I’m running Microsoft Remote Desktop
10.2.1 (1143) Beta on Mac High Sierra 10.13.6 attempting to connect to a local (LAN) Windows 10 system.
I can connect initially, but if I suspend the Mac and reopen it and try to connect via MRD I get the error «Your session ended because of an error. If this keeps happening, contact you network administrator for assistance. Error ode: 0x4»
If I reboot the Windows 10 box, or connect to it via another remote tool (eg TeamViewer) and then disconnect, I can reuse MRD to connect again.
It’s as if its maintaining the original connection, and can’t reconnect.
I’ve only recently started using V10, and V8 had been working fine. I re-downloaded V8 and tried to connect whilst I was getting the V10 0x4 error and in V8 the msg is «Connection reset by peer».
Anything I can check on the network/router, Mac or Windows settings?
I also see a few other entries on here of similar issues from Mac High Sierra with no responses — has something recently changed on the Mac side that is causing issues?
You have a Mac Computer and are running Microsoft Desktop (RDP) throws an Error code: 0x4 just randomly when you try to connect to a computer you have configured for connection.
For us, this problem just randomly started this year after Microsoft updated their RDP software. “Go Microsoft”
We have searched the web, and noticed that the suggestions to Reboot the computer, or restart the RDP software, or both. Do not appear to reliably work. Although we did have some luck with this.
Another suggestion was to copy or recreate the connection in RDP. Again, only limited success with this solution.
The Fix for 0x4 Errors on Mac RDP Remote Desktop Connection
For us the solution came when we went into the system preferences of the Remote Desktop Connection
And you will notice the default preferences look something like this.
We simply unticked the “Use hardware acceleration when possible” check box.
That’s it. After doing this you should notice that it can fixe in some cases the Mac RDP not connecting with 0x4 Errors.
We have found that the errors can reoccur, which is super frustrating. So there are a few other tips that we have found can assist.
It’s odd, but sometime rebooting the computer that is making the connection, and help in eliminating the 0x4 error.
Duplicate the Connection
If you right click / or Two finger click on the connection, and select Duplicate – Then use the duplicated connection, sometimes that can allow you to connect.
Try Again
When all else has failed, trying to connect from the connection multiple times can also sometimes work after multiple attempts.
Alternating the Attempts
Lastly, trying the original connection, or alternating between the original, then the newly duplicated connection (in the point above) can also help.
Basically we know these are not solutions, but we have found that they definitely can assist in helping to get the connecting going and avoiding the 0x4 error. Hope it helps, and if you find anything else that eliminates or reduces the error, please chime in.
When I connect to my Windows 10 machine from my Mac via Microsoft Remote Desktop client v10 or from Windows I’m getting an error:
Your session ended because of an error. If this keeps happening, contact your network administrator for assistance.
Error code: 0x4
asked Mar 20, 2019 at 18:55
I reported this issue to MS via their Report Issue form on Mac Remote Desktop client and got the following response:
Set this key to a high value, like 10,000
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTerminal Server
Once I followed these recommendations the problem stopped.
answered Mar 20, 2019 at 18:55
3111 gold badge3 silver badges9 bronze badges
Definitely, a Microsoft issue with RDPv10. Got same issue. Thanks for recommendation shared. Also, reboot of the remote machine helps.
answered Mar 26, 2019 at 8:28
4,87710 silver badges14 bronze badges
На чтение 2 мин Просмотров 1.2к. Опубликовано 02.09.2022
Код ошибки в Windows 11 сообщает о сбое в системе. Эксперты расскажут, как надо действовать.
Суть неисправности
Присутствует сервер с операционкой Виндоус Сервер 2012 R2, работник хочет провести к нему подсоединение, посредством стандартной опции «Подключение к столу», во время регистрации, возникае окошко с неисправностью.
Затем происходит разрыв соединения. Когда пользователь наблюдает перед собой мигающий дисплей по RDP, то там хотя бы он уходил на серверную и мог запустить диспетчер работы, а в данной ситуации сразу все отключается окончательно. Но паниковать не стоит, решить проблему можно.
Что предпринять?
Потому как по RDP подсоединится невозможно, то первостепенно осуществляют проверку отвечает ли порт, должно стоять 3389. При подаче ответа, можно идти далее.
Необходимо дистанционно запустить службу на действующем сервере, чтобы его не перезагружать, потому что в это время, он может исполнять важные задачи, однако, разрешается применить опцию «Управление рабочей машиной». Открыть ее можно посредством команды вызова оснастки. Следует вызвать окошко «Выполнить», через клик на кнопки WIN и R одновременно.
В окне которое откроется, надо сверху правой клавишей мышки нажать на «Управление рабочей машиной», и зайти в «Подключиться удаленно к ПК».
Выбрать категорию «Другим компьютером» и прописать его DNS имя, либо найдите его через обзорную клавишу.
Способы решения
Если способ не принес результата, и перезапуск службы тоже, то можно пробовать поправить реестр. Следует войти в редактор реестра Виндоус 11, а когда у пользователя нет фактической возможности доступа к серверу или он находится удаленно и не хочется до него добираться, то можно выполнить подсоединение к реестру удаленной серверной.
В представленном окошке «Выбор компьютера» следует написать DNS имя или айпи-адрес и кликнуть Ок. Будет проведено подсоединение к удаленному реестру сервера, на котором поломка. Требуется ключ Check Mode.
Ему следует выставить значение о, чтобы выключить у системы Крипто-ПРО CSP. Еще один важнейший момент, когда стоит устаревшая версия Крипто ПРО, то это также может быть причиной сбоя. Необходимо поставить последнюю версию, которая доступна и является официальной. Помимо этого, можно пробовать сменить значение ключа реестра. Следует найти ключ SessionImageSize и поменять значение на 0x00000020.
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TLDR: Modify your power plan to ensure your VM isn’t going to sleep!
I had recently deployed a new Windows 10 based VM that would serve as an RDP jump box to access lab resources. Initially RDP worked fine, but I noticed that after a while I couldn’t connect any more. The only way to rouse it from this state was to open a direct console window from the vSphere Client, or to reboot the VM.
The exact error message from the Remote Desktop for Mac window is:
“We couldn’t connect to the remote PC. Make sure the PC is turned on and connected to the network, and that remote access is enabled.
Error code: 0x204”
In addition to the 0x204 error, I also saw “Error code: 0x4” numerous times as well.
The two error codes I kept getting (0x204 and 0x4) were not helpful and just led me on a wild goose chase. These codes were only reported on the Mac RDP client and Windows was more generic:
Clearly the message “Make sure the PC is turned on” garnered no attention from a seasoned IT professional like me, but in the end turned out to be relevant. The issue was that the Windows 10 VM was going to sleep.
I only noticed this when I saw a blacked-out screen in the console preview and the lack of a hostname or IP address listed. This tells me that VMware tools hasn’t checked in for a period of time.
I’m not sure if an incoming RDP connection attempt would wake a physical machine in this state, but sleep isn’t very beneficial to a VM. I simply modified the power settings to prevent sleep and hibernation and the issue hasn’t happened again.
Windows Server varieties don’t behave this way, but because Windows 10 is primarily intended for bare-metal laptop and desktop use cases, power saving features are enabled by default.
This is a pretty basic problem, but I thought I’d do a post just in case it helps someone else who overlooked the obvious like I did and instead tried chasing up hexadecimal error codes 🙂
Windows 10: Windows 10 Professional remote desktop error 0x4
Discus and support Windows 10 Professional remote desktop error 0x4 in Windows 10 Network and Sharing to solve the problem; Hello,
I have been connecting to a computer at another location (Windows 10 Professional) using my Mac for quite some time now. Suddenly, last week…
Discussion in ‘Windows 10 Network and Sharing’ started by JustinL88, Jul 11, 2018.
Windows 10 Professional remote desktop error 0x4
I have been connecting to a computer at another location (Windows 10 Professional) using my Mac for quite some time now. Suddenly, last week the remote desktop program gave an error code «0x4». I tried connecting with the previous version of the RDP client to no avail. I also tried connecting with iPhone and another Windows 10 Professional – nothing seems to work.
The connection is over the public internet and I do know the correct IP for the device. No changes have been made to the network structure (e.g. port settings, or such). The environment in which the target computer resides is exactly the same as before.
How could I fix the problem? I’d like to note it is extremely hard for me to access this computer physically, so if it is possible by any means to fix this remotely I’d love to give it a try. I have not allowed other connection than RDP to the computer so I cannot SSH or use other measures to change the target computer.
Remote Desktop App errorChris,
This is probably to do with the default certificate not being accepted through your router, i.e your phone being on the internet and needing to connect to your pc behind a firewall.
However, your post is very interesting to me, as I am having an issue on my internal WIFI network. Microsoft Remote Desktop App» from a Nokia Lumia Mobile phone. I will continue with my discussion for MS
to answerPHONE: Nokia Lumia 810
Operating System Version: 8.10.14234.375
IMEI: on request:
APP in question: Microsoft Remote Desktop
Client: Windows 10 Professional
After discovering that windows 10 Home does not support RDP, I decided to pay for Windows 10 Professional to enable Remote Desktop from my phone.
Steps Taken:
Windows 10 Professional
- Click on Files and Folders | Right Click | Properties
- Remote Settings
- Allow Remote connections for this computer NOTE: ensure only allow connections from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (Recommended)
- Select Users j*****@e****.*** is selected
- Change Windows Account Password
- open compmgmt.msc | Go to Local Users & Groups | Groups | Remote Desktop Users | check that account is in the members Window Example J*****
- Open Windows Firewall with advanced Security
Inbound Rules
Remote Desktop Shadow (TCP in) — Enabled Yes Public Allow
Remote Desktop User Mode (TCP in) -Enabled Yes Public Allow
Remote Desktop User Mode (UDP in) -Enabled Yes Public Allow
Outbound Rules
Remote Assistance (PNRP-Out) -Enabled Yes Public Allow
Remote Assistance (TCP-Out) -Enabled Yes Public Allow
Network and Sharing Center
- Right Click on Computer with plug in the
tray | Open Network and Sharing Center - Click on HomeGroup | Change Network Location
- Click Close
Windows Phone 8.1 Update
- Desktops | (+) Desktop | PC Name xxx.xxx.x.xxx
- Credentials — Add Credentials | PCNAMEJ***** OR MicrosoftAccountJ*****@E****.O**
OR PCNAMEAdministrator - Click
We Couldn’t connect to the remote PC. This might be because of a network problem. If this keeps Happening, ask your admin or tech support for help
Inquiring minds may find this error code helpful: 0x704
| Close
Steps Taken to try and resolve 0x704
- uninstall 8.1 Remote Desktop App
- Reboot Windows 10 Professional
- Phone Microsoft support through third party +44 333 200 2197,,7355531217
r/windowsphone — 0x704 Error on Remote Desktop App
RDC — Connect Remotely to your Windows 10 PC
MS is this because windows 10 professional is not supported by a free Microsoft remote desktop tool? Or can you clarify on where I was going wrong, as I need this to work.
Please contact me on *** Email address is removed for privacy ***
Error connection with Remote Desktop from wphone8.1FelipeLanderos,
Mysteriously I have posted this before and mysteriously Microsoft made it disappear as if by magic.
This is probably to do with the default certificate not being accepted through your router, i.e your phone being on the internet and needing to connect to your pc behind a firewall.
However, your post is very interesting to me, as I am having an issue on my internal WIFI network. Microsoft Remote Desktop App» from a Nokia Lumia Mobile phone. I will continue with my discussion for MS
to answerPHONE: Nokia Lumia 810
Operating System Version: 8.10.14234.375
IMEI: on request:
APP in question: Microsoft Remote Desktop
Client: Windows 10 Professional
After discovering that windows 10 Home does not support RDP, I decided to pay for Windows 10 Professional to enable Remote Desktop from my phone.
Steps Taken:
Windows 10 Professional
- Click on Files and Folders | Right Click | Properties
- Remote Settings
- Allow Remote connections for this computer NOTE: ensure only allow connections from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (Recommended)
- Select Users j*****@e****.*** is selected
- Change Windows Account Password
- open compmgmt.msc | Go to Local Users & Groups | Groups | Remote Desktop Users | check that account is in the members Window Example J*****
- Open Windows Firewall with advanced Security
Inbound Rules
Remote Desktop Shadow (TCP in) — Enabled Yes Public Allow
Remote Desktop User Mode (TCP in) -Enabled Yes Public Allow
Remote Desktop User Mode (UDP in) -Enabled Yes Public Allow
Outbound Rules
Remote Assistance (PNRP-Out) -Enabled Yes Public Allow
Remote Assistance (TCP-Out) -Enabled Yes Public Allow
Network and Sharing Center
- Right Click on Computer with plug in the tray |
Open Network and Sharing Center - Click on HomeGroup | Change Network Location
- Click Close
Windows Phone 8.1 Update
- Desktops | (+) Desktop | PC Name xxx.xxx.x.xxx
- Credentials — Add Credentials | PCNAMEJ***** OR MicrosoftAccountJ*****@E****.O**
OR PCNAMEAdministrator - Click
We Couldn’t connect to the remote PC. This might be because of a network problem. If this keeps Happening, ask your admin or tech support for help
Inquiring minds may find this error code helpful: 0x704
| Close
Steps Taken to try and resolve 0x704
- uninstall 8.1 Remote Desktop App
- Reboot Windows 10 Professional
- Phone Microsoft support through third party +44 333 200 2197,,7355531217
r/windowsphone — 0x704 Error on Remote Desktop App
RDC — Connect Remotely to your Windows 10 PC
MS is this because windows 10 professional is not supported by a free Microsoft remote desktop tool? Or can you clarify on where I was going wrong,
From <Remote Desktop App error>
Windows 10 Professional remote desktop error 0x4
Windows 10 — Remote Desktop
We will surely assist you with the issue you are facing with Windows 10.
— Which version of Windows 10 Operating System are you using?— Were you able to upgrade to Windows 10 successfully?
I suggest you to refer the below steps and see if this helps.
Enable remote desktop in settings
- Control PanelSystem and SecuritySystem, Click «Remote Settings» on the left side
Verify my port forwarding settings were properly forwarding to my computers local IP address
- run «cmd.exe» and then type «ipconfig». Find your IP from that list
- Make sure your firewall settings are open
- Go to «Control PanelSystem and SecurityWindows FirewallAllowed apps»
- On the left, click «Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall»
- Click «Change Settings»
- Find «Remote Desktop» in the list and make sure both «Private» and «Public» is checked.
Let us know if this helps.
Thank you.
Credits to : Jace_Sango.
Enable remote desktop in settings
Windows 10 Professional remote desktop error 0x4
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- couldnt connect to the remote PC 0x7
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Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft which provides a user with a graphical interface to connect to another computer over a network connection. You will receive the following error “Your session has ended because of an error: Error Code 0x4″ whenever your Mac goes to sleep”. Below are some troubleshooting guides relating to RDP “We could not connect to the remote PC with error code 0x204 and make sure the PC is turned on and connected to the network–Part 1” and We could not connect to the remote PC with error code 0x204 and make sure the PC is turned on and connected to the network–Part 2.
Since this is actually not a problem, please use the following steps below to mitigate this issue.
Solutions: Kindly refer to the steps below to resolve these issues.
1: Launch a new RDP connection or
2: Simply increase the maximum outstanding connections limit on the windows client machine. The following DWORD registry key controls this value.
See the following hyperlinks for what is Registry Editor and how to access the registry hives and how to search through Windows Registry.
– Next, you will have to launch the Windows registry and navigate through the following hives as described below
- CurrentControlSet
- Control
- Terminal Server
- MaxOutstandingConnections
Now create the DWORD key if your machine doesn't have it.
- Set it to 10,000 (hex value)
I hope you found this blog post helpful. If you have any questions, please let me know in the comment session.