Error app 740 state is 0x202 after update job как исправить

Не могу обновить сервер.. ранее раз 15 обновлял севрер и все было как по маслу после сегоднешего обновления... не получается обновить: 1000 раз перепроверил правильность ввода команд. и 1000 раз проверил правильность ввода пути! Steam>app_update 740 validate Update state (0x3) reconfiguring...
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  • #1

Не могу обновить сервер.. ранее раз 15 обновлял севрер и все было как по маслу после сегоднешего обновления… не получается обновить:

1000 раз перепроверил правильность ввода команд. и 1000 раз проверил правильность ввода пути!

Steam>app_update 740 validate
Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0,00 (0 / 0)
Error! App ‘740’ state is 0x202 after update job.

  • Команда форума
  • #2

Место на жестком диске расшарь, либо переустанавливай сервер с нуля

  • #3

Место на жестком диске расшарь, либо переустанавливай сервер с нуля

переустановить — force_install_dir — новую директорию
И ошибка все равно та же…

  • #5

@kollya007, с нуля это типо полностью удалить все файлы.

Зачем полностью, я только vpk удалил.

  • Команда форума
  • #6

переустановить — force_install_dir — новую директорию
И ошибка все равно та же…

Я переустановил полностью и не парился.

  • Команда форума
  • #7

Подниму тему. Кто то знает, почему при валидейте не все впк Файлы качаются?

Я их удалил, решил перекачать, хер там

  • #8

Подниму тему. Кто то знает, почему при валидейте не все впк Файлы качаются?

Я их удалил, решил перекачать, хер там

Временные файлы зависают в /csgo/steamapps/temp/ и downloading/ , посмотрите, может они там застряли

  • Команда форума
  • #9

Временные файлы зависают в /csgo/steamapps/temp/ и downloading/ , посмотрите, может они там застряли


  • #10

Вообще эта ошибка из-за нехватки места, но глупо спрашивать вас об этом. Может прав на запись нет?

  • Команда форума
  • #11

Вообще эта ошибка из-за нехватки места, но глупо спрашивать вас об этом. Может прав на запись нет?

Да в том и дело, что места должно хватать, 3гб свободно. Пришлось удалить все карты и впк. Эта ксго не перестаёт удивлять

  • #12

проблема 100% в том что не хватает места на диске.

  • Команда форума
  • #13

Ну мы это собственно ещё года три назад выяснили.
Чтобы трупы не пинать, тему прикрываю.

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, 17:35


[CentOS] Error! App ‘740’ state is 0x202 after update job.

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I have two very similar servers running on different VPS, one stopped working out of nowhere and I’m unable to validate or update. This is what it looks like:


Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 71.76 (9970874103 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 73.02 (10146019508 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 74.34 (10329975632 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 76.54 (10634480976 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 77.73 (10799672719 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 78.94 (10968286289 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 80.14 (11135051356 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 81.23 (11285937125 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 82.26 (11429820353 / 13894659087)
Error! App ‘740’ state is 0x202 after update job.»

I’ve never had a server stop working like that without an update or anything so I was curious if anyone had something similar. I suspect maybe there’s an HDD issue on the host’s side?

Maybe this can help?


applicationmanager.cpp (1106) : Assertion Failed: Failed to write app state file /home/steam/servers/2/steamapps/appmanifest_740.acf
applicationmanager.cpp (861) : Assertion Failed: m_bStateChangesSavedToDisk

After deleting the steamapps folder there is no more error and it now downloading, something was probably corrupted but I am now getting:


Steam>app_update 740 validate
Update state (0x1) running, progress: 100.00 (6540282208 / 654028220
Error! App ‘740’ state is 0x602 after update job.


Last edited by SOBgaming; 02-06-2017 at 18:17.

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, 18:30


Re: [CentOS] Error! App ‘740’ state is 0x202 after update job.

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This is typically a symptom of a full disk.
Do a df -H and see what the disk space is.


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, 18:34


Re: [CentOS] Error! App ‘740’ state is 0x202 after update job.

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Originally Posted by Maxximou5
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This is typically a symptom of a full disk.
Do a df -H and see what the disk space is.

Yeah I thought the same but:


Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/xvda2 99G 88G 6.1G 94% /
devtmpfs 486M 0 486M 0% /dev
tmpfs 495M 3.1M 492M 1% /dev/shm
tmpfs 495M 13M 482M 3% /run
tmpfs 495M 0 495M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/xvda1 190M 166M 15M 93% /boot
tmpfs 99M 0 99M 0% /run/user/1000
tmpfs 99M 0 99M 0% /run/user/0

It’s short but there’s enough…


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, 18:36


Re: [CentOS] Error! App ‘740’ state is 0x202 after update job.

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Clear out some space, try again, and let us know how it works!


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, 18:58


Re: [CentOS] Error! App ‘740’ state is 0x202 after update job.

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Originally Posted by blackhawk74
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Clear out some space, try again, and let us know how it works!

Still getting the same error
And srcds_run disapeared again… Very weird.


Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/xvda2 99G 43G 51G 46% /
devtmpfs 486M 0 486M 0% /dev
tmpfs 495M 1.0M 494M 1% /dev/shm
tmpfs 495M 13M 482M 3% /run
tmpfs 495M 0 495M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/xvda1 190M 166M 15M 93% /boot
tmpfs 99M 0 99M 0% /run/user/1000
tmpfs 99M 0 99M 0% /run/user/0


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, 19:06


Re: [CentOS] Error! App ‘740’ state is 0x202 after update job.

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It may be a CentOS issue, I’ve run into something similiar before and have not since switch back and stayed on Debian.
That may be a deal breaker for you. If you already have one server installed, just do a cp -R of that server and you’re good to go.


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, 19:28


Re: [CentOS] Error! App ‘740’ state is 0x202 after update job.

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Originally Posted by Maxximou5
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It may be a CentOS issue, I’ve run into something similiar before and have not since switch back and stayed on Debian.
That may be a deal breaker for you. If you already have one server installed, just do a cp -R of that server and you’re good to go.

No idea how it could be fixed without doing that?


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, 19:31


Re: [CentOS] Error! App ‘740’ state is 0x202 after update job.

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Doing which part exactly? The switching to Debian or copying the server?
You could always setup a server and upload, create it on another server and transfer it over.
Not exactly sure why this error is occurring, as it tends be related to disk space but since that isnt the case… Weird.
I would check the permissions once again for the folders, user access, and making sure it’s not run as root.

  • Make sure you’re not running it as ROOT
  • You’ve created a new user that isn’t shell restricted
  • You have enough space on the disk
  • You’ve rebooted the server since your last try


Last edited by Maxximou5; 02-06-2017 at 20:13.

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, 20:15


Re: [CentOS] Error! App ‘740’ state is 0x202 after update job.

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Originally Posted by Maxximou5
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Doing which part exactly? The switching to Debian or copying the server?
You could always setup a server and upload, create it on another server and transfer it over.
Not exactly sure why this error is occurring, as it tends be related to disk space but since that isnt the case… Weird.
I would check the permissions once again for the folders, user access, and making sure it’s not run as root.

  • Make sure you’re not running it as ROOT
  • You’ve created a new user that isn’t shell restricted
  • You have enough space on the disk
  • You’ve rebooted the server since your last try

Yup did all of the above, tried both with and without root, chmod’d everything, made a bunch of space, rebooted, the user shouldn’t be shell restricted (how to verify?) and they say the drive should have no issues.


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, 20:19


Re: [CentOS] Error! App ‘740’ state is 0x202 after update job.

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All the threads and pages I’ve looked into result in it being solved by one of those checks.
This is truly bizarre, I might be missing something simple, but really have no ideas left beyond moving to another distro.
Have you tried doing this with LGSM?


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Отправлено 03 Май 2018 — 10:37

При загрузки CS:GO, выдает ошибку: 

Error! App '740' state is 0x2 after update job.


Как бороться с этим ?

Сообщение отредактировал theSHENDER: 03 Май 2018 — 11:56

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Отправлено 03 Май 2018 — 15:09

А если «app_update 740 validate»?

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Отправлено 04 Май 2018 — 14:26

А если «app_update 740 validate»?

А разница? validate — это проверка целостности приложения. 

Проблема решена.  :huh:

Нужно отключить брандмауэр

service iptables stop && chkconfig iptables off

Сообщение отредактировал theSHENDER: 04 Май 2018 — 14:27

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Отправлено 04 Май 2018 — 16:37

А может правила не нужно добавлять какие попало? Потому что с фаерволом никогда таких проблем не было.

  • Наверх



Отправлено 04 Май 2018 — 17:11

А разница? validate — это проверка целостности приложения. 

Проблема решена.  :huh:

Нужно отключить брандмауэр

service iptables stop && chkconfig iptables off

Это не решение. Это уборка костылей обратно на полку

  • Наверх



Отправлено 01 Июнь 2018 — 10:43

Это не решение. Это уборка костылей обратно на полку

А какого будет решение ?
Также столкнулся с этой бедой и в интернете не нашел ответа в чеМ причина :(

  • Наверх



Отправлено 01 Июнь 2018 — 16:55

А какого будет решение ?
Также столкнулся с этой бедой и в интернете не нашел ответа в чеМ причина :(

причина в том, что не нужно делать того, чего не знаешь и правил всяких писать если не знаешь для чего они

  • Наверх



Отправлено 02 Июнь 2018 — 9:07

причина в том, что не нужно делать того, чего не знаешь и правил всяких писать если не знаешь для чего они


Вообщем проблема связана с загруженностью серверов стим. 

Попробовал рано утром и всё как по маслу встало. Ничего с файрволом делать не нужно и правил (тем более когда не знаешь, что они делают) никаких писать не нужно.

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Отправлено 01 Август 2018 — 15:22


Вообщем проблема связана с загруженностью серверов стим. 

Попробовал рано утром и всё как по маслу встало. Ничего с файрволом делать не нужно и правил (тем более когда не знаешь, что они делают) никаких писать не нужно.

Та же проблема , но уже с установкой css 

Никаких правил и запретов iptables нет . Всё с 0

Установила нужные библиотеки и всё.

Ставила сервер css на других хостингах много раз и всегда это занимало считанные минуты, решила поставить сервер на myarena , долбаюсь второй день .

Вот что ответила тех.поддержка через 5 часов 

wget https://steamcdn-a.a…md_linux.tar.gz —no-check-certificate
wget https://steamcdn-a.a…md_linux.tar.gz

Но даже после того как скачала и запустила steam cmd войти не удалось ни под  anonymous , ни под своим логином -паролем .Пишет :

opensslconnection.cpp (1490) : Assertion Failed : unableto load trusted SSL root certificate

Кто то сталкивался с таким вот на vds myarena ?

PS.Решение нашла. Может кому то пригодится :

apt-get install —reinstall ca-certificates

Сообщение отредактировал Милена1488: 01 Август 2018 — 16:20

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Отправлено 01 Август 2018 — 21:09

Как по мне так проще пу установить, и с нее ставить.

  • Наверх


  1. 0x202 after update job
  2. 0x202 after update job
  3. 0x202 after update job
  4. Name already in use
  5. LinuxGSM-Docs / steamcmd /

0x202 after update job

When I try to install a server for garry’s mod i get this error in the SteamCMD

Login as anonymous instead.

Login as anonymous instead.

Tried that, still does not work. what should i do now?

Tried that, still does not work. what should i do now?

Can you explain how it doesn’t work?

Can you explain how it doesn’t work?

it shows the same error

Doesn’t make sense, because I just tested it myself and it’s working fine.

it shows the same error

Doesn’t make sense, because I just tested it myself and it’s working fine.

Mine says ERROR! Failed to install app ‘4020’ (Disk write failure)

Mine says ERROR! Failed to install app ‘4020’ (Disk write failure)

Mine says ERROR! Failed to install app ‘4020’ (Disk write failure)

Make sure you have access to where you are trying to install your server. Try running SteamCMD as administrator (right click and select run as administrator) or try installing some where differnt that you are sure you have access to, like your desktop. I cant remember the problem i had but i hope this helps 🙂

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public. Logged in OK
Waiting for user info. OK

Steam>app_update 4020
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 0.66 (25683068 / 3881893441)
Error! App ‘4020’ state is 0x202 after update job.

mine dosent work

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public. Logged in OK
Waiting for user info. OK

Steam>app_update 4020
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 0.66 (25683068 / 3881893441)
Error! App ‘4020’ state is 0x202 after update job.

Mine says ERROR! Failed to install app ‘4020’ (Disk write failure)

Make sure you have access to where you are trying to install your server. Try running SteamCMD as administrator (right click and select run as administrator) or try installing some where differnt that you are sure you have access to, like your desktop. I cant remember the problem i had but i hope this helps 🙂


0x202 after update job

I have two very similar servers running on different VPS, one stopped working out of nowhere and I’m unable to validate or update. This is what it looks like:

Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 71.76 (9970874103 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 73.02 (10146019508 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 74.34 (10329975632 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 76.54 (10634480976 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 77.73 (10799672719 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 78.94 (10968286289 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 80.14 (11135051356 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 81.23 (11285937125 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 82.26 (11429820353 / 13894659087)
Error! App ‘740’ state is 0x202 after update job.»

I’ve never had a server stop working like that without an update or anything so I was curious if anyone had something similar. I suspect maybe there’s an HDD issue on the host’s side?

Maybe this can help?

applicationmanager.cpp (1106) : Assertion Failed: Failed to write app state file /home/steam/servers/2/steamapps/appmanifest_740.acf
applicationmanager.cpp (861) : Assertion Failed: m_bStateChangesSavedToDisk

After deleting the steamapps folder there is no more error and it now downloading, something was probably corrupted but I am now getting:


0x202 after update job

I have two very similar servers running on different VPS, one stopped working out of nowhere and I’m unable to validate or update. This is what it looks like:

Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 71.76 (9970874103 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 73.02 (10146019508 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 74.34 (10329975632 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 76.54 (10634480976 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 77.73 (10799672719 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 78.94 (10968286289 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 80.14 (11135051356 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 81.23 (11285937125 / 13894659087)
Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 82.26 (11429820353 / 13894659087)
Error! App ‘740’ state is 0x202 after update job.»
I’ve never had a server stop working like that without an update or anything so I was curious if anyone had something similar. I suspect maybe there’s an HDD issue on the host’s side?

Maybe this can help?

applicationmanager.cpp (1106) : Assertion Failed: Failed to write app state file /home/steam/servers/2/steamapps/appmanifest_740.acf
applicationmanager.cpp (861) : Assertion Failed: m_bStateChangesSavedToDisk

After deleting the steamapps folder there is no more error and it now downloading, something was probably corrupted but I am now getting:

Steam>app_update 740 validate
Update state (0x1) running, progress: 100.00 (6540282208 / 6540282208)
Error! App ‘740’ state is 0x602 after update job.


Name already in use

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SteamCMD can sometimes output errors when something goes wrong. Sadly Valve has never released an official list of what the error messages mean. Because of this, a lot of guesswork has been needed to figure it out. This page will highlight what we already know and info on researching what the error might mean in the hope that you can contribute to understanding SteamCMD errors.

SteamCMD uses hexadecimal numbers to give its current «state». Every time SteamCMD does something it changes its state. When SteamCMD fails it will output its has hexadecimal state, for example 0x202 .

Seems to affect HLDS based servers. Running again often fixes the issue

Reason Error! App ’90’ state is 0x10E after update job.
Hex 0x10E Reason
Decimal/StateFlags 270 Hex

Not enough disk space.

Reason Not enough disk quota
Hex 0x202
Decimal/StateFlags 514

<% hint style=»info» %>Unknown error, if you have any details please let us know

Hex 0x206
Decimal/StateFlags 518

<% hint style=»warning» %>Missing content_log.txt if you have experienced this error and have a log please let us know.

Not enough disk space.

​Title ​Title
Reason ​Not enough disk space
Hex 0x212
Decimal/StateFlags 530

Connection issue with steam, you will need to wait for the steam servers to recover.

Reason Connection issue
Hex 0x402
Decimal/StateFlags 1026

<% hint style=»warning» %>Missing content_log.txt if you have experienced this error and have a log please let us know.

<% hint style=»info» %>Unknown error, if you have any details please let us know

Hex 0x602
Decimal/StateFlags 1538

<% hint style=»warning» %>Missing content_log.txt if you have experienced this error and have a log please let us know.

SteamCMD is unable to write to the disk. Normally caused by permissions issues. This issue was discovered when a directory that was linked using symlink did not have the correct permissions to allow SteamCMD to write to it.

Reason Disk write failure
Hex 0x606
Decimal/StateFlags 1542
Hex 0x2
Decimal/StateFlags 2

<% hint style=»warning» %>Missing content_log.txt if you have it please let us know.

No connection to content servers.

Reason No connection to content servers
Reason 2 Received 401 (Unauthorized) HTTP response for depot 11
Hex 0x6
Decimal/StateFlags 6

To get more info and output see the SteamCMD logs in

/.steam/logs . The most useful log is content_log.txt that will provide more information on errors.

<% hint style=»success» %>If you have experienced an error we don’t have logs for please provide them to us to assist in diagnosing the issue.

SteamCMD Hex Codes

SteamCMD uses hex error codes such as 0x202 which can be converted into decimal 514 . You can use a hex-to-decimal converter to do this. Using the table below you can work out the status messages. By doing a calculation. Find the highest number below the state 512 which is the first error. Then take the number away from the total 514-512=2 which gives you the last error. This can be done for any error

512 StateUpdateRunning , 2 StateUpdateRequired

StateUninstalled 1
StateUpdateRequired 2
StateFullyInstalled 4
StateEncrypted 8
StateLocked 16
StateFilesMissing 32
StateAppRunning 64
StateFilesCorrupt 128
StateUpdateRunning 256
StateUpdateRunning 512
StateUpdateStarted 1024
StateUninstalling 2048
StateBackupRunning 4096
StateReconfiguring 65536
StateValidating 131072
StateAddingFiles 262144
StatePreallocating 524288
StateDownloading 1048576
StateStaging 2097152
StateCommitting 4194304
StateUpdateStopping 8388608

This table is from 2015 and is probably outdated now but it’s the best we currently have.

ulimit SteamCMD startup error

Some users may get a ulimit error (no permission/cannot open file) while SteamCMD is starting up. This error caused by a low setting of the -n parameter (number of file descriptors) of ulimit. Some servers forbid increasing ulimit values after startup (or beyond a limit set by root). This can be fixed by changing the file descriptor number ulimit:

ERROR! Failed to install app » (No subscription)

The Steam account being used does not have a license for the required game.

ERROR! Password check for AppId returned error Failure.

The password for the branch is incorrect.

[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.

Ignore the error, do not do anything to attempt to fix it. It is a known error that has appeared ever since SteamPipe was introduced. It does not cause any issues and can be ignored.

Loading Steam API. Failed to init SDL priority manager: SDL not found

Ignore the error, do not do anything to attempt to fix it. It does not cause any issues and can be ignored.

CWorkThreadPool: work processing queue not empty: 2 items discarded.

Ignore the error, do not do anything to attempt to fix it. It does not cause any issues and can be ignored.

Failed to set thread priority: per-thread setup failed

Ignore the error, do not do anything to attempt to fix it. It does not cause any issues and can be ignored.



  • 1 FAQs and Common Problems
    • 1.1 SteamUpdater: Error Problem
    • 1.2 SteamCMD always quit at startup
    • 1.3 I was able to download or update the server package with SteamCMD, but the server fails to start
    • 1.4 Clients cannot connect to the server. They receive the error «Failed to get session data.»
    • 1.5 How do I determine whether a change I want to make should be done in autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, or gamemodes_server.txt?
    • 1.6 Maxplayers doesn’t work/is overridden
    • 1.7 If the player count reaches around 25, no new players can connect to the server.
    • 1.8 The info on the client in-game connecting screen is incorrect
    • 1.9 My server has a password set and should be private, but once one player joins, the server fills up from lobby connections.
    • 1.10 How do I force the server to reload gamemodes_server.txt after the server has started?
    • 1.11 How can I run multiple/different server instances from a single install?
    • 1.12 Problems with SourceMod/Metamod
    • 1.13 sv_consistency reports models as not allowed
    • 1.14 round_end lag
    • 1.15 mp_autoteambalance 0
    • 1.16 Enabling Killcams
    • 1.17 Disabling MOTD
    • 1.18 Updating/Downloading CS:GO Dedicated server
    • 1.19 players switching teams adds bots
    • 1.20 Weapon Progression
    • 1.21 wrong user count or population displayed in server browsers
    • 1.22 weapon_revolver does not work with mp default_secondary cvars
    • 1.23 some people behind smoke are visible on radar when using -nobots launch parameter
    • 1.24 Disconnect: #GameUI_Disconnect_DeltaEntMessage when connecting to servers with more than around 1500 edicts
    • 1.25 bracket mismatch in the included gamemodes_server.txt.example file
    • 1.26 Blank map in server browser with GOTV and hibernation

FAQs and Common Problems

SteamUpdater: Error Problem

Sometimes you may encounter such problem on some machines which have incorrect config of Internet Explorer.

Please tick Automatically detect settings in LAN tab of Internet Explorer Options on your operating system.

SteamCMD always quit at startup

Please refer to the above one SteamUpdater: Error Problem.This is often caused by incorrect IE settings.

I was able to download or update the server package with SteamCMD, but the server fails to start

Common causes:

  • On some Linux distributions the path cannot contain any capital letters.

Clients cannot connect to the server. They receive the error «Failed to get session data.»

This is probably caused by specifying an invalid map group in the startup command line. E.g., the August 10, 2012 update removed the «mg_allclassics» mapgroup. Changing it to a valid map group, e.g. mg_active, may fix the problem.

How do I determine whether a change I want to make should be done in autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, or gamemodes_server.txt?

This is where the gamemodes.txt (not gamemodes_server.txt) comes into play. Look for the value you want to change, and if it exists in this file, then make the override in gamemodes_server.txt (pay attention to hierarchy and syntax!!!). Otherwise, most other changes should be done in server.cfg.

Maxplayers doesn’t work/is overridden

  • Starting with the August 14 update, Valve heard the cries of its people and added a -maxplayers_override command line argument that overrides any other definitions of maxplayers. And there was much rejoicing.

Progression of maxplayers configuration through the beta:

  • In the beginning (pre-CS:GO), Valve created the +maxplayers command line argument. This generally allowed game server providers to set a value that couldn’t be overridden by server operators through config files (and thus gaining access to more player slots than they paid for). Valve and GSPs saw that it was good.
  • [Is this correct?] Then, Valve created CS:GO and removed +maxplayers from the command line. Thus Valve saith: «No longer shall you set maxplayers through the command line. In its stead, I have created the maxplayers convar in gamemodes.txt. You shall define maxplayers in gamemodes_server.txt as so:»
              maxplayers      "24"

As this now allowed server operators to easily set maxplayers from a generic and easily-editable text file, GSPs grew concerned. There was wailing and gnashing of teeth.

  • Beginning with the [August 10?] update, Valve again moved the location of maxplayers again. While it was still in gamemodes/gamemodes_server.txt, it was moved one level up and out of the convars section, i.e.:
           maxplayers      "24"

If the player count reaches around 25, no new players can connect to the server.

Seems to be a bug. Is it a map problem?

The info on the client in-game connecting screen is incorrect

Seems there might be a way to customize the info displayed here (UI sections in gamemodes.txt/gamemodes_server.txt). Does anyone know how?

My server has a password set and should be private, but once one player joins, the server fills up from lobby connections.

Bug. As a workaround, de-list your server from matchmaking with the convar sv_steamgroup_exclusive 1.

How do I force the server to reload gamemodes_server.txt after the server has started?

This may currently not be possible without restarting the server.

How can I run multiple/different server instances from a single install?

The -gamemodes_serverfile command line parameter allows specifying a file other than the default gamemodes_server.txt.

Problems with SourceMod/Metamod

See this thread.

sv_consistency reports models as not allowed

-Simply set sv_consistency to 0 for now.

round_end lag

Most noticeable when the round_end is triggered by all players dead
Apparently setting srcds to run on just 1 core fixes this problem, however this is unconfirmed since I have the same problem on a single core.
I quote: I just tested this over and over again , and came to the result that affinity affects csgo server ( I have also windows 2008 R2 , my virtual machine). With affinity enabled to one of the 4 cores , I didn’t notice any round end lag , compared to when It was before , with all cores enabled.

mp_autoteambalance 0

If you start a server with mp_autoteambalance 0, bots will not join and you will get an error that says the game is full when you try to add them. Also only 1 person can join per team. If a 3rd player trys to join a team they get a team is full message for both teams when trying to join. Just started after the May 21st update.

Enabling Killcams

If you want to enable killcams, GOTV must be enabled (run server with -hltv +tv_enable 1). Then make sure spec_replay_enable is set to 1. Killcams won’t work with bots, nor on competitive.

Disabling MOTD

To disable MOTD, simply delete motd.txt in csgo folder.

Updating/Downloading CS:GO Dedicated server

When running «app_update 740» or «app_update 740 validate» you get the following error.
App state (0x10102) reconfiguring, progress: -nan (0 / 0)
Error! App '740' state is 0x1 after update job.
Use the force_install_dir command then retry.
In case you receive the following error after a successful account login when running «app_update 740» on linux:
ERROR! Failed to request AppInfo update, not online or not logged in to Steam.
Remove/rename the «Steam» directory from the current user accounts home folder and re-run steamcmd.

players switching teams adds bots

In Arms Race, no matter if bot_quota is 0 or what bot_quota_mode is set to, when anyone changes teams it will add 1 to bot_quota and add a bot. On some servers, if someone switches teams back and forth quickly it will crash the server. This can happen in classic mode during warm up too.
Sylwester over at has created a SourceMod plugin to resolve this issue. I have tested and verified that it does work.
— CSGO fast respawn system is using bot add commands, Valve need fix this. Here is SourceMod plugin for stop it. [ — CS:GO bug fix — bot add jointeam], alternative source [GitHub] —Bacardi 20:32, 5 April 2020 (UTC)

Weapon Progression

Changing the weapon progression in the gamemodes_server.txt file will not change the weapon progression. You have to also remove this section from the gamemodes.txt file for the changes in gamemodes_server.txt to take affect.

wrong user count or population displayed in server browsers

disable bots or host_info_show 2 should fix?

weapon_revolver does not work with mp default_secondary cvars

some people behind smoke are visible on radar when using -nobots launch parameter

Disconnect: #GameUI_Disconnect_DeltaEntMessage when connecting to servers with more than around 1500 edicts

Since an update on April 29 2015, when a player tries to join a server with more than around 1500 edicts present, they will be disconnected from the server with this message. Keeping the amount of edicts (entities like props, weapons, etc) below 1500 will prevent this bug from occuring.
This bug was reported on Valve’s csgo-osx-linux github repository some time ago.

bracket mismatch in the included gamemodes_server.txt.example file

Delete file gamemodes_server.txt.example and update server (or game again), you get new, fixed file. —Bacardi 08:46, 6 April 2020 (UTC)

Blank map in server browser with GOTV and hibernation

A server using GOTV and hibernation will not show the current map in the server browser. Not using hibernation is the only known work around.


  1. App update 740 error
  2. App update 740 error
  3. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Dedicated Servers Known Issues
  4. Contents
  5. FAQs and Common Problems
  6. SteamUpdater: Error Problem
  7. SteamCMD always quit at startup
  8. I was able to download or update the server package with SteamCMD, but the server fails to start
  9. Clients cannot connect to the server. They receive the error «Failed to get session data.»
  10. How do I determine whether a change I want to make should be done in autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, or gamemodes_server.txt?
  11. Maxplayers doesn’t work/is overridden
  12. If the player count reaches around 25, no new players can connect to the server.
  13. The info on the client in-game connecting screen is incorrect
  14. My server has a password set and should be private, but once one player joins, the server fills up from lobby connections.
  15. How do I force the server to reload gamemodes_server.txt after the server has started?
  16. (VDS) Ошибка при загрузки CS:GO
  17. #1 theSHENDER
  18. #2 ykpon
  19. #3 theSHENDER
  20. #4 ykpon
  21. #5 Santiago
  22. #6 JustFun
  23. #7 Santiago
  24. #8 JustFun
  25. #9 Милена1488
  26. #10 Nekro

App update 740 error

Hi folks. I’ve always had issues updating my csgo dedicated server. Once an update is pushed and server needs updated, I have never been able to do the «app_update 740». I’ve always been forced to remove entire directory and redownload through steamCMD. That’s not really an issue, but the last update I have not been able to complete the download. I get this error:

Error! App ‘740’ state is 0x402 after update job.

The error stops at 93.47 percent every single attempt.

I attempted the download on a different server with no issues so it has to be specific to my server.

Make sure the Steam Client is not running when you run SteamCMD.
Make sure your anti-malware protection system is disabled when you run SteamCMD.
Try and log into an account that owns the game through SteamCMD.

Issue command:
app_update 740 validate

app_info 740
app_state 740

in order to view detailed information.

Since 93.47% is at the later part of the update download process (i am guessing you don’t mean it stops at 93.47% commit) it is most possibly downloading the main executable binary files.


App update 740 error

I encountered an error when I installed the csgo server on Linux (CentOS).

These are the commands I entered on «steamcmd»:

Steam>app_update 740 validate

ERROR! Failed to install app ‘740’ (Disk write failure)

I log in with root

I guarantee that «/root/csgoserver» exists.

I had chomd 777 /root/csgoserver

I had chmod 777

I have enough space to install it.

I would appreciate it if that you could hlep me.

I encountered an error when I installed the csgo server on Linux (CentOS).

These are the commands I entered on «steamcmd»:

Steam>app_update 740 validate

ERROR! Failed to install app ‘740’ (Disk write failure)

I log in with root

I guarantee that «/root/csgoserver» exists.

I had chomd 777 /root/csgoserver

I had chmod 777

I have enough space to install it.

I would appreciate it if that you could hlep me.

It’s a bug out there. So you can’t use force_install

If you make the server just inside steamcmd folder that won’t be a problem then you can move that folder to the CSGOserver

You have to write the full path starting from your drive’s letter

thank for your help

but Linux has no drive letter.

I log in with root,so the path is /root/csgoserver

I encountered an error when I installed the csgo server on Linux (CentOS).

These are the commands I entered on «steamcmd»:

Steam>app_update 740 validate

ERROR! Failed to install app ‘740’ (Disk write failure)

I log in with root

I guarantee that «/root/csgoserver» exists.

I had chomd 777 /root/csgoserver

I had chmod 777

I have enough space to install it.

I would appreciate it if that you could hlep me.

It’s a bug out there. So you can’t use force_install

If you make the server just inside steamcmd folder that won’t be a problem then you can move that folder to the CSGOserver

I encountered an error when I installed the csgo server on Linux (CentOS).

These are the commands I entered on «steamcmd»:

Steam>app_update 740 validate

ERROR! Failed to install app ‘740’ (Disk write failure)

I log in with root

I guarantee that «/root/csgoserver» exists.

I had chomd 777 /root/csgoserver

I had chmod 777

I have enough space to install it.

I would appreciate it if that you could hlep me.

It’s a bug out there. So you can’t use force_install

If you make the server just inside steamcmd folder that won’t be a problem then you can move that folder to the CSGOserver


Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Dedicated Servers Known Issues


FAQs and Common Problems

SteamUpdater: Error Problem

Sometimes you may encounter such problem on some machines which have incorrect config of Internet Explorer.

Please tick Automatically detect settings in LAN tab of Internet Explorer Options on your operating system.

SteamCMD always quit at startup

Please refer to the above one SteamUpdater: Error Problem.This is often caused by incorrect IE settings.

I was able to download or update the server package with SteamCMD, but the server fails to start

  • On some Linux distributions the path cannot contain any capital letters.

Clients cannot connect to the server. They receive the error «Failed to get session data.»

This is probably caused by specifying an invalid map group in the startup command line. E.g., the August 10, 2012 update removed the «mg_allclassics» mapgroup. Changing it to a valid map group, e.g. mg_active, may fix the problem.

How do I determine whether a change I want to make should be done in autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, or gamemodes_server.txt?

This is where the gamemodes.txt (not gamemodes_server.txt) comes into play. Look for the value you want to change, and if it exists in this file, then make the override in gamemodes_server.txt (pay attention to hierarchy and syntax. ). Otherwise, most other changes should be done in server.cfg.

Maxplayers doesn’t work/is overridden

  • Starting with the August 14 update, Valve heard the cries of its people and added a -maxplayers_override command line argument that overrides any other definitions of maxplayers. And there was much rejoicing.

Progression of maxplayers configuration through the beta:

  • In the beginning (pre-CS:GO), Valve created the +maxplayers command line argument. This generally allowed game server providers to set a value that couldn’t be overridden by server operators through config files (and thus gaining access to more player slots than they paid for). Valve and GSPs saw that it was good.
  • [Is this correct?] Then, Valve created CS:GO and removed +maxplayers from the command line. Thus Valve saith: «No longer shall you set maxplayers through the command line. In its stead, I have created the maxplayers convar in gamemodes.txt. You shall define maxplayers in gamemodes_server.txt as so:»

As this now allowed server operators to easily set maxplayers from a generic and easily-editable text file, GSPs grew concerned. There was wailing and gnashing of teeth.

  • Beginning with the [August 10?] update, Valve again moved the location of maxplayers again. While it was still in gamemodes/gamemodes_server.txt, it was moved one level up and out of the convars section, i.e.:

If the player count reaches around 25, no new players can connect to the server.

Seems to be a bug. Is it a map problem?

The info on the client in-game connecting screen is incorrect

Seems there might be a way to customize the info displayed here (UI sections in gamemodes.txt/gamemodes_server.txt). Does anyone know how?

My server has a password set and should be private, but once one player joins, the server fills up from lobby connections.

Bug. As a workaround, de-list your server from matchmaking with the convar sv_steamgroup_exclusive 1.

How do I force the server to reload gamemodes_server.txt after the server has started?

This may currently not be possible without restarting the server.


(VDS) Ошибка при загрузки CS:GO


  • Пользователь
  • 9 сообщений
  • При загрузки CS:GO, выдает ошибку:

    Как бороться с этим ?

    Сообщение отредактировал theSHENDER: 03 Май 2018 — 11:56

    #2 ykpon

  • Пользователь
  • 4 026 сообщений
  • А если «app_update 740 validate»?

    #3 theSHENDER

  • Пользователь
  • 9 сообщений
  • А если «app_update 740 validate»?

    А разница? validate — это проверка целостности приложения.

    Проблема решена.

    Нужно отключить брандмауэр

    service iptables stop && chkconfig iptables off

    Сообщение отредактировал theSHENDER: 04 Май 2018 — 14:27

    #4 ykpon

  • Пользователь
  • 4 026 сообщений
  • А может правила не нужно добавлять какие попало? Потому что с фаерволом никогда таких проблем не было.

    #5 Santiago

  • Пользователь
  • 5 052 сообщений
  • А разница? validate — это проверка целостности приложения.

    Проблема решена.

    Нужно отключить брандмауэр

    service iptables stop && chkconfig iptables off

    Это не решение. Это уборка костылей обратно на полку

    #6 JustFun

  • Пользователь
  • 57 сообщений
  • Это не решение. Это уборка костылей обратно на полку

    #7 Santiago

  • Пользователь
  • 5 052 сообщений
  • А какого будет решение ?
    Также столкнулся с этой бедой и в интернете не нашел ответа в чеМ причина

    причина в том, что не нужно делать того, чего не знаешь и правил всяких писать если не знаешь для чего они

    #8 JustFun

  • Пользователь
  • 57 сообщений
  • причина в том, что не нужно делать того, чего не знаешь и правил всяких писать если не знаешь для чего они

    Вообщем проблема связана с загруженностью серверов стим.

    Попробовал рано утром и всё как по маслу встало. Ничего с файрволом делать не нужно и правил (тем более когда не знаешь, что они делают) никаких писать не нужно.

    #9 Милена1488

  • Пользователь
  • 1 сообщений
  • Вообщем проблема связана с загруженностью серверов стим.

    Попробовал рано утром и всё как по маслу встало. Ничего с файрволом делать не нужно и правил (тем более когда не знаешь, что они делают) никаких писать не нужно.

    Та же проблема , но уже с установкой css

    Никаких правил и запретов iptables нет . Всё с 0

    Установила нужные библиотеки и всё.

    Ставила сервер css на других хостингах много раз и всегда это занимало считанные минуты, решила поставить сервер на myarena , долбаюсь второй день .

    Вот что ответила тех.поддержка через 5 часов

    Но даже после того как скачала и запустила steam cmd войти не удалось ни под anonymous , ни под своим логином -паролем .Пишет :

    opensslconnection.cpp (1490) : Assertion Failed : unableto load trusted SSL root certificate

    Кто то сталкивался с таким вот на vds myarena ?

    PS.Решение нашла. Может кому то пригодится :

    apt-get install —reinstall ca-certificates

    Сообщение отредактировал Милена1488: 01 Август 2018 — 16:20

    #10 Nekro

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    Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Error app 4020 state is 0x602 after update job
  • Error app 4020 state is 0x402 after update job
  • Error app 4020 state is 0x202 after update job
  • Error app 376030 state is 0x602 after update job
  • Error app 258550 state is 0x602 after update job