Error a1 4111 samsung c1810w

A1 4111 samsung error КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ СТАРТКОПИ Принтеры, копировальные аппараты, МФУ, факсы и другая офисная техника: вопросы ремонта, обслуживания, заправки, выбора Добрый день! У меня samsung clx-4195fw была такая ошибка a1-4111 и a1-4112 долго ломал голову думал сам сломал или из-за того что полез смазывать или прошивка но нет! решил вопрос! это недоработка завода! прочитав […]


  1. A1 4111 samsung error
  2. Samsung C1860 Laser Printer Error A1-4111 Repair
  3. Introduction: Samsung C1860 Laser Printer Error A1-4111 Repair
  4. Supplies
  5. Step 1: Remove the Right Side Panel
  6. Step 2: Solenoid Fix
  7. Step 3: Test and Reassemble
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  13. 35 Comments
  14. Samsung laser multifunction fixed. Error A1-4111
  15. Pommie
  16. throbscottle
  17. asinella
  18. Pommie
  19. asinella
  20. Kevin S
  21. TechDoc
  22. Pommie
  23. throbscottle
  24. Teidra78
  25. Samsung laser multifunction fixed. Error A1-4111
  26. skylt
  28. Attachments
  30. rjenkinsgb
  31. Samsung laser multifunction fixed. Error A1-4111
  32. Pommie
  33. winsotnwx
  34. The Plaid Cow
  35. pfinchpf
  36. egmn888
  37. Novitchka888
  38. Attachments
  39. tnorman2

A1 4111 samsung error

Принтеры, копировальные аппараты, МФУ, факсы и другая офисная техника:
вопросы ремонта, обслуживания, заправки, выбора

Добрый день! У меня samsung clx-4195fw была такая ошибка a1-4111 и a1-4112 долго ломал голову думал сам сломал или из-за того что полез смазывать или прошивка но нет! решил вопрос! это недоработка завода! прочитав на форумах с переводчиком! РЕШЕНИЕ: 1) снимаете крышку правую боковую если стоять лицом к принтеру 2) с лева вверху есть электро-магнитик он притягивает железную площадку. на электро-магните и на железной площадке есть приклеенная резинка толщиной в миллиметр примерно 3) вам нужна резинка на подвижной железной площадке ее нужно снять и приклеить на 1 миллиметр потолще не 1 а 2 мм я взял самоклеещуюся резинку 2 миллиметра в леруа мерлен для ножек мебельных! весь смысл в том что электро-магнитику не хватает мощности дотянуться до площадки. после всей прцедуры площадка становится на миллиметр ближе к электро-магниту! сейчас мфу работает пез проблем! всем спасибо!

Но ить.
марлен (0): 1) снимаете крышку правую боковую если стоять лицом к принтеру 2) с лева вверху есть электро-магнитик он притягивает железную площадку
То что снимать правую боковую крышку, а электро-магнитик слева вверху этоть ладноть. Но кто может догадаться снимать крышку стоя спиной к принтеру, и главное как он это сделает. вот это в моей голове никак не укладывается.

я весь инет облазил а решение только одно нашел с транслейтером на инглише вы думаете я понял че надо делать и че менять после хорошо руки из тела! а мое решение для того же инета при поиске гуглом чтоб нашли! представь щас какой нибудь китайца с отверткой или араб. я думаю эта проблема не только моего мфу у самсы все принтеры и мфу однотипные меняется только маркировка это маркетинговая уловка и внутренности тоже однотипные а ведь многие из-за этой беды побежали менять моторы так ошибка звучит! возможно это решение спасет кошельки лохозавров!

(3) Все правильно сделал. Только мысли четче формулируй. Пусть и с телефона пишешь, но ведь для всех пишешь, а не одному знакомому. Удели чуть больше времени и стилю и орфографии. Хотя бы запятые не поленись проставить. А то тяжело читать. Особенно малопосвященым в дела ремонта (на которых ты и ориентируешь свой текст) Те кто в теме, эту самсунгово-хероксную фишку с залипанием «резинки» на электромагнитах давно знают. Еще с более младших моделей. Они то поймут о чем речь. А вот малоопытные твое изложение не поймут.

марлен (3): у самсы все принтеры и мфу однотипные меняется только маркировка
марлен (3): многие из-за этой беды побежали менять моторы
И пусть бегут: если головы нет, пусть работают ногами.
марлен (3): возможно это решение спасет кошельки лохозавров
А вы у них спросили — им это надо?
СОВА (4): А то тяжело читать
Да практически невозможно. Слова все знакомые, а мысль ловится с трудом.

(5) Да ладно уж. Чего так строго? 🙂 Человек из лучших побуждений.

Хотя. жизнь достаточно жестока. Раньше или позже к этому все равно придется привыкнуть.


Samsung C1860 Laser Printer Error A1-4111 Repair

Introduction: Samsung C1860 Laser Printer Error A1-4111 Repair

UPDATE: October 2022, the pad slipped again, it was working fine for 3 years. I put a spot of Gorilla urethane glue under the pad (since it is much less sticky now) and it is good to go again. Cheers!

Your Samsung Laser Printer is beeping and spitting out Error #A1-4111 on the display screen.

I had to do quite a bit of searching to find the simple fix here: for a different printer model. The fix worked but I thought an Instructable with pictures would be helpful.


Step 1: Remove the Right Side Panel

1. Before starting, turn off the power with the power switch next to the power cord then disconnect the power cord.

2. Remove any data cables since you will be spinning it all around.

3. On my printer (other models may vary) there are 5 screws that need to be removed first:

Facing the front, open the large lower front cover and remove the three screws on the front right

Turn to the back and open the back cover. Remove the two screws on the left. Notice any screws that are different and remember their position.

4. Slide the right side cover towards the back. It should come away easily. Set it aside.

Step 2: Solenoid Fix

This problem is with the small blue solenoid in the upper left corner. A pad slips or falls off and the printer gets unhappy.

Remove the retaining screw and pull it out a bit to work on.

If yours is missing, look around for it. If it or the stickiness is gone, a few layers of masking tape cut in a small square can fix it.

In my case the small foam pad had just slipped. So I could just lift it with an X-acto knife carefully and reposition it then make sure it was stuck well right under the tab.

Step 3: Test and Reassemble

Reinstall the solenoid.

If you promise not to touch any open electronics, plug in the power cord and see if the error now goes away. Watch the motors and solenoid to see that they spin and click on power up sequencing.

Take out the powercord so you can put the side panel back on. A stack of post-its underneath to tilt it up makes it easier to engage all of the tabs on the side panel.

Reverse the steps of disassembly. Be sure to put the different screw in the correct hole. The tiny screw goes in the lower position in the back on my model printer.

Plug in and enjoy.

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Gosh, took 2 seconds for google to find this page. Amazing how simple it can be to fix something that would have taken a trip to the computer store and/or a new purchase a few years ago. THANKS!

Top tip — worked first time!

Got a C1810W from work a few years ago. Love it. Just started throwing this error. This fix worked like a charm. Thanks so much! Just pulled the pad over with some tweezers and good as new.

You’re a Rockstar and life saver. Something so small causing so much headache!

Just used your information. My Samsung Xpress C1860FW is happy and functioning again. Outstanding work! Thank you for taking the time to create the content.

I just watched a YouTuber Adamant IT (87) Samsung Xpress Actuator Motor Failure — LFC#259 — YouTube use your Instructable to fix this problem on the same exact machine for a customer. He ask everyone to give you a shout out. So here it is great Job.

You Sir, are a King among men. I cannot thank you enough for this mate.

Instructions worked perfectly for my Samsung C1810W. Amazing that such a tiny foam pad being slightly out of alignment can cause such problems! Afterwards, it had to re-calibrate, but once that was done, it was back to normal again.

Just signed up to this site to say thank you.
One more happy printer user here.
For reference I have a C1810W device which is up and running again thanks to you.

Worked first time, thankyou!

You are a superstar, one printer saved from the bin and hundreds of pounds saved, repair cost total £0.00 .

robibby1 back again with another thank u to blipvert .. it happened again, fixed again .. I put a small dot of glue on the pad this time, hoping it stops slipping

You have made my day man! I was cringing at the thought of an overpriced, dishonest repair person coming out to the house and charging me hundreds of dollars to fix this problem. I bought this Samsung Xpress C1860FW approximately 7 years ago and have never had an issue with it until now, I love this machine and don’t want to replace it until I absolutely have to. I bought it for $250 and was thinking that would be what it would have cost to fix it and that I was going to have a choice to make until I found your most helpful and sooooo easy to do intractable. Your fix worked like a champ and I couldn’t be happier. Repair cost: $0.00, thank you!


Samsung laser multifunction fixed. Error A1-4111


Well-Known Member

I’ve posted this here so a google search might help future owners with this problem

I have a Samsung C1860FW multifunction colour laser and yesterday it errored with error A1-4111 — Actuator Motor Failure.

Check manual and removed the right hand cover ( to remove unscrew 4 screw, two at the back and two at the front and slide it backwards — the manual just says «Remove right cover». ). Found this,

I identified the broken bit from an internet post that indicated it was the blue relay type thing in the top left corner. I found that if I «helped» this relay during the switch on sequence the error went away.
I then noticed the foam pads on the relay, one on the coil and one on the actuator arm.

And Voila, all fixed.

Hoping this will help someone else in the future.


Well-Known Member


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Well-Known Member

I’ve circled it above. If you compare that to the above «before» photo you will see the difference.


New Member

Kevin S

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New Member


Well-Known Member

Just glad that it has helped a few people. It’s obviously a design flaw that they’ll hopefully fix.


Well-Known Member


New Member

I’ve posted this here so a google search might help future owners with this problem

I have a Samsung C1860FW multifunction colour laser and yesterday it errored with error A1-4111 — Actuator Motor Failure.

Check manual and removed the right hand cover ( to remove unscrew 4 screw, two at the back and two at the front and slide it backwards — the manual just says «Remove right cover». ). Found this,
View attachment 109840

I identified the broken bit from an internet post that indicated it was the blue relay type thing in the top left corner. I found that if I «helped» this relay during the switch on sequence the error went away.
I then noticed the foam pads on the relay, one on the coil and one on the actuator arm.
View attachment 109841
Notice that the one on the top of the actuator is not under the stop. These appear to be small self adhesive pads that can slide around and mine had sliden away from the stop.
A little shoving with a screw driver moved it back where it belonged under the stop.
View attachment 109842

And Voila, all fixed.

Hoping this will help someone else in the future.


Samsung laser multifunction fixed. Error A1-4111


New Member


New Member



New Member


Well-Known Member

To me it looks like the rear pad has drifted «upwards», you can see an area of metal between it and the edge of the armature, which should not be there.
(Behind the bent up part)

Look at the relay picture close-ups on the first page; that pad only has to be a fraction away from the edge (bottom in your photo) for it to slide past the retainer when the relay is released.

Samsung laser multifunction fixed. Error A1-4111


Well-Known Member

That relay looks to be activated — the foam underneath is squashed. Is the upper most foam in line with the end of the plate?


New Member

The Plaid Cow

New Member


New Member


New Member


New Member

Hello Mike & all —

Thank you for your help with this error message — the instructions were so helpful and, for now, seem to have solved the problem as it has for so many others.
My printer is the Samsung Xpress C1860FW and I got the error message: error #A1-4111
Wanted to share my own experience in case it helps others — I did the steps Mike described for the error message. Then after I turned everything on again, I got a second error message #A1-4112.

Googling led me to this youtube video which is addressing error message #A1-4112, but for a slightly different printer — Samsung CLX-6260

The interior of that printer seems similar to the Samsung Xpress C1860FW — and the helpful person who made the video points out the process of removing the solenoid unit and putting a thicker pad onto the connector lever.

In my case, I took the solenoid unit out and rotated the existing pad because one part of it was worn out but the other surrounding part was thicker.

For now it is working again.

Thank you everyone for sharing your experience.



New Member

WOW — it’s fixed. As so many have already said. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Had no idea what was wrong with this Error A1-4111 — amazing how such an advanced machine could be rendered useless by such a non-technical issue as a cheap foam spacer. While Samsung certainly made one of the most advanced printers ever, I’m very disappointed that they could not provide this simple fix to their customers. This printer is absolutely perfect when it works — especially when it comes to the wireless technology and user-friendly printer software — Samsung is the best!

We purchased it in 2017 but rarely used so is still practically brand new and only went bad recently 3-years later. Looking at the date of this post appears this problem started right away when the printer was first released which means it was a design flaw from the start as one of the commenters suggests and Samsung ignored the problem probably trying to avoid warranty claims hoping they fail after the warranty expired like most did.

One problem we had was just getting to the screws to get the cover off. So downloaded the Service Manual which is nice to have: Section 3.3.5 Transfer Roller Assy «Remove back cover» p.3-10

The back cover clips into the grove on the lower left side which takes A LOT of force to get out — almost feels like the little plastic hinge is going to break if you do it wrong like so many of these cheap plastic things do so be careful. Appears they embedded groves on the edge of the cover at the finger points to hold while pulling and applying pressure. Eventually it does «snap» out of place.

Once open, the little foam pad was so old it was completely dried up and so deteriorated it wasn’t touching anything and what was left fell off when touched with screwdriver. So unscrewed the little screw holding the solenoid in place to get it out far enough to inspect and then carefully scraped off the sticky leftover residue with finger nail and replaced with a new pad custom cut to size out of some thin weather strip we had leftover in garage. You could also use tape if thick enough (next best thing would be some kind of duct tape or electrical tape a few layers thick) as one of the other commenters used but we happen to have the same kind of foam with same thickness to make a new pad. Careful the actuator is still connected with one wire to front and obviously the machine should be unplugged before starting any of this disassembly.

Also as the above commenter says, just taking the solenoid unit out and rotating might also help clear the problem by resetting it. You can plug it in with the right cover off as long as you replace the back cover and watch how it spins which we tried at first but got same error so replacing the pad seems to fix the problem for most.

After putting it back together, it’s working like new again.


  1. 07-01-2020


    Samsung Xpress C1810W error #A1-4111

    Hi Guys, hope your all doing as good as possible with the Covid-19 fiasco.

    one site said that it was a sticking solenoid in the upper left corner inside the right side cover
    well, i removed and fixed that one. same thing.
    then i found the fuser pressure release drive solenoid was also sticking, and wasn’t turning that shaft.
    i removed that solenoid and clutch. cleaned the clutch and shimmed the solenoid.

    that seems to be working, but the error is still there.

    another source, manualslib service manual said it was an issue with the transfer roller engagement not working, and to check contacts from main drive unit to main board. otherwise suspect both of those.

    the 2nd TR roller on the back door doesn’t appear to index, so it must be in the ITB belt unit.
    that i couldn’t get out, without forcing it.

    i did remove the waste toner container, and i do see the metal bar on the rear frame that needs to be removed to get it out, but i cant even get it to budge. i had the drum drawer pulled, as well as the paper cassette.

    does anyone have any advice or input on this issue??

    thank you very much, and i hope you all have a safe 4th of July.

  2. 07-02-2020


    Re: Samsung Xpress C1810W error #A1-4111

    ok, i found so far the ITB removal process, darn thing.

    still looking to see what the solenoid does that i repaired since it didn’t fix it, and i told customer it had been obviously fixed before, and he told me, he did it.

    that’s always the first red flag…


  3. 07-02-2020


    Re: Samsung Xpress C1810W error #A1-4111

    Hi Guys,

    i studied the parts book. i only see one solenoid on the main drive unit.
    but there is another shown in the right frame.

    does anyone know if this unit uses a solenoid to cycle/ index the ITB transfer belt transfer rollers?

  4. 07-02-2020


    Re: Samsung Xpress C1810W error #A1-4111

    so, the darn thing.
    i got the ITB out. couldn’t find any other solenoids anywhere without removing the main drive unit.

    but i did find that the ITB has a shaft that rotates to raise or lower the transfer rollers. and for the life of me, i cant find anything that drives that gear on the shaft. and i can’t see anything inside the belt that would power it. nor, could i find any sensor that would look for the wheel notch on the opposite side as the drive gear.
    i tried it in the other position thinking that it ships new in the retracted position, and rotates from the belt movement?? but it didn’t for me doing it manually.

    screwy. and of course i re seated all the P/Js to the main board, oh, except the ribbon cables.

    and at $160 for the drive unit, it don’t seem to make sence. the solenoid on the drive unit is spared separately, but i got it working by removing the offending rubber pad.

    have a nice evening.

Introduction: Samsung C1860 Laser Printer Error A1-4111 Repair

UPDATE: October 2022, the pad slipped again, it was working fine for 3 years. I put a spot of Gorilla urethane glue under the pad (since it is much less sticky now) and it is good to go again. Cheers!

Uh Oh!

Your Samsung Laser Printer is beeping and spitting out Error #A1-4111 on the display screen.

I had to do quite a bit of searching to find the simple fix here: for a different printer model. The fix worked but I thought an Instructable with pictures would be helpful.


Phillips screwdriver

Step 1: Remove the Right Side Panel

1. Before starting, turn off the power with the power switch next to the power cord then disconnect the power cord.

2. Remove any data cables since you will be spinning it all around.

3. On my printer (other models may vary) there are 5 screws that need to be removed first:

Facing the front, open the large lower front cover and remove the three screws on the front right

Turn to the back and open the back cover. Remove the two screws on the left. Notice any screws that are different and remember their position.

4. Slide the right side cover towards the back. It should come away easily. Set it aside.

Step 2: Solenoid Fix

This problem is with the small blue solenoid in the upper left corner. A pad slips or falls off and the printer gets unhappy.

Remove the retaining screw and pull it out a bit to work on.

If yours is missing, look around for it. If it or the stickiness is gone, a few layers of masking tape cut in a small square can fix it.

In my case the small foam pad had just slipped. So I could just lift it with an X-acto knife carefully and reposition it then make sure it was stuck well right under the tab.

Step 3: Test and Reassemble

Reinstall the solenoid.

If you promise not to touch any open electronics, plug in the power cord and see if the error now goes away. Watch the motors and solenoid to see that they spin and click on power up sequencing.

Take out the powercord so you can put the side panel back on. A stack of post-its underneath to tilt it up makes it easier to engage all of the tabs on the side panel.

Reverse the steps of disassembly. Be sure to put the different screw in the correct hole. The tiny screw goes in the lower position in the back on my model printer.

Plug in and enjoy.

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Samsung laser multifunction fixed. Error A1-4111

  • Thread starter


  • Start date

    Dec 28, 2017

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  • #81

Thanks — yet another C1810W woken from the #A1-41111 error kudos

  • #82

I got it apart, and my pad seems to look fine… Any clues with this pic?


  • Samsung Printer Pad 2.jpg

    Samsung Printer Pad 2.jpg

  • #83

I think I may be the only one, but mine still isn’t working
Pad was firmly in place but used a little extra tape but it seems its like white cog jamming inside?

Did you ever get yours working?


  • #84

I got it apart, and my pad seems to look fine… Any clues with this pic?

To me it looks like the rear pad has drifted «upwards», you can see an area of metal between it and the edge of the armature, which should not be there.
(Behind the bent up part)

Look at the relay picture close-ups on the first page; that pad only has to be a fraction away from the edge (bottom in your photo) for it to slide past the retainer when the relay is released.

Samsung laser multifunction fixed. Error A1-4111

I’ve posted this here so a google search might help future owners with this problem I have a Samsung C1860FW multifunction colour laser and yesterday it errored with error A1-4111 — Actuator Motor Failure. Check manual and removed the right hand cover ( to remove unscrew 4 screw, two at the…

I’d move it down so it’s at or slightly over the edge again.

  • #85

That relay looks to be activated — the foam underneath is squashed. Is the upper most foam in line with the end of the plate?


  • #86

Thanks, I push the pad down and it fixed my C1860FW .

  • #87

Thanks for taking the time to post this as you helped as well as many other people. I accidentally destroyed the foam pad in trying to slide it up, but I replaced it with a piece of a 3M command adhesive strip, so I hope that keeps working.

  • #88

My pad looked fine too, but I applied the fix (tape) anyway. Mysteriously my 1810W is now working fine. So as with others, thanks a million for taking time to research and document the fix.

  • #89

Thanks a lot. Same problem, same solution here. :)

  • #90

Hello Mike & all —

Thank you for your help with this error message — the instructions were so helpful and, for now, seem to have solved the problem as it has for so many others.
My printer is the Samsung Xpress C1860FW and I got the error message: error #A1-4111
Wanted to share my own experience in case it helps others — I did the steps Mike described for the error message. Then after I turned everything on again, I got a second error message #A1-4112.

Googling led me to this youtube video which is addressing error message #A1-4112, but for a slightly different printer — Samsung CLX-6260

The interior of that printer seems similar to the Samsung Xpress C1860FW — and the helpful person who made the video points out the process of removing the solenoid unit and putting a thicker pad onto the connector lever.

In my case, I took the solenoid unit out and rotated the existing pad because one part of it was worn out but the other surrounding part was thicker.

For now it is working again.

Thank you everyone for sharing your experience.


  • #91

WOW — it’s fixed!!! As so many have already said…Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Had no idea what was wrong with this Error A1-4111 — amazing how such an advanced machine could be rendered useless by such a non-technical issue as a cheap foam spacer. While Samsung certainly made one of the most advanced printers ever, I’m very disappointed that they could not provide this simple fix to their customers. This printer is absolutely perfect when it works — especially when it comes to the wireless technology and user-friendly printer software — Samsung is the best!

We purchased it in 2017 but rarely used so is still practically brand new and only went bad recently 3-years later. Looking at the date of this post appears this problem started right away when the printer was first released which means it was a design flaw from the start as one of the commenters suggests and Samsung ignored the problem probably trying to avoid warranty claims hoping they fail after the warranty expired like most did.

One problem we had was just getting to the screws to get the cover off. So downloaded the Service Manual which is nice to have: Section 3.3.5 Transfer Roller Assy «Remove back cover» p.3-10

The back cover clips into the grove on the lower left side which takes A LOT of force to get out — almost feels like the little plastic hinge is going to break if you do it wrong like so many of these cheap plastic things do so be careful. Appears they embedded groves on the edge of the cover at the finger points to hold while pulling and applying pressure. Eventually it does «snap» out of place.

Once open, the little foam pad was so old it was completely dried up and so deteriorated it wasn’t touching anything and what was left fell off when touched with screwdriver. So unscrewed the little screw holding the solenoid in place to get it out far enough to inspect and then carefully scraped off the sticky leftover residue with finger nail and replaced with a new pad custom cut to size out of some thin weather strip we had leftover in garage. You could also use tape if thick enough (next best thing would be some kind of duct tape or electrical tape a few layers thick) as one of the other commenters used but we happen to have the same kind of foam with same thickness to make a new pad. Careful the actuator is still connected with one wire to front and obviously the machine should be unplugged before starting any of this disassembly.

Also as the above commenter says, just taking the solenoid unit out and rotating might also help clear the problem by resetting it. You can plug it in with the right cover off as long as you replace the back cover and watch how it spins which we tried at first but got same error so replacing the pad seems to fix the problem for most.

After putting it back together, it’s working like new again!!!

P.S. see page 2-18 of the Service Manual — LSU (Laser Scanner Unit) for a short mind-blowing explanation about how this printer actually works. Whoever invented that technology must have been from another Planet apparently relying on some sub-standard parts like this cheap actuator to make it all work. You certainly won’t be fixing a LSU error with any duct tape!


  • #92

In the midst of COVID-19 lockdown and home-office supply scarcity, a good neighbor dumped a «bad» Xpress C1860FW printer into our shared recycling bin (?!).

this little tip fixed the #A1-4111 issue and its now back on duty!

  • #93

Awesome outcome. Don’t forget to thank your neighbor! :D


  • #94

I’ve posted this here so a google search might help future owners with this problem

I have a Samsung C1860FW multifunction colour laser and yesterday it errored with error A1-4111 — Actuator Motor Failure.

Check manual and removed the right hand cover ( to remove unscrew 4 screw, two at the back and two at the front and slide it backwards — the manual just says «Remove right cover»!!!). Found this,
View attachment 109840

I identified the broken bit from an internet post that indicated it was the blue relay type thing in the top left corner. I found that if I «helped» this relay during the switch on sequence the error went away.
I then noticed the foam pads on the relay, one on the coil and one on the actuator arm.
View attachment 109841
Notice that the one on the top of the actuator is not under the stop. These appear to be small self adhesive pads that can slide around and mine had sliden away from the stop.
A little shoving with a screw driver moved it back where it belonged under the stop.
View attachment 109842

And Voila, all fixed.

Hoping this will help someone else in the future.


I’ve posted this here so a google search might help future owners with this problem

I have a Samsung C1860FW multifunction colour laser and yesterday it errored with error A1-4111 — Actuator Motor Failure.

Check manual and removed the right hand cover ( to remove unscrew 4 screw, two at the back and two at the front and slide it backwards — the manual just says «Remove right cover»!!!). Found this,
View attachment 109840

I identified the broken bit from an internet post that indicated it was the blue relay type thing in the top left corner. I found that if I «helped» this relay during the switch on sequence the error went away.
I then noticed the foam pads on the relay, one on the coil and one on the actuator arm.
View attachment 109841
Notice that the one on the top of the actuator is not under the stop. These appear to be small self adhesive pads that can slide around and mine had sliden away from the stop.
A little shoving with a screw driver moved it back where it belonged under the stop.
View attachment 109842

And Voila, all fixed.

Hoping this will help someone else in the future.


  • #95

Thanks for posting this. It worked for me! very satisfying :)

  • #96

Hello Everyone —
Sharing an update on this, while the «quick fix» of rotating the solenoid pad helped for a while (Did this mid-March, now it is mid-August) — 4-5 months later I’m still intermittently getting the error message again so am going to try substituting the original pad for something like the weather stripping material that @tnorman2

Its frustrating to have to go back in and do this, but I still have several toner cartridges for this printer. The image quality is great, when it works!

Hello Mike & all —

Thank you for your help with this error message — the instructions were so helpful and, for now, seem to have solved the problem as it has for so many others.
My printer is the Samsung Xpress C1860FW and I got the error message: error #A1-4111
Wanted to share my own experience in case it helps others — I did the steps Mike described for the error message. Then after I turned everything on again, I got a second error message #A1-4112.

Googling led me to this youtube video which is addressing error message #A1-4112, but for a slightly different printer — Samsung CLX-6260

The interior of that printer seems similar to the Samsung Xpress C1860FW — and the helpful person who made the video points out the process of removing the solenoid unit and putting a thicker pad onto the connector lever.

In my case, I took the solenoid unit out and rotated the existing pad because one part of it was worn out but the other surrounding part was thicker.

For now it is working again.

Thank you everyone for sharing your experience.

  • #97

Horray for bubble gum and paper clips. many minuses for Samsung. Have a Samsung TV that’s suposed to be smart. Nada.

How about silicone with a PSA adhesive applied?

  • #98

Thanks for this post. I have a C2670 and got the same problem. I will report here if I was successful with the repair,

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Product: Samsung Xpress C1810W

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit)

got error code A1-4111 call service and printer stopped warming up. error is permanent



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This error indicates an issue with the transfer roller movement. If error does not clear by restarting then disassembly is required to further diagnose, first step of which is to make sure that the connector between the main drive and the feed drive unit is correct and if it is then the step motor on the feed unit may be bad. If replacing the feed motor does not resolve the issue then the main board needs to be replaced.

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I am a volunteer, offering my knowledge to support fellow users, I do not work for HP nor speak for HP.

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