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Hi there.
Have searched various forums but haven’t come across the exact issue I am having.
Bought the 1080ti with a fault (randomly shutting down, black screen , fans full speed etc). Previous owner had replaced thermal pads but many were too thick on inspection.
I tested the card in windows, all loaded up ok. Put some load on the card and it crashed. GPU was reporting 92 degrees C at the time.
Switched the stock cooler out for an AIO water cooler from my 1080 FE, booted the card back up — temps were much better and allowed some load to be applied to the card. Ran for a short while then the card shut down again (and the PC also), this time it wouldn’t restart as over current protection kicked in.
Pulled the card and diagnosed one of the drmos chips had failed (isolated each VRM by lifting one side of chokes connected to them in turn) — 12v short to gnd on the 3rd from the bottom phase.
I removed the drmos from the board to remove any shorts from the chip pins.
All resistance measurements from the rails seem fine (PEX is at 200 ohms which seems a little high), all voltages are reading fine (PEX, mem, gpu, 1.8v, 3.3v, 5v, 12v). Can’t find any shorts now on primary voltages. Checked all PCI data lines / capacitors and they check out fine.
The card will now not start correctly — get backlight after 30 seconds or so and monitor comes on but no post screen, PC will continue booting into windows however).
With 2nd card connected as primary, can load windows — 1080ti card is recognised in device manager (but won’t start fully), GPU-Z finds the card with missing clocks etc.
Checked bios flash with nvflash and can read and write bios files fine.
Tried booting MODS/MATS. Linux environment can detect card fine with lspci.
However when running MODS I get the following (below). Is the core partially dead? Can’t find any one else reporting these kinds of errors really (tried various MODS versions with similar results 400.xx and up versions are more detailed in their output).
Thanks in advance for any help!
MODS start: Fri Feb 4 06:30:36 2022 Command Line : gputest.js -skip_rm_state_init -mfg CPU Foundry : GenuineIntel Name : 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF Family : 6 Model : 7 Stepping : 2 Version MODS : 367.56 OperatingSystem: Linux (x86_64) Kernel : 4.17.4-gentoo KernelDriver : 3.87 HostName : tinylinux Smbios version [0x304] is not supported ERROR: Fuse read error gpu 0 dev.sub 0.0 --------------------------- PCI Location : 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00 DID : 0x1b06 Raw ECID : 0x0000000000e0224000000045b5880d91 Raw ECID (GHS) : 0x000000016445b5880c000000090101c0 ECID : PHRM83-09_x02_y07 Device Id : GP102 Revision : a1 NV Base : 0x71000000 FB Base : 0x40000000 IRQ : 17 NV_PMC_INTR_0 bit 28 high. Trying to clear interrupt by writing 0x0 to register 0x001140 NV_PMC_INTR_0 bit 28 high. Trying to clear interrupt by writing 0x0 to register 0x001144 NV_PMC_INTR_0 bit 30 high. Trying to clear interrupt by writing 0x2 to register 0x12004c Successfully cleared GPU's interrupt state. Unknown PCIE speed cap 0x4 Unknown PCIE speed cap 0x4 ** ModsDrvBreakPoint ** ------------------------- BEGIN ASSERT INFO DUMP ------------------------- invalid. NVRM: instSetBar0WindowToWorkspaceBase_GM200: VGA workspace base is invalid. NVRM: Possible bad register read: addr: 0x31c4f4, regvalue: 0xbad0122e, error code: Unknown SYS_PRI_ERROR_CODE ACPI: Unable to evaluate dev method (_DOD) on 0:5:0.0 GF100GpuSubdevice: FloorsweepingAffected=0 GF100GpuSubdevice: Floorsweeping parameters present on commandline: GF100GpuSubdevice: Floorsweeping parameter mask values: display=0x0 msdec=0x0 msvld=0x0 fbio_shift_override=0x0 ce=0x0 gpc=0x0 fb=0x0 fbio=0x0 fbio_shift=0x0 gpctpc[0]=0x0 gpctpc[1]=0x0 gpctpc[2]=0x0 gpctpc[3]=0x0 gpctpc[4]=0x0 gpctpc[5]=0x0 gpctpc[6]=0x0 gpctpc[7]=0x0 gpczcull[0]=0x0 gpczcull[1]=0x0 gpczcull[2]=0x0 gpczcull[3]=0x0 gpczcull[4]=0x0 gpczcull[5]=0x0 gpczcull[6]=0x0 gpczcull[7]=0x0 GF108PlusGpuSubdevice: Floorsweeping parameters present on commandline: GF108PlusGpuSubdevice: Floorsweeping parameter mask values: pcie_lane=0x0 fbpa=0x0 spare=0x0 GM10xGpuSubdevice: Floorsweeping parameters present on commandline: GM10xGpuSubdevice: Floorsweeping parameter mask values: nvenc=0x0 nvdec=0x0 head=0x0 GM20xGpuSubdevice: Floorsweeping parameters present on commandline: GM20xGpuSubdevice: Floorsweeping parameters mask values: fbp_rop_l2[0]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[1]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[2]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[3]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[4]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[5]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[6]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[7]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[8]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[9]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[10]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[11]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[12]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[13]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[14]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[15]=0x0 GP10xGpuSubdevice: Floorsweeping parameters present on commandline: GP10xGpuSubdevice: Floorsweeping parameters mask values: gpc_pes[0]=0x0 gpc_pes[1]=0x0 gpc_pes[2]=0x0 gpc_pes[3]=0x0 gpc_pes[4]=0x0 gpc_pes[5]=0x0 gpc_pes[6]=0x0 gpc_pes[7]=0x0 gpc_pes[8]=0x0 gpc_pes[9]=0x0 gpc_pes[10]=0x0 gpc_pes[11]=0x0 gpc_pes[12]=0x0 gpc_pes[13]=0x0 gpc_pes[14]=0x0 gpc_pes[15]=0x0 NVRM: DevinitPmuOffloadDevinitToPmu Devinit complete is false NVRM: bp @ ../../../../resman/kernel/devinit/nv/devinit_pmu.c:391 ** ModsDrvBreakPoint ** -------------------------- END ASSERT INFO DUMP -------------------------- ** ModsDrvBreakPoint ** ------------------------- BEGIN ASSERT INFO DUMP ------------------------- gvalue: 0xbad0122e, error code: Unknown SYS_PRI_ERROR_CODE ACPI: Unable to evaluate dev method (_DOD) on 0:5:0.0 GF100GpuSubdevice: FloorsweepingAffected=0 GF100GpuSubdevice: Floorsweeping parameters present on commandline: GF100GpuSubdevice: Floorsweeping parameter mask values: display=0x0 msdec=0x0 msvld=0x0 fbio_shift_override=0x0 ce=0x0 gpc=0x0 fb=0x0 fbio=0x0 fbio_shift=0x0 gpctpc[0]=0x0 gpctpc[1]=0x0 gpctpc[2]=0x0 gpctpc[3]=0x0 gpctpc[4]=0x0 gpctpc[5]=0x0 gpctpc[6]=0x0 gpctpc[7]=0x0 gpczcull[0]=0x0 gpczcull[1]=0x0 gpczcull[2]=0x0 gpczcull[3]=0x0 gpczcull[4]=0x0 gpczcull[5]=0x0 gpczcull[6]=0x0 gpczcull[7]=0x0 GF108PlusGpuSubdevice: Floorsweeping parameters present on commandline: GF108PlusGpuSubdevice: Floorsweeping parameter mask values: pcie_lane=0x0 fbpa=0x0 spare=0x0 GM10xGpuSubdevice: Floorsweeping parameters present on commandline: GM10xGpuSubdevice: Floorsweeping parameter mask values: nvenc=0x0 nvdec=0x0 head=0x0 GM20xGpuSubdevice: Floorsweeping parameters present on commandline: GM20xGpuSubdevice: Floorsweeping parameters mask values: fbp_rop_l2[0]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[1]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[2]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[3]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[4]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[5]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[6]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[7]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[8]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[9]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[10]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[11]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[12]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[13]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[14]=0x0 fbp_rop_l2[15]=0x0 GP10xGpuSubdevice: Floorsweeping parameters present on commandline: GP10xGpuSubdevice: Floorsweeping parameters mask values: gpc_pes[0]=0x0 gpc_pes[1]=0x0 gpc_pes[2]=0x0 gpc_pes[3]=0x0 gpc_pes[4]=0x0 gpc_pes[5]=0x0 gpc_pes[6]=0x0 gpc_pes[7]=0x0 gpc_pes[8]=0x0 gpc_pes[9]=0x0 gpc_pes[10]=0x0 gpc_pes[11]=0x0 gpc_pes[12]=0x0 gpc_pes[13]=0x0 gpc_pes[14]=0x0 gpc_pes[15]=0x0 NVRM: DevinitPmuOffloadDevinitToPmu Devinit complete is false NVRM: bp @ ../../../../resman/kernel/devinit/nv/devinit_pmu.c:391 ** ModsDrvBreakPoint ** NVRM: Devinit on PMU failed to execute correctly!! NVRM: bp @ ../../../../resman/kernel/devinit/nv/devinit.c:1063 ** ModsDrvBreakPoint ** -------------------------- END ASSERT INFO DUMP -------------------------- Failed to read good Jtag Ctrl Status WARNING... Failed to unlock Jtag for access! Error 000000000818 : Gpu.Initialize Mods detected an assertion failure Chipset VID : FFFF (Unknown) DID : FFFF (Unknown) Rm call failed. default Disabled. Chipset ASPM : Disabled Chipset LTR : Enabled Error 000000000818 : Global.InitializeGpuTests Mods detected an assertion failure gputest.js : 59 mfg.spc : 11 boards.js : 7 boards.db : 3208 boards_gp102.db: 16 boards_gp104.db: 196 boards_gp106.db: 157 GpuDevMgr not initialized. Device shutdowns will likely do nothing. Error Code = 000000000818 (Mods detected an assertion failure) ####### #### ######## ### ####### ###### ######## ### ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ### ####### ######## ## ### ####### ######## ## ### ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ######## ######## ## ## ## ######## ######## MODS end : Fri Feb 4 06:30:47 2022 [10.981 seconds (00:00:10.981 h:m:s)]
------- -------- ------ ------- ------- -------- ----- --- --- ------
000135fcbc 00000000 bad0aca2 bad0aca4 bad0aca3 bad0aca2 RD1f0 0000 000 D033,D037,D039,D042,D043,D045,D047,D052,D054,D055,D057,D059,D060,D061,D063
000135fcb8 00000000 bad0aca5 bad0aca7 bad0aca6 bad0aca5 RD1f0 0000 000 D032,D034,D037,D039,D042,D043,D045,D047,D052,D054,D055,D057,D059,D060,D061,D063
000135fcb4 00000000 bad0aca8 bad0acaa bad0aca9 bad0aca8 RD1f0 0000 000 D035,D037,D039,D042,D043,D045,D047,D052,D054,D055,D057,D059,D060,D061,D063
000135fcb0 00000000 bad0acab bad0acad bad0acac bad0acab RD1f0 0000 000 D032,D033,D035,D037,D039,D042,D043,D045,D047,D052,D054,D055,D057,D059,D060,D061,D063
000135fcac 00000000 bad0acae bad0acb0 bad0acaf bad0acae RD1f0 0000 000
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I’ve noticed since i started placing mods that i’m getting this errors starting the nodes…
The ‘steamcmd’ closes but before that plenty of errors occur in several mods (example bellow). Anyone knows what’s this, how to fix it and what does it break??
Downloading item 1629969292 …srccommoncontentmanifest.cpp (650) : Assertion Failed: !m_bIsFinalized
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It’s a common steamcmd error, reinstall steamcmd fixed it for my ark servers when I had it.
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On 2/2/2019 at 10:59 PM, Crash said:
I’ve noticed since i started placing mods that i’m getting this errors starting the nodes…
The ‘steamcmd’ closes but before that plenty of errors occur in several mods (example bellow). Anyone knows what’s this, how to fix it and what does it break??
Downloading item 1629969292 …srccommoncontentmanifest.cpp (650) : Assertion Failed: !m_bIsFinalized
did you solve this, reinstalling steamcmd didn’t work for me
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Ошибка при запуске программы MATS_MODS |
Apologies in advance for the length of this post, as it will be somewhat long. As the title suggests, the game is constantly crashing at random times with the same repeated error:
Assertion failed: IsValid() [File:F:buildSummerBash2021EngineSourceRuntimeCorePublicTemplatesSharedPointer.h] [Line: 658] VERSION: 332.1 KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffa119a4b89) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ShooterGame.exe!FOutputDevice::Logf__VA() (0x00007ff6d885d448) + 159 bytes [f:buildsummerbash2021enginesourceruntimecoreprivatemiscoutputdevice.cpp:145] ShooterGame.exe!FDebug::AssertFailed() (0x00007ff6d884a188) + 117 bytes [f:buildsummerbash2021enginesourceruntimecoreprivatemiscoutputdevice.cpp:220] ShooterGame.exe!<lambda_d7de6281e5d0f1c7ca43f5ae1208e37c>::operator()() (0x00007ff6d75c9145) + 319 bytes [f:buildsummerbash2021projectsshootergamesourceshootergameprivateshootergameinstance.cpp:1544] ShooterGame.exe!TBaseFunctorDelegateInstance_ThreeParams<<lambda_d7de6281e5d0f1c7ca43f5ae1208e37c>,void,TSharedPtr<IHttpRequest,0>,TSharedPtr<IHttpResponse,1>,bool>::Execute() (0x00007ff6d75d27f5) + 237 bytes [f:buildsummerbash2021enginesourceruntimecorepublicdelegatesdelegateinstancesimpl.inl:850] ShooterGame.exe!TBaseRawMethodDelegateInstance_ThreeParams<FAmazonS3GetObject,void,TSharedPtr<IHttpRequest,0>,TSharedPtr<IHttpResponse,1>,bool>::ExecuteIfSafe() (0x00007ff6d692e56a) + 0 bytes [f:buildsummerbash2021enginesourceruntimecorepublicdelegatesdelegateinstancesimpl.inl:375] ShooterGame.exe!TBaseDelegate_ThreeParams<void,TSharedPtr<IHttpRequest,0>,TSharedPtr<IHttpResponse,1>,bool>::ExecuteIfBound() (0x00007ff6d8e1c563) + 72 bytes [f:buildsummerbash2021enginesourceruntimecorepublicdelegatesdelegatesignatureimpl.inl:1126] ShooterGame.exe!FHttpRequestWinInet::FinishedRequest() (0x00007ff6d8e1ccd3) + 56 bytes [f:buildsummerbash2021enginesourceruntimeonlinehttpprivatewindowshttpwininet.cpp:666] ShooterGame.exe!FHttpRequestWinInet::Tick() (0x00007ff6d8e253f2) + 0 bytes [f:buildsummerbash2021enginesourceruntimeonlinehttpprivatewindowshttpwininet.cpp:783] ShooterGame.exe!FHttpManager::Tick() (0x00007ff6d8e250c1) + 0 bytes [f:buildsummerbash2021enginesourceruntimeonlinehttpprivatehttpmodule.cpp:153] ShooterGame.exe!FTicker::Tick() (0x00007ff6d69137aa) + 30 bytes [f:buildsummerbash2021enginesourceruntimecorepubliccontainersticker.h:78] ShooterGame.exe!FEngineLoop::Tick() (0x00007ff6d691343b) + 0 bytes [f:buildsummerbash2021enginesourceruntimelaunchprivatelaunchengineloop.cpp:2534] ShooterGame.exe!GuardedMain() (0x00007ff6d690e2ac) + 0 bytes [f:buildsummerbash2021enginesourceruntimelaunchprivatelaunch.cpp:140] ShooterGame.exe!GuardedMainWrapper() (0x00007ff6d690e2fa) + 5 bytes [f:buildsummerbash2021enginesourceruntimelaunchprivatewindowslaunchwindows.cpp:125] ShooterGame.exe!WinMain() (0x00007ff6d6913b4c) + 17 bytes [f:buildsummerbash2021enginesourceruntimelaunchprivatewindowslaunchwindows.cpp:213] ShooterGame.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() (0x00007ff6da052c9d) + 21 bytes [f:ddvctoolscrtcrtw32dllstuffcrtexe.c:618] KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffa131a7034) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffa141e2651) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffa141e2651) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
Fortunately, the game also helpfully includes a crash dump file with every failure! So I fed the crash dump file to the Windows Debugger (Windbg) and every single crash is for the exact same thing:
Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.19041.685 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Loading Dump File [D:SteamLibrarysteamappscommonARKShooterGameSavedLogsDump-2123942352.dmp]
User Mini Dump File: Only registers, stack and portions of memory are available
Symbol search path is: srv*
Executable search path is:
Windows 10 Version 19043 MP (20 procs) Free x64
Product: WinNt, suite: SingleUserTS
Machine Name:
Debug session time: Wed Jun 30 17:09:33.000 2021 (UTC - 7:00)
System Uptime: not available
Process Uptime: 0 days 0:42:19.000
This dump file has an exception of interest stored in it.
The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr.
(1a48.299c): Unknown exception - code 00000001 (first/second chance not available)
For analysis of this file, run !analyze -v
00007ffa`1422ec54 c3 ret
0:000> !analyze -v
* *
* Exception Analysis *
* *
Key : Analysis.CPU.Sec
Value: 1
Key : Analysis.DebugAnalysisProvider.CPP
Value: Create: 8007007e on THOR
Key : Analysis.DebugData
Value: CreateObject
Key : Analysis.DebugModel
Value: CreateObject
Key : Analysis.Elapsed.Sec
Value: 22
Key : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
Value: 298
Key : Analysis.System
Value: CreateObject
Key : Timeline.Process.Start.DeltaSec
Value: 2539
CONTEXT: (.ecxr)
rax=7265746e69687000 rbx=0000000000003e00 rcx=3a682e7365636166
rdx=735c65005d313738 rsi=000000f0f96c5106 rdi=0000000000000001
rip=00007ffa119a4b89 rsp=000000f0f96c4340 rbp=000000f0f96c4550
r8=6e67697365746167 r9=706d696572757461 r10=31323a6c6e692e6c
r11=00000ced005d3236 r12=0000000000000871 r13=000000f0f96ccf50
r14=000002f4689bb210 r15=000000f0f96c45b0
iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na po nc
cs=0033 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000206
00007ffa`119a4b89 0f1f440000 nop dword ptr [rax+rax]
Resetting default scope
ExceptionAddress: 00007ffa119a4b89 (KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x0000000000000069)
ExceptionCode: 00000001
ExceptionFlags: 00000000
NumberParameters: 0
PROCESS_NAME: ShooterGame.exe
000000f0`f96c4340 00007ff6`d888891a : 00000000`00001198 00000000`00001198 00007ff6`d88926e6 000000f0`f96ccf50 : KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x69
000000f0`f96c4420 00007ff6`d884fbde : 00007ff6`dacdacf0 000000f0`f96c4550 000002f4`689bb210 00000000`00003ee4 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x2076aaa
000000f0`f96c4450 00007ff6`d884fc77 : 00270020`006f0074 006f004d`00550026 0065006d`00650076 006f0043`0074006e : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x203dd6e
000000f0`f96ccf30 00007ff6`d8f7d2d7 : 00007ff6`da0ca650 000002f1`83fa7800 000002f3`0e818c00 000002f3`0e818c00 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x203de07
000000f0`f96cef90 00007ff6`d908f397 : 00000000`0000230a 000002f3`0e818c00 000002f1`83fa7800 00000000`00000000 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x276b467
000000f0`f96ceff0 00007ff6`d910069c : 000002f3`0e818c00 000000f0`f96cf210 00000000`00000001 000002f3`0e818ce4 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x287d527
000000f0`f96cf070 00007ff6`d9118d35 : 000002f1`83fa8000 00000000`00000000 000002f3`4d590400 000002ef`e21d0080 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x28ee82c
000000f0`f96cf0d0 00007ff6`d8e7938e : 00000000`00000000 000002f1`83fa8000 000002f3`0e818c00 00000000`00000000 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x2906ec5
000000f0`f96cf3b0 00007ff6`d9217fe0 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000002 000002ef`8e528238 00007ff6`d87f81b8 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x266751e
000000f0`f96cf3f0 00007ff6`d87ed84c : 000002f0`f8ca1200 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000018 000002ef`e59f1c38 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x2a06170
000000f0`f96cf440 00007ff6`d87eda2d : 000002ef`e59f1c00 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000001 000002ef`e59f1c00 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x1fdb9dc
000000f0`f96cf4c0 00007ff6`d87fc0f3 : 000002f1`75e614c0 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000002 000000f0`f96cf601 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x1fdbbbd
000000f0`f96cf4f0 00007ff6`d88717a6 : 000000f0`f96cf598 00000000`00000000 000002f1`00000004 000002f1`75e614c0 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x1fea283
000000f0`f96cf570 00007ff6`d92325d1 : 000002f1`2db1dc20 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 000002f1`2db1dc20 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x205f936
000000f0`f96cf5f0 00007ff6`d92372a1 : 000002f1`75e61540 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000001 000002f1`00000000 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x2a20761
000000f0`f96cf690 00007ff6`d9045565 : 00000000`00000001 000002f0`0f1a6600 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000000 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x2a25431
000000f0`f96cf6f0 00007ff6`d9050243 : 000002f1`279b4900 000002f0`0f1a6600 000002f0`0f1a6600 00000000`00000001 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x28336f5
000000f0`f96cf720 00007ff6`d8fc84e1 : 000002ef`f65eac00 000002ef`3f000000 000002f1`9d594f80 00000000`00000000 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x283e3d3
000000f0`f96cf870 00007ff6`d6913248 : 000002ef`f6533fc0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00007ff6`00000000 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x27b6671
000000f0`f96cf9c0 00007ff6`d690e2ac : 000002ef`df304026 00007ff6`da0c8910 00000000`00000000 000002ef`dba778a0 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x1013d8
000000f0`f96cfa90 00007ff6`d690e2fa : 000003e3`bf1854db 00007ff6`d6800000 000002ef`df303f88 00000000`0000000a : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0xfc43c
000000f0`f96cfb00 00007ff6`d6913b4c : 000002ef`df303f88 00000000`00000000 00007ff6`d6800000 00007ff9`eb5f276b : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0xfc48a
000000f0`f96cfb40 00007ff6`da052c9d : 000002ef`df3050ef 00000000`0000000a 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x101cdc
000000f0`f96cfb90 00007ffa`131a7034 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00007ff9`e7710000 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+0x3840e2d
000000f0`f96cfbd0 00007ffa`141e2651 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x14
000000f0`f96cfc00 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
SYMBOL_NAME: shootergame!opus_repacketizer_out_range+2076aaa
MODULE_NAME: ShooterGame
IMAGE_NAME: ShooterGame.exe
STACK_COMMAND: ~0s ; .ecxr ; kb
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: APPLICATION_FAULT_1_ShooterGame.exe!opus_repacketizer_out_range
OS_VERSION: 10.0.19041.1
BUILDLAB_STR: vb_release
OSNAME: Windows 10
FAILURE_ID_HASH: {176caaa4-ea73-42ee-01b5-3a01a14d344e}
Followup: MachineOwner
The part that interested me the most here is the opus_repacketizer_out_range line. Opus is an audio codec (https://www.opus-codec.org/) and this specific error relates to the Opus repacketizer returning a failure regarding packet size (https://www.opus-codec.org/docs/html_api-1.0.2/group__opus__repacketizer.html#gac591b550d92125b4abfa11a4b609f51f). It’s my guess that line 658 in SharedPointer.h of Ark’s source code is calling this specific function in the Opus codec and is getting an error back. Rather than gracefully handling this error with proper exception handling, Wildcard decides that the whole game should crash instead.
There needs to be a way in the client to completely disable the ingame voice communication piece, as it is quite literally useless when infinitely superior third party applications already do a better job of real time voice communication. Like, literally turning off the entire Opus subsystem so that the game stops crashing repeatedly over a function that is completely useless in light of things like Discord, Teamspeak, etc..
I’ve tried pretty much everything else on my end that I can think of to resolve this issue:
1. My system is 100% completely up to date with all drivers for all hardware.
2. My system is 100% completely up to date with Windows Updates.
3. Messing around with HOSTS files and DNS entries doesn’t have any effect on the problem.
4. Unsubscribing from mods and clearing them out doesn’t have any effect on the problem.
5. Revalidating the game files in Steam doesn’t have any effect on the problem.
6. This issue is occurring on two disparate Windows 10 systems; my desktop and my laptop and the laptop is the same in terms of driver and OS updates.
I’m not holding out much hope that the issue is even going to be recognized by Wildcard as a bug, but I’ll post up here if I find anything that either improves the situation or resolves it in case anyone else is having it.

Posted 04 December 2015 — 12:42 pm
Hello guys,
I seem to be getting this error Failed to copy ARTHLALPatch21Quest «LAL Patch 2.1 Quest» [QUST:05047688]. (It is from the mod Alternate Start: Live Another Life)
What is an Assertion Failure first off? How can I go about manually getting around this error? I was trying to merge Alternate Start — Live Another Life and New Beginnings just because I wanted them to be one complete mod not two seperate ones? Would it be that I can’t merge due to New Beginnings having the Master File of Live Another Life? Is there another way around that? If this error has been asked about before I do apologize.
Edited by PoisonTAWW, 04 December 2015 — 10:40 pm.
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Posted 12 May 2018 — 09:55 am
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I’ve checked a dozen forums. And this post is three years old. It seems like no one is savvy enough to know about this error.
I’m getting a
[TES5Merged.esp] Adding master «JKs Skyrim_RWT_Patch.esp» (That’s the final Mod)
Assertion failure (D:ProjectsTES5EditwbImplementation.pas, line 5345)
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Posted 12 May 2018 — 11:55 am
«Assertion failure» is just a general error message as far as I know. From what I can tell wbImplementation.pas, line 5345 deals with adding records to a file in general, so that really tells us nothing about the error. What mods were you trying to merge? I assume this was to create a merged patch (as opposed to using the merge plugins script)? Maybe you could try using Mator Smash to make a smash patch for it instead; that’s supposed to be able to replace the merged patch.
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Posted 01 June 2018 — 10:19 pm
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I was seeing the same error as NerdsPlayhouse, and after some trial and error, it seems the problem is centered around USLEEP, for me at least. I was getting the assertion error when USLEEP, Undeath, and/or Clothing and Clutter Fixes were activated. If both Undeath and Clothing and Clutter Fixes were activated, I would get two errors, and if USLEEP was deactivated, I would get no error. I have no idea why this is a thing, and sadly the only way I have found to fix it is to remove Undeath and Clothing and Clutter Fixes (because removing USLEEP seems like a bad idea). Hope this helps in any way.
Edited by Bailenrules, 01 June 2018 — 10:19 pm.
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Posted 02 June 2018 — 09:30 am
I was seeing the same error as NerdsPlayhouse, and after some trial and error, it seems the problem is centered around USLEEP, for me at least. I was getting the assertion error when USLEEP, Undeath, and/or Clothing and Clutter Fixes were activated. If both Undeath and Clothing and Clutter Fixes were activated, I would get two errors, and if USLEEP was deactivated, I would get no error. I have no idea why this is a thing, and sadly the only way I have found to fix it is to remove Undeath and Clothing and Clutter Fixes (because removing USLEEP seems like a bad idea). Hope this helps in any way.
Thank you for posting this info. I just installed Skyrim and mods again and got this same error with USLEEP and CCF. After disabling CCF, I didn’t get the error anymore. My guess is it has something to do with the latest USLEEP update since before that they both worked together. Without your post I would have struggled with this error much longer since there doesn’t seem to be anything about this problem yet. I guess I’m going to play without CCF for now.
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Mhh I always start my server with
start dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -console -cluster MyDediServer -shard Master
start dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -console -cluster MyDediServer -shard Caves
I saw that steam is now storing all mods in a different folder for the regular game:
and for the dedicated server in
steamappscommonDon’t Starve Together Dedicated Serverugc_mods
I copied all mods from the first to the second folder, to skip the download from steam, but still getting the assertion error.
also lots of these outputs during startup which were not there before:
[00:00:49]: Registering duplicate lua network variable 3095390526 in entity inventoryitem_classified[115966]
Thanks for the reply, hope the hofix helps
steamappscommonDon’t Starve Together Dedicated Servermods
(you may save your dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua before that)
steamappscommonDon’t Starve Together Dedicated Serverugc_mods
then starting the dedicated server helped. The server is up but not all mods are active.
I moved the modconfig from the
steamappscommonDon’t Starve Together Dedicated Servermodsmodsettings.lua
now all mods are working. A rollback brought back player save data.
Извините, если это публиковалось раньше, но я не могу найти решение, которое подойдет мне.
Когда я запускаю небольшую 2D-игру, над которой я работаю в Unity, я получаю следующие ошибки:
> Assertion failed on expression: 'm_ErrorCode == MDB_MAP_RESIZED || !HasAbortingErrors()
> Artifact meta info not present for hash 306bf9d63d75727c0b63ec8f203f76ac
> Asset database transaction committed twice!
> Assertion failed on expression: 'errors == MDB_SUCCESS || errors == MDB_NOTFOUND'
Несмотря на это, все в игре, кажется, работает правильно, но ошибка продолжает появляться.
Кто-то предположил, что это может быть связано с импортированными спрайтами, но все мои спрайты в формате PNG, который должен быть стандартом для Unity? Повторный импорт спрайтов не повлиял на ошибку.
Что могло быть причиной ошибки? Как я могу это определить и исправить?
1 ответ
Лучший ответ
Убедитесь, что у вас есть активная лицензия в вашем хабе Unity, если вы не подписываетесь на нее, они бесплатны.
У меня тоже была эта ошибка —
Сохраненный и закрытый редактор единства открыл хаб, проверил действующую лицензию, было обновление хаба. повторно открыл редактор Unity, больше нет ошибок.
Возможно, просто потребовался перезапуск после того, как он был открыт в течение 4 дней — более вероятно, что обновление хаба не сообщало редактору, что оно лицензировано должным образом.
17 Ноя 2020 в 20:10
Posted 03 February 2005 — 02:06 PM
An Assertion failed in InfScreenLoad.cpp at line number 1428
I installed everything correctly (i think, there is none of the mentionned bugs that are in the «badly installed» list). I played up to the end of the cloakwood mines. There was a power outage at my home so I stopped playing . When I came back from school it would give me that error everytime I try to load a saved game in
. The game crashes as soon as I click on load saved game, well I get an error window with the quote written in it, then it closes the game.
Anyone got a clue ?
I installed upto
Thanks !
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Posted 03 February 2005 — 02:28 PM
An Assertion failed in InfScreenLoad.cpp at line number 1428
I installed everything correctly (i think, there is none of the mentionned bugs that are in the «badly installed» list). I played up to the end of the cloakwood mines. There was a power outage at my home so I stopped playing
. When I came back from school it would give me that error everytime I try to load a saved game in bg1. The game crashes as soon as I click on load saved game, well I get an error window with the quote written in it, then it closes the game.
Anyone got a clue ?
I installed upto
Thanks !
Maybe the data loss or the memory loss resulting from the power failure corrupted one of your files. It may need a fresh install since it is very hard to isolate which file it is. Try restoring separate files first if you have backups (particularly BGMain.exe)
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Posted 03 February 2005 — 02:43 PM
Woah, you scared me with the reinstall ! Good thing I keep back-ups .. i’ll test and edit after.
Btw, only that part crashes. I can restart a new game no problem .. it’s the save game thing. (I’ll try starting a new game and then saving&reloading .. anyways i’ll edit to give you the results).
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Posted 03 February 2005 — 02:49 PM
Hehe i should make myself an account . Can’t edit without one .. should of thought of that.
Anyways, my back-up bgmain.exe didn’t help.
I restarted a game, but it crashes when I try to save (same bug)*note, not a quicksave*.
I’m pretty sure it’s just the InfScreenLoad.cpp that is corrupt. Anyone can send me a copy ?
After supper i guess i’ll be making my account lol .. anyways, thanks in advance.
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Posted 03 February 2005 — 04:37 PM
Humm .. I’m probably wrong there since that file doesn’t exist at all in the
folder ..
From what I understand it’s is the background info of that page that the exe can’t find ..
If that is true than assuming that InfScreenLoad.cpp is a windows file is wrong, then is must be a file compiled withing another .. Can anyone give a good guess of what file that might be ? Because I would much rather exchange a file via email or msn that reinstall the hole thing :glare: .
Since it happens in evertime I open the saved game page (either by saving or loading) I can’t really play .. unless I use quicksave and quickload for when I die, and never close bgmain … which I most likely will not do .
So please if you’ve got any idea, post it ! :thumb:
Edit : Oh, In
, I can load a game, but I can’t import one, else I get the same mistake. Hence, the problem is only in the BigPicture Saved Game page. Who knows, this might help ..
Edited by Radwen, 03 February 2005 — 04:40 PM.
I rather die on my feet than live on my knees.
— Emilio Zapata
I am the cabbage man.
— Myself
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Posted 03 February 2005 — 04:46 PM
Stole this straight from the BioWare Tech Support Site
1.11: InfScreenLoad.cpp at line 1492 (Back to Top)
Corrupt portrait bitmap. Go into the directory of the save game that is giving this error and delete all the .bmp files. Load the game and then re-save.
The line number is different but that shouldn’t metter. Hope this helps.
Edited by Ascension64, 03 February 2005 — 04:47 PM.
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Posted 03 February 2005 — 05:10 PM
I should of thought of looking it up on google, but then I thought it was a mod error .
Silly me, thanks a million !
Edit : Yeah it was my autosave bmp files that where corrupt.
But one weird thing .. I don’t have a
—Save folder
I had to use
to edit delete the *.BMP’s. Even with a folder search I couldn’t find the Save folder .. I only have tempsave and mpsave .. which is a paradox to my mind right now ..
Edited by Radwen, 03 February 2005 — 05:17 PM.
I rather die on my feet than live on my knees.
— Emilio Zapata
I am the cabbage man.
— Myself
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Posted 04 February 2005 — 05:49 AM
I should of thought of looking it up on google, but then I thought it was a mod error
Silly me, thanks a million !Edit : Yeah it was my autosave bmp files that where corrupt.
But one weird thing .. I don’t have abg2
—Save folder
I had to useNI
to edit delete the *.BMP’s. Even with a folder search I couldn’t find the Save folder .. I only have tempsave and mpsave .. which is a paradox to my mind right now ..
Are you playing a ‘multiplayer’ game (i.e. hosting a local game)? Then the savegames will appear in mpsave. But I’m not sure about that if you are playing single player
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Posted 04 February 2005 — 09:58 AM
No, I’m in single player. My multiplayer save file has others games (well the default one) but mine are in save since thats where
says it is located. I searched manually and with windows search and couldn’t find my saved games anywhere. But I can access them with
… I made sure that invisible folders where visible, in case for some strange reason I would of unconsciously made the folder invisible. But it is no where to be found.
I rather die on my feet than live on my knees.
— Emilio Zapata
I am the cabbage man.
— Myself
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Posted 04 February 2005 — 01:36 PM
No, I’m in single player. My multiplayer save file has others games (well the default one) but mine are in save since thats where NI says it is located. I searched manually and with windows search and couldn’t find my saved games anywhere. But I can access them with NI … I made sure that invisible folders where visible, in case for some strange reason I would of unconsciously made the folder invisible. But it is no where to be found.
At the status bar at the bottom, where does
say the save game files are (i.e. click on a savegame file, such as BALDUR.SAV, and look at the path in the status bar)? Is your savegame directory a hidden folder? This is very weird I must say.
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Posted 04 February 2005 — 07:53 PM
Thats what checked. Not hidden,
says c:blablawhatever —
It’s not much of importance since I can still acces those files via
.. but it is simply ill ogical to me ..
I rather die on my feet than live on my knees.
— Emilio Zapata
I am the cabbage man.
— Myself
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