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Заголовок сообщения: DSB-C320;Error 80004002
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Nikita Schekotov |
Заголовок сообщения: Re: DSB-C320;Error 80004002
Alex_Merk писал(а): Прошу помощи!
Какая ОС? |
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женечка |
Заголовок сообщения: Помоги!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Вот-вот-вот!!!!!!!!!!! Такая же проблема!!!!!! Подключаю как положено. С родным диском, идущим в комплекте. Не работает и все тут. Уже не раз пробовала удалять все драйвера, чистить реестр и по новой ставить. Ничего. Носила в сервисный центр, у них все заработало! Значит видимо дело в моем компе??? Подскажите пожалуйста! Я уже отчаилась самостоятельно ее настроить! |
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Nikita Schekotov |
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Помоги!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
женечка писал(а): Вот-вот-вот!!!!!!!!!!! Такая же проблема!!!!!! Подключаю как положено. С родным диском, идущим в комплекте. Не работает и все тут. Уже не раз пробовала удалять все драйвера, чистить реестр и по новой ставить. Ничего. Носила в сервисный центр, у них все заработало! Значит видимо дело в моем компе??? Подскажите пожалуйста! Я уже отчаилась самостоятельно ее настроить! Попробуйте установить используя последнюю версию драйвера (в зависимости от аппаратной версии камеры (H/W, указана на стикере рядом с серийным номером)) с нашего FTP-сервера: http://ftp.dlink.ru/pub/Multimedia/DSB-C320/Drivers/ |
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Anjeyka |
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Заголовок сообщения: Re: DSB-C320;Error 80004002
Alex_Merk писал(а): Прошу помощи! подскажи как решить данную проблему …. |
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Anjeyka |
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Anjeyka писал(а): попробуй этот драйвер http://files.mail.ru/SHLAN6 линк активен до 8.02.2010 думаю мож админы очнутся.. послушаю их |
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Anjeyka |
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TOMMM писал(а): думаю мож админы очнутся.. послушаю их я не дождался … юзай родной драйвер с диска или ищи по коду устройства в «диспечере устройств» удачи |
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Nikita Schekotov |
Заголовок сообщения: Re: DSB-C320;Error 80004002
TOMMM писал(а): подскажи как решить данную проблему …. Пришлите скриншоты установки и ошибки на почту |
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MiKxA |
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Впервый раз камера установилась и заработала, но через какое-то время из-за работы другой программы компьтер показал «синий экран» и перезагрузился. После этого камера оказалась не установленной. повторная установка — uninstall — установка сопровождалась ошибкой при установке (Filed to setup driver:5) и требованием найти какие-то файлы dll. Эти файлы я нашел поиском в системных папках и указал по требованию программы их местонахождение. После чего было сообщение, что на компьютер камера установлена. Но при попытке включить камеру в «Мой компьютер» выходит сообщение «Сбой предварительного просмотра видео» с содержанием «Не удалось создать предварительный просмотр видео. Убедитесь, что это устройство подключено, и что просмотр видеосигнала с этого устройства не выполняется другом приложении.» А при запуске самой программы AMCap «ошибка Error 80004002: Cannot find VCapture:IAMStreamConfig» |
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Nikita Schekotov |
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- » Ошибка 80004002
- Error 80004002: cannot run preview graph. Windows XP. Webcam.
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» Ошибка 80004002
После включения AMCap появился восклицательный знак возле «Представитель диспетчера качества потоков Microsoft»
«Представитель диспетчера качества потоков Microsoft»
Это системный драйвер MSPQM.sys.Он у вас есть в папке %windir%system32drivers ?
Да, драйвер нашла.
Проверьте в реестре наличие веток
Сохраните как файлы реестра(*.reg),добавьте в реестр и перезагрузитесь
Код: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
«DisplayName»=»Представитель диспетчера качества потоков Microsoft»
«Group»=»Extended Base»
Error 80004002: cannot run preview graph. Windows XP. Webcam.
I am trying to install a webcam «hama AC-140. I have Windows XP on my computer.
I can look at the image when I click on ‘ Start-my pc — webcam. «
I relog batch computer times. I installed the latest version of DirectX. etc.
NO idea what I can do.
I hope someone can help me!
I suggest you to download and install drivers for your webcam on Webcam manufacturer’s website and check if it helps.
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When I run AMCAP (application example DirectShow for capture video), you receive the following message:
«Error 80004002: cannot find VCapture:IAMStreamConfig».
I searched Google for this error, but I found nothing that help me find a solution. I guess it’s a problem with the WDM driver, but I’m not sure.
Can someone help me with this?
Method 2:
I suggest you to re — install the app and check. You can check the link
Original title: have been using flight simultor 2004 for several years, all of a sudden FS9 does not start. Windows XP — e
use for several years, that all of a sudden FS9 does not start. error message says cannot run a restricted user account, log in as an administrator, but I am administrator and we tried to switch users without result. -any ideas please? Windows xp
1. did you of recent changes on the system?
You can create a new user account and check if the game works.
If you are not faced with the question, you can visit the following link to resolve the damaged user account.
Hope this information is useful.
Original title: Windows 7 system files is the name of volume NTFS is the operating system. It cannot open volume for direct access. Autochk cannot run because of an error caused by a recently installed software. An error occurred__766f6c756d652e63 3f1 unknown
I have recently updated from Vista home premium to Windows 7 Home premium and it worked fine, until recently, I’m getting the above message whenever I start my laptop. I can’t do a system restore, and this error tells me to do a system restore. I downloaded the upgrade of the internet, so I don’t have a copy or a disk to reinstall. Can someone help me solve this problem or do I have to uninstall all the recent software programs?
I had exactly the same problem. It worked for me:
1 uninstall antivirus (mine was AVG free v9)
2. plan chkdsk on reboot
4. now, CHKDSK runs and corrects problems of disc he
5 re-install AVG
Try it and if it works post a response so that others know that ot worked for you also.
I had a update to my Photoshop CC this morning, after having updated, I now have the following Windows message: «this application cannot run on your PC» ‘to find a version of your PC, check with the software publisher. No error code not nothing. Anyone else is and you know what?
No doubt sounds like something went kablooey; I updated my copy of CC PS this morning without any problems on Windows 10. Try a complete uninstall/reinstall again?
I recently downloaded and installed ESXi 5.5 on a server dell for the assessment and I would start it management. So, I downloaded the file of open management of vSphere and cannot run it.
In any case, when I try to run it in VMware VMplayer, I get the following errors (click on retry after first error):
Thus, all the instructions on how to use this file on Windows 7 would be great.
VSphere client was the correct solution — given the issues raised in other forums on the limits of the ESXi 5.5 client vShere — I loaded rather ESXi 5.1 on the server. It does not always meet http: applications — but telnet confirmed the connection. Then found Vsphere client download and installed and connected successfully. Found 5.5 client, but decided not to risk the upgrade at this point.
I really need to defragment, but I get this error msg. MMC cannot open the file c:windowssystem32dfrg.msc
See the article following some possible troubleshooting:
I hope this helps!
I am running Win7 32 on a Dell laptop. Last week my hard drive failed, I replaced and restoring a backup. Everything works fine, but I started to have a ‘not genuine’ warning, even if the properties of the computer system is activated. I reinstalled the product key and a message of successful validation. Now, trying to run Win Update, it crashes. I tried to run the system update readiness tool, but received the error 0xc8000247. Read the other threads, I went to install Intel Rapid Storage drivers, but found that I do not run any of the supported controllers. OK, so what I do now? Here is my WGA report. Thanks in advance for any help.
Validation code: 0x8004FE21
Code of Validation caching online: 0x0
Windows product key: *-* — XHQ2Y — X3WPW-VCB7X
The Windows Product Key hash: tBMtifFfZCsGzq588qXuuYwSjcU =
Windows product ID: 00359-032-1673344-85503
Windows product ID type: 5
Windows license type: retail
The Windows OS version: 6.1.7601.2.00010300.1.0.003
ID: <91dcdf5f-921a-4254-b2dc-24bd03e84287>(3)
Admin: Yes
TestCab: 0x0
LegitcheckControl ActiveX: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
Signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
Product name: Windows 7 Home Premium
Architecture: 0x00000000
Build lab: 7601.win7sp1_gdr.120330 — 1504
TTS error:
Validation of diagnosis:
Resolution state: n/a
Given Vista WgaER—>
ThreatID (s): n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
Windows XP Notifications data—>
Cached result: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
File: No.
Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
WgaTray.exe signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
WgaLogon.dll signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
OGA Notifications data—>
Cached result: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
OGAExec.exe signed by: Microsoft
OGAAddin.dll signed by: Microsoft
OGA data—>
Office status: 114 blocked VLK 2
Microsoft Office XP Professional with FrontPage — 114 VLK blocked 2
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007-100 authentic
OGA Version: Registered,
Signed by: Microsoft
Office Diagnostics: 025D1FF3-364-80041010_025D1FF3-229-80041010_025D1FF3-230-1_025D1FF3-517-80040154_025D1FF3-237-80040154_025D1FF3-238-2_025D1FF3-244-80070002_025D1FF3-258-3
Data browser—>
Proxy settings: N/A
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Win32)
Default browser: C:Program may ExplorerIEXPLORE.exe
Download signed ActiveX controls: fast
Download unsigned ActiveX controls: disabled
Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins: allowed
Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe: disabled
Allow the Internet Explorer Webbrowser control scripts: disabled
Active scripting: allowed
Recognized ActiveX controls safe for scripting: allowed
Analysis of file data—>
[File mismatch: C:Windowssystem32sppobjs.dll[6.1.7601.17514], Hr = 0x800b0100
[File mismatch: C:Windowssystem32sppc.dll[6.1.7601.17514], Hr = 0x800b0100
[File mismatch: C:Windowssystem32sppcext.dll[6.1.7600.16385], Hr = 0x800b0100
[File mismatch: C:Windowssystem32sppwinob.dll[6.1.7601.17514], Hr = 0x800b0100
[File mismatch: C:Windowssystem32slc.dll[6.1.7600.16385], Hr = 0x800b0100
[File mismatch: C:Windowssystem32slcext.dll[6.1.7600.16385], Hr = 0x800b0100
[File mismatch: C:Windowssystem32sppuinotify.dll[6.1.7601.17514], Hr = 0x800b0100
[File mismatch: C:Windowssystem32slui.exe[6.1.7601.17514], Hr = 0x800b0100
[File mismatch: C:Windowssystem32sppcomapi.dll[6.1.7601.17514], Hr = 0x800b0100
[File mismatch: C:Windowssystem32sppcommdlg.dll[6.1.7600.16385], Hr = 0x800b0100
[File mismatch: C:Windowssystem32sppsvc.exe[6.1.7601.17514], Hr = 0x800b0100
[File mismatch: C:Windowssystem32driversspsys.sys[6.1.7127.0], Hr = 0x800b0100
[File mismatch: C:Windowssystem32systemcpl.dll[6.1.7601.17514], Hr = 0x800b0100
[File mismatch: C:Windowssystem32user32.dll[6.1.7601.17514], Hr = 0x800b0100
S-1-5-21-1024249394-1781440430-1521716342 Dell Inc.. Inspiron 1525 Dell Inc.. A17 20091027000000.000000 + 000 84DA3807018400FA 0409 0409 Eastern Standard Time(GMT-05:00) 0 3 DELL M08 114
114 Microsoft Office XP Professional with FrontPage 10 39476F84C4B4004 4iCnywwNW1w4s9ukTIwGMGxyGic =
100 Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007 12 5DEBC7DD788DF10 lCnzIRfi avUW2w2o6ODZvLSH3U plus
Content Spsys.log: 0 x 80070002
License data—>
The software licensing service version: 6.1.7601.17514
Name: Windows 7 HomePremium edition
Description: operating system Windows — Windows (r) 7, retail channel
Activation ID: 2e7d060d-4714-40f2-9896-1e4f15b612ad
ID of the application: 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
Extended PID: 00359-00170-032-167334-01-1033-7601.0000-2602012
Installation ID: 013545669076491633697361629881693535955591004384136513
Processor certificate URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=88338
Machine certificate URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=88339
Use license URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=88341
Product key certificate URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=88340
Partial product key: VCB7X
License status: licensed
Remaining Windows rearm count: 5
Trust time: 17/09/2012 21:00:07
Windows Activation Technologies—>
HrOffline: 0x8004FE21
HrOnline: n/a
Beyond: 0x000000000001EFF0
Event timestamp: 9:17:2012 12:51
ActiveX: Registered, Version: 7.1.7600.16395
The admin service: recorded, Version: 7.1.7600.16395
Output beyond bitmask:
Altered the file: %systemroot%system32sppobjs.dll
Altered the file: %systemroot%system32sppc.dll|sppc.dll.mui
Altered the file: %systemroot%system32sppcext.dll|sppcext.dll.mui
Altered the file: %systemroot%system32sppwinob.dll
Altered the file: %systemroot%system32slc.dll|slc.dll.mui
Altered the file: %systemroot%system32slcext.dll|slcext.dll.mui
Altered the file: %systemroot%system32sppuinotify.dll|sppuinotify.dll.mui
Tampered files: Check %systemroot%system32slui.exe|slui.exe.mui|COM
Altered the file: %systemroot%system32sppcomapi.dll|sppcomapi.dll.mui
Altered the file: %systemroot%system32sppcommdlg.dll|sppcommdlg.dll.mui
Altered the file: %systemroot%system32sppsvc.exe|sppsvc.exe.mui
Altered the file: %systemroot%system32driversspsys.sys
—> HWID data
Activation 1.0 data OEM—>
Activation 2.0 data OEM—>
BIOS valid for OA 2.0: Yes
Windows marker version: 0x0
OEMID and OEMTableID consistent: Yes
BIOS information:
ACPI Table name OEMID value OEMTableID value
SSDT PmRef CpuPm
Please start a NEW thread of your choice and include a MGADiag report.
To analyze and solve problems for Activation and Validation, we need to see a full copy of the report produced by the MGADiag tool
(download and save to the desktop — http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=52012 )
Once saved, run the tool.
Click on the button continue, which will produce the report.
To copy the report in your response, click the button copy in the tool (ignore the error at this stage), and then paste (using r-click and paste or Ctrl + V) in your response.
-* in your own thread *, please
Please also state the Version and edition of Windows cited on your COA sticker (if you a) in the case of your machine (or inside the battery compartment), but does NOT quote the key on the sticker!
The hard drive on my iMac crashed while my virtual machine is running. When I try to open the virtual machine ‘suspended’, I get the following error message: could not open the file «Windows XP Professional — 000004.vmdk»; The system cannot find the specified file. This file is listed in the contents of the packaging of the XP machine, but it notes the date, the iMac has crashed, which is the last day of work of the virtual machine. I have read through discussions and tried a few things from the knowledge base, but I can’t go past the error msg for the virtual machine to run. Any suggestions?
After selecting OK, I then received the second attached message, «Current Message.png», which reads. «your virtual machine has not returned because of an error. If you believe that the error is correctable and you want to keep the suspended state, so you can correct the mistake, after that the virtual machine is turned off, select Preserve. To ignore the waking state, select reject. »
I didn’t do anything since getting this second message because I do not know which to choose.
In this case I’d throw away them.
If after following your excellent detailed instructions & explanation (thank you!), here is what happened.
As the machine has begun to resume in a suspended state, that asked me if I moved or copied and I selected, copied.
In cases like this (restore a Machine virtual sauvegardΘ) the correct answer to this question is «I moved it» even thought «I copied it» seams more logical, it is not the right answer but with the advent of the second error message, not caused by the answer to the first question, no answer would have mattered.
(if I can just get my prospects for work with this virtual machine files, your help would be invaluable!)
This Virtual Machine is always recoverable, however if you are only interested in the recovery of data from the user then after reading the following quit VMware Fusion and try to mount the virtual disk to the Virtual Machine using the information below.
Take a look at: VMware Fusion (menu bar) > help > Search > type VMDKMounter, and then select use VMDKMounter to mount a virtual drive as a Mac Volume
Notice, ignore the parts on «to add support for reading / writing to NTFS volumes, you need to install NTFS — 3G separately.» as it is not necessary for recovering files within the VM using VMDKMounter, because you only need read access to retrieve data from the user.
After obtaining your user data disassemble the virtual hard disk on the desktop and then after that you want to retrieve the VM using methods from another just let know us and additional directions can be given.
I have Toshiba Satellite a205 s4707, with Windows 7.
It has the latest drivers Toshiba bios is after update, but I can’t launch the camera. I tried everything I found on the internet but not worked for me.
I tried to install a different software (not later), reinstall, update.
Pls help someone! Show me that there is another way that it will run my camera!
I have the driver installed, but in Device Manager, I have warning with «Chicony USB 2.0 Camera» — code 10.
Error code 10 in Device Manager means usually only it s a driver problem.
Which Toshiba page you downloaded the latest webcam driver?
Using Windows 7 32-bit or 64-bit?
In your case, I would like to delete the current version of the software of the webcam. Then restart your computer and install the latest version of it.
OP: imvu is not compatible with w7
whenever I try to run imvu it will appear so I tried the reallie problems and I don’t kno wat im doing can help someone please
1. do you have an error when you try to
My research, I see that many users have been able to install IMUV on Windows 7 with some known issues. First of all, I suggest that you try to install the program in compatibility mode.
Read this article which will give you information on how to run this program in Windows XP mode:
I also suggest that you post your question in the forum IMUV for a better answer to your question. You can follow the link below to ask your question:
Thank you
Irfan H, Engineer Support Microsoft Answers. Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.
Anyone know how I can restore this file and what it does?
Looking for errors like this by doing a search on Google for the name of the file. Usually, they turn up without success. Search for amopifat.dll had no success.
When a search in no hits or suspicious hits result, the answer is usually that the file in question is linked to the malicious software and your anti-malware application has deleted or quarantined file, but left to the Windows registry entry that tries to start the malicious software when you start your computer.
First of all, download, install, update and run full scans with two of these free analytical tools:
Do not run the scans at the same time. They can take some time, so start an and then go for a non computer chore for awhile.
If the scans does not solve the problem (and they can’t, because the actual malware file has already been processed), then download and run Autoruns. Click on the «Connection» tab and look in the column ‘Image path’ for the dll named in your error message. If it is not displayed in the connection tab, click the «all» tab and use the file > search tool. A characteristic of the search of Autoruns tool is that you must move the selection under the element line «found» before you «Find Next.»
Once you find the line with the file in question, either «delete» or (if you want to be safer) uncheck the box. The latter prevents the line running, but you can reactivate it later by removing the check mark.
Since I tried Norton-specific registry, but the message still appears.
Don’t do that again. If no error has appeared after you run this tool, count you lucky. Long MS MVP PA Bear:
If you ever think that your registry database must be cleaned, repaired, amplified, to the point, cured, twisted, fixed or optimized (it isn’t), read http://aumha.net/viewtopic.php?t=28099 and draw your own conclusions.
Original title: windows media player won’t play the DVD.
Media player 9 and 11 cannot play try dvd, setting screen resolution or color, I’ve done everything that can go u help me please because I used to work, but ive not used for some time play mp3s and CD but DVD no outside is to do with decoders or 0xc00D116a if it is the error code if any good can help u
1. have you made any hardware changes or software on the computer before this problem?
2. that all the steps you tried to solve the problem?
You can follow this link & check if it helps.
Hope the helps of information.
Please post back and we do know.
Original title: resolve error ‘0xd0000002’ Please
Please help me solve this error ‘0xd0000002 ‘. I get this error when I try to launch a digital program. I can download the program but when I
go to start it I get this error. Help, please. Randy. .
1. Once you get the error message?
2. what application you get the error message?
3. have you tried to contact the Publisher of the application?
Method 1:
I suggest to run the FIXIT , or you can also try the manual steps from the link below.
How to solve problems when you install or uninstall programs on a Windows computer
Method 2:
You can also go through the steps mentioned in the link and check.
Troubleshoot installing or uninstalling programs
Hope this helps and keep us informed if you need help.
Error message recently started even though my computer says the last update was on 24/03/11. It is set for automatic updates every night. Time to reset tried but that did not help. Tried rebooting, not helped. It came from Dell with Windows Vista already installed. bought nine. My basic system information:
Windows Vista Home Premium SP2 32-bit Norton security suite Edition
Last updated: 24/03/11 KB2524375
Icon showed up the other day in the toolbar for updates. says Windows windows cannot check new updates. I tried to update manually, no luck. When I click ‘try again’, I get finally 800070426 error code. No idea what started and didn’t find all the answers on how to fix what I can understand from a distance.
Appreciate any help, thanks!
you are posting in the wrong forum for windows update problems
see if that helps to fix:
How to reset the Windows Update components?
There is also an automatic ‘fix — it’ here
Also, try to put the KB numbers in the search on the link below and then manually download the
or please repost your question in the correct windows update forum
Maybe you are looking for
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I developed a video capture application in C++ with Qt on Windows 7, using the videoInput library (which uses DirectShow). My application works fine with all the devices I previously tried (some inboard capture devices, webcams, a Pinnacle Dazzle
DVC 100, a Pinnacle Studio Movie Box, and even a troubled PixelView PlayTV USB Hybrid), but now I bought an AVerMedia DarkCrystal HD Capture Station (in order to support HD capturing) and it simply won’t work.According to the AVerMedia website, it is totally DirectShow-compatible and I don’t even need to use its SDK. I followed the manufacturer’s installation instructions and I’m able to capture video using its own bundled software (TotalMedia Studio MV), so I suppose
it’s working properly.I tried to run my videoInput-based application and also AmCap (DirectShow sample from Microsoft) and both of them behave the same way. They are able to find the device, retrieve its friendly name, but nothing else. AmCap says
Error 80004002: Cannot find VCapture:IAMStreamConfig.I was debugging AmCap and found out the ICaptureGraphBuilder2::FindInterface method always returns E_NOINTERFACE, i.e. no such interface supported, in lines like this:
hr = gcap.pBuilder->FindInterface(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE,
&MEDIATYPE_Video, gcap.pVCap,
IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void **)&gcap.pVSC);
Here, gcap.pBuilder is a pointer to ICaptureGraphBuilder2, gcap.pVCap is a pointer to IBaseFilter, and gcap.pVSC is a pointer to IAMStreamConfig and should receive the return value.
I suppose there’s some workaround that could help me to capture from this device, since I could sucessfully retrieve the device name (using the ICreateDevEnum::CreateClassEnumerator method, based on the CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory class identifier).
Edited by
Wednesday, April 10, 2013 10:27 PM
Edited by
Sarat Venugopal
May 4, 2004, 9:43:17 PM5/4/04
«WDD» <anon…@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> Trying to connect to a Capture filter i got the following message:
> «Error 80004002: Cannot find VCapture:IAmStreamConfig»
> What is the Filter missing, do filters have to expose a standard set of
Yes. Look at the documentation for IAMStreamConfig interface.
Sarat Venugopal
Thore Karlsen [MVP DX]
May 5, 2004, 9:43:36 PM5/5/04
On Wed, 5 May 2004 10:01:12 -0700, WDD
<anon…@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote:
>I’m working with a Hardware Filter, the filter exposes a custom Property set, how would one access it?
Through the IKsPropertySet interface.
>Do hardware filters HAVE to provide this interface as well?
What interface? Please quote what you are replying to, otherwise it’s
hard to know the context.
Be seeing you.
May 5, 2004, 10:00:16 PM5/5/04
Do hardware filters HAVE to provide the IAMStreamConfig interface as
well? My Driver is an AVStream driver.
Thore Karlsen [MVP DX]
May 5, 2004, 10:24:08 PM5/5/04
>Do hardware filters HAVE to provide the IAMStreamConfig interface as
>well? My Driver is an AVStream driver.
AFAIK, no. I think the DS WDM wrapper takes care of that. At least I
don’t get any hits when I search for IAMStreamConfig in the BTWinCap
driver source.
Be seeing you.
May 6, 2004, 12:28:51 AM5/6/04
Thore Karlsen [MVP DX] wrote:
I dont think that BTWinCap is an AVStream Driver, I’m using AVStream,
I’ll look at it again.
Sarat Venugopal
May 6, 2004, 5:44:10 AM5/6/04
«WDD» <anon…@microsoft.com> wrote in message
The error code (0x80004002) says that the filter doesnot support this
interface. Capture filter implementors are required to implement this
interface. You can provide a minimal, do nothing, IAMStreamConfig interface
and take it from there.
Sarat Venugopal
Thore Karlsen [MVP DX]
May 6, 2004, 6:32:36 AM5/6/04
On Thu, 6 May 2004 09:44:10 +0800, «Sarat Venugopal»
<dev_ng…@huelix.com> wrote:
>> >>Do hardware filters HAVE to provide the IAMStreamConfig interface as
>> >>well? My Driver is an AVStream driver.
>> > AFAIK, no. I think the DS WDM wrapper takes care of that. At least I
>> > don’t get any hits when I search for IAMStreamConfig in the BTWinCap
>> > driver source.
>> I dont think that BTWinCap is an AVStream Driver, I’m using AVStream,
>> I’ll look at it again.
>The error code (0x80004002) says that the filter doesnot support this
>interface. Capture filter implementors are required to implement this
>interface. You can provide a minimal, do nothing, IAMStreamConfig interface
>and take it from there.
He’s writing a driver, not a filter.
I don’t know if there’s anything special about AVStream drivers, but at
least BTWinCap does not implement IAMStreamConfig.
Be seeing you.
May 7, 2004, 6:24:26 PM5/7/04
Thore you’re correct, AVStream provides this for a driver.
Problem was with AmCap where they were rying to open the interface using
the PINNAME_VIDEO_CAPTURE GUID for the category, when in the Driver
we’re told to set the Pin Category to KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE. Stream Class
drivers set their Category to PINNAME_VIDEO_CAPTURE because they usually
name their Pins & Categories identically.
Thore Karlsen [MVP DX] wrote:
Thore Karlsen [MVP DX]
May 7, 2004, 8:12:15 PM5/7/04
>Thore you’re correct, AVStream provides this for a driver.
>Problem was with AmCap where they were rying to open the interface using
>the PINNAME_VIDEO_CAPTURE GUID for the category, when in the Driver
>we’re told to set the Pin Category to KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE. Stream Class
>drivers set their Category to PINNAME_VIDEO_CAPTURE because they usually
>name their Pins & Categories identically.
Great! Glad you figured it out.
Be seeing you.
Firefox update has just finished and now I can not restart Firefox. Get the error message «Cannot find the duration of mozilla»
Automatic update of Firefox has just finished. After the update update, tried restarting firefox and I received the error message «cannot find mozilla runtime» I tried to restart the computer, but it did not help. How can I fix this so I can restart firefox?
Hi rjadja, please see if it does not work properly after reinstalling firefox with the full installer instead which can be obtained from https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/all/
Often, I get the message error «Firefox cannot find the server.
Often, I get the message error «Firefox cannot find the server. Page normally, refresh the page to load, even if sometimes it takes more than one try.
I checked my connection settings. IPv6 and DNS prefetching are disabled, according to the recommendations in this article: https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Firefox%20cannot%20load%20websites%20but%20other%20programs%20can?s=Firefox+can%27t+find+the+server+at & r = 1 & as = s
See also:
- http://KB.mozillazine.org/Error_loading_websites
- https://support.Mozilla.com/kb/error+loading+Web+sites
You can try to reset (power off / on) of the router.
How to solve the error message «run-time error ‘3170’, cannot find installable ISAM»
Recently I was faced with a great difficulty to install a computer simulation problem.
After completing all installation of a software process ‘ IFs, I got an error message «runtime error ‘3170’, cannot find installable ISAM» when the execution of the simulation program installed.
How could I solve this problem? Please give me an easy solution!
What operating system is installed on your computer?
This problem occurs if the application fails to access the database, this is why I suggest you to report your query in the community International Futures. Please visit the link below to find a community that will support what ask you:
Error 80004002: cannot run preview graph. Windows XP. Webcam.
I am trying to install a webcam «hama AC-140. I have Windows XP on my computer.
I can look at the image when I click on ‘ Start-my pc — webcam. «
I can’t watch any image when I click on ‘start — icon AMcap webcam’ the Error 80004002: cannot run preview graph is always displayed.
When I use Skype, it says that the webcam is been using another program and it does not work with Skype. When I try to MSN, my box is gray and I can watch the other person webcam works normally.
I have another old webcam that I used to work but having the same problem (logitech webcam). I bought this new webcam, thinking that the old one was broken.
I relog batch computer times. I installed the latest version of DirectX. etc.
NO idea what I can do.
I hope someone can help me!
Hi Susan,.
I suggest you to download and install drivers for your webcam on Webcam manufacturer’s website and check if it helps.
http://www.Hama.de/portal/showSearchDetails * n / q * AC — 140 / action * 1026/type * 3/searchMode * 1
Microsoft Fix It does not «Windows Script Host gave me the error message: cannot find engine ‘VBScript’ Script script.
installed Microsoft Fix It. When I try to launch it I get the message that there is an error during the MicroFix troubleshooting it won’t work. I can only use the online version.
I had a problem installing a program and products purchased for the program. Windows Script Host gave me the error message: cannot find engine script ‘VBScript’ Script ‘C:UsersdebraAppDataroamingMyEQBoutiqueBoutique Registry Entries.vbs. I uninstalled the program. I ran the SCF. Ran the clean boot, and then set back to normal. I restored to the previous day. I ran the scan online to remove malicious whatevers, also, I went and changed all my default settings. Windows tells me that it is up-to-date. I have Windows Vista Home Premium, I use Microsoft defender and Microsoft Security Essentials. What is going on? What can I do else?
(1) have you made changes before the start of this issue?
(2) have what program you tried to install?
(3) you are able to install any other software on your computer?
(4) what fix — it you try to run?
This occurs if the filevbscript.dll runtime script is not properly registered in the system.
Try the steps below and check if you are able to run the Microsoft fixit.
a. click the Start button, type cmd. In the result of the research with the right button on cmd and select run as administrator.
b. type cd %windir%system 32 (Note: there is a space between the system and 32) and press ENTER.
c. type regsvr32 vbscript.dll in the command prompt, and then press ENTER.
d. type regsvr32 jscript.dll in command prompt, and then press ENTER.
If the registration was successful, you should now see the following message is displayed:
DllRegisterServer in vbscript.dll successful.
e. now, try to run the Microsoft fixit.
See also:
Solve problems with programs that cannot be installed or uninstalled
After the question in the following forum if the problem with fix — it persists.
Let us know if that helps.
When you try to upload a document in Word from the Internet Windows error: «Windows cannot find»C:Usersjma1… «. »
Whenever I try to upload a document in word from the internet, I get a msg of error «Windows cannot find»C:Usersjma1AppDataLocalTempLow… «. «It will not download every word on the internet documents. How can I fix? Please give me instructions step by step. Thank you!
Need help
1. doesn’t this problem occurs only with download of word or other files?
2. what version of internet explore do you use?
I suggest that you try to upload to another location and check.
Method 01:
I suggest also allows you to check in SafeMode with network.
Advanced, including safe mode startup options
I suggest you to follow the methods and check.
Method 02:
How to remove the contents of the temporary Internet files folder
Method 03:
I suggest you to follow the steps and check.
Run the command to reset the low integrity level on the low folder
(a) click the start Pearl, click on «All programs» and click on «Accessories».
(b) right-click «Command Prompt» and click «Run as Administrator».
(c) in the window «Administrator: command prompt», copy and paste (without the quotes)
(d) «ICACLS»% userprofile%AppDataLocalTempLow»/setintegritylevel (OI) (CI) low.
(e) press ENTER.
(f) restart the computer and test the issue.
I just installed the recognition speech dragon, but when I try to open this said error msg «cannot find multi media device.
I just installed recognition speech dragon, but when I try to open this msg of error says «cannot find media device — Hosea t check if your computer has a sound card or if the wave multimedia component is missing from the sound card.» my monitor has built-in speakers and I can listen to music, news, etc.
You have a microphone? He is looking for an INPUT device, not a one OUTPUT. Also, check device manager to make sure that you have not a driver problem. To get the Device Manager, click Start and right click on computer, then click Properties. Click Device Manager, and then look for entries with? or! beside them, which indicates a driver problem. Finally check that your microphone is plugged in the right place on the computer, unless it is based.
I hope this helps. Good luck.
I can’t install CD player. I get an error saying cannot find AcroRead.msi
I can’t install CD player. I get an error saying cannot find AcroRead.msi
I had finally fixed it. I downloaded a www.revouninstaller.com/download-freeware-version.php link.
Here are the complete instructions
- Click http://www.revouninstaller.com/download-freeware-version.php to start the download of Revo-Uninstaller program
- Depending on your browser, you will see a download box where you can double-click on the file.
- Internet Explorer: middle of the background screen.
- Mozilla Firefox: a new window will appear where you must save the file first. Look for the Green down arrow in the upper right.
- Google Chrome: lower the left side of the screen.
- Click on run. (If you have a security with active protection program, it can run a security scan to check the file)
- If prompted, select your preferred language
- Follow the prompts on the screen to install Revo-Uninstaller
- When you’re done, make sure run Revo-Uninstaller 1.95 is checked and click Finish
- Revo-Uninstaller is now open
- A list of installed programs will appear. On the left, click the program that you have problems to uninstall (Adobe Reader)
- Click Uninstall , located along the top of the program window
- In the window that appears, select Advanced Options
- Click Next
- In most cases, the uninstall program for the given program will open and run. Please complete this first before you proceed if this is the case.
- The program will now scan for information remains; once finished, click Next
- You may be presented with a list of the remaining registry entries. If so, click select all , and then click Remove
- Check Yes you want to delete these items
- Click Next
- You can be presented with a list of the remnants of files and folders. If so, click select all , and then click Remove
- Check Yes you want to delete these items
- Click Next
- Click Finish
- Restart the computer.
Then install adobe get.adobe.com/reader/
Mini 101NR — restore to fail, error message «cannot find the file.
While restoring my Mini 1010NR with 8 GB SSD from the disk of XP SP3 operating system, everything fine until partially through the recovery an error message saying that it cannot find the i386ASMS file.
I tried the options «install fresh copy» and «repair» and get this same error message in both directions.
I formatted the SDS with both regular and quick NTFS file system. My OSD software gives me the possibility of formatting of the SDS with fat? I have not tried. That I should?
I looked at the CD, and in the i386 subdirectory, I see a subdirectory called ASMS. I see several subdirectories in this directory.
I am booting from an external CD/DVD drive. This seems correct, as the installed much restoration program file until stopping in the message saying that it couldn’t find the file ASMS.
This OSD provided with the computer when I bought it new at HP.
Thank you
The cd is corrupted or damaged or installation loses communication with the CD-ROM drive. If you can, try another cdrom drive.
SE error message: cannot find Splash.exe when you insert disk 2 Fable TLC.
Original title: Ive been game Fable TLC, I beat Jack of blades on disc one but when I insert disc 2, it comes up with cannot find Splash.exe idk what to do and I want to know what comes next.
Remember — this is a public forum so never post private information such as numbers of mail or telephone!
- You have problems with programs
- Error messages
- Recent changes to your computer
- What you have already tried to solve the problem
Hi westcott2.0,
1 Windows operating system you are using?
If you use Windows 7, then it is not compatible with Windows 7.
See the link below for compatibility.
Step 1:
You can try to run the game in XP compatibility mode and see if you can run the game without problems.
For more information about executing a program in compatibility mode, see the following link.
Step 2:
You can also try to install Windows XP mode and then install the game in XP mode and check if you can play the game or not.
You can view the following link to use Windows XP mode:
Install and use Windows XP Mode in Windows 7
Note: Windows XP mode will only run in Windows 7 Professional, full and business
Hope this information is useful.
Jeremy K
Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think
If this post can help solve your problem, please click the ‘Mark as answer’ or ‘Useful’ at the top of this message. Marking a post as answer, or relatively useful, you help others find the answer more quickly.
Error 1714 cannot find the vcredist.msi file when trying to install Visual c ++ 2005 Service Pack.
Original title: pack visual c ++ 2005 service cannot download.
Error 1714 in case of failure of the daily requests to download Visual c ++ 2005 Service Pack.
«cannot find file vcredist.msi.
Hi ElizabethAustin,
1. are you able to correctly install the other updates?
2. What is the update’s KB number?
You can follow the suggestion of measures in this link & check if the problem persists:
Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable error 1714
Reference: How to troubleshoot common Windows Update, Microsoft Update and Windows Server Update Services installation issues
Hope the helps of information.
Error message: «cannot find this file» and songs seem to disappear from Windows Media Player 11.
Original title: my songs seem to disappear from windows media player 11
I make a playlist and some of the songs come with a «cannot find this file» dialog box I click on ‘place to open the file’ and the song is there but will not play. Help, I’m losing songs at an alarming rate.
Hi Akledge,
1. this happens only for songs with a specific file format?
2. What is the full error message that you receive?
3. have you made a recent software or hardware changes to the system?
Method 1:
You can try to start the Windows Media Player (WMP) Fixit from link and check if it helps:
Solve the problems of Windows Media Player video and other media or library
For more information, see the article:
Error message when you type the name of a file to play with Windows Media Player: «Cannot open file.»
Method 2:
If the problem persists, you can visit the article to rebuild the WMP library and check if it helps
You cannot view, add, or delete items in the library of Windows Media Player 11
Note: Windows Media Player automatically rebuilds the database.
Windows error message «cannot find the Web site.
Whenever I have access to a Web site, I get this error message: «Windows cannot find (specific Web site). Make sure you typed the name correctly and try again»
Firefox crashed and I restarted in safe mode with all disabled add-ons. I’m adding the Add-ons, but this windows error message persists. How to prevent the error message since websites load normally anyway?
Message error «Windows cannot find the file.
I was doing some renaming and reorganizing my music folder, and now when I go to play, say, in front of playlists, I get the error that it cannot find my files. I didn’t delete these files and I’m confused. Help?
Hi Birnbaum,
· What version of Media Player do you use?
· You are able to locate the same file on the hard drive?
Erase the database of Media Player and look for the question. Follow these steps:
1) click Start, run, type %userprofile%Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftMedia Player , and then click OK.
(2), select all the files in the folder and then click on Delete on the file menu.
Note: You don’t have to remove the folders that are in this folder.
(3) restart Windows Media Player.
Note: Windows Media Player automatically rebuilds the database.
If this does not resolve the problem, disable the Windows Media Player database cache files. To do this, follow these steps:
(1) Windows Media Player output.
2) click Start, run, type %userprofile%Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftand then click OK.
(3) select the folder Media Player and then click on Delete on the file menu.
(4) restart Windows Media Player.
Note: Windows Media Player automatically rebuilds the database.
For reference:
You cannot view, add, or delete items in the library of Windows Media Player 11
Я разработал приложение для захвата видео на C ++ с Qt на Windows 7, используя библиотеку videoInput (которая использует DirectShow). Мое приложение отлично работает со всеми устройствами, которые я ранее пробовал (некоторые встроенные устройства захвата, веб-камеры, Pinnacle Dazzle DVC 100, Pinnacle Studio Movie Box и даже проблемный USB-гибрид PixelView PlayTV), но теперь я купил AVerMedia DarkCrystal HD Capture Станция (для поддержки захвата HD), и она просто не будет работать.
Согласно веб-сайту AVerMedia, он полностью совместим с DirectShow, и мне даже не нужно использовать его SDK. Я следовал инструкциям производителя по установке и могу снимать видео с помощью собственного программного обеспечения (TotalMedia Studio MV), поэтому я полагаю, что оно работает правильно.
Я попытался запустить свое приложение на основе videoInput, а также AmCap (образец DirectShow от Microsoft), и оба они ведут себя одинаково. Они могут найти устройство, получить его понятное имя, но не более того. AmCap говорит Error 80004002: Cannot find VCapture:IAMStreamConfig
Я отлаживал AmCap и узнал ICaptureGraphBuilder2::FindInterface
метод всегда возвращает E_NOINTERFACE
то есть такой интерфейс не поддерживается, в таких строках:
hr = gcap.pBuilder->FindInterface(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE,
&MEDIATYPE_Video, gcap.pVCap,
IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void **)&gcap.pVSC);
Вот, gcap.pBuilder
это указатель на ICaptureGraphBuilder2
, gcap.pVCap
это указатель на IBaseFilter
, а также gcap.pVSC
это указатель на IAMStreamConfig
и должен получить возвращаемое значение.
Я предполагаю, что есть какой-то обходной путь, который мог бы помочь мне захватить с этого устройства, так как я мог бы успешно извлечь имя устройства (используя ICreateDevEnum::CreateClassEnumerator
метод, основанный на CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory
идентификатор класса).
Устройство захвата видео, которое не реализует IAMStreamConfig
это возможный сценарий, хотя это не что-то ожидаемое. На самом деле это больше похоже на ошибку на видеоустройстве или базовом драйвере, однако вы можете обновить свое приложение, чтобы использовать тип носителя по умолчанию в случае отсутствия IAMStreamConfig
(вы все еще можете использовать GraphEdit для проверки работоспособности устройства).
Другие решения
Других решений пока нет …
I developed a video capture application in C++ with Qt on Windows 7, using the videoInput library (which uses DirectShow). My application works fine with all the devices I previously tried (some inboard capture devices, webcams, a Pinnacle Dazzle DVC 100, a Pinnacle Studio Movie Box, and even a troubled PixelView PlayTV USB Hybrid), but now I bought an AVerMedia DarkCrystal HD Capture Station (in order to support HD capturing) and it simply won’t work.
According to the AVerMedia website, it is totally DirectShow-compatible and I don’t even need to use its SDK. I followed the manufacturer’s installation instructions and I’m able to capture video using its own bundled software (TotalMedia Studio MV), so I suppose it’s working properly.
I tried to run my videoInput-based application and also AmCap (DirectShow sample from Microsoft) and both of them behave the same way. They are able to find the device, retrieve its friendly name, but nothing else. AmCap says Error 80004002: Cannot find VCapture:IAMStreamConfig
I was debugging AmCap and found out the ICaptureGraphBuilder2::FindInterface
method always returns E_NOINTERFACE
, i.e. no such interface supported, in lines like this:
hr = gcap.pBuilder->FindInterface(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE,
&MEDIATYPE_Video, gcap.pVCap,
IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void **)&gcap.pVSC);
Here, gcap.pBuilder
is a pointer to ICaptureGraphBuilder2
, gcap.pVCap
is a pointer to IBaseFilter
, and gcap.pVSC
is a pointer to IAMStreamConfig
and should receive the return value.
I suppose there’s some workaround that could help me to capture from this device, since I could sucessfully retrieve the device name (using the ICreateDevEnum::CreateClassEnumerator
method, based on the CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory
class identifier).