Error code 0 2048 office 2019

Error 0 2048 We have collected for you the most relevant information on Error 0 2048, as well as possible solutions to this problem. Take a look at the links provided and find the solution that works. Other people have encountered Error 0 2048 before you, so use the ready-made solutions. How to Fix […]


  1. Error 0 2048
  2. How to Fix Error Code 2048 on Windows 10
  3. ERROR CODE 0-2048 (0) when installing Office — Office 365
  4. How I Solved The Windows Error Code 2048
  5. Have QuickTime Error 2048? 5 Ways to Repair and Open .
  6. What is error code 2048 «network busy» and how do we .
  7. Modern Warfare Error Code 2048 Fix! — YouTube
  8. [SOLVED] Office 2019 Vol/Perpetual installation errors .
  9. Office 2016 ODT Office Deployment Toolkit error code 0 .
  10. Troubleshooting Office installation errors — Office .
  11. Error 0 2048 Fixes & Solutions
  12. Office 2019 for PC
  13. 1 answer
  14. How to Fix Microsoft Office Error code 0-2054
  15. Step 1. Temporarily disable Firewall and Antivirus
  16. Follow the steps to disable Firewall to fix Error code 0-2054:
  17. Follow the steps to disable Antivirus:
  18. Step 2. SFC Scan to fix Error code 0-2054
  19. Step 3. Registry repair to fix Error code 0-2054
  20. Solution 4. Remove and reinstallation.
  21. How to install Microsoft Office
  22. Error code 0 2048 office 2019
  23. Вопрос
  24. Ответы
  25. Все ответы

Error 0 2048

We have collected for you the most relevant information on Error 0 2048, as well as possible solutions to this problem. Take a look at the links provided and find the solution that works. Other people have encountered Error 0 2048 before you, so use the ready-made solutions.

How to Fix Error Code 2048 on Windows 10
    Jun 27, 2020 · Error code 2048 is a common Windows runtime error that encounters during video playback, notably on QuickTime Player and YouTube. As soon as this error strikes on your device, the app suddenly crashes or gets interrupted in some or the other way.

ERROR CODE 0-2048 (0) when installing Office — Office 365
    Jan 16, 2021 · ERROR CODE 0-2048 (0) when installing Office. Follow the listed step-by-step troubleshooting guide to fix the error 0-2048 (0).

How I Solved The Windows Error Code 2048
    The known Windows Connection issue can be solved. This is related to playing movies with Quicktime player. It may be caused by .

Have QuickTime Error 2048? 5 Ways to Repair and Open .
    Part 1: Snapshot of QuickTime Error 2048 The QuickTime error occurs when a problem is encountered by the QuickTime media player in trying to open your media file. Media files must be read properly by QuickTime before it can be played. However, QuickTime Player can display any number of error messages like «The document could not be opened.

What is error code 2048 «network busy» and how do we .
    Dec 26, 2013 · Hi Susan! I can see that you are working with my colleague Chris. He’ll be able to help get this sorted out 🙂 Happy Holidays!

Modern Warfare Error Code 2048 Fix! — YouTube
    Jun 05, 2020 · This video shows how to fix this error code 2048 on modern warfareAuthor: Xamicon

[SOLVED] Office 2019 Vol/Perpetual installation errors .
    Jun 07, 2019 · LeMans-Vette wrote: I’m ready to strangle a MS rep at this point. Does anyone have access to a VL ISO? I can download a damn ISO for 2016 all day long in the VLSC but 2019 is this godforsaken process..

Office 2016 ODT Office Deployment Toolkit error code 0 .
    Jun 04, 2017 · Office 2016 ODT Office Deployment Toolkit error code 0-1008 (0) , installation error Office 2016 via ODT Office 365, XML config sample

Troubleshooting Office installation errors — Office .
    Aug 14, 2020 · Troubleshooting Office installation failures. 8/14/2020; 12 minutes to read; M; s; C; A; Applies to: Microsoft Office; In this article. This article was written by Eric Ashton, Senior Support Escalation Engineer.. This article describes techniques on how to determine and fix Microsoft Office installation failures.

Error 0 2048 Fixes & Solutions

We are confident that the above descriptions of Error 0 2048 and how to fix it will be useful to you. If you have another solution to Error 0 2048 or some notes on the existing ways to solve it, then please drop us an email.


Office 2019 for PC

I am trying to download the Office 2019, what is the Error Code 0-2048(0) means?

Since the issue is related to office, I have updated the correct tag for you.

Any updates about this problem? Please let us know if you would like further assistance.

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1 answer

Did you get any detail error message?
Where did you download Office 2019?
Where did you get the Office 2019 download from? Directly from the Office CDN on the internet or local path?
Try to provide the configure.xml about install Office 2019 and I’m glad to help you.

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How to Fix Microsoft Office Error code 0-2054

Error code 0-2054 : Microsoft office application is now an important element of our day to day life as it deals about our studies, work, business etc. And as it is a development era Microsoft has launched the well developed and secured products such as Office 365, Office 2019 and Office 2016 and also Office 2013 which was precede of Office 365 and Office 2019. You could buy the Office product from Microsoft product list or store .And in some cases the installation or update of Office may end up with Error code 0-2054

Step 1. Temporarily disable Firewall and Antivirus

Error code 0-2054 while installing or updating the Microsoft Office may occur in case of Network or firewall restriction. The network rules or firewall rules in the network/computer may block the installation of Office program or its updating as a part of their security measurements. These firewall rules and Antivirus are implemented on the computer by the network provider or the computer user on its core system or registry.

You could fix the Error code 0-2054 by disabling the firewall or antivirus temporarily or you could fix the Error code 0-2054 by making creating an exceptional rule for Microsoft Office installation or update.

Follow the steps to disable Firewall to fix Error code 0-2054:

Step 1. Open “control panel”

Step 2. Navigate to “system and security” and then to “Windows Firewall”

Step 3. Click on “turn windows firewall On or Off”

Step 4. Select Turn Off firewall for both private and public network.

Step 5. Try installing or updating Microsoft Office and check whether the Error code 0-2054 is fixed.

For more information: click here to view Microsoft Reference article to disable windows firewall.

Follow the steps to disable Antivirus:

Step 1. Open Antivirus application installed on the computer.

Step 2. Click on settings and navigate to real time protection.

Step 3. Turn Off real time protection.

Step 4. Navigate to Antivirus firewall.

Step 5. Turn off Antivirus firewall.

Step 6. Click on YES or OK confirmation prompt if prompted.

Step 7. Try installing or updating Microsoft Office and check whether the Error 0-2054 is fixed.

Step 2. SFC Scan to fix Error code 0-2054

Error code 0-2054 also occurs in case of system file errors or corruption. If the Error code 0-2054 is occurred due to the system file corruption, it could be fixed easily by the SFC scan. The SFC scan or system file checking scan is the process of replacing or repairing the corrupted copy of system files using the cached copy of the file from the directory.

Follow the steps to initiate SFC scan:

Step 1. Open command prompt in administrative privileges.

Step 2. Type “ sfc /scannow “ and click enter.

Step 3. The scan will begin automatically .

Step 4. Do not close the command prompt until the scan get completed.

Step 5. Try installing or updating Microsoft Office and check whether the Error 0-2054 is fixed.

For more information: Click here to view Microsoft reference kb article 929833 for sfc scan

Step 3. Registry repair to fix Error code 0-2054

Error code 0-2054 also occurs due to registry corruption or key value errors. A single key value corruption or change may lead to malfunctioning of the entire Microsoft Office program.

In order to fix Error code 0-2054 it is required to repair the registry keys and rebuilt the string values. And we request you to back up the registry before initiating the registry repair as registry is a highly sensitive element of a computer system and it is recommended to be done in the presence of Online or offline technician.

For more information on back up of registry follow the Microsoft kb article 322756

Follow the steps to repair registry:

Step 1. Open registry editor

Step 2. Delete the preinstalled or older registry key which block the installation of latest version or update.

Step 3. Navigate the below keys and delete it.

Step 5. Also change the DWORD values in below keys from 0 to 1 in Office common registry folder.

Solution 4. Remove and reinstallation.

If Error code 0-2054 is not fixed in registry repair, SFC scan and firewall/antivirus exception, it is required to remove the Office suite completely from the programs and features, and then to reinstall the product for a proper use.

Follow the steps given below to fix Error code 0-2054 completely.

Step 1. Open control panel

Step 2. Click on uninstall programs and features

Step 3. Search for Microsoft Office in the list.

Step 4. Select Microsoft Office and click on uninstall.

Step 5. Once uninstall is finished, try running Office setup to install Microsoft Office.

For more information: Click here to view Microsoft reference kb article to uninstall a program.

How to install Microsoft Office

Step 2. Login to Office account using your registered email ID and password.

Step 3. Click on install Option under the Office product in your account.

Step 4. Save the installer setup if prompted and run it once download is completed.

Step 5. Do not go offline or reboot the computer once installation is initiated.

Step 6. Click on finish button once the program is installed completely.

Please note: If you are trying to install School or college or company version of Office suite click here to login to your office account and then follow from step 2.


Error code 0 2048 office 2019


I have a folder on my new Surface Pro 6 that contains the installer and a configuration file. Using an administrator command line with «setup.exe /configure office.xml» from the same folder:

I get an Office dialog «Couldn’t install. Error Code: 0-1008 (0)

I have an open support ticket since 2-13 and no solution, — REG:119021319664109. I need to get two of these completed and deployed to end users.

I uninstalled O365 prior to doing this work. WinX is 1809.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions. This same installer worked great on a PC with WinX 1809. Only the SP6 has shown this error.


It seems this error is quite old and there is no known solution.

I phoned MS Worldwide support 800-936-4900 but they are closed. Really? What time zone? I guess if you live in Australia you have to wake up in the middle of the night to get assistance from MS. Wow.

I was on hold with MS Support on my second ticket and was transferred 3 times this AM. Out of frustration I tried the default Office 2019 .xml supplied the the media creation tool.

It worked! The .xml file supplied by MS support staff (see above) never did work. Here is the file that worked after running two different «removal» tools and also disabling the firewall.

During the hour long support call this AM, they insisted I provide a credit card number, which I refused to do. I never did speak with a non-triage person with technical skills. I got lucky I guess. Good luck to anyone with this issue. Keep in mind that MS Office support had remote control of my Surface and failed. The install media was good as it worked on a WinX PC but not the Surface Pro6s. I wish I knew exactly what fixed this issue. I had to manually add the key as it was not part of the file that worked. Perhaps the key in the .xml is the source of this incompatibility. I am uncertain.

What is very upsetting is that the old method of .iso installs worked for decades. So, how is this new process an improvement? Is an .iso installer available? If it is not you can save a lot of support staff costs and VERY ANGRY customers by doing this the old fashioned way that worked.

Все ответы

Please temporarily turn off proxy and fire wall settings. Temporarily turn off antivirus software. Then, reinstall Office 2019 to check if it fixed.

If the issue still occurs, please try to use the easy fix tool to detect and completely uninstall all Office installation from your Surface Pro 6. Restart your computer and then try installing Office again.

To help me better analyze the issue for you, please share your current configuration.xml (office.xml) here. Maybe I could get more useful information from it.

You can also download a new Office offline installer to check if you could install Office 2019 successfully. For steps to install an offline version of Office, see Use the Office offline installer. If you want to install volume licensed versions of Office 2019, please read Deploy Office 2019 (for IT Pros).

If you have any updates or anything unclear, please feel free to let us know.

Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they helped. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact

Click here to learn more. Visit the dedicated forum to share, explore and talk to experts about Microsoft Office 2019.


Are you trying to install or use Microsoft Office, but are you getting the error ‘0-2048 (0)’?

Microsoft Office is a software that is used to create, edit and manage various documents. It can be used on computers that are running Windows, Mac OS X and iOS. It can also be used on Android devices. The application was released on November 19, 1990 by Microsoft Corporation.

Office is commonly used for creating business documents such as business letters, forms and financial statements. You can also use it to create presentations, spreadsheets and presentations. The software was designed to provide the user with an easy way to work with different types of files in an efficient manner.

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On this page, you will find more information about the most common causes and most relevant solutions for the Microsoft Office error ‘0-2048 (0)’. Do you need help straight away? Visit our support page.

Error information

How to solve Microsoft Office error 0-2048 (0)

We’ve created a list of solutions which you can follow if you want to solve this Microsoft Office problem yourself. Do you need more help? Visit our support page if you need professional support with Microsoft Office right away.

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There are many errors that can occur when you try to use Microsoft Office or if you try to open or install the application on your computer or smartphone. One of the most common errors is Microsoft Office 0-2048-0 error. This error occurs when you try to open or install the application on your computer or smartphone. This error can be annoying and frustrating because you cannot access the application properly.

The problem can be caused by a computer virus, a network error or an issue with your internet connection or other software installed on your computer. There are also several reasons why the application might not install properly on your computer including corrupt files, damaged files or files that are not compatible with your computer. To fix this error, you need to try a few solutions.

First of all, error code 0-2048-0 typically relates to antivirus or firewall software that is not running properly. When you are having problems with antivirus or firewall software, the first thing you should do is to restart the computer. If this does not work, the next thing you should do is to uninstall the antivirus or firewall software and reinstall it or temporarily disable it.

If the problem persists, you can try uninstalling Microsoft Office and installing it again. To do this, you need to perform a clean install of Microsoft Office. This is because the problem may be related to software updates. Try creating a new configuration file from the Office Customization Tool and delete the previous configuration file. Then, restart the computer and see if the problem persists.

Lastly, another solution you can try is to contact the Customer Service to solve this error. You can try contacting them through their customer support number or their website. The customer support will usually ask you to send them the error code that is appearing on your screen. They will tell you what to do next for your problem and give another solution.

Have you found a solution yourself, but it is not in the list? Share your solution in the comments below.

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  • #1

Ничто не предвещало беды — зашел в Microsoft volume licensing service center, скачал образ MS Office Prof 2019. Запустил на десятке, но вместо инсталла получил ошибку

Не удалось продолжить установку из-за следующих ошибок:
Для установки этого продукта требуются службы IIS 7.0 или более поздней версии с компонентом ASP.NET 4.0 в списке расширений веб-сервера IIS.
Исправьте перечисленные выше ошибки и снова запустите программу установки.


Хм. Ок. Доустановил компоненты но у меня вместо этого установился Microsoft Office Online Server. :unsure:
Кто знает что за хрень ? Может я не тот дистрибутив скачал ? Office 365 у нас нет, сразу скажу.

Последнее редактирование: 02.11.2021

  • #4

Вам нужно создать файл конфигурации, это удобнее делать через специальный сервис Microsoft

После этого нажать — Экспорт
Затем скопируете этот файл в каталог с Office Deployment Tool и запустите установку через powershell
./setup.exe /download config.xml

Microsoft Office error code 30015-11 (2147942405): When your attempt to install Office fails, an error message typically tries to explain the cause. There are many reasons that could cause the error code 30015-11 (2147942405). Usually, error occurs due to the system files corruption or previous installation files not removed properly. Here is the list of troubleshooting steps to resolve the error. Follow the steps mentioned in this article in the exact order to fix the error code 30015-11 (2147942405). Check to see if the error fixed after finishing each troubleshooting step. Performing the troubleshooting steps mentioned in this article will resolve the error code 30015-11 (2147942405).
Troubleshooting steps to fix Microsoft Office error code 30015-11 (2147942405)

When you install Office, you may see error code 30015-11 (2147942405) if a previous installation of Office is failed. Here are some things you can try to resolve error code 30015-11 (2147942405). We’ve listed the most common solutions first, so try them in order.

office error code
Common causes for error code 30015-11 (2147942405)

Antivirus software or firewall might be blocking the Office installation.
Internet connection or proxy settings are preventing from installing Office.
Pre-existing version of an Office suite is blocking the installation.
Incompletepartialfailed repairinstallationchangeremoval of a previous Office suite can prevent from installing a newer version.

Follow the below steps to troubleshoot the error code 30015-11 (2147942405)
1 – Repair your Office app

error code 30015-11 (2147942405) will be fixed when Office repair tool replaces all the corrupted system files. Follow the steps below to run repair tool to fix the error.

Open Control Panel using Start.
Click on Programs and select Programs and Features.
Click on the Office product that you want to repair.
Click Change.
Select Quick Repair and click on Repair. If Quick Repair didn’t fix the error code 30015-11 (2147942405), select Online Repair and click on Repair.

Note: If Office Repair did not fix the error, remove and reinstall the Office Suite to fix the error code 30015-11 (2147942405).
2 – Steps to remove Office

In case if the error persists even after running Office repair tool, uninstall Office from your computer.

Open Control Panel using Start

Click on Programs and select Programs and Features.
Select Office Suite and click on Remove.

Note: If Office uninstallation failed or it didn’t fix the error, a manual uninstallation is required to completely remove the Office Suite.
3 – Steps to remove Office manually to fix the error code 30015-11 (2147942405)

If the error code 30015-11 (2147942405) is re-occurring, proceed with the following steps to manually remove Office program from your computer.
Step 1: Remove the Windows Installer packages

Find the Office 16 installation folder, typically located in C:Program Files.
Right-click the Microsoft Office 16folder and select Delete.

Step 2: Remove the Office scheduled tasks

Open a Command Prompt window as an administrator.
At the command prompt, type the following commands and press Enter after each one:

schtasks.exe /delete /tn “MicrosoftOfficeOffice Automatic Updates”

schtasks.exe /delete /tn “MicrosoftOfficeOffice Subscription Maintenance”

schtasks.exe /delete /tn “MicrosoftOfficeOffice ClickToRun Service Monitor”
Step 3: Use Task Manager to end the Click-to-Run tasks

Open Task Manager.
Click the Processtab
If the following processes are running, right-click each one, and then click End taskafter you select each process.


Step 4: Delete the Office files

Press Windows logo key + R to open the Rundialog box.
In the Openbox, type %ProgramFiles%, and then click OK.
Delete the “Microsoft Office 16” folder.
Delete the “Microsoft Office” folder.
Open the Rundialog box, type %ProgramFiles(x86)%, and then click OK.
Delete the “Microsoft Office” folder.

Step 5: Delete the Office registry sub keys

Open Registry Editor.
Delete the following registry subkeys:

Then Deletethe Office key.

Step 6: Delete the Start menu shortcuts

Open a Command Prompt window as an administrator.
Type %ALLUSERSPROFILE%MicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms, and then press Enter.
Delete the “Microsoft Office 2016 Tools” folder.

4 – Download and install Office

1. Sign in to your My Account page using the link

2. Choose Install.

3. Click Run or the equivalent depending on the browser you’re using.

4. When you see “You’re good to go”, click All done.

Error code 30015-11 (2147942405): This article contains the troubleshooting steps to fix the error code 30015-11 (2147942405). If you have reached here after following all the above mentioned troubleshooting steps. If error still unresolved, you may contact Help desk for further assistance in troubleshooting error code 30015-11 (2147942405).

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Office 2019 install fails on Surface Pro 6 — error code is 0-1008 (0)

  • Вопрос

  • I have a folder on my new Surface Pro 6 that contains the installer and a configuration file. Using an administrator command line with «setup.exe /configure office.xml» from the same folder:

    I get an Office dialog «Couldn’t install… Error Code: 0-1008 (0)

    I have an open support ticket since 2-13 and no solution,  — REG:119021319664109. I need to get two of these completed and deployed to end users.

    I uninstalled O365 prior to doing this work. WinX is 1809.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions. This same installer worked great on a PC with WinX 1809. Only the SP6 has shown this error.

    • Изменено

      18 февраля 2019 г. 16:05


  • It seems this error is quite old and there is no known solution. no answer

    I phoned MS Worldwide support 800-936-4900 but they are closed. Really? What time zone? I guess if you live in Australia you have to wake up in the middle of the night to get assistance from MS. Wow…. 

    • Помечено в качестве ответа
      Swain IT
      19 февраля 2019 г. 16:10

  • I was on hold with MS Support on my second ticket and was transferred 3 times this AM. Out of frustration I tried the default Office 2019 .xml supplied the the media creation tool.

    It worked! The .xml file supplied by MS support staff (see above) never did work. Here is the file that worked after running two different «removal» tools and also disabling the firewall.


      <Add OfficeClientEdition=»64″ Channel=»PerpetualVL2019″>
        <Product ID=»ProPlus2019Volume»>
          <Language ID=»en-us» />
        <Product ID=»VisioPro2019Volume»>
          <Language ID=»en-us» />
        <Product ID=»ProjectPro2019Volume»>
          <Language ID=»en-us» />

      <!—  <RemoveMSI All=»True» /> —>

      <!—  <Display Level=»None» AcceptEULA=»TRUE» />  —>

      <!—  <Property Name=»AUTOACTIVATE» Value=»1″ />  —>


    During the hour long support call this AM, they insisted I provide a credit card number, which I refused to do. I never did speak with a non-triage person with technical skills. I got lucky I guess. Good luck to anyone with this issue. Keep in mind that
    MS Office support had remote control of my Surface and failed. The install media was good as it worked on a WinX PC but not the Surface Pro6s. I wish I knew exactly what fixed this issue. I had to manually add the key as it was not part of the file that worked.
    Perhaps the key in the .xml is the source of this incompatibility. I am uncertain.

    What is very upsetting is that the old method of .iso installs worked for decades. So, how is this new process an improvement? Is an .iso installer available? If it is not you can save a lot of support staff costs and VERY ANGRY customers by doing this the
    old fashioned way that worked.


    • Помечено в качестве ответа
      Swain IT
      19 февраля 2019 г. 16:11

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