Error accessing config table glpi

After reinstalling of wamp server under windows, I've receive error in subject during new access to glpi database. Anyone can help me?Thanks

#1 2013-05-09 16:48:00

Registered: 2013-05-09
Posts: 10

Error accessing config table

After reinstalling of wamp server under windows, I’ve receive error in subject during new access to glpi database. Anyone can help me?


#2 2013-05-09 22:09:26

From: Chicago, USA
Registered: 2012-03-08
Posts: 546

Re: Error accessing config table

I’m not running Windows for mine, but you may get more responses if you provided more details as to what your exact error is?

#3 2013-05-09 22:32:44

Registered: 2013-05-09
Posts: 10

Re: Error accessing config table

I’ve installed 2 database through mysql. After this installaton i’ve tested GLPI and it functioned well. Then i’ve reinstalled wamp server (the platform with apache, php and mysql for windows). When i tried to access to glpi (after click on «glpi») appeared «Error accessing config table» on a white page in the browser. After a complete reinstallation of all the error repeat. I don’t know what i must to do.

#4 2013-05-09 23:07:40

Registered: 2013-05-09
Posts: 10

Re: Error accessing config table

the error may be caused from an error on configuring of apache. For example.. apache is not howner of a file. But… how do i set it up?

#5 2013-05-10 06:53:05

Registered: 2013-05-09
Posts: 10

Re: Error accessing config table

This is the specific error that appear before «Error accessing config table»:
Notice: Undefined index: glpi_use_mode in C:wampwwwglpiinchtml.class.php on line 800

#6 2013-05-10 10:38:54

From: Sillery (51)
Registered: 2008-01-14
Posts: 15,273

Re: Error accessing config table

Look at glpi/config/config_db.php

CentOS 6.5 — CentOS 7.x
PHP 5.6 — PHP 7.x — MySQL 5.6  — MariaDB 10.2 + APC + oOPcache
GLPI from 0.72 to dev version

#7 2013-05-10 10:59:48

Registered: 2013-05-09
Posts: 10

Re: Error accessing config table

I see correct existant databases… What about your sentence..?

#8 2013-05-13 10:46:37

Registered: 2013-05-09
Posts: 10

Re: Error accessing config table

Hi, I’ve solved the problem.
by Aldo.

#9 2013-05-13 12:32:26

Registered: 2013-05-09
Posts: 10

Re: Error accessing config table

how to solve this post?

#10 2013-05-13 16:19:57

Registered: 2013-05-09
Posts: 10

Re: Error accessing config table

Simply unistalling wamp and erasing the www folder; Remember to make a backup bvefore.. wink


#11 2013-08-07 22:57:45

Registered: 2013-05-08
Posts: 2

Re: Error accessing config table

I had to restore a database backup for my glpi and when doing so all permissions were messed up. I solved this by also checking the permissions of the mysql data files in /usr/local/mysql/data/glpi/*.* and resetting the permissions of these files.

#12 2021-12-15 14:06:59

Registered: 2021-12-15
Posts: 1

Re: Error accessing config table

what you should do is , go to folder /var/www/html/glpi/config, then delete config_db.php file, and go to your link http://your_ip_address:port/glpi, to reinstall the glpi.


  1. Forum GLPI-Project
  2. Announcement
  3. #1 2011-03-29 11:19:17
  4. Migrate OCS/GLPI — Error accessing config table
  5. Ошибка в базе. Ошибка в таблице Config.
  6. Syntax error or access violation: 1103 Incorrect table name #2530
  8. Description:
  9. Steps To Reproduce:
  10. CRITICAL:yum.cli:Config Error: Error accessing file for config file:///etc/yum/
  11. DirectAdmin Support
  12. SeLLeRoNe
  13. nobaloney
  14. DirectAdmin Support
  15. nobaloney
  16. Installing and upgrading help
  17. error right after installation — Config table does not contain version
  18. error right after installation — Config table does not contain version
  19. Re: error right after installation — Config table does not contain version
  20. Re: error right after installation — Config table does not contain version
  21. Re: error right after installation — Config table does not contain version
  22. Re: error right after installation — Config table does not contain version

Forum GLPI-Project


#1 2011-03-29 11:19:17

Migrate OCS/GLPI — Error accessing config table

Hello lady’s and gentleman,

I have tested GLPI for some time on the Fedora 14 workstation. And i liked it.

So after some time i’ve installed it on CentOS 5.5. But i wanted to move/migrate the database(‘s) (ocsweb and glpi) from Fedora to CentOS. Because ive already put some useful information in it.

So ive installed phpmyadmin on both of them. And exported and imported the databases (glpi and ocsweb) from Fedora and Imported to CentOS. And now i get «Error accessing config table» on the glpi webinterface. And cant login to ocsreports webinterface to.

I have googled but cant find something useful or something i would understand. I would say my Linux knowledge is kind of average. Not to advanced maybe. So i hope maybe i could get some help / explanation here.

What i was wondering actually also. Is this:
While in the phpmyadmin web interface, on the left side, where you choose between databases,
On the Fedora the databases i have look like this:
— glpi (168)
— information_schema (28)
— mysql (23)
— ocsweb (54)
On the CentOS:
— glpi (168)
— information_schema (17)
— mysql (17)
— ocsweb (54)

This is after ive imported the glpi and ocsweb databases. As it was described on some forum on internet. That only glpi and ocsweb are the databases that you move when you move glpi. Right? Does it matter if the information_schema and mysql has different (are that entries right?) numbers.

I hope possibly that solution is not that complicated.
Thank you in advance,
Sincerely yours,


Ошибка в базе. Ошибка в таблице Config.

Живой Ископаемый

Живой Ископаемый

(4) СПС. Да этот вариант я храню в запасе, если ничего не получится, то так и сделаю. Но проблема интересная, не часто с ней сталкиваюсь, хотелось бы добить другим способом.

(6) Точно не знаю. На эту таблицу SQL не ругался. Из доступных действий в конфигураторе у меня есть «Открыть конфигурацию» — приводит к ошибке. «Сохранить конфигурацию БД в файл», «Сравнить конфигурацию», тоже приводит к ошибке. Или как то еще можно?

понять какой объект метаданных можно просмотрев запись через Tool_1CD.

спасибо авторам Tool_1CD и DT:менеджер

код за Вас писать не буду.

для восстановления работоспособности
(с помощью отсключения(удаления) индекса при создании если версия скл >=2005) )

2) удалить запись с задвоенным PK или исправить PK на уникальный
3) восстановить индекс.
из таблицы config, которую создаст 1с при загрузке из dt файла и прервется на ошибке.

потернируйтесь на пустой базе создавая config исполнением скрипта, без загрузки из 1с.

(0) Если записи в CONFIG задвоились, надо удалить лишнюю запись (одну из двух). Чтобы удалить запись, надо:
1. Сделать копию файла 1CD!
2. В Tool_1CD включить в настройках отображение смещений в файле.
3. Посмотреть адрес (смещение) лишней записи.
4. Шестнадцатиричным редактором изменить по этому адресу один байт с 00 на 01.
5. Открыть базу в конфигураторе. Открыть ТиИ.
6. Поставить галочку (только одну!) на «Реиндексация таблиц». Выполнить ТиИ.
7. Поставить галочку (только одну!) на «Сжатие таблиц». Выполнить ТиИ.

После этого можно пробовать открыть конфигурацию, выгружать в dt и т.д.
Если это ошибка единственная, должно помочь, только, как правило, ошибки в одиночку не ходят.

— создание ddl триггера
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.triggers
WHERE parent_class = 0 AND name = ‘Config_no_PK’)


попробуйте удалить один из дублей или оба

перед удалением сохраните дубли в отдельную таблицу


Syntax error or access violation: 1103 Incorrect table name #2530

  • Laravel Version: #.#.# Laravel Framework 5.6.38
  • PHP Version: PHP Version 7.1.9
  • Laravel-admin: #.#.# latest


D:xampphtdocslara-admin>php artisan admin:install

IlluminateDatabaseQueryException : SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access
violation: 1103 Incorrect table name » (SQL: create table « ( id int unsigne
d not null auto_increment primary key, `username` varchar(190) not null, `passwo
rd` varchar(60) not null, `name` varchar(255) not null, `avatar` varchar(255) nu
ll, `remember_token` varchar(100) null, `created_at` timestamp null, `updated_at
` timestamp null) default character set utf8mb4 collate ‘utf8mb4_unicode_ci’)

at D:xampphtdocslara-adminvendorlaravelframeworksrcIlluminateDatabase
660| // If an exception occurs when attempting to run a query, we’ll
format the error
661| // message to include the bindings with SQL, which will make th
is exception a
662| // lot more helpful to the developer instead of just the databa
se’s errors.
663| catch (Exception $e) <

664| throw new QueryException(
665| $query, $this->prepareBindings($bindings), $e
666| );
667| >

Steps To Reproduce:

php artisan admin:install

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:


CRITICAL:yum.cli:Config Error: Error accessing file for config file:///etc/yum/

DirectAdmin Support


We’re aware of the issue but do not yet have a solution. I believe it’s caused by something in custombuild (not yet sure), perhaps a library being installed breaking python (which runs yum). This has yet to be confirmed. I installed CentOS 6 64-bit manually, testing yum at each step, but it worked fine up until ./build all d (I believe). It may also be a time-delay issue, where a previous change to the system was only triggered by running ldconfig.. so the issue could be caused earlier on.. or even be a CentOS 6 bug, we’re not yet sure.


Super Moderator

That error appear usually when yum.conf got deleted, is possible that DA installation when change the exclude list delete the file? Or maybe permission/owner changed?


NoBaloney Internet Svcs — In Memoriam †

John, I presume you’ve already tried this, but have you tried reinstalling yum again from RPM after running custombuild?

DirectAdmin Support


It’s still there, and permissions are unaffected.
I installed DA step by step as well, and the yum.conf was unchanged.
I went as far as running python through gdb (aka yum is a python script) and the lstat returned an error, that the file didn’t exit. This leads me to believe that it’s a linking issue, as low level functions like that need a good reason to fail.

And yes, removed yum, re-installed the rpm. No change.


NoBaloney Internet Svcs — In Memoriam †

Have you tried building all the services individually, one by one, in custombuild, and checking after each one, instead of ./build all.

I know this could be time-consuming, but it’s important to me to have yum; updating with rpm manually, including getting all the files, and then resolving all dependencies, is just too time consuming when managing multiple servers.

I suppose one option would be if someone would run a bare machine (without DirectAdmin) just to keep yum update running automatically, monitor the yum update logs, and then create a script which would create a script to use rpm to update everything on the machines running DirectAdmin.

However I’m not sure how combersome this would be.

Have you brought up the issue on the CentOS mailing list?

Have you (or anyone) tried Scientific Linux to see if it has the same issue?

Have you (or anyone) tried Red Hat Enterprise Linux to see if it has the same issue?


Installing and upgrading help

error right after installation — Config table does not contain version

error right after installation — Config table does not contain version

Moodle Version: 2.1.1+ (Build: 20110928)
(although I also tried with Moodle 2.1.1 1st August 2011 release with same result)
I’m using XAMPP version 1.7.7
The computer I’m on is Windows 7, 64 bit.
PHP: 5.3.8

browser: Firefox and chrome, same result.

At the recommendation of one of the other posts on this same problem, I turned debug on but it didn’t help me solve the problem. Here is the output:

Config table does not contain version, can not continue, sorry.

There were also other posts for installing on MAC OS X, and they sais there were problems not having InnoDB.. I checked and I think I have it configured properly — here is what it says on my phpmyadmin > engines > InnoDB > Buffer Pool page:

Total : 1,024 pages / 16,384 KiB
Free pages 135
Dirty pages
Pages containing data 887
Pages to be flushed 4
Busy pages 2

Buffer Pool Usage Buffer Pool Activity

Read requests 27,625
Write requests 2
Read misses 888
Write waits
Read misses in % 3.21 %
Write waits in % 0.00 %

Re: error right after installation — Config table does not contain version

we had the same issues with our 1.9 installation. Tho we were running on Win2k3 MSSql IIS6.0 with PHP etc.

We found the database table it was complaining about and added the version to the table and refreshed the config admin page and it moved on from there.

Re: error right after installation — Config table does not contain version

Thanks! I did that and now it seems to at least be able to move past that initial page.

For anyone else who sees this problem, this is what I did:

Found the value in $version

Opened ‘mdl_config’ in my database manager

Inserted key after last entry with name = ‘version’ and value =

If any developpers see this, is there some way you could ensure that when the database is populated initially by moodle that this is added? It’s not hard to fix once you know what you’re looking for but there isn’t great documentation.

Re: error right after installation — Config table does not contain version

I’m getting the same error, but I don’t know how to edit a .frm file. I’m on a Mac. Any suggesstions?

Re: error right after installation — Config table does not contain version

First, make a backup of the database.

If it’s an issue of tables not being innodb, there is a script inside

/moodle/admin/cli/ that could be run from a terminal session on your Mac to correct/set all tables to innodb. The file is called ‘mysql_engine.php’ and according to comments in the file:

«MySQL engine conversions script.

It is recommended to stop the web server before the conversion.
Do not use MyISAM if possible, because it is not ACID compliant
and does not support transactions.

—engine=ENGINE Convert MySQL tables to different engine
-l, —list Show table information
-h, —help Print out this help

$sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php admin/cli/mysql_engine.php —engine=InnoDB

Mac user would probably still have to use ‘sudo’ in the command above but the -u [user] might be different. Look at other files in the directory for a clue. Also, one might need to use the full path to php. To find that php one has options:

php -i from the command prompt in a terminal session should show more than you’d care to know about php. 😉




Error accessing config table

Describe the bug

Error accessing config table

Page(s) URL

To reproduce

The error appears after changing any equipment, let’s say I add the inventory number to the monitor, save it, and this error appears Error accessing config table and the site does not work

Expected behavior

expected opening page



Your GLPI setup (you can find it in Setup > General menu, System tab)

Additional context

my email


Informations requested in ticket template has not been provided.




SQL logs shown you have a communication problem between GLPI and your DB.

  *** MySQL query error:
  SQL: SELECT `TABLE_NAME` FROM `information_schema`.`TABLES` WHERE `TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'id10782991_glpi' AND `TABLE_TYPE` = 'BASE TABLE' AND `TABLE_NAME` LIKE 'glpi_config%'
  Error: Max connect timeout reached while reaching hostgroup 1028 after 10049ms

As this is not a bug, I close the issue.

Please use forums to get community support or consider taking a subscription to get professional support.


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GLPi is a web application that helps companies with the management of their information system. Among its features, this solution is able to build an inventory of all resources of the organization and manage administrative and financial tasks. GLPI stands for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing. In other words, it’s a good idea install GLPI in your company.

The tool is build for Apache-PHP-MySQL environments, so you can install it on both windows and linux servers.

GLPI features:

  • Inventory of computers, peripherals, network printers and any associated components through an interface, with inventory tools such as: FusionInventory or OCS Inventory.
  • Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM).
  • Item lifecycle management.
  • Licenses management (ITIL compliant).
  • Management of warranty and financial information (purchase order, warranty and extension, damping).
  • Management of contracts, contacts, documents related to inventory items.

In addition, like any open source project, it is possible to modify and examine its source code.

In this article, i will show you how to install GLPI on Ubuntu Server 18.04.

What you need

The installation of GLPI is really simple, but you must have a previous knowledge in the use of the terminal. Besides installing LAMP stack and of course a computer with Ubuntu Server 18.04.

Let’s get to work.

1. Upgrade the system

First you have to update the system. Doing this will ensure you have the latest package news, as well as the latest security patches. Open a terminal and run.

:~$ sudo -i

When you enter the password, you will be root. Then run:

:~# apt update && apt upgrade

1.- Upgrading the system

1.- Upgrading the system

And with this done, you’ll have your system up to date.

2. Install LAMP Stack

GLPI is a web-based application, i.e. you need an installed and fully functional web server. For this tutorial, I will use apache2. It is the most popular web server and is available easily and directly from the Ubuntu repositories. Run:

:~# apt install apache2

2.- Installing apache

2.- Installing apache

Now enable it to start the service as soon as you load the system and initialize the service as well.

:~# systemctl enable apache2
:~# systemctl start apache2

3.- Enabling apache service

3.- Enabling apache service

Now if you go to your web browser and access http://IP_SERVER you will see this.

4.- Apache Ubuntu Default page

4.- Apache Ubuntu Default page

It’s PHP’s turn.

PHP is a programming language in which GLPI is built. You have to install it to run it.

:~# apt install php7.2 php7.2-curl php7.2-gd php7.2-intl php-pear php-imagick php7.2-imap php-memcache php7.2-pspell php7.2-recode php7.2-tidy php7.2-xmlrpc php7.2-xsl php7.2-mbstring php-gettext php7.2-ldap php-cas php7.2-apcu libapache2-mod-php7.2 php7.2-mysql

5.- Installing PHP from ubuntu official repositories

5.- Installing PHP from ubuntu official repositories

Finally install MariaDB. Type on a terminal:

:~# apt install mariadb-server

6.- Installing MariaDB

6.- Installing MariaDB

Now run the configuration script to define password and other options.

:~# mysql_secure_installation

7.- mysql_secure_installation

7.- mysql_secure_installation

After defining the password, you will be asked about other things. Answer Y N Y Y.

Now you have to create a database dedicated to GLPI and a new MariaDB user.

:~# mysql -u root -p

And then creates the database and the new user.

USE glpidb;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON glpidb.* TO 'glpiuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'glpipss';

Of course, you’re free to change the names to whatever you want.

8.- Creating a database for glpi

8.- Creating a database for glpi

3. Download and install GLPI

Now it’s time to install GLPI. First, download it.

:~# cd /tmp/

9.- Download and install GLPI

9.- Download and install GLPI

Afterwards, you have to extract it, move it to /var/www/html and assign permissions to it.

:~# tar -xvf glpi-9.3.1.tgz
:~# mv glpi /var/www/html/
:~# chmod 755 -R /var/www/html/
:~# chown www-data:www-data -R /var/www/html/

10.- Installing GLPI

10.- Installing GLPI

Now go to your browser and access GLPI to complete the installation http://IP_SERVER/glpi

11.- Completing GLPI setup

11.- Completing GLPI setup

Then you have to accept the license terms.

12.- License terms

12.- License terms

On the next screen you will be asked if it is an installation or an upgrade.

13.- Install GLPI

13.- Install GLPI

Afterwards, the system will make an inspection of the dependencies in need.

14.- Install GLPI on the system

14.- Install GLPI on the system

On the next screen, you will be prompted to enter the MariaDB for GLPI information.

15.- MariaDB credentials

15.- MariaDB credentials

And at the end, you have select the database created.

16.- Completing the installation

16.- Completing the installation

It will then initialize the database.

17.- Initialization of the database

17.- Initialization of the database

The following screens show that the installation is on the right way.

18.- Collecting data for GLPI

18.- Collecting data for GLPI
19.- Installing GLPI
19.- Installing GLPI
20.- The installation is finished
20.- The installation is finished

And finally you will see the log in screen.

21.- GLPI log in screen

21.- GLPI log in screen

When you enter the password, you’ll see something like this.

22.- Main screen of glpi

22.- Main screen of glpi


GLPI is a great system that allows us to obtain computer solutions for our company. You can modify and take inventory, tracking incidents and so on.

We want to know about you, have you used GLPI? How did you like the installation?

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  • Migrate OCS/GLPI — Error accessing config table

  1. April 5th, 2011


    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Belgum — Antwerp

    Migrate OCS/GLPI — Error accessing config table

    Hi guys n girls,

    Can someone help me with this please?…c.php?id=23561


    The truth will set you free!

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Salut ! Bonjour à toutes et à tous donc j’ai un léger problème avec l’installation de la glpi sur mon ubuntu 16.04, donc en gros j’ai suivi tout l’installation à la lettre (excepté le php5 que j’ai repris de l’ancien serveur glpi qui était mort) donc voilà si quelqu’un à un début d’idée car j’ai essayé beaucoup de choses merci :) :

Voilà quelque copie de fichier :


<VirtualHost *:80>


ServerAlias glpi

DocumentRoot /var/www/glpi

<Directory /var/www/glpi>

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews

AllowOverride All

Order allow,deny

allow from all

AuthType Basic



-Sur apache le site est bien activé j’ai crée la table sql, j’ai accordé les droit au dossier glpi pour que apache est les droit de le modifier, j’ai installer les dépendances, j’ai modifié dans le fichier la limite à 128m , mais impossible d’accéder à l’installation du glpi. SI quelqu’un à une idée ou même un début, je suis preneur et merci d’avoir pris le temps de lire ;)

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  • Error access violation cheat engine
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  • Error access violation at 0x00470812 program terminated
  • Error access to source database failed with jet error 1811
  • Error access to source database failed with jet error 1032