Error c2144 syntax error void should be preceded by

I have a simple typedef like this:
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  • I have a simple typedef like this:

    typedef void* OurVar;

    I know this has worked in other projects, but in this one I am currently working on, when the compiler comes across this I see

    error C2144: syntax error : ‘void’ should be preceded by ‘;’

    error C4430: missing type specifier — int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int

    I am not sure where to even look.  This is happening with other typedef’s as well.


  • The error is certainly in the code just above this line.

    • Marked as answer by

      Wednesday, April 11, 2012 11:08 PM

  • On 4/11/2012 2:17 PM, msnhelpsme wrote:

    In other words, I want VS’s path from first include file to the one giving the error.

    I’m not sure what you want, but see if this helps: Project | Properties | C/C++ | Advanced | Show Includes = Yes

    Igor Tandetnik

    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, April 11, 2012 11:07 PM

Compiling a file that uses OpenGL with Visual C++, when I try to include the gl.h header file I get about 150 unhelpful compile errors:

error C2144: syntax error : ‘void’ should be preceded by ‘;’

error C4430: missing type specifier — int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int

error C2146: syntax error : missing ‘;’ before identifier ‘glAccum’


asked Jan 10, 2009 at 2:24

batty's user avatar

Just #include <windows.h> before <gl/gl.h> or <gl/glu.h>.
It is needed for some types, such as WINGDIAPI and APIENTRY.

ChrisN's user avatar


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answered Jan 10, 2009 at 5:58

starmole's user avatar


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Sounds like you’re including a C header inside a C++ project. Try enclosing your include statement inside:

extern "C" {
#include "gl.h"

answered Jan 10, 2009 at 2:37

Ates Goral's user avatar

Ates GoralAtes Goral

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if you use visual c++, make sure you already have the opengl library.
use #include <windows.h> before the #include <GL/gl.h>
and if you use #include <glut.h> in your program make sure you are not type like this
#include <GL/glut.h>, if you type like that it can be error «GL/glut.h no such file or directory»

answered Dec 25, 2011 at 12:12

rain's user avatar

The first possibility to consider is that the compiler’s messages are actually right. Surely there were line numbers included in those error messages, so have you looked at the offending lines, and some of the lines preceding them, to try to identify what might really be the cause?

Were there any other messages that came before the ones you’ve cited? (A missing header, for instance?) Always start addressing compiler messages from the first one; later ones are sometimes just side effects caused by that.

Can you reproduce the problem in a simple project? Is it enough to just write #include <gl.h> in an otherwise empty file and try to compile it? Or is there more about this source code that causes the error to occur?

Remember that you’re the one here with access to your code; the questions I’m asking above are the sorts of things you need to consider since you can’t always have someone else debug your code for you.

answered Jan 10, 2009 at 5:50

Rob Kennedy's user avatar

Rob KennedyRob Kennedy

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Hey I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and I want to learn openGL

I have openGL include files in
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindowsv7.0AIncludegl
lib files
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindowsv7.0ALib

and opengl32.dll in windows system32 directory.

But when I #include <glGL.h> I instantly get heaps of errors.

Some of the errors include;

Error	1	error C2144: syntax error : 'void' should be preceded by ';'
Error	2	error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int	
Error	3	error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'glAccum'	
Error	4	error C2182: 'APIENTRY' : illegal use of type 'void'	
Error	5	error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
Error	6	error C2144: syntax error : 'void' should be preceded by ';'

What am I doing wrong?

Please provide a minimal example.

What do you mean?

Linking libraries. Project->Settings. Select link tab. In the Objectlibraries field, type either of
these: For Microsoft’s OpenGL: opengl32.lib glu32.lib glut32.lib.

If u are already using glut.h
Comment out the line #include <GLgl.h>. The header file glut.h includes gl.h.

Topic archived. No new replies allowed.

Hi guys,

i have a small question. I have my project and I have I90ControllerDlg.cpp.This is you can say my main. I have another .cpp file called multipoletutorial.cpp that I added to my project tree. I already compile it and everything is ok, so it is compiling the multipoletutorial.cpp file. Now in this file I have a function void cica (void). I tried to call this function in my main program, after I declare it at the begining. When calling it, I set a breackpoint so I can go inside to see what is happening …but it seems that the program when debuging it «changes» automatically the position of the  breackpoint to the next line. So I can never go inside.

I will post  multipoletutorila.cpp file.

In my main file I wrote like this at the begining of the program

using namespace std;
void cica(void);
So I declared it.

and then I tried to call it
cica ();
or cica(void);
and it gives me error
 error C2144: syntax error : ‘void’ should be preceded by ‘)’

So it does not recognize it?

I made another .cpp file and I had a function there and when calling it , it works, but this new one seems not to work.
Please give me a solution.

// Copyright (C) 2003
// Gerhard Neumann (
// Stephan Neumann ( 
// This file is part of RL Toolbox.
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
// are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
//    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
//    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
//    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
//    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
Tutorial for the Reinforcement Learning Toolbox. In this example the Pole Balancing task is learned with
a Q-Learning algorithm. For discretization build-in single state discretizer are used. 
The task is learned until the agent manages to pole the cart for over 100000 steps or for 500 episodes.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <time.h>
#include "ril_debug.h"
//#include "cmultipolemodel.h"
#include "robotlearning.h"
//#include "robotlearning.cpp"
#include "ctdlearner.h"
#include "cpolicies.h"
#include "cagent.h"
#define one_degree 0.0174532	/* 2pi/360 */
#define six_degrees 0.1047192
#define twelve_degrees 0.2094384
#define fifty_degrees 0.87266
//#define degree 60
//#define time 1000
//#define myforce 0
CMultiPoleAction mywrapper(rlt_real myforce,double degree, short time1)
	CEnvironmentModel *model1 = NULL;
	CAgentStatisticController *detController1 = NULL;
	CAbstractStateDiscretizer *discState1 = NULL;
	CRewardFunction *rewardFunction1 = NULL;
	CAgent *agent1;
   CMultiPoleAction myaction(myforce);
	//CMultiPoleAction1 myaction();
    //time = xxxx;
     myaction.TurnDegree(degree, time1);
     return myaction;
void cica(void)
	 rlt_real myforce;  
	double degree;
	short time1;
 CMultiPoleAction myact; 
  myact = mywrapper(19,60,100);
	// initialize the random generator
	srand((unsigned int)time((time_t *)NULL));
	// variable declaration
	CEnvironmentModel *model = NULL;
	CAgentStatisticController *detController = NULL;
	CAbstractStateDiscretizer *discState = NULL;
	CRewardFunction *rewardFunction = NULL;
	CAgent *agent;
	// create the discretizer with the build in classes
	// create the partition arrays
	double partitions1[] = {-0.8, 0.8}; // partition for x
	double partitions2[] = {-0.5, 0.5}; // partition for x_dot
	double partitions3[] = {-six_degrees, -one_degree, 0, one_degree, six_degrees}; // partition for theta
	double partitions4[] = {-fifty_degrees, fifty_degrees}; // partition for theta_dot
	double partitions5[] = {-fifty_degrees, fifty_degrees}; // partition for theta_dot
	// Create the discretizer for the state variables
	CAbstractStateDiscretizer *disc1 = new CSingleStateDiscretizer(0, 2, partitions1);
	CAbstractStateDiscretizer *disc2 = new CSingleStateDiscretizer(1, 2, partitions2);
	CAbstractStateDiscretizer *disc3 = new CSingleStateDiscretizer(2, 7, partitions3);
	CAbstractStateDiscretizer *disc4 = new CSingleStateDiscretizer(3, 2, partitions4);
	// Merge the 4 discretizer
	CDiscreteStateOperatorAnd *andCalculator = new CDiscreteStateOperatorAnd();
	// Create the failed state discretizer, which distinguishes the state in "failed" and "not failed"
	discState = new CMultiPoleFailedState();
	discState->addStateSubstitution(1, andCalculator);
	// create the model
	//model = new CMultiPoleModel(discState);
	model = new CMultiPoleModel();
	// iniialise the reward function
	/* reward function and model are merged*/
	rewardFunction = (CMultiPoleModel *)model;
	// create the agent
	agent = new CAgent(model); 
	// create the 2 actions for accelearting the cart and add them to the agent's action set
	//CPrimitiveAction *primAction1 = new CMultiPoleAction(10.0, discState);
	//CPrimitiveAction *primAction2 = new CMultiPoleAction(-10.0, discState);
	CPrimitiveAction *primAction1 = new CMultiPoleAction(10.0);
	CPrimitiveAction *primAction2 = new CMultiPoleAction(-10.0);
	// create the discrete state with the self-coded class
	/* not used
	discState = new CMultiPoleDiscreteState();
	// add the discrete state to the agent's state modifier
	// discState must not be modified (e.g. with a State-Substitution) by now
	// Create the learner and the Q-Function
	CFeatureQFunction *qTable = new CFeatureQFunction(agent->getActions(), discState);
	CTDLearner *learner = new CQLearner(rewardFunction, qTable);
	// initialise the learning algorithm parameters
	// add the Q-Learner to the listener list
	// Create the learners controller
	CAgentStatisticController *policy = NULL;
	policy = new CQGreedyPolicy(agent->getActions(), qTable);
	// set the policy as controller of the agent
	// disable automatic logging of the episode from the agent
	int steps = 0;
	// Learn for 500 Episodes
	for (int i = 0; i < 500 && steps < 100000; i++)
		// Do one training trial, with max 100000 steps
		steps = agent->doControllerEpisode(1, 100000);
		printf("Episode %d %s with %d stepsn", i, model->isFailed() ? "failed" : "succeded", steps);
	delete policy;
	delete learner;
	delete agent;
	delete qTable;
	delete model;
	printf("nn<< Press Enter >>n");

Open in new window


I was trying to compile an OpenGL program in Visual C++ .Net and it generated the following errors.

c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1152): error C2144: syntax error : ‘void’ should be preceded by ‘;’
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1152): error C2501: ‘WINGDIAPI’ : missing storage-class or type specifiers
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1152): error C2146: syntax error : missing ‘;’ before identifier ‘glAccum’
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1152): error C2182: ‘APIENTRY’ : illegal use of type ‘void’
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1153): error C2144: syntax error : ‘void’ should be preceded by ‘;’
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1153): error C2501: ‘WINGDIAPI’ : missing storage-class or type specifiers
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1153): error C2086: ‘int WINGDIAPI’ : redefinition
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1153): error C2146: syntax error : missing ‘;’ before identifier ‘glAlphaFunc’
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1153): error C2182: ‘APIENTRY’ : illegal use of type ‘void’
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1153): error C2086: ‘int APIENTRY’ : redefinition
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1154): error C2146: syntax error : missing ‘;’ before identifier ‘GLboolean’
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1154): error C2501: ‘WINGDIAPI’ : missing storage-class or type specifiers
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1154): error C2086: ‘int WINGDIAPI’ : redefinition
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1154): error C2146: syntax error : missing ‘;’ before identifier ‘glAreTexturesResident’
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1154): error C2371: ‘APIENTRY’ : redefinition; different basic types
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1155): error C2144: syntax error : ‘void’ should be preceded by ‘;’
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1155): error C2501: ‘WINGDIAPI’ : missing storage-class or type specifiers
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1155): error C2086: ‘int WINGDIAPI’ : redefinition
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1155): error C2146: syntax error : missing ‘;’ before identifier ‘glArrayElement’
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1155): error C2182: ‘APIENTRY’ : illegal use of type ‘void’
c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7includeGLgl.h(1155): error C2086: ‘int APIENTRY’ : redefinition

This is only a partial list. The rest of the list includes around 200 errors. I don’t know what’s wrong with it. But I’m sure the error has nothing to do with the actual code, but with the gl.h file.

The program I was trying to compile can be found here
It’s a starter code for a school assignment. I really need to get this working so I can start coding.

Are you including windows.h before the gl.h inclusion?

Ok I just tried including <windows.h> and it still have same error, but it did manage to reduce the number of errors down to around 100.

you have to make sure that you include windows header before any gl header, that includes demo.cpp and polygon.h files.

Change this
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include <glui.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

into this

#include <GL/glut.h>

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

#include <glui.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

The above refers to demo.cpp…

Quote:Original post by Anonymous Poster
you have to make sure that you include windows header before any gl header, that includes demo.cpp and polygon.h files.

Glut.h includes everything you need in the correct order.
Otherwise it couldn’t be cross-platform [wink]

Quote:Original post by darookie

Quote:Original post by Anonymous Poster
you have to make sure that you include windows header before any gl header, that includes demo.cpp and polygon.h files.

Glut.h includes everything you need in the correct order.
Otherwise it couldn’t be cross-platform [wink]

But he included gl header files before glut.h in demo.cpp and in polygon.h file all he includes is gl.h. So your statemens is zip of value.

Quote:Original post by Anonymous Poster

Quote:Original post by darookie

Quote:Original post by Anonymous Poster
you have to make sure that you include windows header before any gl header, that includes demo.cpp and polygon.h files.

Glut.h includes everything you need in the correct order.
Otherwise it couldn’t be cross-platform [wink]

But he included gl header files before glut.h in demo.cpp and in polygon.h file all he includes is gl.h. So your statemens is zip of value.

The trick is, you don’t need to explicitly include any gl headers when using glut. I didn’t look at the polygon.* files so my advice is to just include glut.h instead of any gl headers, which need OS specific headers, too.

So my statement still holds true and you don’t seem to have used glut lately.


AP: I just checked these files and noticed an error:
LordG, you should not include headers in header files.
Remove the include statements from polygon.h and include
these files (and use glut.h instead of gl.h) in polygon.cpp.
Thanks to the AP for pointing that out for me [wink]

You’ve linked all of the library files, right?

Quote:Original post by CoderGuy
You’ve linked all of the library files, right?

These are compiler errors, not linker errors.
The latter come later [smile].

description title f1_keywords helpviewer_keywords ms.assetid

Learn more about: Compiler errors C2100 through C2199

Compiler errors C2100 through C2199






















Compiler errors C2100 through C2199

The articles in this section of the documentation explain a subset of the error messages that are generated by the compiler.


Error messages

Error Message
Compiler error C2100 illegal indirection
Compiler error C2101 ‘&’ on constant
Compiler error C2102 ‘&’ requires l-value
Compiler error C2103 ‘&’ on register variable
Compiler error C2104 ‘&’ on bit field ignored
Compiler error C2105 operator‘ needs l-value
Compiler error C2106 operator‘: left operand must be l-value
Compiler error C2107 illegal index, indirection not allowed
Compiler error C2108 subscript is not of integral type
Compiler error C2109 subscript requires array or pointer type
Compiler error C2110 ‘+’: cannot add two pointers
Compiler error C2111 ‘+’: pointer addition requires integral operand
Compiler error C2112 ‘-‘: pointer subtraction requires integral or pointer operand
Compiler error C2113 ‘-‘: pointer can only be subtracted from another pointer
Compiler error C2114 operator‘: pointer on left; needs integral value on right
Compiler error C2115 operator‘: incompatible types
Compiler error C2116 function parameter lists differed
Compiler error C2117 identifier‘: array bounds overflow
Compiler error C2118 negative subscript
Compiler error C2119 identifier‘: the type for ‘type‘ cannot be deduced from an empty initializer
Compiler error C2120 ‘void’ illegal with all types
Compiler error C2121 ‘#’: invalid character: possibly the result of a macro expansion
Compiler error C2122 identifier‘: prototype parameter in name list illegal
Compiler error C2123 identifier‘: alias templates cannot be explicitly or partially specialized
Compiler error C2124 divide or mod by zero
Compiler error C2125 ‘constexpr’ is incompatible with ‘token
Compiler error C2126 identifier‘ cannot be declared with ‘constexpr’ specifier
Compiler error C2127 identifier‘: illegal initialization of ‘constexpr’ entity with a non-constant expression
Compiler error C2128 function‘: alloc_text/same_seg applicable only to functions with C linkage
Compiler error C2129 static function ‘identifier‘ declared but not defined
Compiler error C2130 #line expected a string containing the filename, found ‘token
Compiler error C2131 expression did not evaluate to a constant
Compiler error C2132 syntax error: unexpected identifier
Compiler error C2133 identifier‘: unknown size
Compiler error C2134 function‘: call does not result in a constant expression
Compiler error C2135 operator‘: illegal bit field operation
Compiler error C2136 authoring API contract not allowed
Compiler error C2137 empty character constant
Compiler error C2138 illegal to define an enumeration without any members
Compiler error C2139 class‘: an undefined class is not allowed as an argument to compiler intrinsic type trait ‘trait
Compiler error C2140 type‘: a type that is dependent on a generic type parameter is not allowed as an argument to compiler intrinsic type trait ‘trait
Compiler error C2141 array size overflow
Compiler error C2142 function declarations differ, variable parameters specified only in one of them
Compiler error C2143 syntax error: missing ‘token1‘ before ‘token2
Compiler error C2144 syntax error: ‘type‘ should be preceded by ‘token2
Compiler error C2145 syntax error: missing ‘token‘ before identifier
Compiler error C2146 syntax error: missing ‘token‘ before identifier ‘identifier
Compiler error C2147 syntax error: ‘token‘ is a new keyword
Compiler error C2148 total size of array must not exceed 0xvalue bytes
Compiler error C2149 identifier‘: named bit field cannot have zero width
Compiler error C2150 identifier‘: bit field must have type ‘int’, ‘signed int’, or ‘unsigned int’
Compiler error C2151 more than one language attribute
Compiler error C2152 identifier‘: pointers to functions with different attributes
Compiler error C2153 integer literals must have at least one digit
Compiler error C2154 type‘: only enumeration type is allowed as an argument to compiler intrinsic type trait ‘trait
Compiler error C2155 ‘?’: invalid left operand, expected arithmetic or pointer type
Compiler error C2156 pragma must be outside function
Compiler error C2157 identifier‘: must be declared before use in pragma list
Compiler error C2158 type‘: #pragma make_public directive is currently supported for native non-template types only
Compiler error C2159 more than one storage class specified
Compiler error C2160 ‘##’ cannot occur at the beginning of a macro definition
Compiler error C2161 ‘##’ cannot occur at the end of a macro definition
Compiler error C2162 expected macro formal parameter
Compiler error C2163 function‘: not available as an intrinsic function
Compiler error C2164 function‘: intrinsic function not declared
Compiler error C2165 modifier‘: cannot modify pointers to data
Compiler error C2166 l-value specifies const object
Compiler error C2167 function‘: too many actual parameters for intrinsic function
Compiler error C2168 function‘: too few actual parameters for intrinsic function
Compiler error C2169 function‘: intrinsic function, cannot be defined
Compiler error C2170 identifier‘: not declared as a function, cannot be intrinsic
Compiler error C2171 operator‘: illegal on operands of type ‘type
Compiler error C2172 function‘: actual parameter is not a pointer: parameter number
Compiler error C2173 function‘: actual parameter is not a pointer: parameter number, parameter list number
Compiler error C2174 function‘: actual parameter has type ‘void’: parameter number, parameter list number
Compiler error C2175 locale‘: invalid locale
Compiler error C2176 a return statement cannot appear in the handler of a function-try-block associated with a constructor
Compiler error C2177 constant too big
Compiler error C2178 identifier‘ cannot be declared with ‘specifier‘ specifier
Compiler error C2179 type‘: an attribute argument cannot use type parameters
Compiler error C2180 controlling expression has type ‘type
Compiler error C2181 illegal else without matching if
Compiler error C2182 identifier‘: illegal use of type ‘void’
Compiler error C2183 syntax error: translation unit is empty
Compiler error C2184 type‘: illegal type for __except expression
Compiler error C2185 identifier‘: illegal based allocation
Compiler error C2186 operator‘: illegal operand of type ‘void’
Compiler error C2187 syntax error: ‘token‘ was unexpected here
Compiler error C2188 number‘: too big for wide character
Compiler error C2189 ‘alignas’ attribute cannot be applied to a bit-field, a function parameter, an exception declaration, or a variable declared with ‘register’ storage class
Compiler error C2190 first parameter list longer than second
Compiler error C2191 second parameter list longer than first
Compiler error C2192 parameter ‘number‘ declaration different
Compiler error C2193 identifier‘: already in a segment
Compiler error C2194 identifier‘: is a text segment
Compiler error C2195 identifier‘: is a data segment
Compiler error C2196 case value ‘value‘ already used
Compiler error C2197 function‘: too many arguments for call
Compiler error C2198 function‘: too few arguments for call
Compiler error C2199 syntax error: found ‘identifier (‘ at global scope (was a declaration intended?)

See also

C/C++ Compiler and build tools errors and warnings
Compiler errors C2000 — C3999, C7000 — C7999

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  • Error c2143 syntax error missing before type
  • Error c2143 syntax error missing before constant
  • Error c2131 выражение не определяется константой
  • Error c2131 expression did not evaluate to a constant
  • Error c2110 невозможно добавить два указателя