Update state (0x11) preallocating, progress: 99.76 (17964515419 / 18006952591)
Update state (0x11) preallocating, progress: 99.76 (17964547866 / 18006952591)
Update state (0x11) preallocating, progress: 99.77 (17965334173 / 18006952591)
Update state (0x201) stopping, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
Update state (0x201) stopping, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
Update state (0x201) stopping, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
Error! App '376030' state is 0x602 after update job.
No crontab set
Running command 'run' for instance 'main'
2022-04-21 06:36:56: start
2022-04-21 06:36:56: Running /app/server/ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer Ragnarok?SessionName=Ark Docker?ServerPassword=dCF6fy?ServerAdminPassword=566?MaxPlayers=5?GameModIds?GameModIds?Port=7777?QueryPort=27015?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=27020?listen -log -log
2022-04-21 06:36:56: Server PID: 92
2022-04-21 06:37:01: Bad PID ''; expected '92'
2022-04-21 06:37:01: exited with status 0```
This same thing happens every time just as the preallocation finishes.
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SteamCMD can sometimes output errors when something goes wrong. Sadly Valve has never released an official list of what the error messages mean. Because of this, a lot of guesswork has been needed to figure it out. This page will highlight what we already know and info on researching what the error might mean in the hope that you can contribute to understanding SteamCMD errors.
SteamCMD uses hexadecimal numbers to give its current «state». Every time SteamCMD does something it changes its state. When SteamCMD fails it will output its has hexadecimal state, for example 0x202
Seems to affect HLDS based servers. Running again often fixes the issue
Error! App ’90’ state is 0x10E after update job.
Error! App ’90’ state is 0x10E after update job. |
Error! App ‘<appid_number>’ state is 0x202 after update job.
Unknown error, if you have any details please let us know
Error! App ‘<appid_number>’ state is 0x206 after update job.
Missing content_log.txt if you have experienced this error and have a log please let us know.
Error! App ‘<appid_number>’ state is 0x212 after update job.
Connection issue with steam, you will need to wait for the steam servers to recover.
Error! State is 0x402 after update job.
Missing content_log.txt if you have experienced this error and have a log please let us know.
Unknown error, if you have any details please let us know
Error! State is 0x602 after update job.
Missing content_log.txt if you have experienced this error and have a log please let us know.
SteamCMD is unable to write to the disk. Normally caused by permissions issues. This issue was discovered when a directory that was linked using symlink did not have the correct permissions to allow SteamCMD to write to it.
Error! App ‘<appid_number>’ state is 0x606 after update job.
Error! App ‘<appid_number>’ state is is 0x2 after update job.
Missing content_log.txt if you have it please let us know.
No connection to content servers.
Error! App ‘<appid_number>’ state is 0x6 after update job.
No connection to content servers |
Received 401 (Unauthorized) HTTP response for depot 11 |
Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 13.48 (1554089956 / 11530459441)
Update state (0x11) preallocating, progress: 8.53 (983870089 / 11530459441)
Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 1.11 (127644881 / 11530459441)
Update state (0x101) committing, progress: 3.43 (395043827 / 11530459441)
To get more info and output see the SteamCMD logs in ~/.local/share/Steam/logs
or ~/.steam/logs
. The most useful log is content_log.txt
that will provide more information on errors.
If you have experienced an error we don’t have logs for please provide them to us to assist in diagnosing the issue.
SteamCMD uses hex error codes such as 0x202
which can be converted into decimal 514
. You can use a hex-to-decimal converter to do this. Using the table below you can work out the status messages. By doing a calculation. Find the highest number below the state 512
which is the first error. Then take the number away from the total 514-512=2
which gives you the last error. This can be done for any error
512 StateUpdateRunning
, 2 StateUpdateRequired
StateInvalid |
0 |
StateUninstalled |
1 |
StateUpdateRequired |
2 |
StateFullyInstalled |
4 |
StateEncrypted |
8 |
StateLocked |
16 |
StateFilesMissing |
32 |
StateAppRunning |
64 |
StateFilesCorrupt |
128 |
StateUpdateRunning |
256 |
StateUpdateRunning |
512 |
StateUpdateStarted |
1024 |
StateUninstalling |
2048 |
StateBackupRunning |
4096 |
StateReconfiguring |
65536 |
StateValidating |
131072 |
StateAddingFiles |
262144 |
StatePreallocating |
524288 |
StateDownloading |
1048576 |
StateStaging |
2097152 |
StateCommitting |
4194304 |
StateUpdateStopping |
8388608 |
This table is from 2015 and is probably outdated now but it’s the best we currently have.
ulimit SteamCMD startup error
ulimit SteamCMD startup error
./steamcmd.sh: line 17: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
Some users may get a ulimit error (no permission/cannot open file) while SteamCMD is starting up. This error caused by a low setting of the -n parameter (number of file descriptors) of ulimit. Some servers forbid increasing ulimit values after startup (or beyond a limit set by root). This can be fixed by changing the file descriptor number ulimit:
ERROR! Failed to install app ‘<appid_number>’ (No subscription)
ERROR! Failed to install app ‘<appid_number>’ (No subscription)
The Steam account being used does not have a license for the required game.
ERROR! Password check for AppId <appid_number> returned error Failure.
ERROR! Password check for AppId <appid_number> returned error Failure.
The password for the branch is incorrect.
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
Ignore the error, do not do anything to attempt to fix it. It is a known error that has appeared ever since SteamPipe was introduced. It does not cause any issues and can be ignored.
Loading Steam API…Failed to init SDL priority manager: SDL not found
Loading Steam API…Failed to init SDL priority manager: SDL not found
Ignore the error, do not do anything to attempt to fix it. It does not cause any issues and can be ignored.
CWorkThreadPool::~CWorkThreadPool: work processing queue not empty: 2 items discarded.
CWorkThreadPool::~CWorkThreadPool: work processing queue not empty: 2 items discarded.
Ignore the error, do not do anything to attempt to fix it. It does not cause any issues and can be ignored.
Failed to set thread priority: per-thread setup failed
Failed to set thread priority: per-thread setup failed
Ignore the error, do not do anything to attempt to fix it. It does not cause any issues and can be ignored.
AvoMMH opened this issue 2 years ago · comments
Image Setup Details
- Image Tag: latest
- Docker Host OS: Ubuntu Server 16.04
docker run
command ordocker-compose.yml
$ docker run -d
-v steam:/home/steam/Steam # mounted so that workshop (mod) downloads are persisted
-v ark:/ark # mounted as the directory to contain the server/backup/log/config files
-p 27015:27015 -p 27015:27015/udp # steam query port
-p 7778:7778 -p 7778:7778/udp # gameserver port
-p 7777:7777 -p 7777:7777/udp # gameserver port
—restart always
Description of Issue
A few seconds after I start the container it crashes with: Error! App ‘376030’ state is 0x202 after update job.
I have nothing configured, I just downloaded the image and started it.
Additional Information
Full Log:
# Ark Server - Fri Aug 28 10:32:54 UTC 2020
Ensuring correct permissions...
Cleaning up any leftover arkmanager files...
Creating arkmanager.cfg from environment variables...
No game files found. Installing...
Starting cron service...
* Starting periodic command scheduler cron
Loading crontab...
Save file validation is not enabled.
Backup on start is not enabled.
Running command 'start' for instance 'main'
[ WARN ] Your ARK server exec could not be found.
Checking for updates before starting
Checking for update; PID: 43
sed: can't read /ark/server/steamapps/appmanifest_376030.acf: No such file or directory
Downloading ARK updateExecuting /home/steam/.steam/steamcmd/steamcmd.sh +@NoPromptForPassword 1 +login anonymous +force_install_dir /ark/staging +app_update 376030 +quit
Redirecting stderr to '/home/steam/.steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[ 0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...Warning: failed to init SDL thread priority manager: SDL not found
"@NoPromptForPassword" = "1"
Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
Waiting for user info...OK
Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 8.80 (1135474594 / 12896302610)
Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 13.22 (1704480165 / 12896302610)
Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 15.43 (1990182830 / 12896302610)
Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 83.05 (10710148050 / 12896302610)
Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 85.90 (11077819081 / 12896302610)
Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 98.79 (12740628701 / 12896302610)
Error! App '376030' state is 0x202 after update job.
Update download interrupted
The server is starting...
An update is currently in progress. Start aborted
After doing some searching, state 0x202 actually means out of space. I recommend seeing if you have enough space to install the server.
More info here: GameServerManagers/LinuxGSM#1656
Thanks @catzoo, I suspect that is the case as well. However, I do think the repo’s documentation could be a bit better around common issues like this, so I have added an issue to create an «FAQ» and «Common Issues» section in the repo wiki at some point down the line.
Issue #24
Thanks, that was the reason it woulnt start up.
But now I am having trouble joining from EpicGames Ark. Steam works fine but Epic players cant join.
I added the AM crossplatform flag, but it didnt work.
nvm it just took some time to boot up
View Full Version : «Error! App ‘232250’ state is 0x602 after update job»
06-10-2013, 16:34
So I’m trying to set up a new TF2 server, and for some reason SteamCMD just seems to like popping this error at me, usually when the update process hits exactly 17.36% complete.
After the first time when it stops at 17.36%, I’d re-run the app_update command, and the update would run for all of a few seconds, then pop the error up at me.
I tried Googling the error, but found similar results with different «0x» codes. I couldn’t find any results with the «0x602» code.
What exactly does this mean, and why is it doing this?
06-10-2013, 17:20
Alrighty, well it seems I’ve pinpointed the cause of the issue. I randomly tried running the «steam.sh» file via «./steam.sh», and this is what it printed in my PuTTY window:
./steam.sh: line 64: echo: write error: No space left on deviceAccording to the site where I purchased my dedicated server from (www.ovh.com (http://www.ovh.com), I purchased the dedicated server for $39.99/month), my server comes with a 2x 1TB SATA2 hard drive set up, which means I should have 2TB of space.
So I googled around to find a disk usage command, and found «du -sh». So I tried that in PuTTY, and it replied with «18GB».
I’ve since submitted a customer support ticket to find out what is going on and why/how I’ve apparently used all my disk space thus far, when all I’ve got installed and running are 3 Team Fortress 2 servers.
Also, I’m currently got my TF2 servers set up in the «root» directory, like so: «/root/gameservers/tf2/server1». It prints a warning when I start a server up advising me not to run servers as Root, but I just ignored that. Not sure if there’s no disk space because the «root» directory has a size limit. That could be the issue…
06-10-2013, 17:31
Yep, having everything in the «root» folder is the cause of my issues.
So I’ve used all the space I had in /root/, but I just realized that there is no actual md2 folder, so I’ve contacted OVH support again to see if they can help me figure out how to set up a new designated directory for my gameservers, and properly partition some disk space to that directory.
UPDATE: Problem solved, I looked at that image again and noticed that the 897GB of space is in the /home directory, so I’m moving everything over to /home. OVH Support got back to me a few minutes ago and basically told me the same thing that I figured out by guessing (put the gameserver stuff in the /home directory).
06-10-2013, 18:49
You shouldn’t be running everything as Root anyways. Create a new user and install them there.
06-10-2013, 18:54
You shouldn’t be running everything as Root anyways. Create a new user and install them there.
Yeah, that’s what PuTTY tells me every time I start a server up. Something about not running the servers as «root».
Thing is, I don’t know how to create a user account on my dedi (running Ubuntu 12.04). The last hosting I had before owning this dedi by myself, everything was already set up and I already had my own account.
But hey, if you know how to create a new user account, feel free to send me a link for instructions for Ubuntu 12.04
06-10-2013, 18:59
06-10-2013, 19:19
Beauty! Thank you kindly.
Would you also happen to know how to fix this issue I posted about earlier (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=218042)?
Someone mentioned something about PHPMyAdmin being started in some kind of «safe» mode, but I don’t know how to do what was suggested.
10-10-2013, 21:16
Am having this same issue: «Error! App ‘232250’ state is 0x626 after update job.» — server won’t update (1 out of 7 — the rest updated fine)…have plenty of drive space…..steamcmd is giving me this error and I cannot seem to figure out what to do to fix this.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
12-20-2013, 15:52
I got an error after update (state is 0x602) just like you, but my server is self-hosted and when I checked on my disk’s properties it showed me that it still had half memory avaible. I just rebooted the update by deleting a couple of folders named with alot of numbers and letters,wich weren’t there before the update(probs they were the downloading folders used by steamCMD).
09-26-2014, 19:52
Stop running your servers under «root» (Linux only), and instead use the LMGTFY link posted above to figure out how to make a new user account.
Login to your root account and use your favorite GUI (mine is WinSCP) to migrate your server from your root directory into your new «home/<username>» directory.
That’s what solved this issue for me completely, and has allowed me to host servers for other people (as seen in my sig, I’ve set up user accounts on my box for those two people to manage the servers themselves).
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