsuccessful.


Team Void (allies)

5055 is an alpha member on team void

A Megalo-Tale Sans (Frenemy)

they have and ink and error ink of relationship

Shattered dream (Boss)

Darkened Hate Sans (???)

darkened seems to like error5055 and finds him cool. although 5055 just thinks he’s weird


  • 5055 seem to admire insanity!Sans to a degree and feels sympathy for him for some odd reason
  • The reason why 5055 did not revert to this classic self during the reset is because the corruption of a soul has a permeant effect even if the world resets.
  • The only way to get rid of 5055’s corruption is to fill his soul with positive emotions, but since his soul is now glitched he cannot revert to his former self no matter what anyone does.



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Изначально он был Сансом из Мафиатале, однако Кошмар прибыл во время путешествия по Аусу и начал сеять хаос в этом районе, привлекая внимание Санса, который попытался остановить его, но был без особых усилий побежден. Mafiatale был первым, в котором AU Nightmare побывал, кроме Dreamtale, поэтому он нашел концепцию Sans интересной. Кто-то похожий на него, но во многом другой. И поэтому, в отличие от Гастера и Папируса, решите не убивать его.

Поэтому он погрузил свою душу в вещество, из которого состояло его тело, что превратило Санса в гораздо более злобное, но могущественное существо. Кошмар, желая вызвать хаос в мультивселенной, выбросил этот новый скелет в случайную вселенную, в которой случайно оказался эррор. Эти двое сражались, и Эррор победил, вздернув его и почти уничтожив. Однако вмешался Найтмер, потребовав прекратить эррора, поскольку он не хотел, чтобы его творение было уничтожено так рано. Так что Эррор прекратил из интереса, но так как Эррор почти стер его, Неисправность привела к сбою.

Так что теперь у него была возможность путешествовать между вселенными, и ему вообще не хватало морали. Таким образом, он пришел к временной шкале геноцида Outertale, где все были мертвы. Он подвесил человека и привязал его паутиной к потолку тронного зала Азгора. Он обнаружил, что, в отличие от Error, его строки не могли фактически стереть или повредить объекты, просто подчинить их. Он немного поиграл с человеком от скуки, пока не вспомнил о своих старых мафиозных корнях.

Затем он начал размышлять: что, если бы он… ‘расширил’ свои операции? Поэтому он вернулся к своему создателю, Кошмару, которого он мог чувствовать через негативные эмоции, способность, которую он разделял с упомянутым создателем, хотя и в более слабой степени. Он попросил у Nightmare Альфиса, пообещав создать кучу негатива своей деятельностью, и Nightmare, несмотря на скептицизм, согласился. Итак, «Альфис» была создана и возвращена к той временной шкале Outertale.

Затем Альфис создала препарат, известный как Малнод, который был протестирован на человеке. Это вызывало ужасную зависимость, но в то же время было ужасно для человека, который его принимал, вызывая у него головную боль и подобные симптомы, но в то же время привлекая его к употреблению. Затем Санс и Альфис начали распространять свои операции по всей мультивселенной, продавая эти наркотики по всей Временной шкале Омега, пока Core Frisk не нашел их и не отправил обратно в Outertale, будучи Вездесущим.


Внешний вид

Санс — черный скелет, одетый в ту же одежду, что и mafia Sans, однако его костюм бело-серый, так как у него также есть два черных щупальца на спине, похожие на Nightmare!Sans. он также, по-видимому, покрыт той же субстанцией, в которой находится кошмар


Он строгий садист, наслаждающийся страданиями других существ почти при любых обстоятельствах, как показано на примере человека, которого он захватил из Аутертейла, которого он безжалостно пытал для собственного развлечения. Однако в прошлом он проявлял сдержанность, о чем свидетельствует тот факт, что он может сохранять самообладание по отношению к большинству людей. Он часто высмеивает своих соперников и имеет тенденцию недооценивать своих противников из-за своего огромного богатства и власти. Точно так же у него есть ненасытная жадность, поэтому он потворствует всем теневым предприятиям, которыми он занимается.

Он также разговаривает как типичный босс мафии


Tommy gun

у него есть пистолет, это просто логично

Сломанные кости

Эта атака достаточно похожа на Undertale Sans, за исключением glitched и black, что позволяет ей наносить больше урона. Это трудно увидеть.

Неисправные бластеры

Это скелетообразные бластеры, которые стреляют лучами энергии в направлении, на которое они направлены. Они глючные и черные, что несколько напоминает эррора, бластеры эррора. (у одного из его бластеров забавная шляпа, он называет ее Джо)

высокий интеллект

Мэл чрезвычайно умен и, кажется, всегда имеет много информации о своих противниках, он склонен использовать ее, чтобы манипулировать и насмехаться над людьми

Разрушьте струны

Он использует белые веревки, чтобы связывать людей, но он не может контролировать тело жертвы или разрушать души


Не буду врать. Это то же самое, что Кошмар

Поглощение негатива

Он способен использовать негатив как источник исцеления

Прыжки в АС

Эррор имеет способность прыгать через AUs по желанию.

Захват щупальца

Он способен хватать людей своими щупальцами и раздавливать их до смерти.


Он умеет телепортироваться.



ужасно вызывающая привыкание фиолетовая жидкость, созданная малфисом, обычно содержится во флаконе. малнод очень эффективен, но вызывает головные боли и подобные симптомы, однако при достаточном использовании он может привести к смерти.

Слабые стороны

«»Сбой (Malfunction.exe произошел сбой): «Эррор, как и многие эррор, может привести к сбою, однако это происходит только при определенных обстоятельствах. На эррорв должна повлиять другой эррорс положительными эмоциями (например, BlueBerror), чтобы он потерпел крах. Это случается редко, но он склонен держаться подальше от Эррора, которые не являются хаотичными.

«»Мечта!Санс чернил и чернил!Санс: «У Инка есть способность к однократному сбою с помощью его атаки розовой краской, которая сдерживает Сбой и делает его функционально неподвижным, пока кто-нибудь не поможет ему или он каким-то иным образом не порвет нити. Мечта может победить его одной сильной атакой, так как ему не хватает сопротивления способностям Мечты, которыми обладает Кошмар, и он намного слабее их.

«Отсутствие регенерации: » В то время как у людей есть способность самостоятельно восстанавливать небольшие повреждения, у них этого полностью нет. Он может регенерировать только тогда, когда поглощает большое количество негативных эмоций. Это означает, что если он будет изолирован и ранен, он не сможет оправиться от указанной травмы. Это также упрощает его заключение в тюрьму, так как можно просто сломать ему запястья и лодыжки, и он будет функционально неподвижен.


Malfunction Alphys.webp

Неисправность Альфис (коллега)

Из-за того, что он зависит от нее в большей части своего бизнеса, он относится к ней с некоторой долей уважения. У него нет к ней настоящей неприязни, но и глубокой связи тоже нет. Он, как правило, дружелюбен к ней, и наоборот, но ни у одного из них нет глубокой дружбы, и их дружба гораздо больше похожа на деловые отношения.

Nightmare (Создатель)

Мэл не имеет особого мнения о кошмаре и в основном отказывается говорить о нем. если это из страха или злобы, неизвестно

LV!Санс и Ликвидация!Санс (включенные-выключенные сотрудники)

мэл на самом деле не считает liquid или LV друзьями, просто людьми, которых он может использовать. но он действительно наслаждается раздражающей жидкостью

ЯДРО!Санс (врага)

Они стали врагами после ЯДРА!Фриск обнаружил неисправность при продаже Malnode на временной шкале Omega.


  • Неисправность, из-за того, что изначально он был мафиози Санс, имеет ньюйоркский акцент, который иногда дает сбои, придавая ему странный голос.
  • У Мэла есть блог ask:
  • Мэла раньше называли «error5055», когда он был просто обычным редактором ошибок.
  • Мэл сделал неканоническую камео в Ask-Error S2: (у него все еще есть DT, который ему дал Рорре/Санс Бессмертный)



Автор: horror123456 на DA


part by Pxel0ndy

5055 Alterna

работа команды alterna


art by Sugaronions


Спрайт неисправности (старый дизайн )

Так что теперь Санс и Альфис, по сути, наркобароны, которые наняли кучу наемников для массового распространения Малнода.
[[Категория:True Godverse}}

From Undertale and Deltarune AU and OC Wiki


Error505 used to live in ZeroTale along side his brothers Papyrus and Henry. Error505 was the most intelligent monster of the entire Underground along with Zero!Gaster. With all the knowledge Error505 had, he become an apprentice of Zero!Gaster and would help him with his Multiverse research.

One day a monster came to their AU and started destroying everything on its path. The unidentified creature was about to face off against Error505 but Zero!Gaster decided to interfere and, in a effort to save the last one of the skeleton brothers, he threw Error505 to the CORE, sending him to a strange white void. As time passed, Error505 spent a lot of time trying to understand how to escape and why was he teleported there in the first place. He went to a section of this void and started to hack it in an effort to escape but in the process he became corrupted, his mind almost broken. He gained godly powers along the way but his main goal was to get back to ZeroTale and try to protect his homeland but when he got there his home was gone. Devastated and sad, he swore to take revenge on the being who laid waste to his AU.

Error505, before he was thrown into the strange void, got a glimpse of the foreign assailant and is now searching for the one who attacked his home. He uses the strange void which he calls the WayPoint as his new home and a path to monitor or enter different realities across all multiverses. Eventually, he decided to become a multiversal destroyer.



Error505 wears a white long jacket with purple features in the bottom, pockets and both arms he has a 5 in both sides of the jacket along side a 0 In the back making up his name. The purple fur on his jacket has code that is made up of 0’s [ inside his jacket are also 0’s] and he also wears a purple jacket with light purple in it with silver buttons underneath his big jacket. He wears a dark grey shirt with white pants and purple boots. His bones are colored in a similar pattern to him, being white-purple-black.


He is mostly serious and sometimes geeky due to his massive knowledge of the multiverses. Sometimes, Error505 will show mercy to beings that are below him either showing himself or keeping his existence a secret. Error505 prefers to remain incognito from anyone due to him not liking attention. As he is equal to Error404 in power and knowledge, Error505 will act as a normal Sans, not showing his full powers to people. However, he will defend himself if he gets attacked. In rare occasions, Error505, when angry enough, will begin to slightly glitch.


Error404!: Error505 sees 404 as treat to the Multiverse. Along side other beings, both have different opinions and goals and a lot of the times they start a fight. 505 docent get along with some of 404’s puppets such as Cyan!Sans and King M., both being considered by 505 as annoying to deal with.

King M.: He doesn’t like the fact that King M.’s reign leaves the Multiverse in a state of anarchy. King M. similarly doesn’t like to takes orders from 505 and will sometimes tries to fight 505 but, due to 505 being more powerful than him, these efforts are always in vain. 505 sees King M. as another of Error404’s pawns but also sees King M. as a way to keep himself and 404 out of the existence of others.

Creation!Sans: Being a protector of one of the Multiverses 505 sees Creation as a enemy and a threat — albeit a small one. He also finds Creation fascinating due to him being similar to Ink, despite there being several differences between the two, but is also surprised about the power of creation he possesses.

Zero!Gaster: A father figure and a great mentor to Error505.

Error!Decans: Despite his mental state being shattered, Error505 sees potential in him and attempts to teach him self-control in the hopes of making him a great successor that will follow his footsteps in the future.

Cyan!Sans: Error505 mostly finds Cyan as a nuisance. Cyan, however, sometimes tries to learn about 505’s past and how he became a being like his Master, 404.


Blue Mastery

an upgraded version of the blue attack able to lift and move objects and heavy ones as if they had a soul and is able to deals lots of damage if use an attack.

Zero Blasters

This blasters were created by Zero!Gaster, This blasters are good at attacks and for defense being able to deal 200 damage if impact and being able to reset/absorb the damage of a attack to zero dealing no damage to the opposite person.


Just like 404, if 505 has being kill he will glitch and faid away to the WayPoint then the WayPoint will try to give 505 code to reanimate him back to life(Due to 505 code being zeros the WayPoint is a efficient way to bringing him back to life since it provides the right coding for him)

Code Manipulation

505 can manipulate any sort of code either shifting it to something else or deleting it. 505 can also use this ability to manipulate the timelines to find any sort of anomalies/glitches that may interfere with the place itself.

Reality Jump

505 can jump to any reality/timeline he wants either using teleportation or the WayPoint he can also open a portal to the different multiverse’s.

Absolute zero

This is a ray that Error505 can shoot from his fingers this ray is able to completely paralyze anyone that comes in contact with it temporary.

Absolute zero second Ray this ray will not only paralyze the opponent but will shoot a big blast that will deal tons of damage.


current mission is to fix and protect the realities/ multiverses from any one that tries to corrupt,break or take code from it to prevent it from breaking the system. due to Error404 searching for a way to recreate Alphatale Error505 took it upon himself from preventing that from happening under any circumstances due to this Error505 and Error404 have come to fight many times trough the years the reason why he does this is because Error505 knows what will happen and has a bad feeling that something worse will happen. Even if Error505 feels Error404 pain from loosing everything and everyone he care about since it reminds him of himself when he lost ZeroTale but he just cant let Alphatale come back due to the risk.


*Error505 likes to be alone a lot of the times due to him not wanting his existence well known by others.

*Error505 docent talk much about his backstory with others.

*He likes to eat chocolate biscuits.

*Due to Error505 code Error404 cant control Error505.

*Error505 was fascinated about Zero!Gaster work that he became a well know apprentice.

*Error505 docent like to take control of people but rather negotiate with them.

*Error505 didn’t like the idea about Zero!Gaster saving him since he wanted to protect his Au.

*in rare occasions Error505 will guide people who had their AU destroy to Core Frisk without showing himself or making his existence known.

*Error505 docent consider everyone to be an anomaly but only does who he sees it to be.

*The reason why Error505 was sent to the WayPoint instead of the regular Void was because of his coding being only 0’s which allow him to have access to the WayPoint.

*Hackers cant hack into Error505 code due to it being non existent in a way.

*The WayPoint is only accessible by Error505 only.

*The WayPoint is a realm that holds all the realities(Multiverses,AU’s and Timelines) and their codes.

*Error505 is one of the two «Gods of underverse’ the other one been Error404..

*Error505 docent like the idea of the multiverse being for the taken but rather he wants the multiverse to be free from any influence that will try to take control of it such as King M.,Error404 and any other being out there.

*Apart from being alone Error505 has 1 ally his apprentice Error!Decans.

*Only a few people have call Error505, Zero Error due to them knowing where he comes from or have heard about it.

*Error505 isn’t a bad guy/good guy but neutral but a lot of people would classify him as a bad guy due to what he does and he’s unknown motives.

* The only person that can match Error505 in a full battle is Error404.

*Error505 has come close to catching the person who destroy his AU.

*Error505 can transfer code to someone giving them more powers and abilities.

*Error505 and Error404 are not the same person( 505 used to be Zero and 404 used to be william both living in separate au’s) even if they met somewhat of the same fate.

  • Error505 new design By CarlosLoquendo

    Error505 new design By CarlosLoquendo

  • Zero sans art trade by annitart defnkks-fullview.jpg

    Zero sans by annitart on DA

  • 505 semi-realistic.png

    Error 505 old design by CarlosLoquendo

  • De94gfy-89c5696b-fa4f-4a84-ad15-4d92907a8f79.jpg

    Creation vs Error505 by taleea on DA

Error!Bill Sans

Error!Bill Sans

Character Information






Biographical Information


Date of Birth

Place of Birth

Physical Description


Battle Information

This article goes against The OP Sans Incursion standards, please read our article and delete this post or edit the post accordingly to abide the rules.



He’s a being born from The Anti (a place that exist a lot of horrify monsters) where he feels pain because of the Rule and Cycle of the place. So in order to get over it he took many years to develop his power and when he had enough power he killed every monster there and then he destroyed The Anti to get even greater power.



Similar to Error in many ways. He has black bones, and the tear streaks as well, but they are a golden color instead of blue. He has the small, slim black top hat like Bill!Sans. Error!Bill’s eyes resemble Bill’s as well. He is surrounded by golden glitches. He wears a black jacket with off colored fur on the hood. His shorts are a dark grey with yellow streaks down the sides.


He is a very happy person, always chill in front of everyone but he is actually an insane and crazy person. He is also a genuine fraud like Bill


All Death

He will make everyone within the radius of 100 meters die immediately ( cannot effect to beings that exist outside the concept of death)

Dark and Light Manipulation

He has the authority to manipulate Dark and Light and all kind of forms/abilities that related to Dark and Light

Potence Destruction

He can destroy all kind Potences that exist even True Omnipotence

Absolute Access

He can access to any dimensions and places he want

Primordial Reality Manipulation

Error!Bill can create, shape, and manipulate the primordial reality, the reality before reality or before the concept of reality. This allows himm to control the original reality and blueprint/template/drawing board for what reality would become after the creation of existence, including the principles, concepts, laws and forces that would later come to define existence. Since this is a form of reality that both transcends and came before time, the same laws/rules that govern existence may not/do not apply to him of this as nothing was properly defined yet. This ability is stronger than Reality Warping or even Absolute Reality Warping


Error!Bill possess unfathomable power far beyond any reason and understanding. Error!Bill can do whatever he want, whenever he want, however he want, allowing him to achieve anything and everything without any limit, no matter how impossible or contradictory, completely overriding all other forces and abilities like they didn’t exist at all.

The Mind

He can completely wipe out mind of someone and he can also rewrite the mind of them

4th Wall Breaching

Error!Bill is able to interact with the real world but can also leave the fiction he hail to enter the real world and interact with it.


He knows almost anything about the Multiverse

Break the Limit

He can make every single of his abilities 10 times stronger


One of his most powerful abilities, he can turn things that will definitely happen into things that will never happen and never happen again (cannot obtain by metapotence, omnipotence or any type of potence)

Concept Transcendence

Error!Bill transcends all concepts, conceptual powers, definitions/meanings and/or forms of logic, allowing him to exist in a state outside of any perspective, understanding or method of classification. This not only prevents him from being influenced or affected by conceptual powers, it also grants him a form of total and absolute freedom as there are no longer any restrictions tying him down, as no concept can apply to him anymore


He can break through every type of seals and defenses and nothing can change that


Error!Bill can create destabilization in objects, environment or even abilities causing balance distortion ranging from single molecules to cosmic scales. The primary objective of this power is to make everything lose stability or balance.

Reincarnation Denial

He can deny the process of reincarnation for his target if they are being reborn into the physical world or the spiritual world, or into a new life or existence

Infinity Manipulation

He can manipulate anything infinite, from properties to abilities to skill, etc.. He can swap, copy, transfer, steal, reassign, remove traits that are infinite and do more, and he can control how objects with infinite traits interact with other objects of infinite traits, such as how an irresistible force interacts with an unbreakable, immovable or unstoppable object.


If he die his body or his code will automatically teleport to The Void and then it will recreate himself at there ( this process need a month to fully complete )


Succubus!Chara-The person that he hates the most



  • Infinitey Code is one of his puppets but Infinitey Code doesn’t known about it
  • He can defeat Infinitey Code with an ease
  • He hates the Annoying Dog
  • He likes AU theme music, anime and video games
  • He doesn’t like people who betray him and those who ruin his plans
  • He does not resemble Sans/Bill!Sans except in part of his looks and personality
  • He knows about the Forgotten One
  • The reason he joined Infinitey Code’s army because he found it interesting
  • He looks like a combination of Bill and Error but he’s not, just his shape looks like that
  • The reason for his looks is like Sans/Bill!Sans combines with Sans/Errortale because he likes it
  • He had destroyed The Anti to gain more powers
  • You cannot infinite stronger than Error!Bill because of the Infinity Manipulation
  • Error!Bill likes Where We Started of Lost Sky, Jex

It took a lot of work to design everything for this character so don’t change anything (Tôi đã tốn rất nhiều công sức để thiết kế mọi thứ cho nhân vật này nên đừng thay đổi gì cả)


Bill Sans

Bill Sans

Basic Information






Soul trait


Bill!Sans is one of the main reasons that Team Void has gotten so far and one of the most powerful beings in existence, however, he is weakened and can easily be killed off his desired by Nightmare but he knows that’ll never happen afterall you can’t break a deal yes I dozont


History [ ]

Bill!Sans is a future of Sans and Bill Cipher fusing after Sans becomes sick of genocides and never be@ing able to win, however, the deal goes wrong as Sans is tricked by Bill and thus gaining Bill permanent control over the body resulting in the being. He could also just be like any other AU and have always been this way and if you decide to portray him this way he also has a brother who is Will!Papyrus who is just papyrus and will from ReverseFalls

Who Is Bill Cipher [ ]

Bill Cipher is a character from Gravity Falls and the main villain, who was defeated with a sacrifice, but even then he was no joke and literally took out a time god with one hit along with warping reality majorly like it was a toy with the snap of his fingers. He is a twisted entity from the 2nd dimension awakened, he thrives and feeds of chaos, yet isn’t at his full power thanks to weirdmageddon needing to be released.

The Deal [ ]

Nightmare would find himself unknowingly in a remains of a destroyed world with three Journals. Nightmare curious would pick up the journals seeing as they all matched and went together, he would combine them to see the full picture, afterall curiosity killed the cat. As all the pages aligned the ritual began summoning GravityTale Sans or better known as Bill!Sans. Bill of course did their signature introduction and tried to manipulate Nightmare into giving him free will and making a deal, but Nightmare being smarter than Dipper instead struck a deal that bound Bill to him accidently. The deal forced Bill to follow Nightmare on his quest/journey until he dies. Bill has granted Nightmare assess to more beings and places, interested in Nightmares reign over them. The Deal was that Bill shall help and folllow Nightmares Will but in return Nightmare shall release Weirdmageddon and unleash Chaos upon every dimension. Nightmare of course will be safe from all of the chaos and will rule by Bill’s side gaining endless power and respect.

Personality [ ]

Bill is a cunning, blasphemous, eccentric, psychopathic, and physically irreverent demon who finds most things amusing, particularly if they cause distress or harm to others. He is outrageous and outlandish, as well as a quick talker and thinker. Though he may come across as simply annoying, he shouldn’t be underestimated; for when he is angered, he is a force to be reckoned with as he will unleash his near-omnipotent powers on those unfortunate enough to make him angry. When accused of being insane, Bill proudly agrees with the statement. He is also shown to be somewhat obnoxious, as seen when he makes his presence known to Dipper when the latter is trying to figure out a password within a limited amount of time. occasionally, his voice tumbles to a lower pitch(usually when emphasizing a statement).

Bill is not one who believes in rules. Instead, he follows his own selfish philosophy which means doing whatever he wants without care for the consequences. He thinks of laws and physics as senseless and displays an irresistible urge to break those rules down by causing absolute chaos however he can. The lives he ruins hold no merit to him and he finds amusement in tormenting and turning people’s worlds upside-down. He also sees reality as an «illusion,» and values its destruction.

he shows sadistic tendencies, such as when he shuffles «the function of every hole in Preston Northwest’s face» (Which also shows that he is not a team player) and once he decides to kill one of the Pines twins «just for the heck of it.»

The Journal [ ]

Bill has purposefully burned every trace of his universe to the group and keeps the book with Nightmare so this information cannot be used against him, and the only ones who do/could know are Core and Ink, yet again even they wouldn’t be able to work it or use every detail of it. Because of the immense power of it its dangerous to simply be around espically with Bill being connected to it and being able to see who gets near it, and for this exact reason its constantly kept on Nightmare making it near impossible to steal and one of the only options to gaining it would be the death of either Bill or Nightmare

Abilities [ ]

  • Can create weirdness anyway he wants
  • Bone Manipulation
  • One-Eye devil blaster
  • Dimensional and AU travel (even into the Omega Timeline)
  • Dimensional Manipulation (for himself)
  • Gravity Manipulation (can shape, create, or manipulate gravity)
  • Flight
  • Physics Manipulation (Bill can create, shape, or manipulate the Laws Of Physics, everything related to matter and its motion, its behavior in space and time, as well with things such as momentum, friction, vectors, inertia, energy both kinetic and potential, and force)
  • Mind Manipulation
  • Manipulation of the dream world and able to wonder between dreams
  • Duplication of himself
  • Hallucination creation
  • Able to see someone’s worse nightmares
  • Blue-Fire Manipulation/Magic
  • Madness Manipulation
  • Minor future manipulation (able to communicate and see a few minutes into the future)
  • Soul Manipulation (not your typical undertale one, able to capture souls, imprison them, make them puppets, or possession)
  • Deal Manipulation (a deal made with him cannot be broken and is linked to the soul of a person, due to this is has no effect on someone like Flowey/Shattered/Ink but even then breaking the deal comes with its own consequences, yet another factor is he cannot make a deal with someone stronger than him)
  • Space & Time & Space-Time Manipulation (Able to due this to the entire space-time continuum and even the fabric of reality itself)
  • Time Manipulation
  • Reality Manipulation
  • Weirdmageddon (he gains new abilities and even breaks some his limits able to beat beings such as Error404 or higher)
  • Skill Manipulation (He copy skills for 1 day. And can manipulate Gaster blaster, vs.)

Bill has a lower version of all the listed above abilities


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Team Void

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Team Void is a powerful dimensional and multiversal organization ran by Shattered Dream, even now the team continues to expand towards multiversal domination, but right now there something else stands between the team and their process toward that goal and that is Core!Frisk and their Team Hope. The organization has a hierarchy to it with Shattered Dream & William/Error404 being on top, and it continues to go down from there based off power and importance to the team. The team’s reach and connections are seemingly limitless due to beings like William and Bill!Sans being on their side allowing for access to other dimensions. Team Void is open to new recruits and members constantly, however, they aren’t just willing to take anyone off the streets as each member serves and is assigned a purpose and rank on the team.

Team Void


Group Assembler




The Star Sanses




Team Void was a concept first introduced by Shattered Dream, joining his brother’s team after becoming the corrupted form. He wanted something bigger and better. Looking out upon the infinite void, lost in thought, he craved something. bigger and better.

Revival of Bill Cipher Sans

Shattered entered a long-lost page in the doodle sphere known as GravityTale, the events had already taken place as he wondered around with one goal in mind, and soon he found it. The journals which were guarded by the inhabitants, so after a long battle, Shattered successfully stole the journals from them. Core seeing this would appear as they tried to talk down Shattered, however, they didn’t expect Core was stalling as they were blindsided by several attacks. Fresh, Epic , Hacked!Swap and Fell would appear as they started battling Shattered, the battle was extremely one sided as Shattered would attempt to flee leading them into a trap, when the trio was suddenly attacked from behind by their brother Nightmare. A long battle would occur resulting with the fleeing of the Epic and Fresh, along with the capture of Fell, once the battle was over Shattered and Nightmare fled the scene before anyone else could come.

After returning to their castle, Shattered would waste no time starting the ritual to summon Bill Cipher, and as it worked the two were forced into his mindspace. Shattered while there would form a deal with Bill, the deal being more of a partnership, with Bill being forced to help and obey Shattered under the promise that weirdmageddon would be unleashed allowing him to be free and do whatever he wants, of course without interfering or causing harm to Shattered and those he cared for.

The fleeing and return of the protector

After Shattered was formed, from Dream after devouring the apple, Ink was truly a coward who fled for unknown reasons. During this time Shattered and Nightmare had begone their work with Bill, creating another hidden plane where they formed their palace and base of operation, and not long after they started their rampage and terror across many universes as no one could stop them without the Star Sanses. The doodle sphere still hasn’t fully recovered from this time with many pages still being destroyed.

The declaration of War

Shattered declared war upon the multiverse, with the Omega Timeline being a main target, locked onto by many of Team Void’s members.

Successful missions

  • One of their first missions was a raid on the Omega Timeline, with Shattered once being Dream, he had access to it and with his team unleashed a deadly attack upon it.
  • Insanity!Sans was sent to Altertale and while there he would destroy most of the underground and kill the Toriel of the timeline he was in.
  • A raid on the Doodle Sphere was conducted in which the Team destroyed countless universes, and despite not destroying the entire sphere, it counts as sucessful as their goal was simply to destroy as many AUs as possible to spread more negativity and chaos.
  • Birdtale’s capture and destruction by Murder Time Trio

Goals, Tactions, and Experiments

  • Control over the multiverse
  • Spread of negativity
  • Unleashing of weirdmageddon
  • Death of Ink and Infected
  • Possible revial of Alphatale
  • Stealing code fragnments
  • Constant expansion and growth


  1. Test log #1: Negativity Empowerment — The concept of changing, boosting, and unleashing power via negativity. The current subject is Cherry also known as Fellswap and in some cases Swapfell(red) Sans. He was affect by the goop of Shattered and when under intense stress, negative emotions, or simply in danger then the goop can alter and take control causing him to go into a berserk like state in which his current limitations are overriden.
  2. Test log #2: Corruption — Causing something or someone to change in a negative way. The current subject is Swapfell Papyrus. Subject is kept under watch by Nightmare, if in danger or under intense stress, subject will be overwhelmed with negativity causing his body to physically and mentally alter. He will get a boost but not by much, corruption is still a work in progress
  3. Failed Test Log #3: Beserk Pills — a pill with small amounts of determination, if everything goes correct, the subject should become lost in a state of rage and insanity along with gain a massive boost of power. This experiment was created by Mad Gaster with Insanity Sans as inspiration, the current subject is Birdtale Sans, but he was terminated as the pill made him to unstable and hard to control.
  4. Cancled Test Log #4: Dark Corruption — Appliying corruption, hate, negativity, and deep personal despair directly onto the soul. It massively empowers the user along with changing their abilities, and in the process makes them seem like a dark figure. Former subject was Scoundrel Sans but the effect was removed from his soul.


The members of Team Void are seperated by a mixture of power and usefulness into certain divisions. Different divisions also recieve different work conditions, missions, and even team leaders with Beta being the lowest and Alpha being the highest.

  • Delta — The lowest division in which many newcomers and weaker/useless members find themselves in
  • Gamma — These members are usually part of important teams, are able to defend themselves if attacked against opposing teams or third parties, or are semi-useful to the team time from time
  • Beta — The members of the Beta Division are all powerful and usually deployed on important or dangerous missions
  • Alpha — Alpha division is reserved for the top of the top in either importance or power, the members are strong able to compete with people such as Epic and Ink Sans, or important enough to where the team would lose a significant function without them.
  • Omega — These are usually refered to as higher ups, top of the top in everything, these members are very important and loyal to Shattered.
  • Zeta — These members are special to the team and serve a usually a specific purpose ranging from spies to traitors
  • Theós — These are the founders and reserved for parthnerships and such (Ex. Shattered being the Owner, Error404 having a truce with him, and Bill being a partner and helping him out would all have this rank)
  • Próta — These are for team leaders (Ex. Killer Sans as he’s the leader of Murder Time Trio)
  • Voítia — Extra and backup members
  • Kyrvo — Stationed, Traitor, or Spy-like members

==Preboot== === Delta members ===

  • Swapfell!Violet Sans — Placed as a Delta member overall because of his weakness but he serves as a guard
  • Fellswap/Cherry Sans — Placed as Delta member overall for weakness but is used as a test subject
  • Broken Papyrus — Placed as a Delta member due to overall weakness
  • Horrorswap Papyrus — Similar to Horror, however, his attacking style is less agressive. Also due to him liking being left alone and being less useful to the team than Horror he is mainly kept alone in his AU with his brother
  • Negativetale Sans — After killing both Frisk and his brother, Sans was approached and offered a job by Nightmare themself, Negative is faster along with having way more stamina than many sanses and even Papyrus’s due to his natural life as a theif
  • Negativetale Undyne — After Sans was recruited by Nightmare, she caught him before he left, in which a battle insued. Nightmare caused a lot of collateral damage, causing more guard members to come in which he killed them all and was about to kill Undyne, but Asgore would stop him. In a unexpected turn of events Asgore tried to recruit Nightmare, but he turned it down, showing his immense power and team he told Asgore to join him instead. Undyne would get back up as another battle would start, but this time they were easily overpowered, and forced to join the team or die. Undyne is here because of her determination and power above the typical undyine.
  • Negativetale Asgore — His cunning and manipulative nature makes him a great asset, but still he isn’t much stronger than Underfell Asgore

Gamma Members

  • ClanTale Flowey — Ability to make soulless undead puppets is useful to the team
  • Mad Gaster — His intellgence mixed with his brutal ways makes him semi-useful to the team
  • Murder Sans — His wide variety of attacks mixed with his skills makes him a valuable asset for battles
  • Horror Sans — His aggressive and rushdown attack style makes his useful ontop of his semi-immortality in battle
  • Storyspin Sans — His endless stamina and determination make him a large asset in battle
  • Alert Sans — His time manipulation is impressive, however, his ignorance and ego makes him more of a libality against stronger oppoents
  • Puppet Sans (former member)- Voodoo Magic and the powers of Save/Load are useful and make him a dangerous threat, however, due to his low stats it is unwise to have him in a closeup battle or one against a teleporting and fast oppoent. This is a downside Shattered cannot overlook and thus put him as Gamma.
  • Afton!Sans — His compasity to kill, high levels of intellgence, and body swapping makes him a great asset to the team along with his relations to Nightmare and Bill!Sans
  • GZtale Papyrus — His ruthlessness, determination, and skillset make him a great asset to the team along with his stats being higher than most from naturally being an AU of Papyrus
  • Dustswap Papyrus — A worthy oppoent, he has a great use of his skills and LV, and attacks comparable if not stronger than Dusttale Sans
  • Nova Sans — His code altering and mapping gives him an advantage on many oppoents, it also gives the team situational and enviormental advantages, being able to know the terrain before even entering or it can help allies gain the advantage and flee against a tough oppoent. His code altering allows him to create weapons and needed objects on the stop if ever needed.
  • Negativetale Alphys — Her truly evil nature and intellgence makes her a great asset, and her notes are often studied over for more possible enchantments.
  • Scoundrel Sans — Often seen and somewhat comparable to Dusttale Sans, his LV makes him stronger than most Sanses without it, and his skill with his weapon makes him good when it comes down to hand-to-hand combat

Beta Members

  • Killer Sans — Overall a very skilled, tactial, and verstile member who is loyal and able to be used in many ways
  • Insanity Sans — Despite being insane, he is loyal to his team, and a determined powerhouse in battle
  • DustBelief Papyrus — A powerful ally thanks to his LV, tons of Attacks, Stats, and determination
  • Sabor!Sans — His power makes him a very useful asset to the team, however, his lack of experience and strategy are one of the main things preventing him from being higher
  • Phantom!Belief Papyrus — His non-physical body and seemingly infinite hp makes him a great asset, however, it seems in battle (by his battle ending) he can fade away if overworking himself along with his lacking of powerful abilities at least when compared to other members.
  • Anti-Life Sans — His power, insanity, and intellgence makes him a great asset and a force to be recoon with
  • Psycho!Sans — His high LV and ability to affect others with Hate makes him a great asset
  • Lethal/LethalTale!Sans — His wide variet of skills complimented by his determination makes him a strong opponent in battle. Lethal works under Shattered!Dream
  • DeltaDust!Sans — His soul of bravery, wide variety of attacks, and overall power makes him a great and powerful ally (This character is apart of the team, however, it is not canon to their or this story)
  • CodeDust — His Code mastery and dangerous bones make him useful for the team. Also His Insight ability helps the team with planning, but is not available on most missions since most of his powers are code-based
  • Collaspe!Sans — Collaspe wild personality and diverse attacks make him great in battle, and most times often hard to predict, and his shapeshifting weapon including makes him great at weapon combat, plus his ability to summon clones.

Alpha Members

  • Screen of Death Sans — His power makes him a great asset and important backup member if something were to go wrong on a mission
  • Sixbones — Due to their alamagated body they’re essentially invinvible in battle, a massive tank, and their melted glitchy attacks are hard to avoid
  • Error!Sans — Due to his immense power he is a great asset to the team along with his soul manipulation, and one of the only members able to directly scale to beings like Ink and destroy the doodle sphere
  • Cyan Sans — ranging from abilities to his determination and loyalty, he is a very passionate and loyal members, and the ability to create objects and sentient attacks is a great asset in battle
  • Paint — His ability to creating abomniations, having an alternate version of the doodle sphere, and scaling to beings like Ink make him a great asset to the team.
  • Maroon — His high hp and potiental in abilities (such as setting someone’s speed to 0) make him a great asset, yet even then his drive for power and insta-kill attacks makes him even better.
  • Dustmaker!Error — Another failed kill by Error yet resulting in a benifit for the team, his personality and power makes him a great asset, and his determination and ruthlessness
  • Error!K — Along they are able to scale to a good portion of the team and are incredibly powerful, plus having a negative soul trait helps out
  • ReaperDust Sans — His death touch, skills, and connection to Bill makes him a good choice for the Alpha Division.

Omega Member

  • LV/LVtale Sans — His immense power is a great asset, but he is also extremely loyal without doubt, along with this he is very effecitnat in his missions and task
  • Malfunctions Sans — Despite his rude deminor, he is very respectful and loyal to Shattered, and he always takes his missions seriously (unless with his friends- then thats another situation)
  • Liquidation Sans — His insane and vast skillset makes him a force to be messed with, however, he is very loyal to Shattered and his allies. He doesn’t tend to fail many missions, and not only this but he can be a great ally above all else making him easily pairable with others.
  • Mysterious!Sans — His powers make him a tough opponent to beat.Also their strength is useful for the team, always loyal and respectful to Shattered and his Teammates
  • Flare!Sans — Flare is essentially a lava monster, but his attacks don’t stop there making him extremely skilled and able to take out large numbers of oppoents, along with being extremely calm and durable making him great for leading missions and if something were to ever go wrong.
  • Fell/Red/Underfell Sans — He made a deal with Nightmare putting him in this postion, but being one of the main universes, and having connections throughout the multiverse makes him extremely valuable at least to Nigntmare and Shattered Dream

Zeta Members

  • Pestilence Sans — Pestilence despite lacking many abilities, is a great asset. He is able to wipe out and in some cases even control many people due to his pestilence and infectious gas

Próta Members

  • Killer!Sans — Runs a team called Murder Time Trio (Consists of Horrortale Sans and Dusttale Sans)
  • Nightmare — Has his own team working under his wing which if needed can act seperately of Team Void, essentially working under Nightmare also gives you special permissions and access (Consists of Killer, Insanity, Murder, and Horror)
  • LV/LVtale Sans — Runs a team called Anomly Time Trio (Consists of Malfunction Sans and Liquidation Sans)
  • Alert Sans — Runs his origonal and canon team (Consists of Collaspe and Flare Sans)

Voítia Members

  • King Multiverse — He doesn’t associate or help out the Team, however, can help if truly called for via being ordered by 404
  • Phantom Papyrus — The phantom of Murder’s brother, Papyrus, that appears to help him in battle
  • Phantom Sans — The phantom elder brother of DustBelief Papyrus, Sans, that appears to help him in battle
  • Springtrap/SF!Fnaftale Sans — He is half way a member, due to his split personality, he is not a main member as he could easily switch up on the team. His purple guy persona is happily on the team though.
  • Kindred!Sans — Kindred was encountered by Shattered, from there he was offered a deal with Team Void, in which he helps them out along with doesn’t attack them and in the process they cause more destruction and help him in his job is needed.

Kyrvo Members

  • Bete Noire — Bete Noire from glitchtale timeline 1 is a stationed unit inside of Glitchtale, when needed or sent on a mission they get to the location via portals made by beings such as Shattered, they are apart but don’t directly identify with the Team.
  • Siren Sans — Siren Sans has no direct stationed location, his location varies based off where the higherups want to put him, sometimes he is places in advanced for missions such as an sneak or ambush. He stays in forests or dark areas to blend in and blindside unsuspecting victims.
  • V1RUF3CT3D 54N5 — Is an extremely powerful ally who helps out from time to time, this is mainly for special and secret missions, but other than that they are able to keep to themselves (This character is apart of the team, however, it is not canon to their or this story)
  • InsaneBelief!Papyrus — He is a powerful oppent due to his LV despite his lack of abilities, he is set up as bait and a spy like member, due to his injured state and still being sane for the most part.

Theós Members

  • Shattered Dream — Formed/Assymbled the entire team
  • William/Error404 — Has a truce with Shattered and works with the team
  • Bill/GravityTale Sans — Has a deal with Shattered that causes him to help out the team
  • Nightmare — Brother of Shattered who was there from the beginning and controls a decent portion of the team
  • Underfell Sans — Despite being a high rank, he isn’t treated as such nor active much, he was one of the first members. He made a deal with Nightmare giving him a leader like position on the team in return for his compete loyalty

Right/Left Hand Men

  • Malfunction Sans — Shattered’s Left Hand Man
  • Sans/LVtale/LV — Error404’s Left Hand Man
  • Righteous Error — Error404’s Right Hand Man
  • Nightmare — Shattereds Right Hand Man
  • Killer!Sans — Nightmare’s Right Hand Man

Controlled Beings, Puppets, and Henchmen

  • Cyan Sans — Error404’s Right Side (controlled)
  • Error Sans — Error404’s Main (Henchman)
  • The Thought/Seraphim Sans — Controlled by Error404
  • Syno!Sans — Controlled by Error404
  • Killer!Sans — Controlled by Error404

Deals, Promises, and Desires

This section will contain certain members and how they were recruited along with certain deals

  • Error404 Sans — Error404 was convinced by both the combined efforts of Shattered Dream and Error Sans to join the team. Error404 in fact is the only member who doesn’t have to respond to Shattered Dream but chooses to as it intrigues him. Error404 doesn’t usually help or interfere much unless usually a Higher-up or Error is in danger as this could result in his own goals and plans being ruined and usually means another powerful multiversal team or being is coming.
  • Bete Noire (timeline 1) — Bete was recruited thanks to their hatred for all monsters and desires, thanks to their hatred for monsters they were recruited by Shattered Dream in a different more appealing human form. Bete is kept in their timeline where they desire to be but if needed can and will be brought to the desired location by Shattered Dream to once more ‘fix a glitched timeline’
  • Swapfell Papyrus — Unlike his brother Papyrus didn’t want to join and was taken by force
  • Error5055 — Another Error was added to the group which was argued on by Error!Sans but still included. Error5055 is on missions more than often, and is kept near Shattered so he can be watched just incase anything happens. Thanks to his immortality and manipulative and negative nature he’s perfect for gathering new recruits and as such is often sent to do so as those make up 80% of his missions. (approved by owner)
  • LV Sans — Thanks to his immense power and already previously established connections he was made an Alpha. LV does seem to enjoy his time on the team along with most of his teammates and stays docile unless needed for a mission, and if so he’s usually sent along unless with Sixbones so that way no one can be harmed from his power and attacks. (approved by owner)
  • Maroon — He is literally has had a best friend, «Angel Reality». But, he are died. Maroon after know this. He promised to himself to finally take a revenge of the guy who killed Angel Reality. One day he started to met «Shattered Dream». They asked to him if they can join the team. Well that happen. Maroon is only joined the team to only gain more powers, and become a «bad guy». After he gain enough power, he can finally take the revenge of the guy who killed his best friend.
  • Screen Of Death!Sans — He was a tricky member and it took Shattered directly meeting him to get him to join. Shattered met him mid-steal and played on his weakness exploiting him by making false promises, brogans, and deals. Shattered promised he’d be a leader and remembered along with all the gold he could get his ‘filthy hands’ on. Thanks to his power he was easily Alpha but Shattered convinced him this was because of the important role he played and played into his insecurities while at the same time feeding into his confidence. Shattered has to be careful around SOD thanks to him being unstable and his constant needs, thus he has given SOD special assess to things (rather small or pointless things such as assess to supplies or the gold storage which didn’t matter much in the long-term plan) but to make sure SOD didn’t run off he constantly promises more in return for his help and simply staying. However, because of the cost of SOD Shattered is annoyed with him which shows from time to time and which will most likely lead to the betrayal or removal of SOD by Shattered if the needs for such is met. SOD is deployed on missions often to keep him working instead of sitting around and simply being feed into for doing nothing, but often checked up on so they don’t push his limits at least don’t push them too far (approved by owner)

The influence of Team Void

Team Void’s influence has spread across their multiverse no doubt, however, it goes even beyond that to even catch the attention of beings like Beyond!Sans. The team is not limited to one multiverse or one dimension thanks to their overall abilities and transportation, thus far, experiments are being ran by Shattered and the science department to see what the next multiverse over is like before entering.

Relationships connected to the Team

  • Outertale is on neutral terms with Team Void and most likely will be spared for this reason
  • We all agree that most members of Team Void do not like Underswap
  • UnderZoo Sans is under the control of Pestilence
  • Beyond Sans has not been contacted by the team, however, there was a rumor going around that he could grant a wish leading to sight instrest
  • It is unknown weather of not Virus404 knows of the Team’s existance but it is speculated as such-
  • The Astral Mother is a threat to the entire team if she were to ever reappear or show her face
  • Alpha Sans’s existance is know only to a few higherups, with Bill and Shattered knowing that he is alive, but William/Error404 still ignorant. A battle is not to occur with Alpha!Sans under any circumstances unless you’re at least in the Alpha division
  • Fatal Error doesn’t like Team Void and acts hostile towards him, so further recruitment attempts were stopped
  • The team has plans in store for Bad Time Trio and espically Classic/Undertale/Canon Sans
  • Underworld is an AU of instrest and kept underwatch
  • HELP_TALE is a dangerous and understable yet powerful universe that Shattered doesn’t really want to mess with, but theres a special reward for anyone who personally wants to got here and recruit those. . . «things«
  • Underfell is an AU that has been attacked and taken control over by Team Void
  • Flowerfell and Echotale are targets of the team which have not yet been attacked, one of the main reasons is because of the Frisk and Sans there being the main duo surronded by the AU, Shattered is forming a plan to use the human souls for and would like to capture both the Sanses as they are decently strong
  • Omnipotent!Sans — He is on good terms with the team, due to their path of chaos and destruction, he believes undoubtely they will bring the prophecy of Ragnarok. He does not help, nor does he attack, he is on good terms with them and just watches them and their actions from afar just waiting for it to happen.
  • Cross and Ink- Cross/X-tale/X Sans and Ink Sans are both overly compicated situations, this is due to their relations and connections to Shattered Dream

Team Void’s Palace

Team Void’s palace is located in seemingly the middle of nowhere, but its actually a dimensional cube surronding the palace that gives it the illusion of this, for this way no one can detect it or find it without stumbling upon it by mistake, teleporting to the wrong spot, or tracking a member down there. The palace is massive with many rooms going underground, around 25 floors/levels with many more being constructed. Some levels are reserved or restricted with Shattered’s office being at the end of the great hallway on the third floor.

For example upon entering level D which is four floors underground, there is a dimensional rift there, allowing for creatures and such to enter thanks to Bill!Sans who guard that level. The safer floors are upstairs which are open to all the members such as the large cafeteria and gaming room. There are actually multiple dungeon levels based off the properties of the victim such as there being a dimensional one if they were ever to somehow capture Core!Frisk.

The design of the overall palace seems to be medevil style with a few upper levels being the exception, mainly because members stay and live there (second floor is where the rooms and such are) and the style was removed so they can customize their area to their fit, but the reason for this style is simply because Shattered and Nightmare like it.

William/Error404 has his own office around 6 levels underground, therefore if he does decide to go there then he can be alone and free to himself. There is a portal room on the third floor that if you enter a certain portal it can take you to another dimension where Bill!Sans resides, it seemingly acts as his office, and he allows others to enter at free will out of boredom.

Remains of Nightmare’s old castle are found in the palace and even Nightmare’s throne underground, yet despite this Shattered doesn’t have a throne instead an office.


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WebError5055!Sans is a black skeleton that wears the same type of clothes as normal Undertale Sans. However, his jacket is white, he also has 2 black tentacles on his back similar to …
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ERROR505!SANS(维基百科设定翻译) — 哔哩哔哩

WebNov 21, 2021 505 讲解员与 404 的一些傀儡如 Cyan!Sans 和 King M. 相处得很好,这两者都被505认为是很烦人的。 King M.:他不喜欢 King M 的统治让多元宇宙处于无政府状 …
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WebJan 16, 2022 Check the sender’s («from») email address: Hover your mouse over the «from» address and check if it’s legitimate. For example, if you received an email from Microsoft, …
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WebSummary. Jack, known commonly as Virus404, is an insane Virus-God who serves as the unwitting master of Fortran’s schemes and is the prominent leader of the Virus Family. …
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WebMay 23, 2012 I have already googled that 505 is «HTTP Version not supported», but still can not figure out my problem. I have a web application with Tomcat,server side with self …
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WebJan 16, 2022 Checking the HTTP Version. The first step to solving the problem is to see which HTTP version your web server is actually using. To do that, you can use TelNet in …
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WebError5055!Sans is an Out!code created by DaBlooperBerry. He’s a Sans from a Genocide Timeline who were helped by a being known as Dream to defeat the Human within the …
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WebError!500 had originated from nowhere. He was but a simple Sans, roaming throughout his home AU. His AU had never been given its own name. It was normally just naturally …
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WebLink: sans_sans_addon.mcaddon/fileLink:…
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WebThe old creator of this AU has been banned. Please do not contact him on this fandom. Malfunction was originally a Sans from Mafiatale, however, Nightmare arrived while …
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WebPháp sư Gangster Tập 118 : Cuối cùng thì trận chiến giữa Error 404 Sans và Error 505 Sans đã diễn ra theo chiều hướng rất kịch tính …
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