- Error 57 Initializing SQL * more
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- Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus
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- Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus
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Error 57 Initializing SQL * more
I’m not able to start sql plus. It gives me the error message below. I didn’t no problem when I worked a month back, but now when I start again, it gives me this error. In the meantime, the only change that I brought in my PC is installing Kaspersky Antivirus and do the analysis complete?
Error 57 Initializing SQL * more
Error while loading shared libraries of message
Hick says:
I’m not able to start sql plus. It gives me the error message below. I didn’t no problem when I worked a month back, but now when I start again, it gives me this error. In the meantime, the only change that I brought in my PC is installing Kaspersky Antivirus and do the analysis complete?
Error 57 Initializing SQL * more
Error while loading shared libraries of message
This error is triggered when you start at the beginning of the treatment for sqlplus and is, by nature, rather generic. Given that it is triggered during initialization, it is quite possible that not all libraries that may be required for additional details (such as localized error messages) are loaded.
The only thing you mention has changed is installation of Kaspersky, which suggests that it blocks a library required to be loaded. This error can also be triggered in case of memory (which would also prevent the loading required libraries, etc.).
Here is a simple test you can do by way of illustration (obviously not on a production system, etc.):
Similar Questions
I published sqlplus but I got the following error.
What could be the reasons for the following error?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards.
[esumedi (ngwapt1): esumedi/SG /] sqlplus
Error Initializing SQL 5 * more
Error of initialization of the NLS
Published by: harry76 on July 13, 2011 16:37
I must have deleted something while I was cleaning on some software that address any suggestiions?
You get this error message is because an application is in an unknown state or an update of the application has been interrupted. Usually, this is related to the Vaio Messenger. VAIO Messenger is a tool that allows Sony to communicate directly with users with the latest information about management of PC, updates and supply. Please follow the steps in the link below to fix the problem. Need Adobe reader to open the file. I hope this will solve your problem.
I have this code in my shell script, but I get the below error please check
Please help me on this
Newbie says:
Mr President, I gave my oracle home.
How to check if she properly o?
No, you said that you believe that oracle_home should be. But you have NOT proven that it was properly defined in the session that threw the error and the error itself is almost certain evidence that it was NOT set correctly. And your assertion that the referenced file exists (again, your assertion, not proof) gives more weight to the evidence that ORACLE_HOME is not set correctly.
Run the following commands, and then copy and paste the whole session (complete order, full power) to your next assignment
I want to be able to pass a variable back to the Unix script, and I have the following code
This is the code that sees the parser. What is the 2 line?
Note: ‘ I’m on unix terminal in sql * more prompt run this query below.
SQL > declare
v_len number (9);
v_sublen number (9);
v_resval number (9);
number of v_cnt (9): = 1;
v_parm varchar2 (600): = ‘& peo_no’;
Select length (v_parm) in the double v_len;
I’m looping 1.v_len
Select substr (v_parm |) ‘,’, v_cnt, instr(v_parm||’,’,’,’))
in v_resval
Select length (v_resval) in the double v_sublen;
insert into t (col) values (v_resval);
v_cnt: = v_cnt + (v_sublen + 2);
end loop;
/ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16
17 18
Enter the value of peo_no: 123,456,789,852,147,369
6 old: v_parm varchar2 (600): = ‘& peo_no’;
6 new: v_parm varchar2 (600): = ‘123 456 789, 852, 147, 369’;
ERROR on line 1:
ORA-01722: invalid number
ORA-06512: at line 10
It becomes the error above pls someone suggestions
Oh missed the case
When executing SQL queries, I get this error:
SQL * more internal error state 2091, context 0:0:0
Dangerous to proceed
Try to upgrade your SQL client * more.
Using specific syntactic 9i? Sometimes more old SQL * more can’t handle the syntax ‘most recent ‘.
Hello. My operating system is Oracle Linux 5. Database is DB Oracle 11 GR 1 material.
I tried to configure SQL * Plus in the following way:
My directory: / home/myOracle/OracleDB_Home/bin
. / sqlplus SYSTEM/SYSTEM
But this message appears:
Hello. Thanks much for the reply.
What is Oracle software directory?
How to set ORACLE_HOME directory of Oracle software?
$ > export ORACLE_HOME = / home/myOracle/OracleDB_Home
I am trying to start my Dell Inspiron 1525, but get the following blue screen message «STOP: c000021a the initial session of the process or system process ended unexpectedly with status 0 x 000000001 (0xc0000034 0x0010038c).» The system was stopped.
Check with Dell Support, their online documentation, diagnosis and ask in the forums about known issues.
STOP: 0XC000021A
Can be a difficult problem to solve, and you indeed need a technical help in a real store of the computer
(not the leeks and the glances at a BestBuy or other BigBox stores) or system manufacturer support.
This error occurs when a subsystem of mode user, such as WinLogon or the Client Server Run-Time Subsystem (CSRSS), irremediably compromised and security can not be guaranteed. In response, the operating system goes into kernel mode. Microsoft Windows cannot run without WinLogon or CSRSS. Therefore, it is one of the rare cases where the failure of a user mode service can stop the system.
Incompatible system files can also cause this error. This can happen if you restored your hard disk from a backup. Some backup programs may skip restoring system files which they determine are in use.
Solve the problem
Run the kernel debugger is not useful in this situation because the error occurred in a user mode process.
Resolve an error in the user-mode device driver or system, third-party application service: Because the bug 0xC000021A control occurs in a user mode process, the most common culprits are third-party applications. If the error occurred after the installation of the new or updated device driver or service system, third-party applications, the new software should be removed or disabled. Contact the manufacturer of the software on a possible update.
If the error occurs during the system startup, restart your computer, and then press F8 to character-based menu that displays the choice of operating system. In the Windows Advanced Options menu that results, select the last known good Configuration option. This option is most effective when a pilot or a service is added at a time. If the error is not resolved, try to manually remove the offending software. If the system partition is formatted with the (FAT) file allocation table, use a MS-DOS boot disk to access the hard disk of the computer. If the system partition is formatted with the NTFS file system, you may be able to use Safe Mode to rename or remove the defective software. If the defective software is used as part of the start-up procedure of the system Safe Mode, you must start the computer by using the Recovery Console to access the file. If a room newly installed if material is suspected, remove it to see if that fixes the problem.
Try running the emergency recovery disk (ERD) and allow the system to repair any errors that it detects.
Solve a problem of file system do not match: If you have recently restored your hard disk from a backup, check if there is an updated version of the backup/restore program available from the manufacturer. Make sure that the latest Windows Service Pack is installed.
Here are a few ways to possibly fix the blue screen issue. If you could give the blue screen
info that would help. Such as ITC and 4 others entered at the bottom left. And all others
error information such as codes of STOP and info like IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL or PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA and similar messages.
BCCode: 116
BCP1: 87BC9510
BCP2: 8C013D80
BCP3: 00000000
BCP4: 00000002
It is an excellent tool for displaying the blue screen error information
BlueScreens many are caused by old or damaged, in particular the video drivers drivers however
There are other causes.
You can do mode if necessary safe or the Vista DVD command prompt or
Options recovery if your system is installed by the manufacturer.
You can try a system restore to a point before the problem started when one exists.
How to analyze the log file entries that the Microsoft Windows Resource Checker (SFC.exe) program
generates cbs.log Windows Vista (and Windows 7)
The log can give you the answer if there is a corrupted driver. (Says not all possible
driver problems).
Also run CheckDisk, so we cannot exclude as much as possible of the corruption.
Often drivers up-to-date will help, usually video, sound, network card (NIC), WiFi, part 3
keyboard and mouse, as well as of other major device drivers.
Installation and update of drivers under Windows 7 (updated drivers manually using the methods above
It is preferable to ensure that the latest drivers from the manufacturer of system and device manufacturers are located)
How to fix BlueScreen (STOP) errors that cause Windows Vista to shut down or restart
quit unexpectedly
Troubleshooting Vista Blue Screen, error of JUDGMENT (and Windows 7)
Understanding and decoding BSOD (blue screen of death) Messages
In some cases, it may be necessary.
Startup Options recovery or Windows 7 disk repair
create table blah as
Select * from table
WHERE DATE between start_date and END_DAY;
the DATE is a numeric field, YYYYMMDD
The script runs always at the beginning of a new week, so a Monday, unless a public holiday, then a Tuesday.
The END_DAY is * always * last Friday and I realized that:
variable L_FRIDAY char (15);
Select to_char (next_day(sysdate-7,’FRIDAY’), ‘YYYYMMDD’) as Last_Friday in: double L_FRIDAY;
The thing is that I get an error when I try to use the binding variable?
create table blah as
Select * from table
WHERE DATE between start_date and: L_FRIDAY;
Then once I found the end date, I was going to use add_months(L_FRIDAY,-12) for previous 12 months for the start_date.
When I tried to use a variable Substitution I could just hard code the date, but I can not or do not know how to set the value of this exec to the variable?
I need an automated way to find the END_DAY which is last Friday and START_DATE that is 12 months before Friday and refer to those in the SQL without errors.
create table blah as
Select * from table
WHERE DATE between start_date and END_DAY;
the DATE is a numeric field, YYYYMMDD
The script runs always at the beginning of a new week, so a Monday, unless a public holiday, then a Tuesday.
The END_DAY is * always * last Friday and I realized that:
variable L_FRIDAY char (15);
Select to_char (next_day(sysdate-7,’FRIDAY’), ‘YYYYMMDD’) as Last_Friday in: double L_FRIDAY;
The thing is that I get an error when I try to use the binding variable?
create table blah as
Select * from table
WHERE DATE between start_date and: L_FRIDAY;
Then once I found the end date, I was going to use add_months(L_FRIDAY,-12) for previous 12 months for the start_date.
When I tried to use a variable Substitution I could just hard code the date, but I can not or do not know how to set the value of this exec to the variable?
I need an automated way to find the END_DAY which is last Friday and START_DATE that is 12 months before Friday and refer to those in the SQL without errors.
SET l_friday = ‘ NEXT_DAY ((SYSDATE-7), ‘FRIDAY’).
SELECT & start_date AS t_n
Output (when executed on 25 June 2015):
June 19, 2014 19 June 2015
Some migration of data and database structure changes were made in the script.
So, I use a lot of distinct calls:
Some of the scripts contains DDL as create table or column.
contains some declare blocks (DML).
Is it possible to stop the script after an exception has occurred?
You can use the SQL * more order
to tell SQL * more to stop the execution of orders and immediately disconnect after any exception SQL is triggered.
I don’t know of anyway to stay connected, but to stop script execution, after an error.
I have a problem with my database and SQL Plus.
I can’t connect to my DB via SQL Plus, I get the error message: > > ORA_12546: TNS: detonation verweigert (Permission denied) I tried it with several users. When I try to log in to enterprise manager or connecting to the DB through SQL Developer works very well with the user > > sys
It works until yesterday that there are some problems with the DB and the processor and RAM were almost 100% occupied each.
We use the Version 11 g Enterprise Edition Release 64 bit Production on a Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Server.
I am running SQL Plus, Enterprise Manager and SQL Developer directly on the DB server.
When I start SQL Plus he asks me my username > > enter user name: > password:
A connection as seen in many forums or document on the internet like > > scott/[email protected]
We have no listener.ora file in the folder: ORACLE_HOME/NETWORK/ADMIN only a sqlnet.ora with line > > SQLNET. AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = (NTS)
Status of the listener:
C:WindowsSystem32 > lsnrctl status
Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connection to (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST=) (PORT = 1521))
Start date February 18, 2014 10:15:54
Uptime 0 days 1 hour 58 minutes 42 seconds
Draw level off
Security ON: OS Local Authentication
O:appadministratordiagtnslsnrQualisysDbNbglisteneralertlog.XML log listener
Summary of endpoints listening.
(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST=QualisysDbNbg) (PORT = 1521)))
Summary of services.
Service «orcl» has 1 instance (s).
Instance «orcl», State LOAN, has 1 operation for this service.
The command completed successfully
C:WindowsSystem32 >
I hope someone can help me with this problem.
Thank you you very much in forward for your answer and greetings
The sys user must connect as sysdba
the first command should work without password for all users group ORA_DBA.
Scott, the user cannot also exists in your database.
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Error 57 initializing SQLPlus
I have the following installed on a web server (windows 2003 x64):
Oracle 10g XE
Oracle 11g ODAC (
I’m running an ASP.Net 3.5 website that connects to Oracle XE via Oracle.DataAccess. This all works fine on my XP development machine, but I have installed the above on our web server and am getting the following when trying to test with SQLPlus:
Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus
Error loading message shared library
It was initially working and I could connect with SQLPlus ok. I’ve since tried to test my ASP.Net app which failed to connect and now I get the above. Stopping/starting XE and listener doesn’t get rid of it either. Strangly I can connect using XE’s web interface and a reboot of the server temporarily fixes the problem until my asp.net app connects again.
This is really starting to annoy me because it works fine on my xp machine. Have searched the forums, but there’s nothing that seems to match my problem, so I’d be grateful if anyone knows what might be going on.
Edited by: rgeier on Oct 27, 2009 5:54 PM
Still struggling with this.
ORACLE_HOME is set to: C:oraclexeapporacleproduct10.2.0server
PATH includes: C:appJohnproduct11.1.0client_1;C:appJohnproduct11.1.0client_1bin;C:oraclexeapporacleproduct10.2.0serverbin;
I have created a stand-alone test windows forms app that connects ok using ODP. Then when I try to connect through my ASP.Net app (which is using the same ODP version) it fails to connect and I don’t get any error message. After that I can’t connect with my windows forms app or sqlplus. It’s almost as if the ASP.Net app is causing the oracle client to crash and after that nothing works until I reboot.
Oracle XE doesn’t have a 64-bit version so installs as a 32-bit app. According to all the documentation I’ve read, ODAC is ok on 32 or 64 bit and I have set the «platform» of the dll I use to connect to be «x86».
This is really beginning to frustrate me. I’m thinking I should’ve used SQL Server instead. It shouldn’t be this difficult to deploy an app that uses ODP.
If anyone has any other thoughts I’d be happy to hear them. My client is waiting to see their website and I’m nowhere near fixing this issue.
Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus
i am not able to start sql plus. It gives me the below mentioned error message. I did not have any problem when i worked a month back but now when i am going to start again, it gives me this error. In between, the only change i brought into my PC is the installation of Kaspersky Antivirus and doing the full scan?
Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus
Error loading message shared library
Best Answer
hick wrote:
i am not able to start sql plus. It gives me the below mentioned error message. I did not have any problem when i worked a month back but now when i am going to start again, it gives me this error. In between, the only change i brought into my PC is the installation of Kaspersky Antivirus and doing the full scan?
Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus
Error loading message shared library
This error is raised during the early startup processing for sqlplus and is, by nature, rather generic. Since it is raised during initialization, it’s quite possible that not all libraries that might be needed for additional details (such as localized error messages) are loaded.
As the only thing you mention has changed is installation of Kaspersky, that suggests it is blocking a required library from being loaded. This error can also be raised when there is insufficient memory available (which would also prevent loading of required libraries, etc).
Here’s a simple test you can do to illustrate this (obviously not on a production system, etc!):
hick wrote:
i am not able to start sql plus. It gives me the below mentioned error message. I did not have any problem when i worked a month back but now when i am going to start again, it gives me this error. In between, the only change i brought into my PC is the installation of Kaspersky Antivirus and doing the full scan?
Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus
Error loading message shared library
Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus
i am not able to start sql plus. It gives me the below mentioned error message. I did not have any problem when i worked a month back but now when i am going to start again, it gives me this error. In between, the only change i brought into my PC is the installation of Kaspersky Antivirus and doing the full scan?
Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus
Error loading message shared library
Best Answer
hick wrote:
i am not able to start sql plus. It gives me the below mentioned error message. I did not have any problem when i worked a month back but now when i am going to start again, it gives me this error. In between, the only change i brought into my PC is the installation of Kaspersky Antivirus and doing the full scan?
Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus
Error loading message shared library
This error is raised during the early startup processing for sqlplus and is, by nature, rather generic. Since it is raised during initialization, it’s quite possible that not all libraries that might be needed for additional details (such as localized error messages) are loaded.
As the only thing you mention has changed is installation of Kaspersky, that suggests it is blocking a required library from being loaded. This error can also be raised when there is insufficient memory available (which would also prevent loading of required libraries, etc).
Here’s a simple test you can do to illustrate this (obviously not on a production system, etc!):
hick wrote:
i am not able to start sql plus. It gives me the below mentioned error message. I did not have any problem when i worked a month back but now when i am going to start again, it gives me this error. In between, the only change i brought into my PC is the installation of Kaspersky Antivirus and doing the full scan?
Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus
Error loading message shared library
Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus
i am not able to start sql plus. It gives me the below mentioned error message. I did not have any problem when i worked a month back but now when i am going to start again, it gives me this error. In between, the only change i brought into my PC is the installation of Kaspersky Antivirus and doing the full scan?
Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus
Error loading message shared library
Best Answer
hick wrote:
i am not able to start sql plus. It gives me the below mentioned error message. I did not have any problem when i worked a month back but now when i am going to start again, it gives me this error. In between, the only change i brought into my PC is the installation of Kaspersky Antivirus and doing the full scan?
Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus
Error loading message shared library
This error is raised during the early startup processing for sqlplus and is, by nature, rather generic. Since it is raised during initialization, it’s quite possible that not all libraries that might be needed for additional details (such as localized error messages) are loaded.
As the only thing you mention has changed is installation of Kaspersky, that suggests it is blocking a required library from being loaded. This error can also be raised when there is insufficient memory available (which would also prevent loading of required libraries, etc).
Here’s a simple test you can do to illustrate this (obviously not on a production system, etc!):
hick wrote:
i am not able to start sql plus. It gives me the below mentioned error message. I did not have any problem when i worked a month back but now when i am going to start again, it gives me this error. In between, the only change i brought into my PC is the installation of Kaspersky Antivirus and doing the full scan?
Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus
Error loading message shared library
Unable to install Enforce on Windows 2008 Server
Updated On:
Data Loss Prevention Enforce
Unable to install Enforce Server on Windows 2008 Server with following error message:
SqlPlus command failed. The installation process will exit.
Error Message:
Error 57 initializing SQL *Plus
Error loading message shared library
Install Enforce server with build in Administrator account or run installation from an elevated command prompt.
Note:This error message generally appears when installation is initialized by insufficient user privileges.
[Emergency] sqlplus gets «error 5 Initializing SQL * more NLS initialization.
Hi all.
I published sqlplus but I got the following error.
What could be the reasons for the following error?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards.
[esumedi (ngwapt1): esumedi/SG /] sqlplus
Error Initializing SQL 5 * more
Error of initialization of the NLS
Profile of cat.
export ORACLE_BASE = / ora_client
Export ORACLE_TERM = vt100
Export ORA_NLS33 = $ORACLE_HOME/ocommon/sln/admin/data
Export NLS_LANG = American_america. KO16KSC5601
Export TNS_ADMIN = $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:.:/ bin: / usr/bin: / usr/sbin: / usr/ccs/bin: / usr/ucb: / opt/perf/bin: $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch: / oracle/app/oracle10/product/102
Export SHLIB_PATH = $ORACLE_HOME/lib: $ORACLE_HOME/lib32: $ORACLE_HOME/network/lib: / usr/lib
Export DISPLAY =
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/java1.5/bin:/opt/java1.5/jre/bin
By default, the software permissions do not allow most users to access and run the files under $ORACLE_HOME a lot. To change this and ‘relax’ the permissions, you must run $ORACLE_HOME/install/changePerm.sh.
Kind regards
Published by: harry76 on July 13, 2011 16:37
an error occurred initializing SQL Server compact etc… any help?
I must have deleted something while I was cleaning on some software that address any suggestiions?
Hi Ptolemy,
You get this error message is because an application is in an unknown state or an update of the application has been interrupted. Usually, this is related to the Vaio Messenger. VAIO Messenger is a tool that allows Sony to communicate directly with users with the latest information about management of PC, updates and supply. Please follow the steps in the link below to fix the problem. Need Adobe reader to open the file. I hope this will solve your problem.
http://Get.adobe.com/Reader/ — adobe reader software
SQL more s in shell script
Hi people
I have this code in my shell script, but I get the below error please check
sqlplus -s [email protected]/tiger @1.sql > 1.log
and oracle home is
error thrown is
Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus
SP2-0667: Message file sp1<lang>.msb not found
SP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory
i have checked i have sp1us.msb
Please help me on this
Newbie says:
Mr President, I gave my oracle home.How to check if she properly o?
No, you said that you believe that oracle_home should be. But you have NOT proven that it was properly defined in the session that threw the error and the error itself is almost certain evidence that it was NOT set correctly. And your assertion that the referenced file exists (again, your assertion, not proof) gives more weight to the evidence that ORACLE_HOME is not set correctly.
Run the following commands, and then copy and paste the whole session (complete order, full power) to your next assignment
env |grep ORA|sort
echo $PATH
sqlplus -s [email protected]/tiger @1.sql > 1.log
How to return an error code of SQL * Plus of PL/SQL procedure
I want to be able to pass a variable back to the Unix script, and I have the following code
sqlplus/myuser mypass < < EOF
execute pkonp.run_onp;
If [$ERRORCODE! = 0] #test for successful onp
#Notify failure of the administrator of the ONP.
echo ‘Fail ONP to ‘date’ n’
However, I am unable to get my PL/SQL to pass an error code to SQL * more.
How to catch an error in PL/SQL and pass the SQL error code *, so that SQL * Plus can then pass the error to the Unix Shell script?
Thank you very much.
Yes — in a nut shell, you need to convert Oracle codes exception to the process of Linux/Unix/Windows exit codes as the number of exception Oracle is physically too large to fit into an integer to a byte that is used by the operating system for the exit codes.
The best place to do this would be something like a SQL * more script as is the process real o/s which should only return exit code of the kernel.
SP2-0642: SQL * more internal error of State 2165
I was faced with the question with sqlplus suddenly in throw version on solaris 10 OS, it was working fine until today. No changes made on this ( oracle home, but new ORACLE HOME installed by Server DBA (shared server) with the Q4 patch.
-bash-3, $2 sqlplus / as sysdba
SP2-0642: SQL * more internal error state 2165, context 4294967295:0:0
Impossible to continue
As explained in metalink note: 396154.1, I set NLS_DATE_FORMAT, but it doesn’t seem to work
also, I’ve checked the timezone as explained in the blog file, but the file timezone.dat does not exist in version and all the files in $ORACLE_HOME/oracore/zoneinfo/have permissions of reading to the dba group
-bash — $3.2 ls — ltr
30942 total
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba readme.txt 6068 7 June 2010
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 31525 June 7, 2010 timezdif.csv
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 351525 Aug 21, 2011 timezone_9.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 302100 August 21, 2011 timezone_8.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 286815 Aug 21, 2011 timezone_7.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 286217 Aug 21, 2011 timezone_6.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 286310 Aug 21, 2011 timezone_5.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 286264 Aug 21, 2011 timezone_4.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 286651 Aug 21, 2011 timezone_3.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 274900 August 21, 2011 timezone_2.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 344448 Aug 21, 2011 timezone_14.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 344425 Aug 21, 2011 timezone_13.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 345024 Aug 21, 2011 timezone_12.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 345356 Aug 21, 2011 timezone_11.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 345637 Aug 21, 2011 timezone_10.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 274427 Aug 21, 2011 timezone_1.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 801410 Aug 21, 2011 timezlrg_9.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 616723 Aug 21, 2011 timezlrg_8.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 601242 Aug 21, 2011 timezlrg_7.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 586750 Aug 21, 2011 timezlrg_6.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 587487 Aug 21, 2011 timezlrg_5.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 531137 Aug 21, 2011 timezlrg_4.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 527717 Aug 21, 2011 timezlrg_3.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 507957 Aug 21, 2011 timezlrg_2.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 791430 Aug 21, 2011 timezlrg_14.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 782475 Aug 21, 2011 timezlrg_13.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 785621 Aug 21, 2011 timezlrg_12.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 787272 Aug 21, 2011 timezlrg_11.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 792894 Aug 21, 2011 timezlrg_10.dat
-rw — r — r — 1 oracle dba 493675 Aug 21, 2011 timezlrg_1.dat
drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle dba 30 Sep 8 05:03 big
drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle dba 30 Sep 8 05:03 little
Please suggest alternatives to troubleshoot
Thank you
Sol.beach thanks for the reply, I’m able to correct the problem. In fact the PATH variable has put in .profile of export PATH = $PATH: $ORACLE_HOME/bin and the value is lower.
-bash-3, $ 2 echo $PATH
/Apps/Oracle/product/ bin:/opt/bin:usr/CSS/bin:/usr/ucb:/usr/local/bin:/apps/Oracle/product/
I changed as export PATH = $ORACLE_HOME/bin: $PATH and now it works fine. It seems to be a problem with the old Oracle Home, also present in the PATH variable before the bin to the current address of Oracle Home Directory.
-bash-3, $ 2 echo $PATH
/Apps/Oracle/product/ bin: / opt/bin: css/usr/bin: / usr/ucb: / usr/local/bin
PLS-00201 error occurs when the batch a stored procedure in SQL * more
I have a batch file to run a stored procedure and the coil results in file. When I enter orders manually in sql * plus the output works very well and my results are spooling in the output file. But when I run the same commands in the script I get an error batch.
Any ideas?
Stored procedure:
create or replace procedure MMP (p_cursor in the SYS_REFCURSOR)
Open p_cursorfor select name, id from table;
batch file 1:
sqlplus-s user/[email protected] @sp_output_spooled.sql
sp_output_spooled.SQL script file
Paste these commands directly on the SQL * more guest wraps the result as expected the value leader.
the colsep value ‘ |’
trigger the echo
Set feedback off
termout off Set
set the position
set linesize 9000
set pagesize 0
Set trimspool on
headsep off Set
output of the coil. TXT
var refcursor rc
run MMP(:rc)
print the rc
spool off
Errors printed to the output. TXT file after the batch is executed and error occurs:
ERROR on line 1:
ORA-06550: line 1, column 8:
PLS-00201: identifier ‘MMP’ must be declared.
ORA-06550: line 1, column 8:
PL/SQL: Statement ignoredERROR:
ORA-24338: statement handle not executedSP2-0625: variable printing error «rc».
Your code worked fine for me.
Procedure MMP is owned by the same user that runs the batch file or does it means and appropriate privileges?
A question about the number of error indicated by SQL line * more
Hello everyone,
OS: Fedora Core 17 x86_64
Oracle version: Oracle Database 11 g Enterprise Edition Release — 64 bit Production
I have a question for the line number specified by SQL * more whenever he is in error (syntax error, for example) in your script file. Consider the following script file (myscript.sql) which includes exactly 12 lines. Before the instruction to START I just put 4 blank lines by using — just to make the code clearer to read.
HOST clear;
DBMS_OUTPUT. PUTLINE at line 10 is obviously a mistake and it should be DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line. However, if you run the script here is the output:
SQL> @myscript.sql;
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-06550: line 2, column 15:
PLS-00302: component 'PUTLINE' must be declared
ORA-06550: line 2, column 3:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
for SQL * the error is in the line 2 and not 10.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance,
for SQL * the error is in the line 2 and not 10.
No — for Oracle, the error is in the line 2 and not 10.
This is the code that sees the parser. What is the 2 line?
SQL * more error when executing
Note: ‘ I’m on unix terminal in sql * more prompt run this query below.
SQL > declare
v_len number (9);
v_sublen number (9);
v_resval number (9);
number of v_cnt (9): = 1;
v_parm varchar2 (600): = ‘& peo_no’;
Select length (v_parm) in the double v_len;
I’m looping 1.v_len
Select substr (v_parm |) ‘,’, v_cnt, instr(v_parm||’,’,’,’))
in v_resval
Select length (v_resval) in the double v_sublen;
insert into t (col) values (v_resval);
v_cnt: = v_cnt + (v_sublen + 2);
end loop;
/ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16
17 18
Enter the value of peo_no: 123,456,789,852,147,369
6 old: v_parm varchar2 (600): = ‘& peo_no’;
6 new: v_parm varchar2 (600): = ‘123 456 789, 852, 147, 369’;
ERROR on line 1:
ORA-01722: invalid number
ORA-06512: at line 10
It becomes the error above pls someone suggestions
Thank you
Oh missed the case
SQL> declare
2 v_len number(9);
3 v_sublen number(9);
4 v_resval varchar(9);
5 v_cnt number(9):=1;
6 v_parm varchar2(600):='&peo_no';
7 begin
8 select length(v_parm) - length(replace(v_parm,',','')) + 1 into v_len from dual;
9 for i in 1..v_len loop
10 select substr(v_parm||',',v_cnt, instr(v_parm||',',',') -1) into v_resval from dual;
11 v_parm := substr(v_parm, instr(v_parm||',',',')+1);
12 insert into t(col)values(v_resval);
13 end loop;
14 end;
15 /
Enter value for peo_no: 123,422256,7839,82252,147,369
old 6: v_parm varchar2(600):='&peo_no';
new 6: v_parm varchar2(600):='123,422256,7839,82252,147,369';
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select * from t;
6 rows selected.
SQL * more State 2091 internal error error
version: 9i
When executing SQL queries, I get this error:
SQL * more internal error state 2091, context 0:0:0
Dangerous to proceed
Try to upgrade your SQL client * more…
Using specific syntactic 9i? Sometimes more old SQL * more can’t handle the syntax ‘most recent ‘.
Configure SQL * more question
Hello. My operating system is Oracle Linux 5. Database is DB Oracle 11 GR 1 material.
I tried to configure SQL * Plus in the following way:
My directory: / home/myOracle/OracleDB_Home/bin
. / sqlplus SYSTEM/SYSTEM
But this message appears:
Error Initializing SQL 6 * more
Sql < lang > .msb file not found message
SP2-0750: you may need to set ORACLE_HOME in your Oracle software directory.
Where the message sql < lang > .msb file? What is Oracle software directory?
Any folk can help solve this problem?
user8860348 wrote:
Folk,Hello. Thanks much for the reply.
What is Oracle software directory?
How to set ORACLE_HOME directory of Oracle software?
$ > export ORACLE_HOME = / home/myOracle/OracleDB_Home
See you soon
STOP: c000021a {fatal system error} the initial session process or system ended unexpectedly with status 0 x 000000001 (0xc0000034 0x0010038c). The system has been shut down
I am trying to start my Dell Inspiron 1525, but get the following blue screen message «STOP: c000021a {fatal system error} the initial session of the process or system process ended unexpectedly with status 0 x 000000001 (0xc0000034 0x0010038c).» The system was stopped.
I tried to boot mode without fail & startup repair but nothing helps, always the message, any help would be really appreciated as all my College work is stored on the laptop.
What about Otto
Windows vista Home basic
Check with Dell Support, their online documentation, diagnosis and ask in the forums about known issues.
Dell support
Dell support drivers — product manual & warranty Info (left side) — and much more
Dell forums
STOP: 0XC000021A
Can be a difficult problem to solve, and you indeed need a technical help in a real store of the computer
(not the leeks and the glances at a BestBuy or other BigBox stores) or system manufacturer support.
This error occurs when a subsystem of mode user, such as WinLogon or the Client Server Run-Time Subsystem (CSRSS), irremediably compromised and security can not be guaranteed. In response, the operating system goes into kernel mode. Microsoft Windows cannot run without WinLogon or CSRSS. Therefore, it is one of the rare cases where the failure of a user mode service can stop the system.
Incompatible system files can also cause this error. This can happen if you restored your hard disk from a backup. Some backup programs may skip restoring system files which they determine are in use.
Solve the problem
Run the kernel debugger is not useful in this situation because the error occurred in a user mode process.
Resolve an error in the user-mode device driver or system, third-party application service: Because the bug 0xC000021A control occurs in a user mode process, the most common culprits are third-party applications. If the error occurred after the installation of the new or updated device driver or service system, third-party applications, the new software should be removed or disabled. Contact the manufacturer of the software on a possible update.
If the error occurs during the system startup, restart your computer, and then press F8 to character-based menu that displays the choice of operating system. In the Windows Advanced Options menu that results, select the last known good Configuration option. This option is most effective when a pilot or a service is added at a time. If the error is not resolved, try to manually remove the offending software. If the system partition is formatted with the (FAT) file allocation table, use a MS-DOS boot disk to access the hard disk of the computer. If the system partition is formatted with the NTFS file system, you may be able to use Safe Mode to rename or remove the defective software. If the defective software is used as part of the start-up procedure of the system Safe Mode, you must start the computer by using the Recovery Console to access the file. If a room newly installed if material is suspected, remove it to see if that fixes the problem.
Try running the emergency recovery disk (ERD) and allow the system to repair any errors that it detects.
Solve a problem of file system do not match: If you have recently restored your hard disk from a backup, check if there is an updated version of the backup/restore program available from the manufacturer. Make sure that the latest Windows Service Pack is installed.
STOP: 0XC000021A<— read=»» this=»»>
* 1314.html http://www.faultwire.com/solutions-fatal_error/Status-System-Process-terminated-0xC000021A-
Look in the Event Viewer to see if something is reported on those.
MyEventViewer — free — a simple alternative in the standard Windows Event Viewer.
TIP — Options — Advanced filter allows you to see a period of time instead of the entire file.
It’s my generic bluescreen convenience store — you can try Mode safe mode as suggested in article
above — repeatedly press F8 that you start. Disks of Vista are probably necessary — if you do not have to try
repair, you can borrow a friends because they are not protected against copying. You can also buy the physical
discs of the machine system good cheap that you already own windows (you will need to reinstall
If necessary). You can also repair disks on another computer.
Here are a few ways to possibly fix the blue screen issue. If you could give the blue screen
info that would help. Such as ITC and 4 others entered at the bottom left. And all others
error information such as codes of STOP and info like IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL or PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA and similar messages.
As examples:
BCCode: 116
BCP1: 87BC9510
BCP2: 8C013D80
BCP3: 00000000
BCP4: 00000002
or in this format:
Stop: 0 x 00000000 (oxoooooooo oxoooooooo oxoooooooo oxooooooooo)
Tcpip.sys — address blocking 0 x 0 00000000 000000000 DateStamp 0 x 000000000
It is an excellent tool for displaying the blue screen error information
BlueScreenView scans all your minidump files created during «blue screen of death,» collisions
Displays information on all the «crash» of a table — free
BlueScreens many are caused by old or damaged, in particular the video drivers drivers however
There are other causes.
You can do mode if necessary safe or the Vista DVD command prompt or
Options recovery if your system is installed by the manufacturer.
How to start on the System Recovery Options in Windows 7
You can try a system restore to a point before the problem started when one exists.
How to do a system restore in Windows 7
Start — type this in the search box-> find COMMAND at the top and RIGHT CLICK – RUN AS ADMIN
Enter this at the command prompt — sfc/scannow
How to fix the system files of Windows 7 with the System File Checker
How to analyze the log file entries that the Microsoft Windows Resource Checker (SFC.exe) program
generates cbs.log Windows Vista (and Windows 7)
The log can give you the answer if there is a corrupted driver. (Says not all possible
driver problems).
Also run CheckDisk, so we cannot exclude as much as possible of the corruption.
How to run the check disk at startup in Windows 7
Often drivers up-to-date will help, usually video, sound, network card (NIC), WiFi, part 3
keyboard and mouse, as well as of other major device drivers.
Look at the sites of the manufacturer for drivers — and the manufacturer of the device manually.
Installation and update of drivers under Windows 7 (updated drivers manually using the methods above
It is preferable to ensure that the latest drivers from the manufacturer of system and device manufacturers are located)
How to disable automatic driver Installation in Windows Vista — drivers
http://TechNet.Microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc730606 (WS.10) .aspx
How to fix BlueScreen (STOP) errors that cause Windows Vista to shut down or restart
quit unexpectedly
Troubleshooting Vista Blue Screen, error of JUDGMENT (and Windows 7)
Understanding and decoding BSOD (blue screen of death) Messages
Windows — troubleshooting blue screen errors
In some cases, it may be necessary.
Startup Options recovery or Windows 7 disk repair
How to run a startup repair in Windows 7
How to start on the System Recovery Options in Windows 7
How to create a Windows 7 system repair disc
I hope this helps.
Rob Brown — Microsoft MVP<- profile=»» -=»» windows=»» expert=»» -=»» consumer=»» :=»» bicycle=»» -=»» mark=»» twain=»» said=»» it=»»>
SQL * more substitution vs bind variable question
Hi all, I am trying to automate some SQL within SQL codes * more script that is triggered by a script .bat, the only parts that change are Dates…
create table blah as
Select * from table
WHERE DATE between start_date and END_DAY;
the DATE is a numeric field, YYYYMMDD
The script runs always at the beginning of a new week, so a Monday, unless a public holiday, then a Tuesday.
The END_DAY is * always * last Friday and I realized that:
variable L_FRIDAY char (15);
Select to_char (next_day(sysdate-7,’FRIDAY’), ‘YYYYMMDD’) as Last_Friday in: double L_FRIDAY;
The thing is that I get an error when I try to use the binding variable?
create table blah as
Select * from table
WHERE DATE between start_date and: L_FRIDAY;
Then once I found the end date, I was going to use add_months(L_FRIDAY,-12) for previous 12 months for the start_date…
When I tried to use a variable Substitution I could just hard code the date, but I can not or do not know how to set the value of this exec to the variable?
Basically my research reveals that — Bind variables are not allowed for operations of data definition, use substutions instead of bind variables
I need an automated way to find the END_DAY which is last Friday and START_DATE that is 12 months before Friday and refer to those in the SQL without errors.
Kodiak_Seattle wrote:
Hi all, I am trying to automate some SQL within SQL codes * more script that is triggered by a script .bat, the only parts that change are Dates…
create table blah as
Select * from table
WHERE DATE between start_date and END_DAY;
the DATE is a numeric field, YYYYMMDD
The script runs always at the beginning of a new week, so a Monday, unless a public holiday, then a Tuesday.
The END_DAY is * always * last Friday and I realized that:
variable L_FRIDAY char (15);
Select to_char (next_day(sysdate-7,’FRIDAY’), ‘YYYYMMDD’) as Last_Friday in: double L_FRIDAY;
The thing is that I get an error when I try to use the binding variable?
create table blah as
Select * from table
WHERE DATE between start_date and: L_FRIDAY;
Then once I found the end date, I was going to use add_months(L_FRIDAY,-12) for previous 12 months for the start_date…
When I tried to use a variable Substitution I could just hard code the date, but I can not or do not know how to set the value of this exec to the variable?
Basically my research reveals that — Bind variables are not allowed for operations of data definition, use substutions instead of bind variables
I need an automated way to find the END_DAY which is last Friday and START_DATE that is 12 months before Friday and refer to those in the SQL without errors.
Or SQL * more bind variable or variable substitution can be DATEs. The best you can do is set a different type, as a string, representing a date. A string as June 19, 2015″represents a date, but so strings like ‘SYSDATE’ and ‘ SYSDATE — 7’, so you can do something like this:
SET l_friday = ‘ NEXT_DAY ((SYSDATE-7), ‘FRIDAY’).
DEFINE start_date = «ADD_MONTHS (& l_friday, — 12)»
SELECT & start_date AS t_n
, & l_friday AS l_f
OF the double
Output (when executed on 25 June 2015):
———— ————
June 19, 2014 19 June 2015
SQL more how to stop script after the exception of the DDL
I have script .sql, which I managed by SQL * more.
Some migration of data and database structure changes were made in the script.
So, I use a lot of distinct calls:
Some of the scripts contains DDL as create table or column.
contains some declare blocks (DML).
Is it possible to stop the script after an exception has occurred?
Thank you, Olga.
Hi, Olga.
You can use the SQL * more order
to tell SQL * more to stop the execution of orders and immediately disconnect after any exception SQL is triggered.
I don’t know of anyway to stay connected, but to stop script execution, after an error.
Connection with SQL * more is not possible
Hello together,
I have a problem with my database and SQL Plus.
I can’t connect to my DB via SQL Plus, I get the error message: > > ORA_12546: TNS: detonation verweigert (Permission denied) < <.
I tried it with several users. When I try to log in to enterprise manager or connecting to the DB through SQL Developer works very well with the user > > sys < <, only the SQL more connection does not work.
It works until yesterday that there are some problems with the DB and the processor and RAM were almost 100% occupied each.
We use the Version 11 g Enterprise Edition Release 64 bit Production on a Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Server.
I am running SQL Plus, Enterprise Manager and SQL Developer directly on the DB server.
When I start SQL Plus he asks me my username > > enter user name: < < and after that my password: > > password: < <.
A connection as seen in many forums or document on the internet like > > scott/[email protected] < < never worked on my system, which is also confused me.
We have no listener.ora file in the folder: ORACLE_HOME/NETWORK/ADMIN only a sqlnet.ora with line > > SQLNET. AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = (NTS) < < in it.
Status of the listener:
C:WindowsSystem32 > lsnrctl status
LSNRCTL for 64-bit Windows: Version — Production on 18 February 2014 12:14:32
Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connection to (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST=) (PORT = 1521))
TNSLSNR for Windows 64-bit version: Version — Production
Start date February 18, 2014 10:15:54
Uptime 0 days 1 hour 58 minutes 42 seconds
Draw level off
Security ON: OS Local Authentication
O:appadministratordiagtnslsnrQualisysDbNbglisteneralertlog.XML log listener
Summary of endpoints listening…
(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST=QualisysDbNbg) (PORT = 1521)))
Summary of services…
Service «orcl» has 1 instance (s).
Instance «orcl», State LOAN, has 1 operation for this service…
The command completed successfully
C:WindowsSystem32 >
I hope someone can help me with this problem.
Thank you you very much in forward for your answerand greetings
The sys user must connect as sysdba
have you tried
sqlplus ‘[email protected] as sysdba’
sqlplus ‘sys/[email protected] as sysdba’
the first command should work without password for all users group ORA_DBA.
Scott, the user cannot also exists in your database.
i am not able to start sql plus. It gives me the below mentioned error message. I did not have any problem when i worked a month back but now when i am going to start again, it gives me this error. In between, the only change i brought into my PC is the installation of Kaspersky Antivirus and doing the full scan?
Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus
Error loading message shared library
hick wrote:
i am not able to start sql plus. It gives me the below mentioned error message. I did not have any problem when i worked a month back but now when i am going to start again, it gives me this error. In between, the only change i brought into my PC is the installation of Kaspersky Antivirus and doing the full scan?
Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus
Error loading message shared library
thanksThis error is raised during the early startup processing for sqlplus and is, by nature, rather generic. Since it is raised during initialization, it’s quite possible that not all libraries that might be needed for additional details (such as localized error messages) are loaded.
As the only thing you mention has changed is installation of Kaspersky, that suggests it is blocking a required library from being loaded. This error can also be raised when there is insufficient memory available (which would also prevent loading of required libraries, etc).
Here’s a simple test you can do to illustrate this (obviously not on a production system, etc!):
$ cd Oracle11.2databaseBIN
$ dir /s /b oraclient11.dll
$ rem temporarily rename the Oracle RDBMS Client Library for testing
$ ren oraclient11.dll oraclient11.dll.save
$ rem this will raise error 57 since a required library could not be loaded during initialization
$ sqlplus.exe /nolog
Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus
Error loading message shared library
$ rem be sure to change back!
$ ren oraclient11.dll.save oraclient11.dllRegards,
Similar Messages
Error 45 initializing SQL*Plus
Hi All,
When I try to execute a create view script, I encounter a «Error 45 initializing SQL*Plus Internal Error».
When googled for it. The BUG 3039738 is associated with this error message.
My question is, When the Metalink has explained the scenario in BUG description that. This error is encountered when a shell script is trying to invoke the sqlplus.
I donno why I am getting it when I try to run a SQL create view script.
OS:Red Hat Linux 5.2
DB:Oracle 10g (
Error 45 initializing SQL*Plus
Internal errorRegards,
SAMHi Robert,
We use eChangeMan for scripts transfer.
The scripts are uploaded into eChangeMan and then sent for approval. Once Approved. The eChangeMan automatically transfers the scripts to specific location on server, from where we execute them.
In one link I found this
Cause: The issue is identified as Bug:3039738. This typically reproduces when SQL script file is on a OCFS filesystem created on shared device (for example, SAN storage).
Fix: The only workaround, until bug is fixed, is to copy the SQL script file to a local disk (in case of Linux, a ext3 filesystem).
But this is the first time I have encountered this error. When i did a vi on script, It looks fine, without any spl characters.
Error 5 Initializing SQL*Plus
Hi, I’ve Oracle over Solaris 9. I’ve set NLS_LANG=spanish_spain.WE8ISO8859P15
and when I try to start sqlplus (sqlplus «/as sysdba») I receive the next error:
$ sqlplus «/as sysdba»
Error 5 initializing SQL*Plus
NLS initialization error
I’m getting this error from this morning, when I delete the file $ORACLE_HOME/ocommon/nls/admin/data/lx10006.nlb and I restore the same file but from version, may it be the cause?
Any idea? I haven’t a copy of this file of version 9.2.05…
Thank you,I only can access to the database if I unset NLS_LANG or if I set NLS_LANG=american_america.WE8ISO8859P1
Error 7 initializing SQL*Plus
when I laucnh sqlplus I obtain this error:
[email protected]:/grid/app/9.2.0>sqlplus
Error 7 initializing SQL*Plus
Message file sp2<lang>.msb not found
[email protected]:/grid/app/9.2.0>which sqlplus
I have these environment settings:
[email protected]:/grid/app/9.2.0>env
SSH_CLIENT= 8799 22
this is my oratab:
[email protected]:/grid/app/9.2.0>cat /etc/oratab
+ASM1:/grid/11.2.0:N # line added by Agent
What I’m doing wrong?Hi BelMan,
this works fine:
[email protected]:/home/oracle>export ORACLE_HOME=/grid/11.2.0
[email protected]:/home/oracle>export ORACLE_SID=+ASM
[email protected]:/home/oracle>/grid/11.2.0/bin/sqlplus
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Jul 27 12:51:44 2010
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Enter user-name:
But I need to use home! -
[Emergency] sqlplus gets «Error 5 initializing SQL*Plus NLS initialization»
Hi, all.
I issued sqlplus, but I got the following error.
What could be the reasons for the following error?
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards.
[esumedi(ngwapt1):/GXS/esumedi] sqlplus
Error 5 initializing SQL*Plus
NLS initialization error
cat .profile
export ORACLE_BASE=/ora_client
export ORACLE_TERM=vt100
export ORA_NLS33=$ORACLE_HOME/ocommon/nls/admin/data
export NLS_LANG=American_america.KO16KSC5601
export TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:.:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/ucb:/opt/perf/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch:/oracle/app/oracle10/product/102
export SHLIB_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$ORACLE_HOME/lib32:$ORACLE_HOME/network/lib:/usr/lib
export DISPLAY=
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/java1.5/bin:/opt/java1.5/jre/bin
—————————————————————————Thanks for your reply.
I solved this problem by adding «esumedi» user to dba group.
[esumedi(ngwapt1):/GXS/esumedi] cat /etc/group
ngwapt1:/ora_client/OraHome_1/bin>ll sql*
-rwxr-x—x 1 oracle dba 1748248 Sep 17 2009 sqlldr*
-rwxr-x—x 1 oracle dba 1748248 May 6 2008 sqlldrO*
-rwxr-x—x 1 oracle dba 72048 Sep 17 2009 sqlplus*
-rwxr-x—x 1 oracle dba 72048 May 6 2008 sqlplusO*
My guess is that a oracle client user needs «read» and «excute» privilege.
Before I add «esumedi» to dba group, the user of esumedi could not read some file in the $ORACLE_HOME.
After I added «esumedi» to dba group, the user of esumedi was able to read some file in the $ORACLE_HOME.
This is my guess.
Is my guess right?
If I change «file access mode» under $ORACLE_HOME directory, it could be the another solution??
Best Regards. -
Concurrent manager encountered an error while running sql*plus for your concurrent request create internal order
We have a big problem, We can’t create internal orders, when I run the CREATE INTERNAL ORDER, it finish with ERROR:
Concurrent Manager encountered an error while running SQL*Plus for your concurrent request 134980682.
Review your concurrent request log and/or report output file for more detailed information.
this is the log:
Purchasing: Version : 12.0.0
Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
POCISO module: Create Internal Orders
Current system time is 26-JUL-2013 09:21:09
| Starting concurrent program execution…
Start of log messages from FND_FILE
Begin create internal sales order
Updating Req Headers
14 Reqs selected for processing
Top of Fetch Loop
Source Operating Unit: 82
Selecting Currency Code
Currency Code : MXP
Selecting Order Type
Order Type ID:1001
Selecting Price List from Order Type
Deliver To Location Id: 196
Inserting Header : 3908784
Getting the customer id
Getting the customer id: 15334
Unhandled Exception : ORA-01403: no data found
End of log messages from FND_FILE
Concurrent Manager encountered an error while running SQL*Plus for your concurrent request 134980682.
Review your concurrent request log and/or report output file for more detailed information.
Executing request completion options…
Output file size:
Output is not being printed because:
The print option has been disabled for this report.
Finished executing request completion options.
Concurrent request completed
Current system time is 26-JUL-2013 09:21:14
Some suggestion for resolve it??
Thanks & Regards.In the document 294932.1 Section 4 there are no pre-installation patches or update for OS RedHat LinuxAS4.
When I type echo $LD_ASSUME_KERNEL it doesn’t display any value so do I need to set the LD_Assume_Kernal value manually.
If yes, please let me know the path and command to set the kernel value.
Amith -
Error in calling SQL plus program with parameter from Shell script
This is my Shell script. I am trying to call in the SQL plus program with the parameter and the shell script is registered as a concurrent program.
PARAMETERS=`echo $1 |tr -d ‘»‘`
DB_USER_ID=`echo $PARAMETERS|cut -d» » -f3|cut -d»=» -f2`
REQ_DATE=`echo $PARAMETERS|cut -d» » -f9|cut -d»=» -f2`
timestamp=`date +%m-%d-%y-%H:%M:%S-%Z`
timestam=`date +%y-%m-%d`
sqlplus -s $CONN_STRING @ar_statement.sql $REQ_DATE
chmod 755 statement.sh
. statement.sh
My Sql plus program is like this.
set pagesize 0
set heading off
set feedback off
spool $GEC_TOP/log/ge_ar_statement.sh
select output_file_name
from fnd_concurrent_requests
where trunc(actual_completion_date) = ‘&2’;
spool off;
When i run the concurrent program, i am getting the following error:
ar_statement: line 14: REQ_DATE: command not found
Enter value for 2:
User requested Interrupt or EOF detected.
ar_statement.sh: line 1: Enter: command not found
ar_statement.sh: line 2: User: command not found
Program exited with status 127
I am not strong at Unix Porgamming and i would request someone who can
help me out as soon as possible.
I need this solution quickly and thank everyone in advance.
Thanks.Can you put your coding between code statements, like shown in the FAQ. It will be easier to read.
Looking at your script, my first guess is that crontab will not find your sqlplus since your script does not have $HOME/bin in the $PATH. From what I understand, running .profile in your script will not work either because variables are exported to sub-shells, not to the shell above. You can call your script with a dot like . ./script which means that the script will run like it was typed at the command prompt. But it will be less confusing to define appropriate variables in the script. eg.
I remember some slightly different way of coding to handle the sqlplus return codes.
For instance:
sqlplus -s /nolog > /dev/null <<-EOF
connect system/manager
whenever oserror exit failure
whenever sqlerror exit failure
if [ $sql_err -ne 0 ]; then
echo «FAILURE»
echo «SUCCESS»
fiThe — in -EOF supresses tab’s
Using connect will prevent ps from showing your login credentials
In some versions of bash the ending EOF needs to be at the beginning of the line to work.
Edited by: waldorfm on Jul 14, 2010 7:05 PM
complaining about putting code between code delimiters and forgot myself
Edited by: waldorfm on Jul 14, 2010 7:08 PM
Btw, if you «source» a script running it like . .script, than an exit in that script will log you out. -
Error al ejecutar SQL plus y error ORA-03114
Instali Oracle 9i 9.2 cliente sobre windows 98 para conectarme a la base Oracle 7.3.4. La instalacisn fue exitosa y la configuracion del Net tambiin results exitosa, sin embargo, al ejecutar el sql plus me envma un error y hace referencia a product_user_profile, ademas, no puedo ejecutar mi aplicacisn en VB enviando el error ORA-03114: no conectado a ORACLE.
?Qui me falta por configurar?.
Al instalar Oracle 8i no presenta ningun error, funcionando todo exitosamente.Babblefish believes that your question translates to English as:
«I installed Oracle 9i 9,2 client on Windows 98 to connect me to the base Oracle 7.3.4. The installation was successful and the configuration of the Net also was successful, nevertheless, when executing the SQL extra sends an error to me and makes reference to product_user_profile, in addition, I cannot execute my application in VB sending the Ora-03114 error: not connected to ORACLE. What I need to form. When installing Oracle 8i does not present/display ningun successful error, working everything.»
Assuming that’s a proper translation, there are a couple of points:
— The 9.2 client ins’t certified to connect to a 7.3.4 database. There may well be random issues with this configuration.
— product_user_profile indicates to me that your DBA may have set something up that prevents certain users/machines/applications/etc. from logging into the database. I’d try speaking with your DBA to see whether this is the case, and what you need to do to have the system changed.
Justin -
Redirecting error message on SQL Plus
When using SQL Plus, is there a way to send error messages to my c: drive vs. the server?
Hi grama16,
From what I’ve noticed, that error message shows up sometimes for ink or printhead issues. Please follow as many steps as you can in the guide below, it should help fix the issue for your printer
‘Ink System Failure’ or a ‘0x …’ Error Message Displays on the Control Panel
*** If my reply was helpful, please click on the «Kudos Thumbs-Up» on the right, as a way to say «Thanks!».
If this reply also fixed your issue — please click the «Accept as Solution» button, so that others can find the same answer. *** -
Error : SP2-0642: SQL*Plus internal error state 2286, context 0:0:0
Hi all
I got the following error while starting a database.please help me
SP2-0642: SQL*Plus internal error state 2286, context 0:0:0 Unsafe to proceedHi,
Please look at the notes.
SP2-0642: SQL*Plus Internal Error State 2130 ORA-24315: Illegal Attribute Type [ID 1060880.1]
«SP2-0642: SQL*Plus internal error state 2090, context 0:0:0» Error Encountered While Running Select Statement [ID 555757.1]
SP2-0642: SQL*Plus internal error state 2090, context 0:0:0″ Error Encountered While Running Select Statement [ID 555757.1]
They are either Windows related or general.
Regards, -
Error Handling with sql *plus from a shell script
When I execute sql plus in a shell script with the wrong username/pass pair, the shell script hangs without terminating. What is the proper way to execute sql plus in a shell script that will catch a login failure and make sure the script doesn’t hang?
We execute the following in our shell script:
sqlplus ${ORACLE_INST} @./sql/ftp_ledger_put.sql
Now if somebody comes along and alters the login then the script would hang. Is there a way to have the script exit gracefully?Not the most elegant solution but…….
sqlplus <<EOD 2>&1 >some_log_file
Because sqlplus allows for 3 tries at log in if user/pwd is not valid it will try to use subsequent lines. Each will fail.
You have to look in some_log_file to determine success/failure
Ken -
Error while using SQL* PLUS due to PUPBLD.SQL script
DATABASE: 10G Release2
Upon creation of a database, while accessing a schema using sqlplus i received the error
Warning: Product user profile information not loaded!
You may need to run PUPBLD.SQL as SYSTEMSo i logged in as SYSTEM and ran @$ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/pupbld.sql. But i am still getting the above mentioned error when try to log in to a schema. Before i executed pupbld.sql , i mistakenly executed this script while i was logged in as SYS. Could this be the problem?
This is what i get when i execute pupbld.sql logged in as SYSTEM
SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/pupbld.sql
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01434: private synonym to be dropped does not exist
ERROR at line 3:
ORA-00980: synonym translation is no longer valid
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Table created.
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
View created.
Grant succeeded.
Synonym dropped.
Synonym created.
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01434: private synonym to be dropped does not exist
Synonym created.
Synonym dropped.
Synonym created.
SQL> show user
SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/pupbld.sql
Synonym dropped.
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01430: column being added already exists in table
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
View dropped.
View created.
Grant succeeded.
Synonym dropped.
Synonym created.
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01434: private synonym to be dropped does not exist
Synonym created.
Synonym dropped.
Synonym created.
You’ll need to tidy-up the failed install in the sys schema, then run pupbld again as system.
The easiest way to tidy up sys is to run the drop statments in the pupbld script while attached as sys. You can get a list of the drop commands by grepping the script for ‘drop’…
grep -i drop $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/pupbld.sql
..review the output — if your happy, copy&past it into sqlplus. Then connect as system and run pupbld again.
Andy Barry
http://www.shutdownabort.com -
Error connecting to SQL*Plus
I have installed Oracle While install set the password to <password>. SID name is orcl.
Now i am connecting to the database, but it is giving ORA-12154 TNS:Could not resolve connect identifier specified
If i am using default passpword for system as «manager» i am getting ORA-01017 invalid username/password. logon denied error
Please suggest what went wrong?Listner.ora File Entry
# listener.ora Network Configuration File: D:oracleproduct10.2.0db_1networkadminlistener.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
(ORACLE_HOME = D:oracleproduct10.2.0db_1)
(PROGRAM = extproc)
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = 01HW189141.India.TCS.com)(PORT = 1521))
tnsnames.ora File Entry
# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: D:oracleproduct10.2.0db_1networkadmintnsnames.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = 01HW189141.India.TCS.com)(PORT = 1521))
(SID = PLSExtProc)
) -
Connection error when running sql*plus from within a Makefile
As part of our build process the commands to install/update our database schema are executed from a Makefile (along with all the other build/test commands). We’ve been running our build under several system configurations, but have hit a hitch with one specific one. So far this has worked with Windows XP (cygwin) against a Express Edition DB and Red Hat ES 5 against Oracle 11g.
I am now trying to get the build running on a Ubuntu 8.04 workstation with the Oracle Express Edition installed. From the command line I can execute a simple command line such:
echo «SELECT 5 as foo from dual»|sqlplus user/password
Now if I put the same command in a Makefile, I receive the following error message:
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27123: unable to attach to shared memory segment
Linux Error: 22: Invalid argument
Additional information: 1
Additional information: 32769
This error seems to pop up a lot when a client is not properly configured (atleast the googling I’ve done has said as much), but my client is clearly working as I can connect outside of the Makefile. Is there possible some info that gets lost when make executes the process? Any ideas of what I could do to fix this?see 115753.1 note on metalink , it clearly explains why you are encountering this .
SQL Plus error
I’m working with Ubuntu 10.04 Server.
I just installed Oracle XE 11g (11.2.0 specifically)
All I did was download the .rpm file and converted it to a deb (using alien) and then ran the deb (using dpkg). Everything seems to be installed fine however when I try to run sqlplus I get the following message:
Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus
SP2-0667: Message file sp1(lang).msb file not found
SP2-0750: You may need to set your ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory
However the oracle_env.sh states that ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe which is the correct path (at least I think it is). So does anyone know what the issue is?
ThanksI’ve checked all of the log files in the log directory and there doesn’t seem to have been any errors in them.That’s good. So we can assume most things worked as intended.
Path looks wrong… But no idea how it got to be wrong or how to fix it.It does. Did you execute the following from Step 9)
echo «» >>./.profile
echo ‘. /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/oracle_env.sh’ >>./.profileThis should set up your environment as needed. In the guide, this had been done for the «oracle» user only. If you use a different account, you’ll have to either source or include that environment script as well.
Please also check whether it has been created correctly by running
cat /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/oracle_env.shThe output should read
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe
export NLS_LANG=`$ORACLE_HOME/bin/nls_lang.sh`
export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATHThough possibly not mandatory, you could add
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/libto that script. This will set the library path to include the oracle libraries, such as client libraries.
LANG-settings are okay, by the way.
Edited by: Udo on 26.03.2012 16:02
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I have the following installed on a web server (windows 2003 x64):
Oracle 10g XE
Oracle 11g ODAC (
I'm running an ASP.Net 3.5 website that connects to Oracle XE via Oracle.DataAccess. This all works fine on my XP development machine, but I have installed the above on our web server and am getting the following when trying to test with SQLPlus:
Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus
Error loading message shared library
It was initially working and I could connect with SQLPlus ok. I've since tried to test my ASP.Net app which failed to connect and now I get the above. Stopping/starting XE and listener doesn't get rid of it either. Strangly I can connect using XE's web interface and a reboot of the server temporarily fixes the problem until my asp.net app connects again.
This is really starting to annoy me because it works fine on my xp machine. Have searched the forums, but there's nothing that seems to match my problem, so I'd be grateful if anyone knows what might be going on.
Check the runtime environment, particularly ORACLE_HOME, PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
When you have multiple Oracle installs on a windows machine the result can sometimes depend on the order of install ...
Also, I wonder if this is a 32 vs 64 bit issue ? Check OS compatibility of the versions you installed.
Edited by: rgeier on Oct 27, 2009 5:54 PM
Still struggling with this.
ORACLE_HOME is set to: C:oraclexeapporacleproduct10.2.0server
PATH includes: C:appJohnproduct11.1.0client_1;C:appJohnproduct11.1.0client_1bin;C:oraclexeapporacleproduct10.2.0serverbin;
I have created a stand-alone test windows forms app that connects ok using ODP. Then when I try to connect through my ASP.Net app (which is using the same ODP version) it fails to connect and I don't get any error message. After that I can't connect with my windows forms app or sqlplus. It's almost as if the ASP.Net app is causing the oracle client to crash and after that nothing works until I reboot.
Oracle XE doesn't have a 64-bit version so installs as a 32-bit app. According to all the documentation I've read, ODAC is ok on 32 or 64 bit and I have set the "platform" of the dll I use to connect to be "x86".
This is really beginning to frustrate me. I'm thinking I should've used SQL Server instead. It shouldn't be this difficult to deploy an app that uses ODP.
If anyone has any other thoughts I'd be happy to hear them. My client is waiting to see their website and I'm nowhere near fixing this issue.
The first ORACLE_HOME/bin in the path is not the same as your ORACLE_HOME. Suggest you remove all non-essential entries from the PATH, or de-install the other Oracle software.
ORACLE_HOME is set to: C:oraclexeapporacleproduct10.2.0server
PATH includes: C:appJohnproduct11.1.0client_1;C:appJohnproduct11.1.0client_1bin;C:oraclexeapporacleproduct10.2.0serverbin;
This turned out to be a problem with available RAM on the virtual server we were using. We decreased the SGA and PGA allocation in XE and the problem disappeared.
Hopefully this will help others with the same problem.
Yes! After I closed some other memory-intensive apps, the driver suddenly worked again.
You've got to love that oh-so-descriptive error message. I reinstalled the ODBC driver, changed my path, edited the registry... because Oracle couldn't tell me it was out of memory. Thanks, Oracle.
Tnsnames.Ora and Oracle XE
I'm using XE (Oracle 10g) at home as a trial server on a spare PC for 8i running at work. However I am having difficulties on where to place the Tnsnames.ora file on the client machine so that it can be utilised as a replicant for the 8i server. XE does not provide the relevant data unless one is running PHP - and I'm using Delphi with Ora from Corelabs. When trying to connect I get "Can't initialise OCI. Error -1". Direct connection works just fine though. However, I need to utilise a Tnsnames.Ora file for continuity as mentioned. Therefore I'm not sure whether I can use a thrid party tool (outside of PHP) with XE? Or should I be using 10 (or 11) g trial?
the tnsnames.ora file should under the home directory you installed XE. Usually under $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
Thanks for the reply but there is no network/admin either under the client or server installations in my home setup. Any other suggestions? Normally the Tnsnames is in the client directory (from memory :-) ) as noted but the XE Client Installer does not create such a directory.
I am not quite clear what's you planing to do, are you using XE just as client or you are using XE as a database. If you only need client, you can download Oracle client software from Oracle site.
I have downloaded Oracle XE Database which is running on a spare PC at home. I also downlaoded XE Client which is installed on my laptop which is also my software development environment. My problem is that I want to use a TNSnames file for the connection configuration at home because the program(s) will be run on a live CS system using 8i which uses TNSnames. Then all I have to do is change TNSnames to suit at work for the program to run. What I therefore would like to know is where to put TNSnames on my development laptop running XE client so that XE client can find/recognise it and connect to the spare PC running XE database. Right now Oracle XE client is installed on my laptop under C:OracleXEXEClient Thanks for the help.
Hi, As you stated ORACLE XE is "C:OracleXEXEClient" Go Furtheryou will find the Folder like "NETWORK/ ADMIN " folder, You have to placein Admin Folder. - Pavan Kumar N
Check under C:OracleXEXEClientapporacleproduct10.2.0clientNETWORKADMIN> or similar path
Hi, OK, I have checked and there are no other directories under the route directories in XEClient. Only one level. Tried uninstalling the application and got: 1) "MS Register Server stopped working" 2) Multiple references to Windows explorer "using certain files and to close to continue" (no explorers were open ....) Tried to reinstall (even with fresh download) and also got the same problem (1) above and again, no subdirectories which I assume means that the installation failed because of (1). Looking through the document HTML supplied in the route directory (which connects to Oracle 10g server installation notes - not client) I see that the server version anyway does not mention Windows Vista so maybe this is where the problem lies? Have also tried disabling Norton protection centre and still get the same messages/problems. Suggestions? What about instantclient? Is this Vista compatible? Regards and thanks once again.
OK, having done more of an exhaustive search on Oracle website it would appear that Vista Home Premium (running on my laptop) is not supported by any of the Oracle clients. My mistake for having forgotten that MS doesn't support 'over-all connectivity' on it's 'lesser' operating systems. STrangely the MS webiste does not indicate this on the Vista upgrade page/product comparisons. Previous work was done using Win XP Pro so I must admit I never considered this. Appologies for wasting everyone's time but if someone can confirm my findings it would be appreciated. Regards
System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version …
hi all i am facing the following problem when connect my vb.net application to oracle 10g server. although i have installed the oracle client on my client pc. System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater. Description: An unhandled exception occurred in your application. Thanks in advance
Is this [the same issue you were asking about yesterday|http://forums.oracle.com/forums/message.jspa?messageID=3621953#3621953]? Did you install the full Oracle client? Or the Instant Client? What version of the client did you install? Does SQL*Plus work on the client machine? Justin
http://totaldevpro.com/blogs/tutorials/pages/system-data-oracleclient-requires-oracle-client-software-version-8-1-7-or-greater.aspx HTH...
when i run sqlplus in command line then the following error comes this application has failed to start because MSVCR71.dd was not found re-installing the application my fix the problem.
Are you stating that the actual error message you get when you try to invoke SQL*Plus is "This application has failed to start because MSVCR71.dll was not found re-installing the application my fix the problem." That seems like a very odd error message. Are you sure about that? Or are you stating that you believe that re-installing your application may resolve the problem? Justin
this is the actual message and after re-intalling the problem remain same
thanks sathish i try this trick also but problem remain same
You need to restart the machine after changing the rights. Have you done this?
yes i do this also. but still the problem remain same. now i install Oracle Database 11g Release 1 Client ( for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) but the problem remain same. i am facing this problem since two days. but unable to understand how can this problem fix. thanks
What is your operating system?
windows vista ultimate 32 bit sp1
So you're saying that when you try to invoke SQL*Plus, it is complaining about the absence of a Microsoft DLL? And SQL*Plus is telling you to "reinstall the application"? But is not providing an Oracle error message? How are you invoking SQL*Plus? Also, I'd still be interested in Did you install the full Oracle client? Or the Instant Client? What version of the client did you install? Justin
i download from otn the version is Oracle Database 11g Release 1 ( for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) and install complete this. to invoke sqlplus i just wrinting sqlplus in command line then i get the above error. i.e application faid to comnnect msvcp71.dll was not found. thanks
OK, so the bit about reinstalling the application is not really part of the error message, right? Does that DLL exist on the client machine? Is the DLL in your PATH? Does the Windows user you are running as have access to whatever directory that DLL is in? Justin
actualy now i downlaod the msvcp71.dll and pase it into C:WINDOWSsystem32 also at system location and i think that the user has access to that folder
SQL Plus 8.0 Error
Hi everybody, I have Oracle 10g installed on my server and I get connected from my XP Service Pack 3 client computer using SQL Plus 8.0, but I always receive an error telling me that Oracle SQL PLUS has encountered a problem and needs to close. AppName: plus80w.exe, ModName: ora805.dll, Offset: 000eae13 Can you guys please help me to solve this problem?
Can't guarantee it's the same issue but we occasionally have a similar problem on some client machines here. For us it's usually a result of multiple versions of Oracle client being installed in the machine resulting in multiple Oracle homes on the windows path. Check your windows path variable only has one Oracle home bin directory in it and that it is pointing to the correct place. We also find that it's case sensitive so make sure the path is entered in the correct case.
Install the 10g client on your PC. There have been a lot of changes since version 8, and older versions of sqlplus will not connect to 10g databases. John
Use oracle 10 client (SQL*Plus)
Oracle 10g client works pretty well. Thanks a lot guys!!!!
Oracle 10g x64 Client Connectivity Problems
Hey everyone, Recently, an issue has come up with one of our test environments that is preventing further development. OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Oracle Client Version installed: 10g x86 (32-bit). Development Drivers and tools installed? Yes Basic problem details: 1. Company software is 32-bit based, and uses the 32-bit drivers. Recently, a client wanted to attempt to connect to a 64-bit database, which was not able to be done. 2. This appears to be something wrong with the ASP.net portion of the install, as both SQL Developer and sqlplus are able to connect to the named instances. The product connecting to the Oracle instance is hosted on IIS. The cache has also been reset as well. 3. It was noted that in the install (for Oracle Client, not Oracle Database), that sql scripts were needed to run on the DB for ASP.net - How do I go about installing those? Also, are there any configuration settings that might prevent this from happening?
Hi, are you looking for something like this, http://docs.oracle.com/html/E10928_01/IntroInstallation.htm did you get any oracle related error. What is you database version.
1006925 wrote: Hey everyone, Recently, an issue has come up with one of our test environments that is preventing further development. OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Oracle Client Version installed: 10g x86 (32-bit). Development Drivers and tools installed? Yes Basic problem details: 1. Company software is 32-bit based, and uses the 32-bit drivers. Recently, a client wanted to attempt to connect to a 64-bit database, which was not able to be done."not able to be done" does not present any actionable information. There is no reason a 32-bit client should not be able to establish a tns connection to a 64bit database. 2. This appears to be something wrong with the ASP.net portion of the install, as both SQL Developer and sqlplus are able to connect to the named instances. The product connecting to the Oracle instance is hosted on IIS. The cache has also been reset as well. 3. It was noted that in the install (for Oracle Client, not Oracle Database), that sql scripts were needed to run on the DB for ASP.net - How do I go about installing those? Also, are there any configuration settings that might prevent this from happening?How about some actual, actionable error messages?
By "not able to be done", I meant that before the connection could occur, it just failed to connect to the instance. No error messages appeared (and I'm running the installed version of our software on the server, not source code). I'd love to present the errors, as soon as they appear. Basically, I'm wondering if anyone has run into the problem where their application (or web application) has not been able to connect to Oracle. Edited by: 1006925 on May 29, 2013 9:46 AM
Sqlplus not working after upgrade
Hello, Yesterday, I upgraded the instant client on my box to take advantage of the OCI connection vs VPN. Everything is working great in SQL Dev. This morning, I needed to get into another application (u.achieve) that connects to the same database. It generated an error. So to check the connection, I tried SQLPlus (in a command box). It gives me a "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)." message. I had my old instantclient folder so I switched names. That allowed SQLPlus to work. And if I switch it back, it fails again. Does anyone know why this is occurring or how to fix it? I am on a Win7 64bit machine connecting to an db. Thanks
MAy be that client is not compatible please download the appropriate client software Oracle Database 11g Release 2 for Microsoft Windows (x64) AppsmAsti sharing is caring
Yes, the 16pt bold type that says 32bit downloads apparently wasn't enough for me. Fortunately, I still had the page up to see my error. Thank you.
2021-02-25 14:54:37
Topic starter
A developer is having trouble connecting to the Oracle 18 XE database.
To test the connection, the developer tried connecting from the command prompt with the following:
sqlplus system/password@localhost:1521/XEPDB1
Oracle returns the error message:
Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus
Error loading message shared library
What does this error message mean and how should we resolve it?
Matt Nutsch
Reputable Member
| 320 Posts
Can they make sure ORACLE_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH are correctly set?