Error car invalid argument 1 wrong type not a pair

What does this error mean?

  August 22, 2009, 08:21

Error: CAR: invalid argument [1]: wrong type [not a pair]???


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What does this error mean?

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  March 13, 2010, 14:39

same problem


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HI dude
I have same problem now ….have u fix it by now …pls help me to solve my problem

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  April 27, 2010, 08:53



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Ok you need to explain which function call gives you this. Usually this comes from the scheme interpreter. It means that some scheme function received the wrong arguments.
Please explain more.

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  April 28, 2010, 12:07





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(car "xxx") ; When using 'car', its argument should be a list.
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  March 30, 2011, 16:19



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I received this same error message when trying to add source and sink terms to separate cell zones. It was confusing me because sometimes I would receive the error and sometimes I wouldn’t.

I talked with ANSYS customer support today and they told me that it had to do with problems with the code when using the GUI. Their suggestion was to close Fluent and start it up again.

I had already tried this once and it didn’t help. However, at the suggestion of the customer service rep I tried it again and it worked the 2nd time. I was able to add the source and sink terms and did not receive an error.

I don’t know if this will help for every case where this error message appears, but it’s worth a try.

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  October 28, 2012, 06:10



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I also received this error for a double periodic domain, when trying to plot contour or define periodic planes; my domain is a slice of a tube translational periodic in z direction and rotational periodic around z axis.

However I have no problems in postprocessing with CFD-POST.

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  October 28, 2012, 10:01



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Originally Posted by ghost82
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I also received this error for a double periodic domain, when trying to plot contour or define periodic planes; my domain is a slice of a tube translational periodic in z direction and rotational periodic around z axis.

I don’t get any problem while defining the periodic planes or contour plot on periodic boundaries.

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  August 30, 2013, 07:28



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Originally Posted by amirbahador
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HI dude
I have same problem now ….have u fix it by now …pls help me to solve my problem

Even I had the same error message displayed.
Closing the fluent and restarting and importing the case/data/mesh file fixed the issue for me.

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…По вычисленным углам с помощью фильтра Калмана в Матлабе вычисляю

угловую скорость. Получается неплохо…

Думаю лучше всё-таки использовать те значения, на основе которых получает перемещения fluent.

…Как реализовать неперестраиваемую сетку вокруг контейнера,

если он выбрасывается из носителя…

Там весьма обширные технологические пространства, так что с этим пока проблема не встала в полный рост.

…Встречный поток: его можно создать как обычно путем назначения скорости

на входе и pressure outlet на выходе канала…

А насколько плохо использование outflow? Вопрос для меня отнюдь не праздный.

…Стартовую скорость выбрасываемого контейнера можно задать назначением

таковой на панели Define — Dynamic Mesh — Zones в окнах…

Было дело ставил сразу порядочную скорость. Как итог — происходит удар в первый же момент времени, тут же безумная потеря в скорости. Теперь многострадальное тело приходится сперва нежно разгонять с нуля.

…Хорошо бы такую задачу моделировать в Fluent12.1, в нем

есть кое-что для улучшения стабильности решения…

А что именно?

В довесок привожу то, чем пользуюсь сам (прошу не судить строго — я только учусь))):

#include «udf.h»

#include «stdio.h» /* Стандартный ввод/вывод */

#define Pi 3.14159265359;

Dynamic_Thread *dt_;

/* Макрос задания параметров решателя шести степеней свободы (Six-Degrees Of Freedom — SDOF) */

DEFINE_SDOF_PROPERTIES(body, prop, dt, time, dtime)


/* Задание параметров прибора */

prop[sDOF_MASS] = ; /* Масса, кг */

prop[sDOF_IXX] = ; /* Момент инерции относительно оси X, кг/м^2 */

prop[sDOF_IYY] = ; /* Момент инерции относительно оси Y, кг/м^2 */

prop[sDOF_IZZ] = ; /* Момент инерции относительно оси Z, кг/м^2 */

dt_ = dt;




FILE *fp; /* Объявление файловой переменной */

real TH0, TH1, TH2;

/* Запись кинематических данных в файл */

fp = fopen(«Motion.txt»,»a»); /* Открытие файла для для добавления данных в его конец */

/* Форматированый вывод данных в файл */

fprintf(fp, «%e «, CURRENT_TIME); /* Текущий момент времени,с */

fprintf(fp, «%e %e %e «,

DT_CG(dt_)[0], DT_CG(dt_)[1], DT_CG(dt_)[2]); /* Положение центра тяжести */

fprintf(fp, «%e %e %e «,

DT_VEL_CG(dt_)[0], DT_VEL_CG(dt_)[1], DT_VEL_CG(dt_)[2]); /* Скорость центра тяжести, м/с */

TH0 = DT_THETA(dt_)[0] * 180.0 / Pi;

TH1 = DT_THETA(dt_)[1] * 180.0 / Pi;

TH2 = DT_THETA(dt_)[2] * 180.0 / Pi;

fprintf(fp, «%e %e %e «, TH0, TH1, TH2); /* Угловое положение, градус */

fprintf(fp, «%e %e %en»,

DT_OMEGA_CG(dt_)[0], DT_OMEGA_CG(dt_)[1], DT_OMEGA_CG(dt_)[2]); /* Угловая скорость, рад/с */

fclose(fp); /* Закрытие файла */


С уважением.

Изменено 28 марта 2010 пользователем Magway


  1. Eureka .im
  2. Simply the best answers.
  3. FLUENT 6.2 — Using a material properties database generated with a previous version produces the Error: GENERAL-CAR-CDR: invalid argument [1]: improper list
  4. Error general car cdr invalid argument 1 improper list
  5. Error: GENERAL-CAR-CDR: invalid argument [1]: improper list
  6. Error: invalid argument [1]: improper list
  7. Error: GENERAL CAR CDR — User-Defined-Material-Database

Eureka .im

Simply the best answers.

FLUENT 6.2 — Using a material properties database generated with a previous version produces the Error: GENERAL-CAR-CDR: invalid argument [1]: improper list

-With FLUENT 6.2, you may see the following error if you are using a material properties database copied from a previous case that was generated with an earlier FLUENT version and if some of the materials in that database have a user-defined function (UDF) associated with them.

Error: GENERAL-CAR-CDR: invalid argument [1]: improper list
Error Object: «cell_density::libudf»

FLUENT 6.2.16 has new syntax rules due to the addition of a new feature that allows for multiple UDFs (libudf) to be hooked within a case. The case file generated with an earlier FLUENT version will have an additional period (.) that has to be deleted for it to work within FLUENT 6.2. See example below:

density (user-defined . «cell_density::libudf») -incorrect
density (user-defined «cell_density::libudf») -corrected

Use a text editor such as «vi» on UNIX/LINUX or Textpad on Windows to edit the case file.


Error general car cdr invalid argument 1 improper list

I’m currently trying to run a 1mil cell mesh but everytime I load it I get the following error
Setting Post Processing and Surfaces information .
Error: GENERAL-CAR-CDR: invalid argument [1]: improper list
Error Object: #f

I will also get an error stating «material air not available» but this one only appears some times. I have tried re-defining my material from the Fluent database but that doesn’t work.

The above errors are preventing me from using my Parameter Set in workbench which would be very helpful to use as I have a bunch of design points I need to run. I can run my cases by manually clicking Calculate.

If it helps at all this is the error workbench gives me when I try to run a parameter set:
Error Occured during handling message in WorkBench: An error occured in FLUENT when applying cx state information.
The cortex state and surfaces could not be updated

Any help is much appreciated!!

danhumphreys June 21, 2011 05:55

I am having the exact same problem at the moment. Just thought I would see if you managed to find a solution?

Hi all, I have the same problem right now and I have been stuck to it for a while. Can you please let me know what was the problem for you guys?

Hi,I have the same problem. Have you solved that?
Error: CAR: invalid argument [1]: wrong type [not a pair]
Error Object: ()

Hi all, I have the same problem right now and I have been stuck to it for a while. Can you please let me know what was the problem for you guys?

I’m using an older version of FLUENT (V6), and I am using a very large mesh as well. I get a similar error saying:

Error: GENERAL-CAR-CDR: invalid argument
Error Object: #f

Any help would be greatly appreciated 🙂

In general CAR-CDR means a setting is missing that is needed or is wrongly set up.

Check every set-up-entry in your panels, if there are entries, which make no sense.

In my case I could not switch from transient mode to steady state. I removed one input parameter and afterwards it was working (after testing all other settings. ).


Error: GENERAL-CAR-CDR: invalid argument [1]: improper list

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I’m currently trying to run a 1mil cell mesh but everytime I load it I get the following error
Setting Post Processing and Surfaces information .
Error: GENERAL-CAR-CDR: invalid argument [1]: improper list
Error Object: #f

I will also get an error stating «material air not available» but this one only appears some times. I have tried re-defining my material from the Fluent database but that doesn’t work.

The above errors are preventing me from using my Parameter Set in workbench which would be very helpful to use as I have a bunch of design points I need to run. I can run my cases by manually clicking Calculate.

If it helps at all this is the error workbench gives me when I try to run a parameter set:
Error Occured during handling message in WorkBench: An error occured in FLUENT when applying cx state information.
The cortex state and surfaces could not be updated


Error: invalid argument [1]: improper list

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I have a very large mesh (ab. 2.000.000 cells) with k-w, no energy eq. that runs not very stable. However, it runs

But, when I interupt iterating, save the file, take a look at the results and start again, Fluent gives following message:

Error: GENERAL-CAR-CDR: invalid argument [1]: improper list

When I read case and data again, the iteration works fine. until I turn on energy eq. or another turbulence model. Once, i run it laminar, and when i turn on any turb. model, the error message came.

So any help is highly appreciated.

thanks for answer, but it didn’t worked. Could it be because of the error message fluend gives, when it reades the grid:

Warning: Number of nodes read (1057672) does not match number referenced (1056748).

Resetting counter to match the number referenced.

Ther is somewere a volume, that has only one face meshed, and that is not exported — could that be the reason??

I thing the problem is solved, at least it didn’t appear any more.

I don’t know, what is different — i worked on the grid again and made it really good quality mesh (ab 95% of the cells have a skewness below 0.2

I read the mesh again, iterated, saved, turned on energy eq. iterated again and the error appears again

Than I read the file again, iterated untill convergence, turned on energy eq. and continued to iterate was no problem!! Until now, the file runs very fine!

So, what ever the problem of fluent is — it seems to me to be a little random. However, hoping that «&*’?»§$ error will not appear anymore!

I happen to get the same error in fluent when I try to load MHD add-on module after selecting non-premixed combustion.

Can someone point out to why is it happening?


Error: GENERAL CAR CDR — User-Defined-Material-Database

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I would like to create two fabrics using the User Defined Material Database in Fluent.
I am working with Ansys 2020 R1 or R2 (both in use — files do not mix).
For this I used the following procedure:

I created an empty Scheme file and edited it with Fluent.
There I set constant values for the acentric factor and the kiritic point. For cp, density, thermal conductivity and viscosity I want piecwise polynomial (3 rank with 3 coefficients).
I had also tried polyinomial with 7 coefficients.

I get the same error every time:
Error: GENERAL-CAR-CDR: invalid argument [1]: improper list

This error appears every time when starting the calculation and very often already when copying from the User-Defined-Material-Database.

I have also tried the following way.
user defined new material

But for this I copied the materials from the Scheme file. This leads to the fact that the substances appear in the Fluent-Database, but this leads to the same error when I want to copy/create the substances.

Is it possibly due to the piecewise polynomial assignment?
Have I ignored a step or am I forgetting something in the schema file?

(e_g fluid
(chemical-formula . #f)
(acentric-factor (constant . 0.09950000000000001))
(specific-heat (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (289.79 295. 2730669. -18393.334733 31.015439) (295. 300.5 612790.6021 -3997.16224 6.55105) (300.5 306. 246111.7724 -1552.2795 2.4756244)) (real-gas-law . #f) (constant . 0.09950000000000001))
(critical-pressure (constant . 4872200.) (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (289.79 295. 2730669. -18393.334733 31.015439) (295. 300.5 612790.6021 -3997.16224 6.55105) (300.5 306. 246111.7724 -1552.2795 2.4756244)) (real-gas-law . #f))
(critical-volume (constant . 0.00485) (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (289.79 295. 2730669. -18393.334733 31.015439) (295. 300.5 612790.6021 -3997.16224 6.55105) (300.5 306. 246111.7724 -1552.2795 2.4756244)) (real-gas-law . #f))
(critical-temperature (constant . 305.32) (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (289.79 295. 2730669. -18393.334733 31.015439) (295. 300.5 612790.6021 -3997.16224 6.55105) (300.5 306. 246111.7724 -1552.2795 2.4756244)) (real-gas-law . #f))
(density (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (289.79 295. 7070.2037820704 -46.398193926 0.07683156694) (295. 300.5 2992.4518829 -18.701474026 0.029801199) (300.5 306. 1766.722568 -10.5323227 0.01618981)) (constant . 305.32) (real-gas-law . #f))
(molecular-weight (constant . 30.069) (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (289.79 295. 7070.2037820704 -46.398193926 0.07683156694) (295. 300.5 2992.4518829 -18.701474026 0.029801199) (300.5 306. 1766.722568 -10.5323227 0.01618981)) (real-gas-law . #f))
(reference-temperature (constant . 285.15) (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (289.79 295. 7070.2037820704 -46.398193926 0.07683156694) (295. 300.5 2992.4518829 -18.701474026 0.029801199) (300.5 306. 1766.722568 -10.5323227 0.01618981)) (real-gas-law . #f))
(speed-of-sound (constant . 230.13) (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (289.79 295. 0.00033736625857 -2.20486957e-06 3.722146e-09) (295. 300.5 0.0001359195 -8.365594405560001e-07 1.398601399e-09) (300.5 306. 7.03099060939e-05 -3.990819180817e-07 6.693306693000001e-10)) (polynomial piecewise-linear (0. . 0.) (0. . 0.)) (real-gas-law . #f))
(thermal-conductivity (constant . 0.02968) (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (289.79 295. 0.00033736625857 -2.20486957e-06 3.722146e-09) (295. 300.5 0.0001359195 -8.365594405560001e-07 1.398601399e-09) (300.5 306. 7.03099060939e-05 -3.990819180817e-07 6.693306693000001e-10)) (polynomial piecewise-linear (0. . 0.) (0. . 0.)) (real-gas-law . #f))
(viscosity (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (289.79 295. 0.00033736625857 -2.20486957e-06 3.722146e-09) (295. 300.5 0.0001359195 -8.365594405560001e-07 1.398601399e-09) (300.5 306. 7.03099060939e-05 -3.990819180817e-07 6.693306693000001e-10)) (polynomial piecewise-linear (0. . 0.) (0. . 0.)) (constant . 285.15) (real-gas-law . #f))
(therm-exp-coeff (constant . 0))

(e-liq fluid
(chemical-formula . #f)
(acentric-factor (constant . 0.09950000000000001))
(specific-heat (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (270. 276.5 86021.53558 -643.444643 1.24863) (276.5 283. 217730. -1594.08283 2.964011) (283. 289.79 980190.171973 -6962.76209 12.41463)) (constant . 0.09950000000000001))
(critical-pressure (constant . 4872200.) (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (270. 276.5 86021.53558 -643.444643 1.24863) (276.5 283. 217730. -1594.08283 2.964011) (283. 289.79 980190.171973 -6962.76209 12.41463)))
(critical-volume (constant . 0.00485) (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (270. 276.5 86021.53558 -643.444643 1.24863) (276.5 283. 217730. -1594.08283 2.964011) (283. 289.79 980190.171973 -6962.76209 12.41463)))
(critical-temperature (constant . 305.32) (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (270. 276.5 86021.53558 -643.444643 1.24863) (276.5 283. 217730. -1594.08283 2.964011) (283. 289.79 980190.171973 -6962.76209 12.41463)))
(molecular-weight (constant . 30.069) (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (270. 276.5 86021.53558 -643.444643 1.24863) (276.5 283. 217730. -1594.08283 2.964011) (283. 289.79 980190.171973 -6962.76209 12.41463)))
(reference-temperature (constant . 285.15) (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (270. 276.5 86021.53558 -643.444643 1.24863) (276.5 283. 217730. -1594.08283 2.964011) (283. 289.79 980190.171973 -6962.76209 12.41463)))
(speed-of-sound (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (270. 276.5 -2074.136 30.09596 -0.07409341) (276.5 283. -6478.40365 61.9003 -0.131511) (283. 289.79 -22555.67871 175.191406 -0.331094)) (constant . 285.15))
(thermal-conductivity (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (270. 283. 0.150099526 0.000441038 -2.379121e-06) (283. 289.79 -0.4129611463008 0.004445709185 -9.500693223e-06)) (constant . 285.15))
(viscosity (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (270. 276.5 0.00022985144066 -3.5231099e-07 -9.780219999999999e-10) (276.5 283. -4.04156395605193e-05 1.5997178571434e-06 -4.5027472527e-09) (283. 289.79 -0.00095385194 8.037289999999999e-06 -1.5845286e-08)) (constant . 285.15))



I have used the Fluent for simulation of nanofluid in Discrete phase model DPM in vertical tube, but I have a problem when want to solve the case as follow:

Error: CAR: invalid argument [1]: wrong type [not a pair]

Error Object: #f

Please, someone can explain what is this error?


Jörg Leicher

Do you have coupled walls in your simulation? I think I’ve seen this message before when I tried to connect two surfaces in a coupled wall which weren’t geometrically identical.

Good luck.

Mohammed saad Kamel

Dear leicher, my simulation axisymmetric 2d vertical tube. its a simple geometry.

Jörg Leicher

What about symmetry planes then? Do they match, both in terms of geometry and meshing?

Michalis Mouratidis

If the model works with a material injected, you maybe dont have applied the injection correctly. In my case, i later changed the name and properties of the material I firstly injected and as a result it did not keep the exact position from where it was injected. As a result there was no material injected, practically.

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Using tmerge First, create multiple mesh files, then combine them into a single mesh file using tmerge before starting the solver. You can also apply rotation, scaling, or translation prior to combining them in tmerge.

  1. Run utility tmerge -3d (in a 3D case) or enter utility tmerge -2d (in a 2D case) in the DOS command prompt or Linux/UNIX prompt.
  2. When prompted, enter the name of the output file after coupling to the input file name.
  3. For each input file, you can specify magnification, translation, or rotation.

If you do not need to use any of those options, combine the inputs with the following TUI: utility tmerge -2d -cl -p my1.msh my2.msh final.msh

Example of the use of tmerge (in a 2D case) Example of the use of tmerge (in a 2D case) user@mymachine : > utility tmerge -2d * Specifies a 2D case * Starting Fluent.Inc/utility/tmerge2.1/ultra/tmerge2d.2.1.13 Append 2D grid files. tmerge2D Fluent Inc, Version 2.1.11 Enter name of grid file (ENTER to continue) : my1.msh /* Name of input file* x,y scaling factor, eg. 1 1 : 1 1/* Specifies no scaling / x,y translation, eg. 0 1 : 0 0 / Specifies no translation / rotation angle (deg), eg. 45 : 0 / Specifies no rotation / Enter name of grid file (ENTER to continue) : my2.msh Name of input file x,y scaling factor, eg. 1 1 : 1 1 / Specifies no scaling / x,y translation, eg. 0 1 : 0 0 / Specifies no translation / rotation angle (deg), eg. 45 : 0 / Specifies no rotation */ Enter name of grid file (ENTER to continue) : <ENTER> Enter name of output file : final.msh Name of output file Reading… node zone: id 1, ib 1, ie 1677, typ 1 node zone: id 2, ib 1678, ie 2169, typ 2 . . done. Writing… 492 nodes, id 1, ib 1678, ie 2169, type 2. 1677 nodes, id 2, ib 1, ie 1677, type 1.

user@mymachine : > utility tmerge -2d /* Specifies a 2D case */ 
Starting /Fluent.Inc/utility/tmerge2.1/ultra/tmerge_2d.2.1.13 
Append 2D grid files.
 tmerge2D Fluent Inc, Version 2.1.11
 Enter name of grid file (ENTER to continue) : my1.msh /* Name of input file*/
 x,y scaling factor, eg. 1 1 : 1 1/* Specifies no scaling *
/ x,y translation, eg. 0 1 : 0 0 /* Specifies no translation */
rotation angle (deg), eg. 45 : 0 /* Specifies no rotation */ 
Enter name of grid file (ENTER to continue) : my2.msh /*Name of input file*/
x,y scaling factor, eg. 1 1 : 1 1 /* Specifies no scaling */ 
x,y translation, eg. 0 1 : 0 0 /* Specifies no translation */ 
rotation angle (deg), eg. 45 : 0 /* Specifies no rotation */
Enter name of grid file (ENTER to continue) : <ENTER>
Enter name of output file : final.msh /*Name of output file*/ 
node zone: id 1, ib 1, ie 1677, typ 1 
node zone: id 2, ib 1678, ie 2169, typ 2 . . 
492 nodes, id 1, ib 1678, ie 2169, type 2. 
1677 nodes, id 2, ib 1, ie 1677, type 1.

I found this page explaining that some of the gimp functions won’t return values consistently, so I implemented a do while loop to make sure the functions are returning pairs before using car. Still, I get the error Error: ( : 1) car: argument 1 must be: pair, but I’m not sure how that’s possible as it should keep running the function until it returns a pair.

(define (script-fu-scratchpad drawable)
  (let* ((imgHeight 0)
    (set! imgHeight (gimp-drawable-height drawable))
    (do ()
        [(pair? imgHeight)]
      (set! imgHeight (gimp-drawable-height drawable)))
    (set! imgHeight (car imgHeight))

    (set! imgWidth (gimp-drawable-width drawable))
    (do ()
        [(pair? imgWidth)]
      (set! imgWidth (gimp-drawable-width drawable)))
    (set! imgWidth (car imgWidth))

    (set! bpp (gimp-drawable-bpp drawable))
    (do ()
        [(pair? bpp)]
      (set! bpp (gimp-drawable-bpp drawable)))
    (set! bpp (car bpp))

    (display bpp) (newline)
    (set! pixel (cons-array bpp 'byte))
    (aset pixel 0 150)
    (aset pixel 1 150)
    (aset pixel 2 150)
    (aset pixel 3 0)

    (gimp-drawable-set-pixel drawable (/ imgHeight 2) (/ imgWidth 2) bpp pixel)
    (gimp-context-set-background '(100 100 100))
    (define county 0)
    (define countx 0)
    (do ()
        [(= countx imgWidth)]
      (do ()
          [(= county imgHeight)]
        (gimp-drawable-set-pixel drawable county countx bpp pixel)
        (set! county (+ county 1)))
      (set! countx (+ countx 1)))))

In response to GoZoner, I edited it and received the following error: Error: (:1) car: argument 1 must be: pair

    (script-fu-scratchpad drawable)
            (imgHeight 0)
            (imgWidth 0)
            (bpp 0)
            (pixel 0)

        (set! imgHeight (gimp-drawable-height drawable))    
        (set! imgWidth (gimp-drawable-width drawable))

        (set! bpp (gimp-drawable-bpp drawable))
        (do ()
            [(pair? bpp)]
            (set! bpp (gimp-drawable-bpp drawable))
        (set! bpp (car bpp))

        (display bpp) (newline)
        (set! pixel (cons-array bpp 'byte))
        (aset pixel 0 150)
        (aset pixel 1 150)
        (aset pixel 2 150)
        (aset pixel 3 0)

        (gimp-drawable-set-pixel drawable (/ imgHeight 2) (/ imgWidth 2) bpp pixel)
        (gimp-context-set-background '(100 100 100))
        (define county 0)
        (define countx 0)
        (do ()
            [(= countx imgWidth)]
            (do ()
                [(= county imgHeight)]
                (gimp-drawable-set-pixel drawable county countx bpp pixel)
                (set! county (+ county 1))
            (set! countx (+ countx 1))

Topic: Error: > (greater-than): invalid argument [2]: wrong type [not a number]  (Read 17736 times)


How do I resolve the following error: Error: > (greater-than): invalid argument [2]: wrong type [not a number] Error Object: nan in Fluent?

Thank you.


This error occurs when FLUENT gets information from the Cortex (GUI). FLUENT is expecting to get the data in a specific format, but gets another. This generally occurs when FLUENT attempts to read a case file from a LATER (or very OLD) version of FLUENT. Typically, data structures are backward compatible, but only for the most recent version.

It is a good idea to update your cases every time FLUENT is released to avoid the problem associated with this type of software divergence.

If you have a very old case, such as a FLUENT 6.0 case, you may be able sequentially update the cases, but you will need all versions of Fluent (6.1, 6.2, 6.3) on your operating system.


Hi William,

even though i am using same version. i am getting this message when i try to increase pressure at an ejector nozzle or add energy source. is it related to default control settings of limits?


Please start Fluent using double precision option.


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