Error code 0x84b40000

Установка SQL Server Express 2012 SQL Server Решение и ответ на вопрос 1598981

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Регистрация: 09.04.2012

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01.12.2015, 21:12. Показов 3479. Ответов 7

здравствуйте! Я устанавливаю Установка SQL Server Express 2012. ОС Windows 7, 32-разр.
На последнем шаге установки появляется ошибка
Ошибка установки SQL Server.

Программа установки SQL Server обнаружила следующую ошибку:

Файл системной базы данных master.mdf уже существует в C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDATA.

Код ошибки 0x84B40000.


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01.12.2015, 21:48


Возможно, там уже есть ранее установленный сервер, либо есть остатки ранее установленного.
Что делать.

1. Удалить через панель управления все остатки от sql сервера, если есть.
2. Остановить (если найдётся) службу SQLSERVER.
3. Ручками удалить master.mdf из C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDATA
4. Попробовать установить ещё раз.


1 / 1 / 0

Регистрация: 09.04.2012

Сообщений: 101

02.12.2015, 11:18



у меня осталась папка от sql 5, я пыталась вручную удалить папку Data. Но она не удаляется, пишут, что папка используется другой программой. Хотя никаких запущенных процессов, связанных с sql не было


11 / 10 / 0

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02.12.2015, 11:24


1) Проанализируйте что у вас запускается при старте системы (автозапуск + службы)
2) Зайдите в безопасный режим и уже в нем попытайтесь удалить файл (должно получиться)
3) После перезагрузки проверьте журнал ошибок


1 / 1 / 0

Регистрация: 09.04.2012

Сообщений: 101

02.12.2015, 17:17



подскажите пожалуйста, как это настроить для 1С 8.2. В интернете много решений только для 2005 версии


11 / 10 / 0

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Сообщений: 45

02.12.2015, 17:53


Сообщение от Klotilda
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подскажите пожалуйста, как это настроить для 1С 8.2

Что именно?


1 / 1 / 0

Регистрация: 09.04.2012

Сообщений: 101

02.12.2015, 18:35



мне надо настроить sql server 2012 для 1С. В интернете информации много и везде разные рекомендации, и в основном для 2005. А я никогда этого не делала




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02.12.2015, 18:35

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  • I receive 0x84b40000 error message during installation of SQL Server 2008 (which finally aborts the setup) — or sometimes I already got stucked at Analysis Service configuration (stating that «The folder path specified is invalid…» — although I have not changed the default settings). The full error message:

    «TITLE: SQL Server Setup failure.

    SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error:

    The folder path specified is invalid. Please enter a valid folder path.. Folder Path=C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSAS10.MSSQLSERVEROLAPData

    Error code 0x84B40000.



    I do (did) not have any previous version of SQL server installed, only Visual Studio 2008, but I have excluded the SQL Server 2005 from that setup.
    I would like to install it on a Virtual Machine running Win XP / SP3

    Can anyone help me please? If you need any further info, please let me know.

    Thank you in advance!


  • Hi,

    Have you check Minimum requirement for SQL 2008  —

    «SQL Server 2008 is supported in virtual machine environments running on the Hyper-V role in Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2008 Standard, Enterprise and Datacenter editions.»

    Can you confirm this before we start digging for solution?


    • Marked as answer by

      Sunday, February 21, 2010 10:54 AM

I have a problem installing SQL Server 2008 R2. Long time ago I had it installed, and then uninstalled. It was left in «Add/remove programs», but I didn’t pay attention on that. I had 2005 installed. And now there is a need to install 2008. I removed 2005 and started installing 2008, but it says that space on C: is not enough. That’s when I found out that «Add/remove programs» shows it occupying more than 4 gigabytes, though I used to uninstall it. So I click «Remove», it shows all those many screens and validations, shows that removal completed, but the size of Program Files folder is still more than 4 GB. I removed (from «Addremove programs» everything that had «SQL Server» in it’s name, but that main «SQL Server 2008» item is still there and still 4 GB and uninstalling does nothing.
Because installation of SQL Server did not show existing instances, and I don’t see any running services related to SQL server (well, almost any, more details in the end), I though that this folder contains just some leftover staff and data and deleted it manually. Then agreed to removing of the item in «Add/remove programs» and everything looks clean.
Now every time I try to install SQL Server (even in the minimum configuration), I receive the following error:

    SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error:

    The specified credentials that were provided for the SQL Server service are not
valid. To continue, provide a valid account and password for the SQL Server service.

    Error code 0x84B40000.

What is this service mentioned here? This error looks like I’m trying to add features to existing server and it can’t login. But the setup didn’t ask me for any credentials, except one username that couldn’t be changed.
Here are the services shown that can be related, both disabled and pointing to non-existing executables:

  1. SQL Active Directory Helper Service

  2. SQL Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher (MSSQLSERVER)

I understand that this must be because of my manual deletion, but is there a way to clean it up now?

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From: Rob Mensching <ro…@ro…> — 2012-03-21 04:56:47

I used Bing and found a couple things:

After that this suggestion seems appropriate:

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 7:47 PM, Daniel Sniderman <Da...@ma...>wrote:

> I'm trying to use Burn to Chain a SQL Express Install with my application
> and I'm getting what appears to be a generic error code - I can't find
> anything specific as to what the actual failure is.  If I run the install
> from the command line with the same parameters it's failing...
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <Wix xmlns="">
>  <Bundle Name="BootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpress" Version=""
> Manufacturer="Abbott Laboratories"
> UpgradeCode="b89ca7ba-9287-4041-b466-5f3ebb12647d">
>    <BootstrapperApplicationRef
> Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense" />
>    <!--<WixVariable Id="WixStdbaLicenseRtf" Value="License.rtf" />-->
>    <Chain>
>      <ExePackage Id="SQLServerExpress"
>                  Compressed="no"
>                  Name="SQLServerExpress"
>                  SourceFile="BinariesSQLEXPR32_x86_ENU.exe"
>                  InstallCommand="/Action=Install
> /INSTANCENAME=$(var.Instance) /FEATURES=SQLEngine, Replication /QS"
>                  RepairCommand="/ACTION=Repair
> /INSTANCENAME=$(var.Instance)"
>                  UninstallCommand="/Action=Uninstall
> /INSTANCENAME=$(var.Instance)"
>                  Vital="yes">
>      </ExePackage>
>      <MsiPackage Id="CMSNext"
> SourceFile="$(var.SetupCMSNextWIX.TargetDir)SetupCMSNext.msi"
> Name="$(var.Name)">
>      </MsiPackage>
>    </Chain>
>  </Bundle>
> </Wix>
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:00]: Burn v3.6.2221.0, path:
> NextBranchesBuildAutomationBootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpressbinDebugSetupCMSNext.exe,
> cmdline: ''
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:00]: Setting string variable 'WixBundleName'
> to value 'BootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpress'
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:00]: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog'
> to value
> 'C:UsersdanielsAppDataLocalTempBootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpress_20120320211500.log'
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:00]: Setting string variable
> 'WixBundleOriginalSource' to value 'C:TFS2010CMSNextCMS
> NextBranchesBuildAutomationBootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpressbinDebugSetupCMSNext.exe'
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:00]: Detect 2 packages
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:00]: Detected related bundle:
> {a6290142-ee0c-47b2-9a25-67b60fd4be2d}, scope: PerMachine, version:
>, operation: None
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:00]: Detected package: SQLServerExpress,
> state: Absent, cached: No
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:00]: Detected package: CMSNext, state:
> Absent, cached: No
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:00]: Detect complete, result: 0x0
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:05]: Plan 2 packages, action: Install
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:05]: Setting string variable
> 'WixBundleLog_SQLServerExpress' to value
> 'C:UsersdanielsAppDataLocalTempBootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpress_20120320211500_0_SQLServerExpress.log'
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:05]: Setting string variable
> 'WixBundleRollbackLog_SQLServerExpress' to value
> 'C:UsersdanielsAppDataLocalTempBootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpress_20120320211500_0_SQLServerExpress_rollback.log'
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:05]: Planned package: SQLServerExpress,
> state: Absent, default requested: Present, ux requested: Present, execute:
> Install, rollback: Uninstall, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:05]: Setting string variable
> 'WixBundleLog_CMSNext' to value
> 'C:UsersdanielsAppDataLocalTempBootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpress_20120320211500_1_CMSNext.log'
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:05]: Setting string variable
> 'WixBundleRollbackLog_CMSNext' to value
> 'C:UsersdanielsAppDataLocalTempBootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpress_20120320211500_1_CMSNext_rollback.log'
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:05]: Planned package: CMSNext, state: Absent,
> default requested: Present, ux requested: Present, execute: Install,
> rollback: Uninstall, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:05]: Plan complete, result: 0x0
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:05]: Apply begin
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:08]: Caching executable from:
> 'C:TFS2010CMSNextCMS
> NextBranchesBuildAutomationBootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpressbinDebugSetupCMSNext.exe'
> to: 'C:UsersdanielsAppDataLocalPackage
> Cache{4dac6a09-c35c-403f-854b-0af65f3c61e5}SetupCMSNext.exe'
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:08]: Registering bundle dependency key:
> {4dac6a09-c35c-403f-854b-0af65f3c61e5}, version
> [0624:36A8][2012-03-20T21:15:09]: Moving payload from working path
> 'C:UsersdanielsAppDataLocalTemp{4dac6a09-c35c-403f-854b-0af65f3c61e5}SQLServerExpress'
> to path 'C:UsersdanielsAppDataLocalPackage
> CacheACF5494D18EDF117A2683D66A96FB8954F98D86DSQLServerExpress'
> [2E14:2E34][2012-03-20T21:15:09]: Moving payload from working path
> 'C:UsersdanielsAppDataLocalTemp{4dac6a09-c35c-403f-854b-0af65f3c61e5}CMSNext'
> to path 'C:ProgramDataPackage
> Cache{C5CE00F2-5C35-42FA-91DD-551DFE87C6ED}v1.0.0.0CMSNext-Dev'
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:09]: Applying package: SQLServerExpress,
> action: Install, path: C:UsersdanielsAppDataLocalPackage
> CacheACF5494D18EDF117A2683D66A96FB8954F98D86DSQLServerExpress, arguments:
> '"C:UsersdanielsAppDataLocalPackage
> CacheACF5494D18EDF117A2683D66A96FB8954F98D86DSQLServerExpress"
> Replication'
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:25:26]: Error 0x84b40000: Process returned
> error: 0x84b40000
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:25:26]: Error 0x84b40000: Failed to configure
> per-user EXE package.
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:25:26]: Error 0x84b40000: Failed to execute EXE
> package.
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:25:26]: Removing cached package:
> ACF5494D18EDF117A2683D66A96FB8954F98D86D, from path:
> C:UsersdanielsAppDataLocalPackage
> CacheACF5494D18EDF117A2683D66A96FB8954F98D86D
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:25:26]: Error 0x84b40000: Failed to execute
> apply.
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:25:26]: Removing bundle dependency key:
> {4dac6a09-c35c-403f-854b-0af65f3c61e5}
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:25:26]: Removing cached bundle:
> {4dac6a09-c35c-403f-854b-0af65f3c61e5}, from path:
> C:UsersdanielsAppDataLocalPackage
> Cache{4dac6a09-c35c-403f-854b-0af65f3c61e5}
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:25:26]: Apply complete, result: 0x84b40000
> restart: No
> Daniel P. Sniderman| Sr Consultant| Magenic
> MCSD.NET, MCTS: Team Foundation Server 2010 Administration
> 333 E. Butterfield Rd. Suite 100, Lombard, IL 60148
> Mobile: 847-668-4882  | eFax 847-390-7810
> | da...@ma...<mailto:da...@ma...>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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virtually, Rob Mensching - LLC

View entire thread

Posted by jpluimers on 2015/07/14

When installing SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 3 related updates, some don’t like compressed directories (even if the database files themselves are uncompressed).

I found this holds at least for KB2977321 and KB2285068.

For x86 systems, ensure these directories are not compressed:

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server Compact Edition

For x64 systems, ensure these directories are not compressed:

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server
C:Program Files x86Microsoft SQL Server
C:Program Files x86Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition


via: Can not install KB2285068 Error Code 84B40000 – Microsoft Community.

This entry was posted on 2015/07/14 at 06:00 and is filed under Database Development, Development, Power User, SQL Server, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2, Windows.
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