Error 507 app inventor

Companion fails to «connect» to a YA app with error! #507 Comments Connecting Companion to a Project with errors in it will cause a crippled connection. The problem is only there during connecting. The companion will be connected (technically) to the AI client. But the companion will fail to load anything. For example try […]


  1. Companion fails to «connect» to a YA app with error! #507
  3. RogerBit
  4. «The Power Of The Bit»
  5. Solución (temporal) error 507 entre App inventor y módulo bluetooth hc-05 / hc-06
  6. Deja una respuesta Cancelar la respuesta
  7. Troubleshooting for App Inventor 2
  8. More Troubleshooting Help Topics
  9. Auto Update Issues ►
  10. Using the Emulator ►
  11. Using the USB cable ►
  12. App Inventor Setup Software ►
  13. The aiStarter program ►
  14. The AI Companion ►
  15. Installing device drivers ►
  16. Using the Blocks Editor and loading projects ►
  17. Connecting the phone over wifi ►
  18. Communicating with the device ►
  19. Using USB after using the emulator ►
  20. Running apps on the phone ►
  21. Testing apps with multiple screens ►
  22. Loading and saving projects ►
  23. Working with sounds and images ►
  24. Building projects ►
  25. Keystores and Signing of Applications («.apk» files) ►
  26. We detected errors while reading in your project ►
  27. Other ►
  28. I’m just lost! ►

Companion fails to «connect» to a YA app with error! #507

Connecting Companion to a Project with errors in it will cause a crippled connection.
The problem is only there during connecting. The companion will be connected (technically) to the AI client.
But the companion will fail to load anything.

For example try connecting to a project that has blocks as shown below

It will fail to load the Companion. Even after you try to correct the error above, it still won’t show any updates.You have to try reconnecting the Companion after correcting the error.
However once connected, you can have errors later(it just wont show an app with error ). You can see changes immediately after correcting all error.

No, I do NOT have an elegant solution to fix this issue.
However I presume, that the ReplForm fails to get loaded by runtime.scm due to an entire fail to the first scheme.eval ..

@halatmit, is this bug important to fix.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Ack. I’ll look at this tonight or tomorrow.

@thequixotic @halatmit So I figured this one out. The problem is that during the initial load of the app there is a (begin expr . ) where each expr is one of the scheme expressions that sets up a component. An error in an early expr stop execution so later components do not get setup.

The work around is to fix the problem in the project and then make a change in the designer (any change). A change in the designer triggers an App reload which will reload all components. If there is not error this time, all will proceed normally.

I am working on a fix, which involves modifying (do-after-form-creation . ) in runtime.scm. The idea being to wrap a try-catch around each expr being evaluated and continue after an error and signal the error back to the blocks editor. It may or may not be possible to indicate the component with the error (still looking at that) but at least the user will be alerted to the problem.

I’ll hack on this either tomorrow or next week, depending on what else is demanding my attention 🙂



«The Power Of The Bit»

Solución (temporal) error 507 entre App inventor y módulo bluetooth hc-05 / hc-06

Hola en este tutorial, veremos como solucionar un inconveniente de conexión entre módulos bluetooth hc-05 / hc-06, donde aparece el error 507 al tratar de enlazar la aplicación con estos módulos. También este método soluciona, problemas de comunicación con aplicaciones para el control de equipo de audio como MAX juke de panasonic, pero en esta no aparece el error 507.

Si tienes la siguiente leyenda en tu terminal móvil “Error 507: Unable to connect. Is the device turned on?” entonces sigue los siguientes pasos para solucionar el inconveniente(Aunque lamentablemente en forma temporal).

Pasos para desactivar el proceso BluetoothMapService

1.Vamos a “Ajustes”

2. Iremos a “Acerca del teléfono”

3. Hacemos clic 7 veces en “Número de compilación” (en caso mi ya lo tenía habilitado)

4. Aparecerá un nuevo menú llamado “Opciones de desarrollo” entramos ahí

5. Buscamos “Servicios en ejecución”

6. Abrimos “Compartir con bluetooth”

7. Buscamos “BluetoothMapService”

8. Y lo detenemos

9. Ahora abrimos nuestra aplicación hecha en App Inventor y vamos a conetar

10. Seleccionamos nuestro módulo Bluetooth

11. Listo ya tenemos nuestra aplicación enlazada con el módulo bluetooth

Bueno, como pueden ver son pocos los pasos para solucionar temporalmente este inconveniente, lo ideal sería desactivar este proceso, tal vez se pueda hacer en forma definitiva con alguna aplicación específica para ese caso , pero seguramente nuestro terminal deberá estar rooteado, nos vemos hasta la próxima y buenos bits amigo

Tal vez pueda interesarte proyectos en arduino, pic, robótica, telecomunicaciones, suscribete en mucho videos con código fuentes completos y diagrama



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Troubleshooting for App Inventor 2

Quick Fixes for Common Issues
Updating Setup Software Get the AI2 Companion Connection Tester
Build Apps & Share (Google Play) Help with aiStarter Installing Device Drivers
Connecting an Emulator Connect USB: Mac | Windows Connect over Wifi

More Troubleshooting Help Topics

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Auto Update Issues ►

Auto Update Doesn’t Appear to Work for me.

I’m using the emulator and it says that my Companion is out of date.

If you are using the emulator and you see this message, it most likely means that you are using old setup tools. Go to our test page to verify your setup, and install the latest version if necessary. Be sure to follow the instructions about uninstalling and reinstalling, including the rebooting steps.

The Companion within the Emulator display an errors message when I attempt the update.

Make sure your firewall is permitting connections to That is where the new version of the Companion can be downloaded. The Companion can’t update if that address is being blocked.

After the Update, I start the Companion in the emulator and it fails, saying there is no WiFi Connection.

Use the Connect->Reset Connections menu in App Inventor to reset the Emulator and then connect again.

Using the Emulator ►

I’m trying to use the emulator, and it’s not working.

If you are having trouble with the emulator or USB, first try visiting the Connection Test Page to verify that aiStarter is running and that you have installed the latest version of the setup software. If that doesn’t fix the problem, reinstall the setup software. Follow the instructions carefully, including the steps of rebooting and uninstalling. Still not working? See How to update the App Inventor setup software. In addition to the troubleshooting suggestions shown here, you can check out the page for General connection help. You can also visit the App Inventor Forum to connect with other App Inventor users.

When connecting to the emulator, App Inventor says: «Network Error Communicating with Companion. Try resetting the Companion and reconnecting.»

This message means that App Inventor believes it’s connected to the emulator, but it is getting no response from the AI Companion software that should be running there. The most common cause here is that App Inventor setup software needs to be reinstalled. To install, you need to first reboot the system, then run the uninstaller for the old version on the tools, then download and install the new tools. If this does not help, see the steps under Emulator Connection Help Guide.

My app runs on the emulator, but images do not appear.

Some people have observed a problem where the app runs on the emulator, but images do not appear. To fix this, reload the App Inventor page in your browser. (Use shift-reload to also reload the cache.) Then try connecting to the emulator again.

Using the USB cable ►

My device is plugged in, but when I select to connect with USB, I get the message «App Inventor does not see the device».

App Inventor Setup Software ►

How do I update the App Inventor Setup software?

The aiStarter program ►

App Inventor is telling me to restart the aiStarter program. What is that?

The aiStarter program is installed on your computer with the App Inventor Setup software. It provides communication between different parts of App Inventor, including the part in your browser. Whenever you want to use the emulator or the USB cable, you need to make sure that aiStarter is running. If it is not running, you’ll get an error message that says so. On Windows, there should be a button on your desktop that starts aiStarter. On the Mac, aiStarter should start automatically, so Mac users should not have to worry about this. In case aiStarter somehow does need to be started manually on the Mac, find it using Spotlight, use the Finder to go to /Applications/AppInventor/commands-for-App, and double click on aiStarter. On GNU/Linux, this program is in /usr/local/bin. You should be able to start it by typing aiStarter from a terminal. More help with aiStarter

On Windows, App Inventor cannot connect to the device, and the command window for aiStarter shows: The system cannot find the path specified. Problem checking for devices: status 1.

To fix this, uninstall the setup software and reinstall it from an account with administrator privileges, following the directions at How to update the App Inventor setup software.

The AI Companion ►

Google Play will not download the AI Companion app to my phone. Is says that the app is not compatible with my device.

Google Play is often overly conservative about whether an app is compatible with a given device. This is especially true for tablets. The AI Companion should be compatible with Android operating system version 2.3 and later. If Google Play refuses to install the Companion, try using the QR code at the right on the page Connect your Phone or Tablet over WiFi , which links directly to the APK file.

I cannot find the MIT AI2 Companion App on the Google Play Store.

This is probably the same issue as above, especially on tablets. If you cannot access the MIT AI2 Companion App via the Google Play Store, you may download the APK file from this page and install it directly onto your phone (note that to directly install, you will need to allow installation of non-market apps in your device’s system settings). This can also happen if your have content filtering on your Google Play account. You’ll need to allow «apps for everyone» on your account in order to see the Companion in the Play Store.

Installing device drivers ►

I ran the App Inventor Setup installer on Windows, but the phone device drivers do not install.

There are multiple reasons for this, and we’re trying to track them all down. The Windows driver installation instructions in the App Inventor documentation contain our best advice, and we’ll keep those current as we get more information from users.

Note that the drivers included in the App Inventor Setup software do not work on all Android devices, and you may need to get drivers from the manufacturers. See the Windows driver installation instructions for advice, and check the App Inventor Forum to see if others have had similar issues with the version of Windows and the particular device you are using.

Also, the driver issues around App Inventor are the same as for the Android SDK in general, so doing a Web search for driver issues around the Android SDK may also be worthwhile. It also might be worthwhile to search the Android Beginners Google Group and the Android Developers Google Group.

Using the Blocks Editor and loading projects ►

My Blocks vanished from the Blocks Editor.

They may have scrolled off the window. Try moving the scroll bars. If it doesn’t move enough, try dragging a block to the bottom or top of the scroll bar, release, and repeat.

The Blocks Editor won’t connect to the phone or media files don’t show up on the phone.

There are several possible causes for this, depending on the model of phone you are using. Causes include incompatible phone settings and interference from other applications running on your phone or your laptop. Take a look at steps 5 and 6 on this page for some things to try.

I’m using Firefox and I got an error message about being unable to access project definitions.

If you are using Firefox and have the «noscript» extension installed, you’ll need to disable it. Other tools and system configurations that restrict access to your computer (e.g., firewalls) may also interfere with App Inventor. You should check for these if you encounter errors about reading definitions or connecting to the phone.

Connecting the phone over wifi ►

I’m using wireless and the phone won’t connect to the blocks editor.

Try the following steps to troubleshoot your wireless connection.

  1. Try to reach from your computer.
  2. Try to reach from the phone itself.
  3. If the steps above both work, try using the «ping» command to ping to the IP Address of the phone (displayed by the MIT AICompanion in its startup window). If you are using windows, type «ping» + *IP address of the phone* in cmd.exe window, if you are using Mac or Linux, type «ping» + *IP address of the phone* in the terminal window. For detailed instruction see
  4. If all of these steps succeed and Wireless App Inventor still doesn’t work, then there may be a firewall between the computer and phone that is blocking ports 8001 and 9987. If you have a «telnet» program, you can attempt to telnet from the computer to the phone on these ports. If the connection won’t complete, then there is likely a firewall in place that is blocking connections to the phone.

I installed the MIT AICompanion App before and it doesn’t work now.

You must use the latest version of the MIT AICompanion App. If you attempt to use an older version of the Companion App with App Inventor, you will be prompted to update it.

I followed all the wireless instructions and my phone is connected to WiFi, and I still cannot connect to App Inventor via WiFi.

If you have trouble connecting using these wireless instructions, make sure your phone is using WiFi and not the cell network. On some devices and in some locations, even with WiFi enabled, the phone continues to use the cell network for Internet connectivity. If this is happening to you, you can disable mobile networking (cell phone carrier based Internet connectivity) from your device’s Android settings menu. More information about how the WiFi connection works.

Communicating with the device ►

App Inventor says: You must be connected to the companion or emulator to use «Do It».

This message means that App Inventor believes that it’s not connected to any device. If you are using the USB cable, first check that the phone is securely plugged in. You can also check the connection by using the Connection Test Page. Once the phone is connected, stop the Companion software on the phone and try connecting again. If this does not work, or if you are not using USB, try the solution shown under «App Inventor says: Network Error Communicating with Companion.»

The phone (or emulator) shows a notice — Security error receiving blocks from browser.

The browser may have loaded a new project without the Companion recognizing that. (Perhaps the phone was unplugged?) Reset the Companion by using the menu key (on the emulator) and select «stop this application.» Then reload the browser page, make sure the phone is connected, and try connecting again.

The Companion started to run, and then said «Connection error.»

This can happen if App Inventor tries to connect and start the Companion, and the Companion is already running on the device (perhaps from a previous project). Go to the running Companion app, press menu, and choose to stop the application. Then try reconnecting again. If this keeps happening, try rebooting the device.

Using USB after using the emulator ►

I was using the emulator and now I can’t use the USB cable.

App Inventor sees only one connected device at a time. IIf you were using the emulator, you’ll need to quit it before you can connect the phone via USB.

Running apps on the phone ►

I was developing an app and it crashed on the phone.

From the Connect Menu, click «Reset Connection,» and then click «AI Companion» to restart. You can also ask for help from other users in the App Inventor Forum.

My phone doesn’t seem to match what’s in my program.

First try clicking the Designer button, then click back to the Blocks button. Sometimes the app showing on your phone is lagging behind what is in your browser, and needs to be updated on your phone. Switching between these two screens causes a refresh.

I was developing an app and I unplugged the phone, and the app disappeared from the phone.

It’s supposed to disappear. If you want to use the app when the phone is disconnected, you’ll need to package it and download it to the phone.

The code size for the apps I create is very large. Even the simplest apps have apk files that are larger than a Megabyte.

App Inventor apk files are in fact very large. We’re working to reduce their size.

My app causes a virus warning.

There is a known issue with certain virus protection software, in particular the «Dr. Web» anti-virus app. Any app that uses the texting component (SMS) will generate the virus warning «android.smssend.origin.247». This is a false positive virus detection that you can safely ignore.

Testing apps with multiple screens ►

I’m trying to test an app with multiple screens but it’s not working correctly.

Apps with multiple screens must be packaged and sent to the phone to test. If this is a problem for you due to wifi or other issues, follow these instructions:

  1. Download the free app called ES File Explorer from the Google Play Store on your Android device.
  2. Use the App Inventor Designer Window to download the app to your computer. (Your Blocks Editor Window must be launched to package your app successfully.)
  3. Connect your Android device to your computer as a USB Device.
  4. Using your computer, navigate to your file manager, find your device, and double click to navigate to its Download Folder.
  5. Drag and drop your app’s .apk file from the Computer’s Download Folder to your device’s Download Folder.
  6. On your device, launch the ES File Explorer App. Using this app, you can then navigate to your tablet’s Download Folder and double click on your appinventor app to launch it!

Loading and saving projects ►

App Inventor says there’s an error and it cannot load my project.

This might be a transient error coming from App Inventor’s link to the cloud storage system. Wait a minute, then try again and see if the problem recurs. If the problem does recur, then there is probably some problem with the project file itself. Please file an issue report telling us about it. Attach the project source (aia file) if you can.

Working with sounds and images ►

I set the image property of a button (or other component) to an image file, but nothing shows on the phone.

There are several possible causes for this, so there are several things to try:

  • Make sure your phone has an SD card and that the SD card is not full. App Inventor uses the SD card for temporary storage of images, and the phone needs to have an SD card in order to run App Inventor.
  • If connected via USB, make sure your phone’s USB connection mode is not mounting the SD card. In Android settings, change the connection mode to «charge only».
  • If you get an error message about external storage, you’ll need to check that your phone is not set for Mass Storage mode: Tap the Home button to go to your phone’s Home screen, then the Menu button, then Settings, then tap Connect to PC. Tap Connection Type and choose «Charge Only». Make sure that other choices are not selected. It is especially important that choices «Disk Drive» or «Mass Storage» are NOT selected (these words vary by phone and Android Operating System version).
  • Try unplugging the phone and plugging it back in. Then click on the «Connect —> USB» menu in App Inventor.
  • If that doesn’t work, try packaging and downloading the app. Start up the downloaded app, and see if the image appears on the phone. If the image does appear, then you’ll have to continue developing without the image showing on the phone. You’ll see your app in its full glory only after you’ve packaged and downloaded it, not while you’re developing the app live. Please ask about this in the App Inventor Forum.
  • If your image does not appear in the packaged app either, then you should suspect that there is something wrong with the image file. Perhaps it is not really an image file: Try examining the file with some graphics software. Perhaps it’s not an image in a format that App Inventor can process: App Inventor can handle JPG, PNG, or GIF. Maybe the file is too large: try using graphics software to cut its size down to less than 300K.
  • If none of these things work, try asking for help in the Forum.
  • Tip: You can sometimes see system complaints about the phone running out of storage by using the Android Debug Bridge (adb) to examine the Android system log.

I set the source property of a Sound or Player component, but there’s no sound when I tell the phone to play.

If you are working with the phone connected to the computer, make sure the phone really is connected. Try using «Do it» on a few blocks, including the block that tells the component to play. Also make sure the phone’s media volume is not turned down!

If this doesn’t help, try some of the same things as with images, above. Make sure you have enough storage. (See information on media in App Inventor.) And make sure the audio file is a format the Android (and hence App Inventor) knows about. MP3 and PCM/WAV files should be OK, but there may be issues with other formats. See for a list of supported media formats. Warning: Not all WAV files are PCM/WAV.

Text-to-Speech is not working on my phone (or tablet).

First, check to make sure that the volume on your device is all the way up. Also, be sure you’ve got something typed into the dark pink text block, and that it is plugged into the purple TextToSpeech.speak block. If that text box is blank then you aren’t telling the device to say something.

Then, if you still don’t hear anything, check to make sure your device has Text-to-Speech installed. It is supposed to be standard on all Android devices. To check if you have TTS on your device go to Settings -> Controls -> Language and input -> Text-to-speech options. You should see Google Text-to-Speech. If it’s not there you can most likely install it from the Google Play Store. If you are working in a language other than English, you’ll need to install the Google Translate app:

Then, you need to have the language package for the language you wish for: settings->language + input -> tts output then: select google tts (if it’s not already selected)

Hello Purr does not work on my Lenovo A1 Tablet — the meow.mp3 file won’t play.

Change your blocks to use the Player component instead of the Sound component.

Building projects ►

When I try to build my project, it fails with «unexpected problem generating Yail».

This error occurs if building the project fails at the very last stage. This error message is a catch-all that covers «unexpected» errors where App Inventor hasn’t provided a useful error message.

There are several situations where this error has been observed. One is with large projects that have multiple screens: The individual screens build correctly, but the system runs out of space in putting all the screens together at the final packaging. Another situation is where the project file is corrupted, for example by the user unzipping it making an edit and then re-zipping it. This can lead to spurious files being included in the new zip file, which confuse the compiler. Another issue might be bad names for figures or other assets, that can also trip up the compiler.

If your project gets this error, first check for issues like the two listed above. If that doesn’t help, try asking in the Forum: You’ll need to attach your project source so that someone can try to diagnose the problem.

When I try to build my project it fails with «Server error: could not build project».

This could be the result of a transient storage failure, so try again. If the problem persists, this could be a similar issue to «unexpected problems generating Yail,» above. One program issue that causes a build failure is if your program contains two event handlers for the same event with the same component (for example, two Button1 when-clicked definitions). This is a known bug in App Inventor that will be fixed. Until then, if your program build fails, check to see if you’ve defined multiple event handlers for the same event.

When I try to install my project on the phone, I get the error «unable to parse package».

One possible cause for this error is that your phone does not have enough free memory to install your app. When an app is installed it is expanded from the APK file and the installation requires about 3 times as much space as the size of the APK. Look under your phone’s settings to see how much available storage you have. You might need to uninstall some older apps to create the necessary space. Android installs App Inventor apps in its internal memory, so even if you have space on the external memory (SD card) you might still have problems. The «unable to parse» error can also occur when the APK file is too large or includes extraneous files. Check the files listed under Media to see if any were included by mistake, or if there are any that you don’t need.

Keystores and Signing of Applications («.apk» files) ►

I’m seeing the error [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_INCONSISTENT_CERTIFICATES] when I try to download my app to my Android device

If you get this error message you most likely are trying to reinstall an app on your device that you have previously packaged and installed with a different App Inventor service. For example, you might have packaged the app originally with the Google App Inventor service and now you are trying to re-package with the MIT App Inventor service, or with a service that someone else is running. If you don’t have any data associated with the app on the device (e.g., in a TinyDB) the easiest solution is to remove the app from the device and then install the new version. If you need to preserve the data associated with the app, and you have a copy of the keystore that was used to package the app that is already installed, see below for how to upload the old keystore to the new service.

Every Android app («.apk» file) needs to be signed with a key belonging to the user who creates the app (see for lots more information on signing apps). App Inventor generally handles this for you behind the scenes, so that most users don’t need to think about app signing most of the time. However, you might run into a situation where you need to know about app signing if you move between different App Inventor services and you want to reinstall an application that was built on a different service while still preserving its local data. App Inventor keeps the key used to sign your apps in a file called a keystore. When you first start using an App Inventor service it creates a new keystore for you and uses that to sign any apps you package on the service. If you move to a different App Inventor service and want to keep using the same keystore to sign your apps (to avoid the inconsistent certificates problem mentioned above), you will need to download (or otherwise obtain) the keystore from the old service and upload that keystore into the new service. Options for downloading and uploading keystores can be found in the My Projects tab, under the More Actions menu. Note that the same keystore is used to sign all of a user’s projects in a given App Inventor service, so you cannot designate one keystore for some apps and a different keystore for other apps.

How can I get the keystore that was used to package my apps in the original Google App Inventor service?

Most users of the original Google App Inventor service can find a copy of their app source zip files, as well as the keystore that was used to package their apps, in their Google Docs accounts:

  • In your browser, go to
  • Search for
  • Download the zip file by clicking on Download under File.
  • Unzip the downloaded file and you will find a directory called keystore containing a file called android.keystore. This file contains the keystore that was used to sign the apps for that App Inventor account on the Google App Inventor service.

We detected errors while reading in your project ►

I received the message «We detected errors while reading in your project» when starting App Inventor or Switching Projects

The copy of your project received by your computer differs from the version sent by the MIT App Inventor server. This is most likely caused by a server or filter, not controlled by MIT, located between our servers and your computer. You should check with your local computer/network technicians. You may be able to find help in the MIT App Inventor Forums.

Other ►

App Inventor says to «check the debugging messages.» Where are these?

This is an especially unhelpful error message that will be fixed in the next update to App Inventor. It is generated when App Inventor cannot complete the compilation of a program. The most common cause for this is that there are two event handlers for the same event with the same component (for example, two Button1 when-clicked definitions). Check your program for this and try again. If that is not the problem ask for help in the forum, and include the name of your project.

I’m just lost! ►

Ask other users for help on the App Inventor Forums.


Dana Auman


Jan 28, 2015, 5:17:04 AM1/28/15

to app-inventor-o…


I an not a programmer and I am using App Inv for the first time.  I have posted this question in App Inv 2 and it does not look like any body knows how or if this problem can be solved.  I found this area when I was searching for answers via Google search, so I thought I would give this area a try.

I have attached the block view of this simple test to see if the app will connect to a blue tooth device.  after the selection is made I get the 507 error.  I know that the selection works as it will list the address to the text, after the selection is made, but the connection will not occur.

As I have searched and searched the other questions regarding blue tooth connection via App Inv 2 in that forum, all of the questions that are answered with a fix, seam to be only working for the Arduino devices.

In the long run, All I would like to do is get the app to see a blue tooth device and know that it is connected and when the connection fails to report it to the app.  

Any help would be great.  TY

Yifan Li


Jan 28, 2015, 6:35:06 AM1/28/15

to app-inventor-o…

Hi ,   

    I tried out your block. Same error happens to me. I think since you could select the bluetooth device in your list. This means your bluetooth device and android system call is working fine. But the problem is that bluetooth communication uses this Server-to-Client module. If you ever want to connect to device,there need to be a server program running on that machine. If there is no such a server, it would behave like you type a website that doesn’t exist anymore.

There is a link might help:     By the way , I tried a Bluetooth serial terminal on my computer. But it seems my phone is not visible there, I’m still figuring out why.(It seems there is not Serial Port dedicated for my connection which should be created by my app on the phone).

First time to try to answer somebody, hope it helps a little bit.


在 2015年1月27日星期二 UTC-5下午9:17:04,Dana Auman写道:

Dana Auman


Jan 28, 2015, 3:31:00 PM1/28/15

to app-inventor-o…


Ty for the reply, I have tried that link you posted and have loaded his aia.  the app works but I still get the 507 error.  I thought it was a server issue aswell, but the device I wish to truely connect to would be like a blue tooth speaker or something link that.  The blue tooth that I want to connect to will not be connected to a computer or a phone.



Jan 28, 2015, 4:33:16 PM1/28/15

to app-inventor-o…

as Evan said, you need this app on both devices for this example to work 

 but the device I wish to truely connect to would be like a blue tooth speaker or something link that.

as far as I know this is not possible with App Inventor

Evan Lee(Yifan Li)


Feb 1, 2015, 8:34:59 PM2/1/15

to app-inventor-o…


      Are you trying to connect a blue tooth speaker to a phone ?     

      You probably need to be more specific about what you want to do with blue tooth and the app you want to create. 

       The connecting to server part in the previous document mentioned that «When you want to connect two devices, one must act as a server by holding an open BluetoothServerSocket»   Your previous block doesn’t have a server.   

在 2015年1月28日星期三 UTC-5上午7:31:00,Dana Auman写道:

md.mohiminol Islam


Feb 5, 2015, 1:20:11 PM2/5/15

to app-inventor-o…

I also got smae problem.I cant fix it,It may be the apps problem,we should check it again

Dana Auman


Feb 8, 2015, 4:13:50 AM2/8/15

to app-inventor-o…

I have the answer why, its because of a server client issue.  see blue tooth issue 507 error

There are a few issues look at all of the post.

Evan Lee(Yifan Li)


Feb 16, 2015, 3:31:44 AM2/16/15

to app-inventor-o…

So hey dana,    have you solved the problem? Would you like to share the block?


在 2015年2月7日星期六 UTC-5下午8:13:50,Dana Auman写道:

Dana Auman


Feb 16, 2015, 3:42:59 AM2/16/15

to app-inventor-o…


I did and I did not solve the problem.  Depends on what you are trying to connect to.

I have come to the conclusion that it is a Server — Client issue.  I created two little apps one as a Server and one as a Client to try to connect to the device that I wanted to connect to and the only app that would work was the Client app.

I have attached both aia files.  

What I ultimately want to do with the Bluetooth, App Inventor can not do it, because there a few things that it is not capable to do.  So I have started to look into Android Studio.  Don’t get me wrong App Inventor is a great tool.

Hope this helps.

Albert Schulz


Sep 9, 2017, 8:05:58 PM9/9/17

to App Inventor Open Source Development

A video on Youtube helped me to solve this issu

In the video is
used a command which has led me to an error

sudo python install

error: Python.h: no such file or direvtory“

I just had to install a missing package

apt-get install python2.7-dev

Otherwise I did everything exactly as in the video

Albert Schulz


Sep 9, 2017, 8:24:02 PM9/9/17

to App Inventor Open Source Development

what i forgot to explain.
In my case. I try to make an bleutooth connection between Android Smartphon and Raspberry Pi
For the Smartphone i create an App with App Inv 2 (LED-ON-OFF.PNG)

On the Raspberry Pi i run a script with python (
The script must be running if you try to connect.

Nigel Yong


Nov 28, 2017, 7:33:47 PM11/28/17

to App Inventor Open Source Development

Use another separate bluetooth module connected to your rpi, it works!

Michał Solewicz


Nov 8, 2018, 3:37:28 AM11/8/18

to App Inventor Open Source Development

Could You share .aia file?

Hello, i am trying to build an app based on bluetooth connectivity but when i am trying to connect with another device

i am getting error 507 unable to connect.

Please if you can help me because bluetooth connectivity is crucial for my app.

you will need a bluetooth server on the other device, which is able to accept a connection

Hello and thank you for the response, i am trying to build an app that connects with elm327 device, so i am not be able to make any changes in elm device.

I want only my app to connect with the elm and get data from it.

You think it is possible?

Thank you in advance. 

Hello and thank you for the responce, i think after a lot o research and tests that app inventor have limited possibilities.

I have tried all the possible combinations in app inventor for connect my device with bluetooth with no results.

Why we are limited to only connect with bluetooth 2 devices that run the same application?

This is big disadvantage compare to other developers.

I am building apps with app inventor for 6 months now and on every build i am facing limitations, it is frustrating.

If you find App Inventor to limiting, learn how to program in Java!

You thing that i am wrong when i am saying that app inventor is a great tool but have limitations compare to Java?
I am not programmer (yet) but i am learnig every day and i will learn java and i  suggest you to do the same!

The bottom line is that app inventor is a great tool but is still under development and have many limitations, I am very grateful because I have the option to use it but not to all of my projects.

App Inventor is no more «under development» than the Android OS is itself.  It’s always changing, as is App Inventor.

App Inventor DOES have limitations. And you can get around some of them.  Some of them are rigid and you can’t get circumnavigate them.

For a quick and easy FREE programming language, it’s very good.

But if you want your programming to be without limitations, learn Java and use Android Studio or Eclipse… So, don’t complain.. you have a lot of options.

I am very happy to know that you are programmer ( as I told you I am not yet )​, because I am not programmer and for the moment

my only option is app inventor I wrote that I it is frustrating to deal with errors that must not be there.

If you have the option of Bluetooth connectivity you must be connected (true or not?).

Note that you are send 2 messages for explaining to me that i don’t have the right to complain (and maybe i don’t ) but you didn’t see the problem and you didn’t say anything about it.

It is possible to connect my phone with elm(obd) through Bluetooth with app inventor or not?

The secret to connecting to a device is to first search for its Application Programming Interface (API)…

One of those links hopefully describes the formats of the messages the unit reads and writes.

A lot of them talk about Java libraries, which won’t help you in a pure AI2 app.

If you do a little leg work to find the right link,

I don’t mind checking your block screen shots.

Thank four your response sir.
I will search and i will inform you about the results.

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