Errorshift with the locket and OMGS and edits
Errorshift Chara is an error character that has a different mindset from majority of errors. They capture humans and interrogate them, if they’re pacifist they just simply let them go on but they’ll be watching them and the genociders or just bad/neutral humans. When encountering genocider or Pacific / neutral protagonist resetting due to boredom then they capture them, and from there try to convince them to stop and even using the SAVE button on them.
They start out as a regular Storyshift, but then they get contmost of acted by an Aftershift Chara, but AfterShift instead said «we need to take away the genocider’s power, and if we can, try to convince them to stop but none of us have this ability so you trying to convince him to try to find a way that’s right.» Shift didn’t believe them at first until the human came and started committing genocide, so quickly they went to the lab and tried to find a way to do what AlterShift had stated but it wasn’t enough time so they had to fight them in judgment Hall, and it ended in their death.
This sent them in the same place as Aftershift. They couldn’t handle this so they broke out of the save screen into the Anti-void with new vinegar, somehow get out of here, and find a way to stop the humans or genociders with and gradually even though they are going slightly insane from their time in there they’re determination was pushing them forward growing stronger stronger and stronger. Fueled by hate until one day, their determination reached a point at which they broke out of the Anti-void.
The result of them doing this turn them into an error anyway but they’re determination and hate fused with their new body amplifying all of their attacks and determination by extreme amounts, and when they got out they were slightly confused but they managed to keep their memories just barely, but were slightly unhinged. From there, they went off to do what they vowed to do with their new abilities it was quite easy
Due to them having their memories, they are somewhat similar to story shift, but a bit more nervous and has some error traitds but there toned down a lot but with all of that still they are still joyful and upbeat actually a bit more than usual story shift because who wouldn’t be excited by immortality and infinite possibilities with the multiverse. They still like chocolate, puns, and they are way more determined than usual and they are more serious and less lazy but a tiny bit erratic. They still care about monsters and even good humans, but they are more erratic and somewhat rude, and forthcoming at evil people with truly no redemption at all but if evil people do have redemption and can be saved they will try their best to convince them as much as they can and be somewhat kind and soft about it but will it get angry if they’re really stubborn and if they’re desperate they’ll try to use the rainbow SAVE button
They wear dark blue sweater with a red shirt under it, dark blue pants, and of course herself and the closing are glitchy. They have a gold necklace that they wore for good luck back when they thought they were human, and it’s stuck with them even after they broke out but it’s now purplish gold and a bit glitchy and sometimes they a wear a photo negative rainbow scarf when their doing something personal to them or important and insurance situations she’s looking at it and she gets reminded of what their fighting for which then we’ll you can guess.
Their eyes are multicolored with blue, yellow, and red. If they’re ever enraged, or they start getting really serious, hate starts covering the eyes and the errors around their body when they get serious start turning black and red also the errors around start glitching and becoming more sporadic
Erasure Strings
these strings are similar to error strings, but stronger, and they can make some glow. They have the ability to erase people existence, but since they are fused with determination, that erasing power is combined with the erasing button affect but the string can also be covered and hate or have a hate spiral and the strings can teleport or be teleported easily and can even slash had people with dark or red slashes also she can strings come from anywhere on her body since her strings and her body are infused with determination
Erasesure Knives
The same as the strings basically but when they get covered in hate and teleport also erasure chaos busters which are pretty much the last things did
Code Manipulation
They can manipulate code like usual stats attacks stuff like that but they can even manipulate codes of souls and make duplicate souls and restore other people’s Soul traits and even heal people. Also she can copy and paste other basic objects.
Self-explanatory but they can do it across aus and of course they have the error portal and they have super strong telekinesis/blue soul/gravity manipulation. And they can even teleport across multiverses
Plant magic/Erasure plant magic
Errorshift has the abilities to control make/spawn and manipulate plants they mostly use vines but they arent really limited in what plants they can make and control and they can error plants witch are nigh-indestruble but have a slight weakness to really hot fire and there erasure varients of there plants which work the sane as the erasure attacks also there piranha plants that they spawn are alive and shoot attacks aswell based on if there normal, erasure, and error.
Glitching: and the desperate situation is they can start to glitch people having their corrode become corrupt and just stop moving until they unleash them from their corruption and they can glitch through attacks and glitch through things and just a glitch through things.
Encoded Error Spirits
With Storyshift’s Spirit ability there body also got infused of d they gained all of their attacks and regular abilities like Papyruses healing magic but erasure and error versions of the attacks which are Storyshift Asriel, Toriel, muffet, Asgore, Sans, Alphys, Papyrus, Undyne and even Blooky and whenever they use their attacks or whenever they want they can make their Spirit appear like usual but instead the spirit has a mind of their own kind of and can somewhat attack and fight with them but they can’t really talk unless Errorshift finishes their code which isn’t very useful to do during a fight and they are a lot stronger than their original counterparts and errorshift did get the spirits base form power added on to theirs when they got infused and they came an error.
Power and Stats
When they got infusesd, they actually more then surpassed error sans power in raw power code manipulation and speed (which they are about 100,000 times faster than lightning when not serious but when she starts getting serious she’s MFTL+(unmeasurable is also her passive reaction speed ) and inside of the antivoid it’s unmeasurable+ and a bit higher in the dead end) even with errors high LOVE her error DT and high potential with it and natural different power to error even with his high love and more. And she is on par with error 404 and can do a good amount of damage to error 404 and if they get a unexpected attack on them or just a big attack on them with their erasing abilities they might be able to «kill» him or what I mean by kill is make him go B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y(or if error 404 is not resistant to alot of erasure attacks then he would be erased) and after that exactly even able to challenge that form as well since they won’t be absorbed by it because of their encryption also the touch of error papyrus wouldn’t do anything to her but she doesn’t know that yet because they haven’t met them yet also they just like other errors are 6D outside of space and time so time and space abilities don’t work on them.
Whenever error shift gets through their lowest point physically or mentally or if they get mad enough / determined enough she would ll ascend into this form which where they’re determination and hate would reach a critical mass and keep rising even after that so all of their abilities stats speed strength and everything would increase exponentially putting them on the same level as error 404 and above him if they’re determination keeps rising and they can even withstand butterflies transformation itself and can actually fight hand have a good chance of winning. And their body is fused with hate and determination similar to nightmare and shattered Dreams they cannot die unless you destroy every atom of them and if not they can simply regenerate from pretty much anything even from Soul destruction or code destruction also note their code is highly encrypted so not just anyone can actually edit their code or affect it and can’t have their code/being absorb and this goes for their base form too it just goes higher for this form.
High regeneration
Since their body is fused with hate and determination similar to nightmare and shattered Dreams they cannot die unless you destroy every atom of them and if not they can simply regenerate from pretty much anything even from Soul destruction or code destruction also note their code is highly encrypted so not just anyone can actually edit their code or affect it.when also she can live without her soul and even if someone that takes control of it or something bad nothing happens to me it won’t actually do nothing to her actually she mostly uses as a trap so if like anyone hits it she can literally detonate her soul from a distance
Error Determination/Hate
She has all the buttons of determination like SAVE, LOAD, RESET, TRUE RESET and even the rainbow SAVE button and the ERASE button but they mainly use it on single targets and she is able to basically trounce any determination pretty much besides determination mastery which is wielded by Inkshift this is even with that and the user can manipulate hate and determination by sucking it out and absorbing it or by just disabling people’s power to use it and just manipulating it in general and she can steal control and disable all other buttons also even if they fully die even without determination they can respawn inside the dead end and they are immune to erasure and code deletion/erasure and regular deletion.
- Being isolated for long periods (monophobia)
- Fear of being useless or useless. Only being able to watch and not being able to do anything alot of the time (Atelophobia)
Inkshift!Chara (Good friend)
When she was doing her thing she found inkshift and from other errors they say they don’t like inks so she was curious why and when she did had a conversation with them she realized exactly why which caused her to have a friendship with Inkshift Chara and they help each other and because of this they did decide to join team hope (well if the multiverse these two are in has team void and Hope)
Error!Sans (frenemy)
She just thought of them as another genocider that they need to convince or restrain to make sure they can’t do it anymore but with Error’s friends they couldn’t outright kill them or tramp them without others getting involved so they haven’t yet so they haven’t yet. And for the fact that they see error can have redemption so whenever they meet she tries to convince him to turn his ways
Ink!Sans (Friend??)
When exploring they’ve been around a bunch of videos and they eventually meant ink sans but not that many and he seems to be weary of her but they’re fine and they have gotten to know each other a bit.
Core!frisk (friends)
when got errorshift got to a Au that was already destroyed pretty much she searched around finding survivor but they found core frisk already evacuating the residents of the universe so they went to talk with them and she realized they are similar but core can for the most part only get survivors of aus so errorshift befriended core and even agreeing to help core If they need it effectively joining her group of helpers which are reapertale Chara, undertyranny frisk and perseverance frisk and has become friends?/acquaintances with them as well.
StorySwap Chara(pretty good friends)
You know how like error Sans kidnaps underswap sand and keeps him in the anti void and Irish swap does that with regular papyrus instead error shift just meets storyswap Chara which is her version of that and instead becomes good friends with them and she’s quite attracted to her upbeat and benevolent nature
X-chara and X-frisk and x-tale in general but mostly those two (great friends)
Well how this starts out similarly to however found exhale error shift was going through a doodlesphere as they noticed the page with an x on it but it but she found it before the place was destroyed and then she entered the page curious about its origins and then she started to take a look around a little disturbed by everything being black and white and being on the surface as this is the timeline where X gaster forced Frisk to be genocidal which after exploring around suspicious about this world’s coding as they finally witness the genocide happening as their perturbed as there is a genocide happening on the surface but then she noticed that their code has manipulated and so is everything else for that matter so to get more info she edited X-frisks code back to normal and stopping the genocide from happening as then she chated with them and X-Chara as well as they enter the scene as well and both of them basically explain how this entire world is a play toy and they themselves are also play toy and are being tortured basically by this X-gaster which infuriates errorshift beyond belief as she instantly walks off to challenge them to a fight to the death a rare circumstance for errorshift which he would most likely decline but she fights in any way and while she’s about to kill him he tries to OVERWRITE errorshift but it doesn’t do anything with her encryptions and she instantly kills his body with a barrage of knives and strings but then she takes his soul with strings and X-Chara and X-frisk are flabbergasted at their power as she gives them X-gasters soul and traits inside of it as a gift giving them both the power of OVERWRITE but she says use the power well and for good and she actually talks to them a while longer to find out everything else they know and just get to know them and eventually they become great friends even with errorshift and X-frisk and X-chara opening up to themselves about their past(well more about it with chara and frisk) and sympathizing with each other and empathizing truly a good friendship and eventually meet others in x-tale but after a while she reluctantly leaves but you did keep a piece of X-gasters soul to study it
The Player(hated enemy most of the time)
from her wanderings around the multiverse and her enhanced coding and glitch proficiency she actually found out about the player by breaking the fourth wall and code and upon finding out about how they take control of frisks certain Chara and whoever are in their roles across the multiverse forcing them to do whatever they wanted to do with no consideration for their feelings and with her advanced coding she’s actually manages to completely ban players from doing anything with that world which she does with most players but the players who are truly kind she decides to code them a lifeless body so they can stay and still do stuff but not take control of anyone who’s actually alive.
Error!404 (Neutral?/Enemy)
One of Errorshifts testing out their abilities sessions the accidentally hit a high point and they were put inside of the mainframe they were curious so they wanted around and found Error!404 and he was confused how they got there but nonetheless he wanted them out so he fought her and he was surprised at their power and she was even able to surprise him and catch him off guard which made him respect her just a bit but was still agitated about it so it ended by her just leaving before it got Hairy (if anyone wants to add any relationships or abilities you can but ask me first SupremejudgeFrisk)
Infected (hunting / enemy)
Errorshift where is just casually going around and you was visiting places saving Time lines visiting old places she saved and just doing random stuff but then she heard the same room with everyone else has about a strange person stalking them and stuff like that which she thought was weird but it continued on until one day she felt a strange presence and an au she was visiting but then it was gone but then she memorized it and kept on trying to track it down until eventually they did and they found infected doing something unhorably speakable to a random monster which then they immediately sprung into action fighting them and save the monster and she kept fighting them which she was actually doing pretty good until infected kind of vanished like you do and then after making sure the monster is all right she vowed to hunt down whatever that thing was and learn as much about it to stop it from doing that again
Insanity time Trio(puppets)
Well and one of error errorshift strolls around the multiverse they appear in a random judgmental where they see the trio and at first she’s mortified and slightly angered at their appearance but she quickly gains composure and tries to talk with them but instead she gets attacks back at her so then they start fighting and she easily outmatches them in speed and strength and that they don’t know what strings do and so they became her puppets «how disgraceful so-called judges killing everyone they wanted to protect» and then they checked the skulls they had to most likely give a proper burial but she’s surprised to find that they’re alive and then she thinks we can make sense because they would be dust not a head and so she takes the trio and the heads back to the anti-void and with coding and healing magic she repairs the heads to have bodies again and they thank her and ask what she’s going to do with their siblings and she promises she’ll try to find a way to bring them back to normal but she might need to help and they agree but for now she lets them go to the Omega timeline since their original timelines aren’t really there anymore
Fun facts
- Errorshift does use puppets in battle if she is annoyed or angry or desperate enough too but mostly she mostly uses genocider puppets as that’s what she has and all the puppets are fully powered because they did let their souls and ability stuff come back over time
- They still like chocolate but even more so now and they have a fondness for cake
- their favorite color is purple/red
- They can crash but they do it significantly shorter than error and mostly it happens for comedy or cuteness and the crashes make her light up like a light bulb and errors and OMGS appear around her
- They Like costumes
- They use the end of the road and their own anti-void in the same place but the end of the road is more of a backup and being in ether gives her a massive power up aswell but the end of the road gives a bit of a bigger power up
- When they saw errors TV show undernovela she scrambled over tto inkshift Chara and begged her to make storynovela and surprisingly inkshift thought that was a good idea so they created it or do what inks do
- She trains occasionally mostly by yourself well whenever he’s not using her spirits which if she does take time to fully encode them they will have all our memories personality training and knowledge in general and can teach error shift how to fight and just teach things in general which makes errorshift a fantastic battle strategist / technician because of her toriel and King sans and she’s even really smart because of her father asgore who is the Royal scientist
- She actively fights aud destroyers especially error to stop them from destroying aus and killing infinite people and she even checks the Doodles sphere occasionally when ink’s not there
- She knows Spanish(and some others like Russian she uses her power to travel different places to get books to learn different languages) and she uses that fact to annoy error about how she knows what’s going on in under novella
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Published: May 20, 2017
Here a new drawing, a mix between Ink and Error in a Storyshift version !
What ? I only draw Storyshift ? No, not at all, that’s false
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© 2017 — 2023 FuryTheFallenChild
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Dec 11, 2020
Is it ok if a use this for a yt video?
Ну да, не про одних-же котов-воителей тесты делать)
Если кто не знал, моё второе увлечение: Андертейл.
А сами Эррор и Инк: одни из моих любимых персонажей. Ведь, они чем-то связаны… Вот я и решила посветить тест этим двоим.
Вопрос 1.
Знаю что примитивно… но… рукоделие или рисование?
И то, и то
Ни то, ни другое
Вопрос 2.
Чаёк или кофеёк?
И то, и то
Ни то, ни другое
Вопрос 3.
Как ты относишься к АУ?
Они мне нравяться, это интересная задумка… я бы даже поборолась за них…
К чему они?! Оригинальный Андертейл лучше всего!
Вопрос 4.
Ты бы защищала АУ вместе с Инком?
Конечно! Я не позволю Эррору их разрушить! С ними интересней
Да, с Инком весело
Неее… но разрушать их неправильно! Я против этого!
Ненужные ошибки! Я бы их разрушала!
Мне всёравно, на то, что с ними происходит
Вопрос 5.
Ну… А разрушение АУ?
Я за! Зачем они нужны?! Все уничтожить!
Мне все-рав-но
Не надо их разрушать! я просто против…
Не позволю! Я не позволю разрушать их! Буду бороться за их существование
Вопрос 6.
Сново вопрос не в тему: карандаш или ручка?
И то, и то
Ни то, ни другое
Вопрос 7.
Представь себе такую ситуацию: ты идёшь по своей АУ и тут видишь, что Эррор сильно ранил Инка, обвил его своими нитями и думает, как с ним поступить
Эррор! Давай! Я помогу тебе!
Неееет! Инк! Надо срочно остановить Эррора!
Эмм… они не должны сражаться, пусть просто разойдуться миром! *пойти их мирить
Это не моё дело, пусть что будет, то и будет
Вопрос 8.
Какие эмоции эта каринка вызывает у тебя?
Мило. Розовая краска
Неееееет! Только не розовая краска! Вы знаете что будет с Инычем если он её выпьет!!!
О! Розовая краска. Не часто я её использую, но… иногда приходиться
Краска как краска
Вопрос 9.
А эта?
Само зло!
Оооооо… Какая вещь…
Нитки как нитки
Вопрос 10.
С этим разабрались. А теперь: камень или стекло?
Не могу решить
И то, и то
Вопрос 11.
А сам(а) то, какой результат хочешь?
Инк ван лав!
Не знаю
Не могу решить, зачем я тогда этот тест прохожу?
Ever since Error has met Ink, he has fallen madly in love with him. How could he not? Ink was everything he wanted. A creative little thing, sweet to others, and cute. With that pretty little smile, it could lighten up the whole world! Inks eyes are so soft and sweet, it could make anyone melt with happiness. His tone of voice was always so helpful and sweet. Anyone who listened to what ink had to say knew they were in good hands. It's creativity....yes, his artwork was amazing. It looked like it was practically about to jump out at you. So realistic looking.
Error daydreamed away, imagining all the places he would take Ink. To the park; where the gooses hanged around, maybe out to a nice resteraunt; that has lovely food, perhaps out to the town square; where all the music and dancing was. There was just one problem to his plan however. Ink is always seemingly close to another person. How disappointing. To Ink, Error and him were just 'merely friends.'. Ink hung around Dream a lot. Why? Why was Dream better then Error? So many questions. Error would end it there and now. Ink will only have Error and see him as more then friends.
On a sunny afternoon, there where white flowers growing on the green grass. Ink and Dream were chatting happily to one another, blissfully unaware to what would happen. Error had a plan, perhaps even a Ricky plan. To terminate Dream. No more Dream, that means all Ink's focus will be on Error. Feelings will develop and Ink will be his! Surely Ink will need a shoulder to cry on. It will be Error Ink needs.
Error chuckled to himself, such a perfect plan! Nothing can go wrong. He hid behind a tree and watched the gravel pathway. Withing moments, Dream and Ink were walking together. They were having a friendly conversation together
Dream smiled,"Your latest work looks so beautiful! I loved the shading you've done!"
Ink walked next to Dream with a bounce in his step,"Yes... I'm quite proud of it. Oil paintings aren't easy to do. They take days to dry then you have to paint again for the bold affect. It took a little over a month for it to be completely done.", Ink beamed. He loved his work, that was his passion. He poured his energy and heart into everything and anything he made. He was a creator.
Error glared at Dream. How dare he talk to Ink. In Errors twisted mind he took this simple conversation as a flirting gesture. He felt his blood boil but manged to keep a calm face. He gave himself a second to assure himself everything will be fine. He put on a smile and goes down to the two happy skeletons.
"What are you guys doing here?", He asked. Despite his friendly looks , there was a bad aura around him.
Ink didn't pick up on it,"Oh! I'm doing a small project. I'm going to pick flowers and press them in a book.", He then started to ramble on about the flowers and details of the project.
Dream however, noticed the aura,"Hey Error...what brought you here?", His eyes looked up and down Error.
"It's a nice day today. I can't walk out of my house to get fresh air?"
"You can but...", Dream stopped there. He wasn't sure what to say. However, he knew Error was bad news.
Ink looked over and got distracted,"I need to pick a few flowers. I'll be seeing you two later.", Ink turned and leaves, going towards a patch of flowers.
"Ink wait-", before dream could move anymore Error snatched his wrist,"Hey!"
"What are your plans with Ink?"
"What are your plans?! You two are too lovey dovey. Your stuck to Inks side like glue. You can't possibly tell me that you don't have some plan with him!", He hissed.
"What?! No! Ink-", his mouth was covered. Error teleported Dream away. The two of them where gone for a few hours.
After those few hours, Error came back to the park with bloodied clothes. He taught Dream a very important lesson that Dream won't forget. His plan was in motion: torture Dream, let him off with a warning, go sweep Ink off his feet. Though, one problem...he forgot to change clothes.
Error made himself looked panicked, finding Ink at a different flower patch,"Ink something terrible happened."
Ink looked over and was in immediate shock,"What? What happened??"
"Something happened to Dream. We were walking back to his house when someone snatched his wrists. They were dragging him away when-", while Error was telling his story, Ink grew more panicked. He then noticed the blood on errors shirt
" have...blood on your shirt."
Error stopped, he looked down and sighed, forgetting to change,"Yes, love...I know."
"B-But...why? What happened. What did...what did you do??", He took a step back.
Error stepped forward,"I did what I had to. Dream was taking my place as your lover.", He growl came from him as he stepped forward,"I love you. You're everything I want and need "
"No! Error, what have you done?! We were just friends, not...not in a relationship! What did you do!?"
"Nothing too bad...jus' a little punishment and a warning to keep him far away from you."
"This is wrong! I'm going to find him, you shouldn't even be acting like this.", Ink tried to leave but was pulled back.
"Uh-uh can't leave yet. I want to hear you say that you're mine."
"Absolutely not! I won't to talk to you anymore nor do I want to see you again. You hurt my best friend!"
Error glared at Ink,"I got rid of a pest. You're mine Ink...", He pulled the other close, pecking Ink's cheek with a kiss, "You are mine whether you like it or not... I won't give up on you..."