Error 50a y origin mimaki

Всем привет, после некоторых манипуляций с кареткой (менял подшипники) При включении плоттера, каретка уезжает вправо и останавливается,после инициали..


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Mimaki CG SR III ошибка ERROR 50a Y ORIGIN

Всем привет, после некоторых манипуляций с кареткой (менял подшипники)

При включении плоттера, каретка уезжает вправо и останавливается,после инициализации выдает ошибку -ERROR 50a

В руководстве вот что нашел:
The plotter has failed to detect the origin

Это перевод ошибки : Выключите питание один раз и включите его
Если то же сообщение об ошибке все еще появляется,
обратитесь к своему дистрибьютору или в офис продаж


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Re: Mimaki CG SR III ошибка ERROR 50a Y ORIGIN

Сообщение mirstiker » 09 фев 2022 10:27

Это датчик по оси y ?

(1.59 МБ) 0 скачиваний


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Re: Mimaki CG SR III ошибка ERROR 50a Y ORIGIN

Сообщение mirstiker » 18 фев 2022 23:01

поменял этот датчик на новый, но проблема осталась, что можно еще предпринять?

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Re: Mimaki CG SR III ошибка ERROR 50a Y ORIGIN

Сообщение Alter_Ego_kz » 16 мар 2022 08:25

Средство устранения: Приводной ремень сломан или ослаблен. Проверьте приводной ремень и замените его, если он сломан. При необходимости отрегулируйте натяжение. Ремень синхронизации сломан или ослаблен. Проверьте ремень синхронизации и замените его, если он сломан. При необходимости отрегулируйте натяжение. Стопорный винт шкива

Исправление: Эта ошибка может возникать, когда размер модели установлен на меньший размер, чем исходный. Проверьте настройку, затем при необходимости исправьте ее.

вот что нашел. 
я бы посмотрел на натяжку ремня и на состояние двигателя

Вернуться в «Режущие плоттеры MIMAKI»

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Сейчас этот форум просматривают: нет зарегистрированных пользователей и 0 гостей

Compatibility : Windows 7, 8, Vista, XP
Download Size : 6MB
Requirements : 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. To unlock all features and tools, a purchase is required.

Mimaki Error 50 Origin Error Codes are caused in one way or another by misconfigured system files in your windows operating system.

If you have Mimaki Error 50 Origin errors then we strongly recommend that you Download (Mimaki Error 50 Origin) Repair Tool .

This article contains information that shows you how to fix Mimaki Error 50 Origin both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Mimaki Error 50 Origin error code that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2023-01-09 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794


What is Mimaki Error 50 Origin error?

The Mimaki Error 50 Origin error is the Hexadecimal format of the error caused. This is common error code format used by windows and other windows compatible software and driver vendors.

This code is used by the vendor to identify the error caused. This Mimaki Error 50 Origin error code has a numeric error number and a technical description. In some cases the error may have more parameters in Mimaki Error 50 Origin format .This additional hexadecimal code are the address of the memory locations where the instruction(s) was loaded at the time of the error.

What causes Mimaki Error 50 Origin error?

The Mimaki Error 50 Origin error may be caused by windows system files damage. The corrupted system files entries can be a real threat to the well being of your computer.

There can be many events which may have resulted in the system files errors. An incomplete installation, an incomplete uninstall, improper deletion of applications or hardware. It can also be caused if your computer is recovered from a virus or adware/spyware attack or by an improper shutdown of the computer. All the above actives may result in the deletion or corruption of the entries in the windows system files. This corrupted system file will lead to the missing and wrongly linked information and files needed for the proper working of the application.

How to easily fix Mimaki Error 50 Origin error?

There are two (2) ways to fix Mimaki Error 50 Origin Error:

Advanced Computer User Solution (manual update):

1) Start your computer and log on as an administrator.

2) Click the Start button then select All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then click System Restore.

3) In the new window, select «Restore my computer to an earlier time» option and then click Next.

4) Select the most recent system restore point from the «On this list, click a restore point» list, and then click Next.

5) Click Next on the confirmation window.

6) Restarts the computer when the restoration is finished.

Novice Computer User Solution (completely automated):

2) Install program and click Scan button.

3) Click the Fix Errors button when scan is completed.

4) Restart your computer.

How does it work?

This tool will scan and diagnose, then repairs, your PC with patent pending technology that fix your windows operating system registry structure.
basic features: (repairs system freezing and rebooting issues , start-up customization , browser helper object management , program removal management , live updates , windows structure repair.)


MIMAKI CG-130SRII/100SRII выдает ERR50 и ERR60. Как войти в меню #TEST?

MIMAKI CG-130SRII/100SRII выдает ERR50 и ERR60. Как войти в

Сообщение Nikita Polevoy » 22 окт 2015 13:31

MIMAKI CG-130SRII/100SRII выдает ERR50 и ERR60.

Иногда выдает ERR60 (ошибка энкодера при тестовом опускании ножа), иногда выдает ERR50 (ошибка позиционирования, как я понимаю).

ERR60 выдается при стартовом самотестировании аппарата, ERR50 — при попытке заправить лист.

Как войти в меню #TEST?

Дело в том что мы долго читали сервис-мануал, и там написано что при этих ошибках надо проверить сенсоры, но для этого надо войти в меню #TEST, а такого пункта меню нет

Судя по всему этот пункт меню появляется после каких-то специальных действий над плоттером?

Если кто знает, расскажите пожалуйста — как же попасть в это самое меню #TEST?

В сервис наш резчик уже звонил, но ему отказались выдать эту тайну, предлагают прислать им плоттер в ремонт.

Конечно, для москвичей отвезти плоттер в ремонт не проблема, но от нас его отправить в Москву и потом обратно — это во-первых очень недешево (надо заказывать как минимум обрешетку), а во вторых довольно долго.

Заранее спасибо за ответ!

Еще вопрос: возникла идея может у него просто какие-то настройки сбились?
Возможно надо просто перезалить прошивку?
Тогда интересно бы было узнать как это делается..

Сообщение dmitry-a » 22 окт 2015 18:46

Искал сервис-мануал — нашёл только ссылку на платный:

Сообщение камил » 23 окт 2015 11:10

Начинаю бизнес по печати на футболках, Сумках и рюкзаках, кепках и т.д (сублимация, термоперенос и т.д.)

Помогите подобрать плоттер:

— работа с форматом А4-А3 (пока не более)
— резать флекс, флок и другие материалы для термопереноса
— бюджет .
— готов на бу
Нужен совет.

Сообщение Nikita Polevoy » 23 окт 2015 15:43

Спасибо, я вот здесь покупал:
Дешевле получается.

В том-то и проблема, что в сервис-мануале не написано, как попасть в это меню

Единственное что мы нащупали методом тыка:
1) стрелки вверх и вниз при включении — это вход в режим заливки прошивки.
2) еще какая-то комбинация со стрелками (вспомню позже) переводит аппарат в режим каких-то настроек, но это не режим #ADJUST.

По крайней мере пункта сброса к заводским настройкам там точно нет.

Таким образом, на данный момент даже при наличии сервис-мануала совершенно непонятно, как войти в меню #TEST и #ADJUST.

Попытки покурить буржуйские форумы показали, что некоторые юзеры умеют входить в режим #TEST, но не удалось установить, как они это делают

В общем, помогите люди добрые кто чем может!

Вполне может быть что ответ лежит на поверхности, в таком случае заранее приношу извинения за глупые вопросы

Добавлено спустя 1 минуту 39 секунд:

вроде темы по подбору плоттера уже есть на этом форуме в других разделах, лучше там посмотреть. А здесь в основном технические вопросы обсуждаются.



  • #4

Mimaki specialist

My Mimaki printer is displaying a Error 402 MOTOR Y, and Error 50a Y origin. Any solutions on how to fix this problem? I’d really appreciate the help..

I would start with re leveling and making sure everything moves smooth.

error 402

1. Check if there is no error on the print data.(Check if the same error occurs on other data?)
2. Check if it moves to the Y-direction smoothly in thepower-off condition.
3. Check if there is no trouble on the Timing Belt.
4. Check if there is no trouble on the Motor Cable.(disconnecting, burnout, or the like)
5. Check the FFC between each PCB and Shortconnectorsconnected on the PCB.
6. Replace the Y-axis motor with a new one.

error 50a

1. Execute and confirm [#TEST]->[SENSOR TEST] ->[Y-ORG].(Confirm that the ON/OFF display isswitched by moving the carriage left and right.)
2. [Execute [#TEST]->[CHECK ENCODER].
3. Check in manual if the Head Assy. (carriage) movesleft and right smoothly.
4. Check the connector connection of Y-origin Sensorand Linear Encoder.
5. Replace the Y-origin Sensor or Linear Encoder with anew one.
6. Check the assembly and connector connection of YaxisMotor.
7. Replace the Y-axis Motor with a new one. (Refer to6.3.2)
8. Replace the Slider PCB with a new one. (Refer to6.4.5)
9. Replace the SL-Relay PCB with a new one.(Refer to 3.3.2)
10. Replace the Main PCB with a new one. (Refer to 3.3.1)
feel free to contact me with any questions, I have a Mimaki tech in AZ next week if you require service.

Steve Weist

Error 50 MEDIA DETECT occurred, what should I do?

This error occurs when the media is not detected normally.

  1. First, set the media again. Then, retry the detection
  2. The media sensor passes over the black rubber before the media holder. Check to see if the media is dirty or is warp around where the media sensor passes, or if there is any drawn matter.
  3. Check on the media set position. If the media holder is shifted to the right from the specified position, it may cause an error. The media should not run off to the right of the right-hand pinch roller.
  4. Execute [CR.Maintenance] to clean the media sensor. Cleaning method: Gently wipe it with a cotton swab soaked with ethanol for disinfection, then dry down with a new cotton swab.

How to execute [CR.Maintenance]?
See “Operation Manual” -> “Maintenance” -> “Maintaining the Capping Station” -> “Cleaning the Ink Head and the Area around it”.

* If the error indication persists even after following the above instructions, please contact us.

Mimaki logo

Mimaki Europe BV
Stammerdijk 7E
1112 AA Diemen
t. +31 (0) 20 462 76 40

location image

Maintenance Manual > Troubleshooting > Details on Errors and Malfunctions > List of Error Messages

Model UJF-3042/FX Issued 2010.08.27 Revised 2011.09.30 F/W ver

7.1.2 List of Error Messages

 List of Error Messages (4/9)

















HDC position counter error

Y-origin error

(Origin of Y-axis can not be detected)

Liner Scale error

X-origin error

(Origin of X-axis can not be detected)

1.80 / 1.00


List of Countermeasures

1. Execute and confirm [#TEST]->[SENSOR TEST] —

>[Y-ORG].(Confirm that the ON/OFF display is

switched by moving the carriage left and right.)

2. [Execute [#TEST]->[CHECK ENCODER].

3. Check the assembly of Y-scale, and confirm that there

is neither dirt nor scratch.

4. Check in manual if the Head Assy. (carriage) moves

left and right smoothly.

5. Check the connector connection of Y-origin Sensor

and Linear Encoder.

6. Replace the Y-origin Sensor or Linear Encoder with a

new one.

7. Check the assembly and connector connection of Y-

axis Motor.

8. Replace the Y-axis Motor with a new one.


9. Replace the Slider PCB with a new one.


10. Replace the SL-Relay PCB with a new one.

(Refer to 3.3.2)

11. Replace the Main PCB with a new one.

1. Execute and confirm [#TEST]->[SENSOR TEST] —

>[Y-ORG].(Confirm that the ON/OFF display is

switched by moving the carriage left and right.)

2. [Execute [#TEST]->[CHECK ENCODER].

3. Check in manual if the Head Assy. (carriage) moves

left and right smoothly.

4. Check the connector connection of Y-origin Sensor

and Linear Encoder.

5. Replace the Y-origin Sensor or Linear Encoder with a

new one.

6. Check the assembly and connector connection of Y-

axis Motor.

7. Replace the Y-axis Motor with a new one.


8. Replace the Slider PCB with a new one.


9. Replace the SL-Relay PCB with a new one.

(Refer to 3.3.2)

10. Replace the Main PCB with a new one.

1. Check the assembly position of Linear Scale and

Encoder PCB Assy..

2. Check Linear Scale (scratches or dirtiness or so.)

3. Replace the Linear Scale with a new one.

4. Replace the Encoder PCB Assy. with a new one.

(Refer to 6.4.9)

1. Execute and confirm [#TEST]->[SENSOR TEST]->


2. Check the connection of connector of the X-origin


3. Replace the X-origin Sensor with a new one.

4. Check the assembly and connector connection of X-

axis Motor.。.

5. Replace the X-axis Motor with a new one.

(Refer to 6.3.1)

6. Replace the Main PCB with a new one.





(Refer to

(Refer to


(Refer to 3.3.1)



(Refer to

(Refer to


(Refer to 3.3.1)



(Refer to 3.3.1)




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Error Codes List page 13

  • Code: 502
  • Display: SYSTEM HALT (*) 502 : Y ORGIN
  • Description: Y-origin sensor error
  • Remedy: 1. Execute and confirm [#TEST SENSOR TEST] -> [Y-ORG]. (Confirm that the ON/OFF display is switched by moving the carriage left and right.) 2. Check in manual if the carriage moves left and right smoothly. 3. Check the connector connection of Y-origin sensor and then disconnect and connect the cable. 4. Replace the Y-origin sensor with a new one. 5. Check if there is no trouble on theY-motor cable. (disconnecting, burnout, or the like) 6. Replace the Y-axis motor with a new one. 7. Replace the HDC PCB with a new one. 8. Replace the main PCB with a new one.
  • Code: 505
  • Display: ERROR 505 MEDIA JAM
  • Description: The media jam sensor reacted.
  • Remedy: 1.Remove the media that hit it, and reset the media. 2. Execute [#TEST SENSOR] ->[MEDIA JAM].
  • Code: 506
  • Display: SYSTEM HALT (*) 506 : STATION SENS
  • Description: The station sensor cannot be detected.
  • Remedy: 1. Restart the machine. 2. Replace the station sensor. 3. Replace the Central-IO PCB.
  • Code: 509
  • Display: SYSTEM HALT (*) 509 : HDC POSCNT
  • Description: HDC position counter error
  • Remedy: 1. Execute and confirm [#TEST SENSOR TEST]-> [Y-ORG].(Confirm that the ON/OFF display is switched by moving the carriage left and right.) 2. Execute [#TEST CHECK ENCODER]. 3. Check the assembly of Y-scale, and confirm that there is neither dirt nor scratch. 4. Check in manual if the head assy. (carriage) moves left and right smoothly. 5. Check the connector connection of Y-origin sensor and linear encoder. 6. Replace the Y-origin sensor or linear encoder with a new one. 7. Check the assembly and connector connection of Yaxis motor. 8. Replace the Y-axis motor with a new one. 9. Replace the HDC PCB with a new one. 10. Replace the main PCB with a new one.
  • Code: 509
  • Display: ERROR 509 HDC POSCNT
  • Description: HDC position counter error
  • Remedy: 1. Execute and confirm [#TEST SENSOR TEST]-> [Y-ORG]. (Confirm that the ON/OFF display is switched by moving the carriage left and right.) 2. Execute [#TEST CHECK ENCODER]. 3. Check the assembly of Y-scale, and confirm that there is neither dirt nor scratch. 4. Check in manual if the head assy. (carriage) moves left and right smoothly. 5. Check the connector connection of Y-origin sensor and linear encoder. 6. Replace the Y-origin sensor or linear encoder with a new one. 7. Check the assembly and connector connection of Yaxis motor.
  • Code: 50a
  • Display: ERROR 50a Y ORIGIN
  • Description: Y-origin error (Origin of Y-axis can not be detected)
  • Remedy: 1. Execute and confirm [#TEST SENSOR TEST]-> [Y-ORG]. (Confirm that the ON/OFF display is switched by moving the carriage left and right.) 2. Execute [#TEST CHECK ENCODER]. 3. Check in manual if the head assy. (carriage) moves left and right smoothly. 4. Check the connector connection of Y-origin sensor and linear encoder. 5. Replace the Y-origin sensor or linear encoder with a new one. 6. Check the assembly and connector connection of Yaxis motor. 7. Replace the Y-axis motor with a new one. 8. Replace the HDC3 PCB with a new one. 9. Replace the main PCB with a new one.
  1. Dealing with Problems
  2. Problems Indicated by Messages
  3. Error Messages
  1. Problems Indicated by Messages

Check the error details in the following table corresponding to the error numbers displayed:
If the problem persists even after carrying out the corrective action corresponding to the error number, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. .

Error number/Message


Corrective action



  • The X motor was overloaded.

Check the following points:

  1. Check to confirm the sheet is loaded correctly. Loading a Sheet
  2. Check for anything that may obstruct carriage movement.
  3. Set the sheet setting to «HEAVY».
  4. When using roll sheet, feed to pull out the required amount of sheet in advance to provide sufficient slack.
  5. Turn off the power and wait a while before turning the power back on. Turning Off the Power



  • The Y motor was overloaded.


X Current

  • An overcurrent was detected in the X motor.


Y Current

  • An overcurrent was detected in the Y motor.


** NO MEDIA **

  • An enabling operation was performed after sheet detection.
  • Perform sheet detection.



  • A problem was detected with Y origin detection (initialization).
  • Turning Off the Power



  • A problem was detected with the front paper sensor.



  • A problem was detected with sheet width detection.



  • A problem was detected with the rear paper sensor.



  • An inappropriate operation was performed on the operating panel.
  • The operation is invalid.



  • An inappropriate operation was performed while pausing.
  • Either press the [REMOTE] key to cut the data or clear the data to abort the cut.



  • An error occurred in the control RAM.
  • Contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center.



  • An error occurred in the system ROM.



  • An error occurred in the receive buffer.



  • An error occurred related to the motor.



  • Received a code other than a COMMAND code.

Check the following points:

  1. Clear the data and resend.
  2. Turning Off the Power
  3. Check the USB cable connection. Using a USB Cable
  4. Use a compliant USB cable. USB Connection Precautions



  • Received parameter outside numerical value range



  • Received an invalid device control command.



  • The polygon buffer overflowed.
  • Either set so as not to use polygon commands or use the MGL-lc1 command.



  • The length specified by the ZX command could not be fed.
  • Reset the long sheet after data has been sent from the host computer, then perform multiple sheet cutting.
  • The previous sheet length could not be fed for the second sheet data onward during divided cutting.
  • Load a long sheet, then switch to remote mode again.



  • The command could not be automatically recognized.
  • Set the command name. SET UP



  • An error occurred in the communication conditions.
  • Adjust the communication conditions to match the host computer. SET UP > [INTERFACE]



  • An error occurred in the interface.
  • Check the interface cable.



  • Multiple sheet cutting was executed, but no data is saved to the receive buffer.
  • Cut the data involved once more.



  • The received data is too big for multiple sheet cutting.
  • Change the data size.



  • The sheet is too short in the feed direction.
  • Use a longer sheet.



  • Unable to detect register marks

Check the following points:

  1. Check to confirm the register marks are placed properly. Register Marks
  2. Use an uncurled sheet.
  3. Check the mark detection start position.
  4. Check to confirm the register marks are black and printed on a white background.
  5. Check to confirm the area between the register marks is clean and free of printing and images.
  6. Check to confirm there are no errors in the mark detection settings.
  7. If the area around the register marks is filled in, set [MARK DETECT] > [MARK FILL UP] setting to «ON».



  • The register mark detection result shows that the register marks were outside the register mark reading range.
  • Set the register marks within the register mark reading range. Reading Range of Register Marks



  • Register mark detection was performed, but the calculated correction value is abnormal, so either the detection was erroneous or the correction value was incorrectly specified.
  • Check the correction value and repeat detection.
  • The calculated scale compensation value was 1.3 or more or 0.7 or less.
  • Eliminate any causes of mis-detection, such as blurred printed register mark data, before repeating.
  • Mis-detected due to being too close to the adjacent image.
  • Ensure an appropriate distance from the adjacent image before printing again.
  • The specified register mark spacing is incorrect.
  • Invalid register mark spacing was specified by the command, or data was incorrectly selected. Check the data to be output.
  • Images were skipped due to the printed register marks not being aligned.
  • Align the data and repeat printing.
  • Printed register marks were not correctly read due to problems such as blurred register marks, and the register marks for the adjacent image were read instead.
  • Repeat printing, taking care to prevent blurring.



  • Register mark IDs could not be detected. (Data with IDs)

Check the following points:

  • Check to confirm that the paper is not curled. Check to confirm the register mark IDs are black printed on a white background. Use three pinch rollers when using thin sheets or sheets more than approximately 800 mm wide.



  • The pinch rollers are not over the grit rollers.
  • Reposition the pinch rollers above the grit rollers.



  • Unable to detect pen height
  • Turn off the power and wait a while before turning the power back on. Turning Off the Power


Pen Stroke

  • The pen height is incorrect.

Check the following points:

  • Make sure the pen line rubber is not worn or deformed and remains intact.
  • Check to confirm nothing adheres to the pen line rubber.
  • After installing the pen in a commercially available pen holder, check to confirm the installed position is correct.

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