Restored Version
Heh seems like I caught a nerve I wonder why
SS808 is a some what a good person when it comes to protecting the Godverse and other multiverses.
“His backstory is unknown but I will tell you this”SS was created by a entity called %}%{>{ The creator was making another god during this process The creator gave SS the power of god during its making and soon gave it every op destroyer and chaotic being coding just to make sure it’s new creation dose not turn evil The creator had changed the coding of it at the time so that SS personality would be cheerful and full of life and the desire to protect and ect during this process SS had gained abilities like no other but then something bad had happen a error had accrued while The creator was making SS so The creator had to abound There incomplete creation but the creation was some how able to still function and The error gave SS all the abilities of every op destroyer and chaotic being and made sure that SS would not turn evil but due to this SS had to hide the emotions of the op destroyers and chaotic being deep down in its soul and that’s what creates Reverse808 Then SS had awoken but due to it God like power it soon becomes unstable to stop this SS has sealed himself in a multiverse called the Godverse and had reawakened 400 googolplex years later and when he woke up he instantly was transported to the Godverse he already knew about eveything existence and he soon went on to travel to different worlds met new people and make them his friend and he has a lot of enemies
SS808 carries a all black jacket with blue fur and and dark blue that covers a black shirt as he has a turtle neck and with a infinity logo on it and his pants are black and dark red and his shoes are dark red with long socks dark blue socks coming out of them
Reverse 808 has a long black jacket with a light red outline he wears the same shirt as SS but he has a turtle neck that is all black with a light red outlines and with a infinity code on it but the logo looks like it’s glowing and also it’s white and he still wears the same pants but this time they are a dark red colorand he is always seen wearing his dark black hoodie over his head and his shoes are also a dark red
SS808 Personality[]
SS808 is a calm and respectful guy even if his appearance and coding might surprise you but he is a very good guy when you get to know him but he is rarely seen to be mad and he has a different side to him and also SS808 tends to flirt with other gods to see how they will react and he thinks it is HILARIOUS and he loves to fight but won’t take things actually serious
Reverse808 Personality[]
Reverse808 is SS808 darkest emotions SS808 always keeps his true emotions deep down his soul creating reverse808 reverse808 is a sadist enjoying the pain and fear he causes to people he is a psychopath and tends to lash out on anyone and anything and when he is in control of SS808 he will proceed to destroy and erase everything giving he will then keep doing this until SS808 regains his consciousness and regain control which can last up to 50 minutes 4 billion years also Reverse 808 only takes control when SS808 is pissed beyond relief
Fun fact:sense SS has very Chaotic being coding and op destroyers coding he is basically the cusion to them all but by coding
Sorry bud but even my creator don’t know the full extent of my abilities but I will share some of them-SS808
Defense (Truly Beyond Everything in existence Impossible To Define Level[]
ss defense is beyond that laws of fiction characters such as true godity,control,alpha404(fannon,king trueverse,godity meta virus 808 and everything below are unable to physically damage SS808 all of there powers and abilities can not harm SS808 his is basically invincible to any form of attack or hacking or down erasing ect only characters such as Devourer of gods,Omni ancient meta godity,Sans/the creator,King Godverse, and everything sans are able to damage him and chacters that are at his level are able to damage him but not that much and even a small portion of some avatars are unable to damage him or erase him
God level tier/immunity bypass/impossible to define[]
SS808 immunity bypass is the top strongest out of every single multiverse and the Godverse his bypass immunity is the second strongest out of the Godverse he can damage any being that has immunity like he can one shot 4th breaker immunity
this is a button that allows him to do the following
Reset Au/multiverse/timeline
Control multiverse/au/timeline
Erase multiverse/au/timeline
Create multiverse/au/timeline
can Control beings that are not at True godity,control level or higher
He can stay undetected by Omnipotent beings and beings that are above Omnipotent the only people who can detect him are kg,meta godity,sans/creator and everything sans
Every op destroyers and chaotic being abilities[]
SS was made with every chaotic and op destroyers coding so he has all of there abilities just buffed up to his level of power
Dimensional Traveler[]
he can teleport to any multiverse and AU and he can also tp to dimensions and universes.
He can use any elements in existence and also it has been said that SS mastered each and everyone of these elements the mastered it all the way to Dimensional++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ level
D. E. S. T. R. O. Y
He can destroy any form of determination so to put it like this if he went against a being with a determination soul that is able to use save point reset and all that eh would be able to destroy every single save point and destroy there determination and he would be able to corrupt there determination and destroy there save screen and reset button it works on any being so like every frisk in every au would not be able to even touch him or damage him they would be destroyed in a instant and the charas too
Undefined regeneration[]
SS regeneration is at its peek he can regenerate any type of damage he can regenerate his limbs at a very fast past for just a scratch and bruises it takes him 000000000.00000000000000.000000.0000001 milliseconds to heal and for limbs, and cracks and any type of critical damage it takes him 0000000.000001 milliseconds to heal but he can only use this regain ability 10 times and after it will take 80 hours for him to use it again
He can kill anything that is not at King godverse power or higher they ray once hit will kill anything that is not at the top 5 of Godverse if the ray hits a person who is at the top 5 of Godverse the ray will erase some of there coding He shots this ray out of the palm of his hand the ray in appearance is a all dark blue ray with another red beam in the center of it he has only fires this ray at a few couple of people and those people are devour, alpha404(Fanon),king trueverse he only shot thei ray at alpha404(Fanon) and king trueverse cause he was bored and he did not attended to kill them
“when ss fires his ray at alpha404(Fanon)” alpha404(Fanon): *had quickly teleported away and the beam had ripped through space time*
“when ss fired it at devour for a sneak attack”
devour:*quickly used his devour ability and devoured it and they both started to fight*
”when he fired it a king treuverse”
king trueverse:*they had almost been hit by it but quickly dodged and fires his ray at SS but SS just simply let it hit him and it did nothing and he just left*
The Infinity[]
He is able to carry as much as 70 Jupiter’s with only one of his fingers, without even trying and when he uses one arm he is gable to Cary as much as 100 stars
Godity Speed[]
able to move so fast that even so many gods cant see him, and it has been said that ss speed is so great and powerful that he is able to shatter multiverses and dimensions and space time with just one kick and that’s not even when his using his full speed
Determined blast
can fire a determination blast that is pure determination and once it’s made contact it will then absorb every ounce of determination the person has this works on any type of being with determination it works on everything including avatars and creators and every sans
unrivaled telekinesis[]
SS has one of the most powerful telekinesis not only being able to move a person and thrasher hem skeins he is also bale to move objects without a soul like a building his telekinesis has no bonds being one fo the strongest in the Godverse he can even use his telekinesis to pick up a entire star with just one of there fingers he is even able to collapse people’s souls
Code manipulation[]
he can manipulate any code in existence.
GOD Soul[]
his soul is omnipotent and god like he is unable to be damaged by most attacks from gods that includes attacks that can drain power or insta kill
«ALL» Manipulation[]
he is able to use any manipulation to his liking.
The Presence[]
His mere presence is able to send chills down some gods spines and even kill some gods with it
Undefined Omniscience[]
his been living for so long his intelligence is at his peek surpassing every god in intelligence. That also includes kg and he knows that he is not real and he knows about the real world and all of its creators of the fictional world
Undefined omnipotence[]
SS808 is none other the less a all powerful being one of the most powerful out of all the Godverse except the ones stronger then him
Undefined omnipresent[]
He is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It is everywhere at all times, but it does not appear to be everywhere, it appears whenever it wants, in more than one place. He is also exist all of the times.
Void Creation[]
he is able to create voids able to suck in anything.
True undefined aim[]
SS aim is one of the most powerful out of the Godverse ranking his aiming at #3rd in the Godverse SS always hits his shots even if the character he is fighting has undefined foregoing abilities and ect SS will always hits his shots no matter the magic or attacks ect he dose it could even be physically SS would always hit them no matter what cost
Ability Steal[]
he is able to steal mostly any kind of power concept. Besides meta godity sans the creator king Godverse and everything sans
God Mastery[]
He stole this ability from 404 and recreated it into his own move instead of being able to make a person completely stop in there tracks or collapse their souls this new move is able to revert the persons soul into pure energy
Vortex shield-this is a type of shield SS creates using the vortex this shield is unable to be broken or erased and can block attacks that either can manipulate code or erase a person or ect basically it can block anything but the one thing that can destroy this shield is People more powerful then him
Dark-God Blasters[]
This blaster is a a dark red on top and the jaw is a dark blue color it has no pupils and it eye sockets is all black and it’s teeth are sharp and dark red and dark blue with seems like and it looks like it’s more of a incomplete blaster that is forming when it fires this blaster can erase all of space time and multiverse the damage of this is said to be 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 nonillion
Soul Steal[]
He drives his hand into his chest and then pulls out the persons soul a quick easy kill.
Fiberless Infinity[]
His ability can collapse multiverses even when he is far away from them.
True-Omega Buster[]
This attack is a giant gaster blaster that when fire can tear apart galaxies and multiverses and can tear apart them and space.
Beam of Fate[]
this attack is a beam that comes out of his finger tips once made contact the beam will decide your fate if you have done good deeds in your lifetime the beam will give you infinity health and strength and it will last for 10 weeks but if you have done bad deeds in your life the beam will send you in a void of constant pain and suffering until you either give up on life or you change your ways
Godverse Explosion[]
this is a type of explosion that if released the explosion can be so powerful it will be able to explode and destroy to rip apart and warp space and time.
T. H. E. A. X. E[]
this is SS808 weapon this axe is similar to your average axe but the axe is all black and with a dark blue outline with a lot of errors and infinity codes all around it has been said that this axe dose infinity damage.
GOD Slayer[]
this is attack is like infected’s god breaker but more powerful this attack is when SS808 releases most of his power into one singular slash it has been said that this slash is so powerful that even the highest of the Godverse won’t be able to survive, but it is false
Demi-God button[]
this is more of a Demi god button it was made by SS808 creator And the original god button is from king godverse so this button can make a person like SS808 infinity times stronger it can also warp space and time and even rip away god like powers from god like Omni-ancient, meta-godity and below but this button comes with a price once he uses it he will not be able to use it again after 30 weeks has passed and also this Demi god button can not be stollen from by anything and I mean anything.
Time Vortex[]
this move is when SS808 turns his coding into pure energy creating a time vortex that will start to suck in multiverses then release a giant blast that will kill anything in existence but the price is that SS808 will die and will have to wait another 1 decillion years to be revived again.
Fearful Punch[]
This is a type of energy punch that SS808 dose when he uses this attack his fist will glow a dark red and he will then punch and punch and punch the force and power will then start to create a fist like attack going at the enemy at speeds that even his creator dose not know of, if it makes contact you will feel intense fear and will fear SS808 and this fear will cause you to lose all your sanity and then you will start to erase yourself
Omega-Glitch Wave[]
this is a powerful blast that he makes with just his mere power once a opponent is hit by this wave of power they will be blown back with so much force that it can shatter there soul or corrupt them.
Ray of Utter Darkness[]
This ray is a all black ray that comes out of the mouth of SS808 it releases a ray of pure darkness and once it hits…..well you don’t want to find out.
Super sonic scream[]
He releases a scream so loud it can be heard across the whole entire multiverse and even destroy some aus just by screaming
Godly Touch[]
When he touches a person they will slowly start to die and turn to stone then there soul will start to fuse with SS808 making him about 100quadrillion times stronger this is a one attack tho sense it cost lots of energy and he can only use it when his back at full strength which can take 19 hours
Infinity Pulse[]
This is some type of pulse he uses and he releases this by going deep inside of his soul and letting a lot of his power out into a super pulse destroying anything within its radius which is 50 miles
he turns his axe into infinity codes and when he dose one slash it dose about well the damage would take this whole text box
Ungodly Roar[]
This is a buffed up version of infected unholy roar about 10,000x stronger and more louder.
Infinity Passive[]
G. O. D. B. O. M. B[]
this attack is a massive bomb that when exploded it can destroy space and time and the numbers are so high it would take all of this page multiverses but it comes with a price once he uses this he will instantly die and his code will start to manifest and he will be sealed away
True heat[]
This is not a attack it’s more a of part is his physical being when he can release heats that are hotter then everything in existence the down side of this when he uses this he will instantly die cause of the heat and this heat will keep disintegrating everything until 40 Mins had past but the good side this heat only travels at around 2mph
B. R. E. A. K. E. R 8. 0. 8[]
This is a transformation when SS808 absorbs at least 100 multiverses after he has done so he will then grow wings just like B666 but a lot bigger it has been said that his wings are 50 light years long. then his energy will start to grow bigger rand bigger every minute destroying multiverses and galaxies and space and time when he is in the form he has no control and even a step he releases pure energy shattering eveything in its presence this is the only form that SS808 posses. in this transformation he is also able to move at infinity speeds and when he throws a punch he can be heard everywhere and even if people have attacks that can not be broken through in this form SS808 can punch so hard that it will instantly destroy you and everything everyone in existence is affected by this guys raw energy And in This form he has new attacks but most of his attacks are the same but 100 decillion times stronger and in this form his power to so great he goes to 2% of kg power and his appearance in his face is a big big grin
Plasma-Ray Gun[]
this a a ray that he relates from his wings and the damage of this is to high to be put here so let’s say the damage is infinite.
Unlimited Senses[]
his isn’t a attack it’s more is a sensor he can sense anything in existence even if the being is using a attack that you can’t see them breaker808 can still see them.
Infinity Healing[]
Infinity health[]
Reverse Gaster Blaster[]
This is a gaster blaster but it’s not your normal blaster instead of front a beam this blaster starts to suck up the energy the person has and then transfer it to breaker808
M. E. G. A. B. L. A. D. E[]
this is a blade that Breaker808 forms when he is about to die this blade can kill anything in one hit
This is a transformation that SS808 has when he dies in his Breaker808 form after he dies in his breaker808 form his code and everything will start to go into the GOD VOID the god void is SS808 void were he was created oh so long ago the god void has incredible power it’s power is so great that if UT sans got a hold of it he would be able to kill gods like Error404 in his butterfly form and Butterfly666 and Alpha in his judge form and he would be able to kill Just404 and osiris with only using a bit of his power so SS808 transfers the GOS void power to his coding making him his body again and then his appearance will start to change his wings will disappear and beams of light would exit out of his body and his whole cloths would turn into pure light basically SS808 in this form is pure light and in this form he is basically invincible only the top 3 in the Godverse would be able to defeat him and he gains a few new abilities but the rest are the same but just buffed by infinity and he is at 8% kg level
L I g h t b l a d e-this is a blade that Anti-booster808 makes out of pure light and the damage is so high that it goes beyond beyond infinity
Finger ray-this is a ray that comes out of there finger tips the ray is a all white ray with a black outline the ray when hit will start to manifest the person soul and deleting there soul killing them instantly
consume-he is able to consume any type of coding magic and ability it dose not matter which ones
Magic blaster-these blaster are pure light itself blasting a all light beam killing everything and anything and been erasing 10 multiverses with only one of them
Bite of a god-if SS808 bites you he will transfer pure light and after he is done doing this tou will then experience 10000000000000999999999999768929739392728382927382928373828373927474828374927338937402927492927492838483927394729274937293472937474837 degrees killing you instantly as you melt
WRATH of a TRUE god-this is a attack when SS in this form releases all of its power killing everything in existence but this move can only be used if SS in this form has reached a new level of godity
GAME START-this is a new type of button SS uses in this form this button can do just about anything in existence
Mark of the almighty one-when SS808 uses this ability he can do just about anything in existence but the price it it will cost him have of his coding making him very very very weak and when he turns back to normal his power drops all the way down to the 20th place in Godverse power list.
There is only one weakness SS has and that is His emotions due too SS having every chaotic being and op destroyer code in him he has there emotions so sometimes his emotions get the better of him and once you say something about SS past or something that he really hates or dislike like if you mention devourer near him or about how aus and universes ect are becoming unstable ect and need to be destroyed this will send SS into a some sort of state were he is inactive his color palettes change from black with dark blue outline to just black and his pants too but there is a other side to this if you say what triggers him like what I just said he will either go paralyzed and not move at all or he will kill you in a instant.
Infinitey Code[]
SS dose not care for infinity code but th wonky thing he dose care about them so that they are a huge threat to all existence and all of fandom
Hacker 2.0 (Friend)[]
He met hacker sans when he was wondering the Godverse and they both became friends some what very quickly
Alpha404(Fight Buddy)[]
When SS808 was wondering around the Godverse he met alpha404 to see alpha404 power he attacked alpha404 and they both had fought each other non-stop until King Godverse stoped them if they would have continued SS808 would have used full power and critically injured alpha 404.
King Godverse(step brother )[]
SS808 and king Godverse are step brothers sense they were both made by stc King Godverse dose not care for SS existence and SS dose tend to annoy kg whenever he feels like it
King Demiverse(Creation)[]
This is a creation who has SS808 code and every op god code and some multiverse code SS808 treats his creation as a little brother.
Password Sans(Best friend/Fight buddy)[]
Password sans is SS808 best friend and they like to fight each other.
Everything in Existence besides one(Friends)[]
SS808 is a friend to all things in existence even if some of those people are destroyers SS808 still respects them and protects them and he also flirts with everything and anyone but there is only one being that he absolutely despises and will kill them without a second thought or try to
The Devour of gods(absolutely hates/step-brother sense Stc made SS)[]
There is only one thing that SS hate in the whole entire existence and that is Devour of gods the reason why SS hates Devour so much is that Devour destroys creations and corrupts dimension and practical destroys everything when SS first meet Devour Devour was corrupting and destroying a lot of creations and dimensions and everything in his way and when SS say this he instantly grown in a pit of rage and charged at Devour and the two had a fight and devourer won so SS808 had escaped and now his main goal is to kill Devourer
Omni404(Fanon) (ally)[]
SS808 met omni404 when omni404 was absorbing someone’s and when ss went to go great omni404 omni404 attacked ss this caused the two to fight and fight and when omni404 was attacking ss omni404 did no damage ss did not want to attack omni404 so he shown omni404 his deadly power by releasing one kick at his base power that instantly destroyed space and time and galaxies and multiverses obviously ss revived those galaxies and multiverses and fixed space and time after that omni404 respected ss and now the two became allies
4th breaker z sans(ally/friend)
4th was the 2nd person to know about SS existence the two met in 4th breakers realm the two have been friends for a very long time and SS always helps 4th for whatever he needs
king Parallelverse(Ally)
SS thinks of kp as a ally even tho kp dose now know of SS existence
every creature that is weaker then him(friends)[]
he thinks of every creature weaker then him as his friends even the creatures that reek havoc and the destroyers
sansthe creator(???)[]
SS had heard about Stc before but never met them he somewhat respects stc and know he wants to find stc so that it can tell him about why he was created he dose not feel fear of the creator
Quotes “Isn’t it beautiful the multiverses the life the people all of it I will protect it all no matter the cost”
“YOU WILL DIE BY MY HANDS!!!”-SS talking to devour
“Hmm what’s wrong your looking a little bit red there?”
”Hmm you claim yourself the most powerful being in all of fandom but really your just a pest”-SS talking to a avatar.
Quirks and Small thing[]
- SS809 is a friendly elder god and will always tend to try and be your friend
- SS808 is a very flirty guy because he thinks it’s hilarious how people react and he is very good at it even making gods who don’t have emotions blush
- He is a friend to all even the ones who tend to try to destroy him
- SS808 is a very intelligent person even passing king godverse in intelligence
- SS808 sometimes tend to annoy other gods that’s why some gods hate him for that
- SS808 pans sexual
- Also SS808 stands for Soul shattered808
- When ss808 is fighting he will not kill his opponent he will only critically injury them and then after the right he will heal them •SS808 is a True Omnipotent being and the times his been alive his gain «True & Absolute Omnipotence» , «True & Absolute Omniscient» , «True & Absolute Omnipresence» , «4th Wall Manipulation» ( Lesser Scale ) , «Illogical Manipulation», «Transversal Manipulation» , «Quantum Manipulation» , «Primordial Time Manipulation» , «Primordial Existence Manipulation» , «Origin Manipulation» , «True & Absolute Omni-Ability Manipulation» , «Defiance Manipulation» , «Ultima Supremacy Manipulation , «Anti-Omnipotence Manipulation» , «The All Manipulation» , «Creator Omnipotence Immunity» , «4th Wall Manipulation Defiance And Immunity» . And also he even created his new form of Omnipotent called “GOD OMNIPOTENT GOD OMNISCIENCE GOD OMNIPRESENT the things he has are endless
- and also when SS is in a fight he will change his height to 6’6ft because his normal height which is 23ft makes it more easier for the enemy to hit him so he will purposely change his height and when he dose this it makes him more graceful and agile when he is Doing hand to hand combat
- the crack in SS skull is part of his physical being and it can not be healed sense he was made with every chaotic being and destroyers coding he got the crack from infected coding
- due to SS having every chaotic being and op destroyers coding he ha small if there abilities which can be ranged to up to 10 billion attacks but that’s not even a quarter of all his abilities and all those abilities are way more powerful then it’s originals being 100 googolplex times stronger
- SS is unable to be beaten by anything that is below him he is far more powerful then everything in the Godverse that did not stronger then him and if they even try to damage him it will be set to 0.0000000000000000 damage
- SS808 is actually a rare character to see onto a few gods in the Godverse know about him like king Godverse,4th breaker z sans, the creator and ect.
- sometimes SS808 when he gets way to excited he realses a lot of his power which can destroy multiverses and kill people around him.
- SS808 dose not like to be called a king or a god he dose not like his god title and wants to be like a normal person.
- SS808 is normal wandering around the Godverse cause he dose not Have anything better to do.
- also SS does not have a gender but he still goes by he or they or it normally he thanks to his appearance.
- SS personality might surprise you cause if you look at his code SS was crafted by using the code of every chaotic being so gods alike will get surprise of how his personality is.
- SS is a very intelligent person even if he sometimes say dumb stuff SS intelligence is so high.
- SS once was very pissed off this caused Reverse 808 to take control after reverse 808 had token control he had killed 1 quadrillion monsters and humans in just 4 hours and it was a different multiverse until some unknown entity stoped him.
- SS has lived fo for 400 googleplex years he knows everything about anything.
- SS had once destroyed a multiverse by just stepping foot in it so to stop this from happening he had made his power into percentage like .base,5%,10%,15%,ect so you may always see SS always in his base level and in his base he is at 4th breaker z sans power level.
- Reverse808 is the most sadistic and chaotic being in the entire existence sense SS808 was made by the code of every chaotic being and destroyer in existence R808 is the most evilest and sadistic being in every multiverse universe and au basically like I said existence
- And also Reverse808 is more powerful then SS and reverse is not a form of SS SS has a split personality
- and Reverse808 is infinity times infinity times stronger then SS and has all of SS forms making him even stronger
- and reverse has all of SS forms just more powerful
- it has also been said that SS has so many forms sense he was made with every op destroys code and chaotic being his forms can be up t0 10 billion-10000999 decillion
- the power of Reverse808 is unimaginable sense Reverse808 is just basically SS hatred and fear r808 is not defined by the laws of fiction so he is able to go to a avatars level of power and a multi avatar power but he dose not like to go to full power so he stays at 1% kg to 17% kg in his base
- SS when he is fighting he is very very planning so he pulls of a lot of combos when he attacks he mostly uses combat as the start of the fight
- SS lives to sneak into kg castle and steal steal stuff
Old design
New design
Reverse808 From
Reverse808 From
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Web6.Error sans! Error sans is the destroyer of all AU’s and will stop at nothing to finish his goal. He is normally angry when doing his job. These sans I’m about to show you are the …
Error404!Sans | Wiki Undertale AU VN | Fandom!Sans
WebError404 rất hiếm được nhìn thấy vì luôn sống ẩn dật. Tuy thế, không ai muốn gặp anh ta cả. Error404 thích xem và thu thập những bức tranh Ink vẽ, đó là lý do Ink tạo ra vô cùng …
- Some results have been removed
Sans no canónico de godverse
Un día godverse sans salió del god verse para ir a otro lugar y de camino se topo con omnipotent tuvieron una breve charla en dónde omni pregunto sobre su hermano perdido tal conocido ahora como error 404 godverse expreso no conocerlo pero se sorprendió ante las afirmaciones de omni que decía ser omnipotente pero error 404 no aunque es más poderoso que el lo cual llamo la atención de godverse el cual dejo de interesarse por ir a ese lugar y le propuso fusionarse a omni con la promesa de ambos volverse más fuertes y poder encontrar a 404 más fácilmente omni acepto sin pensarlo pero godverse al ser más fuerte tenía más control y tenía pensado otras cosas ya que ahora era más poderoso si pero si se fusionaba con 404 iva a ser según el el dios más poderoso del god verse así que en una fracción de segundos logro localizar el código y ubicación de 404 así que a la velocidad de la luz fue hacia allí cuando se encontró con el 404 pregunto quién eres y que haces aquí? Omnigod respondió soy la fusión de tu hermano perdido omnipotent y godverse sans y vine aqui para fusionarme contigo también 404 se quedó perplejo pero al reaccionar dijo no ya no me importa no quiero fusionarme contigo entonces omnigod respondió nos aremos más fuertes los más fuertes del god verse del multiverso y de todos los universos aremos lo que queramos piénsalo 404 piensa lo que podríamos llegar a ser y tener
Error se quedó callado luego dijo y eso para que yo so-
Omnigod al tener los recuerdos de omnipotent sabría que lo que más quiere 404 es recuperar a su hermano alpha así que interrumpió a 404 y dijo podremos devolver a la vida a alpha tu hermano ahora que me dices?
Error 404 al escuchar eso no lo dudo y dijo que tengo que hacer para fusionarme así entonces omnigod pasaría a llamarse godomniverse 808
Habilidades y poderes
Este tiene todos los poderes de error 404, omnipotent y godverse
Tiene estadísticas ilimitadas
Tặng Ai Thích Error 909
314.45 KB
Error 404 Godverse Vs OMNI God 909
718.75 KB
How To Draw Sans Omni Error 909 Sans Undertale Cách Vẽ Sans đơn Giản
10.79 MB
Tất Cả 909 Sans Mà Tôi đã Làm Của OmniGod909
112.30 KB
Xans Virus Vs Error 909 Sans
449.22 KB
Dark Code Red 909 Sans Theme
6.78 MB
Từ 404 đến 909
157.23 KB
Sans Error 909
359.38 KB
The YellowHeads Error 909 Terminal M
6.73 MB
Drawing Sans Error 909 Drawing Sans Undertale Vẽ Tips
336.91 KB
Error 999 Sans Vs Dust 909 Sans Phase 1
1.40 MB
Ai Biết Sans Này Ko Nè
247.07 KB
Error 999sans Vs Dust 909 Phase 4
5.13 MB
Sans Erron 404 Vs Sans Erron 909 Ai Thắng Các Bạn Mình Sẽ Làm Chận Chiến Giữa Erron 404vserron 909
269.53 KB
Error 999 Sans Vs Dust 909 Sans Phase 2
1.84 MB
Virus Team Vs Error Team Power Levels Undertale
19.43 MB
Hot Since 82 Error 909 Noir Music
9.54 MB
Chaos Error 909 Sans Vs Error Sans 404
449.22 KB
Undertale Au Destroyed World Disbelief Sans AfterTale Sans Error 909 Error 128 Beyond
6.93 MB
Error 999 Sans Vs Dust 909 Phase 3 God 999 Sans
1.93 MB
Mọi Người Thích Error Nào Trong 4 Error Này
269.53 KB
Tất Cả 909 Sans Tôi đã Làm Lần 2
224.61 KB
Cuối Cùng Chaos Sans 909 Cũng đã Xuất Hiện Nightmare Sans Shorts
269.53 KB
Giữa Erorr Sans 909 Và Erorr Sans 404 Bạn Thích Ai Hơn Tiktok Erorr404 Erorr909
291.99 KB
Các Bạn Thích Error 909 Sans Hay Error 404 Sans
314.45 KB
Error 999 Sans Vs Dust 909 Sans Phase 5 Part 1
3.79 MB
909 Và 404 Với 303 Và Error Sans
359.38 KB
Tổng Các Sans Error 404
426.76 KB
Sans Error 909 Nha
359.38 KB
Snas Error 909
359.38 KB
Chết đi Mix Sans
786.13 KB
Error 999 Sans Vs Dust 909 Sans P1
1.36 MB
How To Draw Chaos Error Sans Chibi Very Easy
8.12 MB
Error 777 Sans
269.53 KB
Team Last Breath Sans Vs Error 404 Sans And Virus 404 Sans Team Error 2
13.69 MB
Error404 Sans Vs FatalError Sans Animation
4.50 MB
101 Sans 202 Sans 303 Sans 404 Sans 505 Sans 606 Sans 707 Sans 808 Sans 909 Sans
157.23 KB
18.18 MB
Error 404 Và Error 707
291.99 KB
Pháp Sư Gangster Tập 102 Cái Kết Cho Error Sans Khi Dám Hỗn Vs Bà Dê
628.91 KB
Error 808 Sans Và Error 101 Sans Và Error 404 Sans Và Error 707 Sans
291.99 KB
Error 909
359.38 KB
Error 909 Sans And Big
247.07 KB
404 ủa Nó Vừa Làm J Vậy
1.10 MB
Error San 909 V3
359.38 KB
Everything 909 Sans đơn Của Omni404maidinh
269.53 KB
Vẽ Error Sans 909
157.23 KB
Error404 Sans Vs KingOfMultiverse Sans Animation Lồng Tiếng Viet Dub
4.87 MB
Everything Sans Vs Omni 404
673.83 KB
Tik Tok Error 404 Sans Nhớ đọc Bình Luận Nhé Các Bạn Tiktoksans Shorts
359.38 KB
- Home
- Stories for Error Sans x Reader
409,725 9,648 38
This is for my readers I hope ya enjoy this. See ya on the other side Buddy.…
A glitch (error sans x reader)
106,075 1,849 18
This is my first story about u and error sans it’s ok if u don’t like the story…
Error Sans X Reader Soulmate
14,984 292 9
There was a legend that said once you turned 18 the first words your to you will appear on your hand who knew it was a glitchy skeleton. Hello this story is discontinued. The person that is continuing it is inside the book! ❤️…
My Anomaly (An Error Sans X Reader)
22,428 925 18
When your sibling Chara goes missing you fear the worst, but life takes a surprising turn for the better when they release the monsters trapped underground. Living this new life in your home AU of Underswap things couldn’t be better. That is until a certain skeleton appears and threatens to tear apart your Au. Not wanting to loose Chara again or risk the loss of your new family you fear for the worst and attempt to strike a deal with this new monster. Your soul, in exchange for your entire Au to be spared. But what happens when this monster who steals you away can’t take your soul in the end? What happens when he feels these new emotions he’s never felt before? Confused and complicated emotions turn this situation into an even stranger one. And the more time seems to pass the more you realize, maybe he isn’t so bad after all. But time is running short and it’s up to you to find a way back to your Au before the timer runs out and you become like him. But can you do it in the end? (This is an Error X Female reader slow burn, I repeat slow burn. Cover art is my own! Some themes to this may be heavy to some readers so please proceed with caution! If you’d like this more gender neutral please let me know and I’ll be happy to fix it! Enjoy!)…
Error sans X reader ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
43,738 652 5
Here take some error sans x reader sin for all of u dirty sinners . lemon warning? (not yet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))…
a glitch in the system error sans x reader (Complete)
5,275 81 24
error x reader. you fell in hole, but not the underground. Found something special about your self and others. Keep reading to find more.…
All Tied Up (Error Sans x Reader)
165,312 4,297 23
> Your just a regular human that fell down the hole that supposed lead to the underground, you come across many obstacles and find yourself in much of a sticky situation, more or less your tied up.•IMPORTANT•Hello wattpad users, this is actually the first story I’m actually making. So I’m sorry if it’s suckish or terrible, but it’s my first try I’m sorry! Ahem.. Anyways… I’ll try to update once or twice a week and if I ever forget, then….then… I don’t actually know what I would do…but anyways enjoy!…
No Strings On Me ~Error Sans X Reader~
12,996 402 7
A revamped version of OppoSIteS aTtrACt.…
Glitchy Hearts (error sans x reader)
1,369 28 18
You were a normal girl who had bad parents and bullies but however you had good friends. But however something changes when you find a golden heart locket. What changed? read to find out!!!*dramatic rubber chicken noises* EPIC STOP SNEEKING INTO THE SCENE!! epic: NEVAAAA!!!!! *pulls out rubber chicken sword*UGHHHH *sigh* Next scene… I need my chocolate….WARNING:-BLOOD-POSSIBLY GORE-SWEARING-AND MAYBE POSSIBLE LEMON IF YA’ll ARE INTO THAT SHIT-AND THE STORY STARTING OFF VERY CRINGY SINCE I WROTE IT WHEN I WAS 14 OR 13Author’s note:( The pictures in the book of outfits are not mine. The picture in the cover of the book is not mine. They all belong to someone else. I will tell you when a picture is mine.)…
Strange slice of life (error sans x reader)
4,813 170 7
you find a strange skeleton at night and decide to let him stay with you.chaos ensures and turns your life upside down while also finding out more about your little skele friend…
Loving A Glitch? Error Sans x Reader
113,312 2,511 17
You were just a typical school girl who had a rough past and never made many friends or should i say ‘none’ so you given the nickname ‘Lone Wolf’ by other kids/students at school. Your mother had died a few years after you were born while your father on the other hand, he was always too glued into his research to ever hang out with you or take you to an icecream shop or something. Recently you’ve been dealing with school issues and by that i mean ‘bullying’ problems. Since you never had friends people used to laugh at your face and show off the many friends they had but something odd would always happen when they would. Enjoy the story ;)…
Yandere Error sans x reader x yandere corrupted ink sans
53,141 1,095 17
you are just in the untouched Au but one day some glitched skeleton came falling through the sky you then ran to see the skeleton you wanted to leave him but you toke him to for house to aid him but what hurt him??(C!ink doesn’t know you existed yet) but soon another skeleton came and soon both became a yandere for you…
Undertale AU Sans x Reader Oneshots
1,142,947 18,345 84
If you love sans and fan fiction then this just right for you. I will do as many as I can and yeah. Enjoy!…
A glitch to fall for {Error sans x Reader}
21,406 461 34
I, Mia, swear on my life that I will never delete or unpublish this book without people telling me that the book is quite bad. (Is unpublish a word? Idk)…
Sans AU x Reader(Bad Guys)
137,976 2,526 16
Au Sanses x ReaderIf you like edgy and scary Sanses, and romantic and fluffy and edgy scenarios, then this is the book for you!!…
AU Sans Oneshots
91,982 1,855 33
Just a heads up not the greatest at creating stories. Anyway you’ll be a different reader each time but with a different Sans. I won’t upload much but I’ll try to upload as much as I can. Warning: there will be smut, kissing, maybe some sexual content, swearing, anything traumatic like abuse, and you being a hybrid reader like a Neko. Also none of the art is mine, all credit of art goes to the artists. So try and enjoy my terrible writing. 😄…
Error sans x reader ( female )
17,336 316 10
You are a glitch with amazing powers to …….But you were put in a sleeping state as all of the AUs feed off of you One day error was looking around the void when he came across a weird glitched portal and when he looked inside he did not expect to find was you …..No art is mine in this unless I say it is and there maybe spelling errors or grammar mistakes!…
Sans An x Reader Oneshots And Other Stories (REQUESTS ARE CLOSED)
11,029 248 42
♥Heh don’t expect much, I’m just a young writer who is working on their writing skills.♥So Yeah, this is just your average Sans Au x Reader♥not my art unless said other wise♥…
Reborn as Error
248,145 13,966 82
Cover image made by me.Someone meets their end too soon and meets someone who gives them another chance to live a more fulfilling life. One that they would enjoy despite the problems that may come along.In other words, reader becomes Error.…
error sans fight » Remixes
error sans fight remix hack
by tugrulsaglik
error sans fight remix
by XJuuzouSuzuyaX
endless sans fight
by thrpyke
error sans fight remix
by baderrorsans
error sans fight 2.0
by Josh_woods14
error sans fight CANT TOUCH THIS
by GamerTaleNights
error sans fight HARD MODE
by Myraek96
Sanes yeah
by GamerTaleNights
Error Sans Fight Undertale
by TheEnderEngineer
error sans fight remix
by shaunhamilton
error sans 2 player fight
by bcat2827
error sans fight remix
by pikachu1675
Metal Gamez Fight
by owowhatsthisamy
shadow stario fight
by greninja32
error sans fight remix
by 200900652
error sans fight
by arnoldll
by SnapKat_Original
error sans fight remix
by dabdaniel1we
Redpaw battle (Work in progress!!!)
by dinosaur145
error sans fight
by SansIsTheMan03
error sans fight remixed
by KM3412
error sans fight remix
by CrazyDave1010
엄청난 에러샌즈 보스전
by superkorea
error sans fight remix
by 2026CLewis
error sans fight windows
by Doodle_the_Peridot
glitch sans fight
by 0509754
error sans fight remix
by supermariok
Bendy Fight
by Velo-cello
error sans fight remix
by teleportingmaster
error sans fight
by AnubistheProtecter
error sans fight remix
by 27182009
error sans SuPeR MeGa UlTrA remix
by Maxik05
No Pun Sans Figh
by Emeraldmaster2
error sans fight
by DemigodOfSky
error sans fight HARDCORE
by aidenb200
error sans fight infinat 50
by taco_cat22
error sans fight remix
by MinecraftMASTAR
error sans fight remix
by cs923451
error sans fight last chance
by rjatrg
error sans fight
by francp11
error sans fight 2-players
by gu1tavo
error sans fight
by alapakiuniverse808
error sans fight remix
by DemigodOfSky
error sans fight FLAWLESS MODE
by churlesnd21
error sans fight remix
by bashar4b
You dont want to know
by Mewtwotwo
Hard Comic Sans Fight
by Sans871
error sans fight remix
by gts1bcs
error sans fight remix
by jadenu56
error sans fight
by Ace6412
error sans fight remix
by Mandell6
error sans fight hacked
by Joaozinho2008
Sanzi Buddy
by Laserpanda12
ink sans fight
by coolstar56
error sans fight remix
by reixer
error sans fight remix-2
by reixer
error sans fight remix
by Zombielinc1980
lightning mcqueen’s adventure
by underglitch
error sans fight remix
by STC12091013
red sans true form fight
by sansisepic06
error sans fight remix MORE BATLE TIME AND HEALTH…
by catlover841
error sans vs op you
by sparks999222
error sans fight remix
by mylittlepony012345
error sans fight
by s177084
ErRoR! aNtHoNy gLaDiAtOr fight
by Anthony_Gladiator
403 Sans Fight [ yes nanoguy im going for a sans route courently ]
by miiname
error sans fight (FIXED MUSIC)
by Zomboss9001
error sans fight remix
by padi25
error sans fight
by fantasyyoul
by Myscratchess
error sans fight ERRORVANIA
by mario22344
error sans fight remix
by Yuma7549
error sans fight remix
by bruceman5
error sans fight not finished but here
by djben27
error sans the immortal soul
by Pixel_Shades
error sans fight
by creekgameing1
error sans fight remix-2
by thebossofjoey
sans fight
by guanguanguang
error sans fight remix
by hogihtgthmkl
error fight!!!!!!
by trendy5000
error sans fight remix
by GmdBot
error sans fight HARD MODE
by zapthebunny
corona virus fight
by sanslovegames
error sans fight easy mode
by belangermediaa
error sans fight
by 270089cm
error sans fight HACKED
by AlexTar1337
error sans fight remix
by rainbowcat79
Error sans fight
by DetectiveJAKE
error sans fight
by curriemj24
error sans fight remix
by DetectiveJAKE
Error Sans Fight | Genocide HP & LV
by Letsplaylol
error sans fight remix
by coolzoom22
error sans!!
by treysle
error sans fight remix
by block_cars
error fabs fight
by SalvaPro9d
error sans fight remix
by 270145jc
error sans fight remix-2
by 270145jc
error sans fight remix
by rion90
error sans fight
by hillijoh001
error sans fight remix-2
by rion90
error sans fight really hard
by likethisboy
error sans fight remix
by theinkbendy
error sans fight remix
by matisowa12345
error sans
by speee
ULTRA HORROR SANESSS fight (Inspired by Sr. Pelo)
26 4c
by TSKS3213937
error sans fight 2
{error sans fight remix}
by 431DIONI
error sans fight remix
by emilyrsbws
error sans
by piqu0192
error sans fight remix
by ChocoSoul
the t r u e error sans fight
by trickyfrosty09
error sans fight remix
by nsh10
realy error sans fight
creeper fight
by grannysgucci
by Silver_TheHedgehog
sans sad
by Silver_TheHedgehog
by Silver_TheHedgehog
error sans fight remix
by juma067
error sans fight remix
by Damian_711
error sans fight hacked
by colesexto
error dustale sans fight
by clonelol
error sans fight remix
by TCH-Tryhard
Burning in ERROR ERROR
by fortcraft23
brian game
error sans fight remix
by penpen21312
by W1nd0s-4
Error Rectangle fight
by Parkers_views
No hit challenge!
by Parkers_views
error sans fight remix
by Parkers_views
error sans battle dont play aidan==
by yourtugboat1
error sans fight extended
by lightblueberry
Error Sans Fight v1.3
by rage1234567890
by guillermosalvan
error sans fight ALSMTJ
sans fight
by LRR1212
error sans fight remix
by ColeMizellCN
error sans fight
by What-is-my-life
error sans fight remix easy
by kellenjou
error sans fight remix
by Richi2148
Siren Head 4: Battle Of The Ages
by foxman1133
error sans fight remix
by cs4664784
error sans fight remix annoying death version
by raiderjohn
sans music
by ragesimulator
error sans fight Hacked, way easier
by bananaminion908
Error sans fight NOT INK ONLY ERROR!
by Splatoon122
error sans fight remix
by Cajun1000
error sans fight remix1
by gemarmillsII
error sans fight remix
by matthew809754
error sans fight but you control your health
by baby_shark10
error sans fight
by babilx
error sans fight difficulty : easy
by Tomtom54121
sans undertale
by G-Ball17
error sans fight errors error
by llee-tcsb
error sans fight remix
by sanscool123abc
error sans fight (rework)
by y4sj
error sans fight remix
by The_reaper_500000
error sans fight hard mode
by dangbao1
error sans fight but its impossible to lose
by _tycoon
eppicc musiccc thx
by bad_time_trio778
error sans fight remix
by 19-0315
glitched sans fight
by bad_time_trio778
error sans fight remix
error sans fight remix
by i_like_chez2437
error sans fight remix
by sansoofer
by Latter_eternity
error sans fight remix
by bashimusmaximus
error sans poop
by Too-mas
Ultima sans remix
by The-Real-Kid
error sans fight remix-3
by foxian_studios
error sans fight hacked
by piggyboi22
error sans fight HACK
by A_Windows98
by _Omega_Flowey_
by 269993
by 269993
Adeola AjibadeEXE Fight part 1
by Adeola_AjibadeEXE
pink error
by DW29S115
error sans fight
by PVESg2MakeyMakey
error sans fight remix
by SansTheBadTimeMaker
error! sans fight IMPROVED
by Bill_Sans_8
error sans fight remix
by gangsterjoker0987
glitchtale undyne fight(W.I.P!!!)
by Snoochin12
error sans fight remix-2
by SSCharas
error sans fight hard mode
by yolokolomoko
error sans fight remix
by Alissadlc
error sans fight remix
by Cayden_Z
2020 vs 2021
by Cayden_Z
error sans fight remix
by ege5564
error sans fight remix
by sirend
error sans fight (remaster) UPDATE
by pepsycolaman12345678
ultra sans fight remix
by susbro1
4c17-error sans fight
by pgp20214c17
error sans fight remix
error sans fight (Hacked)
by logan170507
error sans fight hard mode
by adamiacode
error sans fight remix
by sansy4435
by strumpledsteelsquid
error sans fight remix HACKED
by coolmillionbam
error time trio phase 3 fight
nerror pans fight remix
by gibbo0610
error sans fight but there is no delay
by adamiacode
error sans fight revamped
by Mario36644
error sans fight remix
by PS243028
by Undertale_bestfan
error sans fight remix
by erik168
error sans fight remix
by soniclemonade2
error sans fight remix
by n8gr8cf
error sans fight remix
by Dangkhoa0612
error sans fight hacked (kinda)
by ScatchCoder9100
error sans fight remix
by 2fire2011
error sans fight
by 2021uga4a03
error sans fight remix
by JaxJaxon15
error sans fight remix
by misterappleman
error sans fight remix-2
by misterappleman
error sans fight broken verizon
by Maxim_3
error sans fight remix
by Maxim_3
Error Sans Fight LOL
by Creator123456789010
error sans fight remix
by d9929229
Omega flowey Sorry if music bad?
by Nabinetus
error sans fight hardcore
by sharkbuilder34
insane mode error sans
by sharkbuilder34
axe error sans fight
by sharkbuilder34
error sans fight not the
by bobcat711ud
error sans fight remix
by waluiginator
error sans fight hand mode
by bobcat711ud
error sans fight but you can’t die
by Day_bird
error sans fight remix
by endless_void_287
error sans fight remix
by tmr12968s
error sans fight remix
by tunglam3e
error sans fight remix
by EthanduhSUS
TF2 Heavy Fight
by Nabinetus
error sans fight hack remix
by hoanglong19
error sans fight remix
by Octane_number10
by kintirluh
error sans fight remix
by funnyhorse987
Error Sans
by SlayeddLaz
ultrav error fight
by shangaisans
the rock sans fight
by AKBradford4412
error sans fight remix
sans battle! (not mine)
by KidsBapRapGod
error sans fight but good *no effence*
by picklethe_gamer423
ERorr Sans fight
by Erorr1Sans
by Erorr1Sans
Geno SANS Fight
by Erorr1Sans
Error 404 Sans Fight
by Erorr1Sans
error sans fight
by itmakenosense
error sans fight but harder
by oneplay2
Glitch 504 Fight
by Erorr1Sans
error sans fight remix
by owen23455
error sans fight remix
by acevzac
error sans fight remix
by Ethan8ho
cool game 24b so cool i am lazy so yea
by cphillips2010
error sans fight remix
by mewtwo8888
by cs2209981
error sans fight but the msuic is also error
by Beymaster9431
error sans fight remix
by Virtualbox_vmware
error sans fight remix
by kasukco
error sans fight remix
by kylo-ren0987
true error sans fight
by wah3
error sans fight 3.5
by mrsus55555
error sans fight hardmode
by o234952_222
error sans fight (with cut scene) fixed!
by jd_doggo
by AAAAA-_00000
Mountain Dew Man Fight (Update) V 1.3
by red2darknesslol
error sans fight but M A D N E S S
by chockoooo
This will hack your computer!
error Sans Fight But a Bit Better
by UndertaleFanGuy2023