Error code 0 2034 office

Error code 0-2034 (0) when installing Office occurs when you try to install Office and your hard drive is running out of space or you have an internet connection problem.

Story Highlights

  • Free space on hard drive
  • Install Office using the Offline Installer
  • Install using a Wired Connection
  • Turn off proxy settings temporarily
  • Temporarily Disable Antivirus
  • Temporarily disable the Firewall
  • Office Suite Installation in Clean Boot
  • Install from different location
  • Remove Other Office Versions

Error code 0 2034 0

How to fix Error code 0-2034 (0) when installing Office

Applies on Microsoft Office 365, Office 2021, Office 2019, Office 2016 and Office 2013

Error code 0-2034 (0) when installing Office occurs when your hard drive is running out of space or you have an internet connection problem.

“Error code 0-2034 (0) when installing Office” also occurs when your security software, firewall, proxy settings, connection, or third-party software prevents you from installing Office.

Error Message

Couldn’t install. We’re sorry, we had a problem installing your Office programs(s). Is your internet connection working? Do you have enough free space on your main hard drive? Please try installing again after you’ve checked the above. Go online for additional help.

  • Error code: 0-2034 (0)

Causes of «Error code 0-2034 (0) when installing Office»

“Error code 0-2034 (0) when installing Office” also occurs when other Office installation is conflicting, secuity software, firewall, proxy settings, connection or third party software prevent us from installing Office. We might see this error prompt with error code 0-2034 (0) during office installation process.

  • Not enough space on the hard drive
  • Antivirus software and firewall might be blocking the Office installation
  • Internet connections and proxy settings are preventing office installation
  • Click 2 Run Installation
  • Previous version of an Office suite is blocking the installation
  • Incomplete, partial, failed repair, installation, change, or removal of a previous Office suite can prevent from installing a newer version.

Resolution of «Error code 0-2034 (0) when installing Office»

We have made a list of resolutions that can fix the Error “Error code 0-2034 (0) when installing Office”. We have listed the solutions in order to fix the error.

Performing the below-mentioned solutions and workarounds helps us to resolve the error “Error code 0-2034 (0) when installing Office” in Microsoft Office.

  • Free space on your hard drive
  • Install Office using the Offline Installer
  • Install Office using a Wired Connection
  • Temporarily turn off proxy settings
  • Temporarily disable antivirus
  • Temporarily disable the firewall
  • Install Office using a different Internet Connection or from different location
  • Office Installation in Clean Boot
  • Remove Other Office Versions

Free space on your hard drive

You might not be able to install programs and important Windows updates if your system is running low on free space. This might affect the performance of your system and in Office installation causing “Error code 0-2034 (0)”.

  • Press the Windows + R and type cleanmgr and hit Ok. OR Click on Start and type Disk Cleanup.
  • If prompted, select the disk that needs to be cleaned up.
  • Wait for analyzation what files can be removed.
  • Select the files that you want to be removed from your computer.
  • Click on Ok and Confirm the file deletion by clicking on Delete Files on the prompt.

Now it should free space on your drive for Office installtion and avoid “Error code 0-2034 (0)”.

Disk Cleanup


Install Office using the Office Offline Installer

The Office offline installer may help in bypassing the potential firewall, proxy, antivirus, or Internet connection issues that might occur during an Office installation as we will be downloading the Offline installer ISO file to install office to avoid error code 0-2034 (0).

Steps to Download Office Offline Installer File

Please visit to download the office offline installer. We need to make sure that we are using the same account which is associated with our copy of office.

If we are not signed in with the Microsoft account associated with our copy of Office, we need to sign in now. If we are signed in with a different account, we need to sign out from that account and sign in again with the correct Microsoft account.

Once we logged in, we will find My Office Account Homepage with your subscription account information and the place we normally go to download the standard online Office installer.

  • From the My Office Account Home page, click the Install button.

Microsoft Office My Account Page

  • From the Install page, click “Language, 32/64-bit, and other install options.

Language and Other Install Options

  • Language and Install Options: This is the section from where we can manually select to download Office in Language other than Operating System Configured language. We can also opt for the 64-bit version of office instead of normal 32 bit.
    • Offline Installer: From the Office Installer section, select desired language and click on Download offline installer.

Download Offline Installer


Install Office using a Wired Connection

Error code 0-2034 (0) can occur during the office installation if you are downloading and installing it over a slow connection. If you have a wireless connection, consider using a wired connection to access the internet.

The wired connection is stable, faster, and doesn’t lose connectivity. It helps in boosting the office downloading and installation. Plug in the Ethernet cable into your device and try installing Office again.


Turn off proxy settings temporarily

Proxy Settings enabled on your computer may affect the Microsoft Office installation and may throw “Error code 0-2034 (0) when installing Office”.

If you use your device at home, school, or at work, consider turning off the proxy settings in Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari before you install Office.

Please follow the below-mentioned steps to turn off proxy settings in different browsers:

Disable Proxy Settings in Google Chrome

  • Open the Customize and Control Google Chrome menu by clicking on the three-dots icon at the top right of Google Chrome, select Settings on the menu. Click on Advanced Option from the Bottom if listed or find System and finally click on Open proxy settings.
  • Click on Connections from the top menu and then click on LAN Settings.
  • Deselect the checkbox for Use a proxy server for your LAN.
  • Click Ok.

Disable Proxy Settings in Internet Explorer

  • Open the Internet Options by clicking on the Gear Icon icon at the top right of Internet Explorer or Click on Tools and then select Internet Options.
  • Click on Connections from the top menu and then click on LAN Settings.
  • Deselect the checkbox for Use a proxy server for your LAN.
  • Click Ok.

Temporarily Disable Antivirus or Security Software

To workaround, this problem, try temporarily disabling your antivirus software and installing Office to avoid error code 0-2034 (0). If that doesn’t work, try uninstalling the antivirus software temporarily instead.

  • Open Antivirus application installed on the computer and then click on settings and navigate to real-time protection.
  • Turn Off real-time protection. Then Navigate to Antivirus firewall.
  • Turn off Antivirus firewall. Then Click on YES or OK confirmation prompt if prompted.

Don’t forget to reinstall the antivirus software after Office is finished installing and if you turned it off, be sure to turn it on again.


Temporarily disable the Firewall

Windows Firewall or Third-Party Firewall installed on the computer can cause a problem with the Office installation and it may throw “Error code 0-2034 (0) when installing Office”. A firewall is used to allow or deny internet access to the applications. As an exception, it may deny providing access to Office installation which can cause Error code 0-2034 (0).
Consider disabling the firewall on the computer before and during office installation.

  • Open the control panel and select the “System and Security” and then to “Windows Firewall

System and Security Windows 10

  • Then Click on “Turn Windows Firewall On or Off

Configure Windows Firewall

  • Select Turn Off Firewall for both public and private networks.

Disable Windows 10 Firewall

Turn On the firewall once you finish installing the Office.


Office Suite Installation in Clean Boot

Office installation can also be interrupted if third-party services are conflicting with the office program which can result in Error code 0-2034 (0).
Consider performing Clean Boot to disable all startup programs and services on the computer. Also, consider disabling unwanted software’s which can conflict with the office suite. Try installing the office after starting the computer with minimal set of services, drivers, and startup programs to avoid other programs interfering with office installation.

Perform Clean Boot in Windows10, 8.1 and 8

  • Press Windows Key + R to open Run command, type msconfig.msc and click Ok. Or Open Control Panel –>Administrative Tools–>System Configuration

msconfig Windows 11 & 10

  • On the Services tab of the System Configuration dialog box, tap or click to select the Hide all Microsoft services check box, and then tap or click Disable all.
  • On the Startup tab of the System Configuration dialog box, tap or click Open Task Manager
  • On the Startup tab in Task Manager, for each startup item, select the item and then click Disable
  • Close Task Manager.
    On the Startup tab of the System Configuration dialog box, tap or click OK, and then restart the computer.

System Configuration

Consider installing office after restarting the device.

Perform Clean Boot in Windows 7

  • Press Windows Key + R to open Run command, type msconfig.msc and click Ok. Or Open Control Panel –>Administrative Tools–>System Configuration
  • On the General tab, click the Selective startup option, and then click to clear the Load startup items check box
  • On the Services tab, click to select the Hide all Microsoft services check box, and then click Disable all.
  • Close Task Manager.
    On the Startup tab of the System Configuration dialog box, tap or click OK, and then restart the computer.

System Configuration Windows 7

Consider installing office after restarting the device.


Install Office using a different Internet Connection or from different location

Consider connecting with a different internet connection as the network may be limited in a way that it won’t allow Office to install and cause error code 0-2034 (0). If you are trying to install Office at School or Work, consider connecting your device with a different Internet connection at your Home, Public Place, Friend’s place or to a Wireless hotspot and then try to install Office again.

Note: If you need to install Office from work, university or school, then your IT department might be able to help you with any network limitations.


Remove Other Office Versions

Office installation can also be interrupted due to erroneous residual files during the installation or un-installation of previous versions of Microsoft office which can cause error code 0-2034 (0).
Consider removing Microsoft Office versions installed in the device and try to reinstall the Office program. You can reinstall the other office versions once the office installation is finished.

Uninstall Office from the Control Panel

  • Press Windows Key + R to open Run command, type appwiz.cpl and click Ok. Or Open Control Panel –>Programs
  • Right-click on the Microsoft Office product, and choose Uninstall.
  • Follow the instructions on the screen.

Uninstall Microsoft Office

Uninstall Office using Microsoft Easy Fix Tool

Try running Microsoft Easy Fix tool to completely remove Office from the device.

We’ve compiled all the resolutions and workarounds verified by the experts to fix the mentioned error. These resolutions and workarounds helped the users to fix the error on their system. Try implementing these resolutions on your computer and if the preceding suggestions fail to solve the error, please feel free to Ask an Expert.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Microsoft Office Error code 0-2034 (0)?

    Microsoft Office Error code 0-2034 (0) appears when your hard drive is running out of space or you have an internet connection problem.

  2. How do I download Office offline installer?

    Visit and log in to your account. From the Office home page select Install Office. Run the downloaded office installation file and folow the instructions.

  3. Why I am getting couldn’t install Office error?

    Couldn’t install Office error occurs when you try to install Office and your hard drive is running out of space or you have an internet connection problem.

Recently a friend of mine got Error Code: 0-2034 when running the Office Deployment Toolkit. Working in a medium-sized company, he wanted to deploy Office 2019 (volume license-based) to a handful of devices. He downloaded the executable, extracted the files to a folder, and then double-clicked setup.exe.

The exact error was:

Couldn’t install
We’re sorry, we had a problem installing your Office program(s).
Is your internet connection working? Do you have enough free
space on your main hard drive?
Please try installing again after you’ve checked the above.
Go online for additional help.
Error Code: 0-2034 (0)

After verifying the internet connection and making sure free disk space was not the issue, I applied the following fix.

How to fix error 0-2034 Couldn’t install in ODT

A few seconds after you double-clicked Setup.exe, you will get error 0-2034. The setup.exe is extracted to a folder and is accompanied with the the following files:


The trick to avoiding error 0-2034 is to apply parameters.

In ODT’s setup.exe you’ll need to use /download <xml file> or /configure <xml file>. The included XML-files are samples, but you can try the /download switch to verify the working.

  1. Hold SHIFT while right-clicking in the ODT folder
  2. Click Open Powershell window here
    open powershelle here in explorer
  3. Type .setup.exe /download .configuration-Office2019Enterprise.xml
  4. Notice that an Office folder will appear. All Office binaries, as configured in the XML file, are now being downloaded to the Office folder.
  5. Using /configure, setup.exe will download AND install Office.
    odt install ofice 2019

These steps will most likely answer your question about the Office Deployment Tool and error 0-2034.

Alternative fixes for error 0-2034 in Office Deployment Tool

In case you are facing the error while using the /download or /configure switch, these actions may help you out

Delete the Office folder

The downloaded Office data in the ODT folder may be corrupted. Simply delete the folder, and run the setup.exe command again.

Remove all Office products from your device

A conflict may arise when you try to run setup.exe on a computer that already has a version of Office installed. Make sure you’ve backed up all data and make sure you know how to reconfigure (like your Outlook email). Uninstall the Office products and try again.

Try another way to call the XML-file

In my example, I suggested using .setup.exe /configure .configuration-Office2019Enterprise.xml. However, some system administrators were helped by using the full path to the XML. Like:

C:ODTsetup.exe /configure C:ODTconfiguration-Office2019Enterprise.xml

Talking about the XML-file, make sure you don’t make a typo. And sometimes, there’s a duplicate extension, like config.xml.xml. :(
To prevent any dubious problem, Powershell allows you to hit <TAB> to auto-fill or auto-complete the XML filename:

  1. In Powershell, navigate to the ODT folder (or use the SHIFT-Rightclick trick to directly open Powershell in the ODT folder
  2. Type setup.exe /configure . -> HIT TAB – see auto-complete in action -> HIT ENTER

Links to resources

To create or customize the installation, you may edit the XML file manually. But it is recommended to use the online Office Customization Tool to generate an XML-file:

To download the Office Deployment Tool:

If this article did not help you solve your problem, please leave a comment! This website is visited thousands of times a day. There is a good chance that I or someone else has an answer to your question.

In addition, if you have a better solution for this problem, please leave a comment too! It may help me improve this article, as well as you may help other users facing this issue.

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  1. 16th August 2021, 07:11 PM #1

    TaylorIT is offline

    Rep Power

    Hi all,
    I have spent a while today trying to fix various errors with the Office Deployment Tool to just simply install Office 2019 Pro Plus. Oh I wish Microsoft would have just put an .iso download on their VLSC! I just thought I�d post this solution in case it helps someone.

    My master image had Office 2010 on it, so I uninstalled this prior to attempting to install Office Pro Plus 2019 x64. It also had a temporary install of Office 2019 I had on it to test it, this was also fully uninstalled prior to installing this volume licence edition. As soon as I ran the tool I got the 0-2034 error message. A quick Google and various forums suggested proxy/internet/Antivirus/Firewall issues as well as old versions of office which may be clashing. I checked the internet and it was fine, I even tethered my mobile so I could try a different internet connection and it still didn�t work. I used the Microsoft Support Assistant tool as recommended to remove all traces of historic versions of Office. Still no luck!

    Then I came across the Techsoup article which runs the tool in two parts, one to download Office and the other to install using command prompt. After a few goes I managed to get Office 2019 Pro Plus x64 to download using their XML template for this product and my custom volume licence MAK key. It took a while and I didn�t think it was working at first. It wouldn�t download on one machine so I tried another and it worked, eventually.…-from-techsoup

    Unfortunately the second part, the installation wouldn�t work. Again error messages moaning about internet issues, which was a bit odd as the installer files had downloaded during the first stage. In the end I managed to get it to install by removing the SourcePath from the XML file. So the SourcePath worked fine during the download stage but not for the install stage (setup /configure configuration.xml).

    I�m not sure if Microsoft have changed something in the Office deployment Tool but I couldn�t get it to install without removing this path. Hopefully this may help someone save a few hours of troubleshooting as I know this Techsoup article is popular on the Microsoft Forums.

    Thank you.


    Last edited 16th August 2021 at 07:25 PM.


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Are you trying to install or use Microsoft Office, but are you getting the error ‘0-2034’?

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How to solve Microsoft Office error 0-2034

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I purchased a 2019 Volume license assuming it would be a non-issue. However, I discovered that my ISO is a thing of the past and I’m now attempting to join the future with the Office deployment tool.

I can’t get the dang thing to work.

<Configuration ID=»x-x-x-x-x»>

<Add OfficeClientEdition=»32″ Channel=»PerpetualVL2019″>

<Product ID=»ProPlus2019Volume» PIDKEY=»xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx»>

<Language ID=»en-us» />



<Property Name=»SharedComputerLicensing» Value=»0″ />

<Property Name=»PinIconsToTaskbar» Value=»TRUE» />

<Property Name=»SCLCacheOverride» Value=»0″ />

<Property Name=»AUTOACTIVATE» Value=»0″ />

<Property Name=»FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN» Value=»FALSE» />

<Property Name=»DeviceBasedLicensing» Value=»0″ />

<Updates Enabled=»TRUE» />

<RemoveMSI />


<User Key=»software\\microsoft\\office\\16.0\\excel\\options» Name=»defaultformat» Value=»51″ Type=»REG\_DWORD» App=»excel16″ Id=»L\_SaveExcelfilesas» />

<User Key=»software\\microsoft\\office\\16.0\\powerpoint\\options» Name=»defaultformat» Value=»27″ Type=»REG\_DWORD» App=»ppt16″ Id=»L\_SavePowerPointfilesas» />

<User Key=»software\\microsoft\\office\\16.0\\word\\options» Name=»defaultformat» Value=»» Type=»REG\_SZ» App=»word16″ Id=»L\_SaveWordfilesas» />


</Configuration> — this is what I’ve used, and I tried a few others that people said worked for them. However I’ve been unable to get anything other then: «Error Code: 0-2034 (0)»

ISO was easy, why did they do this to me?

‘er I mean, this new method is sure interesting! I can’t wait to master it.

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